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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Специалист банковского офиса в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Специалист банковского офиса в Україні"

17 500 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Специалист банковского офиса в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Специалист банковского офиса в Україні.

Розподіл вакансії "Специалист банковского офиса" по областям Україні

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Специалист банковского офиса відкрито в Київській області. На другому місці - Кіровоградська область, а на третьому - Хмельницька область.

Рейтинг областей Україні за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Специалист банковского офиса"

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Специалист банковского офиса відкрито в Київській області. На другому місці - Кіровоградська область, а на третьому - Хмельницька область.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Україні

Серед схожих професій в Україні найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Финансовый директор. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 38500 грн. На другому місці - Брокер з зарплатнею 34500 грн, а на третьому - Финансист з зарплатнею 26250 грн.

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Middle+ Bank Payments Specialist
Netpeak, Full Remote
Ми шукаємо у команду Netpeak Core Спеціаліста з платежів, який відповідатиме за приймання та обробку банківських платежів. До твоїх обов'язків входитиме ініціювання платіжних доручень через банки в іноземній та національній валюті, моніторинг їх виконання банком та відображення їх у внутрішній корпоративній ІТ-системі. А також відкриття та ведення нових банківських рахунків,  та банківських відносин, необхідних для здійснення платежів. Твої скіли: Ти повинен мати досвід роботи в банківській сфері або в аналогічному середовищі, пов'язаним банківськими платежами. Підтверджені знання та досвід (3 роки) у сфері надання сервісу банківських / платіжних послуг буде перевагою.Ти повинен мати сильні аналітичні навички та вміти ефективно взаємодіяти.Ти володієш англійською мовою на рівні А2 для роботи з англомовними системами.У тебе повинен бути набір навичок, таких як особиста ефективність (здатність до адаптації, гнучкість, самостійність, рішучість, точність, увага до деталей), аналітичність, орієнтація на клієнта, здатність до розгляду проблем і вирішення їх, а також навички вивчення і розвитку.Буде плюсом: Досвід роботи в холдингу (групі компаній). Команда чекає від тебе: Оформлення договорів щодо розрахунків (банки), відкриття рахунків у валюті, гривнях, та контроль виконання.Оформлення договорів з випуску та обслуговування банківських платіжних карток у валюті та гривні.Контроль витрат на РКО (банки), контроль ключів.Забезпечення виконання фінмоніторингу з банками.Перевірку запитів реквесторів в IT системі (платіж на банк, надходження), контроль своєчасністі їх створення.Створення платіжних доручення в Клієнт Банку за затвердженими реєстрами, підписання і відправлення на виконання.Контроль проведення платежів банком, їх відображення в IT системі.Завантаження БВ і стану залишків на банківських рахунках, відповідальність за їх відображення в IT системі.Створення звітності за напрямком надходжень і платежів через банки, а також залишків на банківських рахунках Ми пропонуємо: Фіксовану ставку за підсумками співбесіди.Гнучкий графік роботи з можливістю починати робочий день із 8:00 до 10:00, та завершувати з 17:00 до 19:00.Можливість працювати повністю віддалено або в офісі (Одеса, Київ, Харків, Черкаси, Ужгород, Львів, Рівне, Кривий Ріг). Офіси автономні на випадок відключення світла. Також ми допомагаємо із купівлею зарядних станцій.Індивідуальну та групову роботу з корпоративним психологом.Оплачувану відпустку 18 робочих днів, 5 оплачуваних лікарняних на рік та 11 державних вихідних.Можливість використання корпоративного бота, що поєднує в собі найпотужніший штучний інтелект, котрий доступний зараз.Можливість навчання та розвитку: досвід та підтримка наших співробітників, допомога у професійній адаптації.Ми повертаємо компенсацію профільного навчання, курсів, освітніх івентів тощо 50/50, коли співробітник пройшов випробувальний термін.Внутрішні корпоративні знижки на різні послуги, у тому числі знижки на курси англійської.Швидке прийняття рішень та тестування ідей — відсутність зайвої бюрократії та мікроменеджменту. Робота в компанії, у якій тебе чують і до тебе прислухаються, а керівник відкритий до діалогу та пропозицій.Профільні івенти та чати для обміну досвідом у рамках групи компаній.Корпоративні заходи та розваги. Навіть у складні часи ми робимо все можливе, аби підняти настрій наших співробітників ;) Ще важливо: Ми шукаємо людину, яка має сильну орієнтацію на результат, готова бути відвертою з колегами та відповідальною за свою роботу. Якщо ти відчуваєш, що ці якості тобі відгукуються — надсилай нам своє резюме та приєднуйся до нас, аби професійно зростати разом.
Senior Talent Delivery Specialist
INTELLIAS, Bulgaria (Remote)
Project Overview: Why Work at Intellias?Ranked #1 by Forbes for IT Services in Ukraine (#5 across all industries), and ‘Employer of Choice for Professionals’ by EY. For the past 19 years our 2,500 in-house technologists have helped thousands of clients engineer great products and services across 10 offices and delivery locations throughout the world.Serving a range of company sizes, from Fortune 500 large enterprises to small and medium size businesses, including early-stage tech innovators/start-ups, our superior software engineering qualities extend across 11 key industries including Automotive, Transportation/Logistics, Banking/Financial Services, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom and more.The company’s double-digit growth over the past five years has awarded venture capital investment from Horizon Capital, the largest private equity fund in Ukraine.Intellias has been featured in the 2019 Global Outsourcing 100 list by IAOP, is recognized by Inc. 5000, and acknowledged in the GSA UK Awards.What is it like to work at Intellias:Imagine that you’ve created a company of your own. It’s innovative, trustworthy, and open-minded. And it’s exactly what Intellias is like. We’ve built our company on the principles of respect and support, and we’re happy to invite you to join. Working at Intellias is:Acting humanly. Intellias has no place for discrimination, artificial hierarchies, pressure, or toxicity. We foster a culture of openness and caring, efforts, and results;People over processes. Our processes are constantly evolving to become more convenient and provide a positive experience for everyone who works here;Smart comfort. Intellias has an entire system designed for its employees to feel comfortable—both physically and emotionally. It includes fully equipped workplaces, airy lounge rooms, and many more;You manage your time. Colleagues can start and stop their time tracker, whenever they want, without asking their managers’ permission to go to their dentist’s appointment or visit their kids’ school play;Mature engineers. Over 60% of our team are software engineers with Senior and higher qualifications. Buckle up, it’s Formula 1 of software engineering;Ecomobility. We want to see our cities eco-friendly and sustainable. That’s why we foster a cycling culture on our team and reduce waste.We’re searching for Senior Talent Delivery Specialist to join our local Intellias team in Bulgaria to support location growth.Four reasons for joining our team:You will work with challenging vacancies for middle+ levels or niche ones in most cases and will never be bored;You will receive experience in closing vacancies in different technical directions: Java, Scala, C++, .NET, Python, Automation, etc;You will have a really great team & support in any question;It may not always be easy but always exciting.Responsibilities: Full life-cycle recruitment from the understanding of vacancy's requirements, sourcing of candidates, pro-active search, networking, interviewing candidates to negotiating potential offers;Build strong partnerships with candidates and project/delivery managers during recruiting process, counseling managers on candidate selection;Ensuring positive candidate experience, providing relevant feedback in time;Operate as the expert on recruitment local specifics and best practices, monitoring new trends and other useful data to improve the productivity and recruitment process overall;Job market analysis and reviews making;Work to develop the employer brand locally through advertising, participation of local hiring events, etc.Requirements: Minimum of 3+ years' experience in IT recruiting, with a specific focus on the Bulgarian market in recent years, which is a vital prerequisite for this role;Experience in candidate selection, pre-screening, and conducting interviews;Good knowledge and experience in the full recruitment lifecycle, including familiarity with different recruitment practices, interviewing types, and techniques;Strong knowledge of the local market's specific laws and regulations related to recruitment, as well as familiarity with the most effective recruitment techniques influencing successful hiring;Strong networking abilities, exceptional communication skills, and effective presentation and negotiation capabilities;A committed, enthusiastic, and flexible approach to work;At least an Upper-Intermediate level of English proficiency;An IT background is highly desirable and considered a significant advantage;Candidates with a background in prominent outsourcing companies will be highly valued.#LI-CD1
Talent Delivery Specialist
INTELLIAS, Bulgaria (Remote)
Project Overview: Why Work at Intellias?Ranked #1 by Forbes for IT Services in Ukraine (#5 across all industries), and ‘Employer of Choice for Professionals’ by EY. For the past 19 years our 2,500 in-house technologists have helped thousands of clients engineer great products and services across 10 offices and delivery locations throughout the world.Serving a range of company sizes, from Fortune 500 large enterprises to small and medium size businesses, including early-stage tech innovators/start-ups, our superior software engineering qualities extend across 11 key industries including Automotive, Transportation/Logistics, Banking/Financial Services, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom and more.The company’s double-digit growth over the past five years has awarded venture capital investment from Horizon Capital, the largest private equity fund in Ukraine.Intellias has been featured in the 2019 Global Outsourcing 100 list by IAOP, is recognized by Inc. 5000, and acknowledged in the GSA UK Awards.What is it like to work at Intellias:Imagine that you’ve created a company of your own. It’s innovative, trustworthy, and open-minded. And it’s exactly what Intellias is like. We’ve built our company on the principles of respect and support, and we’re happy to invite you to join. Working at Intellias is:Acting humanly. Intellias has no place for discrimination, artificial hierarchies, pressure, or toxicity. We foster a culture of openness and caring, efforts, and results;People over processes. Our processes are constantly evolving to become more convenient and provide a positive experience for everyone who works here;Smart comfort. Intellias has an entire system designed for its employees to feel comfortable—both physically and emotionally. It includes fully equipped workplaces, airy lounge rooms, and many more;You manage your time. Colleagues can start and stop their time tracker, whenever they want, without asking their managers’ permission to go to their dentist’s appointment or visit their kids’ school play;Mature engineers. Over 60% of our team are software engineers with Senior and higher qualifications. Buckle up, it’s Formula 1 of software engineering;Ecomobility. We want to see our cities eco-friendly and sustainable. That’s why we foster a cycling culture on our team and reduce waste.We’re searching for Talent Delivery Specialist to join our local Intellias team in Bulgaria to support location growth.Four reasons for joining our team:You will work with challenging vacancies for middle+ levels or niche ones in most cases and will never be bored;You will receive experience in closing vacancies in different technical directions: Java, Scala, C++, .NET, Python, Automation, etc;You will have a really great team & support in any question;It may not always be easy but always exciting.Responsibilities: Full life-cycle recruitment from the understanding of vacancy's requirements, sourcing of candidates, pro-active search, networking, interviewing candidates to negotiating potential offers;Build strong partnerships with candidates and project/delivery managers during recruiting process, counseling managers on candidate selection;Ensuring positive candidate experience, providing relevant feedback in time;Operate as the expert on recruitment local specifics and best practices, monitoring new trends and other useful data to improve the productivity and recruitment process overall;Work to develop the employer brand locally through advertising, participation of local hiring events, etc.Requirements: 2+ years’ experience in IT recruiting;Experience in candidate selection, pre-screening and interviewing;Good knowledge & experience in full recruitment lifecycle, different recruitment practices, interviewing types, etc;Good knowledge of local market specific, law and most working recruitment techniques which influence the recruiting;Strong networking, communication, presentation and negotiation skills;Committed, enthusiastic and flexible person;At least Upper-Intermediate level of English;IT background is a big plus.#LI-CD1
KYC/AML Specialist with German
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
KYC/AML Specialist with GermanWarszawaNR REF.: 1182223For our client, one of the leading European bank, we are looking for KYC Specialist.Your role: As a KYC Specialist you can avoid financial crimes and money laundering and provide clients’ verification process.You will be responsible for:verifying and validating customer identity, profile and business;monitoring customer’s transactions and identifying risk and issue;receiving and processing new customers;liaise and communicate with the client facing team and compliance team.Our requirements:a good written and spoken skills in German (B2 level);a good written and spoken skills in English (B2 level);a good working knowledge of Microsoft Office.attention to detail and good organizational skills;great communication and team working skills;capacity to multi-task and keep calm under pressure.What we offer?medical and psychological care and other benefitshybrid work and flexible hours;supporting your career by trainings, language courses and postgraduate studies;interesting career path;development in stable and fast-growing companyHays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361. 
Personnel Officer in Georgia
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryThe IT company Andersen invites a Personnel Officer to join its successful and tight-knit team in Tbilisi.Andersen is a European pre-IPO software development company uniting over 3,500 top-class professionals: developers, architects, testers, analysts, and other specialists.Today, we are working with businesses from various parts of the world, including Western Europe, the USA, and Asia. Our expertise covers Banking, Finance, eCommerce, Healthcare, IoT, Business Intelligence, and other industries and areas.If you are ready for a large amount of information and scope of tasks, know how to prioritize your work, are not afraid of new challenges, and dream of working at a large and constantly developing IT company, we will be glad to see you in our tight-knit team.ResponsibilitiesMaintaining personnel records (200+ people): including hiring, relocation, sick leaves, scheduling vacation leaves, recording and providing vacations to employees, contract extensions, and dismissals.Registering part-time employment.Accounting of working hours.Keeping and maintaining the established HR documentation.Familiarizing employees with documents.Consulting employees on personnel procedures.Issuing certificates.Familiarizing employees with commercial secrets.Concluding apprenticeship contracts.Сommunicating with the personnel and accounting departments remotely, as well as with HR specialists and the recruiting department.Communicating with the personnel departments of other countries on arising issues.Mailing of postal correspondence.RequirementsUniversity degree.Experience as a Personnel Officer for 2+ years.Knowledge of the labor legislation of Georgia.Excellent knowledge of staff records management.Experience in registering remote employees.Experience in formalizing labor relations, so with foreign citizens (submission of data to the portal).Multitasking skills.High motivation.High level of independence and responsibility, communication skills, self-confidence, flexibility, initiative, and persistence.Level of Russian – Upper-Intermediate or above.Level of English – Intermediate or above.Reasons to join usOur office is located at Merab Aleksidze Street 13, 2nd entrance, 14th floor. We offer well-equipped workplaces, cozy kitchen and lounge areas, PS4, a magnificent view of the city, and a subway station close at hand.Andersen cooperates with such businesses as Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, BNP Paribas, Allianz, Ryanair, TUI, Verivox, etc..For the past four years, our company has been growing annually by 60%-100%, and we constantly involve top-notch specialists in our team.We have been strengthening our expertise since 2007. During this time, we have formed excellent teams with streamlined processes, where you can learn something new from your colleagues every day and enjoy your work.Andersen’s employees work from anywhere in the world: at the company's offices or from home, and even combine both formats in the way that suits them best.We guarantee your professional, financial, and career growth. Mentoring and adaptation programs will help you blend with the team and get involved in your work as comfortably as possible.The most important thing that we value in our employees is a commitment to continuous learning. The company supports them in this and gives them access to the best educational platforms, seminars, and practices. In addition, for over 16 years, Andersen has assembled a huge knowledge base and established a robust resource management institution.Our employees are provided with a benefit package and an extensive set of bonuses.There are many different ways to grow and develop at our company. You can improve as a specialist or a manager, and all your activities will be decently rewarded.Join us!
IT Service Operations Specialist
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryThe IT company Andersen invites an IT Service Operations Specialist to work on a large-scale project for one of our UK customers.The customer is a new kind of bank founded in 2016. It focuses on distinct client segments that are underserved by the market, creating innovative products to meet their needs. The company offers white-labeled products with no upfront investment for certain industries and businesses.The project is to build banking technology with class-leading flexibility for clients. At the core of this platform is consumer account processing infrastructure that is able to process client account events and perform financial computations.ResponsibilitiesServing as the Incident Management expert within ITIL, focusing on preventing repeat major incidents.Developing, maintaining, and testing incident management procedures with service owners.Investigating and resolving escalated, non-routine, and high-impact incidents.Documenting and closing resolved incidents, analyzing their causes, and reporting on incident management performance.Escalating incidents to relevant stakeholders and suggesting recovery actions and workarounds.Responding to service requests and incidents within SLAs across various channels.Executing releases and escalating lower severity incidents as needed.Communicating effectively about service events and managing recovery for priority and major incidents.Contributing to Continuous Service Improvement by identifying and implementing enhancements.Reviewing and approving changes to safeguard production environments.Generating accurate KPIs, incident logs, and maintaining detailed ticket actions.Participating in the out-of-hours support rotation.RequirementsExperience in IT Service Operations for 5+ years.ITIL certification or demonstrable experience working in an ITIL aligned environment.Demonstrable experience with at least one programming language (e.g., Javascript, T-SQL).Experience applying software release management techniques.Experience with following and improving Incident Management best practices demonstrated by a track record of effectively minimizing service disruptions, meeting or exceeding SLAs and continuously enhancing incident response procedures for optimal efficiency and stakeholder satisfaction.Experience in various Problem Management reactive and proactive techniques supported by understanding of statistics and quality management concepts.Experience with one, or more, Service Management tools (e.g., Jira or Service Now)Incident and problem management experience and demonstrable skills in this area..Understanding of IT Security and compliance.Practical experience in problem management, knowledge of risk management.Ability to understand technical disciplines (Networks, Applications, Servers).Reasons to join usExperience in teamwork with leaders in FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, and others. Andersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, BNP Paribas, Ryanair, Mercedes, TUI, Verivox, Allianz, T-Systems, etc..The opportunity to change the project and/or develop expertise in an interesting business domain.Job conditions – you can work both fully remotely and from the office or can choose a hybrid variant.Guarantee of professional, financial, and career growth! The company has introduced systems of mentoring and adaptation for each new employee.The opportunity to earn additional up to 1,700 EUR per month by participating in the company's activities.Access to the corporate training portal, where the entire knowledge base of the company is collected and which is constantly updated.Bright corporate life (parties / pizza days / PlayStation / fruits / coffee / snacks / movies).Certification compensation (AWS, PMP, etc).Referral program.English courses.Private health insurance and compensation for sports activities.Join us!
Java Developer
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryAndersen, an international IT company, invites an experienced Java Developer in Krakow to work on a large-scale FinTech project.The customer is a market leader in delivering software products to banks, with development centers located in Poland, the Netherlands, the UK, and etc. The company develops microservices that are used to assemble solutions for more than 120 financial institutions, such as Uniqa, ING, Deutsche Bank, and others.The project belongs to the field of banking services. We're searching for a strong specialist to join our teams in order to provide digital solutions for the bank and develop new areas of lending.ResponsibilitiesContributing to the development of new and existing features.Participating in proof of concepts and technical improvements Working collaboratively with architects, QA engineers and other team members to ensure implementation is done according to our technical vision and best practices.RequirementsExperience as a Java Developer for 3+ years.Have a solid background in software development including design.Able to communicate clearly and confidently across all levels to get buy-ins from technical stakeholders as well as from your team members.Experience in the banking domain or fintech products will be considered an advantage.Experience with Java, Spring, Maven, CI and CD.Experience with microservices (Netflix OSS is a plus).Knowledge of relational databases.Experience with Cloud and traditional application servers (WebSphere, JBoss, …).Experience with non-functionals such as security, performance, scalability etc..A solid understanding of Enterprise Integration Patterns.Excellent communication skills in English, spoken and written.Level of English – from Upper - Intermediate and above.Desired skillsBeing a Full Stack developer is a huge advantage.Reasons to join usExperience in teamwork with leaders in FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, and others. Andersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, BNP Paribas, Ryanair, Mercedes, TUI, Verivox, Allianz, T-Systems, etc..The opportunity to change the project and/or develop expertise in an interesting business domain.Job conditions – you can work both fully remotely and from the office or can choose a hybrid variant.Guarantee of professional, financial, and career growth! The company has introduced systems of mentoring and adaptation for each new employee.The opportunity to earn additional up to 1,700 EUR per month by participating in the company's activities.Access to the corporate training portal, where the entire knowledge base of the company is collected and which is constantly updated.Bright corporate life (parties / pizza days / PlayStation / fruits / coffee / snacks / movies).Certification compensation (AWS, PMP, etc).Referral program.English courses.Private health insurance and compensation for sports activities.Join us!
Business/System Analyst (Colvir)
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryThe IT-company Andersen invites an experienced Business/System Analyst (Colvir) to work on a project for our Kazakhstan partner.The customer is one of the leading commercial banks in Kazakhstan. The bank's main areas of activity are corporate and retail banking. It offers a wide range of financial products and services, including lending, deposits, cards, insurance, investments, and pension provision. It also actively participates in the securities market and currency operations in Kazakhstan. The customer has its network of branches and offices throughout the Republic, serving more than 100,000 legal entities and 1.5 million individuals.The project is the development of a single account for legal entities in the bank from scratch (transfer of existing services from the application for individuals).ResponsibilitiesGathering and analyzing requirements from stakeholders, including bank managers and end users, to determine the main functional and non-functional requirements for the single office for legal entities.Defining the main business processes and operations to be supported in the single account.Developing detailed functional specifications based on the collected requirements.Describing the function, interfaces and data flows in the system.Collaborating with the architect and tech lead to ensure that the functional business requirements match the technical capabilities and architecture of the system.Discussing and documenting technical aspects of requirements realization.Preparing TORs based on functional specifications for submission to developers.Supporting testers in creating test scenarios and validating developed functionalities.Analyzing test results and coordinating corrections of identified bugs.RequirementsExperience of working in banks with Colvir system for 2+ years.Experience as an Business/System Analyst in the banking industry.Experience with tools for requirements analysis and business process modeling (e.g. BPMN, UML).Knowledge of database fundamentals, including SQL and experience with relational and non-relational databases.Understanding of software architecture.Ability to analyze business requirements and translate them into technical specifications.Strong communication and collaboration skills.Level of English – from Intermediate and above.Reasons to join usAndersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Reuter Gruppe, T-Systems, TUI, Ryanair, Johnson & Johnson, etc. This project is just your beginning here – working with us means reliability and prospects.We have been strengthening our expertise since 2007. During this time, we have formed an excellent BA & SA team with streamlined processes, which now consists of more than 200 qualified analysts.We welcome specialists from every part of the world.Salaries at Andersen are pegged to the EUR, and our employees are provided with a benefit package and an extensive set of bonuses.We give our employees an opportunity to attend and participate in the company’s BA meetups, as well as offer a compensation program for international professional certificates.There are many different ways to grow and develop at our company. You can improve as a tech specialist or a resource manager, and all your activities will be decently rewarded.You will have an opportunity to take on the role of a mentor and help a group of BA/SA beginners grow.Our employees have access to Andersen Knowledge Base, where they can take courses in a variety of areas: the art of negotiation, PreSale & Discovery, Agile essentials, product ownership, microservice architecture, API design, SQL, AWS, GDPR, UX/UI, people management, and more.Join us!
Solution Architect
Andersen, Ukraine
SummaryAndersen is a European pre-IPO IT company with more than 3,500 high-class professionals: developers, architects, testers, analysts, and other specialists. Our employees are located all over the world, but we all are Andersen Family.Operating in the market since 2007, we have developed more than 1,000 outstanding projects for the financial sector, healthcare, logistics, travel and hospitality, telecom, the automotive industry, etc.Today we are looking for a confident and active Solution Architect who will strengthen our team and will take part in the pre-sale activities in the FinTech domain.ResponsibilitiesLead opportunities in the Fintech industry from the very first contact until established development project;Make quick opportunity qualification assessment together with the pre-sale managers, including a very high-level estimate, what can be strong in our proposition against competition and what key risks are there to mitigate;Build customer trust and Andersen delivery certainty with your domain expertise, creative ideas to solve client's business needs;Minimize upfront customer costs and project risks by helping to focus on most valuable requirements and using existing customer environment and relevant 3d party and community projects or SaaS;Specify these into solid Solutions Architecture;Present the final result to both client's executive and technical representatives;Structure the detailed estimates for the project and enable technical experts to produce a meaningful estimate. Control and challenge their results, define complexity drivers and optimize our offering through reasonable and pragmatic assumptions;Being a key IT consultant in Fintech architecture for the company's clients. Being able to clearly and intelligently communicate/present/maintain relationships at the C level on client side, quickly understand the current situation/problem/pain points and provide knowledgeable and confirmed experience recommendations back to the client. Maintain the relationship with all levels within client's organization and eventually generate sales leads;Creating marketing(technical) materials to support pre-sales activities (business cases, Success stories, articles, white papers etc.) with the help of designers and copywriters.RequirementsOverall Solutions Architecture experience 5+ years and in Banking, FinTech industry for 2+ years;Working experience at least in one major Bank (top-10 country) in the role of Solution Architect/Enterprise;Strong technical background (previous successful development experience using major programming platforms for enterprise projects);Experience with in-house and vendor core banking systems;Strong understanding of ITIL processes;Level of English – from Upper-Intermediate+ and above.Reasons to join usExperience in teamwork with leaders in FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, and others. Andersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, BNP Paribas, Ryanair, Mercedes, TUI, Verivox, Allianz, T-Systems, etc..The opportunity to change the project and/or develop expertise in an interesting business domain.Job conditions – you can work both fully remotely and from the office or can choose a hybrid variant.Guarantee of professional, financial, and career growth! The company has introduced systems of mentoring and adaptation for each new employee.The opportunity to earn additional up to 1,700 EUR per month by participating in the company's activities.Access to the corporate training portal, where the entire knowledge base of the company is collected and which is constantly updated.Bright corporate life (parties / pizza days / PlayStation / fruits / coffee / snacks / movies).Certification compensation (AWS, PMP, etc).Referral program.English courses.Private health insurance and compensation for sports activities.Join us!
Senior Analyst Valuations/Pricing
HAYS, Wroclaw, dolnoslaskie, Polska
Senior Analyst Valuations/PricingWroclawNR REF.: 1184953Your new company BNY Mellon offers an exciting array of future-forward careers at the intersection of business, finance, and technology. We are one of the world39s top asset management and banking firms that manages trillions of dollars in assets, custody and/or administration. Known as the “bank of banks” - 97% of the world’s top banks work with us as we lead and serve our customers into the new era of digital.With over 238 years of rich history and industry firsts, BNY Mellon has been built upon our proven ability to evolve, lead, and drive new ideas at every turn. Today, we’re approximately 50,000 employees across 35 countries with a culture that empowers you to grow, take risks, experiment and be yourself. This is what #LifeAtBNYMellon is all about.Your new role Job title in contract: Associate, Valuations/Pricing IIUnder the direction of the Team Manager, the Senior Analyst is responsible for acting as daily contact person for designated clients/ KVGs. He/ She is responsible for the valuation of assets, provision of prices to the clients, validating of client’s prices and performing the Market conformity check. The Specialist supports the Team Manager and other team members in ensuring that all controls and procedures being performed as well as helping to ensure that service levels meet and exceed client/KVG regulatory and legal requirements.The position requires good knowledge of accounting conventions and techniques, good understanding of accounting systems, work flows, procedures and controls and quality standards, good understanding of  custody and cash setups as well as a solid understanding of the client/ KVG legal and market requirements. In this role, you’ll make an impact in the following ways:Daily processing of internal pricing process including quality checks to ensure complete and correct pricing of all assets and providing respective reports to clients and internal teams / internal fund accounting system Daily price validation of clients Valuation data and uploading data to internal fund accounting systemDaily processing of market conformity checks of new trades including respective clarification / escalation and follow up internally and with clientsRegular communication with pricing vendors on pricing challenges as well as coordination of setup of new products Ensuring that daily workflows, procedures and controls are effectively executed in a timely mannerSelf-dependent processing of all regular tasks as well as assigned special tasks and assisting other team member in their daily workTimely processing of all external and internal ad hoc requestsRegular Interaction with other BNY Departments (internal and external) on regular tasks and issuesCreation, documentation and optimization of workflows, processes and quality assurance standards in collaboration with the Team Manager in accordance with BNYM procedures and controls, legal and client/KVG requirementsPreparation of the relevant documentation for external and internal audit in close cooperation with other senior team members and / or team leadWhat you39ll need to succeed Bank or business education with specialization and experience in fund accounting within Depotbank and / or KVGProven experience with standard Microsoft Office applications (particularly Excel and Word, Access & VBA a plus)Significant work experience (> 3 years), ideally in a Market Data or Pricing environmentGood experience in a Financial Services or Accounting or investment administration environment Good knowledge of instrument characteristics and especially the pricing of Equities, Bonds, Derivatives, OTCs, FX and other exotic productsGood understanding / experience with Options, Swaps, Structured Products and Loans is a plusSelf-Driven and responsible person to fully complete assigned tasksAct as role model for other team members and execute best practiceEager to attain the knowledge of relevant products and business processesGood communicator and Team playing spirit is a mustOpen minded approach to understand Fund Accounting related processes to be able to understand how your job will impact clients and other departments of the company Preferred to have Process Improvement experiences/ skills, e.g. to design/establish new detailed processes, Documentation skills, e.g. procedures/manualStrong Risk Control: monitoring and adhering legal and compliance responsibilitiesFluent written / verbal English, German skills will be an asset.What you39ll get in return Full time contract of employmentCity Centre locations close to main railway station and flexible working arrangementsFlexible benefits package, including life and medical insurance, health screening, fitness discount programme, employee assistance programAward-winning Wellbeing Program supporting you with your unique health and wellbeing needsPension schemeOn-site childcare and a parental buddy programmeExciting opportunities for career and global mobilityDiverse and inclusive environmentEmployee Referral ProgramRecognition programmesA multitude of opportunities to get involved in charity projects and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Associate, Trustee & Depositary II
HAYS, Wroclaw, dolnoslaskie, Polska
Associate, Trustee & Depositary IIWroclawNR REF.: 1185055Your new company BNY Mellon offers an exciting array of future-forward careers at the intersection of business, finance, and technology. We are one of the world39s top asset management and banking firms that manages trillions of dollars in assets, custody and/or administration. Known as the “bank of banks” - 97% of the world’s top banks work with us as we lead and serve our customers into the new era of digital.With over 240 years of rich history and industry firsts, BNY Mellon has been built upon our proven ability to evolve, lead, and drive new ideas at every turn. Today, we’re approximately 50,000 employees across 35 countries with a culture that empowers you to grow, take risks, experiment and be yourself. This is what #LifeAtBNYMellon is all about.Your new role Job title in contract: Associate, Trustee & Depositary IITeam overview:The Depositary function is a specialist provider of fiduciary services to UCITS, Non-UCITS and AIFMD Fund Structures. The core responsibility of the Depositary is to act solely in the interest of the investor, to hold in safekeeping the assets of the investment funds and provide oversight on the activities of the scheme.Position SummaryThe Senior Analyst will join the Private Equity Real Estate Transaction Monitoring (“PERE TM”) team within the Depositary bank.In this role, you’ll make an impact in the following ways:Monitor and review real estate, private equity, fund of funds and private debt transactions.Perform controls related to ownership verification and review legal documentation.Follow the procedures and controls designed to ensure activity is performed according to regulatory requirements.Report findings according to the escalation procedure and initiate corrective actions.Build effective relationship with Clients and have the knowledge to explain the regulatory background related to the requirements.Respond to queries from external auditors, regulators, clients and internal departments.Support team members, share knowledge and provide trainings.Contribute to internal projects.What you39ll need to succeed 2 years of experience in the fund industry is required – experience in real estate, private equity or debt funds is essential.Perfect command of English. Any additional languages would be considered as an advantageProficient command of Microsoft Office.Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlinesStrong analytical, organization and communication (verbal and written) skills.Proven analytical and problem-solving skills.What you39ll get in return Full time contract of employmentCity Centre locations close to main railway station and flexible working arrangementsFlexible benefits package, including life and medical insurance, health screening, fitness discount programme, employee assistance programAward-winning Wellbeing Program supporting you with your unique health and wellbeing needsPension schemeOn-site childcare and a parental buddy programmeExciting opportunities for career and global mobilityDiverse and inclusive environmentEmployee Referral ProgramRecognition programmesA multitude of opportunities to get involved in charity projects and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Specjalista ds. gwarancji
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Specjalista ds. gwarancjiWarszawaNR REF.: 1185463Dla międzynarodowego banku działającego w obszarze bankowości korporacyjnej i o kameralnych strukturach w Polsce szukamy osoby, która obejmie stanowisko Specjalisty ds. gwarancji.Miejsce pracy:Warszawa (model hybrydowy), lokalizacja blisko stacji metraNajważniejsze zadania:- obsługa gwarancji bankowych i w mniejszym stopniu akredytyw, w tym: procesowanie transakcji, wydawanie, zmiany, anulowanie, doradztwo, przetwarzanie płatności, pobieranie prowizji- wyjaśnianie niejasności/sprzeczności identyfikowanie potencjalnych ryzyk- prowadzenie rejestrów i archiwizowanie transakcji- monitorowanie wykorzystania limitów oraz przygotowywanie raportów- wspieranie zadań KYC w odniesieniu do klientów trade finance- utrzymywanie kontaktu z klientami i udzielanie im potrzebnej pomocy w zakresie oferowanych produktów- współpraca z innymi działami w Polsce i za granicąBank oczekuje:- minimum 1 roku doświadczenie zawodowego zdobytego w bankowości korporacyjnej, w takich obszarach jak operacje, trade finance, gwarancje bankowe, akredytywy lub zdobytego w branży ubezpieczeniowej w zakresie gwarancji ubezpieczeniowych- znajomości języka angielskiego na poziomie minimum dobrym (praca wiąże się z regularnymi kontaktami z zagranicą, dokumentacja jest przygotowywana w języku angielskim)- dobrej organizacji pracy, elastyczności, proaktywności, komunikatywności- chęci poszerzania wiedzy i zdobywania nowych umiejętnościCo oferuje Bank?- ciekawą pracę w kameralnym, a zarazem międzynarodowym środowisku pracy w banku, który od kilkunastu lat funkcjonuje na polskim rynku, a jednocześnie rozwija się i zmienia- umowę o pracę z podstawą wynagrodzenia oraz premią roczną- szeroką perspektywę biznesową – holistyczne spojrzenie na bankowość korporacyjną- współpracę z pozostałymi zespołami w Polsce oraz współpracę z zagranicą- możliwość rozwijania swoich umiejętności i wpływania na procesy bankowe- unikalną atmosferę pracy, opartą na dobrych relacjach, wzajemnym wsparciu, zaufaniu, otwartej komunikacji, elastyczności i dawaniu przestrzeni na wdrożenie się do pracy- pracę w modelu hybrydowym- liczne benefity pozapłacowe: opieka medyczna, ubezpieczenie na życie, vouchery lunchowe, dodatek do nauki języków, budżet na naukę/szkoleniaCo dalej?Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany/a tą ofertą, kliknij „Aplikuj teraz” i prześlij swoje CV. Zapraszamy również do kontaktu telefonicznego.Jeżeli ta oferta nie spełnia Twoich oczekiwań, skontaktuj się z nami, a postaramy się znaleźć ofertę bardziej dopasowaną do Twojego profilu zawodowego.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Corporate Financial Reporting Specialist (Junior)
N-iX is a software development service company that helps businesses across the globe develop successful software products. Founded in 2002 in Lviv, N-iX has come a long way and increased its presence in 9 countries Poland, Ukraine, Sweden, Romania, Bulgaria, Malta, the UK, the US, and Colombia. Today, we are a strong community of 2,000+ professionals and a reliable partner for global industry leaders and Fortune 500 companies.We are looking for Corporate reporting specialist (Junior) to ensures timely and accurate posting of accounting transactions in line with applicable local GAAP and IFRS.Responsibilities:Bookkeeping in the local accounting software (for non-UA entities)Collection of supporting documentation for local accountants in accordance with the monthly closing scheduleCorporate bank cards reconciliation and respective accounting records keepingBusiness trips accountingAssisting senior colleagues with their ad hoc requests in accordance with provided detailed instructionsReconciliation of various simple sections of financial statements (cash reconciliation, fixed assets etc.).Qualifications:Bachelor's degree in accounting, finance or related fieldsIntermediate English level or higherStrong Microsoft Excel skillsKnowledge of local accounting systems (XERO, Quickbooks) will be a plusRelated experience will be a plusStrong communication skillsTeam player, responsible and hardworkingWe offer:Flexible working format - remote, office-based or flexibleA competitive salary and good compensation packagePersonalized career growthProfessional development tools (mentorship program, tech talks and trainings, centers of excellence, and more)Active tech communities with regular knowledge sharingEducation reimbursementMemorable anniversary presentsCorporate events and team buildingsOther location-specific benefits
Młodszy specjalista ds. gwarancji
HAYS, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska
Młodszy specjalista ds. gwarancjiWarszawaNR REF.: 1185484Dla międzynarodowego banku działającego w obszarze bankowości korporacyjnej i o kameralnych strukturach w Polsce szukamy osoby, która obejmie stanowisko Młodszego specjalisty ds. gwarancji. Posiadasz pierwsze doświadczenia zdobyte w dziale operacyjnym w bankowości korporacyjnej? Aplikuj!Miejsce pracy: Warszawa (model hybrydowy), lokalizacja blisko stacji metraNajważniejsze zadania:- wsparcie w obsłudze gwarancji bankowych i w mniejszym stopniu akredytyw, w tym: procesowanie transakcji, wydawanie, zmiany, anulowanie, doradztwo, przetwarzanie płatności, pobieranie prowizji - wyjaśnianie niejasności/sprzeczności identyfikowanie potencjalnych ryzyk- wsparcie w prowadzeniu rejestrów i archiwizowaniu transakcji - monitorowanie wykorzystania limitów oraz przygotowywanie raportów- wspieranie zadań KYC w odniesieniu do klientów trade finance- utrzymywanie kontaktu z klientami i udzielanie im potrzebnej pomocy w zakresie oferowanych produktów- współpraca z innymi działami w Polsce i za granicąBank oczekuje:- pierwszego doświadczenia zawodowego zdobytego w bankowości korporacyjnej, w takich obszarach jak operacje, trade finance, gwarancje bankowe, akredytywy lub zdobytego w branży ubezpieczeniowej w zakresie gwarancji ubezpieczeniowych- znajomości języka angielskiego na poziomie minimum dobrym (praca wiąże się z regularnymi kontaktami z zagranicą, dokumentacja jest przygotowywana w języku angielskim)- dobrej organizacji pracy, elastyczności, proaktywności, komunikatywności- chęci poszerzania wiedzy i zdobywania nowych umiejętnościCo oferuje Bank?- ciekawą pracę w kameralnym, a zarazem międzynarodowym środowisku pracy w banku, który od kilkunastu lat funkcjonuje na polskim rynku, a jednocześnie rozwija się i zmienia- umowę o pracę z podstawą wynagrodzenia oraz premią roczną- szeroką perspektywę biznesową – holistyczne spojrzenie na bankowość korporacyjną- współpracę z pozostałymi zespołami w Polsce oraz współpracę z zagranicą- możliwość rozwijania swoich umiejętności i wpływania na procesy bankowe- unikalną atmosferę pracy, opartą na dobrych relacjach, wzajemnym wsparciu, zaufaniu, otwartej komunikacji, elastyczności i dawaniu przestrzeni na wdrożenie się do pracy- pracę w modelu hybrydowym- liczne benefity pozapłacowe: opieka medyczna, ubezpieczenie na życie, vouchery lunchowe, dodatek do nauki języków, budżet na naukę/szkoleniaCo dalej? Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany/a tą ofertą, kliknij „Aplikuj teraz” i prześlij swoje CV. Zapraszamy również do kontaktu telefonicznego. Jeżeli ta oferta nie spełnia Twoich oczekiwań, skontaktuj się z nami, a postaramy się znaleźć ofertę bardziej dopasowaną do Twojego profilu zawodowego.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Młodszy Specjalista ds. Płatności
Smart-HR, Bytom, slaskie, Polska
Osoba zatrudniona na tym stanowisku będzie odpowiedzialna za:Przygotowywanie przelewów i importowanie ich do systemu bankowego,Sprawdzanie rozrachunków oraz ustalanie sald, Monitorowanie przypomnień dotyczących zapłaty,Przygotowywanie raportów, zestawień oraz analiz na potrzeby działu,Prowadzenie korespondencji z kontrahentami oraz wykonywanie innych bieżących zadań zleconych przez przełożonego.Od kandydatów na to stanowisko wymagamy:Doświadczenia na analogicznym stanowisku,Wykształcenia wyższego (Finanse, Rachunkowość, Ekonomia),Umiejętności korzystania z systemu bankowości elektronicznej,Znajomości programu finansowo-księgowego,Praktycznej znajomości MS Excel, Dokładności, rzetelności oraz sumienności,Umiejętności pracy w zespole oraz dobrej organizacji pracy własnej.Pracodawca oferuje:Pracę w renomowanej, dynamicznie rozwijającej się firmie o stabilnej pozycji,Zatrudnienie w oparciu o umowę o pracę w pełnym wymiarze,Wynagrodzenie zasadnicze oraz premiowe,Niezbędne narzędzia pracy,Pakiet benefitów (karta sportowa, ubezpieczenie na życie, opieka medyczna),Duże możliwości rozwoju zawodowego,Pracę w przyjaznym zespole.
Specjalista ds. wsparcia sprzedaży (m/k)
Trenkwalder, Stoczniowa kujawsko-pomorskie, Elbląg, warminsko-m ...
Zakres zadań: przygotowywanie oferty budżetowej /handlowej, przygotowywanie analizy ryzyka i szans, opracowywanie warunków handlowych i finansowych/komercyjnych, rejestracja ofert zgodnie z zasadami wewnętrznymi działu, rating finansowy klienta, przegląd ofert zgodnie z wymaganiami (Protokół przeglądu oferty/umowy), wsparcie Specjalisty ds. handlowych w prowadzeniu negocjacji, przygotowywanie umów i kompletnej dokumentacji kontraktowej, przegląd zgodności zamówienia z ofertą/wynegocjowaną umową, kompletowanie dokumentacji projektowej dla Działu Realizacji.Wymagania: doświadczenie w obszarze finansów, bankowości lub sprzedaży (3-5 lat), biegła znajomość języka angielskiego - w mowie i piśmie, bardzo dobra znajomość pakietu MS Office, w szczególności Excel, wykształcenie wyższe, samodzielność w planowaniu i realizacji zadań, wiedza na temat zagadnień handlowo-prawnych, umiejętność pracy w zespole, kreatywność w rozwiązywaniu problemów.Oferujemy: umowę o pracę, benefity pozapłacowe: pakiet medyczny, pakiet sportowy, ubezpieczenie na życie, karta lunchowa, premię wypłacaną na koniec roku finansowego, możliwość rozwoju w międzynarodowej organizacji o ugruntowanej pozycji na rynku. Agencja zatrudnienia Trenkwalder & Partner Sp. z o.o., nr cert. 388.