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Рекомендовані вакансії

SII Saulsbury Industries, Inc, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Take your next step with Saulsbury Industries!Location: Odessa, Tx.Type: Full timeGeneral Information/Job SummaryTake an active role in procurement of engineered equipment and/or commodity materials for Saulsbury projects by identifying potential suppliers, preparing inquiries, soliciting and evaluating bids, addressing exceptions to bids, and issuing purchasing orders.Responsibilities/CompetenciesContribute to the efforts of Expeditors and Project Managers to ensure that material is delivered on schedule according to the construction field need datesContribute to the formation, negotiation and execution of agreements and partnerships for materials with supply chain vendors as directedIdentify and evaluate potential suppliers and establish them within the system once approvedInterface with technical support personnel on material and equipment specificationsProvide data and support for the implementation and monitoring of key performance indicators to measure the performance of the procurement departmentMonitor trends in supplier and market movements, information the departmental management of events that could affect supply, price and deliveryBuild and develop relationships with key suppliers and vendorsRequirements 1+ years purchasing experience with all types of commodities and equipment for the oil and gas, refining, and/or petrochemical industriesExperience with procurement of engineered equipment desirableConstruction related experience highly preferredExperience with “best practices” in purchasingGood verbal and written communication skillsGood interpersonal relations skillsProfessional, ethical, team player willing to grow with CompanyAbility to manage several tasks simultaneously and work in an environment or changing prioritiesSkilled in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe Acrobat
Начальник відділу з управління проектами
DTEK, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
ДТЕК Одеські Електромережі — провідна енергетична компанія України, яка розподіляє електроенергію на території міста Одеси та Одеської області та обслуговує понад 2,3 млн клієнтів.Співробітники Компанії щоденно забезпечують у домівках українців світло та комфорт, а підприємства — можливістю працювати та розвиватися.Ми в пошуках Начальника відділу з управління проектами Департаменту з проектного управління.З нами Ви отримаєте:Офіційне працевлаштування, гідну заробітну плату та премію за результатами роботи;(оклад + премія)Оплачувані відпустки та лікарняні;Медичне страхування після випробувального терміну;Енергійну та доброзичливу команду;Навчання в Академії ДТЕК (он-лайн курси, аудиторні тренінги, майстер-класи, закриті клуби, професійні спільноти).Будемо раді бачити у команді, якщо Ви:Маєте вищу освіту (переважно у сфері енергетики чи електротехніки, а також будівництва);Маєте досвід роботи у галузі управління проектами – не менше 5 років;Маєте досвід роботи у будівництві, електроенергетиці на керівних посадах від 2 років;Маєте знання законодавчих та нормативних Актів, Стандартів, Правил та інших нормативних та регламентуючих документів у галузі капітального будівництва;Володієте навичками та професійними знаннями в області:- розуміння процесу проведення процедур закупівель проектних, будівельно-монтажних робіт та обладнання- організації будівництва,- управління будівельними проектами та портфелями проектів,- планування, статистики та фінансування будівництва, - правил та норм охорони праці, техніки безпеки, виробничої санітарії та протипожежного захисту,- етики ділового спілкування та ведення переговорів,- читання проектної документації,- застосування спеціалізованого ПЗ (MS Project);Маєте стратегічне бачення;Маєте аналітичне та системне мислення;Ініціативні;Інноваційні;Маєте ефективну комунікацію;Маєте презентаційні навички;Стресостійкі;Маєте лідерські якості;Вмієте працювати в умовах багатозадачності;Маєте знання англійської мови на рівні Intermediate (рекомендовано)Вашими основними завданнями будуть:Організація роботи відділу з управління проектами будівництва (інвестиційна програма, приєднання, капітальний ремонт);Контроль та координація строків та вартості реалізації проектів та портфелів проектів;Контроль та координація підрядних організацій;Організувати та контролювати впровадження заходів щодо реорганізації та оптимізації внутрішніх бізнес процесів за профільним напрямом;Організувати та контролювати методологічний супровід роботи з процесу проектного управління проектів капітального будівництва, ремонтів та приєднань об'єктів;Організувати та контролювати впровадження заходів щодо підвищення якості бізнес-процесів;Курирувати збір статистичних даних та їх аналіз для оптимізації процесів, підвищення ефективності та якості;Формування культури проектного управління у департаменті;Розвиток ключових компетенцій у співробітників департаменту підвищення ефективності у процесі досягнення бізнес-цілей;Організація внутрішньої комунікації та ефективного порядку взаємодії суміжними підрозділами ОСР;Організація зовнішньої комунікації та ефективного порядку взаємодії та співробітництва зі службами та органами, що беруть участь у процесі реалізації проектів проектування та будівництва;Бути керівником проектів (ключові, особливо складні та/або важливі).Чекаємо на Ваші резюме із зазначенням побажань із заробітної платиНаправляючи резюме на вакансію, Ви даєте згоду на використання Ваших персональних даних компанією ДТЕК в рамках чинного законодавства України.Компанія ДТЕК гарантує конфіденційність звернень та переговорного процесу при відборі кандидатів на вакансію.Звертаємо Вашу увагу, що зворотний зв’язок за результатами розгляду на вакансію надається протягом двох тижнів в разі позитивного рішення по Вашій кандидатурі.Наша енергія несе людям світло та тепло!
Director of Project Controls
SII Saulsbury Industries, Inc, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Take your next step with Saulsbury Industries!Location: OdessaType: Full TimeSaulsbury is currently seeking a Director of Project Controls to join our team in our Odessa, TX Office. The Director of Project Controls will be responsible for the development, implementation, and oversight of all Project Controls related activity for all projects. The DPC will develop, advise, and enhance Project control strategies, procedures, guidelines, and tools along with compliance monitoring and enforcement. The DPC will organize and manage a team of Project Control leads and specialists who will create, review, and maintain cost reports, schedules, progress tracking, reporting, and change management processes across Saulsbury’s project portfolio. The DPC will provide analysis and trending advice to Project, Senior, and Executive Management.The DPC will need to develop and maintain a clear understanding of the company’s objectives and add value by implementing a robust project controls system to enable achieving desired project outcomes through early recognition of trend data and accurate forecasting and predictions. The DPC will work with Operations leadership and have responsibility for the management of the companies Resource Planning and Scheduling processes, including collection, analysis, and verification and reporting of both the current backlog, and projected future workload. The DPC will have responsibility for the management, growth, and development of the Projects Controls Team.Primary Responsibilities:Plan, direct, control and coordinate the work of subordinates.Direct and coordinate the efforts of the staff with specific areas of responsibility including scheduling, cost control, change management, and progress measurement.Monitor the project management process and make recommendations for improving the process to meet the needs of the project relative, job cost reporting, budget analysis and reporting of overall project controls, change management, project scheduling, progress measurement, risk analysis and mitigation.Implement approved work programs; monitor controls to evaluate project performance; recommend appropriate actions to correct deficiencies in performance and to adjust work processes to meet requirements.Conduct training for the development of project controls and project management skills in the effective utilization of project controls tools and processes to understand project data, recognize trends, and recommend corrective actions where needed.Perform functional audits to monitor compliance of project controls tools and processes for effective and consistent implementation and utilization.Develop management level dashboard reporting and metrics.Lead efforts for significant change events to establish sound basis for recovery of cost and schedule impacts that may occurManage positions and personnel to make best use of employee skills; select employees wisely and develop their capabilities; counsel employees effectively; administer discipline fairly; handle human resource matters in accordance with organization policy.Establish work standards and schedules and ensure their effective implementation; assign work to employees and train employees in work procedures and methods; review employees' work for adequacy and take steps to correct inadequate performance; approve employee work schedules and time reports.Establish and maintain effective means of coordinating project plans and schedules with other organizational departments; report delays and problems promptly and take appropriate actions to maintain effective coordination of activities; ensure that department activities do not conflict with organizational goals.Communicate understanding and support of organizational goals through actions and spoken and written words; interact effectively with individuals and groups encountered in the work; keep all interested and involved parties informed of matters requiring their attention.Supports the requirements of the projects in development of the basic schedule frames and project control policies, for high challenging projects, taking project execution strategies, budget, requirements, conditions, work formation, etc., into account.Provides guidelines and benchmarks necessary for the planning, direction, analysis, and control in the project execution.Supports the project budgeting and subsequent check estimates from viewpoints of the time management and project risk mitigation.Supports the analysis of changes and the forecast of consequences and impacts. In addition, advises possible alternate solutions to mitigate potential impacts.Provides the basic approaches and practices for the planning and control so that project teams can develop necessary procedures for the implementation.Advises effective approaches to risk analysis and the study of practical mitigation measures for potential impacts.Represents expertise in its responsibility and actively promotes participation in trade and professional affiliations.Develops the effectiveness and potential of organizational groups and individuals through direction, counseling, development, and selection for specific activities.Advises effective approaches to the status / trend analysis, focusing on potential problems and the prediction of consequences.Reviews the project status from time to time and advises considerations necessary for the status analysis and the study of countermeasures in the project control.Reports status summary of the projects and trend analysis of problems concerned to the management as required.In the case where Control Managers and/or Project Management encountered significant adverse impacts in their schedule, serious difficulties in the time management and/or substantial conflicts for problem solutions between clients and other parties, support them to rectify the situations and to find out best countermeasures applying extensive experience and knowledge of the assigned function.Project Controls Department subordinates, roles and responsibilities are as follows:Cost/Reporting:Develop and maintain cost reports – validating and verifying actuals and commitments tie out to spectrum and refreshing data weekly.Project forecasts – provide forecast updates based on project trends, commitments, productivity/performance, and analysis of project cost data.Develop and maintain tools for forecasting project costs for ongoing expenses (tools, consumables, equipment, services, subs, etc.)Provide and maintain current commitment registers and trending data for open PO’s and subcontracts.Raise and highlight issues to project teams through analysis of project costs data and commitments.Lead and Facilitate cost review meetings for review and approval by project management.Provide analysis and reporting to upper management where project forecasts do not support the cost trends they are seeing. This can be on a PF analysis, best/worst/most likely, or other types of scenarios.Gather updates, develop, issue, and maintain accurate weekly and monthly reporting.Change Management:Maintain change order logs and keep current.Facilitate change management review meetings to ensure changes are captured, priced, and submitted timely.Maintain change order template and gather pricing data to develop change order cost.Provide completed change orders for review and submission to client.Administration of change management processProgress Tracking:Perform oversight and administration of progress tracking data, provide audits, and verify integrity of the data.Manage control budgets and monitor unallocated hours against those budgets.Perform or facilitate loading of progress items (by Estimating), progress updates, and maintenance of progress system.Scheduling: Lead the creation and implementation of the integrated schedule structure for process facility projects.Provide a resource loaded (and leveled) project schedule which clearly identifies critical path and float areas.Covered by Progress Tracking Partner with Project Manager to define schedule requirements and confirm lead times for new orders.Maintain integrated schedule during the project life cycle monitoring progress and incorporating management of change modifications to the original scope as necessary.Review the schedules & drive communication to the business management to identify risk areas with mitigation plans to insure on-time-delivery.Perform ongoing schedule analyses, critical path analyses, earned value analyses, manpower analyses, risk analyses reporting, evaluate /recommend schedule improvement opportunities.Prepare/deliver accurate and on-time reporting of benchmarks as defined by the Client.Work with cost management to gain alignment when forecasting schedule completion dates.Maintain positive working relationships with Operations (stakeholders)to ensure a cooperative approach to resolution of scheduling problems.Support the project team to provide clear visibility on status and schedule of projects internally and to customers.Requirements:10 to 15 years’ experience managing large Industrial mechanical/piping/structural or civil construction projects (Minimum 5yrs. Oil & Gas Industry Experience with 3 of these years being in project management)Construction or General Business Degree PreferredContractor License a plusScheduling and Scheduling Management experience, a plusPossess working knowledge of all projects plans, specifications, ownerContract, subcontracts, purchase orders, daily correspondence, drawings, submittals and all other project related documents and maintain a complete and accurate set of as-built drawingsAble to work under pressure and coordinate numerous activities and groups of people who need to cooperate to achieve maximum efficiencySelf-motivated with skills to motivate othersStrong verbal and written communication skillsStrong computer skillsPhysical Requirements:Prolonged periods sitting at a desk and working on a computer.Ability to stand for extended periods of time.Ability to walk the property and laydown yards.Ability to carry up to 50 pounds.
Logistics Technical Assistant Ukraine Odessa
Norwegian Refugee Council, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
This position is open to candidates who have the legal right to work in Ukraine. Please note that we are unable to provide work permits or visa sponsorships for this position.All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organization’s values. To be dedicated, innovative, inclusive and accountable are attitudes and believes that shall guide our actions and relationships.1. Role and responsibilitiesThe Logistics Technical Assistant- Fleet is responsible for specific tasks related to vehicles and transport at the South Area office.Generic responsibilitiesThese responsibilities shall be the same for all positions with the same title. The South Area Offices shall adapt them to the existing organizational chart and the size and complexity of the operations. The responsibilities shall be short and essential. Details belong in the Work- and Professional Development Plan.1. Ensure that vehicles are used and maintained according to Logistics Handbook and other NRC policies2. Plan, schedule and monitor transport of staff and material/equipment according to demands and procedures3. Ensure that all NRC vehicles are in proper operating condition and coordinate vehicle maintenance4. Prepare requisitions for spare parts for vehicles5. Train and develop drivers6. Manage NRC drivers in accordance to NRC logistics guidelines7. Coordinate and facilitate timely reporting of eventualities like accidents and breakdowns8. Secure that NRC vehicles are equipped with necessary documents and equipment9. Filing of all vehicle records and reports10. Other tasks relevant to Logistics.Specific responsibilitiesThese responsibilities shall be adapted to the particularities of the job location and context, phase of operation, strategic focus and type of programme intervention. This section shall be revised whenever a new employee is hired or the context changes significantly. Ensure all NRC drivers adhere to NRC logistics driving procedure Ensure vehicle assets and accessories are up to date. Compile and submit monthly vehicle utilization and carpool reports and submit to Logistics CoordinatorCritical interfacesBy interfaces, NRC means processes and projects that are interlinked with other departments/units or persons. Relevant interfaces for this position are: Finance, HR, Admin, and Programme Team. Logistics in Country Office2. CompetenciesCompetencies are important in order for the employee and the organization to deliver desired results. They are relevant for all staff and are divided into the following two categories:1. Behavioral competencies  Adaptable and coping with change. Planning and delivering results. Working with people & good communication skills. Handling insecure environments.2. Professional competenciesThese are skills, knowledge and experience that are important for effective performance.Generic professional competencies for this position: Experience from working with transport and vehicle management in a humanitarian/recovery context. Previous experience from working in complex and volatile contexts. Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities. Knowledge of English (B1). Team player. This position is open to candidates who have the legal right to work in Ukraine. Please note that we are unable to provide work permits or visa sponsorships for this position.