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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Модель в Харківській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Модель в Харківській області"

3 990 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Модель в Харківській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Модель в Харківській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Модель" по областям Харківській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Харківській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Модель відкрито в Харкові. На другому місці - Харківський район, а на третьому - Лозова.

Рейтинг регіонів Харківській області за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Модель"

Як видно з діаграми, в Харківській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Модель відкрито в Харкові. На другому місці - Харківський район, а на третьому - Лозова.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Харківській області

Серед схожих професій в Харківській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Художник. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 15000 грн. На другому місці - Арт-директор з зарплатнею 10000 грн, а на третьому - Организатор з зарплатнею 6700 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Пропонуємо роботу для Авто-Механіка на СТО
, Харьков
Компанія "БУМ, СТО" у місті Харків шукає авто-механіка для роботи в автосервісі. Ми спеціалізуємося на ремонті та обслуговуванні автомобілів різних марок і моделей, надаючи професійні послуги на високому рівні. Обов’язки - Діагностика та ремонт двигуна автомобіля; - Проведення планового та позапланового технічного обслуговування; - Встановлення та налаштування систем вприскування палива; - Виконання робіт з технічного обслуговування та ремонту автомобільних агрегатів. Вимоги - Досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді від 2 років; - Знання сучасних технологій та методів ремонту автомобілів; - Вміння працювати з діагностичним обладнанням; - Відповідальність та уважність до деталей. Переваги - Конкурентна заробітна плата; - Можливість професійного зростання та розвитку; - Дружний колектив та комфортні умови праці. Не втрачайте можливість стати частиною нашої команди Приєднуйтесь до "БУМ, СТО" і отримайте можливість розвивати свої професійні навички разом з нами. Надсилайте ваше резюме. Тел. (067) 944-20-57, (095) 514-66-14. Cайт Bumavto. com. ua Не звоните на номера телефонов начинающихся с 090. Это платные номера и используются мошенниками! Администрация UB.
Макетник макетно-модельного проектування
2039, Харківська філія Харківського ОЦЗ, Харків, Харківська область
Заробітна плата (усього): 13000 грнУ тому числі основна: 8200 грнОписХарактер виконуваної роботи:ПостійнийОсновні функціональні обов'язки:Макетник-монтажник зовнішньої реклами на поліграфічне виробництво. Виготовлення простих деталей з різних матеріалів для макетів, лайтбоксів, вивісок, зовнішньої реклами - вручну, з допомогою пристроїв та на станках. Збірка простих моделей обладнання, конструкцій з деталей по ескізам та їх монтаж. Фарбування деталей макетів. Знання правил експлуатації пристроїв та верстатів. ЗП+премії. Звертатись до фахівця центру зайнятості Усової Олени Олександрівни, (050) 77-84-124,Харківська філіяВид трудового договору:безстроковийРежим роботи:Підсумований облік робочого часуУмови організації праці:Звичайні умовиСоціальні переваги:професійний розвитокПрофесійні компетенції (знання, навички):Досвід роботи слюсарем-збирачем металоконструкцій або монтажником зовнішньої реклами.Особистісні компетенції (особисті якості, характеристики):Уважність
Мастер маникюра
Афина Стиль, Харків
Потрібен майстер з досвідом, без досвіду роботи- Оплата майстра з досвідом роботи 50−60%, оплата щодня- Майстрам з досвідом роботи пропонується перехід в категорію «Топ майстер»- Майстрам початківцям «Без досвіду роботи» пропонується практична стажировка з переходом в категорію «Майстер». Для стажування «Майстра початківця» салон надає інструмент, матеріали та моделей- Майстри з досвідом роботи використовують особистий інструмент (інструмент, який буде для них зручний) або інструмент надається салоном з правом викупу в розсрочку- Матеріали та обладнання пропонує салон для всіх категорій майстрів- Графік роботи: з 9.00 до 19.00 — 2 через 2 дніДЛЯ СПІВБЕСІДИ ПОТРІБНО:1. Зв’язатися з адміністратором нашого салона по номеру телефона 0503767774 або пишить нам в інстаграмм: salon.afina.official2. Домовитись про день та годину на яку салон запросить модель для виконання процедури: зняття гель-лаку, підготовку нігтьової пластини, надання форми, манікюр обрізний + апарат, вирівнювання нігтьової пластини (база прозора), покриття гель-лаком, топове покриття (прозоре)4. Всі інструменти, які потрібні для процедури майстер може мати при собі або інструмент надається салоном за бажанням майстра, матеріали та модель також предоставляе салон4. Ми знаходимося за адресою: Нові будинки, метро Армійська (3−5 хвилин від метро), вул. Рибалко, 20Довідки за тел. 050 297 87 47 або пишить нам в інстаграмм: salon.afina.official
Дизайнер одягу для тварин
Сузір'я, ГК, Харків
Група компаній «Сузір'я» — національна компанія з виробництва зоотоварів, яка понад 30 років є надійним партнером для клієнтів та піклується про здоров’я домашніх улюбленців. Діяльність компанії має три бізнес напрямки:- дистрибуція suziria.ua;- виробництво товарів для тварин;- власний рітейл masterzoo.uaЗапрошуємо до своєї Команди Дизайнера одягу для тваринок!Наші очікування від кандидата:- Освіта за фахом;- Знання та навички роботи з Microsoft PowerPoint;- Досвід розробки ескізів;- Розуміння тенденцій моди;- Креативне мислення, нестандартний підхід до створення робіт;- Почуття стиль, кольори, композиціїОсновні завдання:- Розробляє та замальовує ескізи моделей виробів, з використанням систем автоматизованого проектування;- Підбирає асортимент матеріалів та фурнітури для виготовлення зразків нової колекції;- Промальовує експериментальні зразки (однієї моделі не більше трьох зразків) для затвердження на художній раді;- Підготовляє та представляє нові сезонні моделі на художній раді для відбору зразка-еталону;- Здійснює авторський нагляд за роботою конструктора та технолога у процесі виготовлення експериментальних зразків;- Вибірково перевіряє готові вироби з потоку на відповідність до зразка-еталонуМи пропонуємо:- Винагороду відповідно ринку;- Участь у проектах, які підвищать твою експертизу до небес;- Круту команду, яка підтримує та допомагає;- Можливість самореалізації та кар'єрного зростання;- Корпоративну знижку на продукцію для твого домашнього вихованця;- Графік роботи з 9:00 до 18:00 5/2 Відчуваєте, що ця робота саме для Вас ? Надсилайте своє резюме на пошту або телефонуйте за номером 0503047455 Анна
Lead C#/.NET Solutions/Systems Engineer
AgileEngine, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Create integrations, customizations, and automations; Design technical specifications; Develop and enhance custom extensions to support integrations and system workflow requirement; Diagnose, debug, and fix technical issues reported from existing implementation; Understand, document, and elaborate the technical and non-technical requirements for system integrations and customization; Recommend incremental updates to data model accommodating additional data attributes and entities; Work with the technical team in implementing changes to data model, integration, and customization. Must haves  Bachelor’s degree in technology/engineering with computer science or related field; 5+ years of experience in programming and development using C#.NET; 2-3 years of experience in integrations with systems – upstream and downstream; Experience with inriver or any Product Information Management (PIM) software; Must be extremely detail-oriented, deadline driven and could manage multiple assignments at once; Tech savviness with an initiative to learn new software systems quickly; Strong problem-solving skills, analytical and critical-thinking skills to be able to proactively resolve issues and continuously improve results; Outstanding written and verbal communication skills required; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Strong knowledge of .NET C# MVC and .NET Core; Working knowledge of Visual Studio .NET and Azure DevOps; inRiver PIM developer certification; Strong understanding and knowledge on object-oriented programming concepts; Experience in working with relational data models and data structures; Experience in working with 3rd party APIs and SDKs; Writing and interacting SOAP and REST based web services; Experience in using GIT. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Lead C#/.NET Solutions/Systems Engineer
AgileEngine, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Create integrations, customizations, and automations; Design technical specifications; Develop and enhance custom extensions to support integrations and system workflow requirement; Diagnose, debug, and fix technical issues reported from existing implementation; Understand, document, and elaborate the technical and non-technical requirements for system integrations and customization; Recommend incremental updates to data model accommodating additional data attributes and entities; Work with the technical team in implementing changes to data model, integration, and customization. Must haves  Bachelor’s degree in technology/engineering with computer science or related field; 5+ years of experience in programming and development using C#.NET; 2-3 years of experience in integrations with systems – upstream and downstream; Experience with inriver or any Product Information Management (PIM) software; Must be extremely detail-oriented, deadline driven and could manage multiple assignments at once; Tech savviness with an initiative to learn new software systems quickly; Strong problem-solving skills, analytical and critical-thinking skills to be able to proactively resolve issues and continuously improve results; Outstanding written and verbal communication skills required; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Strong knowledge of .NET C# MVC and .NET Core; Working knowledge of Visual Studio .NET and Azure DevOps; inRiver PIM developer certification; Strong understanding and knowledge on object-oriented programming concepts; Experience in working with relational data models and data structures; Experience in working with 3rd party APIs and SDKs; Writing and interacting SOAP and REST based web services; Experience in using GIT. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior C#/.NET Solutions/Systems Engineer
AgileEngine, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Create integrations, customizations, and automations; Design technical specifications; Develop and enhance custom extensions to support integrations and system workflow requirement; Diagnose, debug, and fix technical issues reported from existing implementation; Understand, document, and elaborate the technical and non-technical requirements for system integrations and customization; Recommend incremental updates to data model accommodating additional data attributes and entities; Work with the technical team in implementing changes to data model, integration, and customization. Must haves  Bachelor’s degree in technology/engineering with computer science or related field; 5+ years of experience in programming and development using C#.NET; 2-3 years of experience in integrations with systems – upstream and downstream; Experience with inriver or any Product Information Management (PIM) software; Must be extremely detail-oriented, deadline driven and could manage multiple assignments at once; Tech savviness with an initiative to learn new software systems quickly; Strong problem-solving skills, analytical and critical-thinking skills to be able to proactively resolve issues and continuously improve results; Outstanding written and verbal communication skills required; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Strong knowledge of .NET C# MVC and .NET Core; Working knowledge of Visual Studio .NET and Azure DevOps; inRiver PIM developer certification; Strong understanding and knowledge on object-oriented programming concepts; Experience in working with relational data models and data structures; Experience in working with 3rd party APIs and SDKs; Writing and interacting SOAP and REST based web services; Experience in using GIT. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior C#/.NET Solutions/Systems Engineer
AgileEngine, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Create integrations, customizations, and automations; Design technical specifications; Develop and enhance custom extensions to support integrations and system workflow requirement; Diagnose, debug, and fix technical issues reported from existing implementation; Understand, document, and elaborate the technical and non-technical requirements for system integrations and customization; Recommend incremental updates to data model accommodating additional data attributes and entities; Work with the technical team in implementing changes to data model, integration, and customization. Must haves  Bachelor’s degree in technology/engineering with computer science or related field; 5+ years of experience in programming and development using C#.NET; 2-3 years of experience in integrations with systems – upstream and downstream; Experience with inriver or any Product Information Management (PIM) software; Must be extremely detail-oriented, deadline driven and could manage multiple assignments at once; Tech savviness with an initiative to learn new software systems quickly; Strong problem-solving skills, analytical and critical-thinking skills to be able to proactively resolve issues and continuously improve results; Outstanding written and verbal communication skills required; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Strong knowledge of .NET C# MVC and .NET Core; Working knowledge of Visual Studio .NET and Azure DevOps; inRiver PIM developer certification; Strong understanding and knowledge on object-oriented programming concepts; Experience in working with relational data models and data structures; Experience in working with 3rd party APIs and SDKs; Writing and interacting SOAP and REST based web services; Experience in using GIT. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior backend developer Shopware
GameSeal, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Senior backend developer (Shopware) Gameseal is a global e-commerce platform that sells activation codes for PC games, consoles, prepaid cards, subscriptions, and software. We use Shopware 6, a German plugin-based e-commerce solution built on the PHP Symfony framework. This CMS provides a powerful and flexible platform for managing our operations. The project follows a long-term strategy focused on continuously developing customer monetization and methods to attract customers, for which we require exceptional technical guidance for the platform. At its core, the company is a sales platform that integrates digital product databases through APIs (REST + LARAVEL). Additional functionalities include an affiliate system, customer account gamification, a subscription model, and an intelligent product recommendation system. Responsibilities: Collaborating with the internal IT team. Developing new Shopware functionalities. Supervising the proper operations of the e-commerce platform. Technical requirements: Several years of experience with Shopware 6. Strong working knowledge of PHP 7+ and MySQL databases. Experience with Symfony 5+. Good English communication skills. Familiarity with GIT/BitBucket. Experience in e-commerce and working with various APIs. Knowledge of Elastic Search (preferred, but not required). Laravel experience (preferred, but not required). Proficiency in using Docker (preferred, but not required). We offer: An interesting career path, depending on experience and skills. Unique knowledge of e-commerce and gaming. The opportunity to work remotely with flexible working hours. The chance to build project structures from the ground up, created by professionals with over 8 years of experience in the e-commerce and gaming industry Discounts on purchases from our platform (games or Xbox, PSN, iTunes, Netflix, Empik, Zalando, Amazon, etc.). We are excited to offer you this exceptional opportunity to join our talented team at Gameseal. We believe that your skills and experience make you a perfect candidate to help us grow and maintain our innovative e-commerce platform. As a valued member of our team, you will have the chance to learn from industry experts, expand your skillset, and contribute to the success of our company. We understand that our employees are our most valuable asset, and we are committed to providing a supportive and engaging work environment. As part of our team, you can access various benefits and resources designed to help you thrive personally and professionally. Thank you for considering a career with Gameseal. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.
Community Clinical Psychologist
International Rescue Committee, null, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req50930Job Title: Community Clinical PsychologistSector: HealthEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Kharkiv, UkraineJob DescriptionBACKGROUND:The International Rescue Committee (IRC)responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose livesand livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, andgain control of their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein,the IRC works with people forced to flee from war, conflict and disaster andthe host communities which support them, as well as those who remain withintheir homes and communities. At work today in over 40 countries and 22 cities, we improve outcomes in the areas of health, safety, economic wellbeing,education, and power. Given the disparity faced by women and girls, IRC seeksto narrow gender inequalities and ensure social inclusion of all vulnerablegroups in broader policies, processes and actions affecting their lives. TheIRC has been working in Ukraine since March 2022, initially supportingemergency response and early recovery interventions for IDPs affected by theconflict. This position will be based in Kharkiv,with frequent travel across the oblast. JOB SUMMARY:The ClinicalPsychologist will deliver specialized psychological consultations andcounseling to patients, in, but not limited to a hospital setting, and ensureproper referrals. Moreover will conduct structured clinical assessments,overseeing case management and completing intake assessments and emergency casemanagement. The role requires collaboration with general health staff,contributing to program development, and providing Psychological First Aid asneeded, whiles maintaining confidentiality throughout. Additionalresponsibilities include supporting the identification and management ofpriority mental health conditions during crises.MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide on-the-job support for general health staff in identifying and managing priority mental health conditions during crises.Deliver specialized psychological consultations and counseling to beneficiaries in hospitals and through referrals.Conduct structured clinical assessments, formulate clear cases, and assess cognitive, behavioral, and emotional needs.Oversee case management assessments for qualitative reporting and analysis, aligning action plans with protection principles.Efficiently complete intake assessments, evaluations, and follow-up documentation.Manage emergency cases, ensuring proper referral and follow-up procedures.Support in development of integrated data collection tools, focusing on referrals and follow-ups.Contribute to the development of curricula, materials, SOPs, and protocols for MHPSS programming.Provide Psychological First Aid (PFA) as required, using standardized assessment tools.Collaborate closely with Medical Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Social workers, and Community engagement colleagues.Conduct assessments in hospitals, communities, or shelters as needed, including remote consultations by phone.Ensure accurate and confidential documentation of services, supporting quality monitoring and project management.Participate in MH Case Management meetings, reporting on patient evolution and engaging in case discussions.Actively contribute to weekly team meetings for project planning and implementation.Submit regular reports and updates on cases to the MHPSS Manager, including feedback, concerns, and recommendations.Maintain impeccable levels of confidentiality and privacy.Undertake any other tasks as deemed necessary by the supervisor.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:At least bachelor’s degree Psychology or higher (, MS, PsyD, or PhD).Minimum of 3 years of professional experience in practicing clinical psychology and delivering specialized psychological consultations in a humanitarian setting through an NGO.Trained on, certified, and experienced in utilising evidence-based psychological interventions in humanitarian settingKnowledge of and experience in clinical supervision, and training, Knowledge of and experience of inter-agency standards and guidelines in MHPSS, such as IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings.Solid understanding of protection principles, case management and client-centered care in humanitarian settings.Candidate must be skilled in:Developing person-centered, goal and strength focused, recovery-oriented care plan.Mental health in complex emergencies (IASC guidelines, Psychological First Aid, mhGAP…).Biopsychosocial model in mental health.Community-based approach in mental health. Human rights-based approach in mental health.Knowledge about the predictable stresses of humanitarian aid work and the policies and practices needed to mitigate them.Female candidates are highlyencouraged to apply.REPORTING LINESPosition reports directly to MHPSS Manager.Position technically reports to MHPSS SpecialistClosely collaborate with other member of the health and protection team, in particular Senior MMU Officer and Project’s Psychiatrist.PROFESSIONALSTANDARDS The InternationalRescue Committee is determined to protect the people it serves and staff fromall kinds of harm, including sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. It iscommitted to take all necessary preventive measures and create an environmentwhere people feel safe. IRC builds diverse and inclusive teams of professionalswho promote critical reflection, power sharing, debate, and objectivity todeliver the best possible services to our clients.IRC workers mustadhere to the core values and principles outlined in IRC Way - Standards forProfessional Conduct. These areIntegrity, Service, Equality and Accountability. In accordance with thesevalues, the IRC operates and enforces its safeguarding policies to protectadult and child clients from any form of exploitation and abuse, includingsexual exploitation and abuse, and its staff from sexual harassment andviolence.Where misconductis alleged, IRC follows a Zero tolerance approach and takes all necessaryactions and corrective measures. IRC investigation unit comprises of expertsand trained investigators that ensures professional survivor-centeredinvestigations are conducted if allegations of safeguarding violations arereported through the safe and accessible reporting channels that IRC makesavailable to its staff, partners, and clients.These commitmentsare set out in IRC’s Safeguarding Policies, accessible in English and inUkrainian language via this link: IRC is an activemember of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitationand Abuse (PSEA) set-up in Ukraine.We will ensurethat individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation toparticipate in the job application or interview process, to perform essentialjob functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment.Please contact us to request accommodation.
Lead Machine Learning Engineer
Epam, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Description We are looking for a Lead Machine Learning Engineer who will design ML models with continuous training and build frameworks for data scientists. Apply for the vacancy if you are highly competent in creating and deploying production applications and data pipelines.#LI-IRINABENKO What Youll Do Manage the transition of machine learning algorithms to the production environment and integration with the enterprise ecosystem Design, maintain, and optimize the complete end-to-end machine learning life cycle Design specifications, documentation and user guides Contribute to the improvement of SDLC practices, establish and configure CI/CD/CT processes Provide capabilities for early detection of various drifts (data, concept, schema, etc.) What You Have 5+ years of experience in enterprise software development 3+ years of background in Machine Learning Qualifications in designing, building and deploying production applications and data pipelines Competency in the development of highly available, largely scalable, ML-driven applications and systems Hands-on expertise in the implementation of SDLC best practices Knowledge of Python development Familiarity with Cloud-native services (GCP, AWS, Azure) and Apache Spark Ecosystem (Spark SQL, MLlib/Spark ML) Nice to have Expertise in MLOps-related platforms/technologies Production experience in integrating ML models into complex data-driven systems/IoT devices/mobile devices Competency in basic software engineering tools (CI/CD environments such as Jenkins or BuildKit, PyPI, Docker, Kubernetes) We Offer Competitive compensation depending on experience and skills The individual career path Social package English classes with certified English teachers Unlimited access to LinkedIn learning solutions Flexible work hours About EPAM EPAM is a leading global provider of digital platform engineering and development services. We are committed to positively impacting our customers, our employees, and our communities. We embrace a dynamic and inclusive culture. Here you will collaborate with multi-national teams, contribute to a myriad of innovative projects that deliver the most creative and cutting-edge solutions, and have an opportunity to learn and grow continuously. You will join a dedicated, creative, and diverse community that will help you discover your fullest potential. EPAM is committed to providing our global team of 60,+ EPAMers with inspiring careers. EPAMers lead with passion and honesty and think creatively. Our people are the source of our success, and we value collaboration, try always to understand our customers' business, and strive for the highest standards of excellence
2D Artist (Casual, Stylized)
Gameloft, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Job Description We are looking for creative and impassioned 2D Artist Middle level or higher. As a part of a cross-specialization team you will be involved in the exciting process of game development and evolution, concept art and asset creation. Directions of professional activity:  2D generalist (​​concept art, promo art, casual style) Qualifications Superior eye for light, value, color and composition; Solid knowledge of concept art and design principles; Good knowledge of casual/cartoonish art style and ability to work with it; Willingness to use 3D tools (as a minimum: 3d blocking at concept stage); Creativity, ability both to provide and realize original and fresh ideas; Flexibility (personal & professional); Willingness to work as a part of team (feedbacks, collaboration, deadlines); Passion for mobile video games. Will be a plus: Advanced knowledge of 3D; Professional education (Fine Arts / Design); Basic knowledge of Unity; Understanding of mobile games market. Responsibilities: Creating concept art of props, environment, isometric buildings and decor; Creation of icons, currencies and other UI assets; Creating of promo art (complex scenes, characters, bg etc); Collaborating with 3D artists: preparing concepts for 3d modeling, giving feedback etc. Benefits: Join a leading global mobile and video games publisher and developer utilizing the state-of-the-art mobile technologies and devices; Become a part of a talented international team in a friendly, creative, and dynamic environment; Become a true pro in the fast-growing, exciting, and innovative video games industry; Be proud to deliver the prestigious products winning the top rankings worldwide; Build up your career with dynamic promotions and worldwide opportunities. Additional Information To consider your application, we require you to send the full version of your CV in English. Your CV must include a portfolio link. Your portfolio will convey technical mastery and a natural eye for artistic creativity and design. Qualified candidates will be asked to complete an art assessment.
Senior/Lead Functional Engineer, Consultant MS Dynamics 365 CRM
Epam, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Description We are looking for a Senior/Lead Functional Engineer, Consultant in MS Dynamics Field Service, Power Apps products. In this role, you will be responsible for process analysis, business requirements gathering, impact analysis and solution implementations. Proven ability to work well with internal and external business partners and geographically distributed teams is a must. Requires strong communication skills and the ability to build good relationships with key business and IT stakeholders and demonstrate leadership by aligning with client business goals.The remote option applies only to the Candidates who will be working from any location in Ukraine.#LI-IRINABENKO Responsibilities Share business values of new MS Dynamics solutions to a customer and can prove design to achieve business goals Coordinate the preparation of customer proposals and statements of work, driving discovery and workshops Proactively gather feedback from the key business users, understand the business and system gaps. Make recommendations and lead implementations for enhancements Effectively communicate to the appropriate audience and build consensus around the recommended solutions Manage customer expectations and relationships, and address customer issues during an engagement in cooperation with the project team Prepare estimations on time frames, quality and quantity of resources required to successfully implement projects; develop project plan incorporating all project variables Establish criteria concerning deliverability, performance, maintenance, design and costs Assure governance of processes in delivery management and production as per selected delivery model Perform price benchmarks and cost estimation and modeling of various technologies for consideration Measure and improve delivery productivity Build delivery timelines for multiple streams, analyzing internal/external dependencies Requirements MS Dynamics Field Service, Power Apps products, Finance nice to have Good knowledge of Microsoft project implementation methodologies Strong experience working with distributed teams Profound experience in onshore, nearshore and offshore outsourcing and delivery models Strong interpersonal skills with the ability Upper-intermediate or higher English level, both spoken and written (B2+) We Offer Competitive compensation depending on experience and skills The individual career path Social package - medical insurance, sports Compensation for sick lists and regular vacations English classes with certified English teachers Unlimited access to LinkedIn learning solutions Flexible work hours About EPAM EPAM is a leading global provider of digital platform engineering and development services. We are committed to positively impacting our customers, our employees, and our communities. We embrace a dynamic and inclusive culture. Here you will collaborate with multi-national teams, contribute to a myriad of innovative projects that deliver the most creative and cutting-edge solutions, and have an opportunity to learn and grow continuously. You will join a dedicated, creative, and diverse community that will help you discover your fullest potential. EPAM is committed to providing our global team of 60,+ EPAMers with inspiring careers. EPAMers lead with passion and honesty and think creatively. Our people are the source of our success, and we value collaboration, try always to understand our customers' business, and strive for the highest standards of excellence
Senior Machine Learning Engineer - Neural Network Trainer
Epam, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Description We are looking for a highly skilled and innovative Senior Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer - Neural Network Trainer and Researcher with expertise in training neural networks and working with NLP BERT-based models. As a key member of our team, you will be responsible for training neural networks and conducting research to improve our classifier project. You should possess strong experimental design skills, the ability to define and validate hypotheses, and draw sound conclusions from your analysis.Join our team and contribute to cutting-edge projects in NLP and neural network training. As a Neural Network Trainer and Researcher with expertise in NLP BERT-based models, you will have the opportunity to design experiments, validate hypotheses, and draw meaningful conclusions to enhance our classifier project.The remote option applies only to the Candidates who will be working from any location in Ukraine. #LI-IRINABENKO Responsibilities Develop and train neural networks, specifically focusing on NLP tasks and BERT-based models Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define project objectives and requirements Design and conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of different models and techniques Preprocess and clean textual data for training and evaluation Fine-tune and optimize existing pre-trained BERT models for specific classification tasks Analyze experimental results, identify trends, and draw conclusions to improve model performance Research and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in NLP, neural network training, and BERT-based models Document and communicate experimental findings, insights, and recommendations to stakeholders Requirements Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, or a related field Proven experience in training neural networks and implementing NLP algorithms Strong knowledge and experience with NLP BERT-based models Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, TensorFlow, and PyTorch Experience in experimental design, hypothesis formulation, and validation Solid understanding of deep learning concepts, architectures, and optimization techniques Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Excellent communication and collaboration abilities. Preferred Qualifications Advanced degree (Master's or PhD) in a relevant field Experience working on classifier projects using NLP BERT-based models Familiarity with other NLP techniques and models, such as word embeddings, LSTM, and attention mechanisms Experience with statistical analysis and data visualization tools Knowledge of machine learning interpretability techniques to explain model decisions Published research or contributions to the NLP and neural network training community Upper-intermediate or higher English level, both spoken and written (B2+) We Offer Competitive compensation depending on experience and skills The individual career path Social package English classes with certified English teachers Unlimited access to LinkedIn learning solutions Flexible work hours About EPAM EPAM is a leading global provider of digital platform engineering and development services. We are committed to positively impacting our customers, our employees, and our communities. We embrace a dynamic and inclusive culture. Here you will collaborate with multi-national teams, contribute to a myriad of innovative projects that deliver the most creative and cutting-edge solutions, and have an opportunity to learn and grow continuously. You will join a dedicated, creative, and diverse community that will help you discover your fullest potential. EPAM is committed to providing our global team of 60,+ EPAMers with inspiring careers. EPAMers lead with passion and honesty and think creatively. Our people are the source of our success, and we value collaboration, try always to understand our customers' business, and strive for the highest standards of excellence
Mobile Medical Unit Psychologist
International Rescue Committee, null, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Requisition ID: req51675Job Title: Mobile Medical Unit PsychologistSector: HealthEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: NoLocation: Kharkiv, UkraineWork Arrangement: Job DescriptionBACKGROUND:The International Rescue Committee (IRC)responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose livesand livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, andgain control of their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein,the IRC works with people forced to flee from war, conflict and disaster andthe host communities which support them, as well as those who remain withintheir homes and communities. At work today in over 40 countries and 22 cities, we improve outcomes in the areas of health, safety, economic wellbeing,education, and power. Given the disparity faced by women and girls, IRC seeksto narrow gender inequalities and ensure social inclusion of all vulnerablegroups in broader policies, processes and actions affecting their lives. TheIRC has been working in Ukraine since March 2022, initially supportingemergency response and early recovery interventions for IDPs affected by theconflict. This position will be based in Kharkiv,with frequent travel across the oblast. JOB SUMMARY:The ClinicalPsychologist will deliver specialized psychological consultations andcounseling to patients, in, but not limited to a hospital setting, and ensureproper referrals. Moreover, will conduct structured clinical assessments,overseeing case management and completing intake assessments and emergency casemanagement. The role requires collaboration with general health staff,contributing to program development, and providing Psychological First Aid asneeded, whiles maintaining confidentiality throughout. Additionalresponsibilities include supporting the identification and management ofpriority mental health conditions during crises.MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide on-the-jobsupport to medical staff in identifying and treating priority mental healthconditions during crisis situations.- Provision ofspecialized psychological counseling and counseling to beneficiaries inhospitals and other locations related to travel or work from the office.- Working with referrals.- Conductstructured clinical assessments, formulate clear cases and assess cognitive,behavioral and emotional needs.- Oversee casemanagement assessment for quality reporting and analysis, aligning action planswith safeguarding principles.- Effectivelycomplete initial assessment, evaluation and follow-up documentation.- Manageemergencies, ensuring appropriate referrals and follow-up procedures.- Provide supportin the development of integrated data collection tools, focusing on referralsand follow-up.- Contribute to thedevelopment of training programs, materials, SOPs and protocols for PZPSPprograms.- ProvidePsychological First Aid (PSA) as needed using standardized assessment tools.- Work closely withdoctors, nurses, physiotherapists, social workers and community engagementcolleagues.- Conductassessments in hospitals, communities or shelters as needed, includingtelephonic consultations.- Participate incase management meetings, report on patient progress and participate in casediscussions.- Ensuring accurateand timely documentation of services provided to clients in support of qualitymonitoring and effective project management while ensuring the confidentialityof client identification information at all times.- Activelyparticipate in weekly team meetings to facilitate planning and effectiveproject implementation.- Provide regularreports and case updates to the MHPSS Manager, includingfeedback, concerns and recommendations.- Maintain animpeccable level of confidentiality and privacy.- Conducting groupsessions and trainings, as well as support groups.- Participate invarious trainings and meetings organized by the employer.- Perform any othertasks that the manager deems necessary.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONSAt least bachelor’s degree Psychology or higher (, MS, PsyD, or PhD).Minimum of 3 years of professional experience in practicing clinical psychology and delivering specialized psychological consultations in a humanitarian setting through an NGO.Trained on, certified, and experienced in utilizing evidence-based psychological interventions in humanitarian settingKnowledge of and experience in clinical supervision, and training, Knowledge of and experience of inter-agency standards and guidelines in MHPSS, such as IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings.Solid understanding of protection principles, case management and client-centered care in humanitarian settings.Candidate must be skilled in:Developing person-centered, goal and strength focused, recovery-oriented care plan.Mental health in complex emergencies (IASC guidelines, Psychological First Aid, mhGAP…).Biopsychosocial model in mental health.Community-based approach in mental health. Human rights-based approach in mental health.Knowledge about the predictable stresses of humanitarian aid work and the policies and practices needed to mitigate them.Female candidates are highlyencouraged to apply.REPORTING LINESPosition reports directly to MHPSS Manager.Position technically reports to MHPSS SpecialistClosely collaborate with other member of the health and protection team, in particular Senior MMU Officer and Project’s Psychiatrist.PROFESSIONALSTANDARDS The InternationalRescue Committee is determined to protect the people it serves and staff fromall kinds of harm, including sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. It iscommitted to take all necessary preventive measures and create an environment wherepeople feel safe. IRC builds diverse and inclusive teams of professionals whopromote critical reflection, power sharing, debate, and objectivity to deliverthe best possible services to our clients.IRC workers mustadhere to the core values and principles outlined in IRC Way - Standards forProfessional Conduct. These areIntegrity, Service, Equality and Accountability. In accordance with thesevalues, the IRC operates and enforces its safeguarding policies to protectadult and child clients from any form of exploitation and abuse, includingsexual exploitation and abuse, and its staff from sexual harassment andviolence.Where misconductis alleged, IRC follows a Zero tolerance approach and takes all necessaryactions and corrective measures. IRC investigation unit comprises of expertsand trained investigators that ensures professional survivor-centeredinvestigations are conducted if allegations of safeguarding violations arereported through the safe and accessible reporting channels that IRC makesavailable to its staff, partners, and clients.These commitmentsare set out in IRC’s Safeguarding Policies, accessible in English and inUkrainian language via this link: IRC is an activemember of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitationand Abuse (PSEA) set-up in Ukraine.We will ensurethat individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation toparticipate in the job application or interview process, to perform essentialjob functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment.Please contact us to request accommodation.
Продавец в магазин. Женщины, мужчины!
, Інженерний, Харківська область
В магазин находящийся на пересечении улицы Пушкинской И Веснина требуется продавец. Приветствуется как мужчины так и женщины. Работа спокойная, обучим нюансам! Магазин работает 26 лет.
Потрібен Модельєр Конструктор .м Харків Верхній одяг.
, Харків, Харківська область
Потрібен Модельєр конструктор на виробництво,Верхній чоловічий та Жіночій одяг,Гербер,RichPeace.
Адміністратор салону краси
FRC Professional Cosmetics, Харків
Школа«FR’C Beauty» перша нігтьова школа бізнес-класу у місті ХарківМи працюємо з 2016 року та за цей час стали кращими представниками своєї ніші в Україні, випустили понад 1000 майстрів манікюруМи надаємо не тільки навчання, але й професійні послуги манікюру, педикюру, а також нарощування ноігтів, використовуючи кращі матеріали та обладнання. Ми випускаємо високо кваліфікованих майстрів, котрі працюють за високими стандартамиДо своєї команди запрошуємо Адміністратора студії манікюруНаш Адміністратор — це лице та голос школи, це менеджер, відповідальний за всі процеси, господиня, яка створює на своїй території атмосферу, за якої клієнти бажають та повертаються знову і зновуЯкщо Beauty та Nail індустрія — це Ваше життя, якщо, робити декілька справ одночасно: відповідати на дзвінок, дописувати повідомлення, вітати посмішкою клієнта, який щойно увійшов ми чекаємо на Вас!Умови:- графік роботи 2/2, з 8.00 до 20.00;- адреса — майдан Захисників,1- майстер-класи, тренінги, також залучення зовнішніх тренерів за рахунок Компанії;- веселі корпоративи, заходи, котрі роблять нашу команду ще більш згрунтованою та дружньою;- наші працівники отримують великі знижки на продукцію та послугиЧого ми чекаємо від Вас?- поважне ставлення до гостей;- навички продажу (бажано);- впевненний користувач ПК+соц.мереж;- знання етикету і стандартів обслуговування;- приємна зовнішність;- грамотна мова;- вміння розподіляти робочий час;- знання програми 1С та ALTEGIO (вітається)Основні обов’язки:- сумлінне ставлення до роботи;- робота з гостями студії;- зустріч та запис клієнтів;- продаж продукції;- продаж семінарів та курсів, складання графіка курсів;- своєчасний запис моделей для студентів через наші групи моделей;- контроль видачі навчального матеріалу, договорів та сертифікатів;- стерилізація інструменту, контроль видачі інструменту та інших мат.цінностей майстрам;- робота з соц.мережами- Про нас можно дізнатися ще більше:- https://instagram.com/frc.beauty?igshid=YzdkMWQ2MWU=- Якщо вам цікава наша вакансія і ви готові пройти інтерв'ю, надсилайте ваше резюме або телефонуйте за номером 093 021 35 30 і ми домовимося з вами про дату / час. Чекаємо на Вас!- +380930213530 Яна
Танцівниця, Львів
Малевич, Night Club, Харків
Відкрито набір танцівниць сольних та коллективних шоу-програм.RAFINAD PEOPLE SHOW BAR, ексклюзивний WHITE RABBIT SHOW BAR та неймовірно атмосферний Shevska69 - чекають тебе на кастинг.Що ми пропонуємо?- ставка 1000 грн зміна- Роботу у вечірню зміну з 18.00 до 00.00- Зручний позмінний графік роботи- Легко поєднувати навчання та роботу- Гідна заробітна плата ставка + % без затримок- Постійний розвиток у танцювальних техніках, участь у шоу-програмах- Можливість опанувати нову професію з нуля (проводимо навчання для новачків)- Безкоштовні заняття з хореографом- Підтримку у період стажування та роботи- За потреби надаємо житлоЧого чекаємо від потенційного співробітника?- Доглянутий зовнішній вигляд- Танцювальний досвід, відчуття ритму- Якщо ти новачок у цій професії, тоді, чекаємо велике бажання працювати над собою- Такі якості як яскравість, амбітність, енергійність- Вітається модельний та сценічний досвід- Знання іноземних мов буде великим бонусом, але не обов′язкове
Інженер-проектувальник (Revit BIM modeler)
Building Engineering Solutions, Харків
Інженер-проектувальник (Revit BIM modeller-coordinator), віддалена робота з домуBuilding Engineering Solutions — це інжинірингова компанія. Заснована в третьому тисячолітті. Проектує інженерні мережі для гігантів світової індустрії: центри обробки даних, енергетика, машинобудування, аеропорти, біотехнології, залізнична інфраструктура, великі логістичні центри, торговельні моли. Клієнти виключно з США.Для нас інформаційні технології — не просто модний термін. Це різниця між правильним будівництвом і проблемою. Роблячи ставку на інновації, робимо будівництво простіше, розумніше, доступніше і відповідальніше.Допомагаємо співробітникам знаходити баланс між особистим і професійним життям. Вітаємо віддалену роботу за гнучким графіком. Заохочуємо підвищення кваліфікації. Тренуємо англійську в процесі роботи.Високо оцінюємо результативність свого українського офісу. Плани по збільшенню обсягів проектування амбітні. Для реалізації відкриваємо одразу кілька вакансій: інженер-проектувальник (Revit BIM modeler coordinator).Запрошуємо в першу чергу з серйозним досвідом на посадах VDC Specialist, BIM modeller, MEP Engineer, Designer та аналогічних. Але не відмовимо початківцям з невеликим досвідом проектування в Revit.Вимоги до кандидата:Revit;стаж в проектних організаціях;базове володіння англійською на рівні розуміння інструкцій інтерфейсу програмного забезпечення. Якщо володієте вільно, то будете використовувати регулярно;попередня спеціалізація не дуже важлива: мережі електричні, вентиляції, опалення, каналізація, трубопроводи …;шукаємо тих, хто буде працювати віддалено, з дому. Обов’язково вкажіть у супровідному листі, чи є такий досвід, чи готові працювати з дому довгостроково. Якщо в перспективі розглядаєте виключно офісну роботу, будемо обговорювати варіанти переїзду;якщо знайомі з Navisworks — обов’язково вкажіть;можливість нечастих відряджень по Україні.Обов’язки:проектування в Revit;3d моделювання инженерних мереж.Умови роботи:віддалена робота з домашнього офісу;довгостроковий контракт, фул-тайм, не фріланс! Суміщення з іншою регулярною роботою майже неможливе. Зі студентами заочної форми навчання домовимось.5-ти денний робочий тиждень з гнучким графіком (мінімум 8 годин на день); Можливі нечасті вечірні наради;оплата погодинна. Відпрацьовано більше годин — більше заробіток;погодинна ставка залежить від продуктивності. Обговорюється на старті. Підвищується зі зростанням кваліфікації;коригування погодинної ставки при різких коливаннях курсу;робота в міжнародній команді в великих проектах;можливість використання і вдосконалення англійської;підвищення кваліфікації та англійської мови в процесі роботи;сприяння кар'єрному росту.Використані скорочення та назви:BIM — Building information modeling, інформаційне моделювання будівельVDC — Virtual Design and Construction, 3D-моделюванняMEP — Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing, механічні, електричні та сантехнічні системиRevit — програмний комплекс автоматизованого проектування, який реалізує принцип BIM (інформаційного моделювання будівель)CAD (computer aided design) — САПР (система автоматизованого проектування). Наприклад: AutoCAD, Autodesk Architectural Desktop, ArchiCAD, Allplan, Revit, Navisworks