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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "PR директор в Львівській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "PR директор в Львівській області"

9 399 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "PR директор в Львівській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії PR директор в Львівській області.

Розподіл вакансії "PR директор" по областям Львівській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Львівській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії PR директор відкрито в Винниках. На другому місці - Жолкіїв, а на третьому - Пустомитівський район.

Рейтинг регіонів Львівській області за рівнем зарплатні для професії "PR директор"

Як видно з діаграми, в Львівській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії PR директор відкрито в Винниках. На другому місці - Жолкіїв, а на третьому - Пустомитівський район.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Львівській області

Серед схожих професій в Львівській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Начальник отдела делопроизводства. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 25000 грн. На другому місці - Директор по рекламе з зарплатнею 17672 грн, а на третьому - Управляющий з зарплатнею 15787 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Аврора, мультимаркет, Львів
Аврора Мультимаркет— це українська мережа магазинів, яка забезпечує товарами першої необхідності покупців з усієї країни, крім окупованих територій, і визнана критично важливою для функціонування економіки та забезпечення життєдіяльності населення України. Наші військовозобовʼязані працівники мають можливість пройти процедуру бронювання за наявності належно оформлених військово-облікових документівЗа кількістю торгових точок у своєму сегменті «Аврора» є найбільшою компанією на ринку України і вже налічує понад 1350 магазинів. Наразі компанія «Аврора» є членом Американської торговельної палати в Україні, Європейської Бізнес Асоціації, Асоціації ритейлерів України. Влітку 2021 року інвестором компанії став фонд «Horizon Capital». Також «Аврора» увійшла до трійки провідних дискаунтерів непродовольчої групи Центральної та Східної ЄвропиМережа мультимаркетів Аврора розвивається кожного дня і завжди відкрита для активних та цілеспрямованих співробітників, які розділяють наші цінності та бажають розвиватися разом з нашою командою!Якщо ти у пошуках найкращих можливостей — приєднуйся та створюй кращий світ з командою Аврори!Графік з частковими відрядженнями до міста Полтава.Твої ключові задачі:- Розробка та запуск нових маркетингових активностей;- Підбір та аналіз акційних товарних пропозицій;- Управління стратегічними і тактичними активностями, спрямованими на збільшення збуту;- Участь в розробці плану трейд активностей на рік / квартал / місяць;- Планування акцій, коригування механік поточних акцій і оцінка їх економічного ефекту;- Супровід трейд активностей на кожному етапі;- Формування рекомендацій щодо впровадження в асортимент нових позицій;- Вивчення ринку, конкурентів та потреб споживачів;- Пропонувати шляхи просування нових та існуючих товарів;- Проводити моніторинг галузі та конкурентного середовищаТобі знадобляться в роботі:- Досвід роботи в трейд-маркетингу;- Практичний досвід в просуванні товарів;- Знання і володіння основними інструментами трейд-маркетингових активностей;- Уміння продуктивно організовувати свою роботу і працювати в команді;- Уміння презентувати і чітко доносити свою думку;- Аналітичний склад розуму;- Рівень володіння ПК — впевнений користувач (добре знання MS Excel і PowerPoint);- Відповідальність;- Уважність, пунктуальність;- Постійне бажання до самовдосконаленняВ Аврорі ти отримаєш:#візьми_відповідальність_отримай_можливість- офіційне працевлаштування, оплачувана відпустка і лікарняні;- комфортний графік роботи;- гідний рівень винагороди;#взаємодій_заради_мрій- мотивацію та систему наставництва;- дружню привітну робочу атмосферу, команду однодумців- можливість швидкого кар'єрного зростання;- щотижневі онлайн збори компанії із можливістю задати питання генеральному директору;- щомісячні бонуси на покупки товарів в нашій мережі;#будь_відкритим_до_нового- корпоративна форма;- розтермінування на покупку велосипедів та генераторів;- курси та тренінги від корпоративного навчального центру;- навчайся, ділись, впроваджуй знання та заощаджуй до 100% вартості зовнішніх тренінгів, які компенсує компанія!#створюй_свій_світ- безпечний, автономний та технологічний офіс з сучасними сервісами;- подарунки за участь у різних подіях компанії;- цікаве корпоративне і спортивне життя;#даруй_добро_вільно- Baby-Box для новонароджених аврорчиків;- підтримка і турбота у складних обставинах;- участь у благодійних проєктах (аукціони, збори, донорство);#лідируй_в_ефективності- приємні бонуси за втілення ідей;- професійне навчання та можливість підвищувати кваліфікацію;- використання LEAN — методології (ощадливе виробництво);- постійний супровід і підтримка: ліній: гаряча, довіри, юридична, психологічна, IT;Також ти отримаєш багато бенефітів та сервісів: корпоративний магазин, дисконт-клуб, фудкорти з можливістю замовити обіди, велопарковка, паркінг, прокат велосипедів, комфортне укриття, кімнати для дозвілля дітей, корпоративний транспорт та власний bla-bla-car, спортзал, кав’ярня, зони для відпочинку, цікаве корпоративне життя та соціальні заходи, челенджі, біговий та футбольний клуби, бібліотека, читацький клуб та багато інших сервісів турботи!Корисна інформація для тебе:- Для працевлаштування на період воєнного стану обов’язково для чоловіків треба мати при собі дійсний документ про військовий облік- У разі відсутності диплома ВНЗ, ми все одно розглянемо Вас як кандидата на вакансію. Оскільки, у демонстрації знань для нас важливо не вища освіта, а бажання постійно вчитисяСтворюй кращий світ та зростай з командою Аврори!Прохання вказати рівень заробітної плати в резюме!Дякуємо за проявлений інтерес до нашої компанії!Не зволікайте і надсилайте резюме Катерина 380671413905 (Telegram)
General Layout Trainee
Bilfinger, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Bilfinger Tebodin  is one of the world's leading consultancy and engineering companies. As a member of Bilfinger Group, we are part of a strong global network of 30,000 people, offering expanded expertise in many areas. Integrated world-class consultancy and engineering solutions, combined with professional project- and construction management - wherever the client is located. Our services in Central & Eastern Europe : Bilfinger Tebodin in Central & Eastern Europe covers all phases of a project lifecycle by its four cross-country Business Lines: Consultancy, Engineering, Process Engineering and Project Management Consultancy (PMC). Our markets:  We have a strong focus on Industrial, Food & Beverage, (Bio-) Pharma, Oil & Gas, Energy & Utilities, Property and Infrastructure markets, bringing together specialized knowledge and international expertise to offer our clients the best practice solutions. Our locations and people:  We have 12 office locations in Hungary, Serbia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and construction site teams all over the region. Bilfinger Tebodin in Central & Eastern Europe is one team of 550 fantastic colleagues, experts in their areas, ready to share knowledge and make ideas work. Our strength is a multi-discipline, dedicated, experienced team that is committed to ensure successful execution of the clients' needs. Bilfinger Tebodin Ukraine CFI is looking for  General Layout Trainee   for our office in  Lviv .   We expect: Higher education in the field of urban planning, highways, possibly incomplete  Work experience (is welcome) in the design of industrial and public facilities. Proficiency in graphic software: AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Revit (preferably, learning during work). Design experience in calculation programs for road structures will also be welcome.  Ability to use current Ukrainian norms and standards in design and construction. English language (preferably, possible learning during work). Reliability, responsibility, desire to work in a team and learn in the process. Re sponsibility: Design / modeling of general plans of industrial and civic facilities Development of detailed drawings of the GP section Calculation of road structures Communication with the project team of related departments Visiting project sites, including abroad (subject to restrictions during martial law) We offer: Official employment and salary Challenging and diversified projects in international developing company Professional trainings Corporate medical insurance Corporate mobile phone (if necessary to work) Comfortable working conditions, informal open corporate culture, friendly team Social package, programs for integration of new team members, regular corporate projects inside and outside of the office, a healthy atmosphere in modern and cozy office Remote office after trial period Career development opportunities within Ukraine and international. Zero tolerance for corruption and bribery
ServiceNow Software Developer
Relevant Software, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Project Description Logistics platform makes it easy for customers to ship their IT assets to and from anywhere. The solutions replace muddled activities with a clear end-to-end online system that connects shippers, receivers, carriers and their IT service platform tools. The ServiceNow Software Developer will be responsible for contributing to the technical design and the implementation of all aspects of the Client’s ServiceNow software applications. Responsibilities: Act as a technical subject matter expert for development, certification, and deployment related to ServiceNow applications and integrations. Troubleshoot customer Issues, correct defects, ensure fix stability across multiple application versions, support customer installations. Act as an administrator of product ServiceNow instances. Contribute to product ServiceNow applications’ technical architecture and design. Contribute to all aspects of complex projects delivery, including software- design, development, and implementation. Develop new applications and enhance and support existing applications. Requirements: 5+ years of strong multi-discipline experience, with a preference for technology consulting and complex business solutioning. 3+ years of direct ServiceNow development and implementation experience. ServiceNow skills: Specialized in the design, development, testing, certification, and publication of third party ServiceNow applications, natively and using Service Portal. Extensive experience in the configuration and administration of ServiceNowinstances. Extensive experience integrating ServiceNow with external systems. Experience supporting customer implementation of ServiceNow applications. Experience with ServiceNow platform plugins such as Hardware Asset Management, HR Employee onboarding, offboarding, etc. Ability to rapidly understand, support, modify, and enhance an existing complex system. Ability to write code and deliver solutions quickly. Core competencies in Javascript, HTML, CSS. Additional competencies with SQL (MySQL/MariaDB), RESTful APIs, and JSON. Understanding of Agile and Kanban methodologies. Ability to maintain productivity and focus while working remotely. English – Upper-Intermediate level. We offer: Competitive compensation based on your skills, experience, and performance; working days of annual paid vacation and 5 sick leaves; 3 additional days off for special occasions; Opportunity for career growth, mentorship, and personal development plan; Experienced colleagues with % of middle and senior engineers; Individual English lessons on-site (for all); Possibility to work from anywhere in the world; Exciting projects involving the newest technologies; Friendly, positive, fun atmosphere; Accounting as a service; Flexible working approach.
Structural Designer
Bilfinger, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Structural Designer   Lviv   Bilfinger Tebodin is one of the world's leading consultancy and engineering companies. As a member of Bilfinger Group, we are part of a strong global network of 30,000 people, offering expanded expertise in many areas. Integrated world-class consultancy and engineering solutions, combined with professional project- and construction management - wherever the client is located. Our services in Central & Eastern Europe Bilfinger Tebodin in Central & Eastern Europe covers all phases of a project lifecycle by its four cross-country Business Lines: Consultancy, Engineering, Process Engineering and Project Management Consultancy (PMC). Our markets We have a strong focus on Industrial, E-mobility, Food, (Bio-) Pharma, Energy, and Chemical markets, bringing together specialized knowledge and international expertise to offer our clients the best practice solutions. Our locations and people We have 12 office locations in Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Czech Republic, Romania, Ukraine and construction site teams all over the region. Bilfinger Tebodin in Central & Eastern Europe is one team of 550 fantastic colleagues, experts in their areas, ready to share knowledge and make ideas work. Our strength is a multi-discipline, dedicated, experienced team that is committed to ensure successful execution of the clients' needs. What is the job? Design, development of drawings and calculation of building structures of industrial and civic facilities in accordance with legislation and regulations, requirements set out in the project plan according to the client's requirements, in order to implement design solutions for work at the next stage of the project.   We expect: Higher education in the field of engineering, possibly incomplete Experience in the design of industrial and public facilities is an advantage Proficiency in graphics software: AutoCAD, Revit (as an advantage, if needed training will be arranged). Experience in another BIM environment (Tekla, Advance Steel) would be welcome Knowledge of calculation software: Lira / SCAD / Robot Structural (or similar) is preferred  Ability to use current Ukrainian norms and standards in design and construction Knowledge of the English language (preferably, possible learning during the work) Reliability, responsibility, desire to work in a team and learn in the process Duties and responsibility: Design / modeling of industrial and civic facilities Development of drawings KM and KB Calculation of building structures (metal and reinforced concrete) and interconnection routes Communication with the project team of related departments Visiting project sites, including abroad (subject to restrictions during martial law)   We offer: Official employment and salary Challenging and diversified projects in international developing company Professional trainings Corporate medical insurance Corporate mobile phone (if necessary to work) Comfortable working conditions, informal open corporate culture, friendly team Social package, programs for integration of new team members, regular corporate projects inside and outside of the office, a healthy atmosphere in modern and cozy office Remote office after trial period Career development opportunities within Ukraine and international. Zero-tolerance rejection of corruption and bribery     For further information please contact [[Marta Yunevych]]  (   [email protected] ). Please, be informed that we will contact only selected candidates. Send your CVs in English.    
Senior Javascript (Elixir) Engineer
AgileEngine, Sokil'nyky, Lviv Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Develop experiences and features, ranging in complexity, directly in the ELC platforms; Develop within the experimentation platform to inject experiences and features; Integrate with various 3rd party tools, APIs, SDKs and Microservices; Develop experimentation platform extensions; Enable our experimentation tool within the ELC platforms; Create experimentation solutions that will allow other teams to self-serve; Write Unit and Contract tests; Approve PRs/Complete code reviews; Communicate effectively across functions using strong written and verbal skills; Create, document, and communicate technical designs based on architectural recommendations; Identify project risks and communicate proper mitigation plans with leadership; Must haves  Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science, Technology or a related field; +4 years of experience with Elixir; Experience with Phoenix Web Framework; Knowledge of Hotwire: Turbo; Understanding of FE best practices; Experience with HTML/JS/CSS; Experience with GCP or AWS; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Understanding of AB testing methodologies; Experience with SPA frameworks; Optimizely Experimentation; Drupal CMS; Headless CMS; PHP; Varnish Cache Language; C#; React. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior Javascript (Elixir) Engineer
AgileEngine, Sokil'nyky, Lviv Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Develop experiences and features, ranging in complexity, directly in the ELC platforms; Develop within the experimentation platform to inject experiences and features; Integrate with various 3rd party tools, APIs, SDKs and Microservices; Develop experimentation platform extensions; Enable our experimentation tool within the ELC platforms; Create experimentation solutions that will allow other teams to self-serve; Write Unit and Contract tests; Approve PRs/Complete code reviews; Communicate effectively across functions using strong written and verbal skills; Create, document, and communicate technical designs based on architectural recommendations; Identify project risks and communicate proper mitigation plans with leadership; Must haves  Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science, Technology or a related field; +4 years of experience with Elixir; Experience with Phoenix Web Framework; Knowledge of Hotwire: Turbo; Understanding of FE best practices; Experience with HTML/JS/CSS; Experience with GCP or AWS; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Understanding of AB testing methodologies; Experience with SPA frameworks; Optimizely Experimentation; Drupal CMS; Headless CMS; PHP; Varnish Cache Language; C#; React. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior Devops Engineer
Pixels Matter, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
Are you looking for an innovative and cutting-edge technology company that will motivateyouand support your career? Take charge of your career future at Pixels Matter and join us in our Lviv office . We are a leading provider of technology content and services for the Location BasedIndustry.Maintaining a diversified IP portfolio in four primary market segments: M2MIntelligence, GolfLocation Solutions, Vehicle Telematics and Geo-Data Solutions As an DevOps Engineer, you will be a vital contributor to our inspiring and bold mission. POSITION OBJECTIVE: The DevOps Engineer is responsible for supporting services related to our Golf Coursemanagement system. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Work production with AWS Manage, automate and maintain custom environments, deployments andconfigurations Work with internal and off-site team of software engineers Executes engineering activities related to the project in coordinationwithmanagement to stay on schedule Demonstrates the ability to balance maintenance and new development taskson existing systems QUALIFICATIONS: Strong experience in AWS Cloud (EC2, ECS, ElasticBeanstalk, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeCommit etc.) Must have experience with CloudFormation and AWS CDK 5+ years experience in DevOps Practical Experience in Amazon Relational Database Service (MySQL) Experience with Java 8 and higher - the previous backend position is priority(Spring) Commercial experience in working with DynamoDb Working with Linux environments Knowledge of container tools and orchestration technologies would beaplus(Kubernetes) Excellent problem analysis, troubleshooting and resolution skills Good command of English WHAT WE CAN OFFER YOU: Paid vacation and sick time Public holidays Incentive bonus compensation plans Technical equipment Happy hours on Fridays Company sponsored events as well as a casual work environment SALARY COMMENSURATE WITHEXPERIENCE Powered by JazzHR
Lead JavaScript Engineer
AgileEngine, Sokil'nyky, Lviv Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Develop within the experimentation platform to inject experiences and features; Integrate with existing ELC platform features to manipulate customer experiences; Integrate with various 3rd party tools, APIs, SDKs and Microservices; Intake metric requirements outputting the proper event tracking; Manage user accounts, projects, experiments, audience segments, and data exports; Develop experimentation platform extensions; Schedule, deploy, monitor, and manage experiments; Enable our experimentation tool within the ELC platforms; Create experimentation solutions that will allow other teams to self-serve; Approve PRs/Complete code reviews; Communicate effectively across functions using strong written and verbal skills; Identify project risks and communicate proper mitigation plans with leadership. Must haves  Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science, Technology or related field; 5+ years of relevant experience working with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS; Experience working with the Optimizely Experimentation platform (CMS) is a must; Proven understanding of AB testing methodologies; Strong understanding of FE best practices; Experience with SPA frameworks; GCP/AWS; Customer Consent policies; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Tag Management Tools; Universal Data Object; Akamai Edgeworker; Headless CMS; React; Data Analysis; Google Analytics; Adobe Target; Google Optimize. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior JavaScript Engineer
AgileEngine, Sokil'nyky, Lviv Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Develop within the experimentation platform to inject experiences and features; Integrate with existing ELC platform features to manipulate customer experiences; Integrate with various 3rd party tools, APIs, SDKs and Microservices; Intake metric requirements outputting the proper event tracking; Manage user accounts, projects, experiments, audience segments, and data exports; Develop experimentation platform extensions; Schedule, deploy, monitor, and manage experiments; Enable our experimentation tool within the ELC platforms; Create experimentation solutions that will allow other teams to self-serve; Approve PRs/Complete code reviews; Communicate effectively across functions using strong written and verbal skills; Identify project risks and communicate proper mitigation plans with leadership. Must haves  Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science, Technology or related field; 5+ years of relevant experience working with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS; Experience working with the Optimizely Experimentation platform (CMS) is a must; Proven understanding of AB testing methodologies; Strong understanding of FE best practices; Experience with SPA frameworks; GCP/AWS; Customer Consent policies; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Tag Management Tools; Universal Data Object; Akamai Edgeworker; Headless CMS; React; Data Analysis; Google Analytics; Adobe Target; Google Optimize. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior JavaScript Engineer
AgileEngine, Sokil'nyky, Lviv Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Develop within the experimentation platform to inject experiences and features; Integrate with existing ELC platform features to manipulate customer experiences; Integrate with various 3rd party tools, APIs, SDKs and Microservices; Intake metric requirements outputting the proper event tracking; Manage user accounts, projects, experiments, audience segments, and data exports; Develop experimentation platform extensions; Schedule, deploy, monitor, and manage experiments; Enable our experimentation tool within the ELC platforms; Create experimentation solutions that will allow other teams to self-serve; Approve PRs/Complete code reviews; Communicate effectively across functions using strong written and verbal skills; Identify project risks and communicate proper mitigation plans with leadership. Must haves  Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science, Technology or related field; 5+ years of relevant experience working with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS; Experience working with the Optimizely Experimentation platform (CMS) is a must; Proven understanding of AB testing methodologies; Strong understanding of FE best practices; Experience with SPA frameworks; GCP/AWS; Customer Consent policies; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Tag Management Tools; Universal Data Object; Akamai Edgeworker; Headless CMS; React; Data Analysis; Google Analytics; Adobe Target; Google Optimize. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Program Manager
EveryMatrix, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
EveryMatrix is looking for a Program Manager in Lviv. Company Intro: EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide platform, casino, sports betting, payments, and affiliate systems to over 300 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and 850 employees in offices across 12 countries in Europe, Asia and the US. EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. EveryMatrix is a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and European Lotteries Association. In September 2023 it became the first iGaming supplier to receive WLA Safer Gambling Certification. EveryMatrix is proud of its commitment to safer gambling and player protection whilst producing market leading gaming solutions. Job Summary: One of the business units: MoneyMatrix - a product that offers a wide range of payment options, fraud, and KYC (know your customer) solutions is looking for a skilled and experienced Program Manager to join the team in Lviv. The ideal candidate will be tasked with the responsibility of leading specific projects within the tech sector, ensuring they meet both client and business expectations efficiently. This role requires business analysis skills and technical understanding to adeptly manage projects from concept through to execution, guaranteeing alignment with broader business goals. Responsibilities:  Lead the planning and implementation of project initiatives, ensuring clear scope and timely execution.  Facilitate daily stand-ups and meetings to monitor project progress and resolve impediments.  Provide efficient status reporting to the CEO/CTO and other stakeholders.  Develop detailed project plans to track progress and adjust as necessary.  Ensure the right staff availability and allocation.  Report and escalate impediments to management as needed.  Analyze risks and establish systems to mitigate them.  Support with team member assessments.  Measure project performance using appropriate systems, tools, and techniques. Track team budgets. Requirements: Proven working experience (6+ years).  Experience with different phases of SDLC.  Excellent leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills. Written and spoken English (level B2+).  Ability to manage multiple projects/assigments simultaneously while maintaining quality.  Strong working knowledge of project management software and tools (e.g., JIRA, Asana, Gantt charts, etc).  Solid organizational skills including attention to detail.  Experienced in facilitating daily Scrum meetings and managing Agile projects. Preferred skills or qualifications:  Technical background is a strong plus.   Finance or iGaming industry experience.  Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Computer Science, or related field. Ability to work from the EveryMatrix office in Lviv. Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with medical certificate To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and Office perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance Private Medical insurance Gym membership Fruits Friday Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and -budget for external training Massage at work Frequent office events and team building activities in different locations A great office space - come and see them for yourself Check out our Locations for getting a glimpse on our culture, offices and benefits!
Lead JavaScript Engineer
AgileEngine, Sokil'nyky, Lviv Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Develop within the experimentation platform to inject experiences and features; Integrate with existing ELC platform features to manipulate customer experiences; Integrate with various 3rd party tools, APIs, SDKs and Microservices; Intake metric requirements outputting the proper event tracking; Manage user accounts, projects, experiments, audience segments, and data exports; Develop experimentation platform extensions; Schedule, deploy, monitor, and manage experiments; Enable our experimentation tool within the ELC platforms; Create experimentation solutions that will allow other teams to self-serve; Approve PRs/Complete code reviews; Communicate effectively across functions using strong written and verbal skills; Identify project risks and communicate proper mitigation plans with leadership. Must haves  Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science, Technology or related field; 5+ years of relevant experience working with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS; Experience working with the Optimizely Experimentation platform (CMS) is a must; Proven understanding of AB testing methodologies; Strong understanding of FE best practices; Experience with SPA frameworks; GCP/AWS; Customer Consent policies; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Tag Management Tools; Universal Data Object; Akamai Edgeworker; Headless CMS; React; Data Analysis; Google Analytics; Adobe Target; Google Optimize. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.