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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Affiliate Marketing в Київській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Affiliate Marketing в Київській області"

20 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Affiliate Marketing в Київській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Affiliate Marketing в Київській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Affiliate Marketing" по областям Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Affiliate Marketing відкрито в Броварах. На другому місці - Ірпінь, а на третьому - Буча.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Київській області

Серед схожих професій в Київській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Сео специалист. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 30000 грн. На другому місці - SEO з зарплатнею 25000 грн, а на третьому - Media buying з зарплатнею 18667 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Marketing Trainee (Fluent English)
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a fast-learning Marketing Trainee who sees it as a mission to improve marketing strategies and company positioning, as well as aims to dive into the World of Marketing. Product: Ukrainian software company with a focus on macOS and iPhone applications which make Apple fans' lives easier. Team: Cozy team of passionate specialists and a fantastic CEO, and creative content manager who will be mentoring you. What You Will Do: YouTube: Video optimization, updating thumbnails, SEO-description & Title, publishing (Optimize 10 YouTube videos per week); Content: Updating existing articles in the blog (5 per week), publishing & optimizing, building links, updating images/products in articles; On-Page SEO: Landing page SEO optimization, page linking, etc; Analytics: Assistance in preparation of Monthly report (Organic traffic, affiliate traffic, YouTube traffic, direct traffic (performance metrics: downloads, sales)); Directories: Assistance in product listing on directory sites; Social: Reddit native integration. Assistance in post preparation for FB, Inst, LinkedIn, and other social networks. Requirements What you need: Proficient in the English language at an advanced level ( C1-C2); Confident in operating computers and learning new software; Dedicated to delivering results responsibly; Capable of thinking and working independently within the scope of assigned tasks; Familiarity with and utilization of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc; The passion for creating great content and research new opportunities. Would be a plus: Experience using a MacBook with an iPhone and/or iPad; Ability to work toward a common goal; Good sense of humor Benefits We offer: Competitive compensation in USD; Ukrainian business hours;  Opportunity to work remotely in Ukraine or neighboring countries ; Cozy atmosphere of a startup with stability from a holding company; Lots of interesting tasks and communication with the team; Great management with no bureaucracy.
Content/SEO Specialist Trainee (Fluent English)
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a fast-learning Content/SEO Specialist Trainee who sees it as a mission to improve marketing strategies and company positioning, as well as aims to dive into the World of Marketing. Product: Ukrainian software company with a focus on macOS and iPhone applications which make Apple fans' lives easier. Team: Cozy team of passionate specialists and a fantastic CEO, and creative content manager who will be mentoring you. What You Will Do: YouTube: Video optimization, updating thumbnails, SEO-description & Title, publishing (Optimize 10 YouTube videos per week); Content: Updating existing articles in the blog (5 per week), publishing & optimizing, building links, updating images/products in articles; On-Page SEO: Landing page SEO optimization, page linking, etc; Analytics: Assistance in preparation of Monthly report (Organic traffic, affiliate traffic, YouTube traffic, direct traffic (performance metrics: downloads, sales)); Directories: Assistance in product listing on directory sites; Social: Reddit native integration. Assistance in post preparation for FB, Inst, LinkedIn, and other social networks. Requirements What you need: Proficient in the English language at an advanced level ( C1-C2); Confident in operating computers and learning new software; Dedicated to delivering results responsibly; Capable of thinking and working independently within the scope of assigned tasks; Familiarity with and utilization of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc; The passion for creating great content and research new opportunities. Would be a plus: Experience using a MacBook with an iPhone and/or iPad; Ability to work toward a common goal; Good sense of humor Benefits We offer: Competitive compensation in USD; Ukrainian business hours;  Opportunity to work remotely in Ukraine or neighboring countries ; Cozy atmosphere of a startup with stability from a holding company; Lots of interesting tasks and communication with the team; Great management with no bureaucracy.
Content Specialist Trainee (Fluent English)
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a fast-learning Content Specialist Trainee who sees it as a mission to improve marketing strategies and company positioning, as well as aims to dive into the World of Marketing. Product: Ukrainian software company with a focus on macOS and iPhone applications which make Apple fans' lives easier. Team: Cozy team of passionate specialists and a fantastic CEO, and creative content manager who will be mentoring you. What You Will Do: YouTube: Video optimization, updating thumbnails, SEO-description & Title, publishing (Optimize 10 YouTube videos per week); Content: Updating existing articles in the blog (5 per week), publishing & optimizing, building links, updating images/products in articles; On-Page SEO: Landing page SEO optimization, page linking, etc; Analytics: Assistance in preparation of Monthly report (Organic traffic, affiliate traffic, YouTube traffic, direct traffic (performance metrics: downloads, sales)); Directories: Assistance in product listing on directory sites; Social: Reddit native integration. Assistance in post preparation for FB, Inst, LinkedIn, and other social networks. Requirements What you need: Proficient in the English language at an advanced level ( C1-C2); Confident in operating computers and learning new software; Dedicated to delivering results responsibly; Capable of thinking and working independently within the scope of assigned tasks; Familiarity with and utilization of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc; The passion for creating great content and research new opportunities. Would be a plus: Experience using a MacBook with an iPhone and/or iPad; Ability to work toward a common goal; Good sense of humor Benefits We offer: Competitive compensation in USD; Ukrainian business hours;  Opportunity to work remotely in Ukraine or neighboring countries ; Cozy atmosphere of a startup with stability from a holding company; Lots of interesting tasks and communication with the team; Great management with no bureaucracy.
Media buyer, таргетолог (Facebook)
HolyAff, Київ
Давай знайомитись! Ми HolyAff — велика та досвідчена медіабаїнгова компанія. Ми завжди прагнемо до найкращого трафіку та найвищих результатів — це і робить нас лідерами і саме зараз ми в пошуках фахівців з подібними цінностями) Якщо в тебе є досвід у маркетингу (таргет, smm, affiliate) і ти прагнеш розвиватись в медіабаїнгу, ця вакансія для тебе)Що ми очікуємо від тебе:Маєш досвід роботи від 1 року з Facebook (Meta) та красиву статку;Вмієш аналізувати отримані дані та на їх основі масштабувати рекламні кампанії;Постійно вивчаєш алгоритми роботи Meta, PPC або push-трафіку та застосовуєш нові знання в оптимізації;Готовий викладатись на 100% і бити свої рекорди по профіту.Хто ми є?Входимо до трійки лідерів у світі за нашим напрямком;Працюємо безпосередньо з рекламодавцями, що дає нам найкращі умови на ринку;Вчимо системній роботі, зростанню та розвитку фахівців, а не заробітку «на моменті»;Зацікавленні у твоїй проф. реалізації та кар'єрних досягненнях;Вкладаємось в навчання та вирощуємо своїх ТОПів.Що ми пропонуємо?Стабільні виплати, ставка + % від профіту;Повна інфраструктура для заливу (свій фарм, диз, тех і тд.)Найкращі умови для розвитку та реалізації свого професійного потенціалу;Затишний офіс в Києві, гібрид чи віддалено, за бажанням;Прозорий та простий перехід на вищі позиції;Щомісячні тімбілдінги та подарунки для ТОПів.У нас ти знайдеш новий рівень фінансової стабільності та людей в яких горять очі, які реально люблять те, що вони роблять. Якщо це те, що ти шукаєш — давай до нас) Відправляй своє резюме та додай «Хочу стати частиною команди» у тайтл, щоб ми були впевнені в тому, що ти прочитав/прочитала уважно та бачиш себе на цій посаді.Якщо є додаткові питання, пишіть в тг: @HR_team_leadЧекаємо в команді)
Team Lead of CPA Affiliates
CLUST is an ecosystem for the growth of IT products. We work in the venture builder format. We support founders at all stages of development: from the validation of a startup idea to scaling and entering global markets.? Founders within our ecosystem can create IT products from scratch using proven methodologies, business networking, operational and legal support.? We also help Ukrainian IT businesses to enter the markets of Europe, Asia, Latin America and the USA. We assess risks, help find a local team and adjust processes.We are looking for a Team Lead of CPA Affiliates due to the expansion of the team of one of the partner companies.You are our perfect match if you have:— Minimum 2 years of proven experience as a Senior Affiliate Manager or Affiliate Team Leader.— Understanding of the specifics of Affiliate marketing.— A seasoned negotiator with a “win-win” mindset.— Interpersonal communication skills to build strong relationships with affiliates and partners.— Good problem-solving abilities to tackle issues head-on and find effective solutions.— Experience of managing a team of 2+ individuals.Your tasks:— Hire and lead the affiliate team.— Search for new partners through forums, conferences, advertising of the partner network and increase the volume of traffic with existing partners.— Monitoring of Daily, Weekly, Monthly reports and traffic analysis.— Bring fresh ideas and innovative thinking to the business to stay ahead in the industry.— Attend conferences and trade shows, building relationships with key affiliates.What we offer:— A great environment with passionate IT experts and leaders who share a friendly culture and success-oriented mindset.— Paid vacations, days for personal events, official holidays.— Paid sick leave.— Ability to work remotely from any location and flexible schedule.
Wild Wild Leads, Київ
Hi, Guys Мене звати Маша.Я представляю українську компанію Wild Wild Leads, яка є лідером на ринку Affiliate Marketing. За статистикою одного з ворк сайтів ми увійшли в ТОП-3 компаній, які не бояться брати джунів.І тому в тебе є можливість доєднатись до нашої команди.У нас є все для розвитку та кар’єрного зростання наших співробітників. У тебе є реальний шанс проявити себе та зростати в оточенні класних колег. Якщо ти гориш бажанням розпочати свою кар’єру в сфері iGaming, дивись нижчеТвої скіли:- маєш досвід роботи з антидетект браузерами Dolphin/Octo;- маєш досвід роботи з проксі ipv4/6/resident;- вмієш вести звітність в Google таблицях;- відповідальний;- англійська на рівні В1-В2;- виконавчий;- комунікабельний.Досвід публікації додатків в Google Play Console буде плюсом.У твої обов’язки буде входити:- підготування додатків для публікації ;- публікація програм на обліковому записі Google Play Console;- спілкування з іноземними партнерами;- пошук нових закордонних партнерів;- ведення звітності в Google таблицях;- наповнення ASANA;Спойлер що від нас:- навчання від керівника;- навчишся створювати екосистему комунікацій компанії;- віддалений формат роботи;- графік пн-пт з 10-19, що дозволяє підтримувати Work-life balance;- ставка з прив'язкою до курсу $;- драйвові івенти, які надихатимуть тебе, розповісти про них ще яскравіше;- за бажанням можеш прокачувати свій English та спілкуватись з Psychologist - френдлі атмосферу гарантуємо.Не бійся і спробуй себе в цій роботі. Адже, це може бути твоїм першим кроком у велику кар’єру. Головне пам’ятай, що всі можуть робити помилки та це не страшно, якщо ти можеш їх прийняти та взяти на себе відповідальність.Про компанію Wild Wild LeadsМи Wild Wild Group — медіабаїнгова компанія повного циклу, що працює з топовими рекламодавцями з усього світу. Наші джерела: Facebook, ASO, UAC. In-house рішення для генерації трафіку забезпечують всебічний та індивідуальний підхід до потреб кожного рекламодавця та продукту.І ще трохи про важливе:Ми об'єднуємо кращих, щоб створювати сервіси, які допомагають зростати та досягати потужних результатів у будь-який час та за будь-яких умов.Wild Wild Leads та WWApps прагнуть до провідних позицій у всьому, за що беремося. Ми спираємося на досвід кращих та перевершуємо його.Прогрес, синергія та доброчесність — рушійні сили нашої компанії.Сайт компанії:wildwildapps.com
Media Buyer
ABC Market Method LP, Київ
  ABC Market Method LP - група проектів у сфері digital marketing. Компанія має ключову експертизу в медіабаїнгу, CPА мережах, а також виробництві власного продукту.  Ми динамічна команда молодих амбітних і сміливих людей.Шукаємо Media Buyer для закупівлі і арбітражу на нативному трафіку в тизерних і push мережах.Вимоги  Практичний досвід роботи з партнерськими програмами, вебмастерами 1-2 роки;  Розуміння специфіки affiliate- маркетингу і термінологію (CPC, CPA, CPL, CPM, CPI, eCPC, eCPM, CR, CTR, Revshare, ROI і тп);  Не боятися розібратися в тому, що таке HTML, CSS, iframe, API, utm _мітки, Postback і як це усе працює;  Досвід роботи і знання основних джерел трафіку/вебмайстрів, партнерських програм;  Знання англійської мови для спілкування із зарубіжними тизерними  мережами;  Знання принципів роботи трекера і досвід роботи з ними (досвід роботи з трекером Binom буде гарним плюсом);   Досвід складання звітів в Excel.Обов'язки: Пошук і робота з тизерним і нативним трафіком (у тому числі англомовним); Налаштування і запуск рекламних кампаній; Оптимізація і масштабування рекламних кампаній; Оперативне рішення питань взаємодії з веб-майстрами; Розвиток перспективних джерел трафіку; Пошук нових зв'язок (прилендінгов, лендінгів); Постановка завдань на створення креативу; Щотижнева і щомісячна звітність за результатами рекламних кампаній.Умови:Робота в молодому колективі, де усі націлені на загальний результат;Неформальна обстановка і вільна корпоративна культура, що вітає будь-які ідеї;Ставка + бонуси;Оплачувана відпустка, лікарняні;Корпоративні заходи, тімбілдінги;Особисте професійне зростання;Навчання в команді професіоналів.
Media Buyer (Facebook, Search Arbitrage)
Прейс В.М., ФОП, Київ
Для нашого клієнта, незалежного маркетингової агенції, у зв'язку із розширенням шукаємо Media Buyer (Search Arbitrage) з можливістю віддаленої роботи.Необхідні навички:• Досвід роботи з Facebook ADS від 1 року;• Вміння працювати з таблицями ексель;• Відповідальність, уважність до деталей;• Вміння працювати з великими бюджетами на закупівлях реклами від 1k daily $;• Вміння працювати з різними системами аналітики та трекінгу (Keitaro, Binom, FB аналітика) ;• Розуміння базових метрик: конверсії та закупівель: ROI, CTR, CPC, CPM, CPA, CPL, LTV;Буде плюсом:• Досвід роботи з великими об’ємами трафіку;• Intermediate Eng;• Досвід роботи з Search Arbitrage вертикаллю;• Успішні кейси з пруфами;Обов'язки:• Ефективне ведення рекламних кампаній;• Виконання поставлених KPI;• Постійний моніторинг та аналіз рекламних кампаній;• Ведення звітності;• Оптимізація кампаній на рівні платформи FB ADS та у трекінгових внутрішніх платформах (Keitaro);• Ресерч по креативах та постановки ТЗ на дизайнерів і технічну команду;• Технічне налаштування пікселів для коректного трекінгу;Компанія пропонує:• Роботу в стабільній компанії• Оплачувана відпустка/лікарняний• 5-хвилинки, мітинги, зустрічі з керівником – ми завжди відкриті та чуємо наших співробітників. Допомога в адаптації та в цілому по задачах гарантована від будь-якого співробітника – ми чудово пам'ятаємо себе у перші дні роботи• Лояльне керівництво – ми чуємо кожного співробітника, головне говоріть) Ми підтримуємо ідеї та пропозиції, які допоможуть нам стати ще ефективнішими як бізнес та привабливими як роботодавець.• Сильну, веселу та динамічну команду• Оформлення ФОП із повним покриттям податкового навантаження з нашого бокуПро компанію:Це незалежна маркетингова агенція, яка налічує понад 36 осіб (повної зайнятості).Проєкт на ринку понад 8 років, де основним видом діяльності є побудова партнерських взаємин у сфері Digital Marketing (Affiliate Marketing). Крім співробітників front/back-end розробників та веб-дизайнерів, команда маркетологів проєкту складається з 10 осіб з досвідом роботи від 2 років у сфері online реклами.Команда дружня, професійна та динамічно розвивається. Атмосфера, яка панує у колективі завжди сприяє професійному та особистісному зростанню всіх членів колективу.Про компанію Preis HR agencyРекрутингові послуги:- Пошук ІТ та digital-спеціалістів- Підбір ТОП-менеджерів для всіх сфер- Послуга "віддалений рекрутер"- Executive search/headhuntingСайт компанії:http://preishragency.com.ua/
Affiliate Team Lead / Head of Affiliate Department
PRO.people Recruitment Agency, Київ
Міжнародний digital-холдінг, який працює на 50+ країн світу , шукає в команду досвідченого Head of Affiliate Department.Дана позиція відкриває широкі можливості для створення своєї команди, реалізації власних ініціатив та стратегій спрямованих на маштабування показників та ефективного функціонування команди в регіоні.Ця посада ідеально підійде для того, хто впевнений в своїх лідерських здібностях, має аналітичне мислення та знає як впровадити та реалізувати маркетингову стратегію.Чим будеш займатися:- Розробляти та реалізовувати стратегії розвитку;- Вибудовувати процеси залучення та інтеграції нових партнерів;- Запускати та масштабувати нові напрямки та регіони;- Будувати аналітику та прозорі системи звітності для відстеження результатів;- Управляти, навчати, розширювати, мотивувати та аналізувати ефективності роботи відділу.Досвід:- Маєш релевантний досвід роботи керівником команди affiliate маркетингу від 2+ років;- Твоя англійська мова рівня B2 і вище (перемовини в листуванні та дзвінках);- У тебе є розуміння технічних особливостей інтеграції партнерів;- Ти вмієш працювати з великим обсягом інформації;- Ти відповідально ставишся до своєї роботи та не боїшся проявляти власну ініціативу.З нашого боку:- Змога отримати досвід у рамках великого міжнародного проекту;- Можливість працювати зі світовим брендом;- Перспектива професійного зростання в компанії (ми завжди за просування в команді);- Корпоративне навчання, курси;- Відвідування профільних конференцій;- Компенсація занять спортом та мовних курсів;- Дуже крута, креативна та дружня команда яка готова до нових ідей та пропозицій;- Можливість віддаленого формату роботи;- Графік роботи Full Time: з 9:00—11:00 до 18:00—20:00.Поспілкуємось? :)
Junior Media Buyer/Affiliate Manager
PRO.people Recruitment Agency, Київ
Наш партнер — міжнародний digital-холдинг, який працює на закордонні ринки (представлений в 50+ країнах світу) та надає комплексні послуги у напрямку маркетингу, у зв’язку з розширенням штату шукає Media Buying Controller, який має базові знання у сфері media buying, в закупівлі трафіку в соцмережах або на веб-платформах.На цій посаді тобі НЕ потрібно буде проводити переговори та переконувати партнерів купувати банери чи інші рекламні формати. Основне - вміння аналізувати дані та захоплення роботою з цифрами.Основні завдання:Перевірка рекламних кампаній/угод та аналіз їх ефективності;Перевірка на якість ресурсів/рекламних майданчиків, де розміщується РК;Аналітика відхилених угод;Ведення звітностіДосвід та навички:Знання маркетингових основ: які є формати медійної реклами, види оплати трафіку, що таке cpm, охоплення, конверсія трафіку (підказка, google легко закриє це питання);Вміння перевіряти сайти, соцмережі на їх якість (чи немає накрученої аудиторії, чи відповідає контент сайту/соцмереж цілям нашої РК і т.д.);Досвід роботи з Excel.З нашого боку:Робота з міжнародним продуктом у глобальному середовищі, де на вас чекають нові можливості та розвиток.Сучасна система адаптації та онбордингу для швидкого освоєння нових завдань.Дружня команда, де довірливі стосунки в пріоритеті.Можливість набуття нових навичок та компенсація витрат на заняття спортом та вивчення іноземних мов.Робота над цікавими завданнями та отримання досвіду спілкування з представниками різних країн.Формат роботи ПН - ПТ (офіс, віддалено або гібридний варіант) з 9:00 - 10:00 до 18:00 - 19:00. Можливість працювати у зручному оточенні та обирати робочий графік, який відповідає твоїм потребам.Оплачувані лікарняні та відпускні дні.Якщо ти прагнеш до розвитку у сфері digital маркетингу, то мерщій надсилай своє CV!
Technical Support Engineer
Centro.team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Centro team is an international product development company. Our team has over 15 years of expertise in web development, commercial design, affiliate, and online marketing. Our offices are located in the USA, Canada, Cyprus, Ukraine, Georgia, etc. Now we`re looking for a Technical Support Engineer for work in the Kyiv office. About the project: Centrobill is an information technology company that empowers global merchants to accept payments through debit cards, credit cards, and alternative payment methods. We offer a seamless integration with a variety of Credit Card Acquirers, Payment Service Providers, and Alternative Payment Methods through a unified API. Established in 2012, Centrobill primarily serves the European and North American markets. This particular role is based in our Kyiv office. As part of the Merchant Success Team, you will assist clients with integrations and address any technical issues they might encounter. Responsibilities: - Provide dedicated integration support to all types of merchants; - Understand system architecture (at a high level); - Maintain and improve APIs documentation; - Use troubleshooting techniques to identify the root causes of the merchant issues and work with the internal teams to resolve them; - Investigates technical issues and promptly escalate concerns to the senior engineers; - Works together with other teams to mitigate risks and vulnerabilities. Required skills: - 2+ years of development or technical support experience;  - Knowledge of different types of APIs, web protocols and services;  - Excellent written and verbal communication skills, ability to express thoughts logically;  - Fluency in English;  - Experience in explaining API reference to clients and troubleshooting their problems in timely manner;  - Enthusiasm and passion for making our partners happy. Nice to have: - Basic programming skills in PHP or Python;  - Basic understanding of DevOps;  - Basic understanding of OpenAPI. Location: Kyiv office (after PP - hybrid) Working hours: 8 hours per day Powered by JazzHR
Middle Node.Js Developer
EveryMatrix, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Summary: EveryMatrix is looking for a Middle NodeJs Developer Ukraine PlayMatrix Company Intro: EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide platform, casino, sports betting, payments, and affiliate systems to over 300 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and 850 employees in offices across 12 countries in Europe, Asia and the US. EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. EveryMatrix is a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and European Lotteries Association. In September 2023 it became the first iGaming supplier to receive WLA Safer Gambling Certification. EveryMatrix is proud of its commitment to safer gambling and player protection whilst producing market leading gaming solutions. About The Project You will be part of the Playmatrix department. Playmatrix creates state-of-the-art live casino games from scratch. Roulette and Blackjack (and many-may more other games) with real dealers streamed to players all across the world with lowest latency and highest quality. You will be working in the Backend team mainly with NodeJS, Kafka, Postgresql and Redis. We deploy containerized apps via Docker, Kubernetes, and a continuous delivery pipeline. What will you do: Design, develop, deploy and manage complex microservices. Integrate the backend services with the front-end solutions. Architecture and build customer facing APIs. Contribute to an overall system design and architecture. Select the best implementation strategies; recommend the technologies, tools, and libraries. Deliver high-quality code to production; develop unit, integrated and system tests to ensure the code quality. Requirements Independence and self-motivation 5+ years engineering experience Proficiency with Node.js, TypeScript, Webscockets Expertise in Kafka, Postgresql and Redis Expertise in TDD/BDD Experience in Docker and k8s A keen aptitude for sharp feedback and structured communication Desire to work on building things the "right" way Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with a medical certificate. To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance. Private Medical insurance. Gym membership. Fruits Friday. Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and budget for external training. Massage at work. Fun corner: ping pong table, Xbox, lots of board games. Frequent office events and team building activities in different locations. A great office space - come and see them for yourself. Check out our Locations for getting a glimpse on our culture, offices and benefits!
Account Manager for ClickDealer
TalentIn, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
TalentIn is an IT Recruitment Agency. We provide recruiting services for product companies worldwide. Strong expertise in recruiting business experts Global projects with unique staff hiring experiences Worldwide (500+ positions filled in 4 years, including Ukraine and overseas) Huge internal candidate pool In-depth knowledge of the IT market in each region we operate Recruiters specialized in specific business sectors Strong connections with all candidates we've placed   ClickDealer is looking for Account Manager in Warsaw office. ClickDealer powered by DMS is one of the top 5 CPA networks in the world! The company has been in the performance marketing business since 2012, partnering with over 2000 advertisers across 20 main verticals. ClickDealer is headquartered in the Netherlands, spanning over 5 offices across the globe. Required Skills: Upper-intermediate+ English level; high analytical skills and ability to work with a large amount of data; readiness for prompt actions and responsibility for their implementation; high communication and presentation skills; the ability of constant self-education. Responsibilities: be the "right hand" of the Account manager; maintain effective communication with the Affiliate managers` team (both in Ukrainian and in English); create and send newsletters to partners about all kinds of changes; create offers and promote them; monitor marketing statistics every day. The company offers: opportunity to develop and gain new knowledge in a company oriented to the international market; compensation of 50% of the cost of foreign language courses and sports; paid vacation and sick leave; opportunity to attend conferences and training at the expense of the company.
Payment Operations Specialist
Centro.team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Centro team is an international product development company. Our team has over 15 years of expertise in web development, commercial design, affiliate, and online marketing. Our offices are located in the USA, Canada, Cyprus, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, etc. About the project: Centrobill is an information technology company that empowers global merchants to accept payments through debit cards, credit cards, and alternative payment methods. We offer a seamless integration with a variety of Credit Card Acquirers, Payment Service Providers, and Alternative Payment Methods through a unified API. Established in 2012, CentroBill primarily serves the European, North American, and LATAM markets. Now we`re looking for a Payment Operations Specialist This particular role can be based in our Kyiv office or performed remotely. What You'll Do: Monitor approval ratios (AR) daily across various geographies, payment methods, and business models. Optimize payment cascades and payment routing. Conduct data analysis, uncover insights, and deliver findings for data-driven decision-making. Investigate and prevent fraud and detect anomalies. Set up and manage merchant accounts. Collaborate with Development, Sales, and Merchant Support departments to ensure smooth payment operations. Stay updated with industry trends and regulatory changes to ensure compliance and optimal performance. Develop and maintain reports and dashboards to track key performance indicators (KPIs). Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics, business, finance, or a related field. Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to drive results and make data-driven decisions. Proficient in data analysis tools and techniques, including SQL, Python/R, and Tableau/QuickSight. English proficiency at least intermediate level. Previous experience in payment-related industries and familiarity with diverse payment methods and regulations is beneficial. Why Join Us: Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Opportunities for professional development and career advancement. Collaborative and inclusive work environment. Flexible working hours and remote work options. Access to the latest tools and technologies. Powered by JazzHR
Senior Media buyer for Niksmat
TalentIn, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
TalentIn is an IT Recruitment Agency. We provide recruiting services for product companies worldwide. Strong expertise in recruiting business experts Global projects with unique staff hiring experiences Worldwide (500+ positions filled in 4 years, including Ukraine and overseas) Huge internal candidate pool In-depth knowledge of the IT market in each region we operate Recruiters specialized in specific business sectors Strong connections with all candidates we've placed   Niksmat is a Performance marketing agency specializing in strategy, performance and analytics. The projects we handle revolve around digital marketing and e-commerce growth. Your results matter to us. Acting as an addition to your in-house team, we add value with our extensive experience. We are experts in Social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest), Marketing Automation, Mobile Marketing, Affiliate programs, Google Ads, and Advertising networks. Your responsibilities Conducting and optimizing advertising campaigns of health and beauty products in European Union markets, including direct responsibility for the effects of the campaign ( number of leads generated ); Initiating activities increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of conducted campaigns; Close cooperation with top advertising networks and publishers across Europe for the purpose of media buying, optimizing campaign results, negotiations, and solving technical problems; Launching performance marketing campaigns, including the coordination of offer materials and creations in collaboration with creative and IT team; Increasing sales results in the digital channel and managing key indicators measuring quality; High involvement in planning marketing activities in the online channel; High involvement in training junior specialists in the field of performance marketing. Our requirements Experience in a similar position - working experience in performance/digital marketing agency and/or affiliate network is highly prioritized; Good command of written and spoken English (at least intermediate B2 level); Experience in using Taboola, Outbrain, MGID or other native marketing networks; Experience in health and beauty industry, gaming,gambling or crypto; Confidence to work with numerical data and draw conclusions based on them; Developed analytical skills and courage in proposing non-standard solutions; Focus on achieving goals and high independence in the implementation of entrusted tasks; Willingness to develop in the field of performance marketing; Knowledge of systems monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of online campaigns is appreciated; What we offer Work in a group of outstanding and committed e-commerce and Internet enthusiasts who will be happy to share their knowledge and experience; Flexible form of contracts; Possibility to work from home (from every EU country) or beautifull office in city center; Remuneration commensurate with commitment and experience; Performance Bonus; Real impact on the projects carried out and a wide range of responsibilities tailored to individual talents; The possibility of implementing ambitious projects on international markets; Possibility of development within the structure of the company; 26 days of paid vacation time in a year; A modern office in a convenient location in the center of Warsaw; Friendly work atmosphere and support in achieving goals; Private medical care and life insurance.
Business Development Manager
Centro.team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Centro holding  is an international product development company. Our team has over 15 years of expertise in web development, commercial design, affiliate, and online marketing. Our offices are located in the USA, Canada, Cyprus, Ukraine, Georgia, etc. About project: PrimeClicks is the affiliate network (CPA) with focus and expertise within iGaming niche.  We`re looking for an ambitious Business Development Manager  (remote)  to join our professional team. Required skills:  Experience in igaming vertical from 2 years (publisher or advertiser side);  Existing contact network of direct advertisers/brands;  Working expertise with tracking platforms: affise/tune/in-house;  Basic understanding of casino unit economics and funnel metrics;  High self-presentation and communication skills;  Practical skills in interaction with cross  f unctional teams (designers, devs, html-coders, analytics, etc.);  Ability to persuade, test different hypothesis;  English level - not less than upper-intermediate. Responsibilities: Target potential partners among the pool of top or emerging casino operators/direct advertisers with own affiliate program; Create tailor-made sales picthes depending on our USP and partner’s demand; Nurture existing partner pipeline by meeting their LTV/ROI goals; Track and analyse performance in cooperation with partners on a regular basis: traffic quality control, cap management, breakdown by sources/sub-ids, etc.; Timely collect all the due payments based on the agreed terms; Tind prospecting partners on conferences/local meetups, act as a brand ambassador; Set up current partners in the tecnhical system, manage possible tracking issues and statistics discrepancies; Scale overall amount of partners, offers and available geos to maximize average profit per partner and cumulative profit in general; Evaluate custom and unique deals in the matter of hybrid models/exclusive terms; Research competitors/market trends. What we offer: Ambitious profitable project with adequate management; Fair bonus tied to KPIs; Fully remote work (preferable CET time zone); Take part in events and conferences; Medical health insurance; Paid vacation, personal days and sick leave; Paid English lessons. Powered by JazzHR
Data Analyst (Ukraine or Poland)
Centro.team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
  Centro team  is an international product development company. Our team has over 15 years of expertise in web development, commercial design, affiliate, and online marketing. Our offices are located in the USA, Canada, Cyprus, Ukraine, Poland and Georgia, etc. We are seeking a Data Analyst to join our office in Kyiv or work remotely . About the project: CentroBill is an information technology company that empowers global merchants to accept payments through debit cards, credit cards, and alternative payment methods. We offer a seamless integration with a variety of Credit Card Acquirers, Payment Service Providers, and Alternative Payment Methods through a unified API. At CentroBill, we are committed to providing seamless payment solutions to businesses worldwide. Our innovative technology and dedicated team help us stay at the forefront of the payment industry. Responsibilities: - Monitor approval ratios (AR) daily across various geographies, payment methods, and business models. - Optimize payment cascades and payment routing. - Conduct data analysis, A/B testing, uncover insights, and deliver findings for data-driven decision-making - Investigate and prevent fraud and detect anomalies. - Carry out ad-hoc analysis to evaluate the performance of newly launched MIDs. - Collaborate with Development, Sales, and Merchant Support departments to ensure smooth payment operations. - Stay updated with industry trends and regulatory changes to ensure compliance and optimal performance. - Develop and maintain reports and dashboards to track key performance indicators (KPIs). Requirements: - Bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics, business, finance, or a related field. - 2+ years of experience in payment operations, fintech, or a related industry. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to drive results and make data-driven decisions. - Proficiency in data analysis tools and techniques, including SQL, Python/R, and Tableau/QuickSight. - Strong understanding of payment processing, payment methods, and industry regulations. - English (upper-intermediate) and Ukrainian proficiency level. - Strong communication and interpersonal skills to work effectively with cross-functional teams. - High attention to detail and ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. What we can offer:  - Stable work with f lexible working hours and remote work options; - Work on a cool project that provides an opportunity for self-realization, and learning; - Paid vacation, sick days and personal days; - Friendly team, minimum bureaucracy and pleasant working atmosphere; - Opportunities for career growth and development; - Collaborative and inclusive work environment.   Powered by JazzHR
Omnichannel Marketing Strategy Lead
10232 GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ukraine LLC, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
GSK is a global biopharma company with a special purpose – to unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together – so we can positively impact the health of billions of people and deliver stronger, more sustainable shareholder returns – as an organisation where people can thrive. Getting ahead means preventing disease as well as treating it, and we aim to impact the health of 2.5 billion people around the world in the next 10 years. Our success absolutely depends on our people. While getting ahead of disease together is about our ambition for patients and shareholders, it’s also about making GSK a place where people can thrive. We want GSK to be a place where people feel inspired, encouraged and challenged to be the best they can be. A place where they can be themselves – feeling welcome, valued, and included. Where they can keep growing and look after their wellbeing. So, if you share our ambition, join us at this exciting moment in our journey to get Ahead Together.This role will be responsible for designing & planning of HCP journeys. Marketin Strategy Lead will activate & scale new channels, perform cross-channel orchestration, define channel strategy, and measure channel effectiveness to craft an Omnichannel (OC) customer experience. Key Responsibilities:Designs HCP journeys with the right touchpoints, frequency & sequencing, leveraging HCP 360 and behaviour-based personas; designs holistic, OC customer experience delivery ecosystem with maximized reach & impactProvides overall direction for enhancing CX by analysing business objectives and customer needs as well as developing, communicating, and implementing business strategies and practices whilst driving continuous improvement in CX tools, documentation, and processesEnsures that digital and physical interactions are consistent, using technology and digital solutions; establishes a closed loop feedback strategy to create a meaningful engagementDevelops high-level customer experience roadmap; sets prioritization rules and develops guidelines for improving customer experienceMonitors the performance of various internal & external platforms like GSK owned web portal for HCPs/ 3P/ Other Brand.com pages to improve the user experienceLeads channel strategy/action plan and ensures improvement in quality of customer interactions though improved cross-channel orchestration & personalizationIdentifies opportunities to establish new channels (voice, chatbots, social etc.) based on customer preferences and formulates strategies to scale themProvides recommendations on GSK owned and non-GSK owned channels (e.g., site, email, paid social); works closely with Tech to improve channel experience and raises any risks/concerns/business implications of channel choicesLeverages CX framework, insights from customer data & information from different channels (e.g., Sales team feedback, social media, market trends, NPS scores etc.) and external market research reports for trends to adjust customer engagement strategyActs as the voice of the customer to inform brand strategy, ensuring the tactical plan successfully addresses CX challenges and opportunitiesTracks performance of activities, customer journeys & respective channels and acts as an expert, providing suggestions to respective brand teams on how to continually optimizeBasic Qualifications5+ years of experience in marketing or/and digital marketing, brand management, multi/omni-channel engagement, or customer experienceExperience with Campaign and Channel Strategy ManagementWeb Analytics tools knowledge like Google AnalyticsCRM knowledge (i.e. Veeva, Salesforce)Marketing automation tools like SFMC, PardotData tools knowledge like Claravine or similaBenefits:· Career at one of the leading global healthcare companies· Attractive reward package (annual bonus &, awards for outstanding performance, recognition awards for additional achievements and engagement)· Holiday benefits on top of regular annual holiday· Health and Life insurance for employee and their eligible· Sports allowance· Extensive support of work life balance (flexible working solutions and hybrid work model (in the office and remote), health & well-being activities)· Supportive community and integration events#LI-GSK#OmnichannelG7Why GSK? Uniting science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together. GSK is a global biopharma company with a special purpose – to unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together – so we can positively impact the health of billions of people and deliver stronger, more sustainable shareholder returns – as an organisation where people can thrive. We prevent and treat disease with vaccines, specialty and general medicines. We focus on the science of the immune system and the use of new platform and data technologies, investing in four core therapeutic areas (infectious diseases, HIV, respiratory/ immunology and oncology).Our success absolutely depends on our people. While getting ahead of disease together is about our ambition for patients and shareholders, it’s also about making GSK a place where people can thrive. We want GSK to be a place where people feel inspired, encouraged and challenged to be the best they can be. A place where they can be themselves – feeling welcome, valued, and included. Where they can keep growing and look after their wellbeing. So, if you share our ambition, join us at this exciting moment in our journey to get Ahead Together.Important notice to Employment businesses/ AgenciesGSK does not accept referrals from employment businesses and/or employment agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site. All employment businesses/agencies are required to contact GSK's commercial and general procurement/human resources department to obtain prior written authorization before referring any candidates to GSK. The obtaining of prior written authorization is a condition precedent to any agreement (verbal or written) between the employment business/ agency and GSK. In the absence of such written authorization being obtained any actions undertaken by the employment business/agency shall be deemed to have been performed without the consent or contractual agreement of GSK.
Marketing manager (e-mail marketing) for Doctor EleksTernopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, KyivDr ELEKS.
Eleks, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Eleks is looking for a Marketing manager (e-mail marketing) for our product Doctor Eleks in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Kyiv.ABOUT PROJECTDoctor ELEKS is a smart medical information system that allows healthcare organizations to deliver improved patient care at a lowered cost by automating and streamlining complex operating processes and clinical data management practices.The mission of the product is to accelerate the quality and value of healthcare service delivery.REQUIREMENTS Experience in Marketing (e-mail marketing) 1+ yearsKnowledge of digital marketing fundamentals and email marketing best practicesKnowledge of email marketing tools and softwareStrong copywriting and editing skillsUnderstanding of email design principlesMedical experience or experience working with clinics will be a plusExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsExcellent Ukrainian language RESPONSIBILITIES Development, implementation, and optimization of email marketing strategiesPlanning and launching email campaignsCreating and designing emailsAnalyzing the existing customer database to formulate relevant offersSetting up communication with potential clientsTesting email campaignsMonitoring performance and analytical reporting What will you get with ELEKS Competitive Social packageChallenging tasksTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracy ABOUT ELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.Benefitsundefined
Slot Game Mathematician
EveryMatrix, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
EveryMatrix is looking for a Slot Game Mathematician Lviv/Kyiv EveryMatrix Games Company Intro: EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide platform, casino, sports betting, payments, and affiliate systems to over 300 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and 850 employees in offices across 12 countries in Europe, Asia and the US. EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. EveryMatrix is a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and European Lotteries Association. In September 2023 it became the first iGaming supplier to receive WLA Safer Gambling Certification. EveryMatrix is proud of its commitment to safer gambling and player protection whilst producing market leading gaming solutions. Responsibilities: Designing and tweaking math models to achieve amazing playing experience; Making sure the Excel calculations match the actual game server math simulations; Writing and maintaining corresponding game documentation cooperating with Game Designers, Game Producers and other Game Mathematicians to obtain and implement the feedback; Contributing to the overall game design proactive approach to game design and math; We want someone that will pitch and defend their ideas and cooperate with the rest of the Games team to create best-in-class products; Requirements: 2+ years experience in iGaming game math design; A degree in Mathematics/Computer Science, or the final year of studies; Familiarity with MS Office, with an accent on MS Excel Familiarity with iGaming industry; Knowing how things work from inside Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Experience, preferably in JavaScript; Code version control software knowledge; Excellent level of spoken and written English.  Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with medical certificate To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and Office perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance Private Medical insurance Gym membership Fruits Friday Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and -budget for external training Massage at work Frequent office events and team building activities in different locations A great office space - come and see them for yourself Check out our Locations for getting a glimpse on our culture, offices and benefits!