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Рекомендовані вакансії

Супервайзер с опытом поиск, адаптация и мотивация торговых представителей Днепр
Beauty-prof, Днепр
Описание вакансии Супервайзер с опытом поиск, адаптация и мотивация торговых представителей Днепр: Beauty-Prof – национальный дистрибьютор в сфере профессиональной косметики, а также инструментов для салонов красоты.Наша миссия – помочь все большему количеству людей любить себя, окружать себя заботой и комфортом, пользуясь лучшими средствами ухода и красоты передовых мировых брендов.В настоящее время Beauty-Prof взял курс на активную экспансию, поэтому усиливает команду игроками, готовыми покорять вершины Олимпа индустрии красоты.Наши направления этособственная розничная сеть магазинов,дистрибуцияИнтернет-магазины.И сейчас, в связи с расширением, ищем в нашу команду СупервайзераТы наш идеальный кандидат если:Есть опыт работы на аналогичной должности от 2х лет;Имеешь высшее образование;Готов изучать необходимую техническую информацию, продуктов и услуг компании;Ты многозадачен и ответственен, способен сохранять высокий уровень эффективности.Твоими задачами будут:поиск, подбор, адаптация и мотивация торговых представителей;контроль соблюдения согласованных договоренностей с клиентами на вверенной территории (Днепр, Кривой Рог);Работа на вверенной территории: проведение StoreCheck и полевого обучения торговых представителей;Контроль за дебиторской задолженностью по филиалу;Разработка, запуск и контроль проведения маркетинговых активностей;Контроль документооборота с клиентами (договор и расходные накладные)Поиск, подключение и построение долговременных отношений с клиентами;Выполнение плановых показателей на вверенной территории;Ведение и своевременная подача отчетности.Мы предлагаем:Работу в стабильной, стремительно развивающейся компанииПоддержка и обучение со старта и на каждом этапеАмбициозные задачи и возможность твоего активного профессионального развитияРазвитие и обучение за счет компании (курсы, тренинги, семинары)Стабильное достойное ЗУ, официальное трудоустройство;Современный комфортный офис в Днепре.И еще много приятных сюрпризов и подарков!Возможность дополнительно заработать - обучение, консультации: Общая специфика этой вакансии:Отправить резюме на эту вакансию: Отправить резюме
Водитель газовоза на внутренние перевозки также возможны командировки заграницу срочно Днепр
БРСМ-Нафта, Днепр
Описание вакансии Водитель газовоза на внутренние перевозки также возможны командировки заграницу срочно Днепр: Возможны выезды в Европу, а именно: Польша, Литва, Латвия, Молдова, Румыния, Болгария.Требования к кандидату:Действующий биометрический загранпаспорт;Разрешение АДР (разрешение на перевозку опасных грузов);Водительское удостоверение (С, Е);Удостоверение профессиональной компетентности водителя (код E95)Наличие чип-карты;Опыт работы от 3-х лет;Образование средне-специальноеРаботоспособностьПорядочность,Ответственность,Самоорганизация.Основные задачи:Перевозка сжиженного газа;Поддержка автомобиля в технически исправном состоянии;Правильное и своевременное заполнение требуемой документации.Компания предлагает:График работы: вахта;Своевременную и стабильную выплату заработной платы,официальное оформление,оплату больничных и отпускных.Возможность дополнительно заработать - обучение, консультации: Водитель с личным авто - легковым, грузовым, бусом, автобусом выплаты вовремя З/П от грн./день. Водитель-экспедитор вежливый с личным авто грузоподъемностью от до кг З/П - грн. Водитель срочно для развозки хлеба и кондитерки с проживанием условия и доход отличные З/П - грн. Водитель-курьер со своим авто на доставку заказов: косметика, парфюмерия, детский ассортимент З/П - грн. Водитель на авто компании гибкий график наличие прав категории В и знание правил З/П - грн. Водитель-экспедитор официальное оформление на доставку товара клиентам компании З/П - грн. Водитель-экспедитор с водительским удостоверением категории С, С1 официально З/П - грн. Водитель-охранник суточный график 2/2 с хорошей физической подготовкой и знанием города З/П - грн. Водитель со своим грузовым авто выгодные условия высокая оплата З/П 85% от заявок. Водитель на собственном авто график 5/2 официальное трудоустройство хорошие условия З/П грн + компенсация топлива. Водитель срочно со своим грузовым авто подработка на выгодных условиях без обязаловок З/П 85% от заказов Технолог хлебобулочных изделий наличие водительского удостоверения и автомобиля З/П высокая.Общая специфика этой вакансии:Отправить резюме на эту вакансию: Отправить резюме
Офіцер групи сил підтримки
Військова частина А4759, Павлоград
Вакансія: Офіцер групи сил підтримкиМісце роботи: Військова частина А4759Опис вакансії:Ми шукаємо відповідального і висококваліфікованого співробітника на посаду Офіцера групи сил підтримки в нашій військовій частині. Ви будете відповідати за забезпечення ефективної роботи військової частини, зокрема за організацію постачання, технічного обслуговування та логістикиОсновні обов’язки:1. Планування та координація постачання військових одиниць з необхідними ресурсами, включаючи паливо, боєприпаси, продовольство, медикаменти та інше обладнання;2. Забезпечення регулярного технічного обслуговування та ремонту військової техніки та обладнання;3. Контроль за складанням і зберіганням звітності, пов’язаної з постачанням та логістикою;4. Управління та координація роботою підрозділів сил підтримки, забезпечуючи високу якість та ефективність їх роботи;5. Врегулювання конфліктних ситуацій та прийняття рішень з питань постачання та логістикиВимоги:1. Наявність військової освіти або досвіду роботи військовослужбовцем буде перевагою, але не обов’язковою;2. Здатність до організації та керівництва підрозділами сил підтримки;3. Висока організованість, вміння працювати в команді та приймати рішення в стресових ситуаціях;4. Добрі комунікативні навички та вміння планувати та керувати ресурсамиПропонуємо:1. Конкурентоспроможну заробітну плату та соціальні гарантії;2. Можливість професійного зростання та розвитку в сфері військової логістики;3. Робота в команді професіоналів та досвідчених військовослужбовцівЯкщо ви готові прийняти виклик та працювати у військовій сфері, ми раді запропонувати вам цю вакансію. Телефонуйте — 0634594819
Senior Java Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Support and improve existing functionality; Prototype new solutions; Provide technical mentorship to your colleagues; Analyze and resolve intricate technical challenges; Problem solver with an architect level of thinking; Can oversee specifications relating to migration-related business logic; Is required to take responsibility for the quality of PR’s provided by a team of 6 developers. Must haves  Proficient in Java software development (3+ years of experience); Proficient in version control software such as Git or SVN; Proficient in using software collaboration tools such as TFS or JIRA; Working knowledge of various databases (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Postgres); Working knowledge of various operating systems (Windows, Linux); Working knowledge of integrating with RESTful services using JSON; Working knowledge of developing web-based client interfaces using JQuery and JavaScript; Basic understanding of Agile Scrum methodologies; Excellent oral and written communication skills; Ability to work independently as well as within a collaborative environment; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with cloud-based services including AWS and Azure. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Middle Java Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Support and improve existing functionality; Prototype new solutions; Provide technical mentorship to your colleagues; Analyze and resolve intricate technical challenges; Problem solver with an architect level of thinking; Can oversee specifications relating to migration-related business logic; Is required to take responsibility for the quality of PR’s provided by a team of 6 developers. Must haves  Proficient in Java software development (3+ years of experience); Proficient in version control software such as Git or SVN; Proficient in using software collaboration tools such as TFS or JIRA; Working knowledge of various databases (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Postgres); Working knowledge of various operating systems (Windows, Linux); Working knowledge of integrating with RESTful services using JSON; Working knowledge of developing web-based client interfaces using JQuery and JavaScript; Basic understanding of Agile Scrum methodologies; Excellent oral and written communication skills; Ability to work independently as well as within a collaborative environment; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with cloud-based services including AWS and Azure. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Оператор технической поддержки
, Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область
Высшее образование/среднее;Опыт работы от 1-го года;Начинающий системный администратор;Исполнительность, самостоятельность, инициативность.Задачи, с которыми Вы будете работать:Сопровождение программы Тотус на торговых точках, через телефон, сервис деск, почта;Своевременная обработка инцидентов, быстрая реакция на запросы.Что Вы получите от работы в компании:График работы: 5/2, с 9:00 до 18:00;Работа в стабильной компании;Официальное трудоустройство согласно КЗоТ;Конкурентный уровень заработной платы; Конкурентный уровень заработной платы;Перспектива карьерного и профессионального роста;
Спеціаліст технічноЇ підтримки
, Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область
Ми розширюємось і тому зараз шукаємо в свою команду «Спеціаліста технічної підтримки». Ти будеш відповідати за надання технічної допомоги нашим клієнтам та забезпечувати якісне та швидке вирішення їх проблем.Чим ти будеш займатися: -відповідати на телефонні дзвінки першої лінії технічної підтримки;-налаштовувати віртуальну АТС у наших внутрішніх інструментах;-консультувати клієнтів, щодо правильного та якісного користування нашим продуктом;-проводити первинну діагностику проблеми клієнта;-передавати завдання на другу лінію технічної підтримки або іншого спеціаліста.Чому ти захочеш до нас у Binotel? Все дуже просто:-своєчасну виплату ЗП, офіційне працевлаштування, оплачувану відпустку та лікарняні;-можливість професійного розвитку та кар'єрного зростання;-зручний робочий графік — 5/2, з 9−00 до 18−00 або 9:30 — 18:30-дружню та сприятливу робочу атмосферу;-team buildings та корпоративи, у день народження без подарунка не залишишся;-гарне робоче місце у сучасному офісному центрі, де все облаштовано для твоєї успішної роботи;-офіс з смачною кавою та зоною відпочинку з приставкою, зручними мʼякими пуфами та кухнею для проведення своїх перерв та обідів.Ти наш ідеальний кандидат, якщо ти:-хочеш працювати у сфері IT;-грамотно та вільно володієш українською мовою;-вмієш конструктивно та грамотно вести діалог з клієнтами;-знаєш як працювати в команді та відповідально ставишся до роботи;-готовий навчатися кожного дня;-проявляєш клієнтоорієнтованість у роботі та максимально допомагаєш у вирішенні питань технічного характеру.Якщо ти хочеш стати крутим спеціалістом бізнес- телефонії — тоді ми чекаємо саме на тебе.
Спеціаліст технічної підтримки
Аптека АНЦ, Дніпро
Привіт!Лідер аптечного ринку, мережа АНЦ, ШАР@, Копійка, в пошуках кандидата на посаду спеціаліста технічної підтримкиВимоги:- Впевнений користувач ПК;- Наявність автомобіля (обов'язково);- Готовий до відрядження;- Бажання навчатися новим технологіям і продуктам;- Буде плюсом: досвід впровадження і використання програмних продуктів, особливо в сфері фармаціїОбов’язки:- Відкриття нових торгових точок;- Монтаж і обслуговування програмної та апаратної частини торгових точок (підключення кас, касових апаратів, сканерів штрих-коду та ін.);- Рішення проблем по телефону, а так само, при необхідності, виїзди на об'єкти;- Забезпечення безперебійної роботи оргтехніки регіонального офісу і торгових точок;- Налаштування ПК, діагностика несправностей, великовузлового ремонту;- Технічний супровід користувачів, в тому числі віддалена підтримка роботи організації;- Антивірусний захист організації. Резервне копіюванняПриєднавшись до нас, ти отримаєш:- роботу в команді професіоналів;- компенсацію проїзду;- можливість особистого та професійного росту;- офіційне працевлаштування з першого робочого дня;- соціальні гарантії;- цікаві завдання і можливість креативуСтань частиною нашої сім'ї і відкрий свій потенціал!Ми дбаємо про своїх співробітників і хочемо надихати їх на нові досягнення, тому разом ми сильніше і успішніше!Сподіваємося на твій внесок в активність і справжню турботу про колег і клієнтів, відкритість і комунікабельність, відповідальність і винахідливістьЗалишилися питання? Надсилай своє резюме, телефонуй +380504809863 або проходь співбесіду з нашим чат-ботом, скануй QR код або переходь за посиланням:https://cutt.ly/anchrbot
Керівник групи startup-проєктів
KIDDISVIT — це компанія з сімейними цінностями, яка була заснована у 1997 році.За 26 років ми стали лідером серед постачальників товарів для дітей в Україні!Наша велика команда налічує вже більше 400 співробітників по всій країні. Всі ми об'єднані єдиними цілями та цінностями. Ми маємо амбітні плани щодо розвитку та масштабування нашого бізнесу та окремих проєктів. Зараз наша команда знаходиться в пошуку Керівник групи startup-проєктів для ефективного управління, контролю та розвитку групи стартап-проєктів компанії.Тож, якщо ви маєте:успішний досвід управління проектами в стартап-середовищізнання методик управління проектами (Agile, Scrum тощо) та їх успішне впровадженнядосвід роботи з оцінкою фінансової ефективності проектів та оцінкою ризиківдосвід управління фінансовими аспектами стартапів, включаючи бюджетування та фінансування проектівдосвід управління командами та ефективне співпрацювання з внутрішніми структурами компанії.розуміння процесів продуктової розробки та маркетингових стратегійдосвід управління інноваційними проектами та їх впровадженнянаявність досвіду взаємодії з інвесторамиздатність приймати стратегічні рішення та розв’язувати складні ситуаціїтоді ми маємо всі шанси познайомитися ближче на співбесіді, де обговоримо всі особливості роботи, проведемо детальне інтерв'ю, познайомимо з керівником.Пропонуємо коротке знайомство з обов’язками:координація та керівництво стартап-проектами в компанії з врахуванням стратегічних цілейзабезпечення оптимального використання ресурсів та фінансових можливостей проектівмоніторинг ризиків та прийняття заходів щодо їх зниження.оцінка та звітність щодо прогресу стартап-проектів перед інвестором.розвиток та вдосконалення стартап-проектів з метою підвищення їх конкурентоспроможностівпровадження інноваційних практик та методів управління для забезпечення стабільного росту проектівзабезпечення ефективної комунікації та співпраці між внутрішніми та зовнішніми стейкхоолдерамирозширення спектру проектних можливостей компанії та розвиток нових напрямківЩе декілька слів про роботу з нами.Компанія піклується про кожного співробітника, що потрапляє у команду: з першого дня вам буде доступний безкоштовний трансфер до місця роботи, комфортний сучасний офіс з організованим простором для обіду та відпочинку, каво-машиною, сучасною орг.технікою. Про здоров’я співробітників дбає корпоративний лікар-терапевт. Для дітей співробітників у офісі облаштовано дитячу кімнату, де працює професійний вихователь, що займається дозвіллям дітей, поки батьки працюють.Компанія надає безліч можливостей для розвитку всіх співробітників і заохочує це прагнення, адже продовжувати розвиток — одна з наших цінностей.За останній рік ми зробили успішні кроки в напрямку інформатизації та автоматизації процесів: впровадили Microsoft 365, самостійно розробили та впровадили декілька чат-ботів, які допомагають швидше та зручніше вести процеси компанії, обмінюватися інформацією.Наші засновники підтримують стартапи, започатковані у сфері виробництва дитячих іграшок.Компанія має активну позицію у напрямку підтримки країни: займаємося волонтерством, започаткували благодійну організацію «Центр реабілітації, фізичної терапії та інклюзивного навчання ім. Св. Праведного Іоанна», де надається реабілітаційна допомога дітям та дорослим.Для підтримки новачків у нас функціонує програма адаптації, з чітко прописаними кроками, підказками, допомогою наставника, порадами від чат-боту і т.ін.Тож процес знайомства з компанією та оволодіння функціональними обов’язками пройде швидко, цікаво та єфективно.Отже, якщо ми близькі вам по духу, а ви відчуваете, що ця вакансія саме для вас, відправляйте скоріше своє резюме, або зв’яжіться з HR-менеджером у мессенджерах.А поки Ви чекаєте запрошення на співбесіду, познайомтесь з нашим СЕО — Павлом Овчинніковим — https://www.facebook.com/pavel.ovchinnikov.771Завітайте до наших соціальних мереж, відвідай сайт, а також запрошуємо на кар'єрну сторінку, де можна потрапити на віртуальну екскурсію нашим затишним офісом, познайомитися з членами команди, зануритися у робочу атмосферу.Детальніше про нас та нашу продукцію можна дізнатися на сайті та сторінках соціальних мереж:https://kiddisvit.ua/ua/o-nas/https://www.facebook.com/kiddisvit/https://www.instagram.com/kiddisvit.ua/https://www.linkedin.com/company/kiddisvit-ltd/ Отримати більше інформації про компанію, відкриті вакансії та залишити своє резюме можна у чат-боті telegram https://t.me/KIDDISVITWORK_bot
Оператор Чату Технічної Підтримки
, Дніпро, Дніпропетровська область
ТОВ "БЕРЕЗЬ ГРУП" Обов'язки, консультація клієнтів компанії в чаті, робота з документацією, канцелярським інвентарем, ведення звітності роботи, допомогати в вирішенні технічних питань клієнтів компанії. Досвід не потрібен.Зарплата від 4000грн на тиждень. Графік ПН-ПТ з 8-18.Щотижневі бонуси.
Child Protection Psychosocial Support Worker
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52296Job Title: Child Protection Psychosocial Support WorkerSector: Child ProtectionEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionJob Overview:Under the supervision of the Child Protection (CP) Psychosocial Support Officer (PSS) Officer, the CP Psychosocial Support (PSS) Worker will be responsible for leading and implementing PSS activities for children and their caregivers. CP PSS activities include social-emotional learning (SEL) activities for children (6 – 11 years), SEL and life skills activities for adolescents (12 – 17 years), arts-based and other skills-building activities for children (2 – 17 years), as well as parenting and stress management activities for children’s and adolescents’ caregivers. Activities are implemented in IRC’s Safe Healing and Learning Spaces (SHLS), which are secure, caring and predictable places where children and adolescents living in conflict and crisis settings can learn, develop and be protected. The CP PSS Worker will have good technical and organisational capabilities to ensure that PSS activities are implemented in line with IRC’s program guidelines and according to CP minimum standards and principles. The CP PSS Worker will be based in Dnipro and report to the CP PSS Officer. Major Responsibilities:PSS for children and caregiversHelp in setting schedules for weekly activities for children / adolescents / caregiversFacilitate social-emotional, recreational, creative and life-skills activities for children and adolescents based on the SHLS scheduleFacilitate sessions for parents / caregivers to help improve their stress management skills, positive parenting practices, and strategies to support children and adolescents with psychosocial needsEngage with children / adolescents in a positive way, using a child-centred approachCreate a safe environment for children to play, socialize and learn according to established schedules and routinesEnsure that children and youth are safe from harmObserve children and adolescents with special needs and ensure they are well integrated into activitiesRefer identified and suspected child protection cases to the IRC focal pointAnswer questions from community members and parents / caregivers about what activities are taking placeSupport M&E activities as requested to support quality programmingCommunity Engagement & CP Risk Reduction Identify barriers to accessing available services for vulnerable/specific groups of children and propose measures to reduce/eliminate those barriers Identify key protection risks and mitigation/reduction measures Identify gaps in CP response services available to the community and share concerns with the CP PSS Officer / within IRC, protection actors and other relevant stakeholders Ensure broad dissemination of information on rights, duties, and services available Maintain relationships with communities, including local leaders, different groups, and stakeholders, youth groups, children etc. to foster an environment of support to children and their families and IRC programmingAs needed, organize community meetings for information dissemination or other purposesEnsure, to the extent possible, that children and adolescents actively participate and help shape IRC’s activities Encourage and foster social cohesion among host and IDP communitySupport distributions of risk reduction items (inc. PSS kits) and follow-up monitoringAdministration & Reporting:Take attendance, report material needs and support other administrative tasks as requiredReport supply/material needs to the supervisorComplete relevant activity tracker and contribute to activity reports, according to guidance provided by the CP PSS OfficerProvide information on a weekly basis to the CP Officer Coordination & Representation: Actively coordinate with staff from other IRC sectors in the field, including Protection & Rule of Law, Women’s Protection and Empowerment, Health, Economic Relief and Development Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with relevant local actors in the field, including community, non-governmental and governmental actorsUpon request by his/her supervisor, actively take part in relevant CP coordination meetings at the local and national level ( national CP Cluster)Other: Attend trainings organised by the IRCStay informed about the child protection situation and developments within the communities and surrounding areasConsistently and proactively monitor the safety and security of field teams, promptly reporting concerns or incidents to IRC management and liaising with other external parties as required to maintain/enhance the security environmentPromote and adhere to the principles, objectives and code of conduct of the IRCAct both professionally and personally in a manner that brings credit to the IRC and does not compromise its humanitarian missionIf necessary, provide translation and interpretation at meetings, training sessions and/or documents for a better understanding of all staffConduct any other task requested by his/her supervisor to enable and develop IRC programsKEY WORKING RELATIONSHIPS:Position reports to: Child Protection PSS Officer Direct reports: N/AOther internal contacts: Protection & Rule of Law (ProL), WPE, MEAL, ERD, Health, Finance, Supply, Grants, HR and other relevant departments RequirementsThe Child Protection PSS Worker will need to meet the requirements below: Degree desired in Social Work, Psychology, Education, Human Rights, Social Science, Humanities or other related fieldPrevious experience in implementing PSS programming for children and demonstrated understanding of working with children, particularly vulnerable children and children at-risk of violence, exploitation abuse or neglectExperience with community work, community mobilization and engagement, and working with children affected by conflictClear understanding of and interest in the well-being of children and supporting their healing after the experience of violencePositive and professional attitude, including ability to lead and work well in a team settingAbility to keep records and write simple and basic reports of activitiesComfortable speaking about sensitive topics in an honest, professional, and thoughtful mannerDemonstrated understanding of and ability to maintain confidentiality and respect for clients/beneficiariesHigh degree of flexibility and strong ability to organize work, meet deadlines, maintain composure, prioritize work under pressure, coordinate multiple tasks and maintain attention to detailComputer literate, including Microsoft Word and ExcelLanguage: Fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, basic skills in EnglishThis position will be based in Dnipro, with frequent travel to field locations.
Safeguarding Manager
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52189Job Title: Safeguarding ManagerSector: Emergency ResponseEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Kyiv, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionSCOPE OF WORK:The Safeguarding Manager will work under the supervision ofthe Safeguarding Coordinator and will act as Coordinator in her/his absence.The Safeguarding Manager will support prevention and risk mitigation effortsintroduced by the Ukraine Country program. S/he will support reporting systemsand ensuring appropriate response for survivors when abuses do occur. The Safeguarding Manager will alsocollaborate closely with the Safeguarding focal points nominated in each fieldoffice and IRC’s implementing partners.The Safeguarding Manager is centralrole which supports all activities implemented by IRC in Ukraine. The positionwill be based in one of IRC’s offices (Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, or Odesa)depending on the successful candidate’s choice and will imply regular travelsto field offices (minimum quarterly visit to each office).REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS ANDCOORDINATION:Managerial/Technical Supervision by: Safeguarding CoordinatorTechnically Supervises: N/A – but will collaborate with a group of Safeguardingfocal pointsKey Interfaces: AllDepartments at IRC, IRC implementing partnersRESPONSIBILITIESStaff and partner capacity buildingIn close collaboration with the HR Department andpartnership team,•Support the development and contextualisation of training materials for staff and affiliated (including daily workers)•Conduct online and face-to-face training for staff in all office locations•Ensure a coordinated and well-tracked system to track orientation of newly hired staff, enumerators, incentive workers, etc•Assist the Safeguarding Coordinator in identifying trainings needs and gaps, including for refreshers and complementary training in all office locations•In the absence of the Safeguarding Coordinator, conduct the online induction on Safeguarding to new staff.•Work with safeguarding focal points to design and disseminate key messages on IRC’s safeguarding framework to be shared to all staff through various means•Ensure all safeguarding communication materials on office locations are systematically displayed and updated as required.Community reporting and awarenessraising Under the supervision of the Safeguardingcoordinator and in collaboration with various departments (namely programme andclient responsiveness) at field and coordination level,•Design, update and disseminate contextualized and diversity-inclusive awareness raising materials to be used by client-facing teams while engaging with affected populations•Collaborate with sectoral program managers on producing guidance documents, key messages and build capacity of client facing teams to include safeguarding key messages into existing community engagement activities•Support the implementation of the Ukraine response Feedback and Safeguarding mechanism SOP and contribute to keeping the Sensitive Registry continuously updated•Initiate safeguarding networks at community-level to strengthen collective awareness on reporting pathways•Collect direct feedback from clients through proactive channels and analyze trends.•Conduct field visit to support client-facing teams in identifying safeguarding risks.Partner supportIn coordination with the programme and partnershipteam,•Work with IRC partners to support their own safeguarding strategies and approaches•Support the due diligence process for new implementing partners•Design, implement and update partner support plans aligned with the partners’ capacities •Participate in regular safeguarding discussions with the partners.  Reporting•Can be an entry point for safeguarding violations•Support capacity-building of all staff members on how to recognize, report and address safeguarding concerns•Support in the contextualization of IRC’s global guidance on safeguarding to build the country program’s safeguarding culture•On demand, supports safeguarding focal points to deal with reports of safeguarding violations in a survivor-centred manner while maintaining confidentialitySafeguarding incident management andsurvivor assistanceIn alignment with IRC Ukraine’s SOPs governing thesafeguarding response mechanism, and upon explicit request,•Support the management of specific cases of safeguarding violations •Regularly update mapping of services available for survivors in the field office location.Building culture of safeguarding•Support Country Director and Senior Management Team to build safeguarding messaging and micro-learning into team meetings and communications to promote continuous learning•Implement learnings from past incidents to improve prevention and risk mitigation •Identify gaps and report concerns or challenges to the Coordinator•Support the Coordinator in advancing the IRC Safeguarding Minimum Standards, working with other stakeholders.NOTE:  The Safeguarding Manager will be required to manageall unforeseen issues and circumstances related to the safeguarding aspects andremain flexible to address them accordingly. S/he will work on any otherrelated tasks assigned by the line manager. S/he will not undertakeinvestigation into safeguarding concern.WORK ENVIRONMENT AND OTHER RELEVANTINFORMATION•This role requires full-time work in the office or hybrid type of working is possible after probation period•Travel to other locations is needed for approximately 30% of time•Exempt from overtime•Work in the matrix organization•Fast pace of working, multitasking and stressful work•The organization cares about staff and provides flexible working options (start early-finish early, start later-finish later, remote work)IRC employees are eligible to the following benefits:•Competitive salary•Purposeful job and development opportunities•English classes and unlimited online training courses•Life Insurance•Medical insurance for staff and family members•30 calendar days of annual vacation with flexibility beyond the legally set minimum requirements•Up to 10 days of paid medical leavePROFESSIONAL STANDARDSIRC builds diverse and inclusive teams ofprofessionals who promote team engagement, inclusion and cohesion, criticalreflection, power sharing, debate, and objectivity to deliver the best possibleservices to our clients. The International Rescue Committee is determined toprotect the people it serves, its staff and any person associated from allkinds of harm, abuse, and violence, including sexual exploitation, abuse andharassment. It is committed to taking all necessary preventive measures andcreating an environment where people feel safe and can report misconduct. IRCworkers must adhere to the core values and principles outlined in IRC Way -Standards for Professional Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Equality andAccountability. The IRC also operates and enforces a set of complementaryinstitutional policies to protect clients and staff from harm and abuse throughthe Adult and Child Safeguarding policies, the Respect at Work andHarassment-free Workplace policies, the Anti-retaliation and ReporterProtection policy, which are complemented by the IRC Global Reportingguidelines. These commitments are accessible in English and in Ukrainianlanguage via this link: Where misconduct is alleged, IRC follows aZero-tolerance approach and takes all necessary actions and corrective measures.The IRC investigation unit comprises of experts and trained investigators thatensures professional survivor-centered investigations are conducted ifallegations of safeguarding violations are reported through the safe andaccessible reporting channels that IRC makes available to its staff, partners,and clients. IRC is also an active member of the Inter-Agency Working Group onProtection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) set-up in Ukraine.Commitment to Gender, Equality,Diversity, and Inclusion: The IRC is committed to creating a diverse,inclusive, respectful, and safe work environment where all persons are treatedfairly, with dignity and respect. The IRC expressly prohibits and will nottolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or bullying of the IRCpersons in any work setting. We aim to increase the representation of women,people who are from country and communities we serve, and people who identifyas races and ethnicities that are under-represented in global power structures.Gender Equality: IRC iscommitted to narrowing the gender gap in leadership positions. We offerbenefits that provide an enabling environment for women to participate in ourworkforce including parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocols andother supportive benefits and allowances.Equal Opportunity Employer: We are anequal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminateon the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, genderexpression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, ordisability status. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities areprovided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application orinterview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive otherbenefits and privileges of employment.
Consultant - Civil Engineer
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52479Job Title: Consultant - Civil EngineerSector: HealthEmployment Category: ConsultantEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Kharkiv, UkraineJob DescriptionBACKGROUND:The International Rescue Committee (IRC)responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose livesand livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, andgain control of their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein,the IRC works with people forced to flee from war, conflict and disaster andthe host communities which support them, as well as those who remain withintheir homes and communities. At work today in over 40 countries and 22 cities, we improve outcomes in the areas of health, safety, economic wellbeing,education, and power. Given the disparity faced by women and girls, IRC seeksto narrow gender inequalities and ensure social inclusion of all vulnerablegroups in broader policies, processes and actions affecting their lives. TheIRC has been working in Ukraine since March 2022, initially supportingemergency response and early recovery interventions for IDPs affected by theconflict. This position will be based in anyof IRC field offices in the East (Dnipro or Kharkiv) with frequent travelacross the country. Terms Of Reference:The Project activitiesare aimed at Supporting total of six Healthcare Facilities (HCF) stilloperating in the conflict affected areas of Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkivskaoblast. HCF will be supported by receiving sustained, comprehensive inputs forhealth care delivery, including training of staff, rehabilitation, supportivesupervision, supplies and/or staffing. In particular, the Project is planning alight rehabilitation of the pre-determined HCFs, in the scope and modality alignedwith IRC strategy and donor requirements. The project consists ofthree parts:Part 1. NeedsAssessment Review: Evaluate documentation submitted by HCFs and conduct sitevisits..Part 2. Bill ofQuantities (BoQ) Development and Tendering: Prepare BoQs for the upcomingtendering process for HCF rehabilitation.Part 3. Supervision ofRehabilitation: Oversee the implementation of light rehabilitation activitiesat each HCF.For the purposes ofProject implementation, IRC intends to select and conclude a contract with anindividual consultant for the position “Civil Engineer Consultant” (hereinafter– the Consultant).ІІ. Objective of theAssignmentThe objective of thisassignment is to provide consultancy services to the Client for theimplementation of light rehabilitation activities of HCF under the Project.ІІІ. Scope of ServiceThe Consultant shall provide the followingservices and perform the following tasks:Review of Health facilities Needs Assessment conducted by IRC health team, as well as documentation submitted by HCF.Conduct visits to all six HCFs, discussing in details the timeframe, specificities of planned light rehabilitation and administrative regulations of cooperation.Participation in the development of procurement-related documents within the Project and work in close relation with SC including but not limited to the preparation of technical specifications, technical requirements, BoQs, price schedules, ToRs for the selection of design companies, contracts conditions (within Consultant’s scope of competence), as well as preparation of clarifications in response to clarification requests received from prospective bidders any other technical documents as may be required during the procurement process;Participation in the evaluation of bids/proposals within the procurement of consulting services, works and goods within Consultant’s scope of competence.Coordinate and monitor the work of design organizations, including during the development and approval of design and estimate documentation, approval of projects, expert review, conducting author’s supervision of light rehab works.Coordinate and monitor the implementation, including control over the compliance with contracts conditions.Preparation of periodic reports on the progress of Project activities; analysis of deviations from implementation plans, assessment of risks and proposed risk mitigation measures.Implementation of other Project-related tasks, assigned by Health Coordinator and SC Coordinator, within Consultant’s scope of competence.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONSConsultant qualificationsshall meet the following minimum requirements:Higher education in construction or other relevant field;At least 5-year professional experience in engineering: construction project expertise, supervision of construction works (industrial and civil facilities), development of design and estimate documentation; Knowledge of Ukrainian laws and regulations in the field of construction;Skills in working with specialized design and estimate applications;Availability of a certificate for technical supervision;Experience of work with state and/or local executive authorities;Fluent Ukrainian;Working English;PC skills (MS Office: MS Word, Excel, Power Point).Desirable qualifications:Experience in projects funded by international financial organizations;Experience in supervising of works contracts for health facility reconstruction/repair.Female candidates are highly encouraged toapply.PROFESSIONALSTANDARDS The InternationalRescue Committee is determined to protect the people it serves and staff fromall kinds of harm, including sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. It iscommitted to take all necessary preventive measures and create an environment wherepeople feel safe. IRC builds diverse and inclusive teams of professionals whopromote critical reflection, power sharing, debate, and objectivity to deliverthe best possible services to our clients.IRC workers mustadhere to the core values and principles outlined in IRC Way - Standards forProfessional Conduct. These areIntegrity, Service, Equality and Accountability. In accordance with thesevalues, the IRC operates and enforces its safeguarding policies to protectadult and child clients from any form of exploitation and abuse, includingsexual exploitation and abuse, and its staff from sexual harassment andviolence.Where misconductis alleged, IRC follows a Zero tolerance approach and takes all necessaryactions and corrective measures. IRC investigation unit comprises of expertsand trained investigators that ensures professional survivor-centeredinvestigations are conducted if allegations of safeguarding violations arereported through the safe and accessible reporting channels that IRC makesavailable to its staff, partners, and clients.These commitmentsare set out in IRC’s Safeguarding Policies, accessible in English and inUkrainian language via this link: IRC is an activemember of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitationand Abuse (PSEA) set-up in Ukraine.We will ensurethat individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation toparticipate in the job application or interview process, to perform essentialjob functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment.Please contact us to request accommodation.
Publisher Account Manager/Internship
LoopMe, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
The Role: We are seeking a talented Publisher Account Manager to join our team. The Publisher Account Manager will be playing a pivotal role in establishing connections with our new partners by providing them with technical integration support, as well as keeping an eye on setups with live partners. Your role will be to ensure that our partners are satisfied with our services and that we are meeting their needs from the technical side. This includes ensuring timely payments, providing ongoing support, and working with internal teams to resolve issues as they arise. The ideal candidate should have excellent communication and negotiation skills, as well as a passion for the digital advertising industry and learning new things. Key Responsibilities: Serve as an integration support specialist for publishers, providing them with recommendations on setup & help to resolve their problems. Proactively identify and address any issues or concerns that publishers may have. Work closely with Client Service, Finance, and AM teams to ensure that the partnership is profitable and efficient for both sides. Continuously monitor and analyze publisher performance to identify opportunities for optimization. Ensure invoicing is happening on time and provide with custom reports per requests Requirements: Upper-Intermediate/Advanced English level Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or a related field Excellent communication and negotiation skills Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams Bonus Qualifications: Familiarity with digital advertising platforms, including programmatic advertising and ad networks Experience with ad serving and programmatic advertising would be a plus If you meet the above requirements and are passionate about the digital publishing industry, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity to join our team as a Publisher Account Manager. Benefits: Competitive compensation package International work environment Flexible working schedule and the possibility to work remotely Annual performance bonus English classes Maternity/Paternity leave
WPE Emergency Response Officer
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52501Job Title: WPE Emergency Response OfficerSector: Women Protection & EmpowermentEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionJOB OVERVIEWThe International Rescue Committee (IRC) is seeking a professional WPE Emergency Response Officer to join our Women's Protection and Empowerment (WPE) Program in Ukraine. The WPE Emergency Officer will oversee GBV prevention, community engagement, and risk reduction activities, particularly in conflict-affected areas: close to the contact line and responding to emergency situations, as well as in remote and unserved locations. The officer will provide critical support to women and girls through various activities and ensure adherence to best practices in WPE.KEY RESPONSIBILITIESProgram Implementation and Quality:- Conduct awareness-raising sessions on GBV for women and girls in remote, underserved areas and for those evacuating from dangerous regions.- Distribute life-saving information leaflets about where survivors can get help.- Organized distribution of dignity kits for women and girls.- Provide first psychological aid to affected individuals, when appropriate.- Develop and providing GBV mitigation and community engagement activities, ensuring that best practice WPE guidelines and approaches are being followed.- Seek technical guidance and support from the WPE Senior Officer on activity development and implementation.- Ensure confidentiality of survivors, informed consent, and respect for their wishes and decisions.Community Engagement:- Build and maintain relationships with communities, including local leaders, groups, organizations, and actors.- Mapping on available services for GBV survivors, service locations, community support for survivors.- Work with the WPE team to ensure the response to the evolving needs of women and girls and their communities.- Identify concerns related to and support adherence to GBV referral protocols and guiding principles, and report these to the WPE Manager.Administration and Reporting:- Prepare and submit weekly activity work plans in a timely manner.- Prepare weekly reports to the WPE Senior Officer.- Complete all relevant tools for activities conducted- Contribute to monthly reports, including information on community engagement activities, consultations, and progress made.- Participate in coordination meetings relevant to WPE as requested by the supervisor.JOB REQUIREMENTS Education: Master's degree in social work, psychology, human rights or law, or a related fieldExperience: Practical experience in case management on GBV, CRSV and life skills to promote recovery and rehabilitation of survivors, responding to gender-based violence and promoting gender equalityDemonstrated Skills and Competencies: - Demonstrated understanding and ability to maintain confidentiality and respect for clients/beneficiaries- Excellent communication skills- Positive and professional attitude, including the ability to lead and work well in a team- High degree of flexibility and strong ability to organize work, meet deadlines, maintain composure, prioritize work under pressure, coordinate multiple tasks, and pay attention to detail- Computer literacy, including Microsoft Word and ExcelREPORTING STRUCTURE AND TEAM COLLABORATIONPosition Reports to: WPE Senior Officer, WPE Manager, WPE Senior Manager, WPE Coordinator Internal collaborations within IRC: Child Protection team; Protection team; Economic Recovery and Development team; Health team.External collaborations GBV actors, organizations and agencies WORK ENVIRONMENT AND OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATIONThese are some examples of other relevant information to include, but is not an exhaustive list. Include the points that are relevant for your position or add more.This role requires full-time work.Fast pace of working, multitasking and stressful work.IRC employees are eligible to the following benefits:Competitive salaryPurposeful job and development opportunitiesEnglish classes and unlimited online training coursesMedical insurance for staff and family membersFree psychological support to employees and their family members 30 calendar days of annual vacation with flexibility beyond the legally set minimum requirementsUp to 10 days of paid medical leave
IT Officer
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req51606Job Title: IT OfficerSector: Information TechnologyEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionResponsible for: Under the direct supervision of the Field Coordinator and Management in Partnership with the Ukraine Country IT Manager in Kyiv, the IT Officer will be primarily responsible with assisting and facilitating the installation and configuration of IT infrastructure, 1st line IT support and staff training and operations of IT activities in IRC Ukraine, and is a member of the IRC Operations team in the Dnipro or Kharkiv Office. Planned preventative maintenance visits are anticipated for other offices and field offices in UkraineJob Overview/Summary:The IT Department supports the organization’s work by providing reliable and scalable applications and infrastructure of the IRC’s offices in the US and around the world, including many technologically challenging locations. An integral component of this effort is ensuring that Country Programs have the capacity to implement and support these IT initiatives effectively across the country offices and in the field sites.SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES:The responsibilities of the IT Officer include but are not limited to the following:MAIN DUTIES:Provide 1st line support for users in the Ukraine country program. Log and expedite all support work using the ServiceNow ticketing platform.Work in close collaboration with all employees to ensure all IT hardware and software is up to date. Interact with Programs, Operations, and field offices to ensure understanding of business needs and efficient support is delivered.Work with field office staff, country and regional IT management to ensure timely delivery of IT project activities and resolution of IT issues.Conduct IT inductions and other relevant training sessions to ensure that staff possess the knowledge and skills commensurate with their responsibilities in using the technologies being implemented in IRC. Manage installation, configuration, maintenance, repair, security and documentation of local area networks, desktop/laptop computers, communication resources and other office equipment.Help ensure successful implementation of IRC IT global initiatives and policies. Enforce network security policies, maintain firewall rules, and perform regular security sweeps for new vulnerabilities. Microsoft Office support, Active Directory Maintenance, VMware, Windows server 2016R2 logging of problems in Service-Now IRC IT enterprise ticketing helpdesk system; Ukraine mailing list management.Specialized application installation and support – Integra rollout, Box, Workday, Rescuenet, payroll software’s and other collaborative tools (Office 365 and MS Teams).Verify and provide technical consultancy to procurement regarding purchasing spare parts for IT equipment and ensuring equipment purchased are of the right specifications and conform to the IRC standard specifications.Windows 10/11 operating system image, hardware, software and peripherals.Perform preventative maintenance on all IRC computers and network resources.Implement and manage backup solutions for office/individual users as per IRC IT recommendations and provide the necessary training on the use of these back-up solutions.Create and maintain IRC computer software/hardware inventory ensuring accuracy.Create and maintain network documentation to include but not limited to IP address, system access, email creation system, upgrades and changes to original network, etc.Diagnose hardware and software faults by questioning clients patiently about a problem and explaining the procedures to them. Closely collaborate with International and HQ IT team on helpdesk, connectivity and other in country and global IRC IT projects.Investigate local Internet connectivity options to obtain adequate bandwidth for Intranet and application connectivity.Develop and implement user and support local staff training, including training on basic care and maintenance of computers and equipment for users. Experience installing, configuring and managing both wired and wireless LAN, and firewalls. Computer imaging skills required. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills required.Strong written and interpersonal skills; customer service experiencePerform other duties as directed by the IT Manager.Education: BSc in Computer Science or equivalent 1-2 years of relevant experience with NGOs or international organizations.Experience working with: Windows 7-11, MS Office 365, Sophos Anti-Virus etc.Experience of using a IT ticketing system such as ServiceNow.Experience with following technologies: LAN, WAN, network administration and setup – TP-Link, UNIFI controller user, Cisco Meraki SDWAN. Understanding ITIL/ITSM, frameworks and fundamentals.Experience in cloud (Google Workspace, Azure, MS365) computing principles and understanding of centralized user support system – Help desk (Service-Now, Jira etc). Must be able to work with limited supervision and exercise independent judgment in problem solving Knowledge and/or experience in the implementation of Starlink Technologies would be an advantage
Child Protection Manager
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52478Job Title: Child Protection ManagerSector: Child ProtectionEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Dnipro, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionJob Overview: Under the supervision of the Sn Child Protection Manager, the CP Manager will be responsible for managing the implementation of IRC’s Child Protection Program in Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts, targeting children at risk or experiencing violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation (including unaccompanied and separated children) in areas with large IDP and host community populations and newly accessible areas affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis. This will include supervising and supporting IRC’s CP Sn Officers and teams in Dnipro to implement, monitor and evaluate project activities. The CP Manager will also support the monitoring of CP activities implemented by IRC’s local partners, providing technical support and ensuring a good relationship with the partner. He/she will oversee that all interventions are adapted to the context and will work with other actors to ensure that child protection risks are reduced. The CP Manager will be based either in Dnipro or Kharkiv and directly supervise the CP Sn Officers in these locations. Major Responsibilities: Program Management -Provide management leadership of the CP program in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia Oblasts. -Ensure that activities are implemented in line with the project proposal and, in particular, the CP work plan, spending plan, procurement plan, monitoring and evaluation plans developed for the respective grant. -Develop monthly and weekly plannings to ensure that the CP Program in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia Oblasts is implemented on time and within budget. -Manage activity budgets in accordance with the approved budgets and spending plans. -Develop, submit and follow-up on procurement requests; develop and ensure the implementation of distribution plans -Supervise, monitor and support CP teams to ensure that CP activities are implemented within time and budget. -Conduct regular field missions to supervise, monitor and support teams in the field. -Work closely with the CP MEAL Officer to maintain a monitoring and evaluation plan, including the systematic collection and analysis of data to inform programming, reporting, fundraising and advocacy. -Ensure the proper use of management, monitoring and evaluation tools by the teams. -Consolidate and write weekly and monthly reports, as well as other project reports as requested. -Ensure the archiving of project documents in hard and soft copy, taking into account the principle of confidentiality Technical Quality -Provide technical leadership of the CP program in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia Oblasts -Provide technical support to field teams to ensure the implementation of high-quality CP activities in accordance with best practice and donor and IRC guidelines and program models. -Ensure that solid case management, referral and information management systems are in place for appropriate identification, responses and follow-up for children harmed or at risk of being harmed. -Ensure that MHPSS activities for children, adolescents, and caregivers are delivered in accordance with IRC program models and curricula, appropriately adapted to the context. -Ensure the ethical and meaningful collection of data and uphold the principles of confidentiality. -Ensure respect for children's participation in all activities, including consulting them regularly and proactively to support the quality and relevance of interventions. -Proactively identify new or emerging needs, gaps, and opportunities for IRC CP programming to enhance the safety of children and families in their homes and communities. -Ensure regular communication with the Child Protection Sn Manager, CP Coordinator and other program teams to strengthen safety outcomes for children and families. Staff Supervision & Development -Directly supervise CP Sn Officers based in Dnipro. -Assist with the recruitment of child protection staff, in coordination with the CP Coordinator, CP Sn Manager and HR. -Ensure timely completion and submission of monthly timesheets, probations reviews and annual performance reviews. -Ensure ongoing coaching, technical support and capacity building for staff on technical and management skills -Identify needs to further strengthen capacities of staff. -Maintain open and professional relations with team members, promoting a strong team spirit, and providing oversight and guidance to enable staff to successfully perform in their positions Partner Management -Maintain effective working relationships with IRC’ local CP partners -Support the regular performance monitoring of partners to achieve the set project’s objectives, in close collaboration with the CP Sn Manager and Partnerships Teams -Support providing regular technical support and guidance to IRC’S local CP partners in line with partnership agreements Coordination & Representation -Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with key stakeholders, including local authorities, UN agencies, international and local NGOs, community stakeholders and other relevant actors -Attend child protection coordination meetings at the sub-national and national level to contribute to coordination and advocacy for child protection responses across agencies Other duties: -Consistently and proactively monitor/assess the safety and security of field teams, promptly reporting concerns or incidents to IRC management and liaising with other external parties as required to maintain/enhance the security environment. -Other duties as assigned by the supervisor to enable and develop IRC programs. KEY WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Position reports to: Child Protection Sn Manager Direct reports: Child Protection Sn Officers in Dnipro Other internal contacts:Protection & Rule of Law (ProL), WPE, MEAL, ERD, Health, Finance, Supply, Grants, HR and other relevant departments Requirements The Child Protection Manager will need to meet the requirements below: -A degree desired in social work, social sciences, human rights law or other related field, or equivalent work experience. -At least 2-3 years’ experience in a management / leadership position -Experience working with children experiencing or at risk of violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation -Technical expertise in programming in one or more of the following areas: child protection case management, MHPSS, positive parenting, CP risk reduction activities -Previous experience implementing humanitarian protection programs -Demonstrated experience in staff supervision, project and budget management -Ability to lead effectively, mentor and coach staff, resolve conflicts and manage complexities -Strong team and people leadership, management, organizational and development skills -Experience in working with and coordinating with local authorities, UN, national NGOs, and other relevant stakeholders -Strong communication and interpersonal skills with strong analysis and writing skills -Proven networking, team building, organizational and communication skills -Additional qualities: ability to multi-task, ability to handle pressure well, ability to improvise, flexibility, adaptability to transitions. -Good skills in spoken and written English; fluent in Ukrainian and/or Russian This position will be based in IRC’s Field site, that is either Kharkiv or Dnipro, with frequent travel to field locations required. Standards of Professional Conduct The IRC and IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in the IRC Way – Code of Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, and Accountability. In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Harassment-Free Workplace, Fiscal Integrity, Anti-Retaliation, Combating Trafficking in Persons and several others. Gender Equality & Equal Opportunity We are committed to narrowing the gender gap in leadership positions. We offer generous benefits that provide an enabling environment for women to participate in our workforce including parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocols and other supportive benefits and allowances. We welcome and strongly encourage qualified female professionals to apply. IRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. IRC considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
Віддалено! Офіційно! Оператор служби підтримки (голосова лінія)
, Дніпро, Дніпропетровська область
Абанк отримав бронзу у номінації «Найкраща служба підтримки» та входить до рейтингу ТОП-50 найкращих роботодавців 2024 року за версією ForbesХочеш бути у нашій команді?Твоя українська, як спів солов’я?Здатен з турботою та посмішкою в голосі вирішити проблему клієнта?Ми гарантуємо:Віддалений формат роботи (з тебе лише ПК/ноут з Віндовс 10, ОЗП від 8 Гб та гарнітура);Офіційне працевлаштування та оплачувані вдпустки;Оплачуване навчання;Підтримку наставника у перший місяць роботи;Корпоративний коуч за твоїм запитом;Гнучкий графік роботи: 2/2 12:00 — 00:00; 2/2 13:00 — 01:00; 2/2 10.00 — 22.00; 5/2 09.00 — 18.00;Матеріальну допомогу у скрутній ситуації.Приєднуйся до команди найкращих!
Safeguarding Capacity-building Officer
International Rescue Committee, null, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req52703Job Title: Safeguarding Capacity-building OfficerSector: Violence Prevention and ResponseEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Kyiv, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionSCOPE OF WORK:The Safeguarding Capacity-building Officer will work under the supervision of the Safeguarding Manager. The Safeguarding Capacity-building Officer will support prevention and risk mitigation efforts introduced by the Ukraine Country program. S/he will support namely capacity-strengthening efforts of all staff and affiliated as well as IRC’s implementing partners.The Safeguarding Capacity-building Officer is central role which supports all activities implemented by IRC in Ukraine. The position will be based in one of IRC’s offices (Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, or Odesa) depending on the successful candidate’s choice and will imply regular travels to field offices (minimum quarterly visit to each office).REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS AND COORDINATION:Managerial/Technical Supervision by: Safeguarding ManagerTechnically Supervises: N/A Key Interfaces: All Departments at IRC, IRC implementing partners RESPONSIBILITIESPlanning•Identify and map capacity-building needs and gaps for IRC staff and affiliated and IRC implementing partners.•Under the supervision of the Safeguarding Manager, liaise with IRC Human resources and partnership teams in order to jointly draft a development plan with role-based Safeguarding capacity-building curricula.•In close collaboration with HR, Partnerships and Operations teams, coordinate and organize logistics for trainings.Designing, Delivering and monitoring•Assist in developing and adapting training materials (presentations, handouts, etc) and tools to facilitate qualitative delivery of capacity-building initiatives.•Provide Safeguarding training to IRC staff, affiliated and partners.•Manage the filing system/documentation (attendance sheets and reports as required) of all Safeguarding capacity-building initiatives. •Measure training progress by conducting pre and post evaluation of safeguarding capacity-building initiatives. •Support the implementation of partner project support plans, with a focus on supporting the partner to strengthen safeguarding systems and capacities that are responsive to the needs of the partner (rather than replicating IRC’s systems and policies).•Ensure all training and capacity-building activities are carried out in accordance with IRC policies and procedures.JOB REQUIREMENTS Education & Experience•Minimum bachelor’s degree in law, social or political science or another relevant field of work.•Minimum 2 years of experience in a training role in similar role.Demonstrated Skills and Competencies: •Highly developed analytical and communication skills.•Excellent interpersonal and representational skills and ability to adapt to various audiences.•Good command of English is an asset.•Ability to flexibility, meet deadlines, and coordinate multiple tasks while keeping an eye for details.WORK ENVIRONMENT AND OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION•This role requires full-time work in the office.•Hybrid type of working is possible upon managerial approval after probation period•Travel to other locations is needed up to 50% of time•Exempt from overtime•Work in the matrix organization•Fast pace of working, multitasking and stressful work•The organization cares about staff and provides flexible working options (start early-finish early, start later-finish later, remote work)IRC employees are eligible to the following benefits:•Competitive salary•Purposeful job and development opportunities•English classes and unlimited online training courses•Life Insurance•Medical insurance for staff and family members•30 calendar days of annual vacation with flexibility beyond the legally set minimum requirements•Up to 10 days of paid medical leave PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS IRC builds diverse and inclusive teams of professionals who promote team engagement, inclusion and cohesion, critical reflection, power sharing, debate, and objectivity to deliver the best possible services to our clients.  The International Rescue Committee is determined to protect the people it serves, its staff and any person associated from all kinds of harm, abuse, and violence, including sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. It is committed to taking all necessary preventive measures and creating an environment where people feel safe and can report misconduct. IRC workers must adhere to the core values and principles outlined in IRC Way - Standards for Professional Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Equality and Accountability. The IRC also operates and enforces a set of complementary institutional policies to protect clients and staff from harm and abuse through the Adult and Child Safeguarding policies, the Respect at Work and Harassment-free Workplace policies, the Anti-retaliation and Reporter Protection policy, which are complemented by the IRC Global Reporting guidelines. These commitments are accessible in English and in Ukrainian language via this link:  Where misconduct is alleged, IRC follows a Zero-tolerance approach and takes all necessary actions and corrective measures. The IRC investigation unit comprises of experts and trained investigators that ensures professional survivor-centered investigations are conducted if allegations of safeguarding violations are reported through the safe and accessible reporting channels that IRC makes available to its staff, partners, and clients. IRC is also an active member of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) set-up in Ukraine.  Commitment to Gender, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: The IRC is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, respectful, and safe work environment where all persons are treated fairly, with dignity and respect. The IRC expressly prohibits and will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or bullying of the IRC persons in any work setting. We aim to increase the representation of women, people who are from country and communities we serve, and people who identify as races and ethnicities that are under-represented in global power structures.Gender Equality: IRC is committed to narrowing the gender gap in leadership positions. We offer benefits that provide an enabling environment for women to participate in our workforce including parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocols and other supportive benefits and allowances.Equal Opportunity Employer: We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment.
National Professional Officer (Primary Health Care)
WHO, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES 1. Provide technical support to the oblast and municipal health administrations and local health care facilities in assessment of priority health needs of a population in conflict-affected areas (CAA) and/or newly regained territories (NRT), as a base for restoration and strengthening of people-centered, integrated and quality PHC amidst the emergency.2. Provide technical support to the oblasts and municipal health administrations and local health care facilities in the PHC network assessment and provide solutions to improve the PHC infrastructure (prefabs). 3. Support the primary health care facilities in priority areas to ensure continuity of care at emergencies particularly for people with chronic disorders, pregnant mothers, children under five years' morbidities and disabilities, etc. and provide measures to strengthen referral channels.4. Support the training packages development, planning and co-facilitate training of human resources in health aimed at increasing the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the PHC workforce; organize, conduct, or facilitate capacity-building activities, including on GBV for PHC in CAA and/or NRT.5. Support design and implementation of effective solutions to deliver primary health care services to people in CAA and/or NRT including integration of mobile health units, telemedicine technologies, and other innovative models in the regular service provision.6. Support the strengthening and implementing the health data collection systems, reporting mechanisms, including working closely with mobile health units and contribute to the rollout of health service delivery assessments.7. Support the development of risk communication materials and coordinate and engage communities to promote critical health-related messages in the CAA and/or NRT.8. Maintain regular correspondence with local public authorities and health representatives with regards to primary health care strengthening as part of the health system development. 9. Perform any other related incident-specific duties, as required by the functional supervisor REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONSEducation QualificationsEssential: University degree (Bachelor) in health systems/services administration, health management or health related field from an accredited/recognized institute.Desirable: Specialization or training in the delivery of primary health care service and health system. ExperienceEssential: At least 2 years of professional experience in health system management and or experience in primary health care facility settings management. And related strategy development with WHO and/or other UN agencies as well as health cluster partners and recognized humanitarian organizations.Desirable: Experience in WHO, the UN System and/or NGOs in the area of health operation, outbreak response and planning of emergency interventions in the context of public health and/or humanitarian action. Functional Knowledge and Skills Excellent knowledge of health system and UHC principles, with focus on the primary health care service delivery. Demonstrated ability to provide sound methodological, technical advice and guidance in primary health care. Excellent analytical, planning and organizational skills. Ability to work in complex national or international settings in support of international emergency health interventions to often insecure and geographically hostile environments. Demonstrated ability to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary settings and excellent inter-personal skills. Demonstrated ability to innovate, integrate, synthesize, and communicate complex concepts and ideas verbally and in writing. Ability to monitor and communicate progress in terms of process and results. Excellent communication, facilitation, and report-writing skills. WHO Competencies*1. Teamwork*2. Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences*3. Communication4. Producing results5. Ensuring the effective use of resources Use of Language SkillsEssential: Expert knowledge of English and Ukrainian.Desirable: Intermediate knowledge of other Official WHO Languages.