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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Веб дизайнер удаленно в Києві"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Веб дизайнер удаленно в Києві"

14 500 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Веб дизайнер удаленно" по диапазонам зарплаты в Києві

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 24.09.24, за професією Веб дизайнер удаленно в Києві відкрито 1 вакансій. Для 100% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 10.8+ грн. 0% оголошень з зарплатнею 12.0+ грн, і 0% з зарплатнею 13.2+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Веб дизайнер удаленно в Києві"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Веб дизайнер удаленно в Києві.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Дизайнер інфографіки (digital)
Хто ми?INCHKYIV – спеціалізована агенція фармацевтичного маркетингу з унікальним поєднанням креативної, медичної та інноваційно-технічної експертиз. У портфелі компанії 30+ клієнтів-фармацевтичних компаній. В команді – понад 70 фахівців.Кого ми шукаємо?Ця посада вимагає навичок у створенні візуально привабливих та зрозумілих графічних елементів, які допоможуть відображати складні дані та інформацію на медичних ресурсах. То ж профіль нашого майбутнього кандидата наступний:досвід у web/app digital дизайні - від 1 рокудосвід і навички адаптувати ілюстративні матеріали (іконки, готові ілюстрації під необхідну стилістику)досвід роботи з інфографікою, іконографікою та візуалізацією даних, що представлений проектами у вашому портфоліо (обов’язково)вміння чітко працювати в межах UI-kitувага до деталей; відповідальна робота з інформацією; грамотність, pixel-perfectFigma на високому рівні, Adobe CS - бажаноЩо ми пропонуємо?Фул-тайм контракт на створення візуального контенту для унікального медичного порталу, робота в межах одного проектуМожливість зробити кар'єру у ключовому агентстві фармацевтичної індустрії УкраїниМожливість працювати як віддалено, так і в офісі (м. Тараса Шевченка)Стабільна робота з конкурентною оплатоюДля розгляду резюме обов’язково попереднє виконання тестового завданняНадсилай CV з посиланнями на портфоліо.Ми Вам надішлемо тестове завдання, яке необхідно буде зробити у вигляді проекту в FigmaЗалишились запитання?Заходь на сайт www.inchkyiv.com та познайомся з нами ближче!
Медичний контент-менеджер
Хто ми?INCHKYIV — спеціалізована агенція фармацевтичного маркетингу з унікальним поєднанням креативної, медичної та інноваційно-технічної експертиз. На сьогоднішній момент у портфелі компанії 30+ клієнтів-фармацевтичних компаній та понад 100 продуктів.У команді – понад 65 фахівців.Кого ми шукаємо?Обов'язкові вимоги:У тебе закінчена вища медична/фармацевтична освіта (обов'язково)Маєш гарні знання фармакології та загальної медициниГрамотна українська мова та знання англійської на рівні Upper-IntermediateМожеш критично оцінювати матеріал, знаходити логічні помилки, та вмієш їх виправлятиМожеш пояснити дизайнеру, як саме візуалізувати медичний контент (креативне мислення)Ти швидко освоюєш нові технологіїБуде плюсом:• Маєш досвід роботи на аналогічній позиції, провізор, медичний представник, лікар• Знаєш українські та міжнародні норми етичної промоції фарм продукції• Умієш сам вирішувати проблеми, що виникають в міру можливостей, хочеш покращувати робочий процес і розвиватися• Розбираєшся у базових поняттях маркетингуЧим тобі доведеться займатися:• Завантажувати статті, блоги, відео та ін. на веб-сайти для етичної промоції фармацевтичних препаратів та медичного обладнання • Оцінювати та погоджувати наукові, промоційні та навчальні матеріали щодо продуктів клієнтів відповідно до законодавства України• Контроль за внесенням правок від клієнтів• Редагувати тексти медичного спрямування• Перевіряти правильність наведених цитат і статистичних даних згідно з першоджерелами, у тому числі англомовними• Працювати з документацією та науковою літературою, інтернет-джерелами• Ведення даних в ExcelЩо ми готові тобі запропонувати:• Можливість зробити кар'єру в ключовому агентстві фармацевтичної індустрії• Ми працюємо в режимі «гібридного офісу» – це означає, що співробітник відвідує офіс, керуючись виключно доцільністю та поточними завданнями. Якщо поточні завдання не вимагають присутності в офісі, співробітник може працювати віддалено• Інноваційні проекти для міжнародних фармацевтичних компаній• Знайомство з останніми технологічними новинками• Dream Team, з якою хочеться працювати та рости професійно• Корпоративне навчання, щоб стати ще кращим• Комфортний open-space неподалік ст. м. Тараса Шевченка• Всі принади офісного життя з кавою, світлом, теплом та ІнтернетомЄ тестове завдання!Залишилися питання? Заходь на сайт www.inchkiev.ua та познайомся з нами ближче!До зустрічі у команді!
Sales Development Representative
Codebridge Technology, Inc., Київ
Codebridge Technology, Inc. is a custom software development company with a focus on building web and mobile solutions. We also provide customers with team extension services. We are flexible, we quickly adjust to clients’ needs and the situation on the market with a focus on the high quality of services provided. Our clients are a product and service-based companies from the United States and Europe.This position is ideal for those with a passion for sales and a keen interest in UI/UX design. We offer a dynamic, remote working environment where you can be part of a creative and innovative team. Requirements: Strong understanding of UI/UX design concepts and ability to effectively communicate their value to clientsExcellent written and verbal communication skills in English Ability to engage and persuade potential clients, with strong negotiation skills Experience in sales, particularly in a remote or online environment, is preferredResponsibility, independence, diligence, and responsivenessMain responsibilities: Monitor Upwork chats and handle initial communication with potential clients Lead in-chat pre-sales discussions and arrange initial Zoom calls Maintain CRM and Sales Tracking Systems; conduct regular follow-ups and send out lost prospect surveys Ensure Upwork profiles are complete and attractive, responding to incoming job invites Assist TAP Managers with client-related matters and additional communication as needed Oversee automated bidding tools and conduct outreach to existing leads via LinkedIn and email What we offer: Work in a friendly and welcoming environment   Performance review with constructive feedback and personal development plan  20 working days paid vacation and 15 days of sick leave   Compensation of external education   Opportunity to work both from home and comfortable office in Kyiv 
Веб-дизайнер з розумінням шаблонів Opencart
БФ "Зелений Коридор" шукає Веб-Дизайнера.Пропонуємо погодинну роботу на віддаленні.Задачі:  - Розробка та дизайн інтерфейсів для веб-сайтів та інтернет-магазинів на платформі Opencart;  - Підтримка та оновлення існуючих веб-сайтів;  - Створення графічних елементів для веб-сторінок;   - Робота в команді з іншими веб-розробниками та дизайнерами.Вимоги:  - Досвід роботи з Opencart та розуміння його шаблонів;  - Високий рівень володіння Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator та іншими програмами дизайну;   - Знання HTML, CSS, JavaScript;   - Креативність та уважність до деталей;   - Готовність до самостійної роботи та виконання завдань у відповідності до дедлайнів.Що ми пропонуємо:- Гідну та своєчасну оплату праці;- Цікаві проекти без використання шаблонних рішень;- Зрозумілі процеси взаємодії;Нам важливо розуміти, що Ви налаштовані на серйозну та плідну співпрацю, а тому попередньо просимо ознайомитись з нашими маркетплейсами, зареєструвавшись через Телеграм -боти :https://t.me/zelenbir_bothttps://t.me/greencoridor_botта отримати від адміністратора порталів відповідні права та доступи до функціоналу вказаних маркетплейсів:торговий майданчик «Зелений Бір»гуманітарний майданчик «Зелений Коридор»На вказані вище маркетплейси інтегровано певні інструменти, завдяки яким відбуваються всі транзакції (облік та рух товарів і коштів, включаючи перекази та розрахунки з допомогою електронних гаманців всіма учасниками порталів, від виробника до кінцевого споживача, враховуючи торгових представників, он-лайн касирів, маркетологів і т.д.)Якщо ви готові приєднатися до нашої команди та внести свій вклад у розвиток нашої компанії, надсилайте своє резюме зараз! Будемо раді співпраці.
Senior Software Engineer (MAC C++)
TechMagic, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Who we need We are looking for a talented Senior Software Engineer (MAC C++) with 7+ years of programming experience to build a lot from scratch. This is a full-time, permanent position in Lviv, Kyiv or remote.Become an integral member of our client, which oversees several innovative SaaS services, including Remote Access and Secure Web Sessions.Must haveRequirements:  • A Software Engineer with 7+ years experience of C++ and SWIFT development on macOS• Strong knowledge in Apple APIs and Frameworks, especially system or POSIX layer• Knowledge in POSIX compliant systems such as Linux or BSD (administration and development)• Proven experience in multi-threaded applications, including Grand Central Dispatch technology• Proven participation in development of commercial off-the-shelf large-scale software products• Understanding of deployment methodologies for Mac applications• Familiarity with Python and JavaScript• Passionate about code design, high-quality code and code reviews, optimizing, and challenging the status quo• Eager to own and maintain code and push it at the highest quality and security level, including UT and automation tests• Capable and courageous enough to deep dive into complex areas in the system, analyse them, suggest solutions, and make necessary changes• Fluent English Will be a plus  • Experience with Chromium or Chromium-based projects• Familiarity with other programming/scripting languages• BSc/MSc degree in Computer Science or a related field• Experience with security standards and understanding of security best practices• Experience working with Windows, and Linux/Unix Operating Systems• Experienced with modern development and CI/CD tools, e.g. GitHub, Jenkins, Artifcatory, etc.• Extensive experience with source code branching, merging, and release methodologies About ProjectCustomerOur client is the worldwide frontrunner in identity security. By emphasizing intelligent privilege controls, they deliver the most extensive security solutions for any identity within business applications, distributed workforces, hybrid cloud environments, and throughout the entire DevOps lifecycle.StageThis is a growing projectWork ScheduleFull-time working day in our Lviv or Kyiv office (flexible hours) or full-time remoteInterview Stages1st stage — call with Recruiter2nd stage — technical interview
Middle Python developer (Remote)
RISK, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description We are looking for a Middle Python developer to join our team.  Qualifications - 2 year+ of commercial Python development experience. - Good understanding of data structures, testing methodologies, and design patterns. - Good knowledge of RDBMS (PostgreSQL), NoSQL (MongoDB, Redis) and messaging systems (RabbitMQ). - Experience in web API development. - Experience with Django Rest Framework. - Skills in working with asynchronous modules/frameworks (asyncio, tornado). - Experience with multithreading, multiprocessing, SOLID and OOP. - English - B2. Additional Information We offer:  Global Flexibility: Embrace the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, with remote work options that let you craft the perfect work-life balance. Vacation: 20 working days. Paid sick leave Learning Coverage  Team Building programs Mental Health Programs Sport coverage Medical insurance, dental coverage
Senior Java Developer
Raiffeisen Bank Ukraine, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are Raiffeisen Bank Ukraine, the Ukrainian bank. For 30 years we have been creating and building the banking system of our country. We were and are one of the largest banks in Ukraine and a reliable partner for millions of Ukrainians. We achieve high-speed digital products. We implement modern engineering practices, work on innovations that build high-quality interaction with our customers. Raiffeisen Bank operates as a universal bank offering a wide range of financial services to different customer segments: retail and corporate customers, small and medium-sized enterprises and financial institutions. Our priority is to provide the best quality of service. We strive to strengthen our competitive advantages by innovating, identifying and exploiting new opportunities. We are guided by values that provide a clear framework for our actions. More than 5,000 employees and nearly 3 million customers are the focus. #RaifTeam integrates the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion into the way we work. Combining the principles of people-centredness and innovation at work is our way. Become part of the #RaifTeam — people who are with us in the movement of innovation. PI lending Develop Spring Boot-based microservices Temporary position for the time of mobilization of the employee Requirements • 3+ years of experience in Java (8-17) • Deep understanding of microservices architectural principles • Deep practical experience with Spring Boot (MVC, REST, Data, Security, messaging) • Experience of using JPA/Hibernate, xml, mq, web-service’s • Practical experience with Kubernetes • Hands-on experience with Kafka and Kafka Streams • Hands-on experience with Docker containerization for different environments • Be familiar with ’The Twelve-Factor App’ principles • Understanding of CI/CD practices and types of quality gates • Hands-on experience with unit/integration/API testing for microservices • Taking full responsibility for the results of own work • Experience in working with Jira (Confluence, Jira applets) • DataBase: PostgreSQL Responsibilities • Technical requirements analysis • Design and building solutions according to technical requirements • Code reviewing • Unit testing • Take part in project related meetings Benefits International business career: work in a large international company that creates a diverse and inclusive environment for professional and personal growth. Strong Raiffeisen community of highly professional and successful teams from different countries Challenging WOW-projects: involvement into large-scale projects on product development, using modern engineering technologies, unique approach to encouraging customer-driven innovation Comfortable and safe format of work: flexible work conditions including remote work or hybrid models alternating between in-office hours and remote work. Offices with uninterruptible power supply and bomb shelters are provided to perform duties Professional development: knowledge sharing with colleagues from abroad, development within the company, upskilling and reskilling opportunities, internal competitions. The possibility of obtaining a T-shaped expertise. Internal and external training programs. Corporate English courses. Soft skills trainings at our corporate L&D academy. Team building activities and involvement into social projects Attractive social package and wellbeing: 28 days of paid vacation, medical insurance, official employment. Mental and Physical health support: individual psychological sessions and lectures, -free online workouts, yoga Stable income: competitive salary and bonuses for your efforts and contribution, rewards for participation in the referral program Our team on social media: Facebook
3D Product Rendering Designer
Flapen, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a highly skilled and creative 3D Product Rendering Designer to join our team at Flapen. In this role, you will be responsible for creating compelling 3D product models, 3D product video ads and visual content that align with our brand’s vision. You’ll work closely with various teams to bring ideas to life through stunning visual representations, enhancing both our digital and physical products. Key Responsibilities: 3D Modeling & Visualization: Design and create detailed 3D models for products, environments, and promotional materials. Creative Collaboration: Work alongside the design, marketing, and product teams to ensure visual consistency and alignment with Flapen’s brand identity. Rendering & Animation: Develop high-quality renderings, animations, and virtual environments to showcase products across various platforms. Innovation & Problem Solving: Continuously explore new design trends and technologies to improve the visual presentation of Flapen’s offerings. Optimization: Ensure all 3D assets are optimized for various outputs, including web, print, and multimedia. Project Management: Manage multiple projects simultaneously, meeting deadlines while maintaining high-quality standards. Requirements Education: Bachelor’s degree in 3D Design, Visual Arts, Graphic Design, or a related field. Experience: 2-4 years of experience in 3D design, with a strong portfolio showcasing your expertise. Technical Skills: Proficiency in 3D modeling software such as Blender, Maya, or 3ds Max. Strong skills in Adobe Creative Suite, particularly Photoshop and After Effects. Familiarity with AR/VR technologies is a plus. Creative Vision: Ability to translate complex ideas into visually stunning 3D content. Attention to Detail: Have a strong eye for detail, composition, and photorealism Team Player: Excellent communication skills and the ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment. Benefits Full-time position, 40 hours per week. 100% remote work Big 4-Year Bonus Comprehensive weekly training on our suite of enterprise tools Insightful in-house coaching for your career development
Marketing Manager
Diceus, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
About us DICEUS is a strategic technology partner for custom software development. Since 2011, we have accomplished more than 130 projects and contributed to our client’s growth in banking, fintech, insurance, healthcare, and other niches. We help SMBs and enterprises overcome their pressing business challenges with the right technology solutions. Role outline We are looking for a Marketing Manager who has previous experience in planning and executing multiple marketing campaigns simultaneously and is ready to perform tasks hands-on. You are a great fit for us if you are energetic, extremely organized, and motivated to collaborate with marketing, sales, delivery, and leadership teams to find and generate appealing content topics that can be utilized for brand awareness campaigns or lead generation campaigns. We are a great fit for you if you want to work with passionate professionals who focus on delivering results and thrive in executing interesting, sometimes challenging projects at a fast pace. Responsibilities: Brand awareness and communications: Drive the showcasing of our delivery success, including major releases, product launches, etc., as well as signing new partnerships and featuring client reviews on DICEUS social media, website, and media platforms. This involves gathering inputs from knowledge owners, writing content, or reviewing copywriters’ content, providing requirements for designers, and monitoring progress and deadlines. Find relevant media platforms, communicate with them via email or video calls to negotiate publishing conditions, and ensure the publishing of news/articles/press releases. Executing video review collection projects (with existing available resources or finding vendors). Co-marketing activities with partners: Discuss and agree on co-marketing activities (press releases, webinars, interviews, etc.) with partners via video calls or emails. Plan activities for the marketing team accordingly. Monitor execution and deliver results within deadlines. Marketing collaterals: In collaboration with the Head of Sales, Chief Editor, and Designer create/update standard presentations and develop customized PowerPoint presentations that highlight DICEUS’ expertise and offerings, tailored to the prospects’ needs and requirements. Create whitepapers, one-pagers, and website lead magnets. Directories/Listing: Publish DICEUS profile on relevant directories/listings. Investigate and research the algorithms of each relevant platform on getting top position. Track performance metrics. Negotiate with the platform publishing DICEUS profile on top position. Review platforms: Collect existing clients’ reviews on review platforms (e.g., Gartner, Clutch, G2). Events and conferences: Create a list of target conferences, including required budgets. Prior to the conferences DICEUS will attend, compose messages, and arrange personal meetings with potential clients for the CEO and Head of Sales and Marketing. Optimize the schedule efficiently. During the conferences, coordinate meeting points or cancellations accordingly. After the conferences, prepare draft follow-up emails to be finalized and sent by the Head of Sales and Marketing. Website engagement and conversions optimization In collaboration with the marketing team, track and analyze website performance metrics and propose experiments and initiatives to improve engagement and conversions. Email marketing: Design, write, and build newsletter emails and automation in HubSpot. Keep the database valid and enriched with the new contacts and track the performance of marketing campaigns. Requirements: 3+ years of marketing experience in IT service company 3+ years of working as a copywriter is required Proven experience of working with directories, media, and executing marketing campaigns alone and as part of a team MS degree or above Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite and CRM software (e.g., HubSpot) Competency in Miro Competency in Figma on a basic level At least an Upper-Intermediate Strong level of English Strong documentation ability (you can listen for details and take very good notes) Able to work comfortably in a fast-paced environment with tight deadlines Strong organizational and multitasking abilities, with attention to detail Excellent communication and interpersonal skills We offer: Remote work; Equipment for work; Paid vacation (18 business days); Paid sick leaves (10 business days); Non-paid days off (10 business days); Professional Growth; Allocated L&D Budget; Free English lessons.
WordPress Developer - Kyiv, Ukraine
DentistFind, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
Role Description The WordPress Developer is responsible for both back-end and front-end development including the implementation of WordPress themes and plugins as well as site integration and security updates. WordPress Developer relies heavily on their communication skills to succeed. S/he needs to actively listen to understand what clients want and make it a reality. The WordPress Developer will be responsible for coding websites and quality assurance, testing, and developing fixes. They also need excellent collaboration skills to work with designers and other developers as they work towards creating a finished website. The WordPress Developer needs to be an expert in WordPress, Javascript, JQuery, HTML, HTML 5, XML, CSS 3, Laravel Framework, AWS LightSail, Vue.js, and PHP backend development. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Formulating a website design that is responsive and error-free Developing and maintaining websites, intranets, applications, and custom programs Maintaining the CMS for optimal performance Working with Designers to Perfect Site Aesthetics Working with the back-end and website architecture Generating, creating and updating WordPress themes and plugins Monitoring live website performance Conducting performance tests and troubleshooting issues Providing diagnostic reports of website performance Taking care of security and compliance standards Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle Liaising with other developers in the team. Establishing strong professional relationships with clients and other professionals. Conducting research and keeping abreast of software development trends. Create/update guidelines, records and documentation. Required Skills and Qualifications WordPress Developer duties and responsibilities Designing and implementing new features and functionality Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin. WordPress Developer requirements and qualifications Good understanding of front-end technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery Experience building user interfaces for websites and/or web applications Experience designing and developing responsive design websites Comfortable working with debugging tools like Firebug, Chrome inspector, etc. Ability to understand CSS changes and their ramifications to ensure consistent style across platforms and browsers Ability to convert comprehensive layout and wireframes into working HTML pages Knowledge of how to interact with RESTful APIs and formats (JSON, XML) Proficient understanding of code versioning tools {{such as Git, SVN, and Mercurial}} Strong understanding of PHP back-end development Additional information Set-up: Full-time, Remote Schedule: Monday - Friday, for 7.5 Flexible working hours between 6am-6pm Eastern Standard Time Zone (EST)
Senior Pythons Full Stack Developer
Epam, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Description We are looking for a Senior Pythons Full Stack Developer proficient in creating frontend web interfaces using Angular and developing backend APIs with the Python programming language. The ideal candidate will have experience configuring and deploying applications using Docker and Docker Compose on cloud platforms such as AWS and Azure. This role provides an exciting opportunity to contribute to the development and maintenance of web applications while collaborating with business analysts and other developers to implement new features and change requests.The remote option applies only to the Candidates who will be working from any location in Ukraine.#EasyApply Responsibilities Write Python code to consume API endpoints, parse, and store response in the MongoDB database Develop, design, and maintain web interfaces built on Angular Configure and deploy applications using Docker/Docker Compose with Linux containers Maintain and build CI/CD pipelines Implement new features and change requests in existing web applications Collaborate with business analysts and other developers to understand and implement requirements Write unit tests and validate code to ensure proper functionality Requirements Minimum of 3 years of experience as a full stack developer Proficiency in developing frontend web applications using Angular and backend APIs with Python Experience in configuring and deploying web applications using Docker Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and other web design technologies Experience with MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, and Azure SQL databases Experience in deploying apps using AWS EC2 instances, with a preference for experience with Azure App Services with Docker Knowledge of FastAPI, Pytest Python framework, and packages Proficiency with Git, Azure DevOps, building CI/CD pipelines, and GitHub actions Familiarity with Linux and Linux commands Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities independently and with efficiency B2+ English level Nice to have Experience with PDF controls is a definite plus We offer Work on a flexible schedule remotely or from any of our comfortable offices or coworking spaces in Ukraine Receive the necessary equipment to perform your work tasks Change projects and technology stacks within EPAM Gain experience in various business domains (Insurance, E-commerce, Healthcare, Finance, Travelling, Media, Artificial Intelligence, and more) Consider relocation options in over 30 countries worldwide Participate in volunteer, charity programs and communities (both technical and interest-based) You can plan your individual career path together with your manager Receive regular feedback from colleagues Improve your English for free with certified teachers (Speaking Clubs, client interview preparation courses, etc.) Get the opportunity to undergo free training and certification in AWS, GCP, or Azure Clouds Use the internal E-learn training program (18,+ specialized training and mentoring programs) Access corporate accounts on LinkedIn Learning, Get Abstract and other partner resources Study at EPAM Solution Architecture School with the instructors who are practicing architects Develop as a leader, join Delivery Management, Resource Management, Leadership Essentials school and more Participate in internal communities (+ meetups, technical discussions, brainstorming sessions, online events and conferences annually) Vacation and sick leave (including a sick leave without a medical certificate) A wide range of Voluntary Medical Insurance programs providing both medical treatment and various preventive options (including sports activities) Medical insurance for family members at corporate rates Company support during significant life events (childbirth or adoption, marriage, etc.) Support for psychological comfort: discounts on services from mental health specialists or coaches, thematic training E-kids program - a free programming language training program for EPAMers' children EPAM strives to provide its global team of over 52,+ professionals in more than 55 countries with opportunities for professional growth from day one of collaboration. Our colleagues are the source of EPAM's success, so we value cooperation, strive to always understand our clients' business and aim for the highest quality standards. No matter where you are, you will join a dedicated, diverse community that will help you realize your potential to the fullest.
Контент-менеджер, помічник SEO-спеціаліста
Капітонова Вікторія Миколаївна, Київ
Маркетингова агенція Ticket to Online шукає відповідального та креативного контент-менеджера, який допоможе нам створювати ефективні стратегії контенту та підтримувати SEO-оптимізацію сайтів наших клієнтів. Якщо ви захоплюєтесь цифровим маркетингом, маєте гарні навички роботи з текстами та прагнете професійного розвитку в сфері SEO, ми будемо раді бачити вас у нашій команді.Основні обов'язки:Створення та редагування контенту: написання статей, описів товарів, блогів, новин та іншого текстового контенту.Оптимізація контенту для SEO: використання ключових слів, створення мета-тегів, внутрішнє та зовнішнє лінкування.Робота з CMS: публікація та оновлення контенту на вебсайтах за допомогою систем управління контентом (WordPress, OpenCart та інші).Аналіз конкурентів та ринку: допомога в дослідженні конкурентів і трендів для покращення ефективності контенту та SEO.Співпраця з дизайнерами та розробниками: координація візуальних та технічних аспектів контенту.Моніторинг і звітування: аналіз ефективності контенту та звітування про результати SEO-діяльності.Вимоги:Досвід роботи з текстами: грамотність, вміння писати чітко та зрозуміло.Базові знання SEO: розуміння принципів оптимізації сайтів під пошукові системи.Навички роботи з CMS: досвід роботи з WordPress або іншими платформами для публікації контенту.Аналітичне мислення: здатність аналізувати дані та робити висновки для покращення контент-стратегій.Бажання розвиватись: прагнення навчатися новому та вдосконалювати свої навички.Буде перевагою:Досвід роботи в сфері SEO або контент-маркетингу.Знання англійської мови на рівні Intermediate та вище.Досвід роботи з інструментами аналітики, такими як Google Analytics, Ahrefs, SEMrush.Ми пропонуємо:Гнучкий графік роботи: можливість працювати віддалено.Можливості для професійного розвитку: навчання, участь у вебінарах та семінарах.Конкурентну заробітну плату: відповідно до досвіду та навичок.Дружній колектив: підтримка та допомога на кожному етапі роботи.Якщо ви хочете стати частиною нашої команди та розвиватись у сфері цифрового маркетингу, надсилайте своє резюме та портфоліо на електронну адресу [ваш email]. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на вашу заявку!
Middle Software Developer
Zignage LLC, Київ
Job Title: Software Engineer (Mid-Level)Job Location: RemoteJob Type:  Full-TimeExperience Level: Mid-LevelJob Description: We are seeking a mid-level Software Engineer with a solid foundation in Python and Linux environments, coupled with experience in Django, basic React, Docker, and networking protocols like SFTP. The ideal candidate will be adept at both backend and frontend development and possess the ability to manage and troubleshoot network configurations and secure file transfers.Key Responsibilities:Develop and maintain robust web applications using Django, ensuring security, performance, and scalability.Collaborate on the frontend using React to create and maintain user interfaces within Django projects.Design, implement, and manage Docker containers and Docker Compose for various applications and development environments.Configure, manage, and troubleshoot network services, particularly secure file transfer protocols like SFTP. This includes setting up SFTP servers, managing user permissions, and ensuring secure data transmission.Work closely with cross-functional teams to define, design, and deliver new features and enhancements.Optimize application performance on Linux-based systems, including scripting and automation where necessary.Write clean, maintainable, and testable code following best practices.Participate in code reviews, providing constructive feedback to peers.Stay current with industry trends and technologies, incorporating relevant updates into the development process.Technical Skills:Python: Strong knowledge with experience in developing production-ready applications.Django: Solid experience in building and deploying Django applications.React: Basic to intermediate experience in integrating React with Django applications.Docker & Docker Compose: Proficient in containerization, with hands-on experience in setting up and managing Docker environments.Linux: Proficient in Linux system administration, including shell scripting and command-line tools.Networking & SFTP: Strong understanding of networking fundamentals, with specific experience in configuring and managing SFTP services. This includes setting up secure channels for file transfers, handling user access control, and troubleshooting network issues.Soft Skills:Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.B2 level proficiency in English, both verbal and written.Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.Attention to detail and a commitment to delivering high-quality work.Preferred Qualifications:Experience with cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP) and automated deployment processes.Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and associated tools.Knowledge of database management systems, particularly PostgreSQL or MySQL.Experience with version control systems like Git.What We Offer:Competitive salary.Opportunity to work on challenging and impactful projects.A collaborative and innovative work environment.Career growth and learning opportunities.If you have a passion for software engineering and meet the qualifications listed above, we encourage you to apply. Please submit your resume and a cover letter detailing your experience and why you would be a great fit for this role.
Senior .NET Engineer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Kyiv, Lviv
Description: The client is a product international company with a common goal to redefine the legacy approach to Privileged Access Management by delivering multi-cloud-architected solutions to enable digital transformation at scale. The client company establishes a root of trust and then grants the least privileged access just in time based on verifying who is requesting access, the request’s context, and the access environment’s risk.The client’s products centralize and orchestrate fragmented identities, improve audit and compliance visibility, and reduce risk, complexity, and costs for the modern, hybrid enterprise. Over half of the Fortune 100, the world’s largest financial institutions, intelligence agencies, and critical infrastructure companies, all trust this company to stop the leading cause of breaches – privileged credential abuse.The candidate will mainly be working with a Ukrainian team. The project is a remote connection management tool designed to work with Client’s Secret Server and Platform. The project is used to securely create SSH and Remote Desktop connections to remote systems using the Secret Server’s and Platform’s security controls.Candidate may also be requested to assist with two other products: Mobile project, and Web Password Filler. Mobile project is our Android and iOS application used to access the Client’s Platform and Secret Server for access to Secrets, MFA push authorization, and notifications. Web Password Filler is our browser extension for automatically logging into websites using credentials securely stored in the Secret Server.Client uses Scrum and operates on two-week sprints. Releases usually occur every 6 to 8 weeks currently.Requirements: The client is looking for a senior software development engineer to join the Connection Manager team to support Windows application development. This engineer will join an existing agile product team developing awesome software that’s used by thousands of IT professionals all over the globe. The primary responsibility will be dedicated to the development of end-user applications that interact with the client’s cloud and on-premise server software solutions. Candidate must have a solid understanding of desktop application development, Xamarin, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), REST APIs, and asynchronous development. Experience with mobile application development, JavaScript, HTML, and Mac development experience are also desired. Must have skills:4-5 years of software development experienceProfound knowledge of C#, .NET 8, .NET Framework for Windows, WPFStrong design skills and full software development lifecycle experience are required.You are passionate about writing quality code and constantly honing your development skills.You have automated the testing of your code.You thrive in a highly collaborative, flat environment. There is not a lot of hierarchy or red tape here.You have a strong understanding of Object-Oriented principles and secure coding practices.You have experience with Cloud environments such as AWS or Azure.The ideal candidate will be highly organized and detail-oriented.Experience with building a Windows Desktop Application and used in the real world is a plusNice to have skillsA good understanding of RDP and SSH protocols is a plusAbility to understand complex functional requirements and implement them into technical solutionsAbility to analyze issues and troubleshoot problemsAbility to work in a team environmentExcellent written and verbal communication skills Responsibilities: Design, implement, and unit test application components.Cross-team communication and cooperation.Work in a dynamic Agile/Scrum-based environment.Work specifically on projects relating to remote management solutions that connect to our cloud-hosted platform.Contribute to the development and architecture of the Connection Manager What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Senior .NET+Swift Engineer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Kyiv, Lviv
Description: The client is a product international company with a common goal to redefine the legacy approach to Privileged Access Management by delivering multi-cloud-architected solutions to enable digital transformation at scale. The client company establishes a root of trust and then grants the least privileged access just in time based on verifying who is requesting access, the request’s context, and the access environment’s risk.The client’s products centralize and orchestrate fragmented identities, improve audit and compliance visibility, and reduce risk, complexity, and costs for the modern, hybrid enterprise. Over half of the Fortune 100, the world’s largest financial institutions, intelligence agencies, and critical infrastructure companies, all trust this company to stop the leading cause of breaches – privileged credential abuse.The candidate will mainly be working with a Ukrainian team. The project is a remote connection management tool designed to work with Client’s Secret Server and Platform. The project is used to securely create SSH and Remote Desktop connections to remote systems using the Secret Server’s and Platform’s security controls.Candidate may also be requested to assist with two other products: Mobile project, and Web Password Filler. Mobile project is our Android and iOS application used to access the Client’s Platform and Secret Server for access to Secrets, MFA push authorization, and notifications. Web Password Filler is our browser extension for automatically logging into websites using credentials securely stored in the Secret Server.Client uses Scrum and operates on two-week sprints. Releases usually occur every 6 to 8 weeks currently.Requirements: The client is looking for a senior software development engineer to join the Connection Manager team to support Windows application development. This engineer will join an existing agile product team developing awesome software that’s used by thousands of IT professionals all over the globe. The primary responsibility will be dedicated to the development of end-user applications that interact with the client’s cloud and on-premise server software solutions. Candidate must have a solid understanding of desktop application development, Xamarin, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), REST APIs, and asynchronous development. Experience with mobile application development, JavaScript, HTML, and Mac development experience are also desired. Must have skills:4-5 years of software development experienceProfound knowledge of C#, .NET 8, Objective C, SwiftStrong design skills and full software development lifecycle experience are required.You are passionate about writing quality code and constantly honing your development skills.You have automated the testing of your code.You thrive in a highly collaborative, flat environment. There is not a lot of hierarchy or red tape here.You have a strong understanding of Object-Oriented principles and secure coding practices.You have experience with Cloud environments such as AWS or Azure.The ideal candidate will be highly organized and detail-oriented.Experience with building a Mac Application and used in a real world is a plusExperience with macOS stack on SwiftUI and AppKit would be plusPrior experience with Xamarin for Mac or iOS would be bonusNice to have skillsA good understanding of RDP and SSH protocols is a plusAbility to understand complex functional requirements and implement them into technical solutionsAbility to analyze issues and troubleshoot problemsAbility to work in a team environmentExcellent written and verbal communication skills Responsibilities: Design, implement, and unit test application components.Cross-team communication and cooperation.Work in a dynamic Agile/Scrum-based environment.Work specifically on projects relating to remote management solutions that connect to our cloud-hosted platform.Contribute to the development and architecture of the Connection Manager What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Golang Developer
ProTalent Recruiters, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Golang Developer to join our growing team. This is a fully remote position that offers flexibility, competitive pay, and a supportive work environment. You will work on cutting-edge technologies and contribute to building high-performance, scalable applications. If you're passionate about backend development and thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic setting, we’d love to hear from you! Details : Schedule: Full Time, Remote  Experience: 4 years Start: ASAP English: Upper You have: 4+ years in Golang programming. Proficient in MySQL, MongoDB, NATS, Redis. Hands-on experience with REST API, RPC, and WebSockets. Strong understanding of distributed systems and microservices architecture. Technical English proficiency (advanced level is an advantage). What to do: Design, develop, and maintain high-performance, scalable backend services using Golang. Implement and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable code. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features. Integrate and work with various databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, NATS, and Redis. Develop and maintain REST APIs, RPC services, and WebSocket connections for real-time communication. Debug and resolve complex issues in a timely manner. Participate in code reviews to ensure code quality and share best practices. Optimize the application for maximum performance and scalability. Contribute to architecture discussions and technical documentation.
UI/UX Designer (Стажер)
Desigma - Агенція, що розробляє дизайни сайтів та мобільних додатків під замовленняОбов'язки:Розробка дизайнів та інтерфейсів для нових сайтів і мобільних додатків;Редизайн існуючих сайтів;Створення графічних і стилістичних елементів для сайтів;Дизайн сторінок сайтів (карток товарів, форм заявок, анкет);Створення банерів;Робота над юзабіліті сайтів;Створення прототипів;Щоденна звітність.Вимоги:Досвід роботи з Figma буде перевагою;Розуміння принципів побудови дизайну веб-сайтів, адаптивних версій сайтів;Здатність до навчання. Комунікабельність, вміння працювати в команді, стійкість у стресових ситуаціях. Творчий підхід до поставлених завдань.Умови:Робота під керівництвом наставника, паралельне навчання дизайну для досягнення високого рівня;Формат роботи 52 з 09 до 19 години;Робота НЕ віддалено!Подальший рівень ЗП обговорюється індивідуально;Складні та цікаві проєкти;Можливості для професійного розвитку і зростання
Молодший HTML розробник
Задачі:Розробка та підтримка веб-сторінок з використанням HTML, CSS та JavaScript Взаємодія з дизайнерами та іншими розробниками для досягнення спільних цілей Виконання інших завдань, пов'язаних з веб-розробкою, за необхідності Вимоги:Знання HTML, CSS та JavaScript на базовому рівні Бажання вчитися та розвиватися в сфері веб-розробки Вміння працювати в команді та відмінні комунікативні навички Пропонуємо:Кар'єрний ріст та можливості для професійного зростання Дружню робочу атмосферу та професійну команду Конкурентну заробітну плату та соціальний пакет Стабільний графік 52, не віддалено
UI/UX Designer
VanOnGo, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description Responsibilities: • Develop design artifacts such as user flows, journey maps, concept sketches, prototypes, and wireframes. • Establish UI components and guidelines to ensure consistency across the product. • Create visually appealing, usable, and impactful interaction and visual design solutions that align with customer goals and deliver delightful experiences. • Collaborate closely with UX Research to ensure that your design proposals effectively address user needs and expectations. Qualifications • Solid experience in Product design for Web & Mobile: both UI and UX. • A comprehensive portfolio that demonstrates your design thinking and working process. • Expertise working with Figma or similar prototyping tools. • Effective collaboration with Engineers to establish clear expectations and facilitate seamless implementation. • Ability to accept and provide constructive feedback to elevate the quality of our work. • Strong communication skills. Additional Information Nice to have: • Illustration skills. • Storytelling skills. • Experience with the startup environment. In return, we guarantee: • Remote work with an extensive onboarding process, monthly CFR (Conversation, Feedback, Recognition) sessions, and opportunities to participate in informal events. • A chance to shape the product as we actively develop. • An open and transparent work environment that utilizes OKRs methodology. • Autonomy to achieve common goals without micromanagement. • Opportunities for personal and professional development. • A dynamic and diverse team with unique backgrounds and interests! • Generous time off including 25 days of Vacation and 25 days of Sick leave, 3 Days off, and 2 Days for Self Development.
IT Manager
Eminence Talent Group, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Company Overview Our client is dedicated to providing innovative solutions in the Fintech/Blockchain/Crypto market. Their team is committed to excellence and fostering a collaborative environment. Responsibilities Support and maintain cloud-based IT infrastructures and services, including Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, and AWS. Manage and troubleshoot web-based applications and CRM platforms. Implement and oversee cyber security measures, including security monitoring and protection tools. Collaborate with senior engineers to design and deploy IT solutions that meet organizational needs. Assist in the development and maintenance of IT policies and procedures. Provide technical support and troubleshooting for end-users and systems. Continuously improve IT processes and systems through innovation and best practices. Skills and Qualifications Experience: 5-10 years of experience in IT roles, with a focus on cloud-based infrastructures and security. Education: Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field (or equivalent experience). Technical Skills: Strong understanding of cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, and AWS. Proficiency with web-based applications and CRM platforms. Knowledge of cyber security principles and security monitoring tools. Experience with IT support and troubleshooting. Basic understanding of API integrations. Soft Skills: Excellent problem-solving abilities and attention to detail. Strong communication skills, both verbal and written. Ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team. Demonstrated commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Preferred Skills: Certifications in cloud platforms (e.g., Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate, AWS Certified Solutions Architect). Experience with other hosting providers and SaaS applications. Familiarity with IT compliance and regulatory standards. Experience with IT operations in the Fintech industry. Location Remote Benefits Competitive salary and performance bonuses. Health, dental, and vision insurance. Opportunities for professional development and certifications. Flexible working hours and remote work options. Elevate your career and join a company where you can shape the future of technology while developing your skills. If you are passionate about technology and excited to create innovative IT solutions, apply now to become a key player in our client's team. They are an equal opportunity employer that celebrates diversity and is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment for all employees.