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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Руководитель интернет магазина в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Руководитель интернет магазина в Україні"

13 945 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Руководитель интернет магазина" по диапазонам зарплаты в Україні

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 29.06.24, за професією Руководитель интернет магазина в Україні відкрито 1 вакансій. Для 100% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 16,7+ грн. 0% оголошень з зарплатнею 10.2+ грн, і 0% з зарплатнею 11.5+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Руководитель интернет магазина в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Руководитель интернет магазина в Україні.

Розподіл вакансії "Руководитель интернет магазина" по областям Україні

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Руководитель интернет магазина відкрито в Запорізькій області. На другому місці - Тернопільська область, а на третьому - Ивано-Франковская область.

Рейтинг областей Україні за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Руководитель интернет магазина"

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Руководитель интернет магазина відкрито в Запорізькій області. На другому місці - Тернопільська область, а на третьому - Ивано-Франковская область.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Україні

Серед схожих професій в Україні найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Руководитель службы экономической безопасности. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 24400 грн. На другому місці - Руководитель проекта з зарплатнею 21875 грн, а на третьому - Руководитель клиентского отдела з зарплатнею 19700 грн.

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Senior CRM Manager/ Team Lead
Autodoc, Ukraine
Hello everyone!We are looking for a Senior CRM Manager / Team Lead for Autodoc - Europe's leading online retailer for automotive spare parts.Further - more, in the Q&A.Who we areAutodoc is a technology company with a leading e-commerce platform for vehicle parts and accessories in Europe. Founded in 2008 in Berlin, we are now 5,000 people from 68 nationalities collaborating to make mobility easy and sustainable. By placing technology at the core of everything we do, we manage to serve customers in 27 European countries in 23 languages.Curious minds, adventurous experts, and tech-savvy professionals - one team, one billion euros in revenue. Catch the ride!What are we doing?We developed one of the biggest online car parts stores scaled to 27 European countries.How old is the project? What stage is it at?We have been operating in the European market for over 16 years now.What to do in a project?Create and implement effective omnichannel CRM marketing strategies (email, app push, in-app, notification center) with an audience of millions of users aligned with overall marketing goals.Constant work with segmentation, track segments, and their dynamics, and increase CLVConstant hypothesis generation, AB tests, evaluation, and scalingAnalyze CRM marketing performance metrics to make informed decisions and optimize campaigns.Effectively coordinate with multiple teams, utilizing project management skills to keep CRM campaigns on track.Apply audience segmentation techniques to tailor CRM campaigns for diverse customer segments.Lead and manage up to 2 CRM marketers, including task assignment, goal setting, feedback provision, and ensuring team targets are met.Who are we looking for?We are looking for an experienced Senior CRM Manager /Team Lead to join our dynamic team.If you're a strategic thinker with a strong CRM marketing background, proficient in relevant tools, and possess leadership skills/experience, we'd love to hear from you!Join us in shaping and optimizing our CRM strategies to drive our marketing goals forward.What professional skills are essential to us?Proven track record with over 5 years of experience in CRM marketing across various channels, including Email, Web, App pushes, and in-apps.Expertise in planning, executing, and optimizing email marketing campaigns; Involvement or oversight in content creation for various channels.Ability to develop and implement CRM marketing strategies aligning with company-wide marketing goals.Proficiency in CRM marketing tools and platforms, such as Braze, Esputnik, Iterable, marketing automation platforms, and analytics tools.Strong analytical skills to interpret CRM marketing performance metrics: ability to make data-driven decisions and implement optimizations based on metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.Solid understanding of email marketing regulations and best practices (CAN-SPAM Act, GDPR). Ensuring email campaigns comply with legal requirements.Essential project management skills for coordinating with multiple teams and keeping campaigns on track.Proficiency in audience segmentation techniques to tailor email campaigns for different customer segments.Understanding of how email marketing integrates with CRM systems for personalized and automated campaigns.Proven experience in leading and managing a team of email marketers. Tasks assignment, goal setting, feedback provision, and ensuring team targets are met.   The conditions:Competitive salaries based on your professional experience.Fast-growing international company with stable employment.Annual vacation and 1 additional day off to celebrate your birthday.Mental Wellbeing Program – the opportunity for free psychological counseling for you and your family members via 24/7 hotline and online sessions.Opportunities for advancement, further training (over 650 courses on soft and hard skills on our e-learning platform) and coaching.Free English and German language classes.Flexible working hours and hybrid work.More 'why's' for exploring opportunities with us:An opportunity to expand the work area, work with multiple domains, and ability to expand your knowledge in different domains.An opportunity to simultaneously be a stakeholder and a contributor to an analytical strategy.Flexibility in decision making.Everything is dynamic and active, there is no stagnation. How many stages of the interview?1.    Introduction call with a recruiter, Talent Acquisition (~30 mins).2.    Technical interview with the Head of CRM (~45 mins).3.    Practical exercise.4.    The final interview with the Head of CRM and Director of Customer Management (up to 90 mins).
Комірник на склад в інтернет-магазин (пакування товару)
BeSimple, інтернет-магазин, Львів
Ти спритна, працьовита людина? Шукаєш роботу з комфортними умовами праці? Приходь знайомитись!Ми — Інтернет магазин hugo.com.ua/ua/. Займаємось продажем китайських побутових товарів та різних трендовий товарів для домуЗараз наша команда складу Інтернет магазину у пошуках Комірника (пакування товару)Чому у нас вам захочеться працювати?- графік з 9.00 до 18.00, 2 вихідні на тиждень- хороша ЗП без затримок! ЗП від 24 тисяч гривень- кар'єрний ріст (є змога ставати керівником відділу, з подальшим збільшенням заробітної плати)- оплачуване стажування- окреме робоче місце на складі- можливість придбати товари з магазину за зниженою ціною- довіз на роботу зранку в межах Львова- стіл для настільного тенісу та playstation (можна грати на обіді або у вільний від роботи час)- міцний і дружній колектив- комфортні умови праці (зручні крісла, спеціалізовані столи для пакування товару, кондиціонери та багато іншого)Обов’язки:- пакування товару (це основне)- розвантаження товарів, які прибувають на склад- збір товару для пакування на складіВимоги:- Розторопність- Впевнено користуватись ПК!- Бажання працювати- Стійкість до стресуКоротке відео вакансії https://youtube.com/shorts/Fdy1JtLRuCI?feature=shareДеталі — 0934980914 зв’язок телеграм (Марта) https://t.me/shevchun_mHR https://t.me/martawork
Упаковщик - Грузчик в интернет магазин на 7м километре Авангард
, Одеса, Одеська область
Требуется Упаковщик-Грузчик на упаковку посылокРаботаем 5 дней в неделю с 8:00 до 16:00 (бывает до 15:00 а бывает и до 19:00) когда как в эти дни зарплата вышеПятница и воскресенье выходнойОбязанности:Принятие и проверка товара от поставщикаУпаковка и вывоз посылок на новую почту (на тачке)Уборка склада и распределение товара по стеллажамНаходимся на Новом мисте (напротив 7го километра)
Завідувач складу
, Калуш, Івано-Франківська область
In White — український бренд медичного одягу. Ми маємо 10 шоурумів по Україні, мережу магазинів за кордоном, інтернет-магазин та власне виробництво.У зв*язку з розширенням виробничих потужностей запрошуємо в свою команду Завідувача складу готової продукції.Вимоги:— Досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді від 2-х років (знання ефективної організації роботи складу, вміння розподіляти задачі за пріоритетами, керувати командою, контролювати результати);— Обов*язкова умова — володіння ПК (1С, MS Office, Excel);— Контроль та відповідальність за товарообігом, контроль залишків, проведення інвентаризаційних та облікових заходів, вчасне ведення документації та звітності в 1С та перед керівництвом.Особисті якості кандидата: відповідальність, уважність, порядність, залученість в процес, ініціативність, організаторські та аналітичні здібності, гнучкість до змін, відсутність шкідливих звичок.Умови роботи:1. Графік: з 8−00 до 17−00 (обідня перерва 30 хв. та 2 перерви по 15 хв.).2. Заробітна плата на випробувальний термін (1 місяць) — до 20 000 грн. залежно від рівня компетенцій, залученості та ефективності діяльності, в подальшому — від 25 000 грн. — при умові виконання показників ефективності роботи складу.Якщо Ви маєте відповідні навички та досвід роботи і готові приєднатися до нашої команди, очікуємо Ваше резюме
Требуется упаковщикна склад в интернет-магазин 7км
, Великодолинське, Одеська область
[ четверг, 13 июня 2024 г. 15:02 ] ⁨Максим⁩: Требуется упаковщикна склад в интернет-магазин 7км6-ти дневный графикС 8:00 до 20:00 (ПН-СБ)1200 грн в деньЗП расчет каждую субботуТребования: порядочность, внимательность, скорость!Мы предлагаем: своевременная выплата ЗП, хороший коллектив, хорошие условия (микроволновка, холодильник, место для переодевания)Подробнее по телефону!Мы находимся возле кольца 7 км (Аквапарк) , может подвозить наша машина от Эпицентра
Менеджер з продажу в інтернет-магазин
Гриценко Т.В., Київ
TelCel - ми аутсорсингова компанія, що надає консультаційні послуги та обслуговує клієнтів більше ніж в 20 країнах світу. Вже більше 10 років компанія спеціалізується на реалізації товарів з сфери краси та здоров'я. Подолавши карантин та блекаут, наш колл-центр продовжує активно розвиватись.Наразі ми розширюємось, тому запрошуємо вас приєднатися до нашої команди!Вимоги:Наявність ПК/ноутбука, гарнітури та дротового інтернету.Бажано володіти техніками з продажу та вмінням працювати з запереченнями.Досвід роботи у продажах або call-центрі буде перевагою.Обов’язки:Здійснювати дзвінки по теплій клієнтській базі.Виявляти потреби клієнтів та презентувати наші товари, працювати з запереченнями.Продавати продукцію компанії по скриптам.Фіксувати замовлення в СRМ-системі.Ми пропонуємо:Повністю віддалена робота з дому.Зручний позмінний графік (8:00—15:00 та 15:00—22:00), 2 плавуючих вихідних на тиждень. Стабільна заробітна плата, яка складається зі ставки та бонуса та виплачується щотижня.Професійний та кар'єрний ріст. Можливість вирости до тренера, супервайзера та керівника підрозділу.Безкоштовне корпоративне навчання, а також приємний бонус після успішного проходження та виходу на роботу.Тренінги та підвищення кваліфікації за рахунок компанії.Привітання на річницю роботи та подарунки дітям співробітників на свята.Бонус за рекомендацію друзів. Наші найкращі менеджери отримують додаткові бонуси: індивідуальний графік, оплата спортивних занять або оплата курсів з мови та інші привілеї.В нашій компанії тебе чекає підтримка на всіх етапах адаптації та в процесі роботи. Крута команда та дружній колектив, цікаві задачі та багато іншого.Тому приєднуйся до нашої команди! Залишай відгук на телеграм @anastasia_telcel
Помічник керівника
Клименко М., ФОП, Одеса
Доброго дня! Вас вітає інтернет магазин «Одяг для Всіх». Ми запрошуємо Вас до себе на роботу!Вимоги:Хороший ноутбук/комп'ютер та стабільний інтернетУсидчивість, уважність, пунктуальністьОбов’язково повнолітня людинаВисокі математичні здібностіОбов‘язковий досвід роботи пов‘язаний з підрахунками. (не менше одного року!)Шукаємо повнолітню відповідальну співробітницю в нашу команду.                                                                                     Умови роботи:Графік роботи 5/2(плаваючі вихідні), 14:00 — 24:00. Повний робочий день!ЗП 12-20т в залежності від загруженості. Перший місяць стажування 8000 грн.Оплачувана відпустка.Обов’язки:Формування замовлень;Робота із СРМ системою (SalesDrive, LP-CRM);Поточні завдання пов’язані із інтернет- магазином.Робота з цифрами, ведення підрахунків.Залишайте заявку ЛИШЕ в Телеграм/Вайбер за номером Показати контакти 0939179857 , Микола Михайлович. Дякуємо, що обрали нас!
Енергооблік, Вінниця
Шукаєш можливість реалізувати свій потенціал та розвиватися як професіонал? Приєднуйся до молодої та амбітної команди WATT.UAКомпанія WATT.UA займається продажем електротехнічного асортименту, в роздріб та онлайнПрофесійно підібраний асортимент та якість продукції магазину можуть задовольнити найвибагливішого покупця, але для цього нам потрібен ти — лідер, який зможе згуртувати команду та рухати компанію впередОтже, ми відкриваємо конкурс на посаду директора:Гарантуємо:- Можливість реалізовувати свої знання та навички;- Компетентну команду;- Комфортне, забезпечене усім необхідним місце роботи;- Графік: пн-пт з 9:00 до 18:00;- Стабільну та конкурентну оплату праці;Вимоги:- Успішний досвід роботи на керівних посадах (бажано у сфері роздрібно-гуртових продажів);- Відмінні комунікаційні навички та лідерські якості;- Відповідальність, організаційні здібності та стратегічне мислення;- Вміння працювати в сфері активних продажів з фізичними та юридичними особами;- досвід роботи з електрообладнанням та знання у даній сфері (бажано);- Здатність брати на себе відповідальністьОбов’язки:- Керівництво компанією (напрям гурт, роздріб);- Розробка та впровадження стратегічних планів розвитку компанії;- Побудова стратегії продажів;- Розвиток клієнтської бази;- Організація виконання плану продажів;- Вирішення конфліктних ситуацій;- Розробка стратегії розвитку інтернет-магазину;- Керування та оптимізація бізнес-процесів;- Бюджетування та контроль фінансової діяльності свого напрямку;- Управління персоналом та забезпечення високого рівня компетентності співробітників, їх навчання;- Пошук нових можливостей для розвитку напрямку та підвищення його ефективностіЯкщо ви готові до викликів та маєте бажання приєднатися до команди, надсилайте ваше резюме, або телефонуйте: 0504612435 — Тетяна
Customer support manager for SaaS Project
MakeBeCool, Київ
salary 600-800$Hi to everyone!we’re a Ukrainian/English speaking teamour clients from the US, UK, EU, Australia, and our professional language is Englishwe’re almost 40 people on the team who are proud of the work we do for our clientsWe are expanding the team of our product line — SaaS service, where we have achieved success and moved to the stage of growth. At the moment it is a family team of 10 people and a startup cultureMakeBeCool is an IT company specializing in Shopify and e-commerce SaaS platform. We develop online stores, Shopify applications, integrations; Theme designs; We build support departments; We design and develop our own apps on ShopifyWe have been working since 2010, we have a formed corporate culture and a well-developed team of experts, in which we are looking for strong players who share our values:focus on resultsteam and team playstraightforwardness and openness in relationshipspleasure from the process, driveproactivityleadershipWHY DO WE DO THIS?We are driven by participation in the process of creating a new service and products for our clients, it drives us when our work helps to improve the KPI of our clients, drives us when we have the opportunity to develop the local IT ecosystem and develop each team member as an expert and individualWe do not just do work, we create History together with our Partners, the History of projects, the History of the team, our HistoryHOW DO WE DO IT?This is a startup, thereforeWe experiment a lot and we have a lot of freedom in thisBut we also love structure and planning, so we plan our work and set goalsWe are about teamwork and engagement. You will not find indifference in our team, they will always help youWe do interesting things with interesting people and work with interesting partners. F*ck it is interesting to work with usWHAT INTERESTING ARE WE AS A COMPANY DOING FOR THE COMMUNITY?Our CEO is also the CEO of the Mariupol IT ClusterOur team organized volunteer activities to evacuate our hometown of Mariupol, search for and provide humanitarian supplies and help our defendersWe are working on helping other teams to resume activitiesWe coordinate our work with other IT clusters of Ukraine to counter Russian aggressionRussian warship, go f*ck yourself!WHAT CAN YOU HELP TO DO IN OUR TEAM? Improve user experience interacting with the support teamReceive new 5 star reviews from customersWorking with customer’s requestsResponsibilitiesUnderstanding of the principles of WOW communication and customer supportUpdating user documentation and recording screencastsProactivity in communication and resolution of requestsWorking with non-standard queriesAbility to work night shifts as scheduledA great team player, be proactiveWe want to work with positive-minded peopleStrong worth ethic and keen to detailIdeal ProfileWe are in need of a full-time customer support manager who has:1-3+ years of experience in customer support or another managers position2+ years of experience working with communication and building relationshipSuperb troubleshooting skillsIt will be a plus the experience working within the Shopify platformCONDITIONS:Is there a trial period and how long does it last? Yes, 1 month.Salary, overtime, how often, what is the approach to payment? We have a fixed-price salary on this position at this moment. But if you have idea, feel to free told about itWhat is the work schedule? 5 days a week, 8 hours.Is it possible to work remotely? It is possible.A number of vacation days and sick leave? 21 days a year of vacation and up to 5 days of paid sick leave.When, how, and in what currency is the salary paid/calculated? To a Payoneer account, once a month, in dollars. The company does not compensate Ukrainian taxes, so they need to be covered on your own.PROCESSIs there a test task? No.Who is reviewing the resume? Team LeadHow many stages of the interview with whom? A short introductory call, and Technical interview with the Team Lead (approximately one hour), interview with the CEO (half of hour)Ready to become a part of our star team?Send your CV and cover letter
V.A. e-commerce online store customer support
WebCortex, Інші країни
USA E-Commerce / Internet Company is looking for data entry / processing orders agent in the Kyiv region. For our expanding online e-commerce business we are looking for a talented person to manage our financial and operational needs. Job includes and not limited to: Business relationship with our partners. Financial management of our operations. Data entry. Orders processing Emails processing. Basic accounting tasks. Skills required: BA degree in financing/business/economics is a must. Fluent in English is a must. Understanding the internet economy - online payments - online e-commerce. Excel/Microsoft Office. Must have a PC / Laptop and be able to work from home. Good communication skills. Previous experience not required but can be an advantage. Benefits: You can work from home Wok for an international company - shape your business skills. Salary will be around $600 / month for full-time position. Bonuses will be considered. Vacation days will be given.Please send your Curriculum Vitae to Відправити резюме
Помічник бухгалтера в інтернет-магазин (бухгалтерія, фінанси)
BeSimple, інтернет-магазин, Львів
Інтернет магазин шукає у свою команду бухгалтера для внутрішнього обліку та бухгалтерії магазину. Робота у Гугл таблицях та CRM. Усе навчимо, головне бажання вчитись новомуРобота на Офісі — вул. Підголоском 6Вимоги:- Знання Word, Гугл таблиць, Internet- Бажання працювати- Уважність- Порядність- ВідповідальністьУмови роботи:- Графік з понеділка по п’ятницю, з 9:00 до 18:00, перерва година; (Субота та Неділя— Вихідні);- Комфортний офіс: чай, кава, обладнана кухня;- Молодий, дружній колектив та комфортні умови для праці;- Стажування тиждень (оплачується);- Оплата 90 грн за годину +бонусиОбов’язки:- Перевірка оплат по замовленням- Перевірка та контроль поступлень та витрат по Інтернет магазину- Робота у Гугл таблицях та CRM магазину- Контроль поступлення товару у магазині- Пошук і аналіз інформації за запитом керівникаЯкщо Вас зацікавила дана вакансія, залишай резюме ми з тобою зв’яжемось! Більше про діяльність нашої компанії Ви зможете дізнатись на нашому сайтіДеталі — 0934980914 зв’язок телеграм (Марта)
Работа в интернет магазине спортивной одежды в Вроцлав
Profit 4 you, Польша
Склад спортивной одеждыЗарплата:UMOWA O PRACĘ - договор сотрудничества.4900зл брутто в месяц + ПРЕМИИ (5% доплата за посещаемость, +20% за продуктивность)+БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ ОБЕДЫГарантируем:- Легальное трудоустройство;- Своевременную выплату заработной платы, без задержек ДО 10-го числа каждого месяца;- Выплата премий и сверхурочных с повышенной ставкой в конце каждого квартала.- Оплачиваемые больничные при наличии подтверждений врача 80% .- Транспорт до работы по ключевым маршрутам города Wrocław.Обязанности:- Прием товара на склад;- Выполнение заказов из fashion-сегмента;- Упаковка товара;- Работа со сканеромГрафик работы:2 смены по 10 часов (дневная и ночная), 06.30-16.30 / 16.30-03.00; 2 перерыва по 30 минут; 4 рабочих дня, 3 выходных в неделюФорматы смен:Front A/B- Рабочие дни: Пн; Вт; Ср; Чт. Выходные Пт Сб Вс.Back C - Рабочие Ср; Чт; Пт; Сб. Выходные Пн Вт Ср.Жилье предоставляем - первый месяц 400зл, след.месяц 800зл (полная стоимость)Вопрос с жильём решается индивидуально с координаторомРабочая одежда - нами выдаётся обувь, кофта, 4 футболки. Всё остальное своё
Работник интернет магазина MOHITO в Бидгощ
Profit 4 you, Польша
Работник интернет магазина MOHITOГород: БыдгощТребуются: мужчины, женщины и семейные пары.Заработная плата: 4700 - 6800 зл/мес нетто! У студентов ЗП может доходить до 8000 зл/мес нетто!Обязанности:- работа со сканером;- комплектование заказов согласно накладной;- подготовка заказов к отправке по магазинам;- прием товара – одежды;- снятие магнитных клипс с одежды;- контроль качества.Всему обучают, по приезду проводят инструктаж.Требования:- желание работать;- возраст от 18 до 50.Опыт работы и знания польского НЕ требуется!Условия:- жильё: по 3-4 человека в комнате (стоимость 450 зл/месяц), за своё жильё компенсация +1.5 зл к ставке- предоставляем бесплатный автобус до/с работы для тех, кто проживает на нашем жилъе;- медицинская страховка;- помощь координатора на украиском и русском языках;- тип договора – umowa zlecenia;- помощь в оформлении karty pobytu (ВНЖ) и zezwolenia wojewódzkiego (разрешение на работу типа А).График работы:- от 5-6 дней в неделю, по 10-12 часов смены, выходные дни плавающие;- 200-280+ рабочих часов в месяц.Заработная плата:- ставка: 22-28.40 zł нетто. В месяц от 4700 до 6800 зл нетто;- ставка для студентов до 26 лет при наличии справки из учебного учреждения – 28,40 зл/час нетто. В месяц может доходить до 8000 зл нетто;- премии от 100 до 1000 зл в месяц;- ЗП выдаётся раз в месяц на карту;- авансы после отработанных 60 часов.
Brands Account Manager (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts… YOUR MISSIONAs a Glovo Brands Ads Analyst, you will be an integral part of the Glovo Brands Ads team, which is a cross-functional division focused on providing a range of advertising products to help brands increase awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty. Your main objectives will be: - Delivering ad campaigns that effectively boost sales for our partner brands by leveraging the constantly growing Glovo user base. - Driving incremental profit for Glovo through the development and sale of our advertising products.To achieve these goals, you will need to be highly hands-on, and data-driven, possess excellent presentation skills, have a deep understanding of advertising products, coordinate effectively across departments, and manage external/internal stakeholders. Your role will also involve fostering strong business relationships and ensuring that Glovo becomes the preferred advertising partner for brands.We are seeking passionate and creative marketers with a strong sales spirit or sales rock stars with a curiosity for marketing to join Glovo's Brands Ads team in Ukraine!THE JOURNEY Drive sales of Glovo advertising products to FMCG partner Brands and prospectsBuild and nurture relationships with strategic advertisersRecommend advertising products based on data and FMCG Brands' needs and objectivesEnsure flawless execution of partner Brands' ad campaigns, coordinating with cross-functional teamsMonitor and analyze the performance of ad campaigns, assessing the impact on partner Brands and Glovo's overall performanceTrack partner Brands' progress, meet targets and identify new opportunitiesAchieve yearly objectives set with partner Brands (JBP)Create success stories and share best practices WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE 1-2 years of Sales or Marketing experience at a media agency, consumer goods company, or e-commerce business.Self-motivated, results-driven, and proactive attitude.Comfortable working in a fast-paced environment and tackling complex business challenges.Strong analytical, negotiation, and project management skills.Proficiency in Office, particularly in Excel.Experience in executing integrated marketing campaigns or promotion plans across digital and non-digital channels.Deep understanding of paid, owned, and earned media channels, including tracking and reporting on established performance marketing KPIs.Excellent written and oral communication skills, fluent in Ukrainian and Intermediate English. We are always looking for the best candidates, so if you think you would be a good fit even if you don't meet 100% of the requirements we would love to hear from you! We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan *if applicable Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo meal benefits so you can test new features in our beta app (and to satisfy your cravings!) Discounts on transportation, food, and even kindergarten expenses or office-based nursery. Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ The freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year. . Enhanced parental leave (*if applicable) Online therapy and wellbeing benefits We’ll deliver a non-vanilla culture built on talent, where we work to amplify the impact on millions of people, paving the way forward together. At Glovo, we truly value diversity for the positive impact it brings to our teams, products, and culture. We're dedicated to providing equal opportunities for talent from all backgrounds. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and ! Glovo is transforming the way consumers access local goods, enabling anyone to get almost any product delivered in minutes. Our on-demand logistics connect customers with independent local couriers who acquire goods from any restaurant or store in a city, as well as deliver urgent packages for a variable fee. For additional information on Glovo, please visit
Key Account Manager
Philips, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
JOB DESCRIPTION Job TitleKey Account ManagerJob DescriptionMAIN PURPOSES OF THE JOB:Drive profitable sales growth of Philips business with key customers.MAIN TASKS IN THE JOB:Develop, align and execute quarterly plans of joint actions with key customers that will enable profitable business growthEnsure quality execution of Philips in-store presence (both online and off-line)Ensure product availability at customers` stores and facilitate quality order intakeManage customers` assortment, distribution, promotions and activationsInfluence customers` orders to enable effectiveness for the aligned scope of joint activations and plansCooperate with Philips Trade&Shopper marketing, Digital and Marketing departments to align long-term plans for customers` business development and also execution of Philips growth strategy in each of our product categoriesCooperate with Philips Field Sales team to ensure proper execution at store levelPlan and execute utilization of customer activation fundsManage customers` Account Receivables to ensure on-time payment.Perform other job related tasks required to maximize business resultsEducation: Higher education (economics preferably)Fluent verbal and written local languages in addition to English (at least Intermediate level). Experience of customer management and customers` business development;Preparation and realization of annual/quarterly business plans with customers;Achievements of sales and financial targets;Sales forecasting;Min 2+ years of proven successful experience in sales, account management.Excellent communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills;Advanced PC user (MS Office);Valid driving license and experience;Key capabilities: Excellent oral and writing communication, presentation skills;Excellent negotiation and influencing skills;Proactivity and focus on goals achievementAbout PhilipsWe are a health technology company. We built our entire company around the belief that every human matters, and we won't stop until everybody everywhere has access to the quality healthcare that we all deserve. Do the work of your life to help the lives of others.• Learn more about .• Discover .• Learn more about .If you’re interested in this role and have many, but not all, of the experiences needed, we encourage you to apply. You may still be the right candidate for this or other opportunities at Philips. Learn more about our commitment to diversity and inclusion .#LI-EU
Job in Germany: IT Project Manager ERP (Microsoft Dynamics AX) Supply Chain Management/ Logistics (m/f/d)
New Yorker, null, ua
IT PROJECT MANAGER* ERP (MICROSOFT DYNAMICS AX) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT/ LOGISTICS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A JOB & WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU DO WHAT YOU LOVE - as one of the largest international fashion companies, with more than 1,200 stores worldwide, we create fashion for moments of experience. NEW YORKER is not only an employer, but also a network of motivated and diverse teams that is looking for more real personalities. Whether you already have a few years of professional experience or are a young talent looking to help shape the NEW YORKER world of tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to grow professionally and personally with us. We love what we do, do you? THIS IS YOUR AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY You are passionate about innovation and digital transformation - so are we! Our IT teams are actively involved in business process design and Group-wide projects. We don't let IT do it, we do it ourselves. Join us and use your expertise to become part of our team in one of the most beautiful industries in the world and be responsible for Leading, managing and implementing projects to optimize and digitalize NEW YORKER business processes with a focus on purchasing and procurement logistics Technical management of a project team Definition and coordination of project goals and approach Overall project tracking in terms of quality, resources, time and costs Preparation of decision papers for coordination at management level WHAT YOU BRING WITH YOU Successfully completed studies in business administration, (business) informatics or a comparable degree - talented career changers are also welcome Professional experience as a project leader/project manager desirable Affinity for IT-related topics and projects Very good German and good English skills Independent, proactive and structured way of working Very good analytical, conceptual and solution-oriented thinking skills Strong communication skills and hands-on mentality Nobody is perfect! You don't meet the requirements 100% but still want the job? No problem - we'll walk the path together as a team! THAT'S ON TOP FOR YOU Benefits. 30% staff discount in our NEW YORKER stores Free admission to the Gliesmarode baths Employee advantage at the Jagdschloss Windenhütte Restaurant & Hotel in Thale Free tickets for employees and their companions for NY Lions home games Exclusive discount at the OX U.S. Steakhouse in Braunschweig Fairness. Flexible working hours with attractive remuneration and social benefits, such as 30 vacation days, company pension scheme or capital-forming benefits. Security. Permanent job in an international company that is characterized by growth. Togetherness. A personal buddy as part of our mentoring program as well as an onboarding event, which is offered in addition to our company and team events. Accessibility. Good connections to the A2/A391 and free employee parking for secure vehicle parking. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NEW CHALLENGE Then apply and become part of a unique team at NEW YORKER! NEW YORKER Information Services International GmbH Contact person: Oksana Kukharska | Recruiting Specialist P +49 531 2135 - 9255 www.newyorker.de/Jobs *Your gender doesn't matter to us, NEW YORKER is open to all people - the main thing is that you fit in with us! To make it easier to read, we use the masculine form for personal terms in the text. Disclaimer from NEW YORKER "Your gender does not matter to us. However, for reasons of easier readability, we use the masculine form for personal terms in the text."
Senior Area Manager, Ukraine
People in Need, Mykolaiv, Mykolaivs'ka oblast, ua
Position: Area ManagerContract Length: 12 months Country Programme: Ukraine Base: Mykolaiv Line Manager: Programme Implementation Director (PID) About the Ukrainian Programme of People in Need: PIN has been working in Ukraine since , providing emergency relief and early recovery support to conflict-affected communities in Government Controlled Areas (GCA) and Non-government control areas (NGCA). Due to the escalation of the war and in , programmes for war-affected communities focus mainly on WASH, Shelter, Protection, including recovery, among other pressing needs. PINs contribution to the Ukrainian humanitarian response is amongst the largest, with an annual turnover of close to $ million, engaging full-time staff members across Ukraine. About the role: The (Senior) Area Managers (SAM) primary responsibility is to lead on the work within their area of responsibility (AOR) ensuring a context-specific quality response. To enable this, the SAM leads on identifying the areas within their AOR for PINs response, the groups to be prioritized, the type of response, the timeframe and the implementation approach (whether it is executed directly or through partners); SAM actively contributes to new project development with information from their AOR and in accordance with PIN Country Programme (CP) Strategy. The SAM ensures that responses are appropriate and of high quality, including with protection, conflict sensitivity and gender mainstreamed throughout the response. The SAM overseas the daily management of the area teams and works with and monitors partners implementation. The SAM coordinates and represents PIN among the partners, stakeholders and affected individuals and communities within their AOR. This role has an area focus and ensures compliance with PIN procedures and guidelines within the AOR. The AOR is defined within the role. The role contributes to the development of area strategy that contributes to CP Strategy operationalization and is translated into action plans and day-to-day tasks. The role includes staff management responsibilities (including objectives setting, development plan and regular evaluations in accordance with PIN procedures) and SAM is required to provide support and/or technical guidance to all team members within the AOR. SAM is based within the AOR. Substantial travel around AOR is expected. The SAM is expected to continually inform and coordinate with their line manager, Deputy Programme Implementation Director (DPID), Emergency Coordinator, Grants and Reporting Department, Technical Leads, Systems and Operations Department and Security Department to ensure program quality and consistency of implementation, report projects progress and changing conditions in the AOR. SAM also holds budget responsibilities. Area budgets are agreed between the SAM, PID and DPID (usually during the project development stage). SAM may be asked to test, pilot or lead on specific initiatives aimed to improve work processes. Main Duties & Responsibilities: Description of general responsibilities Keep up-to-date on key developments within their AOR including distribution of needs, presence of other responders, socio-political developments, security context, etc.; Represent PIN in key meetings/events including national-level meetings where appropriate, coordination meetings with authorities and with the local coordination structures including cluster meetings ensuring a productive and accountable relationship with affected communities where PIN delivers assistance, communities leaders, representatives, relevant governmental authorities, non-government organizations (NGOs), donors and UN agencies; Leads the response within the AOR and creates results as per planned programme objectives, which impact war-affected and displaced people in Ukraine; Enables and oversees the implementation of policies or activities of operational nature within the AOR, in particular supply chain, finance, administration, human resources and safety and security policies; With support from PID and DPID, manages the programme budgets, ensuring effective and efficient use of resources including financial, human and all assets. Specific duties and responsibilities Staff Management: Management of direct reports (including objectives setting, development planning and performance review in accordance with PIN procedures); In cooperation with relevant colleagues (HR Manager, Deputy Country Director for Systems and Operations) , responsible for relevant HR processes, including recruitment, performance management, professional growth and capacity building; Ensures the identification of training needs, development of training plans and the delivery of appropriate training for staff and partners (in collaboration with relevant PIN departments); Ensures good and transparent communication within the team and between the Areas, and the CP; Responsible for day-to-day team management (planning, approval of leave requests, time / attendance sheets approval processes), handling of disciplinary issues in cooperation with HR; Appropriately delegates duties to the responsible area staff; Ensures overall provision of and adherence to PIN policies, procedures, guidelines, systems and standard practices; Ensures that PINs Code of Conduct and other key policies Safeguarding), reporting mechanisms and complaint response mechanisms are well understood by staff and other stakeholders and are functioning well at the area level; performs other relevant duties related to PIN policies as requested. Representation and coordination: - The SAM is the primary PIN representative in the AOR and attends all relevant fora/meetings in order to strengthen PINs position and recognition; - Fosters relationships with government authorities and civil society in the AOR including through formal partnerships and MoUs; - Under the guidance of the PID or other relevant colleagues, engages in external representation as follows: Represents PIN at area level with donors, UN coordination and governmental authorities where appropriate; Ensures transparent and constructive communication with donors as required; Promote PINs image externally through representation and active participation at meetings with key government and NGOs counterparts; and at relevant sector /cluster coordination meetings, working groups, and other relevant bodies within their AOR and as requested by the PID and the CP. Where appropriate, undertakes leadership role in coordination; - Develops and continuously updates mapping and understanding of the humanitarian/development environment within their AOR, including work of other actors and any potential gaps based on the needs of the communities. Ensures complementarity of the project with other actors. Working with Partners: Responsible for identification and selection of potential partners within their AOR; works closely with the Partnership department to complete necessary due diligence processes; Where applicable, ensures that partnership agreements are agreed with partners and developed in coordination with the Partnership and Finance departments on time and in accordance with PIN procedures and systems; Proactively fosters good coordination and collaboration with strategic partners, including consortium partners, and national NGO partners; When working with partners, and where applicable, responsible for the review and approval of partners narrative reports and associated costs included in financial reports; processes the documentation in PIN systems as requested. Strategy and Programme Development: Oversees needs identification and assessments to understand context, needs, capacities, vulnerabilities and risks for intervention communities and PIN staff. Updates the needs assessments regularly or ad hoc when the context changes; Contributes inputs to PINs CP strategy development; With the close cooperation of the PID, Technical Leads and other programme staff, leads the process of operationalization of the PINs CP strategy in accordance with the AOR context, needs and PINs position within the AOR; Actively contributes to project development (idea notes, concepts, proposals) in line with the CP strategy, donor and PIN guidelines in close collaboration with relevant PIN departments; Provides regular analysis on the context and humanitarian situation in the AOR for the development of projects, proposals and safety assessments. Programme Implementation: Develops and regularly reviews area work plans that set out project activities, forecast tables, procurement and intervention-related HR, advocacy, visibility and communication plans (with relevant PIN departments where necessary); Ensures quality and timely implementation of the interventions in line with PINs CP Strategy, sectoral guidelines, best practices and applicable international standards; Coordinates with Grants and Reporting department, Finance and Compliance Department to ensure interventions meet the relevant donor conditions; Leads periodic area review meetings of area plans to track progress against targets, review project outputs and outcomes, and make necessary adjustments to ensure that the project meets its stated objectives; Ensures that the PID is promptly informed about project delays and if no-cost extension (NCE) or modification of the budget, or reallocating area budget amount to other areas is needed; Ensures cross-cutting issues are mainstreamed into the response interventions including protection, gender, and environment across project planning and implementation; Ensures correct and timely archiving of project documents (in PINs online system and hard copies) for the projects implemented in the AOR, handing over generated documents to the mission archive In accordance with PIN archival standard operating procedures. Ensures that before handing documents over to the mission archive, they are saved in a closed room with limited access to the personal data. Monitoring and Reporting: Together with the AOR team and MEAL department, ensures regular monitoring of activities delivered within the AOR; Contributes in a timely and appropriate fashion to requests for inputs into donor reports; Complies with internal reporting requirements and contributes to external reports as requested; Supports and collaborates in providing requested information and documentation related to orange and red categorized CFRM cases when feasible, internally to PIN activites and regarding partners implementing within the AOR. Financial Management: In consultation with the PID and DPID identifies area budgets and ensures that the budgets are spent efficiently and effectively (including timely planning of spending); Responsible for financial management of direct costs (project staffing, activities, etc.) under project delivered with the AOR; ensures that all costs fit within the implementation period and all payments are completed within the liquidation period; Acts as a budget holder with all relevant tasks in procurement, costs approval, budget revision, costs tracking, modifications, NCE, etc.; Provides precise project costs calculations for the budget revision meetings and updates spending forecast on a monthly basis; Tracks in PIN systems funds spent on a constant basis; ensures that before reporting to donor/closing the project, all direct costs are correctly charged to the project within the AoR (appointed budget line), and if cost re-cording is needed, promptly informs PID and Finance department; Ensures precise filling in of money requests twice per month; Ensures timely approvals are done in PINs systems; ensure contracts approval and invoices related to their projects, as well as setting correct project codes and budget lines on financial documentation (supplier contracts, financial donation contracts, grants to NGO, other financial documents, etc.); Initiates and oversees PIN systems workflow for income contracts related to the response interventions; Ensures contracts of material donation approval and signing on behalf of PIN, as well distribution lists; Signs the contracts with suppliers and invoices; Ensures all project-related documents are saved in PINs systems (not later than one month after project closing) to ensure compliance for future audits. Logistics and Procurement: Ensures AOR procurement plans are agreed and consolidated into the CP annual procurement plan, and are tracked monthly; Participates in the tenders for the purchases requested by the area staff; appoints the members of tender comittee from the programme side; Ensures that all AOR procurement-related documentation is properly processed by the programme team and coordinated with the Procurement and Finance teams; Ensures that all procurement processes performed within the AOR are carried out in compliance with PINs procurement guidelines, and any donor-specific procurement requirements consulting relevant departments as appropriate; With relevant staff members within the AOR, formulates monthly area distribution plans and informs Logistics unit on planned distribution or changes beforehand; Ensures that the response interventions logistical needs are communicated on a daily basis, planned and implemented; Ensures that the goods requested from PINs suppliers and stored in stock, are timely distributed and written off (within two weeks of the distribution); Communicates and coordinates with others AMs, after approval from PID, in case some supplies requested are not needed and need to be re-allocated to other areas taking into account project design, needs, informing Finance, Logistics and Grants and reporting departments about such changes. Project Compliance: Works with Compliance unit, Deputy Country Director for Systems and Operations and Grants and Reporting Unit to ensure that the response interventions within their AOR comply with all financial and administrative rules and regulations and identifies and facilitates coaching and capacity building to promote compliance within the AOR team; With the guidance and advice from the PID and DPID, and Grants and Reporting department, ensures project planning, controls and documentation are aligned with donors contract; Contributes to the preparation of programme documents for project audits as appropriate, provides explanation and details on project implementation within the AOR responding to the auditors requests. Communications, Visibility, Media and Advocacy: Ensures that within their AOR, requirements regarding communication and visibility are fulfilled in line with PINs Media Policy and donor requirements; If the response intervention entails advocacy, ensures advocacy activities are planned, budgeted and implemented in cooperation with relevant colleagues at the CP and the Communication and Advocacy Department (CAD). Safety, Security and Risks: Acts in close coordination with Security Department on the planning of movement, operations and activities in their AOR; Adheres to, and promotes, Safety, Security and Risk Policies, standards, plans and procedures within their AOR and ensures that their team follows security rules and procedures; Acts in close coordination with Security Department on adherence to access strategy and negotiating access within their AOR; Ensures safety, security and access incidents within their AOR are promptly reported to the Country Director and Security Department; May act as the secondary Crisis/Incident Management Team member within their AOR; Reports any incidents which could affect staff wellbeing immediately to the Country Director, Security Department and PID. Other tasks: SAM is responsible for testing and piloting new processes and initiatives to improve work processes and quality of the intervention as requested by the line manager; SAM may be asked to provide support to other AMs to adopt new work processes where requested; Performs other tasks as requested by the line manager. Main requirements At least 5 years experience with a humanitarian and/or development organization in senior management. Strong leadership and staff management skills, with experience in managing (directly and remotely) large, diverse and multidisciplinary teams Good understanding of the humanitarian environment (NGOs, NGO Forums, UN, main donors) Proven experience in humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies; Experience of working in complex and volatile contexts would be an advantage Good organizational, planning, diplomatic and problem-solving skills Strong grasp of all stages of programme cycle management and quality standards in humanitarian programming, including safeguarding and accountability mechanisms; Ability to work independently and demonstrate organizational and problem-solving skills; Proven ability to work in a diverse and multi-cultural team environment, with appropriate sensitivity to social and cultural norms; Experience working with local partner organizations is desirable. Excellent teamwork, communication, coordination and representation skills. Proven ability to work in stressful environment. Excellent communication skills, including fluent spoken and written English; knowledge of Ukrainian will be considered an asset Experience with Ukraine or the region preferred PIN offers: Working environment in a well-established and continuously growing humanitarian organization in a challenging context; Salary and benefits according to PIN salary scale and HR policies; expected salary - EUR super gross (based on experience) Monthly subsistence allowance EUR; Hardship Eur Accommodation/housing allowance; 25 days of holiday per year R&R policy; Travel health insurance; Reimbursement of travel expenses with travel to the country of residence once every 6 months of work; Reimbursement of costs of visas and vaccinations; assistance with the visa application procedure; Reimbursement of the medical check-up before and after the deployment; Free 24/7 medical helpdesk and psychological consultation available online; Free access to e-learning sites, global PINs Induction Training, Knowledge and Learning department onboarding, and individually tailored capacity-building opportunities; incl. HEAT training. Security situation in Ukraine Humanitarian workers continue to operate throughout Ukraine, although the front line areas are being shelled almost constantly, and main cities are being targeted with missiles and UAVs quite regularly. PIN security SOPs require PIN staff to proceed to shelter should the risk level be assessed by the Security Department as the highest (launch of missiles or drones) and remain there until the air raid siren is cancelled, which cumulatively can be several times a week, occasionally for several hours at a time (although shorter periods are as well occurring). While air strikes that were targeting energy infrastructure have finished after winter, they have succeeded in reaching their goals and are likely to resume in late autumn/winter. At the moment military and civilian objects are being targeted, including the west of Ukraine. While Kyiv enjoys relatively strong air defence systems that are intercepting most of the missiles and UAVs, other regions are covered much less significantly which results in bigger damage. Outside of the areas in the vicinity to the contact line, services such as medical care, shops, public transportation as well as restaurants or leisure facilities remain operational. How to apply? Are you interested in this position? Send us your CV and short cover letter in English . Please note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis and the vacancy will be closed when filled. People in Need is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct and is committed to promoting the welfare of children and adults with whom People in Need involves. People in Need expects all staff to perform job duties and responsibilities in accordance with People in Need code of conduct and key policies (available at: All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks. We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organization and encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.
App Operations Manager (remote - m/f/d)
Arise, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Seek a new challenge in an autonomous position with the power to achieve quick results. Arise is a popular weight loss app that's active worldwide, with 6M+ downloads and a 4.7 average rating on the App Store. Join our team and be a part of our mission: changing lives by empowering our users to become healthier and happier. We are searching for a candidate who can help Arise reach its full potential and become a leader in the Health & Fitness category. Read on if autonomous work in a young, international team is your calling and you love working remotely on a flexible schedule!  Tasks Working closely with the CEO and taking responsibility for all company operations Continuous improvement upon existing operations & processes Organizing day-to-day business and ensuring a smooth workflow Supporting various projects, e.g. in the development of new features or in the area of marketing Hiring and liaising with freelancers Supervising Arise's Support team Regular quality assurance in various app areas & brainstorming for improvements Supporting the management in the legal area, e.g. data protection We're looking for someone with: At least 2 years of professional experience in a similar business environment (app experience is an advantage) Bachelor's Degree in a business or management-related field preferred Great command of English, German or Russian is considered a plus We're a great match if you: Love the idea of turning a company's operational processes into a well-oiled machine Value the quick results that come from autonomous work Work in a structured manner, always maintain an overview and can prioritize important tasks if required Are flexible, committed, independent and determined Don't like wasting time on needless bureaucracy and meetings that could have been emails Benefits A job that's challenging but stress-free, with a lot of creative freedom Flat hierarchies, short decision-making processes and close collaboration with CEO A friendly, international, and highly committed team that operates with mutual trust and efficient decision-making processes The opportunity to contribute to an established, financially stable start-up with a 5-year Health & Fitness legacy Flexible part-time work schedule and fully remote position Paid annual leave Get in touch! Convince us that you're a match for the position and that we can't miss out on you by applying with: Your CV An informal cover letter detailing why you are a great fit for the position. Or, get short-listed for an interview with us by succeeding in our  10-Minute Question Challenge.   Are you looking for a challenge and ready to achieve something great with us? Then we cant wait to hear from you! Bernhard and Team
Account Manager Groceries - Ukraine (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts… YOUR MISSIONGlovo is building the future of cities by enabling anyone to get any item from any store within 60 minutes. Our goal is to provide an on-demand delivery infrastructure for every city in the world.We invite an Account Manager to join the team, who will support and develop partners that are placed in the Glovo application. Join the Glovo team and work in a dynamic environment with many opportunities for learning and development!An Account Manager - Groceries, you will be a key role in developing the groceries business. THE JOURNEY Lead and develop top groceries partnersOnboard new partners on our platform by providing them all the necessary tools and information to start workingBe responsible for our partners business performance, analyze their main KPIs and ensure growth MoM. Track and reporting of performance metricsLead contract renegotiations to establish a strong working partnership grounded on sustainable economics for both partiesPrepare reports and presentations to present to groceries partners Work on a plan that will help improve key metrics, negotiate and implement marketing activity;Get feedback from our partners and translate it into product, marketing and operations improvementPrepare reports and presentations to present to groceries partners Looking for the best decision for improvement operational metrics and develop of the partners WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE At least 2 years of experience in high-performance account management in FMCG or RetailStrong analytical, organizational, and planning skills in a partners growthAbility to work both independently, to take responsibility for actions and to collaborate as part of a team goals is requiredGood knowledge of Google Docs and MS Office, ExcelExcellent Ukrainian and English skills.Capability for problem solving and quick decision makingStrong negotiation skillsGood communication, strong relationship building and presentation skillsProject management skills, highly organized and detail-oriented.Problem solver, data-driven with an analytical approachResponsiveness, adaptation, and flexibilityAn empathetic, inclusive and curious attitude Individuals representing diverse profiles, encompassing various , ethnicities, and backgrounds, are less likely to apply for this role if they do not possess solid experience in 100% of these areas. Even if it seems you don't meet our musts don't let it stop you, we are all about finding the best talent out there! Skills can be learned, and embracing diversity is invaluable.We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan that lets you own a piece of the action. Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo credit to satisfy your cravings! Cobee discounts on transportation, food, and even kindergarten expenses. Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ Extra time off, the freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year! Enhanced parental leave, and office-based nursery. Online therapy and wellbeing benefits to ensure your mental well-being. Here at Glovo, we thrive on diversity, we believe it enhances our teams, products, and culture. We know that the best ideas come from a mashup of brilliant diverse minds. This is why we are committed to providing equal opportunities to talent from all backgrounds - all genders, racial/diverse backgrounds, abilities, ages, sexual orientations and all other unique characteristics that make you YOU. We will encourage you to bring your authentic self to work, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).So, ready to take the wheel and make this the ride of your life? Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and !
Комплектувальник замовлень інтернет-магазину (Харків FOZZY)
Мережа гіпермаркетів FOZZY — це оптово-роздрібні магазини, що працюють у форматі Cash and Carry, з широким асортиментом позицій, які об'єднують продуктовий і непродуктовий напрямки. Гіпермаркети FOZZY найбільш вдало поєднують характеристики оптової бази і роздрібного магазину.Інтернет-магазин гіпермаркету FOZZYзапрошує кандидатів на посаду «Комплектувальник товарів в інтернет-магазин»Вимоги до кандидата:Уважність, відповідальність, пунктуальність;Швидкість та чіткість в роботі;Готовність працювати на результат;Обов’язки:Збирання товарів згідно замовлення клієнта;Виконання завдань керівника.Компанія пропонує всім співробітникам:Відрядна оплата праці: що більше збираєш замовлень, то більше заробляєш! Все залежить від бажання та швидкості роботи.Навчання правилам комплектації — денну норму реально збирати вже на другий робочий день!При щоденному виконанні норми протягом місяця (з урахуванням доплати за вагу товару) — ЗП у середньому 11000-15000 грн (чистими на руки), можливо і більше при високому рівні швидкості.Заробітна плата сплачується 2 рази на місяць стабільно без затримок.Працевлаштування з першого дня згідно з КЗпП України!Весь дохід офіційнийПрофесійне та кар'єрне зростанняПільгове харчуванняЗнижка для працівників на всі товари гіпермаркету.Запис на співбесіду за номером телефонуЗ повагою команда HR «FOZZY».