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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Дежурный в Львові"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Дежурный в Львові"

7 791 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Дежурный в Львові"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Дежурный в Львові.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Львові

Серед схожих професій в Львові найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Дежурный по станции. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 11880 грн. На другому місці - Сотрудник охраны з зарплатнею 9360 грн, а на третьому - Сторож з зарплатнею 6700 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Скуба Україна, ТОВ, Львів
ТОВ «Скуба Україна» — одна з провідних компаній, яка займається гуртовою та роздрібною торгівлею запчастин для вантажних автомобілів, причепів, напівпричепів та автобусів європейського виробництваМи шукаємо оптимістичну та позитивно налаштовану людину, яка хоче працювати, зростати та розвиватисяВимоги:- Посвідчення водія категорія В- Досвід роботи з ПК- Відповідальність, порядністьОбов’язки:- Доставка товару клієнтам- Відправка товару Новою Поштою- Робота з документами-накладними на відвантаження товару- Переміщення товарів між складами компаніїїМи пропонуємо:- Офіційне працевлаштування- Графік роботи Пн-Пт 09:00 — 18:00, Сб-2 робочих на місяць у черговому режимі, Нд- вихідний- Навчання на робочому місціКонтактна інформація: Наталія +380675514282 Електронна пошта: [откликнуться]
Електрик черговий
The Cleaning Pro Group (CPG), Львів
Відкрита вакансія електрика чергового в банківську установу.Вимоги:- Середньо-технічна освіта, V-IV гр. до і вище 1000В- Досвід роботи електриком від 2 років- Вміння читати електричні схемиОбов’язки:- Підтримка справного стану, безаварійної і надійної роботи обслуговуваних пристроїв і електроустаткування- Забезпечення правильної експлуатації пристроїв і електроустаткування- Усунення несправності в роботі пристроїв, їх ремонт, монтаж і регулювання- Досвід роботи з трансформаторними підстанціями по високій стороніМи гарантуємо:- видається спецодяг, інструменти;- графік: доба через дві (½)- своєчасна оплата, виплати 2 рази на місяць;За деталями звертайтесь по телеф.:0673136790 — Наталія
Українські джерела, Львів
Вимоги: Посвідчення водія категорії В, досвід водіння більше 2-х років, охайність, відповідальність та пунктуальність. Загальне знання основних вулиць м.Львова. Можливе працевлаштування студентів заочної форми навчання.Обов'язки: завантаження автомобіля, адресна доставка товару (питна вода в 20л. бутлях) по м.Львову. Робота з документами, здача звіту доставки. Умови роботи: Робочий графік з Пн по Пт. з 8:30 до 18:00. (Суботи через одну - черговий режим. Робота до 15:00). Розташування бази - Новий Львів (вул.Луганська). Робота в екіпажі (2чол.) по маршруту. Автомобілі Рено-Мастер. На 'тимчасово' прохання не звертатись!
Sales Manager, Оператор телефонних продажів автобусних квитків
KoloBus, Львів
Сервіс бронювання автобусних квитків KoloBus відкриває набір на позицію "Менеджер з продажу, Сustomer support, Оператор телефонних продажів автобусних квитків" послуг по бронюванню автобусних квитків.Обов'язки:Консультація зацікавлених клієнтів у телефонному режимі, в соц. мережах та корпоративних месенджерах;Виявляти потреби клієнтів та допомагати у бронюванні квитка на автобус, допомагати з питаннями, які виникають у пасажирів, забезпечуючи високу якість обслуговування;Робота з CRM-системою, IP-телефонією.Вимоги:Високі комунікативні та переговорні навички;Грамотна мова і вільне володіння українською мовою;Досвід роботи як customer support або досвід у сфері бронювання автобусних квитків буде плюсом;Впевнений користувач ПК.Ми пропонуємо:Заробітна плата, яка складається з фіксованої частини та % від продажу;     Позмінний графік з 9 по 16 або з 16 по 21 (черговий);Дистанційна робота з будь-якого куточку світу. Від вас лише ПК, інтернет і гарнітура;Можливість офіційного працевлаштування;Повне та всебічне навчання;Дружній колектив та корпоративні заходи;Знижки на автобусні квитки для працівників;Найкращу команду, де панує атмосфера турботи та підтримки та з якою можна вчитись і розвиватись щодня.Бажаєте стати частиною нашої команди? Ну, не зволікайте, а прямо зараз надсилайте резюме на Відправити резюме
Вчитель англійської (Native Speaker)
Boyar School, Львів
Boyar camp is a place where we create an English-speaking environment so that children can communicate in English fluently, overcome the language barrier and master their speaking skillsEvery year we gain new experience and constantly improve since 2011Boyar Camp takes place in the mountains. This summer we have 3 Shifts:- Yaremche (20−30th of June)- Yaremche (30th of June — 10th of July)- Plai (29th of July — 7th of August)Requirements: 1) Level of English — Upper-intermediate+2) Fun in Heart3) Work experience and desire to work with childrenAnalysing our previous experience, we shortlisted the features of a perfect camp teacher:Emotional — a person with their preferences, likes and dislikes with original sense of humor but tolerant, at the same time, both with teacher colleagues, who may have their cultural identity needs and with naughty kidsQualified—a teacher, who is prepared to conduct lessons with the group of 16 childrenResponsible— being able to follow the schedule and given instructions. Help your colleagues in needFlexible- to be open for changes in the day schedule, new ideas from the kids, some crazy ideas too (salsa with all the campers, midnight swimming or conducting the lesson in your pyjamas?)Working conditions: 80 participants, 5 groups, for 16 children in the group, For each group, 2 teachers are assigned: a Ukrainian teacher and a native speakerAccommodation in a comfortable hotel and interesting leisure.We pay for your transfer from Lviv, accommodation, meals and salaryDuties:- be ready to conduct two 45min classes a day- participate in the afternoon sports and activities- supervise kids during the meals, dances, time off etcTo apply fill in the form:- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWuxCw8tDe9RRhQPocmwATd7Lei_d1p1JWxSx1WlV2fanQzg/viewform?usp=sf_link HR Viktoriia +380632907925 Telegram: @deeynekina
Помічник оперативного чергового пульта охорони
ОПК «Аутпост», Львів
Вимоги, побажання: Знання комп'ютера на рівні користувача. Робота з офісною технікою.Робота в команді. Впевнене спілкування з клієнтами по телефону. Комунікабельність. Вміння швидко аналізувати різного роду ситуації та приймати впевнені та чіткі рішення. Стресо-стійкість.Обов'язки: спілкування з клієнтами по телефонуУмови: доба через три
Site Reliability Engineer
Limelight Networks, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Site Reliability Engineer, Business ServicesThe Business Services Site Reliability Engineer will assist in maintaining the operational aspects of Limelight Networks' platforms and act as an escalation point for troubleshooting of systems and business services issues. Working with development and operations teams, this resource will use their experience in systems and related software to ensure the reliability of platforms under the Business Services umbrella. This will include developing procedures for deployment and day to day maintenance of these platforms and ensuring customer satisfaction and the ability of operations to support the products.In this role, the Business Services Site Reliability Engineer will be responsible for developing and reporting on KPIs that prove the reliability of the environment. They will need to identify opportunities for improvement in the products and track progress toward those improvements. The Business Services SRE is the operational owner of the products they are responsible for.Develop and enforce procedures for the maintenance and changes to products.Develop and report on KPIs that are relevant to the success of products.Coordinate with development and operations teams to ensure the reliability of products.Identify gaps in the operation of products and services, and drive enhancements. Continually evaluate release processes and tools to find areas for improvement.Contribute to the release and change management process by collaborating with the developers and other operations groups. Actively participate in development meetings and implement required changes to the operational architecture, standards, processes, or procedures and ensure they are in place prior to release (e.g. monitoring, documentation, metrics, etc.).Work in a fast-paced, collaborative environment while providing exceptional visibility to management and end-to-end ownership of incidents, projects, and tasks. Maintain a positive demeanor and a high level of professionalism at all times.Maintain prescribed levels of security and enforce security policies within the products.Act as a point of escalation and participate in resolution of issues with the products.Other duties as assigned by management.Required ExperienceBachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Information Systems or equivalent experience typically obtained by five or more years related work experience.+3 years of experience with Linux systems as a systems engineer.Familiarity with configuration management and release engineering processes and methodologies.Experience with Version Control, Shell scripting and one or more scripting languages including Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP.Experience supporting internally developed as well as third-party customer facing products.Proven self-starter with the ability to document technical data and track incidents, projects, and tasks on a daily basis and in a clear and concise manner.Experience mentoring and supporting other team members.Excellent coordination, planning, and written and verbal communication skills in the English language.Desired ExperienceExperience with use of Hadoop including workflow management systems and monitoring job execution.Experience supporting open-source messaging solutions such as RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ.Experience with Zabbix, ELK, Grafana and OpenTSDB.Experience with Java applications, including webapps in Tomcat.Experience with SALT Stack for configuration management.Physical Demands (Physical, Mental Demands or Exposures)Typical office environment.Ability to be available for escalations 24x7.Travel to the US may be required.
National Capacity Building Officer (national position in Ukraine)
iMMAP, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
OrganizationiMMAP Inc. is an international non-governmental organization that provides information management services to humanitarian and development organizations. Through information management, we help our partners target assistance to the world’s most vulnerable populations. Our core philosophy is that better data leads to better decisions and that better decisions lead to better outcomes. iMMAP Inc.’s critical support to information value chains helps solve our partners' operational and strategic challenges in both emergency and development contexts by enabling evidence-based decision-making for better outcomes.BackgroundThe Capacity Building Officer is responsible for the following: Develop Training Materials for Humanitarian Information Management Subjects Schedule Training Courses on Humanitarian Information Management Deliver training courses on the Humanitarian Information Management Assist in Humanitarian Information Management projects with the Capacity Building Team Redesign Training Materials for relevance to Humanitarian Information Management Needs. Update capacity strengthening work-plan Identify training needs across humanitarian organizations and clusters Define training goals, objectives, TORs, agenda Design courses and support the development of training curriculums Develop training presentations, practical exercises, and other supporting material Arrange training logistics and conduct training evaluations and report on feedback areas of improvement Conduct follow-up and mentoring visits to organizations requiring additional support Research, identify, or support the development of new information management tools to address information management needs Support the design and development of information management solutions and end products Facilitate staff's ability to use existing and emerging technology to achieve the organization's mission and objectives Any other duties as required. KEY RELATIONSHIPS Reports to: iMMAP Inc. Project Manager Description of DutiesOperationalConduct training needs assessments to establish priority needs and gaps in the humanitarian information management capacity;Planning and scheduling of capacity building activities in consultation with key stakeholdersDevelopment of training and session plans, goals, and objectives for humanitarian capacity building programmes based on identified gaps and capacity building priorities; Design and develop capacity building curricula, syllabi, and learning materials;Organize and deliver/co-facilitate core and advanced training and capacity building activities consistent with the needs of the humanitarian partners; Research, identify, and develop appropriate training packages on emerging tools and innovative technologies that enhance partner ability for effective utilization of IM tools;Develop or identify training content and/or supporting reference resources such as presentations, practical exercises, and handouts to facilitate learning;Conduct pre-training, in-training, and post-training evaluations for feedback, address challenges and impediments to effective learning, document, and share lessons learned;Liaise with other iMMAP Inc. capacity building programmes and ensure consistency and standardization of activities and materials where possible;Facilitate staff's ability to use existing and emerging technology to achieve the organization's mission and objectives;Train and provide technical support to the identified staff as needed on all Information Management tools and processes;Provide mentorship and support within the scope of iMMAP Inc. capacity building plan;Any other duties as required.Draft humanitarian capacity building success stories for inclusion in iMMAP Inc.’s reports, newsletters, and social media platforms.RequirementsPlease note that this is a national position in Ukraine. Only citizens of Ukraine are allowed.EducationAn advanced university degree or equivalent experience in the fields of education and information management;ExperienceFirst-level university degree (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) in computer science, computer engineering, information management, or a related field A minimum of 3 years of progressively responsible experience training information management and/or ICT professionals in databases, mapping, visualization, and design with an emphasis on web and mobile technologies. Sound knowledge of humanitarian standards and codes Great communication skills Fluency in oral and written English is required Experience in IM capacity BuildingSoft skillsUnderstanding of the UN cluster/sector system and how it operates.Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style, and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed;Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; is willing to learn from others; Planning & Organising: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies. Identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required. Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work. Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning. Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary. Uses time efficiently.Client Orientation: Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view; establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect; identifies clients’ needs and matches them with appropriate solutions; monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems; meets timeline for delivery of products or services to a client;Technological awareness: Keeps abreast of available technology; understands applicability and limitation of technology to the work of the office; actively seeks to apply technology to appropriate tasks; shows a willingness to learn new technology;Representation: Where appropriate, represent the iMMAP Inc. in various fora. Maintain effective and positive contacts with national and local government officials, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and donor agency officials, when required.Ability to understand and adapt to complex and dynamic situations;Ability to work under pressure;Takes initiative manages own use of time, and is self-motivating;Proven ability to work in teams;Flexible and creative.Guiding PrinciplesPersonnel is expected to conduct itself in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and iMMAP Inc.’s policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all Countries.iMMAP Inc. has zero-tolerance for sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, human trafficking, child abuse and exploitation. Any violations of these principles and policies will be treated as serious misconduct.iMMAP Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer regardless of background.
Lead Electrical Engineer
Bilfinger, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Our services in Central & Eastern Europe: Bilfinger Tebodin in Central & Eastern Europe covers all phases of a project lifecycle by its four cross-country Business Lines: Consultancy, Engineering, Process Engineering and Project Management Consultancy (PMC).Our markets: We have a strong focus on Industrial, Food & Beverage, (Bio-) Pharma, Oil & Gas, Energy & Utilities, Property and Infrastructure markets, bringing together specialized knowledge and international expertise to offer our clients the best practice solutions.Bilfinger Tebodin Ukraine CFI is looking for Lead Electrical Engineer for our office in Lviv.We expect:10 years of experience as electrical engineer including 3 years as lead engineer.Experience of work on European industrial projects would be as a plus;Experience with industrial MV/LV power supply (10/0.4 kV);Preferably experience with industrial HV power supply (/35 kV);Basic knowledge in low current networks (ССTV, Access control, Fire alarm, LAN network, BMS) ;Knowledge of AutoCAD, Dialux software;Preferably knowledge of Revit ;Good knowledge of office soft (MS Outlook, Word, Excel) Knowledge of Ukraine regulations & standards;Knowledge of European regulations & standards: IEC, ISO, BS would be as a plus;Possibility to travel to business trips (as per UA legislation requirements);English — intermediate strong (reading, writing, speaking on technical topics should be free level).Duties and responsibility:Project planning (Perform or having performed inventory and preliminary activities, mainly within the confines of their own discipline, in accordance with the project plan);Project organization (Ensuring project organization and staffing, mainly within the confines of their own discipline, in consultation with the relevant functional or hierarchical manager, so that quality, budget, and milestones are guaranteed and the contribution of the own discipline to achieve the project objectives is optimized.);Managing a discipline team (Functionally leads a smaller project group of few employees);Budget (Timely estimating, developing and monitoring a plan regarding the number of hours and investment costs of their own discipline.)Communication (Drawing up reports, initiating and coordinating meetings with the involved disciplines and the customer with regard to the technology, progress, staffing, and planning, taking into account the wishes and needs of all parties involved.)We offer:Official employment and salaryProfessional trainingsCorporate medical insuranceCorporate mobile phone (if necessary to work)Comfortable working conditions, informal open corporate culture, friendly teamSocial package, programs for integration of new team members, regular corporate projects inside and outside of the office, sport tournaments and a healthy atmosphere in modern and cozy officeRemote office after trial periodCareer development opportunities within Ukraine and international.Zero-tolerance rejection of corruption and bribery
Web Developer (national position in Ukraine)
iMMAP, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
OrganizationiMMAP Inc. is an international nongovernmental organisation that provides information management services to humanitarian and development organizations. Through information management, we help our partners target assistance to the world’s most vulnerable populations. Our core philosophy is that better data leads to better decisions and that better decisions lead to better outcomes. iMMAP Inc.’s critical support to information value chains helps to solve operational and strategic challenges of our partners in both emergency and development contexts by enabling evidence-based decision-making for better outcomes.IntroductionWe are seeking a highly skilled Software Developer with expertise in Vue.js, Java Spring Boot, and PostgreSQL to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will contribute to the development and maintenance of our software applications, ensuring high performance, reliability, and scalability.Description of DutiesDevelop and maintain robust and scalable web applications and/or add new features to existing applications using Java Spring Boot and Vue.js.Develop and implement user interface designs and ensure high-quality user experience standards.Understanding and implementing database schemas, queries, and optimizations using PostgreSQL.Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features.Troubleshoot and debug complex issues to ensure optimal performance and user experience.Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code following best practices and coding standards.Stay updated with emerging technologies and industry trends to drive continuous improvement.Any other duties that may further the project's objectivesRequirementsBachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or related field.Proven experience as a Software Developer, with a minimum of 2 years of hands-on experience.Proficiency in Vue.js framework development on both version 2 and 3.Experience in developing restful APIs using Java Spring Boot framework and/or Python.Familiarity in PostgreSQL database design and management including skills in SQL language.Experience in developing frontend mapping components using Leaflet.js.Familiarity with version control systems (e.g., Git) and agile development methodologies.Experience in building Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) is a plus.Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills with a keen attention to detail.Effective communication and collaboration abilities within a team environment.Guiding PrinciplesPersonnel is expected to conduct itself in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and iMMAP Inc.’s policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all Countries.iMMAP Inc. has zero-tolerance for sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, human trafficking, child abuse and exploitation. Any violations of these principles and policies will be treated as serious misconduct.iMMAP Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer regardless of background.
iMMAP, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
OrganizationiMMAP Inc. is an international nongovernmental organisation that provides information management services to humanitarian and development organizations. Through information management, we help our partners target assistance to the world’s most vulnerable populations. Our core philosophy is that better data leads to better decisions and that better decisions lead to better outcomes. iMMAP Inc.’s critical support to information value chains helps to solve operational and strategic challenges of our partners in both emergency and development contexts by enabling evidence-based decision-making for better outcomes.BackgroundThe project focuses on third-party monitoring (TPM) of explosive remnants of war clearance activities in Ukraine as part of humanitarian mine action efforts. The objective of the project is to improve the accountability, transparency and quality control of the demining process while addressing implementation challenges. The project presents case studies and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the TPM program. Description of DutiesThe Driver will be responsible for operating vehicles and providing transportation services to staff and authorized personnel. The role involves adhering to road safety regulations, maintaining vehicles in good condition, and ensuring the comfort and security of passengers during transit. Safely operate assigned vehicles, including cars and vans, as required by the organization. Provide transportation services to staff and authorized personnel, ensuring timely arrivals and departures. Adhere to all road safety regulations and organizational policies while driving. Maintain vehicles in good working condition by regularly checking oil, water, and tire pressure, and arranging for routine maintenance as needed. Keep vehicles clean and presentable at all times, both internally and externally. Ensure the security of vehicles and their contents, including equipment and supplies, during transportation. Assist with loading and unloading of cargo as required. Maintain accurate records of vehicle usage, including mileage, fuel consumption, and maintenance activities. Report any accidents, incidents, or vehicle malfunctions to the appropriate authorities and follow organizational procedures for documentation and reporting. Coordinate with the logistics team to plan routes and schedules efficiently.Perform any other duties related to transportation and logistics as assigned by the supervisor.RequirementsValid driver's license with a clean driving record. Proven experience as a professional driver, with a minimum of 5 years of driving experience. Good knowledge of vehicle maintenance and repair procedures. Ability to operate vehicles safely and confidently in various weather and road conditions. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. Flexibility to work outside regular hours, including evenings and weekends, if required.
Best Western Plus Market Square Lviv, Львів
Best Western Plus Market Square Lviv — це новий готель 4* міжнародної мережі BW Hotels & Resorts, що є найбільшою мережею готелів у світі в своєму сегменті, та об'єднує понад 4000 готелів у більш ніж 100 країнах світуГотель оголошує набір на посаду Покоївки в новому комплексі в самому «серці Львова»Вимоги:- Досвід роботи в готелі на позиції покоївки не менше 6 міс. ОБОВ’ЯЗКОВО- Знання стандартів у прибиранні або бажання їх вивчити- Охайність та уважність до дрібниць- Ввічливість та привітність- Ініціативність, професійна відповідальність- Без шкідливих звичокОбов’язки:- Прибирання номерного фонду- Співпраця з черговим персоналом інженерно-технічної служби для усунення недоліківМи пропонуємо:- Конкурентна заробітна плата- Офіційне працевлаштування, оплачувані відпустки та лікарняні- Корпоративні тренінги- Можливість професійного зростання та вивчення процесів міжнародної готельної мережі Best Western Hotels & Resorts- Зручне розташування у центрі міста- Безкоштовний обід- 8 годинний робочий день. Графік 3/3. За бажанням та виробничою потребою — можливі додаткові зміниКонтактна інформація: +380953229395 — з 10:00 до 18:00 Світлана, прохання писати у Telegram Пошта: [откликнуться]
Senior Devops Engineer
Pixels Matter, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Are you looking for an innovative and cutting-edge technology company that will motivateyouand support your career? Take charge of your career future at Pixels Matter and join us in our Lviv office . We are a leading provider of technology content and services for the Location BasedIndustry.Maintaining a diversified IP portfolio in four primary market segments: M2MIntelligence, GolfLocation Solutions, Vehicle Telematics and Geo-Data Solutions As an DevOps Engineer, you will be a vital contributor to our inspiring and bold mission. POSITION OBJECTIVE: The DevOps Engineer is responsible for supporting services related to our Golf Coursemanagement system. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Work production with AWS Manage, automate and maintain custom environments, deployments andconfigurations Work with internal and off-site team of software engineers Executes engineering activities related to the project in coordinationwithmanagement to stay on schedule Demonstrates the ability to balance maintenance and new development taskson existing systems QUALIFICATIONS: Strong experience in AWS Cloud (EC2, ECS, ElasticBeanstalk, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeCommit etc.) Must have experience with CloudFormation and AWS CDK 5+ years experience in DevOps Practical Experience in Amazon Relational Database Service (MySQL) Experience with Java 8 and higher - the previous backend position is priority(Spring) Commercial experience in working with DynamoDb Working with Linux environments Knowledge of container tools and orchestration technologies would beaplus(Kubernetes) Excellent problem analysis, troubleshooting and resolution skills Good command of English WHAT WE CAN OFFER YOU: Paid vacation and sick time Public holidays Incentive bonus compensation plans Technical equipment Happy hours on Fridays Company sponsored events as well as a casual work environment SALARY COMMENSURATE WITHEXPERIENCE Powered by JazzHR