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Сотрудник на Pekabex
, Познань, Польша
Лучшие вакансии ПольшаСотрудник на "Pekabex "ПримечаниеPekabex — международная компания строительной отрасли: ведущий производитель сборных конструкций, генеральный подрядчик и застройщик с большим опытом проектирования, производства, монтажа и комплексных строительно-инвестиционных услугРабота в крупной и динамично управляемой компании с многолетней историейОчень хорошие условия работы и коллективРабота в помещении с комфортной температуройФирменная одежда и обувь выдается бесплатноПредоставляем документы требующиеся для подачи на карту побытаОбязанности1. Сборка и скручивание форм под заливку бетона2. Вспомогательные процессы при заливке бетона, заливка осуществляется оператором кран-балки3. Обработка готовых конструкций шлифовальной машинкойЕсть столовая для работников, раздевалка, душевые кабины (Большая столовая со всем необходимым: микроволновки, холодильники, чайники, посуда, шкафчики для каждого под еду, автоматы с напитками и закусками)Зарплата22,50 zł netto / час - Стандартная ставка + премии27,70 zł netto / час - Ставка для студентов + премииАвансирование предусмотреноДальнейшее повышение заработной платыТребования1.Мужчины до 50 лет2.Опыт работы на подобных предприятиях3.Опыт работы с арматурными клещами(Obcęgi zbrojarskie)График работыПонедельник - Суббота ( 5-6 дней в неделю )Нет ночных смен!Воскресенье выходнойВремя работы:По 10 часов в день1-ая смена с 05:00 до 15:002-ая смена с 14:00 до 00:00Смены чередуются - неделя через неделюОплачиваемый перерыв 30 минут за сменуТакже есть возможность брать дополнительные часыПроживание19 zł сутки / высчитывается с зарплатыКомфортные условияКоттеджи и частные дома со всеми удобствами( кухня , ванная , стиральная машинка , интернет , микроволновка )1-2 человека в комнатеМесто работы в пешей доступности от предоставляемого проживанияВысылаем фото жилья+1 zl к ставке, если у работника своё проживание + компенсация за доездОформлениеОфициальное оформлениеВстречаем и полностью сопровождаем на всех этапах заселения и трудоустройстваМесто работы: город: PoznańНомер для связи: Мобильный / Viber / What's App / Telegram
Pracownik stoiska z rybami KARP w markecie spożywczym
Jobman Group Sp. z o.o., Bielsko-Biała, slaskie, Polska
Pracownik hali sprzedaży w markecie spożywczym - oferta pracy tymczasowej.OBOWIĄZKI:Do zadań osoby pracującej na powyższym stanowisku należeć będzie:- wykładanie towaru na hali sprzedaży (stoisko z rybami)- obsługa Klienta zgodnie ze standardami firmyWYMAGANIA:Szukamy właśnie Ciebie, jeśli:- jesteś dyspozycyjny/a i gotowy/a do pracy zmianowej- posiadasz aktualne orzeczenie do celów sanitarno-epidemiologicznych (wymóg konieczny)- potrafisz pracować w zespole- nie brakuje Ci chęci do pracyOFERUJEMY:- umowę zlecenie- stawka 28zł brutto/h- TYGODNIÓWKI!- możliwość zdobycia cennego doświadczenia- obsługę administracyjną on-line (wszystkie formalności załatwiane bez wychodzenia z domu)- możliwość refundacji badań sanepidu- konkursy dla pracowników.DODATKOWE INFORMACJE:Aplikacje powinny zawierać klauzulę: 'Na podstawie art. 7 ust. 1 RODO oświadczam, iż wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez administratora, którym jest Jobman Group Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Bociana 22a, 31-231 Kraków moich danych osobowych w celu przeprowadzenia procedury rekrutacji na oferowane stanowisko. Mając na względzie, iż oferta dotyczy wykonywania pracy tymczasowej na rzecz pracodawcy użytkownika, którym jest klient Administratora, rozumiem i akceptuję fakt iż celem przeprowadzenia rekrutacji niezbędnym jest udostępnienie moich danych temu pracodawcy użytkownikowi.'
Вакансія адміністратора на ресепшен у В’єтнамі
M&A WORK, В'єтнам
Обов’язки кухаряПривітання та перевірка гостей;Допомога клієнту або співробітнику на належному, професійному рівні;Заповнення всіх необхідних звітів при виникненні інцидентів під час робочої зміни, щоденні звіти про роботу або інші письмові документи, запитані клієнтом;Дотримання правил і політики конфіденційності;Бути ввічливим, доброзичливим по відношенню до клієнта і їх гостей/відвідувачів.ВимогиЗнання англійської мови на рівні upper-intermediate і вище;Знання готельних систем є перевагою;Ввічливе і професійне ставлення до гостей і колег;Вміння працювати в команді;Стресостійкість;Досвід роботи на схожій посаді буде перевагою.Умови праціПроживання + харчування = надає роботодавець, 3-х разове харчування в їдальні.Графік роботи: 8 годин, 6 днів на тиждень.Випробувальний термін: 2 місяці.Детальніше про вакансіїКандидат повинен бути доброзичливим, з відповідним досвідом роботи і презентабельним зовнішнім виглядом. Необхідно надавати гостям інформацію про об’єкти, послуги та години роботи, а також про місцеві визначні пам’ятки і заходи. Супровід клієнта.Виконання запитів / прохань клієнтів з особливими потребами.
Вакансія головного аніматора у В’єтнамі
M&A WORK, В'єтнам
Обов’язкиУправління всією командою і організація розважальної програми готелю.Плюсом буде наявність власної бази контактів аніматорів, для створення, сильної команди і впровадження/реалізації розважальної системи.ВимогиЗнання англійської мови на рівні upper-intermediate і вище;Стресостійкість;Вміння працювати в команді;Можливість надати рекомендаційний лист від попередніх роботодавців (3-5 років);Досвід роботи на схожій посаді буде перевагою (Туреччина, Єгипет);Танцювальний або спортивний досвід обов’язковий;Наявність досвіду роботи на керуючій посаді в якості головного аніматора, “Менеджера Розваг” або керівника групи.Умови праціПроживання/харчування – надає роботодавець, 3-х разове харчування в їдальні.Графік роботи: 8 годин, 6 днів на тиждень.Випробувальний термін: 2 місяці.
Вакансія керуючого персоналом в готелі у В’єтнамі
M&A WORK, В'єтнам
Обов’язкиУправління персоналом на об’єкті (6-10 покоївок).Контроль роботи персоналу.ВимогиДосвід роботи на посаді «Senior Housekeeper» від 1 року або «Housekeeper» від 3-х років;Знання інструкцій з техніки безпеки;Знання англійської мови на рівні upper-intermediate і вище;Знання ПК на високому рівні;Можливість надати рекомендаційний лист від попередніх роботодавців (3-5 років);Ідеальний кандидат повинен бути доброзичливим, з відповідним досвідом роботи і презентабельним зовнішнім виглядом.Умови праціПроживання + харчування – надає роботодавець, 3-х разове харчування в їдальні.Графік роботи: 8 годин, 6 днів на тиждень.Випробувальний термін: 2 місяці.
SAP Basis Administrator
HAYS, Polska, podkarpackie
SAP Basis AdministratorPolskaNR REF.: 1186004Your new company For our Client, international company located in in Silesia, Podkarpacie and Greater Poland, we are currently looking for a person who will join new S4HANA project as SAP Basis Administrator. The person will join in-house team of SAP Consultants.Your new role - provide solution to complex system landscapes by using tools such as: SAP BC, Fiori, and Solution Manager- manage incident, problem and change management processes with in-house IT, external service providers and specialist departments for cloud operating modes e.g. IaaS/PaaS/SaaS- provide continuous service management of the services/applications/systems - monitor the SLAs and the product lifecycle of service architecture- provide continuous improvement of the distributed systems and applications architecture- support audits, deriving measures, implementing and expanding the corresponding controls- develop current operating model and capacity expansion of the internal team through professionalization in the near shore/off shore area- evaluate and implement new technologies (e.g. S/4 HANA/SAP Cloud products)- be involved in global/regional SAP-related projects (rollouts, software implementation, infrastructure changes)- interface between business, application operation, infrastructure and data center- consider special features such as SoD/separation of functions and consistent application of analysis tools- create test concepts and implementation, as well as monitoring of tests and acceptancesWhat you39ll need to succeed- strong experience as SAP Basis Administrator- preferably knowledge of SAP BC module and BC-related components/functions- university degree in field of: industrial engineering, industrial informatics or comparable training- experience in the administration of the SAP Solution Manager and its functionality- knowledge of SAP system administration, architecture (on-premise and cloud) and management of internal and external providers- strong English language skills- experience in new SAP technologies such as SAP S/4 HANA or SAP Fiori would be strong advantage- expertise in the SAP authorization environment- teamwork and communication skillsWhat you39ll get in return - permanent agreement- interesting work in a creative, international team- possibility of development in the area of innovative solution and modern Automotive technologies - Luxmed health care- company canteen - external and internal trainings- holiday benefits for employees and children- MultiSport cardWhat you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Pracownik Inwentaryzacji
Jobman Group Sp. z o.o., Częstochowa, slaskie, Polska
Pomoc przy inwentaryzacji - oferta pracy tymczasowejTermin: 06.06.2024 Organizujemy bezpłatny dojazd na inwentaryzację w miejscowości Ligota Turawska z Częstochowy.OBOWIĄZKI:- liczenie towaru- dbanie o czystość stanowiska pracy- orientacyjne godziny pracy: 22:00 - 04:00(o rzeczywistym zakończeniu decyduje kierownik inwentaryzacji)WYMAGANIA:- dyspozycyjność dnia- umiejętność szybkiego przyswajania wiedzy- pełnoletniość- komunikatywność i odpowiedzialnośćOFERUJEMY:- umowę zlecenie- stawkę 28 zł/h brutto - wynagrodzenie w formie tygodniówki- możliwość pracy ze znajomymi- szkolenie stanowiskowe oraz wszystkie niezbędne narzędzia do pracy- obsługę administracyjną on-line (wszystkie formalności załatwisz bez wychodzenia z domu)- konkurs "URODZINOWA KASA", w którym możesz wygrać aż 3000 zł brutto premii "Razem dla schroniska" - po zgłoszeniu udziału w akcji na naszym Facebook'u, za każdą przepracowaną godzinę, przekażemy 0,08 zł dla krakowskiego schroniska! Jesteś zainteresowny/a? Skontaktuj się z naszym konsultantem pod numerem:DODATKOWE INFORMACJE:"Na podstawie art. 7 ust. 1 RODO oświadczam, iż wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez administratora, którym jest Jobman Group Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Bociana 22a, 31-231 Kraków moich danych osobowych w celu przeprowadzenia procedury rekrutacji na oferowane stanowisko. Mając na względzie, iż oferta dotyczy wykonywania pracy tymczasowej na rzecz pracodawcy użytkownika, którym jest klient Administratora, rozumiem i akceptuję fakt iż celem przeprowadzenia rekrutacji niezbędnym jest udostępnienie moich danych temu pracodawcy użytkownikowi."
Android Developer Kotlin\Coroutines\Compose
Emerson Process Management, Odesa, Odesa Oblast, ua
At Emerson , our passion is creating the innovation that make our World better. As a part of the Reliability Solution’s team , you will be working on the new generation devices and software which is e.g. helping our customers in keeping their industrial installations working without any unpredicted incidents, which can cause critical damages or shortages in the production. You will be working in a team on designing and developing new generation of a device using newest available technologies.    While working with us, you’ll be part of a development team , working on crucial software and/or firmware projects installed in critical industrial infrastructure all over the world. You’ll be using the cutting-edge technologies, working with an international team of development and subject matter experts. Your input will be very valuable in all phases of software development cycle – starting from the design, via implementation, up to the testing, release & maintenance phase. Our Warsaw R&D Center was created in 2005 and we have already released a lot new to the world products and also build up an outstanding environment to work.   We offer interesting career development paths – technology, architecture or management. We create an inclusive and diverse environment, driven by “no blame” culture. Principle job responsibilities: User interface design System architecture design Writing application code Creating unit and integration tests Testing of created applications Profiling and optimizing applications Working in a team Refining the software development process Code reviews and support less experienced team members Working with marketing team to create a software development plan Required qualification and experience: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related engineering field and 4+ years of related experience or a master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related engineering field and 3+ years of related experience Experience with Android application development using Kotlin Fluent in Android Jetpack Compose , Kotlin Coroutines , Gradle Understanding of version control principles using Git and GitFlow Knowledge of Clean Architecture Knowledge of modern Android architectural pattern MVVM Understanding Dependency Injection ( Dagger Hilt ) Familiarity working with Android SDKs, Experience working with REST APIs Knowledge of software testing techniques using MockK/JUnit Experience working in SCRUM Experience designing mobile applications Owning mobile applications on Google Play Store Fluency in English and Polish Communication skills Nice to have: Experience with SciChart  Android NDK Knowledge of ADB Knowledge about BLE Experience in releasing products Perks in the office: free coffee bike parking free beverages no dress code "no blame" culture canteen shower free parking free apples every day wonderful office with big lab space and professional equipment to make a "smoke tests" :) and others Benefits: Having Testers and DevOps in your Team Having subject matter experts to help you with understanding domain specific topics Small teams but working in a global scope ( Poland and USA ) The best development tools for your job (e.g. Azure DevOps , Sonarcube , Static Code Analysis tools, automatic deployment) KUP 80%  Private Medical Insurance (LUX MED or Medicover) Accident Insurance (Company Provided) Employee Assistance Program Access to Pluralsight learning Referral Bonus Spot Award & Achievement Award Possibility of personalized technical trainings Life insurance (Subsidized) Employee Capital Plans (PPK)   Flexible Spending Account in the MyBenefit Curious about what the hiring process looks like? 1. Once we receive your CV, you will be contacted by our HR for booking 1st stage interview in your convenient time 2. After a 30min conversation about your experience and expectations, the HR department will arrange a technical meeting with hiring manager and one of the team mates 3. Finally the Recruiter will get back to you with feedback and together you will determine the next steps , which hopefully will be signing the intent letter! The complete process usually take not more than few days! Come join us! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJtzc45A9Ek
IT Business Solutions Analyst - Demand and Supply Planning OMP
Nestle Polska, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About IT in Nestlé We are a team of IT professionals from many countries and diverse backgrounds, each with unique missions and challenges in the biggest health, nutrition, and wellness company of the world. We innovate every day through forward-looking technologies to create opportunities for Nestlé’s digital challenges with our consumers, customers and at the workplace. We collaborate with our business partners around the world to deliver standardized, integrated technology products and services to create tangible business value.  As part of our global initiative, Connected Planning @ Nestle, we are rolling out the OMP Unison solution, in replacement of SAP APO . You would be involved in this deployment. To strengthen our Global Tech Hub in Warsaw, we are looking for an  IT Business Analyst for – Demand and Supply Planning  to complete our IT Supply Chain Department.   Key Responsibilities: Work with the Product Manager and Business Relationship Manager in the development of the strategy through incremental improvement of the product Analyse, document and test program development, logic, process flows and specifications Deliver training to the end users, deployment and support teams Design business scenarios and use cases for the product mix, including product introduction, specification and the change management required to maximize its adoption/value Work with IS/IT Product Managers to define the minimum viable product (MVP) that satisfies the business need Secure by early business feedback that the MVPs defined will really provide the desired value (MVP taste-testing) Identify gaps in existing functionalities, options for improvement and opportunities for process automation Responsible for identifying security & compliance requirements, including roles, associated with the business process and ensure they are considered in the solution design Develop, motivate and direct staff belonging to various organizations (business and IS/IT) to understand the business needs and find the best solution that will both align with the customer objectives and the IS/IT strategy Partner with business and IS/IT to elicit, analyse, translate, and document business requirements, pain points or opportunities into IS/IT requirements Work with business partners to conduct paper-based design, solution sessions, and MVP taste-testing all along the life cycle from business demand to value delivery   What Will Make You Successful:    Strong Knowledge o a production planning system e.g. SAP APO DP, SNP or PP/DS  or other Ideally, knowledge of SAP R/3 in relation to Supply Planning/Logistics, or other equivalent system Ideally knowledge of the  OMP  Unison solution (but it is not a must-have) Knowledge of data and analytics platforms such as SAP BW, Microsoft Azure, and Snowflake is a plus 5+ years of experience in Demand&Supply Planning or Business Analyst experience Good understanding of master and transactional data needed for Demand & Supply Planning Experience in solution design, development coordination and testing (especially integration build) Understanding of various software development methodologies (e.g., Agile, Waterfall) Understanding of business complexity and interdependencies Strong understanding of business processes in area of “Demand & Supply Planning” and ability to translate them into application requirements Deep understanding of the IT landscape in the functional area Experience with effective communication at different levels in the organization and in English Experience working in an international environment and with virtual teams Bachelor's degree in business, information systems or related discipline, or equivalent   What We Offer: Permanent employment agreement. Interesting and challenging work in an international company – a branch of worldwide and well recognized FMCG concern. Competitive benefits package: private medical care, Multisport card, Pension Found, 50% discount for lunch in a company canteen, coffee benefit. Possibility to work in a dynamic team of professionals and leaders. Possibility to work with challenging projects and responsible tasks. Atmosphere full of respect, professionalism. Possibility of development & career advancement. Flexible working hours with possibility to work from home.
Job in Germany: SAP Finance Inhouse Consultant (m/w/d)
Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH, null, ua
For our IT Services Corporate Management department we are looking for you as SAP Finance Inhouse Consultant (m/f/d) Full-time Permanent With us at STR from IT services corporate management work tomorrow: Stuttgart Airport wants to reduce its emissions to zero by 2040 - Destination STRzero! That's why we are looking to strengthen many of our teams in exciting jobs. Discover career opportunities now and start your professional future at Stuttgart Airport. We want to make STR the most efficient and sustainable airport in Europe in the long term! Within the Commercial Management department, we are looking for you as Group Manager Aviation Development & Marketing (m/f/d) Working with us on the STR of tomorrow: Stuttgart Airport wants to reduce its emissions to zero by 2040 - Destination STRzero! That's why we are looking to strengthen many of our teams in exciting jobs. Discover career opportunities now and start your professional future at Stuttgart Airport. We want to make STR the most efficient and sustainable airport in Europe in the long term! YOUR ROUTE WITH US You are responsible for the conception and implementation of new financial requirements in close coordination with our specialist departments and implement them in SAP FI/CO by means of customizing Support in the SAP modules Finance, Controlling is also part of your tasks You support the transformation from SAP ERP to SAP S/4 HANA You analyze and modify business processes, identify market innovations and check their feasibility You will be given the opportunity to lead sub-projects and manage your own topics independently You will take part in innovation workshops and relevant trade fairs and support the development of an airport-specific network YOUR CHECK-IN PROFILE You have successfully completed your studies in the field of business informatics, economics or mathematics or have a comparable qualification Ideally, you have already gained several years of professional experience in the areas mentioned or as an SAP consultant with a focus on FI/CO Analytical thinking skills, a high degree of personal responsibility and a strong team orientation round off your profile Experience in invoice management, e.g. with XFT, Opentext, etc. is desirable You enjoy complex tasks and a friendly and solution-oriented demeanor is a matter of course for you YOUR TAILWIND THROUGH US Fascination airport Our exciting working environment offers a variety of activities related to flying as well as a pinch of vacation feeling every day Health offers We contribute to the health care of our employees through various health offers Home Office Working in a home or mobile office - together we create freedom that suits everyone Employee discounts Benefit from corporate benefits and much more Catering Lunch either in the canteen, with a view of the apron, or in one of the partner restaurants on the airport campus Further training opportunities Do you want to excel? No problem thanks to the wide range of internal and external training opportunities YOUR CONTACT PERSON FOR THE UPCOMING JOURNEY: Nadja Straub +49 711 948-3205 FIND OUT MORE ABOUT STUTTGART AIRPORT:
Job in Germany: (Junior) IT Support Manager (All Genders)
Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH, null, ua
(JUNIOR) IT SUPPORT MANAGER (ALL GENDERS) Location / Region: Bitterfeld-Wolfen OT Thalheim Reference number: HQ - 2551 RELEASE NEW ENERGY - YOUR COMMITMENT: You are our expert in IT support and are fully committed to providing first, second and third level support for our entire IT world. Service desk calls are not just calls for you, but exciting challenges that you tackle with precision and speed. Whether PC, notebook, smartphone or printer - you skillfully juggle everything and ensure that our devices are always in top form, whether remotely or on site. Installing and configuring software applications are part of your daily tasks. You not only ensure smooth processes, but also maintain an overview of client-side network support. You don't just analyze, you think ahead! You independently carry out requirements analyses and create not only technical specifications, but also lively documentation and training materials. You focus on innovative standards, processes and tasks. COMBINES PASSION WITH KNOW-HOW - YOUR PROFILE: You have successfully completed your training with a focus on computer science or a comparable field of study In your training or in the last 3 years, you have already acquired valuable practical knowledge in the field of IT support, especially in the topic domain You are now keen to put this to the test in a large, sustainable company You describe yourself as eager to learn and enjoy immersing yourself in new structures You are characterized by a goal- and customer-oriented way of working, are a strong communicator and enjoy working in a team You have very good MS Office and initial knowledge of the operating system Very good German and English skills round off your profile AND THIS IS HOW WE STRENGTHEN YOUR BACK: Arrival made easy: with the help of welcome training and an induction plan, we will introduce you to your new tasks in a structured way. A personal mentor will be on hand with help and advice. Progressing together: In a collegial atmosphere, we communicate openly, support each other and share our knowledge. We also promote your professional and personal development with further training opportunities. Your commitment pays off: We reward your commitment with fair remuneration based on international standards and made up of a fixed and a flexible component based on the achievement of targets. On top of this, you can expect capital-forming benefits, a company pension scheme and accident insurance. Work-life balance: The compatibility of family and career is very important to us. To ensure that you have enough time for your family outside of work, you are entitled to 30 days' vacation per year. Good for body and soul: A subsidized canteen with healthy, freshly cooked menus and a wide range of health offers from our Q.CARE programme, e.g. flu vaccinations, massages or preventive check-ups, ensure that you stay fit - because the well-being of our employees is important to us. Mobile wherever you go: We offer you flexible working hours and the option of mobile working. Our shuttle service from Bitterfeld train station to Solar Valley makes your journey to work as convenient as possible. But even if you are driving, you will always find a free parking space in our parking garage. Well-equipped, barrier-free offices and meeting rooms round off the overall picture. Other benefits: We offer you a subsidy for the Deutschlandticket and a company bike. We don't just dream of a better future. We make it a reality together. A company with sunshine in its heart As a full-service provider of clean energy solutions, we not only supply private and commercial end customers with solar modules and systems as well as electricity storage systems, but also offer integrated services such as electricity contracts and power contracting to provide access to 100% clean electricity. The global center for technology, innovation and quality is located at our site in Thalheim. From our new office at Südkreuz in Berlin, we manage our sales and distribution as well as the further development of our services. HAVE WE PIQUED YOUR INTEREST?
Job in Germany: Engineering Manager - Cloud / Software Development / Golang / Kubernetes (f/m/d)
Workwise GmbH, null, ua
Engineering Manager - Cloud / Software Development / Golang / Kubernetes (f/m/d) Location: 10245 Berlin About the company We are Europe's leading platform for cloud services and hosting services. We successfully support our customers in their business development. To ensure our company's success, we have over 4,000 employees working in several countries around the world to meet the needs and wishes of our 8.5 million customers. We are a brand of United Internet AG, a listed company with around 10,200 employees. We promote the development of our employees and their different talents, interests and languages. What do we offer you? Hybrid working model with home office option Flexible working hours through trust-based working hours Subsidized canteen and various free drinks at some locations Modern office space with excellent transport connections Various employee discounts for activities and products Employee events such as summer and winter parties and workshops Numerous training and development opportunities Various health offers, such as sports and health courses What can you expect? You are responsible for recruiting and hiring You supervise the team, promote talent and manage the staff You lead the development for internal tooling, in consultation with the stakeholders - such as the architects (f/m/d) You are the product owner or maintainer (f/m/d) for internal tools You contribute to the overall architecture You ensure the smooth operation of multiple platforms and optimize these platforms and processes What should you bring to the table? You have an agile mindset and experience with modern software development methods You have leadership experience, ideally in both software development and IT platform operations You have sound knowledge of software development, preferably with GoLang You have in-depth knowledge of cloud environments and Kubernetes You have experience in operating IT platforms based on Linux and Kubernetes You are fluent in German and English You enjoy promoting and nurturing your own team and have a "show must go on" mentality Does our Engineering Manager - Cloud / Software Development / Golang / Kubernetes (f/m/d) job offer sound promising? With our partner Workwise, you can apply for this job in just a few minutes and without a cover letter. You can then track the status of your application live. We look forward to receiving your application via Workwise.
Job in Germany: Application Manager (m/w/d) - Atlassian als Fachreferent/-in (w/m/d)
KBV Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung, null, ua
More than 100,000 practices work with the IT designed, developed or certified by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. For our Digitization and IT Department, Development Division, we are looking for a specialist consultant (f/m/d) for 30 hours/week as part of a parental leave replacement limited until 31.07.2025. Application Manager (m/f/d) - Atlassian With your expertise, you will contribute to fail-safe software that saves lives in the event of an emergency in smooth practice operations for more than 73 million people with statutory health insurance. YOUR TASKS You are responsible for the further development of our Atlassian platform - Jira Software and Confluence - for internal task and knowledge management as well as our external communication platform As an expert (f/m/d), you will support, optimize and modify issues with a focus on the Jira and Confluence products You are the contact person for technical workshops, solution concepts, evaluation of alternatives and implementation In this context, you will receive technical customer inquiries and use them to develop the specific requirements for our solutions Based on these findings, you will design individual solution concepts by combining new approaches with best practices YOUR PROFILE You have a university degree (Master's or Bachelor's degree and 5 years of professional experience) You have sound experience in business process engineering and with the Atlassian Suite Ideally, you have experience in the administration and configuration of Atlassian products You have a keen perception and the ability to express yourself precisely both verbally and in writing You have demonstrable German language skills at level C1 (CEFR) In addition to your professional qualifications, you have a team-oriented way of working WE OFFER YOU Agile combination: you enjoy the benefits of a secure job and at the same time work in an innovative IT environment consisting of a system house and service provider Early riser or late riser? You can organize your working hours flexibly thanks to mobile working and our flexitime model Remuneration: We value your work with an attractive salary Professional development: We support you with suitable further training at our in-house academy or with external providers Other benefits: Company pension scheme, canteen, sports facilities, an in-house daycare center and a company ticket subsidy are just a few examples KBV guarantees equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace. Severely disabled people are given special consideration if equally qualified. The position is generally suitable for part-time employees. You are also welcome to use the external application deadline via the link provided. HAVE WE PIQUED YOUR INTEREST? Then apply by 13.06.2024 using our online application form. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Maria Düsterhöft. Further information at https://it-karriere.kbv.de/. We look forward to receiving your application!
Job in Germany: IT expert (m/f/d) SPX
LVR-Klinik Bonn, null, ua
LVR Clinic Bonn Academic teaching hospital of the University of Bonn IT expert (m/f/d) SPX wanted for the LVR Clinic Bonn Location: Bonn Place of employment: LVR Clinic Bonn Remuneration: EG 9a TVöD Working hours: Part-time (up to 19.25 hours / week) Employment relationship: open-ended Start of occupation: 01.10.2024 Application deadline: 27.06.2024 These are your tasks Hospital and duty scheduling - we need an (IT) expert here! We are a dedicated team of five colleagues and ensure that duty scheduling and payroll accounting for 1,700 employees is in line with collective agreements every month. They ensure the secure parameterization of the duty scheduling software SPX, the additional modules (ESS) and the connection to interfaces (SAP). Based on your experience with and knowledge of parameterization, you propose developments in the technical setting of duty scheduling and work on these in coordination with the team. By working in the basic team of the provider, you will keep in touch with all SPX developments and innovations in the network. Depending on your qualifications, you will be paid up to EG 9a TVöD. What you bring with you Training as an IT specialist, application developer or similar Before signing an employment contract, proof of adequate protection against measles must be provided in accordance with the Measles Protection Act (unless you were born before 1971 or are demonstrably not subject to the statutory vaccination requirement). With your application, you expressly agree to this procedure. What else is important to us Knowledge in the application development of duty roster programs, preferably in a multi-shift system Basic knowledge of duty scheduling and collective bargaining law (TVöD, TV-Ärzte/VKA) Practical experience in second-level user support and administration Understanding of complex processes High sense of responsibility Eye for necessary detail work Ability to work to deadlines What we offer you Working time accounts for the flexible structuring of working life Canteen Central location Annual performance-oriented one-off payment (LoB) Discount campaigns for employees Capital-forming benefits Who we are The LVR-Klinik Bonn is an innovative, state-of-the-art specialist clinic for psychiatry, psychotherapy and neurology with 839 beds and places and around 1,700 employees in a total of eight departments. The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy comprises three general psychiatric departments as well as one department each for addiction disorders and geriatric psychiatry. Child and adolescent psychiatry is represented by its own clinic with several locations. In addition to the treatment options for adults, the neurology department also has a children's neurological center. As a municipal association with around 22,000 employees, the Rhineland Regional Association (LVR) works for the 9.8 million people in the Rhineland. With its 41 schools, ten clinics, 20 museums and cultural institutions, four youth welfare facilities, the state youth welfare office and the association for curative education, it fulfills tasks that are carried out throughout the Rhineland. The LVR is Germany's largest provider of services for people with disabilities and is committed to inclusion in all areas of life. "Quality for people" is its guiding principle. The 13 independent cities and twelve districts in the Rhineland and the Aachen city region are the member authorities of the LVR. In the Rhineland Regional Assembly, elected members from the Rhineland municipalities shape the work of the association. The LVR stands for diversity. Our aim is to reflect this in our employee structure. General information about the LVR-Klinik Bonn can be found on the Internet at www.klinik-bonn.lvr.de and about the LVR at www.lvr.de. Have we piqued your interest? Then apply online via our applicant management system by 27.06.2024. We look forward to receiving your application! If you have any questions, please contact Christina Simfeld, Head of Human Resources & Organization, Tel. 0228 551-2732. Reference number: STA-04324 Quality is our benchmark When it comes to respectfully accompanying, supporting and treating people, the quality of our services is our benchmark for our actions. We want to keep getting better for our customers. Equal opportunities at the LVR The LVR is committed to an organizational culture that is characterized by mutual respect. Every individual should be valued, regardless of gender and gender identity, sexual orientation and identity, age, disability, ethnic origin and nationality, religion and ideology or other characteristics that make up social diversity. As a public employer, the LVR promotes the actual achievement of equal rights for women and men and works towards the elimination of existing disadvantages. The LVR has been pursuing this mission for over 30 years with measures for a balanced employment structure, with the promotion of women, e.g. for management positions, with efforts to support the compatibility of gainful employment and care work as a family-friendly employer, and also in its technical tasks for more gender sensitivity. People with severe disabilities are given preferential consideration if equally qualified. We would like to increase the proportion of women in STEM professions (mathematics, IT, natural sciences, technology). Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. In accordance with the NRW State Equal Opportunities Act, women will be given preferential consideration if they have the same aptitude, qualifications and professional performance, unless reasons relating to the person of a competitor outweigh this.
Job in Germany: Senior IT Administrator - Entra ID / Cisco / Microsoft / VMware (w/m/d)
Workwise GmbH, null, ua
Senior IT Administrator - Entra ID / Cisco / Microsoft / VMware (f/m/d) Location: 22525 Hamburg About the company Global by tradition. Original on principle. We are an international distributor of original consumables - with the emphasis on "original". As a Hanseatic company, we believe in reliability, cosmopolitanism, commercial daring, fairness, partnership and tradition. And just as importantly, we enjoy our work and have fun doing it! What do we offer you? Duz culture Hybrid working 30 days vacation with a 5-day week A Germany ticket for €21.50 per month A healthy lunch in our in-house canteen - completely free of charge for you and of course there is also a vegetarian alternative A multicultural international environment with flat hierarchies and a strong feedback culture - we speak more than a dozen languages and come from 17 countries A company headquarters in a central location in Hamburg with very good transport links - it's a 5-minute walk to the S3 S-Bahn train station Our feel-good managers on four paws Fiete, Amigo and Toni ensure a good mood in the office Company pension scheme Free parking spaces What can you expect? You are passionate about the full operation of our VMware virtualization environment and Cisco network infrastructure and always have a keen eye for the continuous optimization of internal IT processes and structures You are responsible for the commissioning and monitoring (PRTG) of IT infrastructure components, including installation and commissioning, as well as release changes and updates You are responsible for incident (2nd/3rd level) and problem management for the components used and always have an open ear for our employees in the event of problems with our systems You create technical concepts and decision bases for your area of responsibility for internal stakeholders You take over the documentation of the IT system landscape What should you bring with you? Whether training, studies or many years of practical experience - the decisive factor is your extensive experience as an IT administrator (senior level) - we would be happy to find out more about this in a personal interview Ideally, you have certification in VMware, Cisco IOS and Microsoft You have knowledge of Microsoft Azure / Entra ID and technical understanding of complex hybrid environments You are fluent in German and English Our job offer Senior IT Administrator - Entra ID / Cisco / Microsoft / VMware (f/m/d)sounds promising? With our partner Workwise, you can apply for this job in just a few minutes and without a cover letter. You can then track the status of your application live. We look forward to receiving your application via Workwise.
Job in Germany: Senior IT Administrator (w/m/d)
Workwise GmbH, null, ua
Senior IT Administrator (f/m/d) Location: 22525 Hamburg About the company Global by tradition. Original on principle. We are an international distributor of original consumables - with the emphasis on "original". As a Hanseatic company, we believe in reliability, cosmopolitanism, commercial daring, fairness, partnership and tradition. And just as importantly, we enjoy our work and have fun doing it! What do we offer you? Duz culture Hybrid working 30 days vacation with a 5-day week A Germany ticket for €21.50 per month A healthy lunch in our in-house canteen - completely free of charge for you and of course there is also a vegetarian alternative A multicultural international environment with flat hierarchies and a strong feedback culture - we speak more than a dozen languages and come from 17 countries A company headquarters in a central location in Hamburg with very good transport links - it's a 5-minute walk to the S3 S-Bahn train station Our feel-good managers on four paws Fiete, Amigo and Toni ensure a good mood in the office Company pension scheme Free parking spaces What can you expect? You are passionate about the full operation of our VMware virtualization environment and Cisco network infrastructure and always have a keen eye for the continuous optimization of internal IT processes and structures You are responsible for the commissioning and monitoring (PRTG) of IT infrastructure components, including installation and commissioning, as well as release changes and updates You are responsible for incident (2nd/3rd level) and problem management for the components used and always have an open ear for our employees in the event of problems with our systems You create technical concepts and decision bases for your area of responsibility for internal stakeholders You take over the documentation of the IT system landscape What should you bring with you? Whether training, studies or many years of practical experience - the decisive factor is your extensive experience as an IT administrator (senior level) - we would be happy to find out more about this in a personal interview Ideally, you have certification in VMware, Cisco IOS and Microsoft You have knowledge of Microsoft Azure / Entra ID and technical understanding of complex hybrid environments You are fluent in German and English Does our Senior IT Administrator (f/m/d) job offer sound promising? With our partner Workwise, you can apply for this job in just a few minutes and without a cover letter. You can then track the status of your application live. We look forward to receiving your application via Workwise.
Job in Germany: IT infrastructure, process support and service desk
Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg, null, ua
IT infrastructure, process support and service desk Numbers create knowledge: As the largest information service provider in the state of Baden-Württemberg, we collect objective and neutral data on all important aspects of life. Our work forms the basis for analyses and decisions in politics, business and science. As a system and server administrator, you will install and maintain our servers, particularly in the Windows area, and ensure the smooth operation of our IT systems. The department is also responsible for process support for our specialist statistical procedures, network administration and the service desk. At the Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office, the department " IT infrastructure, process support and service desk" a permanent position graded according to pay group 10 TV-L or pay group A 11 LBesGBW to be filled as soon as possible. We are looking for a: System Administrator / IT Engineer with a focus on Windows Server (f/m/d) (University of Applied Sciences or comparable Bachelor's degree or comparable training with many years of professional experience in the IT sector) Your tasks You will be responsible for the installation, administration and maintenance of our Windows server landscape, You will ensure the smooth operation of our servers, IT systems and specialist processes, You use the latest system operation technologies and tools for continuous improvement and automation You will work on monitoring and third-level support and coordinate regularly with the state's own IT service provider BITBW. Your profile You have an accredited bachelor's degree or university of applied sciences degree in computer science, mathematics or physics or have a comparable education with many years of professional experience in the IT sector, in addition to knowledge of the administration of servers (especially Windows systems), you have experience in the virtualization of servers and with VMWare, You are familiar with software administration, You actively contribute your knowledge of IT security to the design of our system landscape Our offer an interesting, varied and challenging job with a wide range of development opportunities structured induction in the field of work and the further development of your personal skills through various training opportunities annual special payment and a supplementary company pension, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve off, 30 days' vacation per year with a 5-day week, flexible working hours and family-friendly working time models. If you would like to work part-time, please state your part-time preference in your application, the possibility of working from home, good public transport connections. We support your mobility with a subsidy for the JobTicket BW, a wide range of internal health management offers and our own canteen, Our office is located in Fellbach near Stuttgart. The journey from Stuttgart main station by S-Bahn takes approx. 12 minutes. Your application Have we piqued your interest? Then please send us your written application, stating the Reference number 2624 by 19.07.2024 via our application portal. You can find information about the application process here or on our homepage under "Careers". Principles Full-time jobs are generally divisible. Severely disabled people with equal aptitude are given priority. Contact Personnel department Mrs. Papenfuß Phone: 0711/641-2521 E-mail: [email protected] Technical queries Mr. Jalayer Phone: 0711/641-2830
Job in Germany: IT Business Analyst Application Support / Custodian (incl. cryptoassets) m/f/d for the area: IT
DZ Bank AG, null, ua
We are looking for IT Business Analyst Application Support / Custodian (incl. cryptoassets) m/f/d for the area: IT at the Frankfurt am Main location Welcome to DZ BANK Work at a bank where you can successfully shape your future and the future of the cooperative banks. DZ BANK is the second largest commercial bank in Germany, the central institution of the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken cooperative financial network, the central bank for more than 700 German cooperative banks and the holding company for the companies in the DZ BANK Group. We are a reliable and efficient employer that offers you exciting new challenges. That combines digital thinking with consistent action. That values your experience and encourages initiative. That drives innovation and believes in constant change. Who sticks to goals until they are achieved. And who thinks and works in a spirit of partnership - because we like to shape success together, with you. What you can expect As an IT Business Analyst (m/f/d), you will be responsible for the technical support and 2nd level support of our applications in the custodian environment, including the crypto custody platform. You will analyze and rectify errors and, together with the manufacturers, production and specialist application support, ensure the continuous improvement of the applications and their architecture. Performance analyses through proactive application monitoring, including capacity management and service level reporting, are also on your agenda. You create coherent IT concepts relating to data processing, authorizations and security, while checking the quality of specialist concepts. We know that the conception, implementation and documentation of tests are in good hands with you, as are the planning of releases and the implementation of small IT orders. In the course of digitization, you will be responsible for the expansion of our application monitoring solutions and will be involved in both test automation and deployment processes. Formulating, adapting and renewing service agreements such as OLAs and UCs in collaboration with the production operators rounds off your area of activity. What you bring with you Completed studies in computer science, business informatics, mathematics, natural sciences or business administration - alternatively a comparable education Several years of professional experience in application support and/or application development as well as in project work related to investment banking / capital markets Proven expertise in the Linux and Windows operating systems as well as in the respective shell scripting Proficient in the areas of networking, Google Cloud and relational databases, including SQL queries Solid knowledge of banking with advanced know-how in. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies Ideally, you have extensive experience in using IT application management tools (e.g. Jira, ServiceNow, Automic, cbFlow) What we offer you From attractive performance-related pay to support with childcare. From mobile working with flexible working hours to a company pension scheme. From extensive training programs to health and fitness offers. At DZ BANK you will receive many benefits and advantages as well as optimal conditions for your personal development. We live cooperative values and pay attention to a work-life balance. Have we piqued your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application - and to meeting you. Further training Mobile working / flexitime Travel allowance Company pension scheme Canteen / meal allowance Health offers Company sports Childcare Contact us If you have any questions, please call Hartmut Hans on 069 / 7447 2683. Find out more at karriere.dzbank.de! We look forward to getting to know you. Start your online application now using the Apply button, takes max. 10 minutes.
Pracownik hali sprzedaży: dział tradycja
Jobman Group Sp. z o.o., Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Pracownik hali sprzedaży na dziale tradycja- oferta pracy tymczasowej.Предложение адресовано также иностранцам. Напиши нам и мы поможем тебе найти работуOBOWIĄZKI:Do zadań osoby pracującej na powyższym stanowisku należeć będzie:- obsługa stoiska z wędlinami lub nabiałem (w tym obsługa krajalnic)- obsługa Klienta zgodnie ze standardami firmyWYMAGANIA:Szukamy właśnie Ciebie, jeśli:- jesteś dyspozycyjny/a i gotowy/a do pracy zmianowej- posiadasz aktualne orzeczenie do celów sanitarno-epidemiologicznych (wymóg konieczny)- potrafisz pracować w zespole- nie brakuje Ci chęci do pracyOFERUJEMY- umowę zlecenie - TYGODNIÓWKI- stawkę brutto 28,50 zł/h brutto- możliwość zdobycia cennego doświadczenia- obsługę administracyjną on-line (wszystkie formalności załatwiane bez wychodzenia z domu)- możliwość refundacji badań sanepidu- konkurs 'URODZINOWA KASA', w którym możesz wygrać aż 3000 zł brutto premii 'Razem dla schroniska' - po zgłoszeniu udziału w akcji na naszym Facebook'u, za każdą przepracowaną godzinę, przekażemy 0,08 zł dla krakowskiego schroniska! Jesteś zainteresowany/a? Aplikuj!DODATKOWE INFORMACJE:Aplikacje powinny zawierać klauzulę: 'Na podstawie art. 7 ust. 1 RODO oświadczam, iż wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez administratora, którym jest Jobman Group Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Bociana 22a, 31-231 Kraków moich danych osobowych w celu przeprowadzenia procedury rekrutacji na oferowane stanowisko. Mając na względzie, iż oferta dotyczy wykonywania pracy tymczasowej na rzecz pracodawcy użytkownika, którym jest klient Administratora, rozumiem i akceptuję fakt iż celem przeprowadzenia rekrutacji niezbędnym jest udostępnienie moich danych temu pracodawcy użytkownikowi.'
Робочий з комплексного обслуговування й ремонту будівлі
Криворізька гімназія №68, Кривий Ріг
Вимоги:Проживання у Саксаганському або у Покровському районіУмови роботи:Постійно знаходиться на робочому місці з 8.00 до 16.30. Не покидає робоче місце без дозволу заступника директора з господарської роботи. Працює в режимі нормованого робочого дня за графіком, складеним виходячи з 40-годинного робочого тижня і затвердженим директором гімназії за поданням заступника директора гімназії з господарської роботи. Проходить інструктаж з техніки безпеки, виробничої санітарії та пожежної безпеки під керівництвом заступника директора гімназії з адміністративно-господарської роботиОбов’язки:- підтримування в робочому стані систем центрального опалення, водопостачання, каналізації, енергопостачання, теплопостачання, вентиляції, кондиціонування повітря, водостоків та іншого обладнання, що забезпечує нормальну роботу гімназії;- проведення поточних ремонтних робіт різного профілю;- проведення сезонну підготовку будівель, споруд, обладнання, механізмів;- монтаж, демонтаж і поточний ремонт електричних мереж та електрообладнання з виконанням електротехнічних робіт;- поточний ремонт меблів в гімназії, встановлювати скло в вікна, встановлювати замки в двері та виконувати інші столярні роботи;- обслуговування, поточний ремонт та наладку сантехнічного обладнання в гімназії та їдальні;- дотримання технології виконання ремонтно-будівельних, слюсарних, електротехнічних і зварювальних робіт; правил експлуатації і утримання будівель, обладнання, механізмів, машин, споруд; правил техніки безпеки, виробничої санітарії та пожежної безпеки;- облік витрат води, електроенергії та інших видів енергоносіїв на підставі показів відповідних приладів (лічильників);- дотримання правил санітарії в виділених для роботи працівника приміщеннях;- участь в щорічному ремонті в канікулярний період;- при відсутності заступника директора господарської роботи облік необхідного для роботи обладнання та матеріалів гімназії;- чергування по виробничій необхідностіБудь ласка, з додатковими питаннями звертайтеся: +380673795606, 380976679476