Ми використовуємо cookies для покращення досвіду користувачів, аналізу трафіку і відображення відповідної реклами.
Детальніше Погоджуюсь
Введіть посаду

Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Дежурный в Одеській області"

Отримувати інформацію зі статистикою на пошту

Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Дежурный в Одеській області"

10 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Дежурный" по диапазонам зарплаты в Одеській області

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 29.06.24, за професією Дежурный в Одеській області відкрито 1 вакансій. Для 100% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 13.5+ грн. 0% оголошень з зарплатнею 10.5+ грн, і 0% з зарплатнею 12.0+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Дежурный в Одеській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Дежурный в Одеській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Дежурный" по областям Одеській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Одеській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Дежурный відкрито в Чорноморську (Іллічівську). На другому місці - Южное, а на третьому - Ізмаїльський район.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Одеській області

Серед схожих професій в Одеській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Охранник. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 12945 грн. На другому місці - Сотрудник охраны з зарплатнею 10657 грн, а на третьому - Инспектор охраны з зарплатнею 7800 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

водій з авто(підробіток) реєстрація в таксі
, Одесса
Зареєструватись для роботи в таксі у різних містах України Одесі, Києві , Білій-Церкві , Бровари , Ірпінь, Буча , Вишневий, Бориспіль , Дніпрі, Кривий Ріг, Запорожжі, Полтаві, Лубнах, Кременчуці, Вінниці, Сумах, Черкасах, Чернігові, Тернопіль, Луцьк.Для реєстрації в таксі - надішліть фото; 1 фото зовнішнього вигляду Вашого авто; 2 стор. техталону; 1 стор водійського удост. № телефону який буде при Вас під час роботи. і ми Вам назад надішлемо налаштування позивного; щоб правильно записати Ваші дані. Просимо Вас на сайті в розділі робота, заповнити "форму онлайн реєстрації" https avangard-taxi. kiev. ua uk robota-v-taksi вкажіть місто для роботи набирає водіїв з особистими автомобілями.-для вивезення замовлень по всьому місту та навколишньому передмістю.- замовлення є цілодобово (працюєте підробляєте коли Вам зручно- немає прив'язки до офісу- поповнення комісійних (через термінали) що дуже зручно,- без безкоштовних замовлень, без чергових змін, без обов'язкових замовлень та умов роботи,У нас є знижки на дизель , газ , бензин для наших водіїв Додаткова інформація на сайті https avangard-taxi. od. ua rabota-v-taksi-odessa Не звоните на номера телефонов начинающихся с 090. Это платные номера и используются мошенниками! Администрация UB.
Начальник охраны, срочно требуется
ТОВ, Одесса, Одеська область
Компания заинтересована в срочном закрытии должности! Условия работы:- минимальная заработная плата от 12000 грн;- график работы – полный день;- ежегодный оплачиваемый отпуск, больничный.Требования:- образование не имеет значения,- опыт работы на аналогичной должности,- хорошая физическая форма.Обязанности: - поддержка службы безопасности компании; - контроль систем и мер защиты;- в подчинении охранники посменной занятости (разработка дежурного графика).Если Вас заинтересовала вакансия, обращайтесь к нам Пн-Пт 9-18Тел.: 096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7З Резюме не рассматриваются!Анна Сергеевна
Автослюсар, слюсар на вантажне СТО
Успіх Агро Альянс, ТОВ, Одеса
Транспортно-логістична компанія в пошуку автослюсаря на вантажні автоБаза знаходиться в Суворовському районі, на ПаустовськомуВимоги:- Відповідальність, дисциплінованість, порядність, націленість на результат та якість зробленої роботи!- Досвід роботи від 2-х років;- Хороші знання пристрою автомобіля та технологи ремонту;- Досвід зварювальних робіт (вітається)Обов’язки:- Діагностика, підготовка до ремонту вантажних автомобілів;- Технічне обслуговування та ремонт вантажних автомобілів та напівпричепів;- Технічне обслуговування та ремонт окремих вузлів (КПП, Редуктор мосту, тощо)- Робота електродуговим зварюванням та газозварюванням (вітається);- Забезпечення технічної справності транспортних засобівУмови роботи:- Робочий день із 09:00 до 18:00;- Робочий тиждень Понеділок — П’ятниця (субота в черговому режимі)- Зарплата обговорюється ставка+%Телефонуйте за тел: 0503666074 Андрійз 8:00—20:00
Fourth Officer
Seaspan Ship Management Ltd., Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
The Fourth Officer is employed as an Officer-in-charge of a Watch with additional responsibility for maintenance of assigned lifesaving and firefighting appliances. He is directly responsible to the Master for Navigational and Bridge watchkeeping duties and for any special task assigned to him by the Master. For general Deck Department duties, including cargo operations, the Junior Officer is responsible to the Chief Officer. He should be fully familiar with all aspects of the ship’s Safety Management System and ensure that all allocated staff members are similarly aware.
Third Engineer
Seaspan Ship Management Ltd., Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
The Third Engineer is directly responsible to the Chief Engineer in the discharge of his duties. Whilst engaged on watchkeeping duties, he is responsible for the operation of all machinery, pumps, valves and systems controlled from the Engine Room. He must be familiar with all control piping systems, valves, electrical and hydraulic systems so that in an emergency, essential services can be quickly and safely restored. Moreover, he ensures that the work environment is safe and must be fully conversant with the methods of use of all safety equipment and emergency procedures. He assists the ship’s Safety Officer in the promotion of safety throughout the engineer function. He is also responsible for preparing the main and auxiliary machinery for the forthcoming voyage, testing all necessary equipment alarms and shutdowns as instructed.
Черговий лікар терапевтичного відділення
Свята Катерина-Одеса, клініка, Одеса
Хто ми?Клініка Святої Катерини — найсучасніший медичний центр діагностики та лікування захворювань у різних сферах медицини на півдні України! Наш принцип — відкритість для співпраці та обміну досвідом!Функціональні обов’язки:- первинний огляд та діагностика- надання невідкладної медичної допомоги- постановка діагнозу та призначення лікування- ведення пацієнта та надання якісної медичної допомоги- заповнення медичної документації в електронному виглядіВимоги:- вища медична освіта- бажаний досвід роботи у стаціонарному відділенні від 1 року- знання нормативно-правових документів, що регламентують діяльність закладів охорони здоров’я- володіння ПКМи пропонуємо:- повний соціальний пакет- комфортні умови праці- можливість професійного зростання та розвитку- програму лояльності з медичного обслуговування для співробітників та їх родинГрафік роботи: добові чергуванняМісце роботи: вул. М. Малиновського 61 гЯкщо Ви володієте відповідними навичками та маєте бажання приєднатися до нашої професійної команди, чекаємо на Ваше резюме!Якщо у Вас виникли питання будемо раді надати Вам відповідь, телефонуйте за номером 0504921013
Грузчик (район 7км) ул. Базовая Работа грузчиком 7 км
, Одеса, Одеська область
Требуется на постоянную работу грузчик для работы на оптовом складе (на улице Базовая, в районе 7 км от центра).По вопросам трудоустройства звоните с 09:00 до 16:00, с понедельника по воскресенье.Требования:Опыт работы на складе приветствуется.Честность, ответственность, трудоспособность, внимательность, порядочность, пунктуальность, активная жизненная позиция.Проживание в Одессе или пригороде.Условия работы:График 5/2 с 07:45 до 16:00.Выходной - пятница, в воскресенье работа в дежурном режиме.Дополнительно:Дружеский коллектив.Корпоративные скидки на товары компании.Своевременная оплата труда.Присоединяйтесь к нашей команде!
Водій зі своїм авто
Такси «Авангард», Одеса
Зареєструватись для роботи в таксі у різних містах Одесі, Києві ,Білій-Церкві ,Бровари ,Ірпінь, Буча ,Вишневий, Бориспіль ,  Дніпрі, Кривий Ріг, Запорожжі, Лубнах, Кременчуці, Вінниці, Сумах, Черкасах, Чернігові, Тернопіль, Луцьк.Для реєстрації в таксі - надішліть фото; 1 фото зовнішнього вигляду Вашого авто; 2 стор. техталону; 1 стор водійського удост. № телефону який буде при Вас під час роботи. і ми Вам назад надішлемо налаштування позивного; щоб правильно записати Ваші дані. Просимо Вас на сайті в розділі робота, заповнити "форму онлайн реєстрації" beru-taxi.com.ua/rabota-v-taksi/ вкажіть місто для роботи !набирає водіїв з особистими автомобілями.-для вивезення замовлень по всьому місту та навколишньому передмістю.- замовлення є цілодобово (працюєте/підробляєте коли Вам зручно- немає прив'язки до офісу- поповнення комісійних (через термінали) що дуже зручно,- без безкоштовних замовлень, без чергових змін, без обов'язкових замовлень та умов роботи,У нас є знижки на дизель 5 грн ,газ 2,5 грн ,бензин 4 грн для наших водіїв !
Водії з автомобілем
Таксі «Беру», Одеса
Зареєструватись для роботи в таксі у різних містах України: Києві ,Білій-Церкві ,Бровари ,Ірпінь, Буча ,Вишневий, Бориспіль , Одесі, Дніпрі, Кривий Ріг, Запорожжі, Полтаві, Лубнах, Кременчуці, Вінниці, Сумах, Черкасах, Чернігові, Тернопіль, Луцьк.Для реєстрації в таксі - надішліть фото; 1 фото зовнішнього вигляду Вашого авто; 2 стор. техталону; 1 стор водійського удост. № телефону який буде при Вас під час роботи. і ми Вам назад надішлемо налаштування позивного; щоб правильно записати Ваші дані. Просимо Вас на сайті в розділі робота, заповнити "форму онлайн реєстрації" beru-taxi.com.ua/rabota-v-taksi/  вкажіть місто для роботи ! набирає водіїв з особистими автомобілями.-для вивезення замовлень по всьому місту та навколишньому передмістю.- замовлення є цілодобово (працюєте/підробляєте коли Вам зручно- немає прив'язки до офісу- поповнення комісійних (через термінали) що дуже зручно,- без безкоштовних замовлень, без чергових змін, без обов'язкових замовлень та умов роботи,У нас є знижки на дизель ,газ ,бензин для наших водіїв !
Грузчик на оптовый склад ул. Базовая (950 грн/день)
, Одеса, Одеська область
ОПИСКомпания Грант – импортер ведущих трендовых товаров для дома и кухни.Более 10 лет мы являемся одним из лидеров рынка товаров для дома в Украине.На постоянную работу требуется Грузчик на оптовый склад улица Базовая (за "Эпицентром") По вопросу трудоустройства можно звонить строго с 09:00 до 16:00(Пятница и Воскресенье -звонки не принимаются)Требования:Желателен опыт работы на складеЧестность, ответственность, трудоспособность, внимательность, порядочность, пунктуальность, активная жизненная позицияПроживание в ОдессеУсловия работы:Режим работы с 07:45 до 16:00Выходной: пятница, в воскресенье работа в дежурном режимеОплата 2 раза в месяцДополнительно:дружеский коллектив;корпоративные скидки на товары компании;Испытательный срок 1 месяцСвоевременная оплата трудаПо вопросу трудоустройства можно звонить с 09:00 до 16:00 кроме пятницы и воскресенья
Військовослужбовець у підрозділ БПЛА
4-відділ Чортківського РТЦК та СП (м. Заліщики), Одеса
4-й відділ Чортківського районного територіального центру комплектування та соціальної підтримки (м. Заліщики) проводить відбір кандидатів (серед чоловіків та жінок віком від 18 до 50 років) на військову службу за контрактом або по мобілізації у підрозділи РЕБ та БПЛА Збройних Сил України. Грошов забезпечення від 20000 гривень, буде залежати від займаної посади, військового звання, кваліфікації, терміну та умов проходження військової служби.Крім того, існує ряд таких допоміжних виплат:грошова допомога для вирішення соціально-побутових питань у розмірах, що не перевищують розмір грошового забезпечення;у разі виходу в щорічну чергову відпустку виплачується грошова допомога на оздоровлення в розмірах грошового забезпечення;за підтримання високої бойової готовності, зразкове виконання службових обов’язків, бездоганну дисципліну щорічно виплачується грошова винагорода;при переїзді до нового місця служби виплачується грошова допомога у розмірі 100% місячного грошового забезпечення та 50% на кожного члена сім'ї.Соціально-правовий захист військовослужбовців, перспективи кар'єрного росту та переваги військової служби за контрактом:стабільна висока оплата праці;збереження місця роботи та середньої заробітної плати на строк до завершення особливого періоду;надання статусу учасника бойових дій (у разі виконання завдань в ООС) та отримання належних цьому статусу пільг;виплати органами місцевого самоврядування щорічної соціальної допомоги учасникам бойових дій;безкоштовне забезпечення речовим майном;харчування за рахунок держави (в пунктах постійної дислокації військових частин — обіди, а під час польових виходів, навчань — триразове);пільгове санаторно-курортне лікування військовослужбовців та членів їхніх сімей;можливість безкоштовного вивчення іноземних мов;після закінчення терміну першого контракту — право на безкоштовне отримання заочної вищої освіти;щорічна основна відпустка тривалістю не менше 30 календарних днів з виплатою матеріальної допомоги на оздоровлення в розмірах грошового забезпечення;відпустка за сімейними обставинами терміном до 10 діб (зі збереженням грошового забезпечення);можливість отримання безкоштовного житла;високий рівень соціальних гарантій та правовий захист військовослужбовця розповсюджуються і на членів його сім'ї;можливість безкоштовно отримати нову цивільну спеціальність на курсах з перепідготовки військовослужбовців, які звільнюються з лав Збройних Сил України.Всі кандидати на контракт спочатку проходять службу у навчальних центрах України або за кордоном.Охочих проходити військову службу просимо звертатися за адресою: м. Заліщики, вул. Ольжича, 48, тел.: +38(097)733−89−49, +38(035)542−13−36
Chief Officer
Seaspan Ship Management Ltd., Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
The Chief Officer is the designated Cargo Officer and is responsible for the safe loading, carriage and discharge of cargo. He is directly responsible to the Master for the administration and functioning of the Deck Department as and for navigational watchkeeping duties. He is a member of the Ship’s Board Management Team. He also ensures that he and his staff comply with Company Rules, Procedures, Standing Orders and Instructions, and any other Governmental or Port Regulations applicable to the ship. In addition, he has specific pollution prevention and safety-related duties. He also ensures that any Deck Cadets assigned to the vessel are given proper training and that their training records are maintained up to date.
Recruitment Officer
V.Group, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Vacancy NameRecruitment OfficerVacancy NoVN13684Location CountryUkraineWork LocationOdessaWho are V?As a global leader in ship management and marine services, we add value to a vessel’s operations. Operating around the clock and around the world, V. gives every client the quality and efficiency they need in every sector. Covering crew management and recruitment, quality ship management and technical services, together with supporting management and commercial services, V. has an unrivalled industry knowledge with performance assured. Our values, We Care, We Collaborate, We Challenge, We are Consistent, We Commit and Deliver, are at the heart of everything we do and they support our strategy of Investing in Talent. We are always interested in making contact with talented individuals - people who will demonstrate our values and deliver great service, for internal and external stakeholders.Overall Purpose of The JobThe role is responsible for assisting the Operations Department in developing a robust pool of qualified seafarers/crew applicants.j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199();};Key Responsibilities and Tasks• Utilizes the most effective media channels such as social media, newspapers and seminars to reach potential candidates. • Conducts fair and impartial interviews to source suitable candidates. • Delivers first class candidate and internal customer experience at all times.• Responds to applicants’/candidates’ queries via telephone, email and face to face within prescribed timeframe. • Schedules face to face and Skype interviews as necessary based on immediate needs. • Ensures all records are fully updated in recruitment data base and that accurate notes on seafarer profiles are taken. • Provides statistical report of steady supply of applicants recruited. • Minimizes the number of candidates rejected on 2nd interview, by ensuring candidates meet criteria. • Markets the organization to prospective seafarer/crew applicant. • Maintains a steady supply of candidates for possible deployment within the group. • Performs other related duties that may be assigned from time to time. j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199();};What can I expect in return?V. Group can offer you a market leading salary and benefits package, in addition to significant opportunities for career growth and personal development. This a great opportunity to join a true leader in the maritime sector - a company that has exciting plans for future growth.Essential• Possesses a Bachelor’s degree • Previous experience of in-house recruitment • Significant direct sourcing and networking experience • Strong experience of assessing and selecting the best possible talent • Strong experience with Microsoft Packages (Word, Excel, Power Point)• Work with a strong sense of urgency; with the ability to switch priorities quickly where required • Required English language knowledge appropriate to the rank j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199();};Desirable• Preferably with at least three years’ experience in manning industry as Recruitment Officer / On-board experience as Manager in relevant industry.j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199();};Additional Informationj_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199();};
Senior IT Operations Associate SC7 | Odesa
Programa Mundial de Alimentos, Odesa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Всесвітня продовольча програма (ВПП ООН) - це гуманітарна організація ООН, яка надає продовольчу допомогу у вигляді грошової допомоги, сертифікатів або продуктів харчування громадам, що постраждали від війни. У своїй діяльності ВПП керується гуманітарними принципами нейтралітету, неупередженості, гуманності та незалежності. Спираючись на відданість та професіоналізм наших 24 000 співробітників по всьому світу, Всесвітня продовольча програма (ВПП) працює в понад 123 країнах і територіях, щоб доставляти життєво необхідну їжу людям, які залишилися переміщеними внаслідок конфлікту та знедоленими внаслідок катастроф. Крім того, ВПП допомагає окремим особам і громадам знайти кардинальні рішення для багатьох проблем, з якими вони стикаються, будуючи краще майбутнє. WFP celebrates and embraces diversity. It is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all its employees and encourages qualified candidates to apply irrespective of race, colour, national origin, ethnic or social background, genetic information, gender, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, religion or belief, HIV status or disability.  Vacancy Announcement n°: 833311  Job Title: Senior IT Operations Associate SC7 Type of Contract: Service Contract ️ Unit / Division: TEC / WFP Ukraine  Duty Station: Odesa ️ Duration: 12 months Closing date: 23 June, midnight (Central European Time) The position is only open to Ukrainian nationals or residents of Ukraine, with a legal work permit. About WFP The World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity, for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change. At WFP, people are at the heart of everything we do, and the vision of the future WFP workforce is one of diverse, committed, skilled, and high performing teams, selected on merit, operating in a healthy and inclusive work environment, living WFP's values (Integrity, Collaboration, Commitment, Humanity, and Inclusion) and working with partners to save and change the lives of those WFP serves. To learn more about WFP, visit our website: and follow us on social media to keep up with our latest news: , , , , . What will you do in this position? You will support the delivery of efficient and effective IT services, contributing to innovative solutions that enable staff to deliver assistance to beneficiaries. The job holder will oversee, guide, and coordinate Information and Communication Technology maintenance and support activities for the Odesa region, in close collaboration and under the overall guidance of the Ukraine Country Office (CO). Will also participate in and contribute to the implementation of various innovative IT solutions and technology upgrades as required. Why work with us? The war in Ukraine has had drastic consequences, both for people inside the country and for those around the world dependent on its huge grain supplies. It is inflicting untold suffering on civilians, displace families, and disrupt supply chains and food production. It has caused one of the fastest forced population movements since the Second World War. Close to 6 million Ukrainians are still living as refugees across Europe, and almost 5.1 million are internally displaced. Many have lost their homes and livelihoods. As food production and supply lines are disrupted by fighting, many families in the east and south do not have reliable access to nutritious food. WFP uses a flexible mix of food and cash assistance to support communities affected by the war wherever they are. This includes working with local partners to distribute food rations in areas near the frontline and providing cash transfers wherever people have access to banks and markets to buy food. Since March 2022, WFP has distributed food and cash assistance equivalent to 2.4 billion meals to families displaced and affected by the war, partnering directly with local responders. ️ WFP is a 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. ️ WFP offers a highly inclusive, diverse and multicultural working environment. ️ WFP invests in the personal & professional development of its employees through a range of trainings, accreditation, coaching, mentorship and other programs as well as through internal mobility opportunities. ️ A career path in WFP provides an exciting opportunity to work across various country, regional and global offices around the world, and with passionate colleagues who work tirelessly to ensure that effective humanitarian assistance reaches millions of people across the globe. ️ WFP offers a competitive benefits package including salary, leave plus a medical insurance. How can you make a difference? • In collaboration with the Kyiv-based ETC-Coordinator, engage with key stakeholders, conduct assessments, and identify gaps in the existing telecommunication and IT infrastructure that is used by the humanitarian community, government, and affected community. Provide support in preparation of project proposals to cover the identified gaps. • Represent the ETC (Emergency Telecommunications Cluster) at sub-national Inter-Cluster and other related coordination meetings. • In collaboration with the Kyiv-based project manager, actively contribute technical support to the implementation of the service for communities. • In collaboration with Kyiv-based ETC Team, maintain, upgrade, or enhance the existing ETC infrastructure, including troubleshooting and providing continuing technical user support i.e., resolving network problems and advising on the use of new techniques. • Supervise a team of IT support staff to deploy IT equipment, services and provide end user support to the WFP staff in Odesa AOR. • Provide training and advice to clients and end users of IT services, understand, and resolve issues and ensure IT policies, procedures, systems and tools are correctly applied to assist WFP staff in conducting their work. • Oversee the maintenance of systems and hardware by junior technology assistants to ensure technology is running effectively for WFP staff. • Develop and deploy a variety of documentation and equipment for use by WFP staff to ensure staff have access to the required IT services and products. • Manage the implementation of new standard applications in order to provide WFP staff with the tools they need to perform effectively. • Work with groups in IT service delivery and other staff to understand needs and support the development of integrated IT support services. Provide support to users, log and analyze all requests for support in accordance with standard processes, to support staff to deliver their services. Support the development and implementation of plans for the delivery of a full range of IT services and improvements to methods and processes in order to meet operational requirements.Follow set emergency response processes and procedures as required to provide support in enabling emergency food assistance needs to be met. • Perform other related duties as required. To join us in saving lives, changing lives, you will have: Education: Completion of secondary school education. A post-secondary certificate in Information Technology, Networking, Computer Science, Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, or another related functional area. Experience: Minimum seven (7) years of progressively responsible relevant work experience in Information Technology, Networking, Computer Science, Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, or another related field. Post-secondary education can compensate for some years of experience: • Four (4) years of work experience in combination with a Master’s Degree; • Five (5) years of work experience in combination with a Bachelor’s Degree. Knowledge & Skills: • Good analytical skills, resourcefulness, and initiative. • Experience in the end-user support will be an added advantage. • Project management and team management skills. • Experience working with Computer Networks (LAN/WAN, WLAN). • Motivated to learn new skills in IT, telecommunication systems and infrastructure. • Skills in working with Telecommunication Infrastructure such as VHF radios, microwave links and satellite links would be an asset. • Ability to collaborate and jointly to plan and organize work activities and tasks. • Ability to work with minimum supervision under own initiative. • Tact and ability to work harmoniously with people of different national and cultural backgrounds. • Demonstrated problem-solving skills and provide support to the users. • Requires the ability to work under pressure and on multiple tasks. Language: Fluency (level C) in both in English and Ukrainian languages. Before you apply... WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles. All employment decisions are made on the basis of organizational needs, job requirements, merit, and individual qualifications. WFP is committed to providing an inclusive work environment free of sexual exploitation and abuse, all forms of discrimination, any kind of harassment, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. Therefore, all selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks. We aim to achieve parity and inclusion in our teams in Ukraine. WFP is dedicated to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our recruitment process is inclusively crafted to welcome candidates of all backgrounds, celebrating diversity and ensuring a respectful environment for all. We aim for an accessible and fair recruitment journey. Should you need any reasonable accommodations or have accessibility concerns, please reach out to us confidentially at . No appointment under any kind of contract will be offered to members of the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), FAO Finance Committee, WFP External Auditor, WFP Audit Committee, Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and other similar bodies within the United Nations system with oversight responsibilities over WFP, both during their service and within three years of ceasing that service. How do you apply... To be considered, you are invited to apply via . CV and cover letter must be submitted in English language. Only those who are short-listed candidates will be contacted for the next steps of our recruitment process. We also encourage you to create your candidate profile and set up WFP job alerts to learn more about all the opportunities available to join us and make a difference in the lives of the people we serve.
Recruitment Assistant
V.Group, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Vacancy NameRecruitment AssistantVacancy NoVN13453Location CountryUkraineWork LocationOdessaWho are V?As a global leader in ship management and marine services, we add value to a vessel’s operations. Operating around the clock and around the world, V. gives every client the quality and efficiency they need in every sector. Covering crew management and recruitment, quality ship management and technical services, together with supporting management and commercial services, V. has an unrivalled industry knowledge with performance assured. Our values, We Care, We Collaborate, We Challenge, We are Consistent, We Commit and Deliver, are at the heart of everything we do and they support our strategy of Investing in Talent. We are always interested in making contact with talented individuals - people who will demonstrate our values and deliver great service, for internal and external stakeholders.Overall Purpose of The JobTo provide administrative support to the team, helping to achieve the team’s objectives of continuously hiring above and beyond departmental targets.j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__6__j_id193__j_id199();};Key Responsibilities and TasksCompletes and delivers the C601a Form to the correct crew manager upon an offer being sent to a candidate, within 48 hours of offer being sent. Provides all training to office colleagues learning the system. Manages the exit interview process by advising the recruitment team of the monthly crew to be contacted, chasing when necessary and completing the monthly report in a timely manner. Sends report to senior recruitment Manager as scheduled every month. Advertises vacancies on social media and company websites, adhering to all brand standards set by V.Group. Manages the collection of all Chef Qualifications for new hires and submit as weekly report to manager. Sources candidates as requested by the team. Provides a weekly report of advertising. Maintains the Recruitment System and serves as key point person for queries related to the Recruitment System. Performs any other reasonable duties requested by a member of the team • Timely completion of assigned deliverables • Efficient and effective collaboration with stakeholders Timely and accurate reporting j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__7__j_id193__j_id199();};What can I expect in return?V. Group can offer you a market leading salary and benefits package, in addition to significant opportunities for career growth and personal development. This a great opportunity to join a true leader in the maritime sector - a company that has exciting plans for future growth.Essential• Excellent Interpersonal skills • Attention to Detail • Team Player • Strong Organisational Skills • Ability to work alone • Effective verbal and written communication skills. • Honest and Trustworthy • Required English language knowledge appropriate to the rank j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__9__j_id193__j_id199();};Desirable• Time Management Skills • Ability to work under pressure • Ability to problem solve • Demonstrate strong work ethics • Be adaptable to change • Previous customer service experience • Previous IT work experience • Multi-Lingual j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__10__j_id193__j_id199();};Additional Informationj_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199 = window.onload; window.onload=function() { if (j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199!= null) j_id0__j_id1__j_id51__j_id181__j_id182__j_id191__j_id192__11__j_id193__j_id199();};
Asst/Assoc/Professor - Family Medicine
Texas Tech University, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Position DescriptionRecognized as a "Great College to Work For - Honor Roll," TTUHSC provides much more than just a job! Ready for a rewarding career where you can develop and grow? Join us as we change the future of health care.Values-Based CultureCarnegie ClassificationHispanic-Serving InstitutionContributes to the university’s mission through teaching, research and service, some variation by academic unit.Rank of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor and applicable salary are dependent upon candidate’s qualifications and experience.Major/Essential FunctionsProvides the services of a faculty physician in TTUHSC’s Family & Community Medicine Residency Program.Provides and manages direct patient care, including physical examinations, evaluations, assessments, diagnoses and treatment for a [specified] patient population;Prescribes pharmaceuticals, other medications, and treatment regimens as appropriate to assessed medical conditions; Utilizes specialists and referrals as appropriate;Trains and supervises residents and students as appropriate;May manage the daily operations of a specific medical program, patient care unit, or research function;Directs and coordinates the patient care activities of nursing and support staff as required;Follows established departmental policies, procedures, and objectives, continuous quality improvement objectives, and safety environmental, and/or infection control standards;As appropriate to the position, participates in specified health promotion, education, and/or prevention programs;Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned.Required QualificationsDoctor of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine or Foreign Medical Equivalent Degree.Completion of three (3) year Family Medicine Residency.Eligible to obtain a Texas Medical License.Must be Family Medicine Board Eligible.Jeanne Clery ActThe Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. By October 1 of each year, institutions must publish and distribute their Annual Campus Security Policy & Crime Statistics Report (ASR) to current and prospective students and employees. You can locate this report through our website at: .
Retail Sales Associate
Harbor Freight Tools, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
150731BR Retail Sales Associate 3138 ANDREWS HWY. ODESSA TX Job Description A Retail Sales Associate (part-time) is a valued member of a high performing team who is empowered & equipped to do their job. You will know why your work matters and take pride in what you do!The anticipated rate for this position is $18.50 per hour depending on location, knowledge, skills, education and experience. Associates (and their families) are eligible to participate in a limited medical, dental, vision, basic life insurance, and short-term disability. Eligible Associates are able to enroll in our company’s 401k plan. Associates can accrue paid time off up to 152 hours per year (inclusive of PTO, floating holidays, and paid holidays). Paid sick time up to 64 hours per year unless otherwise required by law.Why You’ll Love it:People First CulturePaid time offAssociate discountsMedical/Dental/Vision Insurance for all associatesCompany Matched 401(K)Respectful schedulingClosed on Thanksgiving, Christmas & EasterStable employment with growing companyClear path to promotion with full-time opportunitiesWhat You’ll Do:Provide a great experience for our customers.Handle various sales transactions.Encourage customers to participate in company programs.Maintain a safe, clean, and organized store.Other duties as assigned. Requirements Who You Are:Must be at least 18 years old.Ability to communicate clearly with customers, and associates.Ability to work evenings, weekends, and holidays as needed. Adherence to attendance policy is necessary. Ability to lift, bend, kneel, climb, crawl and/or twist, and safely climb up/down a ladder.Ability to intermittently lift, push and/or pull up to 50 pounds, and stand/move for entire shift. About Harbor Freight Tools We’re a 45 year-old, $8 billion national tool retailer with the energy, enthusiasm, and growth potential of a start-up. We have over 1,500 stores in 48 states across the country and are opening several new locations every week. We offer our customers more than 7,000 tools and accessories, from hand tools and generators to air and power tools, from shop equipment to automotive tools. We provide our customers with the right tool for the right job at the right price, always delivering quality and value. Position Type Part Time Retail Sales Associate | Harbor Freight Tools
APS Investigator Specialist
Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description: protect themselves. An APS Investigator Specialist has a very challenging job that can be stressful at times –but there are few occupations that offer more opportunities to learn new things about families, your community and yourself.An Adult Protective Services Investigator Specialist- . Newly hired employees holding a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Social Work also qualify for an automatic starting salary increase of 3.4% or 6.8%, respectively. WHY WORK FOR DFPS?The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting the unprotected — children, elderly, and people with disabilities — from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. DFPS accomplishes this responsibility by employing over 12, workers who live up to the agency's Mission, Vision, & Values in service to the citizens of Texas. DFPS is not only a qualifying organization for the Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives the remaining balance on college student Direct Loans after making qualifying monthly payments, but also offers excellent health benefits, special discounts on many products and services through the Discount Purchase Program, a lifetime monthly retirement annuity as well as Texa$aver (k) and Programs under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. An additional benefit you will receive is 12 days of paid annual leave, 12 sick days, and the potential to earn up to four days of administrative leave each year. Your annual paid leave accrual increases as your tenure increases. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE AS:To explore more of what Adult Protective Services Investigators do, click here. To view a realistic online video about Adult Protective Services Investigations workers and clients, please clickhere. You will also have access to a self-assessment that will help you determine if this type of work is something that is a good fit for you. Essential Job Functions: Essential Job Functions:•Investigates reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of elderly or disabled adults to assess the urgency of the problem by interviewing clients, family members and other to gather social, functional, physical and mental- emotional information for evaluation.•Provides services after normal working hours and on weekends to maintain 24 hour coverage, including receiving reports of alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation.•Determines temporary or long-term action to be taken to remove or lessen an immediate threat to the life or health of an adult protective services client to include counseling clients and caregivers, providing information and referral services, testifying in court to seek emergency protective services, finding alternate housing when necessary, and providing on-going services. •Develops individualized service plans to meet the needs of the adult protective services client and maintains detailed documentation on each case.•Makes presentations and participates in community awareness and related activities to inform the public about the program.•Prepares routine, statistical, and special reports for management.•Serves in lead capacity in absence of supervisor.•Performs other duties as assigned and required to maintain unit operations.•Promotes and demonstrates appropriate respect for cultural diversity among coworkers and all work-related contacts.•Attends work regularly in accordance with agency leave policy. Knowledge Skills Abilities: •Knowledge of agency policies, procedures, and standards.•Knowledge of Texas laws relating to adult protective services.•Knowledge of gerontology and the dynamics of the aging process.•Knowledge of special problems of the aged and disabled.•Knowledge of crisis intervention techniques and skills.•Knowledge of differing cultures/ethnic groups and values.•Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships.•Skill in effective verbal and written communication.•Ability to work effectively with difficult abuse/neglect complaints.•Ability to empathize and provide encouragement to disabled adults and the elderly and to help them meet particular needs and alleviate problems.•Ability to operate a personal computer and various software packages.•Ability to operate standard office equipment including fax and copy machines.•Ability to make home visits in isolated or high crime areas that may involve exposure to substandard and unsanitary living conditions.•Ability to be on call in order to receive reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.•Ability to work with violent and dangerous individuals.
Human Services Technician
Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description: This position functions as an assistant to agency staff and supervisors in providing human services to families involved in Child Protective Services (CPS) cases, including transportation and documentation of services provided. It also includes supervising visitations between parents and children and providing various clerical functions. The position interacts routinely with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (FPS) staff, representatives from various organizations, and the general public.A Human Services Technician- . WHY WORK FOR DFPS?The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting the unprotected — children, elderly, and people with disabilities — from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. DFPS accomplishes this responsibility by employing over 12, workers who live up to the agency's Mission, Vision, & Values in service to the citizens of Texas. DFPS is not only a qualifying organization for the Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives the remaining balance on college student Direct Loans after making qualifying monthly payments, but also offers excellent health benefits, special discounts on many products and services through the Discount Purchase Program, a lifetime monthly retirement annuity as well as Texa$aver (k) and Programs under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. An additional benefit you will receive is 12 days of paid annual leave, 12 sick days, and the potential to earn up to four days of administrative leave each year. Your annual paid leave accrual increases as your tenure increases. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE AS: Click to explore more of what CPS Human Services Technicians. For a realistic job preview for this position and about the agency, please click here. Essential Job Functions: • Provides transportation for clients to and from appointments as requested by caseworkers and/or Unit Supervisor.• Observes and/or supervises parent and child visits. • Completes appropriate forms and documentation concerning client contact including data entry into IMPACT and other agency systems.• Maintain out-going paper and/or electronic appointment calendar for scheduling requests made by caseworkers/supervisor. • Performs other duties as assigned and required to maintain unit operations including performing various clerical duties such as typing, filing, faxing, copying, answering/receiving telephone inquiries, etc.• Promotes and demonstrates appropriate respect for cultural diversity among coworkers and all work-related contacts.• Attends work regularly in accordance with agency leave policy. Knowledge Skills Abilities: •Knowledge of Child Protective Services •Knowledge of community resources•Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing.•Ability to follow instructions.•Ability to get work effectively with others.•Ability to effectively supervise children of various ages.•Ability to operate a personal computer, several software packages, and basic office equipment.•Ability to work in an office supporting several staff members.
CPS Conservatorship Worker
Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services, Odessa, Odessa Oblast, ua
Job Description: Whenever a child must be removed from their home, Texas courts appoint Child Protective Services (CPS) to serve as a "Conservator" of the child. Conservatorship Specialists are a specific type of caseworker legally responsible for a child's welfare whenever they are removed from their home and monitors children's care while in CPS conservatorship. They work closely with parents, extended family, and legal parties to help children find a permanent, safe place to live. Newly hired employees holding a Master's Degree in Social Worker may qualify for an increase at the point of hire. A Child Protective Services Conservatorship Specialist- . WHY WORK FOR DFPS?The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting the unprotected — children, elderly, and people with disabilities — from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. DFPS accomplishes this responsibility by employing over 12, workers who live up to the agency's Mission, Vision, & Values in service to the citizens of Texas. DFPS is not only a qualifying organization for the Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives the remaining balance on college student Direct Loans after making qualifying monthly payments, but also offers excellent health benefits, special discounts on many products and services through the Discount Purchase Program, a lifetime monthly retirement annuity as well as Texa$aver (k) and Programs under the Employees Retirement System of Texas. An additional benefit you will receive is 12 days of paid annual leave, 12 sick days, and the potential to earn up to four days of administrative leave each year. Your annual paid leave accrual increases as your tenure increases. HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE: To explore more of what CPS Conservatorship Specialists do, click here. To view a realistic online video about Child Protective Services workers and clients, please click here. You will also have access to a self-assessment that will help you determine if this type of work is something that is a good fit for you. Essential Job Functions: •Receives cases from investigators after children are removed from their homes, placed in CPS conservatorship, and placed in care outside their homes. •Determines each child’s needs and ensuring that appropriate referrals for testing, evaluations, records, or further assessments are made. Ensures all services are focused on achieving positive permanency.•Working with children, families, and communities to plan for a child's permanency. •Identifying potential permanency resources for the child through ongoing contact with parents, family members, and other individuals the child and family identify as important to them. •Searching for potential kinship providers throughout the case. Completing home studies of a child's family members or family friends (kinship providers) who might care for the child.•Meets with the parents to assess risk and safety issues, identify behavior changes necessary to achieve child safety, referring parents to appropriate services to address the identified needs to move towards positive permanency. Discusses with parents their progress towards making changes to behaviors that pose dangers to their child(ren).•Meets with children, parents, family friends, or foster homes in public as well as in their own homes.•Collaborates with a Placement Team, including Kinship staff, for placements, as needed. •Participates in meetings and conferences at times and places convenient for the family members as well as everyone involved in the case. •Visits children monthly to assess the child’s feeling of safety in their current home, to plan for permanency, and to discuss their needs, wishes, and progress while in care •Attends and participates in court hearings about the child and family. This includes contacting the parties in the case before hearings, preparing court reports, and testifying in court on the child’s needs, the family’s progress, and the department’s efforts to achieve permanency for the child. •Keeps the child’s, parents, caregivers, court-appointed attorney and guardian ad litem(s) informed about the child’s circumstances and significant events.•Works with the department's attorney to prepare for contested-court hearings and trials.•Works with kinship caregivers and foster parents to ensure that they have what they need to care for the child or youth placed with them i.e., keeping them informed about developments in the case, returning phone calls, and in some areas of the state being available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week at certain times.•Transitions children home during reunification services and provides support to the family until the legal case is closed. •Supervises adoptive placements until the adoption is final or until the case is transferred to an adoption caseworker.•Using effective time-management skills to make sure all key tasks are done.•Documents case records by completing forms, narratives, and reports to form a written record for each client.•Develops and maintains effective working relationships between Child Protective Services staff and law enforcement officials, judicial officials, legal resources, medical professionals, and other community resources.•Performs other duties as assigned and required to maintain unit operations. •Promotes and demonstrates appropriate respect for cultural diversity among coworkers, clients, and all work-related contacts. •Attends work regularly in accordance with agency leave policy. Knowledge Skills Abilities: •Knowledge of child development•Knowledge of family dynamics•Skill in effective verbal and written communication.•Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships. •Skill in problem solving techniques•Ability to operate a personal computer. •Ability to travel and attend child and family visits as well as other work related appointments and meetings after 5pm.•Ability to be on call on a rotating basis and work irregular hours.•Ability to work in an emotion-filled environment and which may require conducting home visits in isolated or high crime areas and may involve exposure to substandard and unsanitary living conditions.