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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Marketing Outreach Manager в Україні"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Marketing Outreach Manager в Україні"

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Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Marketing Outreach Manager в Україні"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Marketing Outreach Manager в Україні.

Розподіл вакансії "Marketing Outreach Manager" по областям Україні

Як видно з діаграми, в Україні найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Marketing Outreach Manager відкрито в Київській області. На другому місці - Херсонська область, а на третьому - Кіровоградська область.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Національний/-а Керівник/-ця (Керуючий/-а Редактор/-ка) - National Communications Officer (Managing Editor) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
Duty Station:Kyiv, UkraineClassification:National Officer, Grade NO-AType of Appointment:Fixed Term, one year with thepossibility of extensionEstimated Start Date:As soon as possibleClosing Date:04 May 2023 Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates. Context:Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission in Ukraine, and the direct supervision of the National Communications Officer; in collaboration with the Mission’s Policy Liaison and Project Development Unit, the successful candidate will be responsible and accountable for the development of quality content to support implementation of the Mission communications and advocacy strategy.This includes overseeing and managing the work of regional Communications Specialists based in the field hubs, drafting and editing human-interest stories, analytical pieces, social media posts, etc., facilitating the work of external photographers and videographers and leading the development of creative communication products to increase the visibility of IOM Ukraine’s activities and to promote an accurate narrative on migration, displacement and return with partners in the government, donor community, Media, United Nations (UN) agencies, as well as the general public. Core Functions / Responsibilities:In coordination with the National Communications Officer, implement the IOM Ukraine Communications and Advocacy Strategy, monitor the strategy workplan and calendar of activities, coordinate content production, and manage information flows. In coordination with all thematic units in the Mission and the National Communications Officer, draft articles, briefs, press announcements, press releases, and responses to media inquiries. Directly supervise the work of Communications Specialists in the IOM Ukraine field hubs, strengthening the editorial planning and improving the visibility of IOM activities across Ukraine. Undertake regular travel to sub-offices to support media outreach activities, gather material for multi-media projects and provide media training to individuals and teams as required. Support the National Communications Officer in managing awareness campaigns. Liaise with external photographers, video production companies, etc. to ensure high quality photo and video materials on the wide range of the Mission activities in the country. Produce materials for electronic/voice/visual and social media outreach. Increase the impact of Ukraine overall online and offline presence and brand recognition by developing innovative communications campaigns. Coordinate, update, and monitor the impact of Ukraine CO’s communications via media monitoring, as well as social media and Google analytics. Act as Officer-in-Charge in the absence of the Communications and Outreach Officer including participation in communications and advocacy-related groups within the UN Country Team. Perform such other duties as required.Required Qualifications and ExperienceEducationBachelor’s degree in Communications, Marketing, Journalism or in related field from an accredited academic institution with two years of relevant professional experience; or, Master’s degree in the above-mentioned fields.ExperienceExperience in journalism and public information; Experience in community engagement and digital awareness raising; Experience in the production of visibility materials is an advantage; Experience in dealing with diverse counterparts from government and UN agencies, civil society and think-tanks is an advantage; Previous experience of writing and reporting in international and crisis contexts preferably within the United Nations Common System and the International Humanitarian Field; Experience in working in a multi-cultural setting; Sound reporting, writing and editorial skills and ability to create a multi-media content; Proven ability to produce quality work accurately and concisely according to the set deadlines; Excellent communication and writing skills with the ability to analyze complex problems and identify and convey clear, rapid solutions; and, Excellent general analytical skills.LanguagesFluency in English and Ukrainian is required.Managerial Competencies – behavioural indicatorsLeadership: provides a clear sense of direction, leads by example and demonstrates the ability to carry out the organization’s vision; assists others to realize and develop their potential. Empowering others & building trust: creates an atmosphere of trust and an enabling environment where staff can contribute their best and develop their potential. Strategic thinking and vision: works strategically to realize the Organization’s goals and communicates a clear strategic direction.OtherAny offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications filling in the IOM Personal History Form   and sending to [email protected]  by 04 May 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.Posting period:From 20.04.2023 to 04.05.2023
Національний/-а Керівник/-ця з Комунікацій - National Communications Officer (Managing Editor) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
Open to Internal and External Candidates Position Title: National Communications Officer (Managing Editor)Duty Station: Kyiv, UkraineClassification: National Officer, Grade NO-AType of Appointment: Fixed Term, one year with the possibility of extensionEstimated Start Date: As soon as possibleClosing Date: 11 May 2023 Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates.Context:Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission in Ukraine, and the direct supervision of the National Communications Officer; in collaboration with the Mission’s Policy Liaison and Project Development Unit, the successful candidate will be responsible and accountable for the development of quality content to support implementation of the Mission communications and advocacy strategy.This includes overseeing and managing the work of regional Communications Specialists based in the field hubs, drafting and editing human-interest stories, analytical pieces, social media posts, etc., facilitating the work of external photographers and videographers and leading the development of creative communication products to increase the visibility of IOM Ukraine’s activities and to promote an accurate narrative on migration, displacement and return with partners in the government, donor community, Media, United Nations (UN) agencies, as well as the general public. Core Functions / Responsibilities:In coordination with the National Communications Officer, implement the IOM Ukraine Communications and Advocacy Strategy, monitor the strategy workplan and calendar of activities, coordinate content production, and manage information flows. In coordination with all thematic units in the Mission and the National Communications Officer, draft articles, briefs, press announcements, press releases, and responses to media inquiries. Directly supervise the work of Communications Specialists in the IOM Ukraine field hubs, strengthening the editorial planning and improving the visibility of IOM activities across Ukraine. Undertake regular travel to sub-offices to support media outreach activities, gather material for multi-media projects and provide media training to individuals and teams as required. Support the National Communications Officer in managing awareness campaigns. Liaise with external photographers, video production companies, etc. to ensure high quality photo and video materials on the wide range of the Mission activities in the country. Produce materials for electronic/voice/visual and social media outreach. Increase the impact of Ukraine overall online and offline presence and brand recognition by developing innovative communications campaigns. Coordinate, update, and monitor the impact of Ukraine CO’s communications via media monitoring, as well as social media and Google analytics. Act as Officer-in-Charge in the absence of the Communications and Outreach Officer including participation in communications and advocacy-related groups within the UN Country Team. Perform such other duties as required.Required Qualifications and ExperienceEducationBachelor’s degree in Communications, Marketing, Journalism or in related field from an accredited academic institution with two years of relevant professional experience; or, Master’s degree in the above-mentioned fields.ExperienceExperience in journalism and public information; Experience in community engagement and digital awareness raising; Experience in the production of visibility materials is an advantage; Experience in dealing with diverse counterparts from government and UN agencies, civil society and think-tanks is an advantage; Previous experience of writing and reporting in international and crisis contexts preferably within the United Nations Common System and the International Humanitarian Field; Experience in working in a multi-cultural setting; Sound reporting, writing and editorial skills and ability to create a multi-media content; Proven ability to produce quality work accurately and concisely according to the set deadlines; Excellent communication and writing skills with the ability to analyze complex problems and identify and convey clear, rapid solutions; and, Excellent general analytical skills.LanguagesFluency in English and Ukrainian is required.Managerial Competencies – behavioural indicatorsLeadership: provides a clear sense of direction, leads by example and demonstrates the ability to carry out the organization’s vision; assists others to realize and develop their potential. Empowering others & building trust: creates an atmosphere of trust and an enabling environment where staff can contribute their best and develop their potential. Strategic thinking and vision: works strategically to realize the Organization’s goals and communicates a clear strategic direction.OtherAny offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications filling in the IOM Personal History Form   and sending to [email protected]  by 11 May 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Middle linkbuilder
Netpeak, Full Remote
Ми шукаємо досвідченого linkbuilder'а, який буде будувати, моніторити існуючий профайл наших веб сайтів та шукати нові способи лінкбілдингу.TLI - компанія, що створює та просуває власні аффіліат-проекти та продукти на західні ринки. Твої скіли: Досвід роботи від 1 року на посадах Linkbuilder або Outreach Manager.Аналітичні навички: здатність аналізувати великі масиви даних.Досвід роботи з інструментами SEO: Ahrefs, SemRush, Google Search Console.Знання та володіння англійською мовою (письмово) на рівні Intermediate. Команда чекає від тебе: Розробки та реалізації стратегії лінкбілдінгу.Пошук та аналіз потенційних партнерів для отримання якісних зворотних посилань.Моніторинг та аналіз результатів лінкбілдінгу.Пошук виконавців для закриття задач по лінкбілдингу.Проставляння аутріч та інших типів посилань.Ведення звітності по проєктам.Пошук нових способів проставлення посилань. Ми пропонуємо: Оплату — ставку + щомісячний бонус. Це означає, що ти сам впливаєш на свій дохід, але маєш «подушку безпеки» у вигляді фіксованої оплати.Гнучкий графік роботи з можливістю починати робочий день із 8:00 до 10:00, та завершувати з 17:00 до 19:00.Можливість працювати повністю віддалено або в офісі (Одеса, Київ, Харків та Черкаси). Офіси автономні на випадок відключення світла. Індивідуальну та групову роботу з корпоративним психологом.Оплачувану відпустку — 18 робочих днів, 5 оплачуваних лікарняних на рік, та 11 державних вихідних.Можливість використання корпоративного бота, що поєднує в собі найпотужніший штучний інтелект, котрий доступний зараз.Можливість навчання та розвитку: досвід та підтримку наших співробітників, допомогу в професійній адаптації під кураторством протягом усього випробувального терміну.Внутрішні корпоративні знижки на різні послуги, у тому числі знижки на курси англійської.Швидке прийняття рішень та тестування ідей — відсутність зайвої бюрократії та мікроменеджменту. Робота в компанії, у якій тебе чують і до тебе прислухаються, а керівник відкритий до діалогу та пропозицій.Профільні івенти та чати для обміну досвідом у рамках групи компаній.Корпоративні заходи та розваги. Навіть у складні часи ми робимо все можливе, аби підняти настрій наших співробітників ;) Ще важливо: Заповнюй анкету та надсилай резюме ;)
SEO specialist
Leadsup.Financial, Київ
Хто ми?Ми Leadsup.Financial IT компанія повного циклу, наша команда та SEO експертиза дозволяють нам запускати наші проекти від макета до монетизації та Google топа. Ми працюємо на ринок США в одній із найцікавіших і найвищих конкурентних ніш на ринку: personal finance.Чому ми шукаємо?Наші проекти посідають впевнені позиції на ринку. Але ми не з тих, хто любить зупинятися на досягнутому! Зараз наша компанія активно розширюється та готується до релізу двох нових проектів. Саме тому зараз ми в активному пошуку нових членів команди для посилення позицій та плідної співпраці. Можливо, ти той самий фахівець, якого нам не вистачає!Кого шукаємо?Проактивного та азартного професіонала, який любить вирішувати цікаві та непрості завдання. Людина яка шанує дедлайни і прагне якості також, як це робимо ми, яка готова рости і змінюватися разом з нами, накопичувати нові знання і застосовувати їх на практиці.Що потрібно робити?Працювати з семантичним ядром: підбір та кластеризація ключів. Аудит та розширення.Складати ТЗ для текстів.Постановка завдань контент менеджера з наповнення метатегами та заголовками.Займатися структурою сайту, здійснювати внутрішню перелінковку.Проводити технічний аудит, аналізувати результати.Здійснювати контроль та перевірку впроваджених доопрацювань.Займатиметься збільшенням пошукового трафіку.Аналіз конкурентів. Пошук та оперативне впровадження нових ідей щодо розширення функціоналу сайту (для користувача, для Google).Своєчасне реагування та прийняття рішень у разі падіння позицій.Працювати безпосередньо з просуванням проектів та нарощуванням якісної посилальної маси (.).Що потрібно з твого боку:Досвід пошукової оптимізації сайтів від 3х років (обов'язково від одного року USA або Tier 1 країни).Практичні навички роботи з інструментами: Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, Key Assort, Semrush.Початкові знання HTML + CSS.Знання англійської мови на рівні Upper Intermediate.Знання основних алгоритмів ранжирування та ступеня їх впливу на сайт.Будьте в курсі всіх нововведень у сфері SEO.Розуміння принципів юзабіліті веб-сайтів.Досвід роботи із CMS Wordpress.Досвід побудови PBN, outreach та інші техніки лінкбілдингу — буде плюсом.Ти нам підходиш, якщо:Прагнеш якість як ми, а не тільки кількості.Не боїшся роботи!Готовий тестувати гіпотези та отримувати результат.Маєш мультизадачність і вмієш працювати з великими обсягами даних.Знаєш тонкощі просування проектів YMYL.Що ти отримаєш:Зарплата в $ за підсумками співбесіди.Зрозуміла схема бонусів та KPI.Реальне кар'єрне зростання усередині SEO відділу.Оплата профільних курсівПовністю віддалена робота.
Business Development Manager (French)
Jooble, Київ
Jooble is a Ukrainian product IT company that ranks in the top 10 most visited websites in the world in the Jobs and Employment segment. The company’s main product is a job search website, which is used by around 90 million users in 67 countries worldwide each month, both employers and job seekers. In addition, Jooble is developing an ecosystem of related products and investing in startups based on employment through Jooble Venture Lab."We believe that work is one of the main components of human life. Every year, our service is used by about 1 billion people, so your work in Jooble will affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people and help them make an important choice in life” - Roman Prokofiev, Сo-founder.Jooble is a remote-first company with 355 professionals who live in 24 countries and speak 25 languages. We believe that talented people can create cool projects no matter where they are!We are looking for a motivated Business Development Representative to drive our Jooble's growth by generating leads, new business models, nurturing relationships, and expanding our customer base.Requirements:Excellent French skills, min B2;Knowledge of sales software like Snov, Outreach, Sales Navigator;Experience with full-cycle sales process;Great background in lead generation;Strong presentation skills;Tech-savvy;Data-driven mindset.Responsibilities:Shape Jooble's value proposition and business model to revolutionize the job search industry;Stay ahead of industry trends, gathering insights for strategic growth;Identify and qualify potential customers who align with our ICP;Proactively engage prospects through various channels;Closing deals;Conduct impactful meetings with potential customers, highlighting unique benefits.What makes work at Jooble comfortable?Work from anywhereAll employees can work in the office or remotely. Also, we have hubs and offices. Everyone who is abroad can visit our space in Warsaw. For those in Ukraine, you can visit offices in Kyiv or Lutsk. The company provides all the necessary work equipment, whether you work in the office or remotely.Flexible working hoursThe 8-hour working day and you choose when to start. What matters to us is the result, not the number of hours spent at the workplace.EducationWe cover training costs: professional courses, webinars, and language courses.HealthcareWe provide health insurance for everyone who has worked for more than 3 months. For colleagues who are abroad, financial support is provided in case of medical expenses.Mental HealthWe are cooperating with the well-being service. It provides employees with psychological consultations or a 50% discount on different psychologists’ services.Vacation and Sick Leave24 days of annual leave, paid sick days, + the possibility to take 4 additional sick days without a medical certificate.Our cultureThere is always a fantastic team behind a successful project. We'd really like our people to feel that Jooble’s workplace promotes freedom, respect, support, and honesty. We always give feedback to each other, and we believe it helps us develop personally and our products in general.Ukraine is the capital of great people! From the first day of the war, Jooble actively supports and organises fundraisings. Our colleagues protect our country and volunteer what is, for sure, important efforts for Ukraine today.If, in the job description, you see yourself and really want to become a member of our team, please send us your CV, and our recruiter will reach you.LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/joobleInstagram https://www.instagram.com/jooblelife/Careers http://hiring.jooble.org/Історія Jooble у Forbes: https://jooble.link/6C18
Outreach Manager / Sales Development Representative
Fans-CRM, null, ua
Fans-CRM was created to help companies and creators take the management of OnlyFans to an entirely new level. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive solution that eliminates the hassle of using multiple services. We have included features most sought after by industry professionals, and our OnlyFans toolkit now covers the main areas of management, analytics, chat communication, and promotion. The RoleDue to active expansion, we are seeking a talented and ambitious Outreach Manager/ Sales Development Representative to join a new company within the holding of IT companies. The product is a CRM system for OnlyFans.Responsibilities:Sending emails to clients according to the established cycle on various platforms.Keeping a structured record of communication with each potential client in every potential company and following a specified algorithm to stay in touch.Adhering to technical project requirements and conveying them to the project manager using a specified template.CRM management.Ideal Profile Requirements:Proficient written English (B2 level and above); additional languages are a plus to be able to effectively liaise with stakeholders in the region.Ability to use CRM systems.Systematic and hardworking approach.Additional Qualifications:Experience in a similar position.Desire for career growth.High level of personal culture.Basic understanding of the sales funnel. Company Offers:Flexible eight-hour work schedule.Remote work format.18 working days of paid leave, paid sick leave.What's on Offer?Opportunity within a company with a solid track record of performanceFlexible working optionsFantastic work culture
Outreach manager / Sales Development Representative
Snaphunt, null, ua
The Offer Opportunity within a company with a solid track record of performance Flexible working options Fantastic work culture The Job Responsibilities: Sending emails to clients according to the established cycle on various platforms. Keeping a structured record of communication with each potential client in every potential company and following a specified algorithm to stay in touch. Adhering to technical project requirements and conveying them to the project manager using a specified template. CRM management. The Profile   Requirements: Proficient written English (B2 level and above); additional languages are a plus. Ability to use CRM systems. Systematic and hardworking approach. Additional Qualifications: Experience in a similar position. Desire for career growth. High level of personal culture. Basic understanding of the sales funnel.   Company Offers: Flexible eight-hour work schedule. Remote work format. 18 working days of paid leave, paid sick leave. The Employer Our client was created to help companies and creators take the management of OnlyFans to an entirely new level.
Lead Generation Manager
AIDA projektai, MB, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
AIDA Projektai is an outsourcing company with its own product - an artificial intelligence-based employee search platform. We connect talented professionals with businesses worldwide. As a rapidly growing company, we are committed to providing top-notch services tailored to meet the unique needs and deadlines of our clients. We are looking for an ambitious Lead Generation Manager to join our team.  Requirements: - at least two years of experience in sales and/or lead generation - availability of interesting work cases for closing deals - experience with email campaigns, Sales Navigator, and other tools - knowledge of basic sales processes and stages; ability to analyze audience needs; strong skills in identifying needs and reframing negative statements - ability to analyze the market and competitors; find best sales practices of competitors and implement them; develop approaches to enhance own results - Upper intermediate knowledge of English - ability to broadly view set goals and find creative solutions to achieve them (we will ask for several examples during the interview) Responsibilities: - cold search for potential leads and entering them into the database - outreach to potential clients through various channels - lead qualification, establishing contact, identifying needs, initial presentation of company services - transfer of interested leads to the partner relations manager or closing the deal independently with bonus motivation What the company offers: - remote work format - flexible schedule: focused on clearly defined KPIs, not the process - timely salary payment in euros Salary: 700 euros
Senior Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engineer
Epam, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Description Our customer is widely recognized for its innovative game design, immersive story-telling, and groundbreaking technological contributions to the gaming industry. It continues to innovate in the ever-evolving gaming industry, dedicating itself to achieving new advancements in technology, storytelling, and graphicsWe are seeking a Senior Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engineer to join our dynamic team and contribute into the projectThe remote option applies only to the Candidates who will be working from any location in Ukraine.#LI-NV2 Responsibilities Develop and implement Salesforce Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget) solutions for marketing campaigns Collaborate with stakeholders to gather requirements and design effective solutions Configure and optimize the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform to enhance capabilities and improve campaign performance Create and maintain automation workflows, email templates, and landing pages Monitor and troubleshoot campaigns, ensuring efficient delivery and tracking of marketing communications Stay updated with the latest Salesforce Marketing Cloud features and best practices, and apply them to drive continuous improvement Requirements Ready to shift working hours to 6-8 pm by Kyiv to overlap with the client team Strong experience and expertise in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget) Proficiency in Salesforce configuration and customizations Fluent in English with a minimum B2 level Ability to work remotely and independently We offer Work on a flexible schedule remotely or from any of our comfortable offices or coworking spaces in Ukraine Receive the necessary equipment to perform your work tasks Change projects and technology stacks within EPAM Gain experience in various business domains (Insurance, E-commerce, Healthcare, Finance, Travelling, Media, Artificial Intelligence, and more) Consider relocation options in over 30 countries worldwide Participate in volunteer, charity programs and communities (both technical and interest-based) You can plan your individual career path together with your manager Receive regular feedback from colleagues Improve your English for free with certified teachers (Speaking Clubs, client interview preparation courses, etc.) Get the opportunity to undergo free training and certification in AWS, GCP, or Azure Clouds Use the internal E-learn training program (18,+ specialized training and mentoring programs) Access corporate accounts on LinkedIn Learning, Get Abstract and other partner resources Study at EPAM Solution Architecture School with the instructors who are practicing architects Develop as a leader, join Delivery Management, Resource Management, Leadership Essentials school and more Participate in internal communities (+ meetups, technical discussions, brainstorming sessions, online events and conferences annually) Vacation and sick leave (including a sick leave without a medical certificate) A wide range of Voluntary Medical Insurance programs providing both medical treatment and various preventive options (including sports activities) Medical insurance for family members at corporate rates Company support during significant life events (childbirth or adoption, marriage, etc.) Support for psychological comfort: discounts on services from mental health specialists or coaches, thematic training E-kids program - a free programming language training program for EPAMers' children EPAM strives to provide its global team of over 52,+ professionals in more than 55 countries with opportunities for professional growth from day one of collaboration. Our colleagues are the source of EPAM's success, so we value cooperation, strive to always understand our clients' business and aim for the highest quality standards. No matter where you are, you will join a dedicated, diverse community that will help you realize your potential to the fullest.
Marketing Automation Specialist
AudaCity Capital Management, null, ua
AudaCity Capital is a progressive and flourishing prop trading firm, and trading education provider. We are based in London, and at the moment have a team of highly trained properly trading professionals, managing the company’s extensive funds on our City of London based trading floor.We believe that the only way to be a winner in our industry is to invest heavily in talented people who want to grow with us. We are seeking like-minded professionals to develop their skills and enable them to join our team.We trade on all major asset classes on multiple exchanges with our own capital and do not handle any client funds or have customers. By becoming a member of the team, you become part of our success. We are market leaders because we have always had an internal vision to promote a strong entrepreneurial working culture.Our mission statement is to mix a strong base of intellectual capital with state-of-the-art technology, to build for the future. Our trading has a unique combination of skills, talent, and industry-leading software, which has been produced in-house by the company development department.Strict, Prudent Risk ManagementYou can have guts, but not glory, if you don’t back your trading moves with proper management practices. That’s why we treat risk management with the utmost seriousness …The RoleOverview:We are seeking a detail-oriented Marketing Automation Specialist with expertise in SendPulse to design, implement, and optimize automated marketing campaigns. The ideal candidate will leverage SendPulse to drive lead generation, improve customer engagement, and enhance overall marketing efficiency.Key Responsibilities:Develop and execute automated email and SMS campaigns using SendPulse.Analyze campaign performance and optimize strategies based on data insights.Collaborate with the marketing team to align automation with overall marketing goals.Maintain and update contact lists and segments for targeted outreach.Create and manage workflows, triggers, and personalized messaging.Requirements:Proven experience with SendPulse or similar marketing automation platforms.Strong understanding of email marketing best practices and automation strategies.Excellent analytical skills and ability to interpret data for decision-making.Effective communication and project management skills.Experience with CRM systems and integration is a plus.Qualifications:Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, or related field.4+ years of experience in marketing automation or related role.Ideal ProfileYou have at least 4 years experience ideally in Digital Marketing within Internet industry.Experience within would be a strong advantage.You are a strong networker & relationship builderYou pay strong attention to detail and deliver work that is of a high standardYou possess strong analytical skills and are comfortable dealing with numerical dataWhat's on Offer?Work alongside & learn from best in class talentStrong opportunities to progress your careerFantastic work culture
Marketing Automation Specialist
Snaphunt, null, ua
The Offer Work alongside & learn from best in class talent Strong opportunities to progress your career Fantastic work culture The Job Overview: We are seeking a detail-oriented Marketing Automation Specialist with expertise in SendPulse to design, implement, and optimize automated marketing campaigns. The ideal candidate will leverage SendPulse to drive lead generation, improve customer engagement, and enhance overall marketing efficiency. Key Responsibilities: Develop and execute automated email and SMS campaigns using SendPulse. Analyze campaign performance and optimize strategies based on data insights. Collaborate with the marketing team to align automation with overall marketing goals. Maintain and update contact lists and segments for targeted outreach. Create and manage workflows, triggers, and personalized messaging. Requirements: Proven experience with SendPulse or similar marketing automation platforms. Strong understanding of email marketing best practices and automation strategies. Excellent analytical skills and ability to interpret data for decision-making. Effective communication and project management skills. Experience with CRM systems and integration is a plus. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, or related field. 4+ years of experience in marketing automation or related role. The Profile You have at least 4 years experience ideally in Digital Marketing within Internet industry. Experience within would be a strong advantage. You are a strong networker & relationship builder You pay strong attention to detail and deliver work that is of a high standard You possess strong analytical skills and are comfortable dealing with numerical data The Employer Our client is a progressive and flourishing prop trading firm, and trading education provider. They are based in London, and at the moment have a team of highly trained properly trading professionals, managing the company’s extensive funds on the City of London based trading floor. They believe that the only way to be a winner in the industry is to invest heavily in talented people who want to grow.
PR Manager for Skyvia
Devart, null, ua
We are looking for a PR Manager to promote Skyvia, a web service for data integration, backup, and management. About the product Skyvia is a universal no-coding cloud platform for data integration, backup, management, and connectivity. Skyvia supports 80 connectors, including major cloud apps (CRMs, Marketing tools, Support systems, Management, etc.), databases, and data warehouses. Skyvia offers 4 products: Integration, Backup, Connect, and Query. Each product serves to solve a specific business task for customers. The Integration flagship product includes 4 integration scenarios, which can both solve individual technical issues and work together as a unit. Responsibilities Develop and implement an external content strategy and plans Coordinate and improve internal communication processes: announcements, press releases, news Develop, manage, and optimize PR-budget expenses Plan and implement a strategy of cooperation with bloggers and opinion leaders Build relationships with brand ambassadors Collaborate with specialized online media and blogs, write product reviews, PR articles, interviews, comments Take part in creating a social media strategy with the Head of Marketing and PMM Develop structured content plans for publication on social networks Participate in creating cross-channel advertising campaigns aimed at promoting critical newsworthy events, attracting subscribers, increasing outreach and engagement Organize participation in external online events Promote webinars on Skyvia products Requirements At least 3 years of experience as a PR manager Practical experience in building relationships with bloggers and influencers A collected database of editorial contacts in IT industry Knowledge of Online Reputation Management basics and practical experience with tools like Brand24 Experience with task trackers (Jira and similar tools) High literacy Upper-Intermediate level of English Work conditions No overtime Flexible working hours 19 working days of vacation 15 working days of sick leave Medical insurance Online English courses Opportunities for professional development and personal growth (50% of tuition fees) Various entertaining activities: corporate parties, team-building events (yachting, kayaks, ATVs, etc.) *Under martial law, some of the above-mentioned points may be temporarily limited.
Programme Management Specialist
UNOPS, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
On 24 February 2022, the military of the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, wit... On 24 February 2022, the military of the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, with strikes across the territory of Ukraine. Since then, Russia’s invasion imposes a severe humanitarian and socio-economic toll, global energy and food crisis, large-scale destruction of the country's infrastructure, and disruptions in the provision of critical services and degradation of social fabrics and communities’ ties, triggering one of the world’s most significant forced displacements. Severe attacks on energy and critical infrastructure facilities leave millions of people without electricity, water or heating supply, struggling to access water, food, health services, materials to repair homes, among others. The continued attacks cause substantial damage to the country’s economy and agricultural production, and also affect the poorest countries worldwide.UNOPS support to partners spans the humanitarian-development nexus from emergency response to building back better, across the housing, health, education, transport, energy and mine action sectors, through infrastructure, procurement and technical assistance / project management interventions, with the ultimate aim of supporting the country on its EU accession and in its achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Programme Management Specialist will support the UNOPS Ukraine Multi Country Office (UAMCO) Mine Action Portfolio. The position is based in Kyiv, Ukraine, and reports to the Deputy Portfolio Manager - Planning and the Senior Portfolio Manager. The role involves assisting in programme development, planning, coordination, and management of mine action projects, with a strong focus on supporting activities in Ukraine. 1. Programme Development, Planning, and Coordination Assist the Deputy... 1. Programme Development, Planning, and Coordination Assist the Deputy Portfolio Manager and Senior Portfolio Manager in ensuring work plans are accurately budgeted and resourced. Support the management team in translating strategies into implementation plans and monitoring mechanisms. Coordinate with stakeholders in-country and at HQ to ensure aligned and coherent planning and implementation processes. 2. Resource Mobilization and Monitoring Monitor donor funding cycles and Ukrainian government policies to identify potential areas of intervention. Stay informed on mine action, UN Resident Coordinator policies, and cross-cutting priorities such as gender, diversity, conflict sensitivity, sustainability, and environment. Assist in the preparation of programme documents, including concept notes, proposals, and associated budgets. Support the drafting and review of funding agreements and other project documents. 3. Programme Management Support Help analyse funding agreements, develop compliance plans, and establish monitoring frameworks. Assist in reviewing scopes of work for procurement processes to ensure compliance with funding requirements. Track programme results, alert management of any deviations, and prepare necessary reports. Facilitate communication between the Country Programme office and HQ teams to support compliance and implementation of policies and standards. 4. Stakeholder Coordination and Inter-agency Collaboration Support the implementation of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle and associated funding and monitoring mechanisms. Assist in developing communication strategies linked to resource mobilization to maximize impact and outreach. Prepare talking points, briefing notes, presentations, and speeches for official meetings and events. 5. Knowledge and Document Management Maintain records of programme files and other necessary documents. Implement relevant standards, tools, and templates to manage programme and project development. Identify, record, and share best practices and innovative approaches to improve programme performance. 6. People Management (if applicable) Assist in the effective planning, recruitment, and development of a flexible workforce. Foster a positive work environment respectful of both men and women. Develops and implements sustainable business strategies, thinks long term and ex... Develops and implements sustainable business strategies, thinks long term and externally in order to positively shape the organization. Anticipates and perceives the impact and implications of future decisions and activities on other parts of the organization.(for levels IICA-2, IICA-3, LICA Specialist- 10, LICA Specialist-11, NOC, NOD, P3, P4 and above) Treats all individuals with respect; responds sensitively to differences and encourages others to do the same. Upholds organizational and ethical norms. Maintains high standards of trustworthiness. Role model for diversity and inclusion. Acts as a positive role model contributing to the team spirit. Collaborates and supports the development of others. For people managers only: Acts as positive leadership role model, motivates, directs and inspires others to succeed, utilizing appropriate leadership styles. Demonstrates understanding of the impact of own role on all partners and always puts the end beneficiary first. Builds and maintains strong external relationships and is a competent partner for others (if relevant to the role). Efficiently establishes an appropriate course of action for self and/or others to accomplish a goal. Actions lead to total task accomplishment through concern for quality in all areas. Sees opportunities and takes the initiative to act on them. Understands that responsible use of resources maximizes our impact on our beneficiaries. Open to change and flexible in a fast paced environment. Effectively adapts own approach to suit changing circumstances or requirements. Reflects on experiences and modifies own behavior. Performance is consistent, even under pressure. Always pursues continuous improvements. Evaluates data and courses of action to reach logical, pragmatic decisions. Takes an unbiased, rational approach with calculated risks. Applies innovation and creativity to problem-solving. Expresses ideas or facts in a clear, concise and open manner. Communication indicates a consideration for the feelings and needs of others. Actively listens and proactively shares knowledge. Handles conflict effectively, by overcoming differences of opinion and finding common ground. Education Advanced University Degree (Master's degree or equivalent) with... Education Advanced University Degree (Master's degree or equivalent) with 5 years of relevant experience. University degree (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) with 7 years of relevant experience. Work Experience Relevant experience includes progressive experience in programme/project development or management in either public or private sector organizations. Language Skills Fluency in English (speaking, reading, and writing) is required. Fluency in Ukrainian is desirable. Fluency in English and Ukrainian is required. Fluency in English and Ukrainian is required. Fluency in English and Ukrainian is required. Contract type: Ongoing ICAContract level: International ICA - IICA2/ICS -... Contract type: Ongoing ICAContract level: International ICA - IICA2/ICS - 10
Development Outreach and Communications (DOC) Specialist (USAID/Libya)
PM Consulting Group, null, ua
Position Title: Development Outreach and Communications (DOC) SpecialistWork Location: Remote with onsite or in-country support as neededPosition Duration: 12 monthsRequesting Office: USAID/LibyaTravel: 4 TDYs. Contractor will travel to Tunis, Tunisia for up to 2 weeks at a time, once per quarter or as requested by USAID/Libya.Clearance: Ability to obtain and maintain facility access clearance is required. Position Description: This position serves as the DOC Specialist for USAID/Libya. USAID/Libya is based in Tunis, Tunisia at the Libya External Office (LEO) (the U.S. Government’s diplomatic representation to Libya). The position reports to the USAID/Libya Program Officer. The DOC Specialist will be responsible for executing USAID/Libya’s communications strategy, working with USAID staff and implementing partners based in Tunisia and Libya. The DOC Specialist will work closely with all members of the USAID/Libya team, the LEO’s Public Affairs Section (PAS), and the communications staff of USAID implementing partners. The DOC Specialist may also liaise with relevant staff of other donors and international organizations working in Libya, local and international businesses, and Libyan government officials. They will manage USAID/Libya’s outreach and communications strategy, ensuring that the Libya Operating Unit’s (OU’s) results story is effectively communicated to the Libyan public and relevant Agency and interagency stakeholders. Close collaboration with USAID/Libya technical staff and other members of the LEO is required to be successful in this position. The DOC Specialist must be able to work constructively across team structures in a fast-paced working environment often driven by tight deadlines and evolving requirements. They must demonstrate initiative and creativity, have the ability to clearly guide the outreach efforts of USAID implementing partners; produce accurate, timely, and well-written products with minimal supervision; and have the knowledge and skills needed to provide communications oversight and conduct training on best communications practices for USAID staff and partners. In addition, they must be a skilled “story-teller,” capable of identifying and using appropriate communications tools and channels including video clips, social media, and targeted written pieces for USAID/Libya and LEO platforms and publications. The DOC Specialist must also be well-versed in U.S. foreign policy goals for Libya, the strategic objectives of USAID/Libya and how USAID’s work supports their achievement. Substantial reliance is placed on the DOC Specialist’s experience and judgment regarding all aspects of outreach activities. The incumbent must identify, react to, and interpret changing priorities and circumstances in local and international media and provide guidance on how these shifts affect the work of the USAID Country Office and the LEO. The need to exercise good judgment carries over into communication with Washington stakeholders, including through speeches, cables, or other similar documents, as well as in the sphere of social media, as they will be posting regularly on behalf of the United States Government. The DOC Specialist’s experience and managerial skills will be brought to bear on a daily basis as the USAID/Libya team members and implementing partners reach out to the DOC with questions regarding USAID assistance and with requests for advice and clearances. The DOC Specialist must plan their work schedule independently and assist colleagues to focus and prioritize key actions that are needed to amplify USAID’s message effectively. The DOC Specialist also serves as USAID/Libya’s “Branding Champion” and will be required to ensure full understanding and compliance with USAID and LEO requirements. Statement of Duties to be Performed: Public Outreach (40%) The DOC Specialist counsels USAID/Libya leadership on targeted media placement, including print, TV, radio, and internet; they provide guidance to USAID technical teams and implementing partners on branding, storylines, engagement strategies, and linkages with USAID and LEO strategic communication approaches. They identify activities appropriate for media coverage, participate in travel to visit activities, and accompany TV/radio crews to site locations for filming should this occur. The DOC Specialist will help to plan and directly support press events and trips involving the participation of the U.S. Ambassador, the Deputy Chief of Mission, USAID leadership, and visiting VIPs. The DOC Specialist coordinates the outreach components of travel and public affairs activities for USAID, LEO leadership, and major U.S. Government and Congressional visitors. The DOC Specialist prepares schedules, briefing materials, information related to events (e.g., backgrounders/scene setters, briefing materials, talking points, speeches, video/photo coverage, etc.), and organizes logistics, guest lists, and other arrangements in collaboration with Country Office staff. The DOC Specialist works with USAID staff to plan and implement public events to maximize exposure for U.S. Government development assistance and supports the conception, information collection, and dissemination of all public materials relating to USAID programs. The DOC Specialist advises implementing partners on planning, scheduling, publicizing, and carrying out outreach and public affairs activities which inform audiences in Libya as well as the U.S. about the work supported by the American taxpayer. The DOC Specialist organizes training for CORs/AORs and implementing partners on communication and media skills such as working with the media, developing briefing materials, stories and blogs, video production, photo taking, and planning and managing special events. As a resident expert on the Agency’s branding, marking, and style guidelines, the DOC Specialist develops and delivers training for CORs/AORs and implementing partners on USAID branding and marking requirements. They ensure that regulations are followed and applied as outlined in ADS 320 and the Agency’s Graphic Standards Manual. They review and edit implementing partner branding and marking plans and work with the Contracts/Agreement Officer and COR/AOR on approval of these final documents. The DOC Specialist ensures that partners’ materials (videos, websites, banners, posters, brochures, publications, etc.) are in compliance with approved marking and branding plans, and, by extension, USAID requirements. When required, the DOC Specialist can recommend revisions, reprinting, or other appropriate action. They seek guidance from the Middle East Bureau and/or USAID’s Legislative and Public Affairs Bureau (LPA) on any branding and marking waivers or disputes. They are also responsible for ensuring that USAID staff and implementing partners understand the nuances involved in working with funding provided through Presidential and other special initiatives and the branding and marking requirements for those activities. Visibility Products and Materials (40%) The DOC Specialist coordinates with LEO PAS to ensure that the LEO is properly apprised of USAID public outreach activities in Libya and works with PAS to promote USAID content, as appropriate, through LEO social media channels. They also serve as a liaison with the USAID/Middle East Bureau’s Communications team in Washington. The DOC Specialist collects input, edits, and prepares information for use through a range of USAID products and platforms tailored to target audiences and manages the procurement and distribution of communications materials related to USAID foreign assistance in Libya. The DOC Specialist serves as a liaison for information requests coming from Washington. The DOC Specialist drafts, formats, and updates high-quality public information materials such as briefers, talking points, speeches, portfolio fact sheets, and Country Office website content and maps for USAID or LEO leadership. They write, solicit, review, and prepare an array of success stories, articles, and blog submissions for USAID/Libya and USAID/Washington platforms. They manage social media platforms in coordination with PAS (including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Flickr). The DOC Specialist must know how to use relevant software programs and social media to manage USAID Libya’s public-facing, online digital platforms. The DOC Specialist must also have the ability to highlight and communicate effectively the impact of the USAID/Libya portfolio through the use of photography, video, and public presentations. The DOC Specialist is expected to know how to capture high-quality images and video footage that meet the standard of modern journalistic practice and to edit those materials for use across USAID outreach platforms. The DOC Specialist ensures that USAID/Libya is able to accommodate special outreach requests from the Middle East Bureau, LPA, and Presidential Initiatives at USAID/Washington, and LEO PAS. Media Relations (20%) In coordination with the LEO PAS, the DOC Specialist counsels the Country Representative and USAID staff on sensitivities and engaging with the local or international press. They work closely with PAS on U.S. and international media inquiries. They are responsible for supporting USAID/Libya media activities, including monitoring media coverage on issues related to USAID activities in Libya. The DOC Specialist works with PAS to expand opportunities for coverage of USAID assistance, including TV, radio, and other media. In coordination with PAS, the DOC Specialist builds and maintains a professional network of media contacts interested in USAID activities in Libya. Responsibilities include arranging interviews with the USAID leadership, press briefings, press tours of USAID activities, and preparing USAID/Libya and visiting senior U.S. Government officials from USAID/Washington for interviews with the media. The DOC Specialist is responsible for writing and distributing press releases on program successes, project inaugurations, significant developments, etc., and following up with the media to encourage and support coverage of activities. They will coordinate with USAID leadership, USAID technical teams, PAS, and LPA to ensure local and international media requests for information are met with well-written, timely, and accurate responses. Position Requirements: At least 5 years of relevant experience in developing and implementing outreach and communications strategies and approaches, including familiarity with a range of traditional and social media platforms, and a proven track record of producing high-impact social media content. Fluent in English (required) and Arabic (required). Experience working in Libya (required). Excellent verbal and written communication skills in both languages, including the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with a range of government, donor, business, and local stakeholders. Experience managing media events, including preparing talking points, managing press, and developing post-event press releases and social media (strongly preferred). Experience working with USAID or other donors or international organizations on outreach and communications (preferred). Familiarity with USAID branding and marking guidelines (preferred). Ability to obtain and maintain facility access clearance is required. Legal Disclaimers Applicants selected may be subject to a background investigation and must meet suitability requirements for eligibility. Telework/Remote Work policies are contingent upon client needs and staffing requirements and are subject to change. Applicants with disabilities may contact the Human Capital Team via telephone, e-mail, and other means to request and arrange accommodation. If you need assistance to accommodate a disability, you may request accommodation at any time. Please contact the Human Capital Team at [email protected] or (301) 719-2381. Please note: Updates on applications or the general Recruiting process should reach out to [email protected].
Government & Industry Affairs Manager
Corteva Agriscience, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
DescriptionCorteva Agriscience, the world’s first dedicated agriculture start-up, serves to enrich the lives of those who produce and those who consume, ensuring progress for generations to come. Our employees fulfill this purpose everyday by building/participating in an inclusive culture where we encourage each other to stay curious, think differently, act boldly and do what’s right for our customers, our co-workers, our partners and our planet. With over 20,000 team members from 130 countries, innovating in 140 world class R&D facilities, we have the resources, leadership heritage and partner ecosystem to make a meaningful impact now and into the future. #GrowWhatMatters You Will Be Part of Growing Team GROWING WHAT MATTERS STARTS WITH YOU Corteva Agriscience, the world’s first dedicated agriculture start-up, serves to enrich the lives of those who produce and those who consume, ensuring progress for generations to come. Our employees fulfill this purpose everyday by building/participating in an inclusive culture where we encourage each other to stay curious, think differently, act boldly and do what’s right for our customers, our co-workers, our partners and our planet. With over 21,000 team members from 140 countries, innovating in 150 world class R&D facilities, we have the resources, leadership heritage and partner ecosystem to make a meaningful impact now and into the future. Your challenge We’re looking for a Government & Industry Affairs Manager in Eastern Europe. Learn how you can be our voice in the conversation about the future of agriculture. Within this role you will be accountable for shaping and driving policy priorities for Corteva. The successful candidate develops and implements strategies aimed at enabling business target achievement in agricultural policy making, working closely together with regulatory science and regional divisional policy heads, in strong cooperation with the Head of EMEA Government and Industry Affairs to ensure strategic cohesion across the enterprise. You will ensure the development and execution of advocacy activities to enhance the company reputation and deliver growth to the business. Key Responsibilities As a Business Partner for the Central Eastern Europe business division, you assess the upcoming political and regulatory trends, the development and implementation of strategies and business-specific policies, public affairs and stakeholder relations plans related to agriculture, crop protection, seeds and digital farming. Conduct stakeholder analysis and outreach with business related, government, non-government, NGO advocacy groups and trade associations in accordance with Corteva policies. Develop public affairs tools and best practices to enable continuous improvement of functional capabilities and enhance public affairs strategies and implementation. Proactively manage Corteva reputation in the external environment. Coordinate with other relevant functions both regional and global Support the Regional Government & Industry Affairs lead develop policies and procedures that involve knowledge, expertise and awareness of government legislation. Accountable for ensuring alignment with strategic direction to the business and Government and Industry Affairs organization, with focus on development and execution of public policy Initiatives, advocacy and business development. Establish and maintains relationships with regional regulators, legislators, policymakers and agri-business leaders. Participate in the development and implementation of budgets for expenses related to advocacy activities, trade association memberships and political contributions. Facilitate interactions by business and functional representatives with key policy officials, including advising legislation, regulatory proposals and policy debates. Conduct all duties in accordance with Corteva core values and core services. Key Stakeholders and Interactions: You will leverage key Europe-based external stakeholders and strong relationship management skills to protect and promote Corteva’s products portfolio and freedom to operate. It will be critical that you are a team player that can effectively work against strategic priorities set by the business and Government and Industry affairs leadership. This requires two-way communication and regular touch points with management team in Central Eastern Europe, Europe and global organization, the ability to identify and flag new and changing issues, and the capacity to handle changing priorities with agility. Location in Eastern Europe – preferably Kyiv#LI-NA1 #RemoteQualifications To Grow What Matters, You Will Need Minimum 6 to 10 years of extensive experience in government and/or industry affairs (variety of assignments is preferred) with demonstrated global perspective and regional markets knowledge – more seniority is considerable. BS or BA preferably in public policy, public affairs, government or related field. Solid network within Eastern Europe landscape, especially but not limited to Academia, political institutions and industry but also with internal management & staff; Proven knowledge of the Government and Industry within European region, multi-lateral agency, trade associations, policy environment and decision-making processes. Demonstrated understanding of how government officials develop and implement policy with the ability to analyze government policy/legislation and advocate corporate positions before senior policy makers, legislative staff, and the administration. Demonstrated ability to partner with government bodies to collaborate and secure incentives to operate and innovate, as well as, build partnerships and colitations across value chain entities to advance common policy adjectives. Experience in a multinational corporation or association focused on innovative sectors and/or food and agriculture sectors is preferred but not a must. Demonstrated experience counseling and establishing credibility among executives. Full working proficiency English is a must, Ukrainian language is a plus. Additional official language spoken within the EU on a near native level is a plus. Excellent oral and written communication skills in combination with cross-functional and cross-national management skills; ability to communicate complex matters in clear and succinct manner. Availability to travel at least 30% of the time. Who Are We Looking For? Curious, bold thinkers who want to grow their careers and be part of a winning team Market shaping individuals who want to transform the agriculture industry to meet the world’s growing need for food Collaborators who thrive in a diverse, inclusive work environment Innovators who bring initiative and fresh ideas that drive our business into the future and make us an industry leader Growing What Matters Starts With You… What We Can Offer To Help You Grow? Opportunity to be part of a global industry leader working to discover solutions to the most pressing agricultural challenges of our time Challenging work assignments that grow your skills, capabilities and experiences Opportunities for international rotations and relocation that will expand your global view and cultural experience Diverse, inclusive work environment where employees bring their whole selves to work and feel heard, valued and empowered Dedicated and customized resources to help grow your professional skills, industry expertise and personal perspectives. Joining us is a natural opportunity to strengthen your professional network through valuable relationships. Support the health and well-being of every employee by offering world-class benefits, meaningful work and competitive salary Performance driven culture with a strong focus on speed, efficiency and agility
Sales development representative (SDR)
ELEKS, Poland, Croatia, Ukraine
ELEKS is looking for a Sales Development Representative (SDR) to join our team in Croatia, Poland or Ukraine.As an ELEKS Sales Development Representative (SDR) you will be the first point of contact for many of our leads and future customers in the USA. You’ll be the friendly and informative voice of ELEKS, reaching out to new leads via emails, phone, and social media, to make appointments for our Business Development Managers (BDMs). You will work closely with the Head of Lead Generation (HLG) and the BDMs to identify strategic targets and determine the most appropriate messaging. Over time, you will become an expert on the services ELEKS provides, and the needs of our customers and potentially have the opportunity to grow into the role of a BDM.REQUIREMENTS1+ year of experience as a Sales Development RepresentativeDesire to work in a B2B technology space and pursue a career in sales or account developmentSelf-motivated, ambitious, and having a winning attitudeAbility to prioritise and manage your time effectivelyAbility to collaborate and work in a customer-focused environmentAt least B2 of English levelExperience with a healthcare clients will be a big plusRESPONSIBILITIESContacting potential customers via phone, email, and social mediaFollowing team’s goals when making appointments for the sales teamAchieving qualified meeting quotas to ensure territory revenue objectivesWorking with your dedicated Business Development Manager to identify ongoing strategic targetsProspecting for potential new clients utilizing our prospecting platforms including LinkedIn Sales Navigator, and Outreach to identify, connect with and warm up quality prospectsConducting client research to identify potential connections to other ideal customersEnsuring successful follow-through of the sales cycle by maintaining accurate activity and lead qualification information in our CRMUpdating contact information in CRMReporting results to the Head of Lead GenerationWhat will you get with ELEKSAbove average compensationClose cooperation with a customerChallenging tasksCompetence developmentTeam of professionalsDynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracyABOUT ELEKSELEKS is a custom software development company. We deliver value to our clients, thanks to our expertise and experience gained from working as a software innovation partner since 1991.Our 2000+ professionals located in the Delivery Centers across Eastern Europe and sales offices in Europe and North America, provide our clients with a full range of software engineering services. These include product development, QA, R&D, design, technology consulting and dedicated teams.
Outreach Coordinator
Note: while this is a non-paid, volunteer role, it can provide you with valuable experience for your resume and references from our organization if you are successful. The Educational Equality Institute , an NGO based in Norway committed to educating and thereby empowering disadvantaged girls. In response to the war in Ukraine, we started the project: “Together for Ukraine”. Free educational programs where we, together with our partners, will help 100.000 Ukrainians shape their future through education, upskilling, and employment. We are looking for a volunteer Outreach Coordinator who will be responsible for engaging and communicating with students at TEEI, answering their questions about the organization and its programs. Role Scope Answer questions and provide information about TEEI and its initiatives. Engage with students and promote the organization's mission and programs in Telegram. Maintain accurate records of student engagement and feedback. Identify and develop new outreach opportunities. Requirements Experience in educational projects, courses, etc. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Good spoken/written level of English. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. Excellent organizational and time management skills. Experience in marketing/partnership management is a plus. At TEEI, we offer a range of exciting opportunities for volunteers to make a real impact. As a volunteer, you can expect: Remote and flexible scheduling: We only require a minimum of 6 hours of work per week, and you can choose when to work based on your schedule and availability. The chance to join a highly motivated multinational team: You'll work alongside other passionate individuals from around the world, all dedicated to making a positive difference in Ukraine. The opportunity to influence the daily lives and future of Ukrainians: By contributing to TEEI's projects, you'll be helping to shape the future of Ukraine and make a tangible impact on the lives of its people. Creative freedom and the ability to acquire new skills: We encourage our volunteers to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to the challenges we face. As a result, you'll have the opportunity to develop new skills and broaden your experience in a supportive and collaborative environment. Great networking and educational opportunities: By working with TEEI, you'll have the chance to connect with other professionals in your field and learn from their experiences and expertise. Job meaningfulness and tangible results: Above all, volunteering with TEEI is a chance to make a meaningful difference in the world and see the tangible results of your efforts.
Cold Email Outreach Specialist
Uptalent.io, null, ua
About Uptalent.io: Uptalent.io connects companies with top-tier remote talent seamlessly. Job Description: Cold Email Outreach Specialist Overview: We're seeking an experienced Cold Email Outreach Specialist to lead our cold email initiatives, ensuring high deliverability, engagement, and conversion rates. As part of our small yet ambitious team, you'll design and execute email campaigns that effectively generate leads and drive business growth. Responsibilities: Develop and implement comprehensive cold email outreach strategies aligned with company objectives. Create, manage, and optimize cold email campaigns to target potential clients and partners. Conduct market research to identify and segment target audiences for tailored outreach. Write compelling email copy that captures attention and drives engagement. Monitor and analyze email campaign performance metrics (open rates, response rates, conversions) to identify areas for improvement. Address and resolve email deliverability issues, ensuring high inbox placement and minimal bounce rates. Utilize and manage email outreach platforms and CRM systems to track and organize campaigns. Test and refine email templates, subject lines, and send times to maximize effectiveness. Ensure compliance with relevant email marketing regulations (e.g., GDPR, CAN-SPAM). Collaborate with sales and marketing teams to align outreach efforts with overall business goals. Stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in email marketing and cold outreach. Additional Responsibilities: Develop and oversee a cold email outreach plan that supports the company's lead generation and sales strategies. Manage email lists and databases to ensure data accuracy and segmentation. Provide training and guidance to team members on best practices for cold email outreach. Experiment with new tools and techniques to enhance cold email performance and efficiency. Requirements Proven experience as a Cold Email Outreach Specialist or similar role in a B2B setting. Expertise in using popular email outreach platforms (e.g., Mailshake, Lemlist, Woodpecker, Reply). In-depth knowledge of email deliverability best practices and troubleshooting techniques. Strong understanding of email marketing regulations and compliance. Excellent copywriting and communication skills. Analytical mindset with the ability to interpret data and make data-driven decisions. Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, Business, or a related field. Benefits Opportunity to shape and lead our cold email outreach initiatives. Work alongside a passionate team with a shared ambition for success. Contribute to a dynamic and innovative remote talent platform poised for significant growth. Flexible schedules and holidays Work from anywhere Monthly compensation in USD Apply Now: Join us in transforming how companies connect with top remote talent. Apply today to lead our cold email outreach efforts to new heights!
Lead Generation Manager
PayDo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
As a Lead Generation Manager at PayDo, your primary responsibility is to generate leads and initiate contact with potential clients. You’ll identify prospects within high-risk and low-risk industries and engage them through various channels, such as email or LinkedIn. Your goal is to qualify leads, introduce them to PayDo solutions, and schedule meetings for further discussion with our sales team. Tasks Contribute to the sales expansion and strategy Acquire new B2B clients by performing personalised and bulk outreach via LinkedIn and other channels, negotiating with them and scheduling meetings with sales executives Develop and execute strategies to engage and nurture leads, moving them through the sales funnel. Prepare and organise sales materials Present and pitch products to potential clients (First-touch) Schedule and attend meetings with potential clients to discuss their needs and introduce PayDo’s solutions Collaborate closely with Account Managers, Support, Compliance, and Operations teams to support product enhancements and identify new business opportunities Work with CRM (Zendesk Sell) Provide regular updates and reports to the Team Lead/Head of Department Achieve weekly/monthly KPIs Requirements Proven experience in a lead generation or similar role. Previous experience in B2B sales and a proven track record in securing key accounts Experience in independently launching campaigns, and strategies for cold outreach on LinkedIn, and demonstrating proactive initiative. Experience with the Latam Region will be a plus. Experience with other sources of lead generation (skype, WhatsApp etc). Proficiency in written English at the C1 level or higher. As a plus Knowledge of the FinTech industry. Knowledge of sales methodologies such as MEDDIC and SPIN framework, with a focus on solution-based selling. Knowledge of high-risk industries Benefits Flexible remote working format (or you can visit our office in London, UK) Career growth, professional development, regular performance review Paid vacation days, sick leaves, local public holidays English course (Individual) Dynamic environment with a low level of bureaucracy Corporate webinars, internal L&D courses on various topics PE accounting and support CV screening → TA Interview → Tech Interview → Final Interview → Job offer → Welcome on board! PayDo is a fintech company licensed by FCA (UK) and FINTRAC (Canada). Our company is proud to be Mastercard Principal Member and SWIFT Direct Participant. PayDo is the payment platform providing IBAN accounts, merchant, mass payments, virtual and plastic cards in the United Kingdom, European Union, Canada and internationally. All services are available within one account, one setup and by one obligation free contract.
Case Management Coordinator (only for national)
Save the Children, null, ua
SCOPE OF ROLE:   Reports to: Child Protection/MHPSS Program Manager Staff directly reporting to this post: CM Officer, Social/Case Workers Dimensions: The CMCoordinator will be responsible for managing SC Ukraine’s emergencies response case management programme in North Area Office S/he will supervise a team of Social Case Workers from SC and Partners to provide holistic and comprehensive case management services to the most vulnerable and at-risk children inside Ukraine or on the move towards border crossing including: identification, registration, care plan establishment, referrals, direct service provision, progress monitoring and case closure. With Technical Guidance of the CM Technical Advisor and in coordination with the UASC Task Force, the CM Coordinator will also be responsible for implementing Save the Children and partners’ family tracing and reunification (FTR) and alternative care package inside Ukraine and cross border, and as well as acting as an internal and external CM and FTR point of contact in the location in which they are assigned. KEY AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY:  Key Area : Supervision and management of child protection case management services   Support Case Workers/Assistants from SC and partners. Maintain transparent and diplomatic collaboration with Government of UKRAINE in coordination with the CP/MHPSS Coordinator, maintains open and professional relations with team members, promoting a strong team spirit and provide oversight and guidance to enable staff to successfully perform in their roles.  Ensure case management services and alternative care are provided in line with the SCI Ukraine and CPSS/IA Case Management Guidelines and Standards Support outreach and awareness raising activities to identify vulnerable children according to agreed vulnerability criteria. While tracing is ongoing, initiate interim, family based alternative care arrangements for Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC), including foster care, supported independent living. Oversee the appropriate identification and screening, as well as follow up and monitoring, for foster families/alternative family-based care.  Develop performance objectives with all Case Workers and provide regular feedback, one-to-one supervision meetings and performance reviews. Conduct regular case file audit and check that protocols and principles are respected. Review the case planning and follow up of cases, and ensure all cases are managed within acceptable timeframes based on case prioritisation criteria.  Provide technical support to Case Workers on complex child protection cases. Facilitate weekly case management meetings with all case workers. Review staff caseloads to ensure they are manageable and share challenges with senior management.  Monitor timescales for response, decision-making, placement, follow-up and review. Ensure internal referral mechanisms (with other sectors) are in place and cases are appropriately managed and followed up when referred  Review and analyse trends in the caseload to inform programming.  Provide information to the IDPs families on the move referring to the service providers on how to better protect their children  Support the Child Protection/MHPSS Coordinator in identifying training needs of the CM workforce and support the ongoing capacity building of Case Workers.  Promote and facilitate case /workers access to support to their own wellbeing  Ensure that major challenges encountered by CM team are flagged early and addressed in an appropriate way.  Support on and keep up-to-date a map of existing services to which children and families can be referred to. Build collaborative relationships with organisation and service providers at the field level and support Case Workers to ensure effective referrals and collaboration.  Key Area : Program support, External and internal coordination and representation   Ensure timely completion and submission of monthly timesheets, probations reviews and annual performance reviews. Assist with the recruitment of Caseworkers/Outreach workers  Supports implementation and adherence to grant work plans, spending plans and monitoring and evaluation plans.  Proactively participate and represent SC in the CPSS. Coordinate with other agencies offering case management services to children on referral and transfer of cases  Ensure constant and transparent communication and collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including community members, community leaders and families.  Key Area : Data management and data protection principles   Ensure that Case Workers respect confidentiality and follow ethical guidelines Ensure that files, registers and computer databases are used in an appropriate and correct manner and ensure Case Workers adhere to the DP ISP.  Work with the CPIMS Officer for the implementation of the Inter-Agency Child Protection Information Management System  Ensure the case management tracker is kept up-to-date  Ensure accurate case files are completed and that case management forms are utilised appropriately Work closely with the monitoring and evaluation team, provide support to develop and implement appropriate monitoring, evaluation and learning systems for child protection interventions, ensure links to report requirements. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE:  At least years’ experience within a development organization and at least months experience in the field of Case Management or child protection in general.  Most relevant areas experience to this position include: Child protection, case management and child rights  Experience working with vulnerable and at-risk groups  Experience in managing field staff  Experience in providing/ facilitating training, meeting  Has good working knowledge on using MS Office, and internet  Bachelor Degree in social work, social sciences, or another relevant discipline.   Knowledge on Child protection and emergency response. Planning and organising, analytical thinking, problem solving and decision making.  Problem solving and decision making  Applying technical and professional expertise Working effectively with others  Communicating with impact  Networking  Additional job responsibilities  The duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to carry out additional duties within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience.  Equal Opportunities The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the SCI Equal Opportunities and Diversity policies and procedures.  Child Safeguarding:  We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.  Safeguarding our Staff:  The post holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the SCI anti-harassment policy  Health and Safety  The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with SCI Health and Safety policies and procedures.