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Рекомендовані вакансії

Product/Marketing Data Analyst
Netpeak, Remote Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Агентство Netpeak у пошуках Middle/Senior Product Analyst для надання послуг у сфері дата аналітики. Досвід маркетингової аналітики буде великим плюсом. Це вакансія під новий напрямок продуктової аналітики. Головним обов’язком буде налаштування систем аналітики, звітності, BI проектів, візуалізації даних для наших клієнтів з різних продуктових бізнесів. Крім налаштування, ти вмієш знаходити місця втрати трафіку, формувати гіпотези та інтерпретувати результати A/B тестів. У сфері рішень та хмарних технологій для аналізу даних спостерігається динамічний розвиток, тому до твоїх обов'язків входитиме розвиток тестового оточення, де ми можемо пробувати нові підходи та інструменти. У нас різні проєкти щодо масштабу, тематики, бюджетів. Серед наших клієнтів: OLX, Intertop, Eva, Prom.ua, Privatbank, Планета Кіно. Ми є агентством performance-маркетингу №1 в Україні, Болгарії та Казахстані (згідно з різними рейтингами, включаючи Рейтинг IAB Ukraine). У середньому протягом останніх трьох років наш дохід зростав на 99,6% на рік. Ми робимо це завдяки нашій команді, але могли б зростати ще швидше, якби у нас відкриті зараз 50+ вакансій було закрито.Приєднуйся до нашої команди – разом роститимемо бізнеси клієнтів і перейдемо з третього світу до першого. Твої скіли: Професійні навички та якості.1. Досвід роботи веб-аналітиком або дата аналітиком від 2 років.2. Знання SQL на рівні CTE та складних Window Functions, робота з Google BigQuery.3. Досвідчений користувач Google Tag Manager.4. Вмієш працювати хоча б з одним з інструментів продуктової та маркетингової аналітики (Google Analytics 4, Amplitude, Mixpanel) .5. Досвід роботи з одним із інструментів візуалізації (Looker Data Studio, Power BI, Tableau).6. Розуміння підходів створення BI проектів: вивантаження, об'єднання даних.7. Вміння використовувати мови програмування Python для підготовки конекторів та аналізу даних.8. Англійська B1 та вище.Плюсами буде:- досвід роботи по налаштуванню аналітики для мобільних додатків;- кейси зі створення наскрізних систем аналітики та BI проектів;- досвід роботи з Google Cloud (Cloud Functions, App Engine, Google BigQuery);- досвід роботи з DBT;- знання основ статистики;- досвід роботи з командним рядком та GitHub. Команда чекає від тебе: 1. Повний аналітичний супровід по наданню послуги продуктовоїх аналітики- визначення цілей та контексту використання аналітичний інструментів;- підготовка необхідних технічних завдань по відслідковуванню подій;- синхронізація з рекламними та продуктовими командами;- формування регулярної звітності та її автоматизація;- налаштування вивантаження даних із усіх джерел у Google BigQuery та інші сховища даних;- підготовка, об'єднання та агрегація даних за допомогою SQL;- візуалізація даних;- поглиблений аналіз даних у хмарному сховищі данних. 2. Індивідуальні аналітичні рішення (BI проекти)- визначення цілей та контексту використання аналітичного рішення;- створення схеми аналітичного рішення та моделі даних;- налаштування вивантаження даних із усіх джерел у Google BigQuery та інші сховища даних;- підготовка, об'єднання та агрегація даних за допомогою SQL;- візуалізація даних. 3. Налаштування систем аналітики (Amplitude, Google Analytics 4, AppsFlyer)– створення та налаштування аккаунтів аналітичних систем;– підготовка технічних завдань на передачу даних у DataLayer, Measurement Protocol та відстеженню подій системами аналітики;– перевірка імплементації. Ми пропонуємо: - Фіксовану ставку та бонуси за підсумками співбесіди.- Гнучкий графік роботи з можливістю починати робочий день з 8:00 до 10:00, та завершувати з 17:00 до 19:00.- Оплачувана відпустка у розмірі 24-х календарних днів, оплачувані лікарняні.- Відвідування профільних конференцій коштом компанії (ми оплачуємо до 50% вартості навчання), а також участь у конференціях та семінарах організатором яких є Netpeak Group.- Систему гейміфікації, мемогенератор, внутрішню валюту (нетпікси) та магазин «Netpeak Store» з мерчем, літературою та технікою.- Можливість бути частиною амбітної команди;- Індивідуальна та групова робота з корпоративним психологом.- Користування преміум-версіями штучних інтелектів. Ще важливо: Якщо ти побачив себе в описі вакансії та вже готовий увірватись до роботи — сміливо відгукуйся!
Product Owner PAM
Suntech Innovation, Kyiv
Key Responsibilities- Vision and Strategy Development:- Develop and articulate a clear vision for the PAM system.- Align PAM strategies with overall business objectives.- Product Roadmap Management:- Create and maintain a product roadmap, prioritizing features based on business value and user needs.- Collaborate with stakeholders to ensure roadmap alignment with customer and market demands.- Champion technical initiatives for consideration in the product development roadmap.- Feature Development and Management:- Lead the planning, development, and launch of new features and enhancements.- Define user stories and acceptance criteria for feature development.- Oversee the product backlog and prioritize based on changing requirements.- Drive ownership and awareness of system health, performance and stability.- Ensure highly effective support and maintenance processes are in place.- Cross-Functional Collaboration:- Work closely with development teams to deliver product features.- Collaborate with marketing, customer service, and compliance teams to ensure a cohesive product strategy.- Data-Driven Decision Making:- Utilize data analytics to inform decisions and improve product performance.- Monitor industry trends and competitor products to stay ahead in the market.- Stakeholder Communication:- Act as the main point of contact for all PAM-related queries.- Communicate effectively with stakeholders at all levels, providing regular updates on product progress.
Senior Product Owner
Suntech Innovation, Kyiv
Key Responsibilities- Product Vision and Strategy: Develop and articulate a clear vision for the sportsbook product, aligning with the company’s strategic goals. Continually assess market trends, customer needs, and technological advancements to adapt and evolve the product strategy.- Backlog Management, Prioritization and Roadmap planning: Maintain and prioritize the product backlog, ensuring that all tasks are aligned with the product vision and deliver maximum value to the users, while acting as a main contributor and influencer to the product quarterly roadmaps.- Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams including developers, designers, marketing, and sales to ensure smooth implementation of the product strategy. Act as a bridge between technical and non-technical stakeholders, effectively communicating product goals and progress.- User Experience Focus: Champion a user-centric approach in product development, ensuring that user needs and feedback are central to the design and development process.- Performance Metrics: Define and monitor key performance indicators for the sportsbook product, using data to drive decisions and measure success.- Competitive Analysis: Conduct regular analysis of competitors and industry trends to identify opportunities for innovation and improvement.- Risk Management: Identify and mitigate risks related to product development and implementation.
Marketing Producer
Vizor Games, Kyiv
We're currently looking for a Marketing Producer who will spearhead our traffic acquisition strategy on a major advertising channel and is ready to scale new heights with us. If this resonates with you and sparks your interest, let's get to know each other better! Опыт senior Технологии Tableau / BI / Английский язык What are you working on? The name of the project(s): Marketing Genres: Casual Platforms: iOS, Mobile, Android For which tasks (responsibilities)? Development acquisition system on a channel: designing and maintaining algorithms in all directions. Establishing a reporting system of the direction. Studying channel operation algorithms, forming hypotheses, and conducting research. Team management and development:conducting assessments, feedbacks, development plans and motivating the team. Collaboration with other marketing teams: creatives and marketing analytics teams. Negotiating with key partners. What kind of professional are we looking for? 3+ years of mobile UA experience, preferably in Performance Marketing. 3+ years of gamedev experience. Team management experience. Understanding of technical aspects of marketing: metrics, services. Knowledge in MS Excel, Power BI, Tableau. Would be a plus: Educational background in physics & mathematics or technical education. Experience in Python, R, SQL. Upper Intermediate level of English. What are the conditions and bonuses? We are inspired by each other! We share experiences, exchange ideas, discuss them, and then immediately implement them. And the results exceed all our expectations. Our care department works hard to make sure that you hear the word «care» more often than you think about it. The starter kit includes health insurance, paid sick leave, vacation, 4 sick days per year as well as sports and fitness reimbursement. And last year, we also added psychological support for our employees. We offer everything you need for professional development: specialized conferences, workshops, internal English, and much more. All you need is the desire to grow, and in our turn, we will give you the opportunity. Plus, we also have employee referral bonuses, bonuses for your birthday and other events in your life, and much more.
Менеджер з продукту (кукурудза і соняшник)
Компанія ЕРІДОН, Київ
Компанія «Ерідон» на сьогодні є лідером в постачанні оборотних засобів для сільського господарства в України. Ми працюємо на ринку з 1993 року.Компанія реалізує високоякісні та сертифіковані продукти майже усіх провідних міжнародних брендів та має найбільшу лінійку товарів у категоріях - насіння, засоби захисту рослин, основні мінеральні добрива та мікродобрива.Функціональні обов'язки:Просування напрямку насіння в національному масштабі;Презентації та робота з командами регіональних представництв;Організація маркетингових заходів щодо розвитку ексклюзивних продуктів;Технологічне консультування та участь в переговорах із клієнтами;Ведення документообороту, супровід напрямку.Основні вимоги:Досвід в аграрному секторі;Знання ринку виробників насіння та дистрибуторів;Глибоке знання насінництва, технології вирощування;Володіння маркетинговими інструментами;Знання офісних програм, 1 С, PowerPoint;Вміння проводити презентації;Готовність до відряджень;Самоорганізованість.Компанія пропонуєКонкурентну оплату праці;Офіційне працевлаштування;Необхідне забезпечення: авто, ноутбук, телефон.
Продакт менеджер (небрендовані генерики)
Дарниця, Київ
Вимоги: Вища медична освіта; Бажано додаткова освіта з маркетингу; Досвід роботи продакт менеджером від 2 років; Практичні навички розробки стратегії та маркетингового плану, проведення аналізу фармацевтичного ринку та конкурентного середовища; Навички стимулювання продажів через аптечні мережі; Досвід роботи з даними Proxima Research в АТС, INN; Посвідчення водія; Готовність до відряджень; Досвідчений користувач MS Office. Довіряємо: Розробка та впровадження маркетингової стратегії для портфелю небрендованих генериків; Управління асортиментом товарів; Аналіз ринку конкурентів, трендів та в цілому; Організація та проведення маркетингових заходів (рекламних кампаній, презентацій, конференцій); Виведення на ринок нових продуктів та торгових марок; Планування та контроль за використанням маркетингового бюджету відповідно до узгоджених планів; Гарантуємо: Потужну команду професіоналів поруч; Медичне страхування; Конкурентну заробітну плату; Можливості для навчання, професійного розвитку та кар'єрного росту.
Product Lead
NewGMedia, Київ
As Product Lead, you will shape a groundbreaking B2B platform, with a product-centric focus on development free from customer-facing constraints.Advantages of This Role for You:Product-Centric Focus: Dive into product development, unburdened by customer-facing services, making decisions based on future goals rather than immediate requests.Strategic Autonomy: Take charge of testing and data-driven decision-making, steering the product’s direction strategically.Advanced Analytical Support: Benefit from the expertise of machine learning and data science teams to reinforce your data-driven strategies and decisions.Clear Career Path: Progress towards Deputy CPO or head of a dedicated business line within the product structure, with ample leadership opportunities.Fast-Paced Growth: Immerse yourself in a dynamic company environment, contributing to rapid product development, scaling, and exploring new, promising directions.Prestige: Join a multi-award-winning Gambling Company, contributing to the journey that has crafted 9 top iGaming brands on the markets of Tier-1 countries.Key Responsibilities:Manage creation, launch and development of main services.Act as a Product Manager in the B2B team.Work closely with stakeholders to identify product needs and translate them into clear product requirements.Manage and prioritize a backlog.Represent and advocate product vision within the team and facilitate product processes.Collaborate with the external providers, partners and internal stakeholders to continuously simplify and optimize the platform solutions and their flows. Skills & Qualifications Required:Previous involvement in the iGaming or betting industry.4+ years experience in product development as a Product Manager. Experience as a product Lead/Head/VP/Director/Chief. Understanding of product development lifecycle.User-oriented approach. Managing the roadmap, participating in sprint planning and prioritization.Constant work on hypotheses generation and validation via various test suites.Data-driven approach and inquiring mindset.Knowledge of Value proposition design is a plus. Your Hiring Journey:Call with a Recruiter ️ Interview with Hiring Manager ️ Interview with CPO ️ Final Interview with Head of Recruitment  ️ Job offer ? Perks of Being with Us:Time Off: 20 vacation days, 36 sick days annually.Learning: English classes, learning compensation, conference and seminar support.Professional Growth: Emphasis on internal promotions for career advancement.Health Benefits: Annual budget for health expenses.Special Occasions: Extra day off for birthdays, marriage bonus, enhanced maternity support.Work Environment: Minimal bureaucracy, no overtime, necessary tools and tech provided.Corporate Events: Team-building activities in a multicultural setting.Work-Life Balance: Flexible remote, office, or hybrid work options without time tracking. Ready to craft the future of iGaming with us? Join the company where ideas transform into magnificent results!
Product process manager
TalentSearch, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
ПриватБанк є найбільшим банком України та одним з найбільш інноваційних банків світу. Займає лідируючі позиції за всіма фінансовими показниками в галузі та складає близько чверті всієї банківської системи країни.Ми шукаємо Менеджера Продукту, який прагне працювати в динамічному середовищі та розділяє цінності взаємної довіри, відкритості та ініціативності.Ми прагнемо знайти цілеспрямованого професіонала, який вміє працювати в режимі багатозадачності, орієнтованого на якість та результат.Основні обовязки:Аналіз існуючих робочих процесів ІТ та внутрішніх замовників з ціллю виявлення областей для оптимізації, що дозволять сприяти узгодження потреб та очікувань ділових партнерів із можливостями та ресурсами ІТ Розробка та реалізація комплексної стратегії, фреймворку та процесів побудови цілісної структури взаємодії ІТ та внутрішніх замовників в межах ведення діяльності з розвитку продуктів на сервісів Банку, забезпечення інтеграції нового підходу з існуючими процесами Банку; Управління зацікавленими сторонами трансформаційного напряму на різних рівнях (комунікація з вищим керівництвом, бізнес підрозділами, ІТ командами) для забезпечення синхронізації щодо їх потреб а очікувань;Розробка стратегії з управління змінами та комунікаціями під час впровадження комплексних змін із запуску оновлених процесів; Забезпечення механізму, що дозволить визначати та відстежувати метрики щодо виконання та впливу оновлених процесів на бізнес-результати організації.Основні вимоги:3 + років досвіду к менеджера продукту; Підтверджений досвід впровадження та управління складними трансформаційними ініціативами в якості керівника змін, керівника продуктів/проектів/програм;Практичний досвід інжинірингу процесів в межах SDLC, PDLC, demand management;Досвід управління комплексними змінами із здатністю керувати організаційними змінами та впливати на велику кількість зацікавлених сторін;Досвід з активного використання ключових практик з управління проектами (календарне та ресурсне планування, робота з ризиками трансформаційних ініціатив);Знання методології та фреймворків бизнес аналізу; Буде перевагою:Досвід роботи у управлінні та створенні продуктів для FSI (банк, фінтех.); Досвід у розробці ІТ продуктів від ідеї до реалізації виходу на ринок; Англійська (Upper Intermediate)Досвід роботи із декількома командами розробкиСвоїм співробітникам ми пропонуємо:Роботу в найбільшому та інноваційному банку УкраїниОфіційне працевлаштування та 24 календарних дні відпусткиКонкурентну заробітну платуМедичне страхування та корпоративний мобільний звязокКорпоративне навчанняСучасний комфортний офісДружній професійний колектив та сильну команду
Production Operations Manager
SC Johnson Professional, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job title: Production Operations ManagerLocation: KyivSummary:We are seeking a dynamic Manufacturing Operations Manager (f/x/m) to join and lead our Ukraine supply chain and operations organization whilst working cross functionally with our commercial team to grow our business in the country. This position reports to the Sr. Director Supply Chain, located in Switzerland, and acts as managing director for our local entity. In this role, you will lead our manufacturing site, drive process improvements, and define strategies and plans which are consistent with delivering high quality products, cost efficiencies and a safe and engaging working environment for our teams, in adherence with our company values and commitment to a more sustainable world.Responsibilities:Act as the responsible site-manager, including the responsibility for legal & environmental affairsDevelop comprehensive plans and strategies aligned with organizational goals and market demandsProvide effective leadership to manufacturing and supply chain teams, fostering a culture of accountability, collaboration, and innovation.Ensure compliance with health, safety, and environmental regulations and corporate standardsMonitor, report and take action on Key Performance Indicators and deliver continuous Delivered Profit improvement through cost savings and systems optimization.Deliver customer service levels that meet external, internal, and export requirements, ensuring customer satisfaction and optimum qualityCoordinate the Plant's budget, manufacturing capital management and capacity planning process.Develop and maintain efficient relationship with local authorities and decision-making organizations in order to identify all possible threats and opportunities affecting the operations and safeguard SC Johnson long term interests locallyExperience you will bring:Degree in engineering/industrial or chemistry background10+ years of experience in a manufacturing environmentExperience in a matrix FMCG organization is desiredStrong leadership and people management skillsStrong business acumen, also outside manufacturing and operationsFluent English (speaking and writing)Behaviours you will need:Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with success in influencing and engaging othersAbility to navigate a matrix organization and collaborate with regional teamsAbility to build and retain relationships at all levels and across all departmentsGood balance between strategic thinking and hands-on pragmatic approach to solve problems and create opportunitiesWhat’s in it for you?We offer an excellent opportunity for career development and progression, a highly collaborative work environment and an autonomous and flexible working culture where you will be able to add value and be recognized and rewarded.ABOUT USSC Johnson is a fifth-generation family company built on a spirit of adventure and winning the right way. We have been leading with purpose for over 130 years, building top brands such as Raid, Glade, Kiwi, OFF!, Windex, Ziploc and more, in virtually every country. Through these household names, we are making a positive difference to the world around us. But we only succeed with the combined vitality and strength of our 13,000 people who we truly value and support in their pursuit of individual and shared goals.You need to be eligible to work in the country of application.Together, we are creating a better future – for the planet, for future generations and for every SCJ team member.Come join us and make an impact through iconic global brands.GO FURTHER WITH OUR FAMILY#LI-AP2Inclusion & Diversity We’re a global business, with people from every culture, ethnicity, race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, and ability. We recognize the breadth of human experience, and we work to celebrate it. It is our goal to build a diverse, inclusive, and supportive work environment where all people can thrive. We’re committed to ongoing efforts that help us attract, hire, and retain diverse talent who want to build a positive, inclusive environment. Read more about our ongoing initiatives at .
Product Manager - Account Management
Stonex Poland, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Permanent, full-time, hybrid (3 days per week in an office)    Connecting clients to markets – and talent to opportunity.   With 4,300 employees and over 400,000 retail and institutional clients from more than 80 offices spread across five continents, we’re a Fortune-100, Nasdaq-listed provider, connecting clients to the global markets – focusing on innovation, human connection, and providing world-class products and services to all types of investors.   Whether you want to forge a career connecting our retail clients to potential trading opportunities, or ingrain yourself in the world of institutional investing, The StoneX Group is made up of four segments that offer endless potential for progression and growth.   Business Segment Overview:  Empower individual investors – and yourself – in the world of retail through a range of different financial products rooted in innovation and market intelligence. From FX and CFDs to precious metals, master an exciting world of wealth management tools.   Position Purpose:  We're looking for a dynamic Product Manager to support the evolution of our My Account. This pivotal area encompasses account management, security settings, personalization, and various administrative functionalities for our retail customers. As the part of the product team, you'll drive the entire product lifecycle, from ideation to launch and iterative refinement, ensuring it reflects our unique ecosystem and contributes to our growth.    The role will involve a strong collaborative effort. You will work closely with software development, user experience, user research, visual design, various commercial and operational teams, and the wider Product function. Your contributions will be integral to our product's success.  Responsibilities Primary duties will include: Lead cross-functional teams, including UX/UI designers, engineers, and QA specialists, steering the development of innovative features that solidify our platform's unique ecosystem. Dive deep into user research to uncover insights into our customers' needs, preferences, and challenges, translating these into impactful product features and enhancements. Develop business cases and plans to implement the product strategy. Monitor industry trends and competitor activity to ensure our ecosystem is market leading. Monitor client feedback from various sources, collate, synthesize, and prioritize for development. Monitor management information to identify trends, spot issues and report on progress. Send internal comms and regular reports to clearly communicate to the wider business what the My Account teams are delivering.  Work with technical and business stakeholders to understand problems with software and resolve them. Unblock blockers and push implementation forward. Work closely with Product Marketing on Go To Market planning. Qualifications To land this role you will need : 3+ years of experience in product management at a technology company. Experience working on web/mobile front-end applications. Experienced in agile delivery methods. Proven analytical abilities with a knack for making data-driven decisions. Strong eye for User Experience and Customer Experience (UX and CX). Exceptional communication skills (written and verbal). Ambitious and highly action oriented. Fast learner with great analytical and quantitative skills. Good problem-solving skills and passion for devising creative, customer-oriented solutions. What makes you stand out: Experience in developing online platforms . Experience in banking or other highly regulated environment Deep understanding of product design and a passion for creating outstanding, functional, and valuable products, while also being aware of your own limitations and biases. Great understanding of how to make good engineering tradeoffs. Education / Certification Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Business, Computer Science, Engineering, or Design or comparable work experience. Working environment: Hybrid (2 days from home, 3 days from the office) our Cracow office will be located at Mogilska 35 street.
Product Manager
VISA, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description And ResponsibilitiesDigital Solutions team is responsible for identifying new opportunities that exist within the digital payment landscape, creating strategies that define Visa's participation in those opportunities, and delivering the capabilities required to enable and drive them. Within the team CNP tokenization Lead will work with a diverse set of Visa stakeholders (issuers, acquirers, payment facilitators, service providers, third party processors, merchants, regulators etc) to deliver Visa solutions. The role holder must possess a blend of business, technical, project management and relationship management skills to ensure successful implementation of Visa Token Service and Click to Pay-related initiatives. What’s it all about? We are seeking a leader within the Digital Solutions team to work directly with clients as well as internal stakeholders to be part of the team delivering the digital solutions strategy. The role holder will be responsible for managing delivery or working within key programs in the digital solutions team, including, Visa Token Service in eCommerce Card not Present (CNP) tokenization, Click to Pay (C2P) and other digital solutions. The role holder will demonstrate a strong commercial understanding of the digital market, products and solutions and be able to articulate strong appreciation of the key drivers of digital experience and the wider digital narrative needed to explain our suite of products and solutions. The role holder will need to balance a technical fluency of our digital product suite with the commercial reality of our clients, key is translating our digital roadmap into a compelling strategy that our clients understand, agree and act on. A strong appreciation of the interaction of our solutions and how they impact our clients’ businesses will be needed Through understanding clients and internal feedback and requirements, work with hub and global colleagues to drive localization, and the supporting tools and information to enable client action (for example, business cases, pipeline information, wider context) The role holder will work across multiple teams, delivering leadership and product expertise, including Business Development, MSA, Hub Products, Client Services etc. Effective program management across the stakeholders of each program is a requirement. Defining and executing on both short-term deliverables and a long-term vision is required. Responsibilities Be the Subject Matter Expert (SME) in eCommerce tokenization and Click to Pay.Act as a specialized salesperson, directly involved into sell in process with clients. Be responsible for respective area KPIs and targets.Act as a technical and product SME by being able to understand the platforms in their entirety including but not limited to: overall architecture, integration options, connections with other systems and services, features and capabilities, implementation nuances, pricing, risks, rules, etc. Take active part in the development, planning and execution of global and regional strategic initiatives, pursuing long-term goals. Work with hub Digital Product and Authentication (DPA), Client Services and other relevant teams to support successful implementation process and be able to provide level 1 support to external and internal stakeholders on C2P and CNP tokenization.Maintain client satisfaction by supporting engagements resulting in successful go-lives through the sub-regional Business Development, MSA and Client Services teams.Manage and drive the performance of sub-regional goals, Work in conjunction with the relevant hub team (DPA in FY2024) to commercialize C2P and CNP tokenization plans (setting goals and roll-out activities, maintain and regularly update pipeline) Collaborate with other DS team members and other functions (Business Developments, Merchant Sales, Marketing, Customer Support) to create CISSEE specific go to market strategy.As and when required work on solutions that would help improve the productivity of the team and program management.As and when required work on solutions with relevant stakeholders to address market specific needs.Deliver specialized operational output on complex initiatives without predefined instructions through individual efforts and matrix management. What we expect of you, day to day. Lead and contribute to CNP tokenization and Click to Pay, help to define the strategic direction and work closely with internal and external stakeholders to define and achieve improvements to the product proposition.For key strategic programs, such as CNP Tokenization and Click to Pay, manage or contribute to the program, including defining opportunity, program approach, client interaction and reporting structure.Leverage Visa Analytics Platform and data reporting tools to analyze and report on key product metrics and progress. Feed into scorecard reporting and deliver commentary to enrich the data. Ensure stakeholders both internally and externally are equipped with the tools needed to understand and take action against our key strategic programs.Define and execute market research and insight to understand and build a comprehensive vision of consumer intent and preference across their digital purchasing behaviors.Regular cross-functional communications, both formally and informally, to ensure the matrix team is aligned to and actively delivering against our goals. Collaborate with stakeholders across clients, develop a strong understanding of their strategy and utilize this to develop a bespoke approach to ensuring participation and compliance with our digital objectives, Leverage and contribute to the creation and maintenance of the digital narrative, utilize with clients to set the wider context of our initiatives and gain consensus to the approach and changes needed to support this future. This is a hybrid position. Hybrid employees can alternate time between both remote and office. Employees in hybrid roles are expected to work from the office 2-3 set days a week (determined by leadership/site), with a general guidepost of being in the office 50% or more of the time based on business needs.QualificationsBachelor’s degree required in banking, finance, communication technologies, computer science or equivalent technology expertise and acumen acquired through work experience.Requires a minimum of 3+ years progressively responsible experience in product management and solution architecture in eCommerce, digital payments development or in payments systems integration.Industry knowledge of digital payments solutions in Digital Products and technology solutions (in at least two of four key areas: eCommerce, Tokenization, COF, EMV 3-D Secure). Understanding of Web technologies, online payments, in-app payments, biometrics.Ability to communicate technical concepts in a clear and articulate fashion to both technical and non-technical audiences internally and externally, at varying management level. Board level meetings experience is a plus.Ability to transpose business and technical understanding to relevant market inputs with sales and product teams within Visa as well as with external client discussions – leading to commercial revenue opportunities.Strong ability to progress solutions and enhancements with urgency and prioritized focus for commercial and strategic benefits for our customers and Visa.Independent decision making required on daily basis with minimal oversight from senior members of staff.Complex and varied workload, requiring support of multiple ongoing product development, product solution and implementation.Exceptional project and program management skills with the ability to manage multiple activities with both internal and external stakeholders.Advanced written and verbal communication skills, exceptional interpersonal and presentation skills, and the proven ability to influence and communicate effectively across regional and functional lines.Ownership and driving impact are important aspects to the role, must have the mindset to fully understand and quickly overcome commercial, technical, industry and internal challenges to succeed.Results orientated, continues to work toward achievement of goals in the face of obstacles readily integrating changes into work processes and outputs.Curious and inquisitive problem solver – thrives in challenging problems.Data analytics, PowerPoint and Excel skills are required.Travel: the role holder must have the ability to travel from time to time (6-8 trips per year).Language Skills: English, Ukrainian are mandatory.Additional InformationVisa is an EEO Employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or protected veteran status. Visa will also consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with EEOC guidelines and applicable local law.
Product Manager (Mobile)
TalentSearch, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Its all about you:2 years of experience as a Product Manager in a B2C product1+ year experience with mobile appsGood knowledge of Unit economicsExpertise in marketing, acquisition channels, and marketing metricsDeep understanding of funnel metricsCompetitors analysis skillsExperience in conducting A/B testsAbility to plan and prioritize product roadmap according to business strategyUpper-Intermediate English or higherKnowledge of prototyping toolsCreation of Customer Journey MapTeam playerInitiative and proactive in proposing product improvementsHave data-driven and ownership mindsetWhat youll help us do:Planning product roadmapFinding growth points with a team of product managers & analyticsResearch, planning, preparing and running A/B tests for funnel optimizationHolding regular 1:1 meetings with the product teamTeam Processes optimization to cut the time to result
Marketing Engineer
Oviva, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Why Oviva ?  To build a healthier future for all, our mission is to provide the most accessible and effective care to people living with weight-related conditions.  By blending behaviour change therapy with our unique technology and an incredible team of passionate employees, we are creating affordable and accessible app-based healthcare programs to tackle conditions such as obesity and type 2 Diabetes.  We are an award-winning and largest digital health provider in Europe. We are rapidly expanding across the UK, Switzerland, Germany, France and now Poland.  Our Engineering team is made up of full stack developers, software engineers and data engineers. We all have one thing in common: we love finding solutions to complex problems. We develop new features for our patient-facing app or our internal web application.  To support our growing business, we are looking for Marketing Engineer based in Poland (Hybrid central Warsaw office)  The role  As a Marketing Engineer in Growth at Oviva, your role is pivotal in boosting our efforts to acquire new patients for treatments. You will be central to supporting product growth and growth marketing strategies, ensuring that our digital platforms are optimised for user engagement, leveraging data analytics and MarTech tools to drive informed decisions. Your expertise in developing user-friendly interfaces, implementing efficient tracking and tagging systems, and analysing user behaviour data will be crucial in refining our acquisition channels and improving the overall patient journey.  This impactful role is nested within a dynamic cross-functional unit dedicated to driving various web and acquisition journeys across our platform. As a key member of the team, you will spearhead lead generation and management, oversee technical integrations and tagging systems, and shape the backbone of Oviva's growth product.  Focusing on fast iteration processes and adopting best practice tracking aligned with the latest industry trends, you will own the technical realm of Oviva's growth strategy.  Your contributions will directly impact key business KPIs, resulting in immediate, visible enhancements in company performance. In this role, you will serve as a mentor, significantly contributing to the professional development of your engineering colleagues. Join us in shaping the future of digital health innovation at Oviva!  Key skills: ● Significant experience in building acquisition and growth products. You think big, build small & improve incrementally.  ● Strong background in data-driven testing frameworks, as well as in the fast and lean implementation of iteration processes of building MVPs.  ● Expert when it comes to MarTech / data platforms such as Google Analytics, Mixpanel, or Snowplow, utilised for tracking user interactions, analysing traffic data, and deciphering user behaviour to inform growth strategies. ● Extensive experience in classic web technologies, including HTML, Javascript and CSS. Experience with a modern web development framework, preferably React, is highly beneficial.  ● Skilled in creating user-friendly interfaces and optimising web pages for better user engagement and conversion rates.  ● Strong skills in working with cross-functional teams and effectively communicating technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.  ● Excellent problem-solving skills, enabling you to address complex challenges with innovative solutions.  Key Responsibilities: ● Own the entire end-to-end technical delivery process for Oviva’s patient acquisition channel, from gathering requirements to implementation and delivery.  ● Together with the Product Manager, you will guide the OKR process for your team. This involves outlining objectives, defining key results, fostering team dedication, and aligning OKRs with the individual target agreements of engineers.  ● Collaborate closely with various stakeholders on topics such as quality, technical design, security and architecture, ensuring compliance with established standards and concepts.  ● Implement best practices for lead acquisition by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and tools to drive results. Knowledge and experience in AI-supported solutions are a big plus.  ● Lead and mentor a team of engineers, providing guidance and support.  What we offer: ● The opportunity to make a meaningful impact in revolutionizing healthcare ● Exciting and rewarding role in the high-growth environment  ● An interesting and varied area of responsibility with targeted training in an innovative business environment (digital health)  ● A trusting, appreciative and modern culture  ● Flat hierarchies in a motivated, dynamic and ambitious team  ● Flexible working hours in the office or in the home office  (hybrid mode) ● The freedom to implement, approach and shape your own ideas  ● Competitive Salary & company pension  Having a culture that people want to work in, is very important to us. We do this by keeping our values at the forefront of everything we do:  We put the patient first, We measure & improve, We are build winning teams  Oviva is passionate about creating an inclusive culture that encourages, supports, and celebrates the diverse voices of our employees. We are a truly inclusive place to work, where everyone can be themselves and everyone is welcome. We're Proud to be a Disability Confident Employer.
Product Owner Marketing Platform
PAYBACK, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
PAYBACK is the world’s leading multi-partner loyalty program. As an international player, we operate in German, Italian, Mexican, and Austrian markets. More than 10 million active customers already use the German PAYBACK app and mobile PAYBACK services via their smartphones. Your responsibilities: You will concept and design our global PAYBACK multichannel marketing platform and support the transformation to the Cloud You are responsible for the end-to-end development of digital products from the vision, implementation and launch to optimization during ongoing operations You translate individual customer requirements into technical product solutions and ensure optimal interaction between PAYBACK and partner systems You are a central pioneer of the digitization of the markets in brick-and-mortar retail and e-commerce You advise and support the business and marketing departments in Germany and the international PAYBACK markets in getting their ideas and requirements translated into viable product solution You are in close coordination with various stakeholders from the departments, platform architecture, development and your colleagues in product management You always keep up to date with latest trends and developments in the and generate appropriate product strategies Your Profile: You have at least 3 years of professional experience in product management for complex CRM and marketing platform solutions with a focus on backend functionalities, automated information exchange and knowledge of technical data modeling You are experienced in project management and agile methods - you always keep an eye on priorities, milestones and budget Ideally, you have already been involved in projects for the introduction or further development of standard software for CRM, sales and marketing processes (e.g. SAS, Salesforce, ...) Complex tasks and problem solving make your eyes light up You enjoy understanding, questioning and optimizing existing technical processes You communicate confidently, convincingly and in a recipient-oriented manner at all organizational levels You enrich our team with your team spirit, your creativity and your open mindset Your knowledge of English is very good, ideally you speak German as well How about? Employment contract? Of course. With us you do not have to worry about stable employment. ‎Flexible working hours? Sounds great! We start working between 8 to 10. Friendly atmosphere at work? Yes! In PAYBACK, people are the most important asset‎. Dress code? We definitely say no. There are no rigid dress code rules in our company, sneakers are more than welcome. Trainings? Of course. We provide training to develop hard and soft skills. Working in a hybrid model? Of course! You work with us 2 days a week from the office, 3 days a week from home. ‎Something is missing? Open communication is our priority, so dare to ask!‎
Production Operations Manager
SC Johnson, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
Summary:We are seeking a dynamic Manufacturing Operations Manager (f/x/m) to join and lead our Ukraine supply chain and operations organization whilst working cross functionally with our commercial team to grow our business in the country. This position reports to the Sr. Director Supply Chain, located in Switzerland, and acts as managing director for our local entity. In this role, you will lead our manufacturing site, drive process improvements, and define strategies and plans which are consistent with delivering high quality products, cost efficiencies and a safe and engaging working environment for our teams, in adherence with our company values and commitment to a more sustainable world.Responsibilities:Act as the responsible site-manager, including the responsibility for legal & environmental affairsDevelop comprehensive plans and strategies aligned with organizational goals and market demandsProvide effective leadership to manufacturing and supply chain teams, fostering a culture of accountability, collaboration, and innovation.Ensure compliance with health, safety, and environmental regulations and corporate standardsMonitor, report and take action on Key Performance Indicators and deliver continuous Delivered Profit improvement through cost savings and systems optimization.Deliver customer service levels that meet external, internal, and export requirements, ensuring customer satisfaction and optimum qualityCoordinate the Plant's budget, manufacturing capital management and capacity planning process.Develop and maintain efficient relationship with local authorities and decision-making organizations in order to identify all possible threats and opportunities affecting the operations and safeguard SC Johnson long term interests locallyExperience you will bring:Degree in engineering/industrial or chemistry background10+ years of experience in a manufacturing environmentExperience in a matrix FMCG organization is desiredStrong leadership and people management skillsStrong business acumen, also outside manufacturing and operationsFluent English (speaking and writing)Behaviours you will need:Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with success in influencing and engaging othersAbility to navigate a matrix organization and collaborate with regional teamsAbility to build and retain relationships at all levels and across all departmentsGood balance between strategic thinking and hands-on pragmatic approach to solve problems and create opportunitiesWhat’s in it for you?We offer an excellent opportunity for career development and progression, a highly collaborative work environment and an autonomous and flexible working culture where you will be able to add value and be recognized and rewarded.ABOUT USSC Johnson is a fifth-generation family company built on a spirit of adventure and winning the right way. We have been leading with purpose for over 130 years, building top brands such as Raid, Glade, Kiwi, OFF!, Windex, Ziploc and more, in virtually every country. Through these household names, we are making a positive difference to the world around us. But we only succeed with the combined vitality and strength of our 13,000 people who we truly value and support in their pursuit of individual and shared goals.You need to be eligible to work in the country of application.Together, we are creating a better future – for the planet, for future generations and for every SCJ team member.Come join us and make an impact through iconic global brands.GO FURTHER WITH OUR FAMILY#LI-AP2Inclusion & Diversity We’re a global business, with people from every culture, ethnicity, race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, and ability. We recognize the breadth of human experience, and we work to celebrate it. It is our goal to build a diverse, inclusive, and supportive work environment where all people can thrive. We’re committed to ongoing efforts that help us attract, hire, and retain diverse talent who want to build a positive, inclusive environment. Read more about our ongoing initiatives at .
Product Development Manager
ScaleJet, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Our client, Brandvised, a dynamic Amazon FBA business with a global presence, is seeking a Product Development Manager to lead their efforts in developing new products and improving existing ones.  This role involves close collaboration with Brand Managers and Sourcing Agents to ensure the products meet the evolving needs of the customers and maintain competitive advantage. About the company: Brandvised is specialised on developing and upscaling Amazon-based brands across the USA, Canada, Europe, and the UK. With deep expertise in eCommerce and Amazon FBA, the company excels in buying, developing, and scaling brands to their fullest potential. Brandvised navigates the complexities of international markets and high-performance marketing, ensuring seamless scalability and growth. The companys portfolio includes several Amazon brands, primarily in the home and kitchen category, as well as some electronics. Its international team of 17 world-class talents manages all operations today. Key Responsibilities: Lead cross-functional teams to develop new products and enhance existing product lines. Manage the entire product development lifecycle from concept through design, prototyping, testing, and market introduction. Analyze market trends and customer feedback to identify opportunities for new products and product improvements. Work closely with sourcing agents to identify and evaluate suppliers, ensuring product quality and cost-effectiveness. Coordinate with Brand Managers to align product development with brand strategy and market positioning. Prepare detailed product development plans, including timelines, budgets, and resource requirements. Monitor and report on product development progress, including challenges and milestones. Monitor product performance, identify risks, issues, and problems, escalate as appropriate, proposing mitigation plans to overcome obstacles. Drive a focus on design and cost to ensure the delivery of excellent products to our consumers at valued price points. Be responsible for product documentation including specifications, manuals, packaging, case studies, product comparisons, competitor analysis, and user stories. Be an expert with respect to the competition. Ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and quality standards. Qualifications: Minimum of 2 years experience in product development in an e-commerce company selling on Amazon Strong project management skills with a proven ability to lead cross-functional teams. Excellent analytical skills and the ability to think critically and creatively. Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively with diverse teams. Experience working with international markets and suppliers from China is highly desirable. Advanced English What We Offer: Fully remote and full-time role. Paid time off. Yearly bonuses. Professional growth opportunities, such as managing staff members and growing your skill set. Competitive and timely salary. Opportunity to work remotely in an international company. Dynamic, creative work environments. Flexible schedule.
Менеджер по маркетингу, маркетолог
Грінфорт ЛТД, ТОВ, Київ
Грінфорт — українська пост-патентна компанія-виробник засобів захисту рослин та мікродобрив на європейських потужностях, що надає комплекс продуктів та сервісів і допомагає аграрію бути рентабельнимМи запрошуємо висококваліфікованого та мотивованого Менеджера по маркетингу. Мета посади: Збільшення долі ринку, виведення нових продуктів, збільшення кількості кінцевих споживачів та залучених клієнтів, збільшення прибуткуОчікування від кандидата:- Вища освіта: Маркетинг;- Вміння аналізувати інформацію та працювати з інструментами аналітики (Google Analytics must);- Оцінювання ефективності рекламних кампаній;- Проведення маркетингових досліджень ринку, володіння методиками оцінки конкурентів;- Вивчення споживчого попиту, складання портрета споживача;- Експертиза у роботі з різними каналами комунікації: блог, e-mail, соцмережі тощо;- Вміння працювати з великими масивами інформації;- Розрахунок ефективності вкладень та управління рекламним бюджетом;- Створення креативних рекламних матеріалів (на рівні постановки задачі);- Знання сучасних методик просування (залежить від спеціалізації та конкретного каналу маркетингу);- Знання та розробка маркетингових стратегій;- Використання актуальних технік та методів продажу;- Володіння іноземними мовами (хоча б англійська на базовому рівні);- Досвід роботи в аграрних компаніях буде перевагою;- Проактивність, креативність та бажання розвиватисяОбов’язки:- Участь в аналізі ринку та конкуренті;- Розробка (сумісна) та запуск маркетингових кампаній та активностей (онлайн, офлайн);- Створення портрету покупця і робота з ним;- Систематизація та аналіз даних про ефективність реклами;- Визначення потреб ринку -клієнтів;- Пошук точок рост;- Втілення контент-плану та просування контенту;- Створення попиту (маркетингові інструменти — збут і обслуговування, реклама, цінова політика, зв’язки зі споживачами та громадськістю заходи)- Робота з конкурентною перевагою;- Робота з дизайнерами, постачальниками POSM та третіми особам;- Створення контент-плану соц. мережВід компанії:- Конкурентна заробітна плата (своєчасна виплата 2 рази на місяць);- Офіційне працевлаштування;- Оплачувана відпустка, лікарняні згідно Законодавства- Графік роботи: пн-пт 08:00—17:00 або 09:00−18:00;- Засоби зв’язку і комунікації;- Зручне розташування офісу (поряд з м.Деміївська);- Можливість самореалізації і професійного ростуЯкщо наша вакансія Вам цікава — надсилайте резюме або телефонуйте 0504642340 Юлія.
Product manager
Нова пошта, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Нова пошта — лідер експрес-доставки в Україні. Наша команда постійно зростає, і зараз ми шукаємо:«Product manager».Ми пропонуємо тобі: «білу» заробітну плату, оплачувані відпустки, лікарняні, відрядження;медичне страхування;молодий дружній колектив;можливість кар'єрного зростання.Що потрібно робити: Розробка продуктів компанії, пов’язаних з міжнародною доставкою/отриманням для бізнес/приватних клієнтів;Розробка концепції продукту, захист та перевірка;Проєктна робота по впровадженню продукту;Участь у розробці процесів;Погодження бізнес та організаційно-правової роботи продукту в компанії;Здійснення клієнтського тестування;Оцінка задоволеності продуктом (CSI) шляхом побудови Сustomer Journey Map (методологія Service Design);Участь у підготовці та впровадження внутрішніх матеріалів (інструкції, правила, тощо);Участь у підготовці навчальних матеріалів (в т.ч. участь у формуванні комерційних пропозицій);Аналіз комерційних показників продукту;Участь у переговорах з клієнтами по підключенню продуктів;Участь у формуванні стратегії продуктового просування і продажів продуктів.Ми очікуємо від тебе: Досвід роботи на позиції product manager/product owner/brand manager від 2 років.Впевнені навички проєктної роботи (запуск нових продуктів);ІТ-навички (опис бізнес-вимог до змін, робота по SCRUM, знання JIRA, тестування роботи інформаційних систем і клієнтських процесів);Маркетингові (бізнес орієнтація, володіння інструментами спілкування з Клієнтами: Service design, NPS, CSI, фокус-групи, проведення бізнес-інтерв'ю, вебінарів);Наявність портфоліо запущених продуктів/проектів.Якщо все це про тебе і ти бажаєш стати частиною великої родини Нової пошти — надсилай своє резюме
Marketing Trainee (Fluent English)
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a fast-learning Marketing Trainee who sees it as a mission to improve marketing strategies and company positioning, as well as aims to dive into the World of Marketing. Product: Ukrainian software company with a focus on macOS and iPhone applications which make Apple fans' lives easier. Team: Cozy team of passionate specialists and a fantastic CEO, and creative content manager who will be mentoring you. What You Will Do: YouTube: Video optimization, updating thumbnails, SEO-description & Title, publishing (Optimize 10 YouTube videos per week); Content: Updating existing articles in the blog (5 per week), publishing & optimizing, building links, updating images/products in articles; On-Page SEO: Landing page SEO optimization, page linking, etc; Analytics: Assistance in preparation of Monthly report (Organic traffic, affiliate traffic, YouTube traffic, direct traffic (performance metrics: downloads, sales)); Directories: Assistance in product listing on directory sites; Social: Reddit native integration. Assistance in post preparation for FB, Inst, LinkedIn, and other social networks. Requirements What you need: Proficient in the English language at an advanced level ( C1-C2); Confident in operating computers and learning new software; Dedicated to delivering results responsibly; Capable of thinking and working independently within the scope of assigned tasks; Familiarity with and utilization of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc; The passion for creating great content and research new opportunities. Would be a plus: Experience using a MacBook with an iPhone and/or iPad; Ability to work toward a common goal; Good sense of humor Benefits We offer: Competitive compensation in USD; Ukrainian business hours;  Opportunity to work remotely in Ukraine or neighboring countries ; Cozy atmosphere of a startup with stability from a holding company; Lots of interesting tasks and communication with the team; Great management with no bureaucracy.
Product Manager Google Compute Engine Google Cloud
Google, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About the job At Google , we put our users first. The world is always changing, so we need Product Managers who are continuously adapting and excited to work on products that affect millions of people every day. In this role, you will work cross-functionally to guide products from conception to launch by connecting the technical and business worlds. You can break down complex problems into steps that drive product development. One of the many reasons Google consistently brings innovative, world-changing products to market is because of the collaborative work we do in Product Management. Our team works closely with creative engineers, designers, marketers, etc. to help design and develop technologies that improve access to the world's information. We're responsible for guiding products throughout the execution cycle, focusing specifically on analyzing, positioning, packaging, promoting, and tailoring our solutions to our users.Google Cloud accelerates every organization’s ability to digitally transform its business and industry. We deliver enterprise-grade solutions that leverage Google’s cutting-edge technology, and tools that help developers build more sustainably. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. Candidates will typically have 2 years of experience in product management, consulting, co-founder or related technical role. Typically 1 year of experience building and shipping technical products. Preferred qualifications: Master's degree in Technology, or a Business related field. Typically 2 years of experience in a business function or role (e.g., strategic marketing, business operations, consulting). Typically 2 years of experience working cross-functionally with engineering, UX/UI, sales finance, and other stakeholders. Typically 2 years of experience in a role preparing and delivering technical presentations to executive leadership. Typically 1 year of experience in software development or engineering. Responsibilities: Support product requirements document by collaborating with partner teams (e.g., Engineers, Program Manager, UX) during product design and development to implement the requirements.  Define product roadmaps by operationalizing defined strategy.  Articulate defined product goals in a way that captures attention and compels others to drive action despite obstacles and engaged priorities.  Validate the market size and opportunity (e.g., user-based, strategic opportunity, business generation). Identify opportunities in the market landscape.  Facilitate launches, maintenance, and retirement in collaboration with other cross-functional teams and stakeholders. Benefits:  Health and Wellbeing (Medical, dental, and vision insurance for employees and dependents) Financial wellbeing (Competitive compensation, regular bonus and equity refresh opportunities) Flexibility and time off (Paid time off, including vacation, bereavement, jury duty, sick leave, parental leave, disability, and holidays) Family support and care (Fertility and growing family support, parental leave and baby bonding leave) Community and personal development (Educational reimbursement) Googley extras (Inspiring spaces to work, recharge, and collaborate with fellow Googlers)