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Рекомендовані вакансії

Дитячий лікар-стоматолог
Symbiotyka Medical Group, Львів
Мережа стоматологічних клінік «Symbiotyka» у пошуках дитячого лікаря, якому кортить працювати з найкращими найменшими пацієнтами Львова. Якщо Ви проактивні, закохані у свою справу і бажаєте очолити відділ дитячої стоматології — тоді ми запрошуємо Вас у нашу команду. Ми втілюємо у життя високі стандарти якості стоматологічного лікування та сервісу на всіх етапах перебування нашого пацієнта в клініціНаша місія — допомагати людям ставати впевненішими в собі через покращення їхнього здоров’яНаша ціль — найкраща клініка для пацієнта, найкраща команда для працівникаОсновні вимоги до дитячого лікаря стоматолога:- Повна зайнятість в SYMBIOTYKA- Вища медична освіта (стоматологія) та діючий сертифікат, дитячого стоматолога- Досвід роботи дитячим стоматологом або терапевтом не менше 1 року- Наявність прикладів робіт (фото) вітається- Наявність досвіду лікування дітей під загальним знечуленням та в седації- Вміння надати невідкладну стоматологічну допомогу при гострому болю- Хороші комунікативні навички спілкування з дітками та батьками- Відповідальність, пунктуальність, вміння працювати в команді- Доброзичливість та клієнтоорієнтованість- Знання сучасних методів діагностики та лікування дітейУ обов’язки дитячого стоматолога клініки «Symbiotyka» входять:- Ведення терапевтичного прийому дітей у повному обсязі (професійна гігієна, лікування карієсу, ендодонтичне лікування, видалення зубчиків)- Застосування сучасних методів діагностики та лікування захворювань ротової порожнини- Ведення медичної документації та фотопротоколуЩо пропонує «Symbiotyka» нашим лікарям:- Робота виключно з пацієнтом та батьками, про все інше попіклуються сервіс-менеджери, особистий асистент, менеджерський склад- Повністю обладнане робоче місце з найсучаснішим обладнанням- Робота з кваліфікованими асистентами в 4 руки- Гнучкий графік роботи- Офіційне працевлаштування- Стабільна та висока заробітна плата- Значна знижка на лікування для Вас та Вашої сім'ї- Соціальний пакет, комфортні умови праці- Спілкування в команді вузьких спеціалістів, що невпинно розвивається і росте- Безкоштовне профільне навчання для удосконалення власних навичокЯкщо у Вашому серці відгукнулася ця вакансія і Ви готові працювати в інноваційній стоматології і бути причетним до створення бездоганних посмішок, тоді пишіть нам вже зараз на Viber/Telegram +380672244001, ми запросимо Вас на розмову
Junior Configuration Specialist
EveryMatrix, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
EveryMatrix is recruiting an experienced Configuration Specialist (QA) to join our MoneyMatrix unit in Lviv! Company Intro: EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide casino, sports betting, platform and payments, and affiliate management to 200 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and has 700 employees in offices across ten countries in Europe, Asia and the US. EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. We are looking for a Configuration Specialist to assist the Configuration Manager with the daily configuration and QA tasks. You will be responsible for the monitoring of all payment solution configurations and ensuring that they are operating as intended within the platform. You will have opportunity to work with our AI-based identity verification or KYC (Know Your Customer) services and become an expert in this subject. It is the good knowledgebase in your future career. You will also assist with the investigation of vendor issues which have occurred within the platform due to faulty configuration, managing incidents and reporting back with the cause & resolution to the Configuration Manager. In this role, you should have a keen eye for detail and excellent communication skills. If you are also competent in executing test cases and are passionate about quality, we’d like to meet you. Key Responsibilities / Duties:   Investigating analytical data to ensure optimal transactional routing; Monitoring the payment configuration to ensure all transactional activity is being undertaken correctly and accurately; Adjusting configuration based on Vendor supported/restricted territories updates or on Vendor services no longer being supported; Managing configuration requests; Specifying Vendor Configuration and Routing for new and/or existing Merchants; Conducting QA Testing as required to ensure correct configuration setup; Analysing configuration issues and proposing appropriate resolutions; Investigating and clearing queries in a timely manner, providing update and escalating queries internally and externally to meet SLAs; Preparing configuration documentations and maintaining Configuration Management (CM) database; Reviewing and recommending improvements to existing CM processes; Be able to assist with faulty configurations outside of business hours in case of emergencies. Experience & Qualifications Required: Proven experience as a Quality Assurance Tester or similar role; In depth understanding of international payment solutions and alternative payment solutions within an E-Commerce environment from both a customer, back office and technical perspective; Analytical mind and problem-solving attitude; Experience within the online gambling industry is desirable but not essential. Key Skills and Attributes: Numerate with excellent analytical skills; High level of attention to detail and trustworthy; Capable of working in a fast paced and high-pressure environment. Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with a medical certificate. To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and Office perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance. Private Medical Insurance. Gym membership. Fruits Friday. Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and budget for external training. Massage at work. Frequent free-bar parties, annual whole-company parties (have previously rented our own planes to get everyone together!). Fun corner: ping pong table, Xbox, lots of board games. Check out our Locations for getting a glimpse on our culture, offices and benefits!
Integration Manager
EveryMatrix, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, ua
EveryMatrix is looking for a Payment   Integration Manager to join our MoneyMatrix unit in Lviv . EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide casino, sports betting, platform and payments, and affiliate management to 200 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and 700 employees in offices across ten countries in Europe, Asia and the US. EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. Do you have a passion working between development team and payment vendors and managing relationships? Do you love to start from reading an API documentation and end with the fully functioning payment option for the end user? Are you someone who enjoys when working in a fast-paced collaborative environment? If your answer is yes, you could be a perfect fit for our Payment Integration Manager role available at the MoneyMatrix, where you will make a real impact through your work on projects and involvement in the gaming community. In this role, you will bring your experience in payments, and you will work hand in hand with the account managers, configuration specialists, the product and development teams. As the Payment Integration Manager, you will be a crucial member of a growing team that will build up and extend the pool of payment integrations within the payment gateway system. You will be responsible for delivering secure processing of client payments. You will also assist with the investigation of vendor issues which have occurred within the platform due to faulty configuration, managing incidents and reporting back with the cause & resolution to the Configuration Manager. Key Responsibilities / Duties: Analysing API documentation; Communicating with payment vendors in order to clarify business and technical requirements, discussing different integration options; Transforming business requirements into technical development tasks; Supporting the development team during and after the integration process; Creating configuration tasks for the Configuration Specialist team and helping with configurations where needed; Providing support to the client during rollout process of payment integration to production environment; Monitoring of payment processing and ensure all transaction activity is being undertaken correctly and accurate; Investigating issues with payment processing and reacting on them with tasks to the development team where required; Helping Technical Writer to prepare well written instructions of configuration documentation or any payment related documentation; Be able to assist with faulty configurations outside of business hours in case of emergencies. Experience & Qualifications Required: Read and understand all aspects of API documentation effectively. Clarify all open questions with vendors and stakeholders. Cumulate and transfer results of the API documentation analysis into technical task. Raise well described technical and business requirements into development, QA and Configuration teams. Work with cross-functional teams. Quickly react on priorities and requirements changes. Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Experience in Online Payment will be an advantage. Experience within the online gambling industry is desirable but not essential. Upper-intermediate or advanced level of English. Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with a medical certificate. To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and Office perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance. Private Medical Insurance. Gym membership. Fruits Friday. Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and budget for external training. Massage at work. Frequent free-bar parties, annual whole-company parties (have previously rented our own planes to get everyone together!). Fun corner: ping pong table, Xbox, lots of board games.