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Торговий представник
«БіоТестЛаб» — українська компанія, яка більше 30 років спеціалізується на розробці, виробництві та реалізації ветеринарних препаратів. Ми є одним з лідерів на ринку України імпорту вакцин, та активно розвиваємо виробництво власних брендів. Входимо у ТОП-20 світових лідерів за асортиментом вакцин. Наша компанія випускає продукцію на власних потужностях в Україні, оснащених сучасним обладнанням. Ми працюємо з кращими компаніями-дистриб’юторами України, а також з відомими власними брендами ветеринарних препаратів. Підприємство сертифіковане світовим лідером – агентством з акредитації DQS, згідно на відповідність міжнародному стандарту ISO 9001:2015, виробничі процеси відповідають вимогам GMP.Ми запрошуємо до нашої команди професіоналів: Торгового представникаФормування бази торгових точок (ветеринарні клініки, зоомагазини, зооаптеки) на довіреній території Виконання плану продажів на закріпленій території;Візити до ветеринарних лікарів та аптек, зоомагазинів;Ведення звітів тамформування маршрутів в СRМ ситемі;Встановлення та підтримка довгострокових взаємовигідних партнерських відносин з ветеринарними лікарями та працівниками аптек, зоомагазинів;Проведення презентацій, організація та участь у конференціях;Впровадження маркетингових заходів для збільшення продажів.Робота з ветеринарними препаратами для призначення та лікування домашніх тварин;Просування та розвиток брендів компанії.Робота з торговим персоналом дистриб'ютора для стимулювання продажів ветеринарних препаратів компанії.Вимоги:Досвід роботи торговим чи медичним представником від 1го року.Впевнений користувач ПК (MS Office, Internet, СРМ -система);Гарні комунікативні навички, орієнтація на результат, енергійність, цілеспрямованість;Комунікабельність, презентабельність, вміння продавати.Наявність посвідчення водія, досвід водіння, та наявність автомобіля.Організаційність, порядність, відповідальність.Компанія пропонує:Цікаву та стабільну роботу;Роботу з відомими брендами;Конкурентну заробітну плату та бонусну систему.Офіційне працевлаштування з першого робочого дня згідно КЗпПКорпоративний мобільний зв'язок та інтернетКомпенсацію пального та амортизацію автомобіля.Підвищення кваліфікації та навчання за рахунок компанії.Професійний ріст в компанії в рамках внутрішньої системи навчання Приємний колектив та корпоративні заходи.Якщо Вам цікаво і є бажання стати частиною команди компаніїї "Біотестлаб", скоріше надсилайте своє резюме.До зустрічі в компанії «Біотестлаб»Більш детально з компанією можете ознайомитись на офіційній сторінці https://www.biotestlab.ua/ та https://www.facebook.com/biotestlab.ua
Marketing Trainee (Fluent English)
Outstaff Your Team, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
We are looking for a fast-learning Marketing Trainee who sees it as a mission to improve marketing strategies and company positioning, as well as aims to dive into the World of Marketing. Product: Ukrainian software company with a focus on macOS and iPhone applications which make Apple fans' lives easier. Team: Cozy team of passionate specialists and a fantastic CEO, and creative content manager who will be mentoring you. What You Will Do: YouTube: Video optimization, updating thumbnails, SEO-description & Title, publishing (Optimize 10 YouTube videos per week); Content: Updating existing articles in the blog (5 per week), publishing & optimizing, building links, updating images/products in articles; On-Page SEO: Helping with landing page SEO optimization, page linking, etc; Analytics: Assistance in preparation of Monthly report (Organic traffic, affiliate traffic, YouTube traffic, direct traffic (performance metrics: downloads, sales)); Directories: Assistance in product listing on directory sites; Social: Reddit native integration. Assistance in post preparation for FB, Inst, LinkedIn, and other social networks. Requirements What you need: Proficient in the English language at an advanced level ( C1-C2); Confident in operating computers and learning new software; Dedicated to delivering results responsibly; Capable of thinking and working independently within the scope of assigned tasks; Familiarity with and utilization of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc; The passion for creating great content and research new opportunities. Would be a plus: Experience using a MacBook with an iPhone and/or iPad; Ability to work toward a common goal; Good sense of humor Benefits We offer: Competitive compensation in USD; Ukrainian business hours;  Opportunity to work remotely in Ukraine or neighboring countries ; Cozy atmosphere of a startup with stability from a holding company; Lots of interesting tasks and communication with the team; Great management with no bureaucracy.
Content/SEO Specialist Trainee (Fluent English)
Outstaff Your Team, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
We are looking for a fast-learning Content/SEO Specialist Trainee who sees it as a mission to improve marketing strategies and company positioning, as well as aims to dive into the World of Marketing. Product: Ukrainian software company with a focus on macOS and iPhone applications which make Apple fans' lives easier. Team: Cozy team of passionate specialists and a fantastic CEO, and creative content manager who will be mentoring you. What You Will Do: YouTube: Video optimization, updating thumbnails, SEO-description & Title, publishing (Optimize 10 YouTube videos per week); Content: Updating existing articles in the blog (5 per week), publishing & optimizing, building links, updating images/products in articles; On-Page SEO: Landing page SEO optimization, page linking, etc; Analytics: Assistance in preparation of Monthly report (Organic traffic, affiliate traffic, YouTube traffic, direct traffic (performance metrics: downloads, sales)); Directories: Assistance in product listing on directory sites; Social: Reddit native integration. Assistance in post preparation for FB, Inst, LinkedIn, and other social networks. Requirements What you need: Proficient in the English language at an advanced level ( C1-C2); Confident in operating computers and learning new software; Dedicated to delivering results responsibly; Capable of thinking and working independently within the scope of assigned tasks; Familiarity with and utilization of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc; The passion for creating great content and research new opportunities. Would be a plus: Experience using a MacBook with an iPhone and/or iPad; Ability to work toward a common goal; Good sense of humor Benefits We offer: Competitive compensation in USD; Ukrainian business hours;  Opportunity to work remotely in Ukraine or neighboring countries ; Cozy atmosphere of a startup with stability from a holding company; Lots of interesting tasks and communication with the team; Great management with no bureaucracy.
Content Specialist Trainee (Fluent English)
Outstaff Your Team, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
We are looking for a fast-learning Content Specialist Trainee who sees it as a mission to improve marketing strategies and company positioning, as well as aims to dive into the World of Marketing. Product: Ukrainian software company with a focus on macOS and iPhone applications which make Apple fans' lives easier. Team: Cozy team of passionate specialists and a fantastic CEO, and creative content manager who will be mentoring you. What You Will Do: YouTube: Video optimization, updating thumbnails, SEO-description & Title, publishing (Optimize 10 YouTube videos per week); Content: Updating existing articles in the blog (5 per week), publishing & optimizing, building links, updating images/products in articles; On-Page SEO: Landing page SEO optimization, page linking, etc; Analytics: Assistance in preparation of Monthly report (Organic traffic, affiliate traffic, YouTube traffic, direct traffic (performance metrics: downloads, sales)); Directories: Assistance in product listing on directory sites; Social: Reddit native integration. Assistance in post preparation for FB, Inst, LinkedIn, and other social networks. Requirements What you need: Proficient in the English language at an advanced level ( C1-C2); Confident in operating computers and learning new software; Dedicated to delivering results responsibly; Capable of thinking and working independently within the scope of assigned tasks; Familiarity with and utilization of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc; The passion for creating great content and research new opportunities. Would be a plus: Experience using a MacBook with an iPhone and/or iPad; Ability to work toward a common goal; Good sense of humor Benefits We offer: Competitive compensation in USD; Ukrainian business hours;  Opportunity to work remotely in Ukraine or neighboring countries ; Cozy atmosphere of a startup with stability from a holding company; Lots of interesting tasks and communication with the team; Great management with no bureaucracy.
Керівник відділу діджитал маркетингу
Навигатор, рекрутинговая компания, Львів
Американський стартап, у пошуках енергійного та цілеспрямованого Керівника відділу діджитал маркетингу для віддаленої команди, що складається з понад 100 талановитих українців. Бекофіс знаходиться у США, компанія спеціалізується на наданні послуг для будівельних компаній, охоплюючи всі аспекти, крім самого будівництва. У підпорядкуванні керівника відділу буде 30 фахівців.Обов'язки:Управління діджитал маркетингомФормування маркетингової стратегії компанії і її реалізаціяДекомпозиція та тактична координація стратегії маркетингу для В2В та В2СДостатній рівень експертизи в формуванні каналів лідогенерації і управління воронкою продажівРозуміння основних метрик маркетингуФормування стратегії просування продуктів компаніїВпровадження Customer journey mapПобудова маркетингової аналітикиФормування бюджету витрат, захист бюджетуЗдійснення координації командиВідповідальність за КРІ посади і командиВимоги:Вища професійна освіта, вільне володіння англійською мовоюБажано мати досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді від 3 років.Ефективне використяння інструментів діджитал маркетингу. Досвід впровадження клієнт орієнтованої стратегії компанії, уміння проводити кабінетні дослідження ринку і конкурентів, Розуміння концепції побудови Афілейт-маркетинг. Навички побудови lovemark і клієнт орієнтованого сервісуВисокий рівень аналітичних здібностей та вміння приймати обґрунтовані рішення.Здатність працювати в команді та будувати партнерські відносини.Висока мотивація до досягнення результатів та відповідальне ставлення до роботи.Умови:Повна зайнятість, віддалена робота.Фіксована заробітна від 2500 до 3000 долл США, залежна від досвіду та результатів + КПІ.Можливості кар'єрного зростання та розвитку у перспективній компанії на конкурентному ринку.Додаткова інформація:Тип зайнятості: Повна зайнятість, віддаленоГрафік роботи: Пн-Пт, повний робочий день за українським часомЯкщо ви готові прийняти виклик та розвиватися разом з нами, надсилайте свої резюме на вказаний email відправити резюмеНе втрачайте можливість приєднатися до динамічної та перспективної команди!
Marketing manager (e-mail marketing) for Doctor Eleks
ELEKS, Львів
Eleks зараз у пошуках Marketing manager (e-mail marketing) для нашого продукту Doctor Eleks у Львові, Івано-Франківську, Тернополі або Києві.Doctor Eleks (https://doctor.eleks.com/) - це продукт нашої компанії, медично-інформаційна система, яка допомагає надавати своїм пацієнтам покращену підтримку завдяки автоматизації та оптимізації складних операційних процесів та методів управління клінічними даними пацієнта.ВИМОГИДосвід у маркетингу (e-mail маркетинг) від 1 рокуЗнання основ цифрового маркетингу та кращих практик e-mail маркетингуЗнання інструментів і програмного забезпечення для e-mail маркетингуВідмінні навички копірайтингу та редагуванняРозуміння принципів дизайну електронних листівМедичний досвід або досвід роботи з клініками буде перевагоюВідмінні комунікативні та міжособистісні навичкиВідмінне володіння українською мовоюОБОВ'ЯЗКИРозробка, впровадження та оптимізація стратегій e-mail маркетингуПланування та запуск e-mail кампанійСтворення текстів та дизайну для листівАналіз наявної бази клієнтів для формування релевантних пропозиційНалаштування комунікації з потенційними клієнтамиТестування розсилокМоніторинг ефективності та аналітична звітністьВи можете надіслати ваше cv сюди: https://jobs.lever.co/eleks/0b80de6b-8836-415f-ba20-78eb5b82c362?lever-origin=applied&Що ви отримаєте з ELEKS:Конкурентний соціальний пакетЦікаві завданняКоманду професіоналівДинамічне середовище з низьким рівнем бюрократіїМедичне страхуванняПРО ELEKSELEKS – це компанія з розробки індивідуального програмного забезпечення. Ми надаємо цінність нашим клієнтам завдяки нашій експертизі та досвіду, здобутому з 1991 року, працюючи як партнер з інновацій в програмному забезпеченні.Наші понад 2000 професіоналів, розташованих у центрах доставки у Східній Європі та офісах продажів у Європі та Північній Америці, надають нашим клієнтам повний спектр послуг з інженерії програмного забезпечення. Це включає розробку продуктів, QA, дослідження та розробки, дизайн, технологічний консалтинг та спеціалізовані команди.
Senior JS Engineer
EveryMatrix, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
EveryMatrix is looking for a Senior JS Engineer Lviv CasinoEngine Company intro: EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide platform, casino, sports betting, payments, and affiliate systems to over 300 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and 950 employees in offices across 12 countries in Europe, Asia and the US.EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. EveryMatrix is a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and European Lotteries Association. In September 2023 it became the first iGaming supplier to receive WLA Safer Gambling Certification. EveryMatrix is proud of its commitment to safer gambling and player protection whilst producing market leading gaming solutions. Business Unit Intro: CasinoEngine provides a fully-managed and robust online casino platform solution tailored to our clients’ needs. This time-tested casino platform was specifically designed to give operators full control over their operations. JS Team Leader EveryMatrix is seeking a dynamic and experienced JavaScript (JS) Senior Developer to work in a distributed team of Front-End (FE) Engineers. Reporting directly to the JS Tech Leader, the ideal candidate will possess an innovative mindset, adeptness in working with legacy code, and a commitment to continuous improvement. This role involves mentoring junior team members, developing MVPs and prototypes for various solutions, and contributing to architecture and improvements. At EveryMatrix, we are dedicated to creating an environment where innovation thrives. As the JS Senior Developer, you will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our front-end development and leading a team of talented engineers. We value creativity, leadership, and the drive to make a difference. If you are passionate about technology, eager to tackle complex challenges, and ready to lead a team towards success, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity! Responsibilities: Work in a distributed team of FE Engineers, ensuring high-quality project execution and delivery.  Mentor and guide junior team members, fostering a culture of learning and growth. Develop and maintain MVPs and prototypes for various innovative solutions.  Work effectively with both legacy code and new technologies to enhance functionality and user experience.  Solve complex technical problems and maintain self-motivation in a dynamic work environment.  Actively contribute to the architectural design and continuous improvement of projects. Requirements:  Expertise in Vanilla JS, Angular 1, TypeScript, and other relevant technologies. Strong experience in developing MVPs, prototypes, and working with legacy code. Demonstrated ability in continuous improvement and innovation in software development.  Excellent mentoring and team management skills.  Ability to set and achieve goals, monitor execution, and conduct effective one-on-one sessions.  Strong problem-solving skills and the capacity to maintain motivation in challenging situations.  Significant contributions to software architecture and a keen eye for potential improvements.  Fluent in English, with exceptional communication skills. Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with medical certificate To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and Office perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance Private Medical insurance Gym membership Fruits Friday Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and -budget for external training Massage at work Frequent free-bar parties, annual whole-company parties (have previously rented our own planes to get everyone together!) Fun corner: ping pong table, Xbox, lots of board games. Check out our Locations for getting a glimpse on our culture, offices and benefits!
Trainee Manual QA & Configuration Manager
EveryMatrix, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
EveryMatrix is looking for a Trainee Manual QA & Configuration Manager Lviv CasinoEngine Company Intro: EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide platform, casino, sports betting, payments, and affiliate systems to over 300 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and 850 employees in offices across 12 countries in Europe, Asia and the US. EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. EveryMatrix is a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and European Lotteries Association. In September 2023 it became the first iGaming supplier to receive WLA Safer Gambling Certification. EveryMatrix is proud of its commitment to safer gambling and player protection whilst producing market leading gaming solutions. Business Unit Intro: CasinoEngine provides a fully-managed and robust online casino platform solution tailored to our clients’ needs. This time-tested casino platform was specifically designed to give operators full control over their operations. Trainee Manual QA & Configuration Manager Responsibilities: Сonfiguration of new set-ups; Integration / Functional / Regression testing; Environment and preconditions establishment; Regular reports of the current activities; Work closely with the team in order to deliver quality features into production; Communication with clients and partners. Requirements: Basic knowledge in working with issue trackers like JIRA; Basic knowledge of API testing; Knowledge of software testing methodologies and procedures; Accuracy in reporting issues, all steps to reproduce and observed behavior; Experience with GUI testing; Ability to understand application flow and business reasoning from an end-user, technical person (developer) and client point of view; Fluent in English (reading, writing and speaking); Ability to communicate technical problems concisely and professionally; Detail-oriented, organized and analytical; Team player; Able to provide pragmatic solutions against tight time-frames. Nice to have skills: 0.5 year of experience in Web Application testing; Experience in Scrum and delivering working tested software in each iteration; Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or similar; Basic knowledge of a programming language (HTML, CSS); Understanding of SDLC; Fast learner. Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with a medical certificate. To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance. Private Medical insurance. Gym membership. Fruits Friday. Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and budget for external training. Massage at work. Frequent free-bar parties, annual whole-company parties (have previously rented our own planes to get everyone together!). Fun corner: ping pong table, Xbox, lots of board games. Check out our Locations for getting a glimpse on our culture, offices and benefits!
Business Analyst
EveryMatrix, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Got a head full of ideas? Good. EveryMatrix is seeking a skilled and proactive Middle Business Analyst to join our team. Company intro: EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide platform, casino, sports betting, payments, and affiliate systems to over 300 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and 950 employees in offices across 12 countries in Europe, Asia and the US.EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. EveryMatrix is a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and European Lotteries Association. In September 2023 it became the first iGaming supplier to receive WLA Safer Gambling Certification. EveryMatrix is proud of its commitment to safer gambling and player protection whilst producing market leading gaming solutions. Job Summary: The ideal candidate will be responsible for managing multiple projects, focusing on integration with other departments and developing bonus systems for players. This role demands a keen eye for detail, strong analytical skills, and the ability to work effectively in a fast-paced environment. Successful candidates will immerse themselves in the company business while constantly providing guidance for the stakeholders and engineering team. The successful candidate will work in fast-paced, tight deadlines, highly rewarding Agile environment. Responsibilities: Collaborate with various departments to ensure seamless integration of processes and systems.  Analyze and define requirements for player bonus schemes, ensuring they align with business objectives and regulatory standards.  Work closely with project stakeholders to gather and document requirements, and to develop effective business solutions.  Facilitate communication between technical teams and other departments to ensure clear understanding and implementation of requirements.  Create and maintain detailed project documentation, including process flows, functional specifications, and user stories.  Participate in the development and refinement of business processes and system improvements.  Assist in the monitoring and reporting of project progress, and in addressing any issues that may arise. Requirements: At least 4 years of experience as a Business Analyst, preferably in the iGaming industry or a related field.  Experience in managing projects related to system integrations and player bonus systems.  Strong ability to create and interpret UML diagrams and wireframes.  Proficiency in preparing and delivering presentations.  Solid understanding of business process and system requirement methodologies.  Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.  Fluency in English, both written and spoken.  Ability to work effectively in a team and independently. Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with medical certificate To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and Office perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance Private Medical insurance Gym membership Fruits Friday Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and -budget for external training Massage at work Frequent free-bar parties, annual whole-company parties (have previously rented our own planes to get everyone together!) Fun corner: ping pong table, Xbox, lots of board games. Check out our Locations for getting a glimpse on our culture, offices and benefits!
Trainee Operations Manager
EveryMatrix, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
EveryMatrix is looking for a Trainee Operations Manager Lviv CasinoEngine Company Intro: EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide platform, casino, sports betting, payments, and affiliate systems to over 300 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and 850 employees in offices across 12 countries in Europe, Asia and the US. EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. EveryMatrix is a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and European Lotteries Association. In September 2023 it became the first iGaming supplier to receive WLA Safer Gambling Certification. EveryMatrix is proud of its commitment to safer gambling and player protection whilst producing market leading gaming solutions. Business Unit Intro: CasinoEngine provides a fully-managed and robust online casino platform solution tailored to our clients’ needs. This time-tested casino platform was specifically designed to give operators full control over their operations. Operations Manager Responsibilities: Perform deployments of stage and production environments Load testing on performance environment System monitoring Capacity management Problem management OS update on our servers Conformity of activities with the defined processes, guidelines and project-specific requirements Compliance with deadlines and costs with respect to the activities in the project Support in fault analysis and fault rectification Requirements: Strong research and analytical skills Ability to undertake multiple projects and deliver on tight deadlines Excellent technical writing skills in English Excellent verbal communication skills Experience in analysis of big amount of data Experience with MS Excel and its features, ability to write a reports there Organized and capable of working simultaneously on multiple projects Experience with monitoring services will be a big plus Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with a medical certificate. To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance. Private Medical insurance. Gym membership. Fruits Friday. Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and budget for external training. Massage at work. Frequent free-bar parties, annual whole-company parties (have previously rented our own planes to get everyone together!). Fun corner: ping pong table, Xbox, lots of board games. Check out our Locations for getting a glimpse on our culture, offices and benefits!
Marketing manager (e-mail marketing) for Doctor EleksTernopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, KyivDr ELEKS.
Eleks, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Eleks is looking for a Marketing manager (e-mail marketing) for our product Doctor Eleks in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Kyiv.ABOUT PROJECTDoctor ELEKS is a smart medical information system that allows healthcare organizations to deliver improved patient care at a lowered cost by automating and streamlining complex operating processes and clinical data management practices.The mission of the product is to accelerate the quality and value of healthcare service delivery.REQUIREMENTS Experience in Marketing (e-mail marketing) 1+ yearsKnowledge of digital marketing fundamentals and email marketing best practicesKnowledge of email marketing tools and softwareStrong copywriting and editing skillsUnderstanding of email design principlesMedical experience or experience working with clinics will be a plusExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsExcellent Ukrainian language RESPONSIBILITIES Development, implementation, and optimization of email marketing strategiesPlanning and launching email campaignsCreating and designing emailsAnalyzing the existing customer database to formulate relevant offersSetting up communication with potential clientsTesting email campaignsMonitoring performance and analytical reporting What will you get with ELEKS Competitive Social packageChallenging tasksTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracy ABOUT ELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.Benefitsundefined