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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Инженер менеджер по качеству в Польщі"

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Авиационный инженер

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Ассистент инженера

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Ведущий инженер

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Ведущий инженер ПОС

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Горный инженер

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Дежурный инженер

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Инженер АСУ

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Инженер АТС

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Инженер АХО

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Инженер водоснабжения и водоотведения

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Инженер ВОЛС

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Инженер геофизик

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Инженер гидравлик

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Инженер гидролог

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Инженер гидротехник

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Инженер ГСМ

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Инженер диспетчер

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Инженер дозиметрист

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Инженер дорожник

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Инженер землеустроитель

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Инженер испытатель

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Инженер КИПиА

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Инженер конструктор

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Инженер консультант

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Инженер кораблестроитель

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Инженер лаборант

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Инженер лесного хозяйства

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Инженер материально-технического снабжения

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Инженер менеджер

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Инженер металлург

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Инженер метролог

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Инженер микробиолог

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Инженер монтажник

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Инженер мостовик

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Инженер МТО

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Инженер на производство

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Инженер нефтяник

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Инженер нормировщик

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Инженер ОМТС

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Инженер ОПС

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Инженер оптик

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Инженер отделочных работ

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Инженер ОТК

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Инженер ПГС

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Инженер по автоматизации

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Инженер по автоматизации и механизации производственных процессов

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Инженер по автоматике

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Инженер по БДД

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Инженер по безопасности дорожного движения

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Инженер по бурению

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Инженер по вентиляции

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Инженер по вентиляции и кондиционированию

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Инженер по гражданской обороне

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Инженер по закупкам

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Инженер по инструменту

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Инженер по информационной безопасности

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Инженер по кадрам

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Инженер по качеству

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Инженер по комплектации

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Инженер по медицинскому оборудованию

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Инженер по надзору за строительством

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Инженер по наклонно направленному бурению

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Инженер по наладке и испытаниям

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Инженер по нормированию труда

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Инженер по обслуживанию банкоматов

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Инженер по обслуживанию видеонаблюдения

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Инженер по обслуживанию холодильного оборудования

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Инженер по организации труда

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Инженер по отоплению

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Инженер по охране

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Инженер по планированию производства вакансии

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Инженер по подготовке производства

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Инженер по пожарной безопасности

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Инженер по продажам

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Инженер по проектно-сметной работе

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Инженер по промышленной безопасности

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Инженер по радиационной безопасности

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Инженер по ремонту

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Инженер по ремонту оборудования

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Инженер по сварке

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Инженер по сертификации

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Инженер по сертификации и стандартизации

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Инженер по снабжению

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Инженер по согласованиям

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Инженер по сопровождению

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Инженер по стандартизации

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Инженер по телекоммуникациям

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Инженер по тестированию

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Инженер по технике безопасности

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Инженер по техносферной безопасности

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Инженер по транспорту

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Инженер по труду

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Инженер по эксплуатации

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Инженер по эксплуатации автотранспорта

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Инженер по эксплуатации зданий и сооружений

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Инженер ПОС

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Инженер программист ЧПУ

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Инженер производственно технического отдела

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Инженер пусконаладчик

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Инженер радиотехник

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Инженер радиоэлектронщик

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Инженер разработчик

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Инженер релейной защиты и автоматики

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Инженер релейщик

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Инженер РЗА

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Инженер сантехник

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Инженер сварочного производства

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Инженер сварщик

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Инженер светотехник

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Инженер связи

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Инженер систем безопасности

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Инженер скс

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Инженер слаботочник

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Инженер слаботочных систем

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Инженер со знанием английского языка

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Инженер стажер

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Инженер строительной лаборатории

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Инженер схемотехник

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Инженер тгв

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Инженер телеметрист

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Инженер теплотехник

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Инженер теплоэнергетик

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Инженер технической поддержки

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Инженер физик

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Инженер химик

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Инженер эколог

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Инженер электролаборатории

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Инженер электромеханик

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Инженер электросвязи

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Инженер Этл

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Кадастровый инженер

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Математик инженер

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Сервис инженер

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Сетевой инженер

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Системный инженер

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Сменный инженер

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Показати ще

Рекомендовані вакансії

Работник на производство бытовой техники Whirlpool
, Радомско, Польша
Бесплатное и официальное трудоустройство!Вакансия: Работник на производство бытовой техники WHIRLPOOL.Описание вакансии: работа на производстве посудомоечных и стиральных машин популярной торговой марки WHIRLPOOL.Обязанности: монтаж компонентов согласно инструкции с помощью шуруповерта и других инструментов (корзинки, провода, таймеры, кнопки и уплотнители). Визуальный контроль качества и поддержание чистоты и порядка на рабочем месте. Работа в быстром темпе, 1 цикл - от 40 секунд до 1 минуты. Детальное описание процесса: необходимо нажать кнопку «стоп», для остановки линии на которой находится посудомоечная/стиральная машина. Согласно инструкции взять необходимые детали на полках и из ящиков, находящихся на рабочем месте. Все детали, кабеля, шурупы, колбы, находятся на расстоянии вытянутой руки. Выполнить монтаж компонентов в последовательности, как указано в инструкции. Проверить качество выполненной операции. Нажать кнопку, чтобы линия ехала дальше.Требования:— рабочая виза или биометрический паспорт;— без опыта работы;— без знания польского языка;— умение работать в коллективе, организованность, дисциплина.Ставка: 23 зл. в час нетто, для студентов - 28.49 зл. в час нетто.Зарплата до 15 числа каждого месяца.Если кандидат младше 26-ти лет и не является учеником или студентом, компания поможет стать студентом и получать выше ставку.График: 5 дней в неделю, по 8 часов, в 3 смены (22:00-06:00 / 06:00-14:00 / 14:00-22:00). В месяц от 168 часов. Смены выставляются по неделям, неделя третья смена, неделя вторая, неделя первая смена - и так по кругу. Есть возможность брать дополнительные часы.Дополнительная информация: оформление: Umowa zlecenia.В цеху посудомоечных машин (Fabryka Zmywarek) за ответственную и быструю работу можно получить премию на месяц 300 зл.На всех рабочих местах быстрый темп работы, при этом работа должна выполняться, качественно следуя инструкции.Шум в цеху не превышает норм, но также можно использовать беруши. В цеху тепло и очень низкий процент влажности.На некоторых рабочих местах используется производственная химия и клей, стиральный порошок и капсулы для посудомоечных машин при проверке качества готового изделия. Аллергикам нужно обратить на это внимание.На предприятии в цехах есть комнаты, где можно приобрести чай, кофе, так же есть автоматы с бутербродами (до 12 зл.). Так же есть столовая (работает с 08:00 до 16:00) где можно купить обед с 11:00 до 15:00. Цена за такой обед 20 зл. не возвращается. Обед можно приносить свой и разогревать в микроволновых печах.Рабочая одежда предоставляется бесплатно, а именно - футболка, штаны и комфортные рабочие ботинки.Как добраться до работы: предоставляется рабочий автобус. Остановка Zgoda 14, 97-500 Radomsko . Доезд до работы: 200 зл.Жилье: 350 зл. в месяц с з/п. Доплата за свое жилье – 250 зл. нетто, на карту которой можно расплатиться в продуктовых магазинах.Место работы:  г. Радомско (ul. Geodetów 2 , 97-500 Radomsko) - 40 км. от Ченстохова.
Data Operations & Support Specialist
INTELLIAS, Ukraine (remote), Poland (remote)
Project Overview: We are seeking a highly organised and detail-oriented Revenue Data Management and Operational Support Specialist. This role will ensure the accuracy and integrity of revenue-related data, oversee the efficient operation of revenue tools and systems, and provide operational support for various revenue functions. Revenue Data Management and Operational Support Specialist will collaborate with the Revenue Operations, Sales Professionals, Analytics, Finance, and Service teams to deliver administrative support that optimizes the team’s performance and will assist in sales administrative duties in the areas of CRM, documentation.Responsibilities: Data Accuracy and Integrity:Ensure accurate and timely data capture and integration from various sources.Ensure data completeness and consistency through continuous quality checks and data enrichment.Ensure compliance with company policies and regulations related to revenue operations. Revenue Tools and Systems:Configure corporate CRM system: implement modification accordingly to business needs; create / change fields, workflows, controls, and filters; modify/upgrade UI configuration, etc.Research new tools' functionality and support with configuration.Process access inquiries for the tools accordingly to the company rules and instructions. Onboard and train new business users with specific tools. Operational Support:Support revenue and other functions accordingly to their inquiries: CRM items registration/update; data extractions and assembling; payment requests, etc.Create/update documents on Confluence accordingly to business requests.Operational monitoring of the processes: onboarding, offboarding, etc.Requirements: Superior planning and organisation skills.Meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to data accuracy.Problem-solving mindset with the ability to adapt to changing requirements.Ability to handle multiple responsibilities while maintaining high performance, adhere to tight deadlines.Strong communication skills and the ability to collaborate across departments.Understanding software engineering services and global technology trends would be a plus.Required qualifications:Bachelor’s degree.2+ years of job experience in the industry or related field.Upper intermediate English and other foreign languages will be a plus.CRM maintenance experience will be a plus.Strong user of MS Office package.Power BI work experience will be a plus. Confluence work experience will be a plus.#LI-AH2
Senior GL Accountant
HAYS, Gliwice, slaskie, Polska
Senior GL AccountantGliwiceNR REF.: 1179374Your next companyOur client is an international engineering company that is establishing a Shared Services Centre based in Gliwice.Your next jobAnalysis and settlement of general ledger accountsPreparation of financial statements / periodic reports according to IFRS standardsKeeping a register of fixed assets, accruals, etc.Reconciliation of the balance of the general ledgerConsolidation and confirmation of balances and transactions in group companiesParticipation in activities related to the month-end closing processEnsure compliance with policies and proceduresCreating and updating process documentationPreparation of documentation for audit purposesActive cooperation with other departments, company units and trading partnersYou will be reporting to the GL Manager based in Poland, Gliwice.What do you need to succeed?Bachelor degree preferably in accounting (correlated areas such as business administration, economics, etc. will also be considered as a plus)3+ years of accounting experience Good knowledge of MS Excel and ERP systemsHigh level of proactivity, resilience, and persistence Ability to work in a structured, analytical, and careful manner, paying attention to the quality of the work results High degree of independence, flexibility as well as communication and teamwork skills Good command of spoken and written English What will you gain?Development within a growing companyPrivate medical careLife insuranceSport cards – co-financingPositive and professional atmosphere Hybrid work Integration eventsEmployee referral programEnglish and German coursesSocial Found (Christmas benefit, co-financing of meals)What should you do?If this offer is ideal for you, do not hesitate and click "Apply" and send us your updated CV.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in the register kept by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under number 361.
Customer Service Specialist with English
HAYS, Poznan, wielkopolskie, Polska
Customer Service Specialist with EnglishPoznanNR REF.: 1185025We’re looking for a Customer Service Specialist with English who will join our client – a global supplier of catalysts and engineered materials located in Poznań.Built on talent, technology, and trust, Grace is a leading global supplier of catalysts and engineered materials. The company’s two industry-leading business segments—Catalysts Technologies and Materials Technologies—provide innovative products, technologies, and services that enhance the products and processes of our customers around the world. Grace employs approximately 4,300 people in over 30 countries.  Responsibilities To bring value to our customers and to the company by producing and supplying a quality product and service in a timely and cost-effective manner safely. Accept customer orders and perform timely and accurate order entry into SAP system following the current processes, and check if pricing and conditions are in line with existing contracts.Responsible for the Customer Data in SAP as well as Pricing Data in SAP.As directed by Sales, contact existing customers to pursue business opportunities by promoting product offerings and soliciting orders. Confirm oral and written quotations, reviewing all information and promoting a complete package of company products. Distribution of updated product information & material safety data sheets on request.Receiving and logging customer complaints/problems and taking ownership of the situation. Liaising as necessary to ensure that the customer receives an appropriate and timely response. Coordinate the return of goods from customers or local warehouses.Manage customer consignment stocks.Ensure the credit limit and collection procedures are followed.Participate in projects or special assignments as needed.Required Qualifications Customer service experience, preferably in a manufacturing environment Highly professional and service-orientated telephone manner with ability to liaise with customers and employees at all levels Team player, Self-motivated Fluent in English.Preferred Qualifications Knowledge of SAP.Export experience. What you will get in return: Chance to grow within a fast-growing organisation.Employment contract.Benefit package.If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Category Manager (Electronics)
Hays Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Category Manager (Electronics)WarszawaNR REF.: 1185149Your new company You will join global leader in medical devices. You will become part of global Procurement team and you will be responsible for developing and supporting sourcing strategies for Electronics and Electromechanics.Your new role As Procurement Manager, you will be responsible for sourcing strategies for electronics and electromechanics. Thanks to your leadership, critical thinking and expertise, you will advance the company’s mission to save lives. What you39ll need to succeed Minimum 3-7 years of meaningful experience in Procurement (Electronic and electromechanical knowledge preferred), preferably gained in a regulated and highly technical environment such as Automotive, Aerospace, Industrial OEM, or Medical Device industries.Strong decision maker surrounding multi-million dollar contracts and agreements and major policies able to think strategically and globally.A strong analyst with risk management skills, being able to work with multiple different data sets and drive innovative solutions and problem-solving analysis and resolution.A seasoned negotiator with knowledge of cost tools such as material breakdown, benchmarking, value analysis, value engineering, sophisticated RFQ’s and innovative purchasing tools.Experienced Project Manager who drives projects to closure and handles diverse customer interests and expectations.In-depth understanding of building category strategies, sophisticated pricing arrangements and supplier profitability.Knowledge of root cause analysis, problem-solving, continuous improvement, corrective and preventative action, product quality assurance systems, and supplier performance development and evaluation is helpful.Willingness to travel (5%-10%)Proficiency in English is a mustWhat you39ll get in return Contract of employment – first for 3 months, second on indefinite periodPackage of benefits including private medical care life insurance, Multisport card.Cafeteria programPPE program with very attractive conditions available for each employee after 3 months.Co-financing of holidays and an additional 2 days off from work annually.Employee Stock Purchase Plan.What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Senior Full Stack .Net Engineer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Kyiv | Poland, Krakow
Description: Our client is one of the leaders in Software as a service in the world of business applications.Our system allows customers to quickly build line-of-business applications in areas of Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and allows businesses to transform the way they build and nurture customer relationships.We are looking to create new and innovative solutions for customers to manage their service interactions from across endpoints.Our team consists of highly motivated, innovative, customer-focused engineers and engineering leaders.As a developer, you will be part of the team that will define the what the future great customer service looks like around the world!Requirements: 5+ years of development experience with the .NET platform;Experience with ASP.NET, .Net Core;Experience with Angular 10+;Entity Framework (Dapper is a bonus);Azure Functions;SQL Server/TSQL;Cosmos DB;Unit Testing with Moq and MS Test;Prior experience with Azure infrastructure;Azure DevOps:1. Git with Pull Requests2. Azure Pipelines;Excellent debugging, coding and design skills;Demonstrated ability to come up-to-speed quickly on a new technical domain/product area;Excellent written and verbal communication skills.Bonus material: Azure Data Factory, SignalR Responsibilities: Job Responsibilities and opportunities:Design and implement core application components running on Azure.Develop UI components in accordance with project standards.Communicate with international dedicated team on daily basis.Engineering excellence. Become a subject-matter expert on a broad area of the product.#LI-AB8 #LI-Remote What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Principal Data Engineer
HAYS, Gdansk, pomorskie, Polska
Principal Data EngineerGdanskNR REF.: 1185178The Principal Data Engineer / Technical Lead will help design and ensure adherence to the design of multiple global digital products being developed. This role will work on a range of hardware and software products critical to company’s continued business growth. As a Technical Value Stream Lead, you will be the technical and functional leader of one or more scrum teams responsible for solving complex business and technology issues, from strategy to execution.Key Responsibilities:Data Warehouse ownership, maintenance, support, and optimizations in a large multi-tenant architecture using AWS Redshift and other AWS Data Pipeline & Ingestion servicesData Modeling, ETL and/or ELT for complex large IoT, Operational Behavioral, and Meta DataOwn Data Warehouse security issue resolution, monitoring, workload management, query optimization, HA/DR for the RedShift clustersData Warehouse: Automation, Monitoring, Data Governance & Compliance, Scalability, and Cost ManagementSupports all phases of product Analytics & Insights Value Stream projects from conception and architecture through execution and support for full development lifecycles in collaboration with multifunctional leaders, stakeholders, contributors, and customersDrives development principles, best practices, quality standards, and activities within engineering production to minimize/mitigate risks, issues, and defects of platform service offerings, such that teams may appropriately characterize, manage, and remediateAligns with Product and other key stakeholders to help scope projects, define requirements, perform gap analysis, refine functional requirements, and manage engineering team’s technical execution and commitments using Agile/Scrum best practicesConceptualizes solutions and generates secure design requirements, for related feature and function development, implement required modules and solutions, and fosters new product development and innovationProvides technical & thought leadership, mentorship, and trainingProvides timely and expert support to resolve difficult problems and issuesWorks closely with technical writers to create documentation for developers, consumers and customersCommunicates with other TVSLs to design solutions aligned with the overall goalKey Requirements:6-10+ years of hands-on, enterprise level, professional software development experience4+ years of hands-on cloud system design and architecture development and delivery experience5+ years of system design and architecture experience3+ years of engineering/development team leadership experience (Team Lead, Eng. Mgr, or similar)2+ years of distributed engineering team leadership experienceTravel for quarterly team alignment and planningConduct architecture reviews, cybersecurity reviews, code reviews, and provide technical feedback and guidanceA complete understanding of hardware/embedded/middleware/software development life cycle, from customer needs to product release, is essential. Hands-on experience with development tools & dev-ops is required.Expertise and domain knowledge in developing, maintaining reusable software services, infrastructure for promoting reuse of services/ components/ libraries.Deep understanding of standard practices of opensource software development tools and methodology is absolute. Demonstrated ability and hands-on experience in developing modern, cloud-native, IaC software technologies to deliver industrial, enterprise-grade platform products and services is necessary.Expertise in developing and deploying solutions in a serverless AWS (Amazon Web Services) environment. Proficiency with other cloud development a plus.Ability to analyze software services for reuse potential.Preferred Qualifications:Deep knowledge of cloud architecture, cloud native patterns, and cloud computing capabilitiesespecially as offered by AWS, specifically Timestream, Glue, Apache Spark, DataBricks, andDynamoDBDashboard development and report development experience with big data, ideally withSisense (or a similar dashboard/reporting soluition)Implementation experience with AWS Redshift, Graph data stores, Event-Driven Architecture,IoT project experience on a revenue generating projectExperience with deployment orchestration, automation, and security configurationmanagement (CircleCI, Jenkins, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, etc.)Strong skills and experience in Analytics Cloud migration and implementation, AWS servicesrelated to analytics, AI/ML, CI/CDExperience in EMR, Hadoop, HIVE, S3, etc.Experience in managing and optimization Big Data / Hadoop clustersExperience in designing and implementation of automated backup and restoration ofapplication/web servers/databases/data lakesExperience with container technologies (AWS – ECS/EKS/Fargate, Kubernetes, etc) as wellas AWS serverless technologies and architecture patterns Experience in using AWS Key management systems (KMS)Benefits:Employee Scholar Program – we cover 100% costs for your study,Inhouse English lessons,Pension Plan with life insurance – 3% of your yearly salary,Lunch Card – 296 PLN monthly,Luxmed Private Medical Care,Multisport Card,Flexible working hours,Working with highly modern products!Your next step?If you are interested Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in the register kept by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under number 361.
Quality Engineer
ManpowerGroup Sp. z o.o., Wrocław, dolnoslaskie, Polska
Manpower (Agencja zatrudnienia nr 412) to globalna firma o ponad 70-letnim doświadczeniu, działająca w 82 krajach. Na polskim rynku jesteśmy od 2001 roku i obecnie posiadamy prawie 35 oddziałów w całym kraju. Naszym celem jest otwieranie przed kandydatami nowych możliwości, pomoc w znalezieniu pracy odpowiadającej ich kwalifikacjom i doświadczeniu. Skontaktuj się z nami - to nic nie kosztuje, możesz za to zyskać profesjonalne doradztwo i wymarzoną pracę! Duties:  Create and maintain quality management system procedures to support regulatory and quality compliance   Monitor, analyze, and improve the effectiveness of the quality management system  Develop corrective actions, solutions, and improvements  Provide regulatory advice and guidance throughout the complete product lifecycle: Requirements, Design, Verification & Validation, Commercialization and Maintenance   Conduct internal audits and ensure timely follow through on resolution of related audit findings   Support certification (e.g., ISO 13485), customer and other regulatory audits   Participate in the evaluation and approval of  suppliers   Provide quality and regulatory related trainings Requirements: Master’s degree in engineering, scientific, or technical discipline   Working knowledge as Quality Engineer (or similar role) having contact with medical device regulatory or other regulated business Practical experience with medical device standards such as ISO 13485, ISO 14971, IEC 62304 & IEC 62366   General computer and technical literacy and openess for acquiring new knowledge (Considerable knowledge of medical device software and/or hardware development and production – as an advantage) Very good interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills (English B2)  Offer: Work in a fast moving and technologically advanced environment Opportunity to gain knowledge in IT & healthcare sector An excellent learning environment with prospects for career advancement​ Referral bonus Benefits package Employment contract or B2B Hybrid model of work Permanent job offer. 
Electrical Engineer
HAYS, Warszawa / Cała Polska, mazowieckie, Polska
Electrical EngineerWarszawa / Cała Polska NR REF.: 1183866Position: Electrical EngineerCompany: EPC contractor / Power Industry Office: Warsaw Duties:Participate in negotiations with suppliers and/or subcontractors in the field of electrical installations;Supervision over the performance of warranty defect removal by suppliers or subcontractors in the field of electrical installations including substations above 110kVOrganizing and coordinating the warranty defects removal in accordance with the approved work scheduleAssistance in new project management and supervision over the proper implementation of the project in accordanceAssistance to the Project Manager in monitoring the quality and timeliness of the works performed in terms of compliance with the technical specification and project documentationAssistance to the Project Manager when performing, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of the new project Cooperation with people and entities involved in the projects,  Requirements:1. Engineering studies in electrical engineering, energy or related fields2. Electrical licenses SEP category E (above 1 kV)3. Ability to read electrical diagrams4. Knowledge of AutoCAD, MS Project5. Good work organization skills;6. Good communication skills;7. Fluent English;8. Conscientious performance of assigned duties;9. Open to work in international company with foreigners;10. Experience in work on such position at least 1-2 years - optional11. Available to work few days in delegations12. Driving license category B
Team Lead Android Development
HAYS, Kraków, malopolskie, Polska
Team Lead Android DevelopmentKrakówNR REF.: 1185456Your new company We are transforming our digital capabilities, driving innovation, delivering products in ever shortening cycles and helping to drive the continuous improvement of our processes, tooling and engineering practices. The Mobile team governs mobile engineering lifecycle activities providing standards, alignment, management oversight and resource allocation in order to fulfil roadmaps, guard highest levels of quality and operate on top of the best-in-class platform.Your new role Take the lead on some of the most technical and hardest problems to solve, working with teams of engineers and advising on what gets deliveredAdvocate for the area of technology within the company, communicating to a diverse global team of hundreds of engineers.Participate in the technology leadership team and provide oversight in your discipline as a senior engineering lead.Decide on how Engineering is done and ensure quality standards are adhered to by teams and advanced.Ensure that technology risks and opportunities are identified, managed, and resolved appropriately.Ensure that new technology is evaluated for its applicability within the company, decisions are communicated, and engineers follow the direction that you set.Build solutions that can scale to hundreds of Engineers, designing for scalability, reusability.Collaborate with the recruiting team and Engineering leadership to attract, onboard, and retain diverse top talent.Peer reviewing code by a diverse team, provide feedback in a timely and collaborative manner.Demonstrate engineering patterns that enable teams to solve complex engineering problems in simple ways.Work with a diverse Engineering leadership team to define the strategy for how engineering is done in your discipline.Identify strategic ways to reduce technical debt, working with teams to ensure they are continuously improving.Proactive collaboration in the project team to help develop the product using your experience to help guide the team through the whole development lifecycle.Hands on with planning, estimating, contributing to the architecture, coding, development.We promote a DevOps culture so you will need to look beyond pure programming and get involved with the deployment and operation of the software we build.What you39ll need to succeed Hands on experience on using Kotlin to develop Android AppKnowledgeable in upcoming engineering trends for Android ecosystemExperience as a technical expert on the Android platform and competency with industry standard librariesHave experience in Dagger2, Rxjava2, Retrofit2, familiar with third party lib integrationMaster level with UI and Core Architectural Design patternsSolid experience in writing Unit Tests and UI tests, must be familiar with Junit, Mockito and EspressoExperience with source code versioning tools, specifically GithubFamiliar with security concept and integration is must, like https, cert pinning, encryption and decryption and data protectionDemonstrated experience as a senior individual contributor or technical lead within a large-scale mobile engineering organisation.Ability to build relationships through regular engagement with a large technical team.Confidence in your decision making and able to 39hold your own39 during conversations and seek out mutually beneficial outcomesStrong communication skills and experience with engaging with a diverse team of engineers through presentations and blog posts.Expert level of experience within the Mobile area of technology.Knowledge of security best practices within mobile developmentStrong leadership experience within an engineering/technology organisation.Experience mentoring engineers and building strong working relationshipsExperience working in an Agile and DevOps organisation, with an appreciation for measurement to guide decision making.Track record of identifying and implementing opportunities to enable engineers to develop more productively and with high qualityAppreciation for quality, with the ability to make calculated trade-offs when required.Good knowledge of software design patterns and software architecture principles.Experience as a technical expert on Mobile platform and competency with industry standard librariesExperienced in a range of agile and DevOps practices and understand how they affect product quality and speed of delivery.What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Head of Data Asset Provision
HAYS, Kraków, malopolskie, Polska
Head of Data Asset ProvisionKrakówNR REF.: 1185399Protect: To protect our data, we need robust policies for data management and enhanced governance, e.g. data that is consumed from a trusted source, meets quality standards, and complies with regulatory obligations.Connect: Move to a data-led culture through enhanced training including on the job opportunities. Our talent is the glue between protecting our data and unlocking value for our customers.Unlock: Value is unlocked when we deliver on the opportunities our well-managed data presents, e.g.Improving customer / colleague experience, increasing revenue, commercializing our data, optimizing capital, enhancing risk management or reducing costs.Your new role Reporting to the head of Data Asset Services, the Head of Data Asset Provision is a senior role in the Data and Analytics Office. This role primarily supports the ‘Unlock’ pillar of the strategy. The role will own the vision for data asset provision across the Bank, the strategy and roadmap to implement that vision and theAlignment of the services and capabilities for the provision of data assets across the GBs and GFsThe role holder will shape and promote the strategy to enable data to be consumed, but will be particularly focused on driving data access to non-technical users to enable self-service access to data. This is a vital part of the unlock pillar, providing access to our data through strategic tooling and service capabilities.Represent the needs of consumers to ensure tooling and service capabilities are fit for purpose and accessible to users of all levels of data literacy.Continuously engage with key stakeholders across the data domains, to understand their needs and requirements of the data asset publication process.Set the vision and for the service to publish data assets Oversee the end-to-end publication of data assets & drive continuous improvement on a day-to day basis.Manage the technical backlog to improve the data asset publication process, including the improved ingestion of source data, plus the refining and building of data assets,Deliver and oversee governance to manage the publication of data assets, including decision making, prioritization and sequencing of data asset publication.Be accountable for funded and resourced execution, including the delivery of the technical backlog across its component areas.Be accountable for the realization of demonstrable financial benefits and cost reduction, resulting from an improved data asset publication process and/or technical simplification.Be accountable for the establishment of and alignment to service level agreementsImplement an operational risk management framework to manage operational risk as part of the data asset publication process.Be accountable for compliance with Group data principles and controls for data assets and operational data processes and applications.Ensure adherence to Group policies, audit, controls, and compliance requirements. Ensure satisfactory audit ratingsLeadership & TeamworkCascades business strategy and operational goals gaining commitment to themGuides and supports management team through periods of changeProvides clear direction and sets performance targets for team managersOptimize the day-to-day operational processes to run the Group Customer Data UtilityRecruit the best people to support business goals and objectivesEnsure staff retention through an appropriate rewards strategy, staff management and development, and career progressionDrive staff development through training, development plans and performance managementMotivate team performance and develop staff knowledge to enhance qualityPromote effective communication with team members on strategy, objectives and key goals required for the respective roles and responsibilitiesCollaboration with wider data management functional areas, especially with Group Data Technology, in order to drive the timely publication of data assetsWhat you39ll need to succeed Proven experience in product or service management or end to end delivery of complex business outcomesWorking knowledge of general data management and master data managementProven experience in delivering change projects using agile delivery methodologies at scale e.g. SAFeExperienced in outlining a vision, strategy and roadmap for product developmentSignificant experience working in a commercial bank, global banking & markets or financial services industryExperience of working in a data management environment with awareness of industry data standards (eg ISO, NACE) and data policiesStructured analytical problem-solving skills, able to breakdown complex problems and find solutions and optionsKnowledge of business analysis, requirements engineering, product backlog management, structured analysis and process mappingStrong research, analysis and policy or report writing skills are essentialExcellent written communication skills – ability to clearly document the current state and the recommendationsStrong people skills, operating effectively in teamsExperience in supporting, communicating with and providing assistance to senior managers in a multinational organisation.Strong interpersonal and communication (written and verbal) skills with a proven ability to communicate effectively and confidently at all levels across the GroupExperience in defining business architecture solutions to XLoB data challenges.Experience in managing delivery across multiple RTB, IT, data and transformation functions.Ability to prioritise workload and respond to changing and varied demands. Recognise and act upon timely escalation of issues.Strong organizational and planning skills.Experience of Project / Change management – confident in challenging business processes.What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Reliability Engineer - Senior Application Support
L.M. Group Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Reliability Engineer - Senior Application Support We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987 in Israel, present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, we are looking for a Site Reliability Engineer with English language skills for one of our globally-reaching clients. Reliability Engineer - Senior Application Support Reference number: JAOK Workplace: Warszawa Roles and Responsibilities determine the reliability of our digital products, technology services, and the infrastructure that underpins themminimize the risk and impact of failures by engineering operational improvements, such as predictive monitoring, auto scaling or self-healingrespond to production incidents to gain first-hand experience of operational hotspots and to identify the root causes of problemscollect and analyze operational data, define and monitor key metrics to identify and communicate areas for improvementapply a broad range of engineering practices with a focus on reliability, from instrumentation, performance analysis, and log analytics to automated testing, deployment, and operationsensure the quality, security, reliability, and compliance of our solutions by applying our digital principles and implementing both functional and non-functional requirements Mandatory Experience and Skills:ideally 5+ years of experience in an Application Support role within financial services industryexcellent verbal and written communication skills along with strong collaboration skillsexperience in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) ToolsExperience of Linux OSknowledge in IP networkingknowledge of troubleshooting Java applicationsknowledge of application and web servers (NGINX, Apache)good experience or knowledge of visualization (Docker, K8S)knowledge of provisioning cloud infrastructure using Terraformknowledge about cloud computing and managing cloud environments (Azure preferred)knowledge about fundamentals of CI/CD drive automation to eliminate TOIL Our client offers:A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.Integration and cultural events for employees.Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.Referral bonuses for recommending employees.Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.
Project Quality Engineer
HAYS, Cieszyn, mazowieckie, Polska
Project Quality EngineerCieszynNR REF.: 1185890Your next companyInternational- German company from the automotive sector. Your next jobanalyze and understand product specifications and customer requirementscarry out the quality assessment of the product from design stage to serial productionidentify and set quality assurance benchmarks by conducting market and competition analysisdevelop a product quality improvement strategyparticipate in D-FMEA preparation, supporting the definition of special characteristicsattend Technical Design Review meetings (TDR)set detailed guidelines on what needs to be checked and what the quality standards areprovide cost estimation of validation tests (all except electronics)track and analyse test results, providing recommendations for improvementprepare and update technical documents such as quality control plans, suppliers standard guidelines, etc.identify the root of technical issues and recommend fixesprepare reports on malfunctions and lead the team in the definition of corrective actionscooperate with all other departments in all production plants and ensure support till PPAP or SOP+90cooperate with Customers and Suppliersprovide technical support for new business development activitiesprepares and shares given project Lesson LearntWhat do you need to succeed?BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering or relevant fieldEnglish fluent mandatory, Czech/German languages nice to haveHigh proficiency with MS Office toolsDriving license+5 Years work experience as a Quality Engineer or similar roles in the automotive lighting industryHands-on experience with Quality Management Systems (QMS) and testing methodologiesIn-depth understanding of technical documentationGreat attention to detail and problem-solving abilitiesAbility to work in Ostrava (Czech Republic)What will you gain?Competitive salaryOpportunity to growNice atmosphere What should you do?If this offer is perfect for you, click 39Apply39 and send us your current CV.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Senior Ruby on Rails Developer
HAYS, Kraków, malopolskie, Polska
Senior Ruby on Rails DeveloperKrakówNR REF.: 1185490Your new role • Deliver value directly to our customers by building and releasing secure, reliable andsophisticated access controls.• Maintain excellent reliability and quality for our systems and navigate the challengespresented working at a global scale. We own some of the largest scale services withincompany.• Champion standard methodologies, high quality code, and appropriate test coverage. Weship code frequently and fast, but stability and reliability must never be compromised.• Design solutions to move us further toward a unified access management system acrosscompany services.What you39ll need to succeed Required:• Prior experience in a backend or full-stack application engineering role• Proven understanding of web application development and excellent knowledge of at least 1server-side scripting language• Excellent communication and time-management skills• Committed to delivery• You believe building excellent software is a team effort and enjoy learning together throughpairing, code reviews, tech talks, etc.• Comfortable taking ownership of all phases of software engineering: design, development,testing, deployment, and operational issuesPreferred:• Prior experience owning Ruby or Scala services in a production environment• Experience working on large scale Identity & Access Management systems and/or familiaritywith IAM industry practices• Experience using monitoring/alerting to ensure the reliability of a systemTech Stack• Our backend code is a split between Ruby on Rails and microservices written in Scala• Our frontend interfaces are written in React and Ember• We use AWS Aurora to store data in MySQL and Kafka to stream events between services• We use Kubernetes and AWS to deploy and scale our applicationWhat you39ll get in return Permanent contract• Private medical care with dental package• MultiSport Card• Life Insurance• Subscription to Mental Health & Wellness Platform & App• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)• Supplementary Pension Plan (PPK)• Lump Sum for electricity consumption• Internet expense reimbursement• Cell phone allowance• Discount shopping platform• Glasses refund• Flexible working hoursWhat you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Reliability Engineer (Java, Docker, Azure)
L.M. Group Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Reliability Engineer (Java, Docker, Azure) We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987 in Israel, present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, we are looking for a Site Reliability Engineer with English language skills for one of our globally-reaching clients. Reliability Engineer (Java, Docker, Azure) Reference number: JAOK Workplace: Warszawa Roles and Responsibilities determine the reliability of our digital products, technology services, and the infrastructure that underpins themminimize the risk and impact of failures by engineering operational improvements, such as predictive monitoring, auto scaling or self-healingrespond to production incidents to gain first-hand experience of operational hotspots and to identify the root causes of problemscollect and analyze operational data, define and monitor key metrics to identify and communicate areas for improvementapply a broad range of engineering practices with a focus on reliability, from instrumentation, performance analysis, and log analytics to automated testing, deployment, and operationsensure the quality, security, reliability, and compliance of our solutions by applying our digital principles and implementing both functional and non-functional requirements Mandatory Experience and Skills:ideally 5+ years of experience in an Application Support role within financial services industryexcellent verbal and written communication skills along with strong collaboration skillsexperience in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) ToolsExperience of Linux OSknowledge in IP networkingknowledge of troubleshooting Java applicationsknowledge of application and web servers (NGINX, Apache)good experience or knowledge of visualization (Docker, K8S)knowledge of provisioning cloud infrastructure using Terraformknowledge about cloud computing and managing cloud environments (Azure preferred)knowledge about fundamentals of CI/CD drive automation to eliminate TOIL Our client offers:A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.Integration and cultural events for employees.Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.Referral bonuses for recommending employees.Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.
SAP E2E Test Engineer
L.M. Group Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
SAP E2E Test Engineer We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987, present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, we are looking for SAP E2E Test Engineer for one of our globally-reaching clients. SAP E2E Test Engineer Reference number: JAOK Workplace: Warszawa B2B ContractWarsaw, hybridSeeking a strong End to End Onshore Test coordinator for multi- year rollout program  (Program scope for Transact : Includes A2R,I2C, P2P, eMP, Tax, Statutory, Treasury workstreams). Proficient in all levels of test phases with profound SAP FICO / SAP S/4 knowledge to successfully support delivery Quality implementation across all test phases Requirements:10+ years of experience testing methodologies across all test levels and capable of mange Test management officeKnowledge of finance and accountingCoordinate and lead cross-functional teams to ensure smooth cutover and testing phases. Develop and execute cutover and test plans, conduct defect management sessionDevelop and implement a comprehensive end-to-end testing strategy, including test planning, execution, and reporting, in collaboration with key stakeholders.Define and drive the implementation of test automation frameworks and tools to accelerate and speed up testing and deployments.Strong knowledge of SAP S/4 Hana, SAP Finance, Reporting systems and implementation methodologies.Experience to collaborate and work with geographically distributed teams.Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to identify and mitigate testing-related risks and issuesCollaborate with stakeholders to communicate progress, issuesProgram management, leadership skills, Excellent communication, and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively with stakeholders at all levels of the organization.Ensure all testing activities adhere to industry best practices and quality standardsExperienced in developing SDLC documentation. Values and understands the importance of documentation and knowledge managementProficiency in test planning, execution, and defect tracking tools such as JIRA/X-Ray.Proficiency in tools such as, MS Project, PowerPoint, excel macros, APIs to integrate query to X-Ray and SharePointDefine and Track test and defect metrics and communicate daily, weekly statusConduct post-implementation reviews to identify lessons learned and opportunities for improvement.Domain Knowledge:SAP S/4 Hana, SAP FI CO  (functional knowledge)Finance and accountingTools:Excel Macros (APIs to integrate query to JRA-X-Ray ), MS Project, PowerPoint and SharePointJIRA/X-Ray Our client offers:A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.Integration and cultural events for employees.Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.Referral bonuses for recommending employees.Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.
Project Manager
ELEKS, Poland, Krakow
ELEKS Project Management Office is looking for a Project Manager to join our team in Kraków.ABOUT THE PROJECTThe project aims to develop a centralized platform serving as a comprehensive hub for customers to seamlessly engage with our client’s product. This portal will enhance user interaction by providing a unified location for defining data sources, specifying necessary data manipulations, and achieving desired outcomes. Moreover, it will offer a dedicated space for users to ask questions, seek clarification, and address any issues encountered during their interaction with our client’s product.Recently initiated, the project offers considerable flexibility and independence. It delves into the interesting realm of Data Virtualization, which we believe holds significant potential for the professional growth of those involved.REQUIREMENTSAt least 4 years of project management experience in the IT sectorGood understanding of IT system and project life cycles in generalKnowledge of both theoretical and practical aspects of project managementFamiliarity with the PMBOK guideUnderstanding of project financial area – project profitability, revenue, margins, bill rates, and resource utilizationAwareness of offshore software development specificsGood working knowledge of project management tools: JIRA, TFS, BugTracker, MS ProjectProficient understanding of Agile frameworks and Waterfall methodologyPractical experience with ScrumPrevious involvement in executing fixed-price projects is advantageousExcellent written and verbal communication skillsProfessional certification would be an assetNative Polish and fluent EnglishPERSONAL CHARACTERISTICSHighly-organized and detail-orientedFlexible and adaptable to changing prioritiesProactive mindsetWork independently and across teams and departmentsRESPONSIBILITIESDirect and manage project development from project initiation to closure within budget, schedule and resource limitsUnderstand and communicate client business needs to the project teamNegotiate, define, communicate and manage the scope of the projectDevelop, maintain and effectively execute project plan throughout the project life. Ensure timely revision of project plan to meet changing needs and requirementsPlan and schedule project timelines and milestones, review deliverables and milestones prepared by a teamForecast, track and manage project budgets, ensure timely invoicingDefine, communicate, implement and monitor quality standards on all project deliverablesManage day-to-day operational aspects of a projectPlan and manage internal and external project communications, ensuring effective exchange of project information and deliverablesContinually seek opportunities to increase customer satisfaction and deepen customer relationshipsIdentify, analyze, prioritize, mitigate and communicate project risksIdentify project resources necessary and partner with other company managers to acquire resourcesBuild and nurture an effective and collaborative project team. Promote effective individual and team performanceMentor team members and support their professional growthWhat will you get with ELEKSAbove average compensationClose cooperation with a customerChallenging tasksCompetence developmentTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with low level of bureaucracyABOUT ELEKSELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.
Работник линии сборки бытовой техники Rosti
, Белосток, Польша
Бесплатное и официальное трудоустройство!Вакансия: Работник линии сборки бытовой техники ROSTI.Описание вакансии: Rosti Poland Sp. z o. o. является одним из подразделений Группы Rosti, существующей с 1944 года, принадлежащей шведскому концерну Nordstjernan. Группа Rosti на сегодняшний день имеет 3900 сотрудников на предприятиях по всему миру: в Швеции, Германии, Шотландии, Румынии, Китае, Малайзии и Польше. Как Группа, мы специализируемся на предоставлении услуг по производству, связанных с обработкой пластмасс методом литья под давлением, окрашиванием и украшением, а также сборкой готовых изделий и модулей для автомобильной промышленности, упаковок, ПМП, сектора бытовых приборов, электротехники, медицины и профессиональных бизнес - устройств.Обязанности:-работа на линии сборки;-возможно выполнение работы по контролю качества;-сборка мелких пластиковых деталей;50% времени стоя, 50% времени сидя.-WTRYSK (контроль качества выпускаемых машинами деталей, обслуживание литейных машин, работа сидя и стоя).Требования:— биометрический паспорт или рабочая виза;— можно без опыта работы;— коммуникативный польский язык;— умение работать в коллективе, организованность, дисциплина.Ставка: 27.70 зл. в час брутто = приблизительно 21.50 зл. в час нетто, 27.70 зл. в час нетто до 26 лет со статусом студента. Премии до 6%.График: для сборщиков: без ночных смен, 4-сменный график (2 дня первая смена, 2 выходных, 2 дня вторая смена).Смены: 06:00 - 14:00, 14:00 – 22:00, по 8 часов (при желании можно взять плюс 4 часа). В среднем выходит 200 часов.При увеличении объема заказов может быть введена ночная смена.Для WTRYSK: 7 дней в неделю: 4-сменный график (2 дня утро, 2 дня день, 2 ночи, 2 выходных и т. д.). Смены: 06:00-14:00, 14:00-22:00, 22:00-06:00, 2 перерыва по 15 минут.Дополнительная информация: оформление: Umowa zlecenia.Возможность получить карту (выдают после отработки 1 месяца).Жилье: 300 зл. в месяц с заработной платы, в 2 км. от работы – 30 минут пешком, с нашего жилья сотрудники ходят пешком, или с собственного жилья доехать можно общественным транспортом (120-140 зл. стоит проездной городского транспорта). Доплата за собственное жилье 300 зл. брутто (при отработанных 190 часах, приблизительно, плюс 1.85 зл. к ставке).Место работы:  г. Белосток - Bialystok. Оформление в офисе в Белостоке.
Global Payroll Manager - rekrutacja online
HRK S.A., Katowice, slaskie, Polska
Our Client is a shared service centre of a multinational manufacturing company operating in the electrical engineering sector. Global Payroll ManagerMiejsce pracy: Katowice Responsibilities: Coordinating and supporting payroll experts and specialists in global company structures (1500 fte). Compiling payroll with the payroll provider, including providing monthly variable data for small countries. Resolving discrepancies and responding to employee queries. Ensure payroll provider compliance with statutory payroll regulations and local collective agreements (CLAs). Lead and coordinate process harmonization and increase efficiency. Improving processes and streamlining HR functionality. Generating payroll reports, analyzing payroll data and supporting decision-making processes. Coordinating ongoing issues with sites and external suppliers and providing detailed internal and external analysis. Acting as key contact for external suppliers, building strategic partnerships with suppliers. Supporting the development of local payroll experts through effective training and coaching. Expectations: Minimum 5 years of experience in payroll/HR related areas, preferably in a global or multi-country environment. Bachelor's degree in human resources, accounting, finance, business administration, related. Certification in payroll administration (e.g. CPP, FPC) desirable but not required. In-depth understanding and knowledge of HR and payroll systems. Experience working in an international environment and ability to manage a virtual network of local payroll experts. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a focus on quality and integrity. Proven experience of working with and managing relationships with external payroll service providers. Experience of outsourcing HR processes, international staff and global reporting. Strong ability to interact with finance and HR departments. Defining and managing service level agreements (SLAs) and KPIs. Fluency in spoken and written English. Good understanding of payroll regulations, tax laws and multi-jurisdictional compliance requirements. Offer: Contract of employment. Access to a wide range of non-wage benefits. Flexible working hours in a hybrid model. Work in an international environment in a stable industry. Significant influence on the direction of the company's further development. Opportunity for career development within the company
SAP E2E Test Engineer
L.M. Group Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
SAP E2E Test Engineer We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987, present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.Currently, we are looking for SAP E2E Test Engineer for one of our globally-reaching clients. SAP E2E Test Engineer Reference number: JAOK Workplace: Warszawa B2B ContractWarsaw, hybridSeeking End to End Onshore Test Engineer for multi- year rollout program (Program scope for Transact : Includes A2R,I2C, P2P, eMP, Tax, Statutory, Treasury workstreams). Proficient in all levels of test phases with profound SAP FICO / SAP S/4 knowledge to successfully support delivery Quality implementation across all test phases Requirements:10+ years of experience testing methodologies across all test levels and capable of mange Test management officeDevelop and execute cutover and test plans, conduct defect management sessionDevelop and implement a comprehensive end-to-end testing strategy, including test planning, execution, and reporting, in collaboration with key stakeholders.Define and drive the implementation of test automation frameworks and tools to accelerate and speed up testing and deployments.Strong knowledge of SAP S/4 Hana, SAP Finance, Reporting systems and implementation methodologies.Collaborate with stakeholders to communicate progress, issuesEnsure all testing activities adhere to industry best practices and quality standardsProficiency in test planning, execution, and defect tracking tools such as JIRA/X-Ray.Proficiency in tools such as, MS Project, PowerPoint, excel macros, APIs to integrate query to X-Ray and SharePointDomain Knowledge:SAP S/4 Hana, SAP FI CO (functional knowledge)Tools:Excel Macros (APIs to integrate query to JRA-X-Ray ), MS Project, PowerPoint and SharePointJIRA/X-Ray Our client offers:A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.Integration and cultural events for employees.Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.Referral bonuses for recommending employees.Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.