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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "IT-инженер в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "IT-инженер в Україні"

11 463 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "IT-инженер" по диапазонам зарплаты в Україні

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 04.05.24, за професією IT-инженер в Україні відкрито 16 вакансій. Для 31.3% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 11.8+ грн. 18.8% оголошень з зарплатнею 14.0+ грн, і 18.8% з зарплатнею 9.6+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "IT-инженер в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії IT-инженер в Україні.

Розподіл вакансії "IT-инженер" по областям Україні

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії IT-инженер відкрито в Волинській області. На другому місці - Миколаївська область, а на третьому - Чернівецька область.

Рейтинг областей Україні за рівнем зарплатні для професії "IT-инженер"

За статистикою нашого сайту, професія IT-инженер є найбільш високооплачуваною в Київській області. Рівень середньої заробітної плати становить 16000 грн. Слідом ідуть Кіровоградська область і Волинська область.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Україні

Серед схожих професій в Україні найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Ассистент инженера. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 81525 грн. На другому місці - Инженер по отоплению з зарплатнею 31250 грн, а на третьому - Инженер по эксплуатации з зарплатнею 25000 грн.

Найдите подходящую статистику

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Ведущий инженер

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Ведущий инженер ПОС

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Горный инженер

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Дежурный инженер

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Инженер АСУ

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Инженер АТС

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Инженер АХО

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Инженер водоснабжения и водоотведения

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Инженер ВОЛС

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Инженер геофизик

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Инженер гидравлик

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Инженер гидролог

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Инженер гидротехник

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Инженер ГСМ

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Инженер диспетчер

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Инженер дозиметрист

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Инженер дорожник

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Инженер землеустроитель

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Инженер испытатель

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Инженер КИПиА

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Инженер конструктор

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Инженер консультант

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Инженер кораблестроитель

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Инженер лаборант

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Инженер лесного хозяйства

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Инженер материально-технического снабжения

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Инженер менеджер

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Инженер менеджер по качеству

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Инженер металлург

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Инженер метролог

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Инженер микробиолог

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Инженер монтажник

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Инженер мостовик

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Инженер МТО

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Инженер на производство

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Инженер нефтяник

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Инженер нормировщик

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Инженер ОМТС

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Инженер ОПС

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Инженер оптик

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Инженер отделочных работ

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Инженер ОТК

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Инженер ПГС

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Инженер по автоматизации

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Инженер по автоматизации и механизации производственных процессов

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Инженер по автоматике

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Инженер по БДД

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Инженер по безопасности дорожного движения

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Инженер по бурению

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Инженер по вентиляции

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Инженер по вентиляции и кондиционированию

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Инженер по гражданской обороне

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Инженер по закупкам

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Инженер по инструменту

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Инженер по информационной безопасности

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Инженер по кадрам

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Инженер по качеству

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Инженер по комплектации

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Инженер по медицинскому оборудованию

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Инженер по надзору за строительством

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Инженер по наклонно направленному бурению

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Инженер по наладке и испытаниям

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Инженер по нормированию труда

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Инженер по обслуживанию банкоматов

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Инженер по обслуживанию видеонаблюдения

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Инженер по обслуживанию холодильного оборудования

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Инженер по организации труда

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Инженер по отоплению

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Инженер по охране

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Инженер по планированию производства вакансии

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Инженер по подготовке производства

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Инженер по пожарной безопасности

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Инженер по продажам

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Инженер по проектно-сметной работе

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Инженер по промышленной безопасности

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Инженер по радиационной безопасности

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Инженер по ремонту

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Инженер по ремонту оборудования

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Инженер по сварке

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Инженер по сертификации

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Инженер по сертификации и стандартизации

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Инженер по снабжению

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Инженер по согласованиям

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Инженер по сопровождению

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Инженер по стандартизации

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Инженер по телекоммуникациям

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Инженер по тестированию

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Инженер по технике безопасности

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Инженер по техносферной безопасности

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по транспорту

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Инженер по труду

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Инженер по эксплуатации

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Инженер по эксплуатации автотранспорта

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Инженер по эксплуатации зданий и сооружений

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Инженер ПОС

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Инженер программист ЧПУ

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Инженер производственно технического отдела

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Инженер пусконаладчик

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Инженер радиотехник

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Инженер радиоэлектронщик

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Инженер разработчик

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Инженер релейной защиты и автоматики

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Инженер релейщик

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Инженер РЗА

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Инженер сантехник

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Инженер сварочного производства

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Инженер сварщик

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Инженер светотехник

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Инженер связи

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Инженер систем безопасности

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Инженер скс

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Инженер слаботочник

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Инженер слаботочных систем

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Инженер со знанием английского языка

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Инженер стажер

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Инженер строительной лаборатории

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Инженер схемотехник

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Инженер тгв

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Инженер телеметрист

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Инженер теплотехник

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Инженер теплоэнергетик

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Инженер технической поддержки

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Инженер физик

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Инженер химик

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Инженер эколог

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Инженер электролаборатории

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Инженер электромеханик

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Инженер электросвязи

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Инженер Этл

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Смотреть статистику


Смотреть статистику


Смотреть статистику

Кадастровый инженер

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Математик инженер

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Смотреть статистику

Сервис инженер

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Сетевой инженер

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Системный инженер

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Сменный инженер

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Software Engineer (TAF Drones)
Netpeak, Full Remote
Привіт!Ми, Netpeak Talent, — рекрутингова агенція від Netpeak Group.Допомагаємо нашому клієнту, TAF Drones, компанії з розробки та виробництва БПЛА, знайти досвідченого Software Engineer.Чому варто працювати в TAF Drones?TAF Drones вже зараз виготовляє 3 тисячі БПЛА на місяць, та має певні налагоджені процеси, але зараз виходить на новий рівень систематизації та розвитку. TAF Drones має такі амбітні цілі: Вийти на виготовлення 10 000 БПЛА на місяць.Запускати нові продукти в рамках стартап-студії по БПЛА.Відкрити найпотужніший R&D центр в країні та забезпечувати високу якість поточних та нових продуктів.І в результаті стати самим потужним та найкращим виробником БПЛА в країні.  Твої скіли: Маєте п'ять років або більше досвіду роботи як Embedded Engineer.Володієте практичним досвідом у використанні операційних систем реального часу (RTOS).Маєте високий рівень володіння мовою програмування C на вбудованих платформах, а також вмієте працювати з мовами сценаріїв, такими як Bash і Python, і маєте досвід використання середовищ Continuous Integration (CI), зокрема Jenkins.Маєте успішний досвід у написанні драйверів для периферійних пристроїв.Маєте практичний досвід розробки тестових фреймворків для апаратних платформ.Маєте вміння ефективно діагностувати та вирішувати складні проблеми, пов'язані з взаємодією апаратних та програмних інтерфейсів. Команда чекає від тебе: Здійснення розробки, випробування та підтримки функціональності, що пов'язана з системою управління.Активна участь у процесі проектування і вирішенні складних технічних завдань, включаючи співпрацю з фабрикою у розробці та впровадженні рішень.Тісна співпраця з командами забезпечення якості для виявлення та усунення дефектів. Ми пропонуємо: Офіційне оформлення згідно КЗпП, оплачувана відпустка — 18 робочих днів, 5 оплачуваних лікарняних на рік, та 11 державних вихідних.Медичне страхування, що дає змогу почувати себе захищено та комфортно. Можливість працювати з будь-якого куточка країни, але з відрядженнями по Україні. Швидке прийняття рішень та тестування ідей — відсутність зайвої бюрократії та мікроменеджменту.Робота в компанії, у якій тебе чують і до тебе прислухаються, а керівник відкритий до діалогу та пропозицій.  Ще важливо: Окрім описаних вище навичок, ми шукаємо людину, яка має сильну орієнтацію на результат, готова бути відвертою з колегами та відповідальною за свою роботу. Якщо ти відчуваєш, що ці якості тобі відгукуються — надсилай нам своє резюме! :)
Senior iOS Software Engineer
INTELLIAS, Colombia (Remote)
Drivers of change, it’s your time to pave new ways. Intellias, a leading software provider in the automotive industry, invites you to develop the future of driving. Join the team and create products used by 2 billion people in the world.Project Overview: The Client is an award-winning smart home solution provider merging exceptional expertise in product design, wireless connectivity, and RF engineering with cutting-edge technologies like IoT, Cloud, and AI to produce state-of-the-art smart home experiences.Requirements: We're looking for a self-motivated, results-oriented, and deadline-driven engineer who is passionate about developing iOS applications and is oriented to ensuring the quality of the products we build.BS/MS in Computer Science with minimum 10+ years’ experience in iOS development.Experience developing multi-threaded, asynchronous code.Strong Object-Oriented programming and design skills.Familiarity with SOLID Design Principles.Strong experience in building native mobile (iOS) applications with an emphasis on performance and robustness.Knowledge of design patterns such as MVC, MVVM, Coordinator.Strong experience with Swift (Combine is a plus) framework.Strong experience with iOS Frameworks like CoreLocation (Significant location, region monitoring, live tracking).Experience with background code execution.Good communication skills, both written and verbal.Understanding of Apple’s design principals and application interface guidelines.Familiar with version control, issue tracking, continuous integration environment (JIRA/Confluence/Jenkins).Familiarity with RESTful APIs to connect iOS applications to back- end service.Advantage points:Excellent trouble-shooting skill, especially with multi-threaded and performance-oriented applications.Experience with profile, memory and launch time tunning tools.Experience in Agile methodologies.Experience with XCT est Framework and UI T esting.Ability to work well with tight schedules and rapid developmentcycles.Experience developing Apple Watch applications.Experience with RxSwift and RxCocoa.Experience with SwiftUI.Experience with CoreBluetooth.#LI-NZ1
Senior Software Engineer – Embedded Linux (OpenWRT/MAUD)
GlobalLogic, Slovakia | Ukraine | Poland
Description: Project details:The main goal is the implementation of the new Residential Gateways Middleware for one of the biggest ISPs in Europe (up to 10 million customers).Position requires some background with WiFi technologies (WiFi, Mesh, etc.)Main technologies: Embedded LinuxOpenWRTC/C++Networking / Netfilter / iptables / RoutingTR-181We offer:Interesting and challenging work in a large and dynamically developing companyExciting projects involving the newest technologiesProfessional development opportunitiesExcellent compensation and benefits packageAbility to work remotely or in modern and comfortable office facilities. #LI-OM1 #LI-RemoteRequirements: RequiredThe C programming languageLinux and networking backgroundIntermediate/Upper-Intermediate English levelSmart and fast learnerWiFi experiencePreferred Open source software contributionsExperience with OpenWrt / DD-WRTUnit testing Responsibilities: OpenWRT firmware development:CI/CD pipeline development modelLinux, embedded C, networkingServices including wi-fi, digital voice, multicast tv, OpenWRTWan is DSL, but also LTEDevelopment of automated unit tests What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
.NET Software Engineer
ABCloudZ, Ukraine
ABCloudz is looking for an experienced .NET Engineer to join our talented development team. Our ideal candidate is well-experienced in building complex algorithms for data processing and calculations. We also expect you to have experience with construction or refactoring architectures for enterprise-level software.We will rely on your experience when it comes to positively influencing the architecture, standards, and designs of products we’re working on. You will cooperate with team members and deliver code review for enterprise-level software.Are you looking for really big deals? Unlike smaller outsourcing companies, at ABCloudz you can work with a variety of customers, from startups to enterprise accounts.Looking for a .NET Software Engineer 3+ years of experience with .NET development (.Net Framework and cross-platform .Net); Strong knowledge ASP.NET Web API 2.0 and NET.Core Good understanding of software design patterns; Hands-on experience with ADO.NET and Entity Framework; Experience in JavaScript and Angular Knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server database and ability to write stored procedures Good communication skills and at least an pre-intermediate level of English Basic knowledge of Amazon Web ServicesWill be a plus Experience in HIPAA projects, knowledge of web architecture for creating API and web sites using .net core and cloud services (Amazon Web Services), ReactJs Proficiency in React Native, ReactJS, NodeJS, and JavaYour future activities Find the list of exciting things you will get to do once employed as a .NET Software Engineer:Implement algorithms developed by medical and BA teamInfluence and impact the architecture, standards, and design of our products;Coordinate with other team members and other teams;Write, refactor and review code for enterprise-level software;Why choose us? Join an always-growing company to operate on the cutting-edge of information technologies, cloud services, application development, and digital infrastructure. At ABCloudz, we created a perfect environment to raise your professional skills, understand new technologies, and work with world-class companies.Our mission is to help businesses accurately, efficiently, and reliably build, move, and manage data workloads. The trusted ABCloudz team now has hundreds of employees in five countries, including our headquarters in Redmond, Washington, Tel-Aviv, and Krakov.The ABCloudz competitive advantage over other development or IT consulting companies is our unique blend of:People with the highest level of expertise in the industryPractices established over the years by our subject-matter expertsProcesses that we crafted to guarantee successful deliveryProactivity in developing new solutions and maintaining existing appsProficiency in creating impeccable cloud solutions on all platformsBenefits We offer you English language courses, support your sports activities, and organize exciting team building events.In addition to the above mentioned, ABCloudz provides you with: Powerful work equipment. 5 days of paid sick leaves. Vacation up to 22 working days annually. Events and conferences to raise skills. Industry-leading partners and customers. Decent salary, tax assistance.
Lead Fullstack software engineer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Kharkiv
Description: A project within the Energy domain designed to monitor energy distribution and provide health and performance insights to prevent critical asset failures while optimizing asset lifecycle costs. The software you will be working on will help clients to:– Increased reliability by identifying, prioritizing, and resolving risks– Reduce maintenance costs by replacing the ineffective time-based practices– Lower capital expenditures by extending asset lifespan Requirements: Join our cross-disciplinary team to create software that works on Cloud infrastructure. As a Dev Lead engineer you will collaborate with customer, engineering and management teams. You will beresponsible for general guidelines for the engineer, analysis of the requirements, contributing to all scrum eventsRequirements: Strong knowledge and experience with .NET/C#, OOP, DDD, SOLID, REST API, Unit TestingExperience with RDBMS (e.g., MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., InfluxDB, TimescaleDB), event brokers (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka)Understanding of the principles of development of distributed containerized applicationsTechnologies: .NET/C# (ASP.NET Core, EF Core), Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, HelmDesired knowledge of microservices, event-driven architecture, service-oriented architectureDesired knowledge of industrial standards and protocols such as MQTT, IEC61850, SNMP, SyslogSolid knwoedge of React, JavaScript for the font-end part Responsibilities: Requirement AnalisysContribution to sprint planning, demos, other scrum cerimoniesDevelopment of high quality codeTimely completion of tasksTroubleshooting What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Inżynier Devops Regular
HAYS, Warszawa, malopolskie, Polska
Inżynier Devops RegularWarszawaNR REF.: 1184264Hays IT Contracting to współpraca oparta na zasadach B2B. Nasza firma dopasowuje specjalistów IT do najciekawszych projektów technologicznych na rynku.Dołącz do grona 500 zadowolonych Kontraktorów i pracuj dla Klientów Hays! Obecnie dla naszego Klienta poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko: DevOps EngineerLokalizacja: Warszawa/Kraków – praca hybrydowaRodzaj umowy: kontrakt (B2B przez Hays Poland)Współpraca: współpraca długofalowaStawka: 140-160 PLN/h netto + VAT  Czym będziesz się zajmował:Wsparciem dla globalnych usług wdrożonych w AWS (II linia wsparcia) Wsparciem 8/5 dla środowisk nieprodukcyjnych Ścisłą współpraca z programistami i infrastrukturą Dostarczaniem, konfigurowaniem, optymalizowaniem i utrzymywaniem rozwiązań automatyzujących wdrożenia i zarządzanie usługami w AWS Zapewnianiem zgodności konfiguracji z narzędziami do zarządzania konfiguracją Administrowaniem i rozwiązywaniem problemów z systemami Linux Rozwiązywaniem problemów w szerokiej gamie usług i obszarów funkcjonalnych Tworzeniem i utrzymywaniem narzędzi operacyjnych Monitorowaniem i analizą infrastruktury i systemów w AWS Przeprowadzaniem analizy i optymalizacji kosztów infrastruktury  Co otrzymasz:Długofalową współpracę z Klientem realizującym projekty dla największych graczy z sektora bankowego, ubezpieczeniowego, telco i nie tylkoStandardowe benefity – preferencyjne stawki pakietów LuxMed i MultisportDecydując się na współpracę via Hays, otrzymujesz również możliwość pracy w przyszłości dla wielu innych wiodących klientów Hays  Czego oczekujemy:Bardzo dobrej znajomości Jenkins (pipeline, docker, aws) - minimum 2 lata doświadczenia Doświadczenia z Docker, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, ELK/OpenSearch, K8S, ArgoCD oraz z wdrażaniem aplikacji na AWS Co najmniej 1 rok doświadczenia w budowaniu i utrzymywaniu aplikacji i usług w infrastrukturze AWS (EC2, EKS, ECS, Fargate, Lambda itp..) Co najmniej 2 lat doświadczenia w budowaniu i utrzymywaniu pipeline wdrożeniowych na Jenkins/GitHub Actions Co najmniej 1 rok doświadczenia z Terraform/CloudFromation Zrozumienia jak zabezpieczyć środowiska AWS i spełnić wymagania dotyczące zgodności Solidnych podstawy sieci i administracji Linux Doświadczenia z co najmniej jednym z Bash/Python/Groovy Umiejętności szybkiego uczenia się / korzystania z szerokiej gamy technologii i narzędzi open source Znajomości języka angielskiego na poziomie B1/B2    Co będzie Twoim dodatkowym atutem:Doświadczenie przy utrzymaniu serwisów news/obsługujących duży ruch klientów Znajomość JavaScript/Go   Jak będzie wyglądał proces rekrutacyjny:Twoje CV trafi do weryfikacji przez Rekrutera HaysRekruter skontaktuje się z Tobą telefonicznie – 15-minutowa rozmowa o projekcie i Twoim doświadczeniuRozmowa techniczna z Klientem – spotkania onlineOfertaWitamy w projekcie!   Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361
Middle Mac OS Software Engineer
GlobalLogic, Romania, Bucharest | Ukraine, Kyiv
Description: The client is a product international company with a common goal to redefine the legacy approach to Privileged Access Management by delivering multi-cloud-architected solutions to enable digital transformation at scale. The client company establishes a root of trust and then grants the least privileged access just in time-based on verifying who is requesting access, the request’s context, and the access environment’s risk.The client’s products centralize and orchestrate fragmented identities, improve audit and compliance visibility, and reduce risk, complexity, and costs for the modern, hybrid enterprise. Over half of the Fortune 100, the world’s largest financial institutions, intelligence agencies, and critical infrastructure companies, all trust this company to stop the leading cause of breaches – privileged credential abuse.An Engineering Manager position is expected to be at the forefront of tackling complex technical challenges and delivering high-quality products with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role involves overseeing the product development lifecycle, ensuring the integration of security throughput, and maintaining a seamless user experience. This position is unique due to its emphasis on continuous delivery, where engineers push code to production the same day, and for overseeing SaaS operations to ensure service reliability. The position offers the chance to work with advanced cutting-edge technology in the cybersecurity space, particularly in Privileged Access Management (PAM), contributing to vital products that protect enterprises from modern security threats. The position will report to the Client’s Engineering DirectorRequirements: Requirements:At least 3+ years of experience in macOS system-level development, withProficiency in Swift, Objective-C, and C/C++.Strong understanding of macOS internals, including system extensions and the IOKit framework.Experience with macOS development tools such as Xcode and familiarity with debugging tools like LLDB.Knowledge of macOS security features, including Apple’s Security and Endpoint Security frameworks, and Secure Token.Ability to design and implement robust and secure communication between services using XPC.Experience with version control systems, preferably Git, and familiarity with continuous integration and deployment pipelines.Comfortable working in a cross-platform development environment and able to ensure compatibility across different macOS versions.Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and commit to delivering stable updates in line with continuous delivery practices.Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently on complex issues.Excellent collaboration skills to work with cross-functional teams and contribute to the overall architecture and design.Good communication skills, with the ability to produce clear technical documentation for low-level services.A passion for staying up to date with the latest advancements in macOS technologies and cybersecurity.Nice to have:Strong understanding of Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions and cybersecurity principles, with experience in developing security-focusedsoftware.Proficiency with Kubernetes Responsibilities: In the capacity of Middle Engineer – you will be expected to:Participate in the design and development of scalable cloud solutions.Develop new software products – code, test, package, and deploy new products.Maintain existing software products – code, test, package, and deploy revisions to existing products.Work closely with Scrum teams and stakeholders to successfully bring the solution to production.Work with the project lead and project team to plan, estimate, schedule, and implement development project tasks.Report development project status in accordance with project plans.Participate in the review of all product documentation and training materials.Participate in the general release product turnover meetings.Participate in the planning and execution of on-site customer testing.Participate in the rollout of services and software. What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Software Engineer (C++, Qt)
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Software Engineer (C++, Qt)WarszawaNR REF.: 1184752Your new company R&D unit of an international med-tech company.Your new role You will work as a member of an incredibly creative, motivated and skilled team, which develops surgical robotic platform. You will be the synthesis of design and development, envision the architecture of the system and implement cutting edge GUI/UI concepts from storyboards and wireframe designs. This is a role for an individual who can work closely with the Clinical Engineering, Human Factors, UX Design, System Software and Visualization teams to implement versatile solutions to tricky front-end development problems, while keeping the end user in mind. Scope of duties:Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve software.Manage individual project priorities, deadlines and deliverables.Collaborate closely with designers, researchers, clinicians, product managers and a large, passionate group of peers to shape simple, effective user experiences and mold the future of design.Participate in regular code reviews.What you39ll need to succeed BA/BS degree (Computer Science or related technical field)3+ years of working experienceSolid programming skills in C/C++Solid understanding of modular GUI development in Qt (or equivalent tools)Experience with front end technologies and/or front-end frameworks.Excellent interpersonal, communication, negotiation and collaboration skills.Extra points for: Experience with working in a Linux environment.Familiarity with software development tools (Git, Jenkins, various IDEs).Attuned to the fundamentals of the user experience.Medical device development experience.Experience with prototyping.What you39ll get in return Contract of employment with 50% tax-deductible costsYearly bonusInternational working environmentMedical, sport, insurance and cultural benefits packagesEnglish lessonsHybrid working model (3 days office, 2 days remote/week)What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Inżynier DevOps
HAYS, Polska, mazowieckie
Inżynier DevOpsPolskaNR REF.: 1184768Hays IT Contracting to współpraca oparta na zasadach B2B. Nasza firma dopasowuje specjalistów IT do najciekawszych projektów technologicznych na rynku.Dołącz do grona 500 zadowolonych Kontraktorów i pracuj dla Klientów Hays!Obecnie dla naszego Klienta poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko:Inżynier DevOpsLokalizacja: zdalnie / hybryda z WarszawyBranża: projekt z branży bankowejRodzaj umowy: kontrakt (B2B przez Hays Poland)Współpraca: współpraca długofalowaStawka: 159-180 PLN/h netto + VATGodziny pracy: elastyczno-biznesowePraca zdalna: 100% zdalnie, mile widziane wizyty w biurze w WarszawieCzym będziesz się zajmował:Inicjowanie i modyfikacja baz danychPrzygotowanie środowiska programistycznego Przygotowanie i przeprowadzenie testów wewnętrznych (integracyjnych, jednostkowych)Weryfikacja zgodności realizowanej zmiany z architekturą systemu i standardami (przegląd, kontrola jakości)Przygotowanie zmiany do wdrożenia (repozytorium kodu, konfiguracje, dokumentacja wdrożeniowa etc.)Rozwój i utrzymanie środowisk aplikacyjnych na Kubernetesie.Automatyzacja procesów wytwarzania oprogramowania: Continuous Integration i Continuous Deployment.Tworzenie skryptów automatyzujących czynności administracyjne.Budowanie rozwiązań w oparciu o chmurę prywatną i publiczną.Monitoring systemów i aplikacji.Współpraca z analitykami, klientem biznesowym i innymi zespołami technicznymi.Co otrzymasz:Długofalową współpracę z Klientem realizującym projekty dla największych graczy z sektora bankowego, ubezpieczeniowego, telco i nie tylkoMożliwość pracy w elastycznych godzinach (start między 7:00 a 12:00)Błyskawiczny proces rekrutacyjny – jedno spotkanie, decyzja nawet w ciągu 1 dniaStandardowe benefity – preferencyjne stawki pakietów LuxMed i MultisportDecydując się na współpracę via Hays, otrzymujesz również możliwość pracy w przyszłości dla wielu innych wiodących klientów HaysCzego oczekujemy:Wykształcenie wyższe kierunkowe (informatyka, matematyka lub pokrewne).Doświadczenie z systemami Linux.Doświadczenie z rozwiązaniami do konteneryzacji i orkiestracji aplikacji takie jak Docker lub Containerd i Kubernetes.Doświadczenie w automatyzacji zarządzanie konfiguracją i infrastrukturą (Ansible Terraform).Doświadczenie w rozwijaniu i utrzymaniu usługi w przynajmniej jednej chmurze publicznej, tj.: Ms Azure, Google Cloud.Doświadczenie w automatyzacji procesów wytwarzania oprogramowania w duchu „Everything-as-Code” z wykorzystaniem narzędzi CI/CD (np. Zuul CI, ArgoCD).Znajomość co najmniej jednego z języków skryptowych bądź obiektowych: Python, Bash, Java.Doświadczenie w monitorowaniu aplikacji za pomocą systemów Prometheus i Grafana, Sentry itp.Znajomość systemów kontroli wersji, np. GIT, Gerrit, SVNZnajomość relacyjnych i nierelacyjnych baz danych (np. Oracle, postgreSQL, Hazelcast).Mile widziana znajomość JFrog Artifactory, HashiCorp Vault.Profesjonalizm i samodzielność w działaniu.Systematyczność i zaangażowanie.Umiejętność analitycznego myślenia.Komunikatywność.Doświadczenie w pracy z JIRA i ConfluenceJak będzie wyglądał proces rekrutacyjny:1. Twoje CV trafi do weryfikacji przez Rekrutera Hays2. Rekruter skontaktuje się z Tobą telefonicznie – 15-minutowa rozmowa o projekcie i Twoim doświadczeniu3. Rozmowa techniczna z Klientem – spotkanie online (1h)4. Oferta5. Witamy w projekcie!Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Inżynier ds. automatyki
Hays Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Inżynier ds. automatykiWarszawaNR REF.: 1184846Naszym Klientem jest jedna z najbardziej innowacyjnych firm technologicznych na świecie, która dzięki stale rozwijanej inżynierii optycznej i zaawansowanemu know-how firmy, oferuje wysokiej klasy rozwiązania w dziedzinie telekomunikacji. Portfolio produktowe światowego giganta, stanowi fundament dla globalnej wymiany informacji.W związku z rozwojem spółki w Polsce, poszukiwany jest doświadczony Inżynier ds. automatyki, który, m.in.:Zaprojektuje i przetestuje urządzenia i systemy wykorzystywane w procesach produkcyjnych;Weźmie udział w uruchomieniach nowych maszyn i urządzeń;Stworzy nowe i zmodyfikuje istniejące programy sterowników PLC i bezpieczeństwa;Opracuje specyfikację techniczną nowych linii technologicznych;Weźmie udział w krajowych i zagranicznych projektach wdrożeniowych;Inżynier ds. automatyki to rola bardzo istotna z punktu widzenia firmy i realizowanych projektów. Dlatego też poszukujemy specjalisty, który:Posiada wykształcenie wyższe techniczne kierunkowe;Posiada doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku;Posiada wiedzę praktyczną z zakresu PLC, HMI, Siemens, Lenze, Mistubishi, Omron, Epson, Keyence;Potrafi zaprojektować schematy elektryczne i pneumatyczne;Potrafi komunikować się w j. angielskim;W zamian firma oferuje stabilne i stałe zatrudnienie w oparciu o umowę o pracę wraz z atrakcyjnym wynagrodzeniem uzależnionym od kompetencji. Na zatrudnionych czeka również prywatna opieka medyczna, dofinansowanie do karty sportowej, wakacji, świąt, etc.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Inżynier ds. technicznych
Hays Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Inżynier ds. technicznychWarszawaNR REF.: 1184847Naszym Klientem jest jedna z najbardziej innowacyjnych firm technologicznych na świecie, która dzięki stale rozwijanej inżynierii optycznej i zaawansowanemu know-how firmy, oferuje wysokiej klasy rozwiązania w dziedzinie telekomunikacji. Portfolio produktowe światowego giganta, stanowi fundament dla globalnej wymiany informacji.W związku ze świeżo zakończoną budową jednego z zakładów produkcyjnych spółki w Polsce, firma poszukuje doświadczonego Inżyniera ds. infrastruktury. Do jego obowiązków będzie należeć, m.in.:•    Utrzymanie urządzeń i systemów infrastruktury pod względem technicznym;•    Prowadzenie projektów oszczędnościowych, prewencyjnych, monitorowanie kosztów utrzymania budynku i parku maszynowego;•    Udział w projektach modernizacyjnych budynku i urządzeń;•    Przygotowanie i poprowadzenie szkoleń technicznych;•    Nadzór nad dokumentacją;Inżynier ds. infrastruktury to rola bardzo istotna z punktu widzenia firmy i realizowanych projektów. Dlatego też poszukujemy specjalisty, który:•    Posiada wykształcenie wyższe techniczne;•    Posiada doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku w firmie produkcyjnej;•    Posiada wiedzę praktyczną z zakresu elektryki, pneumatyki i mechaniki maszynowej;•    Potrafi komunikować się w j. angielskim;W zamian firma oferuje stabilne i stałe zatrudnienie w oparciu o umowę o pracę wraz z atrakcyjnym wynagrodzeniem uzależnionym od kompetencji. Na zatrudnionych czeka również prywatna opieka medyczna, dofinansowanie do karty sportowej, wakacji, świąt, etc.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Middle/Senior Golang Software Engineer
Zfort, Kharkiv
We're looking for a Golang Software Engineer to enhance our team.Key Responsibilities:Develop a state-of-the-art real-time cross-selling platform.Take ownership of the backend, powering various user apps through our advanced gRPC-based microservice architecture.Engage in code reviews to uphold the highest quality standards in our platform and codebase.Lead in the design and development of the platform, prioritizing scalability and reliability.Requirements:Proficient in building Go applications, emphasizing resilience and uptime.Strong experience with gRPC, REST API, and backend testing.Well-versed in Agile methodologies, promoting teamwork and flexibility.Exceptional communication and problem-solving abilities.Proficient in business English.We offer:Maximum flexibility;Professional trainings, conferences and certifications;Corporate events and benefits;Professional literature;English courses;Discount program.If you feel interested in this position, please send your CV to: [email protected]
Software Engineer ASP.NET / C# / SQL Server
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Kyiv
Description: Working as an ASP.NET / C# developer in the European market leader in the field of TV and radio advertising sales systems? The MediaPro sales system for TV & Radio linear advertising empowers sales houses, TV & radio networks and buying agencies with effective administration of the end-to-end Ad Sales cycle.For a large technically challenging optimization project are we looking for an experienced and independent developer who will work on enhancing the SQL server backend, refactoring existing code and opening up the complete existing application using a large set of Restful Web API’s.Given the existing application and the work ahead are very complex and challenging we are searching for people that are up for a challenge and who are looking to greatly extend their professional experience and knowledge.Requirements: ASP.Net, C#, Microsoft SQL server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, T-SQL, jQuery2-3 years+ experience with Microsoft development tools, especially Visual Studio.NET.Experience with Microsoft SQL server databases and working on complex web applications.Experience with optimizing SQL server stored procedures for performanceMethodical approach to problem solving.Being very organised and preciseFlexible and resilient.Meticulous in your work and creative in your solutionsHigh self-management skills Responsibilities: Recoding code paths optimizing for performanceMaintaining internal contacts with colleagues concerning projects and the methods used to achieve objectives and resultsBe co-responsible with the team for completing sprints on time & scopeBe part of a team where every member is as important as the nextBeing able to work on an existing system where the code is most of the documentationHelping out unblocking your team membersDesigning and creating Restful Web API’s that follow a standardized API contract whilst also, when needed, help designing such patterns What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Software Engineer ASP.NET
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Kyiv
Description: Working as an ASP.NET / C# developer in the European market leader in the field of TV and radio advertising sales systems? The MediaPro sales system for TV & Radio linear advertising empowers sales houses, TV & radio networks and buying agencies with effective administration of the end-to-end Ad Sales cycle.For a large technically challenging optimization project are we looking for an experienced and independent developer who will work on enhancing the SQL server backend, refactoring existing code and opening up the complete existing application using a large set of Restful Web API’s.Given the existing application and the work ahead are very complex and challenging we are searching for people that are up for a challenge and who are looking to greatly extend their professional experience and knowledge.Requirements: ASP.Net, C#, Microsoft SQL server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, T-SQL, jQuery2-3 years+ experience with Microsoft development tools, especially Visual Studio.NET.Experience with Microsoft SQL server databases and working on complex web applications.Experience with optimizing SQL server stored procedures for performanceMethodical approach to problem solving.Being very organised and preciseFlexible and resilient.Meticulous in your work and creative in your solutionsHigh self-management skills Responsibilities: Recoding code paths optimizing for performanceMaintaining internal contacts with colleagues concerning projects and the methods used to achieve objectives and resultsBe co-responsible with the team for completing sprints on time & scopeBe part of a team where every member is as important as the nextBeing able to work on an existing system where the code is most of the documentationHelping out unblocking your team membersDesigning and creating Restful Web API’s that follow a standardized API contract whilst also, when needed, help designing such patterns#LI-NT1#LI-Remote What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Middle Software Engineer (Front-End)
Одесса, удаленно до $4000Необходимые навыкиSkills in front-end engineering using JavaScript or TypeScript in Object-Oriented meter. Frontend libraries and micro frameworks (React, Redux, Webpack). Experience in building modern markup using HTML5/CSS3.Experience in Web development for Desktop and Mobile platforms. Good written and spoken communication skills in English.Будет плюсомExperience in virtualization technologies and microservices (docker, vagrant). Skills in back-end technologies (node.js, python or any other). Skills in databases sql/non-sql.ПредлагаемFive-day work week within a young and energetic team.Paid vacation — 22 working days per year. An opportunity to work with a product company.Large-scale international projects.Flexible at work schedule. Competitive pay reviewed every six months, a lot of possibilities to grow.ОбязанностиConduct project design reviews and code reviews Analyze and estimate implementation efforts Be technical mentor for less experienced team members Report to PM about current tasks status technical and other risksО проектеWe are searching for a skilled and enthusiastic person to join our international team. You will be part of a team developing products for US Web Hosting company. We are in Top 10 USA biased hosting companies. As a software engineer you will be involved in the whole product life cycle.
Middle Software Engineer (Back-End)
Одесса, удаленно до $4000Необходимые навыкиSkills in back-end engineering using JavaScript/TypeScript in Object-Oriented meter. Libraries and micro frameworks (Nestjs, Express). Experience in back-end code performance analysis. Skills in architecting data storages SQL/non-SQL. Good written and spoken communication skills in English.Будет плюсомExperience in virtualization technologies and microservices (docker). Skills in front-end technologies (React). Skills in MySQL.ПредлагаемFive-day work week within a young and energetic team.Paid vacation — 20 working days per year. An opportunity to work with a product company. Large-scale international projects. Flexible at work schedule. Competitive pay reviewed every six months, a lot of possibilities to grow.ОбязанностConduct project design reviews and code reviews Analyze and estimate implementation efforts Be technical mentor for less experienced team members Report to PM about current tasks status technical and other risksО проектеWe are searching for a skilled and enthusiastic person to join our international team. You will be part of a team developing products for US companies. We specialize in web hosting companies. As a software engineer you will participate in the whole product development process. Phobosys offers solutions for any stage of the product life cycle.
CoffeeScript Software Engineer
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryAndersen, an international IT company, invites an experienced CoffeeScript Software Engineer to join its team for working with a German company.The customer is a German company, a leader in systems integration, which has been supplying world-class software solutions for video output to any screen for more than a decade. The company's products are integrated in the development of leading companies - Google, Netflix, Samsung, Youtube, Huawei, etc.The project is the development of a white label platform (entertainment ecosystem) for different broadcasting brands for desktop/mobile/laptop with a customer-centric approach.Technology stack on the project: CoffeeScript, JavaScript (ES6), HTML, CSS, RESTful APIs, JSON, XML, CORS proxies, UI/UX.ResponsibilitiesWriting well-designed, testable, efficient code.Integrating software components into a fully functional software system.Documenting and maintaining software functionality.Troubleshooting, debugging, and upgrading existing systems.RequirementsHands-on experience in JavaScript development for 5+ years.Strong proficiency in CoffeeScript, JavaScript (ES6), HTML, and CSS.In-depth knowledge of asynchronous programming, specifically with async promises.Experience with RESTful APIs, JSON, and XML for web services integration.Familiarity with CORS proxies and the ability to resolve related issues.Solid understanding of UI/UX design principles.Excellent problem-solving and communication skills.Level of English – from Intermediate and above.Reasons to join usExperience in teamwork with leaders in FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, and others. Andersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, BNP Paribas, Ryanair, Mercedes, TUI, Verivox, Allianz, T-Systems, etc..The opportunity to change the project and/or develop expertise in an interesting business domain.Job conditions – you can work both fully remotely and from the office or can choose a hybrid variant.Guarantee of professional, financial, and career growth! The company has introduced systems of mentoring and adaptation for each new employee.The opportunity to earn additional up to 1,700 EUR per month by participating in the company's activities.Access to the corporate training portal, where the entire knowledge base of the company is collected and which is constantly updated.Bright corporate life (parties / pizza days / PlayStation / fruits / coffee / snacks / movies).Certification compensation (AWS, PMP, etc).Referral program.English courses.Private health insurance and compensation for sports activities.Join us!
Lead Software Engineer
The Company hiring is TrueRev — truerev.comВимоги: Facility with object-oriented languages (specifically Java & Python) and a demonstrable grasp of OO design and development principlesFacility with client-side JavaScript frameworks and associated technologies (including AngularJS, Bootstrap, CSS3 and HTML5)Comfort with lean and agile development methodologies, and a willingness to adapt to processes that satisfy the immediate needs of the organizationFluent with MySQL; comfortable with other databasesDeveloping RESTful APIs and micro servicesУмови роботи: Working in an agile, test-driven environmentRespecting customer-centric designRemoteОбов’язки: Leading a team with a mission to build a fantastic FinTech web application (using AI) used by companies to successfully manage all of their customer subscriptions in one place.Working in an agile, test-driven environmentRespecting customer-centric design
Java software engineer
Traivel isn’t just another startup; it’s a force of innovation, dedicated to revolutionizing the landscape of Business Travel and expense management software. What sets us apart from the rest is our unwavering commitment to infuse every aspect of our platform with unique features designed to elevate personalization and cater to individual traveler preferences.We don’t just aim to meet market expectations; we strive to exceed them with fervor. Our passion for crafting user-centric software is the driving force behind everything we do. At Traivel, we are not just creating a product; we’re igniting a movement towards a more seamless, efficient, and personalized travel experience. Join us as we embark on this exhilarating journey to make a lasting impact in the market and beyond.As a Java Software Engineer at Traivel, your role will be to innovate and revolutionize the travel experience through the power of technology.Your Responsibilities:Booking Inventory: Develop systems to manage and optimize booking inventory, ensuring seamless transactions and availability for customers.Web Platform: Architect and maintain Traivel’s web platform, providing users with a user-friendly interface for booking travel experiences.Payments: Implement secure and efficient payment processing solutions to facilitate smooth transactions for customers.Trips Functionality Enhancements: Continuously improve and enhance the functionality of trip management features to elevate the travel experience for users.Integrations with Multiple Vendors: Collaborate with various vendors in the travel industry, including flights and hotel suppliers, to seamlessly integrate their services into Traivel’s platform.Integration with 3rd Party Tools: Integrate Traivel’s platform with essential tools such as Slack, Microsoft Outlook, and Google Calendars to enhance user convenience and productivity.Your Requirements:Strong Middle/Senior Level Expertise: Demonstrated proficiency and experience in Java development.Java 8/17: Thorough understanding and practical experience with Java programming.Spring Framework: Proficiency in Spring framework components including IoC, Boot, MVC, Data, and Security, with a focus on authentication/authorization modules.JMS (ActiveMQ, Kafka, etc.): Experience in messaging systems for asynchronous communication.RESTful API Implementation: Proficient in designing and integrating RESTful APIs.Database Experience: Familiarity with SQL and NoSQL databases.AWS Experience: Hands-on experience with AWS services such as S3, DynamoDB, SQS, and SNS.Containerization and Logging: Proficiency in Docker and Elastic stack for containerization and logging.Bonus Skills: Knowledge of Apache Cassandra and Localstack, understanding of microservice architecture, and experience in creating architectures from scratch.About You:You are an experienced Engineering Manager with a passion for developing innovative solutions and leading teams to success. Your customer-focused approach and out-of-the-box mindset drive you to optimize systems using the latest frameworks. You enforce coding standards and conduct regular code reviews to ensure the application’s robustness and reliability. Proactive, adaptable, and easygoing, you thrive in a collaborative environment.Why Us?:Modern Organizational Approach: Enjoy autonomy in decision-making processes.Impactful Work: Experience the impact of your contributions frequently.Equal Opportunities: We believe in equal opportunities for all.Fair Reward System: Benefit from a fair and rewarding compensation system.How to Apply: If you’re excited about contributing to a startup’s success, we encourage you to submit your resume or reach out via Telegram at @illiaKY.
Inżynier budowy
Hays Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Inżynier budowyWarszawaNR REF.: 1182640Naszym klientem jest firma z branży generalnego wykonawstwa specjalizująca się w projektach kubaturowych. W związku z pozyskaniem nowych kontaktów w imieniu klienta poszukujemy osób na stanowisko Inżyniera Budowy.Osoba, która obejmie stanowisko Inżyniera Budowy, będzie odpowiadać za wsparcie kierownictwa budowy w zakresie wyboru i nadzoru podwykonawców, kontrole harmonogramu projektu, odbiory prac oraz rozliczanie podwykonawców.Od Kandydatów oczekujemy wykształcenia wyższego w zakresie budownictwa oraz około roku doświadczenia zawodowego. Kandydat, który obejmie to stanowisko, posiadać będzie wysoko rozwinięte umiejętności komunikacyjne, dobrą organizację pracy oraz nastawiony będzie na osiąganie wyznaczonych celów.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.