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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Менеджер по работе со страховыми компаниями в Київській області"

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Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Менеджер по работе со страховыми компаниями в Київській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Менеджер по работе со страховыми компаниями в Київській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Менеджер по работе со страховыми компаниями" по областям Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Менеджер по работе со страховыми компаниями відкрито в Києві. На другому місці - борисполь, а на третьому - Буча.

Рейтинг регіонів Київській області за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Менеджер по работе со страховыми компаниями"

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Менеджер по работе со страховыми компаниями відкрито в Києві. На другому місці - борисполь, а на третьому - Буча.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Київській області

Серед схожих професій в Київській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Менеджер проекта. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 27000 грн. На другому місці - Менеджер по приему заказов з зарплатнею 26000 грн, а на третьому - Менеджер аналитик з зарплатнею 22700 грн.

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Фахівець відділу по роботі зі страховими партнерами (робота з документами)
ІНГО, Страхова компанія, Київ
СК ІНГО — компанія з 29-річним досвідом роботи на страховому ринку України. У нас відмінна ділова репутація, ми стабільно займаємо провідні позиції в рейтингах страхових компаній і в рейтингах роботодавців. Нас цінують клієнти та партнери за професіоналізм, гнучкість і надійність. Співробітники цінують ІНГО за відкритість, підтримку в складних ситуаціях, можливість професійно зростати і розвиватися.Запрошуємо спеціаліста по роботі з міжнародними страховими брокерамиОсновний функціонал на посаді:супровід чинних договорів страхування: внесення змін, підготовка актів звірок до договорів тощопідготовка та погодження нових договорів страхуванняведення документообігу з клієнтами та партнерамиконтроль за дебіторською, кредиторською заборгованістюробота з операційними системами та базами данихпроведення верифікації клієнтів та партнерівМи чекаємо від Вас:закінчену вищу освіту, але готові розглянути студентів останнії курсів що можуть працювати повний деньдосвід роботи з договорами, документами, базами данихбажано досвід роботи в страховій компанії, банку чи брокеріГарантуємо своїм співробітникам:Офіційне працевлаштування згідно із законодавством України:«біла» заробітна плата, що стабільно виплачується 2 рази на місяцьоплачувані лікарнянівідпустка тривалістю 25 днівПрофесійний розвиток і кар'єрне зростання:ми регулярно навчаємо наших співробітників, тому що зацікавлені в їх професійному та кар'єрному розвиткуу нас є система внутрішнього навчання, ми співпрацюємо з провідними тренінговими компаніями України, залучаючи їх до навчання наших співробітниківу нас можливі ротації: ви можете з часом спробувати свої сили в інших підрозділах або напрямках компаніїу всіх співробітників є реальні можливості для кар'єрного зростання, все залежить тільки від вас. 90% наших керівників департаментів починали роботу в компанії ще студентамив компанії проводиться проектна діяльність. Кожен охочий може бути залучений в інноваційних проектах, над якими спільно працюють співробітники бізнес-підрозділів, Департаменту ІТ та Проектного офісу.керівники компанії — відомі професіонали, яких шанують на страховому ринку. Вони завжди відкриті для спілкування і з радістю діляться своїми знаннямими гарантуємо вам цікаві, творчі завдання та високий темп роботи в колі професіоналів. Це означає, що вже в перші місяці ви отримаєте величезний обсяг знань і досвідущорічно ми запрошуємо на практику студентів економічних університетів і коледжів. Після практики багато з них залишаються працюватиТурбота про здоров’я та майно:всі співробітники застраховані за рахунок компанії від нещасного випадку і критичних захворюваньвсі співробітники застраховані за рахунок компанії за договорами добровільного медичного страхування, на базі комерційних клініккомпанія бере на себе всі витрати в разі захворювання співробітниками Covid-19, включаючи амбулаторне або стаціонарне лікування, а також медикаментиродичі наших співробітників мають корпоративні знижки на добровільне медичне страхування, страхування транспорту, майнавсі співробітники, а також їхні родичі мають знижки на обслуговування в Медичному центрі ІНГОА також:комфортний сучасний офіс в історичному центрі Києва, в 15 хвилинах пішки від метро Університетможливість гнучкого графіка приходу на роботуможливість віддаленої роботи 2 рази на тиждень
Sales manager for Doctor ELEKS
ELEKS is looking for a Sales Manager for Doctor ELEKS in Kyiv.Doctor ELEKS is a smart medical information system that allows healthcare organizations to deliver improved patient care at a lowered cost by automating and streamlining complex operating processes and clinical data management practices.The mission of the product is to accelerate the quality and value of health care service delivery.REQUIREMENTSAbout 1 year of experience in B2B sales (experience in B2C sales would be a plus)Experience in selling custom software development services would be a plusExperience in the medical domain would be a plusExperience in carrying presentationsExperience with Jira would be a plusGood knowledge of Microsoft OfficeAdvanced user of ZOOM, Skype, Teams, Google meet, CanvaEnglish – intermediate level would be a plusPERSONAL CHARACTERISTICSExcellent communications skillsStrong organizational skillsSelf-driven personProactive, result-orientedStrong self-motivationReliable personTeam playerDesire to learn and self-developRESPONSIBILITIESCollecting and recording the contact information of prospects and leadsIdentifying prospect’s business needs and goals to determine the solutionPerforming product demonstrations in support of sales teamAssisting on sales calls as a subject matter expertManaging current active accounts to ensure successTracking all the activities in the CRM, analyzing and providing reports on the progress and the resultsMaking and participating in presentationsWhat will you get with ELEKSCompetitive Social packageClose cooperation with a customerChallenging tasksCompetence developmentTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with low level of bureaucracyMedical insuranceABOUT ELEKSELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.
Senior Collection Billing Specialist
Олійник Г.А., ФОП, Київ
Наша компанія — це команда професіоналів, яка працює в сфері медичного білінгу США більше десяти років. Ми у пошуках Billing SpecialistWhat do we expect from our candidate? Work experience in the field of Medical Collections from 0.5 year; High level of English (B1+): good writing and speaking skills; Computer skills: advanced user (MS Office: Word, Excel, CRM systems, Google Tabs, etc.); Knowledge of medical terminology and medical insurance processes; High attention to detail and accuracy in document processing; Be energetic and positive about work-related events. What to do: Answer outgoing calls (60% of the working day: depends on current duties), as well as calls to representatives of insurance companies; Monitor missed payments and resolve financial issues; Appealing rejected claims; Interact with insurance companies to confirm coverage of medical services; Resolve issues with patients and insurance companies regarding medical bills and insurance coverage; Communicate effectively with managers.Ми пропонуємо:Офіційне працевлаштування в компанію, що має ліцензію і угоду з офісом в Сполучених Штатах Америки (оформлення через ФОП або трудовий договір)Графік роботи Пн-Пт - 15:00 до 23-30 + - (8,0 робочих годин часу );Дистанційна робота;Вступний тренінг (5 днів) з керівниками нашої команди, тестування та супровід, подальший поступовий перехід на самостійний тип роботи;Ми пропонуємо конкурентну заробітну плату та можливості кар'єрного росту в стабільній компаній компанії; Комфортний офіс в центрі Києва: якщо ви не маєте безперебійної можливості працювати вдома по причині різних ситуацій; Надійна підтримка з боку керівника вашої команди та менеджерів у Нью-Йорку;Надаємо обладнання ,ПК, монітор, навушники.Кандидати з високим рівнем англійської, але без досвіду роботи на аналогічній позиції, можуть приступити до тренінгу в командах по результатам співбесіди на випробувальний термін в 3 місяці зі ставкою 25 000 гривень.Відправляйте Ваше резюме і ставайте на крок ближче до роботи в нашій команді!
Senior Key Account Manager
Procter & Gamble, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description Are you looking to take your career to the next level?We are looking for an experienced Key Account Manager who is genuinely enthusiastic about the business and eager to work for one of the largest FMCG companies globally. This role offers the opportunity to contribute to driving positive sales growth outcomes for world-class brands such as Braun, Pantene, and Ariel, among others.With us you will:·Lead independently the customer business (in charge of all categories);·Negotiate the contract between the customer and P&G;·Develop Customer’s Business Plans and objectives;· Lead the Customer to use trade funds to achieve sustainable volume growth;·Leverage Customer’s specifics knowledge for reliable input to P&G initiative planning;·Lead the deployment of multifunctional resources and funds against clearly defined Customer-specific volume and in-store presence opportunities;·Manage all details related to the day-to-day business with Key Partners;·Build a collaborative business relationships with internal and external partner;·Manage the team of KAMs and Sales Specialists in the future;What we Offer:·Competitive salary;·Regular salary increases and possible promotions – all in line with your results and performance;·Benefits program: medical, travel & life insurance, lunch allowance, additional vacation days;·Long term career at P&G – managers at P&G grow with changing assignments, with time will develop your expertise in the different Sales processes;·World-class training and development;·Continuous mentoring – you will work with hardworking people and receive both formal trainings as well as day-to-day mentoring from your Manager;·Flexible work arrangements;Job QualificationsPlease apply if you have:· 5+ years of relevant experience, preferably from FMCG company· Ability to lead the customer internally and externally (end-to-end)·Very good negotiation skills with a proven track of success·Ability to add new value, find customer insights, and execute·Excellent analytical thinking and communication skills, together with the ability to influence others·Bachelor’s degree and driving license·Fluency in English and Ukrainian (written and spoken)Please apply by submitting your CV in English!Interested to know how the recruitment process looks like? Watch this video to learn more: P&G’s Day 1 starts with you making an impact on the world, P&G brands, and your career. You’ll be at the core of breakthrough innovations, be given exciting assignments, lead initiatives, and take ownership and responsibility. And you will do this in creative workspaces where new ideas flourish. All the while, you’ll receive world-class training to help you become a leader in your field. And it’s not just about what you’ll do, but how we will make you feel: welcomed, valued, purposeful, challenged, heard, and inspired.About us:P&G was founded over 180 years ago as a simple soap and candle company. Today, we’re the world’s largest consumer goods company and home to iconic trusted brands that make life a little bit easier in small but meaningful ways. We’ve spanned three centuries thanks to three simple ideas: leadership, innovation, and citizenship. The insight, innovation, and passion of hardworking teams have helped us grow into a global company that is governed responsibly and ethically, that is open and transparent, and that supports good causes and protects the environment. This is a place where you can be proud to work and do something that matters.Just so you know: We are an equal opportunity employer. We don’t discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, gender, age, citizenship, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or any other legally protected factor. Our people are all equally passionate in unique ways: we come from diverse traditions, personal experiences and points of view. And we want to include yours. Get to know us better here: Job ScheduleFull timeJob NumberR000100673Job SegmentationExperienced Professionals (Job Segmentation)
Sales Manager B2B (Liki24)
Flyer One Ventures, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Currently, we are looking for a Sales Manager (B2B) in a product company - Liki24.Liki24 is a health tech startup company founded in 2017. Our ultimate goal is to disrupt the delivery industry and build a service to teleport family care products to our customers – faster, with the cheapest price and the most satisfying shopping experience! We are building an ecosystem that unites pharmacies, logistics, insurance companies, clinics, doctors, telemedicine, healthcare products producers and all other market players, so that customers can benefit from low prices, great products selection, and fast delivery.We have received multiple investments from recognized international PE and VC funds, such as Horizon Capital, TA Ventures, and Flyer One Ventures.The ideal candidate is experienced with building and managing B2B client relationships, could lead meetings with pharmaceutical companies and possesses strong writing and communication skills.About you:at least 3 years of experience in sales of marketing/IT services;negotiation skills;experienced Microsoft Office user (can do calculations in Excel, create a presentation in PowerPoint);successful cases of increasing sales;desire to learn and progress.Will be a plus:experience with Ukrainian pharmaceutical market;understand the basic requirements of the Law of Ukraine on advertising of pharmaceuticals;working proficiency in both spoken and written English.What will you do:find new opportunities for cooperation between Liki24.com and pharmaceutical companies;selling the company’s services (advertising on Liki24) and negotiating with clients.come up with new ideas on how to engage new clients and close deals;support existing projects;conduct competent communication with representatives of pharmaceutical companies via emails, meetings, and cold calls;participate in customer retention.What do we offer:working in a company with a social mission;ability to transform your ideas into impactful realities;opportunity to become a part of our open-minded team;exceptional personal and professional growth;20 paid vacation days, 21 paid sick leaves and paid national holidays;flexible schedule and WFH option.Join us!
Senior Product Manager - Data&AI
Allegro, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description Depending on your annual assessment and the company's results we offer: Annual bonus up to 20% of the annual salary gross  Long-term discretionary incentive plan based on Allegro.eu shares A hybrid work model requires 3 days a week in the office.   We are looking for a passionate and proactive Product Manager with a strong focus on Data&AI products to join our team. The successful candidate will have a good understanding of modern Data ecosystems and practical applications of Machine Learning to solve business problems. You will be in charge of product discovery in your product area, working closely with stakeholders to deliver value through data-related products such as ML models, data products, data platform, reports, and applications, driving product development with a team of engineers, data scientists and analysts and deciding on the structure of data-related products built for the entire company. We are looking for people who: Have bachelor's degree in Business, Computer Science, Information Systems, or a related field. Advanced degree is a plus Have proven experience as a Product Manager or similar role in a technology or Data&AI focused field Have experience with Agile methodologies and managing product backlogs Have exceptional problem-solving & product discovery abilities with strong decision-making skills Have an excellent interpersonal, communication, and stakeholder management skills Have very good business writing skills Have a working proficiency in English (we use English by default in our daily work) Have an exceptional organization and discipline of work Have experience in Machine Learning/AI is a plus Have experience in data analytics and/or data processing is a plus Have experience in cloud platforms, i.e. Google Cloud Platform is a plus What we offer: A hybrid work model that you will agree on with your leader and the team. We have well-located offices (with fully equipped kitchens and bicycle parking facilities) and excellent working tools (height-adjustable desks, interactive conference rooms) A wide selection of fringe benefits in a cafeteria plan – you choose what you like (e.g. medical, sports or lunch packages, insurance, purchase vouchers) English classes that we pay for related to the specific nature of your job 16" or 14" MacBook Pro with M1 processor and, 32GB RAM or a corresponding Dell with Windows (if you don’t like Macs) and other gadgets that you may need Working in a team you can always count on — we have on board top-class specialists and experts in their areas of expertise A high degree of autonomy in terms of organizing your team’s work; we encourage you to develop continuously and try out new things Hackathons, team tourism, training budget and an internal educational platform, MindUp (including training courses on work organization, means of communications, motivation to work and various technologies and subject-matter issues) If you want to learn more,  check out  this webpage In your daily work you will handle the following tasks: Supporting business leaders by proposing and delivering Data&AI solutions aimed at solving their business challenges and improving their KPIs Co-deciding on the vision and planning the strategy of Data&AI products Leading the ideation and launching of innovative tools, platforms, and/or products Collaborating with stakeholders to understand their needs and translate them into Data&AI product requirements Developing product roadmaps and timelines, and managing the delivery of features and enhancements Managing and prioritizinh the product backlog in collaboration with a team of engineers to ensure work is aligned with strategic goals Facilitating communication across different teams and stakeholders to align objectives and ensure everyone is on the same page Defining and analyzing metrics that inform the success of products. Identifying and tracking key performance metrics Communicating product development and plans through presentations, workshops, review sessions Why is it worth working with us: In the Data&AI team you would be a part of a team consisting of over 200 data, ML & product specialists overseeing dozens of products, few hundred production ML models and governs all data in Allegro (several dozen petabyte scale) Truly customer-centric product teams focusing on user needs & experience Full responsibility & autonomy in the designated product (area) in regards to the strategy, priorities, metrics etc Ability to make direct impact on how Allegro works with data (over 100 teams and few thousand internal users) and how data benefits our end customers (millions everyday across the entire CEE region) Our products help to solve a variety of business challenges spanning across domains such as: Personalization, Search, Marketing, Advertising, Logistics, Customer Service and more Our products support modern ways of working in Data&AI (data mesh, data contracts, catalog, MLOps, GenAI, newest Machine Learning techniques etc.) Access to the latest technology stack & freedom for the teams to make technology choices wherever needed. Plus the education time so that we can all keep up with what’s the latest We provide an Internal mentorship program (if you want to rocket-boost your career or help others develop theirs) Over 100 original open source projects and a few thousand stars on  github We organize  Allegro Tech Live  event, a 100% remote version of our offline Allegro Tech Talks meetups, and we make guest appearances at the invitation of such communities as Warsaw AI, CDO Forum, Data Science Summit, Big Data Tech Warsaw Summit, JUG (Poznań, Łódź, Lublin, Wrocław), WG .Net, Dare IT, Women in Tech Summit We focus on development as well. We organize hackathons and internal conferences (e.g. the annual Allegro Tech Meeting), our employees regularly participate in product events. Each team has its own budget for training and study aids. If you want to keep growing and share your knowledge, we will always support you   This may also be of interest to you: About Data Science Hub at Allegro →  https://podcast.allegro.tech/o-data-science-hub-w-allegro/ Allegro Tech Podcast →  https://podcast.allegro.tech/ ,  Booklet →  https://jobs.allegro.eu/job-areas/tech-data/   Send in your CV and see why it is #dobrzetubyć (#goodtobehere)
Specialist OMNI Wholesale UKR
adidas, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
Purpose & Overall Relevance for the Organization:   Support, build and execute Marketing and Activation Plans that deliver significant business growth and improvement in our Brand Health KPIs working in close co-operation with the Key Accounts/Sales Team. Develop strong relationships with key/regional/fashion account partners to drive brand KPI’s and sales within the individual accounts.   Key Responsibilities: Provide input into the creation of the seasonal account plan, as well as the overall market plan related to the implementation of the Global campaign strategy and key calendar moments. Ensure the global toolkits delivers against the accounts omni channel marketing requirements. Align with Omni-Channel line manager on the creation of plans for additional country or account specific omni channel marketing needs. Support in the planning and gaining approval for the creation and execution of initiatives in line with brand guidelines for global and local moments. Support high level execution of the seasonal account marketing calendar to ensure that adidas wins at the point of purchase by category against the agreed KPI’s. Execute brand concepts with a special emphasis on key destination doors, in close collaboration with the Brand Activation, Sales team, and Back to Trade Omni field team. Create bespoke moments for relevant partners based on their category and commercial focus.     Omni Channel WHS Planning and Delivery With the Sales Manager forecast the budget required, based on the agreed calendar, strategy, and order book. Manage and monitor sell out support budgets and ensure alignment with sales team, finance, and line manager. Ensure on-budget activity and management of all related documents as per internal audit policies. Support in the delivery of space management solutions in WHS are partnered with the best Omni executions. Assist in finding and training competitive vendors, suppliers, and agencies along with Omni planning and execution team. Assist on input on global toolkit performance to pursue further improvement for executions in an WHS environment. Assist in developing and executing consumer activation activity against targeted categories / concepts across all channels and platforms including CRM, DPC, and social media content. Assist in the collaboration with DTC Omni Channel team the Back to Trade requirements in the WHS environment, including training, reports and required changes. Support the agreed promotional plan that will drive consumer traffic and conversion at the point-of-sale. Share the localized go-to-market strategy with channels in sell-in stage and manage executional excellence to maximize sell-out. Support seasonal sell in delivery through showroom launches with the help of Mops, OMNI, and CTC team.   Training & Reporting Prepare detailed reports on the implementation of all omni channel initiatives with the agreed account marketing plan. Provide detailed budget reporting across omni channel executions. Support on training to the Back to Trade team and partner store teams. Always-on alignment with the Omni Channel manager regarding account activation creating a seamless approach to campaign and out of calendar initiative delivery in WHS.   Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities :   Marketing and sales awareness across sport and fashion, & lifestyle Good collaboration ability Experience in Key Account Management & negotiation skills Retail expertise Visual Merchandising awareness Solution oriented personality who understands balancing brand equity and commercial relevance, & interest of channels Excellent presentation skills IT skills: Outlook, Excel, and Word: Basic; PowerPoint: advanced     Requisite Education and Experience / Minimum Qualifications:   University degree in business or equivalent professional experience, ideally in Sales and /or Marketing Over 2-3 years of retail, sales and /or marketing experience Fluent Intermediate+     We offer: Official employment in accordance with the Labor Code of Ukraine Hybrid work schedule (remote format/work from the office) Flexible working hours (from 8−10:00 to 17−19:00) Medical insurance Partial compensation for lunches 40% discount on company products Corporate development programs (career opportunities in various departments of the company, including relocation to other countries)   Join the team of professionals and change the future with us!
IT Specialist
DSV ISS, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
At  DSV ISS  we offer local and global IT positions in a rewarding and challenging environment.  DSV Global IT  is accountable for the strategy, system architecture, development and day-to-day operation & support for our global infrastructure and business applications. At every IT position at  DSV ISS  you have a real influence and a chance to produce visible results. As a Specialist you will be responsible for providing technical assistance and customer support related to web-based applications, websites, and online services. Your primary goal will be to ensure client satisfaction by addressing their inquiries, troubleshooting technical issues, and providing timely solutions. The ideal candidate possesses a strong technical background, excellent communication skills, and a passion for delivering exceptional customer service.   Your responsibilities : Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues related to our web-based products and services. Providing step-by-step instructions and guidance to clients for utilizing our web applications effectively. Collaborating with internal teams, such as developers and product managers, to escalate and resolve complex issues. Documenting and tracking customer interactions and technical issues using a ticketing system. Assist in creating and maintaining support documentation, knowledge base articles, and FAQs. Perform quality assurance and website testing to ensure user experience both during and after development of websites. Report and help resolve user experience problems across mobile, desktop and other devices to inform broader team including back-end development.   Our requirements : Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent work experience) Proven experience in a web support or technical support role, preferably in a software or web-based product environment. Familiarity with content management systems (CMS) and web hosting platforms. (Sitecore version 9, Sitecore commerce – recommended) Knowledge of web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap and web browsers. Proficiency in troubleshooting and resolving technical issues related to web applications. Open, creative, well-organized, and proactive attitude,  Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. What we offer: Employment contract Buddy Comprehensive onboarding program Internal training catalogue and e-learning platform Culture of feedback Internal transition program Scandinavian work culture Work-life Harmony Benefits: Sharing the costs of sports activities Private medical care Sharing the costs of foreign language classes Life insurance Corporate gym Corporate sports team Christmas gifts Charity initiatives Modern & ergonomic eco-office Bike parking MEET US DSV is one of the leading companies in the TSL industry (Transport, Forwarding, Logistics). Our headquarters are in Denmark. We provide services for thousands of companies around the world. DSV includes DSV ISS, DSV Road, DSV Air & Sea and DSV Solutions. The Warsaw-based DSV International Shared Services (DSV ISS) company is developing dynamically. Our vision is to act as a DSV Global Competence Center achieving operational excellence through world-class solutions. We employ over 1,000 fantastic people and this number is constantly growing. We offer the possibility of gaining global experience thanks to cooperation with clients from all over the world. Imagine you have friends from work who live in over 90 countries! We offer work in such areas as business support, finance, accounting, customs administration, forwarding, transport damage settlement, data analysis and reporting, IT, Compliance and others. We employ both experienced specialists motivated to develop their careers in an international environment as well as young people looking for their first professional experience. WHY US? At DSV ISS, you will find everything you need to start your career positively or successfully develop it. Global Experience DSV ISS is a strong, global brand that guarantees stability. Working with us is also a truly international experience. Regardless of the position in which you start working at DSV ISS, you will work with people from different countries and use English on a daily basis. It is a fantastic feeling to be part of a global team. Trust and transparency We know that a good team, trust and transparency are necessary to be successful and satisfied from work. We value a good atmosphere, support each other, and share all key information so that you fully understand the meaning of your work. Purpose - perfection We strive for excellence in everything we do. We have ambitious goals, and we don't give up easily. We are convinced that everyone can become a valued expert. Development that never ends We appreciate regular feedback, share knowledge, and learn from each other. We will provide you with a clear career path and assessment process. The best employees participate in the Talent Program or the Manager Program. Find out more at  www.kariera.pl.dsv.com
Managing Director
Anixe, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About ANIXE We are a pure engineering company. Grown on experiences within the world's most demanding industries. Designing safe, stable, high-performance systems to handle thousands of requests per minute – that's our forte! We grow digital commerce. On the market for over 20 years, ANIXE's solid reputation and pioneering technology continue to draw clients from around the world. Our mission is to connect businesses through tech platforms, paving the road for sustained growth. Responsibilities: Responsibility for Software Development, Infrastructure, Strategic Planning/ PMO (Project Management Office) and partly Talent and Culture in close collaboration with the headquarter in Munich Working actively on the transformation of the whole company and supporting the headquarter in execution of IT and software transformation initiatives Design IT strategy and set goals for the company in two locations (Wroclaw and Athens) in close cooperation with the headquarter in Munich Design and implement a scalable and secure IT architecture that supports the company’s growth and innovation goals, using agile methodologies and best practices Implementing, optimizing and monitoring processes to sustainably improve the effectiveness of teams and the entire company Profile: University degree IT, software development or in a related subject Experience in leading mid-sized IT companies or large corporate IT divisions, especially with focus on software development and infrastructure Experience and knowledge in leading PMO and Talent & Culture are beneficial Stakeholder Management: Ability to steer and collaborate with cross functional teams and stakeholders on different locations to resolve issues Modern style of management and experienced in anchoring this accordingly in the corporate culture Effective communication and readiness for change at any time Hands on experience working to implement processes and systems which support the business Excellent numeracy and analytical ability Polish and English language skills Willingness to travel (20% of working time) What to expect from us? We believe and trust in you and your abilities. Plus, teamwork is an unbreakable value for us. You will have the opportunity to work with unique people and create solutions together. We also offer: Competitive salary package Flexible working hours and hybrid work  Private healthcare, life insurance, and Multisport card Monthly meal allowance A wide spectrum of tech tools fitted to your needs Knowledge sharing and learning activities Team building and social events Well communicated modern office Wrocław
ESB Support IT Specialist
DSV ISS, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
At DSV ISS we offer local and global IT positions in a rewarding and challenging environment. DSV Global IT is accountable for the strategy, system architecture, development and day-to-day operation & support for our global infrastructure and business applications. At every IT position at DSV ISS you have a real influence and a chance to produce visible results. Your responsibilities: Perform 2nd level support within Integration area by using various system used by DSV. Provide support to project teams and customers during the implementation and post implementation process. Managing system technical documentation, existing knowledge database and work written instructions Sharing knowledge and providing support activities to the project teams, external & internal customers, and other operational teams within organization Monitor customer orders and organizational integration systems on the daily basis Incident driven and problem solving (also in identifying the root cause of the problem)   Our requirements: Have good English skills, both verbal and written Have practical knowledge of using data exchange communication protocols like: FTP, FTPs, sFTP, HTTP, HTTPs, MQ  Have practical experience of using SQL queries for data analyses, data extraction and system checks, Have at least Intermediate IT skills (MS Windows, MS Office, general IT and Active Directory role understanding) Have very good MS windows server environment understanding including active directory services Basic knowledge of Unix system. Have experience in working with XML file formats and other commonly used in electronic data exchange Have basic knowledge about Microsoft Biztalk or IBM App Connect environment – this will be very beneficial for this position Have a good understating of basics in C# programming language or any other similar Have service minded and customer driven attitude Have strong analytical thinking skills Developer’s background (Python, PHP, Laravel, React, SQL, Selenium)  What we offer: Employment contract Buddy Comprehensive onboarding program Internal training catalogue and e-learning platform Culture of feedback Internal transition program Scandinavian work culture Work-life Harmony Benefits: Sharing the costs of sports activities Private medical care Sharing the costs of foreign language classes Life insurance Corporate gym Corporate sports team Christmas gifts Charity initiatives Modern & ergonomic eco-office Bike parking MEET US DSV is one of the leading companies in the TSL industry (Transport, Forwarding, Logistics). Our headquarters are in Denmark. We provide services for thousands of companies around the world. DSV includes DSV ISS, DSV Road, DSV Air & Sea and DSV Solutions. The Warsaw-based DSV International Shared Services (DSV ISS) company is developing dynamically. Our vision is to act as a DSV Global Competence Center achieving operational excellence through world-class solutions. We employ over 1,000 fantastic people and this number is constantly growing. We offer the possibility of gaining global experience thanks to cooperation with clients from all over the world. Imagine you have friends from work who live in over 90 countries! We offer work in such areas as business support, finance, accounting, customs administration, forwarding, transport damage settlement, data analysis and reporting, IT, Compliance and others. We employ both experienced specialists motivated to develop their careers in an international environment as well as young people looking for their first professional experience. WHY US? At DSV ISS, you will find everything you need to start your career positively or successfully develop it. Global Experience DSV ISS is a strong, global brand that guarantees stability. Working with us is also a truly international experience. Regardless of the position in which you start working at DSV ISS, you will work with people from different countries and use English on a daily basis. It is a fantastic feeling to be part of a global team. Trust and transparency We know that a good team, trust and transparency are necessary to be successful and satisfied from work. We value a good atmosphere, support each other, and share all key information so that you fully understand the meaning of your work. Purpose - perfection We strive for excellence in everything we do. We have ambitious goals, and we don't give up easily. We are convinced that everyone can become a valued expert. Development that never ends We appreciate regular feedback, share knowledge, and learn from each other. We will provide you with a clear career path and assessment process. The best employees participate in the Talent Program or the Manager Program. Find out more at  www.kariera.pl.dsv.com
SAP IT Specialist - Treasury Cash Management and Payments
Hapag-Lloyd, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description As part of Hapag-Lloyds SAP Team, you will work for the Product SAP Payment and Treasury, for payment transactions, banking, liquidity management, as well as hedging of interest and currency risks. Responsibilities Reinforcing our SAP team to further develop the global payments on SAP (perspective S/4HANA) and the Serrala modules - Payments, Account-Statement Manager, Autobank, eBam incl. BPA as well as Cash Management Coordinating, evaluating, designing, and customizing the new functional and technical requirements Defining the implementation measures together with the business department and supporting the creation of user stories in Jira Working closely together with the business to ensure smooth operations in the daily work Maintaining, supporting, customizing and functional enhancing the Payment functionalities Creating the tests and documentation, executing the functional tests Working in an international team that is committed to Agile methods  Qualifications Proven experience in SAP Payment, Cash Management, Bank Account Management and In-house Cash management as a consultant or solution architect Very good command of written and spoken English Understanding of business processes and the customizing, especially in the areas of Payment and Treasury and in adjacent areas like Finance, Accounting and Controlling Collaborative and empathic mindset to enable our business colleagues through our solutions Knowledge of the Serrala Add-Ons for Payment and Cash Management and experience in SAP Hedge management is an advantage Experience in Agile working methods, as in Scrum – would be nice to have Knowledge of HL IT Products and understanding of container shipping business is an advantage Relevant previous experience in the areas of logistics or transportation - would be an asset About Us With a fleet of 264 modern container ships and a total transport capacity of 2.0 million TEU, Hapag-Lloyd is one of the world’s leading liner shipping companies. In the Liner Shipping segment, the Company has around 13,500 employees and 400 offices in 135 countries. Hapag-Lloyd has a container capacity of 2.9 million TEU – including one of the largest and most modern fleets of reefer containers. A total of 113 liner services worldwide ensure fast and reliable connections between more than 600 ports across the world. In the Terminal & Infrastructure segment, Hapag-Lloyd has stakes in 20 terminals in Europe, Latin America, the United States, India, and North Africa. The roughly 2,600 employees assigned to the Terminal & Infrastructure segment handle terminal-related activities and provide complementary logistics services at selected locations. About The Team Knowledge Center in Gdansk One of the goals of Hapag-Lloyd strategy, is to become more agile in the way we work and to create an environment in which we can make faster and innovative decisions. Knowledge Center in Gdansk enables the further accelerated growth, especially in the area of developing innovative digital solutions, agility and business centricity. To learn more, please check our website -  https://knowledgecenter.pl/   We offer: Private medical care (Saltus) Gym card (Multisport) Attractive annual bonus up to 22,5%! (depending on company performance results) Group life insurance and employee capital plan (PPK) Cafeteria benefit system (cinema tickets, vouchers etc.) Focus on healthy lifestyle (fruit days, bike competitions, football trainings) Charity and volunteer initiatives Modern and well-connected office (Alchemia complex in Gdańsk Oliwa) Relocation support (financial support, covering immigration process for non-Polish citizens) Internal learning management system Development budget (sharing the costs of certifications and conferences/ IT events) Flexible working hours and home office possibility (hybrid work model)
Senior Product Manager - Technology Consumer Experience
Allegro, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
A hybrid work model that incorporates solutions developed by the leader and the team Annual bonus up to 20% of the annual salary gross  Long-term discretionary incentive plan based on Allegro.eu shares We are looking for a passionate and proactive Senior Product Manager with a strong focus on consumers’ experience to work on Allegro Business. In this position you will cooperate with the key areas like Consumer, Merchants, Delivery, and will have a chance to work on international projects and key company initiatives. You will be in charge of working with stakeholders to deliver value for buyers in Poland, Czech and next new markets. We are looking for people with: Proven experience as a Senior (Group / Principal) Product Manager or similar role in project management (roadmapping, resource planning, risk assessment, stakeholder cooperation) Experience in designing and implementing changes based on A/B testing and data analysis Exceptional problem-solving abilities on a company level and strong decision-making skills Excellent interpersonal, communication, and stakeholder management skills, including board members Ability to see the product through the eyes of the customer and understand their needs Fluent in English (C1) Experience in B2B (nice-to-have, not a must) In your daily work you will handle the following tasks: As you will not be assigned to one development team, you will collaborate with multiple stakeholders to understand and reconcile the needs of B2B customers and translate them into new functionalities You will manage and prioritize the complex product backlog in collaboration with multiple teams of engineers, product managers, and UX designers to ensure work is aligned with strategic goals You will develop product roadmaps and timelines, and manage the delivery of features and enhancements (still, this is not a project management role!) You will coordinate key development initiatives in the Consumer roadmap at every stage: from customer needs analysis, creation of Customer Value Proposition and business requirements, through business case to go-to-market strategy, as well as for maintenance and further product development You will facilitate communication across different teams and stakeholders to align objectives and ensure everyone is on the same page You will deliver new functionalities for customers by working directly with stakeholders, Commerce, Legal, development teams, data analysts, UX designers, researchers, and other product managers You will be responsible for product performance indicators and have the chance to conduct interesting AB tests to verify product development ideas You will proactively run continuous product discovery to identify opportunities to improve shopping experience and product KPIs What we offer: Well-located offices (with fully equipped kitchens and bicycle parking facilities) and excellent working tools (height-adjustable desks, interactive conference rooms) A wide selection of fringe benefits in a cafeteria plan – you choose what you like (e.g. medical, sports or lunch packages, insurance, purchase vouchers) English classes that we pay for related to the specific nature of your job Laptop with m1 processor, 32GB RAM, SSD - a 16” or 14” MacBook Pro or corresponding Dell with Windows (if you don’t like Macs), two monitors and all other gadgets that you should need Working in a team you can always count on — we have on board top-class specialists and experts in their areas of expertise A high degree of autonomy in terms of organizing your team’s work; we encourage you to develop continuously and try out new things Hackathons, team tourism, training budget and an internal educational platform, MindUp (including training courses on work organization, means of communications, motivation to work and various technologies and subject-matter issues) If you want to learn more,   check it out Why is it worth working with us: You make an impact. You will be responsible for the Allegro Business product including product discovery, delivery, and managing stakeholders. A/B testing, usability studies, and customer contact are our daily business! You work with first-class experts who are eager to share their knowledge. The flow of our know-how within the company is really smooth! This is a great opportunity to join a team passionate about building customer engagement and technology The IT team is made up of over 2000 members who have shared their knowledge at multiple conferences, such as Devoxx, Confitura, Geecon and co-create a blog: allegro.tech Your ideas and suggestions for improvement will always be listened to attentively Your decisions make a difference and shape one of the leading e-commerce in Europe. No wonder, since our platform handles over 30 million searches daily This may also be of interest to you Allegro Tech Podcast →  https://podcast.allegro.tech/   Send in your CV and see why it is #dobrzetubyć (#goodtobehere)
Operations Manager for e-commerce company
Creatunity LLC, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Creatunity LLC is seeking an experienced Operations Manager to join our dynamic team. As the Operations Manager, you will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of our company, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in all areas. You will work closely with the management team to develop and implement operational strategies, processes, and policies that drive productivity and profitability. Responsibilities Develop and implement operational processes and procedures to ensure smooth and efficient operations Manage and optimize resources to achieve operational targets and objectives Oversee and monitor the performance of departments and teams Identify areas for improvement and implement solutions to enhance operational efficiency Collaborate with cross-functional teams to streamline processes and achieve company goals Ensure compliance with company policies, procedures, and regulations Analyze and report on operational performance, providing insights and recommendations to management Requirements Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Operations Management, or related field Minimum of 3 years of experience in operations management Proven track record of successfully implementing operational strategies and driving process improvement Strong leadership and management skills Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities Strong communication and interpersonal skills Ability to work well under pressure and adapt to changing priorities Proficiency in using operations management software and tools Benefits Independent Contractor Agreement Quarterly Performance Bonus Monthly Performance Bonus Health Insurance Reimbursement WFH Upgrade Allowance 17 Days Paid Time-Off 4 Company Wide Holidays 6 Country Holidays 100% Fully Remote overlap with 9am-5pm CST required
US GAAP Senior Consultant/Manager
PwC, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description & SummaryAbout PwCPwC is a powerful network of over 327 000 experts across 155 countries, all committed to deliver quality in assurance, consulting, tax and legal services. We work with organizations from all over the world to build trust in society and solve important problems.PwC has been present on the Ukrainian market since 1993. The headquarters of the firm is in Kyiv with full service offices in Lviv and Dnipro.Working with us means working with inspiring, goal-oriented and passionate team players, who make an impact. PwC offers access to outstanding expertise, dynamic work environment and professional development.We offer:Competitive salary and cash bonuses for excellent performance.Exceptional opportunities for professional and personal development - numerous in-house and external trainings, free English classes.Career growth - ‘from intern to partner’ opportunity.Strong, enthusiastic and friendly team.Interesting and challenging tasks.Health insurance, corporate psychologist and clubs of interests (football, volleyball, movies, etc.).A career within Capital Markets Accounting Advisory Services, will provide you with the opportunity to be responsible for complex financial reporting issues around deals and other transformational events. You’ll tackle client’s needs with a solution oriented approach that creatively addresses complex financial reporting problems for high profile transactions and you’ll have significant interaction with the company management teams and other advisers. To really stand out and make us fit for the future in a constantly changing world, each and every one of us at PwC needs to be a purpose-led and values-driven leader at every level. As US GAAP expert, you'll work as part of a team of problem solvers, helping to solve complex business issues from strategy to execution. Preferred Knowledge/Skills:Candidate should demonstrates some proven abilities and/or record of success as both an individual contributor and team member with senior experts and other professionals (e.g., bankers, lawyers, auditors, advisors) on complex accounting- and financial reporting matters related to deals and other transformational events on a daily basis in areas of focus listed above. This includes demonstrating some proven abilities and/or record of success as both an individual contributor and team member, advising multi-national, publicly-traded companies and private equity firms on a broad range of technical accounting and financial reporting in accordance with US GAAP, including:Technical advice on particular accounting topics.Drafting and advising clients on accounting policy and methodology.GAAP conversions and change in accounting standards.We expect our candidate to demonstrate an interest in deals, capital markets, complex accounting and other transactions-based activities and should expect to operate in a high pressure, fast-paced work environment.Are you a good match for us?The skills and experience required for the role include:University degree or adequate proof of education in environmental sciences or related fields.A minimum of 3 years of relevant experience with US GAAP (accounting, preparation of financial statements).Excellent English and Ukrainian language.Ability to think “outside the box” and apply creative and constructive thinking.Independence in planning and execution of projects from the beginning until its delivery.Attention to detail in service delivery, communications and ways of working with others.Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel and PowerPoint).Solid knowledge of US GAAP.​
Technology Support Specialist/Спеціаліст технологічної підтримки
BlaBlaCar, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About BlaBlaCarBlaBlaCar is the world’s leading community-based travel app enabling 27 million members a year to carpool or travel by bus in 21 countries. Our team of 800 employees counts over 50 nationalities and is spread across our 5 global offices, 30% working fully remotely.Your Mission:We are looking for a Technology Support Specialist to join the "Technologists Team" at BlaBlaCar. Their mission is to support the trouble proofing process of company's products, their testing and development.Your Responsibilities:Monitoring and testing of BlaBlaCar’s internal & external systems’ functions Providing daily support to our external B2B partnersAnimate coaching & training sessions for new Bus providers and external agentsMaintaining, filling and editing data into the systemsWork on improving the interface and functionality of the systemsYour Qualifications:PC proficiency at the level of a confident user (working with internal unique system/products)An analytical mind, the ability to complete assigned tasks clearly and competentlyResponsible, attentive, perseverance, highly self-organized, learning ability, punctuality- these adjectives define you :)Proficiency in English (intermediate level) and native Ukrainian are a must haveFit with our Thriving in a collaborative, fast-growing and innovative environmentAbility to take ownership, aligned with business prioritiesPrevious experience in online marketplaces, logistic and transportation companies will be nice to have.What we have to offerFull remote possible in the country of employmentFinancial support for home office equipment24 days holidays per year12 days of public holidaysLocal meal compensation (3300 UA/month)Public transport compensation (455 UA/month)Mental health/psychological support ( + corporate individual/group therapy sessions)Private health insurancePersonal growth via trainings, mentorship, internal mobility programs, and English classesEmployee Stock ownership planRegular team building events1 day off per year to test our product1 day per year for social engagements with non-profitsInterested in joining the ride?a 45-min video-call with one of our Talent Acquisition Managers to get to know you, understand your career expectations and answer your questionsa 45-min video-call with our Technologists Team Lead- Tatyana Lakhno, to deep dive into the role and understand more about your profilea 45-min video-call with Tatyana Lakhno & Oleksandra Itskovska, for a vision fit and rounding off the processOur hiring process lasts on average 25-30 days, offers usually come within 48 hours.Not sure yet? Check out our !BlaBlaCar is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. If you don’t meet 100% of the qualifications outlined above, tell us why you’d still be a great fit for this role in your application.
Менеджер з оренди автомобілів НАВЧАЕМО
, Київ, Київська область
Вимоги до кандидата:• Грамотне усне мовлення та позитивний підхід до роботи;• Готовність до неурочної роботи• Знання ПК, висока швидкість роботи в офісних програмах. • Навички продажу та ведення переговорів;• Права категорії «В» досвід керування не менше 2-х років• Ретельність та уважність при роботі з документами;• Націленість на результат, цілеспрямованість та впевненість у собіОсновні завдання на цій посаді:• Консультація клієнтів щодо умов прокату, цін, наявності автомобілів• Укладання договорів оренди автомобіля• Прийом та видача автомобілів• Технічний супровід автопарку (ТО на сервісних центрах, миття, позаплановий ремонт, супровід ДТП тощо) Вміння грамотно провести діагностику автомобіля• Взаємодія зі СТО / страховими компаніями• Контроль за станом автомобілів;• Продаж, робота з клієнтом, розширення клієнтської бази• Ведення звітностіТребования к кандидату:• Грамотная устная речь и позитивный подход к работе;• Готовность к неурочной работе• Знание ПК, высокая скорость работы в офисных приложениях. • Навыки продаж и ведения переговоров;• Права категории «В» опыт вождения не менее 2-х лет• Усердие и внимательность при работе с документами;• Нацеленность на результат, целеустремленность и уверенность в себеОсновные задачи на на этой должности:• Консультация клиентов по условиям проката, ценам, наличию автомобилей• Заключение договоров аренды автомобиля• Приём и выдача автомобилей• Техническое сопровождение автопарка (ТО на сервисных центрах, мойка, внеплановый ремонт, сопровождение случаев ДТП и т.д.) Умение грамотно провести диагностику автомобиля• Взаимодействие с СТО / страховыми компаниями• Контроль за состоянием автомобилей;• Продажа, работа с клиентом, расширение клиентской базы• Ведение отчетности• Готовность к неурочной работе
Junior Accounting Specialist
PharmBills, Київ
Summary:Pharmbills, a leading outstaffing provider, seeks an enthusiastic and driven individual to join our team as a Jr Account Manager. In this role, you will play a pivotal role in supporting our American clients by managing invoices, communicating with vendors, and maintaining vendor databases.The Technical Accounting Rep reports accurate information, files reports timely and helps to maximize reimbursement for skilled nursing facilities. The role achieves this by gathering necessary information, creating reports, communicating with consultants and auditors, and providing information in a timely manner. This job occurs in an office environment with mostly sedentary work. The role requires frequent communication with facility staff as well as the focused concentration at a computer workstation. The Technical Accounting Rep helps to maximize reimbursement for skilled nursing facilities.Duties and responsibilities Communicate with cost report preparers, clients, facilities, and internal and external contacts to obtain information required to complete cost report information accurately;Follow up on a constant basis, pushing information through and making sure the reports are filed timely:Gather and obtain all information needed to prepare the Medicaid and Medicare cost reports, such as:Running financial reports from TM1 and GP. Running census reports, sales journals, cash receipts, and other reports from the billing systemCreating wages reports using data from payroll systemsReviewing Audits and Cost Reports;Assist with other filings and reports as needed.Qualifications A successful individual in this role will: Understand accounting processesPossess excellent verbal and written communication skillsPreferably possess basic accounting knowledge and expand on that knowledge throughout his/her employment at AGSWe offer:Work remotely according to the New York (EST) time zoneExcellent cooperation opportunity in a dynamic multinational company.Be rewarded for your high-quality services provision with a competitive compensation.Recharge and explore with PTO (12-18 days annually) The number may vary based on Client needs.Grow your skills and knowledge with access to our corporate training programs.Build lasting connections with team members at social events and celebrations.We offer peace of mind with comprehensive medical insurance from Pharmbills partner after your trial period.Attractive referral program. Refer your friend and get the bonus.Equal opportunities for females or all genders.Corporate presentsWe sincerely thank all applicants for applying; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.Please send your CV in English indicating your salary expectations.If you have the qualifications needed and ready to maintain the required duties daily, please apply!
Junior Affiliate Manager
JBW Soft, Київ
Who we are: JBW Soft is a product IT company pursuing the most advanced and proven development principles. With more than 200 successful projects in our portfolio, we remain the most trusted partner for our outsourcing clients and at the same time keep the highest quality level of internal company projects. Our mission is to continue growing as an industry expert. Strong belief that positive ambitions and high goals create a positive environment for personal and professional growth of each team member unites us as a company. Every day here is filled with empowerment and motivation. Each company employee joins the team as an equal partner, ready to contribute to the overall company success and at the same time, pursuing personal success and growth.  Skill and Attributes required:More than 1 year of experience with foreign partnersLevel of English at least B2 as a mustExperience in active searche, attraction and long-term retention of partnersAt least theoretical knowledge in IT and Affiliate marketingKnowledge of Microsoft Office - above averageExperience on the same position is a great advantageGoal and result orientedStrong analytical and problem-solving skillsThe ability of multitaskingKey duties are:Meeting business needs by maintenance our customers and partners, building long-term relationships with themManage and enhance existing affiliate partnerships to achieve leads, revenue, and margin goalsAttract new partners for project's growthControl of campaigns performance effectiveness of new attracted partnersTimely, professional support via online chats, emails or other communication channelsIdentification and determination of potential issuesPreparation of regular updates, daily plans, and reportsPayment process reporting and controllingMonthly/Weekly/Daily KPIs' fullfillmentWhy us?Work and grow with us: compensation of English courses, professional courses, corporate library, and opportunity to attend conferences abroadDialogue format: minimal bureaucracy, informal communicationWork-life balance: flexible schedule (starting from 9 to 11 am, 8-hour workday), 20 paid vacation days (4 calendar weeks) and paid sick leaveCarrying atmosphere: medical insurance, gym reimbursement, corporate parties and team-buildingsFinancial component: we offer not only fixed rate but also a flexible system of bonuses, that will significantly increase your opportunitiesFor those who admire traveling: Office or remote: our comfortable hub is located at pedestrian accessibility from the subway, but remote work is also possible - as you wishWhat happens after you apply:We`ll set up a quick call, if we feel like you may be a good fitOnline interview with our recruiterOnline interview with your future Team LeadRefference checkOffer
Content, SMM Manager
CyberVision, Inc., Київ
At KaaIoT and CyberVision, Inc. we understand the value of your unique set of skills and we actively encourage you to follow your passions by selecting projects that align with your interests. Regardless of whether you excel in creative writing, coding, hardware integration, video recording, or social media, we offer an opportunity for you to grow your expertise and make a significant difference. Join our team and begin a rewarding journey where you have the opportunity to shape your own career path and contribute to remarkable achievementsRequirements:English written and spoken Advanced level;Ability to write articles and create videos;Experience with video editors;Creativity and a keen eye for design to create visually appealing content;Excellent written and verbal communication skills;Quick learning ability and a continuous desire to acquire new knowledge.Will be considered as an advantage:Technical education (ready to consider students);Basic understanding of the Internet of Things;Basic knowledge of Linux;Working with Arduino, Raspberry PI would be plus.Responsibilities:Filling the site and blogging, social networks of the company (LinkedIn, Youtube, Website);Create content for different styles and different tasks: expert articles, video content, research, announcements and Sales materials;Develop and implement the content marketing plan in alignment with the company’s marketing strategy.What we offer:Opportunity for professional growth and career development;You’re going to learn about one of the most trendy and important technologies on the market today - IoT;Competitive compensation;Friendly working environment;Constant support and mentoring through all the processes;Vacation – up to 24 calendar days annually;Sick leave – 5 business days (undocumented);Medical insurance.
Project manager (Gambling)
SBSB FinTech Lawyers, Київ
We have an exciting opportunity for you to join our team remotely!We are looking for a skilled Project Manager who can lead and navigate complex projects within the gambling industry. As a part of our team, you will work on innovative initiatives, ensuring compliance with regulations and driving our projects to success.Company Overview:SBSB FinTech Lawyers is a leading international law firm specializing in providing top-notch legal services in the dynamic field of financial technologies. With ten years of experience, our team offers professional support to international companies and startups in licensing and regulation sectors, including fintech, gambling, e-money, and blockchain.Responsibilities:Conducting initial consultations for clients within the lawyer’s specialization.Preparation of additional offers for existing clients (up-selling).Full-cycle project management within the lawyer’s specialization.Drafting legal consultations for clients.Independently managing high-complexity projects under the supervision of a supervisor.Communication with foreign partners and preparation of commercial proposals.Analysis of competitors’ market and commercial terms.Responding to sales manager inquiries.Requirements:At least 1 year working in the gambling industry (consulting/in-house).Proficiency in English at level B2 and above.Practical experience in creating and administering international corporate and tax structures in multiple jurisdictions, tax planning, and understanding the specifics of working with high-risk clients.Understanding the main approaches and trends in regulating online gambling in different countries/regions.Responsibility, stress resistance, and analytical mindset.We offer:Remote work opportunity (full-time).Transparent career path and professional development.Competitive salary.Corporate education.Medical insurance.Support and assistance from experienced colleagues.Dynamic and friendly SBSB family!Contacts:Send your resume to:  Відправити резюме .Or contact us via Telegram: @sbsbcareer.Contact person: Yaroslava, HR Manager at SBSB Fintech Lawyers.