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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Marketing Designer в Києві"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Marketing Designer в Києві"

17 250 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Marketing Designer в Києві"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Marketing Designer в Києві.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Києві

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Middle Level Designer
Vizor Games, Kyiv
В большую дружную команду одного из топовыx мобильных проектов Vizor - Klondike Adventures нужен маг (aka Level Designer), который будет создавать новые приключения для Кейт, Пола и их друзей! Опыт middle Магу необходимо: Уметь четко формулировать мысли и заклинания в устной и письменной форме. Доказать, что он обладает литературным и художественным вкусом. Уметь выполнять поставленные задачи в срок. Что входит в стандартный набор еженедельных магических задач: Создавать игровые локации. Прорабатывать сюжет обновления в паре с нарративными дизайнерами. Просчитывать экономический баланс обновлений, чтобы в игре не появлялись ресурсные дыры, и играть было интересно. Находить общий язык с художниками и программистами проекта (понятно ставить задачи, курировать разработку обновления по ТЗ). Вести дизайнерскую документацию - опять-таки, написанную понятным языком, и полную. Фоторобот нашего мага выглядит так: Опыт работы в игровой индустрии на позиции Level Designer от 2-х лет. Любит играть и играет в мобильные игры. Может смотреть на обычные вещи нестандартным взглядом. Внимательный, склонный к кропотливому труду. Способен выполнять рутинную работу. Может быстро усваивать и применять на практике новую информацию. Склонен к постоянному самостоятельному обучению. Не принимает критику на личный счет. Ценит свое время. Умеет доводить дело до конца. Умеет принимать решения в условиях неопределенности. Дополнительные очки в магическую карму, если ты: Знаешь английский. Получил техническое или математическое образование. Художественное образование тоже котируется. Имел опыт работы с xml или опыт программирования. Имеешь наигранность в Klondike Adventures (не ниже 15 lvl). Почему у нас приятно работать: Мы вдохновляемся друг другом! Делимся опытом, обмениваемся крутыми идеями, обсуждаем их и сразу же идем реализовывать. И результаты превосходят все наши ожидания. Наш департамент заботы усиленно работает, чтобы слово «забота» звучало в компании чаще, чем вы успеете о ней подумать. В стартовый набор входит медицинское страхование, компенсация больничного, отпуск, 4 Sick days в год, компенсация спорта. А с прошлого года мы добавили и психологическую поддержку для сотрудников. ​​​​В Vizor мы знаем все о комфортных условиях работы: конкурентная зарплата, гибкий график, возможность работать из нашего стильного офиса. О наших офисах ходят легенды, про нас писали даже на страницах известного архитектурного онлайн-издания Yatzer. Наверное, упоминать удобное рабочее место и современную технику не стоит. Поэтому мы лишь намекнем, что у нас есть focus room, где можно вздремнуть после вкусного обеда (а это еще один бонус от компании). И чайный уголок в зимнем саду. И игровая с огромной плазмой и приставкой. Каждый наш офис продуман до мелочей, где дизайнерская мысль умело переплетается с корпоративной культурой. Для профессионального развития есть все необходимое: внутренние курсы английского языка и рисунка, посещение профильных конференций, курсов, воркшопов и многое другое. Главное - ваше желание, а возможности роста у нас всегда найдутся. Конечно же, это не все. Мы всегда ярко празднуем новогодние праздники, тимбилдинги, релизы и дни рождения проектов. В копилке приятных бонусов также премии за рекомендации будущих коллег, ко дню рождения и важным событиям вашей жизни и многое другое. Присылайте ваше CV, давайте знакомиться!
КУСУМ – це особливий мікроклімат, ми забезпечуємо кожного співробітника медичним страхуванням, корпоративний спортзал та медичний кабінет в межах офісу, щодня наші кухарі готують свіжі обіди, а також багато інших речей, покликаних дбати про комфорт і здоров’я наших співробітників.Ми пропонуємо роботу з вітчизняним брендом, можливість багато креативити, розвиватися та удосконалювати свої навички в роботі з масштабними проектами.Вид зайнятості: на постійній основі, 5 днів на тижденьГрафік: пн.–пт. 09.00–18.00, присутність в офісі обов’язковоОсновне завдання — розробка графіки та промоматеріалів для маркетингових напрямків:Обробка та корекція зображень, компонування макетів, створення ілюстрацій;Розробка макетів (дизайн, верстка, редизайн) друкованої, сувенірної продукції, презентаційних та рекламних матеріалів компанії тощо;Розробка дизайну веб-сайтів, landing page, інтерфейсів, брендування вебсторінок;Ініціація, реалізація та підготовка креативів для рекламних матеріалів, маркетингових активностей;Створення інтерактивних прототипів;Передача графічних ресурсів розробникам та супровід проекту;Професійна верстка багатосторінкового каталогу;Підготовка матеріалів до здачі у друкарню (каталоги, візитки, роллапи, пакети, бейджі);Створення артів для існуючих проектів: статичні та анімовані банери, іконки, лендинги, дизайн візуалів для соцмереж (Google Ads, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube);Дизайн статичного та відео-контенту для соцмереж, сайтів та відео-каналу компанії;Розвиток фірмового стилю; створення емейл-шаблонів та бренд-буків;Motion дизайн: створення коротких промо-роликів під проекти;Робота з айдентикою, типографікою.Ви наш кандидат, якщо:маєте портфоліо з роботами в маркетингу маєте зважене ставлення до критики та здоровий перфекціонізмcтежите за новими тенденціями у сфері дизайну та реалізовування їх на практиціготові виконати тестове завданняВимоги:Досвідчений користувач Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe AcrobatБазові знання HTML5, CSS3, FigmaНавички моушн-дизайну, вміння створювати анімацію в Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate. Робота з Adobe PremierСтворення контенту для SMM (статика та моушен)Розробка рекламних креативів (моушен), анімованих роликів, банерів, сторісАдаптування анімації під різні розміри та формати та оптимізування процесу анімаціїВміння працювати з гайдлайнами мобільних платформ (iOS, Android) та фірмовим стилемРендеринг готових сценРозуміння принципів UI та UX; знання взаємодії за допомогою інтерфейсу (UI/UX), колористики, композиції, usabilityДосвід роботи у створенні візуальних прототипівДосвід агрегації користувальницьких історій у інтерфейс взаємодії користувачів, що забезпечує кращий користувальницький досвідДосвід створення цілісного продукту (прототипування, wireframe, проектування, тестування, промальовка, супровід)Володіння ПЗ для розробки дизайну цифрових продуктів (Figma, Adobe XD, Axure, SketchApp)Розуміння моделей побудови сайтів та посадкових сторінокРозуміння принципів версткиЗнання композиції, корекції кольору, вміння створювати колажі.Що ми пропонуємо:Ми соціально відповідальна компанія, тому повністю дотримуємося КЗпП, стабільно і чесно виплачуємо заробітну плату, оплачуємо лікарняні, відрядження та відпустки (24 календарних дні).Турботу про Ваше здоров’я, медичну страховкуКорпоративні заходиНовий та сучасний офіс, де комфортно працювати й відпочивати, знаходиться на Лівому березі у районі ДВРЗ (найближча ст. М. Чернігівська)
Marketing Producer
Vizor Games, Kyiv
We're currently looking for a Marketing Producer who will spearhead our traffic acquisition strategy on a major advertising channel and is ready to scale new heights with us. If this resonates with you and sparks your interest, let's get to know each other better! Опыт senior Технологии Tableau / BI / Английский язык What are you working on? The name of the project(s): Marketing Genres: Casual Platforms: iOS, Mobile, Android For which tasks (responsibilities)? Development acquisition system on a channel: designing and maintaining algorithms in all directions. Establishing a reporting system of the direction. Studying channel operation algorithms, forming hypotheses, and conducting research. Team management and development:conducting assessments, feedbacks, development plans and motivating the team. Collaboration with other marketing teams: creatives and marketing analytics teams. Negotiating with key partners. What kind of professional are we looking for? 3+ years of mobile UA experience, preferably in Performance Marketing. 3+ years of gamedev experience. Team management experience. Understanding of technical aspects of marketing: metrics, services. Knowledge in MS Excel, Power BI, Tableau. Would be a plus: Educational background in physics & mathematics or technical education. Experience in Python, R, SQL. Upper Intermediate level of English. What are the conditions and bonuses? We are inspired by each other! We share experiences, exchange ideas, discuss them, and then immediately implement them. And the results exceed all our expectations. Our care department works hard to make sure that you hear the word «care» more often than you think about it. The starter kit includes health insurance, paid sick leave, vacation, 4 sick days per year as well as sports and fitness reimbursement. And last year, we also added psychological support for our employees. We offer everything you need for professional development: specialized conferences, workshops, internal English, and much more. All you need is the desire to grow, and in our turn, we will give you the opportunity. Plus, we also have employee referral bonuses, bonuses for your birthday and other events in your life, and much more.
Marketing Manager
INVOGUE Fashion Group, Київ
Invogue Fashion Group – мережа магазинів преміального дизайнерського одягу, який вже понад 20 років представляє в Україні всесвітньо відомі бренди, серед яких Max Mara, Weekend Max Mara, Marella, Marc Cain, Marina Rinaldi, Boss, Kenzo тощо запрошує на роботу Маркетолога.Вимоги:Вища освіта Досвід роботи у сфері маркетингу (бажано в рітейлі)Досвід розробки, планування та супроводу маркетингових активностейДосвід організації та супроводу заходівАнглійська мова – upper intermediateЗахопленість сферою fashion, сильні комунікативні навички, уміння працювати в режимі багатозадачності, ініціативність, відповідальність.Основні завдання:Планування та супровід маркетингових активностей офлайн мережі та аналіз ефективності їх реалізаціїЗапуск та координація рекламних кампаній (зовнішня реклама, реклама у профільних друкованих та digital виданнях)Організація сезонного оновлення вітрин магазинів та тематичного декору у магазинахПідготовка та координація інформаційних розсилок для клієнтівЗабезпечення мережі брендованою продукцієюПланування та контроль маркетингового бюджетуАналіз ефективності рекламних кампаній, акційних активностейКомунікація та співпраця з бренд менеджерамиПланування та організація event-заходів (від розробки концепції/сценарію заходу до звіту про реалізацію та супроводження закриття всіх зобов'язань)Організація крос співробітництва з питань рекламиПроведення переговорів із партнерамиВедення документообігу (договору, звітність).Що ми пропонуємо:Скорочений робочий деньМожливість обрати зручний графік: з 9:00 до 17:00 або з 10:00 до 18:00Можливість працювати віддалено 3 рази на місяцьДодатковий вихідний день на день народженняДодаткові знижки та бонуси на покупки в мережі магазинівКомфортний офіс біля метро "Палац Спорту"Смачна кава та чай, смаколикиМедичне страхуванняСоціальні гарантіїЯкщо Вас зацікавила наша вакансія, надсилайте, будь ласка, своє резюме із зазначенням бажаного рівня заробітної плати.Дізнатись більше інформації про компанію Invogue Fashion Group Ви можете на нашому сайті: www.invogue.ua
Motion Designer (Crypto)
Punch Agency, Київ
Привіт, ми Punch AgencyНа ринку арбітражу працюємо вже більше двох роківСтрімко розширились за останній час і загнали в запару наших дизайнерів Тому терміново шукаємо талановитого Motion Designer в Сrypto командуВід тебе очкуємо:Досвід роботи з софтом Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere ProКомунікабельність і вміння фільтрувати ТЗ від колегНаявність власного ноуту для роботиДосвід роботи в Affiliate Marketing (Crypto вертикаль) - обов'язково!Буде плюсом:Уміння працювати з Figma і знання англійської мовиЗадачі з якими будеш працювати:Розробка рекламних креативів під Facebook/ GoogleВтілення власних ідей в життяРобота з моушен і статикою в крипто тематиціМи пропонуємо:Віддалений формат роботи Лояльний графік Плюшки і постійний розвиток твоїх скілів Індивідуальні умови зп в залежності від твого досвіду і побажанньДуже чекаю твоє CV або посилання на портфоліо https://t.me/hr_yulia
Контент-дизайнер (Digital Marketing)
Ми шукаємо талановитого контент-дизайнера з досвідом роботи у сфері моди або електронній комерції, який приєднається до нашої команди з розвитку цифрових продуктів DOMINO. Ви будете відповідальні за створення привабливого та збалансованого візуального контенту для нашого онлайн-магазину domino.ua та соціальних медіа каналів. Ваша творчість, вільне орієнтування в сфері високої моди та естетичний підхід допоможуть залучити та утримати наших клієнтів.Обов’язки:Розробка та виконання візуального контенту для веб-сайту електронної комерції domino.ua, включаючи банери, зображення продуктів, лендінги (no-code page builder) та інші елементи.Створення графічного контенту для соціальних медіа каналів, включаючи пости, сторіз та рекламні матеріали.Розвиток стилістики та брендової ідентичності, забезпечення відповідності візуального контенту на всіх цифрових платформах.Підтримка команди Маркетингу та Контенту у створенні креативних концепцій та презентаційних матеріалів.Взаємодія з командами PR, Маркетингу та Директором з Електронної комерції для реалізації ідей та створення візуальних кампаній буде одним із важливих аспектів вашої роботи. Вам потрібно буде спілкуватися з цими командами, щоб отримати розуміння їх потреб та цілей, і працювати разом для розробки та втілення креативних концепцій і візуальних кампаній.Вимоги:Обов’язковий досвід у контент-дизайні, зокрема в електронній комерції або роздрібній торгівлі у сегменті люкс або преміум (потрібно мати портфоліо).Знання про тенденції та особливості контент-дизайну в сегменті люкс або преміум.Висока майстерність в графічному дизайні та композиції, здатність створювати естетично привабливі контентні матеріали.Розуміння цільової аудиторії та вміння створювати контент, який задовольняє їх потреби та очікування.Вміння працювати з графічними програмами, такими як Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator та InDesign, Figma або Sketch.Досвід роботи з різними медіа форматами, включаючи зображення, відео та анімацію.Відмінне розуміння брендової ідентичності та здатність створювати контент, який відповідає їй.Вміння працювати в команді та спілкуватися з іншими відділами, такими як маркетинг та розробка продукту.Орієнтованість на деталі, здатність виконувати завдання в строк та працювати в умовах високої швидкості роботи.Умови роботи:Можливості для реалізації власних ідей та потенціалу.Офіс в центрі Києва поруч з метро.Графік роботи 5/2 з 10:00—19:00 (не віддалено)Робота в стабільній компанії.Робота у повністю обладнаному офісі в команді професіоналів.
Designer (with motion design skills)
Cheil Ukraine, Київ
Cheil Ukraine is the leading business-connected agency and a part of the Cheil Worldwide group of companies, with a presence in over 50 countries worldwide. We specialize in performance-driven marketing across three core offerings - brand communications, experiential, and commerce. With our focus on enhancing business performance of our clients and brand experience of consumers, we create connected experiences that matter by forging connections between all the marketing silos, putting together creativity, data, tech, and retail.We are seeking a talented and creative Graphic Designer with motion design skills to join our team. Responsibilities:Generate visual concepts and ideas.Develop storyboards for outlining motion graphics sequences.Design and execute layouts for both print and digital media, ensuring alignment with brand standards.Craft engaging motion designs to enhance user experience and effectively convey messages.Perform image retouching to elevate overall graphic quality.Arrange and stylize text elements to complement visual compositions.Candidate Requirements:Minimum of three years of work experience.Creative approach to assigned tasks, ability to generate ideas.Proficient in PC usage: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, After Effects.Awareness of current design trends and concepts.Responsibility, flexibility and exceptional attention to detail.Ability to meet deadlines, handle multiple projects simultaneously and thrive in a fast-paced work environmentA comprehensive portfolio is essential.Company offers:Official employment with provided vacations and sick leaves.Health & Life Insurance after the probation period.The possibility of remote or hybrid work. If desired, you can work in office located 10 minutes away from the Zvirinetska metro station (IQ Business Center).Friendly and supporting team.Working with the global tech brand. Become a part of our team! To apply, please submit your resume and portfolio.
Design allrounder for web3 / crypto Startup
Klink Finance, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Are you looking to be part of an early-stage venture and have proven experience in design for web3 companies? Location: Remote. Your team is based in Europe, India, and Canada. Working Language: English About the project The #1 Crypto rewards platform where daily rewards meet smart investing. Klink is a leading crypto platform that innovatively combines quest-based task rewards with strategic investing opportunities on its multi-service platform. Klink provides a unique opportunity for its users to earn cryptocurrencies for participation in affiliate-sponsored quests whilst growing their investments simultaneously. The company is backed by top investors in the US & Asia. Tasks We are looking for a creative and innovative designer to join our team and lead how we visually present Klink across our product and social channels. Do you have the balance of great visual design coupled with the ability for storytelling in different formats? As a designer at Klink, you will partner with our senior leaders to conceptualize, conceive, adapt and execute designs in different forms, for building the best place to earn crypto globally. What are the role responsibilities? You are the driving force of design work across all of Klinks channels, including website, mobile and web app and social channels Work independently and collaboratively with Product and Marketing teams on projects to create experiences, campaigns, graphic concepts, assets, and visual treatments Work closely with Product Design on UI Mockups, UI Click-through demos, and GIFs or Simple Animated Screens Set brand and campaign standards & templates and elevate brand aesthetics while supporting the overall brand direction Work with partners across Klink to guarantee an integrated brand experience Create short-form video content for Klinks social media Requirements What skills do you bring? 3+ years of professional experience as a designer An outstanding portfolio, showcasing a foundation in storytelling, illustration, typography, visual, UI/ UX design and motion Expertise in Figma, Powerpoint/Keynote, Illustrator and image editing software such as Photoshop Basic understanding or ability to manage contract workers focused on motion and animation software such as After Effects, Keynote’s animation capabilities or other Understanding of UI principles for desktop and mobile applications Experience working and collaborating with diverse teams in a dynamic, rapid-growth environment Ability to execute high-quality work in a fast-paced environment – strong adaptability Experience with prototyping as a means to explore and convey design solutions Benefits Why you should join us Join at an executive level and be involved in decisions that shape the company’s brand and feel Work with us from Berlin or remotely and enjoy regular team events and occasional travel across Europe Take a trip with a forming team of highly skilled individuals who will always support you on this journey How to become part of the team If you want to know more about this opportunity please complete this application with your most recent work profile and we will get back to you ASAP. We are excited to meet you! Klink is a gamified crypto asset management platform, created to bring Prize Linked Savings into the world of crypto. We seek to provide a completely different approach to growing wealth through digital assets in a sustainable & exciting way. Our business model is one of the most popular saving schemes globally in the traditional savings space and over the coming months and years, our team is mission-driven to both digitize and revolutionize this wealth-generating principle in the world of digital assets.
Marketing Manager
Diceus, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
About us DICEUS is a strategic technology partner for custom software development. Since 2011, we have accomplished more than 130 projects and contributed to our client’s growth in banking, fintech, insurance, healthcare, and other niches. We help SMBs and enterprises overcome their pressing business challenges with the right technology solutions. Role outline We are looking for a Marketing Manager who has previous experience in planning and executing multiple marketing campaigns simultaneously and is ready to perform tasks hands-on. You are a great fit for us if you are energetic, extremely organized, and motivated to collaborate with marketing, sales, delivery, and leadership teams to find and generate appealing content topics that can be utilized for brand awareness campaigns or lead generation campaigns. We are a great fit for you if you want to work with passionate professionals who focus on delivering results and thrive in executing interesting, sometimes challenging projects at a fast pace. Responsibilities: Brand awareness and communications: Drive the showcasing of our delivery success, including major releases, product launches, etc., as well as signing new partnerships and featuring client reviews on DICEUS social media, website, and media platforms. This involves gathering inputs from knowledge owners, writing content, or reviewing copywriters’ content, providing requirements for designers, and monitoring progress and deadlines. Find relevant media platforms, communicate with them via email or video calls to negotiate publishing conditions, and ensure the publishing of news/articles/press releases. Executing video review collection projects (with existing available resources or finding vendors). Co-marketing activities with partners: Discuss and agree on co-marketing activities (press releases, webinars, interviews, etc.) with partners via video calls or emails. Plan activities for the marketing team accordingly. Monitor execution and deliver results within deadlines. Marketing collaterals: In collaboration with the Head of Sales, Chief Editor, and Designer create/update standard presentations and develop customized PowerPoint presentations that highlight DICEUS’ expertise and offerings, tailored to the prospects’ needs and requirements. Create whitepapers, one-pagers, and website lead magnets. Directories/Listing: Publish DICEUS profile on relevant directories/listings. Investigate and research the algorithms of each relevant platform on getting top position. Track performance metrics. Negotiate with the platform publishing DICEUS profile on top position. Review platforms: Collect existing clients’ reviews on review platforms (e.g., Gartner, Clutch, G2). Events and conferences: Create a list of target conferences, including required budgets. Prior to the conferences DICEUS will attend, compose messages, and arrange personal meetings with potential clients for the CEO and Head of Sales and Marketing. Optimize the schedule efficiently. During the conferences, coordinate meeting points or cancellations accordingly. After the conferences, prepare draft follow-up emails to be finalized and sent by the Head of Sales and Marketing. Website engagement and conversions optimization In collaboration with the marketing team, track and analyze website performance metrics and propose experiments and initiatives to improve engagement and conversions. Email marketing: Design, write, and build newsletter emails and automation in HubSpot. Keep the database valid and enriched with the new contacts and track the performance of marketing campaigns. Requirements: 3+ years of marketing experience in IT service company 3+ years of working as a copywriter is required Proven experience of working with directories, media, and executing marketing campaigns alone and as part of a team MS degree or above Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite and CRM software (e.g., HubSpot) Competency in Miro Competency in Figma on a basic level At least an Upper-Intermediate Strong level of English Strong documentation ability (you can listen for details and take very good notes) Able to work comfortably in a fast-paced environment with tight deadlines Strong organizational and multitasking abilities, with attention to detail Excellent communication and interpersonal skills We offer: Remote work; Equipment for work; Paid vacation (18 business days); Paid sick leaves (10 business days); Non-paid days off (10 business days); Professional Growth; Allocated L&D Budget; Free English lessons.
Senior Interaction Designer Google Messages
Google, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About the job At Google, we follow a simple but vital premise: "Focus on the user and all else will follow." Google’s Interaction Designers take complex tasks and make them intuitive and easy-to-use for billions of people around the globe. Throughout the design process—from creating user flows and wireframes to building user interface mockups and prototypes—you’ll envision how people will experience our products, and bring that vision to life in a way that feels inspired, refined, and even magical. Google User Experience (UX) is made up of multi-disciplinary teams of UX Designers, Researchers, Writers, Content Strategists, Program Managers, and Engineers: we care deeply about the people who use our products. The UX team plays an integral part in gathering insights about the attitudes, emotions, and behaviors of people who use our products to inspire and inform design. We collaborate closely with each other and with engineering and product management to create industry-leading products that deliver value for the people who use them, and for Google’s businesses. As an Interaction Designer, you’ll rely on user-centered design methods to craft industry-leading user experiences—from concept to execution. Like all of our UX jobs, you’ll collaborate with your design partners to leverage and evolve the Google design language to build beautiful, innovative, inspired products that people love to use. Android is Google’s open-source mobile operating system powering more than 3 billion devices worldwide. Android is about bringing computing to everyone in the world. We believe computing is a super power for good, enabling access to information, economic opportunity, productivity, connectivity between friends and family and more. We think everyone in the world should have access to the best computing has to offer. We provide the platform for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and developers to build compelling computing devices (smartphones, tablets, TVs, wearables, etc) that run the best apps/services for everyone in the world. Responsibilities: Collaborate with product managers, engineers, and cross-functional stakeholders to understand requirements, and provide creative, thoughtful solutions. Communicate the user experience at various stages of the design process with wireframes, flow diagrams, storyboards, mockups, and/or high fidelity prototypes. Integrate user feedback and business requirements into ongoing product experience updates. Advocate for the prioritization of design centered changes, refinements, and improvements. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Science, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. 6 years of experience in product design or UX. Experience designing across multiple platforms, and working with technical/design teams to create user flows, wireframes, and building user interface mockups and prototypes. Portfolio  highlighting multiple projects and your direct contributions. Preferred qualifications: Master's degree in Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Science, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. 8 years of experience in product design or UX. 3 years of experience working in a complex, cross-functional organization. 2 years of experience leading design projects. 1 year of experience working with executive leaders. Problem-solving skills and familiarity with technical constraints and limitations as they apply to designing for platforms such as desktop and mobile (e.g., Android and iOS). Ability to lead and ideate products from scratch and improve features within a user-centered design process. Ability to communicate and influence product design strategy. Benefits:  Health and Wellbeing (Medical, dental, and vision insurance for employees and dependents) Financial wellbeing (Competitive compensation, regular bonus and equity refresh opportunities) Flexibility and time off (Paid time off, including vacation, bereavement, jury duty, sick leave, parental leave, disability, and holidays) Family support and care (Fertility and growing family support, parental leave and baby bonding leave) Community and personal development (Educational reimbursement) Googley extras (Inspiring spaces to work, recharge, and collaborate with fellow Googlers)
Senior Product Designer Integrations
Asana, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Asana is looking for a Senior Product Designer to join our Integrations team in our new Warsaw office. If you love working with complex systems to create simple yet powerful user experiences, then this role is for you. As a designer on the Integrations team, you’ll be designing rich integrations between Asana and our customers’ most important tools. These integrations can achieve 2 main things: 1) Help users bring critical data into Asana to power their workflows, helping to make Asana the source of truth for teams, and 2) enable users to use Asana from other tools, reducing the friction involved in switching between many tools. These integrations are critical for Asana’s success. As the founding designer in our new Warsaw office, you will have the unique and exciting opportunity to directly shape the strategic focus, process, and culture of a brand new team. You will collaborate with partner teams and stakeholders in the U.S. to influence the direction of our platform and the integrations built on top of it. This role is based in our Warsaw office with an office-centric hybrid schedule . The standard in-office days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday . Most Asanas have the option to work from home on Wednesdays. Working from home on Fridays depends on the type of work you do and the teams with which you partner. If you're interviewing for this role, your recruiter will share more about the in-office requirements. About the design team We design the future of teamwork.  Asana has a bold, ambitious mission: help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly. Our design team is at the heart of that mission. Asana Design is an inclusive and collaborative community. We’re a diverse group of designers from different backgrounds  (product, brand and content design, design operations, producers, motion design, film, copywriting) . We are a team that loves combining research, data insights, and peer feedback into a human-centered design process to produce designs that are core to the power of our applications. We partner with people across Asana to create our product, shape our brand, and drive greater impact through design. We use design to solve challenges and create experiences that customers love. We also take the time to get weird and have fun along the way. We believe every designer should have the opportunity to grow and learn by utilizing their strengths and nurturing their interests. Learn more about our team Asana Design Asana Design Medium Asana Design Instagram Asana Design Twitter Asana Dribbble Asana culture  Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging How we’ve designed a culture that fuels our business results How I advanced my career through AsanaUP How we use (and don’t use) job titles at Asana What you’ll achieve Lead the design of end-to-end experiences to bring customers’ tools and workflows together in Asana Work through product problems from opportunity and definition to shipping features to our customers Be actively involved in defining the strategy for your team and influencing its direction by identifying and defining new feature opportunities Deliver high-quality, polished, delightful, and easy to use design, thinking in terms of systems, not just screens Design and prototype multiple ideas quickly, and connect regularly with customers to validate product directions Participate in design critique and present work regularly to product leadership Partner closely with engineers as they build and ship solutions Experience career growth and personal development with world-class mentorship and development programs Help build a new team from the ground up by influencing team process and culture About you 7+ years of relevant product design experience at a product-driven company Experience designing digital applications with deeply interconnected and technically complex systems Skilled in independently driving a human-centered design process, clearly communicating design work with solid rationale informed by research and data, and working collaboratively to ship end-to-end features  Customer-centric: elicits non-obvious customer needs, synthesizes research to gain a deep understanding and narrow definition of a problem Able to understand and adhere to a design system, while challenging and contributing to it when necessary A driven self-starter, experienced in taking ownership of the direction of ambiguous projects Possess a strong understanding of the product development process, from discovery and problem definition to detailed UX and visual design Approach problems with curiosity, and excitement to learn and grow your skills Excited about collaborating and building relationships with other teams in the company, including Product Management, Engineering, Marketing, and UXR At Asana, we're committed to building teams that include a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills, as this is critical to helping us achieve our mission. If you're interested in this role and don't meet every listed requirement, we still encourage you to apply. About us Asana helps teams orchestrate their work, from small projects to strategic initiatives. Millions of teams around the world rely on Asana to achieve their most important goals, faster. Asana has been named a  Top 10 Best Workplace  for 5 years in a row, is Fortune's #1 Best Workplace in the Bay Area, and one of Glassdoor’s and Inc.’s Best Places to Work. After spending more than a year physically distanced, Team Asana is safely and mindfully returning to in-person collaboration, incorporating flexibility that adds hybrid elements to our  office-centric culture . With 11+ offices all over the world, we are always looking for individuals who care about building technology that drives positive change in the world and a culture where everyone feels that they belong.  We believe in supporting people to do their best work and thrive, and building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive company is core to our mission. Our goal is to ensure that Asana upholds an inclusive environment where all people feel that they are equally respected and valued, whether they are applying for an open position or working at the company. We provide equal employment opportunities to all applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by law. We also comply with the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance and similar laws in other locations.
Marketing Generalist
SupportYourApp, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
If you are passionate about marketing, need to talk. We are looking for a flexible and versatile Marketing Generalist to lead our lead generation and nurturing efforts for one of our core products. If you are a talented and motivated Marketing Manager looking for a challenging and rewarding opportunity, we would love for you to join our team. Company : Ukrainian software company engaged in creating a SaaS platform for customer support departments to optimize their business processes and increase the productivity of the support team. Product : SaaS platform with a dashboard on mental health, internal knowledge base, telephony support, real-time performance dashboard, and much more. The beta version has passed the MVP stage. We plan to scale the product systematically. Team : an energetic and cozy team that includes Chief Product Officer, Chief Design Officer, Tech Architect, and Web Developer, led by the CEO. What We'll Do Together: Develop and execute marketing strategies to attract and retain customers; Plan and deploy paid advertising campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Quora, and other platforms; Plan and deploy SEO/SEA campaigns; Work with B2B listing platforms such as Capterra, G2, GetApp, Software Advice, etc. to acquire users; Plan and deploy ABM campaigns; Work closely with the content manager to create valuable and engaging content; Set up omnichannel analytics to track key marketing and product metrics; Plan and execute successful communication campaigns through owned, paid, and shared media, including the product website, newsletter, social media, PR, and more; Plan and set up an email marketing strategy for the product, including technical letters, content, and marketing newsletters. Requirements What You Need: Fluent communication skills in written and spoken English (at least C1); Demonstrable experience in B2B (2+ years); Demonstrable experience planning and running ABM campaigns; Experience with US and EU markets; Proven experience in identifying target audiences and creatively devising and leading cross-channel marketing campaigns that engage, educate, and motivate; Solid technical knowledge of analytics tools (e.g. Google Analytics, Hotjar, Tag Manager, Ads, Search Console); Experience in setting up and optimizing PPC campaigns: Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads. Benefits We Offer: Remote work in Ukraine or anywhere in a similar time zone; Modern and comfortable office with reserve internet and generator (if you're in Kyiv); Lots of interesting tasks and communication with the team; Compensation in USD; Bright corporate events; Creative team of professionals; Corporate library; Adequate, friendly management and no bureaucracy.
Marketing Engineer
Oviva, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Why Oviva ?  To build a healthier future for all, our mission is to provide the most accessible and effective care to people living with weight-related conditions.  By blending behaviour change therapy with our unique technology and an incredible team of passionate employees, we are creating affordable and accessible app-based healthcare programs to tackle conditions such as obesity and type 2 Diabetes.  We are an award-winning and largest digital health provider in Europe. We are rapidly expanding across the UK, Switzerland, Germany, France and now Poland.  Our Engineering team is made up of full stack developers, software engineers and data engineers. We all have one thing in common: we love finding solutions to complex problems. We develop new features for our patient-facing app or our internal web application.  To support our growing business, we are looking for Marketing Engineer based in Poland (Hybrid central Warsaw office)  The role  As a Marketing Engineer in Growth at Oviva, your role is pivotal in boosting our efforts to acquire new patients for treatments. You will be central to supporting product growth and growth marketing strategies, ensuring that our digital platforms are optimised for user engagement, leveraging data analytics and MarTech tools to drive informed decisions. Your expertise in developing user-friendly interfaces, implementing efficient tracking and tagging systems, and analysing user behaviour data will be crucial in refining our acquisition channels and improving the overall patient journey.  This impactful role is nested within a dynamic cross-functional unit dedicated to driving various web and acquisition journeys across our platform. As a key member of the team, you will spearhead lead generation and management, oversee technical integrations and tagging systems, and shape the backbone of Oviva's growth product.  Focusing on fast iteration processes and adopting best practice tracking aligned with the latest industry trends, you will own the technical realm of Oviva's growth strategy.  Your contributions will directly impact key business KPIs, resulting in immediate, visible enhancements in company performance. In this role, you will serve as a mentor, significantly contributing to the professional development of your engineering colleagues. Join us in shaping the future of digital health innovation at Oviva!  Key skills: ● Significant experience in building acquisition and growth products. You think big, build small & improve incrementally.  ● Strong background in data-driven testing frameworks, as well as in the fast and lean implementation of iteration processes of building MVPs.  ● Expert when it comes to MarTech / data platforms such as Google Analytics, Mixpanel, or Snowplow, utilised for tracking user interactions, analysing traffic data, and deciphering user behaviour to inform growth strategies. ● Extensive experience in classic web technologies, including HTML, Javascript and CSS. Experience with a modern web development framework, preferably React, is highly beneficial.  ● Skilled in creating user-friendly interfaces and optimising web pages for better user engagement and conversion rates.  ● Strong skills in working with cross-functional teams and effectively communicating technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.  ● Excellent problem-solving skills, enabling you to address complex challenges with innovative solutions.  Key Responsibilities: ● Own the entire end-to-end technical delivery process for Oviva’s patient acquisition channel, from gathering requirements to implementation and delivery.  ● Together with the Product Manager, you will guide the OKR process for your team. This involves outlining objectives, defining key results, fostering team dedication, and aligning OKRs with the individual target agreements of engineers.  ● Collaborate closely with various stakeholders on topics such as quality, technical design, security and architecture, ensuring compliance with established standards and concepts.  ● Implement best practices for lead acquisition by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and tools to drive results. Knowledge and experience in AI-supported solutions are a big plus.  ● Lead and mentor a team of engineers, providing guidance and support.  What we offer: ● The opportunity to make a meaningful impact in revolutionizing healthcare ● Exciting and rewarding role in the high-growth environment  ● An interesting and varied area of responsibility with targeted training in an innovative business environment (digital health)  ● A trusting, appreciative and modern culture  ● Flat hierarchies in a motivated, dynamic and ambitious team  ● Flexible working hours in the office or in the home office  (hybrid mode) ● The freedom to implement, approach and shape your own ideas  ● Competitive Salary & company pension  Having a culture that people want to work in, is very important to us. We do this by keeping our values at the forefront of everything we do:  We put the patient first, We measure & improve, We are build winning teams  Oviva is passionate about creating an inclusive culture that encourages, supports, and celebrates the diverse voices of our employees. We are a truly inclusive place to work, where everyone can be themselves and everyone is welcome. We're Proud to be a Disability Confident Employer.
Senior Product Designer
InPost, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Inpost Group is seeking an experienced, entrepreneurial UX designer to improve and reinvent the customer facing mobile and web applications as well as B2B solutions, that serve our users in more than 15 countries under the InPost and Mondial Relay brands. The right person will play a critical role in improving our customer experience and build a best-in-class delivery experience to delight our customers, establish design principles and framework for the group to offer high quality and consistent solutions for global scale with cognisance of local markets’ needs.  Your responsibilities: Be the voice of our users and  solve complex problems  to define and improve the user experience for a range of digital platforms including websites, mobile applications, and internal tools. Conduct user researches  to understand customer needs and define opportunities Create user flows, journey maps, wireframes and prototypes  for stakeholder and user feedback. Create high fidelity mock-ups of visual designs consistent with UI guidelines and brand standards. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practice s in UX design and participate in creating new standards to contribute to our design system, best practices, and guidelines. Collaborate effectively with the cross functional team  including developers, product managers, and stakeholders to ensure timely and  successful delivery of design solutions . Advocate to stakeholders and educate them on inclusive and accessible design practices. Support the design team  by actively participating in meetings, providing constructive critique feedback, and offering support to fellow designers when necessary. Qualifications 5+ years of experience  in digital product design: user research, information architecture, usability, prototyping, design process, etc, and sharp, up-to-date, UI skills Have a  strong portfolio with emphasis on native mobile applications and shipped products  demonstrating your design process. A strong  passion for applying and evangelizing human-centered design  methodologies within cross-functional teams. Experience with  prototyping tools  – we use Figma. To be able to work autonomously in a responsive, fluid environment and have experience working in agile and fast-paced surroundings. Advanced English skills  (spoken and written) - at least C1 lvl.    Our Recruitment Process 1.  HR Screening  - 30min conversation with our Recruiter 2.  Meeting with the Hiring Manager  - 45min conversation with questions about your experience and skills  3.  Interview with the Domain Team  - up to 45min meeting about the domain, projects, etc. 4.  Portfolio Review interview  - up to 75min presentation of your portfolio project to showcase your end-to-end design process
Lead Product Designer
Qodeca, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Are you ready to elevate your design career to new heights? We are a Polish software house collaborating with international clients, primarily from the USA, expanding its offerings to the Arab market. We are looking for a talented Lead Product Designer to join our team.  At Qodeca, we craft cutting-edge products for global clients, and our collaborative approach is at the core of our success. You will get to: Lead a team . You will be responsible for building, managing, and supporting your team members, setting tasks and goals for the team and participating in the recruitment processes with our HR team. You will allocate specialists to projects according to the company’s current needs and support needs of our projects. Design.  Your responsibilities will include: design well-thought-out interfaces for web and mobile applications, conduct UX audits and generate reports. You will create user stories and low-fi flows based on them, outline information architecture, define customer segments. Cooperate. You will work closely with business analysts, developers or project managers. Make a change and strategy. You will get a chance to impact our organization meaningfully, plan development activities, and enhance internal processes. You will be our subject matter expert advising the product team on product design and best-practices.  What do we expect from you? Experience : 5+ years experience designing interactive experiences. Design Expertise: Craft well-thought-out interfaces for web and mobile applications. Leadership: Skills and experience in managing, coordinating and inspiring of product design team Portfolio: Showcase your strengths through an impressive portfolio, show us how you solve multi-platform UX challenges and demonstrate scalable, user-friendly design solutions.  Critical Thinking : Self-starter, solution-oriented and inquisitive mindset. Ability to think strategically and problem-solve.   Innovation : Strong commitment to continuous improvement, ability to continually seek new sourcing options, and develop creative approaches to sourcing. Problem-Solving Skills: A knack for tackling complex problems. Communication: Excellent English communication skills (C1/C2) and a collaborative spirit. Proficiency in the Polish language is mandatory. Technical proficiency: Mastery of design software such as Figma or Sketch. Data-Driven Design: Experience collecting and analyzing data to make informed design decisions.  What can you expect in return? Open Environment: Be part of an open environment where bright ideas have a chance to shine. Attractive Salary: Remuneration based on B2B contract from 18000 up to 22000 PLN net + VAT with 26 days of paid time off. I ndependence: Empowerment and decision-making are encouraged. Remote Work: Enjoy 100% remote work, a practice we embraced before it became fashionable. Casual Atmosphere: Engage in daily chats instead of rigid reporting. Flexibility: Enjoy flexible working hours. But that's not all because: Private health care - Lux Med Co-financing for the MultiSport card We celebrate birthdays. We engage in team-building activities. We receive gifts for various holidays. We have an employee referral system, allowing you to earn additional money.  To ensure a comprehensive assessment, kindly include your portfolio and your application. Ready to make a significant impact and shape the future of digital experiences? Check out our work on Dribbble: Qodeca Dribbble and join Qodeca to be part of a team that creates exceptional products!
Senior Economy Designer
Magic Media, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About Magic Media At Magic Media, we’re an experienced global entertainment service provider with industry-leading experts in game development, art, video production, and VFX, among others. We are passionate about gaming and delivering the highest-quality results to our clients. Our huge, versatile team is backed by industry experts and veterans, supported by meticulously prepared processes, rules, and guidelines, and ruled by our “Let’s create magic” motto. Furthermore, we’ve expanded into practically all spheres of media and entertainment, striving to become the world’s number-one service provider. About The Job Job Title: Senior Economy Designer Location: Remote Contract Type: Freelance, Project Based Contract Length: 3+ months We are currently seeking an economy designer that can perform at a wide variety of game genres, platforms and target audiences and who is able to execute a game’s vision and bolster its systems through skillful and thorough Economy Design. The person should be capable of working on multiple projects and cooperating with Producers, Customers, and other Stakeholders -internal and external- in a fast-paced international environment. Responsibilities: Ability to create effective game economies that fit our client’s vision and provide solutions that match industry standards Ability to create in-game and out-of-game economic systems for a wide variety of game genres and for a wide variety of audiences Knowledge of Game Theory and Game Design Create clean and structured sheets that make the necessary values easily available to developers and fellow designers Design and balance game systems core to the game economy Ability to create effective and well-documented sheets Strong mathematical skills, with emphasis on Statistics and Probability; being able to formulate indexes to identify strengths and weaknesses of the economy design in the game Perform in-engine balancing, tweaking and polishing tasks related to economy design Work within a multidisciplinary team towards shared goals Estimate, prioritize and coordinate economy design activities Coach teammates in economy design tasks Communicate and cooperate with Customers and other Stakeholders Participate in different Design Department activities to collaborate and coordinate with fellow game designers Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multi-tasking skills Requirements Required Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in related field or equivalent experience Professional experience in economy design: +5 years Deep knowledge creating Game Design Documentation Quest and Economy Design experience Web3 Economy Design experience Fluent English and excellent communication skills Experience working with Art and Programming departments Experience tuning game economies for FTUE and game tutorials Ability to work methodically and using predictive and iterative models Experience working on games from pre-production to release and LiveOps Shipped multiple game titles as Game Designer Must be proactive, enthusiastic, flexible, capable of working autonomously and energetic Desired Qualifications: Experience in other fields of game design, such as game mechanics, level design, game narrative Experience working with Unity and Unreal game engines Basic scripting skills to adjust features created by developers Experience developing for PC and console platforms Knowledge of NFT Game Design Experience in developing sandbox games Experience in developing big open world games Experience with mobile and WebGL games Experience with play to earn concepts Benefits An opportunity to hone and improve your skills by applying them to a diverse variety of engaging projects. Be part of an international Group with offices worldwide Career growth and development Working closely with a team of like-minded people in a fast-paced, multicultural environment Ongoing training and professional self-improvement opportunities Flexible working hours An inclusive culture and open communication
Senior Game Designer
Burny Games, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Join Burny Games — a Ukrainian company that creates mobile puzzle games. Our mission is to create top-notch innovative games to challenge players' minds daily.What makes us proud?In just two years, we've launched two successful mobile games worldwide: Playdoku and Colorwood Sort. We have paused some projects to focus on making our games better and helping our team improve.Our games have been enjoyed by over 8 million players worldwide, and we keep attracting more players.We've created a culture where we make decisions based on data, which helps us grow every month.We believe in keeping things simple, focusing on creativity, and always searching for new and effective solutions.Our ideal candidate should have:Deep understanding of game mechanics: knowledge of how various game elements interact with each other and how it impacts the gameplay experience.Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills: analyzing game systems, identifying potential issues, and devising solutions to enhance the gaming experience.Project management skills: ability to plan, organize, and lead a team to achieve set goals within specified deadlines.Communication skills and teamwork: effective collaboration with other team members, including programmers, artists, sound designers, and project managers.User testing and feedback experience: ability to collect and analyse feedback from players to improve the gaming process.Creativity and innovative approach: generating unique ideas and solutions that can elevate the gaming experience to a new level.Understanding of target audience and gaming market: analyzing players' needs and interests, studying competitors, and market trends.Adaptability and flexibility: ability to quickly adapt to changes in the project or market conditions.English and Ukrainian is a must.Key responsibilities:Collaborate on the development of competitive games in the casual genre.Create comprehensive project documentation to manage the game development process.Develop engaging gameplay systems, mechanics, and core loops that will attract our target audience.Balance the in-game economy to ensure enjoyment and a fair player experience.Utilize player data analysis to identify areas for improvement and enhance product metrics.What we offer:100% payment of vacations and sick leave [20 days vacation, 22 days sick leave], medical insurance.A team of the best professionals in the games industry.Flexible schedule [start of work from 8 to 11, 8 hours/day].L&D center with courses.Self-learning library, access to paid courses.Stable payments.The recruitment process:CV review → Interview with talent acquisition manager → Interview with hiring manager → Test task → Interview with CEO → Job offer.If you share our goals and values and are eager to join a team of dedicated professionals, we invite you to take the next step.
Designer with UX UI for Samsung Ads
Samsung R&D Institute Poland, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About our Team We seek a highly skilled and motivated Designer with UX/UI to join our growing Samsung Ads team. At that position you will be important contributor and partner to all design work across business and engineering teams. Your collaboration will strongly reflect product roadmap, with focus on improving experience of our dear customers. To achieve that, you will work on daily basis with our product and engineering teams. Role and Responsibilities Collaborate with UX Researchers to understand end-users and stakeholders current workflows and pain points in order to identify their needs. Apply the UX research insights into actionable items. Collaborate with the product team to understand and/or define business and product requirements in order to define relevant users’ journey map, steps and tasks while fulfilling their needs. Conceptualize original ideas that bring simplicity and user friendliness on moderate to highly complex UX problems. Collaborate with PMs to iterate on various possible product solutions to answer the business and technical requirements. Work closely with other designers, product managers and developers to conceptualize efficient and intuitive wireframes and prototypes covering workflows/steps/tasks for both internal and external users. Iterate on designs to arrive at the final product while respecting the Samsung Ads Design System. Propose new components and workflows when current ones do not answer the user needs, data and/or technical requirements. Collaborate with engineering to validate technical implementation feasibility and limitations. Understand sprint process and effort prioritization. Find creative solutions while understanding technical framework possibilities. Participate in user research projects to evaluate user feedback and validate the product value with stakeholders. Refine concepts based on user feedback. Communicate with platform users to gather information and periodically propose improvements. Understand and support the product vision and roadmap. Support platform-wide UX improvement initiatives. Advocate user-centered design concepts to product and engineering teams. Hold Product and Engineering accountable on implementation and highlight discrepancies via proper Design QA process. Ensure the product is useful, usable and delightful! Technical Proficiencies Proficient with wire framing, low-fidelity prototypes, and high-fidelity interactive prototypes. Proficient in design tools such as Figma, Sketch, etc. Proficient in user research and testing tools such as Optimal Workshop, Maze, InVision, etc. Proficient aptitude in using existent applicable Design System components and creating new ones when required. Comfortable working in an Agile/Scrum sprint format. Knowledge of HTML, CSS and React Java Script is nice to have. Skills and Qualifications Bachelor or Master degree in UX Design, Human Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, Digital Media, New Media, Graphic Design or other relevant fields. 2 to 4 years of experience in UX research, user experience design, product design or interaction design. Solid experience interviewing customers, organizing focus groups, and synthesizing insights. Vast experience in problem solving through User Centered Design (UCD) approach. Experience in tech or ad tech industry is a valuable asset. Ability to work on complex problems and understand technologies. Understand and promote Design values and the importance of craft in the creative process. Able to perform benchmarking of competition or other industry solutions. Very strong ability to think out of the box. Proficient critical thinking ability to grasp complex systems, make connections, and, most importantly, to reflect on the findings, insights, and process in a neutral way while keeping larger context in mind. Proficient applied knowledge of User-Centered Design methodology; spanning across user research, ideation, prototyping and testing. Can empathize with users to understand their pain points and address their needs. Proactive self-starter who can work independently. Capable of working with stakeholders and users across different cities, countries and time zones. Proficient project/initiative management skills. Proven track of delivering projects on time while adapting to Agile sprints and product roadmap changes. Possess effective visual, verbal and written communication skills to accurately communicate & defend ideas, concepts and design decisions. UX writing ability to focus on copy, clarity, tone of voice in communicating instructions to users. Understand and support the team by conveying the design vision and product value. Understand the importance of quantifying value and effort to justify prioritization. Good understanding of AdTech, internal team structure that impacts workflows, etc., and the complexity of data models, site architecture, etc. WE OFFER: Team: Friendly working atmosphere Wide range of trainings Opportunity to work in multiple projects Multidisciplinary team Working with the latest technologies on the market Monthly integration budget Possibility to attend local and foreign conferences Start of work between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Equipment: PC workstation / iMac and Laptop + 2 external monitors OS: Windows / macOS Benefits: Private medical care (possibility to add family members for free) Multisport card Life insurance Lunch card A partial reimbursement of the cost of an English language course Possibility to learn Korean for free Variety of discounts (Samsung products, theaters, restaurants) Unlimited free access to Copernicus Science Center for you and your friends Possibility to test new Samsung products Location: Office in Warsaw Spire near metro station Hybrid work system (3 times per week from the office)
Senior Product Designer UX UI
GOG.com, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
GOG is a leading global games marketplace generating $50M annual revenue with millions of monthly active users. With over 7,000 products in our catalog, we are home to the largest collection of classic games and have a serious footprint in indie, AA, and AAA games. We are part of the CD Project Group (publicly listed on the Warsaw stock market: CDR:WSE), makers of the Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher smash-hit series. At GOG, we are on a mission to make games last forever by helping people across generations fall in love with games. We are looking for a Senior Product Designer who can craft compelling user experiences for our gamers and publishers. What’s in it for you? Each designer works here in a cross-functional team tackling complex business problems and leveraging technology to make a product people love. We’re more on the lean and agile side than pixel-perfect. We say “hello” to pragmatism over user-centered design purism. As a Senior Product Designer, you will represent depth in the craft of experience design: as an individual contributor, as a mentor and guide for more junior colleagues, and as a contributor to the design culture at GOG. Jagiellońska 74, Warszawa Job requirements: 5+ years of professional experience creating digital products Experience in working with design systems Experience in working closely with Product Managers and Engineers at all stages of the design process, from initial analysis, workshops, sketches, ideas, and concepts through to user research, prototyping, and the final delivery of designs Confident presentation and storytelling abilities Excellent collaboration and communication skills Strong skills in English, both spoken and written Responsibilities: Co-creating the overall user experience for GOG from long-term product vision to tactical features for our gamers and publishers Understanding our users and ensuring the whole business does too! Planning, conducting, and synthesizing research Helping to translate business requirements into user stories: designing wireframes, screens, and prototypes Co-creating, then delivering the product roadmap Innovating on our user experience across the entire organisation. Then upholding those standards across the entire organisation What we offer: Remuneration: 13 000 - 19 400 PLN, Unique opportunity to enter a booming industry and to influence the future of gaming, Work on an global and highly creative business and industry, Hybrid model of work with a possibility to have an office-first, remote-first or fully remote structure depending on your role’s responsibilities & requirements, Access to a health care and sports activities package, including free psychologist appointments, Possibility to take paid Menstrual Leave for all menstruating employees, Active employee networks for LGBTQIA+ employees, women of GOG and parents, Frequent social activities, free fruits/coffee/tea, an in-house cantina, and other goodies are a standard, An in-house gym, open 24/7, available exclusively for our employees, Free access to all games from the GOG catalogue, including The Witcher franchise and Cyberpunk 2077, Gamer’s paradise where you will be surrounded by games - living & breathing them! Dog-friendly environment – yes, you can bring your four-legged friend to work! Speak up! Policy - click and check details Join the GOG team to help make games last forever!
Junior Sound Designer
EveryMatrix, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
EveryMatrix is looking for a Junior Sound Designer Ukraine / Remote EveryMatrix Games Company Intro: EveryMatrix is a leading B2B SaaS provider delivering iGaming software, content and services. We provide platform, casino, sports betting, payments, and affiliate systems to over 300 customers worldwide. The company is profitable, has over EUR 100m in annual revenues, and 850 employees in offices across 12 countries in Europe, Asia and the US. EveryMatrix was founded in 2008 and remains a founder-owned private company. EveryMatrix is a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and European Lotteries Association. In September 2023 it became the first iGaming supplier to receive WLA Safer Gambling Certification. EveryMatrix is proud of its commitment to safer gambling and player protection whilst producing market leading gaming solutions. Responsibilities: design, edit, mix, master and implement audio content and systems to engage players and enrich game narrative  create and edit new sound effects  collaborate with front-end developers to deliver on audio features  Requirements:  1+ years of professional experience in game audio (preferably slot games)  proficiency in at least one DAW (preferably Logic)  expertise in interactive audio, sound design, recording and post production techniques. experience with music composing and editing Work Life Balance: 22 paid leave days and two extra paid leave days per year for every year up to 32 days (working days) in addition to the public holidays (11 days). Extra leave days for every extra year at the company – 43 days including public holidays by year 5 of employment. 10 sick leave days per year (without a doctor’s note). Medical leave: up to 30 days per year, documented with medical certificate To support women candidates, we offer 21 weeks of maternity leave and 100% work from home until the child’s first birthday for mothers. Men receive 4 weeks of paternity leave and can work from home until the child is 13 weeks old. Benefits and Office perks: Daily catered lunch or lunch allowance Private Medical insurance Gym membership Fruits Friday Access to online learning platforms Udemy for Business and O’Reilly and -budget for external training Massage at work Frequent office events and team building activities in different locations A great office space - come and see them for yourself