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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Аккаунт-менеджер в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Аккаунт-менеджер в Україні"

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Количество вакансий профессии "Аккаунт-менеджер" по диапазонам зарплаты в Україні

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 19.06.24, за професією Аккаунт-менеджер в Україні відкрито 2 вакансій. Для 50% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 13.3+ грн. 50% оголошень з зарплатнею 23,7+ грн, і 0% з зарплатнею 12.0+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Аккаунт-менеджер в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Аккаунт-менеджер в Україні.

Розподіл вакансії "Аккаунт-менеджер" по областям Україні

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Аккаунт-менеджер відкрито в Київській області. На другому місці - Львівська область, а на третьому - Полтавська область.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Account Manager Food & Beverage
HAYS, Bydgoszcz, kujawsko-pomorskie, Polska
Account Manager Food & BeverageBydgoszczNR REF.: 1185834Dla naszego Klienta, producenta m.in. środków czystości dla przemysłu spożywczego, poszukujemy Kandydatów/Kandydatki na stanowisko: Account Managera Food & Beverage Teren działania: Polska Północno-ZachodniaObowiązki:Profesjonalna opieka nad Klientami firmy oraz aktywne pozyskiwanie nowych KlientówKontakt i opieka handlowa nad zakładami produkcji żywności (zakłady mięsne, mleczarskie, owocowo-warzywne)Doradztwo i sprzedaż przemysłowych środków czystości Prowadzenie doradztwa technologicznego oraz szkoleń produktowychSystematyczne monitorowanie sytuacji rynkowej w branży Wdrażanie i rozwój sprzedaży nowych produktówUdział w szkoleniach pozwalających na rozwój i podnoszenie własnych kwalifikacjiRaportowanie działańWymagania:Wykształcenie wyższe (chemiczne, technologia żywności)Kilkuletnie doświadczenie w aktywnej sprzedaży i pozyskiwaniu Klientów poparte wynikamiDoświadczenie w branży chemicznej, przemysłowejPełna dyspozycyjność i mobilność w związku z częstymi wyjazdami służbowymiKomunikatywność, samodzielność, odpowiedzialnośćUmiejętności analitycznych oraz ustalania priorytetówUmiejętność przygotowywania i przedstawiania prezentacjiUmiejętność prowadzenia rozmów i negocjacji handlowychZnajomość języka angielskiego w stopniu komunikatywnym – B1/B2Czynne prawo jazdy kat. BOferta:Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie podstawowe oraz prowizyjnePełną wyzwań pracę, szkolenia produktowe i sprzedażowePakiet benefitówNiezbędne narzędziaInformujemy, że skontaktujemy się z wybranymi Kandydatami. Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Account Manager
Hays Poland, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Account ManagerWarszawaNR REF.: 1186108Posiadasz doświadczenie w sprzedaży IT B2B i wiesz, z czego składa się data center? Chcesz pracować dla jednego z największych dystrybutorów IT w Polsce?Aplikuj!Twoja następna firmaNaszym klientem jest specjalistyczny dystrybutor IT, który wprowadza na polski rynek innowacyjne rozwiązania IT. Obecnie poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko Account Manager, która będzie odpowiedzialna za budowanie relacji biznesowych i aktywny rozwój partnerów. Twoje następne stanowiskoOsoba na stanowisku Account Manager będzie odpowiedzialna za aktywne identyfikowanie nowych szans sprzedażowych, planowanie aktywności i rozwój wybranych partnerów handlowych w zakresie oferowanych produktów, budowanie długofalowych relacji biznesowych z bieżącymi klientami. Do zakresu odpowiedzialności będzie należało przygotowywanie ofert, prowadzenie negocjacji, finalizacja umów, monitorowanie i analizowanie działań konkurencji, realizację planu sprzedażowego, a także wsparcie w działaniach marketingowych (prowadzenie szkoleń, seminariów, webinarów). Praca wymagająca odbywania podroży służbowych. Będzie to codzienna współpraca z innymi działami firmy. Czego potrzebujesz, aby osiągnąć sukces?Poszukujemy osób, które posiadają doświadczenie w sprzedaży w IT. Ważna jest znajomość rynku, doświadczenie w pracy w dystrybucji, wysoko rozwinięte umiejętności sprzedażowe, negocjacyjne i prezentacyjne. Wymagana jest znajomość języka angielskiego pozwalająca na swobodną komunikację (w mowie i piśmie), w tym znajomość języka technicznego / IT. Znajomość produktów i usług w branży IT klasy Enterprise będzie dodatkowym atutem. Szansa na sprawdzenie się na tym stanowisku ma osoba zorientowana na cel, samodzielna, dobrze zorganizowania, która lubi pracę z klientem. Co zyskujesz?Nasz klient oferuje stabilne zatrudnienie w firmie należącej do międzynarodowej sieci dystrybutorów ICT, pracę w zgranym zespole, atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie (wynagrodzenie podstawowe + premia od sprzedaży), pakiet szkoleń podnoszących umiejętności zawodowe, pakiet prywatnej opieki medycznej, kartę sportową oraz dofinansowanie nauki języka angielskiego.Co powinieneś zrobić?Jeśli ta oferta jest idealna dla Ciebie, kliknij ‘Aplikuj’ i prześlij nam swoje aktualne cv.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Account Manager - rekrutacja online
HRK S.A., Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Account ManagerMiejsce pracy: Warszawa Zadania: Zarządzanie portfelem klientów i utrzymywanie z nimi długotrwałych relacji. Tworzenie, realizacja i monitorowanie strategii komunikacyjnych. Koordynacja działań PR, w tym przygotowywanie i dystrybucja materiałów prasowych, organizacja eventów oraz prowadzenie kampanii w mediach społecznościowych. Współpraca z dziennikarzami, influencerami i mediami branżowymi. Przygotowywanie ofert i prezentacji dla klientów. Nadzorowanie pracy zespołu projektowego. Wymagania:   Minimum 3 lata doświadczenia na stanowisku Account Managera w agencji PR Doskonałe umiejętności komunikacyjne i interpersonalne. Doświadczenie w tworzeniu i realizacji strategii PR. Znajomość mediów i umiejętność budowania relacji z dziennikarzami. Umiejętność pracy pod presją czasu i zarządzania wieloma projektami jednocześnie. Kreatywność i zdolność do myślenia strategicznego. Bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego. Proaktywność i umiejętność samodzielnego rozwiązywania problemów. Oferujemy:   Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie. Możliwość pracy z renomowanymi klientami i udziału w prestiżowych projektach. Dynamiczne i inspirujące środowisko pracy. Elastyczne godziny pracy i możliwość pracy zdalnej. Pakiet benefitów.
Assistant to Account Managers
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryThe IT company Andersen invites an Assistant to Account Managers to join its team.Andersen is a pre-IPO software development company that provides a full cycle of services. For over 16 years, we have been helping enterprises and middle-sized firms transform their businesses by creating effective digital solutions using innovative technologies.Today, we are working with businesses from various parts of the world, including North America, Western Europe, Israel, Australia, and the UAE. Our expertise covers FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, Media & Entertainment, Logistics, Travel & Hospitality, eCommerce, and other industries.If you are responsible, ready for a large amount of information and scope of tasks, know how to prioritize your work, are not afraid of new challenges, and dream of working at a large and constantly developing IT company, we’ll be glad to see you in our tight-knit team.ResponsibilitiesFull administrative and information support for the head.Searching and processing of necessary information, preparation of information and analytical materials.Organizing business meetings, business trips and negotiations of the head.Remote supporting the head on a business trip and coordination of scheduled meetings.Conducting business correspondence – writing letters, requests, and other documents.Provisioning the reception, accounting and storage of documentary information.Communicating with the company's divisions, internal control.Corporate reporting in CRM.RequirementsHigher education.The ability to work in multitasking mode, the ability to work with a large amount of information.Great attention to detail, organizational, administrative and analytical skills.A confident MS Office user, the ability to process documents.Competent oral and written speech.Level of English – from Upper-Intermediate and above.Desired skillsWork experience in a similar position as an assistant will be a plus.Experience working with document management in 1C/CRM systems.Reasons to join usExperience in teamwork with leaders in FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, and others. Andersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, BNP Paribas, Ryanair, Mercedes, TUI, Verivox, Allianz, T-Systems, etc..The opportunity to change the project and/or develop expertise in an interesting business domain.Job conditions – you can work both fully remotely and from the office or can choose a hybrid variant.Guarantee of professional, financial, and career growth! The company has introduced systems of mentoring and adaptation for each new employee.The opportunity to earn additional up to 1,700 EUR per month by participating in the company's activities.Access to the corporate training portal, where the entire knowledge base of the company is collected and which is constantly updated.Bright corporate life (parties / pizza days / PlayStation / fruits / coffee / snacks / movies).Certification compensation (AWS, PMP, etc).Referral program.English courses.Private health insurance and compensation for sports activities.Join us!
Account Manager (DACH)
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryThe IT company Andersen offers a job to an active and experienced Account Manager (DACH). We need a specialist capable of maintaining and developing warm business relationships with our existing customers and launching new domains and projects.Andersen is a pre-IPO software development company providing a full cycle of services. For over 16 years, we have been helping enterprises and middle-sized firms transform their businesses by creating effective digital solutions using innovative technologies.Today, we are working with businesses from various parts of the world, including North America, Western Europe, Israel, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE. Our expertise includes Logistics, FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, Media & Entertainment, Travel & Hospitality, e-Commerce, and other industries.ResponsibilitiesDevelopment and implementation of a customer strategy.Increasing both sales and profitability of projects.PnL statement control.Establishing and maintaining strong long-term partnerships with the client and key persons on the client's side.Identifying potential problems faced by the business and offering solutions to eliminate them, developing and implementing business processes for working with the client.Solution of current customer’s issues and problems.Conducting pre-sales activities, developing and presenting solutions to support the project development plan and strategy, as well as monitoring their results.Personal meetings, organization and holding of presentations, delegation and organization of processes between departments of the company for the implementation of the strategy.Business trips for meetings with clients around the world (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc.).RequirementsExperience in account management for 3+ years.Experience in teamwork/interaction with related departments for promoting and selling products/services.Experience in searching for new customers and markets (Germany, Austria, Switzerland).A result-oriented person with a high level of self-organization.Creativity, the ability to handle stress, high energy, communicative skills, and intellectual advancement;Level of spoken English and German — Upper-Intermediate (knowledge of an additional language is nice to have).Desired skillsExperience in formulating and implementing strategies or plans for account development.Technical knowledge in the field of IT with the sufficient ability to delve into the technical aspects of technology.Reasons to join usAndersen cooperates with such businesses as Siemens, Allianz, TUI, Verivox, Johnson & Johnson, etc..The opportunity to gain experience in developing business relationships with the world's largest brands, large-scale projects using cutting-edge technologies.High-profile deals, negotiation practice, and live communication in foreign languages.Your own lead generation team and personal assistant.We will also provide access both to the corporate training portal and internal training programs, where the company's entire knowledge base is compiled and constantly updated: PM, QA, BA, Intro to Computer Science, Intro to Information Security, Software Processes and Agile Practices, ICAgile course (ICP-ATF), SAFe DevOps, Growth mindset for Agile Delivery, Frontend, Backend, Mobile basics courses, etc. We also conduct internal and external training with experts in project management, negotiation, sales, etc..Mentoring and adaptation programs to help you blend with the team and get involved in your work as comfortably as possible.We have been strengthening our expertise since 2007. During this time, we have formed excellent teams with streamlined processes, where you can learn something new from your colleagues every day and enjoy your work.We at Andersen have many different ways to grow. You can improve as a specialist or a manager, and all your activities will be decently rewarded.Join us!
Junior Account Manager
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryThe IT company Andersen offers a job to an active Junior Account Manager. We need a specialist capable of maintaining and developing warm business relationships with our existing customers and launching new domains and projects.Andersen is a pre-IPO software development company providing a full cycle of services. For over 16 years, we have been helping enterprises and middle-sized firms transform their businesses by creating effective digital solutions using innovative technologies.Today, we are working with businesses from various parts of the world, including North America, Western Europe, Israel, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE. Our expertise includes FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, Media & Entertainment, Logistics, Travel & Hospitality, e-Commerce, and other industries.ResponsibilitiesUnderstanding customer business and how it operates.Establishing and nurturing strong long-term relationships with customer company and key people on the client's side.In collaboration with Andersen team and customer’s key people identifying potential issues customer business faces to propose solutions to fix them.Elaborating account development plan and strategy.Being responsible for the general customer satisfaction and growth in close collaboration with Andersen production team.Actively resolving ongoing issues and problems.Conducting sales and pre-sales activities, pitching and proposals elaboration to support account development plan and strategy.Being responsible for profitability and financial efficiency on assigned accounts.RequirementsExperience in account management and/or customer success management for 6+ months.Strong communication, negotiation and team collaboration skills.Conversation and communication skills C-Level people.Level of English – from Upper-Intermediate.Desired skillsStrong knowledge of the IT industry and how the major processes function.Experience in creating and implementing account development plans and strategies.Reasons to join usAndersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Johnson & Johnson, Ryanair, Europcar, TUI, Verivox, Shypple, etc..We offer the opportunity to gain experience in developing business relationships with the world's largest brands, as well as large-scale projects using cutting-edge technologies.Interesting and high-profile deals, negotiation practice, and communication with C-level people.The most important thing that we value in our employees is a commitment to continuous learning. The company supports them in this and gives them access to the best educational platforms, seminars, and practices. In addition, for over 16 years, Andersen has assembled a huge knowledge base and established a robust resource management institution.We have been strengthening our expertise since 2007. During this time, we have formed excellent teams with streamlined processes, where you can learn something new from your colleagues every day and enjoy your work.We at Andersen have many different ways to grow. You can improve as a specialist or a manager, and all your activities will be decently rewarded.Join us!
Senior Key Account Manager
Procter & Gamble, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description Are you looking to take your career to the next level?We are looking for an experienced Key Account Manager who is genuinely enthusiastic about the business and eager to work for one of the largest FMCG companies globally. This role offers the opportunity to contribute to driving positive sales growth outcomes for world-class brands such as Braun, Pantene, and Ariel, among others.With us you will:·Lead independently the customer business (in charge of all categories);·Negotiate the contract between the customer and P&G;·Develop Customer’s Business Plans and objectives;· Lead the Customer to use trade funds to achieve sustainable volume growth;·Leverage Customer’s specifics knowledge for reliable input to P&G initiative planning;·Lead the deployment of multifunctional resources and funds against clearly defined Customer-specific volume and in-store presence opportunities;·Manage all details related to the day-to-day business with Key Partners;·Build a collaborative business relationships with internal and external partner;·Manage the team of KAMs and Sales Specialists in the future;What we Offer:·Competitive salary;·Regular salary increases and possible promotions – all in line with your results and performance;·Benefits program: medical, travel & life insurance, lunch allowance, additional vacation days;·Long term career at P&G – managers at P&G grow with changing assignments, with time will develop your expertise in the different Sales processes;·World-class training and development;·Continuous mentoring – you will work with hardworking people and receive both formal trainings as well as day-to-day mentoring from your Manager;·Flexible work arrangements;Job QualificationsPlease apply if you have:· 5+ years of relevant experience, preferably from FMCG company· Ability to lead the customer internally and externally (end-to-end)·Very good negotiation skills with a proven track of success·Ability to add new value, find customer insights, and execute·Excellent analytical thinking and communication skills, together with the ability to influence others·Bachelor’s degree and driving license·Fluency in English and Ukrainian (written and spoken)Please apply by submitting your CV in English!Interested to know how the recruitment process looks like? Watch this video to learn more: P&G’s Day 1 starts with you making an impact on the world, P&G brands, and your career. You’ll be at the core of breakthrough innovations, be given exciting assignments, lead initiatives, and take ownership and responsibility. And you will do this in creative workspaces where new ideas flourish. All the while, you’ll receive world-class training to help you become a leader in your field. And it’s not just about what you’ll do, but how we will make you feel: welcomed, valued, purposeful, challenged, heard, and inspired.About us:P&G was founded over 180 years ago as a simple soap and candle company. Today, we’re the world’s largest consumer goods company and home to iconic trusted brands that make life a little bit easier in small but meaningful ways. We’ve spanned three centuries thanks to three simple ideas: leadership, innovation, and citizenship. The insight, innovation, and passion of hardworking teams have helped us grow into a global company that is governed responsibly and ethically, that is open and transparent, and that supports good causes and protects the environment. This is a place where you can be proud to work and do something that matters.Just so you know: We are an equal opportunity employer. We don’t discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, gender, age, citizenship, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or any other legally protected factor. Our people are all equally passionate in unique ways: we come from diverse traditions, personal experiences and points of view. And we want to include yours. Get to know us better here: Job ScheduleFull timeJob NumberR000100673Job SegmentationExperienced Professionals (Job Segmentation)
Account Manager (Real-estate)
Relocify, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Relocify is a Dutch company that assists expats and employers in finding long-term rental housing in the Netherlands. Our app allows international employees to easily explore and lease properties, whether they're in the Netherlands or abroad. Tasks Welcome inbound leads and actively engage new signups. Assist in creating their search profiles. Be the initial contact for all housing inquiries, managing expectations. Address queries promptly in customer chat. Upsell on additional services throughout the search and post-move-in phases Requirements At least 1 year of sales experience, service sales preferred. Strong work ethic, eager to learn and network with potential clients. Proficient in English, both written and spoken; additional languages are a bonus. CRM familiarity, especially Pipedrive is a plus. Benefits Full-time position with a base and a great commission structure A small team where you can grow fast, have challenges, and have a big impact Friendly team and casual startup environment Have a very positive impact on people's lives and be proud of what you sell Our interview process tends to take about 15-20 days to complete. Relocify is a fast-growing tech startup based in Amsterdam. Using our app, expats can easily find long-term properties, view them virtually from their phones, and sign contracts online. We work with small and big Dutch companies and help their new international employees with housing.
Account Manager, Animal Nutrition
DSM, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
Job title – Account Manager, Animal Nutrition (67274)Location – UkraineJob model – RemoteAs an Account Manager you will define and execute the sales targets for assigned customer portfolio across Vitamines ( premixes) and "Solutions" business lines; define and implement individual customer plans across business lines. You will be responsible for sales excellence, including CRM excellence across assigned customer portfolio. You will maintain the relationship at the highest level and managing commercial tasks (e.g., contract management, credit limits, payment terms). You will collaborate closely with Performance Solutions Sales Managers and Technical Experts.As an Account Manager the jobholder is expected to cooperate closely with Sales & Marketing team of the country as well as with the local teams to ensure the proper sales process in line with corporate and local requirements.At dsm-firmenich, being a force for good is not optional. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is a shared responsibility woven into our daily work, benefiting to our People, Customers & Communities and driving business value. Equal access to opportunities is a given, belonging is a shared feeling, authenticity is celebrated.Your key responsibilities Defining and executing the sales targets for assigned customer portfolio across.Defining and implementing individual customer plans across business lines.Implementing sales excellence, including CRM excellence across assigned customer portfolio.Maintaining the relationship at the highest level.Managing commercial tasks in responsible area (e.g., contract management, credit limits, payment terms, commercial offers, quotations). Closely collaborating with Performance Solutions Sales Managers and Technical Experts.Regular reporting to direct superior as well as providing plans on a daily/weekly/monthly basis upon request from direct superior.Manage all accounts on an equal and fair basis according to the size, demands, financial situation and historical relations with account and according to correspondent DSM policy.Sending commercial offers according to the company price list and only after approval of direct superior.We bringA supportive environment where you’re empowered to grow and share your ideas.An inclusive and multicultural team with respect for everyoneA dynamic work environment with many challenges that give you the possibility to work autonomously and with a team in finding the right solutions.You bring • Animal nutrition background• Sales skills• Good knowledge of Microsoft application (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and Internet environment. • Experience is using SAP system will be an advantage. • English language (min. B2) is a must, other languages is a plus• Learning agility, commitment, and excellent work organization.• Communication and cooperation skills on high level.The application processInterested in this position? Please apply on-line by uploading your resume in English via our career portal. For further information, please contact Tetiana Milewska, Talent Acquisition Business Partner () Equal Opportunities Commitmentdsm-firmenich is fully dedicated to inclusion because when people feel engaged and empowered, their creativity and innovation drives unprecedented progress. We aim to build a workplace where opportunity really is equal, so everyone can thrive. We do not discriminate: (here,) there’s a place for everyone with us.dsm-firmenich is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Our people are as diverse as our customers. For us that includes a commitment to ensuring equal employment opportunities for all job applicants and employees. Employment decisions are based upon job-related reasons regardless of an applicant's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability, marital status, genetic information, protected veteran status, or any other status protected by law.We are committed to providing reasonable support for disabled applicants in our recruiting process.
Account Manager
TechTellent, null, ua
Responsibilities: TechTellent  is looking for a skilled Account Manager to join our team.We are a fast-growing global IT & Tech company based in Cyprus that values its people and provides a positive work environment. We recruit and retain top IT talent, providing opportunities for growth and advancement to deliver world-class solutions to clients worldwide. Skills: Proven experience in gambling sector 2+ years; English Intermediate +; Must have understanding basic gambling metrics: GGR, NGR, RTP, Royalty, max exposure, bet/win amount, min/max bet etc. Experience with providers' back offices; Сommunication and interpersonal skills. Requirements communication with game providers; preparing roadmap for the release of new games; preparing the launch of new brands; support of the integration process of new providers; management of New Game Releases; provider support request processing; Maintain and update the game catalog. Benefits 20 working days of paid vacation per year; 15 working days of sickness annually; Compensative English lessons; Training compensation; Remote work.
Account Manager
Infopulse, null, ua
Infopulse is inviting talented professionals to join our project as a Account Manager for our respectable client BICS.Join the team of our customer BICS – a global telecommunication enabler with a physical network stretching across the globe! Become a part of the international team to conduct the communication stream;Fill up your skills reserve to build the career you deserve;Join our decade-long partnership with BICS and be confident in your future and long-term perspectives. Infopulse-BICS team has been growing since 2010… and we are looking forward to growing with you!Areas of Responsibility Promote and sell BICS as main international Messaging Hub for A2P traffic around the world in order to maintain and increase BICS’ leading position in the messaging marketManage the messaging relationship with the customers in assigned portfolio and optimize the profitability on both selling and buying activities. Daily monitoring of customer traffic, win-back actions, promotions, and all related selling and buying activitiesFacilitate cross-selling opportunities with the customersNegotiate international termination rates with existing accounts in order to maintain the lowest termination cost structure for BICS’ outbound traffic and coordinate all related activities to maximize volumes, including fraud management and illegal termination monitoring and fightingEnsure proper implementation of the commercial relations within BICS' operational framework with the view to guarantee the optimal functioning of the relevant BICS departmentsCoordinate issues related to the messaging business in the domain of financial (billing, collection, disputes resolution), technical, legal (contracts) and administrative issues towards assigned customers portfolio Qualifications Expertise on Messaging businessUnderstanding of the wholesale telecommunications businessStrong commercial aptitudeGood analytical skillStrong interpersonal skillsEntrepreneurial mindsetCustomer orientationTeam player Ability to manage large portfolio of customers
Next Generation Account Manager
Ericsson, Kiev, null, ua
Next Generation Account Manager Miejsce pracy: Kiev Your responsibilities Join our Team MELA Next Generation, Sales Talent program Are you looking for a job where you can shape opinions, drive trends and contribute to creating a brighter tomorrow? Join our team and become a part of the next wave of sales innovators. Our 12-month-long Ericsson Account Manager program, starting in September 2024, is crafted to nurture your development into an Account Manager who can help our customers navigate the evolving tech landscape. We’ll guide you on fostering robust partnerships to identify, pursue and close sales opportunities. You’ll learn how to effectively lead our customers through their communications technology journey with the full support of Ericsson’s diverse and inclusive community. You’ll benefit from close mentorship from our senior management team and be able to track your progress along a structured development path. If we feel that you’re ready for this challenge, we’ll be happy to welcome you in our team as an Account Manager at the end of the program. What can you expect from the program? •collaborating closely and getting together regularly with 13 other talents across our Europe and Latin America region •gaining insights into our business, stakeholders, and customers •learning about our product portfolio, sales processes, and ways of working •developing as a future leader through role rotations •dedicated mentorship with your Line Manager and Next Gen Buddy, supported by the Engagement Lead and our People Business Partners Do you have a bachelor's or a master’s degree in science, business, industrial engineering or in a similar field? Are you an excellent team player, ready to develop new skills and make courageous, fact-based decisions? Apply now—we’d love to know more about you. Having two to three years of working experience in B2B technical sales or a background in radio or core network technologies would help you get up to speed. Join us in paving the way toward a more equitable and sustainable future through the power of connectivity. Our requirements Bachelor's or a master’s degree in science, business, industrial engineering or in a similar field Benefits sharing the costs of sports activities private medical care life insurance annual bonus (results dependent) financial awards and distinctions possibility of tax deductible costs opportunity for technical and personal training work in an international environment mental help line opportunity to participate in 3G / 4G / 5G / 6G projects What’s next after you apply? Ask your questions during an initial call with a recruiter. Meet your potential future leader and colleagues in an interview. Complete an assignment to help us get to know you. Expect the final outcome in May or June 2024. Start the program in September. Ericsson Ericsson is a world-leading provider of telecommunications equipment and related services to mobile and fixed network operators globally. Over 1,000 networks in 140 countries utilize our network equipment and 40 percent of all mobile calls are made through our systems. We are one of the few companies worldwide that can offer end-to-end solutions for all major mobile communication standards
Key Account Manager Dairy
Cargill, Zhornys'ka, Lviv Oblast, ua
Job Purpose and ImpactThe Key Account Manager Dairy will focus on medium to long term planning and face to face selling. In this role, you will help sell a variety of complex company products, services and solutions across multiple lines of business for an assigned group of existing clients and participate in building sales plans and diversification strategies to protect and grow the relationship with a defined group of existing customers.Key AccountabilitiesHelp identify and lead interactions with assigned group of customers to resolve sales opportunities.Maintain existing and create new cooperation with customers in the assigned regions.Participate in resolving problems and ensuring customers receive high quality service.With minimal mentorship, develop client retention and growth plans and strategies for developing profitable business with assigned accounts.Review and report on customer retention, business opportunities and market trends.Independently handle complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating only the most complex issues to appropriate staff.Other duties as assigned.QualificationsMinimum QualificationsBachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience.Minimum of four years of related work experience.Other minimum qualifications may apply.Our OfferWe provide a fast paced stimulating international environment, which will stretch your abilities and channel your talents. We also offer competitive salary and benefits combined with outstanding career development opportunities in one of the largest and most solid private companies in the world.
Key Account Manager ( Odesa)
Sanofi, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job title: Key Account ManagerOur Team: Execution of the trade marketing activities with major retail accounts, to reach the established sales and marketing objectives for the assigned brands within the defined area.Main responsibilities:Achieve established business objectives within the assigned area, namely:- monthly, quarterly and annual sales value objectives for the assigned brands;- growth target in volume (SKU’s) and value (UAH);- manage P&L of customers of accounts in scope of responsibility.Achieve established performance objectives within the defined area, specifically:- Manage implementation of the marketing and trade marketing projects & campaigns for the assigned portfolio within the defined area following the guidelines coming from CL and marketing teams.Propose, elaborate and coordinate implementation of the locally customized trade marketing activities with selected retail accounts within the defined area, in close collaboration with District Sales Managers and Brand Managers, validated by CL.Regularly re-assess commercial potential of the retail accounts being covered and results of the trade marketing actions being implemented within the defined area, and come up to the BU management with clear action plans/proposals to commercialize relative business opportunities and minimize the risks.Ensure all activities performed fully comply to the Ukrainian legislation at force (criminal, administrative, labor), Code of Ethics of sanofi-aventis and any other policies and/or instruction being enforced by the company management.Manage the operational and trade marketing budget designated to specific actions with targeted retail accounts and ensure timely reporting of all related expenses according to the company policies.About you Work experience – at least three years of sales experience within the pharmaceutical or FMCG industry, experience in similar position is preferable but not mandatory.Team player, with willingness and capability to work transversally.Commercial and business acumen.Analytical mind set with eye for details.Creative and flexible, solution-driven mentality.Strong communication skills.Advanced computer skills enabling freely navigate and use basic office applications: MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Outlook and Internet Explorer.English language knowledge would be appreciated.Valid driving license and experience.Proven leadership, presentation, persuasion, analytical, project management, planning and organizational skills.Flexibility, adaptability, pro-activity and emotional intelligence.Pursue , discover Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people.At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity.Watch our and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at !
Accounting Manager [ECS:5425] - Kyiv
Eltoma Corporate Services Ltd, Kyiv, null, ua
Position: Full time.Location: Kyiv.Professional and Personal Opportunities:‍ Being a part of an international team of professionals. A compensation package will consist of a fixed part and access to ECS sponsored programmes. ECS corporate culture is encouraging in continuous professional and personal development. In-house training is regularly provided on international taxation, corporate law, international trust and funds, etc. Training is conducted by an experienced professional staff of Eltoma Corporate Services from various overseas offices of ECS. Professional staff is encourageв into enrolling on professional qualification provided by ACCA or ACA (UK). ECS runs a professional qualification sponsorship programme. Fast professional and career development opportunities based on personal qualities, commitments and contribution. Personal performance is assessed via KPI. A regular appraisal is conducted on a 6 months basis. Responsibilities: Managing ECS internal accounting function including management team of internal accountants. The scope of internal accounting includes the following:-> Monthly close out of individual and consolidated accounts. -> Daily reconciliation of bank accounts of Eltoma Corporate Services.-> Development and maintenance of Internal control policies and procedures covering: -> Cash and Banks-> Sales and Accounts Receivable. . -> Purchase and Accounts Payable. -> Fixed Assets. -> Deposits and Current Liabilities, etc. Sage Accounts/Case ware software support: -> Internal training and continuous support of other departments. -> Customised Sage reporting. -> Pricelists, discounts, etc. Treasury function: -> Local and international payments. -> FX and financial risk management. -> Cash flow forecasting and monitoring. -> Short-term deposits of cash excess. -> Optimisation of cost of treasury, etc. Budget and Budgetary Control and Analysis. -> Individual and consolidated balances. -> Budget variances analysis. Pricing ECS products: Existing products profitability review. Pricing new products. MIS reporting: Group consolidated accounts. Departmental P&L. Calculation of commission for ECS staff. ECS financial performance analysis. Cost analysis. Design and development of internal documents: ECS financial operations and reporting manual describing accounting treatment of ECS business transitions and business processes and document flows. Internal control policies and procedures. Internal accountant job descriptions. Direct and Indirect (VAT in Cyprus and the UK and GST in Singapore) tax compliance. Payroll function. Liaise with overseas offices to support overseas operations of Eltoma Corporate Services. Conducting internal seminars for Eltoma staff on basic accounting and Singapore taxation after necessary knowledge is acquired. Weekly progress reporting and contributing to monthly Eltoma Group MIS reporting. Participating in various projects and ad hoc assignments where required. Managing accounting and tax compliance for clients including the following:-> Managing team of accountants located in various offices of ECS. -> Make a budget for the external accounting function and each individual accountant. -> Review budgeting variances and make appropriate actions to enhance performance in order to ensure that the department is profitable. -> Allocate a client portfolio to each accountant and review completion of jobs relating to each client. -> Assist accountants in getting necessary information directly from clients or with Customer Service support in order to complete bookkeeping for clients. -> Assist each accountant with coding of invoices, understanding of accounting transactions, etc. -> Monitoring performance of each accountant in relation to his/her portfolio. -> Reviewing and approving financial statements. -> Supervising preparation of financial statements in CaseWare. -> Assist and supervise preparation of XBRL for Singapore companies. -> Preparation and conducting webinars on relevant subjects. -> Direct and indirect (VAT/GST) compliance and reporting for clients. -> Payroll for client companies. -> Design and implement departmental business processes (guidelines, checklists, etc.), including a system of quality control. -> Manage the filing of supporting documentation and complying with legal and internal storage requirements. -> Avoiding legal challenges for ECS and clients by understanding current and proposed legislation; enforcing accounting regulations; recommending new procedures. -> Protects organisation’s value by keeping information confidential and job records in Sage Practice Solution timely, completely and accurately. -> Keeping timely, accurate and complete timesheet records in Sage Practice Solution. Requirements and person specification: University or college degree in a quantitative discipline subject (business administration, accounting, economics or finance). Finalist or fully qualified Professional Certificate in Accountancy (ACCA or ACA or CPA, etc.). Minimum seven years of proven work experience in an accounting profession. Experience in one of the Big 4 Accounting firms or any other multinational organisation will be considered an advantage. Experience in the preparation of both standalone and consolidated financial statements is a must. Knowledge of basics of Singapore taxation will be considered an advantage. Knowledge of both CaseWare and Sage Accounts software will be considered an advantage. Ability to communicate and present complex financial information to clients is essential. Fluency in English, additional languages would be considered an advantage.Strong personal qualities, such as ambitious, determined to develop professional career and willingness to go an extra mile to achieve it, multitask, ability to prioritise, adaptability, open minded, have the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines, basic managerial skills, be a quick learner, and team player.Terms: A shortlist of candidates will be required to complete an assignment during the final interview to assess competency in English. The successful candidate will receive a competitive salary according to experience and qualifications. All candidates are encouraged to register on www.eltoma-recruitment.com in order to receive regular updates on vacancies available at Eltoma Corporate Services and its clients.Please clearly state your gross salary expectation.‍
Key Account Manager Dairy.
Cargill, Zhornys'ka, Lviv Oblast, ua
Want to build a stronger, more sustainable future and cultivate your career? Join Cargill's global team of 160,000 employees who are committed to safe, responsible and sustainable ways to nourish the world. This position is in Cargill’s animal nutrition and health business, where we improve lives through better nutrition. Our team researches, innovates and creates solutions that deliver healthy results for our customers.Job Purpose and ImpactThe Key Account Manager Dairy will focus on medium to long term planning and face to face selling. In this role, you will help sell a variety of complex company products, services and solutions across multiple lines of business for an assigned group of existing clients and participate in building sales plans and diversification strategies to protect and grow the relationship with a defined group of existing customers.Key AccountabilitiesHelp identify and lead interactions with assigned group of customers to resolve sales opportunities.Maintain existing and create new cooperation with customers in the assigned regions.Participate in resolving problems and ensuring customers receive high quality service.With minimal mentorship, develop client retention and growth plans and strategies for developing profitable business with assigned accounts.Review and report on customer retention, business opportunities and market trends.Independently handle complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating only the most complex issues to appropriate staff.Other duties as assigned.QualificationsMinimum QualificationsBachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience.Minimum of four years of related work experience.Other minimum qualifications may apply.Our OfferWe provide a fast paced stimulating international environment, which will stretch your abilities and channel your talents. We also offer competitive salary and benefits combined with outstanding career development opportunities in one of the largest and most solid private companies in the world.
Junior Key Account Manager
Procter & Gamble, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description Job QualificationsInterested to know how the recruitment process looks like? Watch this video to learn more:At P&G #weseeequalWe are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. At P&G we strive to build a culture where everyone feels welcome, included, and able to bring their full selves to work.We ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process. Please click if you require an accommodation during the application process. Please make sure to wait to hear back from us regarding your accommodationbeforeproceeding with the online assessment, we thank you in advance for your patience. In case of any questions you can get to know us better here:Job ScheduleFull timeJob NumberR000102482Job SegmentationExperienced Professionals (Job Segmentation)
Account manager
RSD, Львів
An architectural and engineering company located in New York City is currently seeking a dynamic and skilled Account manager to join our team on a remote full-time basis. This is an exciting opportunity for an individual who is highly motivated and possesses a wealth of talent in management.Duties and Responsibilities:Ensure seamless daily operations.Act as the primary point of contact for client inquiries, responding promptly and efficiently.Manage project execution timelines effectively.Escalate and internally communicate vital information from partners to colleagues in a timely manner.Maintain high standards in client communication by being readily available and providing efficient solutions.Required Skills:Upper-Intermediate level of English or higher.Excellent written and verbal communication skills.Ability to resolve client issues and adeptly manage multiple projects simultaneously.Previous experience in office management or administration.Proficiency in tools such as Outlook, Excel, Word, etc.Strong organizational and time management skills, with a keenness to acquire new skills.The Company Offers:Competitive salary fixed in USD.Full-time remote work option.Opportunities for professional growth.Collaborate with an international team.Application Process:   If you are enthusiastic about this opportunity and feel aligned with the requirements, we eagerly await your resume and cover letter. Please include your salary expectations.
Account Manager for provid agency
Ми provid, креативна агенція з 29 річною історією, групи агенцій AGAMA. Ми – це особистості зі своїми переконаннями та спільними цінностями. Ми створюємо проєкти, які нам подобаються, та рішення, які працюють. Ми цінуємо співпрацю з найрізноманітнішими брендами. Більше про нас можеш дізнатися в Be, FB, Instagram, In та YouTube.У пошуках Account Manager! Зони твоєї відповідальності: Управління тендерами.  Комунікація з клієнтами щодо їхніх потреб і вимог, забезпечення високого рівня обслуговування.Підтримка та розвиток відносин з існуючими клієнтами. Координація з креативною командою, дизайнерами, копірайтерами та іншими фахівцями креативного агентства.Підготовка презентацій та комерційних пропозицій для клієнтів. Бюджетування та проектний документообіг. Підтримка балансу між ресурсами агентства та вимогами клієнтів.Від тебе очікуємо:Досвід роботи з тендерами.Досвід роботи у рекламному агентстві або пов'язаних сферах.Відмінні письмові та усні комунікаційні навички.Досвід роботи з кількома проектами одночасно, організованість, вміння дотримуватися термінів.Вміння аналізувати ринкові тенденції, збирати дані та використовувати їх для розробки маркетингових стратегій.Вміння будувати довгострокові відносини з клієнтами.Здатність швидко реагувати на запити клієнтів та забезпечувати високий рівень задоволеності.Здатність генерувати нові ідеї та пропонувати інноваційні рішення.Партнерство з креативними командами для розробки унікальних рекламних концепцій.Досвід роботи з інструментами для створення презентацій та аналітичних звітів.З provid ти отримаєш:можливість змішаного й дистанційного режиму роботи;можливість працювати у зручному сучасному офісі в самому центрі Києва (площа Українських Героїв);команду талановитих професіоналів із чудовою робочою атмосферою;гнучкий графік, якщо ти готовий відповідати за результат;можливість кар’єрного й професійного зростання;оплачувану відпустку (24 календарні дні), лікарняні, короткострокові sick leaves, відпустку на день народження;можливість реалізовувати амбітні проєкти для наших не менш амбітних клієнтів;доступ до ресурсів і лекцій European Business Association (EBA).Надсилай резюме* із зазначенням очікуваної фінансової мотивації.Ми у фейсбуці: providНаші кейси: our projectsПриєднуйся до команди provid!*Зауважте, що, надсилаючи резюме, ви даєте згоду на обробку наданих вами персональних даних з метою підбору персоналу та забезпечення ним компанії. Надаємо зворотний зв’язок претендентам, які відповідають вимогам вакантної посади, протягом одного-двох робочих днів.
Account Manager на івент проєкти
All Motion, Київ
Привіт, давай знайомитись. Ми рекламний холдинг All Motion Group.Ми створюємо з нуля проєкти у напрямках BTL, Event, Trade Marketing та Digital. І ми робимо це вже 20 років!Зараз ми шукаємо в свою команду Account Manager на івент проєкти. Що входитиме до твоїх обов'язків:спілкування з клієнтамискладання бюджетівведення проєктної документаціїкомунікація та постановка завдань відділам та підрядникам у процесі підготовки проєктівпідготовка звітів після проведення проєктуТи нам підходиш, якщо маєш:досвід роботи на позиції Account manager у сфері івентів від 2-х роківвисокий рівень організованості та відповідальностіоптимізм та любов до івентів)Ми пропонуємо:Гнучкий робочий графік, амбітні цілі, класна команда, незвичайні завдання, виклик твого професіоналізму та можливість рости разом з нашою компанією. Хочеш працювати з нами? Тоді швидше надсилай своє резюме!Докладніше про нас - http://allmotion.com.ua/Чекаємо і вже хочемо зустрітись!