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Рекомендовані вакансії

Developer Reactjs React Native
Inventively, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Opis stanowiska: Dołącz do naszego zespołu w Inventively jako Developer React Native/React.js, gdzie będziesz miał okazję pracować nad rozwijaniem aplikacji mobilnych i webowych na najwyższym poziomie. Idealny kandydat powinien posiadać doświadczenie w tworzeniu aplikacji na platformy iOS, Android oraz Web, i wykazywać pasję do nowoczesnych technologii oraz zaangażowanie w dostarczanie aplikacji o wysokiej jakości. O firmie: Inventively to firma specjalizująca się w rozwoju oprogramowania mobilnego i webowego. Naszym celem jest wspieranie klientów w tworzeniu dochodowych produktów cyfrowych. Oferujemy szeroki zakres usług od rozwoju aplikacji mobilnych, przez projektowanie UI/UX, zapewnienie jakości, aż po doradztwo. Nasze podejście opiera się na przejrzystości, innowacyjności i skupieniu na sukcesie biznesowym klientów, a wszystko to w atmosferze wspierającej rozwój osobisty i kompetencji naszych pracowników. Wymagania: Biegłość w pracy z React.js oraz React Native (w tym React Native CLI). Minimum 2 lata doświadczenia komercyjnego. Znajomość wzorców projektowych i zasad czystego kodu. Mile widziane: Znajomość Node.js.  Doświadczenie w płatnościach w aplikacjach mobilnych (Apple & Google). RevenueCat. Znajomość Firebase.  Znajomość specyfik mobilnych technologii takich jak GPS, pamięć, płatności, powiadomienia push i inne. Znajomość automatycznych testów end-to-end.  Korzyści: Praca w pełni zdalna. Elastyczne godziny pracy. Możliwość pracy w małym, ale specjalistycznym zespole, oferująca duży wpływ na sposób realizacji projektów. Idealne miejsce dla osób chcących mieć realny wpływ na rozwój produktu, z szybkimi możliwościami awansu. Obowiązki: Prowadzenie projektów rozwojowych od fazy koncepcji po wdrożenie. Estymacja projektów, uczestnictwo w spotkaniach z klientami. Delegowanie zadań innym programistom, zarządzanie zespołem projektowym. Wdrażanie nowych rozwiązań technologicznych w firmie, z wolnością wyboru najlepszych rozwiązań w obszarze AI oraz usprawnienia procesów projektowych. Kompetencje miękkie: Racjonalne i efektywne podejście do rozwoju aplikacji. Krytyczne myślenie i zdolność do samodzielnego oceniania rozwiązań. Pasja do śledzenia najnowszych trendów w rozwoju aplikacji webowych i mobilnych. Umiejętność jasnego i efektywnego komunikowania się w języku angielskim (minimum B2). Bardzo dobrej znajomości j. polskiego- w Inventively mówimy po polsku :) Jest też opcja pracy na część etatu: Jeśli poszukujesz pracy na część etatu lub dodatkowej pracy “po godzinach” proszę o kontakt i zaznaczenie tego w formularzu aplikacji.
React Native Senior Developer
Resourceful Talent Group, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
React Native remote Exciting Opportunity: React Native Front End Engineer at Resourceful Talent Group Resourceful Talent Group is on the lookout for a dynamic React Native Front End Engineer to join our innovative team in the cutting-edge [department_name] department. As a key player in this role, you will lead the charge in crafting immersive user interfaces using the latest React Native technology. Collaborate with diverse teams to brainstorm and deliver groundbreaking features Build and maintain top-notch, reusable React Native components for peak performance Ensure applications are top-notch in performance, quality, and responsiveness Identify and resolve bottlenecks and squash bugs to keep things running smoothly Stay ahead of the curve on new React Native technologies and trends If you have a burning passion for creating innovative mobile apps and a solid background in React Native development, we want you on our team at Resourceful Talent Group. Join us and be part of a collaborative environment that values creativity and excellence. Job Requirements for React Native Front End Engineer at Resourceful Talent Group Please ensure that the candidates for the React Native Front End Engineer role in the [department_name] department meet the following requirements: Proficiency in React Native, TypeScript, and  JavaScript Experience in developing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms Strong understanding of front-end technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and responsive design Ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features Knowledge of RESTful APIs and integration Experience with version control systems like Git Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Good communication skills and ability to work in a fast-paced environment If the candidates do not meet the specified requirements, please kindly reject their application. Thank you for your cooperation. ```
React Native Senior Developer
Resourceful Talent Group, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
React Native remote Exciting Opportunity: React Native Front End Engineer at Resourceful Talent GroupResourceful Talent Group is on the lookout for a dynamic React Native Front End Engineer to join our innovative team in the cutting-edge [department_name] department. As a key player in this role, you will lead the charge in crafting immersive user interfaces using the latest React Native technology. Collaborate with diverse teams to brainstorm and deliver groundbreaking features Build and maintain top-notch, reusable React Native components for peak performance Ensure applications are top-notch in performance, quality, and responsiveness Identify and resolve bottlenecks and squash bugs to keep things running smoothly Stay ahead of the curve on new React Native technologies and trendsIf you have a burning passion for creating innovative mobile apps and a solid background in React Native development, we want you on our team at Resourceful Talent Group. Join us and be part of a collaborative environment that values creativity and excellence.Job Requirements for React Native Front End Engineer at Resourceful Talent GroupPlease ensure that the candidates for the React Native Front End Engineer role in the [department_name] department meet the following requirements: Proficiency in React Native, TypeScript, and  JavaScript Experience in developing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms Strong understanding of front-end technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and responsive design Ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features Knowledge of RESTful APIs and integration Experience with version control systems like Git Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Good communication skills and ability to work in a fast-paced environmentIf the candidates do not meet the specified requirements, please kindly reject their application. Thank you for your cooperation.```
Senior React Native Developer
Callstack, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Callstack was founded in 2016 by  Mike Grabowski  and  Anna Lankauf . Our company provides top cross-platform consultancy & development in React.js and React Native. We co-create the technology and collaborate with the Meta team on shaping the technology as core contributors and innovators. Our main goal is to drive and accelerate software development innovation. To achieve that, we follow our major rule: We don’t follow best practices. We set them! Callstack also organizes  React Universe Conf  - the only community- driven and fully dedicated to React Native conference in Europe. What is unique about working at Callstack? You will work with the best React Native experts on applications used by millions worldwide. You can develop your own ideas in  our R&D program . If you want to bring your visions to life - Callstack will support you. You have a possibility to contribute to our projects in  Open Source  like React Native Paper, Linaria, RN Testing Library etc. There are plenty of possibilities to showcase your expertise: You can speak at our  React Universe Conf , be featured in our blog, or  The React Native Show podcast  episode. You are the one to decide in which area you want to grow, you’ll have an individual self-development budget to upgrade your soft skills, managing skills or become a Mentor in the future. Join us and work with the TOP Silicon Valley and Fortune 500 companies in the USA! As a Senior React Native Developer you will: Act as a technology consultant for our clients and help them build great products for multiple platforms Drive the development process by providing expertise in cross-platform technologies and solving the most complex programming issues Collaborate with development teams, CTOs, Project Managers, and Product Owners from all around the world Have multiple possibilities to contribute to the Open Source community by working on projects led by our CTO, React Native Core Contributors, and our Senior Developers Be one step ahead exploring technologies of tomorrow, being a part of our R&D activities Simply have fun! REQUIREMENTS You are the right candidate if you are: A JavaScript expert with extensive knowledge and expertise in modern frameworks and libraries Skilled in and enthusiastic about React.js and React Native Experienced in web or mobile app development (3+ years) Driven towards learning new technologies and knowledge-sharing initiatives Able to quickly gain new technical expertise Fluent in English (B2+) Passionate about the open source mission (documented contributions to any open source project would be a huge plus) A great communicator and team player Proactive and self-driven Fun to work with :) Why work with us? Because you can: Realize your potential in our R&D program Work on software used by millions Take part in our Open Source projects Grow in your unique expert role Code with the top experts and community leaders Showcase your expertise by speaking at  our conference , being featured in our  blog  or  podcast episode Co-create and shape core technology Join the React Native community Develop soft skills What we offer: 24 paid days off & 30 days paid sick leave for B2B contractors Fully-covered life insurance Private healthcare for you and your family Free access to mental health platform - Helping Hand Multisport Card or monthly allowance for other sports activities Individual Wellbeing & Development Budget Monthly lunch allowance Accounting costs refund for B2B contractors Flexible working hours and fully remote work possibility Cool office in Wrocław city center Magnificent team events and activities Company-wide workation and team building workshops Top-notch hardware - Apple devices Free entry and possibility to participate in the biggest RN conference in the whole Europe ( React Universe Conf )
Senior React Native Developer mobile
ITLT, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
ITLT realizuje usługi w zakresie pozyskiwania dla organizacji wysokiej klasy specjalistów i kadry zarządzającej z obszaru IT, rozwija i wdraża nowoczesne rozwiązania IT w ramach outsourcingu procesów, a także współtworzy autorski system dostarczany działom kadrowo-płacowym. IT LeasingTeam wspiera procesy biznesowe firm, umożliwiając im zwiększenie elastyczności i budowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej. Aktualnie dla jednego z naszych klientów poszukujemy doświadczonego React Native Developera - rozwój apek mobilnych Informacje organizacyjne: Stawka: 150 - 170 zł / h netto na FV (zależnie od dopasowania do roli). Zaangażowanie stałe na full-time. Lokalizacja: Warszawa . Praca zdalna: hybryda, a konkretnie 1 dzień tygodniowo biuro Warszawa. Dodatkowo warsztaty / PI planningi 2-3 dniowe raz na kwartał. ️ Sektor:  energetyczny / paliwowy (globalna spółka). Zakres prac/projekty: Będziesz współtworzył aplikację opartą na wielomodułowej platformie, która posłuży jako baza dla wielu innych apek. Twoje główne zadania będą opierać się na tworzeniu nowych funkcji do apki (ciągły rozwój), skupisz się na platformach mobilnych. Zapraszamy jeśli: Masz co najmniej 4 letnie doświadczenia jako React Native Developer. Znasz: TypeScript, MobX, Jest. Znasz angielski na poziomie min. B2 (projekt jest w języku angielskim). Pracowałeś w przy dużych i złożonych apkach. Potrafisz się poruszać w środowisku zwinnym. Mile widziana znajomość usług geolokalizacyjnych. Oferta: Stabilny kontrakt B2B, w którym możesz być pewna/y długofalowego zatrudnienia. Szansa na rozwój w jednej z największych globalnych spółek i poznanie trendów światowych. Możliwość wykupienia ubezpieczenia w PZU, karty Multisport i pakietu Lux-Med. Szybki proces rekrutacyjny: Spotkanie 'techniczne' on-line -> Decyzja.
React Native Developer
Connectis, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Obecnie poszukujemy doświadczonego React Native Developera do projektu z branży paliwowo-energetycznej. Osoba na tym stanowisku dołączy do zespołu pracującego nad rozwojem wielomodułowej platformy, która będzie stanowiła podstawę dla wielu aplikacji rozproszonych na całym świecie.   Warszawa hybryda (biuro raz w tygodniu, metro Wilanowska) Wymagania Minimum 5 lat komercyjnego doświadczenia jako React Native Developer Bardzo dobra znajomość języka TypeScript i doświadczenie w pracy z architekturą wielomodułową Znajomość React Hooks oraz umiejętność tworzenia niestandardowych hooków Solidne zrozumienie git flow oraz kwestii związanych z zarządzaniem wersjami Doświadczenie w zarządzaniu stanem aplikacji przy wykorzystaniu MobX Duża precyzja w tworzeniu UI z dbałością o każdy detal Płynna znajomość języka angielskiego (B2/C1) Mile widziane: Doświadczenie w integracji systemów płatności Znajomość usług związanych z geolokacją Znajomość Firebase i GraphQL Oferujemy Perspektywę długofalowej i stabilnej współpracy przy ciekawych projektach w najnowszych technologiach  Ciekawe meetupy technologiczne, imprezy, spotkania integracyjne  Indywidualnego opiekuna po stronie Connectis_  5000 PLN za polecenie znajomego do projektu  Szybki, zdalny proces rekrutacyjny 
Regular Senior Fullstack Developer React Java z językiem angielskim lub niemieckim
dmTECH Polska, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
dmTECH to międzynarodowy zespół ponad tysiąca ekspertek i ekspertów z różnych obszarów IT i technologii wspierających e-commerce pracujących dla dm – jednej z największych sieci drogerii w Europie. Nasza codzienna praca na realny wpływ na biznes. Przygotowywane przez nas rozwiązania każdego dnia wspierają technologicznie pracowników i klientów drogerii, sklepu internetowego oraz aplikacji mobilnej w 14 krajach. Działamy sprawnie, w oparciu o najnowsze technologie i frameworki. Myślimy długofalowo.  Dołącz do nas i twórz z nami pierwsze zespoły technologiczne w Polsce. Aktualnie w dmTECH poszukujemy kandydata na stanowisko Regular/Senior Fullstack Developer (Java/React) z językiem angielskim lub niemieckim.   Projekt: Modernizacja i reorganizacja systemu transakcji online dla sklepu internetowego dm, aplikacji mobilnej Mój dm i innych usług cyfrowych.  Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Typescript, React/React Native, GCP  ​​ Miejsce pracy:  Wrocław lub 100% praca zdalna Forma zatrudnienia : B2B lub UoP Wynagrodzenie: Regular:  110 – 150 PLN/h + VAT na B2B  13 400 – 18 300 PLN brutto na UoP  Senior 18 300 – 23 200 PLN brutto na UoP   150 - 190 PLN/ h netto + VAT na B2B   Co Ci oferujemy: Umowę B2B lub UoP  - swobodny wybór preferowanej przez Ciebie formy zatrudnienia Rozwój  oparty o możliwość korzystania z kursów, szkoleń, certyfikacji i konferencji. Pair programming i wiele okazji do uczenia się od Twoich koleżanek i kolegów w ramach codziennej pracy  Swobodę  w decydowaniu o czasie i miejscu pracy. Do Twojej dyspozycji są nasze biura we Wrocławiu oraz Karlsruhe (Niemcy). Praca zdalna to u nas standard  Pracę w międzynarodowych zespołach , z możliwością nauki języków: niemieckiego i angielskiego podczas indywidualnych zajęć z lektorem Samodzielność   i decyzyjność  w codziennej pracy. Ty decydujesz, jakie projekty podejmujesz  Stabilną pracę  u jednego z najbardziej cenionych pracodawców IT w Niemczech  Realny wpływ na biznes  i możliwość dostrzeżenia efektów Twojej pracy  Kulturę organizacyjną opartą o dialog , w której stawiamy na pracę w zespołach, prostolinijność, szacunek i zrozumienie, że błędy są czymś naturalnym, gdy chcemy się rozwijać. To nie są dla nas puste słowa Wybór formuły współpracy  z nami: na umowę o pracę bądź kontrakt B2B  Program kafeteryjny  z możliwością wyboru benefitów, w tym skorzystania z karty sportowej  Firmowe  ubezpieczenie grupowe   Prywatną opiekę medyczną Wdrożenie do pracy  w naszych siedzibach we Wrocławiu i Karlsruhe pełne okazji do poznania kolegów i koleżanek oraz możliwość wyjazdów służbowych do tych lokalizacji - wynikającą z potrzeb zespołu Co wnosisz do zespołu: 3-5 lat doświadczenia w tworzeniu aplikacji webowych, najlepiej w React lub React Native   Bardzo dobra, praktyczna znajomość technologii backendowych – Java (Spring) lub Kotlin  Doświadczenie w pracy z rozwiązaniami opartymi na chmurze, takimi jak AWS, Microsoft Azure lub Google Cloud  Bardzo dobrą znajomość języków: angielskiego lub niemieckiego, a także polskiego, w mowie i piśmie (co najmniej na poziomie B2)  Mile widziane:   Doświadczenie w projektach e-commerce   Doświadczenie z mikrousługami hostowanymi w chmurze  Na czym będzie polegała Twoja praca: Pomoc w przekształceniu dotychczasowego, monolitycznego systemu transakcji online w elastyczne i nowoczesne rozwiązanie oparte o mikroserwisy  Wsparcie w reorganizacji architektury backendu  Udział w stworzeniu nowoczesnego i atrakcyjnie wizualnego systemu transakcji online  Zapewnienie wysokiej jakości kodu, dostępności, bezpieczeństwa, wydajności, skalowalności i niezawodności tworzonego systemu  Implementacja nowych rozwiązań i technologii  Chcesz dowiedzieć się o tym, jak się u nas pracuje? Opowiedzą Ci o tym Basia Szałapata która prowadzą rekrutację i Adam Piwek z dmTECH.
Middle React Engineer with Angular experience
N-iX, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
(#1615) We are seeking a talented and experienced  Middle React Engineer  to join our dynamic development team. As a React Engineer, you will be responsible for developing high-quality web applications using React, TypeScript, Redux, GraphQL, and styled-components. You will have the opportunity to work on exciting projects and collaborate with a team of passionate developers. About client: The client is defining the future of cybersecurity through our XDR platform that automatically prevents, detects, and responds to threats in real-time. Singularity XDR ingests data and leverages our patented AI models to deliver autonomous protection. With a client, organizations gain full transparency into everything happening across the network at machine speed – to defeat every attack, at every stage of the threat lifecycle.  They are a values-driven team where names are known, results are rewarded, and friendships are formed. Trust, accountability, relentlessness, ingenuity, and a customer defines the pillars of collaborative and unified global culture. We're looking for people that will drive team success and collaboration across the project. If you’re enthusiastic about innovative approaches to problem-solving, we would love to speak with you about joining our team! Responsibilities: Develop robust and scalable web applications using React, TypeScript, Redux, GraphQL, and styled-components Collaborate with the design and product teams to translate wireframes and mockups into functional components Implement responsive designs and ensure cross-browser compatibility Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code using best practices and coding standards Conduct code reviews and provide constructive feedback to improve code quality and maintain consistency Optimize application performance and identify areas for improvement Work closely with backend developers to integrate frontend components with the server-side infrastructure Troubleshoot and debug issues, addressing bugs and performance bottlenecks Stay updated with the latest frontend development trends and technologies, sharing knowledge and insights with the team. Requirements: Solid experience in developing web applications using React and Angular 2  Proficiency in TypeScript for building scalable and type-safe applications Familiarity with GraphQL and its implementation in frontend applications Excellent understanding of web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Strong problem-solving and analytical skills, with the ability to quickly identify and resolve issues Good communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment Ability to adapt and learn new technologies and frameworks as required. Nice to have:  Experience with Rest API Accessibility tools 
Senior Full Stack Developer React & Django
Sky Engine Sp.z.o.o., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
SKY ENGINE AI is an Artificial Intelligence company headquartered in London, UK serving blue chip Fortune 100 companies. We help the Enterprises solve their data and machine learning vision AI tasks in the era of AI-driven business transformation. SKY ENGINE AI is empowering companies across multiple industries providing a Synthetic Data Cloud platform for deep learning in Vision AI. This is a chance for you to get in on the ground floor of an exciting AI company shifting the paradigm in artificial intelligence and computer vision. As a Full Stack Developer (with focus primarily on front-end), you will play a key role in designing, developing, and maintaining cutting-edge web applications. You will translate user needs and business requirements into intuitive, responsive, and visually stunning interfaces. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your front-end expertise while also contributing to the full software development lifecycle. Here's what you can expect: A key role in a growing startup combining Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning with photorealistic 3D Computer Graphics No old, legacy code to maintain: frontend ( React.js ) backend ( Django ) A voice in the decisions about the system Architecture, design and development of a complex, modern, highly-interactive, websocket-heavy, real-time web application Working closely with experts in the fields of CGI, Data Science, AI, Computer Vision Here’s the background we’d like you to have: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field (or equivalent work experience) Proven experience as a Full Stack Developer with a strong emphasis on front-end development (React), and familiarity with back-end development concepts and technologies (Django) Technologies and frameworks (commercial experience preferred): React, JavaScript, TypeScript Django, Python Websockets (e.g. Django channels, React websockets) REST API Modern CSS Unit testing (both for frontend and backend) Good understanding of web applications security English B2+ level Strong communication and interpersonal skills Here are the extra skills that would be a plus: Docker Cloud technologies (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure) Any familiarity with 3D Computer Graphics principles, WebGL We hope you will fit well with our team’s culture: Strong work ethic. All of us believe in our work’s ability to change human lives. Growth mindset: We are eager to invest in your continual development.  Good team member: We care and watch out for each other. We’re humble individually, and go after big goals together. Our Office & Benefits: Sport subscription Health insurance Training budget Modern office, no dress code & young team Bonus policy
Senior React Native Developer at 44pixels
On The Spot Development, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
44pixels  is a venture capital-funded startup at the forefront of the mobile AI applications industry. Our mission is to revolutionize how users interact with AI through cutting-edge mobile apps. Backed by some of the most prestigious names in venture capital, we are on a rapid growth trajectory and are looking to expand our team with innovative, driven, and passionate individuals. About the role We are looking for  a Senior Mobile Engineer  with React Native experience to join our team. This is a great opportunity to join us at an early stage and grow with the company as we develop more products and hire more. We believe in investing in people, and therefore are looking for someone with ambition and high agency, who will become part of the core engineering team. Responsibilities: Write reusable, testable, and efficient code Help design and implement functional requirements for the mobile application and platform Create beautiful, performant and polished interfaces Optimize applications’ performance, from API interactions to UI animations Requirements: 5+ years of proven React Native and Typescript experience 2+ apps live in App Store or Google Play Experience with production application development cycle At least basic knowledge of Typescript and rock-solid knowledge of JavaScript Experience with 3rd party frameworks and SDKs (AppsFlyer, Firebase, Purchasely, Braze etc) Strong understanding of native build tools, like XCode, Gradle, and Android studio Solid knowledge of platform features (push notifications, in-app purchases etc) Understanding of software engineering practices and principles Good communication, collaboration and team skills At least   B2 level of English Nice-to-haves: A bachelor’s or equivalent degree in the relevant field Experience in back-end, front-end or any other tech stack Experience in native mobile development (iOS or Android) Experience with LLMs, ImageGen or other AI tech Experience with setting up CI/CD pipelines for mobile apps Benefits of working with us: Work in a highly professional team. Informal and friendly atmosphere in the team Ability to work from our comfortable downtown office in Warsaw Paid vacation - 20 business days per year, 100% sick leave payment 5 sick days per year Equipment provision Inflation-protected wages with regular revision of compensation conditions Legal and Accounting support in Poland Partially compensated educational costs (for courses, certifications, professional events, etc.) Medical insurance (after the end of the probationary period) English and Polish courses - 2 times a week Bright and memorable corporate life: corporate parties 2 times a year, gifts to employees in honor of life events.
Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack NodeJS React AWS
Bayer Sp. z o.o., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
At Bayer we’re visionaries, driven to solve the world’s toughest challenges and striving for a world where ,Health for all, Hunger for none’ is no longer a dream, but a real possibility. We’re doing it with energy, curiosity and sheer dedication, always learning from unique perspectives of those around us, expanding our thinking, growing our capabilities and redefining ‘impossible’. There are so many reasons to join us. If you’re hungry to build a varied and meaningful career in a community of brilliant and diverse minds to make a real difference, there’s only one choice. We are looking for a Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack (Node.JS, React, AWS) in Crop Science IT division! Why Bayer and Bayer Crop Science IT? “Health for all and Hunger for none” is our mission at Bayer. Every day, we are privileged to work on purposeful cutting-edge projects to bring our mission to life. Join us at the new Bayer Digital Hub in Warsaw to have a career that you can put your passion into practice and make an impact using Science for a better life.In Bayer Crop Science IT we deliver fantastic digital experiences for our farmer customers, our supply chain partners, and our scientist who run our world class R&D pipeline of seeds, traits, crop protection products, & digital agriculture.We would love to talk to you about what we do! YOUR TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Work as part of a global agile product-oriented development team to deliver & support business critical solutions. Consistently contribute to solving organization-wide problems including shared platforms, libraries, and frameworks. Provide and document technical design and architecture decisions within and across teams. Own the technical feasibility, quality, and performance of all built solutions. Participate in the evaluation and selection of new technologies. Build relationships with key members of partner organizations. Mentor engineers on your team & across the software organization. Own and develop your career by advancing your technical skills & knowledge. WHO YOU ARE: Either a higher education or working towards a degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or Technical Field Equivalent of 5+ years Prior Software Development or Engineering Experience Deep knowledge of JavaScript including runtimes, APIs, and ecosystem. Familiar with TypeScript (or other advanced type system, e.g. Scala, Rust). Good programmer - able to write clean, maintainable, well-structured code, follow popular paradigms, good practices, and local guidelines. Front-end skills - CSS / HTML, A11Y, RWD / Mobile First, an eye for UX, SEO, and performance, experience with rendering frameworks (preferably React), build tools / compilers, E2E / visual testing. Product-oriented – able to take a deep dive into the business domain, and partner with product experts to suggest improvements, and pragmatic solutions, High-level communication skills in English Experience in working in a product-oriented agile organization Some flexibility to work with a global team across time-zones Problem-solving skills, proactivity and being a team player Willingness to learn, develop, & innovate Nice to Have: DevOps skills - Cloud (preferably AWS), IaC (preferably Terraform), CI pipelines, security best practices. Experience with LaunchDarkly, Github Actions, Datadog, Figma, or Adobe AEM. You feel you do not meet all criteria we are looking for? That doesn’t mean you aren’t the right fit for the role. Apply with confidence, we value potential over perfection. What do We offer: A flexible, hybrid work model Great workplace in a new modern office in Warsaw Career development, 360° Feedback & Mentoring programme Wide access to professional development tools, trainings, & conferences Company Bonus & Reward Structure VIP Medical Care Package (including Dental & Mental health) Holiday allowance (“Wczasy pod gruszą”) Life & Travel Insurance Pension plan Co-financed sport card - FitProfit Meals Subsidy in Office Budget for Home Office Setup & Maintenance Access to Company Game Room equipped with table tennis, soccer table, Sony PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles setup with premium game passes, and massage chairs Tailored-made support in relocation to Warsaw when needed Please send your cv in English WORK LOCATION: WARSAW AL. JEROZOLIMSKIE 158 YOUR APPLICATION Bayer welcomes applications from all individuals, regardless of race, national origin, gender, age, physical characteristics, social origin, disability, union membership, religion, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or any unlawful criterion under applicable law. We are committed to treating all applicants fairly and avoiding discrimination. Bayer is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodations in its application process for individuals with disabilities and encourages applicants with disabilities to request any needed accommodation(s) using the contact information below. Bayer offers the possibility of working in a hybrid model. We know how important work-life balance is, so our employees can work from home, from the office or combine both work environments. The possibilities of using the hybrid model are each time discussed with the manager.
Junior frontend developer React
WearTech, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Aktualnie poszukujemy junior frontend developera (React) do naszego zespołu tworzącego oprogramowanie cWatch. W projekcie tworzymy asystenta komunikacji dla sektora retail, czyli sklepów średnio oraz wielkopowierzchniowych a także dla branży hotelarskiej. Praca w formie hybrydowej, biuro we Wrocławiu (rynek). Bez możliwości pracy całkowicie zdalnej. Twój zakres obowiązków: Rozwijanie i tworzenie aplikacji webowych w technologii React na potrzeby projektu cWatch, współpraca z ludźmi odpowiedzialnymi za rozwój backendu oraz testerami. Nasze wymagania: Co najmniej rok doświadczenia komercyjnego jako frontend React developer, umiejętność programowania w React zgodnie z założeniami tej technologii, wiedza o takich narzędziach jak redux, wykształcenie min. średnie, mile widziani absolwenci techników informatycznych lub studenci studiów technicznych, analityczne myślenie, angielski na poziomie komunikatywnym, chęć rozwoju w branży frontendowej, jesteś osobą zaangażowaną, komunikatywną, myślisz analitycznie, chcesz w przyszłości odpowiadać za aplikacje webowe, które rozwiniesz lub sam stworzysz. Mile widziane: znajomość Material UI. Oferujemy: niekorporacyjną, kameralną atmosferę pracy, pracę w projekcie o globalnych możliwościach i aspiracjach, możliwość rozwoju wraz z organizacją na wczesnym etapie ekspansji, dużą sprawczość w ramach organizacji, która przekłada się na szybkie efekty u naszych klientów i partnerów, atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie adekwatne do doświadczenia, stabilną pracę w komfortowym biurze z fajnymi ludźmi. Benefity: dofinansowanie karty Multisport, dofinansowanie nauki języka angielskiego oraz kursów i szkoleń, dofinansowanie miejsca parkingowego, wyjścia integracyjne (kilka w ciągu roku).
React Native Developer
The Widlarz Group, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Jesteśmy butikowym software housem z siedzibą w Polsce. Specjalizujemy się w aplikacjach mobilnych i webowych w React i React Native. Jako partnerzy IT pomogliśmy skutecznie zamienić dziesiątki świetnych pomysłów w działające biznesy. Naszą misją jest zwiększanie dostępności narzędzi do tworzenia oprogramowania i osiągamy to poprzez wkład w open source i dzielenie się wiedzą. Jesteśmy autorami  rn-emoji-keyboard  oraz  react-native-notificated , a także głównymi kontrybutorami  react-native-video. Zobacz, co robimy  na co dzień  i   jakie projekty  zrealizowaliśmy.  Obecnie poszukujemy React Native Developera , który dołączy do projektów realizowanych dla naszych klientów. Jeśli chcesz rozwijać siebie w przyjaznej i ambitnej atmosferze i jednocześnie mieć możliwość promowania swojej osoby w świecie RN albo przyczyniać się do rozwoju community i OSS - wyślij swoje zgłoszenie. Wymagania:  Minimum 2 lata doświadczenia w tworzeniu aplikacji z użyciem React Native (must have!) , React, TypeScript, Redux, React Query; Znajomość systemów kontroli wersji takich jak GIT; Płynne posługiwanie się językiem angielskim pozwalające na swobodną komunikację z klientami zagranicznymi,  Doświadczenie w pracy zdalnej w zespołach rozproszonych i multikulturowym środowisku oraz otwartość na pracę z zespołami w różnych strefach czasowych; Nastawienie na zrozumienie budowanych produktów oraz proaktywne podejście do ich rozwijania; Otwartość na dawanie i otrzymywanie feedbacku; Otwartość na nowe rozwiązania i technologie; Inżynierski mindset i wszechstronność;  Nice to have: doświadczenia w aplikacjach natywnych Android & iOS. Co będzie należało do Twoich obowiązków: Tworzenie i utrzymywanie aplikacji, tak, by były one stabilne, funkcjonalne i łatwe do skalowania; Współpraca ze stronami projektu m.in. backendowcami, UI designerami, Product Ownerami; Testowanie aplikacji, dbanie o ich jakość oraz zapewnienie zgodności z wymaganiami technicznymi i standardami jakościowymi; Prowadzenie pair programmingu oraz mentoringu mniej doświadczonych członków zespołu; Współpraca z klientami w celu dostosowania aplikacji do ich potrzeb i wymagań oraz dbanie o dobry wizerunek firmy w kontaktach z klientem; Z naszej strony zapewniamy:  wynagrodzenie odpowiadające Twojej wiedzy i zaangażowaniu ( Ty wychodzisz ze swoją propozycją ), zależne od formy współpracy (jesteśmy otwarci na zaangażowanie full-time, part-time jak i współpracę freelancerską), pracę w pełni zdalną (co na pewno nie ulegnie zmianie) , z dowolnego miejsca na świecie (ale z dobrym połączeniem internetowym) oraz elastycznymi godzinami pracy; długotrwałą współpracę opartą na jasnych zasadach, w szybko rosnącej firmie z branży IT; dofinansowanie do ubezpieczenia medycznego oraz możliwość skorzystania z pakietu MultiSport; w zależności od zapotrzebowania zapewnimy Ci sprzęt , na którym będziesz mógł/mogła pracować (większość z nas pracuje na MacBooku i iPhone’ie); wsparcie i możliwość kontrybucji w projekty open source, oraz inne formy udzielania się w dev community (tutaj nasze ostatnie realizacje:  react-native-notificated ,  rn-emoji-keyboard ); inicjatywy które pomagają Ci się rozwinąć: spotkania 1on1, performance review;  Jak wygląda proces: ankieta wstępna - 5 min  zadanie rekrutacyjne  rozmowa sprawdzająca culture fit - 30 minut rozmowa techniczna z zespołem developerów - 1h 30 min oferta i uzgodnienie warunków - 15-20min Jeśli jesteś osobą ambitną, kreatywną i z pasją do programowania oraz chęcią dzielenia się swoją wiedzą z innym, to uderzaj z CV!
React Native Developer
Yard Corporate, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Dołącz do doświadczonego zespołu międzynarodowej firmy, która wykreowała i nadal rozwija innowacyjny, wieloplatformowy system operacyjny! Poszukujemy utalentowanych specjalistów, a Ty możesz być kluczowym graczem w naszym rosnącym polskim hubie technologicznym. Twoje zadania będą obejmować tworzenie i utrzymanie aplikacji na różnych platformach, a także ulepszanie jej kluczowych funkcjonalności..  Twój przyszły zespół pracuje w tych technologiach: React Native,Typescript, Docker, Gitlab. Jesteśmy zainteresowani osobami, które: * Posiadają minimum 5 lat doświadczenia w pracy komercyjnej nad rozwojem oprogramowania. * Doskonale znają React Native. * Mają doświadczenie w projektowaniu i rozwijaniu oprogramowania na różnych platformach. * Posiadają doświadczenie projektowe w tworzeniu aplikacji natywnych. Oferujemy atrakcyjne warunki: * 26 dni urlopu w ciągu roku, abyś mógł odpocząć i naładować baterie * Lokalizacja w nowoczesnym biurze w centrum Warszawy ️ * Prywatna opieka medyczna oraz dodatkowe 500 złotych miesięcznie na platformie gratyfikacyjnej.
Full-stack Dev React + Node
Polar Night Software, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Polar Night Software is a software consultancy company based in Łódź working mainly with Nordic clients. We were founded in early 2020 and we are growing. We have a number of good references from Nordic customers and they trust that we deliver quality solutions.  Full-stack Developer We are looking for a developer, who fits to the Polar Night SW team and is interested in working with our team in the long run, not just in one customer project. We have opportunities, where a Full-Stack Developer with React and node.js would suit. Must-have: a minimum of 3 years of professional experience expertise in React expertise in Node.js  attitude of finding solutions to technical problems by using the freedom you are given and not expecting someone else to solve it for you. You can always also use the team's help of course.  Nice-to-have : Docker and/or Kubernetes experience other popular front-end or back-end technologies Fluent English skills will be necessary for the position, cause we’re working only with Nordic and international clients . We have an office in the center of Łódź . You are free to work from the office or pretty much fully remote as long as you are ready to visit the colleagues now and then. You need to however live in Poland . What you can expect from us What we can offer is a great amount of freedom, responsibility and interesting projects with international customers. Your vision and ideas about developing our culture, community, working methods, recruitments and business in general would be truly welcome and valuable. Low hierarchy , professional & supportive team .  Salary: 14.000 - 25.500 + VAT (B2B) per month, depending on your experience. Benefits:  23 days of paid time off per year (+ additionally paid time off during bank holidays, if they are on weekdays) Private healthcare (Medicover Premium) for you and your partner/family Sports card (MultiSport Plus) Flexible working hours Possibility to work remotely Company integration meetings (activities, dinners and parties)  We would be more than happy to tell you more about us and opportunities, so don’t hesitate to drop a message! It would be great to talk more just online or even with a cup of coffee or a beer :) !
Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack JS Typescript React AWS
Bayer Sp. z o.o., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
At Bayer we’re visionaries, driven to solve the world’s toughest challenges and striving for a world where ,Health for all, Hunger for none’ is no longer a dream, but a real possibility. We’re doing it with energy, curiosity and sheer dedication, always learning from unique perspectives of those around us, expanding our thinking, growing our capabilities and redefining ‘impossible’. There are so many reasons to join us. If you’re hungry to build a varied and meaningful career in a community of brilliant and diverse minds to make a real difference, there’s only one choice. We are looking for a Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack (JS/Typescript/React/AWS) Why Bayer and Bayer Crop Science IT? “Health for all and Hunger for none” is our mission at Bayer. Every day, we are privileged to work on purposeful cutting-edge projects to bring our mission to life. Join us at the new Bayer Digital Hub in Warsaw to have a career that you can put your passion into practice and make an impact using Science for a better life.In Bayer Crop Science IT we deliver fantastic digital experiences for our farmer customers, our supply chain partners, and our scientist who run our world class R&D pipeline of seeds, traits, crop protection products, & digital agriculture.We would love to talk to you about what we do! YOUR TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Work as part of a global agile development team to deliver & support business critical solutions. Collaborate, partner & help prioritize work every day with your developer colleagues, product managers, product designers and partners in the business. Mentor Junior Engineers you work with Assure your applications are of high quality by implementing code quality practices, performing unit & integration testing. Create next generation software systems enabled by AWS Cloud Effectively communicate within team, including product manager and product specialist. Own and develop your career by advancing your technical skills & knowledge WHO YOU ARE: On “Vesta” team you will be working with JavaScript, Typescript. On frontend we use ReactJS with TypeScript. For testing we use React Testing Library, jestjs. Our infrastructure is based on AWS, so experience with AWS is also desired. Additionally we use: Cognito, Amplify, lambdas, DynamoDB Willingness to learn, develop, & innovate Equivalent of 7+ years prior software development or engineering experience High level communication skills in English Work with a global team across time-zones, preferably 10:00-18:00 (PL time) Some of technologies we like to work with at Crop Science: JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript, Web(CSS3, HTML5), ReactJS, Angular, AWS, Artifactory, Git, Jenkins, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Neo4j, Postgres, Java, Python Your career in the next years: You will take part in trainings, work on business projects, often pair up with other senior developers to learn from each other, help junior team members grow You will have the ability to experience different areas of application development and grow in those that you want to focus on at a given stage of your career progression: front-, backend, infrastructure (devops), architectural design of solutions You will have plenty of opportunities to be active within our Software Development Community of Practice, to learn and share knowledge, help organize conferences, meetups, also in house, in our brand-new multimedia auditorium You will have the opportunity to learn a lot about software development, as well as use your knowledge and experience, in an environment of hundreds of microservices, user interfaces of all kinds in a cloud based and distributed architecture What do We offer: A flexible, hybrid work model Great workplace in a new modern office in Warsaw Career development, 360° Feedback & Mentoring programme Wide access to professional development tools, trainings, & conferences Company Bonus & Reward Structure VIP Medical Care Package (including Dental & Mental health) Holiday allowance (“Wczasy pod gruszą”) Life & Travel Insurance Pension plan Co-financed sport card - FitProfit Meals Subsidy in Office Budget for Home Office Setup & Maintenance Access to Company Game Room equipped with table tennis, soccer table, Sony PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles setup with premium game passes, and massage chairs Tailored-made support in relocation to Warsaw when needed Please send your cv in English WORK LOCATION: WARSAW AL. JEROZOLIMSKIE 158 YOUR APPLICATION: Bayer welcomes applications from all individuals, regardless of race, national origin, gender, age, physical characteristics, social origin, disability, union membership, religion, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or any unlawful criterion under applicable law. We are committed to treating all applicants fairly and avoiding discrimination. Bayer is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodations in its application process for individuals with disabilities and encourages applicants with disabilities to request any needed accommodation(s) using the contact information below. Bayer offers the possibility of working in a hybrid model. We know how important work-life balance is, so our employees can work from home, from the office or combine both work environments. The possibilities of using the hybrid model are each time discussed with the manager.
JS React NodeJS Developer German*
MindPal, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We're looking for a Senior JavaScript Developer with expertise in React and Node.js and german language ! Responsibilities: Designing, developing, and maintaining scalable and performant web applications using JavaScript, React, and Node.js Collaborating with cross-functional teams to gather requirements, plan projects, and ensure successful project delivery Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code following best practices and industry standards Conducting code reviews and providing constructive feedback to team members Troubleshooting and debugging complex technical issues and providing timely resolutions Mentoring and guiding junior developers, sharing your knowledge and expertise Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in JavaScript, React, and Node.js development Requirements: Extensive experience in JavaScript development, with a strong focus on React and Node.js Knowledge of the German language at a level of at least B2 Proficiency in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Redux) Solid understanding of server-side JavaScript frameworks (e.g., Express, Koa) and RESTful API development Experience with database systems such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or MySQL Familiarity with version control systems (e.g., Git) and agile development methodologies Strong problem-solving and analytical skills Excellent communication and collaboration abilities We offer: Competitive compensation packages Supportive work environment Opportunities for growth and advancement within our organization
React Native Developer
Boldare, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Boldare is an Agile-powered company with nearly two decades of international experience in product development and consulting. The company helps clients redefine their industries by building with them the products their users want. Starting in 2004, Boldare now has talents spread across Europe. They have built over 300 digital products for clients around the globe – Western and North Europe, the United Kingdom, North America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Now we are looking for a React Native Developer for our team. Are you ready to join talented and savvy programmers to build well-designed, user-centered apps? Join us if you have: 2+ years of experience in developing web or mobile applications Proficient knowledge of React Native Practice in Typescript Knowledge of ES6+ syntax Proficient understanding of code versioning tools (Git preferably ) Openness to change and ability to iterative work Data-driven approach and critical thinking  Command of English and Polish on B2+ level to easily communicate with both clients and the team Experience with Native Mobile Technologies (Swift, Kotlin etc.) Nice to haves: Experience in creating complex solutions Good understanding of design patterns important to API-driven apps Experience with Docker Some experience in Continuous Integration (i.e. GitHub Actions) Experience with Firebase Experience with Expo Being a React Native Developer at Boldare means: You can boost your skills and potential in the type of products that fit you best. We’ve cut product development for stages (prototype, MVP, product-market fit, and scaling). Agile, scrum & lean startup are not just buzzwords – no project managers, a scrum master in every team, and iterative product delivery are standard at Boldare. Self-organization – there are no managers in Boldare, so the teams organize their work by themselves. You’ll be engaged in building the product roadmap, sprint planning, etc. Transparency and feedback. We always share the results of our work and give each other feedback. Everybody here has full access to data (including knowledge bases, project descriptions, metrics, statistics, strategies, even financial data). Also, we communicate via open channels to effectively spread information. Direct impact on the product & tech stack – our scrum teams are responsible not only for performing tasks but also for proposing technical solutions. You’re the expert here, so we trust in your tech recommendations. Clients are partners – we really care about our relationships with them, and we cooperate as equal partners. There will be no proxies in between your team and the client. Forget about waiting ages for the answer to a simple question - you can expect clear and direct communications. Face-to-face meetings with clients and the team (which are highly valuable for us). Regular business trips are standard at Boldare. With some partners we meet once a month, with others every six months. The frequency varies, but we care for all team members to participate in onsite meetings.   What we offer: Joining #BoldareTeam , which is a community of open-minded product builders, eager to share their knowledge and best practices. Flexible working hours (but there are determined core hours). Great atmosphere and teamwork based on various ways of working face-to-face . Caring for our bold bond, we’re meeting regularly to spend time together in real life. At online meetings we always have webcams on and find some space for pleasant chitchats. The possibility of remote or hybrid mode. You can work from home, but still, our teams meet regularly at Boldare offices (Warszawa, Gliwice, Kraków, or Wrocław). Depending on your role, we could need you in the office once a week, month, or quarter. Variety of working arrangements (e.g., employment contract/B2B contract). Preferential terms of Multisport & Lux Med cards Sounds interesting? Send us your application, we’re waiting for you! :)
Senior Full Stack Engineer Nodejs React
Webellian Sp.z o o, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About the Webellian Webellian is a well-established Digital Transformation and IT consulting company committed to creating a positive impact for our clients. We strive to make a meaningful difference in diverse sectors such as insurance, banking, healthcare, retail, and manufacturing. Our passion for cutting-edge and disruptive technologies, as well as our shared values and strong principles, are what motivate us. We are a community of engineers and senior advisors who work with our clients across industries, playing a deep and meaningful role in accelerating and realizing their vision and strategy. About the opportunity We are seeking an experienced Full Stack Engineer (Node.js & React) to join our team and work on exciting projects for our key customers. In this role, you will have the opportunity to interface with our clients and drive the development of their solutions. For instance, you will join the team working on a back-office solution for a global insurance industry leader using Strapi and React. As a software engineer, you will be responsible for delivering high-quality projects by defining technical requirements based on business needs and deploying clean code. You won't need to reinvent the wheel as we value the power of reusing open-source frameworks and solutions. To be successful in this position, you must have at least 5 years of experience in Full Stack development, a deep understanding of Node.js, React and related frameworks , and experience in working collaboratively in a team environment. Join our team, work with us on challenging projects! Key responsibilities Analyzing business requirements Writing clean, functional code, including unit tests Writing technical documentation Propose technical improvements to the application Grow and nurture your junior colleagues' skills Supporting less experienced team members Competencies Master’s degree in Software Engineering or related engineering field Frontend Technologies: React, Next.js, Redux, Typescript, Bootstrap, Material UI Backend Technologies: Node.js, Nest.js, Fastify, Express Other Technologies: AWS, Bitbucket/GIT, Jenkins, PostgreSQL, Docker Familiarity with REST API and GraphQL Familiarity with SQL, NoSQL databases Deep understanding of software architecture and development principles Fluency in English is a must (min B2, C1 preferred) Excellent verbal communication skills are a must Can-do attitude Great attention to detail Independence and drive to grow and learn What we offer Contract under Polish law: B2B or Umowa o Pracę Benefits such as private medical care, group insurance, Multisport card There are English classes available Hybrid work (at least 3 days/week on-site) in Warsaw (Mokotów) Opportunity to work with excellent professionals High standards of work and focus on the quality of code New technologies in use Continuously learning and growth International team Pinball, PlayStation & much more (on-site ) Join a growing team of dedicated professionals! We love to pass on the knowledge to grow excellence, speak our minds without playing politics, and just enjoy hanging around together. If you share our passions - we want to meet you! So go ahead and apply ️ Please include the following statement: “I hereby authorize Webellian Poland Sp. z o.o. to process my personal and store data included in my job application for the needs of following and future recruitment processes (in accordance with the Personnel Protection Act 29.08.1997 no 133 position 883)”.
Mid Full Stack Engineer Nodejs & React
Webellian Sp.z o o, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About the job We are actively looking for a Mid Full Stack Engineer (Node.js & React).  In this role, you will have the opportunity to own tasks and responsibilities from conception to delivery. As a Mid Full Stack Engineer you will collaborate with the engineering team, interact with customers, work on mission critical systems at scale and support junior engineers in their development. To be successful in this position, you must have at least 3 years of experience in Full Stack development, understanding of Node.js, React and related frameworks, and experience in working collaboratively in a team environment. Key responsibilities Analyzing business requirements Writing clean, functional code, including unit tests Writing technical documentation Propose technical improvements to the application Participate in troubleshooting and resolving complex technical issues Collaborate with the engineering team to plan and implement technical solutions Competencies Master’s degree in Software Engineering or related engineering field Must-have Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js Advantage: React, React Native Fluency in English is a must (min B2, C1 preferred) Excellent verbal communication skills are a must Other Technologies: AWS, Bitbucket/GIT, Jenkins, PostgreSQL, Docker Familiarity with REST API and GraphQL Familiarity with SQL, NoSQL databases A grasp of software architecture trade-offs and considerations, an understanding of software development principles such as design patterns and SOLID concepts You’re a good fit if you have.. Can-do attitude Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail Ability to work independently and take ownership of assigned tasks What we offer Contract under Polish law: B2B or Umowa o Pracę Benefits such as private medical care, group insurance, Multisport card There are English classes available Hybrid work (at least 3 days/week on-site) in Warsaw (Mokotów) Opportunity to work with excellent professionals High standards of work and focus on the quality of code New technologies in use Continuously learning and growth International team Pinball, PlayStation & much more (on-site ) Recruitment process 1.A quick phone call with our Recruiter 2.Online technical interview, testing your skills. 3.II face-to-face interview with your potential supervisor.  4.️Feedback. About us What makes us unique is our people-first approach. Our team is not just a group of skilled professionals; we are a team of people who thrive on collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and supporting each other. We enjoy exchanging ideas and never shy away from speaking our minds, free from office politics. Whether we're brainstorming new ideas, working through challenging problems, or simply enjoying a coffee together, we value the connections that make us stronger. Sounds like the perfect fit for you? Apply to join our talented team!