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Рекомендовані вакансії

Менеджер з продажів маркетингових послуг
Спiваков С., ФОП, Чернігів
Хочеш розвиватися у продажах і працювати з одним із найбільш затребуваних продуктів на ринку?Компанія Legion — рекламне агентство, що спеціалізується на залученні клієнтів з інтернету через digital — marketing! Ми є сертифікованими партнерами Google.Про нас:Компанія на ринку вже більше 8 років.Понад 400 реалізованих проектів. Наші клієнти Moneyveo, Анжио, Click4, Райффайзен, Альфа Банк та багато інших.Наша мета-увійти до ТОП 10 рекламних агентств світу.Інфо про нас — тисниТи отримаєш:Конкурентний рівень заробітної плати — ставка + KPI.В середньому наші менеджери отримують біля 25 000 грн/міс.Виплата ЗП 2 рази в місяцьЦікавий та твердий продукт, цінність якого легко аргументувати.Повністю віддалену роботу з любої точки світу.Зрозумілий план кар'єрного зростання.Навчання продажам, постійне зростання експертизи на професійних навичок.Перемовини з високим рівнем співрозмовників, ми працюємо тільки з власниками бізнесу.Багаторівневий відділ продажу, де на тебе не впаде весь цикл переговорів.Комфортний графік роботи: ПН-ПТ 10:00-19:00Обов’язки:Обробка вхідних заявок від клієнтів (тепла та гаряча база).Кваліфікація клієнтів та закриття на зустріч з експертом.Внесення даних в CRM системуВиконання плануТи нам підходиш, якщо:Прагнеш розвитку та є бажання навчатись.Володієш мистецтвом переговорів та техніками продажів;Ти комунікабельний, амбітний, чесний та маєш пристрасть до продажу;Вільне володієщ українською мовою, маєш чисту та грамотну вимову;Є досвід в Б2Б продажах.Маєш бажання працювати у швидкому темпі та гідно заробляти;Ти — системний та дисциплінований співробітник.Досвід в сфері маркетингу буде перевагою.Якщо впізнав себе в цьому — наша команда чекає на тебе!Відгуки на сайті не приймаємо, тому прямо зараз ЗАПОВНЮЙ АНКЕТУ для отримання зворотного зв’язку!
Менеджер з пошуку приміщень для роздрібної мережі
Елікатні продукти, Чернігів
Ми працюємо заради перемоги! Все буде Україна!Запрошуємо до команди партнерів — франчайзі, які використовують фірмове найменування та товарний знак «Елікатні продукти», здійснюють продаж продукції, що виробляється найбільшим вітчизняним виробником якісних заморожених продуктів «Елікатні продукти». Підприємство-виробник існує 24 роки на ринку України. Партнерами підприємства-виробника є: Ашан, Білла, АТБ-маркет, Велл-Март, Еко-Маркет, Метро, Новус, Сільпо-ФУД, Таврія, Фора, Фуршет, Варус та багато інших.Запрошуємо в нашу команду активного, націленого на результат Менеджера з розвитку роздрібної мережіМаєте аналогічний досвід роботи від одного рокуМаєте власне авто, посвідчення категорії ВМаєте напрацьовану базу нерухомості та власників приміщеньМаєте успішний досвід відкриття нових ТТКомунікабельний, маєте успішний досвід в перемовинахПроактивний, гнучкий і багатозадачнийВмієте працювати на якісний результат і організовувати  свою роботуМислите стратегічноТоді чекаємо на ваше резюме.Які завдання перед Вами стоятимуть:Пошук нових об'єктів нерухомості   25-60 м;Оцінка локації відповідно до вимог компанії;Ведення переговорів із орендодавцями для отримання оптимальних умов оренди Що ми пропонуємо навзаєм:Гідний рівень заробітної плати,Можливість впливати на власний дохід,Крутезна Элікатна команда, ми відкриті та щирі,Нові та круті проекти,Оплата амортизації автомобіля, ГСМЗручний офіс в центрі міста з постійним інтернетом та генераторамиКорпоративне та зовнішнє навчання за рахунок компаніїTeam-buildingЕлікатні радощі життя!elika.ua/ Ми у соціальних мережах:instagram.com/elikatnoinstagram.com/elikatniproductstiktok.com/@elikatni_productsfacebook.com/elikatniproducts
Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Coordinator Ukraine Kyiv
Norwegian Refugee Council, Chernihiv, Chernihivs'ka oblast, ua
This position is open to candidates who have the legal right to work in Ukraine. Please note that we are unable to provide work permits or visa sponsorships for this position.All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organization’s values. To be dedicated, innovative, inclusive and accountable are attitudes and beliefs that shall guide our actions and relationships.The role of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Coordinator is to establish and implement systems to promote evidence-based decision-making, programme and project performance, and internal management. The MEL Coordinator will contribute to quality programming through supporting access to and promoting use of relevant and timely information (both on the output and outcome-levels) on programme scale, relevance, and effectiveness. Within this context, the MEL Coordinator will provide technical support to in-country staff pertaining to MEL and build capacity to apply effective, cost-efficient and contextualized MEL systems in adherence to NRC global MEL policies and framework.Generic Responsibilities management responsibilities: line management responsibilities for directly reporting staff. This includes the performance management process; setting clear goals aligned to country strategy and priorities, and to follow up and support staff’s achievement; workforce planning, recruitment, staff induction, staff development and Duty of Care.t and contribute to the development and implementation of MEL systems, including Standard Operation Procedures, guidance and workplans in alignment with global NRC MEL framework and discussions with technical teams.ipate in programme design and proposal discussions, including theory of change development, log frame design and budgeting for MEL as requested.t programme staff in planning for and executing MEL activities, including, data collection methodology and tools and data management, analysis and use in coordination with technical leads.t the implementation, dissemination and use of evaluations, assessments and monitoring data in programme development, adjustment or review.bute to organisational learning through supporting specific analysis, facilitating lessons learned discussions/debriefs and reports. This includes presenting and discussing output/outcome results on the AO and CO levels, particularly during project review/grants opening/closure meetings and data interpretation sessions using effective visual aids, dashboards, reports, and factsheets as necessary.ty building and training of programme and MEL support staff on NRC MEL systems, processes, and requirements.8. Adherence to NRC policies, and a specific responsibility for the NRC MEL functions policies and proceduresSpecific responsibilities• Ensure planning and quality control of MEL activities including development and implementation of standard operation procedures, guidance and tools for the collection, storage, and analysis of output and outcome data for NRC and donors in alignment with country and global guidelines.• Develop assessment tools, methodologies, sampling strategies, and necessary guidelines to ensure collection of output and outcome indicators in consultation with other MEL and program colleagues.• Design and implement relevant learning plans (with support from MEL and program technical leads) on area- -level to assess linkages between the achievement/non-achievement of outputs and outcomes across projects and core competencies, including factors for the results.• Responsible for managing data quality and compliance, including validation processes for monthly GORs reporting and quarterly project participants counting on the area -level. This includes designing and implementing quality assurance systems to validate data accuracy and completeness.• Contribute to the design of MEL staffing structure and resourcing, including collaboration with programme staff to identify and plan for monitoring and evaluation needs and budgets.• Lead the documentation and provision of timely MEL reports/dashboards/factsheets that facilitate evidence-based decision-making, both internally within NRC Ukraine and externally with partners and donors. This includes completion of data analysis of outcome data.• Identify knowledge gaps and provide capacity building and training for MEL and programme staff to ensure proper functioning of required MEL activities throughout the project cycle management.• Work closely with partners’ programme/MEL teams, where relevant, to ensure smooth function of the MEL system including internal and external reporting. This includes the adoption of NRC mandatory indicators and donor requirements.• Facilitate and coordinate third party monitoring requests in collaboration with country-office MEL/grants team as necessary.• Actively participate in project review/grants closure/opening meetings on AO or CO-levels with inputs on data accuracy, completeness, and quality of NRC and donor requirements.• Other MEL activities as agreed with senior management and program staff that contributes to quality programming in NRC Ukraine.Summary of the specific requirement: • Higher education preferably within the field of social sciences, statistics, research, international development or economics, or other related fields of study• At least 3 years’ experience in an international NGO• Demonstrated experience with and knowledge of principles and current approaches to monitoring and evaluation in emergency and development programs• Understanding of data and information needs for programme management and decision making• Experience in facilitating the capacity building efforts of diverse colleagues• Desirable: experience using SPSS, STATA, Power BI, GISWhat we offer: Contract duration: until May 2025 with possibility of extension. Grade: Grade 7. Duty station: Kyiv or Chernihiv, Ukraine Why NRC: the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organization helping people forced to flee. Our 15,000 staff work in crises across 40 countries, providing life-saving and long-term assistance to millions of people every year. All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organisation's core values: dedication, innovation, inclusivity and accountability. These values shall guide our actions and relationships.
Shelter and Settlement Officer (Shelter Engineer)
Danish Refugee Council, Chernihiv, Chernihivs'ka oblast, ua
Danish Refugee Council, one of the world’s leading humanitarian NGOs.DRC has been operating in Ukraine since 2014, currently DRC employs over 650 staff in Ukraine and will continue significant scale-up in 2024 to implement emergency response in the Protection, Livelihoods, Shelter/NFIs and Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding (humanitarian mine action) sectors, using direct interventions, support to duty bearers and civil society organizations (CSOs), and partnerships with CSOs. DRC will continue and adapt its durable solutions portfolio to the evolving context.DRC is currently looking for a Shelter and Settlement Officer for its activities in Chernihiv. This position will be managed by the Shelter and Settlement Team Leader.Overall purpose of the role: Ensure the quality of the planning, implementation and follow up of all technical aspects of the Shelter activities being implemented by DRC.Develop and maintain good relations with the persons of concern, relevant stakeholders and other humanitarian actors, to support adequate implementation and coordination of DRC’s sector activities Shelter Sector responsibilities: Ensure the quality of all Shelter activities including the day-to-day supervision of partners, contractors and quality control.Ensure quality of assessments, procurement documents and scope of work related to shelter activitie Geographic scope: Base (Chernihiv) This role has the base focus and ensures compliance with DRC procedures and guidelines within the area. The Officer provides input and is in line with base strategies, which are translated into action plans and day-to-day tasks. The role provides support and/or technical guidance to base operations. Main responsibilities:Reporting: Follow all relevant project tools, plans, and budgets.Project implementation, reporting, and evaluation. Programming & Operations: Ensure efficient and effective program implementation while following the budget and work plan.Provide technical support and inputs on all shelter activities.Control the compliance of the volumes, terms and quality of construction and installation works, as well as the quality of materials and products used in construction, approved design and estimate documentation with building regulations and rules, standards, technical conditions, labor protection regulations, fire safety requirements.Carry out technical acceptance of completed construction works and draw up the necessary report documentation to confirm the completion of the works/project.Supervise the elimination of unfinished works and defects by construction contracting organizations within the established time frame. Coordination and representation: Collaborate with relevant internal and external technical experts on sector relevant issues.Represent DRC at meetings and other relevant technical coordination meetings.Ensure integration with other DRC sectors. Logistics/Finance: Support the monitoring of financial commitments and expenditures against budgets and provide timely feedback on budget follow-up.Plan and coordinate proactively logistics and movements of staff from and to different operational areas.Initiate procurements and ensure their execution. Required experience and competencies: 2 years of relevant experience, preferably with experience in the field of humanitarian response.Practical experience in sector area working for an INGO is prefer.Professional experience, as an engineer in charge of construction projects or similarProfessional proficiency in English desirableExcellent skill in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPointSkills in GIS software and AutoCAD are an asset.Ukrainian language skills required. Required education: Master's degree in Civil Engineering or another relevant field. All DRC roles require the post-holder to master DRC’s core competencies: Striving for excellence: Focusing on reaching results while ensuring efficient processes.Collaborating: Involving relevant parties and encouraging feedback. Taking the lead: Taking ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation.Communicating: Listening and speaking effectively and honestly. Demonstrating integrity: Upholding and promoting the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to DRC’s values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. We offer:Contract length: Open-ended contract upon successful completion of the three-month probation period. Level: HDesignation of Duty Station: ChernihivStart date: As soon as possible.