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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Инженер монтажник в Закарпатській області"

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Авиационный инженер

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Ассистент инженера

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Ведущий инженер

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Ведущий инженер ПОС

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Горный инженер

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Дежурный инженер

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Инженер АСУ

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Инженер АТС

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Инженер АХО

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Инженер водоснабжения и водоотведения

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Инженер ВОЛС

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Инженер геофизик

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Инженер гидравлик

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Инженер гидролог

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Инженер гидротехник

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Инженер ГСМ

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Инженер диспетчер

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Инженер дозиметрист

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Инженер дорожник

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Инженер землеустроитель

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Инженер испытатель

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Инженер КИПиА

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Инженер конструктор

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Инженер консультант

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Инженер кораблестроитель

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Инженер лаборант

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Инженер лесного хозяйства

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Инженер материально-технического снабжения

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Инженер менеджер

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Инженер менеджер по качеству

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Инженер металлург

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Инженер метролог

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Инженер микробиолог

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Инженер мостовик

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Инженер МТО

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Инженер на производство

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Инженер нефтяник

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Инженер нормировщик

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Инженер ОМТС

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Инженер ОПС

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Инженер оптик

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Инженер отделочных работ

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Инженер ОТК

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Инженер ПГС

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Инженер по автоматизации

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Инженер по автоматизации и механизации производственных процессов

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Инженер по автоматике

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Инженер по БДД

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Инженер по безопасности дорожного движения

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Инженер по бурению

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Инженер по вентиляции

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Инженер по вентиляции и кондиционированию

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Инженер по гражданской обороне

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Инженер по закупкам

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Инженер по инструменту

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Инженер по информационной безопасности

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Инженер по кадрам

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Инженер по качеству

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Инженер по комплектации

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Инженер по медицинскому оборудованию

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Инженер по надзору за строительством

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Инженер по наклонно направленному бурению

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Инженер по наладке и испытаниям

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Инженер по нормированию труда

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Инженер по обслуживанию банкоматов

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Инженер по обслуживанию видеонаблюдения

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Инженер по обслуживанию холодильного оборудования

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Инженер по организации труда

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Инженер по отоплению

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Инженер по охране

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Инженер по планированию производства вакансии

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Инженер по подготовке производства

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Инженер по пожарной безопасности

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Инженер по продажам

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Инженер по проектно-сметной работе

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Инженер по промышленной безопасности

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Инженер по радиационной безопасности

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Инженер по ремонту

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Инженер по ремонту оборудования

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Инженер по сварке

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Инженер по сертификации

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Инженер по сертификации и стандартизации

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Инженер по снабжению

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Инженер по согласованиям

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Инженер по сопровождению

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Инженер по стандартизации

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Инженер по телекоммуникациям

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Инженер по тестированию

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Инженер по технике безопасности

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Инженер по техносферной безопасности

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Инженер по транспорту

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Инженер по труду

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Инженер по эксплуатации

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Инженер по эксплуатации автотранспорта

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Инженер по эксплуатации зданий и сооружений

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Инженер ПОС

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Инженер программист ЧПУ

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Инженер производственно технического отдела

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Инженер пусконаладчик

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Инженер радиотехник

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Инженер радиоэлектронщик

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Инженер разработчик

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Инженер релейной защиты и автоматики

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Инженер релейщик

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Инженер РЗА

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Инженер сантехник

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Инженер сварочного производства

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Инженер сварщик

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Инженер светотехник

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Инженер связи

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Инженер систем безопасности

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Инженер скс

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Инженер слаботочник

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Инженер слаботочных систем

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Инженер со знанием английского языка

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Инженер стажер

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Инженер строительной лаборатории

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Инженер схемотехник

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Инженер тгв

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Инженер телеметрист

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Инженер теплотехник

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Инженер теплоэнергетик

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Инженер технической поддержки

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Инженер физик

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Инженер химик

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Инженер эколог

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Инженер электролаборатории

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Инженер электромеханик

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Инженер электросвязи

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Инженер Этл

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Смотреть статистику


Смотреть статистику


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Кадастровый инженер

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Математик инженер

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Сервис инженер

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Сетевой инженер

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Системный инженер

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Сменный инженер

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Показати ще

Рекомендовані вакансії

Інженер-конструктор у Хуст
Recruiting Support, Хуст
У нашого партнера деревообробного підприємства відкрита вакансія інженера-конструктора.Основна задача: Проектування деревообробного обладнання та верстатів у САПР, розробка конструкції, інструментів і механізмівУмови роботи:- графік: пн-пт з 09:00−18:00- підприємство знаходиться в місті Хуст, Закарпатська обл- Шукаємо людину готову до переїзду — житло надаємо.- Також надається бронь.Вимоги:- Досвід роботи на посаді з аналогічним функціоналом від 2 років- Англійська для читання технічної документації- Знання: SolidWorks, Компас, AutoCAD, Autodesk Invertor, MS OfficeОбов’язки фахівця:- Розроблює ескізні, технічні і робочі проєкти, забезпечує в ході проєктування відповідність розроблюваних конструкцій технічним завданням, стандартам, нормам техніки безпеки, вимогам найбільш економної технології виробництва, а також застосування в проєктах стандартизованих й уніфікованих деталей і складальних одиниць- Розроблює кінематичні схеми, загальні компонування і теоретичні погодження окремих елементів конструкцій на основі принципових схем і ескізних проєктів, перевіряє робочі проєкти і проводить контроль креслень за фахом або профілем роботи, знімає ескізи складних деталей з натури і виконує складні деталювання- Проводить технічні розрахунки в ході проєктування і техніко-економічний аналіз ефективності конструкцій, які проєктуються, розроблює інструкції з експлуатації конструкцій, пояснювальні записки до них, карти технічного рівня, паспорти (в тому числі патентні й ліцензійні), програми випробувань, технічні умови, повідомлення щодо змін у раніше розроблених кресленнях та іншу технічну документацію- Вивчає й аналізує конструкторську документацію, що надходить від інших підприємств і організацій, з метою її використання під час проєктування і конструювання- Погоджує розроблювані проєкти з іншими підрозділами підприємства, представниками замовника та органів нагляду, економічно обґрунтовує розроблювані конструкції- Бере участь у монтажі, налагоджуванні, випробуваннях і здаванні до експлуатації експериментальних зразків, у складанні заявок на винаходи і промислові зразки, а також у роботах, які охоплюють удосконалення, модернізацію, уніфікацію конструйованих виробів, їх елементів і розроблення проєктів стандартів- Готує відгуки і висновки на проєкти стандартів, раціоналізаторські пропозиції і винаходи, які стосуються окремих елементів і складальних одиницьЕтапи співбесід: 1)Рекрутер 2) Головний інженер. Також є тестове завдання.За детальною інформацією звертайтесь в месенджерах (0665680405) Ліна.
Електрик на підприємство Ужгород 20 000грн
, Ужгород, Закарпатська область
Підприємство з виробництва харчової продукції оголошує про пошук співробітника на посаду електрик.Обов'язки: монтаж електромереж, обслуговування мереж та обладнання на підприємстві, усунення аварійних пошкоджень, інші роботи поставлені головним інженером.Вимоги: досвід роботи, наявність допуску, порядність, відповідальність, вміння працювати в колективі, без шкідливих звичок.телефонуйте:09*******62 Володимир Анатолійович;06********61Ігор Анатолійович.В зв'язку зі стабілізаційними відключеннями електроенергії, та як наслідок-погана робота операторів мобільного зв'язку, телефонуйте також на WhatsApp
Провідний Інженер-конструктор
, Минай, Закарпатська область
Вакансія: Провідний Інженер-конструктор механіка, котли, системи транспортування сипучих матеріалів, бункери, трубопроводи, шнеки.Є бронь.Не місцевим надаємо житло.Без резюме не розглядаємо.Вакансія: Інженер конструктор 1 категорії (машинобудування, котлобудування)Компанія «Топ-Енерджі, ТОВ» шукає кваліфікованого спеціаліста на посаду Головного Інженера-конструктора. Ми є лідерами у виробництві та монтажі опалювального обладнання та систем. Наша компанія відома своєю високою якістю продукції та інноваційними рішеннями.Основні обов’язки:Розробка конструкцій та технічних рішень для виробництва опалювального обладнання;Ведення проектної документації та керування процесом розробки;Взаємодія з виробництвом та замовниками для вирішення технічних питань;Контроль якості та відповідність виробництва до проектних вимог.Вимоги:Досвід роботи на посаді Інженер-конструктор 1 категорії не менше 2 років;Вища освіта в галузі інженерії;Вміння працювати з CAD-програмами та іншими інженерними інструментами;Знання технічних стандартів та нормативних документів;Висока відповідальність, організованість та комунікабельність.Ми пропонуємо:Конкурентну заробітну плату, яка відповідає рівню досвіду та кваліфікації;Можливість професійного зростання та розвитку;Цікаві та складні проекти;Дружній та професійний колектив;Офіційне працевлаштування та соціальні гарантії.Якщо ви готові приєднатися до нашої успішної команди, надсилайте своє резюме за вказаною адресою електронної пошти. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на вашу заявку!
Product Engineer
405 Flextronics LLC, Uzhhorod, Zakarpats'ka oblast, ua
Job Summary To support our extraordinary teams who build great products and contribute to our growth, we’re looking to add a Product Engineer located in Mukachevo, Ukraine.Reporting to the Senior Product Engineer, the Product Engineer role involves receiving, analyze, clean, and customize all technical information/documentation from the customer related to his product, derived from a New Product Introduction (NPI) or a design change in order to establish all necessary processes to manufacture it by maintaining its design and performance integrity.What a typical day looks like:Handle product transfer and new product set up.Support production by assessing product engineering issues of diverse scope that arise on production line.Suggest improvements to process to obtain improved quality and production yield.Solve product related problems and perform failure analysis related to product issues.Interact with customer and various departments on product related issues – engineering changes, new model development.Work with design team to resolve design related issues.Suggest modification to work instructions, material or product changes to ensure superior quality of products.Customer´s Bill of Material (BOM) analysis and structure definition for productionFunctional Product Documentation reviewSafety Requirements and regulations compliance identificationEngineering Drawings Interpretation of individual parts and assemblies.Request customer for drawing corrections, additions, clarification, measurements methodsLead Engineering Changes ImplementationThe experience we’re looking to add to our team:Typically requires an associate degree in related fieldTypically requires 2 years of related experience.What you’ll receive for the great work you provide:Interesting and challenging job in an experienced and close-knit teamSubstantive support in the process of adaptationParticipation in projects of international scopeRelocation support and competitive compensation packageKS59Job CategoryProduction EngineeringRequired Skills:Optional Skills:Flex is an Equal Opportunity Employer and employment selection decisions are based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. We celebrate diversity and do not discriminate based on: age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, disability, pregnancy status, or any other status protected by law. We're happy to provide reasonable accommodations to those with a disability for assistance in the application process. Please email and we'll discuss your specific situation and next steps (NOTE: this email does not accept or consider resumes or applications. This is only for disability assistance. To be considered for a position at Flex, you must complete the application process first).
Middle Software Developer (C++)Poland, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Kyiv, Uzhhorod, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, Rivne, LutskSoftware Engineering, C\C++.
Eleks, Uzhhorod, Zakarpats'ka oblast, ua
ELEKS is looking for a Middle Software Developer (C++) to join our team in Poland and in Ukraine (Lviv, Kyiv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Lutsk).ABOUT CLIENTOur customer is one of the biggest financial institutions in the USA.ABOUT PROJECTWe create software for accounting and data management solutions, performance, insurance, risk management, etc.REQUIREMENTS 3+ years of experience with C++At least an Intermediate Strong Level of EnglishClear communication skills & responsible attitude to workPossibility for on-site with the client abroad RESPONSIBILITIES Develop solutions and algorithms according to technical specifications or other requirements documentation; use standard algorithms in the applicable casesWrite program code according to the defined application architectureStructure and format the source code, comment and mark up the code, as well as name variables, functions, classes, data structures, and files according to the company conventions and industry best practicesModify existing code and verify its functioning. Analyze code compliance with readability and performance standardsUse version control systems to track code optimization progress and to merge or split program code entities. Commit changes according to version control rulesPerform analysis, verification, and debugging of the software code at the level of application unitsDetect defects, apply debugging methods and techniques, correctly interpret bug reports, as well as apply modern compilers, debuggers, and program code optimizersAble to develop procedures for testing code availability, collecting diagnostic data, generating test data sets with necessary characteristics, identifying required software characteristics, etc.Reproduce defects logged in an issue tracking system, identify defect causes, and then modify code to eliminate defectsAble to develop and document program interfaces, software module and component assembling procedures, software deployment and update procedures as well as data migration and transformation (conversion) proceduresEstimate and set up task completion terms independentlyEvaluate and coordinate task deadlines with Technical Leader or Project ManagerMay have valid competence-related certificationsParticipate, both as a trainer or a trainee, in various learning programs outside the major project What will you get with ELEKS Close cooperation with a customerChallenging tasksCompetence developmentAbility to influence project technologiesProjects from scratchTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracy ABOUT ELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.Benefitsundefined
Senior Software Developer (C++)Poland, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Kyiv, Uzhhorod, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, Rivne, LutskSoftware Engineering, C\C++.
Eleks, Uzhhorod, Zakarpats'ka oblast, ua
ELEKS is looking for a Senior Software Developer (C++) to join our team in Poland and in Ukraine (Lviv, Kyiv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Lutsk).ABOUT CLIENTOur customer is one of the biggest financial institutions in the USA.ABOUT PROJECTWe create software for accounting and data management solutions, performance, insurance, risk management, etc.REQUIREMENTS 4+ years of experience with C++Experience with the UI side of the software, WPF preferablyAt least an Intermediate Strong Level of EnglishClear communication skills & responsible attitude to workSelf-sufficient developer who can mentor lower-level peoplePossibility for on-site with the client abroad RESPONSIBILITIES Develop solutions and algorithms according to technical specifications or other requirements documentation; use standard algorithms in the applicable casesWrite program code according to the defined application architecturePossess knowledge of software development methodologies (Waterfall, Agile, etc.)Structure and format the source code, comment and mark up the code, as well as name variables, functions, classes, data structures, and files according to the company conventions and industry best practicesImplement code refactoring and optimization methods. Post-refactoring and optimization result to the collective knowledge base as the best practicesModify existing software code and test its availability. Analyze software code compliance with readability and performance standardsUse version control systems to track code optimization progress, as well as to merge or split code entities. Commit changes according to version control rulesPerform analysis, verification, and debugging of the software code at the level of application unitsDevelop procedures to test code availability, collect diagnostic data, generate test data sets with desired characteristics; examine the required software characteristics, etcReproduce defects logged in the defect database, establish their causes, and modify code to eliminate defectsDetermine software product compliance with the technical requirementsCollect and analyze results of software tests. Deliver correct interpretation of diagnostic data; analyze the significance of the obtained software characteristics; document test results. Assess software product availabilityDevelop, document, and edit programming interfaces, software modules and components assembling procedures, software deployment and update procedures as well as data migration and transformation (conversion) proceduresAssemble software modules and components into software products; connect software products to the external environment. Test availability of software product versionsAnalyze variants of software requirements implementation; evaluate their time consumption and workload. Conduct assessment and justification of the solutions recommended for software requirements implementationApprove technical requirements for software with stakeholders. Evaluate and justify terms of task completion What will you get with ELEKS Close cooperation with a customerChallenging tasksCompetence developmentAbility to influence project technologiesProjects from scratchTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracy ABOUT ELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.Benefitsundefined
Quality Engineer-2
405 Flextronics LLC, Uzhhorod, Zakarpats'ka oblast, ua
Job Summary To support our extraordinary teams who build great products and contribute to our growth, we’re looking to add a “Quality Engineer” located in Mukachevo, Ukraine.Reporting to the Quality Manager, the Quality Engineerrole involves maintaining quality engineering programs, standards and improvements within the organization.What a typical day looks like: Developing and initiating standards and methods for inspection, testing and evaluation.Devising sampling procedures and designs and develops forms and instructions for recording, evaluating and reporting quality and reliability data.Developing and implementing methods and procedures for disposition of discrepant material and deviing methods to assess cost.Direct workers engaged in measuring and testing product and tabulating data concerning materials, product or process quality and reliability.Compiling and writing training material and conducting training sessions on quality control activities.Hold up Product Engineers and Quality Program Managers with customer interfaces as necessary on quality related issues.Assure data availability and integrity for all quality related data. Consolidates and reports quality results.Initiate corrective action requests as needed and tracks to satisfactory completion.Assist with development and implementation of quality audits.In charge of developing, applying, revising and maintaining quality standards for processing materials into partially finished or finished products.Design and implement methods and procedures for inspecting, testing and evaluating the precision and accuracy of products and/or production equipment.Explore reports and returned products and recommends corrective action.Establish program to evaluate precision and accuracy of production equipment and testing, measurement and research of equipment and facilities.Approve product, process and equipment qualifications.Provide liaison to various regulatory bodies.The experience we’re looking to add to our team:Typically requires a Bachelor’s degree in related field or equivalent experience.Typically requires 2 years of experience.Ability to apply advanced mathematical concepts such as exponents, logarithms, quadratic equations and permutations.Ability to apply mathematical operations to such tasks as frequency distribution, determination of test reliability and validity, analysis of variance, correlation techniques, sampling theory and factor analysis.Ability to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematical or diagram form, and deal with several abstract and concrete variables.Use of the following tools may be required: Electronic Assembly: color code, component, schematics. May require various PCB operations. Testing: oscilloscope, cable and harness testing, trouble shooting, component testing, logic analyzer.Inspection: bare board, systems, components, cable and harness, microscope, measuring tools.What you’ll receive for the great work you provide:Interesting and challenging job in an experienced and close-knit teamSubstantive support in the process of adaptationParticipation in projects of international scopeSocial packageKS59Job CategoryQualityRequired Skills:Optional Skills:Flex is an Equal Opportunity Employer and employment selection decisions are based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. We celebrate diversity and do not discriminate based on: age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, disability, pregnancy status, or any other status protected by law. We're happy to provide reasonable accommodations to those with a disability for assistance in the application process. Please email and we'll discuss your specific situation and next steps (NOTE: this email does not accept or consider resumes or applications. This is only for disability assistance. To be considered for a position at Flex, you must complete the application process first).
Middle Python DeveloperTernopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Uzhhorod, ChernivtsiSoftware Engineering, Python.
Eleks, Uzhhorod, Zakarpats'ka oblast, ua
ELEKS is seeking a Middle Python Developer to join our team at one of our locations: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Uzhhorod, or Chernivtsi.ABOUT PROJECTOur customer’s project aims to create a centralized platform that serves as a comprehensive hub for customers to seamlessly interact with the customer’s product. This portal will facilitate user engagement by providing a singular location where customers can define the source of data, articulate necessary data manipulations, and ultimately obtain desired results. Additionally, the portal will serve as a dedicated space for users to pose questions, seek clarification, and address any issues they may encounter during the interaction with our customer’s product.Technical stack: Python, Django, DjangoRestFramework, Angular, MySQL, Azure.REQUIREMENTS 3+ years of experience in software development with PythonExperience with Django and Django REST FrameworkAngular, Microsoft Entra single sign-on, Docker, Kubernetes, and BitBucket pipelines would be a plusEnglish Upper-IntermediateAbility to talk with customers, identify their real needs, and propose the most optimal and valuable solutionProblem-solving skillsGood Team player RESPONSIBILITIES Develop solutions and algorithms based on technical specifications or other requirements documentation; apply standard algorithms where appropriateWrite program code according to the established application architectureStructure and format source code, adding comments and markup; name variables, functions, classes, data structures, and files according to company conventions and industry best practicesModify existing code and verify its functionality, ensuring compliance with readability and performance standardsUse version control systems to track code optimization progress and to manage code changes, committing changes according to version control guidelinesPerform analysis, verification, and debugging of software code at the application unit levelDetect defects, apply debugging techniques, correctly interpret bug reports, and use modern compilers, debuggers, and code optimizersReproduce defects logged in the issue tracking system, identify their causes, and modify code to fix themDevelop and document program interfaces, software module and component assembly procedures, software deployment and update procedures, as well as data migration and transformation proceduresIndependently estimate and set task completion termsCoordinate task deadlines with the Technical Leader or Project Manager What will you get with ELEKS Above-average compensationClose cooperation with a customerChallenging tasksCompetence developmentAbility to influence project technologiesProjects from scratchTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracy ABOUT ELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.Benefitsundefined
Quality Engineer-1
405 Flextronics LLC, Uzhhorod, Zakarpats'ka oblast, ua
Description To support our extraordinary teams who build great products and contribute to our growth, we’re looking to add a “Quality Engineer” located in Mukachevo, Ukraine.Reporting to the Quality Manager, the Quality Engineerrole involves maintaining quality engineering programs, standards and improvements within the organization.What a typical day looks like: Developing and initiating standards and methods for inspection, testing and evaluation.Devising sampling procedures and designs and develops forms and instructions for recording, evaluating and reporting quality and reliability data.Developing and implementing methods and procedures for disposition of discrepant material and deviing methods to assess cost.Direct workers engaged in measuring and testing product and tabulating data concerning materials, product or process quality and reliability.Compiling and writing training material and conducting training sessions on quality control activities.Hold up Product Engineers and Quality Program Managers with customer interfaces as necessary on quality related issues.Assure data availability and integrity for all quality related data. Consolidates and reports quality results.Initiate corrective action requests as needed and tracks to satisfactory completion.Assist with development and implementation of quality audits.In charge of developing, applying, revising and maintaining quality standards for processing materials into partially finished or finished products.Design and implement methods and procedures for inspecting, testing and evaluating the precision and accuracy of products and/or production equipment.Explore reports and returned products and recommends corrective action.Establish program to evaluate precision and accuracy of production equipment and testing, measurement and research of equipment and facilities.Approve product, process and equipment qualifications.Provide liaison to various regulatory bodies.The experience we’re looking to add to our team:Typically requires a Bachelor’s degree in related field or equivalent experience.Typically requires 2 years of experience.Ability to apply advanced mathematical concepts such as exponents, logarithms, quadratic equations and permutations.Ability to apply mathematical operations to such tasks as frequency distribution, determination of test reliability and validity, analysis of variance, correlation techniques, sampling theory and factor analysis.Ability to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematical or diagram form, and deal with several abstract and concrete variables.Use of the following tools may be required: Electronic Assembly: color code, component, schematics. May require various PCB operations. Testing: oscilloscope, cable and harness testing, trouble shooting, component testing, logic analyzer.Inspection: bare board, systems, components, cable and harness, microscope, measuring tools.What you’ll receive for the great work you provide:Interesting and challenging job in an experienced and close-knit teamSubstantive support in the process of adaptationParticipation in projects of international scopeSocial packageKS59Job CategoryQualityRequired Skills:Optional Skills:Flex is an Equal Opportunity Employer and employment selection decisions are based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. We celebrate diversity and do not discriminate based on: age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, disability, pregnancy status, or any other status protected by law. We're happy to provide reasonable accommodations to those with a disability for assistance in the application process. Please email and we'll discuss your specific situation and next steps (NOTE: this email does not accept or consider resumes or applications. This is only for disability assistance. To be considered for a position at Flex, you must complete the application process first).