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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Gamedev / Unity / AS3 в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Gamedev / Unity / AS3 в Україні"

15 322 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Gamedev / Unity / AS3" по диапазонам зарплаты в Україні

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 17.05.24, за професією Gamedev / Unity / AS3 в Україні відкрито 6 вакансій. Для 33.3% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 10.0+ грн. 33.3% оголошень з зарплатнею 15.0+ грн, і 16.7% з зарплатнею 25.0+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Gamedev / Unity / AS3 в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Gamedev / Unity / AS3 в Україні.

Розподіл вакансії "Gamedev / Unity / AS3" по областям Україні

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Gamedev / Unity / AS3 відкрито в Київській області. На другому місці - Кіровоградська область, а на третьому - Хмельницька область.

Рейтинг областей Україні за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Gamedev / Unity / AS3"

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Gamedev / Unity / AS3 відкрито в Київській області. На другому місці - Кіровоградська область, а на третьому - Хмельницька область.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Україні

Серед схожих професій в Україні найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Node.js. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 25000 грн. На другому місці - Разработчик игр з зарплатнею 20000 грн, а на третьому - Программист з зарплатнею 19167 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

PHP Developer (Ukraine)
EvoPlay, Ukraine
We are looking for talented PHP-developers to work on major internal projects as part of a big company engaged in gaming development.Requirements:3+ years of developing experience on PHP5+;Experience in developing highload systems’ architecture;Strong knowledge of relational databases;Good understanding of OOP;Version control systems (SVN / Git);Beautiful clean code.Would be a plus:Experience in developing on frameworks — Symfony 2 + Doctrine 2 ORM;Experience with: MongoDB, memcached, APC, Gearman, CI server;Practical experience of module testing with the usage of PHPUnit framework.What opportunities we offer:Social package, 100% paid vacations, seek-leaves;Free parking;Employee lounge;Kitchen in the office with all the accompanying elements (tea, coffee, milk, cookies).Career prospects
Unity Technical Artist
WHALEAPP, Kiev, Ukraine
The Role:Technical work on the game UIPreparation of Unity layout elementsMarkup of the finished design, layout in Unity according to the source files​Requirements:Layout related work experience (printing, web, software)Deep knowledge of Adobe CS (PS, AI, ID)Creating layout instructions (tabular storyboards from layouts)
Unity Developer
WHALEAPP, Kiev, Ukraine
Чем ты будешь заниматься:писать новую игровую логику и постоянно улучшать существующий функционал (поддержка, оптимизация)предоставлять фидбэка и непрерывно совершенствовать flow разработкиписать качественный код, понятный другим Основные требования:имеешь опыт разработки мобильных проектов (iOS, Android) на Unity (от 1.5 лет)имеешь уверенные знания основ C #имеешь понимание и практическое применение принципов ООПзнаешь паттерны проектированияимеешь опыт работы с Xcode, Android Studioумеешь использовать TextMesh Pro, DOTween, TexturePacker, Unity Sprite Atlas
Senior Game Economist
WHALEAPP, Kiev, Ukraine
Твои задачи:Разработка гибких экономических систем и функций (структур продвижения и вознаграждения, валют и т. д.)Поддержка существующей экономики игры и разработка экономики для новых функций, включая моделирование, настройку, балансировку и мониторинг ключевых параметров, для увеличения KPI и создания увлекательного игрового опытаСоздание моделей игровой экономики и оценка их производительности и влияния на опыт и поведение игрокаБалансировка виртуальных продуктов — определение потребностей в них, взаимосвязей и жизненного циклаРазработка и генерация таблиц соответствия, демонстрирующих вероятности и доходность игр, посредством расчета и / или моделированияОптимизировать производительность фич/игровых элементов, с помощью настройки и A / B-тестированияАнализировать сложные наборы данных, категоризировать пользователей и создавать для них персонализированные предложения в игреПредоставлять ответы и объяснения на вопросы связанные с экономикой/балансом в игре, для продюсеров и гейм-дизайнеровСоставлять и поддерживать проектную документацию, которая будет служить ориентиром при разработке баланса игрыУправлять ценообразованием — разрабатывать определенные ценовые предложения и продумывать стратегию продаж для ключевых пользователейОценивать влияние добавления, удаления или обновления контента на вовлечение игроков​Необходимые навыки и опыт:Высшее образование в области экономики / математики / статистикиОтличное знание и опыт применения на практике комбинаторики, статистики и теории вероятностиСильные эконометрические навыки, умение моделировать проблемы в количественных системах и делать качественные выводы из количественных данных
Senior System Game Designer
Vizor Games, Kyiv
Vizor Games находится в поиске геймдизайнера для работы над проектом Klondike Adventures! Мы ищем опытного специалиста, который любит игры, играет в игры и делает игры. Игра Klondike Adventures Направление Game design Опыт senior Описание задач: Участие в разработке наиболее важных игровых, структурных или инструментальных фичей. Опыт ведения фичи как Feature Owner. Разработка новых и улучшение действующих игровых механик. Поиск и применение лучших монетизационных и вовлекающих практик мобильного игрового рынка. Улучшение ключевых метрик, генерация и проверка гипотез. Настройка игрового баланса. Написание ясной и понятной всем участникам проекта документации. Поддержание актуального состояния ГД-документации проекта. Требования к кандидатам: Опыт работы не менее 2 лет на позиции senior/middle game designer. Хорошее знание и понимание специфики мобильных игр и аудитории. Знание рынка мобильных игр и хорошая наигранность в разных жанрах. Знание игровых механик, опыт работы с игровым балансом. Навыки декомпозирования фич и целых игр, понимание взаимосвязей в играх. Умение составлять ГД-документацию. Обширный игровой опыт в следующих жанрах: adventure, farm, simulator. Опыт работы с A/B-тестами. Опыт работы с продуктовой аналитикой и data-driven подход в решениях. Системное мышление, умение анализировать и оценивать реализуемость задач. Проактивный подход к работе, высокое чувство ответственности и умение работать в команде.
Strong Middle Java Developer (+mySQL)
INTELLIAS, Spain (remote)
Dive deep into Digital! For 20 years Intellias has been developing top-tier digital solutions for the world’s leading companies, keeping them in line with the latest technology trends. Join in and provide innovations for the future!Project Overview: Our client offers the best online gaming platform of its kind: Alira. In its 20 years, the platform has become the leader in the Spanish online gaming market and has also firmly established itself in Latin America and Europe.The ALIRA platform serves as intermediation software, connecting game providers with intermediaries in the gaming and sports betting industry. This Java-based platform utilizes REST protocol for seamless communication between providers and ALIRA, enabling bidirectional data exchange.The platform also features a content management system (CMS) for the integration of provider games into operator websites, adapting them to match each operator's visual style.Responsibilities: Manage tasks and projects to strengthen our IT team based in Madrid.Verify game load, session control, and work on new functionalities, bug fixes, and process optimizations.Improve product in the core part of the PAM.Create and maintain all the regulations in the different countries where PAM is present.Give responses to incidents sent by regulator.Provide documentation, operate interactions and performance optimization.Deploy configurations, services or scripts at the server level (Linux).Requirements: Strong experience in Java 8 and XML, XSD (at least 4 years).Strong experience with MySQL.Strong experience in security in Java.Maintain and enhance platform stability, gaining in-depth knowledge of the complex system.High standards for code quality, testability, maintainability, security, and performance.Knowledge of deployment of configurations, services or scripts at the server level (Linux) will be valued.Practical experience with tools: Eclipse, Visual Studio, Subversion, Maven, Hudson, Jira.Ability to Report to Development Manager.Fluency in Spanish and English at Upper-Intermediate level is required.At least a bachelor's degree in IT field.Nice to have:JavaScript (React).#LI-YD1
Game Engine Developer
Vizor Games, Kyiv
Для разработки игр для мобильных платформ (iOS, Android, Amazon) компанией разработан собственный фреймворк. Игровая логика пишется на Java. Затем Java код конвертируется в С++ код и далее компилируется для указанных платформ. Такой подход позволяет добиться высокой скорости разработки за счет того, что для тестирования игровой логики нет необходимости делать сборку для устройства, достаточно запустить desktop Java приложение. Направление Programming Опыт middle Технологии Java / C++, OpenGL/DirectX/Vulkan, Ruby/ Python Вам предстоит Разработка и развитие внутреннего игрового движка на Java. Оптимизация рендеринга, пайплайна работы с ресурсами. Разработка proof-of-concept демок для демонстрации новых возможностей движка. Улучшение документации, работа с проектными командами над запросами по улучшению функциональности. Мы ожидаем от вас Опыт промышленной разработки на Java, C# или C++. Опыт программирования графики с использованием OpenGL, DirectX или Vulkan. Желание разбираться в чужом коде и делать его лучше. Знание скриптовых языков Ruby, Python или любой другой. Почему у нас приятно работать Мы вдохновляемся друг другом! Делимся опытом, обмениваемся крутыми идеями, обсуждаем их и сразу же идем реализовывать. И результаты превосходят все наши ожидания. Наш департамент заботы усиленно работает, чтобы слово «забота» звучало в компании чаще, чем вы успеете о ней подумать. В стартовый набор входит медицинское страхование, компенсация больничного, отпуск, 4 Sick days в год, компенсация спорта. А с прошлого года мы добавили и психологическую поддержку для сотрудников. В Vizor мы знаем все о комфортных условиях работы: конкурентная зарплата, гибкий график, возможность работать удаленно или в одном из наших стильных офисов. О наших офисах ходят легенды, про нас писали даже на страницах известного архитектурного онлайн-издания Yatzer. Наверное, упоминать удобное рабочее место и современную технику не стоит. Поэтому мы лишь намекнем, что у нас есть focus room, где можно вздремнуть после вкусного обеда (а это еще один бонус от компании). И чайный уголок в зимнем саду. И игровая с огромной плазмой и приставкой. Каждый наш офис продуман до мелочей, где дизайнерская мысль умело переплетается с корпоративной культурой. Для профессионального развития есть все необходимое: внутренние курсы английского языка и рисунка, посещение профильных конференций, курсов, воркшопов и многое другое. Главное - ваше желание, а возможности роста у нас всегда найдутся. Конечно же, это не все. Мы всегда ярко празднуем дни рождения компании, новогодние праздники, тимбилдинги, релизы и дни рождения проектов. Готовим развлечения и подарки, которые сотрудники помнят годами. В копилке приятных бонусов также премии за рекомендации будущих коллег, ко дню рождения и важным событиям вашей жизни, премии ко дню рождения компании и Новому году и многое другое.
SMM Manager (Gaming)
Game Labs, Inc, Київ
About Us:Game Labs, a Ukrainian indie game development studio, has been a dynamic player in the gaming world since 2013. With a portfolio of more than 10 games, we have made a significant mark in the industry. Our most well-known titles include "This Land Is My Land," "Ultimate General," and "Naval Action." As we celebrate the Early Access release of our newest game, "A Twisted Path To Renown," we are excited to expand our Community Management team by welcoming a new SMM Manager.Main Tasks:As an SMM Manager at Game Labs, you will: Daily create and curate engaging content for various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok. Participation in the development and implementation of a comprehensive social media strategy to increase our game’s presence, raise new player acquisition, and engage our community effectively. Monitor, track, and report on feedback and online reviews from community members and content creators. Organize and participate in events to build community and boost game awareness on the above-mentioned platforms. Co-operate with the Community Manager and collaborate with other team members, like game artists and game developers, to ensure game knowledge consistency. Main Requirements: Advanced proficiency in English. In-depth knowledge and understanding of social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, etc.) and how they can be deployed in different scenarios. Familiarity and active usage of Chat GPT and its applications in social media management. Strong knowledge in media editing (creating assets from game screenshots and recordings). A proven track record of creating and executing successful social media campaigns that resulted in Conversions growth (web page visits, registrations, subscriptions or purchases, etc.). Ability to identify and track relevant community metrics (e.g., repeat attendance at events). Excellent communication and interpersonal skills (inside and outside the team). A passion for gaming and a good understanding of the gaming industry. Ability to handle multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment. Creative thinking with an analytical approach to problem-solving. What We Offer:At Game Labs, we understand the importance of a rewarding and supportive work environment. Here's what you can expect as a member of our team: Competitive salary - we offer a salary that is competitive within the industry, ensuring that your skills and dedication are appropriately rewarded. 24 working days of paid vacation annually. 100% Sick Pay, ensuring you can focus on getting better without financial stress. Flexible schedule. We understand the importance of work-life balance. Our flexible scheduling allows you to find a rhythm that works best for you and your personal commitments. Remote work - gives the flexibility of working from anywhere and anytime you need.  Why We Are: No bureaucracy. We pride ourselves on our streamlined and agile approach. Our environment is free from the layers of bureaucracy often found in larger companies. This means quicker decision-making, more creative freedom, and a direct impact on the outcomes of our tasks and ideas. Passionate and dedicated team. At Game Labs, we are a compact team brimming with passion and dedication. Each member of our team is a vital contributor, united by a shared love for video games. We thrive on creativity and commitment, making every project a labor of love. Driven by our desire to improve. At the heart of our ethos is the drive to constantly improve, not because we have to, but because we want to. We are motivated by our own ambition to innovate and excel, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the gaming world. Application Process:To ensure we find the perfect fit for our team, successful candidates will be invited to complete a trial task. This exercise is designed to showcase your creativity and understanding of our game "A Twisted Path To Renown."The Task: Utilize all available sources of information about "A Twisted Path To Renown," including our Official Website and various posts and YouTube videos. Create examples of creative, concise posts as you envision daily updates on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit. Feel free to use any resources and tools at your disposal, including Chat GPT for crafting natural-sounding texts. The focus should be on engaging content that captures the essence of "A Twisted Path To Renown" and resonates with our audience. Note: The selected works will be posted on our official channels and may be used in paid promotions to track engagement and effectiveness.This task is a great opportunity for you to demonstrate your creativity, social media savvy, and alignment with the Game Labs ethos. We are excited to see your ideas and how you would contribute to the ongoing narrative of "A Twisted Path To Renown."We are looking for a candidate who can bring both creativity and systematic thinking to our team, someone who is passionate about gaming and has the expertise to propel our social media presence to new heights. If you are ready to take on this challenge and be part of our vibrant and innovative team, we would love to hear from you! ContactAndrii Skliarov, CM - [email protected]
Designer/Developer data warehouse
HAYS, Wroclaw, dolnoslaskie, Polska
Designer/Developer data warehouseWroclawNR REF.: 1184285Hays IT Contracting to współpraca oparta na zasadach B2B. Nasza firma dopasowuje specjalistów IT do najciekawszych projektów technologicznych na rynku. Dołącz do grona 500 zadowolonych Kontraktorów i pracuj dla Klientów Hays!  Obecnie dla naszego Klienta poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko:  Projektant Programista Hurtowni Danych Model pracy: Praca hybrydowa (jeden dzień pracy stacjonarnej z biura we Wrocławiu Rodzaj umowy: kontrakt (B2B przez Hays Poland)Stawka: około 120 net/h + vatWspółpraca: długofalowa Branża: projekt w sektorze bankowym  Godziny pracy: standardowe Stos technologiczny: SQL, PL/SQL, ETL, relacyjne bazy danych i hurtownie danych, SVN/GIT Projekt: Jako Projektant-Programista Hurtowni Danych dostarczasz wysokiej jakości projekt i development zgodny z  wymaganiami funkcjonalnymi klientów, tworzysz dokumentację powykonawczą, współtworzysz i definiujesz wizję oraz szczegółowe koncepcje dotyczącej przyszłego systemu hurtowni danych, oraz repozytoriów danych. Jesteśmy dużym interdyscyplinarnym Zespołem Korporacyjnej Hurtowni Danych, skupiającym specjalistów z różnych dziedzin  rozwoju oprogramowania – analizy, architektury, projektowania i programowania hurtowni danych. Rozwijamy hurtownie danych wraz z pochodnymi repozytoriami danych ( w tym projektowanie wielowymiarowych struktur danych, budowa i optymalizacja procesów ETL). Zapewnienie terminowego dostarczania dobrej jakości danych z hurtowni oraz wsparcie Biznesu przy przeprowadzaniu analiz. W praktyce współpracuje ze wszystkimi jednostkami biznesowymi Banku oraz z innymi zespołami IT.    Co otrzymasz: Błyskawiczny proces rekrutacyjny (1 godzina interview)Standardowe benefity – preferencyjne stawki pakietów LuxMed i MultisportDecydując się na współpracę via Hays, otrzymujesz również możliwość pracy w przyszłości dla wielu innych wiodących klientów Hays   Czym będziesz się zajmował: Rozwój środowiska Hurtowni Danych,Pozyskiwanie informacji z systemów zewnętrznych do Hurtowni Danych oraz ich konsolidacja,Rozwój narzędzi dla systemu informacji zarządczej Banku, w zakresie przetwarzania, prezentacji oraz dystrybucji informacji,Projektowanie, budowa i zasilanie repozytoriów Hurtowni Danych, integrujących dane do wykorzystania przez inne systemy informatyczne,Rozwój narzędzi wspomagających proces kontroli jakości danych gromadzonych w Hurtowni Danych.      Czego oczekujemy: Masz wykształcenie wyższe z zakresu informatyki lub pokrewne,Masz minimum 2-letnie doświadczenie w operacyjnej pracy z hurtowniami danymi na podobnym stanowisku,Masz praktyczną znajomość języka SQL i PL/SQL na poziomie zaawansowanym,Masz doświadczenie w pracy z narzędziami ETL(IBM Infosphere Data Stage, Ab Initio, Informatica, Talend) minimum rokZnasz zagadnienia z dziedziny relacyjnych baz danych i hurtowni danych, Masz wiedzę z zakresu DWH, Masz dobrze rozwinięte zdolności analityczne oraz umiejętność modelowania danych,Potrafisz optymalizować zapytania SQL,Umiesz pracować z repozytorium kodów – svn lub gitJest osobą zaangażowaną i wykazujesz się proaktywną postawą,Potrafisz pracować w zespole (wierzymy, że budowanie relacji jest najważniejsze w biznesie!),Chcesz zdobywać doświadczenie i rozwijać się jako Programista ETL w obszarze hurtowni danych,Chcesz pracować z najnowszymi technologiami (m.in. IBM Datastage, Ab Initio).  Nice to have:  Doświadczenie w branży finansowej,Znajomość języka angielski na poziomie umożliwiającym zrozumienie dokumentacji technicznejUmiejętność modelowania danych    Jak będzie wyglądał proces rekrutacyjny: Twoje CV trafi do weryfikacji przez Rekrutera HaysRekruter skontaktuje się z Tobą telefonicznie – 15-minutowa rozmowa o projekcie i Twoim doświadczeniuRozmowa techniczna z Klientem – spotkanie online (1,5h)OfertaWitamy w projekcie!  Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361 
Team Lead Software Development
HAYS, Kraków, malopolskie, Polska
Team Lead Software DevelopmentKrakówNR REF.: 1184806Your new company For our client, a company that provides SaaS products related to sales, customer support, and other customer communications, we are looking for a Team Lead, Software Development.Your new role We are looking for a Team Lead to join us to lead a team of motivated developers. Or, if you are a top tier developer with experience in developing scalable applications ready to manage, we want to talk to you!What you39ll be doing:Hire, onboard, mentor, coach and retain talented developers.Work on constantly improving the well being and productivity of the team.Provide the team with career mentorship and regular guidance.Encourage innovation within the team.Participate in all phases of the software lifecycle, including being a hands on developer within the team when needed.Work in a dynamic, agile team where standard methodologies for delivering excellence and high availability software.What you39ll need to succeed Basic qualifications:6+ years of experience in software development.Team Management and mentoring experience.Hands on Java.Great communications skills in English to collaborate with teams spread across the globe.A collaborative attitude, contributing to an enjoyable work environment that promotes teamwork throughout the organization.Preferred qualifications:Experience in :JavaKotlin (Nice to have)SQLAmazon Web ServicesExperience in scoping and estimating solutions to provide accurate and realistic project timelines.Comfort with ambiguity, ability to pivot, and experience in a fast-paced work environment juggling multiple projects simultaneously.What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Python Developer
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryAndersen, an international IT сompany, invites an experienced Python Developer to work on a large-scale project for our Cyprus customers.We're assembling a team of 5 Python Developers to spearhead an exhilarating project in the thrilling realm of Game Development.But that's not all – on the project there are high-qualified QA and Automation QA engineers, Business Analytics and Project Managers that will ensure our project soars to new heights of excellence.Our customer is a leader in online Games development and publishing. The company has released more than 15 games on different platforms, including PC, consoles and mobile devices. It has a global presence and operates from more than 16 offices and studios around the world.The project is to support the core Backend team working on MMO games.ResponsibilitiesDeveloping and implementing meta gameplay features within the meta server.Developing and implementing auto-tests covering meta featuresDesigning and implementing APIs and protocols that are consistent, formalized, and testable.Writing clear, maintainable, portable, and highly functional code.Ensuring stability of several backend services.Investigating and responding to issues arising in the live environment.Integrating solutions with third-party engines and platforms.Maintaining and keeping the system documentation updated.RequirementsExperience in server software development for 3+ years.Experience in Python programming for 3+ years.Experience with developing asynchronous/multithreaded applications.Familiarity with databases and message brokers.Experience of working with distributed systems.Experience with load testing, troubleshooting, and optimizing performance of server services.Ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment.Level of English – from Intermediate and above.Desired skillsExperience with or willingness to learn Rust.Experience with or willingness to learn C++.Game development experience.Familiarity with Linux, Docker, Kubernetes.Familiarity with Actor model frameworks (Akka, CAF, Orleans, Actix etc.).Reasons to join usExperience in teamwork with leaders in FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, and others. Andersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, BNP Paribas, Ryanair, Mercedes, TUI, Verivox, Allianz, T-Systems, etc..The opportunity to change the project and/or develop expertise in an interesting business domain.Job conditions – you can work both fully remotely and from the office or can choose a hybrid variant.Guarantee of professional, financial, and career growth! The company has introduced systems of mentoring and adaptation for each new employee.The opportunity to earn additional up to 1,700 EUR per month by participating in the company's activities.Access to the corporate training portal, where the entire knowledge base of the company is collected and which is constantly updated.Bright corporate life (parties / pizza days / PlayStation / fruits / coffee / snacks / movies).Certification compensation (AWS, PMP, etc).Referral program.English courses.Private health insurance and compensation for sports activities.Join us!
Senior Unity Engineer
Founded in 2012, N-iX Game & VR Studio is one of the biggest game development and art production vendors in Ukraine, working with leading publishers and media enterprises around the globe. The team of 240+ professionals focuses on full-cycle game development, VR solutions, and content creation for all the most popular platforms. The studio has successfully collaborated with over 40 clients, including Paradox Interactive, Tempo Storm, Supermassive Games, and VRChat. At N-iX Game & VR Studio, we strive to deliver AAA quality of our work and looking for exceptional talent to join us. If you are excited about the opportunity to collaborate and grow among passionate experts — we invite you to our team!Responsibilities:Own gameplay feature design and drive implementation of robust, optimal solutionsPartner with Lead architects to establish clear design and translate scope of work for the teamSupport scheduling, planning and delegating of tasks amongst team members.Manage releases efficiently, reduce integration and communication overheadsFind ways to improve and optimize app performanceConduct code reviewsRequirements:At least 5 years of experience in Unity developmentExperience leading teams to implement game systemsPrior Experience developing multiplayer 2D/3D games on Unity Engine (2020)Experience integrating game systems with backend services built on cloud platforms such as AWSFamiliar with DevOps methodologies, and working with CI/CD toolset such as GitHub, Jenkins, Bitrise et alExperience in implementation AI, physics, and other gameplay-related systemsExperience in performance optimization and debuggingStrong communication and organizational skills. We are looking for a developer who will collaborate with the customer teamEnglish — Upper-IntermediateWill be plus:Experience with plugins developmentExperience with Objective-CWe offer:Flexible working format - remote, office-based or flexibleA competitive salary and good compensation packagePersonalized career growthProfessional development tools (mentorship program, tech talks and trainings, centers of excellence, and more)Active tech communities with regular knowledge sharingEducation reimbursementMemorable anniversary presentsCorporate events and team buildingsOther location-specific benefits
Unity developer
Possible tasks (depending on your interest and suitability): AI (OpenAI, etc.), AI Assistants, AI Training, etc. Animation logic & procedural animations (IK, Ragdoll, Soft-Body, etc.)Lifelike, complex character behavior (virtual personalities)Solving difficult Unity challenges and exploring new pathsUsage of the latest Unity technologies (e.g., Ray-Tracing, DOTS, Jobs-System, etc.)Voice control, dialogue system and player-character-interactionsCharacter individualization (geometry, blend shapes, hairstyles, clothing, etc.)Game logic, level design, tutorial and story implementationsVR/AR developments (navigation/control, Oculus Quest Hand Tracking, etc.)User interfaces for different devices (3D/VR/AR)Interface to 3D graphics, performance optimization, testingYour skills/experience:Important:Unity3D (2019+) and C#Depending on possible tasks above the corresponding experiencePassion for game developmentEnglish (fluent, if possible, also «software English»)Problem-solving oriented, proactive and self-organizedAmbitious and motivatedStrong communication skills with external team membersOrganizational talent, conscientiousness and quality awarenessAdvantageous:Experience with AI, Chat GPT, Cloud services, Chatbots, API and SAP are highly valued Experience with VRExperience with Java Script/TypescriptExperience with WebGLStartup mentalityThe advantages of our job offer:Leading position in a rapidly growing company with big goalsVaried work with a lot of personal responsibility and decision participationStrong appreciation of your performance and great influence on product developmentAcquire highly sought-after skills and experience (focus on future technologies)Insights into state-of-the-art technologies and testing of state-of-the-art approachesWe are a promising pioneer in gaming and avatarOur high market potential allows rapid salary increasesVery flexible work hours and remote working (part-time work also possible)Accepting applications only in English!Payment will depend on your qualifications, but we offer a salary that you will find enticing, as we think that a top team deserves a top salary. We also pay performance-based bonuses and try to meet all your expectations in order to create the ideal working conditions.
Frontend Game Developer (TypeScript)
The company is a provider of unique online slot-games (Spain). Experienced team +20 of developers, designers and marketers is developing new slot-games. The company designs and develops games for different players around the globe.Required skills:At least 3 years of experience in Game Development;Working knowledge of TypeScript, JavaScript;Experience work with Canvas (PIXI/ Phaser/ Cocos2d/ Three.js.);English language skills.Responsibilities:Support Game project;Writing game mechanics and logic;Development of animation and setting up game effects;Performance optimization and solution;Participation in product development, idea generation, team support within the position.What company offers?Unique international game project where you can take new and relevant experience;Dynamic work atmosphere where you will hardly happen to feel into a routine;Possibility to grow;Friendly international team;Remotely job or relocation.
C++ Graphics Developer
REQUIREMENTS:3+ years in C++ programming;Expertise with Vulkan / OpenGL;Higher education;Technical English (higher level is advantage).COMPANY OFFERS:Official employment or under gig-contract, all taxes are paid;Flexible working hours;28 days of paid vacation + 15 days at your own expense;Paid sick leave;Medical insurance (with dentistry and optics), including the family;Free English courses;Career and professional growth;External trainers (the best representatives of the IT sector in the country);Own base of courses and trainings;Permanent discount on gym / pool membership;Office in the Kyiv city centre / remotely;Provision of necessary up-to-date equipment;Regular salary review and financial bonuses (up to 100% of the salary);Bonuses for wedding, birth of children and other significant events;Paid maternity leave;Paid lunches, tea, coffee, water, snacks;Bicycle parking._____Please, send your CV marked «C++ Graphics Developer» in the subject via e-mail:resume[at]itrs.uaTel.: (044) 228−7271Показати телефон
Unity 3D програміст
UGI Development Studio is a full-cycle product company specializing in mobile game development for Android and iOS platforms.Have both self-publish and outsource projects.We cooperate with the gaming industry’s leaders and participate in creating world-class projects. Our partners are giants such as Big Fish, Wargaming, and X-flow.Our mission is to create large-scale, ambitious casual and mid-core projects that are played by millions, and we take pride in each product we offer.We are looking for a Unity Developer Middle+ with 3 years of experience in GameDev to join us and be part of a game team.ResponsibilitiesDevelop brand new features of projects from scratch;Improve and optimize existed code;Maintain a high standard of code quality;Collaborate with code, GD, Art and QA team;Planning and estimating tasks;Create and improve editor tools and company based packages to distribute between projects.Requirements3+ years of proven experience in Unity development;Strong knowledge of C#, OOP, software design patterns and SOLID principles;Experience with mobile platforms development;Knowledge of popular Unity frameworks such as Zenject (DI concept), UniRx, UniTask;Intermediate level of English for writing code documentation;Will be a plusExperience with Unity technologies stack such as URP, UIElements, Unit Tests;Experience with creating custom package for package manager;Knowledge of Unity bundles (Addressables system) and connecting it to external storages for download content;Writing shaders.What will you get with UGI Development StudioOpportunity to work on world-class game projects;Competitive salaries are regularly reviewed based on professional growth;Timely support from project lead with completing tasks, and review;Support with skills growth and improve by colleagues;Full employment;Remote workSocial package: 24 days of paid time off;10 paid sick leaves (without doctors' notes) — we value rest and recreation;Friendly and inspiring atmosphere in the teamAbility to influence projects — we are a dynamic and creative team. Any reasonable changes and improvements to the project, as well as any discussions with your experienced colleagues, are welcome and will be incorporated according to the team’s feedback.Join our team of like-minded people passionate about a common goal and love for games as a Unity Developer Middle+ to work on an exciting project. We always welcome new talents, so we are waiting for your CV with a list of completed projects.
Senior TypeScript Game developer (PixiJS)
Currently, Platipus Ltd has a position of Senior TypeScript Game Developer.Join our team and get a great opportunity to grow professionally and climb the career ladder in the exciting world of casino games!Requirements:5+ years of experience with TypeScript;Have experience to develop games;Experience with PixiJS or Phaser, Three.js;Deep understanding OOP;Experience with Git;Experience with Webpack;Will be a plus:Experience with Spine;Experience with Adobe Animate CC.Responsibilities:Develop new and support existing games.We offer:Interesting projects;Competitive salary according to the qualifications;Career and professional growth;20 working days of paid vacation per year and paid sick leaves;Paid government holidays;Cover taxes;Medical insurance after probation;Friendly and supportive atmosphere.
Unity developer
CREATY develops its own games. The success is obvious: the total download is over 20 million! Check it here: https://creaty.me/We continue to grow, so we will be happy to work with everyone who also wants to develop! Now we are looking for Unity developer.Responsibilities:develop architecture and game mechanics;optimize game performance and solve technical challenges;write new game logic and constantly improve existing functionality;lead code reviews and provide constructive feedback to team members;offer technical solutions, implement innovations and improve the quality of implementation.Main requirements:demonstrated leadership and mentoring skills;experience with Unity 2+ years;proven experience in building flexible architecture projects;strong knowledge of C#;understanding of 2D and 3D graphics;strong problem-solving and debugging skills;excellent communication and teamwork skills.Will be a huge plus:the opportunity to occasionally come to Lutsk to work with the team.We offer:formal long term employment;option to work remotely or from an office in the center of Lutsk (from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00);paid sick leaves (10 days per year) and vacation (18 days per year);skills and salary reviews every 7 months;the opportunity to implement your ideas and initiatives in a creative and dynamic team of game developers;online corporate events, team building;attention to every employee.Don’t hesitate to contact us to get more job details. You can become a part of a cool product that continues to develop actively!
Manual QA Engineer (GameDev)
Ми — продуктова компанія Pica Trebax. Розробляємо додатки на iOS/Android та активно розвиваємо напрямок GameDev. Шукаємо QA Engineer в нашу дружню команду, щоб разом створювати якісні та класні продукти!Вимоги до кандидата:обов’язково практичний досвід в тестуванні мобільних ігор від 1,5 рокуобов’язково практичний досвід мануального тестування мобільних додатків IOS/Android;комплексне розуміння QA-процесів та методологій (тест-план, тест-дизайн, тест-кейс, багтрекінгові системи, життєвий цикл ПЗ);розуміння видів тестування, та вміння застосувати техніки тест-дизайну;досвід ведення тестової документації (test plans, test cases, bug reporting);вміння проведення грамотного аналізу вимог до продукту/задачі (business requirements, technical requirements, GDD);досвід роботи із системами контролю версій (Git)/Bitbucket;практичні навички роботи з такими інструментами, як: Android SDK, ADB, Xcode, Unity, Browserstack, Charles/Fiddler, Postman, Firebase, TestFlight;досвід роботи з Jira, Confluence;знання та розуміння основних принципів клієнт-серверної архітектури додатків;досвід тестування REST API, та розуміння форматів JSON та XML;вміння працювати в режимі мультизадачності;проактивність, швидке навчання і бажання розвиватися.Буде плюсом:досвід роботи з Databases (SQL/NoSQL).Що ми пропонуємо:медичне страхування;оплачувальна відпустка та лікарняні;підтримка в веденні ФОП 3 групи;всі умови для комфортної роботи;цікаві та різноманітні проекти;дистаційна робота/ робота в офісі (м. КПІ/Лук'яновка);повна зайнятість. Про компанію Progresstech UkraineFounded by intellectual services provider PT-Americas (Houston, Texas, USA), Progresstech Ukraine provides engineering and IT solutions for enterprises in high-tech sectors. Our staff includes over 1,000 engineers and programmers.Progresstech Ukraine is the largest service provider for Boeing in Eastern Europe. It is part of the international holding Progresstechgroup, which consolidates engineering centers in Europe and North America and has 14 offices around the world.In cooperation with the country’s leading universities, the company implements educational projects and dual training programs to professionally train qualified engineers and employ them in Ukraine.
Unity 3D-програміст
#Junior,#MiddleВакансія для Unity-розробників на потоці! створення простих 2D ігор для ios. Шукаємо зокрема тих, хто має досвід у розробці hyper casual ігор.Самі проекти досить прості (1 проект можна зробити за2−3 дні)Пристрої Apple не потрібніОплата 175$, якщо встигли зробити за 4 дні, то 200$Пишіть @dimaTB у Tg для додаткової інформації та висилайте свої резюме чи проекти, які робили.Ви отримаєте можливість реалізовувати свої творчі задуми та розвиватися