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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Заместитель генерального директора по производству в Україні"

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Монтажник ІТ
Аврора, мультимаркет, Полтава
Аврора Мультимаркет — це українська мережа магазинів, яка забезпечує товарами першої необхідності покупців з усієї країни, крім окупованих територій, і визнана критично важливою для функціонування економіки та забезпечення життєдіяльності населення України. Наші військовозобов? язані працівники мають можливість пройти процедуру бронювання за наявності належно оформлених військово-облікових документівЗа кількістю торгових точок у своєму сегменті «Аврора» є найбільшою компанією на ринку України і вже налічує понад 1350 магазинів. Наразі компанія «Аврора» є членом Американської торговельної палати в Україні, Європейської Бізнес Асоціації, Асоціації ритейлерів України. Влітку 2021 року інвестором компанії став фонд «Horizon Capital». Також «Аврора» увійшла до трійки провідних дискаунтерів непродовольчої групи Центральної та Східної ЄвропиМережа мультимаркетів Аврора розвивається кожного дня і завжди відкрита для активних та цілеспрямованих співробітників, які розділяють наші цінності та бажають розвиватися разом з нашою командою!Якщо ти у пошуках найкращих можливостей — приєднуйся та створюй кращий світ з командою Аврори!Твої ключові задачі:- Виконання встановлення та демонтажу IT обладнання (мережеве та касове обладнання, сканери цін, обладнання відеонагляду, аудіо обладнання) в мережі магазинів компанії;- Прокладення кабелів (вита пара, коаксіальний, ШВВП, ПВС) в мережі магазинів компанії;- Виконання задач, щодо обслуговування IT обладнання в магазинах мережіТобі знадобляться в роботі:- Досвід виконання монтажних робіт (прокладення кабелів (вита пара, коаксіальний кабель) та їх обтиснення конекторами, робота з кабель каналом, обладнання відеонагляду приміщень та подібні роботи);- Досвід роботи з інструментом (перфоратор, шурупокрут, бокоріз, кримпер, стриппер, інструмент для забивання кабелю);- Наявність водійського посвідчення категорії В та досвід управління авто від 2 років (бажано бусом);- Готовність до постійних відряджень по всій Україні;- Бажано технічна освітаВ Аврорі ти отримаєш:#візьми_відповідальність_отримай_можливість- офіційне працевлаштування, оплачувана відпустка і лікарняні;- комфортний графік роботи;- гідний рівень винагороди;#взаємодій_заради_мрій- мотивацію та систему наставництва;- дружню привітну робочу атмосферу, команду однодумців- можливість швидкого кар'єрного зростання;- щотижневі онлайн збори компанії із можливістю задати питання генеральному директору;- щомісячні бонуси на покупки товарів в нашій мережі;#будь_відкритим_до_нового- корпоративна форма;- розтермінування на покупку велосипедів та генераторів;- курси та тренінги від корпоративного навчального центру;- навчайся, ділись, впроваджуй знання та заощаджуй до 100% вартості зовнішніх тренінгів, які компенсує компанія!#створюй_свій_світ- безпечний, автономний та технологічний офіс з сучасними сервісами;- подарунки за участь у різних подіях компанії;- цікаве корпоративне і спортивне життя;#даруй_добро_вільно- Baby-Box для новонароджених аврорчиків;- підтримка і турбота у складних обставинах;- участь у благодійних проєктах (аукціони, збори, донорство);#лідируй_в_ефективності- приємні бонуси за втілення ідей;- професійне навчання та можливість підвищувати кваліфікацію;- використання LEAN — методології (ощадливе виробництво);- постійний супровід і підтримка: ліній: гаряча, довіри, юридична, психологічна, IT;Також ти отримаєш багато бенефітів та сервісів: корпоративний магазин, дисконт-клуб, фудкорти з можливістю замовити обіди, велопарковка, паркінг, прокат велосипедів, комфортне укриття, кімнати для дозвілля дітей, корпоративний транспорт та власний bla-bla-car, спортзал, кав’ярня, зони для відпочинку, цікаве корпоративне життя та соціальні заходи, челенджі, біговий та футбольний клуби, бібліотека, читацький клуб та багато інших сервісів турботи!Корисна інформація для тебе:- Для працевлаштування на період воєнного стану обов’язково для чоловіків треба мати при собі дійсний документ про військовий облік- У разі відсутності диплома ВНЗ, ми все одно розглянемо Вас як кандидата на вакансію. Оскільки, у демонстрації знань для нас важливо не вища освіта, а бажання постійно вчитисяСтворюй кращий світ та зростай з командою Аврори!Дякуємо за проявлений інтерес до нашої компанії. Не зволікайте і надсилайте резюме. Валерія 380673026607 (Телеграм)
Crisis Analysis Team Lead - Ukraine
Mercy Corps, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description About Mercy CorpsMercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within.MC Country Program Summary Mercy Corps’ Ukraine response meets the humanitarian needs of people affected by the war in Ukraine. Since the escalation of the war in 2022, Mercy Corps has supported more than 750,000 conflict-affected people in Ukraine and neighboring countries. In response to humanitarian needs, Mercy Corps has provided cash assistance, food and hygiene kits, and psychosocial support for people in emergency situations. At the same time, Mercy Corps acknowledges that together with addressing humanitarian needs, it is also important to engage in recovery activities leading to resilience of communities. Therefore, alongside ongoing emergency activities, Mercy Corps is implementing a resilience program, that contributes to stabilization of livelihoods and improved resilience for IDPs and conflict-affected individuals. In line with direct investments to support self-employment opportunities, small to medium enterprise (SMEs) and agriculture sectors, this resilience program works as an adaptive response mechanism and will adjust programming according to ongoing analysis of the context and potentially changing needs. Notably, nearly all our programming is delivered in partnership with Ukrainian civil society organizations matching humanitarian and resiliency action with capacity strengthening and a real commitment to localization.About Ukraine Crisis Analysis TeamMercy Corps’ Crisis Analysis teams aggregate and analyze data to improve decision making and access in complex crises. These analysis teams support Mercy Corps programming in Syria, Lebanon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and other locations. The teams directly contribute to evidence-driven decision making by layering information from primary sources, open sources and responders’ programmatic data, where it is analyzed by subject matter experts and data scientists. This analysis is grounded in Mercy Corps’ status as an operational NGO, keeping products timely and relevant. In response to the humanitarian situation in Ukraine as well as the regional implications of this crisis, Mercy Corps established an in-house analysis and early warning capacity to inform better program design and program implementation. Since then, Ukraine Crisis Analysis team (UACAT) has expanded its reach as a broker for analyses relevant at the operational, strategic, and programmatic level. The role of UACAT is one of guiding and influencing 1) decisionmakers at policy and advocacy levels, and 2) those within the development, peacebuilding, and humanitarian sectors who are implementing programs on the ground. and services range from regular context briefings, scenario reports, thematic deep-dives, etc. The outputs range in themes from conflict and humanitarian needs to market systems and governance - all in line with programmatic needs and Mercy Corps strategy in Ukraine. The PositionThe Team Lead is responsible for driving the vision and strategy of the Ukraine CAT with the delivery of complex analytical products that inform stronger and more effective programming for MC’s Ukraine Response, in line with the country strategy. The Team Lead ensures relevant contextual nuances are part of MC Ukraine’s high-level advocacy messaging. Ultimately, they provide the MC Ukraine Response senior management with a comprehensive picture of local trends, identifying CAT products to help MC program’s prepositioning for new funding. The Team Lead will ensure the alignment of products and services with internal and external stakeholder priorities, through the development of strong partnerships with the country program, donors, and other external stakeholders. They will work towards a stakeholder engagement strategy to funnel financial resources for UACAT to achieve a sustainable business model.The Team Lead will manage the Ukraine CAT on a day-to-day basis and is therefore responsible for the overall quality of the outputs. The Team Lead will need sufficient understanding of relevant technical skills in research and analysis, primary data collection, fieldwork in complex contexts, leveraging technologies and GIS, and tailoring complex information for different audiences working in a rapid pace environment. They will also needknowledge in at least one of the following areas: economy, energy, agriculture, conflict, humanitarian response, and/or civil society engagement. It is important to have the ability to leverage this knowledge and combine it with other relevant information to identify trends and issues for the team to monitor and analyze in a holistic way. They are also the main focal point for country-level efforts such as the Country Office’s Annual Implementation Plan, alignment with Mercy Corps’ Global Pathway to Possibility Strategy, etc. Essential ResponsibilitiesSTRATEGY AND VISIONArticulate and continuously refine the Ukraine CAT strategy, in line with the Ukraine Response strategy, ensuring relevance and added value of crisis analysis within the Mercy Corps Ukraine portfolio. Ensure strategic buy-in from key internal stakeholders, including Mercy Corps Ukraine Senior Management, Program team, as well as HQ and Regional Technical Units, Global Crisis Analysis, and Policy and Advocacy teams.Contribute to the Ukraine country team overall strategy and where relevant, to the regional strategy.Develop, measure and analyze key performance indicators to ensure the UACAT’s value add enhances and informs strategic decision making. Work with other Crisis Analysis teams and the Global Crisis Analysis team to support the development and articulation of Mercy Corps' agencywide Crisis Analysis strategy. PROGRAMMING AND OPERATIONSMonitor current events and trends relevant to the Ukraine response, including on conflict, security and access; social, political, economic and environmental trends; and humanitarian needs and response.Align Mercy Corps information priorities on rapid response, security and access, resilience, and contextual and thematic topics with analytical output design and field-based research.Refine UACAT products and services regularly based on the evolution of the Ukrainian context and leveraging stakeholder information gaps Guarantee all analytical products are of the highest technical quality and appropriately convey key messages to stakeholders. Ensure effective, compliant use of Ukraine CAT resources in line with Mercy Corps and donor policies and procedures.INFLUENCE AND REPRESENTATIONStrategically position Mercy Corps as a go-to organization on the effects of the war in Ukraine through regular contribution of analysis and reports.Proactively work with country and regional leadership and Policy and Advocacy colleagues to prepare brief statements to describe MC’s position on Ukraine, the humanitarian situation and relevant elements of context to tie to policy points and communications.Manage and maintain an active network of key interlocutors, including but not limited to other NGOs/INGOs, UN, diplomatic and donor representatives, the Ukraine government, national and international think tanks, universities, private sector and other local stakeholders.Represent Mercy Corps with donors to promote and fund UACAT analysis work as well as relevant local and regional institutions for strategic partnerships where Mercy Corps Ukraine analysis is valued and influential.MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATIONCoordinate team workflows and deadlines, ensuring ongoing delivery of priorities and ability to meet ad-hoc or urgent information requirements.Lead recruitment and onboarding of new team members as relevant. Build strong communication channels, management tools, and processes to ensure an efficient work dynamic between team members working from multiple locations. Provide avenues for team member’s capacity building in areas relevant to data analysis, humanitarian research, GIS / IM tools, etc.Ensure that the team develops and maintains an awareness of Mercy Corps’ culture and values. Implementation and management of the UACAT budget, as well as exploring options for fundraising and future growth.Coordinate with programs and business development teams to ensure UACAT activities are factored in all new program proposals as an analytical/information broker component to strengthen program efficiency. Represent UACAT in regular cross-CA leadership and community of practice initiatives across the Crisis Analysis network.SECURITYEnsure personal and team compliance with security procedures and policies as determined by the response team and Global Security.Proactively ensure that team members operate in a secure environment and are aware of policies.Ensure compliance with and implementation of Mercy Corps safeguarding measures.Supervisory Responsibility: UACAT Senior Analysts (2), GIS Senior Officer, Editor, ConsultantsReports Directly To: Deputy Country DirectorWorks Directly With: Ukraine Response Senior Management, Program Leads/Managers, Security and Safety Team, Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Communications Manager, Global Crisis Analysis team, Regional MENA/Europe team, specifically Regional Crisis Analysis Advisor and Quantitative Analyst, Technical Units, Global Communications team. Accountability to Participants and StakeholdersMercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our program participants, community partners, other stakeholders, and to international standards guiding international relief and development work. We are committed to actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.Minimum Qualification & Transferable SkillsAny skills you have gained through education, volunteer, work, or life experience that are relevant for the position will be considered. Be sure to fully explain transferable skills and success factors and how they apply to this position in your cover letter.Master’s degree in a relevant field.At least seven years of experience in a management role, prioritizing team’s workstreams.At least three years of experience working in Ukraine, preferably with work experience in humanitarian/conflict/economic analysis.Excellent written analytical skills, with experience drafting high-quality external publications.Excellent presentation skills, with experience conducting briefings for high-level internal and external stakeholders. Experience in developing and managing relationships with external stakeholders such as NGOs, donors, private sector, government and academic institutions.Highly developed interpersonal, communication and team management skills.Competency in Microsoft Office systems including Word, Excel, PowerPoint; competency with analysis and visualization software is an asset.Fluency in English is required; competency in Ukrainian or Russian is a mandatory requirement for this position. Success FactorsThe successful candidate will manage a small, fast-growing team where curiosity, critical thinking and the ability to see beyond the surface level are highly valuable. A professional attitude, demonstration of integrity, discretion and excellent work ethic are key aspects to the success of this position. Innovation and initiative to manage strategy and team development are essential. Strong management, organizational skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment are essential. Highly developed communication and interpersonal skills are imperative to developing positive team relationships, including with team members based remotely. Living Conditions / Environmental Conditions The position is based in Kyiv, Ukraine where Mercy Corps has an office. This position requires travel (up to 40%) for coordination with Program teams, field visits, and external stakeholder engagement.Ongoing LearningIn support of our belief that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities we serve, we empower all team members to dedicate 5% of their time to learning activities that further their personal and/or professional growth and developmentDiversity, Equity & InclusionAchieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world’s most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives. We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.Equal Employment OpportunityMercy Corps is an equal opportunity employer that does not tolerate discrimination on any basis. We actively seek out diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be collectively stronger and have sustained global impact. We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.Safeguarding & EthicsMercy Corps is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct e-learning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.
Senior Area Manager, Ukraine
People in Need, Mykolaiv, Mykolaivs'ka oblast, ua
Position: Area ManagerContract Length: 12 months Country Programme: Ukraine Base: Mykolaiv Line Manager: Programme Implementation Director (PID) About the Ukrainian Programme of People in Need: PIN has been working in Ukraine since , providing emergency relief and early recovery support to conflict-affected communities in Government Controlled Areas (GCA) and Non-government control areas (NGCA). Due to the escalation of the war and in , programmes for war-affected communities focus mainly on WASH, Shelter, Protection, including recovery, among other pressing needs. PINs contribution to the Ukrainian humanitarian response is amongst the largest, with an annual turnover of close to $ million, engaging full-time staff members across Ukraine. About the role: The (Senior) Area Managers (SAM) primary responsibility is to lead on the work within their area of responsibility (AOR) ensuring a context-specific quality response. To enable this, the SAM leads on identifying the areas within their AOR for PINs response, the groups to be prioritized, the type of response, the timeframe and the implementation approach (whether it is executed directly or through partners); SAM actively contributes to new project development with information from their AOR and in accordance with PIN Country Programme (CP) Strategy. The SAM ensures that responses are appropriate and of high quality, including with protection, conflict sensitivity and gender mainstreamed throughout the response. The SAM overseas the daily management of the area teams and works with and monitors partners implementation. The SAM coordinates and represents PIN among the partners, stakeholders and affected individuals and communities within their AOR. This role has an area focus and ensures compliance with PIN procedures and guidelines within the AOR. The AOR is defined within the role. The role contributes to the development of area strategy that contributes to CP Strategy operationalization and is translated into action plans and day-to-day tasks. The role includes staff management responsibilities (including objectives setting, development plan and regular evaluations in accordance with PIN procedures) and SAM is required to provide support and/or technical guidance to all team members within the AOR. SAM is based within the AOR. Substantial travel around AOR is expected. The SAM is expected to continually inform and coordinate with their line manager, Deputy Programme Implementation Director (DPID), Emergency Coordinator, Grants and Reporting Department, Technical Leads, Systems and Operations Department and Security Department to ensure program quality and consistency of implementation, report projects progress and changing conditions in the AOR. SAM also holds budget responsibilities. Area budgets are agreed between the SAM, PID and DPID (usually during the project development stage). SAM may be asked to test, pilot or lead on specific initiatives aimed to improve work processes. Main Duties & Responsibilities: Description of general responsibilities Keep up-to-date on key developments within their AOR including distribution of needs, presence of other responders, socio-political developments, security context, etc.; Represent PIN in key meetings/events including national-level meetings where appropriate, coordination meetings with authorities and with the local coordination structures including cluster meetings ensuring a productive and accountable relationship with affected communities where PIN delivers assistance, communities leaders, representatives, relevant governmental authorities, non-government organizations (NGOs), donors and UN agencies; Leads the response within the AOR and creates results as per planned programme objectives, which impact war-affected and displaced people in Ukraine; Enables and oversees the implementation of policies or activities of operational nature within the AOR, in particular supply chain, finance, administration, human resources and safety and security policies; With support from PID and DPID, manages the programme budgets, ensuring effective and efficient use of resources including financial, human and all assets. Specific duties and responsibilities Staff Management: Management of direct reports (including objectives setting, development planning and performance review in accordance with PIN procedures); In cooperation with relevant colleagues (HR Manager, Deputy Country Director for Systems and Operations) , responsible for relevant HR processes, including recruitment, performance management, professional growth and capacity building; Ensures the identification of training needs, development of training plans and the delivery of appropriate training for staff and partners (in collaboration with relevant PIN departments); Ensures good and transparent communication within the team and between the Areas, and the CP; Responsible for day-to-day team management (planning, approval of leave requests, time / attendance sheets approval processes), handling of disciplinary issues in cooperation with HR; Appropriately delegates duties to the responsible area staff; Ensures overall provision of and adherence to PIN policies, procedures, guidelines, systems and standard practices; Ensures that PINs Code of Conduct and other key policies Safeguarding), reporting mechanisms and complaint response mechanisms are well understood by staff and other stakeholders and are functioning well at the area level; performs other relevant duties related to PIN policies as requested. Representation and coordination: - The SAM is the primary PIN representative in the AOR and attends all relevant fora/meetings in order to strengthen PINs position and recognition; - Fosters relationships with government authorities and civil society in the AOR including through formal partnerships and MoUs; - Under the guidance of the PID or other relevant colleagues, engages in external representation as follows: Represents PIN at area level with donors, UN coordination and governmental authorities where appropriate; Ensures transparent and constructive communication with donors as required; Promote PINs image externally through representation and active participation at meetings with key government and NGOs counterparts; and at relevant sector /cluster coordination meetings, working groups, and other relevant bodies within their AOR and as requested by the PID and the CP. Where appropriate, undertakes leadership role in coordination; - Develops and continuously updates mapping and understanding of the humanitarian/development environment within their AOR, including work of other actors and any potential gaps based on the needs of the communities. Ensures complementarity of the project with other actors. Working with Partners: Responsible for identification and selection of potential partners within their AOR; works closely with the Partnership department to complete necessary due diligence processes; Where applicable, ensures that partnership agreements are agreed with partners and developed in coordination with the Partnership and Finance departments on time and in accordance with PIN procedures and systems; Proactively fosters good coordination and collaboration with strategic partners, including consortium partners, and national NGO partners; When working with partners, and where applicable, responsible for the review and approval of partners narrative reports and associated costs included in financial reports; processes the documentation in PIN systems as requested. Strategy and Programme Development: Oversees needs identification and assessments to understand context, needs, capacities, vulnerabilities and risks for intervention communities and PIN staff. Updates the needs assessments regularly or ad hoc when the context changes; Contributes inputs to PINs CP strategy development; With the close cooperation of the PID, Technical Leads and other programme staff, leads the process of operationalization of the PINs CP strategy in accordance with the AOR context, needs and PINs position within the AOR; Actively contributes to project development (idea notes, concepts, proposals) in line with the CP strategy, donor and PIN guidelines in close collaboration with relevant PIN departments; Provides regular analysis on the context and humanitarian situation in the AOR for the development of projects, proposals and safety assessments. Programme Implementation: Develops and regularly reviews area work plans that set out project activities, forecast tables, procurement and intervention-related HR, advocacy, visibility and communication plans (with relevant PIN departments where necessary); Ensures quality and timely implementation of the interventions in line with PINs CP Strategy, sectoral guidelines, best practices and applicable international standards; Coordinates with Grants and Reporting department, Finance and Compliance Department to ensure interventions meet the relevant donor conditions; Leads periodic area review meetings of area plans to track progress against targets, review project outputs and outcomes, and make necessary adjustments to ensure that the project meets its stated objectives; Ensures that the PID is promptly informed about project delays and if no-cost extension (NCE) or modification of the budget, or reallocating area budget amount to other areas is needed; Ensures cross-cutting issues are mainstreamed into the response interventions including protection, gender, and environment across project planning and implementation; Ensures correct and timely archiving of project documents (in PINs online system and hard copies) for the projects implemented in the AOR, handing over generated documents to the mission archive In accordance with PIN archival standard operating procedures. Ensures that before handing documents over to the mission archive, they are saved in a closed room with limited access to the personal data. Monitoring and Reporting: Together with the AOR team and MEAL department, ensures regular monitoring of activities delivered within the AOR; Contributes in a timely and appropriate fashion to requests for inputs into donor reports; Complies with internal reporting requirements and contributes to external reports as requested; Supports and collaborates in providing requested information and documentation related to orange and red categorized CFRM cases when feasible, internally to PIN activites and regarding partners implementing within the AOR. Financial Management: In consultation with the PID and DPID identifies area budgets and ensures that the budgets are spent efficiently and effectively (including timely planning of spending); Responsible for financial management of direct costs (project staffing, activities, etc.) under project delivered with the AOR; ensures that all costs fit within the implementation period and all payments are completed within the liquidation period; Acts as a budget holder with all relevant tasks in procurement, costs approval, budget revision, costs tracking, modifications, NCE, etc.; Provides precise project costs calculations for the budget revision meetings and updates spending forecast on a monthly basis; Tracks in PIN systems funds spent on a constant basis; ensures that before reporting to donor/closing the project, all direct costs are correctly charged to the project within the AoR (appointed budget line), and if cost re-cording is needed, promptly informs PID and Finance department; Ensures precise filling in of money requests twice per month; Ensures timely approvals are done in PINs systems; ensure contracts approval and invoices related to their projects, as well as setting correct project codes and budget lines on financial documentation (supplier contracts, financial donation contracts, grants to NGO, other financial documents, etc.); Initiates and oversees PIN systems workflow for income contracts related to the response interventions; Ensures contracts of material donation approval and signing on behalf of PIN, as well distribution lists; Signs the contracts with suppliers and invoices; Ensures all project-related documents are saved in PINs systems (not later than one month after project closing) to ensure compliance for future audits. Logistics and Procurement: Ensures AOR procurement plans are agreed and consolidated into the CP annual procurement plan, and are tracked monthly; Participates in the tenders for the purchases requested by the area staff; appoints the members of tender comittee from the programme side; Ensures that all AOR procurement-related documentation is properly processed by the programme team and coordinated with the Procurement and Finance teams; Ensures that all procurement processes performed within the AOR are carried out in compliance with PINs procurement guidelines, and any donor-specific procurement requirements consulting relevant departments as appropriate; With relevant staff members within the AOR, formulates monthly area distribution plans and informs Logistics unit on planned distribution or changes beforehand; Ensures that the response interventions logistical needs are communicated on a daily basis, planned and implemented; Ensures that the goods requested from PINs suppliers and stored in stock, are timely distributed and written off (within two weeks of the distribution); Communicates and coordinates with others AMs, after approval from PID, in case some supplies requested are not needed and need to be re-allocated to other areas taking into account project design, needs, informing Finance, Logistics and Grants and reporting departments about such changes. Project Compliance: Works with Compliance unit, Deputy Country Director for Systems and Operations and Grants and Reporting Unit to ensure that the response interventions within their AOR comply with all financial and administrative rules and regulations and identifies and facilitates coaching and capacity building to promote compliance within the AOR team; With the guidance and advice from the PID and DPID, and Grants and Reporting department, ensures project planning, controls and documentation are aligned with donors contract; Contributes to the preparation of programme documents for project audits as appropriate, provides explanation and details on project implementation within the AOR responding to the auditors requests. Communications, Visibility, Media and Advocacy: Ensures that within their AOR, requirements regarding communication and visibility are fulfilled in line with PINs Media Policy and donor requirements; If the response intervention entails advocacy, ensures advocacy activities are planned, budgeted and implemented in cooperation with relevant colleagues at the CP and the Communication and Advocacy Department (CAD). Safety, Security and Risks: Acts in close coordination with Security Department on the planning of movement, operations and activities in their AOR; Adheres to, and promotes, Safety, Security and Risk Policies, standards, plans and procedures within their AOR and ensures that their team follows security rules and procedures; Acts in close coordination with Security Department on adherence to access strategy and negotiating access within their AOR; Ensures safety, security and access incidents within their AOR are promptly reported to the Country Director and Security Department; May act as the secondary Crisis/Incident Management Team member within their AOR; Reports any incidents which could affect staff wellbeing immediately to the Country Director, Security Department and PID. Other tasks: SAM is responsible for testing and piloting new processes and initiatives to improve work processes and quality of the intervention as requested by the line manager; SAM may be asked to provide support to other AMs to adopt new work processes where requested; Performs other tasks as requested by the line manager. Main requirements At least 5 years experience with a humanitarian and/or development organization in senior management. Strong leadership and staff management skills, with experience in managing (directly and remotely) large, diverse and multidisciplinary teams Good understanding of the humanitarian environment (NGOs, NGO Forums, UN, main donors) Proven experience in humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies; Experience of working in complex and volatile contexts would be an advantage Good organizational, planning, diplomatic and problem-solving skills Strong grasp of all stages of programme cycle management and quality standards in humanitarian programming, including safeguarding and accountability mechanisms; Ability to work independently and demonstrate organizational and problem-solving skills; Proven ability to work in a diverse and multi-cultural team environment, with appropriate sensitivity to social and cultural norms; Experience working with local partner organizations is desirable. Excellent teamwork, communication, coordination and representation skills. Proven ability to work in stressful environment. Excellent communication skills, including fluent spoken and written English; knowledge of Ukrainian will be considered an asset Experience with Ukraine or the region preferred PIN offers: Working environment in a well-established and continuously growing humanitarian organization in a challenging context; Salary and benefits according to PIN salary scale and HR policies; expected salary - EUR super gross (based on experience) Monthly subsistence allowance EUR; Hardship Eur Accommodation/housing allowance; 25 days of holiday per year R&R policy; Travel health insurance; Reimbursement of travel expenses with travel to the country of residence once every 6 months of work; Reimbursement of costs of visas and vaccinations; assistance with the visa application procedure; Reimbursement of the medical check-up before and after the deployment; Free 24/7 medical helpdesk and psychological consultation available online; Free access to e-learning sites, global PINs Induction Training, Knowledge and Learning department onboarding, and individually tailored capacity-building opportunities; incl. HEAT training. Security situation in Ukraine Humanitarian workers continue to operate throughout Ukraine, although the front line areas are being shelled almost constantly, and main cities are being targeted with missiles and UAVs quite regularly. PIN security SOPs require PIN staff to proceed to shelter should the risk level be assessed by the Security Department as the highest (launch of missiles or drones) and remain there until the air raid siren is cancelled, which cumulatively can be several times a week, occasionally for several hours at a time (although shorter periods are as well occurring). While air strikes that were targeting energy infrastructure have finished after winter, they have succeeded in reaching their goals and are likely to resume in late autumn/winter. At the moment military and civilian objects are being targeted, including the west of Ukraine. While Kyiv enjoys relatively strong air defence systems that are intercepting most of the missiles and UAVs, other regions are covered much less significantly which results in bigger damage. Outside of the areas in the vicinity to the contact line, services such as medical care, shops, public transportation as well as restaurants or leisure facilities remain operational. How to apply? Are you interested in this position? Send us your CV and short cover letter in English . Please note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis and the vacancy will be closed when filled. People in Need is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct and is committed to promoting the welfare of children and adults with whom People in Need involves. People in Need expects all staff to perform job duties and responsibilities in accordance with People in Need code of conduct and key policies (available at: All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks. We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organization and encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.