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Административный менеджер

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Менеджер по работе со страховыми компаниями

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Менеджер сервисного центра

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Менеджер со знанием английского языка

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Менеджер технолог

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Менеджер торгового зала

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Менеджер транспортного отдела

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Помощник менеджера

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Технический менеджер

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(Deutsch & Englisch) Kundenservice-Berater (Ukraine)
SupportYourApp, Mykolaiv, Mykolaivs'ka oblast, ua
Begeisterst Du Dich für die Welt der Technik?Was wäre, wenn Du die Chance hättest, Teil der weltweit führenden SaaS-, Software- oder Hardwarelösungen zu werden?Trete noch heute unserem Customer Support Consultant-Team bei und wachse in einem multikulturellen und mehrsprachigen Umfeld, während Du Dein Homeoffice genießt. Schöpfe Dein Potenzial aus, indem Du mit unserem “People First”-Managementansatz neue Fähigkeiten erlernen und anspruchsvolle Ziele erreichst.Aufgeregt? Schau mal, was nötig ist. Was Du tun wirst: Außergewöhnlichen Kundensupport per Anruf, Chat und E-Mail anbieten Positive und langfristige Beziehungen zu Ihren Kunden aufbauen KPIs erreichen Immer auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik sein Sicher mit den vertraulichen Informationen Deiner Kunden arbeiten Die neuesten und besten Praktiken zur Kundenzufriedenheit anwenden Praktische Kenntnisse über die Produkte und Dienstleistungen unserer Kunden pflegen Mit Entwicklern und anderen Abteilungen verschiedener IT-Unternehmen kommunizieren Was brauchst Du, um in dieser Rolle erfolgreich zu sein: Ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten in Englisch und Deutsch (mindestens C1 in Wort und Schrift) Erfahrung im Kundenservice Analyse- und Lösungsfähigkeiten Positive und verantwortungsvolle Einstellung Persönlicher Laptop oder Computer (mindestens 8 GB RAM) und eine stabile Internetverbindung (mindestens 50 Mbit/s – Download und 40 Mbit/s – Upload) Wird ein großes Plus sein: Erfahrung im technischen Support Erfahrung mit CRM-Systemen Vorteile und Leistungen:  Flexibler Zeitplan  Möglichkeit, vollständig aus der Ferne zu arbeiten  Inklusives internationales Umfeld Vergütung in USD Gute Boni für die Empfehlung von Freunden Bezahlte Intensivausbildung und Probezeit Work-Life-Balance Reaktionsfreudiges Management, das an Deinem Wachstum und einer langfristigen Zusammenarbeit interessiert ist Rahmenbedingungen für die Selbstentwicklung Wer wir sind:SupportYourApp ist ein internationales Support-as-a-Service-Unternehmen, das BPO-Dienste für IT-Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt bereitstellt. Wir arbeiten mit Kunden aus über 30 Ländern zusammen und sprechen über 60 Sprachen.Seit 2010 haben wir uns zu einem Branchenführer im Premium-Outsourcing-Kundensupport entwickelt und sind mit 8 Hubs auf der ganzen Welt global aufgestellt.Wir behandeln unser Team wie unsere Kunden und umgeben sie mit uneingeschränkter Fürsorge, einem individuellen Ansatz und einer rundum positiven Erfahrung.Wir heißen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund und unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen willkommen. Ergreife die Chance, Dich uns anzuschließen und sende Deinen Lebenslauf auf Englisch, in dem Du Deine herausragenden Fähigkeiten hervorhebst!Besuche unsere Website: www.supportyourapp.com HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSSWir sind ein multinationales Unternehmen mit unvoreingenommenen Ansichten. Die Beurteilung der Kandidaten wird nicht durch Merkmale wie Rasse, Geschlecht, Hautfarbe, Religion, Alter, nationale Herkunft, Familienstand, Behinderung, Veteranenstatus, genetische Informationen, sexuelle Orientierung, Geschlechtsidentität oder andere gesetzlich verbotene Gründe beeinflusst von Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten und Vorteilen.
Rehabilitation Technical Officer - Hospital Project - South Ukraine
Handicap International, Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv Oblast, ua
Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info: www.hi.org At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities. Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview. Job Context From February 2022 HI has re-opened a Country Programme in Ukraine to respond to the humanitarian needs triggered by the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. In 2024, HI pillars of interventions are: Health : physical rehabilitation and mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS) for conflict-affected vulnerable population; Protection: HI aims to foster a disability-inclusive humanitarian response; Armed Violence Reduction (AVR): Ongoing attacks dangerously exacerbated Explosive Ordnance (EO) contamination in Ukraine. In light of this, HI is conducting a multi-pronged approach to EO Risk Education and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (CPP), adaptable to the evolution of the conflict and is looking at extending the AVR scope with NTS (Non-Technical Survey) activities (subject to accreditation approval) and Victim Assistance ; Basic needs : Providing cash-based transfers, including MPCA (Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance) and a disability top-up; Humanitarian-to-humanitarian logistics (ATLAS Logistique). Your mission Under the responsibility of the Health Project Manager, the Rehabilitation Technical Officer contributes to the implementation of Humanity & Inclusion's mandate and 10-year strategy in his or her home country. He/she contributes to the implementation of projects by providing technical expertise and ensuring that the quality and impact of the project(s) concerned is optimized. He/she works closely with the program’s technical team. He/she is responsible for support and advice of the two national rehabilitation officers so that they properly achieves their technical activities. Responsibility 1: Provides guidance and technical support to projects in accordance with the overall technical frameworks and standards within the rehabilitation sector. Provides appropriate rehabilitation technical and pedagogical guidance and support to project manager and field staff Ensures that the project activities are implemented according to internal quality and technical standards and proposes adjustments or improvements if necessary. Adapts project documentation as required in accordance with global rehabilitation technical norms and standards including the International Classification of Functioning and the human development model. Contributes to the regular reporting of the rehabilitation activities (collection and analysis of the technical data collected) in conjunction with the project team and the MEAL team. If relevant, ensures coordination and collaboration with the technical partners of the project as delegated by the project leader. Supports capacity development of national rehabilitation staff through assessments, mentoring, supervising and training.   Responsibility 2: Provides technical learning from projects. Collects the elements necessary for any planned capitalization or scientific documentation exercises. Provides reports and reflections on all training sessions that are implemented, to contribute to technical learning. Contributes to rehabilitation technical learning under the responsibility of the specialist based on good practice. Contributes to the terms of reference for evaluations. Implements recommendations for improving the technical quality of the rehabilitation components of projects.   Responsibility 3: animation of the rehabilitation sector; Contributes to: Recruitment. Necessary rehabilitation technical training Skills upgrading plan for rehabilitation professionals. Development of a local rehabilitation talent pool within its sectoral perimeter. This could include the identification and capacity building of current and future rehabilitation trainers. Other reports & documentation upon request. Provides inputs to support the development of the mission’s next operational strategy in collaboration with the rehabilitation specialist.   Responsibility 4: Contributes to ensuring HI's technical influence within its perimeter. Contributes to the influence of HI's expertise: can represent HI's technical expertise in relevant local networks and with local partners under the guidance of the rehabilitation specialist. Contributes to the strengthening of referral pathways into existing rehabilitation services CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POSITION: The security situation in Ukraine remains relatively stable, although there are frequent days and nights of air alerts. However, markets, restaurants and cafes are open, and life continues as normal. There is a strict curfew, the hours depend on the region. During the winter, most attacks target energy structures, mainly power grids and power plants, resulting in sporadic disruptions of electricity, water, heating and communications. HI has 3 hubs, one in the East (based in Dnipro with sub bases in Kharkiv and Poltava), one in the West (based in Lviv), one in the South East (based in Mikolaiv) and the coordination is in Kyiv. HI staff is accommodated in guesthouses or in hotel (during business trips), usually near HI offices, restaurants, cafes, shopping centers within walking distance and near a shelter (the shelter is either in the building or easy to reach). Movements between sites can be made by car (Hi drivers) or by train, depending of the region and time. The security in Mykolaiv city and surroundings area of intervention remain relatively stable, although air alarms tend to disrupt work and out of activities.   Mykolaiv being a Humanitarian hub for the South after Odesa, numerous international organizations are located in the city and social life (restaurant, café) is possible under a strict curfew (23:00 to 06:00). Good quality international and local food is available, and different restaurants at walking distance from the hotel and office. Communication (phone, mobile data, internet) is working well. HI currently has around 2 international staffs in Mykolaiv. Requirements Your profile Degree in physiotherapy At least 2 years of clinical experience and experience in emergency humanitarian settings Experience in hospital and multidisciplinary approach Experience in supervision and health science pedagogy Language: Fluency in oral and written English is compulsory Reactivity, flexibility, and adaptability Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills Resilient to stress and uncertainty Benefits At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. https://hi.org/en/join-the-team 2 months International contract starting July 15th 2024 The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation: Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals; Pension scheme; Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution; Repatriation insurance paid by HI; Salary from 2346€ gross/month upon experience; Perdiem: 551.58€ net/month – paid in payroll; Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary; Paid leaves: 25 days per year; R&R: Level 3: 5 days every 8 weeks => + possible transport/package support. Position: unaccompanied Housing: Collective / individual taken in charge by HI If you are resident in the country: local package Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying! Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Affiliate Manager (advertisers)
AdsKeeper, Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv Oblast, ua
Join AdsKeeper - Revolutionizing Online Advertising! Are you ready to be part of a cutting-edge online advertising network? Look no further! AdsKeeper is seeking an experienced Affiliate Manager . About AdsKeeper: As a leading online advertising network, AdsKeeper provides tailored solutions for advertisers, advertising agencies, affiliate marketers, performance-driven media buyers, and publishers - all on one integrated platform. With over 5 years of successful operations in the global market, we are at the forefront of transforming the industry. Tasks As our Client Acquisition Manager, you will be: Finding new advertisers for Adskepeer ad network, creating new negotiations, and closing the sales deals. Work with affiliate-oriented advertisers niche. Establish and foster partnerships and relationships with key clients in the market. Understand the partner’s business goals, anticipate future needs, and help determine optimal solutions for the campaign's launch in Adskeeper. Network effectively with new clients and develop strong business relations with existing ones. Work in connection with our internal teams and work cross-functionally regarding any client queries, and provide customer support. Representing the company during important industry events. Requirements To excel in this role, you should bring: 1+ experience in sales (online advertising: display, push, native). Experience in AdTech/MarTech companies. Knowledge of performance marketing technologies. Excellent sales and business development skills, with a track record of key performance metrics. Connections with clients in the industry. Master’s degree. Fluent English (writing and speaking). Proactive, sales-oriented person. Will be a plus : Additional foreign languages (Spanish, Portuguese). Prior affiliate sales experience. Extensive experience attending conferences. Benefits Joining our team comes with exciting perks, including: Competitive compensation package. Challenging work in an international company. Flexibility with working hours to maintain work-life balance. Annual paid vacations. Access to external and internal professional training and certifications. Corporate English classes led by native speakers. Ample opportunities for professional growth and advancement. Ready to shape the future of online advertising with AdsKeeper? Don't miss out! Apply now and become part of our talented team. Let's make a difference together! Adskeeper provides innovative solutions to increase revenue for Internet publishers. We have all the tools needed to enhance conversion rates and grow audiences
Client Acquisition Manager (Sales, AdTech)
AdsKeeper, Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv Oblast, ua
Join AdsKeeper - Revolutionizing Online Advertising! Are you ready to be part of a cutting-edge online advertising network? Look no further! AdsKeeper is seeking an experienced Client Acquisition Manager team. About AdsKeeper: As a leading online advertising network, AdsKeeper provides tailored solutions for advertisers, advertising agencies, affiliate marketers, performance-driven media buyers, and publishers - all on one integrated platform. With over 5 years of successful operations in the global market, we are at the forefront of transforming the industry. Tasks As our Client Acquisition Manager, you will be: Finding new advertisers for Adskepeer ad network, creating new negotiations, and closing the sales deals. Work with affiliate-oriented advertisers niche. Establish and foster partnerships and relationships with key clients in the market. Understand the partner’s business goals, anticipate future needs, and help determine optimal solutions for the campaign's launch in Adskeeper. Network effectively with new clients and develop strong business relations with existing ones. Work in connection with our internal teams and work cross-functionally regarding any client queries, and provide customer support. Representing the company during important industry events. Requirements To excel in this role, you should bring: 1+ experience in sales (online advertising: display, push, native). Experience in AdTech/MarTech companies. Knowledge of performance marketing technologies. Excellent sales and business development skills, with a track record of key performance metrics. Connections with clients in the industry. Master’s degree. Fluent English (writing and speaking). Proactive, sales-oriented person. Will be a plus : Additional foreign languages (Spanish, Portuguese). Prior affiliate sales experience. Extensive experience attending conferences. Benefits Joining our team comes with exciting perks, including: Competitive compensation package. Challenging work in an international company. Flexibility with working hours to maintain work-life balance. Annual paid vacations. Access to external and internal professional training and certifications. Corporate English classes led by native speakers. Ample opportunities for professional growth and advancement. Ready to shape the future of online advertising with AdsKeeper? Don't miss out! Apply now and become part of our talented team. Let's make a difference together! Adskeeper provides innovative solutions to increase revenue for Internet publishers. We have all the tools needed to enhance conversion rates and grow audiences