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Помощник административного директора
ООО, Одесса, Одеська область
ООО "Ирида Сервис" приглашает на постоянную работу помощника административного директора.Требования: средне – специальное образование; отличное знание персонального компьютера и знание офисной техники; исполнительность, ответственность, пунктуальность; способность к обучению.Обязанности: прием и распределение телефонных звонков; обработка корреспонденции; деловая переписка с деловыми партнерами; выполнение личных поручений директора.Мы предлагаем: комфортные условия для труда; дружную, сплоченную команду сотрудников; пятидневный график работы; карьерный рост; высокий уровень заработной платы.Резюме просим не направлять, обращайтесь в телефонном режиме.Тел: 096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗМенеджер, Екатерина Игоревна
Цитрус, Одеса
Ми у Цитрусі завжди говоримо: «Яскраво жити не заборониш»Виглядай — як хочеш, думай — про все на світі, роби — те, що до душі, і працюй — у ЦитрусіУ нас діє лише одне правило: відрізнятись дозволено!Запрошуємо в нашу команду Сервіс менеджера з обробки Б/У товарівЗ нами ти отримаєш:- Оплачувана відпустка та лікарняний- Цікаву роботу в яскравій команді- Можливість впливати на свій дохід: ставка + KPI- Зручний графік роботи 5/2 з 9:00 до 18:00- Можливість працювати з цікавим та унікальним товаром, який можна тестувати- Корпоративні ціни на товар у ЦитрусЗ нами ти будеш:- Проводити первинну діагностику цифрової техніки та складання актів щодо дефектів та поломки за чек-лістом- Загружати фото техніки на сайт сервіса- Проводити замовлення в 1 СПриєднуйся до нас, якщо:- У твоєму серці любов до людей, електроніки і ґаджетів- Ти впевнений користувач смарфонів, планшетів- Ти уважний до деталей та відповідальнийЦитрус. Відрізнятись роботою!Контактний телефон: +380630673695(Телеграм) Ковтун Крістінаhttps://t.me/kovtun_k
Фокстрот, Одеса
Фокстрот понад 25 років є одним із лідерів українського ринку рітейлу побутової техніки та електронікиКількість наших відвідувачів завжди росте, тому ми в пошуках врівноваженого гуманіста на позицію Сервіс-менеджера, який допомагатиме нам забезпечити спокій наших КлієнтівНам не важливо ким Ви працювали раніше, якщо саме Ви будете разом з нами розвивати бізнес, а ми в свою чергу розвиватимемо Вас!Тільки наші люди гарантовано отримують:- Працевлаштування згідно законодавства;- Конкурентну заробітну платню;- Чудову корпоративну культуру та енергійну команду;- Корпоративне навчання;- Знижки на придбання товарів в нашій мережі;- Корпоративні знижки від компаній-партнерів;Що ми плануємо Вам доручити:- Найцінніше, що маємо — це наш КЛІЄНТ!Чим Ви будете займатись:- Приймати від покупців несправні вироби, придбані в магазині;- Організовувати своєчасне транспортування некондиційних виробів з магазину в сервісні центри;- Вести облік сервісного товаруНе чекай!Долучайся зараз до Фоксі bot (переходь за посиланням):Телеграм: https://telegram.me/foxtrotHR_bot?start=workВайбер: https://tinyurl.com/yxy5khucЗалишились питання — телефонуй за номером 0505525686 та приходь на співбесідуТакож запрошуємо кандидатів з військовим та бойовим досвідом роботиНемає цивільного досвіду — звертайся до насТвій шлях до успіху починається зараз у Команді «Фокстрот»
Керуючий салоном краси
Дейзі, Одеса
Салон краси Daisy шукає керівника!Знаходимось в OperaPassage, під знаменитим балкончиком. Салон надає послуги майстрів манікюру, педикюру, бровистів, догляд за волоссям та іншіТакож поруч є наш заклад KVITKOVA Passage, який пригощає всіх клієнтівсалону аперольчиком та смачними стравамиНаш ідеальний кандидат:- Знає все про ідеальний сервіс, етапи його створення та вдосконалення;- Вміє обʼєднувати команду професіоналів спільною метою та цінностями;- Націлений на результат та збільшення прибутків компаніїТвоїми задачами буде:- Організація процесу- Пошук персоналу та їх стажування- Котроль всіх процесів роботи- Робота над оптимізацією роботи салону- Виплата зп- Фінансові звітиМи пропонуємо:- Вільний графік- Можливість розвиватись та професійно зростатиДля звʼязку: 0951229227 — Ілля
Спеціаліст з налаштування техніки, продажу сервісних продуктів
Comfy, Одеса
На цю вакансію заходять обрані #НАМБЕРВАН. Схоже, ти один/одна з них Ми не сумніваємося, що ти:- відмінно налаштовуєш домашні гаджети- умієш чути потреби клієнтів і допомагати їм з вибором/купівлею додаткових сервісів- фанатієш від новинок в електроніці та сервісах- мрієш працювати головою і серцемТому коли прийдеш, на тебе чекатиме:- горде звання «IT-експерт»- підтримка наставника- зручна та цікава система навчання прямо у твоєму смартфоні- прозоре нарахування заробітної плати і всі юридичні переваги «білої» офіційної компанії- чіткі інструменти планування власної кар'єри від стажера до заступника директора магазину з продажу IT-сервісів, та навіть керівника регіону з цього напряму- заряджена команда експертів своєї справи, з якими зростатимеш щодняА ще у нас:- офіційне працевлаштування та дотримання КЗпП- турботливий графік роботи 5/2Вибери, як відгукнутися:- надсилай резюме на цьому сайті- зателефонуй нашому менеджеру — Марія, +380672651718Наразі вакансія відкрита за адресами:- пр-т. Небесної Сотні (Жукова),2 ТЦ Сіті-центр- пр-т Академіка Глушко, 17ГОУ БУТИ #НАМБЕРВАН!
Recruitment Officer
V.Group, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Vacancy NameRecruitment OfficerVacancy NoVN13684Location CountryUkraineWork LocationOdessaWho are V?As a global leader in ship management and marine services, we add value to a vessel’s operations. Operating around the clock and around the world, V. gives every client the quality and efficiency they need in every sector. Covering crew management and recruitment, quality ship management and technical services, together with supporting management and commercial services, V. has an unrivalled industry knowledge with performance assured. Our values, We Care, We Collaborate, We Challenge, We are Consistent, We Commit and Deliver, are at the heart of everything we do and they support our strategy of Investing in Talent. We are always interested in making contact with talented individuals - people who will demonstrate our values and deliver great service, for internal and external stakeholders.Overall Purpose of The JobThe role is responsible for assisting the Operations Department in developing a robust pool of qualified seafarers/crew applicants.j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199();};Key Responsibilities and Tasks• Utilizes the most effective media channels such as social media, newspapers and seminars to reach potential candidates. • Conducts fair and impartial interviews to source suitable candidates. • Delivers first class candidate and internal customer experience at all times.• Responds to applicants’/candidates’ queries via telephone, email and face to face within prescribed timeframe. • Schedules face to face and Skype interviews as necessary based on immediate needs. • Ensures all records are fully updated in recruitment data base and that accurate notes on seafarer profiles are taken. • Provides statistical report of steady supply of applicants recruited. • Minimizes the number of candidates rejected on 2nd interview, by ensuring candidates meet criteria. • Markets the organization to prospective seafarer/crew applicant. • Maintains a steady supply of candidates for possible deployment within the group. • Performs other related duties that may be assigned from time to time. j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199();};What can I expect in return?V. Group can offer you a market leading salary and benefits package, in addition to significant opportunities for career growth and personal development. This a great opportunity to join a true leader in the maritime sector - a company that has exciting plans for future growth.Essential• Possesses a Bachelor’s degree • Previous experience of in-house recruitment • Significant direct sourcing and networking experience • Strong experience of assessing and selecting the best possible talent • Strong experience with Microsoft Packages (Word, Excel, Power Point)• Work with a strong sense of urgency; with the ability to switch priorities quickly where required • Required English language knowledge appropriate to the rank j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199();};Desirable• Preferably with at least three years’ experience in manning industry as Recruitment Officer / On-board experience as Manager in relevant industry.j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199();};Additional Informationj_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199();};
Content Manager (Remote)
RISK, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description We are looking for a Content Manager to join our team. Your main responsibilities will be: Responsibilities: Analysis and research of competitors' content; Use ChatGPT system to produce approximately SEO-engaging articles; Generating images for articles using chatGPT; Checking texts for uniqueness, checking created content using AI detection services; Creating prompts for a mass content generation; Uploading the created content to the WordPress admin panel, using HTML tags; Ordering content from contractors according to the terms of reference from SEO specialists. Control over the deadlines of tasks on the contractor's side; Proofreading and spell-checking, compliance with SEO requirements in the finished text content. Setting tasks to pay for the work of contractors; Qualifications At least 1 year of experience as a content manager, content marketer, or in a position related to writing SEO texts; Extensive practical experience in working with Chat GPT or Gemini for text generation in various languages. Understanding of what constitutes high-quality content from Google’s perspective and the ability to generate quality text through Chat GPT on any topic. Proficiency in HTML, knowledge of page layout organization and basic HTML tags, and the ability to apply them. Experience working with Gambling topics, with an understanding of how the gambling vertical operates. English proficiency at B1 level. Understanding of basic SEO principles Experience working with WordPress websites Possession of personal Chat GPT Prompts is a plus Additional Information We offer:  Global Flexibility: Embrace the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, with remote work options that let you craft the perfect work-life balance. Vacation: 20 working days. Paid sick leave Learning Coverage  Team Building programs Mental Health Programs Sport coverage Medical insurance, dental coverage
Recruitment Assistant
V.Group, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Vacancy NameRecruitment AssistantVacancy NoVN13453Location CountryUkraineWork LocationOdessaWho are V?As a global leader in ship management and marine services, we add value to a vessel’s operations. Operating around the clock and around the world, V. gives every client the quality and efficiency they need in every sector. Covering crew management and recruitment, quality ship management and technical services, together with supporting management and commercial services, V. has an unrivalled industry knowledge with performance assured. Our values, We Care, We Collaborate, We Challenge, We are Consistent, We Commit and Deliver, are at the heart of everything we do and they support our strategy of Investing in Talent. We are always interested in making contact with talented individuals - people who will demonstrate our values and deliver great service, for internal and external stakeholders.Overall Purpose of The JobTo provide administrative support to the team, helping to achieve the team’s objectives of continuously hiring above and beyond departmental targets.j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199();};Key Responsibilities and TasksCompletes and delivers the C601a Form to the correct crew manager upon an offer being sent to a candidate, within 48 hours of offer being sent. Provides all training to office colleagues learning the system. Manages the exit interview process by advising the recruitment team of the monthly crew to be contacted, chasing when necessary and completing the monthly report in a timely manner. Sends report to senior recruitment Manager as scheduled every month. Advertises vacancies on social media and company websites, adhering to all brand standards set by V.Group. Manages the collection of all Chef Qualifications for new hires and submit as weekly report to manager. Sources candidates as requested by the team. Provides a weekly report of advertising. Maintains the Recruitment System and serves as key point person for queries related to the Recruitment System. Performs any other reasonable duties requested by a member of the team • Timely completion of assigned deliverables • Efficient and effective collaboration with stakeholders Timely and accurate reporting j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199();};What can I expect in return?V. Group can offer you a market leading salary and benefits package, in addition to significant opportunities for career growth and personal development. This a great opportunity to join a true leader in the maritime sector - a company that has exciting plans for future growth.Essential• Excellent Interpersonal skills • Attention to Detail • Team Player • Strong Organisational Skills • Ability to work alone • Effective verbal and written communication skills. • Honest and Trustworthy • Required English language knowledge appropriate to the rank j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199();};Desirable• Time Management Skills • Ability to work under pressure • Ability to problem solve • Demonstrate strong work ethics • Be adaptable to change • Previous customer service experience • Previous IT work experience • Multi-Lingual j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199();};Additional Informationj_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199();};
Program Director
Texas Tech University, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Major/Essential FunctionsThe Program Director for the Psychology Unit is responsible for the overall leadership, management, and administration of the psychology programs and services within the TTUHSC Permian Basin. This role involves strategic planning, program development, and ensuring the delivery of high-quality psychological services. The Program Director will work closely with multidisciplinary teams to meet the mental health needs of clients and ensure the unit operates efficiently and effectively. Provide strategic direction and leadership for the psychology unit, aligning programs with organizational goals and industry best practices. Develop and implement policies, procedures, and protocols to ensure the efficient operation of the unit. Design, implement, and evaluate psychological programs and services to meet the needs of clients and the community. Advocate for client needs within the organization and in the broader community. Represent the psychology unit in meetings, committees, and community events. Develop and maintain partnerships that support the goals and mission of the psychology unit. Preferred QualificationsDoctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) in Psychology from an accredited institution.Minimum of 5 years of clinical experience in a mental health setting, with at least 2 years in a leadership or supervisory role.Pay StatementCompensation is commensurate upon the qualifications of the individual selected and budgetary guidelines of the hiring department, as well as the institutional pay plan. For additional information, please reference the .Required QualificationsBachelor's degree in the area of specialization or closely related field. Four years of related administrative and technical experience. Additional job-related education may be substituted for the required experience on a year-for-year basis. Jeanne Clery ActThe Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. By October 1 of each year, institutions must publish and distribute their Annual Campus Security Policy & Crime Statistics Report (ASR) to current and prospective students and employees. To view this report, visit the .
Amazon Marketing Content Manager
ScaleJet, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
We are looking for a candidate for the Amazon Content Manager role, to take ownership of the UGT BRANDS e-commerce products content creation and development. If you have experience working with Amazon PL FBA, have a deep understanding of Amazon marketing, love finding creative solutions for marketing issues and you are a result-oriented individual, who loves to get things done - we would love to hear from you! About us: We started our journey in 2016 as an e-commerce company selling direct-to-consumer products in the USA and Canada. We currently own a couple of best-selling cosmetic brands on Amazon and have a lot of room to grow and expand. We are a fully remote company and we have a self-starter culture with no hand-holding and an amazing team that is supportive, values open conversation but values independent thinkers able to figure things out. Position overview: This position is responsible for creating new product content and improving our current product listings conversion rate. This includes working with all available Amazon visual content aspects and instruments. all aspects of the business, managing day to day operations, assortment, pricing, promotions, advertising and account reconciliation. This is done in collaboration and coordination with internal and external relationships and operations across marketing, finance, logistics, customer service and IT. Responsibilities: Managing full scope of tasks related to Amazon visual content and listing products on Amazon Develop strategies on copy and visual content to increase conversion. Coordinating creation of SEO texts for products using Amazon SEO tools for keywords (Helium 10, Datadive etc.) Managing competitors listing analysis, design and execute tests, collect and analyze data, identify trends and insights Coordinating creating new product listings (both text and graphic) - creating briefs and coordinating subcontractors tasks Maintaining and improving existing products content on Amazon (both text and graphic) Coordinating videos creating Developing Amazon brand stores and brand content Monitoring, analysing, A/B testing listing/content performance and forming conclusions based on key performance indicators and taking appropriate action when course correction is required. About You: Experience of work with Amazon PL in a marketing/sales related role (understanding the principles and features of work) Advanced English language proficiency Experience with SEO texts, SEO text optimization, Helium 10 or similar Excellent organizational and time management skills Self-motivated with the ability to take ownership of deliverables and outcomes Strong analytical and project-management skills Understanding of the principles of the content manager position, experience working with creative teams We offer: Competitive salary rate in USD Flexible remote work in an experienced and authentic team Company with international flair Startup environment with flat hierarchies Trainings and support
CPS Family Based Safety Services Worker
Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description: OVERVIEWAfter a family has been investigated, a Family Based Safety Services (FBSS) worker helps them make changes to protect their children from abuse and neglect and keep them safe at home. This involves providing services offered by the agency, the family's community, and their extended families. Newly hired employees holding a Master's Degree in Social Worker may qualify for an increase at the point of hire. A Child Protective Services Family Based Safety Services Worker- . WHY WORK FOR DFPS?The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting the unprotected — children, elderly, and people with disabilities — from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. DFPS accomplishes this responsibility by employing over 12, workers who live up to the agency's Mission, Vision, & Values in service to the citizens of Texas. DFPS is not only a qualifying organization for the Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives the remaining balance on college student Direct Loans after making qualifying monthly payments, but also offers excellent health benefits, special discounts on many products and services through the Discount Purchase Program, a lifetime monthly retirement annuity as well as Texa$aver (k) and Programs under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. An additional benefit you will receive is 12 days of paid annual leave, 12 sick days, and the potential to earn up to four days of administrative leave each year. Your annual paid leave accrual increases as your tenure increases. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE: To explore more of what CPS Family Based Safety Services Workers do, click here. To view a realistic online video about Child Protective Services workers and clients, please click here. You will also have access to a self-assessment that will help you determine if this type of work is something that is a good fit for you. Essential Job Functions: •Responds quickly in crisis situations. •Provides time limited in-home services to meet the specific needs of families by identifying insufficient protective capacities, developing treatment plans, and using appropriate and necessary resources to minimize risk and provide for safety of the child; and maintains contact with parents and children to achieve treatment goals.•Assesses child safety and takes the necessary actions to protect the child as appropriate. This could include removing a child from their family.•Interacts objectively with “caretakers” who have abused and/or neglected children in their care. •Discusses issues with families related, but not limited to income, money management, and personal relationships that they will probably consider personal and private. •Encounters family members who are angry and/or scared.•Helps identify resources and community support available to the family.•Assists parents to recognize behaviors that lead to child abuse and/or neglect and empower parents to identify ways to make the necessary behavioral changes. •Determines action to be taken to remove or to reduce an immediate threat to the safety of a child to include working with families to identify family members who can assist with keeping the child safe, testifying in court to seek emergency protective services, placing children in substitute care, referring family for immediate crisis intervention therapy or other community resources. •Gather family and kinship information to support the child in a placement, should the child be placed in DFPS custody. •Documents all relevant and appropriate information gathered during the investigation and completing all required forms accurately and in a timely manner.•Works flexible work hours beyond 8a.m.-5p.m., Monday - Friday. •Maintains a balance of objectivity and empathic understanding when engaging families living in stressful and crisis situations. •Develops and maintains effective working relationships with law enforcement officials, judicial officials, legal resources, medical professionals, and other community resources. •Attends and participates in trainings, meetings and staffings. •Performs other duties as assigned and required to maintain unit operations. •Promotes and demonstrates appropriate respect for cultural diversity and competency among coworkers and all work-related contacts. •Attends work regularly in accordance with agency leave policy. Knowledge Skills Abilities: •Knowledge of child development•Knowledge of family dynamics•Skill in effective verbal and written communication.•Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships. •Skill in problem solving techniques•Ability to operate a personal computer. •Ability to travel and attend child and family visits as well as other work-related appointments and meetings after 5pm.•Ability to be on call on a rotating basis and work irregular hours.•Ability to work in an emotion-filled environment and which may require conducting home visits in isolated or high crime areas and may involve exposure to substandard and unsanitary living conditions.
Workforce Scheduler
Aggreko, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
At Aggreko, we provide energy solutions so communities can thrive, and businesses can grow. We bring power, heat and cooling to customers and communities wherever they need it. We are hiring immediately a Workforce Scheduler - a role that will help us to power progress for our customers. Why Aggreko? Here are some of the benefits and rewards.Competitive compensation packageAnnual bonus program tied to company and individual performanceNo cost medical plan option available Company provided Life Insurance, Short-Term and Long-Term DisabilityPaid training programsCareer growth opportunities and tuition reimbursement Safety-focused culture What you will do: Based out of Odessa, TX, or Chicago, IL you will schedule and manage technician shop and field activities, including commissioning, decommissioning, breakdowns, preventative maintenance, and service center maintenanceDevelop technician schedules in consultation with the Service Center Manager and Team LeadUse systems and technologies to plan, coordinate, and dispatch technicians efficiently based on work type, location, skill set, and job status.Optimize technician resources to meet business priorities and achieve set KPIs for productivityIdentify opportunities for additional charges based on services provided and liaise with customer service and sales to agree on cost variations and charges.Ensure adherence to customer-specific safety requirements, including inductions and certifications, when dispatching techniciansWe are experts, which means you will have the following skills and experience:Associate degree or higher in related field and/or relevant experience, specialized diploma, or vocational trainingExperience in the definition of labor requirements, including skills sets required and quantification of time for all workshop related activitiesAbility to prioritize and respond with the appropriate sense of urgencyExperience in operations or the rental industryExcellent ability to operate under minimal supervision Power user of Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Work, Teams, and other software programsWe recruit the best talent. Apply now and help us keep the power on. #LI-HT1About AggrekoWe welcome people from different backgrounds and cultures, and respect people’s unique skills, attitudes and experiences. We encourage everyone to be themselves at work because we know that’s how we do our best, for each other, for our customers, for the communities where we work, and for our careers.Equal Opportunity Employer, including disability and veterans.
Project Manager - Field Services
SII Saulsbury Industries, Inc, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Take your next step with Saulsbury Industries!Location: Odessa Texas / Houston TexasType: Full timeGeneral Information/Job SummaryPlan, organize, direct, and control the execution of assigned construction projects to meet the Company’s cost, quality, equipment and material resource usage, and safety objectives.This position will be in Odessa Texas and/or Houston Texas.Responsibilities/CompetenciesAssume overall responsibility for a profitable, well-constructed, safe project, completed in a timely manner.Review project proposal and pertinent documents with project team and Director of Field Services.Determine the most cost-effective construction methods and use of personnel, material, equipment and subcontractors.Review and approve subcontractor selections and invoicing.Coordinate construction activities with the owner, subcontractors and Company personnel.Promote, enforce and establish safety as a priority as part of the Company’s management philosophy.Manage project staff, including assigned support staff, superintendents, project general foreman, and assistants.Ensure that management is accurately and fully informed of project costs as compared to budgets through weekly labor and monthly budget reports.Coordinate and provide direction for the budget estimating, purchasing, engineering, accounting, cost, and construction functions as they relate to the completion of the project.Initiate, establish and maintain working relationships with owners, engineers, suppliers, and subcontractors to facilitate construction activities.Organize, conduct, and represent the company at project coordination meetings at regular agreed upon intervals.Review and approve subcontractors, vendor payment applications and miscellaneous invoices.Negotiate, prepare, issue and execute change orders (proposals) to owners, design team, subcontractors and others, and prepare revisions to original budget as a result of changes and revisions to work.Ensure timely and accurate billings and accounts receivable.Ensure timely project completion through project scheduling, expediting of material deliveries and the management of material and document submittals/approvals.Lead and participate in regularly scheduled project staff meetings.Manage Closeout process.Enforce and adhere to all Policies and Processes as it relates to this position.Actively participates in internal team(s) that focus on continuous improvement of the business.Requirements 5 years’ experience managing large Industrial mechanical/piping and Pipeline projects as Project Manager or above this classification. Engineering or Construction related Degree Preferred.Estimating experience, a plus.Possess working knowledge of all projects plans, specifications, Owner. Contract, subcontracts, purchase orders, daily correspondence, drawings, submittals, and all other project related documents and maintain a complete and accurate set of as-built drawings.Able to work under pressure and coordinate activities with groups of people. who need to cooperate to achieve maximum efficiency.Self-motivated with skills to motivate others.Strong verbal and written communication skills.Strong computer skills.Pipeline experience is a must. Physical RequirementsProlonged periods sitting at a desk and working on a computer.Ability to stand for extended periods of time.Ability to walk the property and laydown yards.Ability to carry up to 50 pounds.
APS Investigator Specialist
Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description: protect themselves. An APS Investigator Specialist has a very challenging job that can be stressful at times –but there are few occupations that offer more opportunities to learn new things about families, your community and yourself.An Adult Protective Services Investigator Specialist- . Newly hired employees holding a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Social Work also qualify for an automatic starting salary increase of 3.4% or 6.8%, respectively. WHY WORK FOR DFPS?The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting the unprotected — children, elderly, and people with disabilities — from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. DFPS accomplishes this responsibility by employing over 12, workers who live up to the agency's Mission, Vision, & Values in service to the citizens of Texas. DFPS is not only a qualifying organization for the Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives the remaining balance on college student Direct Loans after making qualifying monthly payments, but also offers excellent health benefits, special discounts on many products and services through the Discount Purchase Program, a lifetime monthly retirement annuity as well as Texa$aver (k) and Programs under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. An additional benefit you will receive is 12 days of paid annual leave, 12 sick days, and the potential to earn up to four days of administrative leave each year. Your annual paid leave accrual increases as your tenure increases. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE AS:To explore more of what Adult Protective Services Investigators do, click here. To view a realistic online video about Adult Protective Services Investigations workers and clients, please clickhere. You will also have access to a self-assessment that will help you determine if this type of work is something that is a good fit for you. Essential Job Functions: Essential Job Functions:•Investigates reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of elderly or disabled adults to assess the urgency of the problem by interviewing clients, family members and other to gather social, functional, physical and mental- emotional information for evaluation.•Provides services after normal working hours and on weekends to maintain 24 hour coverage, including receiving reports of alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation.•Determines temporary or long-term action to be taken to remove or lessen an immediate threat to the life or health of an adult protective services client to include counseling clients and caregivers, providing information and referral services, testifying in court to seek emergency protective services, finding alternate housing when necessary, and providing on-going services. •Develops individualized service plans to meet the needs of the adult protective services client and maintains detailed documentation on each case.•Makes presentations and participates in community awareness and related activities to inform the public about the program.•Prepares routine, statistical, and special reports for management.•Serves in lead capacity in absence of supervisor.•Performs other duties as assigned and required to maintain unit operations.•Promotes and demonstrates appropriate respect for cultural diversity among coworkers and all work-related contacts.•Attends work regularly in accordance with agency leave policy. Knowledge Skills Abilities: •Knowledge of agency policies, procedures, and standards.•Knowledge of Texas laws relating to adult protective services.•Knowledge of gerontology and the dynamics of the aging process.•Knowledge of special problems of the aged and disabled.•Knowledge of crisis intervention techniques and skills.•Knowledge of differing cultures/ethnic groups and values.•Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships.•Skill in effective verbal and written communication.•Ability to work effectively with difficult abuse/neglect complaints.•Ability to empathize and provide encouragement to disabled adults and the elderly and to help them meet particular needs and alleviate problems.•Ability to operate a personal computer and various software packages.•Ability to operate standard office equipment including fax and copy machines.•Ability to make home visits in isolated or high crime areas that may involve exposure to substandard and unsanitary living conditions.•Ability to be on call in order to receive reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.•Ability to work with violent and dangerous individuals.
Менеджер з продажів електроенергії та природного газу (B2B)
DTEK, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
YASNO is a brand under which a group of companies operates in the supply of electricity, gas, energy efficiency solutions and electric vehicles. We provide services for million Ukrainian families and 80,000 legal clients. Three companies of the YASNO brand three times topped the rating of electricity suppliers of Ukraine compiled by the analytical center DiXi Group as part of the USAID project.Electricity and natural gas sales manager (B2B)You are our candidate if you have:You have successful experience in regional sales in the B2B segment of 2 years or more;You have experience of going out and conducting negotiations with business owners;You have the skills to work with the sales funnel;Is a confident PC user: MS Office;You have an active life position, you are communicative, you know how to work in a teamIt will be an advantage:Experience in sales of electricity and natural gas supply servicesAvailability of own client baseExperience in CRM and automated systemsTogether with you, we will solve the following problems:Active B2B sales of electricity and natural gas supply services to new and existing customersDeal management from negotiations to conclusion of contractsFormation, maintenance and analysis of the sales funnelWaiting for you:A team of professionals;Interesting projects;Professional development;Opportunities for career growth;Monthly bonus;And of course: official employment, a full social package, competitive pay, health insurance
Divisional Quality Control Manager
SII Saulsbury Industries, Inc, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Take your next step with Saulsbury Industries!Location: Odessa, TXType: Full timeGeneral Information/Job SummaryManage the Quality Assurance / Quality Control Program reporting to the Director of Quality to include project quality organization, establishment, and implementation of a quality program.Responsibilities/CompetenciesEffectively interprets quality requirements and provides technical guidance for inspection, testing and quality service activities.Supervises Quality Personnel who perform audit, inspection, surveillance, and/or testing activities in accordance with the project quality program.Coordinates with Third Party Testing agencies for qualifying procedures, welder certifications and maintaining documentation.Staff the projects quality organization with qualified personnel.Provides training to the site personnel regarding the implementation of the construction and quality control programs.Support project site(s) with Technical and staffing questions and issues.Responsible for the NDE budgeting and schedules.Work with AI (Authorized Inspector) for all local, state, and federal required code work, as required by law.Complete all necessary quality and code-related reports and documentation.Establish and maintain progress tracking methods for status of QC turnover packages on project.Functions as an internal auditor / lead auditor.Evaluates inspector / technician performance and conducts training.Monitor and inform of new technological advancements and NDE testing methods.Work with local technical trade schools in developing students for the work force of tomorrow, welding, and industrial.Work with our Engineering group in developing welding processes and procedures for compliance with applicable code requirements.Technical evaluation of new welding options for improved quality and productivity.RequirementsAWS - Certified Welding Inspector certification previous or current, proof required.Midstream, Petrochemical, Energy Industry EPC experience is required.Fabrication experience preferred.Positive teamwork and professional attitudeQualification in Quality Assurance / Quality Control mechanical or equivalent to include a minimum of five (5) years previous experience in a similar role in the Heavy Industrial Oil and Gas industry.Ability to schedule multiple activities.Knowledge and use of computers and software packages.Excellent verbal and written communication skills.Interpersonal skills at an elevated level.Ability to lead, manage and participate in project teams.Initiative and creative problem-solving skills.High level of commitment to project industrial safety.Ability to work in remote locations as required.Support goal of Quality, Safety and Productivity working together harmoniously.Support Teamwork concept with operations group with QAQC training at supervisor level.Support open and constructive communications between operations and QAQC group with routine meetings between the groups to focus on areas of improvement and total alignment.The ability to work as a team player within a dynamic and continuously changing work environment.Ability to review and implement practices to assure full compliance with client specifications.Working knowledge of ASME, ANSI, ACI, AWS, ASTM Codes and standards.The ability to work as a team player within a dynamic and continuously changing work environment.Physical RequirementsProlonged periods sitting at a desk and working on a computer.Ability to stand for extended periods of time.Ability to walk the property and laydown yards.Ability to carry up to 50 pounds.
Робота: Кур'єр, кур'єрка на електроскутер компанії
Ми — мережа ресторанів і доставки «Япошка». Ми віримо у те, що досягти справжнього успіху можна лише у справі, яку ти любиш. Тож щоб разом досягати великих результатів, шукаємо у нашу команду захоплених своєю роботою КУР'ЄРА ТА КУР'ЄРОК НА НАШ ЕЛЕКТРОСКУТЕР.Чому робота у нас буде тобі до смаку:Ти займатимешся улюбленою справою, а ми надамо тобі можливість добре заробляти, вчасно платитимемо і потурбуємось про комфорт на робочому місці.Ти створюватимеш класний сервіс — робитимеш щасливими клієнтів і будеш пишатися своєю роботою.Ти приєднаєшся до крутої команди, де завжди отримаєш допомогу та підтримку колег та матимеш лояльне ставлення керівника.Ти зростатимеш фінансово, якщо докладатимеш зусилля і прагнутимеш більшого.Ідеально, якщо ти :Добре знаєш місто;Знаєш ПДР.Що ми тобі пропонуємо:стабільна виплата ЗП: 23 грн/год + 45 грн/замовлення +щомісячний бонус;графік роботи: 5/2, 4/3 вихідні плаваючі;оплачувану відпустку;жодних штрафів.Наші додаткові «смаколики»:в перший ознайомчий день — даруємо промокод на 200 грн, щоб ти зміг пізнати нас краще;безкоштовний комплексний обід;комфортну кур'єрську кімнату з диванами, кава-машиною, мікрохвильовкою і місцем, щоб поїсти;fish-набори;корпоративні знижки на ресторани та доставку;знижки 10% у центрах «ОНКлінік»;подарунки на свята та особисті події.Твої функціональні обов’язки:ювелірно та в зазначений час доставляти замовлення.Відправляй резюме або телефонуй за номером: 06******09 Катерина:)Якщо ти шукаєш роботу з найкращими умовами, то ця РОБОТА БУДЕ ТОБІ ДО СМАКУ!
Робота: Кур'єр, кур'єрка зі своїм мото/скутером
Ми — мережа ресторанів і доставки «Япошка». Ми віримо у те, що досягти справжнього успіху можна лише у справі, яку ти любиш. Тож щоб разом досягати великих результатів, шукаємо у нашу команду захоплених своєю роботою КУР'ЄРІВ ТА КУР'ЄРОК ЗІ СВОЇМ МОТО/СКУТЕРОМ.Чому робота у нас буде тобі до смаку:Ти займатимешся улюбленою справою, а ми надамо тобі можливість добре заробляти, вчасно платитимемо і потурбуємось про комфорт на робочому місці.Ти створюватимеш класний сервіс — робитимеш щасливими клієнтів і будеш пишатися своєю роботою.Ти приєднаєшся до крутої команди, де завжди отримаєш допомогу та підтримку колег та матимеш лояльне ставлення керівника.Ти зростатимеш фінансово, якщо докладатимеш зусилля і прагнутимеш більшого.Ідеально, якщо ти :Добре знаєш місто;Маєш досвід водіння скутера;Знаєш ПДР;Дбаєш про свою безпеку та їздиш з шоломом.Що ми тобі пропонуємо:стабільна виплата ЗП: ставка 28 грн/год + 45 грн/замовлення+ амортизація + щомісячний бонус ;щоденная компенсація палива: 3,5 л бензину на 100 км;графік роботи: 5/2 або гнучкий ;оплачувану відпустку;жодних штрафів.Наші додаткові «смаколики»:в перший ознайомлюючий день — даруємо промокод на 200 грн, щоб ти зміг пізнати нас краще;безкоштовний комплексний обід;комфортну кур'єрську кімнату з диванами, кава-машиною, мікрохвильовкою і місцем, щоб поїсти;fish-набори;корпоративні знижки на ресторани та доставку;знижку 10% в медичних центрах «ОН Клінік»;нагородження кращих співробітників щомісяця;подарунки на свята та особисті події.Твої функціональні обов’язки:ювелірно та в зазначений час доставляти замовлення.Відправляй резюме або дзвони за номером: +38********09 АльонаЯкщо ти шукаєш роботу з найкращими умовами, то ця РОБОТА БУДЕ ТОБІ ДО СМАКУ!
Керівник сервісного центру
Цитрус, Одеса
Ми у Цитрусі завжди говоримо: «Яскраво жити не заборониш»Виглядай — як хочеш, думай — про все на світі, роби — те, що до душі, і працюй — у ЦитрусіУ нас діє лише одне правило: відрізнятись дозволено!Запрошуємо в нашу команду Керівника сервісного центруЗ нами ти отримаєш:- Цікаву та активну роботу в яскравій команді- Можливість впливати на свій дохід: ставка + KPI- Всі умови для професійного і кар'єрного розвитку- Можливість працювати з цікавим та унікальним товаром, який можна тестувати- Корпоративні ціни на товар в Цитрус- Офіційне працевлаштування, оплачувана відпустка та лікарнянийЗ нами ти будеш:- Організовувати роботу сервісного центру;- Організовувати навчання та заходи щодо мотивації та розвитку персоналу;- Контролювати виконання плану продажу;- Контролювати виконання планів та стандартів обслуговування клієнтів- Контролювати виконання плану з ремонту ;- Вести адміністративну роботу (звіти, обліки СЦ, графіки роботи працівників, моніторинг та аналіз діяльності конкурентів);- Контролювати ведення касової дисципліни та інвентаризацій сервісного центру;- Вести комунікацію з офісомПриєднуйся до нас, якщо:- Ти яскрава і активна особистість- Маєш успішний досвід роботи на керівній посаді не менше 1-го року- Досвід роботи в продажах мобільної техніки- У твоєму серці любов до людей, електроніки і ґаджетів- За плечима маєш успішний досвід роботи в сервісному центрі та ведення касової дісципліниЦитрус. Відрізнятись роботою!Контактний телефон: +380630673695(Телеграм) Ковтун Крістіна https://t.me/kovtun_k
Руководитель, администратор студии танцев
Дарлинг, ЧП, Одеса
«Cakes and fly with Caroline» — это новая студия танца, fly-акробатики и различных направлений фитнеса в районе Таирова (Жемчужный квартал)Если Вы обладаете отличными навыками коммуникации, способностью создать успешную команду профессионалов и добрую рабочую атмосферу для слаженной продуктивной работы нашей студии, а также комфортную непринужденную атмосферу для наших посетителей, то мы ждём именно Вас на должность руководителя студии!Мы видим на этой должности энергичную, инициативную, коммуникабельную девушку (женщину) презентабельного внешнего вида с опытом работы в управлении и в данной сфере услуг от 2 лет. Навыки ведения соцсетей обязательныУсловия работы:- График работы обсуждается при собеседовании- Оплата: ставка +% (обсуждается при встрече по результатам собеседования)- Возможность посещения бесплатно тренировок, бонусы и скидки для членов семьи- Честная и стабильная выплата зарплатыОбязанности:- Набрать персонал и обеспечить слаженную успешную работу команды студии- Коммуникация с посетителями, предоставление отличного уровня сервиса, ведение соцсетей- Нацеленность на результат, увеличение прибыли и узнаваемости студии- Разрешение различных конфликтных ситуации, умение разрулить любой вопрос- Контроль всех процессов оказания услуг и получение отзывов от наших посетителей- Финансовая отчетностьБудем рады ответить на все Ваши вопросы и ждём Вас на собеседование0637353166 Николай