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Рекомендовані вакансії

Менеджер по персоналу
ОАО, Харьков, Харківська область
ОАО "Браклес" приглашает на работу менеджера по персоналу.Требования: средне – техническое образование; опыт работы не менее двух лет; знание методик управления персоналом будет существенным преимуществом; знание персонального компьютера на уровне уверенного пользователя; умение работать в коллективе.Обязанности: размещение объявлений о вакансии, анализ резюме, планирование, организация и проведение собеседований; ведение базы данных кандидатов; проведение консультаций для новых сотрудников.Условия труда: график работы – пятидневный; оптимальные условия труда; высокая оплата труда; предоставляется личный кабинет; карьерный рост.Резюме просим не направлять, обращайтесь в телефонном режиме.096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗМенеджер, Надежда Ивановна
Оператор видеонаблюдения в гостиницу
Гостиничный комплекс - El Rio, Харьков, Харківська область
Требования:Техническое образование будет преимуществом;Опыт работы оператором видеонаблюдения от 1-го года;Уверенный пользователь персонального компьютера;Внимательность, усидчивость, исполнительность.Обязанности:Проведения наблюдения территории гостиницы;Составление внутренней отчетности.Условия труда:График работы – посменный (сутки/двое);Уровень заработной платы - 11500 грн.Более детальная информация при собеседовании.Обращайтесь по данным контактным номерам телефона:096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗМенеджер, Альбина Георгиевна
Project Manager
Zfort, Kharkiv
We are looking for an independent and hardworking Project Manager, who knows how to work with pleasure, and who is able to understand the features of the project and the client and find the most effective solutions.Requirements:5+ years of experience;Experience in requirements management;Understanding of modern trends in web/mobile applications development;Excellent English speaking and writing skills. Experience in working with English-speaking customers is required;Knowledge of business analysis and requirements management.Will be a plus:Technical background;Pre-sales experience;Product management.We offer:Maximum flexibility;Professional trainings, conferences and certifications;Corporate events and benefits;Professional literature;English courses;Discount program.If this is all about you, we look forward to your resume.
Менеджер з продажу с/г запчастин
Агро Шлях, ТОВ, Харків
Ми запрошуємо в команду менеджера з продажу с/х запчастин (освіта: технічна, агрономія)Завдання :виконувати план продажів запчастин напрацьовувати і розвивати клієнтську базуготувати комерційні пропозиції, вести переговориконсультувати клієнтів з технічних та комерційних питаньприймання та розміщення товарно-матеріальних цінностейзберігання та переміщення всередині зони складуваннявидача — відправкаоблік та оформлення супровідної документації Для теб?? :Команду, орієнтовану на результат ;Завантаження на 101% і напружену роботуСлужбовий автомобіль, мобільний зв’язок, ноутбукУмови роботи:Повний робочий день, пн-пт з 8.30 до 17.30Офіційне працевлаштування (згідно з КЗпП), відпустка та лікарняний відповідно до законодавстваТелефон 050 497-56-56 Дар’я
Менеджер з продажу запасних частин для будівельної спецтехніки JCB, Case IH, New Holland, Caterpillar
Техноторг, Харків
Компанія «ТЕХНОТОРГ» - компанія №1 в Україні із забезпечення повного циклу послуг для агробізнесу. На сьогодні наша компанія представляє більше 100 зарубіжних та вітчизняних брендів сільгосптехніки, запчастин, автотехніки, спецтехніки, насіння, ЗЗР і добрив. У галузі забезпечення агробізнесу частка ринку нашої компанії становить 25%.Компанія, в зв’язку з розширенням, оголошує набір на вакансію: Менеджер з продажу запасних частин для будівельної спецтехніки JCB, Case IH, New Holland, Caterpillar Вимоги до кандидата: успішний досвід продажів запчастин будівельної спецтехніки від 2-х років;вища освіта (бажано технічна);навички роботи з каталогами запчастин;впевнене володіння комп'ютерними програми Microsoft: Excel, Word, електронною поштою. Робота в 1С (буде перевагою)здатність самостійно вибрати оптимальний шлях вирішення поставлених завдань, високі комунікативні навички, порядність і відповідальністьзнання і успішне застосування технік продажів досвід успішних переговорівдосвід укладання договорів, супровід та контроль виконання угод в повному обсязі знання конструкції імпортної будівельної спецтехніки водійське посвідчення категорії "В", та водійський стаж від 2-х років Обов'язки: виконання планів продажів запасних частинпошук і залучення нових клієнтіввивчення потреб клієнтів якісний розвиток продаж запасних частин існуючим клієнтам на територіївізити к клієнтам / «холодні» об'їзди клієнтів з метою:- своєчасне отримання інформації про плани придбання та ремонту техніки- збір та актуалізація інформації про парк техніки з внесенням в CRM - оновлення інформації про осіб які приймають рішення, контактних осіб - пошук потреб в ремонті силових агрегатівпереговори с клієнтамипідготовка та укладання договорів, супроводження угоди до повного виконання умов сторонамиучасть у виставках, демонстраціяхконтроль своєчасних платежів від клієнтів, включаючи за договорами з відстрочкою платежузбір інформації, що стосується кон’юнктури і активності на ринку, про роботу конкурентівадміністрування своєї діяльності в CRM Наша пропозиція:висока заробітна плата (оклад +бонуси)цікава робота в стабільній компанії, найбільшому постачальнику сільськогосподарської техніки на ринку України;офіційне працевлаштування з першого робочого дняможливості для професійного розвитку, самореалізації і кар'єрного зростання.Якщо Вас зацікавила дана вакансія, Ваш досвід роботи та кваліфікація відповідають вимогам, надсилайте своє резюме.Відправляючи резюме, Ви даєте згоду на обробку персональних даних ГК «ТЕХНОТОРГ» у рамках чинного законодавства України.Звертаємо Вашу увагу, що зворотній зв'язок про результати розгляду резюме надається тільки у разі позитивного рішення та подальшого розгляду Вашої кандидатури складає 14 днів.
Architect (USA projects)
Nova, Харків
Nova architects and engineers — is an international architectural and engineering company headquartered in New York. It provides complex design services for civil facilities (Hospitality and Mixed-Use projects) in the USA. Our team is focused on understanding the latest trends in design, so we develop our IT solutions to automate design and improve product quality.Our portfolio of architectural projects in the United States has expanded significantly, the team has grown, and we are now looking for a creative Architect who wants to show their talents in interesting non-standard projects.You will have an incredible opportunity to gain international experience while working in a team with our American architectural partners.You can view our portfolio of projects: https://novaae.com/projects_What is important to us:Spoken English B1;Proficiency: Revit, SketchUp; Rhino will be a plus;Experience working in a similar position with English-speaking customers in a hospitality or mixed-use project;Excellent communication skills, creative thinking, and initiative.Your responsibilities:Develop design documentation for the stages of design development and construction documents in RevitDevelop project documentation according to US building codesMonitor the quality of issued documentation.Participate in the coordination and justification of architectural solutions.Coordinate decisions with related teams.Monitor compliance with deadlines for your tasks.Inside the company, you are expected to:Salary corresponding to your qualifications at the start, growing in proportion to the growth of your new knowledge and skills in the future;Salary according to the dollar exchange rate;Annual performance reviews with salary review;Internal training program for specialists who have not previously worked on US projects;Vacation 24 calendar days;Additional paid sick days;Compensation for sports activities;Yoga classes online and running club;Taxi compensation;Compensation for English lessons;Corporate English tutor, individual plan increasing English level;Corporate library, online seminars, and training (BIM, Design in the USA, Leadership, English);Personnel reserve program. 80% of our managers grew up within the company;Mentoring program, especially at the start;Active social life, birthdays, events, cultural communication, and mutual assistance in the team.More about the company on our website: https://novaae.com/If you want to be part of our awesome team, please send your CV!
Customer Support Specialist (Italian)
EvoPlay, Харків
EvoPlay — міжнародна IT компанія, провідний розробник програмних продуктів та комплексних рішень для ігрової індустрії. У зв’язку з розширенням компанії у нас відкрито вакансію Customer Support Specialist зі знанням італійської мови. Даний спеціаліст працює у Департаменті підтримки користувачів контакт-центру компанії. Відповідає за віддалену взаємодію з користувачами, консультацію з питань технічної та фінансової частини продукту в телефонному режимі та через онлайн чат.Вимоги:Дуже високий рівень грамотності усної, письмової української та італійської мов;Знання ПК на рівні впевненого користувача;Вміння працювати з великими обсягами інформації та готовність навчатися;Комунікабельність;Усидчивість;Високий рівень самоорганізації;Досвід роботи в суміжних сферах буде перевагою.Обов’язки:Взаємодія з користувачами:надання кваліфіковано-консультаційної допомоги з технічної та фінансової частини продуктів переважно в телефонному режимі;ознайомлення користувачів з продуктами компанії, їх характеристиками, актуальними акціями та пропозиціями;Взаємодія з іншими департаментами компанії:передача запитів для вирішення технічних та фінансових труднощів користувачів, отримання зворотного зв’язку з метою подальшого інформування користувачів;інформування про виявлені проблеми або помилки на ресурсах, що підтримуються.Ми пропонуємо:Рівень заробітної плати вище ринкової, щомісячні бонуси за результатами роботи;Позмінний графік роботи: 2/2/2. 2 дні робочі (денна зміна), 2 вихідні, 2 дні робочі (нічна зміна), 7:00 — 19:00, 19:00 — 7:00;L&D центр з курсами для співробітників і ТОП менеджерів, програму ротації;self — learning бібліотеку, доступ до платних курсів;дисконтну програму Evoplay;групові обговорення і індивідуальні сесії з психологом. Надсилай резюме, чекаємо тебе в нашій команді!
Senior Game Community Manager
Gameloft, Харків
The Gameloft Kharkiv Studio have an exciting opportunity for a Senior Game Community Manager to integrate their team of community experts working on Minion Rush.As a Senior Game Community Manager, you will join a team of passionate social media & community experts dedicated to building the most rewarding community experiences for our most engaged cohorts of players & fans of the game around the world!_ In this role, you will be dedicated to fostering healthy & thriving communities on a set of key channels for the game. Your main responsibilities will be defining, developing & managing the best community content & experiences, in order to keep them entertained & engaged with the game. As such, you will be working with a Junior Community Manager in caring for the game’s communities & funneling their feedback in order to support your game team in continuously improving our players' experiences. PASSION is key! For this position, we expect you to have an understanding of the ins-&-outs of gaming communities, & their importance within a game’s lifecycle. Also, it is needless to say that to be truly a great fit for this position, you should be a gamer at heart, with a hands-on understanding of the power of communities in the gaming realm, and a passion for all things Minions!JOB SCOPE & RESPONSIBILITIESCommunity Channel & Content Strategy — 50 to 60%Develop & produce the evergreen content approach for the social media networks you are responsible for, in equation with the game’s priorities & objectives throughout each period.Great communication & collaboration skills with the Licensor, ensuring that plans proposed are appealing & meet the License standards.Ensuring that the community of players has first-hand access to patch-notes, tutorials, promotions & information on events happening in the game.Own the content & assets creation process in order to produce a consistent flow of evergreen content for each of the channels you are responsible for, & when necessary, propose ways to optimize the content creation process to ensure a positive ROITrack & analyze community & content performance KPIs, & ensure steady progression quarter-onto-quarter on the channels you are responsible for.Campaign & community activation development — 20%Ideate, plan & execute community-focused activations to support the game’s major production milestones.Track & analyze the performance of each campaign & share learnings in order to continuously improve each activation.Collaborate with other key stakeholders (influence, marketing, live ops, CMI etc.) in order to ideate & amplify community-focused activations.Community engagement & moderation — 10%Develop a conversational approach on the channels you are responsible for, to build a strong bond with all community members.Work hand-in-hand with the game’s Junior Community Manager in order to ensure maximum coverage rate across the channels you are responsible for.Work hand-in-hand with the game’s Junior Community Manager in order to continuously improve the moderation & engagement approach for the game.Ensuring the validity & use of all frameworks guaranteeing community safety, crisis management, customer satisfaction & game/update technical issues coverage across the channels they are responsible for.Analyzing conversations & identifying key insights from the community in order to improve content & community experiences on the channels you are responsible for.Develop & amplify UGC across the channels you are responsible for.Reach community performance targets in terms of gowth, engagement, overall coverage, reply times, community Csat, overall sentiment, community retention metrics & utilize tools & processes at hand in order to continuously improve performancePlanning, Project Management, social media toolstack — 20%Plan, pitch & iterate with the Licensor in order to prepare the most valuable community experiences for the game.Work with major game team stakeholders in order to plan & execute community-focused projects for the game.Utilize all available tools & resources at hand in order to analyze the impact of your content & community plans; propose improvements, opportunities & challenges, year-on-year.Conduct benchmarks & trends observations be a proactive source of ideation for the Game’s community team, but also for the game’s marketing & management teams. (industry and trends)Take part in global projects throughout the year, on behalf of your game.Create presentations to clearly & effectively pitch ideas, plans , & community insights reports using tools like Canva and SharePoint.MAIN PERFORMANCE INDICATORSContent performanceImpact on game KPIsSentimentProduct feedbackCommunity retentionProfile & Skills2 to 4 years of experience in a similar positionA passion for gaming & gaming experiences of all kinds.Analytical mind & KPI driven.Understanding of community KPIs & how to track them.Understanding of social media networks & how they are used by gamers.Experience working with Licensors & quick understanding of processes & how to improve them when necessary.Experience on community & social media toolstack (e.g publishing tools, social listening tools, content creation tools such as Canva, Photoshop etc.)Relationships-driven Build credible & trusting relationships in a fast-paced environment with a broad range of colleagues & collaborators across the company & the world.Fluent in English, Ukrainian, both written & spoken.Ability to work in a fast-paced & international environment.Positive energy, team spirit & a zest of fun are a must.BenefitsJoin a leading global mobile and video games publisher and developer utilizing the state-of-art mobile technologies and devices;Become a part of the talented international team in a friendly, creative, and dynamic environment;Become a true pro in the fast-growing, exciting, and innovative video games industry;Be proud to deliver the prestigious products winning the top rankings worldwide;Build up your career with dynamic promotions and worldwide opportunities.Work with recognized and beloved intellectual property.Enjoy the flexibility of a fully remote work setup.Benefit from generous holiday allowances.Additional InformationIn order to consider your application, we require you to send the full version of your CV in English. Qualified candidates will be asked to complete a test assessment.
Автомеханік СТО
Омега, ТОВ, Харків
Компанія «Омега» — № 1 в області дистрибуції автокомпонентів, понад 30 років успішної, стабільної роботи на ринку автобізнесу і визнання на міжнародному рівні. Ми професіонали своєї справи, нас уже 2700 співробітників та 20 філій по УкраїніІ ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на автомеханіка СТО.Ми пропонуємо:- Можливість бути на вершині нових технологій, професійний розвиток та отримання безцінного досвіду в компанії № 1;- Допомогу керівника та всієї команди;- Прозору заробітну плату та можливість регулярно її підвищувати;- Місцезнаходження: пр. Людвіга Свободи 57 г;- Графік роботи: Пн.-Пт з 09:00 до 18:00. Сб з 09:00 до 15:00 Сб. Нд. — вихіднийЧим належить займатися:- Виконання первинного огляду авто та пошук несправностей;- Виконання діагностики вузлів та агрегатів авто;- Виконання робіт з діагностики та ремонту: ходової частини, гальмівної системи, системи рульового керування, технічне обслуговування;- Перевагою буде вміння використання діагностичного сканера;- Утримання робочого в чистоті та порядку;- Вчасно надавати зворотний зв’язок (статус ремонту, проблемам, затримкам, тощо)Від Вас очікуємо:- Знання будови автомобіля, вузлів та агрегатів;- Особливості роботи вузлів та агрегатів автомобіля;- Типові поломки та несправності;- Навички діагностики несправностей автомобіля;- Навички використання інструменту: ручний, електро, пневмо ;- Робота з підйомником;- Навички застосування вимірювальних приладівДізнайтесь найцікавіше про життя компанії з наших соцмереж:https://www.instagram.com/omegallc/?hl=ruhttps://www.facebook.com/OmegaLLCUAЯкщо ви бажаєте переглянути всі наші вакансії та дізнатися більше про компанію, скоріше переходьте до нашого чат-боту Omegarobota:https://t.me/Omega_robotТелефонуйте менеджеру з персоналу, вона відповість на ваші запитання:Ганна 0504533963
Senior to Lead Fullstack software engineer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Kharkiv
Description: A project within the Energy domain designed to monitor energy distribution and provide health and performance insights to prevent critical asset failures while optimizing asset lifecycle costs. The software you will be working on will help clients to:– Increased reliability by identifying, prioritizing, and resolving risks– Reduce maintenance costs by replacing the ineffective time-based practices– Lower capital expenditures by extending asset lifespan Requirements: Join our cross-disciplinary team to create software that works on Cloud infrastructure. As a Dev Lead engineer you will collaborate with customer, engineering and management teams. You will beresponsible for general guidelines for the engineer, analysis of the requirements, contributing to all scrum eventsRequirements: Strong knowledge and experience with .NET/C#, OOP, DDD, SOLID, REST API, Unit TestingExperience with RDBMS (e.g., MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., InfluxDB, TimescaleDB), event brokers (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka)Understanding of the principles of development of distributed containerized applicationsTechnologies: .NET/C# (ASP.NET Core, EF Core), Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, HelmDesired knowledge of microservices, event-driven architecture, service-oriented architectureDesired knowledge of industrial standards and protocols such as MQTT, IEC61850, SNMP, SyslogSolid knwoedge of React, JavaScript for the font-end part Responsibilities: Requirement AnalisysContribution to sprint planning, demos, other scrum cerimoniesDevelopment of high quality codeTimely completion of tasksTroubleshooting What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Менеджер з продажів (експорт)
Еко-Флекс, Харків
Компанія Еко-Флекс- український виробник нержавіючих металорукавів та шлангів. Запрошуємо в нашу команду Менеджера з продажів. Основні функціональні обов’язки:- Організація збуту:- пошук нових клієнтів;- підтримання існуючих клієнтів;- супроводження замовлень;- розвинення ринків збуту- Планування продажів — річне, квартальне, місячне- Звітність- Допомога у підборі продуктів компанії, згідно потреб клієнта та виробничих можливостей компанії. Підбір продукту для клієнтів сумісно з технічним відділом компанії- Розробка технічного завдання для технічного відділу компанії- Моніторинг, організація, прийняття участі в профільних виставках- Експортний документообіг- Наявність закордонних відряджень 2−3 рази на рікКого ми шукаємо:Освіта: Бажано технічнаМовні навички:- Англійська на рівні B1 і вище- Вільне володіння українською мовоюТехнічні навички:- Впевнене володіння ПК, MS Office, 1С (буде плюсом)- Розуміння експортної документації та основ митної справи (Інкотермс)- Знання технік продажів і ведення переговорів- Правила ділового етикетуОсобисті якості:- Вміння планувати та досягати мети- Відповідальність, проактивність, комунікабельність- Висока результативність- Аналітичні навичкиЩо ми пропонуємо:Графік: Гібридний (частково в офісі, частково дистанційно), можливі відрядженняВипробувальний термін: 1 місяцьСоціальний пакет: Відповідно до КЗпПВійськовий облік: Відповідно до законодавстваКонтакти:HR: Тетяна БровкоТелефон: +380992532306Email: [откликнуться]
Middle WordPress Developer
AgileEngine, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Job Description This position is open for candidates to work from anywhere in the country. AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Work closely with our internal team and external partners to ensure seamless migrations to WordPress; Lead the development and implementation of new features for our WordPress platform as part of our post-launch roadmap; Help guide the platform architecture and enforce best practices; Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS; Provide feedback and recommendations to the team; Provide technical guidance and mentorship to our internal engineering teams, helping to upskill them in WordPress development. Must haves Deep understanding of WordPress and PHP fundamentals with a strong portfolio of projects; At least 4 years of experience working with WordPress; Excellent problem-solving skills, ability to prioritize multiple tasks, and commitment to high-quality development standards; Knowledge of how to interact with WordPress RESTful APIs and formats (JSON, XML); Familiarity with modern JavaScript (ie. ESNext and JSX) and experience building custom blocks for the Block Editor utilizing block.json and React; Experience creating SPA with React; Prior experience supporting high-traffic enterprise websites; Experience fine-tuning application performance; Comfortable working with a local development environment. ie. debugging, testing; Proficient understanding of code versioning tools. (We use Github); Experience working in team environments under an Agile methodology such as Scrum and GIT (such as GitFlow); Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Experience working with WordPress VIP hosting infrastructure;Experience with decoupled or headless WordPress implementations using RESTful or GraphQL APIs; Experience with GraphQL and advanced API development practices; Proficient in front-end technologies including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Next.js; Understanding of modern deployment practices using CI/CD pipelines; Understanding of AWS cloud services; Leadership/mentoring experience; Active in the WordPress community (ie. contributions to open source projects, events, etc); Digital media experience. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior WordPress Developer
AgileEngine, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Job Description This position is open for candidates to work from anywhere in the country. AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Work closely with our internal team and external partners to ensure seamless migrations to WordPress; Lead the development and implementation of new features for our WordPress platform as part of our post-launch roadmap; Help guide the platform architecture and enforce best practices; Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS; Provide feedback and recommendations to the team; Provide technical guidance and mentorship to our internal engineering teams, helping to upskill them in WordPress development. Must haves Deep understanding of WordPress and PHP fundamentals with a strong portfolio of projects; At least 4 years of experience working with WordPress; Excellent problem-solving skills, ability to prioritize multiple tasks, and commitment to high-quality development standards; Knowledge of how to interact with WordPress RESTful APIs and formats (JSON, XML); Familiarity with modern JavaScript (ie. ESNext and JSX) and experience building custom blocks for the Block Editor utilizing block.json and React; Experience creating SPA with React; Prior experience supporting high-traffic enterprise websites; Experience fine-tuning application performance; Comfortable working with a local development environment. ie. debugging, testing; Proficient understanding of code versioning tools. (We use Github); Experience working in team environments under an Agile methodology such as Scrum and GIT (such as GitFlow); Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Experience working with WordPress VIP hosting infrastructure;Experience with decoupled or headless WordPress implementations using RESTful or GraphQL APIs; Experience with GraphQL and advanced API development practices; Proficient in front-end technologies including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Next.js; Understanding of modern deployment practices using CI/CD pipelines; Understanding of AWS cloud services; Leadership/mentoring experience; Active in the WordPress community (ie. contributions to open source projects, events, etc); Digital media experience. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Protection and Rule of Law Manager
International Rescue Committee, null, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52156Job Title: Protection and Rule of Law ManagerSector: Protection and rule of lawEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Kharkiv, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionDuty station: Kharkiv, with regular visits to the filedKey working relationships:• Position Reports to Kharkiv Field Coordinator• Position Technically supervised by: Sn PRoL Manager, Ukraine• Position directly supervises: Sn Protection Monitoring and Information Officer, Sn Legal officer• Internal collaborations within IRC: PRoL PSO, PRoL Capacity Building Officer, PRoL cash Officer, Women’s Protection and Empowerment (WPE) Manager; Child Protection (CP) Manager; Economic Recovery and Development (ERD) Manager; Health Manager; Partnerships Manager/Coordinator, MEAL Manager• External collaborations to IRC: Protection and information services actors, organizations, and agenciesKEY RESPONSIBILITIES &DUTIES:Specifically, the PRoL Manager will be responsible for:1) Program management :- Procurement planning and management- Budget planning and management- Development and monitoring of the work plan- Development and execution of monitoring and evaluation plans, in collaboration with the monitoring and evaluation team- Conduct program monitoring to partners and to the overall PRoL programming- Contributing to external and internal reporting (Donor – monthly, annual, etc, SitReps, internal updates ( ad-hoc)- Regularly updating the program cycle management tools for internal tracking purposes and participating in BVAs and grant meetings (POM, PIM, PCM)2) Program design:- Work with PRoL Coordinator and Sn PRoL Manager in the design and implementation of protection services, based on needs and context; which may include response information services, legal assistance, protection case management- Contribute to proposal development process- Facilitating, sessions with partners, other sectors, and other relevant stakeholders with the support from partnership team and the Sn. Manager- Continually identify areas of displacement, high needs and emerging protection risks through protection monitoring approach, feeding into protection analysis and contextual background tools/briefs- Conduct stakeholder analysis: continually review existing actor mapping with a view to establish/strengthen partnerships focused on the delivery of general protection services- In collaboration with other protection streams and other sectors, ensuring complementary and aligned interventions, through partnerships and direct implementation3) Internal and External Coordination & representation:- Continually identifying strategic actors to strengthen protection response, working closely with the Partnership Manager and Field Coordinator- Represent IRC in external fora, including in coordination such as the Protection Cluster, and Information Management Working Groups, with donors and others as required at the field level, working closely with the Field Coordinator.- Internally participate in field-level coordination as well as PRoL management technical meetings4) Program quality: Support program quality through technical oversight and training, ensuring adherence to global standards, specifically:- Develop/contextualize program tools and processes as needed with support from the Sn Manager and Technical Advisor- Conduct program monitoring to support oversight of quality and report lessons learned back to adapt programming- Identify the capacity development areas among PRoL teams and contribute to the capacity development plan for staff- Deliver training sessions on PRoL topics and programs- Integrate technical capacity-sharing approaches into partnerships5) Staff Management and Team Building:- Provide regular supervision for all direct reports- Performance management- have in place goals and targets for direct reports to inform annual performance management- Lead and support the recruitment of staff at field level working closely with HR and relevant Supervisors.- Regularly communicate with all staff and volunteers, keeping them updated on decisions and plans for the sector.- Develop and contribute to capacity-building plans for IRC staff and partnersRequirements:- Language: fluent in Ukrainian and English- Degree in Law, Human Rights, Social Science, Humanities or other related field- Experience in project management in fields of protection and/or human rights- Experience facilitating group activities, trainings and workshops and mentoring others- Experience in working in emergency programming settings- Excellent communication skills- Demonstrated understanding of and ability to maintain confidentiality and respect for clients/beneficiaries- Positive and professional attitude, including ability to lead and work well in a team setting- High degree of flexibility and strong ability to organize work, meet deadlines, maintain composure, prioritize work under pressure, coordinate multiple tasks and maintain attention to detail- Computer literate, including Microsoft Word and ExcelIRC employees are eligible to the following benefits:- Competitive salary- Purposeful job and development opportunities- English classes and unlimited online training courses- Life Insurance- Medical insurance for staff and family members- Free psychological support to employees and their family members- 30 calendar days of annual vacation with flexibility beyond the legally set minimum requirements- Up to 10 days of paid medical leavePROFESSIONAL STANDARDSIRC builds diverse and inclusive teams of professionals who promote team engagement, inclusion and cohesion, critical reflection, power sharing, debate, and objectivity to deliver the best possible services to our clients. The International Rescue Committee is determined to protect the people it serves, its staff and any person associated from all kinds of harm, abuse, and violence, including sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. It is committed to taking all necessary preventive measures and creating an environment where people feel safe and can report misconduct. IRC workers must adhere to the core values and principles outlined in IRC Way - Standards for Professional Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Equality and Accountability. The IRC also operates and enforces a set of complementary institutional policies to protect clients and staff from harm and abuse through the Adult and Child Safeguarding policies, the Respect at Work and Harassment-free Workplace policies, the Anti-retaliation and Reporter Protection policy, which are complemented by the IRC Global Reporting guidelines. These commitments are accessible in English and in Ukrainian language via this link:  Where misconduct is alleged, IRC follows a Zero-tolerance approach and takes all necessary actions and corrective measures. The IRC investigation unit comprises of experts and trained investigators that ensures professional survivor-centered investigations are conducted if allegations of safeguarding violations are reported through the safe and accessible reporting channels that IRC makes available to its staff, partners, and clients. IRC is also an active member of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) set-up in Ukraine. Commitment to Gender, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: The IRC is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, respectful, and safe work environment where all persons are treated fairly, with dignity and respect. The IRC expressly prohibits and will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or bullying of the IRC persons in any work setting. We aim to increase the representation of women, people who are from country and communities we serve, and people who identify as races and ethnicities that are under-represented in global power structures.Gender Equality: IRC is committed to narrowing the gender gap in leadership positions. We offer benefits that provide an enabling environment for women to participate in our workforce including parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocols and other supportive benefits and allowances.Equal Opportunity Employer: We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment.
Senior WordPress Developer
AgileEngine, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
This position is open for candidates to work from anywhere in the country. AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Work closely with our internal team and external partners to ensure seamless migrations to WordPress; Lead the development and implementation of new features for our WordPress platform as part of our post-launch roadmap; Help guide the platform architecture and enforce best practices; Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS; Provide feedback and recommendations to the team; Provide technical guidance and mentorship to our internal engineering teams, helping to upskill them in WordPress development. Must haves Deep understanding of WordPress and PHP fundamentals with a strong portfolio of projects; At least 4 years of experience working with WordPress; Excellent problem-solving skills, ability to prioritize multiple tasks, and commitment to high-quality development standards; Knowledge of how to interact with WordPress RESTful APIs and formats (JSON, XML); Familiarity with modern JavaScript (ie. ESNext and JSX) and experience building custom blocks for the Block Editor utilizing block.json and React; Experience creating SPA with React; Prior experience supporting high-traffic enterprise websites; Experience fine-tuning application performance; Comfortable working with a local development environment. ie. debugging, testing; Proficient understanding of code versioning tools. (We use Github); Experience working in team environments under an Agile methodology such as Scrum and GIT (such as GitFlow); Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Experience working with WordPress VIP hosting infrastructure;Experience with decoupled or headless WordPress implementations using RESTful or GraphQL APIs; Experience with GraphQL and advanced API development practices; Proficient in front-end technologies including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Next.js; Understanding of modern deployment practices using CI/CD pipelines; Understanding of AWS cloud services; Leadership/mentoring experience; Active in the WordPress community (ie. contributions to open source projects, events, etc); Digital media experience. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Supply Chain Assistant
Danish Refugee Council, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading protection agency with a mandate to protect, advocate and promote durable solutions for displacement affected populations. DRC has been operating in Ukraine since 2014, currently DRC employs over 700 staff in Ukraine and will continue to implement humanitarian response in the Protection, Livelihoods, Shelter/NFIs and Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding (humanitarian mine action) sectors, using direct interventions, support to duty bearers and civil society organizations (CSOs), and partnerships with CSOs. DRC will continue and adapt its durable solutions portfolio to the evolving context.DRC is currently looking for a Supply Chain Assistant for its activities in Kharkiv. Your main responsibilities will be: Procurement and Logistics Support:Assist in the execution of procurement processes, ensuring compliance with DRC's procedures and guidelines.Ensure that all orders are tracked from point of planning and request through to final receipt.Prepare the relevant documents for the procurement of goods and servicesParticipate in evaluation of bids and proposals and make sure the bids evaluation report, technical evaluation, minutes of negotiations and negotiated contract in selection of consultants contain all the facts and information required to justify the recommendations made in the report.Participate in the joint verification of procured goods and equipment and to ascertain the items conformity to Technical Specifications and Quantities.Facilitate the preparation and processing of procurement documentation.Support the maintenance of a comprehensive procurement database for goods and services. Collaborate with the Supply Chain Officer and Team Leader to ensure timely and accurate purchase orders and deliveries.Correctly apply ERP supply chain processes Inventory Management: Assist in managing inventory and stock levels in coordination with warehouse staff.Participate in regular stock checks and reconciliation processes.Contribute to maintaining accurate inventory records and reports. Warehouse Operations: Support warehouse operations by assisting with loading, unloading, and storage of goods.Assist in keeping the warehouse organized and ensuring proper goods placement.Contribute to the implementation of efficient warehouse management practices. Compliance and Processes: Ensure adherence to DRC's logistics and procurement procedures.Assist in maintaining compliance with donor-specific logistics rules and policies.Contribute to the application of ERP supply chain processes accurately. Behavioral Competencies: Planning and delivering results.Working with people.Communicating with impact and respect.Coping with Change. About you :To be successful in this role we expect you to have at least 2-years experience in procurements or equivalentMoreover, we also expect the following: Fluency in Ukrainian or Russian.Secondary or higher education.MS Excel and Word skills, experience with ERP systems is desirable.Analytical mindset, attention to detail, communicability, financial literacy.Experience working in an NGO will be an advantage.Commitment to learning and implementing organizational policies and procedures In this position, you are expected to demonstrate DRC’ five core competencies: Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process. Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback. Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation. Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly. Demonstrating integrity: You uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to our values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. We offer:Contract length: Open-ended contract upon successful completion of the three-month probation periodBand: IDesignation of Duty Station: Kharkiv,Start date: June, 2024.Salary and conditions will be in accordance with Danish Refugee Council’s Terms of Employment for National Staff.
Требуется ОФИЦИАНТКА в Кафе-бар [центр города] depstor
Мы ищем симпатичных и улыбчивых официантов в наше заведение.Если вы стройная и умеете улыбаться, у вас не конфликтный характер , мы ждем именно вас!!!Можно без опыта-есть обучение!Для иногородних предоставляем жилье.Условия работы:Сменный график 3/3, с 15:00 до 22:00.Своевременные выплаты.Оплата:600грн/ставка+% от кассы + чаевые!Запись на собеседование с 10:00 до 20:00 - Оставляйте сообщения OLX или телегамм. С возрастом, опытом работы и контактные данные
Менеджер з продажів роздрібних продуктів та касових операцій
FinStaff, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Швидкий пошук Розширений пошук резюме Вакансія Місто Резюме Розділ Ключові слова Вакансія Sense Bank function prin(a) { window.open("/print.php?cat=1&id="+a,"","status=0,location=0, scrollbars=1, resizable=0"); } function sav(a) { location.href="/download.php?cat=1&id="+a; } Менеджер з продажів роздрібних продуктів та касових операцій 29.06.2024, Харків Місто: Работа Харьков: банк, финансы Рубрика: Работа в банке Роздрібний бізнес Графік роботи: постійна Досвід роботи: від 6 міс. Освіта: вища Sense Bank — це державний банк з 30 роками історії. За цей час ми стали не просто місцем для роботи, а спільнотою з 4000 людей, де кожен присвячений місії — створювати сенси, щоб здійснювались мрії українців.Ми розшукуємо менеджера з продажів роздрібних продуктів та касових операцій Шукаємо людину, яка буде: забезпечувати своєчасне та якісне обслуговування клієнтів банку — фізичних осіб;залучати нових клієнтів, виконувати планові завдання;здійснювати касове обслуговування клієнтів банкуТи підходиш, якщо в тебе: повна або базова вища освіта;наполегливість, дисциплінованість, відкритістьЧому потрібно йти саме до нас? Ми пропонуємо: Конкурентну заробітну плату; Щорічні перегляди заробітної плати відповідно до власної ефективності та фінансових показників Банку Бонуси за досягнення КРІ; Медичне страхування; Підтримку та допомогу у кризових ситуаціях завдяки благодійній програмі «Допоможемо разом»; 28 днів щорічної відпустки та додаткові дні відпустки; Навчання у безоплатній внутрішній школі DOSVID за менеджерськими, лідерськими та професійними навичками та ІТ-школа за напрямками SQL, Data Science та іншим технічними спеціальностями; Англомовні speaking club: збираємося двічі на тиждень компанією однодумців, щоб обговорити найрізноманітніші теми; Sport Community, які проводять безкоштовні тренування кожного дня: від спортивних танців до силових тренувань. Тут точно знайдеш щось своє Ще маєш сумніви чи тобі з нами? Ми відкриті до всіх. У нас немає упереджень та стереотипів. Ми активно працюємо над розвитком інклюзивності в колективі. Для нас має сенс різниця поглядів та досвіду, гендерна рівність, вікова толерантність. Ми поважаємо внесок військових у безпеку України та залюбки пропонуємо працевлаштування ветеранам. Наші цінності — відкритість, взаємодія, драйв, результативність. Готовий? Відправляй резюме! Стань частиною команди, розкрий свій потенціал з Sense Bank Компанія: Sense Bank Переглянути всі вакансії Sense BankВідправити резюме Відправити вакансію колегам Сохранить в аккаунте Інші вакансії Sense Bank: Фахівець з продажів банківських продуктів та касових операцій 29.06.2024, Київ Шукаємо людину, яка буде: забезпечувати своєчасне та якісне обслуговування клієнтів банку — фізичних осіб;залучати нових клієнтів, виконувати планові завдання;здійснювати касове обслуговування клієнтів банкуТи підходиш, якщо в тебе: повна або базова вища освіта відповідного напряму підготовки (... >>> Фахівець з портфельного обслуговування клієнтів мікросегменту 29.06.2024, Дніпро Sense Bank — це державний банк з 30 роками історії. За цей час ми стали не просто місцем для роботи, а спільнотою з 4000 людей, де кожен присвячений місії — створювати сенси, щоб здійснювались мрії українців. Шукаємо людину, яка буде: здійснювати сервісне обслуговування клієнтів малого бізн... >>> Керівник проектів з розвитку систем захисту інформації 29.06.2024, Київ Шукаємо людину, яка буде: працювати над розвитком та вдосконаленням систем кібербезпеки (захист кінцевих точок, веб-сервісів і додатків, баз даних та ін.); впроваджувати заходи щодо підвищення ефективності процесів інформаційної та кібербезпеки; брати участь у ролі експерта з кібербезпеки в ... >>> Робота в компаніяхработа пиреус банкработа авальработа пзу украинаработа универсал банкработа правэкс банкработа ощадбанкработа укрсиббанкработа приватбанкработа мтб банкработа таскомбанкработа кредобанкработа форвард банкработа кредитмаркетработа укрэксимбанкработа мегабанкработа пумбработа сбербанкработа банк пивденныйработа идея банкработа креди агриколь банкработа бта банкработа глобус банкработа радабанкработа отп банкработа укргазбанкработа банк кредит днепрработа юнекс банкработа прокредит банкработа альфа банк Швидкий перехід харьков кривой рог рейтинг кредитов кредит онлайн на карту ивано-франковск гроші в борг терміново александрия изюм кредит під 0 кассир мукачево одесса касир черкассы шостка миргород павлоград полтава кредит без довідки про доходи кременчуг славянск чернигов смела кропивницкий киев умань северодонецк деньги в долг каменское тернополь бердянск прилуки операционист житомир борисполь луцк белая церковь нові мфо запорожье кредит без справки о доходах маловідомі мфо україни винница невідомі мфо україни львов бердичев всі мфо ровно днепр сумы юрисконсульт яготин кредит онлайн на карту без отказа срочно экономист краматорск аналитик юрист бухгалтер нові мфо україна измаил николаев хмельницкий мариуполь черновцы ужгород бахмут каменец-подольский никополь энергодар мелитополь бровары херсон все мфо мфо україна
Child Protection Case Management Officer
International Rescue Committee, null, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52583Job Title: Child Protection Case Management OfficerSector: Child ProtectionEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Kharkiv, UkraineJob DescriptionPosition: Child Protection Case Management Officer Reports To: Child Protection Sn OfficerDepartment: Child ProtectionLocation: Ukraine – KharkivGrade: 8BOrganizationdescriptionThe International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worsthumanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shatteredby conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their lives.Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC works with peopleforced to flee from war, conflict and disaster and the host communities whichsupport them, as well as those who remain within their homes and communities.At work today in over 40 countries and 22 cities, we improve outcomes in theareas of health, safety, economic wellbeing, education, and power. Given thedisparity faced by women and girls, IRC seeks to narrow gender inequalities andensure social inclusion of all vulnerable groups in broader policies, processesand actions affecting their lives. In Ukraine, the IRC started emergency programmingin April 2022 in the field of child protection (CP), protection and rule of law(ProL), women’s protection and empowerment (WPE) ( gender-based violence),health and cash and basic needs. Job Overview:Under the supervision of the Sn Child Protection (CP) Officer,the CP Case Management Officer will be responsible for supervising IRC’s CPCase Management program in Kharkiv and Kharkiv Oblast. Through supervision, monitoring, guidance and supportto 3 CP Case Workers, the CP Case Management Officer will be responsible forthe effective implementation ofCP case management services for children harmed or at risk of being harmed. He/shewill provide technical, educational and supportive supervision to the CP casemanagement team in individualized and group settings. The CP CaseManagement Officer will work in close collaboration with IRC’s CP psychosocial(PSS) team and CP MHPSS (mental health and psychosocial support) Officer; as wellas with key stakeholders inorder to regularly report trends and advocate for vulnerable children. The CP CaseManagement Officer will have good technical and organisationalcapabilities to ensure that CP CM activities are implemented in line with IRC’sprogram guidelines and according to CP minimum standards and principles. The CP Case Management Officerwill be based in Kharkiv and supervise the team of Case Workers in Kharkiv. Major Responsibilities:Technical Quality Ensure that each CP Case Worker is effectively providing CP case management services according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) through regular individual meetings and case reviews with CP Case Workers Appropriately assign and review CP Case Workers’ caseloads to ensure they are manageable Ensure cases are receiving appropriate supportMonitor timescales for response, services follow-up and review of casesRegularly review the safe and appropriate documentation of CP cases through case audits, review of files and databasesEnsure confidentiality and that data protection and information-sharing protocols are respected. Schedule and lead case management meetings at least every week with the Case Management team Organize and lead case conferences for complex and high-risk cases When needed, support individual cases and provide regular monitoring of all aspects related to case management servicesCoordinate the reception of referrals from IRC’s CP PSS, CP MHPSS and other sector teams for CP Case Management services Facilitate and ensure a strong collaboration and coordination between IRC’s CP PSS, MHPSS and Case Management TeamsProvide ongoing technical support and capacity building to CP Case Worker through trainings and on-the-job training, including shadowing, observations, coaching sessions etc.Conduct post-service interviews of the child and family to evaluate the quality and impact of the case management services provided by the CP Case Workers; document feedback and analyze trends regularlyMonitor and analyze CP data collected by the CP Case Management team and provide regular reports to the CP Sn Officer on caseload (information disaggregated by sex, age, risk level, etc.) Ensure regular communication with the CP Sn Officer for updates on achievements and challengesSupport monitoring and activities (M&E) activities to support quality programmingStaff Supervision & Development Directly supervise 3 CP Case Workers Maintain open and professional relations with team members, promoting a strong team spirit and providing oversight and guidance to enable staff to successfully perform in their positions.Ensure timely completion and submission of monthly timesheets, probations reviews and annual performance reviewsEnsure support and ongoing capacity building opportunities for CP Case Workers on technical and managerial skills.Ensure regular communication with Child Protection Management to integrate appropriate technical priorities into program design, in order to provide recommendations on program adjustments based on achievements and challenges encountered.Administration & Reporting:Be the lead for all planning and reporting activities related to CP Case ManagementMonitor and consolidate information collected by case managers.Ensure the proper and timely management of the Emergency Case Management Fund Prepare and submit weekly activity work plans and reports in a timely manner to agreed-upon deadlinesContribute to monthly reportsComplete all relevant tools for activities conducted ( indicator trackers for CP Case Management activities)File and archive all important documents and correspondence relating to CP Case Management activitiesSupport the implementation of and compliance with work plans, spending plans and M&E plansAs requested, contribute to the collection of M&E data to support the development of project proposals in Child ProtectionCoordination & Representation: Actively coordinate with staff from other IRC sectors in the field, including Protection & Rule of Law, Women’s Protection and Empowerment, Health, Economic Relief and Development Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with relevant local actors in the field, including community, non-governmental and governmental actorsUpon request by his/her supervisor, actively take part in relevant CP coordination meetings at the local and national level ( national and sub-national CP Cluster)Other: Stay informed about the child protection situation and developments within the communities and surrounding areasConsistently and proactively monitor the safety and security of field teams, promptly reporting concerns or incidents to IRC management and liaising with other external parties as required to maintain/enhance the security environmentPromote and adhere to the principles, objectives and code of conduct of the IRCAct both professionally and personally in a manner that brings credit to the IRC and does not compromise its humanitarian missionIf necessary, provide translation and interpretation at meetings, training sessions and/or documents for a better understanding of all staffConduct any other task requested by his/her supervisor to enable and develop IRC programsKEY WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Position reports to: ChildProtection Sn Officer Direct reports: Child ProtectionCase Workers in KharkivOther internal contacts: Protection & Rule of Law (ProL),WPE, MEAL, ERD, Health, Finance, Supply, Grants, HR and other relevantdepartments RequirementsThe Child ProtectionCase Management Officer will need to meet the requirements below: Degree desired in Social Work, Psychology, Education, Human Rights, Social Science, Humanities or other related fieldMinimum of 2 years’ experience of implementing child protection programs, preferable in social work, CP case management or psychosocial programming for children, in humanitarian or development settingsDemonstrated experience of providing direct support (basic counselling, case management, PSS, etc. ) to children and their familiesPrevious experience and demonstrated understanding of working with children, particularly children who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing harmPositive and professional attitude, including ability to lead and work well in a team settingAbility to keep records and write simple and basic reports of activities Comfortable speaking about sensitive topics in an honest, professional, and thoughtful mannerDemonstrated understanding of and ability to maintain confidentiality and respect for clients/beneficiariesHigh degree of flexibility and strong ability to organize work, meet deadlines, maintain composure, prioritize work under pressure, coordinate multiple tasks and maintain attention to detailComputer literate, including Microsoft Word and ExcelLanguage: Fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, advanced skills in EnglishThis position will be based in Kharkiv, with frequent travel to fieldlocations.Standards ofProfessional ConductThe IRC and IRC workers must adhere to the values and principlesoutlined in the IRC Way – Code of Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, andAccountability. In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforcespolicies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding,Harassment-Free Workplace, Fiscal Integrity, Anti-Retaliation, CombatingTrafficking in Persons and several others.Gender Equality& Equal OpportunityWe are committed to narrowing the gender gap in leadership positions. Weoffer generous benefits that provide an enabling environment for women to participatein our workforce including parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocolsand other supportive benefits and allowances. We welcome and strongly encouragequalified female professionals to apply.IRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. IRC considers all applicants on thebasis of merit without regard to race, sex, colour, national origin, religion,sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, disability or anyother characteristic protected by applicable law.#LI-GR2
Marketing 2D Artist
Gameloft, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Job Description Under the guidance of the Marketing Asset Producer and under the artistic direction of the Lead 2D/3D artist, the Marketing 2D artist will create marketing images (banners, icons, and screenshots) for online shops and social networks on behalf of product managers, community managers and UA Managers. Qualifications Perfect mastery of Photoshop; Solid artistic foundation (understanding of color, composition and lighting); Mastery of anatomy, perspective, architecture and industrial design; Photocomposition; Good visual culture in different fields (architecture, design, cinema, comics, games...); Versatile in terms of graphic universe and discipline (storyboarding / «paint-over» / illustrations / concept / industrial design); Attention to detail and speed of execution; Creativity; Experience/strive for promo & advertising assets development; Open-mindedness and curiosity. Expected results: The incumbent must be attentive to detail and respect deadlines; The incumbent must be creative in the proposed executions; The incumbent must be able to solve visual problems creatively and effectively. Responsibilities: Create Marketing materials for advertisement purposes following the Marketing team briefs: banners, interstitials; Participate in brainstorming, the conception of ideas; Vary and combine current graphical trends in different styles; Create and enhance assigned 2D or 3D graphic elements; Reinforce the atmosphere and visual impact of the packaging; Polishing 3D resources already modeled (characters, objects, backgrounds, etc.); Edit 2D and 3D images and manipulate image composition; Create conceptual sketches and illustrations of characters or environments; The process already created elements and produce a large number of formats according to different specifications (resizing, new layout, localization); Follow high-quality standards & timeline shared by the Marketing team. Benefits: Join a leading global mobile and video games publisher and developer utilizing the state-of-the-art mobile technologies and devices; Become a part of a talented international team in a friendly, creative, and dynamic environment; Become a true pro in the fast-growing, exciting, and innovative video games industry; Be proud to deliver the prestigious products winning the top rankings worldwide; Build up your career with dynamic promotions and worldwide opportunities. Additional Information In order to consider your application, we require you to send the full version of your CV in English. Your portfolio will convey technical mastery and a natural eye for artistic creativity and design. Qualified candidates will be asked to complete an art assessment.