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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Инженер по ремонту в Львові"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Инженер по ремонту в Львові"

14 614 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Инженер по ремонту" по диапазонам зарплаты в Львові

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 04.07.24, за професією Инженер по ремонту в Львові відкрито 1 вакансій. Для 100% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 22.5+ грн. 0% оголошень з зарплатнею 12.5+ грн, і 0% з зарплатнею 15.0+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Инженер по ремонту в Львові"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Инженер по ремонту в Львові.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Львові

Серед схожих професій в Львові найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Инженер по пожарной безопасности. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 18108 грн. На другому місці - Инженер систем безопасности з зарплатнею 18108 грн, а на третьому - Инженер слаботочных систем з зарплатнею 15200 грн.

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Авиационный инженер

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Ассистент инженера

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Ведущий инженер

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Ведущий инженер ПОС

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Горный инженер

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Дежурный инженер

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Инженер АСУ

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Инженер АТС

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Инженер АХО

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Инженер водоснабжения и водоотведения

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Инженер ВОЛС

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Инженер геофизик

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Инженер гидравлик

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Инженер гидролог

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Инженер гидротехник

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Инженер ГСМ

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Инженер диспетчер

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Инженер дозиметрист

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Инженер дорожник

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Инженер землеустроитель

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Инженер испытатель

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Инженер КИПиА

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Инженер конструктор

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Инженер консультант

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Инженер кораблестроитель

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Инженер лаборант

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Инженер лесного хозяйства

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Инженер материально-технического снабжения

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Инженер менеджер

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Инженер менеджер по качеству

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Инженер металлург

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Инженер метролог

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Инженер микробиолог

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Инженер монтажник

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Инженер мостовик

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Инженер МТО

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Инженер на производство

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Инженер нефтяник

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Инженер нормировщик

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Инженер ОМТС

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Инженер ОПС

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Инженер оптик

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Инженер отделочных работ

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Инженер ОТК

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Инженер ПГС

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Инженер по автоматизации

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Инженер по автоматизации и механизации производственных процессов

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Инженер по автоматике

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Инженер по БДД

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Инженер по безопасности дорожного движения

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Инженер по бурению

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Инженер по вентиляции

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Инженер по вентиляции и кондиционированию

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Инженер по гражданской обороне

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Инженер по закупкам

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Инженер по инструменту

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Инженер по информационной безопасности

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Инженер по кадрам

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Инженер по качеству

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Инженер по комплектации

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Инженер по медицинскому оборудованию

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Инженер по надзору за строительством

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Инженер по наклонно направленному бурению

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Инженер по наладке и испытаниям

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Инженер по нормированию труда

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Инженер по обслуживанию банкоматов

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Инженер по обслуживанию видеонаблюдения

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Инженер по обслуживанию холодильного оборудования

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Инженер по организации труда

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Инженер по отоплению

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Инженер по охране

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Инженер по планированию производства вакансии

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Инженер по подготовке производства

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Инженер по пожарной безопасности

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Инженер по продажам

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Инженер по проектно-сметной работе

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Инженер по промышленной безопасности

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Инженер по радиационной безопасности

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Инженер по ремонту оборудования

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Инженер по сварке

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Инженер по сертификации

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Инженер по сертификации и стандартизации

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Инженер по снабжению

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Инженер по согласованиям

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Инженер по сопровождению

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Инженер по стандартизации

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Инженер по телекоммуникациям

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Инженер по тестированию

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Инженер по технике безопасности

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Инженер по техносферной безопасности

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Инженер по транспорту

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Инженер по труду

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Инженер по эксплуатации

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Инженер по эксплуатации автотранспорта

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Инженер по эксплуатации зданий и сооружений

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Инженер ПОС

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Инженер программист ЧПУ

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Инженер производственно технического отдела

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Инженер пусконаладчик

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Инженер радиотехник

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Инженер радиоэлектронщик

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Инженер разработчик

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Инженер релейной защиты и автоматики

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Инженер релейщик

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Инженер РЗА

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Инженер сантехник

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Инженер сварочного производства

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Инженер сварщик

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Инженер светотехник

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Инженер связи

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Инженер систем безопасности

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Инженер скс

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Инженер слаботочник

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Инженер слаботочных систем

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Инженер со знанием английского языка

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Инженер стажер

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Инженер строительной лаборатории

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Инженер схемотехник

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Инженер тгв

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Инженер телеметрист

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Инженер теплотехник

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Инженер теплоэнергетик

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Инженер технической поддержки

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Инженер физик

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Инженер химик

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Инженер эколог

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Инженер электролаборатории

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Инженер электромеханик

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Инженер электросвязи

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Инженер Этл

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Смотреть статистику


Смотреть статистику


Смотреть статистику

Кадастровый инженер

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Математик инженер

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Смотреть статистику

Сервис инженер

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Сетевой инженер

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Системный инженер

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Сменный инженер

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Показати ще

Рекомендовані вакансії

Майстер з ремонту бензо-, електроінструменту
Ґазда, Львів
Профітулс — магазин професійного електро та бензо інструменту, який є офіційним диллером таких торгових марок як: STIHL, Bosch, Makita, Metabo, DeWalt.Профітулс — це про якість, надійність та високий рівень сервісу для наших клієтнів. Тож шукаємо в свою команду «золоті руки» — Майстра по ремонту бензо- і електроінструменту.Основні обов’язки:- Діагностика і ремонт бензо- і електроінструменту;- Формування замовлень необхідних запчастин;Нам потрібен фахівець який:- Комунікабельний, відповідальний, вміє працювати в команді;- Має досвід роботи ремонту бензо- і електроінструменту;- Людина — в руках якої інструмент здобуває 2, 3, 4 … шанси на життя))))Ми пропонуємо:- Високий рівень ЗП (ставка +%)- Графік: пн — пт 9−18, субота і неділя вихідні;- Комфортні умови роботи, класний колектив, професійні наставники)Надсилайте резюме, або телефонуйте 0508333019 — Софія.
Senior Machine Learning Engineer (GenAI, LAM, LLM)
Xenon7, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Xenon7 is a leading provider of AI-driven solutions for businesses. We specialize in leveraging data and artificial intelligence to drive innovation, optimize operations, and enhance customer experiences. Our client is a leading provider of secure, scalable, and intuitive biomedical data analysis software and bioinformatics applications for the life sciences and healthcare communities. The goal is to innovate the product by leveraging Machine Learning and more specifically GenAI, LAM, LLM. Who We’re Looking For You are an experienced Machine Learning Engineer who is passionate about creating and delivering cutting-edge enterprise-class AI-powered solutions. You have designed and released into production, multiple ML-based solutions that solve real business problems using technologies such as deep learning, machine learning or generative AI. You can work autonomously without a lot of supervision, think independently and dream up practical, out-of-the-box ideas. This is a key position in Engineering. You and your team will provide AI thought leadership not just within Engineering, but more broadly across the company.  Responsibilities Design, build and productionalize robust, high-performing ML, LLM and other AI solutions per the roadmap, and integrate them into our existing product suites. Build the supporting services to operationalize and automate your solution including unit and integration tests, CI/CD tooling, monitoring capabilities and data pipelines. Collaborate closely with other Engineering teams, Product Mgmt and our CTO  to  shape our AI roadmap and build exciting new solutions for our customers. Stay current with the latest developments in AI and evangelize them within the company. You will be part of a small team being set up from scratch, focused on building industry-leading AI capabilities for our suite of products. The role is remote with preference to EMEA region. Requirements 5+ years of software product development experience. At least 3 years of deep, intensive ML experience in a product setting, rather than in a research-oriented environment. A strong technical foundation with a Computer Science background, ideally with a Masters degree specializing in AI. You are fluent in Python and the Data Science stack You have experience with ML technologies and frameworks and extensive experience with at least a couple of the following:  Pytorch, Tensorflow/Keras, scikit, large-scale data processing technologies (SQL, data warehouses, Spark or HDFS). You have Generative AI experience deploying LLMs, RAG pipelines and agents eg. GPT4, LangChain, LLama2, Mixtral or similar technologies. You are comfortable designing and implementing the end-to-end ML workflow to deploy your ML models to production, and monitoring them post-production. This might include writing data pipelines and other Data Engineering or ML Ops tasks. Are extremely customer-focused. You have built products that have moved the needle for your customers. Working in a distributed, remote-first environment with asynchronous communication comes naturally to you. Familiarity with Javascript and node.js would be an advantage but not essential.  Experience with designing and building scalable distributed systems; familiarity with AWS (or Azure / GCP) would be an advantage
Senior Software Engineer (MAC C++)
TechMagic, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Who we need We are looking for a talented Senior Software Engineer (MAC C++) with 7+ years of programming experience to build a lot from scratch. This is a full-time, permanent position in Lviv, Kyiv or remote.Become an integral member of our client, which oversees several innovative SaaS services, including Remote Access and Secure Web Sessions.Must haveRequirements:  • A Software Engineer with 7+ years experience of C++ and SWIFT development on macOS• Strong knowledge in Apple APIs and Frameworks, especially system or POSIX layer• Knowledge in POSIX compliant systems such as Linux or BSD (administration and development)• Proven experience in multi-threaded applications, including Grand Central Dispatch technology• Proven participation in development of commercial off-the-shelf large-scale software products• Understanding of deployment methodologies for Mac applications• Familiarity with Python and JavaScript• Passionate about code design, high-quality code and code reviews, optimizing, and challenging the status quo• Eager to own and maintain code and push it at the highest quality and security level, including UT and automation tests• Capable and courageous enough to deep dive into complex areas in the system, analyse them, suggest solutions, and make necessary changes• Fluent English Will be a plus  • Experience with Chromium or Chromium-based projects• Familiarity with other programming/scripting languages• BSc/MSc degree in Computer Science or a related field• Experience with security standards and understanding of security best practices• Experience working with Windows, and Linux/Unix Operating Systems• Experienced with modern development and CI/CD tools, e.g. GitHub, Jenkins, Artifcatory, etc.• Extensive experience with source code branching, merging, and release methodologies About ProjectCustomerOur client is the worldwide frontrunner in identity security. By emphasizing intelligent privilege controls, they deliver the most extensive security solutions for any identity within business applications, distributed workforces, hybrid cloud environments, and throughout the entire DevOps lifecycle.StageThis is a growing projectWork ScheduleFull-time working day in our Lviv or Kyiv office (flexible hours) or full-time remoteInterview Stages1st stage — call with Recruiter2nd stage — technical interview
Майстри по ремонту квартир
, Львів, Львівська область
Запрошуємо на роботу майстра по ремонту квартир. Обʼєкти тільки по Львові.Вимоги до кандидата :- Досвід роботи від 2-х років- Відповідальність- Вміння працювати в команді- Бажання працювати на результат- Вміння якісно виконувати роботу- Пунктуальність- Знання норм та матеріалівМи пропонуємо:- Забезпечення постійною роботою- Забезпечення всім необхідним інструментом- Вчасну оплату праці - Забезпечення матеріалом- Домовленість з клієнтом- Контроль якості виконання роботи- Приємні умови праці- Зарплата від виробітку, згідно обговорених розцінок на будівельні роботи.Звертайтесь за номером телефону :09******11 - Роман (Viber , Telegram)
Технік, сервісний інженер по ремонту кавоварок, автомагнітол, ресівері
, Львів, Львівська область
Технік, сервісний інженер по ремонту кавоварок, автомагнітол, ресіверів.Детально по телефону
Senior Test Automation Engineer (Java)
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Lviv
Description: Our customer is an American manufacturer and globally recognized leader in Healthcare and Medical Devices. In close cooperation with the international team you will have the ability to participate in product feature definition, development, testing, and post-release support for innovative medical products.Requirements: Required Skills and Experience:• 2-5 Years of relevant work experience with bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, Computer Science, or a related field• 0-3 Years of relevant work experience with master’s degree in computer engineering, Computer Science, or a related field• Proficient in Java 1.8 or higher• Experience in Groovy• Experience writing automated tests using frameworks like Junit, Selenium, Spock, Geb, or Appium for Multi browser RESTful API/applications• Experience with GitLab, Eclipse or IntelliJ based IDE• Knowledge of Test methodologies and strategies• Experience testing commercial GUI products, Web applications• Understanding of Oracle database tables to assist in creating test data and debugging issues found in testing; experience creating and running SQL queries• Basic Experience with XML and XSD schema• Experience working with JSON objects• Experience working with AWS environmentsDesired Skills and Experience:• Experience in system integration projects• Experience with IBM WebSphere MQ and IBM Integration Bus is plus• Experience working with SAP (ECC6/S4HANA) is plus• Working knowledge of defect tracking systems such as JIRA• Working knowledge of Windows 10 and iOS operating systems • Past experience working with LATITUDE remote monitoring system• Familiar with java build tooling (e.g. Maven, Jenkins)• Familiar with tools: Datadog, Lens, GitKraken• Capacity to multi-task several testing activities concurrently• Testing experience in a regulated environment (Class III medical devices, defense, aerospace)• Experience using Kanban or other Agile based development methodologiesDeep understanding of CI/CD Responsibilities: • Designs, develops, debugs, and modifies test scripts that evaluate software applications against software requirements using Java. • Documents software development and/or test development by writing documents, reports, memos, change requests. Methods used are determined by approved procedures and standards• Collaborates with requirements and development teams to coordinate resolution of software errors.• Uses automation testing tools such as Selenium WebDriver for web application testing.• Understands system of systems architecture and integration between systems• Work with external teams to define requirements, design, implementation and testing for integration between systems.• Creates test procedure for software system interface testing and develop automated tests to ensure with agreed upon interface design• Tracks software development effort by creating and maintaining records in the approved tracking management tool.• Solves engineering problems by analyzing the situation and recommending corrective or alternative actions.• Analyzes, evaluates, validates requirements, design of software and systems by using software engineering practices.• Uses version management tools to manage test assets in a concurrent design environment.• Investigates, researches, and selects software design and tools as part of an architecture team.• Continuously improves process and work methodologies by interfacing with peers/cross-functional groups and analyzing activities to improve workflow and work processes. What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Електромонтажник сонячних електростанцій, Електрик, сервісний інженер Sanlarix.
Привіт! Ми, компанія Sanlarix, спеціалізуємось на будівництві сонячних електростанцій необмеженої потужності, продажі та встановлення зарядних станцій для електромобілів, також ми інтернет магазин товарів альтернативної енергетики?.Шукаємо в команду інженера з сервісного обслуговування сонячних електростанцій для приватних будинків та комерції.Робота полягає у взятті на баланс, профілактичному обслуговуванні та вирішенні несправностей по роботі з СЕС.Навчаємо кандидата усім неохідним технічним знанням та особливостям усіх моделей інверторів з якими ми працюємо: Solax/Deye/Solis/Fox/Growatt/Shtromhertz.Критерії кандидата:Профільна освіта;Практичний досвід електромонтажу;Знання ПУЕ, ВІД, ПБ;Робота з електрикою (змінний/постійний струм);Принципи автоматизації, релейні схеми керування;Навичка читання схем;Монтаж інверторів та щитів рахисту обладнання;Сервісне обслуговування;Виїзд до клієнтів на заміри;Вільне користування комп‘ютером;Посвідчення водія категорії «В»;Досвід від 1 року; Вік від 21 роківМи пропонуємо:Заробітна плата 30 000 грн (+ бонуси за обсяг робіт);Оплата відряджень;Офіційне оформлення;Курси підвищення кваліфікації;Авто для роботчих поїздок;Оплачувану відпустку;Робота в офісі та об'єктах;Графік роботи: Пн.-Пт.постійна робота;Основне місце роботи: кільцеваВ нас цікава вакансія, яка дозволить зростати як у професійному плані так і в фінансовому!Залишились запитання? Не вагайся, залишай своє резюме і ми детальніше розкажемо про вакансію.Якщо тобі подобається альтернативна енергетика і в тебе є бажання працювати з сучасним обладнанням в технологічній компанії, тоді тобі до нас!https://sanlarix.lviv.ua/www.youtube.com/@sanlarixhttps://www.instagram.com/sanlarix/
Майстер з ремонту бензо-, електроінструменту
, Львів, Львівська область
Приєднуйся до Dnipro-M та відкрий для себе нові горизонти у світі інструментів!Тут ти зможеш:Розпочати кар'єру з нуля: Ми оплачуємо навчання та ділимося знаннями, щоб ти став справжнім супергероєм;Відчути себе частиною крутої команди: У нас завжди панує дружня атмосфера, і ми завжди готові підтримати один одного — це те, що робить Dnipro-M особливим місцем;Отримати нескінченні можливості розвитку: Тут ти матимеш можливість постійно рости і розвиватися, ми завжди підтримуємо та цінуємо ідеї та прагнення до досягнень!Працювати зі зручним графіком 5/2 з 9:00−18:00Чого ми очікуємо від тебе:Любов до інструментів — це головне!Бажання навчатися та розвиватися;Технічний склад розуму — буде твоєю перевагою;Твої обов’язки включатимуть:Діагностику та ремонт інструментів;Облік та зберігання запасних частин;Консультування та надання рекомендацій користувачам;Не маєш досвіду? Не проблема! Ми навчимо тебе всьому, що потрібно!Надсилай резюме або телефонуй — не пропусти шанс стати супергероєм Dnipro-M!
Trainee С Embedded Engineer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Lviv
Description: GlobalLogic Ukraine is inviting a Trainee Embedded C Engineer to join our Lviv office.As a full-lifecycle product development services company, GlobalLogic helps the world’s leading companies to design, implement and deliver software. We are always looking for talented team members to help us with this mission.We offer:Interesting and challenging work in a large and dynamically developing companyExciting projects involving newest technologiesProfessional development opportunitiesExcellent compensation and benefits package, performance bonus programModern and comfortable office facilitiesRequirements: Good knowledge of CKnowledge of OS and RTOS conceptsUnderstanding of computer architectureBasic NetworkingAt least user experience with LinuxBasic multi threading#LI-NV1#LI-Onsite Responsibilities: Participate in the development and bug-fixing for the developed solutionsParticipate in the analysis, diagnosis and troubleshooting of the complex parts of the developed solutionCooperate with other teams to follow up issues resolution Reporting the results of work What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Trainee Information Security Engineer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Lviv
Description: Inviting Trainee Information Security Engineer to join a growing account in the medical devices industry domain. Our client is the global leader company of healthcare solutions, which contributes to human welfare by application of biomedical engineering in the research, design, manufacture, and sale of instruments or appliances that alleviate pain, restore health and extend life for people around the world.Our team is focusing on designing and developing software for medical devices, where the software has strong restrictions for safety and quality, power management, and memory usage.Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related discipline, or equivalent experienceThe ideal candidate is a highly motivated individual who pays great attention to detail, results oriented with excellent interpersonal and communication skillsUpper intermediate English skills (both speaking and writing) Responsibilities: Create, review and update security documentation for software products to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and policiesPerform various security related tasks according to standard operating proceduresActively detect and identify security weaknesses and determine the required remediation stepsContinuously check for the new threats and their mitigation planVulnerability Assessment activitiesAnalyze and monitor the 3rd party software for security vulnerabilitiesIdentify security critical processes and components What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Інженер з ремонту сільськогосподарської техніки у Львівську обл.
A.C.T., ООО, Львів
Група компаній «Аграрні системні технології» AST — один з лідерів галузі, що спеціалізується на вирощуванні, переробці, продажу зернових та бобових культур, оголошує конкурс на вакансію:«Інженер з ремонту с/г техніки».Вимоги до кандидата:освіта — середньо-спеціальна, вища;досвід роботи — обов’язково;відповідальне ставлення до обов’язків;наявність власного авто.Основні обов’язки:Утримання рухомого складу автомобільного транспорту в належному стані;Здійснює контроль за додержанням водіями правил технічної експлуатації рухомого транспорту;Забезпечує поточний ремонт транспортних засобів;Контролює і несе відповідальність за справність підйомно-транспортних механізмів, справність інструменту і обладнання, що використовується при ремонті автотранспорту та гаражного господарства;Здійснює контроль за забезпеченням паливо-мастильними матеріалами, запчастинами та іншими матеріалами МТП, веде їх облік та складає про їх використання;Забезпечує та контролює дотримання працівниками правил і норм з охорони праці, правил внутрішнього трудового розпорядку та протипожежного захисту;Проводить навчання, інструктажі з охорони праці підпорядкованому йому персоналу.Ми пропонуємо:конкурентний компенсаційний пакет;офіційне працевлаштування;можливості для професійного і кар'єрного зростання в рамках Холдингу.Якщо Вас зацікавила ця вакансія і Ви відповідаєте вимогам, будь ласка, надсилайте резюме з очікуваним рівнем доходу на e-mail [email protected]
Сервісний інженер з обслуговування сортувальних ліній
Українські Інтелектуальні Системи, Львів
Компанія «УКРАЇНСЬКІ ІНТЕЛЕКТУАЛЬНІ СИСТЕМИ, ТОВ» — це провідний розробник автоматизації складу та логістики, виробник сортувальних ліній для Укрпошти, Нової пошти.У зв’язку з розширенням нашої діяльності ми шукаємо Сервіс-інженера з обслуговування обладнання.Задачі:Контроль роботи обладнання відповідно до технічних вимог;Виконання щоденного тестування та діагностики обладнання;Проведення технічного обслуговування та ремонтних робіт у разі потреби;Їздити у відрядження (доплачуються).Вимоги:Володіння ПК на рівні впевненого користувача;Відповідальність та вміння аналізувати;Вміння працювати зі звичайними інструментами.Ми пропонуємо:Офіційне працевлаштування та соціальні гарантії;Роботу у дружньому колективі;Навчання та професійний розвиток.Графік позмінний 4/2 по 12 годин.Якщо ви хочете працювати в галузі технічних інновацій та отримувати стабільний дохід, то приєднуйтеся до нашої команди! Надсилайте своє резюме та ми з вами зв’яжемося.Звертайтесь за номером: ...10 —Євген
DevOps Engineer
Lemberg Solutions, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
DevOps EngineerRemote + OfficeLocation LvivNecessary skills and qualifications3+ years of experience as a DevOps engineerStrong knowledge of DevOps practicesSolid experience working with core AWS and Azure servicesExperience working with Git (GitOps)Experience setting up and maintaining CI/CD (Jenkins, GitLab CI, GitHub Actions, etc.)Understanding of networks and protocols — TCP/IP stackExperience working with Ansible and TerraformGood knowledge of Bash or Python scriptingStrong background in Docker and KubernetesIn-depth knowledge of load balancingCompliance with security and policies at all project stagesPractical skills in database deployment (MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL) and performance tuningAbility to write DevOps-related documentation on the projectAt least intermediate English levelWill be a plusOpen-minded personalityResponsibilitiesSet up and maintain CI/CD services (pipelines/deployment)Configure and maintain the following services: monitoring, servers, a K8s cluster, etc.Take care of projects that have moved into the support phase (client-side)Participate in the support and development of technical documentationSupport and consult the development teams
Site Reliability Engineer
Limelight Networks, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Site Reliability Engineer, Business ServicesThe Business Services Site Reliability Engineer will assist in maintaining the operational aspects of Limelight Networks' platforms and act as an escalation point for troubleshooting of systems and business services issues. Working with development and operations teams, this resource will use their experience in systems and related software to ensure the reliability of platforms under the Business Services umbrella. This will include developing procedures for deployment and day to day maintenance of these platforms and ensuring customer satisfaction and the ability of operations to support the products.In this role, the Business Services Site Reliability Engineer will be responsible for developing and reporting on KPIs that prove the reliability of the environment. They will need to identify opportunities for improvement in the products and track progress toward those improvements. The Business Services SRE is the operational owner of the products they are responsible for.Develop and enforce procedures for the maintenance and changes to products.Develop and report on KPIs that are relevant to the success of products.Coordinate with development and operations teams to ensure the reliability of products.Identify gaps in the operation of products and services, and drive enhancements. Continually evaluate release processes and tools to find areas for improvement.Contribute to the release and change management process by collaborating with the developers and other operations groups. Actively participate in development meetings and implement required changes to the operational architecture, standards, processes, or procedures and ensure they are in place prior to release (e.g. monitoring, documentation, metrics, etc.).Work in a fast-paced, collaborative environment while providing exceptional visibility to management and end-to-end ownership of incidents, projects, and tasks. Maintain a positive demeanor and a high level of professionalism at all times.Maintain prescribed levels of security and enforce security policies within the products.Act as a point of escalation and participate in resolution of issues with the products.Other duties as assigned by management.Required ExperienceBachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Information Systems or equivalent experience typically obtained by five or more years related work experience.+3 years of experience with Linux systems as a systems engineer.Familiarity with configuration management and release engineering processes and methodologies.Experience with Version Control, Shell scripting and one or more scripting languages including Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP.Experience supporting internally developed as well as third-party customer facing products.Proven self-starter with the ability to document technical data and track incidents, projects, and tasks on a daily basis and in a clear and concise manner.Experience mentoring and supporting other team members.Excellent coordination, planning, and written and verbal communication skills in the English language.Desired ExperienceExperience with use of Hadoop including workflow management systems and monitoring job execution.Experience supporting open-source messaging solutions such as RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ.Experience with Zabbix, ELK, Grafana and OpenTSDB.Experience with Java applications, including webapps in Tomcat.Experience with SALT Stack for configuration management.Physical Demands (Physical, Mental Demands or Exposures)Typical office environment.Ability to be available for escalations 24x7.Travel to the US may be required.
Senior .NET Full Stack Engineer [Angular, Azure]
Epam, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Description Are you passionate about leveraging technology to solve complex business challenges? Do you thrive in dynamic and innovative environments? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you to work with one of our prestigious clients in the professional services industry! Our client provides audit, management consulting, tax and legal services.As a Senior .NET Full Stack Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining high-quality web applications. You will work extensively with .NET, Azure services, and front-end frameworks, primarily Angular or React. This role requires a deep understanding of cloud services, serverless architectures, and a strong DevOps mindset to manage CI/CD pipelines effectively. Responsibilities Design, develop, and maintain robust, scalable, and high-performance web applications using .NET and Angular Implement and manage Azure serverless services, including Azure Container Apps (ACA), Azure Functions (AZFN), Azure Service Bus (ASB), EventHub, and Azure SQL Develop and maintain CI/CD pipelines using Azure Pipelines or similar tools Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and implement new features Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs Continuously discover, evaluate, and implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency Requirements Extensive experience with .NET framework and C# programming Strong knowledge of Azure serverless services (ACA, AZFN), Azure Service Bus (ASB), EventHub, and Azure SQL Experience with Azure Pipelines or similar CI/CD tools Front-end development skills, ideally with Angular. If not proficient in Angular, experience with React or another front-end framework and a readiness to learn Angular DevOps mindset with experience in managing CI/CD pipelines and deployments Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a team environment Strong communication skills and ability to effectively collaborate with team members and stakeholders Upper-Intermediate level of English, both spoken and written (B2) Nice to have Experience with Bicep for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) We Offer Competitive compensation depending on experience and skills Individual career path Unlimited access to LinkedIn learning solutions Sick leave and regular vacation English classes with certified English teachers Flexible work hours About EPAM EPAM is a leading global provider of digital platform engineering and development services. We are committed to positively impacting our customers, our employees, and our communities. We embrace a dynamic and inclusive culture. Here you will collaborate with multi-national teams, contribute to a myriad of innovative projects that deliver the most creative and cutting-edge solutions, and have an opportunity to learn and grow continuously. You will join a dedicated, creative, and diverse community that will help you discover your fullest potential. EPAM is committed to providing our global team of 53,+ EPAMers with inspiring careers. EPAMers lead with passion and honesty and think creatively. Our people are the source of our success, and we value collaboration, try always to understand our customers' business, and strive for the highest standards of excellence
Senior Devops Engineer
Pixels Matter, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Are you looking for an innovative and cutting-edge technology company that will motivateyouand support your career? Take charge of your career future at Pixels Matter and join us in our Lviv office . We are a leading provider of technology content and services for the Location BasedIndustry.Maintaining a diversified IP portfolio in four primary market segments: M2MIntelligence, GolfLocation Solutions, Vehicle Telematics and Geo-Data Solutions As an DevOps Engineer, you will be a vital contributor to our inspiring and bold mission. POSITION OBJECTIVE: The DevOps Engineer is responsible for supporting services related to our Golf Coursemanagement system. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Work production with AWS Manage, automate and maintain custom environments, deployments andconfigurations Work with internal and off-site team of software engineers Executes engineering activities related to the project in coordinationwithmanagement to stay on schedule Demonstrates the ability to balance maintenance and new development taskson existing systems QUALIFICATIONS: Strong experience in AWS Cloud (EC2, ECS, ElasticBeanstalk, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeCommit etc.) Must have experience with CloudFormation and AWS CDK 5+ years experience in DevOps Practical Experience in Amazon Relational Database Service (MySQL) Experience with Java 8 and higher - the previous backend position is priority(Spring) Commercial experience in working with DynamoDb Working with Linux environments Knowledge of container tools and orchestration technologies would beaplus(Kubernetes) Excellent problem analysis, troubleshooting and resolution skills Good command of English WHAT WE CAN OFFER YOU: Paid vacation and sick time Public holidays Incentive bonus compensation plans Technical equipment Happy hours on Fridays Company sponsored events as well as a casual work environment SALARY COMMENSURATE WITHEXPERIENCE Powered by JazzHR
Senior Android Engineer (6 months contract)
685 OpenBet Ukraine LLC, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Who We Are:The world's top sports betting and lottery brands choose OpenBet as their partner for world class content, leading tech and tailored service. We have their back, so they’re ready with exciting, memorable and safe sports betting experiences to entertain billions of players worldwide.Endeavor is a global sports and entertainment company, home to many of the world’s most dynamic and engaging storytellers, brands, live events, and experiences. The Endeavor network specializes in talent representation through entertainment agency WME; sports operations and advisory, event management, media production and distribution, and brand licensing through IMG; live event experiences and hospitality through On Location; full-service marketing through global cultural marketing agency 160over90; and sports data and technology through IMG ARENA and OpenBet. Endeavor is also the majority owner of TKO Group Holdings (NYSE: TKO), a premium sports and entertainment company comprising UFC and WWE.The Android Software Engineer role will be a key one for the OpenBet Product Engineering team. Reporting to the Development Lead, the Software Engineer will be shaping and implementing the technology and product deliverables that will drive forward strategic product deliverables.What would you doDevelopment of new features and functionality forOpenBet Android native mobile applications, including the production of unit tests as and where required.Monitor and adapt to changes in the Android Operating systems,native SDKsand build frameworks introduced by Google.Work with the Mobile Architect and Principal Engineers to define the direction for the introduction of new technologies and trends to adhere to Google’s native mobile guidelines and best practices.Provide structured feedback and recommendations to “back-end” platform developers, to ensure APIs are fit for purpose.Proactively identify and address areas of material improvement, notably aroundnative performance, security and code complexity.​​​​​​​Identify and support the training needs of Android dev teams and in extension the broader OpenBet teams on the Android ecosystem.​​​​​​​On occasion, lead an Agile workstream.Where required, provide 3rd line support and supporting production launches.QualificationsIf you are the right Senior Android Engineer for us you will be able to demonstrate:A Bachelor’s degree in a traditional science subject, ideally computer science, engineering or information systems from a well-regarded university.At least 5 published Android apps in the Google App Store.Ability to document technical solutions in a variety of formats and to constructively share knowledge with less experienced team members.A minimum of 5 years’ hands-on experience in designing and developing mobile applications forAndroid using Kotlin and Java.Demonstrable experience working with at least one other web wrapping native framework such as Ionic with HTML 5 and AngularJS, Cordova, React Native.Demonstrable experience in developingdata heavy, RESTful service driven applications using JSON data models.Experience with mobileSSO integrationsfor authenticating users.Demonstrable experience withTDDand / or BDD.General understanding of the use of Jenkins and Git (BitBucket)Demonstrably strong understanding of Google’s Human Interface Guidelines.Some experience with the newFlutterframework.It would be great to see these experiences as well:Experience in mobile web technologies (JavaScript, HTML5, AJAX, CSS).Understanding of general UX principlesfor web applications, including responsive and adaptive design principles and how they can be embedded within a native container as webviews.Knowledge of the iOS ecosystem and apps.Use of a CI/CD frameworkfor Android applications development.General scripting skills: Bash, Python, Ruby,etc.Domain knowledge is required, but having worked on fully native high data complex Android mobile applications development #LI-KV1Endeavor unites and brings people together in our love of sport, culture, and entertainment. We understand this can only be accomplished when we lead with a lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion in everything we do. As a global company that drives culture, we strive to reflect the world’s diverse voices. Endeavor is an equal opportunities employer and encourages applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, or religion or belief.
Junior DB Software DeveloperTernopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Kyiv, Uzhhorod, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, Rivne, LutskSoftware Engineering, DB\BI.
Eleks, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
ELEKS is looking for a Junior Data Engineer in Lviv, Kyiv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtci, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Lutsk.ABOUT PROJECTOur client is one of the biggest financial institutions in the USA. We’ve been cooperating with them for a long time.REQUIREMENTS At least 1.5 years of working experience as a Data EngineerOracle databaseSQL DBGitHubExperience with Snowflake would be a plusAt least an Upper-Intermediate level of EnglishPossibility for on-site with the client abroad RESPONSIBILITIES Develop solutions and algorithms according to technical specifications or other requirements documentationUse standard algorithms in the applicable casesWrite program code according to the defined application architectureStructure and format source code, comment and mark up the code, as well as name variables, functions, classes, data structures, and files according to the company conventions and industry best practicesTrack changes, compare source code in the defined version control systemCommit changes according to version control rulesPerform analysis, verification, and debugging of the software code at the level of application units.Detect defects, apply debugging methods and techniques, correctly interpret bug reports, as well as apply modern compilers, debuggers, and program code optimizersAgree task deadlines with Project Manager or Technical Leader What will you get with ELEKS Above average compensationClose cooperation with a customerChallenging tasksCompetence developmentAbility to influence project technologiesProjects from scratchTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracy ABOUT ELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.Benefitsundefined
Middle Data EngineerPoland, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Kyiv, Uzhhorod, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, Rivne, LutskSoftware Engineering, DB\BI.
Eleks, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
ELEKS is looking for a Middle Data Engineer in Poland and in Ukraine (Lviv, Kyiv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Lutsk).ABOUT PROJECTOur client is one of the biggest financial institutions in the USA. We’ve been cooperating with them for a long time.REQUIREMENTS At least 2 years of working experience as a Data EngineerOracle databaseSQL DBGitHubExperience with Snowflake would be a plusAt least an Upper-Intermediate level of EnglishPossibility for on-site with the client abroad RESPONSIBILITIES Build the structure of Data modelsCreation of design data integration & connectivity between BE and Data storageDefine data assetsPlanning of data location (cache or hot data in CosmosDB)Building database layer for optimal data extraction/ transformation/ loading and processing using templates & patterns (using reusable components)Consult the Client about the Data Layer of an application at the first month of the project (discovery phase)Develop solutions and algorithms according to technical specifications or other requirements documentationUse standard algorithms in the applicable casesWrite program code according to the defined application architectureStructure and format source code, comment and mark up the code, as well as name variables, functions, classes, data structures, and files according to the company conventions and industry best practicesTrack changes, and compare source code in the defined version control system.Commit changes according to version control rulesPerform analysis, verification, and debugging of the software code at the level of application unitsDetect defects, apply debugging methods and techniques, correctly interpret bug reports, as well as apply modern compilers, debuggers, and program code optimizersAgree task deadlines with Project Manager or Technical Leader What will you get with ELEKS Above average compensationClose cooperation with a customerChallenging tasksCompetence developmentAbility to influence project technologiesProjects from scratchTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracy ABOUT ELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.Benefitsundefined
Senior JavaScript Engineer (Angular)
Epam, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Description Our fintech start-up is focused on developing intuitive and customizable products for the finance industry. Our solutions provide clear and relevant insights that enable clients to make informed security selections, manage asset allocation, and mitigate risk. We aim to streamline workflows and help modern organizations make confident investment decisions.We are seeking an experienced JavaScript Developer who is passionate about web development, able to deliver clean, functional code and bring innovation to our projects. Your major focus will be developing user interfaces using Angular (currently using Angular 8+), ensuring optimum performance and maintaining high application quality standards Responsibilities Develop functional web applications with clean, secure code Conduct end-to-end debugging and quality assurance to ensure code performance Translate architectural designs into high-quality, maintainable code Design creative new features and functionalities to improve user experience Collaborate with the DevOps team in setting up and managing the CI/CD pipeline Perform code reviews and write unit tests to enforce high quality coding standards Cooperate with cross-functional teams in defining, designing, and implementing new features Demonstrate effective communication to clarify complex tasks and participate in project planning and application design Requirements 4+ years of relevant experience Strong proficiency in front-end development using Angular 8+ Solid understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS Proficiency with TypeScript Proven experience in developing front-end software applications Strong problem-solving skills and maintain a thorough attention to detail Persistence and focus in managing a single project over long periods rather than frequently shifting between projects Strong understanding of Angular principles such as dependency injection, RxJS, and server-side rendering Ability to solve complex algorithmic challenges Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines Basic familiarity with CSS box model; in-depth understanding is not essential but could be a bonus Proficiency in asynchronous programming and handling concurrency in JavaScript Familiarity with data structures in JavaScript, such as dictionaries Upper-intermediate or higher English level, both spoken and written (B2+) We Offer Competitive compensation depending on experience and skills Individual career path Unlimited access to LinkedIn learning solutions Sick leave and regular vacation English classes with certified English teachers Flexible work hours About EPAM EPAM is a leading global provider of digital platform engineering and development services. We are committed to positively impacting our customers, our employees, and our communities. We embrace a dynamic and inclusive culture. Here you will collaborate with multi-national teams, contribute to a myriad of innovative projects that deliver the most creative and cutting-edge solutions, and have an opportunity to learn and grow continuously. You will join a dedicated, creative, and diverse community that will help you discover your fullest potential. EPAM is committed to providing our global team of 52,+ EPAMers with inspiring careers. EPAMers lead with passion and honesty and think creatively. Our people are the source of our success, and we value collaboration, try always to understand our customers' business, and strive for the highest standards of excellence