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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Старший оператор в Одеській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Старший оператор в Одеській області"

10 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Старший оператор в Одеській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Старший оператор в Одеській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Старший оператор" по областям Одеській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Одеській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Старший оператор відкрито в Чорноморську (Іллічівську). На другому місці - Овідіопольський район, а на третьому - Теплодар.

Рейтинг регіонів Одеській області за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Старший оператор"

Як видно з діаграми, в Одеській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Старший оператор відкрито в Чорноморську (Іллічівську). На другому місці - Овідіопольський район, а на третьому - Теплодар.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Одеській області

Серед схожих професій в Одеській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Оператор интернет магазина. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 19033 грн. На другому місці - Помощник оператора з зарплатнею 18000 грн, а на третьому - Оператор телефонного центра з зарплатнею 15000 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Старший/-а Асистент/ка Проєкту/ (Senior Project Assistant (WASH)) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
Classification: General Service Staff, Grade G7Type of Appointment: Fixed Term, One Year with the possibility of extensionEstimated Start Date: As soon as possibleClosing Date: 26 June 2023 Context:Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission and the Programme Manager (WASH), the direct supervision of Project Officer (WASH) and in close coordination with the Area Coordinators and other technical programme specialists, the successful candidate will be responsible for providing high-level WASH-related assistance to municipalities, collective centres, water utilities, national authorities, and any other organization dealing with IOM on its mandate to support IDPs.   Core Functions / Responsibilities:Independently lead and coordinate the implementation of the project; monitor implementation of the activities to ensure work is proceeding according to established plans; analyse implementation difficulties and make recommendations for adjusting implementation modalities and work plans to best reflect changing environment on the field. Regularly research, follow-up, compile, analyse and present information/data on national, regional and international developments, reports, legislation and other relevant documentation, highlighting noteworthy issues for the consideration of appropriate parties. Monitor budget expenditures; verify availability of funds and maintain a proper record of approved project budgets and their revisions. Coordinate and monitor the financial, administrative and technical aspects of the project in line with IOM policies and donor requirements. Plan, coordinate and conduct capacity building workshops for relevant internal and external parties. Participate in meetings and conferences; maintain effective liaison and coordination with local authorities, partners, United Nation agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, donors and other stakeholders relevant to the project. Coordinate the preparation of correspondence, briefing notes, presentations, narrative and financial reports; ensure status reports are prepared and submitted in a timely manner. Identify and document good practices and lessons learned; contribute to the development of Standard Operations Procedures (SOP), policies and concept papers and support the development of new projects. Supervise and provide guidance and training to reporting staff. Conduct field visits to assess and document damages and repair needs on collective centres, water utilities, energy facilities, hospitals or health facilities, private structures as well as communal infrastructure, amongst others. Participate in technical assessment of the sites and premises planned for rehabilitation works in terms of efficiency, inclusivity and relevance to the project criteria. Develop Bills of Quantity and Bills of Materials, draft other necessary engineering documentation based on national legislation and IOM standards. Provide technical support to the procurement unit, by reviewing or preparing Bill of Quantity (BoQs) and other construction-related procurement documents, performing bid analysis and technical evaluation of the bids to assure transparent and fair tendering process. Plan and organize adequate oversight and site inspection towards to ensure that quality assurance activities are maintained permanently. Regularly monitor the rehabilitation works maintained by the contractors to ensure that works are executed in an effective and efficient manner, by complying with all technical requirements of IOM and Government authorities. Monitor contractor’s compliance with the technical requirements of the contract and schedule compliance by regular review of deliverables and recommendations to the project team on appropriate corrective actions, when necessary. Participate in coordination of WASH related meetings with external stakeholders (governmental, other aid actors, affected population), cluster technical working groups as instructed by Programme Manager and Program Officer. Provide assistance to the project team in writing regular reports as required, by collecting, analysing and summarizing information on various aspects of the project including financial, technical and schedule compliance. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.Required Qualifications and ExperienceEducationBachelor’s degree in engineering, architecture, public health, other technical disciplines relative to the fields of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, from an accredited academic institution with five years of relevant professional experience. Certification of licensed professional engineer will be an advantage.ExperienceExperience in the field of construction engineering and contract management; Experience in design, planning and implementation of civil design construction and WASH projects. Experience working with a non-governmental organization and/or international organization is an advantage. Excellent knowledge of structural analysis and operating adequate software. Also using of design software such as AutoCAD and planning software such as MS Project. Knowledge of applicable codes, policies, standards and best practices related to project. Good command of Geographical Information Software, such as ArqGIS, QGIS or equivalent will be considered a plus.OtherAny offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications filling in the IOM Personal History Form   and sending to [email protected]  by 26 June 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Офис-менеджер в автосалон
Автоцентр АТЛАНТ, Одесса, Одеська область
Официальный дилер ведущих брендов легковых автомобилей в Украине (автосалон), приглашает на должность Офис-менеджер (с функциями Оператора ПК)Требования:- уверенный пользователь ПК, хорошее владение пакетом программ MS Office;- высшее образование;- грамотность речи;- коммуникабельность, умения работать в команде, аккуратность, аналитические способности.Обязанности:- обработка заказов в базе данных предприятия;- ведение внутренней документации;- участие в конференциях и презентациях (подготовка материала);- помощь директору в организации трудового дня.Условия сотрудничества:- обучение + оплачиваемая стажировка;- достойная и стабильная заработная плата;- пятидневка, Сб, Вс -выходной;- официальное трудоустройство либо работа по трудовому договору;- возможность профессионального и карьерного роста.В атмосфере коллектива царит взаимоуважение и взаимопомощь. Приглашаем присоединиться в нашу команду!Если вас заинтересовала эта вакансия, обращайтесь для записи на собеседование Пн-Пт 9-18Тел.: 096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗС почтой не работаем.Кравец Татьяна Анатольевна
Bulgarian VRI/OPI Interpretation Vacancy (Bolhrad)
Future Group, Bolhrad, Odessa Oblast, ua
We are hiring Bulgarian< >English OPI/VRI Interpreters  If you are passionate about different languages and interpretation, we need you! We are looking for professional remote interpreters who want to join an international company and be a great help to the community. An Over-the-Phone Interpreters (OPI) /Video Remote Interpreters (VRI) in Future Group Translation and Localization Services provide accurate communication between non-English and English speakers during the calls. They carry out exclusive service in different fields and industries and assure transparency during the conversation. Interpreters in Future Group Translation and Localization Services are linguistic experts, fast workers when it comes to the information mentioned during the call, and renowned for their high level of tolerance, accuracy, and expertise.   After you familiarize yourself with the following description of the position, you can click "Apply now" and send us your resume and certificate in PDF or Word files.    Location: worldwide Your responsibilities: Answer calls in a professional manner, acting according to the Interpreter's code of conduct. Be always prepared to take notes during a call. Be aware of the specific vocabulary of the industry the interpreter works with (healthcare and medical one, specifically). Rendering all messages accurately and completely, without adding, omitting, or substituting. Provide the highest level of customer service during interpreting Facilitate communication between Limited English Proficient and Client by rendering accurate and complete interpretation of the message. Applying standards of practice Go into internal professional training. Be eager to get new professional certifications. Communicate and report to your team leader. Comply with dress code requirements for video remote interpreting. Your background and experience: Fluent in source language (English) and Native in target language "Bulgarian". 1+ years of over the telephone interpretation experience in a well-known interpretation company. Good knowledge of medical terminology. Awareness in legal terminology is a plus. International certifications in the healthcare industry are a plus (PICSI, ALTA, HIPAA, etc.). High school diploma in your native language. High emotional intelligence and tolerance to different cultures. High level of communication, listening, note-taking, and memory retention skills. Technical requirements: As this position is fully remote, you should comply with several technical requirements for your computer. We need to be sure, that your home office will work effectively.  Internet  ✓ Dedicated high-speed, private, and secured internet connection ✓ Minimum download speed 10 Mbps (megabits per second) ✓ Minimum upload speed 3 Mbps (megabits per second) ✓ Wired Internet, Ethernet Port (Wi-Fi is not allowed) Systems ✓ Minimum Windows 10 operating system ✓ Computers with dual core, 2 GHZ processor, like an Intel Core i3 or superior ✓ 8 GB RAM memory minimum Equipment ✓ Single device (computer or laptop) which can run required systems (see #2). (No external devices, such as cell phones or tablets, are permitted) ✓ External monitors and connectors (if applicable). ✓ Computers must operate in “High Performance” mode, not “balanced” or “power saver”. ✓ Power adapter plugged in and not operating on battery. ✓ Chromebook is not allowed. ❖ Headphones Use a noise cancelling, wired headset with a built-in microphone (no wireless/Bluetooth headphones). The microphone should stay in place once adjusted. No 3.5mm adapter. Bluetooth and other wireless headsets are not allowed. What we offer you: Fully remote position with a clear schedule. Full-time. Immediate availability to start working after onboarding. Internal Certified training. Monthly fee payments. Contract type of employment. If you choose to work with Future Group Translation and Localization Services you will get into a friendly team, that supports each other, actively communicates, has its own corporate culture, and achieves the goals together! About us: Founded in 1994, Future Group has grown into one of the world’s most trusted translation and localization expert houses across the globe. We have successfully established a global reputation for meeting our clients’ requirements in the most beneficial and cost-effective way. With a high-tech translation memory software technology, ISO certification and access to translators for any language and business application, Future Group has earned a reputable image all across the language services market. Send us your resume. If your expertise complies with the requirements listed above, our Talent Acquisition Team will contact you by email to explain in detail the pay rates, schedules, and other working conditions.  We will be happy to welcome you to our team!
Старший оператор АЗС
Мустанг Плюс, ТОВ, Одеса
Компанія «МУСТАНГ ПЛЮС» є однією з провідних компаній у сфері роздрібної торгівлі паливно-мастильними матеріалами та автозаправними станціями. Ми пропонуємо високоякісне обслуговування та широкий асортимент пального для наших клієнтів. Зараз ми шукаємо старшого оператора АЗС для нашої станції у місті ОдесаЗадачі:- Приймання замовлень на паливо та надання клієнтам необхідної інформації- Заправка автомобілів і контроль якості палива- Підтримка чистоти та порядку на станції- Обслуговування клієнтів та надання консультацій Вимоги:- Вік від 18 років- Бажання працювати на АЗС та навчатися новому- Відповідальність та орієнтованість на результат- Знання основних принципів роботи з паливом буде перевагою- Готовність до роботи в змінах та вихідних дняхПропонуємо:- Офіційне працевлаштування та своєчасну виплату заробітної плати- Гнучкий графік роботи- Можливості для кар'єрного росту та професійного розвитку- Зручні умови праці та комфортне робоче середовищеЯкщо ви молодий, амбітний та бажаєте розвиватися у сфері роздрібної торгівлі паливно-мастильними матеріалами, ми раді запропонувати вам цю вакансію. Приєднуйтесь до нашої команди та отримуйте цінний досвід у сфері автозаправок!Будемо раді отримати ваше резюме та надати детальну інформацію про вакансію0984429519 Олег Михайлович
Оператор- менеджер чату
, Одеса, Одеська область
Компанія "Space HR" є провідним постачальником послуг у сфері інтернет-маркетингу та розвитку онлайн-бізнесу. Наша компанія знаходиться у місті Одеса і має багаторічний досвід у цій галузі.В зв'язку з розширенням нашої команди, ми шукаємо кандидата на посаду "Оператор-менеджер чату". Задачі:- Проведення консультацій з клієнтами через чат на нашому веб-сайті;- Відповідь на запитання клієнтів щодо наших послуг та продуктів;- Проведення аналізу ефективності роботи чату та розробка пропозицій щодо його вдосконалення.Вимоги:- Досвід роботи в сфері клієнтського обслуговування буде перевагою;- Вміння швидко та точно відповідати на запитання клієнтів;- Вміння ефективно працювати в команді та виконувати поставлені завдання;- Висока комунікабельність та грамотність;- Готові взяти студентів;Пропонуємо:- Зручний офіс у центрі міста зі всіма необхідними умовами для роботи;- Молодий та дружній колектив, готовий завжди допомогти;- Можливість професійного зростання та розвитку кар'єри;- Навчання за рахунок компанії.Якщо ви маєте бажання стати частиною нашої команди -залишайте ваш відгук та наш HR -менеджер зв’яжеться з вами.
Менеджер з продажу, оператор чата
, Одеса, Одеська область
Вакансія: Менеджер з продажу Ми спеціалізуємося на організації заходів для підприємців та бізнес-спільноти. Ми допомагаємо нашим клієнтам побудувати мережу зв’язків, обмінятися досвідом і отримати інсайти від провідних експертів галузі. Ми також реалізуємо ряд інших заходів, спрямованих на підтримку бізнесу та розвиток підприємництва. Наші проекти включають у себе клуб п2п для підприємців, де вони можуть обмінюватися досвідом, знаходити партнерів та отримувати підтримку від однодумців. Крім того, ми проводимо форуми, що створюють платформу для обговорення ключових тем та трендів у світі бізнесу, а також інші заходи, спрямовані на розвиток підприємництва. Обов’язки: Навички активних / прямих продаж; Навички ведення переговорів та ділової листування; Навички контролю дебіторської заборгованості; Навички планування продажів; Навички роботи з викликами; Навички складання комерційних пропозицій; Навички телефонних продажів; Навички оформлення договорів поставки / про надання послуг; Здатність переконувати; Вміння спілкуватися з людьми; Вміння працювати в команді; Вміння планувати та організовувати свій робочий день; Холодні дзвінки (пошук і утримання клієнта). Якщо ви енергійні, позитивні та готові навчатися, ми раді вас бачити в нашій команді.
Водій-експедитор зі своїм авто (бус 1,8 т)
, Одеса, Одеська область
IDS Aqua Service є частиною IDS Ukraine, являється провідним оператором з поставок бутильованої води в Україні. Компанія має збалансований портфель популярних мінеральних вод, які видобуваються в екологічно чистих регіонах України та представлені торговельними марками «Моршинська», «Аляска», «Миргородська» та «Аква Лайф».Під брендом «My Water Shop» компанія доставляє воду, обладнання та супутні товари додому та в офіс по всій Україні. Понад 250 000 клієнтів довіряють високому сервісу компанії IDS Aqua Service.Ми сильна та ефективна команда, яка постійно навчається і досягає найкращих результатів. Наша ціль — розвивати культуру споживання природних мінеральних вод і просувати здоровий спосіб життя.Запрошуємо до співпраці Водія-експедитора зі своїм авто 1.8 т для надання транспортно-експедиційних послуг.Переваги співробітництва з нами:Конкурентний розмір винагороди (ставка за рейс + оплата за бутиль + оплата за точку доставки + оплата за кілометр робочого пробігу);Виплата винагороди відповідно до договору транспортного експедирування;Регулярне навчання стандартам обслуговування;Доступ до участі у корпоративних заходах та внутрішніх конкурсах;Місце розташування складу: вул. Заньковецька 19/2Графік роботи: 1 зміна з 05:30 до 14:00 або 2 зміна з 12:00 до 22:00.Вимоги до водія-експедитора:Наявність авто з цільнометалевим кузовом, вантажопідйомністю 1.8т;Мати досвід доставки по місту;Гарна фізична форма;Добре розвинені комунікативні навички;Охайний зовнішній вигляд;Пунктуальність та уважність та відповідальність;Відсутність судимостей і негативних кредитних історій;Бажано реєстрація фізичною особою-підприємцем ФОП 3 групи.Обов’язки водія-експедитора згідно з договором:Надання транспортно-експедиційних послуг згідно з договором транспортного експедирування;Здійснення адресної доставки бутильованої води об'ємом 18,9 л по маршрутах у домогосподарства та офіси (на маршруті необхідно працювати самостійно);Робота з документами та матеріальними цінностями;Прийом товарно-матеріальних цінностей за кількістю і якістю на складі;Контроль комплектації авто;Дотримання корпоративних стандартів компанії при доставці;Дотримання графіку доставки.В разі, якщо вас зацікавила пропозиція, прохання надсилати резюме та обов’язково вказувати марку, вантажність і колір авто.Надсилаючи резюме відповідно до цієї пропозиції, Ви надаєте згоду на обробку персональних даних, наданих в резюме Вами як кандидатом на заміщення вакансії, відповідно до Закону України «Про захист персональних даних».
Site Materials Manager
SII Saulsbury Industries, Inc, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Take your next step with Saulsbury Industries!Location: West Texas - Project BasedType: Full timeGeneral OverviewAs the Site Materials Manager, you will play a critical role in overseeing the efficient management and coordination of materials and equipment on the construction site. Reporting to the Project Manager, you will lead a team of warehouse expeditors, equipment operators, and clerks to ensure timely material deliveries, accurate inventory control, optimal utilization of resources, and effective procurement processes.Responsibilities/CompetenciesMaterials Planning: Collaborate with the project team to develop comprehensive materials planning strategies, ensuring timely availability of materials and equipment.Inventory Management: Oversee the management of materials and equipment inventory, ensuring accurate tracking, stock level optimization, and proper storage.Procurement Coordination: Work closely with the procurement team to coordinate material and equipment procurement, expediting deliveries as necessary.Vendor Management: Establish and maintain positive relationships with vendors, negotiating pricing, terms, and delivery schedules.Sourcing and Supplier Selection: Identify potential suppliers and evaluate their capabilities to meet project requirements and quality standards.Purchase Requisitions: Review purchase requisitions, ensuring alignment with project needs and budget constraints.Material and Equipment Inspection: Collaborate with the QA/QC team to inspect and verify the quality of materials and equipment upon receipt.Logistics and Transportation: Coordinate the logistics and transportation of materials and equipment to and from the construction site, optimizing cost and efficiency.Quality Control: Implement quality control measures for incoming materials and equipment, ensuring compliance with project specifications and industry standards.Equipment Management: Oversee the utilization and maintenance of construction equipment, coordinating with equipment operators to ensure efficient operation and scheduling.Document Control: Maintain accurate records of materials, equipment, and transactions, including receipts, issues, and transfers.Team Leadership: Provide guidance and support to the warehouse expeditors, equipment operators, and clerks, fostering a positive and productive team environment.Resource Allocation: Optimize resource allocation within the materials management team to meet project demands effectively.Cost Control: Work with the Project Manager to develop and manage materials and equipment budgets, monitoring expenses and seeking cost-saving opportunities.Health and Safety: Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations related to materials handling and equipment operation.Continuous Improvement: Identify opportunities for process improvement in materials management and procurement, implementing best practices and lessons learned from previous projects.Coordination with Construction Team: Collaborate with the construction team to anticipate material and equipment needs and support project schedules.Training and Development: Provide training and professional development opportunities for team members to enhance their skills and knowledge.Any Reasonable Request from Your Supervisor: Be receptive to and fulfill any reasonable request from your supervisor in support of project goals and objectives.RequirementsEducation: High School Diploma or equivalent. Relevant certifications are advantageous.Experience: At least 5-8 years of experience in materials management, logistics, or supply chain roles, with a minimum of 2-3 years in a leadership position.Construction Industry Knowledge: Strong understanding of materials management practices and challenges in the industrial construction industry.Leadership Skills: Proven leadership abilities to effectively manage a diverse team and drive performance.Problem-Solving: Excellent problem-solving skills to address materials-related challenges and maintain smooth operations.Communication: Effective communication and interpersonal skills to coordinate with various stakeholders and team members.Computer Proficiency: Proficient in using materials management software and Microsoft Office Suite.Attention to Detail: Meticulous attention to detail to ensure accurate inventory tracking and documentation.Organizational Skills: Strong organizational and time-management skills to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.Adaptability: Ability to adapt to changing project needs and navigate potential challenges in materials management.As the Site Materials Manager, your expertise in materials management, procurement, and leadership will be crucial in optimizing the flow of materials and equipment, ensuring timely delivery, and supporting the project team in meeting timelines and delivering high- quality results. Your dedication to efficiency, coordination, and cost-effectiveness will contribute significantly to the successful execution of the industrial construction project.Physical Requirements:Prolonged periods sitting at a desk and working on a computer.Ability to stand for extended periods of time.Ability to walk the property and laydown yards.Ability to carry up to 50 pounds.Saulsbury is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified candidates will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, veteran status.
Medical Leadership Fellowship
London Bridge Hospital, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Medical Leadership Fellowship London or ManchesterHCA Healthcare UKReaching out to junior doctors who are passionate about medical leadership, making business decisions, innovating ideas, and concepts into business cases and actions, understanding the drivers of business to influence change in the way healthcare is delivered, in the interest of the people delivering healthcare, as well as patient outcomes. This is your opportunity to undertake a fully funded Executive Masters in Medical Leadership in partnership with HCA Healthcare UK and Bayes Business School. London.HCA is proud to be advertising for our Medical Leadership Fellowship programme for the 8th consecutive year. This fellowship gives ambitious doctors the skills, experiences and education to put them on a career path to become future healthcare leaders and we have been successful in supporting over 55 Drs in the last 7 years of this programme.The Executive Master's in Medical Leadership (EMML) is a specialised degree that offers advanced leadership training to doctors. Grounded in research and recognised by FMLM standards. The programme develops doctors into medical leaders, to transform healthcare systems, help people live longer, with healthier lives, how to improve people performance, operational efficiencies, through effective leadership.This is a full time fellowship programme, part study and part clinical work for trainees on OOPT, or those on a 2 year gap period from public sector commitments. The Clinical work is at a Registrar level, based at one of HCA Healthcare UK's prestigious hospitals in London or Manchester. You will work as a Resident Doctor ( SPR ) in your chosen trained field for the clinical commitment and attend Bayes Business School Seminars twice a month.What you choose to do after the fellowship, and how you intend to use your master’s education, experience and new skills, is completely your choice.Start August 2024 End January 2027Paid Salary £70000- 80000per annum, paid study leave, plus the fully funded masters degreeClinical Commitment 136 hours, per 4 week rota6 hours per week, paid study time.36 Lectures to attend, group coursework, personal dissertation, implementing an impact project onsite in our hospitals, and producing an end point assessment portfolio. You will be assigned an academic mentor from our leadership team and fully immerse yourself into HCA UK, leaders in the independent private patient sector.10 positions available for fully funded fellowshipWhy HCA Healthcare UK.This is the first fellowship in the UK tailored for Medical Management co-designed by medics and business school experts. HCA has run this programme for over 7 years and supported over 55 doctors. All of our Drs which finished, have passed, with many at distinction level and are now in managerial positions, or they have returned into the Consultant trainee pathways, stronger, more equipped, with a qualified business mind to lead and influence change.Successful fellows, will get the chance to gain practical experience of medical management at a HCA Hospital, together with the education that will equip them with the skills and knowledge in leadership.At the end of the fellowship, doctors will have;The Healthcare management expertise to take on leadership and management rolesClose mentorship from senior clinicians, world-leading physicians and surgeons.Obtained an Executive Masters in Medical Leadership, which meets all FMLM standardsGained experience of cutting edge service delivery, innovative treatments and the most advanced medical equipment.There is also an opportunity to remain in HCA developed towards a management position for the right individualsTo apply for this role you will need;GMC and license to practice, fully registered with the GMC for a minimum of 3 yearsTrained to ST3 and above in Core Medical Training or Critical Care.Able to work a medical rota, split over 12 or 24 hour shifts, include a range of days, nights and weekends.Able to demonstrate a long-term appetite for management leadership and commitment to see out the fellowship programme.Please submit your CV, covering letter detailing why you wish to be considered for this fellowship programme, your interest specifically in HCA and long term ambitions of Medical Leadership.For further information on the course you can visit HCA Healthcare Hospitals; London Bridge Hospital. The Wellington Hospital. Harley Street Clinic, Princess Grace Hospital, Private Care at Guys Hospital, The Lister Hospital ( Chelsea ) The Portland Hospital, Private Care at The Shard, Leaders in Oncology, Private Care at UCH, Private Care at The Christie Hospital ( Manchester ) The Harborne Hospital ( Birmingham )#LI-LW1
Recruitment Assistant
V.Group, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Vacancy NameRecruitment AssistantVacancy NoVN13453Location CountryUkraineWork LocationOdessaWho are V?As a global leader in ship management and marine services, we add value to a vessel’s operations. Operating around the clock and around the world, V. gives every client the quality and efficiency they need in every sector. Covering crew management and recruitment, quality ship management and technical services, together with supporting management and commercial services, V. has an unrivalled industry knowledge with performance assured. Our values, We Care, We Collaborate, We Challenge, We are Consistent, We Commit and Deliver, are at the heart of everything we do and they support our strategy of Investing in Talent. We are always interested in making contact with talented individuals - people who will demonstrate our values and deliver great service, for internal and external stakeholders.Overall Purpose of The JobTo provide administrative support to the team, helping to achieve the team’s objectives of continuously hiring above and beyond departmental targets.j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199();};Key Responsibilities and TasksCompletes and delivers the C601a Form to the correct crew manager upon an offer being sent to a candidate, within 48 hours of offer being sent. Provides all training to office colleagues learning the system. Manages the exit interview process by advising the recruitment team of the monthly crew to be contacted, chasing when necessary and completing the monthly report in a timely manner. Sends report to senior recruitment Manager as scheduled every month. Advertises vacancies on social media and company websites, adhering to all brand standards set by V.Group. Manages the collection of all Chef Qualifications for new hires and submit as weekly report to manager. Sources candidates as requested by the team. Provides a weekly report of advertising. Maintains the Recruitment System and serves as key point person for queries related to the Recruitment System. Performs any other reasonable duties requested by a member of the team • Timely completion of assigned deliverables • Efficient and effective collaboration with stakeholders Timely and accurate reporting j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199();};What can I expect in return?V. Group can offer you a market leading salary and benefits package, in addition to significant opportunities for career growth and personal development. This a great opportunity to join a true leader in the maritime sector - a company that has exciting plans for future growth.Essential• Excellent Interpersonal skills • Attention to Detail • Team Player • Strong Organisational Skills • Ability to work alone • Effective verbal and written communication skills. • Honest and Trustworthy • Required English language knowledge appropriate to the rank j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199();};Desirable• Time Management Skills • Ability to work under pressure • Ability to problem solve • Demonstrate strong work ethics • Be adaptable to change • Previous customer service experience • Previous IT work experience • Multi-Lingual j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199();};Additional Informationj_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199();};
Program Director
Texas Tech University, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Major/Essential FunctionsThe Program Director for the Psychology Unit is responsible for the overall leadership, management, and administration of the psychology programs and services within the TTUHSC Permian Basin. This role involves strategic planning, program development, and ensuring the delivery of high-quality psychological services. The Program Director will work closely with multidisciplinary teams to meet the mental health needs of clients and ensure the unit operates efficiently and effectively. Provide strategic direction and leadership for the psychology unit, aligning programs with organizational goals and industry best practices. Develop and implement policies, procedures, and protocols to ensure the efficient operation of the unit. Design, implement, and evaluate psychological programs and services to meet the needs of clients and the community. Advocate for client needs within the organization and in the broader community. Represent the psychology unit in meetings, committees, and community events. Develop and maintain partnerships that support the goals and mission of the psychology unit. Preferred QualificationsDoctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) in Psychology from an accredited institution.Minimum of 5 years of clinical experience in a mental health setting, with at least 2 years in a leadership or supervisory role.Pay StatementCompensation is commensurate upon the qualifications of the individual selected and budgetary guidelines of the hiring department, as well as the institutional pay plan. For additional information, please reference the .Required QualificationsBachelor's degree in the area of specialization or closely related field. Four years of related administrative and technical experience. Additional job-related education may be substituted for the required experience on a year-for-year basis. Jeanne Clery ActThe Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. By October 1 of each year, institutions must publish and distribute their Annual Campus Security Policy & Crime Statistics Report (ASR) to current and prospective students and employees. To view this report, visit the .
Amazon Marketing Content Manager
ScaleJet, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
We are looking for a candidate for the Amazon Content Manager role, to take ownership of the UGT BRANDS e-commerce products content creation and development. If you have experience working with Amazon PL FBA, have a deep understanding of Amazon marketing, love finding creative solutions for marketing issues and you are a result-oriented individual, who loves to get things done - we would love to hear from you! About us: We started our journey in 2016 as an e-commerce company selling direct-to-consumer products in the USA and Canada. We currently own a couple of best-selling cosmetic brands on Amazon and have a lot of room to grow and expand. We are a fully remote company and we have a self-starter culture with no hand-holding and an amazing team that is supportive, values open conversation but values independent thinkers able to figure things out. Position overview: This position is responsible for creating new product content and improving our current product listings conversion rate. This includes working with all available Amazon visual content aspects and instruments. all aspects of the business, managing day to day operations, assortment, pricing, promotions, advertising and account reconciliation. This is done in collaboration and coordination with internal and external relationships and operations across marketing, finance, logistics, customer service and IT. Responsibilities: Managing full scope of tasks related to Amazon visual content and listing products on Amazon Develop strategies on copy and visual content to increase conversion. Coordinating creation of SEO texts for products using Amazon SEO tools for keywords (Helium 10, Datadive etc.) Managing competitors listing analysis, design and execute tests, collect and analyze data, identify trends and insights Coordinating creating new product listings (both text and graphic) - creating briefs and coordinating subcontractors tasks Maintaining and improving existing products content on Amazon (both text and graphic) Coordinating videos creating Developing Amazon brand stores and brand content Monitoring, analysing, A/B testing listing/content performance and forming conclusions based on key performance indicators and taking appropriate action when course correction is required. About You: Experience of work with Amazon PL in a marketing/sales related role (understanding the principles and features of work) Advanced English language proficiency Experience with SEO texts, SEO text optimization, Helium 10 or similar Excellent organizational and time management skills Self-motivated with the ability to take ownership of deliverables and outcomes Strong analytical and project-management skills Understanding of the principles of the content manager position, experience working with creative teams We offer: Competitive salary rate in USD Flexible remote work in an experienced and authentic team Company with international flair Startup environment with flat hierarchies Trainings and support
CPS Family Based Safety Services Worker
Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description: OVERVIEWAfter a family has been investigated, a Family Based Safety Services (FBSS) worker helps them make changes to protect their children from abuse and neglect and keep them safe at home. This involves providing services offered by the agency, the family's community, and their extended families. Newly hired employees holding a Master's Degree in Social Worker may qualify for an increase at the point of hire. A Child Protective Services Family Based Safety Services Worker- . WHY WORK FOR DFPS?The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting the unprotected — children, elderly, and people with disabilities — from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. DFPS accomplishes this responsibility by employing over 12, workers who live up to the agency's Mission, Vision, & Values in service to the citizens of Texas. DFPS is not only a qualifying organization for the Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives the remaining balance on college student Direct Loans after making qualifying monthly payments, but also offers excellent health benefits, special discounts on many products and services through the Discount Purchase Program, a lifetime monthly retirement annuity as well as Texa$aver (k) and Programs under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. An additional benefit you will receive is 12 days of paid annual leave, 12 sick days, and the potential to earn up to four days of administrative leave each year. Your annual paid leave accrual increases as your tenure increases. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE: To explore more of what CPS Family Based Safety Services Workers do, click here. To view a realistic online video about Child Protective Services workers and clients, please click here. You will also have access to a self-assessment that will help you determine if this type of work is something that is a good fit for you. Essential Job Functions: •Responds quickly in crisis situations. •Provides time limited in-home services to meet the specific needs of families by identifying insufficient protective capacities, developing treatment plans, and using appropriate and necessary resources to minimize risk and provide for safety of the child; and maintains contact with parents and children to achieve treatment goals.•Assesses child safety and takes the necessary actions to protect the child as appropriate. This could include removing a child from their family.•Interacts objectively with “caretakers” who have abused and/or neglected children in their care. •Discusses issues with families related, but not limited to income, money management, and personal relationships that they will probably consider personal and private. •Encounters family members who are angry and/or scared.•Helps identify resources and community support available to the family.•Assists parents to recognize behaviors that lead to child abuse and/or neglect and empower parents to identify ways to make the necessary behavioral changes. •Determines action to be taken to remove or to reduce an immediate threat to the safety of a child to include working with families to identify family members who can assist with keeping the child safe, testifying in court to seek emergency protective services, placing children in substitute care, referring family for immediate crisis intervention therapy or other community resources. •Gather family and kinship information to support the child in a placement, should the child be placed in DFPS custody. •Documents all relevant and appropriate information gathered during the investigation and completing all required forms accurately and in a timely manner.•Works flexible work hours beyond 8a.m.-5p.m., Monday - Friday. •Maintains a balance of objectivity and empathic understanding when engaging families living in stressful and crisis situations. •Develops and maintains effective working relationships with law enforcement officials, judicial officials, legal resources, medical professionals, and other community resources. •Attends and participates in trainings, meetings and staffings. •Performs other duties as assigned and required to maintain unit operations. •Promotes and demonstrates appropriate respect for cultural diversity and competency among coworkers and all work-related contacts. •Attends work regularly in accordance with agency leave policy. Knowledge Skills Abilities: •Knowledge of child development•Knowledge of family dynamics•Skill in effective verbal and written communication.•Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships. •Skill in problem solving techniques•Ability to operate a personal computer. •Ability to travel and attend child and family visits as well as other work-related appointments and meetings after 5pm.•Ability to be on call on a rotating basis and work irregular hours.•Ability to work in an emotion-filled environment and which may require conducting home visits in isolated or high crime areas and may involve exposure to substandard and unsanitary living conditions.
SII Saulsbury Industries, Inc, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Take your next step with Saulsbury Industries!Location: Odessa, TXType: Full time - On SiteGeneral Information/Job SummaryPreparation and presentation of inter discipline work schedules and progress measurement throughout the entire project life cycle. Ongoing schedule management for projects and programs including preparation of schedule reports for projects and/or programs.Responsibilities/CompetenciesDeliver and maintain consistent and realistic plans and control structures for each project. Understand the list of plans required to execute the assigned project and their interface to other projects or contractorsDevelop the activities, logic, resource loading and progress to provide a fully integrated project schedule, leading to the creation of the baseline schedule and its subsequent maintenanceReview scope change requests for the impact on schedules and the critical path of the project. Prepare reconciliation between earlier schedules and the current schedule. Consolidate the impact of approved changes and any deviations from the key project targets and milestones, including productivity monitoring and “What if scenarios” to aid project management decision-makingImplement, ensure compliance and utilize the Saulsbury standard tools, project standards and control proceduresDeliver close-out data to enable knowledge retention (lessons learned, project data compilation) at completion of work. Maintain historical database of scheduling activities, durations and overall cycle timesDevelop Schedule Basis narrative to document how project plan was developedPlans sequence of fabrication, assembly, installation, and other operations for guidance of downstream workers.Requirements Minimum of 5+ years working as a scheduling professionalBachelor degree in a related field is highly preferred, but relevant work experience and training will be consideredMust have proficiency using Primavera P6 (Certified P6 basic training module and Certified P6 advanced training module preferred, but applicable work experience will be accepted)Strong skills in MS Office suite of software (emphasis on Excel skills)A comprehensive understanding of engineering logic, procurement sequences, fabrication shop load requirements and construction techniquesExperience working in an operating facilityInstrument and Electrical project experience is highly preferredExperience working with construction contractorsUnderstanding of proven scheduling techniques and practicesFull understanding of Project ControlsAbility to direct, follow direction and lead workersAbility to work together with Client and other Contract representatives as part of a group, the ability to accurately communicate ideas, instructions, questions, problems, solutionsObserves attendance requirements, complies with all Company policies and proceduresPhysical RequirementsProlonged periods sitting at a desk and working on a computer.Ability to stand for extended periods of time.Ability to walk the property and laydown yards.Ability to carry up to 50 pounds.
APS Investigator Specialist
Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description: protect themselves. An APS Investigator Specialist has a very challenging job that can be stressful at times –but there are few occupations that offer more opportunities to learn new things about families, your community and yourself.An Adult Protective Services Investigator Specialist- . Newly hired employees holding a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Social Work also qualify for an automatic starting salary increase of 3.4% or 6.8%, respectively. WHY WORK FOR DFPS?The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting the unprotected — children, elderly, and people with disabilities — from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. DFPS accomplishes this responsibility by employing over 12, workers who live up to the agency's Mission, Vision, & Values in service to the citizens of Texas. DFPS is not only a qualifying organization for the Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives the remaining balance on college student Direct Loans after making qualifying monthly payments, but also offers excellent health benefits, special discounts on many products and services through the Discount Purchase Program, a lifetime monthly retirement annuity as well as Texa$aver (k) and Programs under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. An additional benefit you will receive is 12 days of paid annual leave, 12 sick days, and the potential to earn up to four days of administrative leave each year. Your annual paid leave accrual increases as your tenure increases. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE AS:To explore more of what Adult Protective Services Investigators do, click here. To view a realistic online video about Adult Protective Services Investigations workers and clients, please clickhere. You will also have access to a self-assessment that will help you determine if this type of work is something that is a good fit for you. Essential Job Functions: Essential Job Functions:•Investigates reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of elderly or disabled adults to assess the urgency of the problem by interviewing clients, family members and other to gather social, functional, physical and mental- emotional information for evaluation.•Provides services after normal working hours and on weekends to maintain 24 hour coverage, including receiving reports of alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation.•Determines temporary or long-term action to be taken to remove or lessen an immediate threat to the life or health of an adult protective services client to include counseling clients and caregivers, providing information and referral services, testifying in court to seek emergency protective services, finding alternate housing when necessary, and providing on-going services. •Develops individualized service plans to meet the needs of the adult protective services client and maintains detailed documentation on each case.•Makes presentations and participates in community awareness and related activities to inform the public about the program.•Prepares routine, statistical, and special reports for management.•Serves in lead capacity in absence of supervisor.•Performs other duties as assigned and required to maintain unit operations.•Promotes and demonstrates appropriate respect for cultural diversity among coworkers and all work-related contacts.•Attends work regularly in accordance with agency leave policy. Knowledge Skills Abilities: •Knowledge of agency policies, procedures, and standards.•Knowledge of Texas laws relating to adult protective services.•Knowledge of gerontology and the dynamics of the aging process.•Knowledge of special problems of the aged and disabled.•Knowledge of crisis intervention techniques and skills.•Knowledge of differing cultures/ethnic groups and values.•Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships.•Skill in effective verbal and written communication.•Ability to work effectively with difficult abuse/neglect complaints.•Ability to empathize and provide encouragement to disabled adults and the elderly and to help them meet particular needs and alleviate problems.•Ability to operate a personal computer and various software packages.•Ability to operate standard office equipment including fax and copy machines.•Ability to make home visits in isolated or high crime areas that may involve exposure to substandard and unsanitary living conditions.•Ability to be on call in order to receive reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.•Ability to work with violent and dangerous individuals.
Divisional Quality Control Manager
SII Saulsbury Industries, Inc, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Take your next step with Saulsbury Industries!Location: Odessa, TXType: Full timeGeneral Information/Job SummaryManage the Quality Assurance / Quality Control Program reporting to the Director of Quality to include project quality organization, establishment, and implementation of a quality program.Responsibilities/CompetenciesEffectively interprets quality requirements and provides technical guidance for inspection, testing and quality service activities.Supervises Quality Personnel who perform audit, inspection, surveillance, and/or testing activities in accordance with the project quality program.Coordinates with Third Party Testing agencies for qualifying procedures, welder certifications and maintaining documentation.Staff the projects quality organization with qualified personnel.Provides training to the site personnel regarding the implementation of the construction and quality control programs.Support project site(s) with Technical and staffing questions and issues.Responsible for the NDE budgeting and schedules.Work with AI (Authorized Inspector) for all local, state, and federal required code work, as required by law.Complete all necessary quality and code-related reports and documentation.Establish and maintain progress tracking methods for status of QC turnover packages on project.Functions as an internal auditor / lead auditor.Evaluates inspector / technician performance and conducts training.Monitor and inform of new technological advancements and NDE testing methods.Work with local technical trade schools in developing students for the work force of tomorrow, welding, and industrial.Work with our Engineering group in developing welding processes and procedures for compliance with applicable code requirements.Technical evaluation of new welding options for improved quality and productivity.RequirementsAWS - Certified Welding Inspector certification previous or current, proof required.Midstream, Petrochemical, Energy Industry EPC experience is required.Fabrication experience preferred.Positive teamwork and professional attitudeQualification in Quality Assurance / Quality Control mechanical or equivalent to include a minimum of five (5) years previous experience in a similar role in the Heavy Industrial Oil and Gas industry.Ability to schedule multiple activities.Knowledge and use of computers and software packages.Excellent verbal and written communication skills.Interpersonal skills at an elevated level.Ability to lead, manage and participate in project teams.Initiative and creative problem-solving skills.High level of commitment to project industrial safety.Ability to work in remote locations as required.Support goal of Quality, Safety and Productivity working together harmoniously.Support Teamwork concept with operations group with QAQC training at supervisor level.Support open and constructive communications between operations and QAQC group with routine meetings between the groups to focus on areas of improvement and total alignment.The ability to work as a team player within a dynamic and continuously changing work environment.Ability to review and implement practices to assure full compliance with client specifications.Working knowledge of ASME, ANSI, ACI, AWS, ASTM Codes and standards.The ability to work as a team player within a dynamic and continuously changing work environment.Physical RequirementsProlonged periods sitting at a desk and working on a computer.Ability to stand for extended periods of time.Ability to walk the property and laydown yards.Ability to carry up to 50 pounds.
Seaspan Ship Management Ltd., Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
The Master is the company’s representative on board and has command of the vessel.   He is responsible for the overall safe operation of the vessel. He must ensure the safety of the vessel, all personnel on board, cargo and equipment, and protection of the environment. He is responsible at all times for the safe navigation of the vessel. Accordingly, he verifies that the Bridge Officers are familiar with their duties and responsibilities and ensures that all voyage requirements are met. He is actively involved in the day-to-day navigation of the vessel, personally taking charge when the vessel is entering and leaving port, navigating in restricted waters or visibility, and at all times when the safety of the vessel may be in question.   He is a knowledgeable and seaworthy professional who is competent in enforcing and administering company rules and standing orders as well as compliance with relevant shore, oil and environmental pollution legislation. He guides his Officers in carrying out their responsibilities effectively and develops them for promotion to a higher rank.  He is responsible to ensure that the commercial performance of the vessel is achieved, as a “Servant” of the Charterers. He is responsible to ensure that company management systems (statutory and voluntary) are effectively implemented. As part of Seaspan’s Competency Management System, the Master is responsible to lead and develop Onboard Sea Staff. Our ideal candidate will have at a minimum of 18 months as a Master on a container ship of above 2000 TEU and a proven track record of competency and safety.
Оператор | 20000 - 25000 грн.
, Чорноморськ, Одеська область
ПрАТ «АДМ Іллічівськ» - олійноекстракційний завод, що входить до міжнародної корпорації Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), запрошує на постійну роботу:1. Пресувальник віджимач харчової продукції2. Вальцювальник сировини та напівфабрикатів3. Машиніст шеретувавальних установок4. Оператор лінії в виробництві харчової продукції (елеватор)5. Машиніст очищувальних машинКомпанія ADM сьогодні є одним із найбільших у світі сільськогосподарських виробників та постачальників харчових продуктів. З глобальним ланцюгом вартості, який включає в себе 800 переробних підприємств, центрів закупівель зернових культур, виробничих потужностей інгредієнтів, інноваційних центрів та провідну мережу сільськогосподарських культур у світі, ми виробляємо продукти харчування, корми для тварин, промислові та енергетичні ресурси.Вимоги до кандидата: середня-спеціальна освіта; Обов’язки: контроль параметрів виробничого обладнання, ведення технологічного процесу переробки сировини Підприємство пропонує:Графік роботи змінний;Надання наставника для навчання та опанування робочих процесів;Офіційне працевлаштування;Грошова компенсація оренди житла для кандидатів із інших регіонів;Додаткова підтримка від компанії під час військового стану;Додаткова відпустка;Можливість надання матеріальної допомоги;Соціальні гарантії відповідно до чинного законодавства;Медичне страхування
Department Chairperson, Internal Medicine
Texas Tech University, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Position DescriptionRecognized as a "Great College to Work For - Honor Roll," TTUHSC provides much more than just a job! Ready for a rewarding career where you can develop and grow? Join us as we change the future of health care.Values-Based CultureCarnegie ClassificationHispanic-Serving InstitutionThe Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine at Texas Tech University Health Science Center (TTUHSC) in the Permian Basin will provide visionary leadership and strategic direction to the department, fostering excellence in clinical care, research, education, and community service. The Chair will be responsible for overseeing all departmental activities, ensuring the highest standards of patient care, promoting faculty development, and advancing the department’s academic mission. This role includes managing the ACGME-accredited internal medicine residency program and developing/enhancing fellowships in endocrinology, cardiology, pulmonary, and critical care medicine. The Chair will also ensure the affiliated hospital is adequately staffed by hospitalists and maintain a strong relationship with hospital leaders. This position requires a dynamic leader with a strong track record in academic medicine, clinical practice, and administrative affairs of a clinical, basic science, or college department.Reports to: Regional Dean of the School of Medicine in the Permian BasinRank of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor and applicable salary are dependent upon candidate’s qualifications and experience.Major/Essential FunctionsLeadership and Strategic Planning:Develop and implement a strategic vision for the Department of Internal a collaborative and inclusive environment that encourages innovation and departmental planning efforts in alignment with the overall goals of the academic health center.Clinical Excellence:Ensure the delivery of high-quality, patient-centered clinical operations, ensuring efficient and effective service interdisciplinary collaboration to enhance patient outcomes.Academic and Educational Oversight:Oversee the development and implementation of educational programs, including undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical and manage the ACGME-accredited internal medicine residency program, Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Pulmonary & Critical Care and implement fellowships in endocrinology, cardiology, pulmonary, and critical care faculty in their roles as educators, ensuring high standards of teaching and a culture of lifelong learning and professional development.Research and Scholarship:Promote and support research activities within the faculty to engage in scholarly activities and secure research collaboration with other departments and external partners to advance research initiatives.Faculty Development and Mentorship:Recruit, retain, and mentor high-quality faculty faculty career development, including promotion and tenure an environment that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.Administrative and Financial Management:Manage departmental budgets and resources compliance with institutional policies and regulatory departmental staffing, including recruitment, retention, and performance the affiliated hospital is adequately staffed by hospitalists.Community Engagement and Hospital Relations:Represent the department within the TTUHSC and the broader and maintain relationships with external stakeholders, including healthcare providers, policymakers, and community a strong relationship with hospital leaders to ensure seamless integration of clinical services and alignment with hospital the department’s contributions to public health and community well-being.Pay StatementCompensation is commensurate upon the qualifications of the individual selected and budgetary guidelines of the hiring department, as well as the institutional pay plan. For additional information, please reference the .Required QualificationsMD , DO or MBBSBoard certification in Internal Medicine.Eligible for medical licensure in the State of Texas.Significant academic and clinical experience, including a distinguished record of research and scholarly activity.Proven leadership and administrative experience in an academic medical center.Demonstrated commitment to excellence in patient care, education, and research.Experience in managing an ACGME-accredited residency program and developing fellowship programs.Jeanne Clery ActThe Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. By October 1 of each year, institutions must publish and distribute their Annual Campus Security Policy & Crime Statistics Report (ASR) to current and prospective students and employees. To view this report, visit the .
Senior Governance Risk and Compliance Analyst
DataArt, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
ResponsibilitiesAssist in developing and maintaining a robust Information Security GRC program to scale with company growth and align with industry best practicesFocus on executing and coordinating IT security governance, risk, and compliance processes for global regulationsAct as the primary contact for daily IT compliance matters and inquiriesCreate and maintain documentation for security and operational controls to support audits and certificationsDocument GRC processes and proceduresCoordinate responses to regulatory inquiries, due diligence requests, and auditsManage audit findings, process improvements, and monthly audit activitiesPerform and update IT risk assessments, maintain governance documentation, and use security metrics to track progressDevelop and implement a continuous monitoring program for IT compliance and automate manual processesManage the company-wide security awareness and compliance training programsSafeguard data during M&A and IT transformation activitiesCollaborate with legal teams on cyber risk reporting and customer contractual requirementsComplete security assurance questionnaires for stakeholders, including customers and cyber-insurersLead IT control testing and gap analysis for TE’s information security programs, including SOX, DFARS 7012, and CMMCRequirementsBachelor’s degree in information technology or related fields, or equivalent work experience in Cybersecurity, Governance, Risk, and Compliance disciplines (5+ years)General knowledge of information security and controls, including identity & access management, database, operating system, network security, endpoint security, application security, data protection and leakage, vulnerability management, security logging, and monitoringFamiliarity with IT security and compliance regulations for a public, global manufacturing company (, SOX, PCI, HIPAA, US and international privacy regulations, US and international cybersecurity regulations, and export restrictions such as DFARS, ITAR, UKML) and/or Controls Frameworks (, COSO, COBIT, NIST, ISF Standards of Good Practice, ISO 27001) and industry or regionally specific certifications (, TISAX, UK CyberEssentials)Skills in documenting risk and compliance activitiesExperience performing information security audits or risk assessmentsUnderstanding of common security frameworks, standards, and regulations (, SOC, ISO2700x, NIST Cybersecurity Framework)Ability to develop security standards and guidelines based on best practices and industry standardsExcellent interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills, including formal report writingAbility to develop creative and adaptive solutions to unique and complex inquiriesAbility to track and manage numerous parallel activitiesAbility to identify opportunities for continuous improvement and execute themAbility to work efficiently and independently with minimal supervision (self-motivated and willing to meet important deadlines)Ability to work successfully in a cross-functional team environmentUseful links