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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії " в Київській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії " в Київській області"

14 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: " в Київській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
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Національний/-а Керівник/-ця з Досліджень / (National Research Officer) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
Classification: National Officer, Grade NO-AType of Appointment: Fixed-term, one year with possibility of extensionEstimated Start Date: As soon as possibleClosing Date: 11 July 2023 Context:With violence spread country-wide, estimated 6.5 million people remain displaced in Ukraine in the aftermath of the large-scale invasion of February 24th 2022. Accordingly, coordination structures have been established by the Government of Ukraine as well as the United Nations to focus on coordinating recovery and interventions aiming to support durable solutions to internal displacement in the country.In this context, the IOM Ukraine’s Data and Analytics Programme is seeking a National Research Officer. Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission and direct supervision of the Project Officer (Assessment and Data Coordination), the National Research Officer will be responsible for supporting analytical and research activities linked to the thematic areas of early recovery, recovery, and durable solutions.Core Functions / Responsibilities:Monitor and maintain an up-to-date awareness of the dynamic research landscape in the Ukraine response, especially in the thematic areas of recovery and durable solutions. Coordinate the planning, production, and analysis of data by IOM – DTM and external stakeholders to identify gaps, complementarities and duplications in the evidence base for recovery and durable solutions programming. Contribute to the production of targeted internal as well as external information and research products (reports, briefs, maps, infographics, and presentations) to support evidence-based decision-making for recovery, in close coordination with the Data Production pillar lead and field team. Promote engagement and collaboration with external partners, where they complement or enhance IOM data programme coverage, methods and data quality, including through provision of technical guidance in the set up and monitoring of activities realized by implementing partners and service providers.   Deliver presentations and conduct other dissemination and coordination activities, supporting the Assessment Coordination Officer in promoting and facilitating uptake of evidence by IOM internal and external stakeholders implementing recovery and durable solutions activities to ensure interventions are appropriately targeted, accountable, and evidence based. Support Assessment Coordination Officer in promoting uptake and implementation of relevant global standards in coordinated practice at country level, including especially the Durable Solutions to Internal Displacement Recommendations, the IRIS Recommendations on IDP Statistics, as well as the IASC Operational Guidance on Data Responsibility in Humanitarian Action, among others. Support strategic planning, programme development and implementation of coordination activities in the Data and Analytics Programme (Coordination), including through provision of specialized support and guidance to the implementation of a Roadmap towards the Joint Analytical Framework on Solutions to Internal Displacement in Ukraine and other forthcoming activities in the Data for Solutions workstream. Coordinate with donors, partners, United Nations agencies, local authorities and stakeholders and government counterparts. Contribute substantively to the planning, development, organization, and delivery of capacity building activities targeting IOM staff, government, and civil society partners, implementing partners and communities. Attend relevant conferences, workshops, working groups, interagency coordination meetings, and other forums. Undertake duty travel relating to project implementation, monitoring visits, project assessments, liaison with counterparts, etc. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.Required Qualifications and ExperienceEducationBachelor’s degree in Political or Social Sciences, International Relations, Geography, Statistics, Humanitarian affairs, or related fields from an accredited academic institution with two years of relevant professional experience; or, Master’s degree in the above-mentioned fields.ExperienceExperience in liaising with governmental authorities, national/international institutions, United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations is required; Experience in working with migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, victims of trafficking and other vulnerable groups is highly advantageous; and, Experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research in a humanitarian and/or development context, Prior work experience with international humanitarian organizations, non-government or government institutions/organization in a multi-cultural setting is an advantage.SkillsIn depth knowledge of the broad range of migration related subject areas dealt with by the Organization; especially as related to recovery and durable solutions to internal displacement is required. Knowledge of UN and bilateral donor programming is advantageous. Ability to write clearly and efficiently in English and Ukrainian languages is required. Communication skills, including with research partners and high level stakeholders, are required.OtherAny offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications using the IOM Personal History Form and sending to [email protected]  by 11 July 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Сьогодні КУСУМ входить в ТОП-10 лідерів фармацевтичного ринку України. За 25 років своєї діяльності ми робили все можливе для того, щоб постійно пропонувати тільки високоякісні, ефективні та безпечні лікарські засоби.КУСУМ – це особливий мікроклімат, ми забезпечуємо кожного співробітника медичним страхуванням, корпоративний спортзал та медичний кабінет в межах офісу, щодня наші кухари готують свіжі обіди, а також багато інших речей, покликаних дбати про комфорт і здоров’я наших співробітників.Наразі, ми в пошуках колеги у відділ реєстрації та стандартизації лікарських засобів – складання досьє на реєстрацію (англ. мова).Вид зайнятості: на постійній основі, 5 днів на тижденьГрафік: присутність в офісі обов’язковоДля цієї посади ми цінуємо:Наявність вищої фармацевтичної/хімічної освітиЗнання вимог законодавства про реєстрацію лікарських засобів в Україні та міжнародні вимогиЗнання сучасних настанов з якості, безпеки, ефективності лікарських засобів, включаючи:фармацевтична розробкаоцінка еквівалентності in vivo/in vitroякість діючих, допоміжних речовин та упаковкиспецифікації лікарських засобів, методики контролю, валідація методиквалідація технологічних процесівдослідження стабільності субстанцій та препаратівДосвід оцінки відповідності документації щодо якості, безпеки, ефективності лікарських засобів вимогам українського законодавства та міжнародним настановам.Уміння працювати з технічною та науковою фармацевтичною документацієюЗнання англійської мови на рівні Advanced Основні обов’язки:Складання/експертиза досьє для реєстрації лікарських засобів у форматі СТД (Модуль 1, 2, 3).Подання досьє та зразків готового лікарського засобу до регуляторних органів, отримання запитів та затверджених документів.Взаємодія зі співробітниками державних експертних організацій, які здійснюють експертизу документів та якості з метою реєстрації ЛЗКонтроль та забезпечення проходження процесів реєстрації в регуляторних органах. Підготовка відповідей на запити регуляторних органів.Ведення документообігу з досьє.Взаємодія з відділами фармацевтичної розробки, забезпечення якості, контролю з якості, а також іншими відомствами з регуляторних питань. Ми пропонуємо:офіційне працевлаштування з першого дня згідно КЗпП Українисвоєчасну заробітну плату і планове зарплатне зростаннякорпоративні заходитурботу про Ваше здоров’я, медичну страховкуграфік роботи: повна зайнятість, пн.-пт. 09:00 – 18:00. Віддалену співпрацю не розглядаємо!наш новий та сучасний офіс знаходиться на Лівому березі в районі ДВРЗ (найближча ст. М. Чернігівська)Для того, щоб почати працювати в КУСУМ, відправляйте своє резюме із зазначенням Ваших фінансових очікувань.
Адміністратор систем (IT Security Specialist)
Лемтранс, ООО, Київ
Ми, найбільший приватний оператор залізничного рухомого складу України. З дня заснування в 1999 р. і протягом понад 20 років компанія поступово нарощує свій вагонний парк і впевнено рухається шляхом розвитку та зміцнення своїх позицій у галузі вантажних залізничних перевезень. Відкриваємо вакансію на посаду адміністратора системи (з захисту мережі)Майбутні обов'язки:Виконувати заходи щодо забезпечення безпеки в хмарній та локальній інфраструктуріВизначати можливі загрози безпеки інформації, усувати вразливості програмного та апаратного забезпеченняВиконувати роботи з вибору та впровадження спеціальних технічних та програмних засобів захисту інформаціїРеалізовувати та розробляти рішення щодо забезпечення інформаційної безпекиПроводити дослідження з метою знаходження найдоцільніших практичних рішень щодо забезпечення захисту інформації Вимоги до кандидата: Досвід роботи адміністратором із захисту мережі від 3 роківВідмінні знання адміністрування Windows Servers 2016/2019/2022, Windows 10/11, Centos, Ubuntu Servers, Oracle LinuxДосвід адміністрування брандмауерів: Windows Firewall, Linux Firewall - iptables, fail2baРозуміння моделі OSI, методологіїї OWASP TOP10, матриці MITRE ATT&CK EnterpriseДосвід налаштування та адміністрування сервісів: DHCP, DNS, LDAP, Radius, RemoteApp, Proxy, OpenVPN-серверівДосвід налаштування OSPF, BGP, PBR, IPSec, NAT, Port Forwarding, VLAN, SambaДосвід адміністрування мережевого обладнання (Cisco, HPE, Juniper) та налаштування комутації, маршрутизації, security best practice (access-lists, logging, port security, dhcp spoofing, dynamic arp inspection, та ін.) Умови роботи: Високий рівень корпоративної культури;Адекватне керівництво та класний колектив;Фінансова стабільність (офіційне працевлаштування, відпустка, вчасна виплата зарплати);Можливості для кар'єрного та професійного зростання Можливість працювати в офісі та віддалено;Медичне страхування.Ми детально знайомимося з кожним резюме, яке отримуємо. Якщо протягом тижня Вам не зателефонував представник нашої Компанії — це означає, що наразі ми не можемо запропонувати Вам вакансію, яка відповідає Вашому досвіду та кваліфікації. Ваше резюме буде знаходитися в кадровому резерві до появи відповідної вакансії. Дякуємо за розуміння.Очікуємо Ваші резюме із зазначенням бажаного рівня з / п.
Junior Accounts Receivable Specialist - Czech Speaker
CKH Group, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a Junior Accounts Receivable Accountant to provide financial, administrative and clerical services. Responsibilities Review and process credit notes; Clearing of outstanding deductions on customer accounts; Master data changes; Bank postings; Generate financial statements and reports detailing AR status. Requirements 0-2 year of experience in Accounting; Proficiency in English and in MS Office; Business Proficiency in Czech language ; Customer service orientation; A high degree of accuracy and attention to detail; BS degree in Finance, Accounting, or Business Administration. Benefits Long-term cooperation; Interesting and responsible work in an international environment; Cooperation with experienced employees of the company, in a fantastic team; The possibility of professional development and self-fulfilment; Support at every stage of implementation. Why CKH is the best choice? CKH is a boutique accounting & financial services firm that provides local expertise aided by global experience. We have presence in Atlanta, South Africa, Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, Spain and Greece. Our tree logo is representative of CKH’s ideals: The roots of the tree remind us to stay grounded and humble. The trunk represents the support we have for each other, making our team strong. But we also like to shake the tree! Churning up new ideas and positive change as the world around us grows. The fruit our tree grows reminds us to never stop growing, producing the best quality service for our clients. The treetop helps us reach higher, always stretching to new heights and goals.
Application Security Penetration Tester
Vodeno, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
WHAT WE DO Hi, we are Vodeno. We are innovators in the Banking-as-a-Service space. Our technology is cloud-native, and our teams work in the cloud like fish in water. Supported by a leading global equity firm and the ecosystem of nearly 90 partners, our Platform opens new opportunities for businesses across Europe to integrate financial products and services into their solutions.  Based on financial sector know-how and expertise in cloud technology, we provide a set-up of customer-facing and daily banking services which include: digital onboarding, accounts, cards, payments, and lending with a white-label mobile app channel access.  We are defined by the following values:  Client at the centre - we deliver value to our clients Curiosity - we want to know more! Accountability - we deliver on our promises Collaboration - we can achieve more with others We are currently looking for a  Application Security Penetration Tester ready to join our adventure. WHAT YOU WILL BE DOING Ensuring that applications developed internally and externally are secure Performing penetration tests of web apps, APIs and mobile apps Supporting and consult with product and development teams in the area of application security Assisting in development of automated security testing to validate that secure coding best practices are being used SKILLS YOU SHOULD HAVE Strong experience in security research, including understanding of application security attacks and vulnerabilities Knowledge of web application and API security vulnerabilities Experience in conducting web application and API penetration tests, with a clear understanding of manual methods and tools in addition to automated scanners Understanding of encryption and authentication methods Experience with tools used for penetration testing such as Burp Suite, SQLMap, Kali/BackTrack, w3af Basic experience in mobile app penetration testing Basic development or scripting experience Knowledge about source code analysis methods Experience with OWASP WHAT WE OFFER We offer a flexible form of contract according to your preference and the characteristic of the job. If you choose to be employed by us we offer tax relief for copyrights transfer (KUP).  We are also flexible with your work location: this can be your home or office, depending on what you like and what works for you. You will be provided an Individual Development Budget, dedicated to enhancing your professional skills. You will have opportunities to grow: as a Google Cloud Partner, we organise Vodeno Cloud Academy and you can get officially certified by Google.  You and your closest family will be covered with VIP-level private medical care which includes dental treatment and a hospitalisation package.  We care for our colleagues’ well being, therefore we cover psychological consultations if you ever feel you need such support.  You will work on computer equipment that delivers the best user experience — Apple MacBook.  If you feel like working from the office, we have beautiful space available for you in Brussels and Warsaw. Each office is very nicely located with convenient commute options by public transport and by bike. Our office in Warsaw offers healthy snacks throughout the day.  OUR PROCESS We keep our recruiting process simple.  Step 1: Talk with one of our Recruiters about your experience and ambitions Step 2: Meet with Team Manager for a technical interview and to discuss how we fit each other EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT At Vodeno, we embrace diversity in all of its forms and nurture an inclusive environment for all people to do the best work of their lives with us. This is integral to our mission of opening new opportunities to businesses and people. We're an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or parental status, national origin, veteran, neurodiversity status or disability status.
Embedded Engineer Security Privacy Pixel
Google, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About the job Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward. With your technical expertise you will manage project priorities, deadlines, and deliverables. You will design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, and enhance software solutions. The Google Pixel team focuses on designing and delivering the world's most helpful mobile experience. The team works on shaping the future of Pixel devices and services through some of the most advanced designs, techniques, products, and experiences in consumer electronics. This includes bringing together the best of Google’s artificial intelligence, software, and hardware to build global smartphones and create transformative experiences for users across the world. Responsibilities: Participate in, or lead design reviews with peers and stakeholders to decide amongst available technologies. Design and build scalable, secure, and reliable infrastructure to facilitate the entire software development processes and secure manufacturing for Google products.  Research, design, and develop security features for future Pixel devices. Improve infrastructures for fuzzing, testing, and CI. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. Typically 2 years of experience with software development in one or more programming languages, or 1 year of experience with an advanced degree. Typically 2 years of experience with data structures or algorithms. Experience in cryptography, application/network/systems security or malware analysis, and embedded systems development. Preferred qualifications: Master's degree or PhD in Computer Science or related technical field. Experience in platform-level vulnerability hardening or testing in Linux. Experience with security auditing and risk assessments. Benefits:  Health and Wellbeing (Medical, dental, and vision insurance for employees and dependents) Financial wellbeing (Competitive compensation, regular bonus and equity refresh opportunities) Flexibility and time off (Paid time off, including vacation, bereavement, jury duty, sick leave, parental leave, disability, and holidays) Family support and care (Fertility and growing family support, parental leave and baby bonding leave) Community and personal development (Educational reimbursement) Googley extras (Inspiring spaces to work, recharge, and collaborate with fellow Googlers)
Senior Back-end Engineer Nodejs
SwingDev a hippo company, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are a Polish branch of a fast-growing InsurTech product company from Silicon Valley - Hippo Insurance. Our mission is to revolutionize home insurance in the US, starting from IoT monitoring devices to our industry-leading software.  How do we want to get there? We need a top-notch talent, just like you!  Putting a lot of effort into hiring top-tier devs, designers, PMs, and QAs, is a proof that we care a lot about tech experience, the attitude, human approach, and what we could call „culture fit”. „SwingDev a hippo company is all about people” - yes, it may sound a bit cliche. But whether we're writing code or just hanging out, we know that people are at the heart of everything we do. We like to have a good time and keep things light, even when we're tackling big projects. We could brag about what’s making us special, but we’ve boiled it down to two key ingredients: mature, companionable people who, rather than compete, prefer to inspire and have each other’s backs; a culture of trust, empathy, and positivity that keeps us together, lets us interact as teammates and friends, and truly enjoy the ride. So if you're a Senior Back-end Developer looking to shake things up and have a good time while you're at it, you’ve come to the right place. Job description: You'll be architecting and implementing backends and their interactions with various data stores and other APIs (including 3rd party APIs). You will be able to port code from our legacy system into service oriented architecture following Domain Driven Design. You will work in an agile environment focusing on projects that are impactful on our business. You'll support reliable databases and APIs for real-time automated decision-making.  You’ll work in an agile environment focusing on projects that are impactful.  You'll deploy your software using industry-standard tooling like Kubernetes clusters, and Lambda functions.  You'll care deeply about security in everything you do and constantly raise the baseline of how we defend our user's data against external threats and themselves.   You'll implement robust automated test suites to ensure high quality and low failure rate of delivered code.  You'll work in a DevOps style to make sure Defense in Depth principles are followed and containers are as secure as humanly possible.  You'll have huge creative freedom and ability to put your mark on the project, and you will take ownership and responsibility for what you do.  You’ll have a lot of chances to develop your programming skills as well as learn a lot about how tech business is done in the US (if you want to).  Requirements: 4+ years of hands-on experience with Node.js . If other backend language is your main tech-stack (eg. Java/ Python), but you know Node.js (and want to boost this skill!) - still, let’s talk!. Good practical knowledge of at least one relational database system, e.g.PostgreSQL/MySQL/SQL Server. Experience with microservices and system design patterns. Ability to discuss and decide on software design and architecture.  Independent problem solving. Experience with implementing test pyramid (unit, integration, e2e tests). Experience in utilizing good security practices. Good command of English (written & spoken). Readiness to learn and expand your skill set as required by ongoing projects.  What you'll be using after joining us (we can teach you if needed): Node.js, TypeScript, Nest.js, Docker and container-based deployment technologies (e.g. Kubernetes/Fargate), Automated software testing on unit/integration/end-to-end levels. You will get extra points for: Hands-on experience with TypeScript.  Familiarity with Docker/Kubernetes/AWS deployment processes. Experience with profiling and performance optimization.  Experience in giving high quality feedback during code review. What benefits are waiting for you? Basics  Form of employment of your choosing Remote work & flexible working hours  Paid sick leave ️ Paid holidays Health & Safety Private medical care with dentists & orthodontists package for you and your family  ️ Group life insurance Psychotherapists support — free online sessions with psychologists and psychotherapists. Home physiotherapy Multisport card & meditation apps reimbursed 50% Working conditions & Development Gear with Apple Logo and a nice Dell monitor 50% reimbursement for courses, conferences, books & certificates Free access to private language lessons 6 Personal Development Days & 4 Voluntary Days Off   Extras you may like Cafeteria platform — extra “stówka”every month to spend on whatever you want to Nanny services for parents  Concierge services – a personal assistant to help you to deal with your everyday matters Chill room with table football & PlayStation 4 Free snacks, and ice cream in the office (every day, all year round!) Free Friday Lunch in the office Team building events — we party together several times a year during the annual Offsite & Christmas Parties, beer after work, or our #WinterEscapeMonth workation in Cyprus Recruitment process: Send us your CV – it's the best way for us to get to know you. Meet with one of our Recruiters - Ola . Complete 30-minute tech interview. Join Live Coding session with our Developers. Talk with Engineering Manager - Andrew , and Product Manager - Brittany . Meet on the final stage with Marcin and Alicja . and... welcome aboard!
Senior Security Engineer - DevSecOps
MANGOPAY, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
At Mangopay, our mission is to power the payment infrastructure and payment operations of the world's biggest and most exciting marketplaces & platforms. We provide marketplaces and platforms with powerful modular payment and regulatory solutions. Since 2013, we have enabled the success of some of the biggest names in e-commerce, retail, and cutting-edge platforms such as Vinted, Rakuten, Chrono24, La Redoute, Wallapop and over 2,500+ more.  Our team of 400+ is spread across Europe, with offices in Berlin, Dublin, Luxembourg, London, Madrid, Paris, and Warsaw. In an environment where marketplaces and fintech ventures are thriving, we're actively seeking exceptional individuals to tackle the challenges in our field and contribute to our growth. Our commitment to diversity is unwavering, and we are dedicated to promoting employee well-being, inclusivity, and equal opportunities. Joining Mangopay means you’ll be part of a dynamic, flexible, and rapidly growing team. Job Description As a Senior Security Operations Engineer, you will be at the forefront of securing our AWS infrastructure and applications through hands-on technical work, with a specific focus on Kubernetes-based environments. Your role will involve architecting, implementing, and managing security controls, conducting penetration tests to uncover vulnerabilities, and collaborating closely with development teams to remediate findings. This is a unique opportunity for a technically proficient individual to make a significant impact on our security posture in the cloud and Kubernetes ecosystem. Key Responsibilities: Architect, implement, and manage advanced security controls in AWS, including but not limited to AWS network firewalls, DDoS protection, ELB, VPC zoning, KMS deployment, and application controls within Kubernetes environments. Deploy and configure security tools such as Netskope for CASB functionality, Inspector for vulnerability assessment, and GuardDuty for threat detection. Advanced IAM / PAM management experience and deploying RBAC strategies in cloud environment Conduct hands-on penetration tests and vulnerability assessments of AWS infrastructure, Kubernetes clusters (EKS), and Fargate workloads, utilizing tools and techniques to identify security weaknesses.  Review golden images and ensure hardening security practice (limitation of attacks surface and vulnerabilities exposure) Collaborate closely with development teams to prioritize and remediate security findings, integrating security into the CI/CD pipeline and application controls within Kubernetes. Monitor AWS environments and Kubernetes clusters for security incidents and anomalies, utilizing native AWS tools, Kubernetes auditing, and third-party solutions to detect and respond to threats. Automate security tasks and workflows using IAC (Terraform, Giltab), AWS Lambda, Kubernetes-native tooling, and scripting languages to improve efficiency and scalability. Stay up-to-date on emerging threats and security best practices, researching and implementing innovative solutions to enhance our security posture within AWS and Kubernetes. Mentor and provide technical guidance to junior members of the security operations team. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Security, or related field. 5-7 years of hands-on experience in security operations with a strong focus on AWS, Kubernetes (EKS), and Fargate. Deep understanding of AWS security services and features, Kubernetes architecture, and container security principles. Extensive hands-on experience with security tooling such as Netskope, Inspector, GuardDuty, and Terraform. Proven track record of conducting penetration tests and vulnerability assessments in AWS and Kubernetes environments, utilizing tools such as Trivy, Kali Linux, Metasploit, and Burp Suite. Strong scripting and automation skills, with proficiency in Python, Bash, or similar languages. Relevant certifications such as AWS Certified Security - Specialty, Kubernetes certifications, OSCP, or CISSP are highly desirable. Excellent communication skills and the ability to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams. Recruitment process   HR Call 1st Interview with our Expert SOC Engineer 2nd interview with our Application Security Engineer Final interview with our CISO
Senior Backend Nodejs Engineer remote
Appfire, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Appfire  is an enterprise collaboration software company that enables teams to plan and deliver their best work. Since launching in 2005 as one of the original Atlassian ecosystem partners, Appfire has built a portfolio of top-selling apps for  more than 30,000 customers  — including 55% of Fortune 500 companies. As a product-led company, Appfire identifies gaps in industries serving developers and client support teams and then builds solutions that drive productivity and efficiency. Appfire continues to grow exponentially, with  teams spanning 20+ countries . We are financially strong, continuously meeting or exceeding revenue targets, and we invest heavily in strengthening the foundation of our organisation. Being philanthropic is integral to operating our business, so we donate 1% of employee time, product, profit, and equity as part of our Pledge 1% commitment. Come join our team! Job Purpose and Overview: You will be joining our  7pace  product team. 7Pace is an industry leader and a well renowned brand that delivers deeply integrated, effortless time tracking for teams of any size. With transparent time tracking, accurate data for insights, and out-of-the-box reporting it empowers end users to be productive, own their time, and be efficient. We are trusted by 2000+ customers, including famous brands like Microsoft, Accenture, DHL, Volvo, or Deloitte, with already over 200 million hours logged in. 7Pace is a product that customers love and want to use. Join us to build an app that we can be proud of! What you will do: Be a part of a self-organising, cross-functional product team and cooperate closely with other Software Engineers, UX Designers, Product Managers, Team Leaders, and with other specialists like Product Marketeers or Support Engineers; Follow the best engineering practices: automated testing, code reviews, pair programming, YBIYRI (you built it you run it); Share your thoughts openly and honestly on what would be the best for the customers and the business: you will be part of discussions about the future of our products and Appfire; Decide freely about your day and assignments - we do not micromanage people and we do care about work & life balance; Be the change you seek - if you see that something can be improved, suggest how and make it happen (alone or by engaging your colleagues) What you will need: Proven record   of delivery of several software development projects   or   products; Hands-on experience with back-end technologies, specifically REST API with   Node.js   and   Typescript.   Whereas we appreciate some breadth, we value the depth even more; Truly engineering approach to solving problems. Good theoretical foundations of computer science (e.g. data structures, algorithms and computational complexity, FP, OOP) are super practical in the ever-changing landscape of technologies; Understanding of modern micro-service architectures, and practical experience implementing them in Azure (GCP or AWS), familiarity with Docker and Kubernetes; Solid architectural understanding of web applications, including performance, quality and security aspects; Willingness to learn and use multiple technologies, both backend (C#, ASP.NET Core) and frontend (React, Redux); Familiarity with SQL and relational databases is a plus (PostgreSQL or MSSQL are preferred); Command of English at level B2 or higher. What we offer: Salary (employment contract, UoP): 17 000 - 24 500 PLN gross/month  Possibility to apply for 50% tax deductible costs on creative works (AKUP/IP tax-deductible costs) Indefinite employment contract from day one, no trial periods Every Appfire employee is eligible for company equity 26 paid days off, regardless of years of experience Wellness days – additional time-off each month to recharge and take care of yourself (1 day per month) Private healthcare MyBenefit platform - 150 PLN/month to spend on available shops, restaurants, gyms, etc. Home office allowance - 200 PLN/month to cover your electricity and internet bills Lunch card - 300 PLN/month to spend on groceries / restaurants (excluding alcohol and other excise duties items) Life insurance English language courses
Senior Staff Software Engineer Repayments
Affirm, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Affirm is reinventing credit to make it more honest and friendly, giving consumers the flexibility to buy now and pay later without any hidden fees or compounding interest. The Repayments Nexus is looking for a Senior Staff Software Engineer to help build the tools and systems to allow our customers to repay their loans in the most convenient way possible. The Repayments Nexus is a group entirely based in Europe, owning the end-to-end repayments consumer experience, from the “Manage” tab in our Affirm mobile app to Collections and Recoveries. The group also owns the  Comms Platform  to create and send transactional communications to borrowers and merchants. This role requires a high level of technical capability, leadership skills, strong cross-functional communication and a creative mindset. Affirm is experiencing explosive growth with millions of customers across thousands of merchants in-store and online, and your contributions will be a key enabler of that growth. Come join us as we build a beloved, lasting financial services brand predicated on honesty and trust. It’s going to be an amazing ride! What you’ll do Drive the evolution of our Repayments platform with a focus on extensibility, robustness and performance. Draft, review and refine technical specification documents. Participate in architectural reviews and closely collaborate with other tech leads in the Direct-To-Consumer department. Help create the engineering strategy for the Repayments Nexus group based on the broader engineering strategy and informed by the Repayments product strategy. Define the technical roadmap for the Repayments Nexus group. Partner cross-functionally with product and business teams to understand requirements and translate them into scalable and robust solutions. Be hands on. Build APIs and data models to work within micro-service and event-driven architectures. Create parallelizable and idempotent batch jobs to process large amounts of data. Take an active role in mentoring engineers, and the processes that support team growth and efficiency. What we look for 10+ years of experience as a software engineer Ability to synthesize complex business, product, and technical requirements to consistently produce high quality system designs and software. A strong understanding of distributed systems and how architectural decisions affect performance and maintainability. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. Must be proficient in asynchronous communication – written tech specs, wiki, project plans, etc. Excellent project management skills – high degree of organization and ability to surface critical information effectively. Business impact focus, pragmatic approach to delivering projects on time and safely. Passion for working with cross-functional teams including Product, Risk, Analytics etc. Python/Kotlin development experience is a plus. Experience with AWS and/or other cloud providers.   Compensation & Benefits We offer a competitive package, with some highlights listed below. However, the given figures are not guaranteed compensation ranges; rather, they are unbinding, approximate indications of what the salary may be for your awareness. The actual salary may be less than the lower range or greater than the upper range, depending on skills and experience. No employee is guaranteed salary at the amount of the lower range. Targeted Gross Monthly Salary:  30,175 - 37,716  PLN Type of employment: Contract of Employment Flexible Spending Wallets for tech, food and lifestyle Generous time off policies Away Days - wellness days to take off work and recharge Learning & Development programs Parental leave Robust health benefits Employee Resource & Community Groups This role is eligible for creative tax benefits, subject to applicable law and company policy This role might be eligible for a competitive sign-on bonus of up to 10% of your base salary Pay Grade  - POL32 Employees new to Affirm or promoted into a new role, typically begin in the min to mid range. POL base pay range per year:  Min: 262,100 zł Mid: 452,600 zł Max: 543,100 zł Location - Remote Poland The majority of our roles can be located anywhere in Poland. **This job description is not a contractual document, and is not intended to have binding force.**
Senior Backend Software Engineer Rust
Golem Factory GmbH, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Golem Factory and its Mission: Are you a Rust developer looking to make a significant impact in the world of distributed computing? At Golem Factory, you have the chance to co-create a pioneering peer-to-peer market for distributed computational resources. As a member of our team, you'll help to develop and optimize our decentralized computing framework. Joining Golem Factory is more than just starting a new job; it's entering a community of innovators and leaders in the field of computing. We believe your expertise in Rust is vital for the development and innovation of our open-source, decentralized platform, the Golem Network . This platform is a trailblazer in the market, aiming to make computing power more accessible and affordable worldwide. Imagine your contributions supporting a wide range of computational projects, from scientific research to animation renderings or running distributed AI models. Currently, we're spearheading an initiative to integrate GPU computing power with Golem , significantly expanding its capabilities, especially in artificial intelligence applications. The Role: As a Senior Backend Software Engineer, you will join a team of exceptionally skilled engineers solving complex problems in decentralized systems and contribute to building the core of the Golem platform. The main component— Yagna —is written purely in Rust, and it’s the entry point to Golem , just like geth or erigon are entry points to the Ethereum network. In this role, you would have space to share and develop your ideas, innovate to improve Yagna and other aspects of the Golem Network platform, such as: runtimes (QEMU-based light VM), networking, scalability, reputation, security, and many other pieces t hat are at the core of the platform. In many aspects, we tackle unique problems that no one has addressed before, which makes this role challenging, exciting and fulfilling. If you want to work on a project that has significance in the global Web3 Space, read more about the details of the role below: Remote location(s) : CET timezone What you’ll do with us: Develop reusable, testable, scalable, and efficient code using Rust Create code requiring low-level control Contribute to the Golem Factory open-source projects @ GitHub Asynchronous, concurrent, and network programming (TCP, UDP, HTTP) Develop for all three leading platforms: Linux, macOS, and Windows Design REST API (low-level Golem API) Get feedback from the other teams on the above Test what you write with the unit, integration, and manual tests Contribute to the company Tech Council committee Attend daily and weekly stand-ups, sprint plannings, retrospectives, 1:1s Work collaboratively in the CET timezone and support other engineers within the team and across teams. Perform necessary maintenance tasks You’re a great fit if: You have a minimum 5 years of experience in design and system programming You have experience in low-level network programming You have experience with the implementation of TCP protocol (we maintain our own fork of the smolTCP library) You already use and love Rust , including async You have experience with network security and encryption protocols You have experience with asynchronous and concurrent programming You have good knowledge of general software design, as well as API design ( REST in particular) You know your way around command-line tools and shell scripting You are skilled with Git, Github, and its tools and the know-how to use them in more significant projects You have strong problem-solving and debugging skills You are a fast learner and are eager to pick up new technologies and projects You can communicate fluently in English It will be a plus if: You have knowledge of  virtualization frameworks You have experience in using Qemu, configuring interaction with external host applications, and development You have contributions to open-source projects related to networking or virtualization. You are familiar with Python and Node.js You are familiar with and (preferably) hyped about Blockchain, Web3, AI or Distributed Networks Golem Factory Tech Stack: Backend: Rust, Python 3.8+, JavaScript (Node.js), TypeScript, REST Version control, Reviews, Issue tracking: GitHub Continuous Integration/Tools: GitHub Actions Infrastructure: we are building on - the Golem Network, Docker, Prometheus stack Benefits @ Golem: Flexible contract types Remote-first culture 26 days of PTO Training and conference budget Private medical care Sports card Company retreats and events
Junior BigData Apps Engineer with Azure
DXC Technology, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC) is the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, helping clients harness the power of innovation to thrive on change. Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC Technology serves nearly 6,000 private and public sector clients across 70 countries. The company’s technology independence, global talent, and extensive partner alliance combine to deliver powerful next-generation IT services and solutions. DXC Technology is recognized among the best corporate citizens globally.  For more information, visit http://www.dxc.technology/ .   Currently, we are looking for:   Junior BigData Application Engineer with Azure   Job location: hybrid (Warsaw) or remote (Poland) If you are not afraid of new solutions and constant challenges… If you are eager to learn new things and technologies…. If you are broad minded, willing to get know how things work efficiently… If you feel free with developing, improving and maintaining data ingestion pipelines and applications in the Cloud… …or want to learn it and practice…     …you found right place!     Working for us, you will be the part of Big Data Team located in Poland, focused on the newest technologies, providing services to international client and business users from across the globe.   The Main Tasks Will Be Using the latest technologies ensure successful data delivery for customer's data scientist and analytics Continuously improve application effectiveness and implement cost cutting solutions Reacting on customer changing expectations and needs adapting applications accordingly, setup variation of them or develop new ones Taking needed actions on occurring events disruptive expecting results and planned processes   We Require High analytical skills and abstract thinking Intermediate SQL or Python Basic experience with databases technologies Elementary Linux Good command of English and Polish   We Appreciate Fascination with cloud technologies Eagerness to learn and practice new areas independently Familiar with any below: - Spark, Scala and other programming languages           - Cluster computing     - Code versioning systems           - Orchestration and job scheduling           - Containerization           - Data transfer schemes and protocols           - Data file formats           - Other IT experiences not only related strictly to data   We offer: full-time employment contract with a compensation package, adjusted to your experience and qualifications. package of social benefits, including medical care, Multisport, relax corner, sport communities, technical and soft skill training, life insurance and many others. training and certifications opportunities provided by our DXC Partners: Microsoft, AWS, Google opportunity to be a part of fast-growing, innovative, and high-performing within a multicultural organization. challenging projects, clear career path, and professional training opportunities enabling personal development and growth. friendly atmosphere, independence, and flexible working hours  
Junior Accounts Receivable Specialist - Czech Speaker
CKH Group, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a Junior Accounts Receivable Accountant to provide financial, administrative and clerical services.Responsibilities Review and process credit notes; Clearing of outstanding deductions on customer accounts; Master data changes; Bank postings; Generate financial statements and reports detailing AR status. Requirements 0-2 year of experience in Accounting; Proficiency in English and in MS Office; Business Proficiency in Czech language; Customer service orientation; A high degree of accuracy and attention to detail; BS degree in Finance, Accounting, or Business Administration. Benefits Long-term cooperation; Interesting and responsible work in an international environment; Cooperation with experienced employees of the company, in a fantastic team; The possibility of professional development and self-fulfilment; Support at every stage of implementation.
Senior Imaging Software Engineer - Professional Software
Dolby, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Join the leader in entertainment innovation and help us design the future. At Dolby, science meets art, and high tech means more than computer code. As a member of the Dolby team, you’ll see and hear the results of your work everywhere, from movie theaters to smartphones. We continue to revolutionize how people create, deliver, and enjoy entertainment worldwide. To do that, we need the absolute best talent. We’re big enough to give you all the resources you need, and small enough so you can make a real difference and earn recognition for your work. We offer a collegial culture, challenging projects, and excellent compensation and benefits, not to mention a Flex Work approach that is truly flexible to support where, when, and how you do your best work. Join the Dolby Vision technology development team. A successful candidate will have an opportunity to create, improve and drive the development of the Dolby Vision Professional Software used by the most influential technology companies in the world.  The role is part of the engineering team in Wroclaw, Poland, and provides opportunity to connect with other Dolby engineering and business entities in the USA and Germany.    Responsibilities:  Develop video encoding software applications in C++. Develop cross-platform (Windows, Linux, macOS) software. Actively look for, other than C/C++, software languages and the technical solutions to solve the video challenges.  Identify the requirements and architect the software technology components.   Key Requirements:  Fluency and High Efficiency in the Software Engineering on the application level (especially C++). Fluency in Software Architecture. Experience in Video Processing field (i.e., Analysis, Compression, Conversion). Willingness to build deep expertise in the Video and the Dolby Vision domain. Positive attitude and willingness to solve challenging problems. Ability to adapt low-level highly technological components into high level application code.   Desired:  Ability to solve engineering problems in various languages including Python and JavaScript. Understanding of the SDR and HDR video standards. Good understanding of multi-threading in software development. Knowledge of the open-source multimedia transcoding solutions and frameworks.
Senior Architect Software Engineer Embedded L1 IRC222317
GlobalLogic, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
GlobalLogic is inviting an experienced Architect Software Engineer to join our engineering team. GlobalLogic communication delivery unit is looking for specialists in the radio access network domain to develop cutting-edge telecommunication products. By becoming a part of the software engineering team you will be focusing on end-to-end development of the modern RAN system enriching your professional experience by solving challenging tasks, working on complex design solutions, learning, and collaborating with other experts locally and worldwide. If you are passionate about software engineering, Agile ways of working and communication systems that change the world for the better, we invite you to join our friendly and dynamic team. Requirements: 6+ years of experience in software development Strong proficiency in C/C++ Hands on experience in LTE/5G RAN and L1/PHY protocols (i.e. DU/RU software) Knowledge of 3GPP standards Proficiency in Linux, Networking Expertise in embedded systems Experience with multi-core CPU system programming Proficiency in real-time programming Expertise in DSP architecture and programming Experience in Linux driver implementation Proficiency in SW verification and troubleshooting Expertise in multiple SW architecture principles applied in communication systems (for Architect role) Experience with test tools and simulators Knowledge of modelling tools (e.g. Matlab) Competency in build systems (e.g. Yocto) Good knowledge of CI/CD Jira, Jenkins, Git, Gerrit Good written and spoken English Responsibilities: As a part of the software engineering team contributed to the design, development, testing and integration of LTE/5G RAN software components in L1/PHY protocol stack Triage software issues and work on product improvements Contribute to the improvement of SW architecture (for Architect role) Guide technical teams (for Senior role) Engage collaboratively with hardware engineers, system architects, software engineers, testers and product managers to ensure seamless integration of components and end-to-end system reliability Work within an Agile development environment What Do We Offer? We create an environment where everyone can fully realize their talents, freely share knowledge and experience, and create truly important things. Happy people create revolutionary products. We believe that we are able to change the world for the better — and we, as a company, help our specialists grow and be truly happy! Keep the balance. Work-life balance! You will have the opportunity to choose where you want to work – at a comfortable office or at home. The choice is not limited to “where”, but also “when” - all of that because of flexible working hours. We will help you to ensure your work-life balance. Support of health and sports activities We care about the health of all specialists. Every employee can take advantage of the following: Private medical care – your well-being is crucial to us. You can choose one of many options, including the one which takes care of your loved ones. Multikafeteria platform – this feature allows you to use sports facilities cards, attend cultural events or buy sports equipment or books. You choose from a vast variety of possibilities. Life and travel insurance – our partners provide our consultants with a special group life insurance package. Relocation Program  We encourage you to discover a brand-new experience. GlobalLogic's offices in EMEA regions will meet you with maximum hospitality and the same corporate culture, processes, and possibilities. Learning and professional growth!  You’ll collaborate with — and learn from — award-winning designers and engineers through customer projects, hackathons, meetups, and more. Listen to the top speakers or be one of them — it’s up to you!  Create more than just a code. Make an impact beyond the code!  In today's world, software engineers create a better future for people and the planet. GlobalLogic’s experts are contributing to this world right now in various projects: from automotive to healthcare! Sustainability and Social Responsibility We positively impact our communities by supporting education and the environment, and by developing women in tech, and the arts. For example, learn more about our EcoHike — a special app that makes the world cleaner! Not only our engineers, but tourists, eco-activists, and hiking fans are using it regularly to keep our nature clean and vital.  Technology first! Realize all your ideas within our internal tech clubs and groups. Feel free to find new friends, boost your skills, and grow professionally!
Head of IT Security Advisory
Volvo Polska, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Big picture: We, at Enterprise IT Security , are on a mission to secure the IT journey for the Volvo Group. We work closely together with stakeholders across several Business Areas (BAs), Truck Divisions (TDs), and Group Functions (GFs). While the BAs are responsible for driving the business, the TDs provide research, development, purchasing, manufacturing, and assembly. Within Volvo Group, the GFs own the Group agenda, provide strategic direction, and have global responsibility in group-wide functions such as IT, legal, compliance and security.   With Enterprise IT Security , you will be part of Group Digital & IT (Group Function) . A global and diverse team of highly skilled professionals who work with passion, trust each other, and embrace change to stay ahead. Enterprise IT Security (EITS) works in close collaboration with both Group Security function and security functions within TD’s, BAs and GFs. Together we work to build a security posture that is best in class.   Job summary: Head of Advisory  acts as a key contact who make sure that IT Security advisory service is performed in consistent and standardized form. You will be a part of creating a new function and team within Volvo Group to support other IT solution teams within TD/BA/GFs with security expertise. Making sure that digital products and solutions are designed and developed according to Volvo Group security standards. Main responsibility: Act as the key contact point for TD/BA/GFs into EITS regarding IT security advisory service. Build effective global team capable of delivering advisory service. Establish KPIs and dashboard capabilities for demonstrating effectiveness of advisory service.  Provides consistent reports from advisory service across Volvo group. Ensures collaboration with other parts of Enterprise IT Security to deliver support and consulting for remediation activities on test results. Establish and maintain relations with external vendors in case where advisory can’t be delivered internally Continuously improve advisory service for value optimization. Attract and retain highly skilled team of security experts in multiple locations. Critical competencies: Excellent communication, presentation and organization skills Proven leadership skills “building a team from scratch” Ability to establish and maintain good relations with your internal and external partners/stakeholders Must be able to identify and resolve problems in a timely manner. Experience in client-facing roles, demonstrating the ability to translate complex IT concepts into actionable advice. Innovative mindset with a passion for staying ahead of technological advancements Minimum education and experience: Bachelor or Masters Degree in Information Technology, Information Systems, Engineering, a related field or equivalent work experience. 10+ years experience in IT Operations, Security & Development At least 5 years of experience in leadership position What's in it for you: Working with international world-class cybersecurity team . Swedish organizational culture. Work life balance: we make sure you enjoy quality time away from work. Remote work opportunities, employment contract and flexible working hours. Annual bonus, copyright tax deduction. Clear career path & extensive development opportunities. Private healthcare. Volvo League: we run team games in various sports. Access to learning platforms, such as Microsoft ESI, Udemy and Pluralsight  
Senior Data Scientist
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Kyiv
Description: Client – the worldwide manufacturer of smart beds, which increase the overall quality of sleep. The solution senses and automatically adjusts the comfort level:Tracking personal sleep data during the nightIndividual comfort and temperature balancingComfort adjustability on each side of the bed Requirements: Job RequirementsProven track record of getting ML/DS solutions to customer-facing production environmentsExperience with ML/DL frameworks: TensorFlow, Keras, ScikitLearn, ONNXSolid knowledge of the State-of-the-Art DS/ML approaches and techniquesExperience working with Data Science process frameworks (CRISP-DM, Agile Data Science, Team Data Science Process)Previous exposure to MLOps practices using Databricks, Amazon SageMaker, GCP or other Data Science PlatformsProficiency with two or more frameworks from list: MATLAB, C, C++Proficiency with Python and SQL Experience of working in distributed teams, tasks delegation and conducting technical reviews Will be an asset:Software developer background with solid exposure to programmer best practicesExperience of delivering ML-based solutions to the highly constrained environments (IoT)Experience of working with biosensor data, knowledge of sleep science, sleep researchPhD, MSc or equivalent in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or other relevant disciplinesExperience of working in distributed teamsExperience of working with and managing LakehouseProficiency with Spark or Scala Responsibilities: Work within multidisciplinary team and Technical Product Owner on a day-to-day basis to develop new and improving existing ML/DS/DSP algorithms as Applied Data Scientist.Support transition from ML/DS prototypes produced by Research Team to an end-to-end production-ready solutions. Ensuring subordinates focus on accomplishing business goal of releasing new features.Manage data, code, and documentation related to the development stage. What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Адміністратор салону краси
School Lutsai, Київ
- Запис і розрахуваня клієнтів, турбота про них. Прийом та здійснення телефонних дзвінків;- Управління салоном, координація співробітників;- Консультування з питань послуг, які надаються в салоні краси;- Створення затишної обстановки;- Супровід продажів послуг і товарів;- Ведення внутрішньої документації;- Викладка товару;- Продаж засобів для домашнього догляду;- Контроль витрат коштів;- Перевірка справності приладів;- Проведення розрахунків з клієнтами за допомогою касового апарату;- Розгляд скарг і претензій щодо конфліктів;- Створення сприятливої психологічної обстановки в колективі;- Контроль дотримання робочого графіка, порядку, правил і норм охорони праці, техніки безпеки;- Контроль якості виконаних робіт;- Виконання доручень керівника- Проведення опитувань клієнтів, дослідження їх переваг;- Розрахунок заробітньої плати;- Забезпечення чистоти в салоні красиЗП від 12 000 графік з 9:00 по 20:002/2Для запису на співбесіду 0633965657 Марина
Senior Business Analyst Creatio/Старший бізнес аналітик Creatio
ДТЕК, ТОВ, Енергетична компанія, Київ
Станьте частиною команди, що створює цифрову реальність!MODUS X — українська ІТ-компанія, команда 500+ інженерів, архітекторів, спеціалістів з безпеки та датасаєнтистів. Ми розпочали та продовжуємо супровід цифрової трансформації ДТЕК, яка першою в енергетиці України стала на шлях масштабного діджитал-перетворення. Нині виділились в окрему компанію, щоби ділитися своїм досвідом та експертизою назовні, залишаючись ІТ-опорою для тих, хто несе світло та сприяє відновленню країни.На посаді Senior Business Analyst Creatio ви виявлятимете вимоги та впроваджуватимете найважливіші компоненти наших стратегій, зосереджуючись на рішеннях, реалізованих як власними силами так і силами підрядників на платформі Low Code Creatio.Обов'язки:- Аналіз та опис вимог бізнесу щодо програмних рішень в рамках існуючої інформаційної системи.- Дослідження існуючих процесів автоматизації.- Оцінка можливостей системи Creatio і доречності бізнес-вимог.- Створення специфікацій вимог, таких як FRD, User Story, Use Cases, блок-схеми, бізнес-процеси, потоки даних, ERD.- Тісна співпраця з командою розробників і менеджером продукту.- Тестування доробок та написання інструкцій для користувачів.- Запуск у промислову експлуатацію.- Розробка функціоналу за допомогою Low Code можливостей Creatio FreedomUI.Вимоги:- 3+ років досвіду в ролі бізнес-/функціонального/системного аналітика в компанії з розробки програмного забезпечення.- Досвід високорівневого аналізу вимог щодо розробки нових продуктів.- Розуміння концепцій, інструментів, моделей, методологій бізнес- і системного аналізу.- Досвід у виявленні вимог, аналізі, документуванні та супроводі.- Можливість працювати над кількома проектами одночасно.- Знання SDLC Досвід роботи в SCRUM команді.- Розуміння принципів роботи REST, SOAP.- Вміння читати та писати вимогу на розробку API.- Вміння розробляти функціонал продукту за допомогою Low Code Creatio (обов’язкове знання FreedomUI).Ми пропонуємо:- Конкурентні умови та бонусну програму.- Корпоративну техніку.- Корпоративну програму медичного страхування.- Програму психологічної підтримки співробітників.- Віддалений або гібридний формат роботи у інноваційному парку Unit City- Можливості навчання та професійний розвиток (онлайн курси, аудиторні тренінги, майстер-класи, професійні спільноти).Ми цінуємо тих, хто приймає виклики. Серед нас кожен може проявити свої таланти й відчути безпосередній вплив на наш спільний успіх. Інвестуємо у розвиток кожного, даємо змогу отримувати нові знання та досягати професійних цілей. Більше інформації про компанію та наш досвід на офіційній сторінці MODUS X в LinkedIn.Про компанію MODUS XMODUS X — команда 500+ інженерів, архітекторів, спеціалістів з безпеки та датасаєнтистів. Ми супроводжуємо наших клієнтів на шляху трансформацій, наближаючи їх до цифрової реальності.Вже 18 років ми проєктуємо, впроваджуємо та підтримуємо програмні застосунки, що допомагають компаніям досягати їхніх бізнесових цілей. Розробляємо комплексні інфраструктурні рішення, data-driven продукти та консультуємо з питань інформаційної безпеки. За нашими плечима сотні успішних кейсів, що були реалізовані для 60+ клієнтів в Україні та за кордоном.Ми розпочали та продовжуємо супровід цифрової трансформації ДТЕК, яка першою в енергетиці України стала на шлях масштабного діджитал-перетворення. Нині ми виділились в окрему компанію, щоби ділитися своїм успішним досвідом та експертизою назовні, залишаючись ІТ-опорою для тих, хто несе світло та сприяє відновленню країни.Серед нас кожен може проявити свої таланти й відчути безпосередній вплив на наш спільний успіх. Ми – експерти. Інвестуємо у розвиток кожного, даємо змогу отримувати нові знання та досягати професійних цілей. Ми можемо запропонувати нашим командам дійсно цікаві та значущі проєкти.Сайт компанії:https://www.linkedin.com/company/modusx/
Middle Robotics Support Engineer IRC223626
GlobalLogic Ukraine, Київ
GlobalLogic is inviting an experienced Robotics Support Engineer to join our engineering team.Our client is looking for people who thrive in a fast paced, solutions oriented and creative environments.The Software Support Engineer is a focal point within the client's software and hardware organization for customer support activities. Specifically, in this role, the individual(s) will provide remote and field support to our customers and operations teams for the installation and configuration of the system supporting robotic hardware. The Software Support Engineer will work proactively and in response to ad-hoc support calls to ensure the software and hardware system is running properly in the production warehouse automation environments of our customer.Requirements:Required:2+ years of IT infrastructure production support experienceLinux, Windows exposureUnderstanding mechanical system of the robotsIntermediate spoken English levelSchedule 7:00-16:00Desired:Rabbit MQ or Kubernetes/Ansible experienceSQL/SQL ServerResponsibilities:Provide escalation support for short-term problem resolution activitiesPerform validation activities for support toolsOwnership and resolving situations of the stuck bots, handling cases via validation; bots' cameras issuesOwnership for new SW versions remote deployment to the production bots Creating documentation of system-level functionality from a support perspective.Work under pressure in restoring high-priority systems to operationsWork early hours: 7:00-16:00What Do We Offer?We create an environment where everyone can fully realize their talents, freely share knowledge and experience, and create truly important things. Happy people create revolutionary products. We believe that we are able to change the world for the better - and we, as a company, help our specialists grow and be truly happy!Various types of cooperation - comfortable office or remote collaboration from home    , opportunities for relocation - all depend on your preferences. We will support you at every stage of these processes and do our best to help you feel comfortable! Support of health and sports activitiesWe care about the physical and mental health of all specialists. Every specialist can choose the most relevant option for themselves:Medical Insurance     - our partners provide our consultants with special health insurance packages, which include both doctor's visits and massage courses. Also, our specialists have special conditions for special insurance for loved ones, insurance during travel, and transport insurance.Wellbeing Deposit     -     this deposit allows you to buy sports equipment for the home and uniform, go to the gym, etc. It is also possible to visit a psychologist, attend massages and spa treatments, and even subscribe to fitness applications for a mobile phone or online training related to physical and mental health.Learning and professional growthYou'll collaborate with — and learn from — award-winning designers and engineers through customer projects, hackathons, meetups, and more. Listen to the top speakers or be one of them — it's up to you! Moreover, we have various internal courses, programs, and possibilities to boost your skills.Create more than just a code. Make an impact beyond the codeIn today's world, software engineers create a better future for people and the planet. GlobalLogic's experts are contributing to this world right now in various projects: automotive, media, industrial, and healthcare.Sustainability and Social ResponsibilityWe positively impact our communities by supporting education, the environment, and developing women in tech. For example, learn more about our     EcoHike     — a special app that makes the world cleaner! Not only our engineers, but tourists, eco-activists, and hiking fans are using it regularly to keep our nature clean and vital.Technology firstRealize all your ideas within our internal tech clubs and communities. Feel free to find new friends, boost your skills, and grow professionally!