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Рекомендовані вакансії

Менеджер з продажу нерухомості
Эксклюзив в недвижимости, Вся ; Дніпропетровська область
    Современная эксклюзивная риэлторская компания ООО Эксклюзив в недвижимости предоставляет профессиональные риэлторские услуги в сфере недвижимости.    Агентство приглашает на работу менеджера по продаже недвижимости. Уникальность работы в «Эксклюзив в недвижимости»: престиж принадлежности к компании, которую уже знают клиенты; своя авторская школа обучения, поэтому для своих сотрудников она бесплатно; поддержка всех начинающих в этой профессии.    Прекрасные условия для специалистов с опытом работы!    Главное требование - желание работать!    Компания предоставляет всем обратившимся клиентам, весь перечень услуг по недвижимости и отвечает на все вопросы связанные с ней, что значительно расширяет спектр работы и возможности начинающему в данной профессии.    Мы ищем в кандидате обладание следующими качествами:Коммуникабельность, контактность, ответственность, умение работать на результат;Профессионально поставленная речь и способность аргументировано доносить свою мысль;Опыт работы в сфере недвижимости приветствуется, но не обязателен;Образование высшее (возможно незаконченное);Знание ПК и социальных сетей  на уровне уверенного пользователя.   Условия работы в нашей команде:Мотивирующую оплату труда - нет потолка дохода;Дружный профессиональный коллектив;Видение базы объектов недвижимости (по выбранному району);График работы ПН-ПТ с 10:00-17:00;Свободный доступ к необходимым информационным базам,  а также возможность использовать авторские технологии, разработанные компанией;Юридическую поддержку на всех этапах работы;Широкие перспективы развития и карьерного роста;Сайт компании для ознакомления estate-ua.com.ua;Возможность заключать сделки и проводить переговоры в комфортных для вас и клиента условиях, повышая уровень положительного отношения к вам и вашему делу.    А также:Компания предоставляет все условия для развития, где каждый имеет возможность построить успешную карьеру;Личное рабочее место, оборудованное современными средствами связи и оргтехникой;Актуальные базы данных недвижимости;CRM с контактами клиентов, MLS и EasyBase – новейшие базы данных по объектам недвижимости;Услуги — Нотариуса, Оценщика, Специалиста по коммунальным службам, регулярный корпоративный отдых всей командой и другие приятные мелочи — кухня, холодильник, кондиционеры, чай, кофе.    Мы 100% гарантируем Вам справедливые  условия  для максимально эффективной и комфортной работы!   Будем рады видеть ВАС в нашей команде!
Менеджер по работе с клиентами (Call-центр)
ТОВ El Rio, Днепропетровск, Дніпропетровська область
Требования:Опыт работы в системе бронирования гостиничных номеров (но не обязателен);Уверенный пользователь персонального компьютера;Приятный голос, отсутствие дефектов речи;Коммуникабельность, пунктуальность.Обязанности:Прием и обработка входящих звонков;Консультирование и информационная поддержка клиентов по вопросам предоставления услуг гостиничного комплекса.Условия труда:Гибкий график работы - полный рабочий день или сменный график;Своевременная выплата заработной платы;Официальное оформление сотрудников;Карьерный рост в динамично развивающейся компании.Более детальная информация при собеседовании.Обращайтесь по данным контактным номерам телефона:096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗМенеджер, Альбина Георгиевна
Менеджер по продаже и аренде недвижимости с опытом от 1 года на полную занятость Каменское
Бутко Е.А., ФЛП, Каменское
Описание вакансии Менеджер по продаже и аренде недвижимости с опытом от 1 года на полную занятость Каменское: Агентству недвижимости требуются сотрудники на постоянную работу (менеджеры по продаже и аренде недвижимости с опытом работы).Мы предлагаем:высокий уровень дохода;рекламная‚ юридическая и информационная поддержка;Если Вы обладаете:грамотной речью;желанием зарабатывать и нацелены на результат;Будем рады видеть Вас в нашей команде!Возможность дополнительно заработать - обучение, консультации: Менеджер по закупкам умение работать с большим объемом информации З/П - грн. Менеджер на дому телефонных звонков с ОР срочно З/П от грн.Общая специфика этой вакансии:Отправить резюме на эту вакансию: Отправить резюме
Оператор call-центру (інформаційна підтримка)
Vodafone Україна, Дніпро
Vodafone — міжнародна телекомунікаційна компанія, послугами якої користуються мільйони клієнтів по всьому світуДніпровський контакт-центр — це місце амбітних та активних людей, які надають найкращу клієнтську підтримку та сервіс! Хочеш працювати в крутій команді, добре заробляти, розвиватися як професіонал, а також все встигати? Долучайся до команди Vodafone Україна!- Два тижня навчання проходить в офісі в м. Дніпро за адресою вул.Панікахи 2А, корпус 1. Після двох місяців роботи можливий гібридний графік роботи.Саме для тебе ми пропонуємо:- можливість вибрати зручний графік для себе- офіційне працевлаштування та соціальні гарантії- наставництво та підтримку з перших днів роботи- гідний рівень оплати та прозору систему винагород, а також додаткові фінансові бонуси- професійне навчання та всебічний розвиток (тренінги, майстер-класи, корпоративні, інтелектуальні та спортивні заходи)- можливість кар'єрного зростання у контакт-центрі чи інших підрозділах компанії- медичне страхування та корпоративний мобільний зв’язок- дружній колектив, в якому завжди тепло :)Чим будеш займатись:- консультувати клієнтів щодо продуктів та послуг компанії по телефону- реєструвати звернення чи пропозиції від абонентів- пропонувати додаткові продукти компанії- вирішувати будь-які запитання клієнтів із першого разуЯкщо це про тебе:- вільно спілкуєшся державною мовою- любиш навчатись нового та багато спілкуватись- допомога іншим приносить тобі задоволення- маєш бажання стати кращим, ніж ти є заразТелефонуй 0800401010 чи напиши нам в Telegram https://t.me/VodafoneUACareers ; або Viber/WhatsApp — 0500401010Чекаємо в своїй команді! Більше інформації про нас дивись тут https://career.vodafone.ua/call-centrТакож у тебе є можливість одразу перейти до другого етапу відбору та пройти відео-інтерв'ю, будь-коли і будь-де в комфортний для тебе часПереходь за посиланням: https://app.ovr360.biz/Candidate/share/d86887b9-49db-4dc1-bb5c-d3904d39261b та давай знайомитись!
Майстер з ремонту комп'ютерної техніки
Гусєв О.С., ФОП, Дніпро
Наша компанія запрошує кандидатів на посаду майстра з ремонту комп’ютерної техніки у місто Дніпро. Ми є лідером у сфері інформаційних технологій і надає повний спектр послуг з обслуговування, ремонту та модернізації комп’ютерної техніки. Ми оголошуємо про вакансію для кваліфікованого спеціаліста або особи, яка готова навчатися і приєднатися до нашої команди, щоб надавати високоякісний сервіс для наших клієнтівОсновні обов’язки включають:- Проведення ремонту та обслуговування комп’ютерів, ноутбуків та іншої комп’ютерної техніки;- Діагностика проблем зі зламаною технікою;- Заміна комплектуючих та виправлення дефектів;- Встановлення та налаштування програмного забезпечення;- Надання консультацій клієнтам з питань використання та обслуговування комп’ютерної технікиВимоги до кандидатів:- Можливість навчання та бажання працювати;- Здатність швидко визначати та вирішувати технічні проблеми;- Пунктуальність;- Відповідальність та фокус на досягненні результатівПереваги роботи у нас:- Гнучкий графік роботи;- Можливості для кар'єрного зростання;- Дружній колектив;- Стабільність і конкурентоспроможна заробітна платаЯкщо вас цікавить ця захоплююча можливість для професійного розвитку та заробітку, ми чекаємо на вашу відповідь. Приєднуйтеся до нашої команди і станьте частиною успішної компанії! Дзвонити пн-пт 10−16:00 0961828362
Навигатор, рекрутинговая компания, Дніпро
Група компаній, що спеціалізується на виробництві, зберіганню та збуті зернових і олійних культур потребує до команди Керівника відділу інформаційних технологій.Основні обов’язки:Управління командою ІТ фахівців: системний адміністратор, розробник 1С, консультант 1С (системний адміністратор);Координація впровадження ІТ-проектів;Підтримка та розвиток ІТ-інфраструктури;Управління ІТ-бюджетом;Підтримка та розвиток систем на базі 1С (УТП);Автоматизація бізнес-процесів;Забезпечення безперебійної роботи ІТ-сервісів компанії;Взаємодія із зовнішніми підрядниками з питань впровадження ІТ-проектів, надання ІТ-послуг, закупівлі обладнання та програмного забезпечення;Взаємодія із відділом інформаційної безпеки;Стратегічне планування, організація праці та досягнення поставлених цілей департаментом ІТ.Кваліфікаційні вимоги:Вища профільна освітаДосвід роботи в організаціях із кількістю користувачів понад 400 чол.;Успішний досвід впровадження ІТ-рішень;Знання 1-С, досвід написання технічних завдань;Обов’язковий досвід використання 1С всіх напрямів та змін та робота з електронною інвентаризацією;Знання основ бухгалтерського обліку і принципів побудови управлінського обліку;Знання в галузі IP-телефонії та відеоконференц зв’язку, систем 1С, адміністрування серверів та БД, синхронізація 1С, інформаційної безпеки;Наявність виражених лідерських якостей;Навички стратегічного мислення, прагматичний та логічний підхід до аналізу та вирішення проблем;Комунікабельність, відповідальність, мультизадачність;Повинен знати:Основи бухгалтерського обліку;Основні українські конфігурації 1С;Основи мережевих технологій;Хмарні технології;Ринок комп’ютерної техніки;Основи менеджменту;Язик 1С, СКД, керовані форми;Серверні системи на основі Windows;Безпекові заходи в мережі і на серверах.Компанія пропонує:Гідну оплату праці: Ставка + система KPIОфіційне працевлаштування, 24 календарні дні відпустки, соціальна захищеністьЦікаві та амбітні задачі, робота у системній зростаючій компаніїВакансія передбачає бронювання працівника
Child Protection Psychosocial Support Worker
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52296Job Title: Child Protection Psychosocial Support WorkerSector: Child ProtectionEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionJob Overview:Under the supervision of the Child Protection (CP) Psychosocial Support Officer (PSS) Officer, the CP Psychosocial Support (PSS) Worker will be responsible for leading and implementing PSS activities for children and their caregivers. CP PSS activities include social-emotional learning (SEL) activities for children (6 – 11 years), SEL and life skills activities for adolescents (12 – 17 years), arts-based and other skills-building activities for children (2 – 17 years), as well as parenting and stress management activities for children’s and adolescents’ caregivers. Activities are implemented in IRC’s Safe Healing and Learning Spaces (SHLS), which are secure, caring and predictable places where children and adolescents living in conflict and crisis settings can learn, develop and be protected. The CP PSS Worker will have good technical and organisational capabilities to ensure that PSS activities are implemented in line with IRC’s program guidelines and according to CP minimum standards and principles. The CP PSS Worker will be based in Dnipro and report to the CP PSS Officer. Major Responsibilities:PSS for children and caregiversHelp in setting schedules for weekly activities for children / adolescents / caregiversFacilitate social-emotional, recreational, creative and life-skills activities for children and adolescents based on the SHLS scheduleFacilitate sessions for parents / caregivers to help improve their stress management skills, positive parenting practices, and strategies to support children and adolescents with psychosocial needsEngage with children / adolescents in a positive way, using a child-centred approachCreate a safe environment for children to play, socialize and learn according to established schedules and routinesEnsure that children and youth are safe from harmObserve children and adolescents with special needs and ensure they are well integrated into activitiesRefer identified and suspected child protection cases to the IRC focal pointAnswer questions from community members and parents / caregivers about what activities are taking placeSupport M&E activities as requested to support quality programmingCommunity Engagement & CP Risk Reduction Identify barriers to accessing available services for vulnerable/specific groups of children and propose measures to reduce/eliminate those barriers Identify key protection risks and mitigation/reduction measures Identify gaps in CP response services available to the community and share concerns with the CP PSS Officer / within IRC, protection actors and other relevant stakeholders Ensure broad dissemination of information on rights, duties, and services available Maintain relationships with communities, including local leaders, different groups, and stakeholders, youth groups, children etc. to foster an environment of support to children and their families and IRC programmingAs needed, organize community meetings for information dissemination or other purposesEnsure, to the extent possible, that children and adolescents actively participate and help shape IRC’s activities Encourage and foster social cohesion among host and IDP communitySupport distributions of risk reduction items (inc. PSS kits) and follow-up monitoringAdministration & Reporting:Take attendance, report material needs and support other administrative tasks as requiredReport supply/material needs to the supervisorComplete relevant activity tracker and contribute to activity reports, according to guidance provided by the CP PSS OfficerProvide information on a weekly basis to the CP Officer Coordination & Representation: Actively coordinate with staff from other IRC sectors in the field, including Protection & Rule of Law, Women’s Protection and Empowerment, Health, Economic Relief and Development Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with relevant local actors in the field, including community, non-governmental and governmental actorsUpon request by his/her supervisor, actively take part in relevant CP coordination meetings at the local and national level ( national CP Cluster)Other: Attend trainings organised by the IRCStay informed about the child protection situation and developments within the communities and surrounding areasConsistently and proactively monitor the safety and security of field teams, promptly reporting concerns or incidents to IRC management and liaising with other external parties as required to maintain/enhance the security environmentPromote and adhere to the principles, objectives and code of conduct of the IRCAct both professionally and personally in a manner that brings credit to the IRC and does not compromise its humanitarian missionIf necessary, provide translation and interpretation at meetings, training sessions and/or documents for a better understanding of all staffConduct any other task requested by his/her supervisor to enable and develop IRC programsKEY WORKING RELATIONSHIPS:Position reports to: Child Protection PSS Officer Direct reports: N/AOther internal contacts: Protection & Rule of Law (ProL), WPE, MEAL, ERD, Health, Finance, Supply, Grants, HR and other relevant departments RequirementsThe Child Protection PSS Worker will need to meet the requirements below: Degree desired in Social Work, Psychology, Education, Human Rights, Social Science, Humanities or other related fieldPrevious experience in implementing PSS programming for children and demonstrated understanding of working with children, particularly vulnerable children and children at-risk of violence, exploitation abuse or neglectExperience with community work, community mobilization and engagement, and working with children affected by conflictClear understanding of and interest in the well-being of children and supporting their healing after the experience of violencePositive and professional attitude, including ability to lead and work well in a team settingAbility to keep records and write simple and basic reports of activitiesComfortable speaking about sensitive topics in an honest, professional, and thoughtful mannerDemonstrated understanding of and ability to maintain confidentiality and respect for clients/beneficiariesHigh degree of flexibility and strong ability to organize work, meet deadlines, maintain composure, prioritize work under pressure, coordinate multiple tasks and maintain attention to detailComputer literate, including Microsoft Word and ExcelLanguage: Fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, basic skills in EnglishThis position will be based in Dnipro, with frequent travel to field locations.
WPE Emergency Response Officer
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52501Job Title: WPE Emergency Response OfficerSector: Women Protection & EmpowermentEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionJOB OVERVIEWThe International Rescue Committee (IRC) is seeking a professional WPE Emergency Response Officer to join our Women's Protection and Empowerment (WPE) Program in Ukraine. The WPE Emergency Officer will oversee GBV prevention, community engagement, and risk reduction activities, particularly in conflict-affected areas: close to the contact line and responding to emergency situations, as well as in remote and unserved locations. The officer will provide critical support to women and girls through various activities and ensure adherence to best practices in WPE.KEY RESPONSIBILITIESProgram Implementation and Quality:- Conduct awareness-raising sessions on GBV for women and girls in remote, underserved areas and for those evacuating from dangerous regions.- Distribute life-saving information leaflets about where survivors can get help.- Organized distribution of dignity kits for women and girls.- Provide first psychological aid to affected individuals, when appropriate.- Develop and providing GBV mitigation and community engagement activities, ensuring that best practice WPE guidelines and approaches are being followed.- Seek technical guidance and support from the WPE Senior Officer on activity development and implementation.- Ensure confidentiality of survivors, informed consent, and respect for their wishes and decisions.Community Engagement:- Build and maintain relationships with communities, including local leaders, groups, organizations, and actors.- Mapping on available services for GBV survivors, service locations, community support for survivors.- Work with the WPE team to ensure the response to the evolving needs of women and girls and their communities.- Identify concerns related to and support adherence to GBV referral protocols and guiding principles, and report these to the WPE Manager.Administration and Reporting:- Prepare and submit weekly activity work plans in a timely manner.- Prepare weekly reports to the WPE Senior Officer.- Complete all relevant tools for activities conducted- Contribute to monthly reports, including information on community engagement activities, consultations, and progress made.- Participate in coordination meetings relevant to WPE as requested by the supervisor.JOB REQUIREMENTS Education: Master's degree in social work, psychology, human rights or law, or a related fieldExperience: Practical experience in case management on GBV, CRSV and life skills to promote recovery and rehabilitation of survivors, responding to gender-based violence and promoting gender equalityDemonstrated Skills and Competencies: - Demonstrated understanding and ability to maintain confidentiality and respect for clients/beneficiaries- Excellent communication skills- Positive and professional attitude, including the ability to lead and work well in a team- High degree of flexibility and strong ability to organize work, meet deadlines, maintain composure, prioritize work under pressure, coordinate multiple tasks, and pay attention to detail- Computer literacy, including Microsoft Word and ExcelREPORTING STRUCTURE AND TEAM COLLABORATIONPosition Reports to: WPE Senior Officer, WPE Manager, WPE Senior Manager, WPE Coordinator Internal collaborations within IRC: Child Protection team; Protection team; Economic Recovery and Development team; Health team.External collaborations GBV actors, organizations and agencies WORK ENVIRONMENT AND OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATIONThese are some examples of other relevant information to include, but is not an exhaustive list. Include the points that are relevant for your position or add more.This role requires full-time work.Fast pace of working, multitasking and stressful work.IRC employees are eligible to the following benefits:Competitive salaryPurposeful job and development opportunitiesEnglish classes and unlimited online training coursesMedical insurance for staff and family membersFree psychological support to employees and their family members 30 calendar days of annual vacation with flexibility beyond the legally set minimum requirementsUp to 10 days of paid medical leave
Інженер з програмного забезпечення
АТБ-маркет, Дніпро
Запрошуємо приєднатися до нашої команди Інженера з програмного забезпечення.Основні обов’язки:- моніторинг роботи інформаційних систем та реакція на події моніторингу;- впровадження інформаційних систем у продуктивне середовище;- забезпечення працездатності інформаційних систем та усунення інцидентів;- технічна підтримка користувачів на 3 рівні підтримки;- оформлення технічної документації;- автоматизація завдань ЕксплуатаціїОсновні вимоги:- практичний досвід розгортання веб-додатків;- базові знання принципів віртуалізації систем та контейнеризації додатків;- вміння розробляти SQL-запити;- знання основ Windows, Linux, досвід написання shell, bash-скриптівБуде перевагою:- досвід розробки будь-якою мовою ООП;- базовий досвід адміністрування СУБД MS SQL;- розуміння принципів роботи Docker;- досвід розробки pipeline Jenkins;- практичний досвід роботи із системами моніторингу (Zabbix, Grafana)Компанія пропонує:- дистанційний формат роботи;- працевлаштування на умовах гіг-контракту або в штат (є бронювання);- щорічна відпустка 24 календарних дня;- своєчасна зарплата;- можливість професійного та кар'єрного росту;- курси підвищення кваліфікаціїКонтактна особа: Катерина, тел.0984567857 (t.me/KaterynaB_HR)
Middle Java Software Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Assist in the creation, maintenance and debugging of enterprise file transfer software; Report to the Software Manager and Director of Engineering. Must haves  Minimum 5 years Java software development experience; Networking experience ; Experience integrating with RESTful services using JSON; Understanding of file transfer protocols including FTP/S and SFTP; Understanding of EDI protocols including AS2 and OFTP2; Experience with version control software such as Git or SVN; Experience using software collaboration tools such as TFS or JIRA; Familiarity with Agile Scrum methodologies; Excellent written and verbal communication skills; Ability to write clean, well designed and documented code; Ability to communicate with all stakeholders; Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; Ability to write clean, well designed and documented code; Ability to communicate with all stakeholders. Nice to haves Experience with cloud-based services including AWS and Azure; Experience developing web-based client interfaces using JQuery and JavaScript. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior Java Software Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Assist in the creation, maintenance and debugging of enterprise file transfer software; Report to the Software Manager and Director of Engineering. Must haves  Minimum 5 years Java software development experience; Networking experience ; Experience integrating with RESTful services using JSON; Understanding of file transfer protocols including FTP/S and SFTP; Understanding of EDI protocols including AS2 and OFTP2; Experience with version control software such as Git or SVN; Experience using software collaboration tools such as TFS or JIRA; Familiarity with Agile Scrum methodologies; Excellent written and verbal communication skills; Ability to write clean, well designed and documented code; Ability to communicate with all stakeholders; Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; Ability to write clean, well designed and documented code; Ability to communicate with all stakeholders. Nice to haves Experience with cloud-based services including AWS and Azure; Experience developing web-based client interfaces using JQuery and JavaScript. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior Java Software Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Assist in the creation, maintenance and debugging of enterprise file transfer software; Report to the Software Manager and Director of Engineering. Must haves  Minimum 5 years Java software development experience; Networking experience ; Experience integrating with RESTful services using JSON; Understanding of file transfer protocols including FTP/S and SFTP; Understanding of EDI protocols including AS2 and OFTP2; Experience with version control software such as Git or SVN; Experience using software collaboration tools such as TFS or JIRA; Familiarity with Agile Scrum methodologies; Excellent written and verbal communication skills; Ability to write clean, well designed and documented code; Ability to communicate with all stakeholders; Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; Ability to write clean, well designed and documented code; Ability to communicate with all stakeholders. Nice to haves Experience with cloud-based services including AWS and Azure; Experience developing web-based client interfaces using JQuery and JavaScript. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Middle Java Software Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Assist in the creation, maintenance and debugging of enterprise file transfer software; Report to the Software Manager and Director of Engineering. Must haves  Minimum 5 years Java software development experience; Networking experience ; Experience integrating with RESTful services using JSON; Understanding of file transfer protocols including FTP/S and SFTP; Understanding of EDI protocols including AS2 and OFTP2; Experience with version control software such as Git or SVN; Experience using software collaboration tools such as TFS or JIRA; Familiarity with Agile Scrum methodologies; Excellent written and verbal communication skills; Ability to write clean, well designed and documented code; Ability to communicate with all stakeholders; Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; Ability to write clean, well designed and documented code; Ability to communicate with all stakeholders. Nice to haves Experience with cloud-based services including AWS and Azure; Experience developing web-based client interfaces using JQuery and JavaScript. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Фахівець (оператор) відділення
, Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область
Нова пошта — лідер експрес-доставки в Україні. Наша команда постійно зростає, і зараз ми шукаємо «оператора відділення».Хочеш стати обличчям Нової пошти та дарувати радість клієнтам, які поспішають у відділення за посилками? Любиш спілкуватися, посміхатися і з комп’ютером на «ти»? Вважай, що робота вже твоя!Ми пропонуємо тобі:Офіційну заробітну плату, оплачувані відпустки, лікарняні та відрядження.Роботу для чоловіків та жінок.Навчання всім тонкощам роботи з обслуговування клієнтів по стандартам Нової пошти.Молодий дружній колектив.Медичне страхування та страхування життя.Бронювання військовозобов'язаних.Можливість кар'єрного зростання.Що потрібно робити:Вносити дані в інформаційну систему.Здійснювати взаєморозрахунки з клієнтами.Сканувати, палетувати вантаж у відділенні.Завантажувати й розвантажувати посилки.Ми очікуємо від тебе:Відсутність протипоказань щодо фізичних навантажень.Володіння ПК.Швидкий набір тексту.Середню спеціальну освіту.Бажаний досвід роботи з клієнтами.Вільне володіння українською мовою.Якщо все це про тебе і ти бажаєш стати частиною великої родини Нової пошти — надсилай резюме або телефонуй за номером: 06*********66
Фахівець (оператор) відділення
, Павлоград, Дніпропетровська область
Нова пошта — лідер експрес-доставки в Україні. Наша команда постійно зростає, і зараз ми шукаємо «оператора відділення».Хочеш стати обличчям Нової пошти та дарувати радість клієнтам, які поспішають у відділення за посилками? Любиш спілкуватися, посміхатися і з комп’ютером на «ти»? Вважай, що робота вже твоя!Ми пропонуємо тобі:Офіційну заробітну плату, оплачувані відпустки, лікарняні та відрядження.Роботу для чоловіків та жінок.Навчання всім тонкощам роботи з обслуговування клієнтів по стандартам Нової пошти.Молодий дружній колектив.Медичне страхування та страхування життя.Бронювання військовозобов'язаних.Можливість кар'єрного зростання.Що потрібно робити:Вносити дані в інформаційну систему.Здійснювати взаєморозрахунки з клієнтами.Сканувати, палетувати вантаж у відділенні.Завантажувати й розвантажувати посилки.Ми очікуємо від тебе:Відсутність протипоказань щодо фізичних навантажень.Володіння ПК.Швидкий набір тексту.Середню спеціальну освіту.Бажаний досвід роботи з клієнтами.Вільне володіння українською мовою.Якщо все це про тебе і ти бажаєш стати частиною великої родини Нової пошти — надсилай резюме або телефонуй за номером: 06*********66
Middle Video Software Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Set the technical direction for the engineering of software solutions to ingest, transcode, store, and distribute user generated video content at ever increasing scale; Use in-house & third-party tools, build and support the VOD, live and linear pipeline for streaming video, optimizing video encoding, packaging, and delivery; Collaborate with engineers across the whole stack and contribute at many layers of the architecture; Work within cross-functional teams to determine deadlines, constraints and scope of delivery to ensure the right balance between these are met, set expectations and handle risks early; Manage a backlog of features and bugs as reported by users and internal team members. Must haves  3+ years’ of experience in Video Software Engineering; Understanding of playback protocols such as DASH, CMAF/HLS and specifications; Knowledge of OTT video delivery pipelines including basic networking concepts, source origination, video ingest & encoding, and packing including encryption and DRM; Demonstrated proficiency with deploying, running, and maintaining workloads on cloud service providers like AWS, GCP, etc; Must have experience integrating with JavaScript video players and working with MSE/EME APIs; Must have an enthusiasm for building a JavaScript/TypeScript library that handles all aspects of video playback; Experience with WebRTC and RTSP technologies; Deep understanding of video codecs and protocols, including: HLS, H.264, H.265, RTMP and related processing tools such as ffmpeg. Nice to haves Experience with tools such as Kubernetes and Terraform is a plus. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive. Requirements 3+ years’ of experience in Video Software Engineering; Understanding of playback protocols such as DASH, CMAF/HLS and specifications; Knowledge of OTT video delivery pipelines including basic networking concepts, source origination, video ingest & encoding, and packing including encryption and DRM; Demonstrated proficiency with deploying, running, and maintaining workloads on cloud service providers like AWS, GCP, etc; Must have experience integrating with JavaScript video players and working with MSE/EME APIs; Must have an enthusiasm for building a JavaScript/TypeScript library that handles all aspects of video playback; Experience with WebRTC and RTSP technologies; Deep understanding of video codecs and protocols, including: HLS, H.264, H.265, RTMP and related processing tools such as ffmpeg.
Information Management Officer
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52706Job Title: Information Management OfficerSector: Economic Recovery & LivelihoodEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionJOB OVERVIEWSupervise the tracking of disaggregated information on client numbers and indicators over time from data received from program teams; follow-up as needed to ensure data is accurate and complete.Ensure timely and accurate entry of the data into the relevant databases and reporting platforms.Generate regular reports and other data analysis/visualization using IRC developed forms/database Generate reports on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis (Statistical & Graphical) only using non-identifiable information. Modify existing data tracking sheets and databases according to requirements as led by the Cash and Basic NeedsManagers and Coordinator.Maintain CommCare, RedRose and other databases and conduct trainings and orientations on the use of the system. Timely update and adjustment of existing data collection tools, according to local context.Provide ongoing support to the Cash and Basic Needs staff data collection and use of data collecting forms in the field.Process client data and payments in IRC’s external payment platform RedRose: data cleaning, deduplication, payment groups etc.Act as the focal point for follow-up with Cash and Basic Needs staff where needed. Work with client feedback team to responses of client feedbackPerform other duties, as needed or requested by the supervisors.Support the Cash and Basic Needs Managers to develop and implement regular monitoring and evaluation activities for the Cash and Basic Needs program.Ensure quality information management including client count in coordination with the Cash and Basic Needscoordinator and the information management team.Support the timely information sharing regarding challenges and needs at the field levelExperience in humanitarian programs will be an additional advantageExperience developing and managing databases and conducting statistical analysis and reportingKnowledge of and experience with Commcare, RedRose or similar data collection tools (Kobo Toolbox)Good skills and experience reporting using Excel and extracting information from the master database and running reportsDemonstrated Skills and Competencies: Demonstrated capacity for working effectively in a diverse and multi-disciplinary team environmentAdvanced knowledge and skills in Microsoft Excel, including creating tables and forms, data analysis, using pivot tables, and charting/visualizing data in dashboard format. Strong attention to detail and excellent data entry skillsExcellent communication and presentation skillsDemonstrated understanding of and ability to maintain confidentiality and respect for clients/beneficiariesHigh degree of flexibility and strong ability to organize work, meet deadlines, maintain composure, prioritize work under pressure, coordinate multiple tasks and maintain attention to detailComputer literate, including Microsoft Word and ExcelPositive and professional attitude, including ability to lead and work well in a team settingLanguage: Fluent in Ukrainian and good in English.REPORTING STRUCTURE AND TEAM COLLABORATIONInternal cooperation of IRC with: Cash and Basic Needs Coordinator, Cash and Basic Needs Manager, Senior Cash and Basic Needs Officer, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, MEAL Manager. Support the timely information sharing regarding challenges and needs at the field level.WORK ENVIRONMENT AND OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATIONThese are some examples of other relevant information to include, but is not an exhaustive list. Include the points that are relevant for your position or add more.This role requires full-time work in the officeApplicants must have a home or alternate workspace they can effectively complete their work from during regularly scheduled work hours.Exempt from overtimeWork in the matrix organizationFast pace of working, multitasking and stressful workThe organization cares about staff and provides flexible working options (start early-finish early, start later-finish later, remote work)Staff can ask for accommodation of a workplace. Specific requests can be discussed with HR. IRC employees are eligible to the following benefits:Competitive salaryPurposeful job and development opportunitiesEnglish classes and unlimited online training coursesMedical insurance for staff and family membersFree psychological support to employees and their family members 30 calendar days of annual vacation with flexibility beyond the legally set minimum requirementsUp to 10 days of paid medical leave
Middle Video Software Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Set the technical direction for the engineering of software solutions to ingest, transcode, store, and distribute user generated video content at ever increasing scale; Use in-house & third-party tools, build and support the VOD, live and linear pipeline for streaming video, optimizing video encoding, packaging, and delivery; Collaborate with engineers across the whole stack and contribute at many layers of the architecture; Work within cross-functional teams to determine deadlines, constraints and scope of delivery to ensure the right balance between these are met, set expectations and handle risks early; Manage a backlog of features and bugs as reported by users and internal team members. Must haves  3+ years’ of experience in Video Software Engineering; Understanding of playback protocols such as DASH, CMAF/HLS and specifications; Knowledge of OTT video delivery pipelines including basic networking concepts, source origination, video ingest & encoding, and packing including encryption and DRM; Demonstrated proficiency with deploying, running, and maintaining workloads on cloud service providers like AWS, GCP, etc; Must have experience integrating with JavaScript video players and working with MSE/EME APIs; Must have an enthusiasm for building a JavaScript/TypeScript library that handles all aspects of video playback; Experience with WebRTC and RTSP technologies; Deep understanding of video codecs and protocols, including: HLS, H.264, H.265, RTMP and related processing tools such as ffmpeg. Nice to haves Experience with tools such as Kubernetes and Terraform is a plus. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior Video Software Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Set the technical direction for the engineering of software solutions to ingest, transcode, store, and distribute user generated video content at ever increasing scale; Use in-house & third-party tools, build and support the VOD, live and linear pipeline for streaming video, optimizing video encoding, packaging, and delivery; Collaborate with engineers across the whole stack and contribute at many layers of the architecture; Work within cross-functional teams to determine deadlines, constraints and scope of delivery to ensure the right balance between these are met, set expectations and handle risks early; Manage a backlog of features and bugs as reported by users and internal team members. Must haves  3+ years’ of experience in Video Software Engineering; Understanding of playback protocols such as DASH, CMAF/HLS and specifications; Knowledge of OTT video delivery pipelines including basic networking concepts, source origination, video ingest & encoding, and packing including encryption and DRM; Demonstrated proficiency with deploying, running, and maintaining workloads on cloud service providers like AWS, GCP, etc; Must have experience integrating with JavaScript video players and working with MSE/EME APIs; Must have an enthusiasm for building a JavaScript/TypeScript library that handles all aspects of video playback; Experience with WebRTC and RTSP technologies; Deep understanding of video codecs and protocols, including: HLS, H.264, H.265, RTMP and related processing tools such as ffmpeg. Nice to haves Experience with tools such as Kubernetes and Terraform is a plus. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior Video Software Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Set the technical direction for the engineering of software solutions to ingest, transcode, store, and distribute user generated video content at ever increasing scale; Use in-house & third-party tools, build and support the VOD, live and linear pipeline for streaming video, optimizing video encoding, packaging, and delivery; Collaborate with engineers across the whole stack and contribute at many layers of the architecture; Work within cross-functional teams to determine deadlines, constraints and scope of delivery to ensure the right balance between these are met, set expectations and handle risks early; Manage a backlog of features and bugs as reported by users and internal team members. Must haves  3+ years’ of experience in Video Software Engineering; Understanding of playback protocols such as DASH, CMAF/HLS and specifications; Knowledge of OTT video delivery pipelines including basic networking concepts, source origination, video ingest & encoding, and packing including encryption and DRM; Demonstrated proficiency with deploying, running, and maintaining workloads on cloud service providers like AWS, GCP, etc; Must have experience integrating with JavaScript video players and working with MSE/EME APIs; Must have an enthusiasm for building a JavaScript/TypeScript library that handles all aspects of video playback; Experience with WebRTC and RTSP technologies; Deep understanding of video codecs and protocols, including: HLS, H.264, H.265, RTMP and related processing tools such as ffmpeg. Nice to haves Experience with tools such as Kubernetes and Terraform is a plus. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.