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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Инженер по надзору за строительством в Львівській області"

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Авиационный инженер

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Ассистент инженера

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Ведущий инженер

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Ведущий инженер ПОС

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Горный инженер

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Дежурный инженер

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Инженер АСУ

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Инженер АТС

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Инженер АХО

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Инженер водоснабжения и водоотведения

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Инженер ВОЛС

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Инженер геофизик

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Инженер гидравлик

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Инженер гидролог

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Инженер гидротехник

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Инженер ГСМ

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Инженер диспетчер

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Инженер дозиметрист

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Инженер дорожник

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Инженер землеустроитель

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Инженер испытатель

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Инженер КИПиА

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Инженер конструктор

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Инженер консультант

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Инженер кораблестроитель

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Инженер лаборант

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Инженер лесного хозяйства

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Инженер материально-технического снабжения

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Инженер менеджер

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Инженер менеджер по качеству

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Инженер металлург

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Инженер метролог

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Инженер микробиолог

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Инженер монтажник

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Инженер мостовик

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Инженер МТО

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Инженер на производство

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Инженер нефтяник

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Инженер нормировщик

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Инженер ОМТС

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Инженер ОПС

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Инженер оптик

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Инженер отделочных работ

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Инженер ОТК

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Инженер ПГС

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Инженер по автоматизации

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Инженер по автоматизации и механизации производственных процессов

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Инженер по автоматике

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Инженер по БДД

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Инженер по безопасности дорожного движения

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Инженер по бурению

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Инженер по вентиляции

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Инженер по вентиляции и кондиционированию

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Инженер по гражданской обороне

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Инженер по закупкам

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Инженер по инструменту

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Инженер по информационной безопасности

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Инженер по кадрам

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Инженер по качеству

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Инженер по комплектации

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Инженер по медицинскому оборудованию

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Инженер по наклонно направленному бурению

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Инженер по наладке и испытаниям

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Инженер по нормированию труда

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Инженер по обслуживанию банкоматов

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Инженер по обслуживанию видеонаблюдения

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Инженер по обслуживанию холодильного оборудования

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Инженер по организации труда

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Инженер по отоплению

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Инженер по охране

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Инженер по планированию производства вакансии

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Инженер по подготовке производства

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Инженер по пожарной безопасности

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Инженер по продажам

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Инженер по проектно-сметной работе

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Инженер по промышленной безопасности

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Инженер по радиационной безопасности

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Инженер по ремонту

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Инженер по ремонту оборудования

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Инженер по сварке

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Инженер по сертификации

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Инженер по сертификации и стандартизации

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Инженер по снабжению

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Инженер по согласованиям

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Инженер по сопровождению

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Инженер по стандартизации

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Инженер по телекоммуникациям

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Инженер по тестированию

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Инженер по технике безопасности

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Инженер по техносферной безопасности

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Инженер по транспорту

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Инженер по труду

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Инженер по эксплуатации

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Инженер по эксплуатации автотранспорта

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Инженер по эксплуатации зданий и сооружений

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Инженер ПОС

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Инженер программист ЧПУ

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Инженер производственно технического отдела

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Инженер пусконаладчик

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Инженер радиотехник

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Инженер радиоэлектронщик

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Инженер разработчик

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Инженер релейной защиты и автоматики

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Инженер релейщик

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Инженер РЗА

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Инженер сантехник

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Инженер сварочного производства

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Инженер сварщик

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Инженер светотехник

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Инженер связи

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Инженер систем безопасности

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Инженер скс

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Инженер слаботочник

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Инженер слаботочных систем

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Инженер со знанием английского языка

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Инженер стажер

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Инженер строительной лаборатории

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Инженер схемотехник

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Инженер тгв

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Инженер телеметрист

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Инженер теплотехник

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Инженер теплоэнергетик

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Инженер технической поддержки

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Инженер физик

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Инженер химик

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Инженер эколог

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Инженер электролаборатории

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Инженер электромеханик

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Инженер электросвязи

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Инженер Этл

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Кадастровый инженер

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Математик инженер

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Сервис инженер

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Сетевой инженер

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Системный инженер

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Сменный инженер

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Показати ще

Рекомендовані вакансії

Водій автонавантажувача
Теплоарматура, ТОВ, Львів
Водій автонавантажувачаКомпанія «Теплоарматура» запрошує до співпраці спеціаліста на посаду — водія автонавантажувача.Ми забезпечуємо повну комплектацію ремонтних та будівельних об'єктів будь-якого масштабуКомпанія представлена в таких містах, як: Київ, Дніпро, Запоріжжя, Львів, Одеса та Харків та є одним із найбільших постачальників у сфері санітарно-технічних виробів для ремонту та будівництва інженерних комунікаційОбов’язки:- Здійснення навантаження, переміщення товару по складу, розміщення товару на стелажах, розвантаження вантажів та інших товарно-матеріальних цінностей автонавантажувачем- Контроль належного технічного стану закріпленого транспортного засобу- Дотримання правил та порядку зберігання та складання товарно-матеріальних цінностейВимоги:- Досвід роботи на автонавантажувачі від 1 року з непродовольчою групою товарів;- Наявність посвідчення на право керування автонавантажувачем;- Досвід роботи із широким асортиментом продукції;- Відсутність шкідливих звичок, уважність, чесність, пунктуальністьМи пропануємо:- Повні соціальні гарантії згідно з КЗпП (у тому числі офіційний дохід, оплачувана відпустка 24 дні, лікарняні та відрядження);- Конкурентний рівень оплати праці;- Графік роботи: 8.30 — 17.00 (суб. нед. вихідні дні);- Місцезнаходження складу: м. Львів, вул.Богдана Хмельницького, 302Хто зацікавився дзвоніть за номером 0935374514 Надсилаючи своє резюме, Ви даєте згоду на опрацювання наданих Вами персональних даних відповідно до Закону України «Про захист персональних даних»
Senior Machine Learning Engineer (GenAI, LAM, LLM)
Xenon7, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Xenon7 is a leading provider of AI-driven solutions for businesses. We specialize in leveraging data and artificial intelligence to drive innovation, optimize operations, and enhance customer experiences. Our client is a leading provider of secure, scalable, and intuitive biomedical data analysis software and bioinformatics applications for the life sciences and healthcare communities. The goal is to innovate the product by leveraging Machine Learning and more specifically GenAI, LAM, LLM. Who We’re Looking For You are an experienced Machine Learning Engineer who is passionate about creating and delivering cutting-edge enterprise-class AI-powered solutions. You have designed and released into production, multiple ML-based solutions that solve real business problems using technologies such as deep learning, machine learning or generative AI. You can work autonomously without a lot of supervision, think independently and dream up practical, out-of-the-box ideas. This is a key position in Engineering. You and your team will provide AI thought leadership not just within Engineering, but more broadly across the company.  Responsibilities Design, build and productionalize robust, high-performing ML, LLM and other AI solutions per the roadmap, and integrate them into our existing product suites. Build the supporting services to operationalize and automate your solution including unit and integration tests, CI/CD tooling, monitoring capabilities and data pipelines. Collaborate closely with other Engineering teams, Product Mgmt and our CTO  to  shape our AI roadmap and build exciting new solutions for our customers. Stay current with the latest developments in AI and evangelize them within the company. You will be part of a small team being set up from scratch, focused on building industry-leading AI capabilities for our suite of products. The role is remote with preference to EMEA region. Requirements 5+ years of software product development experience. At least 3 years of deep, intensive ML experience in a product setting, rather than in a research-oriented environment. A strong technical foundation with a Computer Science background, ideally with a Masters degree specializing in AI. You are fluent in Python and the Data Science stack You have experience with ML technologies and frameworks and extensive experience with at least a couple of the following:  Pytorch, Tensorflow/Keras, scikit, large-scale data processing technologies (SQL, data warehouses, Spark or HDFS). You have Generative AI experience deploying LLMs, RAG pipelines and agents eg. GPT4, LangChain, LLama2, Mixtral or similar technologies. You are comfortable designing and implementing the end-to-end ML workflow to deploy your ML models to production, and monitoring them post-production. This might include writing data pipelines and other Data Engineering or ML Ops tasks. Are extremely customer-focused. You have built products that have moved the needle for your customers. Working in a distributed, remote-first environment with asynchronous communication comes naturally to you. Familiarity with Javascript and node.js would be an advantage but not essential.  Experience with designing and building scalable distributed systems; familiarity with AWS (or Azure / GCP) would be an advantage
Виконроб, помічник головного інженера
Наш Простір, БК, Львів
Вакансія: Виконроб, помічник головного інженераМісце роботи: ЛьвівКомпанія «Наш Простір, БК» шукає енергійного та відповідального співробітника на посаду Виконроба, помічника головного інженера. Ми є успішною будівельною компанією, що працює на ринку вже понад п’ять років. Наші проекти включають в себе будівництво житлових комплексів, комерційних об'єктів, інфраструктурних споруд та інших проектів різного масштабуВимоги:- Досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді принаймні 1 рік;- Вища освіта в галузі будівництва;- Знання технології виконання будівельних робіт;- Знання будівельного процесу від початку до кінця;- Знання послідовності виконання будівельних робіт;- Вміння читати та розуміти проектну документацію;- Вміння працювати з командою, керувати підлеглими;- Висока відповідальність та організованість;- Вміння працювати в умовах обмеженого часу та з урахуванням бюджетних обмежень- Досвід роботи з геодезичними приладамиОбов’язки:- Контроль та координація будівельних бригад на об'єкті;- Забезпечення виконання проектних рішень згідно проекту;- Організація та контроль роботи підрядних організацій;- Підрахунок об'ємів виконаних робіт;- Забезпечення дотримання термінів та графіків виконання робіт та якості робочих процесів;- Звітність перед керівництвом щодо процесу робіт та виконання плануМи пропонуємо конкурентну заробітну плату, можливість професійного росту та розвитку, цікаві та різноманітні проекти. Якщо ви маєте відповідні навички та бажання працювати у стабільній та перспективній компанії, ми чекаємо на ваше резюме!0950025745, Ольга
Trainee С Embedded Developer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Lviv
Description: GlobalLogic Ukraine is inviting a Embedded C Developers to join its Lviv office.Customer is one of the biggest enterprise construction tools producer. They want to extend thier market with new functional and HW solutions.As a developer you will implement new and support existing of embedded system libraries, create integrated automatic hardware-in-the-loop testing systems to leverage production code quality.Requirements: We are looking for Embedded Software Developer (Trainee) to Lviv office who would like to:Get experience with embedded SW development for the microcontrollersIncrease theoretical and practical knowledge of C programming languageUnderstand and get practices of modern approach of the integration testing for the complete SW application on electronic deviceKey skills:C programming languageIntermediate English level would be niceBasic understanding of the Microcontrollers(MCU) and Digital/Analog electronicsNice to have:Version control systemsExperience with ARM Cortex-M based MCUsGood knowledge and work experience with Embedded interfaces (SPI, UART, CAN, I2C, RS485…)Knowledge of the real-time operating systems/MultithreadingUnderstanding of the Continuous Integration (CI) and either Continuous Delivery or Continuous Deployment (CD) of the software development process Responsibilities: Design, implement new features using C languageDevelop parts of embedded tool software acording to provided requirementsUpdate/maintenance of existing softwareDesign and implement software for the Unit and Acceptance testingDaily communication with customer#LI-ZK1 #LI-Onsite What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Delivery Manager (Data Unit) (#64)
N-iX, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Work type: Office/Remote Technical Level: Manager Job Category: Delivery Management N-iX is looking for an energetic, self-driven Delivery Manager to join our Data Management Unit. We started building our Big Data expertise only a few years ago. Today, we have 30+ Data projects at N-iX and a community of 200+ engineers. Together with our clients, we develop Data lakes, work with geospatial data, perform data migration to the cloud, real-time data streaming, ML solutions, and whatnot. We are doing projects ranging from aviation technology and telecom to industrial supply chain and retail. We partner with companies all around the world, from the US and Europe to Japan and Jordan, which makes our projects even more diverse.In the Delivery Manager role, you will be driving the organization and supervision of necessary processes, teams, structure, and technology services composition to successfully deliver what N-iX Clients expect to achieve their business goals. The Delivery Manager will be the primary point of contact for clients during the delivery phase and will report directly to the AVP Delivery of the Data Management Unit. Responsibilities: Participate in contract, pre- and price negotiation processes to sign the deal on favorable terms for the companySupport team ramp-up and onboarding (from recruitment and forming teams to process establishment and stabilization)Manage efficient unit structure, ensure implementation of the best software development and delivery practices to exceed customer expectationsEnsure engagement methodology is followed by a team from opportunity assessment to project closeoutWork closely with customer management to understand the business requirements for the project, develop effective working relationships and ongoing management processes for the projectExplore additional business opportunities and drive future business through quality resultsFinancial and contractual responsibility for engagement profitabilityManage, monitor, and motivate the team assigned to the projectManaging and monitoring projects financial resultsRegularly monitor and continuously improve Clients’ satisfaction Required Experience and Skills: 5+ years of experience in IT2+ years of experience as Delivery/Program ManagerKnowledgeable of software design, development, test, and delivery methodologiesFluency in development methodologies as they relate to delivering and implementing IT solutions requiredExcellent judgment, interpersonal communication, analytical, and negotiation skillsAbility to multi-task and alter direction easily to accommodate changing prioritiesStrong people management and client relationship skillsStrong service/client-oriented attitude, focus on an outcomeExcellent verbal and written communication skillsAbility to manage multiple priorities across various business groupsAdvanced level of spoken and written English Nice to have: Experience in managing multiple distributed teamsTechnical background (software development, QA, DevOps, etc.)Knowledge of the latest trends at SW development technologies and toolsExperience in coaching, mentoring and conducting of trainingWe offer: Flexible working format - remote, office-based or flexibleA competitive salary and good compensation packagePersonalized career growthProfessional development tools (mentorship program, tech talks and trainings, centers of excellence, and more)Active tech communities with regular knowledge sharingEducation reimbursementPaid vacation days, sick leaves, and days offHealthcare & Sport programMedical insuranceMemorable anniversary presentsCorporate events and team buildings
Senior Computer Vision Developer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Lviv
Description: A product is an affordable alternative to traditional broadcast video capture system. We provide a full broadcasting solution for amateurs, broadcasters, sports leagues, clubs, coaches and consumers, offering unique, interactive and immersive viewing experiences.The AI-based automated production solution provides the sports market with easy and affordable ways to produce and distribute high-quality game, player videos and performance analysis. The system consists of a unique panoramic camera head and standard computers running proprietary algorithms for Panoramic and HD video and camera control. Giving an editing platform for multiple types of athletic events we establish the first end-to-end automated video and data solution in the sports industry. The product revolutionizes sports video with an automated online video editing system that enables coaches to simply and easily access game video break downs, saving them time and hassle. Our range of products include game analysis, game exchange, and video replay. We support all major team sports and caters to every level from youth, high school, college, through professional.Requirements: Strong knowledge and proven experience with Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Deep Learning;At least 5 years of commercial experience in a related field;Self manageable person, able to work with minimum supervision;Technically strong with Python, knowledge of any other programming language will be a plus;Proficiency with numpy, scipy, opencv, tensorflow;Proven ability design and implement complex algorithms, to work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment;Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or a related field;Strong communication and presentation skills for effective daily communication. Responsibilities: GlobalLogic team has been involved for many years into development, deployment and support of many different areas of the solution. We are now looking for a talented Computer Vision engineer who will join our existing team and help us to grow existing capabilities of the product and add support for new sport types.Part responsibilities will includeActive participation in business promotion and grow by proposing new and/or non-standard ideas;Apply Machine Learning and Computer Vision technology to solve real problems for the market available product;Work on a new algorithm of determining players performance, score identification and others;Demo your work to team members and customer. What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.