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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Оператор интернет магазина в Київській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Оператор интернет магазина в Київській області"

15 084 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Оператор интернет магазина в Київській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Оператор интернет магазина в Київській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Оператор интернет магазина" по областям Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Оператор интернет магазина відкрито в . На другому місці - Києво-святошинський район, а на третьому - Ірпінь.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Оператор интернет магазина відкрито в . На другому місці - Києво-святошинський район, а на третьому - Ірпінь.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Оператор -менеджер интернет-магазина
Глория, ТОВ, Киев, Київ
Салон свадебных платьев приглашает к сотрудничеству Интернет-менеджера.Наши требования к кандидату:- уверенный пользователь ПК ( Word, Excel );- Исполнительность, коммуникабельность, креативность.Обязанности:- Обработка входящих звонков;- Ведение клиентской базы;- Работа с сайтом ( размещение рекламы ).Условия труда:- Гибкий график работы, возможность работать дома.- ЗП от 20.000 грн (премии и бонусы по результатам работы). Обращайтесь по тел.:096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7З - Ирина
Требуется менеджер по продажам в интернет магазин
, Київ, Київська область
В интернет-магазин спортивной обуви требуется менеджер. График работы 09:00-18:00 ежедневно.Территориально-Радужный массив,Воскресенка.Мужчина/женщина- не имеет значение. Умение выставить объявление на торговой площадке В задачи входит - ежедневное выставление объявлений + прием заказов с них. Каждый забранный заказ+50 грн к зарплате -ставке.Ставка 500грн.в день(выплата ежедневно), оплата за выполненный заказ(продажу)(Норма заказов в день +-15-50 заказов. Меньше 10 заказов НЕ бывает). Ждём Ваше резюме в Вайбер либо на олх.(Кратко о себе ФИО,возраст, фото, место проживания, прошлые места работы.
Оператор чату інтернет-магазину
Dazz House, Київ
Не втрачай можливість зробити кожен день святом! Адже ми найкрутіша команда професіоналів, що прагне принести затишок до оселі кожного українця!Ми відкриваємо набір на посаду Оператор чату онлайн магазину. Компанія веде діяльність роздрібної торгівлі у сфері товарів для дому. Зауважте, що вакансія НЕ віддалена Твої обов?язки:обробка замовлень, залишених у «Кошику»;підтвердження найменування замовлення із замовником;перевірка наявності товару перед оформленням замовлення;створення поштової онлайн-накладної;контроль оплати за товар.Ми пропонуємо:фіксований графік 5/2 з 9:00 до 18:00 (ранкова зміна);фіксована ставка 20 000 грн + % від продажів;Виплати заробітньої плати 3 рази на місяць;Можливість кар?єрного зростання (90% наших керівників виросли з менеджерів в середині компанії);Корпоративні знижки на продукцію компанії -50%Від тебе ми чекаємо:Базові навички володіння ПК;Грамотне письмове мовлення;Досвід у сфері продажів буде перевагою, але не є обов?язковим.Надсилай свій відгук на сайті, або пиши у телеграм @workaem_daz
Оператор call-центру в інтернет-магазин
Интернет-магазин Aks.ua, Київ
AKS.ua — інтернет магазин електротехніки, котрий входить в топ найкращих, надійних інтернет-магазинів в Україні.AKS.ua цінує кожного клієнта, пропонуючи кращі ціни та якісний товар.Хороший сервіс — це найголовніше для нашої роботи.Безперебійна робота навіть під час блекауту та корпоративні знижки для працівників!В нашу сильну, амбітну команду запрошуємо до співпраці «Оператор call-центра в інтернет-магазин»Наш ідеальний кандидат (-ка):комунікабельний, відкритий;зацікавлений в розвитку;швидко сприймає нову інформацію;впевнений користувач ПК;досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді буде перевагою.Чим потрібно займатись:обробка замовлень на сайті та по телефону;прийом вхідних дзвінків (ніяких холодних дзвінків);робота із запереченнями;консультація по асортименту товару, продаж супутніх товарів;робота з базоюВ свою чергу компанія надає:оплачуване навчання з нуля під час випробувального термінузнижки для співробітниківгідну заробітну плату (ставка+%);кар'єрний ріст;графік роботи з 09.00 -18.00; 5/2місце роботи: вул. Ушинського 1 (поруч Караваєві дачі)з часом можливість дистанційної співпраці з будь-якої точки світу!Якщо готові приєднатись до крутої молодої команди, надсилайте своє резюме або пишіть у телеграм .... (@HRaksua)
Оператор call центру (віддалена робота)
OMNICORE —  міжнародна eCommerce компанія яка створює, розвиває та керує інтернет-магазинами для провідних гравців у fashion індустрії в категоріях одяг, взуття та аксесуари.Наші ключові проєкти: md-fashion.com.ua, ultra-shop.com, adidas.ua, newbalance.ua, saks85.com, ua.puma.com, everybody.ua  та інші.Команда відділу турботи про клієнтів стрімко росте і ми у пошуках оператора контакт-центру (без холодних дзвінків):Очікування:Грамотне володіння розмовною українською мовою;Впевнений користувач ПК та сервісів Google;Хороші комунікативні навички та стресостійкість;Повна або незакінчена вища освіта (студенти останніх курсів);Вміння та бажання працювати з великим об'ємом информації.Обов’язки:Вхідна лінія: спілкування з клієнтами, підтвердження замовлень, допомога з вибором, консультування з інших питань ;Вихідна лінія: підтвердження замовлень, інформування клієнтів щодо змін в замовленнях;Ми пропонуємо:Розвиток в динамічній eCommerce компанії та роботу з кращими eCom проєктами міжнародних fashion-брендів;Крутий колектив з відмінним почуттям гумору;Можливість професійного розвитку в рамках компанії (вертикальний/горизонтальний).Оплачувану відпустку та лікарняні дні;Особистий бюджет на навчання;Знижки на товари наших партнерів;Робота повністю віддалена.Графік роботи: 5/2 та плаваючі вихідні (може бути як 2 дні разом так і окремо). Дві зміни, які будуть чергуватися: з 9.00 до 18.00 та з 12.00 до 21.00.
Business Development Manager (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts… YOUR MISSIONAs a Glovo Brands Ads Analyst, you will be an integral part of the Glovo Brands Ads team, which is a cross-functional division focused on providing a range of advertising products to help brands increase awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty. Your main objectives will be: - Delivering ad campaigns that effectively boost sales for our partner brands by leveraging the constantly growing Glovo user base. - Driving incremental profit for Glovo through the development and sale of our advertising products.To achieve these goals, you will need to be highly hands-on, and data-driven, possess excellent presentation skills, have a deep understanding of advertising products, coordinate effectively across departments, and manage external/internal stakeholders. Your role will also involve fostering strong business relationships and ensuring that Glovo becomes the preferred advertising partner for brands.We are seeking passionate and creative marketers with a strong sales spirit or sales rock stars with a curiosity for marketing to join Glovo's Brands Ads team in Ukraine!THE JOURNEY Drive sales of Glovo advertising products to FMCG partner Brands and prospectsBuild and nurture relationships with strategic advertisersRecommend advertising products based on data and FMCG Brands' needs and objectivesEnsure flawless execution of partner Brands' ad campaigns, coordinating with cross-functional teamsMonitor and analyze the performance of ad campaigns, assessing the impact on partner Brands and Glovo's overall performanceTrack partner Brands' progress, meet targets and identify new opportunitiesAchieve yearly objectives set with partner Brands (JBP)Create success stories and share best practices WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE 1-2 years of Sales or Marketing experience at a media agency, consumer goods company, or e-commerce business.Self-motivated, results-driven, and proactive attitude.Comfortable working in a fast-paced environment and tackling complex business challenges.Strong analytical, negotiation, and project management skills.Proficiency in Office, particularly in Excel.Experience in executing integrated marketing campaigns or promotion plans across digital and non-digital channels.Deep understanding of paid, owned, and earned media channels, including tracking and reporting on established performance marketing KPIs.Excellent written and oral communication skills, fluent in Ukrainian and Intermediate English. We are always looking for the best candidates, so if you think you would be a good fit even if you don't meet 100% of the requirements we would love to hear from you! We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan *if applicable Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo meal benefits so you can test new features in our beta app (and to satisfy your cravings!) Discounts on transportation, food, and even kindergarten expenses or office-based nursery. Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ The freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year. . Enhanced parental leave (*if applicable) Online therapy and wellbeing benefits We’ll deliver a non-vanilla culture built on talent, where we work to amplify the impact on millions of people, paving the way forward together. At Glovo, we truly value diversity for the positive impact it brings to our teams, products, and culture. We're dedicated to providing equal opportunities for talent from all backgrounds. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and ! Glovo is transforming the way consumers access local goods, enabling anyone to get almost any product delivered in minutes. Our on-demand logistics connect customers with independent local couriers who acquire goods from any restaurant or store in a city, as well as deliver urgent packages for a variable fee. For additional information on Glovo, please visit
Brands Account Manager (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts… YOUR MISSIONAs a Glovo Brands Ads Analyst, you will be an integral part of the Glovo Brands Ads team, which is a cross-functional division focused on providing a range of advertising products to help brands increase awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty. Your main objectives will be: - Delivering ad campaigns that effectively boost sales for our partner brands by leveraging the constantly growing Glovo user base. - Driving incremental profit for Glovo through the development and sale of our advertising products.To achieve these goals, you will need to be highly hands-on, and data-driven, possess excellent presentation skills, have a deep understanding of advertising products, coordinate effectively across departments, and manage external/internal stakeholders. Your role will also involve fostering strong business relationships and ensuring that Glovo becomes the preferred advertising partner for brands.We are seeking passionate and creative marketers with a strong sales spirit or sales rock stars with a curiosity for marketing to join Glovo's Brands Ads team in Ukraine!THE JOURNEY Drive sales of Glovo advertising products to FMCG partner Brands and prospectsBuild and nurture relationships with strategic advertisersRecommend advertising products based on data and FMCG Brands' needs and objectivesEnsure flawless execution of partner Brands' ad campaigns, coordinating with cross-functional teamsMonitor and analyze the performance of ad campaigns, assessing the impact on partner Brands and Glovo's overall performanceTrack partner Brands' progress, meet targets and identify new opportunitiesAchieve yearly objectives set with partner Brands (JBP)Create success stories and share best practices WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE 1-2 years of Sales or Marketing experience at a media agency, consumer goods company, or e-commerce business.Self-motivated, results-driven, and proactive attitude.Comfortable working in a fast-paced environment and tackling complex business challenges.Strong analytical, negotiation, and project management skills.Proficiency in Office, particularly in Excel.Experience in executing integrated marketing campaigns or promotion plans across digital and non-digital channels.Deep understanding of paid, owned, and earned media channels, including tracking and reporting on established performance marketing KPIs.Excellent written and oral communication skills, fluent in Ukrainian and Intermediate English. We are always looking for the best candidates, so if you think you would be a good fit even if you don't meet 100% of the requirements we would love to hear from you! We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan *if applicable Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo meal benefits so you can test new features in our beta app (and to satisfy your cravings!) Discounts on transportation, food, and even kindergarten expenses or office-based nursery. Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ The freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year. . Enhanced parental leave (*if applicable) Online therapy and wellbeing benefits We’ll deliver a non-vanilla culture built on talent, where we work to amplify the impact on millions of people, paving the way forward together. At Glovo, we truly value diversity for the positive impact it brings to our teams, products, and culture. We're dedicated to providing equal opportunities for talent from all backgrounds. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and ! Glovo is transforming the way consumers access local goods, enabling anyone to get almost any product delivered in minutes. Our on-demand logistics connect customers with independent local couriers who acquire goods from any restaurant or store in a city, as well as deliver urgent packages for a variable fee. For additional information on Glovo, please visit
PR Lead (They, She, He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
If you’re here, it’s because you’re looking for an exciting ride. A ride that will fuel up your ambitions to take on a new challenge and stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. We’ll deliver a non-vanilla culture built on talent, where we work to amplify the impact on millions of people, paving the way forward together. Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. Together we revolutionize the way people connect with their everyday needs, from delivering essentials to connecting our ecosystem of users through innovative solutions powered by technology. For us, every day is filled with purpose.What makes our ride unique? Our strong culture and non-vanilla personality. A Talent House. Our commitment to being a force for good. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities. Our vision is ambitious, for that we need driven talent! And this is where your ride starts… YOUR MISSION We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to lead Glovo’s PR strategy in Ukraine, driving our Tech & Responsibility vision to make a positive and sustainable change in Ukranian society. The journey will not be short neither easy, but the reward will be worth working for. You need to be a natural and resilient problem solver, with strong interpersonal and communication abilities, always showing a positive attitude. THE JOURNEY Lead the short and long term strategy to drive and protect the brand reputation in Ukraine. Execution of the company’s Comms & PR strategy adapted to the Ukranian Ecosystem Lead day to day communications task & initiatives Have good knowledge of the Ukrainian media landscape. Work on a daily basis with the Ukraine PR agencies to create and curate engaging content and lead press releases management. Coordinate the creation & execution of a detailed yearly calendar with key campaigns & events based on the company business & comms objectives Analyze KPIs and measure the success of the campaigns. Work closely with Legal & Public Affairs teams to understand business moves and changes to have a constant creation of stories that can engage media Actively collaborate with your colleagues and learn from each other in a supportive environment that allows you to grow, develop and make a difference WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE Bachelor’s degree in Communication, Public Relations, Journalism, Marketing or related fields 4 years of experience in Brand Reputation and/or PR roles Excellent verbal and written communication skills Demonstrable analytical thinking and attention to detail Excellent project management skills and self-starter that can deliver results An execution mindset with an ability to take an idea and run with it Outstanding organizational and time management skills Fluent Ukranian and English language skills (please, submit your resume in English) An empathetic, inclusive and curious attitude Individuals representing diverse profiles, encompassing various , ethnicities, and backgrounds, are less likely to apply for this role if they do not possess solid experience in 100% of these areas. Even if it seems you don't meet our musts don't let it stop you, we are all about finding the best talent out there! Skills can be learned, and embracing diversity is invaluable.We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan that lets you own a piece of the action. Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo credit to satisfy your cravings! Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ The freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year and personal days off. Enhanced parental leave. Online therapy and wellbeing benefits to ensure your mental well-being. Here at Glovo, we thrive on diversity, we believe it enhances our teams, products, and culture. We know that the best ideas come from a mashup of brilliant diverse minds. This is why we are committed to providing equal opportunities to talent from all backgrounds - all genders, racial/diverse backgrounds, abilities, ages, sexual orientations and all other unique characteristics that make you YOU. We will encourage you to bring your authentic self to work, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).So, ready to take the wheel and make this the ride of your life? Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and !Glovo is transforming the way consumers access local goods, enabling anyone to get almost any product delivered in minutes. Our on-demand logistics connect customers with independent local couriers who acquire goods from any restaurant or store in a city, as well as deliver urgent packages for a variable fee. For additional information on Glovo, please visit
Demand Planner - Ukraine (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts…What makes our ride unique? Our culture and strong values. We have an ‘’office-first’’ culture and we place collaboration at the center of everything we do! We have a non-vanilla personality and feedback mindset. We don’t shy away from difficult conversations - we see them as a gift! We work with high intensity and have fun along the way. We also celebrate the wins (a lot!). We celebrate diversity in all its forms and foster an inclusive culture where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work. Our career development philosophy. We are building a talent house of high performing teams and leaders. We invest in people who raise the bar and help others reach their full potential. We take ownership of our career development. We don’t believe in linear and predictable career paths - we create the job of our dreams! We embrace opportunities to move the needle and make an impact beyond our scope. Our commitment to being a force for good. Our platform is an important economic tool for millions of people (customers, partners, couriers) and we are taking action to amplify our positive impact. We invest in doing good by dedicating time and resources into social and environmental initiatives. We have the ambition of being DIB role models across the tech industry. We are creating environments, systems, and processes that provide equal opportunities, break biases, and empower our communities. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities. And this is where your ride starts.YOUR MISSIONIn the context of “giving users easy access to anything in their city”, Q-commerce (Quick Commerce) is the business unit that aims to provide immediacy to all product needs that a user might have, from delivering a video game to sending a gift... to filling up their fridge. We do that through 3 verticals: Groceries with Partners, Groceries with our own Micro Fulfillment Centers (MFCs), and Retail Shops.As part of the MFCs Vertical team, the Demand Planner is a new position in our structure: as our business expands, accurately forecasting future product needs and strategically placing purchase orders with vendors will be key to effectively replenishing our MFCs and meeting customer needs.THE JOURNEYReporting directly to the Demand Planning Manager: Be responsible for the supply replenishment planning of your MFCs, by creating purchase orders and monitoring their reception.Improve forecast accuracy by utilizing historical sales data to adjust demand forecasts for promotions, seasonal variations, special events and new products, among others.Maintain and adjust purchasing tool parameters (safety stocks, bank holidays,…) to ensure inventory optimization.Work closely with category management, marketing and operations teams to gather relevant information for aligning demand forecasts with supply chain capabilities.Enhance performance of suppliers (fill rates, no shows, delays, incidents) by facilitating communication, addressing concerns and working collaboratively with them to establish improvement plans.Monitor and report Supply Chain Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of your country.Analyze and interpret data (availability, inventory levels, turnover, shrinkage, fill rates…) to identify trends, potential risks and opportunities for improvement.Drive action plans to achieve operational excellence in the supply chain by optimizing processes, reducing costs, improving efficiency and enhancing overall performance. WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Finance, Mathematics or a Supply Chain / Operations discipline.1-2 years of relevant experience in the industry, preferably focused on Demand Planning, and a deep understanding of Supply Chain.Must possess excellent business judgment, strong written and oral communication skills, and a practical, common sense approach to getting things done.Ability to analyze and use critical thinking skills on a regular basis is key.Proficiency in Google Applications.Proficiency English level. PREFERRED SKILLS SQL knowledge. Individuals representing diverse profiles, encompassing various , ethnicities, and backgrounds, are less likely to apply for this role if they do not possess solid experience in 100% of these areas. Even if it seems you don't meet our musts don't let it stop you, we are all about finding the best talent out there! Skills can be learned, and embracing diversity is invaluable.We believe driven talent deserves: Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo credit to satisfy your cravings! Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ Extra time off, the freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year! Enhanced parental leave. Online therapy and wellbeing benefits to ensure your mental well-being. Here at Glovo, we thrive on diversity, we believe it enhances our teams, products, and culture. We know that the best ideas come from a mashup of brilliant diverse minds. This is why we are committed to providing equal opportunities to talent from all backgrounds - all genders, racial/diverse backgrounds, abilities, ages, sexual orientations and all other unique characteristics that make you YOU. We will encourage you to bring your authentic self to work, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).So, ready to take the wheel and make this the ride of your life? Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and !
E-Key Account Manager PPD
L'Oréal, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
WHO WE ARE L’Oréal is present in markets on five continents. For more than a century, L’Oréal has devoted itself solely to ‘Create beauty that moves the world’; it is now the industry world leader with € billion consolidated sales. Together, we solve complex challenges at scale, while making sure we stay committed to making the world a more inclusive and a better place for everyone & our planet. Experience the excitement of agility to shape the future of beauty; where diversity and purpose come together create meaningful impact. At L'Oréal Professional Products Division, we have more than years of avangard to define the present and shape the future of professional beauty. We are an open space for innovation and technology while we take care of the planet, creating more hope and less waste, we create as unique experiences in every channel, just as unique as you are as you are. We are the cutting edge. If you are passionate about beauty, technology and sustainability; motivated by data, disruptive, creative and a great team player, I will be thrill to talk to you about this opportunity. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES As an E-Key Account Manager, you will establish, manage and develop long-term partnerships with key online e-commerce players to increase sales and brand awareness. Develop and maintain strong client relationships, implement, track and update joint business plans Conduct commercial negotiations with e-commerce clients and formalise trading terms in line with company strategy and objectives. Create a plan, define KPIs and set targets for each e-commerce partner. Present new products to existing and potential e-commerce partners Develop and implement relevant promotions and other mechanisms and campaigns to promote products and brands on partner sites. Ensure operational excellence in day-to-day business operations through effective planning, forecasting, communication, anticipation, consistent measurement of results and proactive implementation of corrective action or training. Analyse and interpret partner e-commerce sales reports to identify strengths, weaknesses and business opportunities. YOUR FUTURE TEAM Your future team consists of five people who are sushi lovers and proud pet owners. The team is deeply passionate about e-commerce and actively explores new tools and channel opportunities. We work closely with local brand and digital teams, as well as a wide network of e-commerce and digital experts across our global teams. YOUR BACKGROUND Expert in e-commerce with at least years of experience You have experience in building strong relationships and participating in annual negotiations with e-commerce clients You are able to analyse the effectiveness of digital campaigns and identify the most effective tools for promoting products on websites You are able to manage clients' P&L, skilfully apply methods to increase the profitability and efficiency of promotional activities You have advanced Excel and PowerPoint skills English Upper-Intermediate WHAT WE OFFER Join the leading Beauty Tech Company worldwide with official employment, competitive remuneration, and global profit-sharing opportunities. Develop in the place where you can contribute to something bigger and grow beyond your potential! Numerous social initiatives of various scales implemented by L'Oréal Ukraine are aimed at solving environmental and social problems, as well as gender inequality in business and science. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company has been supporting those affected by the hostilities. You will get: comprehensive health and life insurance, exclusive discounts at L’Oréal's internal product store and partner beauty salons, technical equipment, and additional vacation during challenging times. Embrace a dynamic environment where you have unlimited access to learning platforms and development courses, including local and international trainings, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and BUZU. Thrive in an international company by realizing your ideas while collaborating with industry experts to elevate your professional expertise. Experience a hybrid work schedule, offering the flexibility to work either in the office with shelter (Kyiv, Business Center “Magnett”) or remotely. Puedes inscribirte en un máximo de tres ofertas en un período de días. No puedes retirar tu solicitud una vez enviada, así que asegúrate de elegir la posición que mejor se adapte a tus habilidades y aspiraciones.
People Development Expert
METRO/MAKRO, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Company DescriptionWe invite those who:develops functional capabilities with special focus on Multichannel operations & Wholesale Pro model (Stores, Category management, Supply Chain departments),develops and designs suitable training solutions, development programs and all supporting materials, including curriculum and feedback mechanisms,effectively utilizes an LMS to include course design, distribution and assessment,search, attract and negotiate with external learning providers,regularly bring best practices in T&D from within and outside the organization. Our people DARE because they do CARE and feel care:we have best international business practices in place, and we are ready to share them with you,we empower every leader with trust believing in their entrepreneurship and customer focus,the leadership development programs involve best speakers and experts from Ukrainian and European market. Sure, at METRO Ukraine you’ll get:official employment from the 1st working day,“full flex” working mode,when needed – co-working office on P. Hryhorenka ave in Kyiv,paid sick leaves and vacations,always timely paid compensation,medical and life insurance,psychological support hot-line,discounts for employees and families in our stores,crisis support program for families,peer-to-peer recognition program “Give a 5” with great gifts,best in class career acceleration and leadership development system,plenty of online learning tools on digital literacy, management and HoReCa,the DEI platform and wellbeing community “METROmates”,the highest health & safety standards: learning, certifications, Near Miss system.At METRO Ukraine we act with accordance with the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities.We do not discriminate against any candidate or employee on the basis of age, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, military or veteran status, etc.Within the recruiting process we will only be interested in information about you, as well as your skills, knowledge and motivation related to the chosen role. You can tell us about them by sending a CV or filling out a questionnaire.All information that we request, or may request additionally, is aimed at ensuring an objective selection process and/or ensuring strict compliance with the requirements of current legislation in the process of personnel hiring.
Account Manager Groceries - Ukraine (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts… YOUR MISSIONGlovo is building the future of cities by enabling anyone to get any item from any store within 60 minutes. Our goal is to provide an on-demand delivery infrastructure for every city in the world.We invite an Account Manager to join the team, who will support and develop partners that are placed in the Glovo application. Join the Glovo team and work in a dynamic environment with many opportunities for learning and development!An Account Manager - Groceries, you will be a key role in developing the groceries business. THE JOURNEY Lead and develop top groceries partnersOnboard new partners on our platform by providing them all the necessary tools and information to start workingBe responsible for our partners business performance, analyze their main KPIs and ensure growth MoM. Track and reporting of performance metricsLead contract renegotiations to establish a strong working partnership grounded on sustainable economics for both partiesPrepare reports and presentations to present to groceries partners Work on a plan that will help improve key metrics, negotiate and implement marketing activity;Get feedback from our partners and translate it into product, marketing and operations improvementPrepare reports and presentations to present to groceries partners Looking for the best decision for improvement operational metrics and develop of the partners WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE At least 2 years of experience in high-performance account management in FMCG or RetailStrong analytical, organizational, and planning skills in a partners growthAbility to work both independently, to take responsibility for actions and to collaborate as part of a team goals is requiredGood knowledge of Google Docs and MS Office, ExcelExcellent Ukrainian and English skills.Capability for problem solving and quick decision makingStrong negotiation skillsGood communication, strong relationship building and presentation skillsProject management skills, highly organized and detail-oriented.Problem solver, data-driven with an analytical approachResponsiveness, adaptation, and flexibilityAn empathetic, inclusive and curious attitude Individuals representing diverse profiles, encompassing various , ethnicities, and backgrounds, are less likely to apply for this role if they do not possess solid experience in 100% of these areas. Even if it seems you don't meet our musts don't let it stop you, we are all about finding the best talent out there! Skills can be learned, and embracing diversity is invaluable.We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan that lets you own a piece of the action. Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo credit to satisfy your cravings! Cobee discounts on transportation, food, and even kindergarten expenses. Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ Extra time off, the freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year! Enhanced parental leave, and office-based nursery. Online therapy and wellbeing benefits to ensure your mental well-being. Here at Glovo, we thrive on diversity, we believe it enhances our teams, products, and culture. We know that the best ideas come from a mashup of brilliant diverse minds. This is why we are committed to providing equal opportunities to talent from all backgrounds - all genders, racial/diverse backgrounds, abilities, ages, sexual orientations and all other unique characteristics that make you YOU. We will encourage you to bring your authentic self to work, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).So, ready to take the wheel and make this the ride of your life? Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and !
Sales Executive (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts… YOUR MISSIONAs part of the Sales team you will be directly responsible for partnering with both smaller local stores and bigger brands to display them on our Glovo platform. You will work with the support of other sales executives and be part of a local cross-functional team.As a Glovo Sales Executive, you will be a key representative of our company’s sales team, responsible for creating a pipeline of and signing up local stores and corporate customers around the cities of your region.THE JOURNEY Be an expert in all the tools (Salesforce and dashboards) and you can give feedback to the management on the new developments needed.Be an expert on how Glovo Sales Executive methodology way of working works and you apply it perfectly. Be an expert on report all daily sales activity (Calls, Mail, Meetings, etc) and Keep detailed notes on leads and opportunities interactions and apply itAnalyze results and identify your opportunities to achieve your targets. Meet daily input targets (Tasks, leads and opps impacted) and monthly/quarterly objectives for Sales Executive Level II defined by the companyContact new partners Level II to source and negotiate the best conditions for partners and GlovoBe responsible for the leads clean up in your pipeline WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE Fluency in Ukrainian and Upper Intermediate in EnglishMinimum 1 year of experience in Sales – key contacts in the industryA methodological fast learning method and familiar with CRM tools (Salesforce, Dynamics, etc)Excellent communication skillsExperience in start-up environment is a plusBachelor of Business Administration, Marketing or Public Relations is a plus. Individuals representing diverse profiles, encompassing various , ethnicities, and backgrounds, are less likely to apply for this role if they do not possess solid experience in 100% of these areas. Even if it seems you don't meet our musts don't let it stop you, we are all about finding the best talent out there! Skills can be learned, and embracing diversity is invaluable.We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan that lets you own a piece of the action. Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo credit to satisfy your cravings! Cobee discounts on transportation, food, and even kindergarten expenses. Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ Extra time off, the freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year! Enhanced parental leave, and office-based nursery. Online therapy and wellbeing benefits to ensure your mental well-being. Here at Glovo, we thrive on diversity, we believe it enhances our teams, products, and culture. We know that the best ideas come from a mashup of brilliant diverse minds. This is why we are committed to providing equal opportunities to talent from all backgrounds - all genders, racial/diverse backgrounds, abilities, ages, sexual orientations and all other unique characteristics that make you YOU. We will encourage you to bring your authentic self to work, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).So, ready to take the wheel and make this the ride of your life? Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and !
Financial Analyst (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 23 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts…What makes our ride unique? Our culture and strong values. We have an ‘’office-first’’ culture and we place collaboration at the center of everything we do! We have a non-vanilla personality and feedback mindset. We don’t shy away from difficult conversations - we see them as a gift! We work with high intensity and have fun along the way. We also celebrate the wins (a lot!). We celebrate diversity in all its forms and foster an inclusive culture where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work. Our career development philosophy. We are building a talent house of high performing teams and leaders. We invest in people who raise the bar and help others reach their full potential. We take ownership of our career development. We don’t believe in linear and predictable career paths - we create the job of our dreams! We embrace opportunities to move the needle and make an impact beyond our scope. Our commitment to being a force for good. Our platform is an important economic tool for millions of people (customers, partners, couriers) and we are taking action to amplify our positive impact. We invest in doing good by dedicating time and resources into social and environmental initiatives. We have the ambition of being DIB role models across the tech industry. We are creating environments, systems, and processes that provide equal opportunities, break biases, and empower our communities. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities. And this is where your ride starts.YOUR MISSIONJoin our dynamic finance team in Ukraine, where your analytical expertise will contribute to Glovo's rapid growth and success. In this role, you'll collaborate with a diverse group of talented professionals in a stimulating, fast-paced environment. Our team is committed to driving financial excellence and innovation, ensuring Glovo remains a leader in the delivery sector. Your contributions will be pivotal in shaping the financial strategies that propel us forward.THE JOURNEY Manage regular financial operations, including partner commission fees, courier billing, and marketing revenue invoicing.Participate in month-end closing activities and contribute to financial and management reporting.Carry out various controlling tasks and reconciliations, directly contributing to the financial integrity of our operations.Prepare and maintain regular reports providing valuable insights into various financial metrics.Collaborate in business process improvement initiatives, aiming to reduce errors and optimize efficiency.Conduct cash flow analysis and oversee payment processes, ensuring accurate authorizations and verifications.Foster and maintain relationships with banks and payment providers, aligning with HQ treasury directives for streamlined financial operations.Serve as a liaison between client managers and the accounting team, facilitating effective communication and coordination. WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE Bachelor's degree in Finance or Accounting.3-5 years of relevant experience in finance or accounting.Experience with ERP systems and accounting software.Proficiency in handling numerical data and performing calculations.Strong general IT skills, including proficiency in MS Excel.A good understanding of accounting principles.Proficiency in English, both written and spoken.Attention to detail with a natural inclination to identify and correct errors.Excellent time management skills, capable of prioritizing tasks in a dynamic environment.Business acumen with an interest in the on-demand delivery sector. NICE TO HAVE Pursuing professional qualifications (CIMA, ACCA, ACA, or equivalent)Prior experience in Big4 accounting firms is a valuable asset, particularly if it extends beyond two years. Even if it seems you don't meet our musts don't let it stop you, we are all about finding the best talent out there! Skills can be learned, and embracing diversity is invaluable.We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan that lets you own a piece of the action. Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo credit to satisfy your cravings! Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️The freedom to work from home three days a week. Enhanced parental leave. Online therapy and wellbeing benefits to ensure your mental well-being. Here at Glovo, we thrive on diversity, we believe it enhances our teams, products, and culture. We know that the best ideas come from a mashup of brilliant diverse minds. This is why we are committed to providing equal opportunities to talent from all backgrounds - all genders, racial/diverse backgrounds, abilities, ages, sexual orientations and all other unique characteristics that make you YOU. We will encourage you to bring your authentic self to work, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).So, ready to take the wheel and make this the ride of your life? Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and !
Help Desk Team Lead
METRO/MAKRO, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Company DescriptionWe invite those who:actively organizes in technical support activities, resolving escalated technical issues and providing guidance, mentorship, and active support to team members,identify opportunities for process optimization and efficiency gains in store IT operations,manage ticket queues, prioritize tasks, and take ownership of timely resolution of client issues, leveraging team expertise and resources,document processes and procedures to facilitate knowledge sharing and continuous improvement, encouraging input and feedback from team members,сollaborate and coordinate with other IT team, vendors, and stakeholders, also be able to share knowledge, feedback, and best practices with their teams. Our people DARE because they do CARE and feel care:we have best international business practices in place and we are ready to share them with you,we empower every leader with trust believing in their entrepreneurship and customer focus,the leadership development programs involve best speakers and experts from Ukrainian and European market. Sure, at METRO Ukraine you’ll get:official employment from the 1st working day,“full flex” working mode,when needed – co-working office on P.Hryhorenka ave in Kyiv,paid sick leaves and vacations,always timely paid compensation,medical and life insurance,psychological support hot-line,discounts for employees and families in our stores,crisis support program for families,peer-to-peer recognition program “Give a 5” with great gifts,best in class career acceleration and leadership development system,plenty of online learning tools on digital literacy, management and HoReCa,the DEI platform and wellbeing community “METROmates”,the highest health & safety standards: learning, certifications, Near Miss system.At METRO Ukraine we act with accordance with the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities.We do not discriminate against any candidate or employee on the basis of age, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, military or veteran status, etc.Within the recruiting process we will only be interested in information about you, as well as your skills, knowledge and motivation related to the chosen role. You can tell us about them by sending a CV or filling out a questionnaire.All information that we request, or may request additionally, is aimed at ensuring an objective selection process and/or ensuring strict compliance with the requirements of current legislation in the process of personnel hiring.
Tax and Accounting Manager (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts…YOUR MISSIONJoin our dynamic finance team in Ukraine, where you'll play a pivotal role in shaping our financial landscape. As part of a collaborative and forward-thinking group, you'll drive financial excellence and contribute to our vision of streamlined, efficient operations. This role offers a unique blend of strategic planning, hands-on financial management, and the opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation in the fast-paced world of on-demand delivery services.THE JOURNEY Ensure compliance with accounting group guidance, local standards, and tax regulations.Oversee statutory and tax reporting, ensuring accuracy and timeliness.Manage tax audits and tax requests efficiently.Coordinate and ensure the completion of annual audits of financial statements.Ensure compliance with the group’s transfer pricing policy and coordinate transfer pricing reporting.Lead and manage both internal and external accounting teams.Communicate effectively on tax matters internally and represent the company with external counterparties.Develop and implement tax strategies and accounting methodologies to improve reporting processes.Review contracts and provide comments, recommendations, and remarks to ensure compliance and accuracy. WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE Higher education in Finance, Economics, Accounting, or Audit.Excellent knowledge of tax and business legislation, IFRS, and local GAAP.3-5 years of experience in similar roles, preferably in international companies or Big 4.Relevant qualifications in business, accounting, and/or related disciplines are preferred.Proficiency in Ukrainian and English (ability to use English as a working language)Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to articulate complex financial information clearly.Capacity to manage workload effectively and prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment.Experience with accounting and reporting in 1C and M.E.D.O.C. (or similar software). Even if it seems you don't meet our musts don't let it stop you, we are all about finding the best talent out there! Skills can be learned, and embracing diversity is invaluable.We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan *if applicable Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo meal benefits so you can test new features in our beta app (and to satisfy your cravings!) Discounts on transportation, food, and even kindergarten expenses or office-based nursery. Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ The freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year. . Enhanced parental leave (*if applicable) Online therapy and wellbeing benefits We’ll deliver a non-vanilla culture built on talent, where we work to amplify the impact on millions of people, paving the way forward together. At Glovo, we truly value diversity for the positive impact it brings to our teams, products, and culture. We're dedicated to providing equal opportunities for talent from all backgrounds. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and !
E-Key Account Manager LDB
L'Oréal, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
WHO WE ARE L’Oréal is present in markets on five continents. For more than a century, L’Oréal has devoted itself solely to ‘Create beauty that moves the world’; it is now the industry world leader with € billion consolidated sales. Together, we solve complex challenges at scale, while making sure we stay committed to making the world a more inclusive and a better place for everyone & our planet. Experience the excitement of agility to shape the future of beauty; where diversity and purpose come together create meaningful impact. In the L'Oréal Dermatological Beauty Division, we change people's lives by creating the ‘beauty of health’ with our iconic brands (La Roche- Posay, Vichy, CeraVe, Skin Ceuticals). With the most prescribed brands by dermatologists and other specialists, our division is maintaining a double-digit growth worldwide for the last years which is fueled by +.k employees around the world. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES As an E-Key Account Manager, you will establish, manage and develop long-term partnerships with key online e-commerce players to increase sales and brand awareness. Develop and maintain strong client relationships, implement, track and update joint business plans Conduct commercial negotiations with e-commerce clients and formalise trading terms in line with company strategy and objectives. Create a plan, define KPIs and set targets for each e-commerce partner. Present new products to existing and potential e-commerce partners Develop and implement relevant promotions and other mechanisms and campaigns to promote products and brands on partner sites. Ensure operational excellence in day-to-day business operations through effective planning, forecasting, communication, anticipation, consistent measurement of results and proactive implementation of corrective action or training. Analyse and interpret partner e-commerce sales reports to identify strengths, weaknesses and business opportunities. YOUR FUTURE TEAM Your future team consists of five people who are sushi lovers and proud pet owners. The team is deeply passionate about e-commerce and actively explores new tools and channel opportunities. We work closely with local brand and digital teams, as well as a wide network of e-commerce and digital experts across our global teams. YOUR BACKGROUND Expert in e-commerce with at least years of experience You have experience in building strong relationships and participating in annual negotiations with e-commerce clients You are able to analyse the effectiveness of digital campaigns and identify the most effective tools for promoting products on websites You are able to manage clients' P&L, skilfully apply methods to increase the profitability and efficiency of promotional activities You have advanced Excel and PowerPoint skills English Upper-Intermediate WHAT WE OFFER Join the leading Beauty Tech Company worldwide with official employment, competitive remuneration, and global profit-sharing opportunities. Develop in the place where you can contribute to something bigger and grow beyond your potential! Numerous social initiatives of various scales implemented by L'Oréal Ukraine are aimed at solving environmental and social problems, as well as gender inequality in business and science. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company has been supporting those affected by the hostilities. You will get: comprehensive health and life insurance, exclusive discounts at L’Oréal's internal product store and partner beauty salons, technical equipment, and additional vacation during challenging times. Embrace a dynamic environment where you have unlimited access to learning platforms and development courses, including local and international trainings, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and BUZU. Thrive in an international company by realizing your ideas while collaborating with industry experts to elevate your professional expertise. Experience a hybrid work schedule, offering the flexibility to work either in the office with shelter (Kyiv, Business Center “Magnett”) or remotely. Puedes inscribirte en un máximo de tres ofertas en un período de días. No puedes retirar tu solicitud una vez enviada, así que asegúrate de elegir la posición que mejor se adapte a tus habilidades y aspiraciones.