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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Менеджер кадровик в Києві"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Менеджер кадровик в Києві"

15 833 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Менеджер кадровик" по диапазонам зарплаты в Києві

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 20.09.24, за професією Менеджер кадровик в Києві відкрито 1 вакансій. Для 100% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 21,8+ грн. 0% оголошень з зарплатнею 20.0+ грн, і 0% з зарплатнею 20.2+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Менеджер кадровик в Києві"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Менеджер кадровик в Києві.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Провідний фахівець із запобігання шахрайству (Anti Fraud manager)
Kyivstar/Київстар, Київ
Київстар — уже давно не просто мобільний оператор. Ми створюємо та пропонуємо сучасні рішення та продукти для кожного. Ми шукаємо тих, хто вміє, знає та може.Ми шукаємо досвідченого та мотивованого провідного аналітика по боротьбі з шахрайством, який приєднається до нашої команди. У цій ролі ви будете відповідати за виявлення, розслідування та запобігання шахрайським діям, забезпечуючи безпеку та цілісність наших фінансових операцій. Ви будете співпрацювати з різними підрозділами компанії для розробки та впровадження стратегій по мінімізації ризиків шахрайства.Основні обов'язки:•            Виявлення та аналіз підозрілих активностей і транзакцій, використовуючи спеціалізовані аналітичні інструменти та методики.•            Проведення розслідувань випадків шахрайства, підготовка детальних звітів та надання рекомендацій щодо подальших дій.•            Розробка та вдосконалення політик і процедур з виявлення та запобігання шахрайству.•            Співпраця з внутрішніми і зовнішніми командами, включаючи юридичний відділ, відділ безпеки та правоохоронні органи.•            Аналіз і моніторинг тенденцій у сфері шахрайства, впровадження новітніх технологій та методів для боротьби з ними.•            Надання навчання та консультацій співробітникам щодо виявлення та запобігання шахрайським діям.Вимоги до кандидата:•            Вища освіта в галузі фінансів, економіки, криміналістики або суміжних областях.•            Мінімум 3 роки досвіду роботи в сфері боротьби з шахрайством або аналітики ризиків.•            Глибоке розуміння фінансових продуктів та послуг, а також основних методів шахрайства.•            Володіння аналітичними інструментами та програмним забезпеченням для виявлення шахрайства (наприклад, SQL, Power BI).•            Сильні аналітичні здібності та увага до деталей.•            Високий рівень комунікаційних навичок, вміння працювати в команді.Чому Київстар?Робота над проєктами, що мають значення для мільйонів людей та всієї країни.Надаємо всі базові соціальні переваги та навіть більше.Гібридний формат роботиЛегкий та комфортний онбординг.Для нас важливий ваш добробут – програма психологічної підтримки для співробітників та їхніх сімей.Long-life learning – ми даємо можливості, а ви керуєте своїм розвитком.
Sales manager, Sales representative, менеджер з продажу по телефону з вільною англійською віддалено
Prime Fix, Київ
Prime Fix Repair Appliance   Ми - майстри з ремонту побутової техніки, майстри якісного сервісу та індивідуального підходу до кожного клієнта! Ми - молода компанія з Каліфорнії, США, що надає послуги з ремонту побутової техніки. Ми пишаємося своєю відмінною репутацією, заробленою завдяки високій якості наших послуг і увазі до клієнтів. Можливо, ми і молода компанія, але ми вже завоювали репутацію завдяки нашій бездоганній роботі і спеціалізації в ремонтній галузі.Ми цінуємо наших клієнтів і завжди ставимо їх на перше місце.Як? Шляхом відмінного співвідношення ціна-якість.  У Prime Fix ми розуміємо, як важливо підтримувати побутову техніку в оптимальному робочому стані, саме тому ми прагнемо надавати швидкі, надійні та доступні послуги з ремонту.Але погодься, не можна бути справжнім майстром без нашої чудової команди! Тож ми будуємо системний відділ продажів і шукаємо саме тебе, талановитого менеджера з продажу B2C!Локація кандидата: Україна, ЄвропаРобота повністю віддалена ЗРОБИ КЛІК ТА ЗАПОВНИ ОПИТУВАЛЬНИК  без нього не розглядаємо резюме. Будь ласка)Головна вимога до роботи – володіння мовою та правильний акцент. Будьте уважні при записі аудіо)Трішки про нас:вже 4 роки надаємо послуги в Сан Францискоми спеціалісти у своїй сферіцінуємо наших клієнтів та маємо гарну репутацію шляхом хорошого співвідношення ціна-якістьЩо ми очікуємо:По-перше – володіння англійською мовою (С 2) та розуміння американського діалекту для спілкування з клієнтами.готовність працювати у вечірні зміни та бути гнучким стосовно тайм зониДосвід роботи менеджером з продажу або аналогічною посадою будь-яких видів побутових послугЗдатність розуміти потреби клієнтів і швидко та ефективно реагувати на нихЗдатність швидко  навчатись, адаптуватисьВідмінні організаторські здібності, автономність, Уважність до деталейА тепер що ми пропонуємо:)Фіксовану ставку 31000  (коли графік 5/2) та + 2-4% від продажівТи працюєш 5 дні і маєш 2 дні вихідних. Графік роботи, який дає тобі можливість влаштувати різнобарвну життєву палітру!) тобто в місяць орієнтовно 20 робочих днів/1500 гривень за зміну, а це = 31000+% + бонуси Робочі години з 18.00 до 3.00 за Київським часом Ти — наш нічний супергерой, готовий рухатися під покривом ночі!)Виплату зарплатні 1-2 рази на місяць (по бажанню співробітника) Гнучку систему бонусів, що залежить від результатів твоєї роботиМожливість стати senior manager та ментором нових співробітниківРоботу  по гарячій базі з клієнтами, які самі залишають заявки;Можливість працювати дистанційноМожливість вдосконалити свою англійську мову та підвищити свій рівень магії комунікаціїЩо потрібно буде робити:Приймати дзвінки VoIP та обробляти заявки в CRMПрацювати в часовій зоні КаліфорніїСлідувати створеним скриптам та доповнювати їхСупроводжувати клієнтів від моменту заявки до виконання послуги, надавати їм відчуття безпеки та задоволенняПідтримувати ефективну роботу відділу: виконання плану продажів, контроль якостіРобота з клієнтами після сервісу (збір відгуків, опрацювання скарг)Заповнення звітності по своїй роботіЯкщо у вас є все необхідне  і ви із задоволенням прочитали вакансію, - залишився лише один маленький крок – заповнити анкету, після чого Hr надасть вам зворотний зв'язок протягом 3 робочих днів. І в разі успішного проходження опитувальника - про все проговоримо на співбесіді) Чекаю!https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPB3a6iTWNpxdk_BeBuebstte1371cUPh4mEnh0zfiWQRYEQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
HR Operations Specialist
Ubisoft, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Array Qualifications Responsibilities: Maintenance and update of the employees` data and people-related information Supporting and updating, verifying and maintaining the database of the employees and bank-related information Administering the employee's benefits: medical and life insurance, in partnership with the insurance broker Providing relevant information to the related parties as per requests: HR analytics, reports, documents by request Support of expats: tracking the validity of the immigration documents and their timely renewal with the support of the service provider Drawing up and maintaining the HR paper flow related to the employment (hiring, termination, transfers, vacations etc) following the requirements of the Labour Code and other related laws Taking part in processes improvement activities and HR operations projects Requirements 3+ years of experience in a similar position Good knowledge of the Ukrainian labor legislation Good command of MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word) and the ability to learn to manage additional software applications Good command of English (written and spoken) Attention to details Able to meet deadlines Ability to prioritize and effective organizational skills Additional Information JOIN OUR TEAM AND THRIVE WITH THESE PERKS: Work-Life Balance: · Generous Time Off: Enjoy 20 working days of annual vacation along with additional time-off for volunteering, maternity/paternity and special occasions. Need an extended break? You can also take a sabbatical or long-term leave. · Flexible Work Arrangements: Embrace a hybrid work setup that allows for flexibility and work-life balance. Professional Growth: · Training & Development: Access training programs tailored to your professional growth and advance by attending English and French language classes. Explore development opportunities to expand your skills and boost your career in the dedicated Ubisoft learning platform and by accessing the global knowledge base. · Career development plan: Define your career goals and get a clear picture of your growth plan and opportunities. · Leadership program: Participate internal program that covers all key managerial skills and competencies and maximum adjusted to Ubisoft business reality: focus on applying theory to practice. Workplace Comfort & Tech Support: · Contemporary Office Environment: Work in a modern office space equipped with sports facilities, Fun Hub and shelter. · IT Support: Work with cutting-edge technologies and recent hardware supported by our IT team, ensuring smooth operation on your machine(s) and comfortable work arrangements. · Home Office Setup: Ensure your comfort and productivity with essential home setups provided while WFH, including peripherals and ergonomic chairs. Health & Wellness: · Comprehensive Healthcare: From premium health insurance that includes gym memberships to psychological assistance programs. We prioritize your well-being and ensure you have the best care. · Wellness Initiatives: Engage in mindfulness sessions and participate in a variety of well-being activities. Free bicycles are also available for convenient commuting and promoting a healthy lifestyle. · Snacks Options: Start your day right with breakfast options provided in the office, including dietary accommodations to suit your needs. Additionally, we offer a selection of healthy snack options in the office to support your overall wellness. Community Engagement: · Social Responsibility Initiatives: Participate in our social responsibility initiatives, contributing to meaningful change in our communities and fostering a sense of purpose beyond the workplace. Ubisoft grants you additional time-off to contribute to a good cause. Fun & Relaxation: · Ubisoft Connect: We set you up with a full list of Ubisoft titles added directly to your Ubisoft Connect account on PC and keep growing your collection with every new release. · Office Celebrations: Join in various office celebrations, game release festivities, run marathons, after-work events, fostering a vibrant and inclusive workplace culture. · Recreational Breaks: Take refreshing breaks with recreational activities like table tennis, board games, and video games available in our vibrant office environment. Dive into our Ubi-library stocked with games, board games, and books for leisure and relaxation during your rests. By offering these comprehensive benefits, we strive to create an environment where employees can thrive both personally and professionally, supported by a range of opportunities for well-being, growth, and community engagement. Ubisoft is committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable gaming experience. We create worlds where people can express themselves, explore and discover new possibilities.  Are you looking to work with enthusiastic experts who are tackling game-changing challenges in entertainment and beyond? At Ubisoft, we offer an open environment where bright ideas are given a chance to shine and everyone is eager to share knowledge. Challenge accepted?
HR Systems Specialist
Playtech, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
HR Systems SpecialistFull-timeCompany DescriptionAbout Playtech Founded in 1999, the company has a premium listing on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange and is focused on regulated and regulating markets across its B2B and B2C businesses. Both divisions leverage Playtech’s proprietary technology to deliver innovative products and services to ensure a safe, engaging and entertaining betting and gaming experience. Playtech is the gambling industry's leading technology company delivering business intelligence-driven gambling software, services, content, and platform technology across the industry's most popular product verticals, including, casino, live casino, sports betting, bingo and poker. Read more about who we are and what we do here: & Here at Playtech, we genuinely believe that people are our biggest asset. Diverse thoughts, experiences, and individual characteristics enrich our work environment and lead to better business decisions. Recognizing differences and ensuring our processes are transparent is the core of Playtech’s overall commitment to responsible business practices. Ready to level up your career?Playtech's People and Culture (HR) team is looking for People and Culture Systems Specialist with excellent communication skills and desire to learn and develop.You will be responsible for administration and configuration of People and Culture (HR) tools, providing support to end-user and preparing data analytics and reports from the systems. You will have an opportunity to work with top-notch global technologies, like SmartRecruiters, Leapsome, Enboarder and others.Job DescriptionYour influential mission. You will... Provide day-to-day support for People and Culture systems, including application tracking system, performance and learning management system, process automation tool, learning platforms Troubleshoot and resolve system issues reported by global P&C team members, ensuring minimal disruption to operationsConduct regular system audits to ensure data integrity and compliance. Prepare regular and ad-hoc reports on systems usageDevelop training materials to enhance users understanding and ensure effective usage of the toolsMonitor system performance and proactively identify areas for improvement to optimize system functionality and user experienceQualificationsComponents for success. You... Should have 1 year+ experience in system administration or analytics Be proficient in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power Point Are advanced or upper-intermediate in spoken and written English Have a strong communication skills Are resilient and able to set priorities Are good at analytical skills and desire to work with data Are passionate about People & Culture processes Want and able to learn quicklyThrive in a culture that values... Possibility to work with a top-notch People & Culture (HR) systems Opportunity to work in multi-national and diverse environments and be a part of the global team Professional growth Educational possibilities Competitive compensation Warm and friendly attitude to everyoneAdditional InformationPEOPLE & CULTURE TEAMAt Playtech, we believe that our people are our greatest asset, and our People & Culture team is at the heart of this belief. We are a dynamic, innovative, and diverse team committed to fostering a culture where everyone feels valued, inspired, and empowered.As a part of our team, you’ll play a pivotal role in shaping the experiences of our employees, from onboarding to offboarding. We are not just about policies and procedures; we are about building relationships, responding to our business needs, supporting our people, and driving to be the best we can. We are the custodians of Playtech’s culture, ensuring that our values of innovation, integrity, excellence, and performance are embedded in everything we do.We are currently seeking a People and Culture Systems Specialist who is passionate about people, technology, and creating exceptional employee experiences. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of a team that truly impacts the success of our organization.By being part of the People & Culture team at Playtech, you’ll have the opportunity to:Work with a diverse group of individuals across the globe, learning from their unique perspectives and experiences.Be part of a team that values continuous learning and supports professional development.Contribute to meaningful work that directly impacts our employees and our business.Be part of a company which is very proud to be a market leader in the gaming industry, known for its innovation and excellence.Playtech is an equal opportunities employer. Our mission is to welcome everyone and create inclusive teams. We celebrate differences and encourage everyone to join us and be themselves at work.
HR Senior Officer
UNOPS, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
On 24 February 2022, the military of the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, wit... On 24 February 2022, the military of the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, with strikes across the territory of Ukraine. Since then, Russia’s invasion imposes a severe humanitarian and socio-economic toll, global energy and food crisis, large-scale destruction of the country's infrastructure, and disruptions in the provision of critical services and degradation of social fabrics and communities’ ties, triggering one of the world’s most significant forced displacements. Severe attacks on energy and critical infrastructure facilities leave millions of people without electricity, water or heating supply, struggling to access water, food, health services, materials to repair homes, among others. The continued attacks cause substantial damage to the country’s economy and agricultural production, and also affect the poorest countries worldwide.UNOPS support to partners spans the humanitarian-development nexus from emergency response to building back better, across the housing, health, education, transport, energy and mine action sectors, through infrastructure, procurement and technical assistance / project management interventions, with the ultimate aim of supporting the country on its EU accession and in its achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals Under the guidance of the HR Manager, the HR Senior Officer ensures consistent d... Under the guidance of the HR Manager, the HR Senior Officer ensures consistent delivery of efficient and effective HR services to the client office(s). S/he interprets and applies HR policies, rules, regulations, and internal procedures to the management of key HR service lines and systems to support hiring managers in the sourcing, recruitment, selection, placement, realignment, and retention of the best available talent from internal and external sources. The incumbent provides solutions to a wide spectrum of complex HR issues, advice to international and national personnel, maintains oversight over the HR management of project personnel, and promotes a collaborative, client-oriented approach, contributing to the maintenance of high personnel morale. The HR Senior Officer works in close collaboration with the programmes, operations and project teams in the respective office/s, in ensuring successful performance in HR management.Summary of Key Functions Support to policy development and implementation Advisory Services Talent Acquisition and Administration Team Management Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing Support to policy development and implementation Contribute to HR policy development and corporate HR initiatives by assisting to generate and maintain data on trends, risks and opportunities and sharing local HR best practices. Undertake projects in support of the HR initiatives for attainment of business objectives in line with the corporate HR strategy. Generate strategic and operational workforce data for planning, including related statistical summaries and movements of UNOPS personnel within the relevant business unit/s. Ensure appropriate mapping of HR business processes to enable efficient and effective services and workflows. Communicate HR policy changes and new HR initiatives to management and personnel, providing guidance as needed. Advisory Services Provide guidance on HR related systems and processes, including but not limited to, Recruitment, Contracts, Position Management, Benefits and Entitlements consistent with UNOPS rules and procedures. Provide advice to personnel on HR services such as the performance appraisal process, learning & development activities, contracts, benefits, entitlements and remuneration and career development. In collaboration with IPAS HR, assist to provide guidance as needed on sensitive matters including grievances, potential violations in code of conduct, harassment, abuse, workplace disputes, performance improvement plans, complex employee relations matters, etc. Encourage line management responsibility for implementation of HR policies and effective team management, providing guidance and coaching as needed. Foster the relationship between supervisors and personnel encouraging dialogue and two-way constructive feedback. Collaborate with leadership to support institutional gender and diversity initiatives, providing education and advice on issues related to equity, compliance, inclusion, and diversity. Talent Acquisition and Administration: Implement talent acquisition activities in line with UNOPS policies and processes covering Recruitment, Onboarding, Position Management, Job Classification, Performance Management, Learning and Development, Change Management, Salary and Benefit administration, Contract Administration, Succession Planning and Out-processing. In collaboration with IPAS HR, oversee administration of entitlements for all personnel and the efficient administration of contractual modalities, loans, exchanges, and secondments in the region. Inform and advise UNOPS and project personnel, consultants, partners on their conditions of service and entitlements according to their contract modality, expediting actions to facilitate their efficient, timely, and client-focused onboarding. Oversee the provision of personnel reporting within the office, ensuring that systems and data are updated and in place. Lead recruitment processes ensuring best practices are used for effective and efficient talent acquisition in line with UNOPS policy. Utilize and maintain recruitment plans, tools and policy guidance to efficiently and effectively recruit and retain a diverse workforce to meet the needs of the business objectives. Maintain personnel rosters. Provide support in realignment exercises, including job fairs, to ensure timely competency elaboration, sourcing, selection, placement of required talent and transitions as well as due process. In collaboration with HQ, identify key talent areas and provide coherent, well-developed plans for obtaining, developing, and managing critical talent. Develop, utilize and recruitment plans, tools and policy guidance to efficiently and effectively recruit and retain a diverse workforce to meet the needs of the business objectives. Liaise with UNOPS’ HR related units such as SSC on all personnel administration matters. Implement organizational changes and realignment exercises affecting personnel in UNOPS in accordance with UNOPS policy, ensuring personneling actions are taken in an efficient manner. Partner with business units to take a lead role in engagement and work enrichment initiatives and development of annual training plans in collaboration with PCG. Team Management Act as Officer in Charge of the HR Section in the absence of the HR Manager. Other duties as required by the HR Manager or Head of Support Services. Knowledge building and Knowledge sharing Organize, facilitate and/or deliver training and learning initiatives for personnel on HR-related topics. Contribute to HR knowledge networks and communities of practice by providing collaborative synthesis of lessons learnt and dissemination of best practices in human resources management. Collect feedback, ideas, and internal knowledge about processes and best practices and utilize productively. Maintain HR analytic parameters and data. Lead the analysis, reporting and dashboards of personnel. Analyze and prepare reports and dashboards from UAMCO people data. Impact of Results The effective and successful achievement of results by the HR Senior Analyst directly impact on the efficient performance of HR systems, talent acquisition and administrative services of the relevant business unit. These affect client satisfaction and the readiness and capabilities of the human capital of the unit, to effectively develop and implement the programmes and projects of UNOPS. This promotes the credibility of the organization as an effective service provider in project services and management. Treats all individuals with respect; responds sensitively to differences and enc... Treats all individuals with respect; responds sensitively to differences and encourages others to do the same. Upholds organizational and ethical norms. Maintains high standards of trustworthiness. Role model for diversity and inclusion. Acts as a positive role model contributing to the team spirit. Collaborates and supports the development of others. For people managers only: Acts as positive leadership role model, motivates, directs and inspires others to succeed, utilizing appropriate leadership styles. Demonstrates understanding of the impact of own role on all partners and always puts the end beneficiary first. Builds and maintains strong external relationships and is a competent partner for others (if relevant to the role). Efficiently establishes an appropriate course of action for self and/or others to accomplish a goal. Actions lead to total task accomplishment through concern for quality in all areas. Sees opportunities and takes the initiative to act on them. Understands that responsible use of resources maximizes our impact on our beneficiaries. Open to change and flexible in a fast paced environment. Effectively adapts own approach to suit changing circumstances or requirements. Reflects on experiences and modifies own behavior. Performance is consistent, even under pressure. Always pursues continuous improvements. Evaluates data and courses of action to reach logical, pragmatic decisions. Takes an unbiased, rational approach with calculated risks. Applies innovation and creativity to problem-solving. Expresses ideas or facts in a clear, concise and open manner. Communication indicates a consideration for the feelings and needs of others. Actively listens and proactively shares knowledge. Handles conflict effectively, by overcoming differences of opinion and finding common ground. Education: Advanced University degree in Human Resources management, ... Education: Advanced University degree in Human Resources management, Business Administration, social or behavioral sciences with 2 years of relevant experience is required, OR A First University degree in Human Resources management or related fields with 4 years years of relevant experience is required Experience: A minimum of two years of professional-level human resources management experience, including HR advisory services, in a major area(s) of human resources management (HR Contract Administration, HR Reporting, Recruitment or Organizational Design) in an international, public or corporate organization at the national and/or international level is required. Proficiency in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Office) as well as web-based management systems is required. Releva Experience in a multicultural setting is desirable. Language: Fluent in English (read, write and speak) is required Contract type: Local Individual Contract Agreements (LICA)Contract level: ... Contract type: Local Individual Contract Agreements (LICA)Contract level: LICA 9
HR Manager - Focus in Recruitment
HR4ALL, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
Job Title: HR Manager (Forex Agents) Location: Kyiv, Ukraine We are seeking an experienced HR Manager based in Kyiv, Ukraine, to lead the recruitment and onboarding of Forex Agents for our new company. The ideal candidate must have a strong network and a proven pipeline of Forex Agents, capable of driving the growth of the business. You will be responsible for talent acquisition, managing HR processes, and ensuring the success of the companys expansion in the forex market. Requirements: Must reside in Kyiv, Ukraine Established pipeline of Forex Agents Strong leadership and HR experience
HR Business Partner
Readdle, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
is a pioneering force in the personal productivity space on Apple devices, having shaped the landscape since 2007. Our mission is to empower individuals and teams with innovative technology, enhancing their efficiency and creativity. We are dedicated to crafting exceptional mobile and desktop experiences for those who aspire to achieve more.Reporting to the Head of HR Business Partnering, HR Business Partner will work with the senior leaders and the Talent team to drive results increasing the organization's efficiency. This includes implementing Talent programs such as performance reviews, promotions, and action plans resulting from employee surveys. HR Business Partner will partner with the stakeholders throughout the planning and execution of these programs. In this role, you will also work on improving organizational design and structure, and provide change leadership and management coaching.What you will do in this role: HR Business Partnering & People Planning Be a strategic partner to senior leaders on people matters including organizational design, structure, growth, and day-to-day operationsPartner with Readdle managers of business functions in developing an approach on talent topics such as engagement, talent development, headcount approval, onboarding quarterly communication initiatives etc.Сoach Readdle managers in their needs to perform well as leaders, achieve great results with their teams, and develop their management skills Onboarding Support and help team members become high-performing contributors in their new roles by providing the best-in-class onboarding to new hires/ promoted employeesHelp leaders provide valuable and developing feedback by managing and coordinating the Readdle Performance Management processEnsure legal compliance is continually being met and drive resolution for complex employee issues Talent Development Practice & Process Implement and maintain outstanding Performance Management and Talent Development practices that are aligned with business goals and enable a high-performing teamSupport team members and managers in their development to ensure that they have the right skills to achieve business goalsMake sure we constantly develop and update these processes as the organization evolves and business needs transform Succession Planning Coordinate professional development planning and succession planning Collaboration across other teams Work closely with the Employment Brand team to develop and spread the culture that supports, and reflects on the business strategyWork closely with the People Operations team to ensure that all administrative HR activities are conducted effectively and that all internal procedures/policies support the culture and environment of high-performing teamsWork in close collaboration with other departments, for example, Finance and Legal to build a compliant employment practice About you: 7+ years of experience in HR in Tech / Product organizations with broad knowledge and experience in human resource managementExperience partnering with business leaders in dynamic business settingsAbility to get things done in a fast-paced environmentAbility to timely diagnose challenges and problem-solveEfficient communication skills that help handle and overcome objectionsExpertise in coaching company managers, team members, and your peers to achieve the best results Will be a plus: Master’s degree in Human ResourcesGerman labor law knowledgeWhat you will get at Readdle: Customer-centric culture. We put our customers first. It means that every employee can benefit from interacting with our customers directly. It enables us to create and deliver the best solutions for millions of our users.Professional growth. We are professionals at everything we do. It means we own our decisions, our work, and our results. We provide quality feedback to others and welcome feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve.A team of amazing people. The greatest power we have is the team. It means we care about each other, ensure transparency, and invest in everyone's success.Impact on our products. We aim to create valuable products. It means that we improve ourselves constantly by overcoming constraints, simplifying our processes, and improving our capacity.Innovative culture. We try to be innovative and creative in everything we do. It means that we expect, appreciate and value new ideas.
HR Manager \ Менеджер по персоналу. Киев
Рекрутинговое агентство Work&Life, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Транспортно-экспедиторская компания в поиске специалиста на вакансию « HR Manager \ Менеджер по персоналу». Рекрутинговое агентство W.a.L осуществляет для клиента-заказчика и выступает в роле внешнего отдела кадров. Оплата услуг агентства производится Работодателем.Клиент: Транспортно-экспедиторские услугиШтат до 20 человекБолее 7 лет на рынке Требования к кандидату: Высшее образование (желательно психологическое)Опыт работы не аналогичной должности – от 2х летОпыт проведение тренингов – будет преимуществомОпыт в адаптации и мотивации персоналаОтличное знание кадрового законодательства Обязанности: Поиск и подбор персоналаВедение кадрового делопроизводства (до 20 человек): приказы, отпуска, трудовые…Адаптация персоналаРазработка и введение новых мотивационных схем (желательно) Условия труда: Оплата: Ставка (индивидуально)Пятидневка, 9:00 – 18:00 (пт до 17:00)
HR Business Partner
Ubisoft, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description Purpose of the role – to partner with people managers on all people-related matters supporting people processes and tools. Responsibilities 1. Performance Management & Career development — Performance review process Holding the performance review process (calibrate and update all application, follow-up onprogress, finalize itinagreed deadlines) Managing all issues with the performance management application Performing analysis throughout ayear tocheck top performers, low performers and toprovide the data toHRM and Production Management Supporting the teams and Leads with the process ofsetting objectives — Employees’ development Level-up Process for the assigned teams Updating and ensuring policies on career changes/movements (horizontally and vertically) Coaching & training managers onhow todevelop teams Supporting development activities under L&D leadership (e.g. Development Center, Trainings etc). Supporting the process ofIndividual Development Plan creation and implementation (regular discussions, track ofthe progress, follow upto theManagement) 2. Employees’ Turnover Support managers in creating & updating regularly the risk assessment for each employee. Consult the Project leaders on the strategic vision of the organizational chart and succession planning within the team Conduct bi-yearly Health Checks for teams Propose and improve overall retention strategy within existing resources Consult the managers on measures on the voluntary/involuntary turnover 3. Onboarding & Offboarding Keeping monthly track of the cases Ensure all the processes are implemented consistently and in accordance with established standards and guidelines Ensure a smooth on- and off-boarding experience Support elaboration of communication plans together with the managers. 4. Projects Lead and manage implementation of new global and/or local HR processes and tools. Supports other HR and G&A teams on implementation of their projects/processes within their teams (C&B, L&D, HR Ops, Finance etc.) Qualifications —University degree —Experience inHR asHRBP, Generalist orPeople Partner; — Knowledge of key management/HR concepts and tools —Strong work ethics —Ability toprovide coaching and feedback; facilitation skills —Ability to balance attention between people and business needs well —Good command ofMicrosoft Office Suite (Excel, Word and PowerPoint); —Fluent English; Personal qualities: —Atrue team player, willing and engaging; —Problem-solving and open-minded; —Flexible, ready for dynamics and changes; —Strong leadership skills, autonomous and proactive attitude, results-oriented; —Sense ofinitiative, analytical skills; —Strong interpersonal and communication skills, both written and spoken; —Seeks for improvement; Ubisoft iscommitted toenriching players’ lives with original and memorable gaming experience. Wecreate worlds where people can express themselves, explore and discover new possibilities. Our future colleague: —Develops and integrates all aspects ofTalent Management and ensures alignment with strategic priorities and core values; —Develops and supports the talent lifecycle processes and approaches through effective collaboration with managers; —Operates with different internal systems to generate insight for the team/ department improvement; —Participates asacollaborative team member with other HRBPs toprovide consistent and professional service toall stakeholders inthe Production and G&A departments. Additional Information JOIN OUR TEAMANDTHRIVE WITH THESE PERKS: Work-Life Balance: Generous Time Off: Enjoy 20working days ofannual vacation along with additional time-off for volunteering, maternity/paternity and special occasions. Need anextended break? You can also take asabbatical orlong-term leave. Flexible Work Arrangements: Embrace ahybrid work setup that allows for flexibility and work-life balance. Professional Growth: Training & Development: Access training programs tailored toyour professional growth and advance byattending English and French language classes. Explore development opportunities toexpand your skills and boost your career inthe dedicated Ubisoft learning platform and byaccessing the global knowledge base. Career development plan: Define your career goals and get aclear picture ofyour growth plan and opportunities. Leadership program: Participate internal program that covers all key managerial skills and competencies and maximum adjusted toUbisoft business reality: focus onapplying theory topractice. Workplace Comfort & Tech Support: Contemporary Office Environment: Work inamodern office space equipped with sports facilities, Fun Hub and shelter. ITSupport: Work with cutting-edge technologies and recent hardware supported byourIT team, ensuring smooth operation onyour machine(s) and comfortable work arrangements. Home Office Setup: Ensure your comfort and productivity with essential home setups provided while WFH, including peripherals and ergonomic chairs. Health & Wellness: Comprehensive Healthcare: From premium health insurance that includes gym memberships topsychological assistance programs. Weprioritize your well-being and ensure you have the best care. Wellness Initiatives: Engage inmindfulness sessions and participate inavariety ofwell-being activities. Free bicycles are also available for convenient commuting and promoting ahealthy lifestyle. Snacks Options: Start your day right with breakfast options provided inthe office, including dietary accommodations tosuit your needs. Additionally, weoffer aselection ofhealthy snack options inthe office tosupport your overall wellness. Community Engagement: Social Responsibility Initiatives: Participate inour social responsibility initiatives, contributing tomeaningful change inour communities and fostering asense ofpurpose beyond the workplace. Ubisoft grants you additional time-off tocontribute toagood cause. Fun & Relaxation: Ubisoft Connect: Weset you upwith afull list ofUbisoft titles added directly toyour Ubisoft Connect account onPC and keep growing your collection with every new release. Office Celebrations: Join invarious office celebrations, game release festivities, run marathons, after-work events, fostering avibrant and inclusive workplace culture. Recreational Breaks: Take refreshing breaks with recreational activities like table tennis, board games, and video games available inour vibrant office environment. Dive into our Ubi-library stocked with games, board games, and books for leisure and relaxation during your rests. Ubisoft is committed to enriching players’ lives with original and memorable gaming experience. We create worlds where people can express themselves, explore and discover new possibilities. Are you looking to work with enthusiastic experts who are tackling game-changing challenges in entertainment and beyond? At Ubisoft, we offer an open environment where bright ideas are given a chance to shine and everyone is eager to share knowledge. Challenge accepted?
HR Business Partner M/F
Egis Ukraina, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Responsibilities: Monitor and interpret Ukrainian labor laws, regulations, and industry standards to ensure compliance. Advise the HR Manager and management team on legal requirements and potential risks related to employment practices and personnel management Oversee day-to-day administrative tasks such as employee records management, payroll administration, benefits coordination, and contract management.  Act as a professional advisor to the HR Manager and other stakeholders on strategic HR issues, including organizational changes, employee relations, and Develop, implement, and enforce personnel policies and procedures that align with both Egis’s corporate policies and Ukrainian legal requirements. Ensure that all employees are informed about company policies and changes in legislation affecting their employment. Identify and assess potential risks related to Ukrainian labor laws and regulations and develop strategies to mitigate these risks. Facilitate effective communication between the HR department, employees, and external partners such as legal advisors and government agencies. Prepare and maintain accurate records and reports related to employee data, compliance audits, and other administrative matters. Generate regular reports for the HR Manager and other senior management to review organizational and compliance metrics.  Develop and deliver training programs to ensure that HR staff and management are knowledgeable about Ukrainian labor laws and company policies.   Requirements:  Mandatory: At least 3 years of experience as an HR Business Parner or in a related role Full understanding of all HR functions and best practices  Strong knowledge of Ukrainian labor legislation  Knowledge in structuring HR processes and using HR metrics  Excellent communication and organizational skills  Ability to identify issues, analyze them, and participate in their resolution Strong work ethic and the ability to take responsibility for one's own actions High level in English (upper-intermediate/B2) and fluent in Ukrainian Disirable: Experience working in an international environment Understanding of HR process in a project-driven company Experience in implementing large-scale HR and change initiatives
HR Business Analyst
Wargaming, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Wargaming is looking to hire an experienced HR Business Analyst to join the HR Technology team, responsible for the HR systems portfolio and HR Processes automation.In this role, you will act as a specialist within the HR Technology team, primarily focusing on understanding and improving HR processes through automation and optimization. . You’ll leverage BPMN and other process modeling tools to design, document, and enhance HR processes for systems such as SAP SuccessFactors, Greenhouse, and more. You will collaborate with other roles to ensure the solutions align with both HR needs and overall business objectives, while other roles manage different aspects like product strategy (Product Owners), detailed requirements (Business Analysts), and project delivery (Project Managers).Reports toHead of HR TechnologyWhat will you do? Understand and Analyze HR Needs: Conduct in-depth analysis of HR teams’ business needs, assess current processes, and support the development of effective automated solutions to meet these needs and achieve business objectives. Define and Communicate Requirements: Gather and clearly define business requirements, and present them to the technology team for development, ensuring that all needs are accurately captured and addressed. Stakeholder Management: Oversee stakeholder interactions throughout the entire solution lifecycle, ensuring alignment, managing expectations, and addressing concerns as they arise. Policy and Process Development: Create, implement, and maintain global HR policies and processes, ensuring they are effective, up-to-date, and aligned with organizational goals. System and Process Improvement: Review and analyze current HR systems and processes to identify areas for enhancement. Design and propose modifications, secure stakeholder approval, and oversee the implementation of improvements. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Work collaboratively with internal clients and other functional teams to support the successful delivery and integration of HR technology programs, ensuring seamless coordination and communication. What are we looking for? 5+ years of practical experience as a Process Analyst, Process Designer, Business Analyst or Process Manager in a global organization.Demonstrated experience in defining, optimizing, and documenting HR processes and workflows for systems like Greenhouse, and SAP SuccessFactors.Proficiency in BPMN 2.0 and experience using business process modeling tools such as MS Visio, Bizagi Modeler, Signavio, etc., specifically in an HR context.Ability to collaborate with HR and technical teams to translate business requirements into effective, automated HR processes.Fluency in EnglishStrong communication skills and the curiosity to learn on the job in a fast-paced environment What additional skills will help you stand out? Experience (or strong practical understanding) in working with SAP SuccessFactors or WorkdayExperience with Atlassian products (Confluence, Jira) Work mode Hybrid (2-3 days of work from the office), not eligible for relocation support. BenefitsBenefits and perks are tailored to the local market and culture. Our benefits in Kyiv include: 24 business days of annual leave per calendar year6 trust days per calendar yearCareer development and education opportunities within the companyPremium Private Health Care (with wellness program option)Mental well-being program (iFeel)Life event bonuses (Employee’s Birthday, Marriage, Child’s Birth…)English courses with 50% contributionEmployee discountsPersonal Gaming Account Coffee, fruits, and snacks in the officeCompany events Seniority Awards Referral program - You can recommend the best talents to the company and receive a reward
HR Assistant
Premier Media, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Premier Media is proud to be part of a group of companies founded by Nate Ginsburg, built with a two-fold mission: to discover and empower amazing talent while building strong, connected communities all around the world. This vision drives everything we do, from the way we recruit to how we encourage collaboration across global teams. It’s not just about finding the right people for the job; it’s about creating meaningful work that contributes to something bigger. When you join Premier Media, you’re stepping into a network that believes in the power of talent and community. We seek out individuals who are passionate, skilled, and ready to contribute to a larger purpose. Our projects allow you to showcase your abilities while making real connections across industries and geographies. Working with us means being part of a company that is committed to your growth and to building thriving communities worldwide. If you’re looking to advance your career in an environment that values innovation and collaboration, PremierMedia is where you can truly flourish. Are you passionate about HR, ready to support a dynamic team, and available to work part-time? Join us as an HR Assistant, helping with reports, onboarding, and more—all while working remotely from anywhere in Eastern Europe! Your Mission: Day to Day Responsibilities Prepare and deliver HR quarterly reports. Onboard new employees and ensure smooth integration into the team. Manage and distribute payslips. Provide answers to employee questions, acting as the go-to HR contact. Host virtual coffee breaks every six months to keep team morale high. Research and implement new virtual team-building activities. Support other HR-related tasks as needed. Your Toolbox: Skills to be Successful Basic HR knowledge and 1-2 years of experience in HR or administrative roles. Familiarity with HR software (e.g., BambooHR) and team communication tools like Slack. Excellent communication skills for answering questions and facilitating onboarding. Tech-savvy with a strong ability to work remotely and independently. Fluent in English. Bonus: Recruitment experience, though not required. Your Perks: What's in it for you Work remotely, anywhere from Eastern Europe (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Albania, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania, etc.). Flexible 10 hours per week (40 hours per month), perfect for a side gig or part-time role. Opportunity to build and maintain a positive, engaging work culture. Collaborate closely with a supportive HR team leader. Great opportunity to grow You’ll be joining a high-level and fast-paced team, working with exciting businesses and projects Why Premier Media? At Premier Media, we don’t just fill positions – we create pathways to success. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, we’re here to help you grow, innovate, and make an impact. If you’re looking for exciting opportunities and, a team that’s as passionate as you are, this is the place to be. What to Expect from Our Application Process? Once you apply, you’ll receive an email guiding you through the next steps, including an assessment tailored to the role. Be sure to check your inbox (and your spam folder , just in case) for further instructions. We understand your time is valuable , so we strive to keep the entire process under 60 minutes whenever possible, though some roles may require a slightly longer time investment. Once selected, you’ll have the chance to schedule an interview with our team. We aim to make the process as smooth and transparent as possible, so you’ll always know where you stand.
HR Assistant
Premier Media, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Are you passionate about HR, ready to support a dynamic team, and available to work part-time? Join us as an HR Assistant, helping with reports, onboarding, and more—all while working remotely from anywhere in Eastern Europe! Your Mission: Day to Day Responsibilities Prepare and deliver HR quarterly reports. Onboard new employees and ensure smooth integration into the team. Manage and distribute payslips. Provide answers to employee questions, acting as the go-to HR contact. Host virtual coffee breaks every six months to keep team morale high. Research and implement new virtual team-building activities. Support other HR-related tasks as needed. Your Toolbox: Skills to be Successful Basic HR knowledge and 1-2 years of experience in HR or administrative roles. Familiarity with HR software (e.g., BambooHR) and team communication tools like Slack. Excellent communication skills for answering questions and facilitating onboarding. Tech-savvy with a strong ability to work remotely and independently. Fluent in English. Bonus: Recruitment experience, though not required. Your Perks: What's in it for you Work remotely, anywhere from Eastern Europe (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Albania, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania, etc.). Flexible 10 hours per week (40 hours per month), perfect for a side gig or part-time role. Opportunity to build and maintain a positive, engaging work culture. Collaborate closely with a supportive HR team leader. Great opportunity to grow You’ll be joining a high-level and fast-paced team, working with exciting businesses and projects Why Premier Media? At Premier Media, we don’t just fill positions – we create pathways to success. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, we’re here to help you grow, innovate, and make an impact. If you’re looking for exciting opportunities and, a team that’s as passionate as you are, this is the place to be. What to Expect from Our Application Process? Once you apply, you’ll receive an email guiding you through the next steps, including an assessment tailored to the role. Be sure to check your inbox (and your spam folder , just in case) for further instructions. We understand your time is valuable , so we strive to keep the entire process under 60 minutes whenever possible, though some roles may require a slightly longer time investment. Once selected, you’ll have the chance to schedule an interview with our team. We aim to make the process as smooth and transparent as possible, so you’ll always know where you stand.
Старший інспектор з кадрів
ДП «ДАО «РадіоБенд Олекснадра Фокіна», Київ
Завдання і обов’язки:облік особового складу підприємства;оформлення прийому, переведення і звільнення працівників;ведення особових справ працівників,облік трудових книжок;облік відпусток працівникам;ведення архіву особових справ;здійснення контролю за станом трудової дисципліни в підрозділах підприємства;складання встановленої звітності. Вимоги: повна вища освіта відповідного напряму;стаж роботи за професією інспектора з кадрів — не менше 3 років. Умови роботи:заробітна плата –6200грн. разом з податками;повна зайнятість;офіційне працевлаштування на державне підприємство.
Спеціаліст відділу роботи з персоналом та керівними кадрами
Комітет з фізичного виховання та спорту МОН, Київ
Вимоги:вільне володіння державної мовоювища освіта (не нижче першого (бакалаврського) рівня)досвід роботи за фахом не менше одного рокуОбов’язки:1. Ведення та заповнення особових карток П-2.2. Подання звiтiв до державних органiв.3. Підготовка:проєктів наказів про призначення, переведення, звільнення та наказів за напрямками роботи, визначеними посадовою інструкцією;необхідних матеріалів, проєктів документів, що стосуються державних, відомчих нагород і заохочень працівників центрального апарату Комітету, керівників установ та закладів, що знаходяться у підпорядкуванні Комітету; спортсменів, тренерів, членів штабу тощо за результатами спортивно-масових заходів;за поданнями керівників установ та закладів, що знаходяться у підпорядкуванні Комітету на фізкультурно-спортивних працівників необхідних матеріалів, проектів документів, що стосуються державних, відомчих нагород і заохочень.4. У межах компетенції та за дорученням керівника готує у визначеному законодавством порядку документи про притягнення працівників до дисциплінарної відповідальності.5. Ведення книги реєстрації наказів по особовому складу та книги реєстрації вихідного листування (з грифом «для службового користування») відділу роботи з персоналом та керівними кадрами;6. Ведення книг (журналів) реєстрації відомчих відзнак Комітету;7. Ведення документації відділу та номенклатури справ.8. Здійснює облік надання відпусток; контролює дотримання графіків відпусток працівників центрального апарату Комітету та керівниками установ та закладів, що знаходяться у підпорядкуванні Комітету.9. Веде записи в трудових книжках про призначення, переведення, звільнення, заохочення працівників10. Веде архів особових справ працівників, після закінчення встановлених строків поточного зберігання.11. Оформлює документи, необхідні для призначення пенсій працівникам апарату і господарсько-обслуговуючому персоналу Комітету.12. Ведення військового обліку та бронювання на період мобілізації та на воєнний час військовозобов'язаних працівників.13. Виконує окремі доручення керівництва.Умовиофіс в центрі міста5-денний робочий тиждень з понеділка по четвер з 09:00 до 18:00, п’ятницю з 09:00 до 16:45.8-годинний робочий деньофіційне працевлаштуванняоплата праці (посадовий оклад 6294 грн, надбавки і доплати);оплачувана щорічна відпустка (31 календарний день)надання матеріальної допомоги на оздоровлення до щорічної відпустки у розмірі посадового окладуможливі короткочасні службові відрядженні в межах території Україниоплата днів тимчасової непрацездатностіЦінності:цінуємо відповідальність, високу працездатність, ефективність, продуктивність та результативністьдля вас має значення своєчасне та якісне виконання роботи;готовність постійно вчитися, підвищувати свою професійну компетентність;порядність, гідність, нульова толерантність до корупції;високий рівень мотивації та активна громадянська позиція.Просимо надсилати резюме та мотиваційні листи тільки українською мовою.Якщо Ви поділяєте наші цінності - приєднуйтесь до нас :)
Фахівець з персоналу (найм, кадри)
Майстерно впізнаєте таланти, лише глянувши на резюме чи під час першої співбесіди? Ви ж самі талант! Приєднуйтеся до нашої команди :)Для роботи вам знадобляться:Володіння сучасними методиками підбору й оцінювання персоналуВпевнене володіння ПКЛюбов до людейКомунікабельність та цілеспрямованістьВашими основними обов’язками будуть:Пошук та відбір персоналу в супермаркетВедення кадрового діловодстваАдаптація нових працівниківОрганізація мотиваційних заходівПриєднуйтесь до команди «Сільпо» та:Розраховуйте на нас. Стабільна зарплата та офіційне працевлаштування.Будьте здорові. Страхування життя.Зберігайте баланс. Можливий індивідуальний графік роботи з урахуванням бізнес-процесів та власних побажань.Вливайтеся миттєво. Допомога колег і керівників у адаптації новачків.Пишайтеся роботою. Кар'єра в компанії, що входить до ТОП-ритейлерів України.Всебічно розвивайтеся. Різноманітні тренінги, пільги на вивчення іноземної мови або відвідування спортивних закладів.Спілкуйтеся вільно, пропонуйте сміливо. Відкрита лінія для важливих питань, екологічних та інноваційних ідей працівників.Почувайтеся особливо. Спеціальні пропозиції в компаніях, що належать Fozzy Group.Їжте смачно. Знижки на власне виробництво «Сільпо» (кулінарія, випічка, кондитерські вироби, чай та кава).Отже, надсилайте резюме та приєднуйтеся до «Сільпо»!Телефонуke: +38********89, Олена менеджер з персоналуЗ повагою, HR-команда «Сільпо»
ребуется менеджер в отдел кадров
Компания Antlant приглашает на работу менеджера в отдел кадров.Требования:Опыт работы в HR или кадровом делопроизводстве Умение работать с кадровой документациейОтличные коммуникативные навыкиВнимательность к деталям и ответственностьОбязанности:Ведение кадрового делопроизводства (прием, увольнение, оформление отпусков)Организация обучения и адаптации новых сотрудниковВзаимодействие с руководством и сотрудниками по вопросам кадровой политикиВедение отчетности и работа с внутренними системамиУсловия:Официальное трудоустройствоЗарплата: 20 000 гривен в месяцСоциальные гарантии, корпоративные мероприятия, обучениеВозможность профессионального и карьерного ростаПрисоединяйтесь к нашей команде и развивайтесь вместе с нами!
Інспектор з безпеки (м Київ)
ТЕРМІНОВО ПОТРІБІНІ ОХОРОННИКИДля роботи в супермаркетах та гіпермаркетах міста КиєваОХОРОННИЙ ХОЛДИНГ ЗАПРОШУЄ ПРАЦІВНИКІВчоловіків та жінокна посаду:ІНСПЕКТОР З БЕЗПЕКИГрафік роботи: денні та доові зміни, можлива "Вахта"Зарплата: від 800 грн за зміну (договірна) + "бонуси" за результатами роботиВиплата зарплати: своєчасноОбовязковий досвід роботиКонтактна інформація:09*********60, 09*********43 Відділ кадрів
інспектор відділу кадрів
Будівельна компанія КСМ-груп запрошує на роботу інспектора відділу кадрів для ведення військового обліку. Заробітна плата - за результатами співбесіди.Адреса: вул. Метрологічна 42, р-н. Голосіївський, метро ТеремкиРобочий графік: 8.00-17.00 ПН-ПТ. Офіційне працевлаштування.
HR Manager дистанційно
Приєднуйтесь до команди «ANF Company» в ролі Скаут-менеджера!Ми шукаємо проактивного та креативного професіонала, готового долучитися до нашої команди та допомогти нам знаходити найталановитіших спеціалістів.Ваші завдання:Пошук і підбір кандидатів, які відповідають заданим критеріям.Проведення інтерв'ю в чатах та передача контактів відібраних кандидатів старшому менеджеру.Надавати кандидатам інформацію про роботу та супроводжувати їх на кожному етапі процесу.Що ми очікуємо:Відмінні навички спілкування.Сильне бажання навчатися та розвиватися.Здатність ефективно працювати в команді.Гнучкість у підходах і готовність до змін.Володіння англійською мовою вітається.Ми пропонуємо:Зручний графік, що дає можливість поєднувати роботу з особистим життям.Перспективи професійного та кар'єрного зростання.Робота над цікавими проектами, що сприяють вашому розвитку.Дружня команда, яка підтримає вас на шляху до успіху.Особливі умови: Ми маємо спеціальні пропозиції для досвідчених скаутів, які готові зробити наступний крок у своїй кар’єрі. Подробиці обговорюються на співбесіді.Готові до нових викликів? Надсилайте своє резюме та приєднуйтесь до нашої команди! Якщо резюме у вас немає – не проблема, головне – ваше бажання розвиватися та працювати з нами.