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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Outreach Marketing в Київській області"

15 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Outreach Marketing в Київській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Outreach Marketing в Київській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Outreach Marketing" по областям Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Outreach Marketing відкрито в Києві. На другому місці - Бровари, а на третьому - Ірпінь.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Київській області

Серед схожих професій в Київській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Сео специалист. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 30000 грн. На другому місці - SEO з зарплатнею 25000 грн, а на третьому - Media buying з зарплатнею 18667 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Middle Business Development Representative
ITOMYCH STUDIO, Kyiv, remote
We are looking for a talented BDR who will be responsible for expanding the company's customer base, identifying potential customers and initiating the first contact with the prospect.By working at our company, you’ll have the chance to develop both personally and professionally. We’re dedicated to creating an environment that values learning and growth, and we believe that being a BDR will help you gain the experience and skills needed to reach your long-term career goals.We also offer opportunities for career advancement within our company. As a BDR, you’ll work closely with our sales team and gain valuable experience that could lead to a promotion within the company.About You1+ year of engagement in outbound process (IT service company)Knowledge of the principles, methods and techniques of generating potential customersUnderstanding the ins and outs of Linkedin and Massmail outreach, the tools to engage customers, and best practicesAbility to analyze information from different sourcesGood English skills, written and verbalCRM experienceResult-oriented approach and proactive behavior modelAs a plusExperience with different tools, platforms for leads generationHubSpot proficiencyFintech Domain ExperienceResponsibilitiesDevelop and implement lead generation strategies.Identify target companies that might become our customers.Outreach to decision makers in target companies to set appointments with our sales team.Conduct initial pre-qualification to ensure these companies are a good fit our ICP criteria.Collaborate with sales and marketing teams to align lead generation efforts with overall strategies.Monitor and optimize lead conversion rates.Report on lead generation results and present findings.Meet and exceed KPIs and targets.Interview stepsCV is reviewed by technical specialistsAnswers to previous questions before the interviewInterview with a recruiter (30 – 45 minutes)Technical interview (up to 90 minutes)Feedback at each stageOur benefitsRegular and predictable Performance Review processPowerful team expertise and mentorshipPersonal development plansAssistance and expenses coverage in obtaining certificationFinancial compensation for participation in conferencesPartial medical and educational expenses coverage25 billable days offOur working conditionsComprehensive and acquisitive business processes in the companyFair and competitive compensationProvision of the required equipment (Apple)Regular company updates, Q&A sessions with top-managementFlexible hoursRemote modeKyiv office with Starlink and electricity generator for those who prefer office modePartial coworking coverage in other cities
Intern/Junior lead-generating (Sales)
Digital Pipl, Kiev, null, ua
 Join Our Startup within the guru IT Sales Team.Unleash Your Potential as an Intern or Junior lead-generator/Junior Sales Specialist Are you enthusiast getting into money-deal-making industry with clients around the Globe? We're seeking a talented Lead Generator to join our international Sales and Recruiting experts. Dive into a dynamic role, connecting with potential clients and steering cutting-edge opportunities.Ukrainian-welcome Responsibilities:Prospecting: Identify and qualify leads in the IT industry through targeted research and strategic outreach.Engagement: Initiate conversations with decision-makers, becoming their trusted point of contact through innovative follow-up strategies.Relationship Building: Nurture client relationships, understanding needs to position our services effectively.Data-Driven Approach: Maintain detailed records in Salesflare, ensuring an organized lead management process.Collaborative Spirit: Work closely with sales and marketing to align strategies and contribute to overall success. What We Offer:Growth Opportunities: Fuel your career with limitless learning and development in the fast-paced IT landscape.Innovative Environment: Join a company that thrives on innovation, values your ideas, and encourages creativity.Global Collaboration: Team up with international Sales and Recruiting experts, passionate about global deal-making.Collaborative Culture: Join a dynamic team of IT enthusiasts pushing boundaries for collective success. Requirements:Enthusiastic about commercial communication, negotiation skills, and identifying leads.Excellent soft skills, hungry for success.Great English and relationship building focused communication Marathon players (not sprinters) with a goal-oriented mindset.Self-motivated. You'll have all the trust and ability to grow, if the your motivation comes within you.Previous lead generation or sales experience is a plus.0 experience is okay, if the skills above are present.Ready to embark on a journey with a global team of passionate experts? If you're excited to make a significant impact in a forward-thinking startup environment, apply now and let's build the future together!
Public Diplomacy and Communication Officer (2 positions) (M/W)
Expertise France, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities: - democratic, economic and financial governance; - security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations; - sustainable development; - strengthening health systems, social protection and employment. In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how. With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy. The Public Diplomacy and Communications Officer(s) will i) conduct outreach activities with regards to both Ukraine's justice sector reform and developments in relations to Ukraine's EU candidacy, ii)  will ensure high quality and timely publication and dissemination of Project deliverables and other information, and iii) will support Project team and partners in communication and awareness-raising measures. In particular, the expert(s) will be required to perform the following tasks under the supervision of the Team Leader: - Design and implement outreach actions and activities, targeting both Ukrainian and EU stakeholders ; - Develop and implement communications strategy and plan, in line with the Project programming documents and donor regulations; - Support Project components in preparation and delivery of component-specific communication or awareness-raising activities envisaged by the Project Work Plan; - Oversee short-term experts and service providers contracted for communication purposes, ensure high quality of communication content;   - Prepare and edit media- and communications materials (interviews, articles, newsletters, infographics etc.), both in Ukrainian and English, for their further publication and dissemination; - Manage Project website and social media, ensure timely publication of documents and information; - Systematically and with outmost diplomacy, discretion and professionalism support and advice Project grantees, partners and beneficiaries; - Proactively identify, prevent and mitigate the risks related to Project communications; - Ensure regular and ad hoc reporting of the Project on communications activities; - Build and boost relations with central and regional mass-media, regularly conduct media monitoring, ensure good coordination and communication with EU family communication focal points; - Perform other tasks as requested by Project management. The Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine (Pravo-Justice III) Project, implemented by Expertise France (EF) with funding from the European Union, accompanies Ukrainian authorities in the process of comprehensive justice sector reform. Pravo-Justice III is envisaged to build on the results achieved by the predecessor projects (Pravo - Justice I&II) who, since 2017, have supported an ambitious sectoral reform agenda. Pravo-Justice III is organized alongside four results: Accountability for international crimes and fight against impunity (Component 1), Judiciary reform (Component 2), Enforcement of court judgement and reform of penitentiary and probation systems (Component 3), and EU integration (Component 4). Qualifications and Experience - University degree in communications, political sciences, public information, international relations or a related field. - At least 5 years of professional experience in media, journalism, advocacy, public communications and marketing, or in closely related external relations contexts. Experience in communications on the justice sector reform in Ukraine would be considered an advantage; - At least one successful experience designing and implementing communication and/or public diplomacy activities in relations to institutional reforms; - At least one successful previous experience in communication and/or public diplomacy within the justice sector; - Previous experience for international cooperation programme would be an asset;   - Outstanding writing, editing and social media skills. - Excellent written and spoken English. Key competencies - Interpersonal and stakeholder management skills; - A high degree of initiative, diplomacy and problem-solving, - Outstanding emotional intelligence skills, - A creative and entrepreneurial approach to overcoming barriers and making change happen Language - Proficiency in both English and Ukrainian
SEO specialist
Leadsup.Financial, Київ
Хто ми?Ми Leadsup.Financial IT компанія повного циклу, наша команда та SEO експертиза дозволяють нам запускати наші проекти від макета до монетизації та Google топа. Ми працюємо на ринок США в одній із найцікавіших і найвищих конкурентних ніш на ринку: personal finance.Чому ми шукаємо?Наші проекти посідають впевнені позиції на ринку. Але ми не з тих, хто любить зупинятися на досягнутому! Зараз наша компанія активно розширюється та готується до релізу двох нових проектів. Саме тому зараз ми в активному пошуку нових членів команди для посилення позицій та плідної співпраці. Можливо, ти той самий фахівець, якого нам не вистачає!Кого шукаємо?Проактивного та азартного професіонала, який любить вирішувати цікаві та непрості завдання. Людина яка шанує дедлайни і прагне якості також, як це робимо ми, яка готова рости і змінюватися разом з нами, накопичувати нові знання і застосовувати їх на практиці.Що потрібно робити?Працювати з семантичним ядром: підбір та кластеризація ключів. Аудит та розширення.Складати ТЗ для текстів.Постановка завдань контент менеджера з наповнення метатегами та заголовками.Займатися структурою сайту, здійснювати внутрішню перелінковку.Проводити технічний аудит, аналізувати результати.Здійснювати контроль та перевірку впроваджених доопрацювань.Займатиметься збільшенням пошукового трафіку.Аналіз конкурентів. Пошук та оперативне впровадження нових ідей щодо розширення функціоналу сайту (для користувача, для Google).Своєчасне реагування та прийняття рішень у разі падіння позицій.Працювати безпосередньо з просуванням проектів та нарощуванням якісної посилальної маси (.).Що потрібно з твого боку:Досвід пошукової оптимізації сайтів від 3х років (обов'язково від одного року USA або Tier 1 країни).Практичні навички роботи з інструментами: Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, Key Assort, Semrush.Початкові знання HTML + CSS.Знання англійської мови на рівні Upper Intermediate.Знання основних алгоритмів ранжирування та ступеня їх впливу на сайт.Будьте в курсі всіх нововведень у сфері SEO.Розуміння принципів юзабіліті веб-сайтів.Досвід роботи із CMS Wordpress.Досвід побудови PBN, outreach та інші техніки лінкбілдингу — буде плюсом.Ти нам підходиш, якщо:Прагнеш якість як ми, а не тільки кількості.Не боїшся роботи!Готовий тестувати гіпотези та отримувати результат.Маєш мультизадачність і вмієш працювати з великими обсягами даних.Знаєш тонкощі просування проектів YMYL.Що ти отримаєш:Зарплата в $ за підсумками співбесіди.Зрозуміла схема бонусів та KPI.Реальне кар'єрне зростання усередині SEO відділу.Оплата профільних курсівПовністю віддалена робота.
Webpromo, Київ
Шукаємо спеціаліста на позицію Linkbuilder для проекту Devo, який входить до складу компаній WebPromo Group.«Devo» — міжнародна продуктова IT-компанія, яка інвестує, розвиває та просуває проекти на світових ринках (США, Великобританія, Бразилія, Іспанія, Франція та ін).Ми пропонуємо:Комфортні умови роботи 5 днів на тиждень з 9:00 до 18:00 (або з 10:00 до 19:00)Можливість працювати в затишному офісі або віддаленоДружній колектив, навчання та підтримка від наставникаСвоєчасні виплати зарплатиОплачувані відпустки та лікарняніБезкоштовне навчання у WebPromoExperts (Академії інтернет-маркетингу № 1)Обов’язки:Пошук сайтів по критеріям для розміщення посиланьАналіз посилань конкурентівЗбір бази контактів та комунікація з вебмастерамиРозсилка листів та узгодження умов публікації статейПроставлення крауд посиланьСкладання шаблонів листів для розсилокВедення та актуалізація бази площадокМоніторинг розміщених посилань та ведення звітностіВимоги:Досвід роботи на позиції Linkbuilder не менше 1 рокуЗнання англійської мови не нижче рівня IntermediateРозуміння SEO та основ роботи пошукових системЗнання методів лінкбілдингу та критеріїв оцінки якості донорівДосвід розміщення різних типів посилань: outreach, crowd та інХороші знання основ роботи з Google Docs та Google SheetsВміння працювати з сервісами Ahrefs, Serpstat, Semrush та інБазові знання HTML, CSS та WordPressОчікування:Сильні аналітичні здібностіВідповідальний підхід та дотримання термінівВміння працювати та комунікувати в командіУважність, креативність та старанністьЗдатність працювати з великими обсягами данихБудемо дуже раді бачити тебе в нашій команді! Чекаємо на резюме.
Sales Development Representative
Codebridge Technology, Inc., Київ
Codebridge Technology, Inc. is a custom software development company with a focus on building web and mobile solutions. We also provide customers with team extension services. We are flexible, we quickly adjust to clients’ needs and the situation on the market with a focus on the high quality of services provided. Our clients are a product and service-based companies from the United States and Europe.This position is ideal for those with a passion for sales and a keen interest in UI/UX design. We offer a dynamic, remote working environment where you can be part of a creative and innovative team. Requirements: Strong understanding of UI/UX design concepts and ability to effectively communicate their value to clientsExcellent written and verbal communication skills in English Ability to engage and persuade potential clients, with strong negotiation skills Experience in sales, particularly in a remote or online environment, is preferredResponsibility, independence, diligence, and responsivenessMain responsibilities: Monitor Upwork chats and handle initial communication with potential clients Lead in-chat pre-sales discussions and arrange initial Zoom calls Maintain CRM and Sales Tracking Systems; conduct regular follow-ups and send out lost prospect surveys Ensure Upwork profiles are complete and attractive, responding to incoming job invites Assist TAP Managers with client-related matters and additional communication as needed Oversee automated bidding tools and conduct outreach to existing leads via LinkedIn and email What we offer: Work in a friendly and welcoming environment   Performance review with constructive feedback and personal development plan  20 working days paid vacation and 15 days of sick leave   Compensation of external education   Opportunity to work both from home and comfortable office in Kyiv 
Sales Development Representative USA Visa Sponsorship Jobs
move2usajobs.com Inc, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description About the job The reason behind the role... Reporting to the Chief Revenue Officer, we are looking for 2 SDRs who are excited to learn and shape a growing team. As SDR, you’ll be the first impression of SingleOps performing inside sales within our verticals. You will be the quarterback for your target vertical, leveraging our marketing team, Account Executive team, and channel partners to field interest and present our solution to prospective clients. As top of the funnel, you are essentially booking demos of our product for the account executives, which is a direct impact to the organization's overall growth. We are looking for someone who is eager to make an immediate impact and grow their career in a high-growth startup. You will: Perform lead generation via cold calling, emailing, prospecting, etc. to drive sales of SingleOps SaaS products Self Prospect 30-50 leads weekly from your assigned region. Generate 6-8 outbound opportunities per month leveraging tools such as Salesforce, Outreach, LinkedIn, cadences, etc. Become an expert on sales, sales strategy, and sales development best practices Quickly learn the language of your target sales vertical, gaining a deep understanding of their needs and wants Collaborate with Sales Development Lead and peers, particularly around best practices, competitive intel and sales strategy Does this sound like you? Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience 1 year of experience in a customer service or sales oriented role Positive phone demeanor and presentation skills Ambitious. You want to absolutely crush your quota and dominate your target market. Proactive & Initiative. You don’t need directions for every task. You like to set your own agenda, constantly improve your process, and love making decisions and trying new tactics. Tech Savvy. You deeply understand cloud-based selling technologies and can quickly learn the ins and outs of our cloud product. Collaborative and supportive. You love working with, listening to, and understanding others. You prioritize ‘we’ over ‘me’. A few ways to stand out, but not required... Previous internships in a similar role Experience using SaaS selling tools like Salesforce, Outreach, etc. Previous SDR/BDR experience within SaaS Previous experience in the green/field management industry (landscaping, tree, arbor, etc.)
Junior Project Manager
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a dynamic and forward-thinking Junior Project Manager to take the reins on a variety of essential tasks that keep our business running smoothly. You'll dive into operations, manage crucial documents, craft compelling presentations, and serve as the key liaison with our partners and clients. Your role will be pivotal during this exciting phase of growth, where you'll help us harness our existing expertise while uncovering fresh opportunities to propel our business forward. Product: AI/ML product company with a focus on customized data-driven AI solutions to unlock the true potential of data to help North American and European businesses thrive. Team: Cozy team of passionate specialists with deep knowledge of Machine Learning, Data Science, and AI applications, and a fantastic COO who will be mentoring you. Together We Will: Oversee project statuses and maintain communication with clients/partners; Assist with emails/LinkedIn outreaches and potential partners/clients search when needed (no cold or other sales calls), with detailed guidance from the COO; Take over operational tasks (help with preparing company documentation, sales and marketing materials, prepare related tasks for contractors when needed); Get a grasp of the business strategy and possible growth opportunities to propose product ideas; Conduct business-related research when needed; Report to the COO, grow within your role to gradually assume more responsibilities over specific areas of the business and lead the company’s growth. Requirements What You Will Need: 0,5+ year of experience in a similar role; Proficiency in written and spoken English (B2+); Good understanding of business processes: how and why companies grow, ability to analyze what value they bring to their clients; Interested in the IT field, understand high-level concepts and trends (no technical understanding is required); Experience working in a corporate setting, with English-speaking clients/partners/employer; Ability to take responsibility and deliver results; Interested in playing an important hands-on role in scaling an AI/ML product company. Would Be a Plus: Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in business, science or computer science-related field; Good sense of humor Benefits We Offer: Team of proud Ukrainians Opportunity to grow, stimulate initiative & implement your ideas; Friendly, supportive and forward-thinking environment; Compensation in USD; Fully remote in Ukraine; Great management with no bureaucracy.
Talent Acquisition Specialist (Fluent English and Ukrainian)
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Are you passionate about discovering top tech talent and contributing to the growth of innovative IT companies? We are seeking an enthusiastic Talent Acquisition Specialist to join our dynamic team. If you have a knack for sourcing and engaging with technical professionals, coupled with excellent communication skills, then this role is for you. About Us: At Outstaff Your Team, we specialize in scaling tech teams for cutting-edge startups and established tech firms worldwide. Our collaborative environment fosters growth and innovation, making us a leader in talent acquisition within the IT industry. What You Will Do: Utilize various sourcing methods to identify and attract top-tier technical candidates, including but not limited to job boards, professional networks, and social media platforms. Screen CVs and conduct initial outreach to potential candidates to assess their qualifications and interest in available positions. Collaborate closely with Hiring Specialists to understand hiring needs and priorities, providing them with a pipeline of qualified candidates. Evaluate candidate skills and fit for specific roles, providing valuable insights and recommendations to Hiring Specialists. Serve as a brand ambassador, representing Outstaff Your Team and promoting our employer brand to prospective candidates. Requirements What We're Looking For: 0.5+ years of experience as a technical sourcer in an IT company or similar environment. Exceptional communication skills, with the ability to engage and build relationships with candidates effectively. Proficiency in speaking and writing English and Ukrainian languages (C1+). Hands-on experience with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) or other recruitment workflow tools. Passion for technology and a strong understanding of technical roles and skill sets. Strong organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities simultaneously. Ability to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a team. Would be a plus: A proactive and resourceful mindset, with the ability to adapt to changing priorities and requirements. Good sense of humor Benefits We Offer: Remote work opportunity within Ukraine or a similar time zone. Competitive monthly compensation in USD. Opportunity for professional and financial growth within a supportive and inclusive environment. Paid intensive training and trial period to help you succeed in your role (the role does not include conducting interviews as responsibilities). Great management with no bureaucracy. Outstaff Your Team Medical Policy.
Business Development Executive Outreach Specialist
RM Staffing B.V., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Reboot Monkey is a dynamic and innovative IT solution provider company. We are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions to our clients and fostering a culture of growth and excellence. As we continue to expand, we are seeking a highly motivated and results-driven Business Development We are seeking a highly motivated and results-oriented Outreach Specialist to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for generating leads through LinkedIn, cold calling, and cold emailing. Additionally, they must demonstrate the ability to effectively close deals, with a target of achieving at least 5 deals per month. Executive to join our team. Responsibilities: Lead Generation: Utilize LinkedIn and other professional networks to identify and connect with potential clients. Conduct targeted cold-calling campaigns to generate leads and initiate meaningful conversations with key decision-makers. Client Relationship Management: Develop and nurture relationships with prospective clients, understanding their needs and aligning our solutions to address them. Collaborate with the sales team to qualify leads and progress opportunities through the sales pipeline. Market Research: Stay informed about industry trends, competitors, and market conditions. Analyze market data to identify new business opportunities and areas for growth. Sales Strategy: Collaborate with the sales and marketing teams to develop effective strategies for reaching and engaging potential clients. Work closely with the management team to develop and implement business development initiatives aligned with organizational goals. Meeting Sales Targets: Set and achieve challenging sales targets, contributing to the overall success and growth of the company. Regularly track and report on sales performance using established metrics. Requirements: Education and Experience: Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field. Proven track record in business development, with a minimum of 3 years of experience in the IT field. Skills: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Proficient in using LinkedIn for lead generation and networking. Demonstrated experience in successful cold calling and email outreach. Strong negotiation and presentation skills. Technical Knowledge: Familiarity with IT products and services, with a solid understanding of industry trends. Team Player: Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams. Strong teamwork and interpersonal skills. Adaptability: Ability to thrive in a fast-paced and dynamic work environment. Willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies and market trends.