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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Инженер отделочных работ в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Инженер отделочных работ в Україні"

19 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Инженер отделочных работ в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Инженер отделочных работ в Україні.

Рейтинг областей Україні за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Инженер отделочных работ"

На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Инженер отделочных работ в Україні.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Україні

Серед схожих професій в Україні найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Ассистент инженера. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 81525 грн. На другому місці - Инженер по отоплению з зарплатнею 30000 грн, а на третьому - Инженер по эксплуатации з зарплатнею 25000 грн.

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Авиационный инженер

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Ассистент инженера

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Ведущий инженер

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Ведущий инженер ПОС

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Горный инженер

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Дежурный инженер

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Инженер АСУ

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Инженер АТС

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Инженер АХО

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Инженер водоснабжения и водоотведения

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Инженер ВОЛС

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Инженер геофизик

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Инженер гидравлик

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Инженер гидролог

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Инженер гидротехник

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Инженер ГСМ

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Инженер диспетчер

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Инженер дозиметрист

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Инженер дорожник

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Инженер землеустроитель

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Инженер испытатель

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Инженер КИПиА

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Инженер конструктор

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Инженер консультант

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Инженер кораблестроитель

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Инженер лаборант

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Инженер лесного хозяйства

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Инженер материально-технического снабжения

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Инженер менеджер

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Инженер менеджер по качеству

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Инженер металлург

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Инженер метролог

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Инженер микробиолог

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Инженер монтажник

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Инженер мостовик

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Инженер МТО

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Инженер на производство

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Инженер нефтяник

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Инженер нормировщик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер ОМТС

Смотреть статистику

Инженер ОПС

Смотреть статистику

Инженер оптик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер ОТК

Смотреть статистику

Инженер ПГС

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Инженер по автоматизации

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по автоматизации и механизации производственных процессов

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Инженер по автоматике

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Инженер по БДД

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Инженер по безопасности дорожного движения

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Инженер по бурению

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Инженер по вентиляции

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Инженер по вентиляции и кондиционированию

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Инженер по гражданской обороне

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Инженер по закупкам

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Инженер по инструменту

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по информационной безопасности

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Инженер по кадрам

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Инженер по качеству

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Инженер по комплектации

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Инженер по медицинскому оборудованию

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Инженер по надзору за строительством

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Инженер по наклонно направленному бурению

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Инженер по наладке и испытаниям

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Инженер по нормированию труда

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Инженер по обслуживанию банкоматов

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Инженер по обслуживанию видеонаблюдения

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Инженер по обслуживанию холодильного оборудования

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Инженер по организации труда

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Инженер по отоплению

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Инженер по охране

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по планированию производства вакансии

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Инженер по подготовке производства

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Инженер по пожарной безопасности

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Инженер по продажам

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Инженер по проектно-сметной работе

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Инженер по промышленной безопасности

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по радиационной безопасности

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по ремонту

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по ремонту оборудования

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по сварке

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по сертификации

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по сертификации и стандартизации

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Инженер по снабжению

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Инженер по согласованиям

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Инженер по сопровождению

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Инженер по стандартизации

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Инженер по телекоммуникациям

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Инженер по тестированию

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Инженер по технике безопасности

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Инженер по техносферной безопасности

Смотреть статистику

Инженер по транспорту

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Инженер по труду

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Инженер по эксплуатации

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Инженер по эксплуатации автотранспорта

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Инженер по эксплуатации зданий и сооружений

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Инженер ПОС

Смотреть статистику

Инженер программист ЧПУ

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Инженер производственно технического отдела

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Инженер пусконаладчик

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Инженер радиотехник

Смотреть статистику

Инженер радиоэлектронщик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер разработчик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер релейной защиты и автоматики

Смотреть статистику

Инженер релейщик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер РЗА

Смотреть статистику

Инженер сантехник

Смотреть статистику

Инженер сварочного производства

Смотреть статистику

Инженер сварщик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер светотехник

Смотреть статистику

Инженер связи

Смотреть статистику

Инженер систем безопасности

Смотреть статистику

Инженер скс

Смотреть статистику

Инженер слаботочник

Смотреть статистику

Инженер слаботочных систем

Смотреть статистику

Инженер со знанием английского языка

Смотреть статистику

Инженер стажер

Смотреть статистику

Инженер строительной лаборатории

Смотреть статистику

Инженер схемотехник

Смотреть статистику

Инженер тгв

Смотреть статистику

Инженер телеметрист

Смотреть статистику

Инженер теплотехник

Смотреть статистику

Инженер теплоэнергетик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер технической поддержки

Смотреть статистику

Инженер физик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер химик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер эколог

Смотреть статистику

Инженер электролаборатории

Смотреть статистику

Инженер электромеханик

Смотреть статистику

Инженер электросвязи

Смотреть статистику

Инженер Этл

Смотреть статистику


Смотреть статистику


Смотреть статистику


Смотреть статистику

Кадастровый инженер

Смотреть статистику

Математик инженер

Смотреть статистику


Смотреть статистику

Сервис инженер

Смотреть статистику

Сетевой инженер

Смотреть статистику

Системный инженер

Смотреть статистику

Сменный инженер

Смотреть статистику
Показати ще

Рекомендовані вакансії

główny specjalista
BIP Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów - Służba Cywilna, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów w Warszawie Dyrektor Generalny poszukuje kandydatów\kandydatek na stanowisko: główny specjalista do spraw bezpieczeństwa aplikacji i systemów w Wydziale Informatyki, Biuro Informatyki i Ochrony 00-950 Warszawa pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1 Zakres zadań wykonywanych na stanowisku pracy: Administruje systemem do zarządzania stacjami końcowymi. Monitoruje i konfiguruje stacje końcowe oraz systemy zapewniając odpowiedni poziom bezpieczeństwa IT. Identyfikuje potencjalne płatności oraz uczestniczy w procesie wdrażania nowych systemów informatycznych. Administruje, monitoruje oraz utrzymuje system elektronicznego zarządzania dokumentacją. Administruje, monitoruje oraz utrzymuje system wydruku centralnego. Zarządza oraz konfiguruje urządzenia wielofunkcyjne. Administruje i zarządza systemem do klasyfikacji informacji oraz skanowania podatności. Obsługuje system klasy XDR/EDR, system ochrony poczty elektronicznej. Obsługuje incydenty bezpieczeństwa informacji. Warunki pracy Budynek częściowo dostosowany do potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych. Praca w programie Skype dla firm (praca w słuchawkach). Wysiłek fizyczny związany z przenoszeniem sprzętu komputerowego.Wyjazdy krajowe - obsługa jednostek zamiejscowych.Dyżury wynikające z realizacji zadań zwiazanych z wprowadzeniem stanów alarmowych CRP.Urząd jest członkiem Koalicji na rzecz Przyjaznej Rekrutacji oraz laureatem nagrody Friendly Workplace.   Inne informacje: W miesiącu poprzedzającym datę upublicznienia ogłoszenia wskaźnik zatrudnienia osób niepełnosprawnych w urzędzie, w rozumieniu przepisów o rehabilitacji zawodowej i społecznej oraz zatrudnianiu osób niepełnosprawnych, nie wynosi co najmniej 6%. - pierwszeństwo dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami Wymagania związane ze stanowiskiem pracy niezbędne wykształcenie: wyższe techniczne inżynierskie doświadczenie zawodowe/staż pracy co najmniej 3 lata doświadczenia zawodowegow zarządzaniu i konfiguracji systemów operacyjnych pozostałe wymagania niezbędne: Wiedza specjalistyczna i umiejętność jej wykorzystania z zakresu znajomości systemów operacyjnych z rodziny MS Windows 10, 11 oraz Windows Server 2016 i nowszych; teleinformatyki i usług informatycznych w tym: bezpieczeństwa teleinformatycznego, budowy sieci komputerowych i administrowania systemami. Umiejętność wstępnej analizy logów bezpieczeństwa sieci teleinformatycznych, systemów operacyjnych, baz danych oraz aplikacji. Znajomość rozwiązań z obszaru bezpieczeństwa IT (m.in bramka pocztowa, klasyfikator informacji, skanery podatności, EDR/XDR)Znajomość modelu ISO/OSI i zależności pomiędzy usługami/protokołami w poszczególnych warstwach , np. ARP, DNS, SNMP, ICMP, HTTP/HTTPS, SMTP, Syslog, DHCP. Znajomość: administrowania systemami Linux, konfiguracji urządzeń wielofunkcyjnych oraz systemu wydruku centralnego, administrowania systemami typu SCCM.Umiejętność analizy i wdrażania rozwiązań teleinformatycznych. Posiadanie kompetencji: komunikacja, współpraca, organizacja pracy i zorientowanie na osiąganie celów. Certyfikat lub dyplom ukończenia kursu potwierdzający znajomość systemów operacyjnych z rodziny MS Windows nie starsze niż 3 lata. Język angielski w stopniu pozwalającym na swobodną komunikację techniczną. W służbie cywilnej nie może być zatrudniona osoba, która w okresie od dnia 22 lipca 1944 r. do dnia 31 lipca 1990 r. pracowała lub pełniła służbę w organach bezpieczeństwa państwa lub była współpracownikiem tych organów w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 18 października 2006 r. o ujawnianiu informacji o dokumentach organów bezpieczeństwa państwa z lat 1944–1990 oraz treści tych dokumentów - nie dotyczy kandydatek/kandydatów urodzonych 1 sierpnia 1972 r. lub później. Osoba wybrana do zatrudnienia będzie musiała złożyć oświadczenie lustracyjne, jeśli urodziła się przed 1 sierpnia 1972 r.Posiadanie obywatelstwa polskiegoKorzystanie z pełni praw publicznychNieskazanie prawomocnym wyrokiem za umyślne przestępstwo lub umyślne przestępstwo skarbowe wymagania dodatkowe Certyfikaty lub dyplomy ukończenia kursów potwierdzające znajomość rozwiązań IT, bezpieczeństwa IT nie starsze niż 3 lata. Język angielski na poziomie B2.Wiedza specjalistyczna: znajomość technologii wirtualizacji VMWare lub Hyper-V; znajomość technik, taktyk i procedur popularnych ataków na systemy teleinformatyczne i wdrażania najlepszych praktyk przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom; umiejętność przeprowadzania testów bezpieczeństwa infrastruktury teleinformatycznej; znajomość rozwiązań z obszaru bezpieczeństwa IT (np. SANDBOX, Threat Intelligence, usługi chmurowe); znajomość środowisk bazodanowych. Dokumenty i oświadczenia niezbędne: CVKopie dokumentów potwierdzających spełnienie wymagania niezbędnego w zakresie wykształceniaKopie dokumentów potwierdzających spełnienie wymagania niezbędnego w zakresie doświadczenia zawodowego / stażu pracyCertyfikat lub dyplom ukończenia kursu potwierdzający znajomość systemów operacyjnych z rodziny MS Windows nie starsze niż 3 lata. Oświadczenie, że w okresie od dnia 22 lipca 1944 r. do dnia 31 lipca 1990 r. kandydatka/kandydat nie pracowała/ł, nie pełniła/ł służby w organach bezpieczeństwa państwa i nie była/był współpracownikiem tych organów w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 18 października 2006 r. o ujawnianiu informacji o dokumentach organów bezpieczeństwa państwa z lat 1944–1990 oraz treści tych dokumentów. Nie dotyczy kandydatek/kandydatów urodzonych 1 sierpnia 1972 r. lub później.Oświadczenie o posiadaniu obywatelstwa polskiegoOświadczenie o korzystaniu z pełni praw publicznychOświadczenie o nieskazaniu prawomocnym wyrokiem za umyślne przestępstwo lub umyślne przestępstwo skarboweDokumenty i oświadczenia dodatkowe:kopia dokumentu potwierdzającego niepełnosprawność - w przypadku kandydatek/kandydatów, zamierzających skorzystać z pierwszeństwa w zatrudnieniu w przypadku, gdy znajdą się w gronie najlepszych kandydatek/kandydatówKopie dokumentów potwierdzających spełnienie wymagania dodatkowego w zakresie wykształceniaKopie dokumentów potwierdzających spełnienie wymagania dodatkowego w zakresie doświadczenia zawodowego / stażu pracyCertyfikaty lub dyplomy ukończenia kursów potwierdzające znajomość rozwiązań IT, bezpieczeństwa IT nie starsze niż 3 lata. Kopia dokumentu potwierdzająca znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie B2. Dokumenty należy złożyć do: 2024-06-04Decyduje data:wpływu oferty do urzęduMiejsce składania dokumentów: Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1 00-950 Warszawa (kancelaria UOKiK mieści się w Centrum Konferencyjnym UOKiK) z dopiskiem BIO-WI-GS/5
Middle QA Automation Engineer (Python)
Our client is the world’s biggest watchmaking conglomerate. The client makes movements, both quartz and mechanical, fully assembled or in kit form, for brands in its own group and for external clients. It’s a powerful, largely independent, multifaceted company.Our client designs and manufactures mechanical and automatic watches, watch movements and watch prototypes. Although the company produces finished watches and movements, the client specializes in the production of prototypes movements used both in watches of sister subsidiary brands and in the watches of competitors, including brands owned by Compagnie Financière Richemont S.A. and others.Requirements:3+ years of previous experience as a test automation engineerStrong knowledge of Appium 2.0 (device setup for both Android and iOS platforms, common and complicated manipulations using W3C)Jenkins knowledge, pipeline understandingStrong knowledge of Pytest (fixtures, hooks)Git experience (branching, rebase, merge conflicts resolution)Overall knowledge of the standard Software testing practicesAbility to quickly understand an existing automation environment/framework (Combination of embedded and mobile SW devices as DUT - device under test)Ability to quickly understand the requirements on a new product (Connected Watch)Debugging and analysis skills to detect false “PASS” and false “FAILED” test resultsTeam-oriented and collaborativeAbility to visit our office in LvivResponsibilities:Read and understand the requirements as well as the existing test scenarios defined for the DUT’sRun of the automation and analysis and reporting of the test statusTroubleshooting and creation of bugs-tickets with an adequate descriptionCollaborate with other QAs and/or developers regarding the behavior of the DUTSupport test engineering automation activities, whenever it’s possible.We offer:Flexible working format - remote, office-based or flexibleA competitive salary and good compensation packagePersonalized career growthProfessional development tools (mentorship program, tech talks and trainings, centers of excellence, and more)Active tech communities with regular knowledge sharingEducation reimbursementMemorable anniversary presentsCorporate events and team buildingsOther location-specific benefits
Рекрутинговое агентство Work&Life, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Рекрутинговое агентство Work and Life осуществляет для клиента-заказчика и объявляет конкурс на замещение открытой вакансии «Сметчик». Оплата услуг агентства производится РАБОТОДАТЕЛЕМ.Требования к кандидату: Высшее образование: строительное (ПГС)Опыт работы в программе «АВК 5»Опыт работы от 5-ти лет в строительной сфере;Знание современных строительных технологий;Готовность работать непосредственно на строительном объекте. Обязанности: Составление смет на общестроительные, отделочные работы, инженерные сети;Работа с чертежами, подсчет объемов работ;Составление коммерческих предложений;Подготовка документации для тендерного предложения;Сверка объемов работ на объекте;Проверка cметной документации предоставленной субподрядными организациями Условия труда: График пн -пт 9:00- 18 :00Конкурентный уровень заработной платы
Laboratory Engineer
Bunge, Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv Oblast, ua
Location : Mykolaiv City : Nikolaev State : Mykolaïvs'ka Oblast' (UA-48) Country : Ukraine (UA) Requisition Number : 33175 Main Accountabilities Making of laboratory analyses, tests and other types of research on raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, structures and finished products. Work in accordance with the Inspection Measurement and Product Monitoring Program. Be able to work with standards, established methods. In case of production necessity, perform the functions of the Senior Laboratory Engineer or/and laboratory assistant (during vacation, illness, business trip). Possess the skills to use, develop methods and instructions for working with laboratory equipment. Monitor the technical condition of the equipment. Maintain laboratory equipment within your competence. Preparing reactants and chemical solutions. Create orders for reagents and supplies. Ordering and replacement(if necessary) of gas cylinders. Issue quality certificates for finished products. Prepare test reports. Generate samples of finished products in accordance with Contaminants Monitoring Plan. Participate in the internal and external ring-tests. Comply with the requirements of the company policy in the field of ensuring product quality and safety, environmental protection, personnel, and asset safety. Be able to teach new employees the main points of work, conducting a work shift. Bunge (NYSE: BG) is a world leader in sourcing, processing and supplying oilseed and grain products and ingredients. Founded in 1818, Bunge’s expansive network feeds and fuels a growing world, creating sustainable products and opportunities for more than 70,000 farmers and the consumers they serve across the globe. The company is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri and has 25,000 employees worldwide who stand behind more than 350 port terminals, oilseed processing plants, grain facilities, and food and ingredient production and packaging facilities around the world. Bunge is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, transgender status, national origin, citizenship, age, disability or military or veteran status, or any other legally protected status. Bunge is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities/Women/Veterans/Disabled
Senior Java FullStack Developer
EPAM Systems, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
For our Client, a multinational technology company, known for its search engine and various online services, which have become an integral part of daily life for billions of individuals across the globe, we are looking for a  Senior Java Developers with knowledge of Angular . The role will focus on development of  QPX Connect API and UI . For this role we consider candidates residing in Kraków, Wrocław or Gdańsk, due to hybrid mode of work. This position offers a hybrid model, with 3 days per week working from the office. SEE YOURSELF IN THIS ROLE Upon joining the team, you will focus on key areas of client’s projects: • GPO: vendor management tools, procurement cost analysis • Flights: flight-related information management • HAG: hackathon management tools, implementation of hackathon ideas In all streams the Client do full-cycle development, starting from design, finishing production deployment. The Client does backend and frontend development, in close cooperation with client’s engineers. WHAT YOU’LL DO Grow as a full-stack engineer Work with a group of world-class engineers, architects, and product managers to build a scalable and built truly effective applications Use new technologies from the technology stack of a top-tier tech company Propose design and architecture for the parts you deliver Implement features and bug fixing Communicate with customer Implement features and bug fixing – writing reusable, maintainable, efficient and unit tested code Work in an environment with very few meetings where you can focus on development activities WHAT YOU HAVE Highly experienced in Java Experienced in  HTML  and  CSS, Angular 2+ SQL skills Strong Knowledge of data structures and algorithms Strong Knowledge of OOP and design patterns Experience in Unit Testing is a must Good English communication skills & experience in client-facing communications Solid SDLC understanding and experience working in agile environment Self-management and strong prioritization skills Capability to work in agile environment without direct supervision
Senior Java FullStack Developer
EPAM Systems, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
For our Client, a multinational technology company, known for its search engine and various online services, which have become an integral part of daily life for billions of individuals across the globe, we are looking for a  Senior Java Developers with knowledge of Angular . The role will focus on development of  QPX Connect API and UI . For this role we consider candidates residing in Kraków, Wrocław or Gdańsk, due to hybrid mode of work. This position offers a hybrid model, with 3 days per week working from the office. SEE YOURSELF IN THIS ROLE Upon joining the team, you will focus on key areas of client’s projects: • GPO: vendor management tools, procurement cost analysis • Flights: flight-related information management • HAG: hackathon management tools, implementation of hackathon ideas In all streams the Client do full-cycle development, starting from design, finishing production deployment. The Client does backend and frontend development, in close cooperation with client’s engineers. WHAT YOU’LL DO Grow as a full-stack engineer Work with a group of world-class engineers, architects, and product managers to build a scalable and built truly effective applications Use new technologies from the technology stack of a top-tier tech company Propose design and architecture for the parts you deliver Implement features and bug fixing Communicate with customer Implement features and bug fixing – writing reusable, maintainable, efficient and unit tested code Work in an environment with very few meetings where you can focus on development activities WHAT YOU HAVE Highly experienced in Java Experienced in  HTML  and  CSS, Angular 2+ SQL skills Strong Knowledge of data structures and algorithms Strong Knowledge of OOP and design patterns Experience in Unit Testing is a must Good English communication skills & experience in client-facing communications Solid SDLC understanding and experience working in agile environment Self-management and strong prioritization skills Capability to work in agile environment without direct supervision
Python Developer
Accenture, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Data & Applied Intelligence to hub technologiczny działający na rynku lokalnym i globalnym zatrudniający ponad 200 specjalistów w Polsce – architektów, inżynierów i analityków, których wiedza i doświadczenie sięgają od architektury analitycznej danych po specjalizację funkcjonalną i sektorową. Co ważne, nasz zespół szeroko współpracuje bezpośrednio z partnerami technologicznymi (takimi jak Microsoft, AWS, Google, Oracle i Snowflake) wdrażając najnowsze innowacyjne rozwiązania, które dopiero pojawiają się na rynku. Naszych klientów wspieramy całościowo: od definicji strategii Data & Analytics, po wdrażanie rozwiązań, kończąc na utrzymaniu i rozwoju. Dotykamy obszaru Data & Analytics holistycznie i adresujemy wszelkie aspekty istotne dla organizacji, które przechodzą transformacje danych. Nasze zespoły pracują więc w bardzo wielu obszarach takich jak Business Intelligence, Big Data, AI/ML, zaawansowana analityka danych, Data Governance czy definicja modeli operacyjnych dla organizacji Data. Czym będziesz się zajmować? W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem obszarów Data, Analytics oraz AI poszukujemy obecnie osób z doświadczeniem w roli Python Developera. Jako członek zespołu będziesz miał za zadanie: Budowanie aplikacji analitycznych. Tworzenie rozwiązań ML/AI. Udział w projektach data science. Pracę jako inżynier danych (Pyspark). Czego od Ciebie oczekujemy? 3+ lata doświadczenia jako programista Python. Doświadczenia z programowaniem obiektowym (OOP). Doświadczenia z AWS/GCP/Azure/Databricks). Doświadczenia z automatyzacją testów (Pytest, Unittest itp.). Znajomości REST APIs – doświadczenie z FastAPI, Django lub Flask. Wysoko rozwiniętych umiejętności analitycznych. Wysoko rozwiniętych umiejętności komunikacyjnych. Minimum tytułu licencjata w dziedzinie informatyki, inżynierii elektronicznej lub kierunkach pokrewnych. Bardzo dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego (w mowie i piśmie). Mile widziane: Docker, konteneryzacja, architektura mikroserwisów. SQL i/lub NoSQL DBs. Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn itp.. PySpark / BigData. CI/CD (Github actions, Gitlab, Jenkins). Bash / Linux. Znajomość innych języków programowania. Scrum/Agile/SAFe. Za Twoje zaangażowanie oferujemy: Elastyczną formę zatrudnienia (B2B lub umowa o pracę).  Prywatną opiekę medyczną, ubezpieczenie na życie oraz program akcji pracowniczych.   Dostęp do platformy MyBenefit (możliwość skorzystania z szerokiej gamy produktów i usług, w tym karty Multisport).  Indywidualne wsparcie Career Counselor’a i określoną ścieżkę rozwoju zawodowego, a także możliwość sesji z Coachem.  Szeroki pakiet szkoleniowy (oferta szkoleń miękkich i technicznych, dostęp do platformy e-learningowej, możliwość dofinansowania kursów oraz certyfikacji).  Udział w realizacji projektów na globalną skalę dla największych międzynarodowych firm z Fortune500 z użyciem najnowszych rozwiązań i narzędzi technologicznych.  Employee Assistance Program – bezpłatne wsparcie w jednorazowych konsultacjach prawniczych, finansowych oraz psychologicznych.  Płatny program poleceń pracowniczych. Jeśli ta oferta brzmi dla Ciebie interesująco, nie zwlekaj, zaaplikuj online już dziś.     W dokumentach aplikacyjnych prosimy zamieścić oświadczenie o następującej treści:   „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Accenture sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-121), przy ul. Siennej 39, NIP 526-00-15-900 (Administrator danych), zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 10 maja 2018 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (t.j. Dz. U. z 2018 r., poz. 1000) oraz Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE, w celu niezbędnym do realizacji procesu postępowania rekrutacyjnego przez Accenture. Jednocześnie oświadczam, że przekazuje moje dane osobowe całkowicie dobrowolnie. Oświadczam ponadto, że zostałem/łam poinformowany/a o przysługującym mi prawie do cofnięcia zgody lub zgłoszenia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania danych, żądania do nich dostępu, sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania oraz ich przeniesienia, w każdym czasie. Każdemu przysługuje prawo skargi do organu nadzorczego ds. ochrony danych.   Wyrażam również zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w celu realizacji przyszłych postępowań rekrutacyjnych przez Accenture sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-121), przy ul. Siennej 39, NIP 526-00-15-900 (Administrator danych), zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 10 maja 2018 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (t.j. Dz. U. z 2018 r., poz. 1000) oraz Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE. Jednocześnie oświadczam, że przekazuje moje dane osobowe całkowicie dobrowolnie. Oświadczam ponadto, że zostałem/łam poinformowany/a o przysługującym mi prawie do cofnięcia zgody lub zgłoszenia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania danych, żądania do nich dostępu, sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania oraz ich przeniesienia, w każdym czasie. Każdemu przysługuje prawo skargi do organu nadzorczego ds. ochrony danych"
Test Software Engineer - Part-Time
Kalepa, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Join Kalepa - Pioneering the Future of Commercial Insurance! Who We Are: At Kalepa, we are on a mission to revolutionize the commercial insurance industry. As a fully remote startup, we are dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth. Our cutting-edge, AI-powered Copilot software empowers underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities, enabling them to swiftly evaluate and optimally select risks. Backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services, Kalepa is at the forefront of transforming a trillion-dollar industry. Our headquarters is located in New York, but our team spans the globe. About the Role: Kalepa is searching for a passionate and experienced Part-Time Test Software Engineer with over 5 years of experience to join our innovative team. In this role, you will be the guardian of quality, ensuring the reliability and excellence of our software solutions. You'll develop and maintain automated test scripts, design comprehensive test suites, and collaborate closely with our developers and product managers to ensure that our products are robust and defect-free. Key Responsibilities: ️ Develop and maintain automated test scripts using Python to validate the functionality of our software applications. Design, implement, and execute automated test suites for various system components, including API endpoints, databases, and user interfaces. Work collaboratively with developers, product managers, and other stakeholders to understand requirements and ensure comprehensive test coverage. Identify, document, and track software defects, and work diligently with the development team to resolve issues promptly. Create and maintain test data sets and environments to support testing activities. About You: You bring a minimum of 5 years of experience in software testing and quality assurance, with a strong emphasis on automation. You have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field (or equivalent work experience). You have a proven track record in software testing and quality assurance, focusing on automation. You possess strong programming skills in Python, with the ability to write clean, maintainable code. ️ You have a basic knowledge of AWS services. You are familiar with SQL and relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL). You have experience with test automation frameworks/tools (e.g., Selenium, PyTest, Robot Framework) - this is a plus. You exhibit excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with a keen attention to detail. You possess strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively in a remote team environment. Additional Information: You will be available for approximately 20 hours per week. What You'll Get: Transparent and competitive compensation - an hourly rate of $25-30. The opportunity to take full ownership of your work and projects. The chance to be a part of a groundbreaking startup in the insurance industry. Work with an ambitious, intelligent, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry. Enjoy a fully remote work environment with flexible start and finish times. Recruitment Process: Application Review: Apply via the platform and send us your CV (in English). Technical Interview: Engage in a hands-on coding task and technical discussion with our Director of Engineering. Offer: We will send you a proposal and eagerly await your decision. If you’re excited about this opportunity and ready to make an impact, we’d love to hear from you. Apply today and join us on this transformative journey! ​​
Прораб. Киев
Рекрутинговое агентство Work&Life, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Новая вакансия от Work&Life. Монтажно-строительная компания, работающая на рынке услуг по сервисному обслуживанию \ проектированию и монтажу бассейнов (павильонов, навесов), в поиске специалиста на позицию «Прораб» в городе Киев.Требования к кандидату: Высшее \ среднее техническое образование ;Опыт работы от 3х лет (на аналогичной должности, в сфере ЖБ конструкций \ строительство \ отделка \ коммуникации)Знание технической и электротехнической области (водоснабжение, электрификация, водоотвод, строительство и отделка)Знание рынка строительных материалов и современных технологий в сфере строительстваОпыт работы с технической и проектной документацией, знание ДБН и нормативных актовОпытный пользовательНаличие водительских прав и автомобиля Обязанности: Составление заявок на материалы, контроль доставкиОрганизация и контроль работ на объекте (инженерных, строительных, отделочных и монтажных)Контроль выполнение работ подрядными организациямиВедение отчетности, актовСдача работ заказчикуРабота с технической документацией (ТЗ, ТК….)Подбор подрядчиков Преимущества работы в компании: СтабильностьОтличные условия трудаВозможность самореализации Условия труда: Оплата: Ставка (индивидуально)+%Пятидневка
Test Software Engineer - Part-Time
Kalepa, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Join Kalepa - Pioneering the Future of Commercial Insurance! Who We Are: At Kalepa, we are on a mission to revolutionize the commercial insurance industry. As a fully remote startup, we are dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth. Our cutting-edge, AI-powered Copilot software empowers underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities, enabling them to swiftly evaluate and optimally select risks. Backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services, Kalepa is at the forefront of transforming a trillion-dollar industry. Our headquarters is located in New York, but our team spans the globe. About the Role: Kalepa is searching for a passionate and experienced Part-Time Test Software Engineer with over 5 years of experience to join our innovative team. In this role, you will be the guardian of quality, ensuring the reliability and excellence of our software solutions. You'll develop and maintain automated test scripts, design comprehensive test suites, and collaborate closely with our developers and product managers to ensure that our products are robust and defect-free. Key Responsibilities: ️ Develop and maintain automated test scripts using Python to validate the functionality of our software applications. Design, implement, and execute automated test suites for various system components, including API endpoints, databases, and user interfaces. Work collaboratively with developers, product managers, and other stakeholders to understand requirements and ensure comprehensive test coverage. Identify, document, and track software defects, and work diligently with the development team to resolve issues promptly. Create and maintain test data sets and environments to support testing activities. About You: You bring a minimum of 5 years of experience in software testing and quality assurance, with a strong emphasis on automation. You have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field (or equivalent work experience). You have a proven track record in software testing and quality assurance, focusing on automation. You possess strong programming skills in Python, with the ability to write clean, maintainable code. ️ You have a basic knowledge of AWS services. You are familiar with SQL and relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL). You have experience with test automation frameworks/tools (e.g., Selenium, PyTest, Robot Framework) - this is a plus. You exhibit excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with a keen attention to detail. You possess strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively in a remote team environment. Additional Information: You will be available for approximately 20 hours per week. What You'll Get: Transparent and competitive compensation - an hourly rate of $25-30. The opportunity to take full ownership of your work and projects. The chance to be a part of a groundbreaking startup in the insurance industry. Work with an ambitious, intelligent, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry. Enjoy a fully remote work environment with flexible start and finish times. Recruitment Process: Application Review: Apply via the platform and send us your CV (in English). Technical Interview: Engage in a hands-on coding task and technical discussion with our Director of Engineering. Offer: We will send you a proposal and eagerly await your decision. If you’re excited about this opportunity and ready to make an impact, we’d love to hear from you. Apply today and join us on this transformative journey! ​​
Python Developer
Accenture, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Data & Applied Intelligence to hub technologiczny działający na rynku lokalnym i globalnym zatrudniający ponad 200 specjalistów w Polsce – architektów, inżynierów i analityków, których wiedza i doświadczenie sięgają od architektury analitycznej danych po specjalizację funkcjonalną i sektorową. Co ważne, nasz zespół szeroko współpracuje bezpośrednio z partnerami technologicznymi (takimi jak Microsoft, AWS, Google, Oracle i Snowflake) wdrażając najnowsze innowacyjne rozwiązania, które dopiero pojawiają się na rynku. Naszych klientów wspieramy całościowo: od definicji strategii Data & Analytics, po wdrażanie rozwiązań, kończąc na utrzymaniu i rozwoju. Dotykamy obszaru Data & Analytics holistycznie i adresujemy wszelkie aspekty istotne dla organizacji, które przechodzą transformacje danych. Nasze zespoły pracują więc w bardzo wielu obszarach takich jak Business Intelligence, Big Data, AI/ML, zaawansowana analityka danych, Data Governance czy definicja modeli operacyjnych dla organizacji Data. Czym będziesz się zajmować? W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem obszarów Data, Analytics oraz AI poszukujemy obecnie osób z doświadczeniem w roli Python Developera. Jako członek zespołu będziesz miał za zadanie: Budowanie aplikacji analitycznych. Tworzenie rozwiązań ML/AI. Udział w projektach data science. Pracę jako inżynier danych (Pyspark). Czego od Ciebie oczekujemy? 3+ lata doświadczenia jako programista Python. Doświadczenia z programowaniem obiektowym (OOP). Doświadczenia z AWS/GCP/Azure/Databricks). Doświadczenia z automatyzacją testów (Pytest, Unittest itp.). Znajomości REST APIs – doświadczenie z FastAPI, Django lub Flask. Wysoko rozwiniętych umiejętności analitycznych. Wysoko rozwiniętych umiejętności komunikacyjnych. Minimum tytułu licencjata w dziedzinie informatyki, inżynierii elektronicznej lub kierunkach pokrewnych. Bardzo dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego (w mowie i piśmie). Mile widziane: Docker, konteneryzacja, architektura mikroserwisów. SQL i/lub NoSQL DBs. Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn itp.. PySpark / BigData. CI/CD (Github actions, Gitlab, Jenkins). Bash / Linux. Znajomość innych języków programowania. Scrum/Agile/SAFe. Za Twoje zaangażowanie oferujemy: Elastyczną formę zatrudnienia (B2B lub umowa o pracę).  Prywatną opiekę medyczną, ubezpieczenie na życie oraz program akcji pracowniczych.   Dostęp do platformy MyBenefit (możliwość skorzystania z szerokiej gamy produktów i usług, w tym karty Multisport).  Indywidualne wsparcie Career Counselor’a i określoną ścieżkę rozwoju zawodowego, a także możliwość sesji z Coachem.  Szeroki pakiet szkoleniowy (oferta szkoleń miękkich i technicznych, dostęp do platformy e-learningowej, możliwość dofinansowania kursów oraz certyfikacji).  Udział w realizacji projektów na globalną skalę dla największych międzynarodowych firm z Fortune500 z użyciem najnowszych rozwiązań i narzędzi technologicznych.  Employee Assistance Program – bezpłatne wsparcie w jednorazowych konsultacjach prawniczych, finansowych oraz psychologicznych.  Płatny program poleceń pracowniczych. Jeśli ta oferta brzmi dla Ciebie interesująco, nie zwlekaj, zaaplikuj online już dziś.     W dokumentach aplikacyjnych prosimy zamieścić oświadczenie o następującej treści:   „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Accenture sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-121), przy ul. Siennej 39, NIP 526-00-15-900 (Administrator danych), zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 10 maja 2018 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (t.j. Dz. U. z 2018 r., poz. 1000) oraz Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE, w celu niezbędnym do realizacji procesu postępowania rekrutacyjnego przez Accenture. Jednocześnie oświadczam, że przekazuje moje dane osobowe całkowicie dobrowolnie. Oświadczam ponadto, że zostałem/łam poinformowany/a o przysługującym mi prawie do cofnięcia zgody lub zgłoszenia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania danych, żądania do nich dostępu, sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania oraz ich przeniesienia, w każdym czasie. Każdemu przysługuje prawo skargi do organu nadzorczego ds. ochrony danych.   Wyrażam również zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w celu realizacji przyszłych postępowań rekrutacyjnych przez Accenture sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-121), przy ul. Siennej 39, NIP 526-00-15-900 (Administrator danych), zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 10 maja 2018 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (t.j. Dz. U. z 2018 r., poz. 1000) oraz Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE. Jednocześnie oświadczam, że przekazuje moje dane osobowe całkowicie dobrowolnie. Oświadczam ponadto, że zostałem/łam poinformowany/a o przysługującym mi prawie do cofnięcia zgody lub zgłoszenia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania danych, żądania do nich dostępu, sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania oraz ich przeniesienia, w każdym czasie. Każdemu przysługuje prawo skargi do organu nadzorczego ds. ochrony danych"
Senior Backend Data Engineer
Kalepa, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Who are we? Kalepa is a fully remote startup dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth for the commercial insurance industry. Kalepa's AI-powered Copilot software enables underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities and quickly evaluate and optimally select risk. Kalepa is backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services. Our HQ is located in New York . Kalepa is looking for a Senior Backend Engineer with 5+ years of experience to lead our world-class software development for commercial insurers. As a Senior Backend Engineer, you will solve interesting and challenging problems at the intersection of large and performant data pipelines, distributed systems, and robust infrastructure. Team members are given full ownership over their projects and are expected to drive the project’s direction and maintain focus. The team works in a two-week sprint and collaborates with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers. Tech Stack: Back End: Python, Connexion Front End: React + Query + Typescript Development process: Docker What you will be responsible for: Working on distributed systems, creating scalable, fault-tolerant infrastructure Building data-driven microservices leveraging RESTful APIs Understanding customer business needs and translating them into specifications or code Collaborate with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers Apply to us if you have: Minimum of 5 years of experience  Have excellent development skills, including design, debugging, and problem-solving You possess a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or a related field We primarily use Python3 however are open to seeing your code in other OO languages (Java, C++, C#, etc.) Experience with AWS as we work with serverless technologies and asynchronous workflow. (EC2, Lambda, etc.) Have worked with relational databases with a preference for PostgreSQL Excitement about using a comprehensive set of technologies, ultimately focused on finding the right tool for the job Preference for an open, frank, and respectful communication style A concrete mindset is crucial to us, so DON’T apply if: You’re not a true hustler. Who’s a hustler? Good question! Somebody who never takes no for an answer. The words “it can’t be done” don’t exist in their vocabulary You’re looking for an 8-16 job You don’t like to take ownership You’re afraid of constructive feedback You’re not comfortable with independent work What you’ll get:  A personalized and transparent career development plan, including employee reviews every six months. We invest time in developing and supporting our employees, giving them opportunities to grow.  Transparent and fair compensation and promotion discussions solely based on performance. One of our top performers was even promoted after only 3 months. The possibility of working with an ambitious, intelligent, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry  A ground-floor opportunity to build the foundations for the product, team, and culture Exposure to wide-ranging intellectual challenges spanning full-stack software development, AI / ML, and design Possibility to work with Kalepa's team members who bring experience from top technology, insurance, and intelligence institutions, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, Atlassian, Mastercard, MIT, Berkeley, UPenn, the University of Warsaw, and the Israel Defense Forces Fully remote work environment. Flexible start and finish times Benefits: Very competitive base salary  Significant equity options package (learn more ) 20 paid vacation days a year Paid Bank Holidays Unlimited Sick Leave (+ parental leave) Multisport Plus Card, LuxMed comprehensive package Mobile phone bill reimbursement Continued learning & Home office credit stipend Quarterly teams offsites in global locations --- Recruitment process in 10 quick steps complete within 1-2 weeks (yes, not the shortest, but if you love challenges, you’re in the right place. To reward that, you will always get clear & honest feedback within 24h top ) APPLICATION Apply via the link and  send us your CV  (in English) VERIFICATION Within 24h, our recruiter will verify your CV and reach out to you. TASK Based on your preference, we will send a task on the HackerRank platform - 3 tasks, 75 min to complete + you can choose a programming language PRELIMINARY CALL ~30-minute conversation with a recruiter - you will learn more about the company and our culture & we will learn more about you TECHNICAL PHONE INTERVIEW 1h hands-on coding task with one of our Engineers CULTURE FIT INTERVIEW 30-minute meeting to measure if you are a good match for our organization FACE-TO-FACE STAGE 2h back and forth interview session. It contains a one-hour meeting about System Design & Architecture + two 30-minute meetings during which you will meet our PM/Chief of Staff & CEO! REFERENCES Uff, you are almost there... As part of our process, we hold 2-3 reference calls with individuals who have previously worked with you. OFFER We will send you a proposal for the offer and await your decision. WELCOME You will write code from day one  Gosia will take care of your recruitment process! If your expectations identify with ours and you want to join our team - apply today ​​
Senior Backend Data Engineer
Kalepa, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Who are we? Kalepa is a fully remote startup dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth for the commercial insurance industry. Kalepa's AI-powered Copilot software enables underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities and quickly evaluate and optimally select risk. Kalepa is backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services. Our HQ is located in New York . Kalepa is looking for a Senior Backend Engineer with 5+ years of experience to lead our world-class software development for commercial insurers. As a Senior Backend Engineer, you will solve interesting and challenging problems at the intersection of large and performant data pipelines, distributed systems, and robust infrastructure. Team members are given full ownership over their projects and are expected to drive the project’s direction and maintain focus. The team works in a two-week sprint and collaborates with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers. Tech Stack: Back End: Python, Connexion Front End: React + Query + Typescript Development process: Docker What you will be responsible for: Working on distributed systems, creating scalable, fault-tolerant infrastructure Building data-driven microservices leveraging RESTful APIs Understanding customer business needs and translating them into specifications or code Collaborate with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers Apply to us if you have: Minimum of 5 years of experience  Have excellent development skills, including design, debugging, and problem-solving You possess a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or a related field We primarily use Python3 however are open to seeing your code in other OO languages (Java, C++, C#, etc.) Experience with AWS as we work with serverless technologies and asynchronous workflow. (EC2, Lambda, etc.) Have worked with relational databases with a preference for PostgreSQL Excitement about using a comprehensive set of technologies, ultimately focused on finding the right tool for the job Preference for an open, frank, and respectful communication style A concrete mindset is crucial to us, so DON’T apply if: You’re not a true hustler. Who’s a hustler? Good question! Somebody who never takes no for an answer. The words “it can’t be done” don’t exist in their vocabulary You’re looking for an 8-16 job You don’t like to take ownership You’re afraid of constructive feedback You’re not comfortable with independent work What you’ll get:  A personalized and transparent career development plan, including employee reviews every six months. We invest time in developing and supporting our employees, giving them opportunities to grow.  Transparent and fair compensation and promotion discussions solely based on performance. One of our top performers was even promoted after only 3 months. The possibility of working with an ambitious, intelligent, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry  A ground-floor opportunity to build the foundations for the product, team, and culture Exposure to wide-ranging intellectual challenges spanning full-stack software development, AI / ML, and design Possibility to work with Kalepa's team members who bring experience from top technology, insurance, and intelligence institutions, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, Atlassian, Mastercard, MIT, Berkeley, UPenn, the University of Warsaw, and the Israel Defense Forces Fully remote work environment. Flexible start and finish times Benefits: Very competitive base salary  Significant equity options package (learn more ) 20 paid vacation days a year Paid Bank Holidays Unlimited Sick Leave (+ parental leave) Multisport Plus Card, LuxMed comprehensive package Mobile phone bill reimbursement Continued learning & Home office credit stipend Quarterly teams offsites in global locations --- Recruitment process in 10 quick steps complete within 1-2 weeks (yes, not the shortest, but if you love challenges, you’re in the right place. To reward that, you will always get clear & honest feedback within 24h top ) APPLICATION Apply via the link and  send us your CV  (in English) VERIFICATION Within 24h, our recruiter will verify your CV and reach out to you. TASK Based on your preference, we will send a task on the HackerRank platform - 3 tasks, 75 min to complete + you can choose a programming language PRELIMINARY CALL ~30-minute conversation with a recruiter - you will learn more about the company and our culture & we will learn more about you TECHNICAL PHONE INTERVIEW 1h hands-on coding task with one of our Engineers CULTURE FIT INTERVIEW 30-minute meeting to measure if you are a good match for our organization FACE-TO-FACE STAGE 2h back and forth interview session. It contains a one-hour meeting about System Design & Architecture + two 30-minute meetings during which you will meet our PM/Chief of Staff & CEO! REFERENCES Uff, you are almost there... As part of our process, we hold 2-3 reference calls with individuals who have previously worked with you. OFFER We will send you a proposal for the offer and await your decision. WELCOME You will write code from day one  Gosia will take care of your recruitment process! If your expectations identify with ours and you want to join our team - apply today ​​
Senior Fullstack Software Engineer
Kalepa, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Who are we? Kalepa is a fully remote startup dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth for the commercial insurance industry. Kalepa's AI-powered Copilot software enables underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities and quickly evaluate and optimally select risk. Kalepa is backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services. Our HQ is located in New York. About role: Kalepa is looking for Senior Fullstack Software Engineers with 5+ years of experience to lead the development of our world-class software for commercial insurers. As a Senior Backend Engineer, you will solve interesting and challenging problems at the intersection of large and performant data pipelines, distributed systems, and robust infrastructure. In this role, you will work on our client-facing application written in React + Redux and backend services created in Python + pSQL. Team members are given full ownership over their projects and are expected to drive the project’s direction and maintain focus. The team works in a two-week sprint and collaborates with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers. Tech Stack: Back End: Python, Connexion Front End: React + Query + Typescript Development process: Docker What you will be responsible for: Working on distributed systems, creating scalable, fault-tolerant infrastructure Building data-driven microservices leveraging RESTful APIs Understanding customer business needs and translating them into specifications or code Collaborate with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers   About you : Apply to us if you have: Minimum of 5 years of experience  Have excellent development skills, including design, debugging, and problem-solving You possess a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or a related field You have experience in a modern FE framework (preferably React with Redux) We primarily use Python3 however are open to seeing your code in other OO languages (Java, C++, C#, etc.) Experience with AWS as we work with serverless technologies and asynchronous workflow. (EC2, Lambda, etc.) Have worked with relational databases with a preference for PostgreSQL Excitement about using a comprehensive set of technologies, ultimately focused on finding the right tool for the job Preference for an open, frank, and respectful communication style A concrete mindset is crucial to us, so DON’T apply if: You’re not a true hustler. Who’s a hustler? Good question! Somebody who never takes no for an answer. The words “it can’t be done” don’t exist in their vocabulary You’re looking for an 8-16 job You don’t like to take ownership You’re afraid of constructive feedback You’re not comfortable with independent work What you’ll get:  A personalized and transparent career development plan, including employee reviews every six months. We invest time in developing and supporting our employees, giving them opportunities to grow.  Transparent and fair compensation and promotion discussions solely based on performance. One of our top performers was even promoted after only 3 months. The possibility of working with an ambitious, intelligent, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry  A ground-floor opportunity to build the foundations for the product, team, and culture Exposure to wide-ranging intellectual challenges spanning full-stack software development, AI / ML, and design Possibility to work with Kalepa's team members who bring experience from top technology, insurance, and intelligence institutions, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, Atlassian, Mastercard, MIT, Berkeley, UPenn, the University of Warsaw, and the Israel Defense Forces Fully remote work environment. Flexible start and finish times Benefits: Very competitive base salary  Significant equity options package (learn more ) 20 paid vacation days a year Paid Bank Holidays Unlimited Sick Leave (+ parental leave) Multisport Plus Card, LuxMed comprehensive package Mobile phone bill reimbursement Continued learning & Home office credit stipend Quarterly teams offsites in global locations --- Recruitment process in 10 quick steps complete within 1-2 weeks(yes, not the shortest, but if you love challenges, you’re in the right place. To reward that, you will always get clear & honest feedback within 24h top ) APPLICATION Apply via the link and  send us your CV (in English) VERIFICATION Within 24h, our recruiter will verify your CV and reach out to you. TASK Based on your preference, we will send a task on the HackerRank platform - 3 tasks, 75 min to complete + you can choose a programming language PRELIMINARY CALL ~30-minute conversation with a recruiter - you will learn more about the company and our culture & we will learn more about you TECHNICAL PHONE INTERVIEW 1h hands-on coding task with one of our Engineers CULTURE FIT INTERVIEW 30-minute meeting to measure if you are a good match for our organization FACE-TO-FACE STAGE 2h back and forth interview session. It contains a one-hour meeting about System Design & Architecture + two 30-minute meetings during which you will meet our PM/Chief of Staff & CEO! REFERENCES Uff, you are almost there... As part of our process, we hold 2-3 reference calls with individuals who have previously worked with you. OFFER We will send you a proposal for the offer and await your decision. WELCOME You will write code from day one  Gosia will take care of your recruitment process! If your expectations identify with ours and you want to join our team - apply today ​​
Senior Fullstack Development Engineer
Remitly, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Remitly’s vision is to transform lives with trusted financial services that transcend borders. Since 2011, we have been tirelessly delivering on our promises to people who send money around the world. Today, we are reimagining global financial services and building products that extend beyond traditional barriers to give customers access to more of the services they need, no matter where they call home. Join over 2,700 employees worldwide who are growing their careers with purpose and connection with our customers while having a positive impact on millions of people around the globe. About the Role: The Marketing Technology (MarTech) stack enhances our strategy for acquiring and retaining our customers by focusing on several areas: AdTech aims to improve efficiency in spending, enables experimentation with new channels, ensure privacy compliance, and foster advertising from start to finish. Data instrumentation uses data to provide accurate attribution and support decision-making. Lifecycle Tech facilitates engagement with our customers by delivering the right messages at the right time and optimizing the experience of those messages. Marketing Automation offers tools and automation to streamline tasks and reduce the need for human intervention in routine activities. As full-stack engineer you will collaborate with other engineers on your team and multiple stakeholders globally, to design build and ship scalable, resilient and high-quality MarTech platform, serving the needs of our multi product strategy. This is a hybrid position (office location: Krakow), and you will report directly to local Engineering Manager. You Will: set the standard for delivering well-tested, observable, documented, efficient, scalable, and resilient systems (not only code) participate in entire SDLC process from designing the engineering vision to shipping increments to production become an expert with all our integrations, system, domains, and marketing dependencies in all of our scalable cloud-based architecture define and execute threat detection and response strategy, lead incident response efforts with diverse team and partners oversee the engineering area with your team, by being accountable for it's health and performance You Have: a degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related field or equivalent experience 10+ years of building consumer software products proficiency in technical architecture and system design concepts proficiency in shipping code in a scalable, reliable fashion feel comfortable building, shipping, and maintaining services and systems in the cloud proficiency with basic engineering concept (versioning, observability, instrumentation) and a few general purpose languages from modern stack like: Java, Kotlin, Go, Node.Js, TypeScript, React, but also able understand and made small changes in legacy PHP an agnostic approach to languages, and focus on choosing the right tool for the job no allergy to frontend work o alternativelyr you have good tools how to handle this allergy Our Benefits: Equity in the company - RSUs ESPP Royalties (KUP) Hybrid work arrangements - 2 days per week from the office in a Kraków City Centre Commuting to work expense/remote work expenses reimbursement Health/Dental Coverage - LUX MED VIP for employee and family Life Insurance Travel insurance for employee and family Sodexo Lunch Card/Multisport Equipment of your choice Employee Pension Plan (PPK) Headphones Reimbursement Referral bonus scheme Remitly is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to nondiscrimination across our global organization and in all of our business operations.
Senior Fullstack Development Engineer
Remitly, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Remitly’s vision is to transform lives with trusted financial services that transcend borders. Since 2011, we have been tirelessly delivering on our promises to people who send money around the world. Today, we are reimagining global financial services and building products that extend beyond traditional barriers to give customers access to more of the services they need, no matter where they call home. Join over 2,700 employees worldwide who are growing their careers with purpose and connection with our customers while having a positive impact on millions of people around the globe. About the Role: The Marketing Technology (MarTech) stack enhances our strategy for acquiring and retaining our customers by focusing on several areas: AdTech aims to improve efficiency in spending, enables experimentation with new channels, ensure privacy compliance, and foster advertising from start to finish. Data instrumentation uses data to provide accurate attribution and support decision-making. Lifecycle Tech facilitates engagement with our customers by delivering the right messages at the right time and optimizing the experience of those messages. Marketing Automation offers tools and automation to streamline tasks and reduce the need for human intervention in routine activities. As full-stack engineer you will collaborate with other engineers on your team and multiple stakeholders globally, to design build and ship scalable, resilient and high-quality MarTech platform, serving the needs of our multi product strategy. This is a hybrid position (office location: Krakow), and you will report directly to local Engineering Manager. You Will: set the standard for delivering well-tested, observable, documented, efficient, scalable, and resilient systems (not only code) participate in entire SDLC process from designing the engineering vision to shipping increments to production become an expert with all our integrations, system, domains, and marketing dependencies in all of our scalable cloud-based architecture define and execute threat detection and response strategy, lead incident response efforts with diverse team and partners oversee the engineering area with your team, by being accountable for it's health and performance You Have: a degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related field or equivalent experience 10+ years of building consumer software products proficiency in technical architecture and system design concepts proficiency in shipping code in a scalable, reliable fashion feel comfortable building, shipping, and maintaining services and systems in the cloud proficiency with basic engineering concept (versioning, observability, instrumentation) and a few general purpose languages from modern stack like: Java, Kotlin, Go, Node.Js, TypeScript, React, but also able understand and made small changes in legacy PHP an agnostic approach to languages, and focus on choosing the right tool for the job no allergy to frontend work o alternativelyr you have good tools how to handle this allergy Our Benefits: Equity in the company - RSUs ESPP Royalties (KUP) Hybrid work arrangements - 2 days per week from the office in a Kraków City Centre Commuting to work expense/remote work expenses reimbursement Health/Dental Coverage - LUX MED VIP for employee and family Life Insurance Travel insurance for employee and family Sodexo Lunch Card/Multisport Equipment of your choice Employee Pension Plan (PPK) Headphones Reimbursement Referral bonus scheme Remitly is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to nondiscrimination across our global organization and in all of our business operations.
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Kalepa, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
Who are we? Kalepa is a fully remote startup dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth for the commercial insurance industry. Kalepa's AI-powered Copilot software enables underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities and quickly evaluate and optimally select risk. Kalepa is backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services. Our HQ is located in New York . Kalepa is looking for a Senior Machine Learning Engineer with 5+ years of experience to lead the framing, development, and deployment at the scale of machine learning models. As a Senior MLE, you will own projects from 0 to 1 as we launch new features and enrich the underwriting process with valuable insights. The team works in two-week sprints and delivers  Team members are given full ownership over their projects and are expected to drive the project’s direction and maintain focus. The team works in a two-week sprint, and ML Engineers will work closely with Product Management and Software Engineers. Tech Stack  Back End: Python Development process: pSQL, RedShift, Jira, Docker What you will be responsible for: Turning vast amounts of structured and unstructured data from many sources (web data, geolocation, satellite imaging, etc.) into novel insights about behavior and risk Work closely with a small team designing, building, and deploying machine learning models to tackle our customers’ questions Collaborate with a small team of full-stack, data, and DevOps engineers Apply to us if you have: Minimum of 5 years of experience  An in-depth understanding of applied machine learning algorithms, especially NLP, and statistics Experience in Python and its major data science libraries and have deployed models and algorithms in production Comfort with data science and the engineering required to bring your models to production Experience with AWS (nice-to-have) Hands-on experience with data analytics and data engineering (nice to have) Excitement about using a comprehensive set of technologies, ultimately focused on finding the right tool for the job Preference for an open, frank, and respectful communication style A concrete mindset is crucial to us, so DON’T apply if: You’re not a true hustler. Who’s a hustler? Good question! Somebody who never takes no for an answer. The words “it can’t be done” don’t exist in their vocabulary You’re looking for an 8-16 job You don’t like to take ownership You’re afraid of constructive feedback You’re not comfortable with independent work What you’ll get:  A personalized and clear career development plan, including employee reviews every six months. We invest time in developing and supporting our employees, giving them opportunities to grow.  Transparent and fair compensation and promotion discussions solely based on performance. One of our top performers was even promoted after only three months. The possibility of working with an ambitious, smart, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry  A ground-floor opportunity to build the foundations for the product, team, and culture Exposure to wide-ranging intellectual challenges spanning full-stack software development, AI / ML, and design Possibility to work with Kalepa's team members who bring experience from top technology, insurance, and intelligence institutions, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, Atlassian, Mastercard, MIT, Berkeley, UPenn, the University of Warsaw, and the Israel Defense Forces Fully remote work environment. Flexible start and finish times Benefits: Very competitive base salary  Significant equity options package (learn more ) 20 paid vacation days a year Paid Bank Holidays Unlimited Sick Leave (+parental leave) Multisport Plus Card, LuxMed comprehensive package Mobile phone bill reimbursement Continued learning & Home office credit stipend Quarterly teams offsites in global locations --- Recruitment process in 10 quick steps - complete within 1-2 weeks (yes, not the shortest, but if you love challenges, you’re in the right place. To reward that, you will always get clear & honest feedback within 24h top ) APPLICATION Apply via the link and  send us your CV  (in English) VERIFICATION Within 24h, our recruiter will verify your CV and reach out to you TASK Based on your preference, we will send a task on the HackerRank platform - 3 tasks, 75 min to complete + you can choose a programming language PRELIMINARY CALL ~30-minute conversation with a recruiter - you will learn more about the company and our culture & we will learn more about you TECHNICAL PHONE INTERVIEW 1h hands-on coding task with one of our Engineers CULTURE FIT INTERVIEW 30-minute meeting to measure if you are a good match for our organization FACE-TO-FACE STAGE 2h back and forth interview session. It contains 1h meeting about Data Science + two 30-minute meetings during which you will meet our PM/Chief of Staff & CEO! REFERENCES Uff, you are almost there... As part of our process, we hold 2-3 reference calls with individuals who have worked with you in the past OFFER We will send you a proposal of the offer and await your decision. WELCOME You will write code from day one  Gosia will take care of your recruitment process! If your expectations identify with ours and you want to join our team - apply today
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Kalepa, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Who are we? Kalepa is a fully remote startup dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth for the commercial insurance industry. Kalepa's AI-powered Copilot software enables underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities and quickly evaluate and optimally select risk. Kalepa is backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services. Our HQ is located in New York . Kalepa is looking for a Senior Machine Learning Engineer with 5+ years of experience to lead the framing, development, and deployment at the scale of machine learning models. As a Senior MLE, you will own projects from 0 to 1 as we launch new features and enrich the underwriting process with valuable insights. The team works in two-week sprints and delivers  Team members are given full ownership over their projects and are expected to drive the project’s direction and maintain focus. The team works in a two-week sprint, and ML Engineers will work closely with Product Management and Software Engineers. Tech Stack  Back End: Python Development process: pSQL, RedShift, Jira, Docker What you will be responsible for: Turning vast amounts of structured and unstructured data from many sources (web data, geolocation, satellite imaging, etc.) into novel insights about behavior and risk Work closely with a small team designing, building, and deploying machine learning models to tackle our customers’ questions Collaborate with a small team of full-stack, data, and DevOps engineers Apply to us if you have: Minimum of 5 years of experience  An in-depth understanding of applied machine learning algorithms, especially NLP, and statistics Experience in Python and its major data science libraries and have deployed models and algorithms in production Comfort with data science and the engineering required to bring your models to production Experience with AWS (nice-to-have) Hands-on experience with data analytics and data engineering (nice to have) Excitement about using a comprehensive set of technologies, ultimately focused on finding the right tool for the job Preference for an open, frank, and respectful communication style A concrete mindset is crucial to us, so DON’T apply if: You’re not a true hustler. Who’s a hustler? Good question! Somebody who never takes no for an answer. The words “it can’t be done” don’t exist in their vocabulary You’re looking for an 8-16 job You don’t like to take ownership You’re afraid of constructive feedback You’re not comfortable with independent work What you’ll get:  A personalized and clear career development plan, including employee reviews every six months. We invest time in developing and supporting our employees, giving them opportunities to grow.  Transparent and fair compensation and promotion discussions solely based on performance. One of our top performers was even promoted after only three months. The possibility of working with an ambitious, smart, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry  A ground-floor opportunity to build the foundations for the product, team, and culture Exposure to wide-ranging intellectual challenges spanning full-stack software development, AI / ML, and design Possibility to work with Kalepa's team members who bring experience from top technology, insurance, and intelligence institutions, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, Atlassian, Mastercard, MIT, Berkeley, UPenn, the University of Warsaw, and the Israel Defense Forces Fully remote work environment. Flexible start and finish times Benefits: Very competitive base salary  Significant equity options package (learn more ) 20 paid vacation days a year Paid Bank Holidays Unlimited Sick Leave (+parental leave) Multisport Plus Card, LuxMed comprehensive package Mobile phone bill reimbursement Continued learning & Home office credit stipend Quarterly teams offsites in global locations --- Recruitment process in 10 quick steps - complete within 1-2 weeks (yes, not the shortest, but if you love challenges, you’re in the right place. To reward that, you will always get clear & honest feedback within 24h top ) APPLICATION Apply via the link and  send us your CV  (in English) VERIFICATION Within 24h, our recruiter will verify your CV and reach out to you TASK Based on your preference, we will send a task on the HackerRank platform - 3 tasks, 75 min to complete + you can choose a programming language PRELIMINARY CALL ~30-minute conversation with a recruiter - you will learn more about the company and our culture & we will learn more about you TECHNICAL PHONE INTERVIEW 1h hands-on coding task with one of our Engineers CULTURE FIT INTERVIEW 30-minute meeting to measure if you are a good match for our organization FACE-TO-FACE STAGE 2h back and forth interview session. It contains 1h meeting about Data Science + two 30-minute meetings during which you will meet our PM/Chief of Staff & CEO! REFERENCES Uff, you are almost there... As part of our process, we hold 2-3 reference calls with individuals who have worked with you in the past OFFER We will send you a proposal of the offer and await your decision. WELCOME You will write code from day one  Gosia will take care of your recruitment process! If your expectations identify with ours and you want to join our team - apply today
UX Graduate Programme 2024 - Wrocław
Ocado Technology, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Push the limits of your learning and design the future of online grocery Working at Ocado Technology means being part of a team filled with innovators, change-drivers, and positive individuals from around the world. Our journey started with a mission to revolutionize grocery shopping, and now, over two decades later, we continue to shape industries through serial disruptive innovation and technology, creating new ways of doing things... and we're just getting started!   Want to boost your skills with our UX Grad Programme? We are looking for top UX graduates and professionals changing their career path to UX for our global UX Graduate Programme. Over two years, with four six-month rotations across different teams and departments, you'll gain hands-on experience in various aspects of UX without relocating. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to work on a variety of projects with other designers, researchers, product managers and engineering teams. You’ll participate in regular community meetings to showcase your work and learn from others.    What is in it for you? Start of the programme -  September 2024 Competitive salary -  8000 PLN gross monthly (fix-term contract for 2 years).  Hybrid model  - remote and in-office working with some business trips and the possibility to work from almost any location (for up to 30 calendar days a year) Great benefits  - company share programs, Life insurance, private health care, multisport card, lunch programs and English classes Mentorship  - support from senior experts to help you develop professionally. Great people  - a highly skilled team who is always ready to help, collaborate and share knowledge  Career boost  - the possibility of a permanent contract as a UX Designer/Researcher role after finishing the programme  Fun  - passion clubs, team building events, annual celebrations, knowledge sharing with the international Ocado UX community of over 80 designers & researchers   Future tasks that will boost your career: Working closely with Product teams to validate designs with end-users & produce clear UX recommendations.  Analysing quantitative and qualitative data to understand insights into user behaviour Using all available research methods to improve understanding of all groups of our users Learning customer journey flows, empathy maps and personas to understand end to end services, different actors and primary user scenarios & needs Working with other UX Designers (more than 70) and Product teams to explore multiple approaches to a problem and embrace iteration to improve designs in line with team deadlines Creating prototypes using the Design System to translate ideas into interactions and to demonstrate ideas.  Learning about the main areas of Ocado's end-to-end product, like Logistic and Supply Chain, Warehouse, Automation and Control (aka bots), and Ecommerce.  Getting to know how the UX Ops team supports our big crowd of UXers on a daily basis.  Experimenting together with your future colleagues from the same programme in the UK.    You will be a perfect fit if you:  Are an analytical, tenacious and inquisitive person who can create positive outcomes in a challenging, fast-paced environment and who is looking to join a truly innovative, fast-growing, FTSE 100 business Have a degree, BSc, BA, Masters or equivalent in: User Experience Design, Human-Computer Interaction Design, Cognitive Science, Visual Design, Psychology, Computer Science, Graphic Design, Product Design, Digital Media, Sociology, Architecture, post-graduate UX diploma or similar. Or if you are a professional changing your career path to the UX (and you have a portfolio of UX projects). Have a creative mind and are keen to grow visual awareness, UX skills and technical aptitude to help design accessible, user-centered solutions that meet commercial goals and deliver an amazing user experience Have great communication skills in English and Polish on B2 level minimum. You are based in Kraków or Wrocław or willing to relocate if you get into the programme. Are ready to work full-time for at least the next 24 months (with benefits and statutory holidays on a fixed-term contract). Are open to some business trips during the year (mainly to the UK).   IMPORTANT The program is dedicated only to university graduates (at least bachelor's degree). If you are a student and you are sure that you will receive your diploma before starting the internship (September 2024) - do this task. Unfortunately, if you pass the recruitment process with success but don’t graduate by the end of August 2024, we will not be able to hire you.   What does the program look like through the eyes of one of the participants? We spoke to Martina Rabczuk about her career journey from UX graduate to Associate UX Designer at Ocado Technology Poland and how our global UX Programme supported her in that journey.  Read and apply  ;)  RECRUITMENT PROCESS Recruitment steps: 1. STEP ONE : Complete  a personal questionnaire  and submit your  CV Include  a link to a video addressing the 2 challenges described below  (required) and a project portfolio (optional). 2. STEP TWO : selected candidates will be invited to  an online assessment day  during which you will be solving group and individual tasks to evaluate your soft skills and craft competencies.   Details about the video: Questions: What do you think the biggest pain point is in the online grocery shopping world and how would you fix it? What is your motivation to be a UX Grad in Ocado Technology? The desired outcome of the video: Please create a short  video (maximum 3 minutes long)  with your response to both questions above. The video has to be created  in English . The main actor in your clip needs to be  you ! Everything else we leave to your imagination.  The sky’s the limit!! Your final material can be placed in any cloud service you prefer, please send us only  the link  and remember to give us the right permissions to watch it.   Next steps: We’ll inform you about the results of your application (from step one) - till 14.06.2024. We’ll invite selected people to the assessment day (remote, in English) - 27.06.2024 Welcome on board (starting day) - 2.09.2024! Create a future in UX by applying till 09.06.2024!
Senior Fullstack Software Engineer
Kalepa, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Who are we? Kalepa is a fully remote startup dedicated to enhancing underwriting performance and driving profitable premium growth for the commercial insurance industry. Kalepa's AI-powered Copilot software enables underwriters to focus on the highest ROI opportunities and quickly evaluate and optimally select risk. Kalepa is backed by IA Ventures, Inspired Capital, and leaders in technology and financial services. Our HQ is located in New York. About role: Kalepa is looking for Senior Fullstack Software Engineers with 5+ years of experience to lead the development of our world-class software for commercial insurers. As a Senior Backend Engineer, you will solve interesting and challenging problems at the intersection of large and performant data pipelines, distributed systems, and robust infrastructure. In this role, you will work on our client-facing application written in React + Redux and backend services created in Python + pSQL. Team members are given full ownership over their projects and are expected to drive the project’s direction and maintain focus. The team works in a two-week sprint and collaborates with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers. Tech Stack: Back End: Python, Connexion Front End: React + Query + Typescript Development process: Docker What you will be responsible for: Working on distributed systems, creating scalable, fault-tolerant infrastructure Building data-driven microservices leveraging RESTful APIs Understanding customer business needs and translating them into specifications or code Collaborate with a small team of full-stack, data, ML, and DevOps engineers   About you : Apply to us if you have: Minimum of 5 years of experience  Have excellent development skills, including design, debugging, and problem-solving You possess a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or a related field You have experience in a modern FE framework (preferably React with Redux) We primarily use Python3 however are open to seeing your code in other OO languages (Java, C++, C#, etc.) Experience with AWS as we work with serverless technologies and asynchronous workflow. (EC2, Lambda, etc.) Have worked with relational databases with a preference for PostgreSQL Excitement about using a comprehensive set of technologies, ultimately focused on finding the right tool for the job Preference for an open, frank, and respectful communication style A concrete mindset is crucial to us, so DON’T apply if: You’re not a true hustler. Who’s a hustler? Good question! Somebody who never takes no for an answer. The words “it can’t be done” don’t exist in their vocabulary You’re looking for an 8-16 job You don’t like to take ownership You’re afraid of constructive feedback You’re not comfortable with independent work What you’ll get:  A personalized and transparent career development plan, including employee reviews every six months. We invest time in developing and supporting our employees, giving them opportunities to grow.  Transparent and fair compensation and promotion discussions solely based on performance. One of our top performers was even promoted after only 3 months. The possibility of working with an ambitious, intelligent, global, and fun team that is transforming a trillion-dollar industry  A ground-floor opportunity to build the foundations for the product, team, and culture Exposure to wide-ranging intellectual challenges spanning full-stack software development, AI / ML, and design Possibility to work with Kalepa's team members who bring experience from top technology, insurance, and intelligence institutions, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, ClassPass, Atlassian, Mastercard, MIT, Berkeley, UPenn, the University of Warsaw, and the Israel Defense Forces Fully remote work environment. Flexible start and finish times Benefits: Very competitive base salary  Significant equity options package (learn more ) 20 paid vacation days a year Paid Bank Holidays Unlimited Sick Leave (+ parental leave) Multisport Plus Card, LuxMed comprehensive package Mobile phone bill reimbursement Continued learning & Home office credit stipend Quarterly teams offsites in global locations --- Recruitment process in 10 quick steps complete within 1-2 weeks(yes, not the shortest, but if you love challenges, you’re in the right place. To reward that, you will always get clear & honest feedback within 24h top ) APPLICATION Apply via the link and  send us your CV (in English) VERIFICATION Within 24h, our recruiter will verify your CV and reach out to you. TASK Based on your preference, we will send a task on the HackerRank platform - 3 tasks, 75 min to complete + you can choose a programming language PRELIMINARY CALL ~30-minute conversation with a recruiter - you will learn more about the company and our culture & we will learn more about you TECHNICAL PHONE INTERVIEW 1h hands-on coding task with one of our Engineers CULTURE FIT INTERVIEW 30-minute meeting to measure if you are a good match for our organization FACE-TO-FACE STAGE 2h back and forth interview session. It contains a one-hour meeting about System Design & Architecture + two 30-minute meetings during which you will meet our PM/Chief of Staff & CEO! REFERENCES Uff, you are almost there... As part of our process, we hold 2-3 reference calls with individuals who have previously worked with you. OFFER We will send you a proposal for the offer and await your decision. WELCOME You will write code from day one  Gosia will take care of your recruitment process! If your expectations identify with ours and you want to join our team - apply today ​​