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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "DBA в Одеській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "DBA в Одеській області"

10 600 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "DBA в Одеській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії DBA в Одеській області.

Розподіл вакансії "DBA" по областям Одеській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Одеській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії DBA відкрито в Одесі. На другому місці - Ізмаїльський район, а на третьому - Овідіопольський район.

Рейтинг регіонів Одеській області за рівнем зарплатні для професії "DBA"

Як видно з діаграми, в Одеській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії DBA відкрито в Одесі. На другому місці - Ізмаїльський район, а на третьому - Овідіопольський район.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Одеській області

Серед схожих професій в Одеській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається 1C. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 16000 грн. На другому місці - Front-end / JS / TS з зарплатнею 15667 грн, а на третьому - Администратор баз данных з зарплатнею 10800 грн.

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Агентство недвижимости "Лотос", Вся ; Одесская область, Одесса
Агентство недвижимости "Лотос" предлагает работу в самой интересной и высокооплачиваемой сфере деятельности:Отличная работа для активных и коммуникабельных людей...Хорошие условия для успешной деятельности...Обучение для новичков...Экспресс-программа для риэлторов с опытом работы...Опытных - оценим, Новичков - научим, хорошо зарабатывать будут ВСЕ ! Требования:      Личные качества: активность, коммуникабельность, обучаемость, порядочность, ответственность, целеустремленность, видение перспективы, творческий подход к делу.Практические навыки: знание компьютера, умение ориентироваться в городе, оперативность.Приличный внешний вид и стремление к развитию. Обязанности: Мониторинг рынка недвижимости.Организация и проведение показов объектов недвижимости.Ведение переговоров с клиентами. Условия работы: Обучение.Обширная база данных.Юридическая и информационная поддержка.Цивилизованные партнерские отношения.Достойная оплата труда. 
Агентство недвижимости "Лотос", Вся ; Одесская область, Одесса
Агентство недвижимости "Лотос" предлагает работу в самой интересной и высокооплачиваемой сфере деятельности:Отличная работа для активных и коммуникабельных людей...Хорошие условия для успешной деятельности...Обучение для новичков...Экспресс-программа для риэлторов с опытом работы...Опытных - оценим, Новичков - научим, хорошо зарабатывать будут ВСЕ ! Требования:      Личные качества: активность, коммуникабельность, обучаемость, порядочность, ответственность, целеустремленность, видение перспективы, творческий подход к делу.Практические навыки: знание компьютера, умение ориентироваться в городе, оперативность.Приличный внешний вид и стремление к развитию. Обязанности: Мониторинг рынка недвижимости.Организация и проведение показов объектов недвижимости.Ведение переговоров с клиентами. Условия работы: Обучение.Обширная база данных.Юридическая и информационная поддержка.Цивилизованные партнерские отношения.Достойная оплата труда. 
Асистент/ка Адміністрації/Administrative Assistant/ Interpreter - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
TERMS OF REFERENCESDuty Station: EUBAM HQ, Odesa, UkraineClassification: Service Contract (SC)Type of assignment: SC, four months, 1 August 2023 – 30 November 2023Title of Position: Administrative Assistant/ InterpreterOrganizational Unit: Language and Interpretation UnitDirect supervisor: Senior Interpreter/CoordinatorGeneral Functions: Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Senior Interpreter/Coordinator and overall supervision of the Chief of Administration the incumbent assists in smooth operation of the European Union Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) in Ukraine. The Administrative Assistant/Interpreter works in close collaboration with the National Finance Officer, National Administrative/Human Resources Officer and National Procurement and Logistics Officer of the EUBAM Administration for effective achievement of results, anticipating and contributing to resolving complex programme/project-related issues and information delivery. The incumbent is expected to exercise full compliance with IOM programming, financial, procurement and administrative rules, regulations, policies, and strategies, as well as implementation of the effective internal control systems.Specific Functions:Assure smooth operational running of the project by means of following IOM and EU established operational rules and procedures; Contribute to the project annual and quarter work-plans preparation and reporting; Assure that the progress reporting is done in timely and quality manner based on the requirements of the IOM, project donors and Mission management; Provide oral and written simultaneous and consecutive translations from English into Ukrainian or Russian and vice versa as required by the project; Proofread and/or edit the project’s correspondence and other official documents; Prepare Mission and project related correspondence; participate in data collection, analysis and maintenance of projects related files; Facilitate project related training/learning activities; provide logistical support (travel arrangements, including visas, tickets, etc.) to the EUBAM experts; Participate in project activities preparation, implementation and follow up; Facilitate project audit, monitoring, evaluation, field visits, missions of the experts; Maintain contacts with governmental and non-governmental institutions, local authorities, NGOs, academia, etc. Readily accept temporary assignments involving travelling to other EUBAM Offices or Units within the country of deployment on demand; Ensure due care of premises, equipment, vehicles (including their spare parts, consumables, keys etc.), supplies and other property that is entrusted to him/her; Perform such other duties as may be assigned.Recruitment Qualifications:Advanced university degree in foreign languages, linguistics, philology, or other related fields; At least 5 years of progressive experience, preferably in international environment; Fluency in both oral and written English, Ukrainian, and Russian languages is a must; Proven experience in simultaneous translation is an asset; Experience with technical assistance projects is an asset; Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.) and advance knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling web-based management systems; Physical aptness and willingness to travel and accept temporary assignments in other EUBAM Offices or Units within the country of deployment.NOTES:Appointment is subject to budget availability and funding confirmation.Email your IOM Personal History form (http://eubam.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Personal-History-Form.xls) and cover letter in English to the following email address [email protected], indicate the position you are applying for in the subject line of your message.Closing date for applications is 30 June 2023; however, interested candidates are strongly encouraged to apply sooner.Only pre-selected candidates will be contacted for the interview.
Менеджер по персоналу
ООО, Одесса, Одеська область
ООО "Ирида Сервис" приглашает на работу менеджера по персоналу.Требования: средне – техническое образование; опыт работы не менее двух лет; знание методик управления персоналом будет существенным преимуществом; знание персонального компьютера на уровне уверенного пользователя; умение работать в коллективе.Обязанности: размещение объявлений о вакансии, анализ резюме, планирование, организация и проведение собеседований; ведение базы данных кандидатов; проведение консультаций для новых сотрудников.Условия труда: график работы – пятидневный; оптимальные условия труда; высокая оплата труда; предоставляется личный кабинет; карьерный рост.Резюме просим не направлять, обращайтесь в телефонном режиме.Тел:096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗМенеджер, Екатерина Игоревна
Упаковщик на склад
Осмос, Одесса, Одеська область
В крупную компанию требуется упаковщик комплектующих.Требования: нормальное состояние здоровья физическая форма; без вредных привычек; внимательность и умение работать в команде; желание работать и зарабатывать; опыт работы на складе – желателен, но не обязателен.Обязанности: сортировка; разгрузка и погрузка товаров; внесение и регистрация товаров в базе данных.Условия работы: дружный коллектив; отапливаемый склад; пятидневный график работы; достойная оплата труда.По работе и всем вопросам звоните: 0бб 01 З7 5Зб или 09б 9З 7З 52б (Татьяна Ивановна)
Администратор отдела автоцентра
Автоцентр АТЛАНТ, Одесса, Одеська область
Официальный дилер ведущих брендов легковых автомобилей в Украине (автосалон), объявляет конкурс на замещение вакантной должности Администратор отдела автоцентраТребования:- уверенный пользователь ПК, хорошее владение пакетом программ MS Office;- высшее образование;- умение тактично вежливо общаться с клиентами;- ориентированность в нестандартных ситуациях;- коммуникабельность, умения работать в команде, аккуратность, аналитические способности.Обязанности:- представление интересов компании перед клиентами;- обработка заказов в базе данных предприятия;- административно-хозяйственная деятельность;- контроль работы рабочего персонала.Условия сотрудничества:- обучение + оплачиваемая стажировка;- достойная и стабильная заработная плата;- пятидневка с 10.00 — 19.00;- официальное трудоустройство либо работа по трудовому договору;- возможность профессионального и карьерного роста.В атмосфере коллектива царит взаимоуважение и взаимопомощь. Приглашаем присоединиться в нашу команду!Если вас заинтересовала эта вакансия, обращайтесь для записи на собеседование Пн-Пт 9-18Тел.: 096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗС почтой не работаем.Кравец Татьяна Анатольевна
Офис-менеджер в автосалон
Автоцентр АТЛАНТ, Одесса, Одеська область
Официальный дилер ведущих брендов легковых автомобилей в Украине (автосалон), приглашает на должность Офис-менеджер (с функциями Оператора ПК)Требования:- уверенный пользователь ПК, хорошее владение пакетом программ MS Office;- высшее образование;- грамотность речи;- коммуникабельность, умения работать в команде, аккуратность, аналитические способности.Обязанности:- обработка заказов в базе данных предприятия;- ведение внутренней документации;- участие в конференциях и презентациях (подготовка материала);- помощь директору в организации трудового дня.Условия сотрудничества:- обучение + оплачиваемая стажировка;- достойная и стабильная заработная плата;- пятидневка, Сб, Вс -выходной;- официальное трудоустройство либо работа по трудовому договору;- возможность профессионального и карьерного роста.В атмосфере коллектива царит взаимоуважение и взаимопомощь. Приглашаем присоединиться в нашу команду!Если вас заинтересовала эта вакансия, обращайтесь для записи на собеседование Пн-Пт 9-18Тел.: 096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗС почтой не работаем.Кравец Татьяна Анатольевна
Оператор на прием входящих заявок
ЗАО Акватория Плюс, Одесса, Одеська область
Срочно требуется сотрудник в офис на прием входящих заявок.Основные требования:опыт работы желателен, но не обязателен.грамотная речь, коммуникабельность;опыт работы с персональным компьютером.Обязанности:прием входящих звонков;регистрация клиентов в базе данных компании.Условия труда:посменный график работы (Возможна частичная занятость);дружный коллектив;ЗП – от 12500 грн.Обращайтесь уже сейчас! Вакансия срочная!096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗКонтактное лицо – Светлана Борисовна
Senior .Net Software Engineer (AWS, Angular)
Epam, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Description We are looking for a Senior .Net Software Engineer (AWS, Angular) to make the team even stronger.The project aims to enhance the efficiency of the product toolset by moving it to AWS cloud and modernizing the application. The focus is stabilizing the system and improving its performance by optimizing its current architecture.#LI-IRINABENKO Responsibilities Collaborate with the team to develop and maintain .NET applications Design, develop, and troubleshoot applications and services hosted on AWS cloud platform Ensure code quality, reliability, and scalability of the application Implement code changes and enhancements in accordance with the project requirements Participate in technical discussions and decisions about technology, infrastructure, and application architecture Requirements Hands-on experience on .NET Framework /.NET Core including ASP.NET Hands-on experience on AWS SDK for .NET for S3, Secrets Manager, Parameter Store, Serilog with Cloudwatch, Redis and other relevant AWS offerings as per the app design Hands-on experience on docker and container orchestration platform(EKS or open source Kubernetes) Hands-on experience in Unit Testing using XUnit / Nunit Hands-on experience in troubleshooting and debugging Senior SQL Developer with experience in Postgresql and MS SQL Server, with necessary Database Performance Tuning Hands-on Experience. Experience on database administration skills are desirable Exposure to Database Fundamentals SQL Server / PostgreSQL and ORM like EF6 / EFCore / Dapper Exposure to Microsoft Windows Server and associated technologies including Windows Services, IIS etc Upper-intermediate or higher English level, both spoken and written (B2+) We Offer Competitive compensation depending on experience and skills The individual career path Social package - medical insurance, sports Compensation for sick lists and regular vacations English classes with certified English teachers Unlimited access to LinkedIn learning solutions Flexible work hours About EPAM EPAM is a leading global provider of digital platform engineering and development services. We are committed to positively impacting our customers, our employees, and our communities. We embrace a dynamic and inclusive culture. Here you will collaborate with multi-national teams, contribute to a myriad of innovative projects that deliver the most creative and cutting-edge solutions, and have an opportunity to learn and grow continuously. You will join a dedicated, creative, and diverse community that will help you discover your fullest potential. EPAM is committed to providing our global team of 61,+ EPAMers with inspiring careers. EPAMers lead with passion and honesty and think creatively. Our people are the source of our success, and we value collaboration, try always to understand our customers' business, and strive for the highest standards of excellence
Development Associate
Texas Tech University, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Major/Essential FunctionsThe Development Associate will be responsible for identifying, qualifying, cultivating, and soliciting relationships withprospective donors capable of making a major gift commitment ($25,000 or more) over multiple years to Texas TechUniversity Health Science Center. This individual must be able to work independently and collaboratively as a teammember and will work closely with colleagues in Donor Engagement, Alumni Engagement, and Annual Giving to ensure high-quality engagement of the University’s donors. This position will focus on building direct relationships with new and lapsed donors who have been generous to TTUHSC. This position must work strategically, with TTUHSC senior administrators, faculty, and staff as well as the Texas Tech University System to support university-wide fundraising priorities. The Development Associate will report to the Assistant Vice President, External Relations. This position is based on the Permian Basin campus.Embodies the Values Based Culture of TTUHSC by living out the university’s core values of One Team,Kindhearted, Integrity, Visionary, Beyond Service.Follows TTUS and TTUHSC Operating and Safety Policies, completing all training as required.Works with AVP External Relations Permian Basin and TTU system on a regular basis to identify newprospective leadership annual donors.Manages a portfolio of approximately 100 major gift prospects and donors, including creating a comprehensive plan and strategy for each donor/prospect and execution of that plan. Serve asprimary relationship manager for those in their portfolio.Identifies, qualifies, cultivates, and solicits prospects toward a major or planned gift to TTUHSC(commitments of $25,000 or more).Works alongside TTU System Office to conduct prospect research on major gift donor prospects.Partners with staff and faculty on donor engagement opportunities as appropriate.Meets or exceeds annual fundraising goals.Serves as TTUHSC ambassador and attends select events as TTUHSC representative as appropriate.Collaborates with alumni engagement and donor relations counterparts to ensure high quality engagement with all donors and prospective donors.Travels as needed,Preferred Qualifications​​​​​​​Bachelor's degree plus one to three (1-3) years related experience OR a combination of education and/or relatedexperience equal to five (5) years. Knowledge of fundraising best practices. Experience soliciting gifts of $10,000 or more. Working knowledge in a nonprofit setting. Experience working in a donor database. Preferred minimum of three years in nonprofit fundraising, with progressive responsibility and proven track record of soliciting, closing, and stewarding major gifts in the $10,000-$100,000 range • Experience soliciting seven-figure gifts is highly desirable.Experience with planned giving.Ability to simplify complex themes and activities into short, compelling written or oral presentations in a health care or/and higher education setting.Experience working with senior leadership to match fundraising priorities with donor interestsExcellent organizational and project management skills to achieve deadlines.Proficient in Microsoft Office platforms, primarily Word and OutlookProficient in utilizing fundraising/donor database (i.e. Raisers Edge, RE NXT, Donor Perfect, Salesforce, etc.) Experience working with prospect research tools (i.e. Research point, Target Analytics, iWave, Wealth Engine, DonorSearch, etc.)Experience soliciting donors and building relationships with prospective donors during a fundraising campaignPay StatementCompensation is commensurate upon the qualifications of the individual selected and budgetary guidelines of the hiring department, as well as the institutional pay plan. For additional information, please reference the .Jeanne Clery ActThe Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. By October 1 of each year, institutions must publish and distribute their Annual Campus Security Policy & Crime Statistics Report (ASR) to current and prospective students and employees. To view this report, visit the .
.NET Developer (Czech Based)
Whirr Crew, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Whirr Crew is looking for a Prague-based .NET Developer to join the team of our new client in logistics domain. Details : English: Fluent Czech: Fluent/Native Start: ASAP Schedule: Hybrid in Prague (1-2 times per week) Domain: Logistic Found in 1992 Size: up to 5000 employees About client: We provide complex logistics services to business partners throughout the EU. With active logistics we respond to market requirements and pay close attention to environmental protection. Our companies operate in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. We are like an endless field of energy, always ready to grow and bring new projects and opportunities. What to do: - Participate as a C#, ASP.NET developer in the development of new and upgrading of existing functions of our web custom applications. - In cooperation with the analyst, you will prepare a complete assignment, other fellow programmers from the external team will be at hand when you need help with something, the UX/UI designer will draw anything nicely for you, from the wireframe to the final design, and you can have the result thoroughly tested by QA. - You can ask anyone in the team what interests you at any stage. - You get space to try out the latest technologies and tools. - You will be involved in the development of the platform from analysis to testing and deployment. We currently have two web applications and are preparing more: - Web dashboard for complete management of our fleet, delivery of orders and communication with drivers with connection to mobile exchanges. - A CMS for our company intranet that we use to create and curate content. Tech stack: - Web frontend: Vue.js 3 + Composition API + TypeScript - Backend: C# ASP.NET Core 6.0 (will be transitioning to 8.0 this year) as REST API + Azure SQL (MS SQL Server) - Mobile apps: React Native + TypeScript - Git (Azure Repos) and CI/CD (Azure Pipelines) are a matter of course, we record all projects in Azure DevOps We typically host our stuff in the Microsoft Azure cloud. You have: - You have experience with back-end development in C# ASP.NET.  - You are either a mid-career or you are slowly approaching seniority, ideally you can do more than just back-end, see our tech stack, so you would intervene in other services as well. - You have experience with Azure services - Entra, App Service, DB Services, storage accounts, VM, KeyVault, Service Bus, Redis Cache, Functions. - You have experience in developing and managing REST APIs in API Management, Swagger, Postman and integration with Azure web applications. - Experience with API development (REST, gRPC). - Knowledge of messaging (Azure Service Bus, EventGrid, EventHub). - Experience with Azure DevOps, CI/CD, Git (source code management), Visual Studio (Code). - Experience in creating an Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline within the deployment and integration of developed solutions. You know how to write clean, clear code and what you agree with the team to deliver, then it applies. You are able to cooperate with an external team that is in charge of the development of other more voluminous functionalities, so that you can work together on the development of one application on different parts of the application at the same time and at the same time do not create unnecessary development conflicts.  You are interested in new technologies, you try new things - you are simply interested and you just don't survive in the field.  You are able to understand at least the documentation in AJ (you don't necessarily have to speak). You can solve problems and prevent them. You want to work on products that really have a big impact on how the company works. You don't blindly listen to assignments, but you can think critically, express your opinion and possibly propose a more ideal solution. At least once every 14 days you will have a personal status meeting with us in Modletice, where our new corporate campus is located. 
IT Technical Architect
Groupe SII, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
We are seeking a proficient IT Technical Architect to work in Automated Border Control (ABC) Gates & Kiosks solutions and lead the design and implementation of cutting-edge solutions in this domain. The ideal candidate will possess extensive experience in hardware integrations, .NET and Java development, microservices architecture, API integration, and database management. They will play a pivotal role in architecting robust, scalable, and secure systems for automated border control, ensuring seamless integration with various hardware components and adherence to industry standards.Don't miss this exciting opportunity!Your roleDesign and develop innovative solutions for Automated Border Control Gates & Kiosks, incorporating hardware integrations such as Kaba Gate, Magnetic Gate, Fingerprint scanner, Face Pods, barcode scanners, printers, etc.Provide technical leadership and guidance to development teams, leveraging expertise in .NET and Java technologies to drive architectural decisions and ensure successful project deliveryCollaborate with vendors and internal teams to integrate hardware components into the overall system architecture, ensuring compatibility, reliability, and optimal performanceLead the development of desktop applications using .NET technologies, particularly WPF for graphical development, ensuring user-friendly interfaces and seamless integration with backend systemsImplement Active Directory integration for user authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access control and seamless user managementDevelop RESTful and SOAP APIs for seamless integration with external systems, enabling data exchange and interoperability with third-party applicationsDesign and implement microservices architecture using Java, with hands-on experience in Spring Boot and expertise in packaging, delivery, and deployment of Java microservicesUtilize MS SQL database for data storage and management, ensuring data integrity, security, and optimal performanceManage the packaging, delivery, and deployment of desktop applications and microservices, utilizing best practices to ensure smooth deployment and minimal downtimeCreate and maintain technical documentation, including architectural diagrams, design specifications, and deployment guidelines, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirementsYour skillsExtensive experience in IT architecture, preferably with a focus on Automated Border Control Gates & Kiosks or biometricsPreferably strong understanding of hardware integrations, including experience with Kaba Gate, Magnetic Gate, Fingerprint scanner, Face Pods, barcode scanners, printers, etc.Proficiency in .NET development, with expertise in WPF for graphical development and Active Directory integrationIn-depth knowledge of Java development, with hands-on experience in Spring Boot, microservices architecture, and REST API developmentExperience with desktop app packaging and deployment, ensuring smooth installation and configurationFamiliarity with REST and SOAP web services, API integration, and AD authentication and authorizationProficiency in MS SQL database management, including database design, optimization, and maintenanceStrong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to design innovative solutions to complex technical challengesExcellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams and stakeholdersJob no.240517-Y9CXY
1E Platform Technician
Groupe SII, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
We are looking for a 1E Platform Technician to join our project in the energy industry. You will be responsible for overseeing and managing the 1E software solutions within the organization. This role requires a unique blend of technical expertise, especially in coding, and an understanding of desktop engineering and IT service management.Your roleOversee the deployment, maintenance, and optimization of 1E solutions, ensuring maximum efficiency and alignment with business objectivesDevelop and maintain scripts, primarily in PowerShell, to automate fixes and enhance system performanceUtilize SQL skills for database queries, report generation, and data analysisWork closely with IT teams, particularly in areas of desktop engineering, to understand and address system requirements and challengesIf utilizing ITSM applications, apply ServiceNow knowledge for effective management and integrationYour skillsMinimum of 2 years of experience in a similar role, with a focus on system administration and scriptingUnderstanding of desktop engineering principles to inform automation and system management decisionsKnowledge of ITSM principles, preferably with experience in ServiceNowFamiliarity with AAD and Intune for managing user identities and mobile devices respectivelyExperience with configuration management tools and practices.Strong analytical and problem-solving skillsGood English language skillsJob no.240423-FYXCS
JavaScript Developer
DataArt, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
RequirementsAngular/ proficiency with Flux/ReduxStrong HTML/CSS skills, including preprocessorsResponsive design and UI/UX knowledgeModern JavaScript (ES6+), async programmingExperience with TypescriptUnderstanding of RESTful APIs, async handlingRedux or similar state managementFamiliarity with Webpack/Babel with RESTful APIs, microservices experienceAuthentication (JWT/OAuth), databases (MongoDB/MySQL)Understanding of ORM/ODM librariesFamiliarity with testing frameworks (, Jest, Mocha)Spoken EnglishUseful links