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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Инженер по автоматике в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Инженер по автоматике в Україні"

15 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Инженер по автоматике" по диапазонам зарплаты в Україні

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 30.04.24, за професією Инженер по автоматике в Україні відкрито 10 вакансій. Для 30% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 10.1+ грн. 30% оголошень з зарплатнею 13.9+ грн, і 30% з зарплатнею 17.7+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Инженер по автоматике в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Инженер по автоматике в Україні.

Рейтинг областей Україні за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Инженер по автоматике"

На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Инженер по автоматике в Україні.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Україні

Серед схожих професій в Україні найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Инженер по эксплуатации. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 30000 грн. На другому місці - Инженер по отоплению з зарплатнею 24434 грн, а на третьому - Инженер по ремонту оборудования з зарплатнею 24000 грн.

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Инженер лесного хозяйства

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Инженер материально-технического снабжения

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Инженер менеджер

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Инженер менеджер по качеству

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Инженер металлург

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Инженер метролог

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Инженер микробиолог

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Инженер монтажник

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Инженер мостовик

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Инженер МТО

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Инженер на производство

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Инженер нефтяник

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Инженер нормировщик

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Инженер ОМТС

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Инженер ОПС

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Инженер оптик

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Инженер отделочных работ

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Инженер ОТК

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Инженер ПГС

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Инженер по автоматизации

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Инженер по автоматизации и механизации производственных процессов

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Инженер по БДД

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Инженер по безопасности дорожного движения

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Инженер по бурению

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Инженер по вентиляции

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Инженер по вентиляции и кондиционированию

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Инженер по гражданской обороне

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Инженер по закупкам

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Инженер по инструменту

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Инженер по информационной безопасности

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Инженер по кадрам

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Инженер по качеству

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Инженер по комплектации

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Инженер по медицинскому оборудованию

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Инженер по надзору за строительством

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Инженер по наклонно направленному бурению

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Инженер по наладке и испытаниям

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Инженер по нормированию труда

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Инженер по обслуживанию банкоматов

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Инженер по обслуживанию видеонаблюдения

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Инженер по обслуживанию холодильного оборудования

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Инженер по организации труда

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Инженер по отоплению

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Инженер по охране

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Инженер по планированию производства вакансии

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Инженер по подготовке производства

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Инженер по пожарной безопасности

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Инженер по продажам

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Инженер по проектно-сметной работе

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Инженер по промышленной безопасности

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Инженер по радиационной безопасности

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Инженер по ремонту

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Инженер по ремонту оборудования

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Инженер по сварке

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Инженер по сертификации

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Инженер по сертификации и стандартизации

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Инженер по снабжению

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Инженер по согласованиям

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Инженер по сопровождению

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Инженер по стандартизации

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Инженер по телекоммуникациям

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Инженер по тестированию

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Инженер по технике безопасности

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Инженер по техносферной безопасности

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Инженер по транспорту

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Инженер по труду

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Инженер по эксплуатации

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Инженер по эксплуатации автотранспорта

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Инженер по эксплуатации зданий и сооружений

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Инженер ПОС

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Инженер программист ЧПУ

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Инженер производственно технического отдела

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Инженер пусконаладчик

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Инженер радиотехник

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Инженер радиоэлектронщик

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Инженер разработчик

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Инженер релейной защиты и автоматики

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Инженер релейщик

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Инженер РЗА

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Инженер сантехник

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Инженер сварочного производства

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Инженер сварщик

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Инженер светотехник

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Инженер связи

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Инженер систем безопасности

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Инженер скс

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Инженер слаботочник

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Инженер слаботочных систем

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Инженер со знанием английского языка

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Инженер стажер

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Инженер строительной лаборатории

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Инженер схемотехник

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Инженер тгв

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Инженер телеметрист

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Инженер теплотехник

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Инженер теплоэнергетик

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Инженер технической поддержки

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Инженер физик

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Инженер химик

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Инженер эколог

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Инженер электролаборатории

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Инженер электромеханик

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Инженер электросвязи

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Инженер Этл

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Кадастровый инженер

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Математик инженер

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Сервис инженер

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Сетевой инженер

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Системный инженер

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Сменный инженер

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Software Development Engineer in Test
Customertimes, Czech Republic, Remote
Job DescriptionAbout the project:It is one of the biggest European companies in the security field. The company aims to provide you with all the information necessary to understand the nature of web vulnerabilities, as well as to know how to detect, avoid, and mitigate them. Now we want to grow and make a new product. It means you will be a part of a new team and could provide new technologies.Qualifications Experience with BDD (Cucumber, Python, TypeScript). Experience with Doсker, Kubernetes, and AWS. Experience with test case management tools (Practitest, TestRail etc.). UX / Usability. Knowledge of using issue-tracking tools such as Jira or similar. Hands-on experience using both Windows and Linux. Hands-on experience using CI/CD pipelines.What will be a plus: Knowledge of Web Application Security. Knowledge of creating Docker Images and running Docker orchestration.Responsibilities You will overlook the quality and specifications of new features while forming part of an Agile Team. Create test scripts that automate testing of the software. Review the results of the automation test runs. Solve technical issues identified by the automation tests. Suggest solutions to identified product problems. Perform manual testing of the product when the need arises.Working Conditions Financial stability and competitive compensation depending on experience and skills. B2B contract type. Social package – Private Medical Healthcare. Transparent professional and career growth development plans. Buddy system. Flexible work schedule. 20 working days of paid vacation leave. 5 days off on demand. 15 working days of paid sick leave with a certificate. 4 months of paid Maternity Leave. Referral Program. Access to Language Learning Platform goFluent. Additional training and certifications. Friendly team and pleasant working environment.
Strong Middle Java Engineer
INTELLIAS, Spain (remote)
Explore the future of FinTech! With superb engineering, we help the finance industry to change just in one click! Join the global Intellias team to develop top-of-the-line solutions for the world’s leading FinTech companies.Project Overview: The customer is a financial services technology company developing payment products around the world, leveraging a proprietary transaction processing platform, and pioneering a number of firsts in travel, loyalty, currency exchange, and next-generation mobile banking.The company started its development over 13 years ago and built a sustainable solution, however, to enable fast scaling, rapid feature development, and opening new lines of the business customer is looking for creating the new modern Zenith platform built on microservices architecture as well as enabling single technology platform for operating with its new merged companies.The request Intellias got is to modernize the platform to the micro-services one.Responsibilities: Design, develop, test, and maintain Java-based applications and software components;Write clean, efficient, and well-documented code;Troubleshoot and debug issues in applications and software;Ensure code quality and adhere to coding standards and best practices;Participate in code reviews to provide and receive feedback;Stay up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies in Java development;Continuously improve application performance, scalability, and reliability;Participate in Agile development methodologies and practices.Requirements: 3+ years of experience in Software Engineering;Strong knowledge of Java programming language and Java frameworks (such as Spring, Hibernate, etc.);Experience with relational databases (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.);Familiar with RESTful web services and API design, HTTP;Familiar with software development methodologies, tools, and processes;Ability to write clean, efficient, and well-documented code;Familiar with OOD, UML, GRASP, SOLID;Proficient in testing frameworks such as JUnit or Mockito, as well as testing methodologies like TDD and BDD;Understanding of microservices architecture and containerization technologies, such as Docker or Kubernetes, Monitoring and logging, message brokers systems;Ability to adapt to changing technologies and project requirements.Nice to have:Experience with Agile development methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban;Familiarity with software development tools and practices, such as Git, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD);Experience with cloud-based technologies, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure;Familiarity with non-relational databases, such as MongoDB or Cassandra;Familiar with Data Structures & Algorithms.What it’s like to work at Intellias: At Intellias, where technology takes center stage, people always come before processes. We're dedicated to cultivating a tech-savvy environment that empowers individuals to unlock their true potential and achieve extraordinary results. Our customized benefits not only prioritize your well-being but also charge your professional growth, making this opportunity an ideal match for tech enthusiasts like you.#LI-OH1
Automation Quality Assurance (AQA) engineer
Source Angel, Europe
At Source Angel, on Behalf of our German partner Onventis, we are looking for Automation Quality Assurance (AQA) engineer.At Onventis we assign teams to work with them, we don't give them specific solutions to implement. We strive to understand the customer needs problem first, LIVE it, and deliver the products which make a difference for our end users.Although we deliver a high-tech solution, our culture and our way of working are based on. Through trust, commitment putting people in focus, and helpfulness, we all work activities to be an organization where everyone is given the best opportunity to be challenged and grow. We are very excited about the work we do, the customers we help, and the opportunities we see ahead of us, and we look forward to bringing more people with us on our continued journey.We think it's fun to come to work every day, and we think you will too!What competencies we are searching for:beginner to middle level in e2e automation using Type Script/ Java Script;basic knowledge of Cypress framework;practical knowledge testing web applications and services on Azure, AWS;Knowledge of OOP, test design concepts, and automation patterns;Understanding HTTP, JSON, REST;middle to senior level SQL;English upper-intermediate skills;Nice to have:Docker/Kubernetes;AzureDevOps;How you will work:align with the team during daily stand-up meetings;discuss features with the team before implementing them; begin only having the end result in mind;bring in new technology, and learn from each other in the QA guild;show the results of your work to the team and stakeholders during  sprint review meetings; come up with new ideas - and ideas on how we can use new fun technology.speak out for improvement suggestions during which retrospective meetings which work;move within short sprints, so what you build will immediately get into the hands of users who really appreciate what we do;work with the feature branches according to the GIT FLOW; discuss product-related questions with the Product Manager and QA colleagues;participate in development and cross-team sync-up meetings to learn new, understand company  horizons and goals;participate and hold internal knowledge workshops.Make Spikes to understand new technologies and approaches;You will have (Germany) time to "think" and work with the team to implement the best ideas in features;work with the product team, who cares;concentrate on the essence of your job; see CORE culture (customer-oriented; open-minded; responsible; excellent) in action; work in a hybrid work schedule (home office/ in-office);discuss feedback on your expectations and performance twice a year with your Lead; get regular salary reviews once per year;regular informal  1-1 meetings with your Lead;grow professionally, working closely with technical architects and other senior colleagues;attend workshops and conferences;access to an e-learning platform;24/7 access to modern office; free drinks and fruits in the office;travel allowance;company pension scheme;free sports at STEP Sport & Spa;job bike;regular company events to boost networking and knowledge sharing.
Senior DevOps Engineer
TechMagic, Львів
Who we needWe are looking for a proactive and passionate Senior DevOps Engineer with 4+ years of experience to join our fast-growing startup from Denmark.Please note we are only considering candidates from Lviv!RequirementsMust have4+ years of professional experience from a similar role.Experience with agile DevOps processes and tools.Excellent troubleshooting skills.Experience with Terraform or similar infrastructure automation tools.Experience with development of cloud-native SW products and microservices.Experience with AWS cloud platform including security architecture.Experience with app deployment (Apple and Google platforms).Experience with GitHub, containerization, and Kubernetes (EKS).Experience with Linux/Unix servers, scripting, and network communication.Experience with configuration and management of databases (SQL and NoSQL).Experience with common monitoring platforms like Prometheus, Grafana, Datadog, CloudWatch, etc.Knowledge of programming languages (JavaScript, Typescript, PHP, Python) is advantageous.Will be a plusLike to explore innovative technologies and continuously expand skills setsAmbitious on behalf of our customers, our company and yourself, whilst focusing on excellent execution.Have a high sense of ownership in your workExcellent communication skills and ability to interact with all levels in an organizationA passion for delivering high quality software solutions.Care about how your work and attitude affect those who are around you - you are an active participant not only in technical activities but in creating an open and friendly environment in the team.ResponsibilitiesCloud infrastructure strategy and architecture.Designing efficient CI/CD tools and processes.Ensuring high reliability, performance, and scalability of our platform.Ensuring that systems are safe and secure against cybersecurity threats.Support the engineering teams with tools to ensure an agile and secure SDLC.Implementing tools for automated testing.Working on ways to automate and improve development and release processes.Troubleshooting and solving problems in IT infrastructure and CI/CD tools.Monitoring health and performance of servers and IT infrastructure.Documentation of IT infrastructure, tools and processes related to development and deployment.Developing and implementing processes for incident management and disaster recovery.About ProjectCustomerStart-up from Copenhagen (Denmark)/ProductSpiri is an international EV charging platform designing and building the future of eMobility charging solutions. With a rich history in the EV industry, Spirii strives to provide high-quality, innovative, and market-leading software and hardware that allows charge point operators, companies, cities and EV drivers to easily transition towards a fully electric future. With a core focus on user-oriented and intelligently-connected charging solutions that are future-proof and proven concepts.Spirii Go app has more than 60.000 users. Users have done 1,2 mln charging sessions and and 16 mln KWh charged since 2019.Using platform caused an effect of 7 mln kg CO2 saved and Spirii won an award of Best Green Start-up in Nordics in 2022StageThis is a growing startup. Founded in 2019 and actively developing a product for 2 years.Project teamProject team (Lviv): Back-end Engineers, Security Team, QA EngineerProject team (Client side): 25 people in the tech teamProject TechnologiesJavaScript (Node.js, React, Vue), PHP (Laravel), AWSWork ScheduleFull-time working day in our Lviv or Kyiv office, (flexible hours) or full-time remoteInterview Stages1st stage - call with Recruiter2nd stage - Technical interview with Recruiter and our Lead DevOps Engineer3rd stage - Client InterviewOur BenefitsOpportunity to improve your skills in stong technical teamWork from anywhere (fully remotely or in our office) Paid vacations and sick leaves, additional days off, relocation bonus;Wellness: Medical insurance/sports compensation/ health check-up+flu vaccination at your choiceEducation: regular tech talks, educational courses, paid certifications, English classes;Fun: own football team, budget for team lunches, branded giftsOne of the best IT employers in Lviv based on DOU rating.
Ralabs, Ukraine
RequirementsHard skills• At least 4 years of working experience using Python;• At least 2+ years of working experience using Angular or another front-end framework;• Working experience with Microservice architecture and Docker;• Experience with MQTT, FHIR(standard, database, API);• Hands-on experience with WebSocket, IoT, PostgreSQL, REST API;• Development, documentation, and automation to comply with GDPR and healthcare regulations (e.g., ISO 13435, IEC 62304, IEC 62366);• Expertise in Software Security;• Excellent communication skills;• An upper-intermediate level of English;Nice to have• Certification in FHIR would be a plus;• Certification in GDPR would be a plus;• Certification in Information Systems Security would be a plus.ResponsibilitiesTech• Designing the system;• API design;• Developing new features;• Collecting requirements;• Collaborating with various external vendors, clients, and internally with the Ralabs team;• Conducting unit testing;• Development with compliance to GDRP;• Participating in Scrum, especially in planning and demos.We offerWork vibe• Flexible working hours (full-time, 8 hours working day)• No screenshots, bureaucracy; time logging for accounting only. We trust you!• Quality workstations. Mostly we choose a Macbook so you will receive comfortable equipment for work or you can work on your own device• Dynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracy• Teambuildings, swag, corporate events and the team you will actually want to hang out withHolidays and leaves• 20 days of paid annual vacation; • 15 days of paid sick leaves; • Possibility to use vacation during probation;• Days off on all Ukrainian government holidays.Education• Education program 100 - we provide $100 per year for education• Mentorship program (get a mentor or become one)• English Lessons with 6-month review process (speaking and writing classes)• Refunding certification expenses• Corporate Udemy account, where any employee can request any course free of chargePerks• Social package, including medical insurance or sports compensation or psychological training sessions• IT Club Loyalty personal card in Lviv ІТ Cluster• Overtime is not welcome. Ralabs always emphasizes that we are working to provide work-life balance for employees•We work in a completely white field, and the salary is paid to the card in euros or dollars every first week of the month
Jira Automation Engineer | Uklon UA
How exactly you can influence the development of the Company: technical implementation in building business processes automation of business processes administration of Jira, Confluence and other corporate systems integration of various systems and services To achieve the results, you will need: at least 2 years of experience as a Jira Automation Engineer administration of Jira, Confluence configuration and implementation of business processes based on Atlassian Jira products process automation integration with external systems (Confluence, Slack, etc.) experience with Jira API experience in using CI/CD tools (Gitlab, Jenkins, etc.) Groovy, Python, etc. programming experience Challenges for three months: understanding of the functioning of existing services and systems in the context of existing business processes building various types of automation and their support proactive approach to tasks in the context of defined and agreed projects How do you manage your working hours? You determine a convenient time for yourself; business hours, when everyone is always in touch, are from 11:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. You choose a convenient format by yourself (office/remotely/mixed), work from any corner of Ukraine and the world 20 days off for personal needs and 10 days off due to illness (with remuneration) day off on your birthday as a gift from the Company day off for blood donation How will you level up your skills in Uklon?in-house trainings, workshops, hackathons, knowledge sharing, etc.corporate trainingcorporate library and subscriptions to information resourcesattending webinars, lectures involving company speakers, etc.personal/team budget for trainingEnglish lessons Work (War) — Life BalanceWe are a socially responsible company, so we devote a lot of time to volunteering activities and regularly support team spirit outside of working hours: we take pleasure in exciting team building events, sports competitions, etc. We say no to routine and monotony, so we create the environment where you can really enjoy doing your job. We are fun to be with. Health Care:corporate health insurance, including for members being abroad If you are looking for a vibrant and ambitious product company aiming at development and global expansion, if you are interested in using the latest technologies and ready to further improve your expertise, join the Uklon team.
Manual/Automation QA Engineer
8allocate, Remote
Client/Project: Our Client is a South Africa-based FinTech that enables safe, affordable, reliable financial services to underserved communities. With over 40 million cross-border transactions over the last decade, they are one of Africa's largest remittances-led FinTech companies. . Remittance service offers customers the opportunity to send money to their relatives or friends. Additionally, they offer critical customer services such as payment solutions for businesses in emerging markets.Stage: mature product, there will be a new team from 8allocate working closely with other client teams in South Africa.Tech stack: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.Interviewing approach: 1) hr interview 8allocate2) tech screening 8allocate3) panel interview with the client and optional second interview with the client.Client team: The engineering team is divided into 4 domains (core business functions). Each domain has a Head of Product, Engineering Lead, Scrum Master, and multiple development teams. Each development team has a Product Owner, Business Analyst, Team Lead, Test Analyst, and Software Engineers (between 2 and 4 engineers per team). We are agile, use scrum, continuous integration, and continuous delivery, and deploy to production daily.English: Advanced.Requirements: 3+ years of experience, with a focus on software testing and test automation (PHP is preferable);Strong understanding of software testing methodologies and strategies;Experience with Agile development methodologies;Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills;Strong attention to detail and ability to work independently;Basic knowledge of MySQL, API design principles and Object-Oriented Programming;Knowledge of JIRA, Git and Postman;Familiarity of RESTful API services ;Familiarity with software development life cycle and release management;Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal;Ability to work independently and as part of a team.The ideal candidate will be responsible for testing and ensuring the quality of our software products. The candidate should have experience in developing and executing test plans, identifying and reporting defects, and collaborating with development teams to resolve issues. The candidate should also have an understanding of MySQL and an Object-Oriented Programming language, and knowledge of JIRA, and Xray. Responsibilities: Develop and execute comprehensive test plans for software products;Identify and report defects, track progress, and verify fixes;Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure the delivery of high-quality software products;Develop and maintain automated testing frameworks and scripts;Troubleshoot and debug issues and provide recommendations for resolution;Analyze and document testing results and provide feedback to development teams;Work with business analysts and developers to define acceptance criteria and ensure requirements are met;Continuously improve testing methodologies and strategies.Preferred Qualifications: Experience with test automation frameworks, such as Codeception or Selenium or similar;Experience with performance and security testing;Familiarity with cloud platforms, such as AWS or Google Cloud Platform;Why choose us?“Family and Friends”. We are no longer a start-up, but we still, have a family atmosphere in our supportive and spirited team, all working together on the same goal.“Just break down all barriers and find a better way”. Every day you’ll meet with interesting and challenging (international) projects covering industries from commercial aviation to fintech (different technologies and products).“Hungry for learning”. You will get a lot of chances for career advancement and the development of new skills, mentorship opportunities, or learning from more experienced colleagues.Benefits from 8allocate:You’ll work with a supportive and spirited team of professionals.Corporate events, holidays, and team buildings for your joy.Training and development: we have a huge library (about 500 books!) and a budget for your professional development.Sport or massage compensation according to the general policy.Compensation for psychological support or medical insurance compensation according to the general policy.People-oriented management without bureaucracy.Paid vacation and sick leaves.
System Engineer
ABCloudZ, Ukraine
ABCloudz is seeking an experienced System Engineer to maintain and develop our internal production infrastructure. We expect you to have deep knowledge of everything related to infrastructure and be able to optimize it.Here, you’ll be to care of our practices and operations, as well as cooperate with other employees. Become a significant part of the brilliant team and ensure that everything runs smoothly! Are you ready to accept the challenge? We are seeking a star engineer to accomplish these tasks.Requirements Here is a list of qualifications and experience that we expect you to bring to the position of a System Engineer: Proficiency with MS Windows Server 2008-2016 Experience with Linux (RedHat family preferred) Scripting knowledge (e.g. Bash, PowerShell) Monitoring systems (e.g. Zabbix, Prometheus, Grafana) Ticketing systems (OTRS preferred) Strong networking skills, including Mikrotik configuration and automation Virtualization experience with OpenStack and Proxmox Knowledge of Software Defined Storages: Linstor Strong understanding of backup and recovery concepts, approaches, and mechanics Knowledge of ecosystems (e.g. Hetzner dedicated servers, AWS, GCP, On-premise)Must-have soft skills We expect our candidate to have flawless soft skills to support this position: Dedicated and professional attitude "Get it done" mindset A perfectionist with strong attention to detailYour future activities Some of the exciting things you will get to do as a System Engineer are:Maintain and develop the internal production infrastructure;Implement strategies to ensure infrastructure resiliency and cost efficiency;Automate and optimize infrastructure processes;Participate in external projects.Why choose us? Join an always-growing company to operate on the cutting-edge of information technologies, cloud services, application development, and digital infrastructure. At ABCloudz, we created a perfect environment to raise your professional skills, understand new technologies, and work with world-class companies.Our mission is to help businesses accurately, efficiently, and reliably build, move, and manage data workloads. The trusted ABCloudz team now has hundreds of employees in five countries, including our headquarters in Redmond and Washington.The ABCloudz competitive advantage over other development or IT consulting companies is our unique blend of:People with the highest level of expertise in the industryPractices established over the years by our subject-matter expertsProcesses that we crafted to guarantee successful deliveryProactivity in developing new solutions and maintaining existing appsProficiency in creating impeccable cloud solutions on all platformsBenefits We offer you English language courses, support your sports activities, and medical insurance.In addition to the above mentioned, ABCloudz provides you with: Internal tech talks. Modern technologies stack. Powerful work equipment. Events and conferences to raise skills. Vacation up to 22 working days annually. 5 days of paid sick leaves. Decent salary, tax assistance.
Middle/Senior Automation (JS) QA Engineer
N-iX is a software development service company that helps businesses across the globe develop successful software products. During 20 years on the market and by leveraging the capabilities of Easter Europe talents, the company has grown to 2000+ professionals with a broad portfolio of customers in the area of Fortune 500 companies and technological start-ups. With its headquarters in Lviv, Ukraine, the company also has multiple development offices in the East European region and representative entities in the United States of America, Sweden, and Malta.Throughout the years of its operations, the company has developed strong expertise in such fields as digital turn-key solutions engineering, cloud services, big data & analytics, user experience design, engineering excellence, digital platforms integration, and its own R&D in different domains such as financial services & banking, telecommunications, e-commerce, automotive, manufacturing, and others.The modern global trends in the IT industry have led the company to consider its expansion to the Latin American market to complement its expertise with high-end talents in the area.Our client is a Fortune 500 company. As a leading business-to-business organization, more than 3.2 million customers rely on its products in categories such as safety, material handling, and metalworking, and services like inventory management and technical support.We seek an experienced AQA Engineer with at least 4 years of proven experience to join our team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and maintaining automated tests and performing functional testing in Salesforce.Key Responsibilities:Develop and maintain automated tests using Webdriver.io & Selenium with JavascriptPerform functional testing in SalesforceMaintain version control systems (Bitbucket)Create and maintain CI/CD pipelines using qTest and BambooCollaborate with development teams to ensure that quality is integrated into the software development processStay up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends in software testingRequirements:At least 3 years of proven experience working as an AQA EngineerExperience in JavaScript (Webdriver.io) for automation scriptingExperience working with version control systems (Bitbucket - maintaining repo)Experience with qTest and Bamboo - create/maintain CI/CD pipelinesStrong knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools, and processesUpper-intermediate level of spoken and written EnglishStrong communication, negotiation, problem-solving, and troubleshooting skillsNice to have: Experience in Salesforce (functional testing)We offer:Flexible working format - remote, office-based or flexibleA competitive salary and good compensation packagePersonalized career growthProfessional development tools (mentorship program, tech talks and trainings, centers of excellence, and more)Active tech communities with regular knowledge sharingEducation reimbursementMemorable anniversary presentsCorporate events and team buildingsOther location-specific benefits
Інженер КВПіА
ТОВ «Новобудова», Київ
Вимоги, побажання: знання Правила експлуатації систем ППА та ДВОбов'язки: утримання у справному стані системи ППА та ДВ багатоквартирних житлових будинкі згідно з правилами та нормами технічної експлуатаціїУмови: офіційне працевлаштування, повний соц.пакет, роз"їзний характер роботи
Middle Python Automation QA Engineer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Lviv
Description: Our Customer is one of the biggest companies on the market of home entertainment consumer electronic devices that strives to provide their clients with high-quality products and services.Project goals include automation of tests and processes for new firmware releases.Requirements: 4+ years of experience in Automated testingGood Python knowledge and experience Good coding skills and experience in PythonExperience in usage of automated testing frameworksAt least Intermediate EnglishSelf-motivated person who is able to work independently and in the teamGood reporting and communication skillsAbility to learn new technologies quicklyPreferred:Experience with BDD AutomationBasic Media experience and willingness to go deep into technical side (Smart TV, media systems integration) Responsibilities: Debugging automation scriptsFixing issues in automation scriptsCreating new utomated scriptsReport complex automation issues and communicate with other automation engineers and developersCommunication with clients and team member#LI-ZK1 #LI-Onsite What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Інженер енергетик кошторисник ,конструктор щитового обладнання Инженер-энергетик,
Группа Компаний ЭРА, Київ
Інженер-енергетикЗ досвідом  роботи по збірці електрощитів.Инженер-электрик (энергетик) конструктор по щитовому оборудованиюКиев, улица Тимошенко 21/19 (Левка Лукяненка)м.МінськаТребуемый опыт работы: 1-3 годаПолная занятость, полный деньВ связи с расширением штата в ведущую электротехническую компанию города Киева требуется инженер-конструктор электрощитового оборудования (низковольтного оборудования). Проектирование и изготовление электрощитов (РУ-0,4;ВРУ, ГРЩ,АВР; щиты автоматики, конденсаторные установки, ЩК, ЩЭ, ЩР, ЩО) для жилого строительства.ТребованияОпыт работы по проектированию и изготовлению электрощитового оборудования;Высшее техническое, профильное образование;Знание нормативной документации (ПУЭ, ГОСТ, др.).Знание MS Office,1C, AutoCAD. Разработка схем. Знания ведущих торговых марок автоматики и других комплектующих.Ответственность, внимательность и пунктуальность;Обязанности:Расчет плановой себестоимости электрощита до 0,4 кВ. согласно схемы заказчика.Составление спецификаций оборудования и расходных материалов для производства электрощитового оборудованияПодготовка и согласование спецификации и конструктива изделия с заказчиком. Выбор оптимального оборудованияЗаказ комплектующих и запуск в работу щита согласно схемы и спецификации.Техническое сопровождение, контроль качества сборки и сроков изготовления щитов.Техническая консультация клиентов по готовому оборудованию компании.Техническая поддержка отдела продаж.Условия работы:ЗП ставка, премии, соц пакет.дружный коллектив;офис  м.Минскаяоформление согласно КЗоТ;корпоративная связьпятидневная рабочая неделя, полный рабочий день 9:00-18:00;возможность развития и карьерного роста;полноценно оплачиваемый испытательный срок в 2 месяца.Записаться на собеседование и по дополнительным вопросам обращайтесь по телефону. Вячеслав Леонидович.06713497210931087959
Inżynier DevOps
HAYS, Polska, mazowieckie
Inżynier DevOpsPolskaNR REF.: 1184768Hays IT Contracting to współpraca oparta na zasadach B2B. Nasza firma dopasowuje specjalistów IT do najciekawszych projektów technologicznych na rynku.Dołącz do grona 500 zadowolonych Kontraktorów i pracuj dla Klientów Hays!Obecnie dla naszego Klienta poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko:Inżynier DevOpsLokalizacja: zdalnie / hybryda z WarszawyBranża: projekt z branży bankowejRodzaj umowy: kontrakt (B2B przez Hays Poland)Współpraca: współpraca długofalowaStawka: 159-180 PLN/h netto + VATGodziny pracy: elastyczno-biznesowePraca zdalna: 100% zdalnie, mile widziane wizyty w biurze w WarszawieCzym będziesz się zajmował:Inicjowanie i modyfikacja baz danychPrzygotowanie środowiska programistycznego Przygotowanie i przeprowadzenie testów wewnętrznych (integracyjnych, jednostkowych)Weryfikacja zgodności realizowanej zmiany z architekturą systemu i standardami (przegląd, kontrola jakości)Przygotowanie zmiany do wdrożenia (repozytorium kodu, konfiguracje, dokumentacja wdrożeniowa etc.)Rozwój i utrzymanie środowisk aplikacyjnych na Kubernetesie.Automatyzacja procesów wytwarzania oprogramowania: Continuous Integration i Continuous Deployment.Tworzenie skryptów automatyzujących czynności administracyjne.Budowanie rozwiązań w oparciu o chmurę prywatną i publiczną.Monitoring systemów i aplikacji.Współpraca z analitykami, klientem biznesowym i innymi zespołami technicznymi.Co otrzymasz:Długofalową współpracę z Klientem realizującym projekty dla największych graczy z sektora bankowego, ubezpieczeniowego, telco i nie tylkoMożliwość pracy w elastycznych godzinach (start między 7:00 a 12:00)Błyskawiczny proces rekrutacyjny – jedno spotkanie, decyzja nawet w ciągu 1 dniaStandardowe benefity – preferencyjne stawki pakietów LuxMed i MultisportDecydując się na współpracę via Hays, otrzymujesz również możliwość pracy w przyszłości dla wielu innych wiodących klientów HaysCzego oczekujemy:Wykształcenie wyższe kierunkowe (informatyka, matematyka lub pokrewne).Doświadczenie z systemami Linux.Doświadczenie z rozwiązaniami do konteneryzacji i orkiestracji aplikacji takie jak Docker lub Containerd i Kubernetes.Doświadczenie w automatyzacji zarządzanie konfiguracją i infrastrukturą (Ansible Terraform).Doświadczenie w rozwijaniu i utrzymaniu usługi w przynajmniej jednej chmurze publicznej, tj.: Ms Azure, Google Cloud.Doświadczenie w automatyzacji procesów wytwarzania oprogramowania w duchu „Everything-as-Code” z wykorzystaniem narzędzi CI/CD (np. Zuul CI, ArgoCD).Znajomość co najmniej jednego z języków skryptowych bądź obiektowych: Python, Bash, Java.Doświadczenie w monitorowaniu aplikacji za pomocą systemów Prometheus i Grafana, Sentry itp.Znajomość systemów kontroli wersji, np. GIT, Gerrit, SVNZnajomość relacyjnych i nierelacyjnych baz danych (np. Oracle, postgreSQL, Hazelcast).Mile widziana znajomość JFrog Artifactory, HashiCorp Vault.Profesjonalizm i samodzielność w działaniu.Systematyczność i zaangażowanie.Umiejętność analitycznego myślenia.Komunikatywność.Doświadczenie w pracy z JIRA i ConfluenceJak będzie wyglądał proces rekrutacyjny:1. Twoje CV trafi do weryfikacji przez Rekrutera Hays2. Rekruter skontaktuje się z Tobą telefonicznie – 15-minutowa rozmowa o projekcie i Twoim doświadczeniu3. Rozmowa techniczna z Klientem – spotkanie online (1h)4. Oferta5. Witamy w projekcie!Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Automation Test Engineer
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Automation Test EngineerWarszawaNR REF.: 1185064As the Software Test Automation Engineer, you will play a critical role in developing and performing software testing for our groundbreaking robotic surgical platform. In this role, you will design and develop test cases and protocols to verify software functionality, using numerous testing methods including functional, integration, and system testing. We are looking for someone who is self-motivated, diligent, detailed-oriented, and can work independently and function well within a team. Key Responsibilities:Work independently to create, maintain, and execute automation and manual test plans for verificationPerform build acceptance testing using the suite of automated test casesParticipate in design discussions and code reviewsCreate traceability between test plans and formal requirement documents.Work with software, robotics, and system engineers as part of a focused cross-functional team developing and testing software for medical robotic applications/ Robot FrameworkRequired Skills:BS in Computer Science, Software Engineering or equivalent2+ years software test automation experience is preferred to an equivalent degreeExperience with OOP scripting languages such as Python or C/C++ and Bash or Linux commandsKnowledge of automated GUI testing tools such as Squish or other equivalent toolsEffective written and verbal communication skillsStrong organisation, time management and ability to meet deadlinesExcellent attention to detail, problem-solving and analytical skillsDesign and implement sophisticated automated tests for software and hardwareImprove test automation scripts and coverageWork independently to create, maintain, and execute automation for SW test and verificationParticipate in test case/protocol design discussionsPreferred Skills:Perform hands-on system testing of complex electro-mechanical systemsExperience testing complex medical devices/softwareExperience with dev-ops (build and release)Experience working in an Agile development environmentExperience developing and/or using automated test frameworksExperience with Real-time embedded SW/FW test automationTravel: Up to 10%If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Test Automation Engineer
HAYS, Kraków - hybrid work, malopolskie, Polska
Test Automation EngineerKraków - hybrid workNR REF.: 1185151We are currently seeking a Test Automation Engineer who will be focused on independent tests on software dedicated to automotive products. If you are organized, motivated, and possess a strong analytical mindset, apply now to join the team in Kraków.Our client holds a leading position as a technology company innovating at the intersection of disruptive trends in the automotive industry. They use their portfolio of technologies to make vehicles safer, greener, and more connected and enable the future of mobility.Work mode:  hybrid - 2 days in the office (Kraków based) Compensation:  100 - 115 PLN/h net (+ VAT) Contract type:  B2B, through Hays Poland Language:  English - B2/C1 Requirements:  (R – required / P – preferred)Knowledge of software programming basis (C / C++) (R)Basic knowledge of computer programming/scripting languages (R)Knowledge of Vector tools and the programming languages: CAPL (CANoe) (R)Knowledge of automotive industry data interfaces: CAN, LIN, Ethernet (R)MSc or Bachelor degree in Electronics, Computer Science or related (R)Knowledge of electronics and electronic measurement basis and measurements tools (R)English knowledge (ability to speak, read and write) (R)Team oriented (R)Honesty in relation with company, clients and co-operators (R)Good knowledge of MS Office (R)Methodical approach to problem solving (P)Availability as required (P)Knowledge of script programming languages (P)Automotive experience (P)Your role - support for the project team in the field of:Building test systems.Project analysis.Preparation of documentation and test scenarios under the direction of the team leader.Development and execution of tests, creation of results and errors after the execution of the team leader.Active participation in project meetings.Performing your tasks in accordance with your supervisor and project schedule.Maintaining confidential information and company property.Timely implementation of tasks in accordance with the quality system in force at the client Technical Center in Krakow.What We Offer:A quick recruitment process.Standard benefits including preferential rates for LuxMed and Multisport packages.The chance for a long-term cooperation on projects for top players in numerous sectorsOpportunities for future assignments with other leading clients through Hays.What will the recruitment process look like:Your CV will be verified by Hays RecruiterRecruiter will contact you by phone - a 15-minute conversation about the project and your experienceTechnical conversation with the client – 1 meetingOfferWelcome to the project!Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Svitla, Any city, Ukraine
Svitla Systems Inc. is looking for a Senior Mobile Engineer for a full-time position (40 hours per week) in Ukraine. Our client is a software company headquartered in Tampa, Florida, with offices in California, Illinois, and Switzerland. They develop and maintain the leading catalog data syndication platform for in-store kiosks and tablets, enabling retailers to display an extended aisle of products, no matter the size of their showroom. Powerful integrations allow retailers to directly connect their POS software, eCommerce websites, and their sales & marketing automation platforms. The client supports thousands of retailers and brands around the globe seven days a week. The client improves the commerce experience by connecting brands, retailers, and consumers through beautiful, intelligent software. We seek an experienced Senior Software Engineer with a strong background in mobile cross-platform application development using the Ionic Capacitor framework and deep database integration and management expertise. The ideal candidate will lead the design, development, and optimization of high-quality mobile applications that deliver a seamless user experience across Android, iOS, and ChromeOS platforms while ensuring data integrity, security, and performance.Requirements:5+ years of experience in hybrid mobile application development, with a significant focus on database design, integration, and optimization in a mobile context.Proficiency in the Ionic Capacitor framework with extensive knowledge of web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, and Angular framework.Expertise in database technologies like SQLite, Firebase, Realm, and experience with RESTful APIs and JSON for mobile applications.Understanding native mobile development for Android and iOS is highly desirable.Demonstrated expertise in implementing search functionalities within mobile applications, including but not limited to full-text search and fuzzy search, utilizing technologies like Elasticsearch, Algolia, or similar.Strong analytical problem-solving and project management skills, as well as the ability to lead a development team in a fast-paced agile environment.Excellent communication skills, capable of mentoring junior engineers and collaborating with cross-functional teams.BS Degree preferably in Computer Science or Information Systems.Responsibilities:Architect and develop scalable, high-performance mobile applications using the Ionic Capacitor framework with a strong focus on database integration, data synchronization, and offline-first capabilities.Work closely with cross-functional teams to understand and translate business requirements into technical specifications, ensuring efficient data storage, retrieval, and manipulation within mobile applications.Design and implement robust schemas in APIs, leveraging SQL and NoSQL databases, for secure and efficient data access and manipulation.Optimize application performance by focusing on recent data interactions, implementing caching, data compression, and efficient querying techniques for real-time data processing.Ensure data security and compliance with legal regulations by integrating advanced encryption techniques and secure data storage solutions.Collaborate with UI/UX designers and product managers to create intuitive and responsive applications, ensuring seamless data integration and synchronization across platforms and devices.Contribute to researching technologies and rapid prototyping.Lead the development team through the entire application lifecycle, from concept to deployment, emphasizing best database management and application development practices.Provide technical leadership and mentorship to junior engineers, fostering a culture of innovation, excellence, and continuous improvement.Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in mobile development and database management, evaluating and incorporating them into the projects to enhance functionality and user experience.Oversee the deployment process, including application configuration and app store submission, ensuring seamless delivery and operation of mobile applications.We Offer:US and EU projects based on advanced technologies.Competitive compensation based on skills and experience.Annual performance appraisals.Flexibility in workspace, either remote or in one of our development offices. Comprehensive medical insurance including dental and massages.Sport reimbursement program for onsite and online activities.Support of a healthy lifestyle, compensation for running events.Bonuses for recommendations of new employees.Bonuses for article writing, public talks, other activities.Personal loan budget available for long-term personnel.20 vacation days, 10 national holidays and sick leaves.Maternity leave policy and family days off.Full compensation for conferences, courses, English classes.Free webinars, meetups and conferences organized by Svitla.Gifts for anniversaries, New Year, children and more.Corporate celebrations and activities, regular lectures on various topics.Awesome team, friendly and supportive community!About Svitla:Svitla Systems is a global trusted IT solutions company headquartered in California, with business and development offices throughout the US, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. Svitla is an outspoken advocate of workplace flexibility, best known for its well-established remote culture, individual approach to our teammate’s professional and personal growth, and family-like environment.Since 2003, Svitla has served a wide range of clients, from innovative start-ups in California to mega-large corporations such as Ingenico, Amplience, InvoiceASAP and Global Citizen. At Svitla, developers work with clients’ teams directly, building lasting and successful partnerships, as a result of seamless integration with on-site processes. Svitla Systems’ global mission is to build a business that contributes to the well-being of our partners, personnel and their families, improves our communities, and makes a lasting difference in the world. Join us!
QA Automation Engineer (C#)
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryAndersen, an international IT company, invites a QA Automation Engineer (C#) to work on a large-scale project for one of our US customers.The project is an information platform for engineers. The project is based on a modern model of information extraction, analytics and semantic search using Big Data and unites more than 7 million engineers worldwide. The platform helps engineers and other technical specialists achieve stable productivity improvements, make and implement decisions faster, and strengthen the competitive advantages of their companies.The customer is a US global information company ranked 11th on Forbes’ list of the fastest-growing innovative companies. It produces its own unique software product, the users of which are world-renowned businesses (NASA, Samsung, Sony, etc.).ResponsibilitiesDesigning software testing plans and creating and executing both manual and automated tests using test automation tools, including but not limited to Selenium and Protractor.Coordinating the work of your team members to resolve the issues assigned to your team.Monitoring the product quality and coordinating the resolution of issues assigned to teams.Participating in the testing of the product functioning during CI/CD processes.Organizing and monitoring the defect management process within teams.Influencing the inclusion of testing during the design, development, and improvement of the product.Testing the product at all phases of its life cycle, including production.Interfacing with developers within the project to obtain clear test results and the regression area.RequirementsExperience in software testing for 3+ years.Experience in developing automation systems based on Selenium WebDriver using C#/.NET and xUnit Testing Frameworks.Bachelors in Computer Science, related field or equivalent experience.Experience in testing web applications (.Net Core, Microservices, AngularJS).Experience in testing microservices.Understanding of CI/CD process.Understanding of what should be tested and on which level (unit/integration/UI).Experience with testing Web Applications in Cross-browser and cross-device, using automated tools.Able to write/execute both automation and manual Test Scripts/Cases.Experience in working with an Agile software development team.Experience in communication with a globally distributed development team.Level of English - from Upper-Intermediate and above.Desired skillsExperience with performance and load testing.Experience working with monitoring tools.Experience with AWS.Reasons to join usExperience in teamwork with leaders in FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, and others. Andersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, BNP Paribas, Ryanair, Mercedes, TUI, Verivox, Allianz, T-Systems, etc..The opportunity to change the project and/or develop expertise in an interesting business domain.Job conditions – you can work both fully remotely and from the office or can choose a hybrid variant.Guarantee of professional, financial, and career growth! The company has introduced systems of mentoring and adaptation for each new employee.The opportunity to earn additional up to 1,700 EUR per month by participating in the company's activities.Access to the corporate training portal, where the entire knowledge base of the company is collected and which is constantly updated.Bright corporate life (parties / pizza days / PlayStation / fruits / coffee / snacks / movies).Certification compensation (AWS, PMP, etc).Referral program.English courses.Private health insurance and compensation for sports activities.Join us!
Налагоджувальник контрольно-вимірювальних приладів та автоматики
Заробітна плата (усього): 23650 грнУ тому числі основна: 21500 грнОписХарактер виконуваної роботи:ПостійнийОсновні функціональні обов'язки:Ремонт виробничих автоматизованих ліній. Обслуговування електричної частини обладнання та його ремонт. Обслуговування та ремонт тестувального обладнання. Ведення обліку електротехнічного обладнання та інструменту. Контроль справної роботи приладів КВП. Впровадження систем автоматизації, участь у налагодженні і запуску спеціального обладнання. Аналіз поломок обладнання на основі отриманих за допомогою КВП даних.Вид трудового договору:безстроковийРежим роботи:5-денний робочий тижденьУмови організації праці:Звичайні умовиСоціальні переваги:доставка до роботи/з роботи; медичне страхування; оплата харчування; страхування життяПрофесійні компетенції (знання, навички):основи електротехніки,будова і принципи роботи електродвигунів,генераторів,трансформаторів, комутаційної і пускогенерувальної апаратури,акумуляторів і електроприладів.Основні види електротехнічних матеріалів,їх властивості і призначенняОсобистісні компетенції (особисті якості, характеристики):відповідальність,висока працездатність,вміння працювати в команді,високі аналітичні здібності,бажання до саморозвитку
Налагоджувальник контрольно-вимірювальних приладів та автоматики
1106, Кропивницька філія Кіровоградського обласного центру зайнятості, Кропивницький, Кіровоградська область
Заробітна плата (усього): 18478 грнУ тому числі основна: 14436 грнОписХарактер виконуваної роботи:ПостійнийОсновні функціональні обов'язки:Налагодження, перевірка та здача в експлуатацію складні та особливо складні схеми промислової автоматики, телемеханіки, зв'язку, електронно-механічних випробувань. Налагодження контролерів світлофорних об'єктів. Наявність 4-ї групи допуску для роботи під високою напругою. Працювати з понеділка по четвер з 08:00 до 17:00, у п'ятницю з 08:00 до 16:00. Досвід роботи за професією від 1 року. Інформація про вакансію за тел.: (044) 244-94-93 - Ангеліна.Вид трудового договору:безстроковийРежим роботи:5-денний робочий тижденьУмови організації праці:Звичайні умовиСоціальні переваги:інше
«Агрофірма «Маяк», Котельва
Про головне:своєчасна виплата заробітної плати двічі на місяць;офіційне працевлаштування з першого дня;укомплектоване робоче місце;сильна команда професіоналів;отримання досвіду та кар’єрний ріст;навчання, спрямоване на професійний розвиток;збалансоване харчування для працівників компанії;зручний та стильний корпоративний одяг;забезпечення засобами комунікації.Важливо, щоб ви вміли:планувати свою роботу;забезпечувати безаварійну та надійну роботу техніки та обладнання;забезпечувати правильність експлуатації устаткування;планувати капітальні та поточні ремонти техніки та технологічного обслуговування устаткування;проводити дефектування техніки та обладнання;визначати потребу в запасних частинах для ремонту техніки та устаткування;забезпечувати своєчасне та якісне виконання планових ремонтів та обслуговування обладнання.Наші побажання до кандидата:освіта за фахом “Інженерно-технічна”;досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді — від 1 року;базові знання з механіки; автоматики;знання електрики, електроніки — вітаються;базові навички роботи на ПК;дотримуватися правил Компанії;любити свою роботу;любити навчатися;особисті якості: відповідальний, уважний, дисциплінований, технічне мислення, відмінна пам’ять, готовий допомагати Компанії розвиватися.