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Рекомендовані вакансії

Администратор в магазин обуви с опытом в сфере от 1 года график плавающий Киев
Vitto Rossi, Киев
Описание вакансии Администратор в магазин обуви с опытом в сфере от 1 года график плавающий Киев: сеть магазинов в поиске опытного администратора на полную занятость.Подходишь если: • опыт работы в сфере от 1 года; • диплом о высшем образовании;• уверенный пользователь ПК;• умеешь управлять коллективом;• на тебя можно положиться;• знаешь законодательные акты.Что необходимо хорошо делать: комплекс работ по обеспечению бесперебойной и эффективной работы магазина, выполнению плана продаж магазина, управлению персоналом магазина, организации, инвентаризациям, контролю за проведением расчетно-кассовых операций, ведению и контролю учета рабочего времени работника магазина, контролю технического состояния магазина, чистоты и порядка, управлению ассортимента, обслуживания клиентов.Как мы смотивируем: • платим процент и бонус;• хорошие условия работы;• оформление по закону;• есть куда расти и развиваться;• есть скидка.Условия работы с нами: работаем по плавающему графику с 9 до 22, с 9 до 18 или с 12 до 22. Все подробности по телефону.
Кур'єр з авто
Мобільна Оптика, Київ
Компанія «Мобільна Оптика» шукає водія-кур'єра на своєму авто.Вимоги:наявність власного авто в хорошому візуальному і технічному стані;дотримування стандартів компанії;енергійна, пунктуальна, охайна людина.Обов’язки:доставка замовлень на адресу клієнтаграфік ПН-ПТ 8:00 — 18:00Ми пропонуємо:дохід до 40000 грн;компенсація пального;компенсація амортизації авто;реальна можливість кар'єрного росту.За деталями, або, щоб записатись на співбесіду — надсилайте резюме!
Оператор call центру
Холдинг СИМПАТИК ГРУПП — торгова компанія з власним виробництвом (Healthy Pharm Ukraine) 19 років на ринку України. Виробляємо товари в категоріях: товари для краси, дому та здоров’я. Уже 12 років входимо в ТОП-3 лідерів дистанційно-каталогової торгівлі в Україні.Ми пропонуємо:Гнучкий графік роботи по 6 годин на день (в діапазоні з 8-00 до 20-00);Оплачувану перерву;Стабільну виплату заробітної плати;Навчання за рахунок компанії;Можливість офіційного працевлаштування;Дистанційну роботу з будь-якого міста України;Кар'єрний зріст;Дружній колектив.Що потрібно робити:Здійснювати дзвінки по клієнтській базі;Консультувати клієнтів на рахунок товарів компаніі та діючих акцій;Продаж товарів повсякденного використання;Фіксувати замовлення в програмі.Є бажання стати частиною нашої команди? Тоді перевір свою технічну можливість працювати у нас:ПК або ноутбук з ОС Windows, (бажано Windows 10)Процесор не менше 2 GHzОперативну пам’ять не менше 2 Gb. Бажано, 4 GbКабельний інтернет (не WiFi), статистичку («Білу») IP-адресу від провайдераГарнітура (бажано USB)Стань частиною команди професіоналів !
Адміністратор у технічний відділ
Хоммейд, Київ
Компанія "Трентонс" є провідним постачальником електроніки та комп'ютерної техніки в Україні. Ми спеціалізуємося на продажу високоякісних товарів, що задовольняють потреби наших клієнтів. Наша компанія завжди ставить клієнта на перше місце, пропонуючи широкий асортимент товарів, швидку доставку і технічну підтримку.НЕ ВІДДАЛЕНОВакансія "Адміністратор з обробки замовлень" - це важлива роль в нашій компанії, оскільки вимагається точність, організованість та вміння працювати в експедитивному середовищі. Основна мета посади полягає в ефективній обробці замовлень клієнтів, забезпечуючи, щоб вони були виконані вчасно та з високою якістю.Задачі:- Обробка та введення замовлень в систему;- Взаємодія з клієнтами для уточнення деталей замовлень;- Підтримка клієнтів у телефонному форматіВимоги:- Досвід роботи на адміністративній посаді буде перевагою;- Знання комп'ютера та досвід роботи з MS Office буде перевагою;- Вміння працювати в команді та приймати рішення в умовах високого темпу роботи.Пропонуємо:- Конкурентну заробітну плату та систему бонусів;- Можливості для професійного росту та розвитку;- Приємну та дружню робочу атмосферу;- Зручний офіс у центрі міста;- Сучасні умови роботи та доступ до необхідного обладнання.Якщо ви маєте бажання приєднатися до нашої команди та відчувати себе корисним елементом успішної компанії, ми радо чекаємо на вашу заявку.
Керівник КЦ
RecruitMaster, Київ
Вітаємо в компанії, яка надає послуги з підключення, налаштування та обслуговування ВАТС (віртуальної автоматичної телефонної станції), надання послуг з технічної підтримки програмного забезпечення клієнтів, надання послуг хмарного контактного центру та поставки електронного і телекомунікаційного обладнання, устаткування та деталей до нього підприємствам та організаціям України, Казахстану та Польщі.Ми шукаємо досвідченого Керівника, який долучиться до розвитку та забезпечення якісного функціонування системи обслуговування клієнтів, контролюватиме дотримання стандартів роботи фахівців колл-центру.Який він, наш ідеальний кандидат:Досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді — від 2 років;Досвід формування та управління командою; Досвідчений користувач: Excel, Google Sheets, CRM, MS Office, IP-телефонії; Системність, організованість та увага; Вміння чітко ставити завдання, контролювати їх виконання; Розвинені комунікативні навички, стресостійкість, вміння залагоджувати конфлікти; Вміння працювати у режимі багатозадачності; Прагнення працювати на результат та бажання розвиватися; Вміння аналізувати інформацію та виявляти слабкі місця.Що ти будеш робити?Робота з технічним відділом компанії;Виконання KPI та SLA департаменту;Забезпечення безперебійної роботи бізнес-процесів департаменту;Виконання тактичних та стратегічних завдань департаменту;Проводити зворотні зв’язки щодо роботи операторів та коучинг;Навчання та розвиток персоналу по ключовим hard & soft skills;Підготовка регулярної звітності по результативності департаменту та іншим якісним та кількісним показникам;Брати участь у розробці, вдосконаленні та впровадженні системи обслуговування клієнтів, створенні стандартів та нормативів, здійснювати контроль їх дотримання.І якщо ти будеш чудово справлятися з усім, то ми обіцяємо:розвиток в динамічній it-компанії;офіційне працевлаштування;вчасну виплату заробітної плати;корпоративне навчання, тренінги, тімбілдінг;безкоштовні корпоративні курси англійської мови;круту команду креативних та цікавих людей;сучасний, зручний офіс (біля станції м. Осокорки),нову техніку для комфортної роботи, безліч смаколиків і кава.Швидше відправляй своє резюме, приходь на співбесіду та камон до нас у команду!
Programme Associate
WHO, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
DESCRIPTION OF DUTIESThe incumbent will perform all or part of the following, and other related responsibilities as required by the needs of the office. Administer and/or coordinate processing of work products and transactions across programme, financial, and administrative work areas.Supervising and training of Programme Assistants as assigned by the supervisor Financial Review obligating documents, undertake reconciliations, and prepare reports, as required.Review and process transactions in the enterprise resource planning system and follow up with concerned parties on the receipt of deliverables and finalization of payments.Monitor aspects of the implementation of country activities (such as deadlines, funds for project/programme budget and financial expenditures) according to the approved country work plan, drawing the attention of the supervisor to problems, inconsistencies, and delays. Administrative Support the preparation and monitoring of teamwork plans in the enterprise resource planning system.Coordinate and follow-up on human resources administrative tasks, ranging from providing the team with human resources-related information on rules and procedures, managing the human resources plan within the workplan, contracts management, onboarding and follow-ups to performance evaluation reports/performance management and development system issues.Manage the smooth running of the administrative functions, including maintaining an up-to-date status of the office space and acting as the office space focal point for the department.Check, obligate and clear purchase requests for services and equipment, working in close collaboration with relevant colleagues to ensure that ordered services are appropriate.Track/administer the team’s client-support/response system and flow of information, monitoring and ensuring the processing of requests and correspondence.Provide administrative support to the organization of internal and external meetings, including the preparation of letters of invitation, documents, cost estimates and travel requests, the distribution of materials and liaison with participants and other stakeholders.Compile and ensure the availability of documentation for team meetings, seminars, and workshops.Establish and or maintain the team's electronic filing system of technical documents and correspondence. RECRUITMENT PROFILEEducationEssential: Completion of secondary education or equivalence training.Desirable: University degree (Bachelor’s degree) in business administration, social sciences, or related field. Training in United Nations systems is an advantage. ExperienceEssential: A minimum of 8 years of progressively responsible work experience relevant to the position (in the secretarial/administrative field) OR 4 years with a Bachelor or higher degree provided the university degree is relevant to the position.Desirable: Relevant experience in WHO or in the United Nations system (UN). Experience in enterprise resource planning systems.WHO Competencies*1) Teamwork*2) Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences*3) Communication4) Producing Results5) Ensuring effective use of resourcesUse of Language SkillsEssential: Excellent knowledge of English and Ukrainian.Desirable: Intermediate knowledge of any other Official UN languages.Skills Proficiency in the use of standard office computer software, note taking and operation of computerized systems and databases.Demonstrated knowledge of procedures and practices, rules and regulations in an administrative support area in a United Nations or WHO country office.Ability to undertake research, and prepare reports, briefing materials, and maintain filing systems.Basic financial accounting skills.Ability to train, brief and explain administrative procedures to other staff members.Ability to review, write/draft routine and non-routine correspondence and reports using proper grammar, punctuation and style.Ability to maintain effective client relationships and proactivity in servicing clients.Proficiency in computers and office software packages, handling of web-based management systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and Cloud Management Enterprise System such as Workday.Ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as helping others to do the same.
Crisis Analysis Team Lead - Ukraine
Mercy Corps, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description About Mercy CorpsMercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within.MC Country Program Summary Mercy Corps’ Ukraine response meets the humanitarian needs of people affected by the war in Ukraine. Since the escalation of the war in 2022, Mercy Corps has supported more than 750,000 conflict-affected people in Ukraine and neighboring countries. In response to humanitarian needs, Mercy Corps has provided cash assistance, food and hygiene kits, and psychosocial support for people in emergency situations. At the same time, Mercy Corps acknowledges that together with addressing humanitarian needs, it is also important to engage in recovery activities leading to resilience of communities. Therefore, alongside ongoing emergency activities, Mercy Corps is implementing a resilience program, that contributes to stabilization of livelihoods and improved resilience for IDPs and conflict-affected individuals. In line with direct investments to support self-employment opportunities, small to medium enterprise (SMEs) and agriculture sectors, this resilience program works as an adaptive response mechanism and will adjust programming according to ongoing analysis of the context and potentially changing needs. Notably, nearly all our programming is delivered in partnership with Ukrainian civil society organizations matching humanitarian and resiliency action with capacity strengthening and a real commitment to localization.About Ukraine Crisis Analysis TeamMercy Corps’ Crisis Analysis teams aggregate and analyze data to improve decision making and access in complex crises. These analysis teams support Mercy Corps programming in Syria, Lebanon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and other locations. The teams directly contribute to evidence-driven decision making by layering information from primary sources, open sources and responders’ programmatic data, where it is analyzed by subject matter experts and data scientists. This analysis is grounded in Mercy Corps’ status as an operational NGO, keeping products timely and relevant. In response to the humanitarian situation in Ukraine as well as the regional implications of this crisis, Mercy Corps established an in-house analysis and early warning capacity to inform better program design and program implementation. Since then, Ukraine Crisis Analysis team (UACAT) has expanded its reach as a broker for analyses relevant at the operational, strategic, and programmatic level. The role of UACAT is one of guiding and influencing 1) decisionmakers at policy and advocacy levels, and 2) those within the development, peacebuilding, and humanitarian sectors who are implementing programs on the ground. and services range from regular context briefings, scenario reports, thematic deep-dives, etc. The outputs range in themes from conflict and humanitarian needs to market systems and governance - all in line with programmatic needs and Mercy Corps strategy in Ukraine. The PositionThe Team Lead is responsible for driving the vision and strategy of the Ukraine CAT with the delivery of complex analytical products that inform stronger and more effective programming for MC’s Ukraine Response, in line with the country strategy. The Team Lead ensures relevant contextual nuances are part of MC Ukraine’s high-level advocacy messaging. Ultimately, they provide the MC Ukraine Response senior management with a comprehensive picture of local trends, identifying CAT products to help MC program’s prepositioning for new funding. The Team Lead will ensure the alignment of products and services with internal and external stakeholder priorities, through the development of strong partnerships with the country program, donors, and other external stakeholders. They will work towards a stakeholder engagement strategy to funnel financial resources for UACAT to achieve a sustainable business model.The Team Lead will manage the Ukraine CAT on a day-to-day basis and is therefore responsible for the overall quality of the outputs. The Team Lead will need sufficient understanding of relevant technical skills in research and analysis, primary data collection, fieldwork in complex contexts, leveraging technologies and GIS, and tailoring complex information for different audiences working in a rapid pace environment. They will also needknowledge in at least one of the following areas: economy, energy, agriculture, conflict, humanitarian response, and/or civil society engagement. It is important to have the ability to leverage this knowledge and combine it with other relevant information to identify trends and issues for the team to monitor and analyze in a holistic way. They are also the main focal point for country-level efforts such as the Country Office’s Annual Implementation Plan, alignment with Mercy Corps’ Global Pathway to Possibility Strategy, etc. Essential ResponsibilitiesSTRATEGY AND VISIONArticulate and continuously refine the Ukraine CAT strategy, in line with the Ukraine Response strategy, ensuring relevance and added value of crisis analysis within the Mercy Corps Ukraine portfolio. Ensure strategic buy-in from key internal stakeholders, including Mercy Corps Ukraine Senior Management, Program team, as well as HQ and Regional Technical Units, Global Crisis Analysis, and Policy and Advocacy teams.Contribute to the Ukraine country team overall strategy and where relevant, to the regional strategy.Develop, measure and analyze key performance indicators to ensure the UACAT’s value add enhances and informs strategic decision making. Work with other Crisis Analysis teams and the Global Crisis Analysis team to support the development and articulation of Mercy Corps' agencywide Crisis Analysis strategy. PROGRAMMING AND OPERATIONSMonitor current events and trends relevant to the Ukraine response, including on conflict, security and access; social, political, economic and environmental trends; and humanitarian needs and response.Align Mercy Corps information priorities on rapid response, security and access, resilience, and contextual and thematic topics with analytical output design and field-based research.Refine UACAT products and services regularly based on the evolution of the Ukrainian context and leveraging stakeholder information gaps Guarantee all analytical products are of the highest technical quality and appropriately convey key messages to stakeholders. Ensure effective, compliant use of Ukraine CAT resources in line with Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures.INFLUENCE AND REPRESENTATIONStrategically position Mercy Corps as a go-to organization on the effects of the war in Ukraine through regular contribution of analysis and reports.Proactively work with country and regional leadership and Policy and Advocacy colleagues to prepare brief statements to describe MC’s position on Ukraine, the humanitarian situation and relevant elements of context to tie to policy points and communications.Manage and maintain an active network of key interlocutors, including but not limited to other NGOs/INGOs, UN, diplomatic and donor representatives, the Ukraine government, national and international think tanks, universities, private sector and other local stakeholders.Represent Mercy Corps with donors to promote and fund UACAT analysis work as well as relevant local and regional institutions for strategic partnerships where Mercy Corps Ukraine analysis is valued and influential.MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATIONCoordinate team workflows and deadlines, ensuring ongoing delivery of priorities and ability to meet ad-hoc or urgent information requirements.Lead recruitment and onboarding of new team members as relevant. Build strong communication channels, management tools, and processes to ensure an efficient work dynamic between team members working from multiple locations. Provide avenues for team member’s capacity building in areas relevant to data analysis, humanitarian research, GIS / IM tools, etc.Ensure that the team develops and maintains an awareness of Mercy Corps’ culture and values. Implementation and management of the UACAT budget, as well as exploring options for fundraising and future growth.Coordinate with programs and business development teams to ensure UACAT activities are factored in all new program proposals as an analytical/information broker component to strengthen program efficiency. Represent UACAT in regular cross-CA leadership and community of practice initiatives across the Crisis Analysis network.SECURITYEnsure personal and team compliance with security procedures and policies as determined by the response team and Global Security.Proactively ensure that team members operate in a secure environment and are aware of policies.Ensure compliance with and implementation of Mercy Corps safeguarding measures.Supervisory Responsibility: UACAT Senior Analysts (2), GIS Senior Officer, Editor, ConsultantsReports Directly To: Deputy Country DirectorWorks Directly With: Ukraine Response Senior Management, Program Leads/Managers, Security and Safety Team, Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Communications Manager, Global Crisis Analysis team, Regional MENA/Europe team, specifically Regional Crisis Analysis Advisor and Quantitative Analyst, Technical Units, Global Communications team. Accountability to Participants and StakeholdersMercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our program participants, community partners, other stakeholders, and to international standards guiding international relief and development work. We are committed to actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.Minimum Qualification & Transferable SkillsAny skills you have gained through education, volunteer, work, or life experience that are relevant for the position will be considered. Be sure to fully explain transferable skills and success factors and how they apply to this position in your cover letter.Master’s degree in a relevant field.At least seven years of experience in a management role, prioritizing team’s workstreams.At least three years of experience working in Ukraine, preferably with work experience in humanitarian/conflict/economic analysis.Excellent written analytical skills, with experience drafting high-quality external publications.Excellent presentation skills, with experience conducting briefings for high-level internal and external stakeholders. Experience in developing and managing relationships with external stakeholders such as NGOs, donors, private sector, government and academic institutions.Highly developed interpersonal, communication and team management skills.Competency in Microsoft Office systems including Word, Excel, PowerPoint; competency with analysis and visualization software is an asset.Fluency in English is required; competency in Ukrainian or Russian is a mandatory requirement for this position. Success FactorsThe successful candidate will manage a small, fast-growing team where curiosity, critical thinking and the ability to see beyond the surface level are highly valuable. A professional attitude, demonstration of integrity, discretion and excellent work ethic are key aspects to the success of this position. Innovation and initiative to manage strategy and team development are essential. Strong management, organizational skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment are essential. Highly developed communication and interpersonal skills are imperative to developing positive team relationships, including with team members based remotely. Living Conditions / Environmental Conditions The position is based in Kyiv, Ukraine where Mercy Corps has an office. This position requires travel (up to 40%) for coordination with Program teams, field visits, and external stakeholder engagement.Ongoing LearningIn support of our belief that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities we serve, we empower all team members to dedicate 5% of their time to learning activities that further their personal and/or professional growth and developmentDiversity, Equity & InclusionAchieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world’s most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives. We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.Equal Employment OpportunityMercy Corps is an equal opportunity employer that does not tolerate discrimination on any basis. We actively seek out diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be collectively stronger and have sustained global impact. We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.Safeguarding & EthicsMercy Corps is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct e-learning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.