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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Майстер виробничого навчання в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Майстер виробничого навчання в Україні"

9 994 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Майстер виробничого навчання в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Майстер виробничого навчання в Україні.

Розподіл вакансії "Майстер виробничого навчання" по областям Україні

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Майстер виробничого навчання відкрито в Київській області. На другому місці - Львівська область, а на третьому - Полтавська область.

Рейтинг областей Україні за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Майстер виробничого навчання"

За статистикою нашого сайту, професія Майстер виробничого навчання є найбільш високооплачуваною в Київській області. Рівень середньої заробітної плати становить 15000 грн. Слідом ідуть Запорізька область і Дніпропетровська область.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Україні

Серед схожих професій в Україні найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Мастер-приемщик автосервиса. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 22500 грн. На другому місці - Багетный мастер з зарплатнею 20000 грн, а на третьому - Мастер погрузо-разгрузочных работ з зарплатнею 20000 грн.

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Scrum Master / Project Manager
ITernal, Ukraine
Requirements:• Experience as a Project or Product Manager and Business Analyst 3+ years;• Working on a project with at least 1-year duration and a team of min 7 members;• Ability to manage 3+ small projects (2-3 members);• Experience in managing PreSales to start a new project for a team;• Deep understanding of project management principles, Agile Methodologies strong leadership qualities;• Fluent English or Upper-intermediate level.As a plus would be:• Technical experience;• Experience in hiring people and gathering a team.Responsibilities:• Responsibility for successful project delivery;• Form a team, build processes to support efficient teamwork and product development to deliver value on-time;• Facilitate meetings that are needed to launch, execute and deliver values to our customers;• Manage the communication with the teams and the stakeholders;• Prepare project reports, develop and maintain project documentation, manage team workload;• Participate in the Presale process;• Analyze business needs;• Suggest and approve scope for MVP and suitable solution;• Present tasks to a team to make an estimation;• Make a presentation to the client and update the scope to reach the client’s business goal.We offer:• Growing to a Delivery Manager role;• Possibility to influence the development of the project;• Friendly professional staff and warm atmosphere;• Help with development via mentoring and coaching;• The environment where you can implement your ideas;• Plans for growth and the performance review (every 6 months);• Flexible schedule and opportunities to working remotely (8 hours workday);• Paid vacation and sick leaves;• Attending professional conferences, summits, workshops, and seminars (70% compensation from the company);• Access to the yoga training;• English courses;• Participation in educational activities and thematic conferences;• Team parties and corporate events.
На роботу потрібен майстер ювелір
, Біла Церква, Київська область
Ювелірна компанія запрошує відповідального ювеліра на виробництво у м. Біла Церква, який долучиться до нашої команди та допоможе нам зберігати нашу репутацію високоякісного бренду.Вимоги:бажаний аналогічний досвід роботипорядність, відповідальність, уважністьякісне виконання поставлених обов’язківУмови роботи:Робота в приємній та дружній атмосферіКомфортні умови праці, робота в сучасному та комфортному виробничому приміщенніПідтримка та навчання від досвідчених професіоналівПривабливі та конкурентні умови оплати (оплата залежить від об'єму виконаних робіт та навичок ювеліра)Надішліть нам своє резюме або зв’яжіться з нами для отримання додаткової інформації. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на вашу відповідь.
Chief of Party - Ukraine Mental Health Activity
International Medical Corps, null, ua
Job Title Chief of Party - Ukraine Mental Health Activity Location Ukraine - UA (Primary) Category Programs Date Needed By 7/15/2024 Program Description (Background) Project Description The successful candidate will be the International Medical Corps’ Chief of Party (COP) for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s anticipated 5-year, . This project is aimed at supporting the Government of Ukraine in accelerating development of a modern, evidence-informed, integrated mental health system at all levels. This system will foster enhanced accountability, efficiency, and transparency to effectively address the evolving mental health challenges faced by Ukrainians amidst Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, and during its recovery. This activity is estimated at $50-$100 million with an anticipated solicitation release date of July 15, 2024 and award date of November 20, 2024. The position will be based in Kyiv, Ukraine. *The position is contingent upon successful bidding and donor agreement* Job Description JOB SUMMARY The Chief of Party will apply their expertise and experience to realize the projects' vision and strategy by providing overall project leadership, management, operations, and implementation of the project. S/he will lead a diverse project team, implementing interventions in a complex operational environment to ensure that all activities and the partners achieve the activity’s proposed deliverables. The Chief of Party will serve as the primary liaison with key stakeholders, including managing relations with the relevant government departments and units, the donor and leading the relationship with the consortium members as well other actors and the various coordination platforms. S/he will lead a senior team of technical and operational experts to ensure the project’s implementation is sufficiently supported and able to achieve high quality, relevant, technical project deliverables. S/he will coordinate closely with the organization’s technical teams, as well as the country team in Ukraine. The Chief of Party will provide sound leadership for the overall management of the project’s consortium partners, staff, and consultants, with technical and operational oversight, coordination, and support– ensuring a strong, successful, and productive collaboration across teams. To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential function with or without reasonable accommodation. MAIN TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Project Management Develop and execute overall project strategy, work plan and budget to achieve project results. Lead overall strategy, management, and operations for the project making key decisions, mitigating risks, and ensuring the integrity of the project’s timely implementation. Lead and supervise the project’s senior team across all consortium members, including providing leadership and building capacity across core project staff. Lead technical and operational planning and strategic communications for the project. Provide technical direction for the development and adherence to the MEAL and CLA plans for the successive phases of the project to capture expected performance and results. Lead regular reviews of deliverables, project practices, tools and achievements against programmatic targets and quality standards; integrate learning and adaptation for continuous performance improvement informed by an effective use of data. Lead the effective implementation of and adherence to all International Medical Corps’ policies and donor’s requirements across the project’s interventions. Ensure that contract, finance, and grants administration functions are in full compliance and are well supported with effective systems and procedures. Senior Coordination and Representation As the project’s primary focal point, manage key relationships with all levels of relevant stakeholders (country field missions, host-country governments, and donor), as well as required by the aims of the project. Represent the project within International Medical Corps' portfolio; facilitate and ensure internal cross-departmental support consistently meets the needs of the project and its team; cultivate and maintain positive working relationships with relevant International Medical Corps’ staff across relevant departments such as International Programs, Technical Unit, Grants and Contracts Managements, Global Communications, and more. Consortium and Subawards Management Lead efforts for overall consortium management, ensuring oversight and support aligns with partner-specific needs, donor compliance, and implementation plans. Supervise the DCOP in the overall management of the subawards and quality control for partners’ deliverables. Responsible for overall relationship management with partners’ HQ and project-specific team members; cultivate and maintain positive and effective working relationships, serving as primary focal point for all consortium partners Human Resources Management Ensure that the project team and is properly onboarded, roles and responsibilities are properly assigned, and the team is able to implement the agreed project deliverables. Develop support strategies for staff, foster teambuilding, and introduce principles of self-care. Provide supportive and constructive feedback and conduct regular performance appraisals. Ensure project staff adhere to and are supported by any established dotted-line supervision with broader departments. Security and Conduct Provide leadership for the coordination of the project with the lead safety and security focal points; ensure that the project’s implementation strategies and risk mitigation approaches align with IMC’s safety and security plans. Contribute to the positive image and overall credibility of the project and organization, notably through adherence to the Code of Conduct and Ethics, including compliance with anti-harassment, safeguarding and PSEA policies. Ensure that team members are properly trained in security and conduct protocols and policies, put in place systems to support staff wellbeing, safety and security are in place, and measures to support accountability to beneficiaries are effectively integrated and prioritized throughout the project. Perform other duties as assigned. The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are representative of the nature and level of work assigned and not necessarily all inclusive. Job Requirements MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Typically, a master’s degree in the Medical Field, Public Health, Psychology, Social Work, International Development, or related field. Typically, 12+ years of relevant and progressive experience managing high-value, complex, multi-year, multi-partner projects implemented in international development and/or humanitarian settings, including at least 7 years in a senior-level position providing technical assistance and managerial oversight. Demonstrated experience designing and managing projects with focus in the areas of health systems strengthening, emergency preparedness and response, capacity development at regional, national and local levels. Proven experience cultivating and managing donor, host-country and muti-lateral agencies relations; experience with USAID preferred. Experience providing technical direction, assistance, and oversight for project implementation, measuring performance against targets, as well as leading any necessary training and mentoring staff, partners, and key stakeholders. Experience leading and/or supporting programs on the health systems strengthening initiatives with local stakeholders in related technical areas, including contributing to curriculum development and effective training methodologies for the health sector, or health governance projects. Demonstrated experience managing teams, employing both in-person and remote management approaches to supervision of staff in various locations. Strong leadership and management skills with proven ability to lead and motivate multidisciplinary and multicultural project teams. Proven strong consortium and partnership management skills. Demonstrated strategic thinking, creativity, acute problem solving, and analytical skills. Knowledge of foreign aid architecture, including humanitarian and development funding mechanisms. Strong interpersonal and communication skills, both oral and written. Strong familiarity with USAID rules and regulations, including monitoring related compliance and mitigating risks. Fluency in written and spoken English required, language skills in Ukrainian a plus. Willingness and ability to travel to project sites in the assigned countries on occasion, including traveling to insecure environments, is required. Additional Technical or Language Requirements Code of Conduct As applicable to this position, an individual must promote and encourage a culture of compliance and ethics throughout the organization and maintain a clear understanding of International Medical Corps’ and donor compliance and ethics standards and adheres to those standards. Staff are also responsible for preventing violations to our Code of Conduct and Ethics, which may involve Conflicts of Interest, Fraud, Corruption or Harassment. If you see, hear or are made aware of any violations to the Code of Conduct and Ethics or Safeguarding Policy, you have an obligation to report. If this is a supervisory position, one must set an example of ethical behavior through one’s own conduct and oversight of the work of others; ensure that those who report to you have sufficient knowledge and resources to follow the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct & Ethics; monitor compliance of the people you supervise; enforce the Code of Conduct & Ethics and International Medical Corps’ policies, including the Safeguarding Policy and the Protection from Harassment, Bullying and Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace Policy, consistently and fairly; support employees who in good faith raise questions or concerns. Safeguarding It is all staff shared responsibility and obligation to safeguard and protect populations with whom we work, including adults who may be particularly vulnerable and children. This includes safeguarding from the following conduct by our staff or partners: sexual exploitation and abuse; exploitation, neglect, or abuse of children, adults at risk, or LGBTI individuals; and any form of trafficking in persons. Equal Opportunities International Medical Corps is proud to provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or status as a veteran.
Job in Germany: SAP Inhouse Consultant PP/MM, Production, Materials Management (m/f/d)
Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes GmbH, null, ua
SAP Inhouse Consultant PP/MM, Production, Materials Management (m/f/d) At Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes GmbH, we produce high-performance brake discs exclusively for sports and premium vehicles from well-known car manufacturers. At two production sites in Italy and Germany, our employees share a common passion: carbon ceramic brakes. The company is a joint venture between Brembo N.V. and SGL Group. For our location in Meitingen we are looking for an IT specialist SAP Inhouse Consultant PP/MM, Production Materials Management (m/f/d) SAP Inhouse Consultant PP/MM, Production Materials Management (m/f/d) Your opportunity: Your chance: We are looking for you as SAP Inhouse Consultant PP/MM, Production Materials Management (m/f/d) with focus on the SAP modules MM & PP for the analysis as well as continuous improvement and digitalization of business processes along the entire value chain in close cooperation with the operational functions. In this role, you will report to the Head of IT & Digital Transformation of Brembo SGL and form the interface to the SAP experts of the parent companies Brembo and SGL Carbon. Your tasks: Main contact person and consultant for the operational functions of Brembo SGL (especially production, purchasing, logistics) for all questions related to SAP (especially MM & PP) Responsibility for the definition, documentation and implementation of effective and efficient business processes in SAP along the value chain. Support or management of corresponding projects. Interface to the parent companies for all SAP-relevant topics Proactive analysis of existing business processes in order to establish overarching and coordinated solutions in SAP together with the functional areas Driving forward progressive digitalization and setting up interfaces between SAP and other systems such as MES and PLM Coordinating change requests, defining and documenting standards and creating the basis for uniform application of existing processes and high (master) data quality in SAP Supporting the parent companies in the planned introduction of SAP S4 HANA at the Brembo SGL sites Your profile: Your profile: Successful degree in the field of engineering, computer science or comparable Proven experience in the analysis, design and implementation of business processes with the SAP modules MM & PP in a manufacturing company Technical expertise in common SAP business processes in SAP R3 (SAP S/4 HANA) High analytical and conceptual thinking skills as well as excellent communication and organizational skills Fluent German and very good written and spoken English, knowledge of Italian an advantage Our promise: Our promise: Permanent position in a rapidly growing company Performance-related income and collectively agreed benefits in accordance with the collective agreement (M+E) Flexible working hours and mobile office in coordination with the manager Attractive, employer-financed company pension scheme and modern health management Challenging and varied activities Individual development / further training opportunities Team-oriented working atmosphere Contact We look forward to receiving your application by e-mail to [email protected] For an initial contact, please contact Ms. Sandra Mayer-Hörl at +49 8271 83-2576. At Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes GmbH, we produce high-performance brake discs exclusively for sports and premium vehicles from well-known car manufacturers. At two production sites in Italy and Germany, our employees share a common passion: carbon ceramic brakes. The company is a joint venture between Brembo N.V. and SGL Group.
Job in Germany: Head of Department:in AI and Digital Innovation
enercity AG, null, ua
Job ID: J2024413 Head of Department:in AI and Digital Innovation Hanover Full-time Gender is not important to us, what matters to us is that you fit in with our culture and the team and are passionate about your job. Tasks As Head of AI and Digital Innovation, you will be responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive AI strategy aligned with the company's business objectives. You will identify key areas where AI can add business value, drive innovation and improve operational efficiency. In addition, you will define, maintain and monitor the implementation of the catalog of AI-driven requirements for our enterprise data strategy. You will plan, initiate, support and monitor overarching AI projects and manage the integration of AI and other new technologies into existing systems and processes. You will also be responsible for ensuring the user-oriented introduction of digital tools and AI platforms in various areas. You will also be responsible for planning and monitoring the budget to support AI initiatives. You will be responsible for reporting project and program results to senior management and ensuring that enercity stays up to date with AI and its applications. To support AI initiatives at enercity, you will determine investment and training needs and implement required processes and organizational structures. You will also ensure data integrity, scalability, accessibility and security to enable data-driven decision making across the business. To promote AI-driven innovation, you will be responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring an end-to-end innovation management process. You will ensure that AI-focused innovation management processes can be seamlessly integrated into the central innovation process. You will foster a culture of experimentation and creativity that encourages the development of innovative solutions by ensuring clear processes and overcoming resistance to change. You will create communication frameworks to support the innovation process and promote an innovation-friendly corporate culture. You will also be responsible for setting up, developing and managing a powerful department in line with the requirements of the enercity management team. In particular, you will focus on building and developing a competence team of data experts with the aim of empowering the company-wide, strategic ML, AI and analytics initiatives and projects. In doing so, you will establish a positive working environment and culture that takes into account the achievement of work results and employee motivation and you will promote company-wide cooperation with other departments. You will also be responsible for building and maintaining strategic partnerships with leading technology partners and AI experts. Working with external stakeholders to leverage best-in-class digital and AI solutions and representing enercity at industry events and forums to build a network of digital and AI thought leaders will round out your day. Requirements You have a Master's degree in computer science, business informatics, economics, industrial engineering or a comparable qualification and training. Your sound experience in the development and successful implementation of strategies related to artificial intelligence (strategy development, program structure and project implementation) sets you apart. In addition, you have several years of proven leadership experience with disciplinary responsibility for a team and your strong leadership and communication skills enable you to motivate and lead teams and communicate a clear vision for the IT infrastructure of the future. You impress with a high degree of initiative, a sense of responsibility, independent work and decision-making skills. Our job advertisement appeals to you, but you don't quite meet the 100% requirement? No problem - we'll make up the missing percentage together. The Head of AI and Digital Innovation is in the very exposed role of leading the enercity Group's data transformation and AI initiatives. This role reports directly to the CIO / CDO and plays a central role in leveraging AI and other emerging technologies to drive enercity business value, foster a culture of innovation and integrate innovative solutions across the organization. Do you want a job that really makes a difference? Then let us know and apply. We would be happy to introduce you to enercity as your future and attractive employer. The icing on the cake - we offer you these benefits: Teamwork instead of hierarchical thinking What counts for us is the success of the team, which is why we support each other. We don't have traditional hierarchies: instead of breathing down your neck, our managers prefer to have your back. Plenty of scope for your own ideas We give you plenty of freedom to work independently. We look forward to your ideas - we value your willingness to actively help shape processes, products and solutions. Further training: developing your potential from day one It is very important to us that you can develop your potential freely - from your very first day at work. You will not only benefit from a comprehensive induction, but also from further training measures tailored to your needs. Health at enercity Your health is particularly important to us, which is why our workplaces are designed according to the latest ergonomic requirements. In addition, the company medical service is always there for you if you have any questions about health issues and prevention. Everything for your work-life balance From flexible working hours and mobile working to the enercity crèche and support for caring for relatives: We do our best to help you achieve the best possible work-life balance. Mobile working Wherever possible, we make it easier for you to balance your work and private life through mobile working. Whether in a café or at home - the choice is yours! enercity day nursery Every year, we provide twelve children of employees with a place in our nursery. The "Little Scientists' House" initiative introduces the little ones to music and the English language. Best transport connections We are happy to subsidize your ticket for the Hannover public transport system. There are also plenty of charging options for your electric car in our parking lot. Jobs that really make a difference Together, we move Hanover and make a significant contribution to the future of our society: we ensure that renewable energies make our world a better place to live. Attractive pay As a company, we are often geared towards the start-up mindset, but not when it comes to your remuneration. In addition to an attractive and secure salary, you will benefit from special payments or a company pension scheme, for example. Our company medical service is always there for you Take part in our prevention program or our health days, get a check-up from the company medical service team or contact our experts for all health topics. enercity Gym and company sports You can integrate exercise and relaxation into your working day at the enerGym. If you're looking for other sports to balance out your day, our company sports club is the right place for you! Onboarding: for the best possible start to your working life On your first day at work, you can expect a well-equipped workplace and a mentor to help you settle in. In the first week, you and your team will find out what our networking meetings are all about. Get to know all the benefits We are excellent! For us, the most important thing is that all employees can realize their potential. To this end, we offer them an environment that opens up a wide range of opportunities. A nice side effect: we receive seals that confirm this. Aroused interest? Then don't hesitate and send us your application. Simply use our online application form. Questions about your application? Feel free to contact me! Franziska Pardigol Recruiter [email protected] +49 (1525) 1497652 enercity AG Glockseeplatz 1 30169 Hanover www.enercity.de
Head of Operations
Danish Refugee Council, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About the jobThe Head of Operations is overall responsible for timely and quality implementation of DRC’s operations thourgh the line management of five Area Managers and the Partnership Management Unit.The Head of Operations is a key member of the Senior Management Team (SMT), responsible for cross cutting programmatic delivery and financial management in accordance with contractual obligations and country strategy. The post holder is part of the senior management team (SMT) and supports the Country Director in representing the country operations to government, donors and other stakeholders, working collaboratively with the Head of Programmes (HoP), the Head of Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding (HoHDP), Head of Safety (HoS) and the Head of Support Services (HoSS).Your main responsibilities will be:Area Staff Management and Capacity Building Effectively manage the Area Managers with an emphasis on excellence, promoting a culture of cooperation, learning, creativity, and innovation.Development of overall staff competence through leadership, training and coaching of technical and management key field staff.Ensure area structures are appropriately designed and sized to ensure operations smooth running, anticipating positioning and context changes Operations Implementation & Coordination Provide oversight, guidance and leadership to all aspects of project delivery and implementation in Ukraine, including ensuring timely reporting, compliance and quality utilizing routine monitoring and feedback into programme implementation.Ensure effective and transparent budget follow up, planning and use of financial resources in compliance with DRC and donor policies and priorities and ensure use of program management tools and real time BFU.Develop a close and productive working relationship with the technical team in coordination with the HoP to ensure that all aspects of programs are implemented to maximum affect and compliant with DRC and donor regulations. Safety Work with Head of Safety and Area Managers to ensure oversight of implementation of Safety Risk Management System in the Area Offices and project areas. About youTo be successful in this role we expect you to be a principled humanitarian with working experience in a range of conflict and post conflict settings with a strive for programmatic excellence. Moreover, we also expect the following:Required Master’s degree in International Development and/or Humanitarian Assistance, Project Management, or any other related fieldMinimum 7 years of progressively responsible experience in program management, leadership, and design in countries of conflict or post-conflict,Minimum 4 years of experience in managing complex emergency operations, including 2 years at country senior management level Desirable Previous experience working for DRC is a distinct advantage;Knowledge of Ukrainian is a distinct advantage; In this position, you are expected to demonstrate DRC’ five core competencies: Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process. Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback. Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation. Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly. Demonstrating integrity: You uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to our values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.We offerContract length: 2 yearsBand: EDesignation of Duty Station: Kyiv, Non Family Duty StationStart date: 02.09.2024Salary and conditions will be in accordance with Danish Refugee Council’s Terms of Employment for International or National Employees.
Job in Germany: Product Master:in Digitalization & Business Processes (m/f/d)
enercity AG, null, ua
Job ID: J2024331 Product Master:in Digitalization & Business Processes Hanover Full-time Gender is not important to us, what matters to us is that you fit in with our culture and the team and are passionate about your job. Tasks As Product Master:in Digitalization and Business Processes, you will be responsible for the technical management of the digitalization team. You will align the enercity mobility digitalization strategy with the corporate strategy and company-wide digitalization projects. Together with process management, you will drive forward the further development of business processes, including process documentation. You will develop optimization concepts (short, medium and long-term) to promote automation and digitalization. In the area of enercity mobility, you will be responsible for requirements management and for evaluating further development options for digital solutions together with internal and external partners. You will further develop digital solutions and software concepts as part of the overall IT architecture at enercity mobility. You also prioritize and budget the IT requirements of the business unit. Managing automation and digitalization projects and taking over service provider management round off your area of responsibility. Requirements You have a degree in business informatics, engineering or economics or a comparable qualification. You already have several years of experience in the digitalization and automation of processes, in the (further) development of IT systems / architectures and in project and product management. Your solution-oriented approach enables you to achieve your goals quickly. You impress with your independent and goal-oriented way of working. You have a strong sense of responsibility and systematic thinking, organization and coordination skills. Our job advertisement appeals to you, but you don't quite meet the 100% requirement? No problem - we'll make up the missing percentage together. 60 colleagues at enercity are committed to setting up and operating charging infrastructure for electromobility in order to play their part in the success of the transport and energy transition. As a young department in an established organization, the multidisciplinary team benefits from the advantages of an established employer combined with the spirit of a new start. It is important to us to provide and further develop innovative, sustainable and high-quality services that become an experience for our customers. A dynamic team is passionate about its work - do you share this enthusiasm? Then we look forward to receiving your application! #positiveenergy The icing on the cake - we offer you these benefits: Teamwork instead of hierarchical thinking What counts for us is the success of the team, which is why we support each other. We don't have traditional hierarchies: instead of breathing down your neck, our managers prefer to have your back. Plenty of scope for your own ideas We give you plenty of freedom to work independently. We look forward to your ideas - we value your willingness to actively help shape processes, products and solutions. Further training: developing your potential from day one It is very important to us that you can develop your potential freely - from your very first day at work. You will not only benefit from a comprehensive induction, but also from further training measures tailored to your needs. Health at enercity Your health is particularly important to us, which is why our workplaces are designed according to the latest ergonomic requirements. In addition, the company medical service is always there for you if you have any questions about health issues and prevention. Everything for your work-life balance From flexible working hours and mobile working to the enercity crèche and support for caring for relatives: We do our best to help you achieve the best possible work-life balance. Attractive salary As a company, we are often geared towards the start-up mindset, but not when it comes to your remuneration. In addition to an attractive and secure salary, you will benefit from special payments or a company pension scheme, for example. Onboarding: for the best possible start to your working life On your first day at work, you can expect an equipped workplace and a mentor to help you settle in. In the first week, you and your team will find out what our networking meetings are all about. enercity Gym and company sports You can integrate exercise and relaxation into your working day at the enerGym. If you're looking for other sports to balance out your day, our company sports club is the right place for you! Our company medical service is always there for you Take part in our prevention program or our health days, get a check-up from the company medical service team or contact our experts for all health topics. Mobile working Wherever possible, we make it easier for you to achieve a work-life balance through mobile working. Whether in a café or at home - the choice is yours! enercity day nursery Every year, we provide twelve children of employees with a place in our nursery. The "Little Scientists' House" initiative introduces the little ones to music and the English language. Best transport connections We are happy to subsidize your ticket for the Hannover public transport system. There are also plenty of charging options for your electric car in our parking lot. Jobs that really make a difference Together, we move Hanover and make a significant contribution to the future of our society: we ensure that renewable energies make our world a better place to live. Get to know all the benefits We are excellent! For us, the most important thing is that all employees can realize their potential. To this end, we offer them an environment that opens up a wide range of opportunities. A nice side effect: we receive seals that confirm this. Aroused interest? Then don't hesitate and send us your application. Simply use our online application form. Questions about your application? Feel free to contact me! Vanessa Kramer Recruiter [email protected] +49 (162) 3232672 enercity AG Glockseeplatz 1 30169 Hanover www.enercity.de
Job in Germany: Head of IT (m?/?f?/?d)
sanotact GmbH, null, ua
Head of IT (m/f/d) sanotact is an international specialist supplier of dietary supplements and medical products as well as functional confectionery such as dextrose and mints. We develop, produce and distribute high-quality products that can have a positive impact on people's health. Our employees are the heart of the company It is their commitment and qualifications that enable us to master the challenges of the present and the future - and achieve our ambitious corporate goals. To strengthen our IT department at the Münster site, we are looking for a Head of IT (m/f/d) Your tasks as Head of IT (m/f/d) Overall responsibility for the strategic direction and operational activities of the IT department in all its aspects, particularly in the areas of IT infrastructure, applications, security, client management and IT support Disciplinary and technical management of the IT team Collaboration with all specialist departments to define new IT requirements and manage external service providers Ensuring the availability and trouble-free operation of the infrastructure and IT processes, information and data security, network access and backup systems Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, including data protection Planning, implementing and managing function-specific and cross-functional IT projects and developing pragmatic solutions Further development and expansion of digitalization in the company Taking on the role of change manager (m/f/d) in the company to promote the acceptance of new technologies and future-oriented processes Your profile as Head of IT (m/f/d) Completed studies in IT, e.g. computer science, business informatics, software engineering, or comparable training with relevant experience Sound professional and management experience in the IT sector of a medium-sized manufacturing company, ideally in a comparable position in the food industry Sound experience in the support of the Infor M3 ERP system Strong project experience, problem-solving skills and service orientation Specialist knowledge in technical management, information analysis and in the field of hardware and software and their networking Experience in the implementation of IT security measures Hands-on mentality combined with high quality standards Ability to process and communicate complex issues in a target group-oriented and structured manner Analytical way of thinking, independent way of working Pragmatic view of what is necessary and feasible Fluent German and good written and spoken English skills What you can look forward to Long-term job security with a permanent contract and varied activities Fair remuneration including additional benefits such as a company pension scheme Free drinks such as coffee, water and tea Opportunities for personal development and further training Scope for independent, creative work and freedom to contribute your own ideas - thanks to flexible structures and short paths, these can be quickly put into practice A pleasant and cooperative working environment with a familiar working atmosphere Regulated working hours as well as flexibility in the organization of working hours and mobile working in areas where this can be made possible Intensive and accompanying on-the-job training Discounts on offers from well-known providers from various areas of life Become part of our team! Become part of our team! Please send us your detailed application documents stating your salary expectations and possible starting date via our career portal. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Karin Schmitz on 0251 1421 0. sanotact GmbH Hessenweg 10 48157 Münster We expressly welcome applications from people with severe disabilities/equal opportunities. www.sanotact.de
Помічник майстра в ювелірній майстерні
, Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область
ОПИСКомпанія ФОП "Діченко.", що спеціалізується на виробництві та ремонті ювелірних виробів будь-якої складності, шукає відповідального помічника майстра. Основним завданням є надання технічної підтримки майстру під час виконання робіт. Дана пропозиція передбачає поступове навчання помічника майстра, надання знань і навичок у сфері ювелірного мистецтва із подальшою перспективою кар'єрного росту.Виконання підтримуючих завдань майстра.Допомога у здійсненні комунікацій із клієнтами, облік замовлень.Забезпечення майстра необхідними інструментами та матеріалами.Участь у всіх виробничих процесах із поступовим переходом на повноваження підпорядкованого майстра.Вимоги:Здатність працювати під керівництвом та в команді.Акуратність та уважність до деталей.Бажання вдосконалювати свої навички в галузі ювелірної справиРозглянемо кандидатуру без досвіду (є навчання).Готовність до надання заставного документу в якості гаранта чесної роботиУмови:Гнучкий графік можливий за узгодженням.Навчання та професійний розвиток.Можливість кар'єрного ростуДружня робоча атмосфераЯкщо Ви відчуваєте в собі відповідальність та бажання вчитися в галузі ювелірного мистецтва, звертайтеся за номером телефону з 9:00 до 19:00.
Job in Germany: Master Data Manager (m/f/d)
Estée Lauder Companies, null, ua
Estée Lauder Companies Inc. is one of the world's leading suppliers and manufacturers in the cosmetics sector. We work with passion and enthusiasm on innovative beauty products in over 150 countries. Thanks to our creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, we maintain a leading position in the prestige beauty market. We are looking for a Master Data Manager (m/f/d) for our Supply Chain department in Munich as soon as possible. Master Data Manager (m/f/d) Your area of responsibility Leading a newly formed team in Master Data Management. Taking on the functional lead for process excellence improvement projects, both within the organization and in close collaboration with our retail partners. Realignment of the local master data organization, processes, responsibilities, systems, and data quality. Solve operational issues by analyzing the root causes and implementing solutions. Close collaboration with business stakeholders to design and implement appropriate end-to-end solutions. Definition of data standards and metrics to ensure high data quality across all functions. Monitoring of the external service provider entrusted with data maintenance. Ensuring that Master Data requirements of Retailers are met while simplifying the process of data exchange. Driving forward the expansion of electronic master data exchange with our retail partners using EDI standards (EANCOM, GS1, GDSN). Participation in international process improvement projects. Your Profile Completed commercial or IT related degree and work experience related to master data management in an FMCG environment or similar. Experience in People Management. Experience in Project Management, including IT projects. Experience in designing and implementing cross-functional processes. Knowledge of MDM tools, SAP, MS Office, and experience with data analysis tools. Knowledge of Process Mapping Methodology and Tools. Knowledge of GS1 Global Standards. Excellent networking and communication skills. Fluent in English, German is an advantage. Benefits #makeyourcareerglow Vacation: Look forward to 30 days per year (even more with increasing length of service). Employee discounts and other benefits: Benefit from attractive discounts on our products and interesting offers from our cooperation partners. Remuneration: Vacation and Christmas bonuses are a matter of course for us. Pension scheme: Not an exciting topic, but a very important one! That's why we invest in your company pension scheme and subsidize your capital-forming benefits. Further training: Take advantage of our diverse training program and continuously and individually educate yourself. Health: Your health is important to us, which is why we offer you various benefits as part of our health management program. Environment: Join an international market leader with flat hierarchies and a high level of social awareness.
Teacher of English
British Council, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide.We work directly with individuals to help them gain the skills, confidence and connections to transform their lives and shape a better world in partnership with the UK. We support them to build networks and explore creative ideas, to learn English, to get a high-quality education and to gain internationally recognised qualifications. Working with people in over 200 countries and territories, we are on the ground in more than 100 countries. In 2021–22 we reached 650 million people. Role Purpose To deliver quality English language teaching to a diverse audience of young learners and adults as part of the British Council Ukraine teaching team. About British Council Ukraine The teaching centre in Kyiv has an excellent reputation among our target customers and the maintenance of this reputation is critical to future growth. We currently have between 800 - 900 Adults and over 1000 Young Learners aged from 6 – 17 years old per term, with Primary and Secondary Young Learners being the main business priorities. By September 2019 the centre will be delivering the complete suite of corporate products across all segments. Corporate, one-to-one and teacher training work is also continuing to grow. We have 21 classrooms in our main site as well as classrooms we use in partner schools. We also have operational management of several language training projects for public servants. The teaching team is diverse with both L1 and L2 teachers. There are around 25 full time teachers and 25 freelance teachers. The management team is made up of Director English and Exams, a Deputy Director Teaching Centre and two Senior Teachers. We currently have three co-ordinators: for Adults, Young Learners and Corporate Courses. Main Accountabilities Plan, prepare and deliver high quality English language teaching that meets the needs of different customer groups considering individual learning styles Monitor progress and provide regular feedback to help manage students’ performance throughout the course, and actively promote learner autonomy Contribute to the development, evaluation, and improvement of English language courses, materials, and related services, in order to meet students’ needs by actively working as a member of the teaching team Complete teaching related administrative tasks to specified standards, including marking exams, completing registers and work record sheets, standby and placement testing. Actively engage in professional development and performance management to ensure quality and high standards in teaching and learning, and maintain British Council’s position at the forefront of best ELT practices Contribute to the development of lasting, mutually beneficial relationships by enhancing students’ understanding of contemporary UK Support local marketing and promotional strategy, and assist the teaching centre team in delivering excellent customer service Ensure safeguarding and guidelines are applied and upheld in line with standards and policy for the following areas: Child protection Equal Opportunity and Diversity Health and safety Anti-bribery Information management Qualifications Essential Undergraduate degree Cambridge CELTA/Trinity Certificate TESOL High proficiency in English i.e. full mastery of English across all 4 skills equivalent to user (CEFR C2) IELTS Band 8/9 in each of 4 sections of the academic module, or CPE Pass or above. Work Experience 2 years post-certificate i.e. CELTA/Trinity cert TESOL experience Experience in teaching relevant age groups specific to the centre: Young learners aged 8 to 10 (200+ hours) Young learners aged 11 to 17 (200+ hours) Adults General English (200+ hours) Additional Information Location – Kyiv, Ukraine Right to work in country- Non-Ukrainian teachers will need to get a criminal records check, a medical check, and a working visa before arrival. The process could take up to 2 months. The British Council, Ukraine will cover the cost of all checks and visas. No restrictions on passport holders. Ukrainian or those with Ukrainian residency status will need to get a criminal records check. All teachers will also need to get a further medical test on a yearly basis to obtain a sanitary book in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. The costs of this will be covered by the British Council, Ukraine. Work Schedule- Your working week is 38 hours a week (5 working days and 2 days off per week) in line with departmental schedule / shifts) – 24 of those will be contact ones, 12 for preparation time and the remaining 2 will be devoted to admin, professional development, and meetings. The working days will include Saturday and/or Sunday but not exceed 5 days per week. You will be expected to teach off-site or at our partner premises as well as in the main Teaching Centre. Closing Date – 25 Jul 2024 (23:59 PM IST) A connected and trusted UK in a more connected and trusted world. Equality , Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Statement
Product Designer (UX & UI)
Wix, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description As a Product Designer (UX/UI) you will join our UX/UI community of over 185 talented designers. At Wix, a UX/UI designer is responsible for creating visually appealing and user-friendly digital products. As a Product Designer, your goal is to ensure that the product satisfies the needs of the end-user while aligning with the overall business objectives. Working closely with product managers, developers, and other designers is part of your day-to-day responsibilities.  Take charge of functional design and create wireframes, from rough sketches to rich animated prototypes Conduct product research based on data, competitor analysis, support tickets and more Map all possible scenarios and create product flows Conduct a full design cycle, from collecting inspirations to development then monitor the product’s usage after launch. Analyze data and conduct usability sessions with real users, once a product is launched Qualifications Experienced Product Designer with 3+ years of UX design experience Proficient in design tools such as Figma Possess strategic thinking and a strong grasp of the product life cycle, from research to prototyping, design, and usability testing Good communication, organizational, and analytical skills with a passion for learning new things Capable of collaborating and brainstorming with individuals of varying skill levels Additional Information We are Wix’s UX/UI Guild. We define and design all Wix products, including complex back-office systems, drag-and-drop editors, mobile apps, and more. Our mission is to design the best user experience for all Wix users. UX plays a crucial role in product creation, from research and wireframes to design and development. Post-launch, we use quantitative and qualitative methods to test, observe the data, speak to users, and gather insights to improve. We love enthusiastic people who are both masters of UX and have a pixel-perfect approach to UI.  Wix Online Programs was developed as part of the “strategic products” effort at Wix. Online Programs is a relatively young mobile and desktop app (3 years in production) for creating and selling structured content such as online courses, training programs, and even fitness challenges. Essentially, we’re allowing users to add LMS (Learning Management System) to their site. 
Майстер цеху швейного виробництва
, Луцьк, Волинська область
Обов’язки:Координація і розподіл роботи в цеху з пошиття одягуКонтроль виконання плану пошиттяКонтроль якості швейних виробівКонтроль технологічного процесу пошиття моделей одягуНалагодження виробничих процесівОптимізація робочого процесу для досягнення високої продуктивностіОблік виконання роботи працівниками швейного цехуЗвітність по випуску продукції швейного цеху, використанню фурнітури та крою (робота з комп’ютером)Навчання та підтримка швачок у виробничому процесіВимоги:Досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді від 2 роківЗнання технологій пошиву та обладнання швейного цеху, правил його технічної експлуатаціїВміння працювати в команді та керувати людьмиВідповідальність та висока організованістьВпевнений користувач ПКБажання розвиватись та вдосконалювати свої навичкиУмови роботи:невеликий цех, кондиціонер, опаленнясучасне промислове обладнанняофіційне працевлаштуваннядружній колективзавжди своєчасна оплата
Head of Domain Solutions for the CTO Office (#73)
N-iX, null, ua
Work type: Office/Remote Technical Level: Manager Job Category: Business Analysis Project: CTO Office N-iX is a software development service company that helps businesses across the globe develop successful software products. Founded in 2002 in Lviv, N-iX has come a long way and increased its presence in six countries Poland, Ukraine, Sweden, Bulgaria, Malta, and the US. Today, we are a strong community of 1,900+ professionals and a reliable partner for global industry leaders and Fortune 500 companies. CTO Office at N-iX designs and executes industry-relevant inventions that allow organizations to realize exceptional business value from technology. We are looking for a Head of Domain Solutions. While directly reporting to the CTO, you will be driving the creation of a new department, building a team of industry subject-matter experts, business analysts and product managers, providing the domain/business consultancy and implementation support for world-class customers.As a Head of Domain Solutions Team you will be at the forefront of N-iX global expansion, working with multiple work streams and stakeholders. This is a tremendous opportunity to prove yourself and unlock the new growth frontiers for the company. Functions: Combine existing domain knowledge with N-iX domain expertise to become an ultimate subject-matter expert in one or more domains (Fintech, Retail, Manufacturing, Healthcare)Drive creation of GTM strategies for mentioned domainsServe as a consultant during pre-sales, discoveries and assessments to demonstrate N-iX and your own expertiseSupervise delivery teams during implementation projects to add the business value on technical projects N-iX runsDrive creation of repeatable business & technical solution offerings and acceleratorsPromote N-iX as a domain solution consultancy and implementation provider on external market (influencing content creation, participating in conferences, etc)Support digital marketing team in creation of sales-funnel for business and domain solutionsClosely collaborate with business & technological stakeholders: Technology Office, Solution Group, Delivery, Engagement, Partnership, etcContribute to strategic planning and building roadmapsAct in compliance with all Company Policies & Procedures Requirements: IT industry experience: 5+ years as Business Analysis, Product Manager or Subject-Matter ExpertDomain expertise in one or more of the following domains: Fintech (Banking, Insurance, Stock Markets), Retail (CPG, e-commerce, big box retail), Manufacturing, Healthcare.Master’s degreeAbility to break down and solve problems through quantitative thinking and analysis Capability to drive an independent workstream in the context of a broader team projectAbility to work collaboratively in a team and create an inclusive environment with people at all levels of an organizationComfort with ambiguous, ever-changing situationsDemonstrated aptitude for analytical and conceptual problem solving; comfort with quantitative analysis and managerial accountingAbility to work effectively with people at all levels in an organization (including C-level executives)Ability to understand the perspectives of varied stakeholder groupsExceptional organizational skills with the ability to balance multiple competing prioritiesExperience leading effective meetings with internal and external stakeholdersStrong problem-solving and analytical capabilitiesAbility to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, in EnglishOptional: PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA), Certified Analytics Professional (CAP), IIBA Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP), IIBA Certification of Competency in Business Analysis (CCBA)Be ready for business trips (Europe, the USA)We offer: Flexible working format - remote, office-based or flexibleA competitive salary and good compensation packagePersonalized career growthProfessional development tools (mentorship program, tech talks and trainings, centers of excellence, and more)Active tech communities with regular knowledge sharingEducation reimbursementPaid vacation days, sick leaves, and days offHealthcare & Sport programMedical insuranceMemorable anniversary presentsCorporate events and team buildings
Head of Procurement
Ajax Systems, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Ajax Systems — international developer and manufacturer of Ajax wireless security systems with smart home capabilities. We are a full-cycle company, from idea generation, R&D to mass production. There are 130+ devices in the Ajax line. Our company is a Ukrainian success story, a place of incredible strength and energy. Today, Ajax protects more than 2,500,000 users in 169 countries around the world. Ajax has been awarded Europe's highest security awards. A large professional team is driving the success and ambitions of our company. Ajax Systems has more than 3,000 employees and continues to scale. Responsibilities: Overall responsibility for purchasing and cost estimating activities across the business: add value, reduce costs, and drive business improvements; Create and implement best practice purchasing vision, strategy, policies, processes, and procedures to aid and improve business performance; Develop, implement, and maintain a supplier relationship and evaluation process to measure effective supplier performance and compliance; Negotiate contract terms with key suppliers to ensure value for money, quality standards, and delivery terms, with technical and operational input from stakeholders if appropriate; Seek and partner with reliable vendors and suppliers to sustain a competitive edge; Communicate with stakeholders about the impact of market changes and potential effects on supply. Simultaneously, recommend solutions that optimize costs without compromising quality; Contribute to new business initiatives and projects, and review and communicate the impact on purchasing activities; Take ownership of the purchasing monthly/annual budget, policy, guidelines, and any associated documents; Achieve main procurement KPIs; Provide mentorship to the team under control, set objectives, and monitor ongoing progress and performance; Ensure strong communication between teams under leadership to facilitate the exchange of information and implement changes and improvements. Requirements: Educated to degree level (preferably a Master's), preferably in finance; At least 5 years of relevant experience, including a minimum of 3 years in procurement management or consulting; Excellent relationship management skills with the ability to engage, negotiate, and manage key stakeholders and suppliers; Commercially and financially astute, with experience in managing budgets; Experience with modern sourcing and procurement systems; Proven leadership and management skills with the ability to optimize team performance and development; Proficiency in English (C1 or higher) is required. We offer: Opportunity to build a process and best practices for yourself; we are flexible; A driven team working in a zero-bullshit culture; Reimbursement of external training for professional development; Corporate English classes; Ajax security system kit for personal use; Official employment with Diia City perks; Medical insurance; Flexible work schedule in the office. We work to make people's lives peaceful and the world safe. Become part of a team that creates a smart and useful product of global scale in Ukraine. PI243851248
Head of Domain Solutions for the CTO Office (#16040540)
N-iX, null, ua
Work type: Office/Remote Technical Level: Leader Job Category: Business Analysis Project: CTO Office N-iX is a software development service company that helps businesses across the globe develop successful software products. Founded in 2002 in Lviv, N-iX has come a long way and increased its presence in six countries Poland, Ukraine, Sweden, Bulgaria, Malta, and the US. Today, we are a strong community of 1,900+ professionals and a reliable partner for global industry leaders and Fortune 500 companies. CTO Office at N-iX designs and executes industry-relevant inventions that allow organizations to realize exceptional business value from technology. We are looking for a Head of Domain Solutions. While directly reporting to the CTO, you will be driving the creation of a new department, building a team of industry subject-matter experts, business analysts and product managers, providing the domain/business consultancy and implementation support for world-class customers.As a Head of Domain Solutions Team you will be at the forefront of N-iX global expansion, working with multiple work streams and stakeholders. This is a tremendous opportunity to prove yourself and unlock the new growth frontiers for the company. Functions: Combine existing domain knowledge with N-iX domain expertise to become an ultimate subject-matter expert in one or more domains (Fintech, Retail, Manufacturing, Healthcare)Drive creation of GTM strategies for mentioned domainsServe as a consultant during pre-sales, discoveries and assessments to demonstrate N-iX and your own expertiseSupervise delivery teams during implementation projects to add the business value on technical projects N-iX runsDrive creation of repeatable business & technical solution offerings and acceleratorsPromote N-iX as a domain solution consultancy and implementation provider on external market (influencing content creation, participating in conferences, etc)Support digital marketing team in creation of sales-funnel for business and domain solutionsClosely collaborate with business & technological stakeholders: Technology Office, Solution Group, Delivery, Engagement, Partnership, etcContribute to strategic planning and building roadmapsAct in compliance with all Company Policies & Procedures Requirements: IT industry experience: 5+ years as Business Analysis, Product Manager or Subject-Matter ExpertDomain expertise in one or more of the following domains: Fintech (Banking, Insurance, Stock Markets), Retail (CPG, e-commerce, big box retail), Manufacturing, Healthcare.Master’s degreeAbility to break down and solve problems through quantitative thinking and analysis Capability to drive an independent workstream in the context of a broader team projectAbility to work collaboratively in a team and create an inclusive environment with people at all levels of an organizationComfort with ambiguous, ever-changing situationsDemonstrated aptitude for analytical and conceptual problem solving; comfort with quantitative analysis and managerial accountingAbility to work effectively with people at all levels in an organization (including C-level executives)Ability to understand the perspectives of varied stakeholder groupsExceptional organizational skills with the ability to balance multiple competing prioritiesExperience leading effective meetings with internal and external stakeholdersStrong problem-solving and analytical capabilitiesAbility to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, in EnglishOptional: PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA), Certified Analytics Professional (CAP), IIBA Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP), IIBA Certification of Competency in Business Analysis (CCBA)Be ready for business trips (Europe, the USA)We offer: Flexible working format - remote, office-based or flexibleA competitive salary and good compensation packagePersonalized career growthProfessional development tools (mentorship program, tech talks and trainings, centers of excellence, and more)Active tech communities with regular knowledge sharingEducation reimbursementPaid vacation days, sick leaves, and days offHealthcare & Sport programMedical insuranceMemorable anniversary presentsCorporate events and team buildings
Chief of Party – USAID/Ukraine Mental Health Activity
EDC (Education Development Center), Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Company DescriptionEDUCATION DEVELOPMENT CENTER (EDC) is one of the worlds leading nonprofit research and development firms. Established in 1958, EDC designs, delivers and evaluates innovative programs to address some of the worlds most urgent challenges in education, health, and economic opportunity. Our services include research, training, educational materials, and strategy, with activities ranging from seed projects to large-scale national and international initiatives.Job DescriptionProject DescriptionThe primary goal of the Ukraine Mental Health Initiative for National Development (U-MIND) activity is to contribute to Ukraines economic resilience by establishing an evidence-informed, inclusive mental health ecosystem. This mental health framework will be fully integrated across various sectors and programs. By promoting mental wellness, U-MIND seeks to enhance productivity, resilience, and social cohesion, thus fostering sustainable economic development and growth in Ukraine. Implementation should focus on efficacy, accessibility, scalability, adaptiveness, accountability, and cultural fit, in order to effectively respond to the evolving mental health landscape.Position DescriptionThe COP will have overall responsibility for management of the activity. This will include management of staff and implementing partners; direction of program technical strategy in collaboration with EDC home office counterparts and country-based technical program leads; oversight of workplans, budgets, and M&E functions; fostering productive high-level relationships with USAID, the Government of Ukraine, and various local and international counterparts; and representing EDC and the activity within national forums and working groups.QualificationsEducation:Minimum of a masters degree in public health, psychology, social work, or similar degree.Skills and Experience:10 years of experience in health programsExperience managing USAID or other donor-funded projects in health systems strengthening requiredExperience managing mental health and psychosocial support programming/activities requiredSuccessful experience working on national-level health policy and governance activitiesSuccessful experience strengthening quality of health services and supporting scale-upExperience working in Ukraine requiredExperience working in crisis and conflict settings requiredLanguage:Professionally proficient and fluent in written and spoken English and Ukrainian.
Director of Finance and Grants Administration
Camris, null, ua
Overview We are seeking a Director of Finance and Grants Administration for the anticipated five-year $50-99M USAID Mental Health Activity (MHA) in Ukraine. The purpose of this activity is to accelerate the development of a modern, evidence based, integrated mental health system in Ukraine that will foster enhanced accountability, efficiency, and transparency to effectively address the evolving mental health challenges faced by Ukrainians amidst and after the conflict.Reporting to the Chief of Party, the DFGA will provide overall financial management, compliance, grants administration, human resources, and operations oversight. S/he is responsible for ensuring that USAID requirements for budget planning, monitoring, and reporting are fully met in a timely manner, and the establishment and management of financial, operational and administrative systems that support the activity.CAMRIS International, LLC is a medical research and development firm that realizes innovative solutions to health and development challenges through high-quality, cost-effective program and research management services. We combine our proven systems with today’s most effective, evidence-based best practices to improve the lives of people around the world. Our core practice areas include HIV/AIDS, microbiology and infectious disease research, vaccine research, development and production, global health security, biodefense, and clinical research. Responsibilities Leadership and Management:Ensure application of documented policies and procedures for finance and all core operations functions to ensure ongoing efficient, effective support and compliance across the activity.Ensure that a system is in place for regular performance assessment of staff, including providing technical support and opportunities for development.Develop, coordinate and implement plans for the control, monitoring and reporting of financial operations to include controllership, treasury and budgets (work plan budgets, operating budgets and overall activity budget).Ensure that all financial information is consolidated on time and provided to the COP as appropriate for analysis and dissemination.Provide guidance to and overall supervision of the activity finance, grants, human resources, administration, operations (procurement, transport, ICT, inventory, safety & security, stores/warehousing) and sub-award teams.Provide regular training and coaching to staff on donor regulations, grant management systems, financial management, procurement and HR & administrative procedures.Monitor the security situation and oversee implementation of security measures, including appropriate reporting.Ensure timely dissemination of and training on new initiatives/guidelines and policies and monitoring of implementation.Financial Oversight:Oversee the timely review, approval and submission of all internal financial reporting requirements, including monthly field reports, E-draws etc.Review the finance policies and procedures to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.Direct the timely and accurate preparation and approval of all donors’ financial reports in respect to accounting, legal and contractual requirements.Establish and maintain professional banking relations; plan and monitor cash needs ensuring cash flow requirements of the activity are met for smooth implementation of activities.Provide the management team with monthly financial reports including overall activity budget status (budget tracker), work plan budgets’ status and ensuring potential issues are identified and addressed.Work closely with senior management to develop and monitor annual work plan budgets, operating budgets and budget updates.Perform final financial reviews of budgets prior to approval and submission.Perform internal audits and reviews, as required, to ensure compliance with company standards, donor requirements, and internationally accepted accounting practices.Work with management to develop and implement strong systems of internal controls and ensure general management of risk and control environment.Sub-award Management Oversight:Ensure adequate sub-award development processes, monitoring and management systems to ensure effective and timely issuance, reporting and oversight of all sub-awards.Monitor effective oversight and support to recipients of sub-awards by the activity to ensure consistent compliance with the terms of their agreements including financial management and compliance with donor regulations.Monitor the timely submission of accurate financial and activity reporting by sub-award recipients.Provide capacity building support to sub-grantees in sub-award management to be compliant with donor rules and regulations.Operations Systems Quality Oversight:Assess and monitor compliance with company and donor operational policies and procedures through field visits and report reviews.Review performance of operations functions to identify strengths and weaknesses; support management team and implementing partners to replicate the former and address the latter.Ensure that regular and comprehensive risk and cost-efficiency analyses are conducted.Monitor and review operational budgets to support financial stability, ongoing program viability, efficient cost structures, and appropriate spending.Oversee work of the security firm to provide day-to-day guidance and support to the MHA team during full scale Russian invasion and recovery period. Qualifications MBA or Master’s degree in Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, or related field.At least 10 years of relevant technical experience managing regulatory, contractual, legal and financial compliance requirements associated with USG funding including in-depth knowledge of USAID financial management rules and regulations experience.Diverse background in operations, with strong understanding of finance, administration, supply chain, human resources, information communication technology, and project management processes.Significant experience in financial monitoring, budget systems, and internal controls.Experience managing and monitoring sub-awards, including international and local partners.Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Ukrainian.Demonstrated strong analytical, interpersonal and multi-tasking skills.Demonstrated flexibility in responding to donor’s financial requests.Excellent leadership skills and demonstrated ability to manage and work effectively in team situations.Proven ability to prepare budgets, contract/sub-contracts and donor financial reports.Demonstrated capacity and prior experience in supervising others as a coach/mentor to train staff and develop financial skills of colleagues.Excellent computer skills, particularly Microsoft Office applications, accounting software such as QuickBooks and internet skills.
Agile Coach/Scrum Master
Raiffeisen Bank Ukraine, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are Raiffeisen Bank Ukraine, the Ukrainian bank. For 30 years we have been creating and building the banking system of our country. We were and are one of the largest banks in Ukraine and a reliable partner for millions of Ukrainians. We achieve high-speed digital products. We implement modern engineering practices, work on innovations that build high-quality interaction with our customers. Raiffeisen Bank operates as a universal bank offering a wide range of financial services to different customer segments: retail and corporate customers, small and medium-sized enterprises and financial institutions. Our priority is to provide the best quality of service. We strive to strengthen our competitive advantages by innovating, identifying and exploiting new opportunities. We are guided by values that provide a clear framework for our actions. More than 5,000 employees and nearly 3 million customers are the focus. #RaifTeam integrates the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion into the way we work. Combining the principles of people-centredness and innovation at work is our way. Become part of the #RaifTeam — people who are with us in the movement of innovation. Your responsibilities: Helping organizations to maximize the value created (customer-centric approach, shortening time to market, etc.) Ensuring teams/tribes and stakeholders understand Agile/Lean theory and practices Being a servant-leader for teams/tribes Constantly learn and educate in new Agile practices when needed Helping teams/tribes in self-organization and cross-functionality development Removing organizational-level impediments to the teams/tribe’s progress Facilitate cross-tribes, tribe, org level events Coach/Mentor Scrum Masters and Product Owners/Managers Develop a community of practices across the organization Working as SM with 1 team and as Agile Coach with an organization Requirements Experience in SM/SDM roles with several teams/systems Cases of transforming team from waterfall to Agile approach Cases of building a new Agile team in the non-Agile organization Deep understanding of Agile values and principles Deep understanding of Scrum and Kanban Deep understanding of business value discovery and delivery process Excellent communication skills Facilitation/Mediation skills and experience Mentoring/Teaching skills and experience At least up to 3 years of experience in the software development domain Upper-intermediate-level of English Benefits We offer: International business career:  work in a large international company that creates a diverse and inclusive environment for professional and personal growth. Strong Raiffeisen community of highly professional and successful teams from different countries. Challenging WOW-projects:  involvement into large-scale projects on product development, using modern engineering technologies, a unique approach to encouraging customer-driven innovation. Comfortable and safe format of work:  flexible work conditions including remote work or hybrid models alternating between in-office hours and remote work. Offices with uninterruptible power supplies and bomb shelters are provided to perform duties. Professional development:  knowledge sharing with colleagues from abroad, development within the company, upskilling and reskilling opportunities, and internal competitions. The possibility of obtaining T-shaped expertise. Internal and external training programs. Corporate English courses. Soft skills training at our corporate L&D academy. Team building activities and involvement in social projects. Attractive social package and well-being:  28 days of paid vacation, medical insurance, and official employment. Mental and Physical health support: individual psychological sessions and lectures, -free online workouts, yoga. Stable income:  competitive salary and bonuses for your efforts and contribution, rewards for participation in the referral program. Our team on social media: Facebook
Вакансія для майстра дорожньо-будівельних робіт в Польщі
M&A WORK, Польща
Потрібен майстер на дорожньо-будівельні роботи в Польщі.Обов’язкиПідготовка та організація робіт з будівництва та ремонту дорожнього покриття;Навчання працівників безпечним прийомам роботи;Проведення інструктажу працівників з охорони праці;Ведення документації (журнали виконання робіт і т. д.);Контроль за дотриманням працівниками виробничої та трудової дисципліни.Умови праціоплата праці 2500 злотих/місяць;офіційне працевлаштування;підвищення кваліфікації;графік роботи ненормований;проживання на орендованій квартирі за рахунок роботодавця.ВимогиДосвід роботи в дорожньому будівництві не менше 3 років.Профільна освіта (бажано).Уміння читати креслення.Знати технологічну послідовність процесів дорожнього будівництва.Знання технічні характеристики обладнання, дорожньо-будівельних машин та механізмів.Знання польської мови.