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Менеджер по роботі з клієнтами, спеціаліст техпідтримки клієнтів
ТОВ" Евеліс ЛТД", Київ
Запрошуємо Вас стати частиною Sales Department на позиції менеджера по роботі з клієнтами зі знанням англійської мови (Sales Agent), в одній із найбільших бірж криптовалют у Сполучених Штатах за обсягом торгів — Coinbase.Якщо Ви з легкістю знаходите спільну мову з людьми, вмієте продавати що завгодно — наша пропозиція для Вас!Якщо у Вас відсутній успішний досвід роботи в сфері продаж — це не проблема, ми надаємо повне навчання, а також можливість почати свою роботу в нашій компанії з позиції асистента одного із топових сейлів, у якого можна отримати та перейняти успішний досвід.Що ми пропонуємо:повне навчання в сфері продажу послуг і можливість розпочати кар'єру щоденна практика англійської мови з носіями необмежений рівень доходу прозора система бонусів своєчасна виплата заробітної плати у USD постійна підтримка менеджерів проектуТип работи: у ПномпеньТип зайнятості: лише повнаГрафік роботи: 5 робочих днів по 8 годинОформлення:Всі витратити на авіаквитки, візові сбори та повне відшкодування несе Компанія! Компанія напдає житлоЗаробітна плата: Ставка 800−1000 USD/month+ комісіонні щоденно (у середньому на одного продвийя може приходити біля 3000−15000 USD/month).Вимоги до кандидата:вільне володіння англійською мовою (від B2/Upper-Intermediate), читання та письмо .готовність робити та приймати велику кількість дзвінків в день готовність до телефонних продажів. товариськість, стресостійкість, наполегливість розуміння маркетінгу цифрової валюти (блокчейн).Якщо у Вас є досвід роботи в кол-центрах, в Customer Service чи в продажах — Ваш відгук ми розглянемо в першу чергу!Обов’язки:опрацювання вхідних запитів, продаж послуг щодо цифрових валют спілкування по телефону з клієнтами. служба підтримки спілкування через Інтерент. Увага! Якщо Ви готові пройти етапи відбору на вакансію, то переконайтесь, що у Вас встановлені додатки Viber, SkypeЗалиште свій відгук на цьому сайті або WhatsApp +380987464198У випадку, якщо Ваше резюме нас зацікавить, ми зв’яжемось з Вами протягом 2−5 робочих днів.
Національний/-а Керівник/-ця Програми – National Programme Support Officer (Shelter and Housing) – Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
Open to Internal and External Candidates Position Title:National Programme Support Officer (Shelter and Housing)Duty Station:Kyiv, UkraineClassification:National Officer, Grade NO-A Type of Appointment:Special Short Term, nine months with possibility of extensionEstimated Start Date:As soon as possibleClosing Date:14 August 2023 Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates. Context: Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission and Programme Coordinator (Shelter and Housing), with the direct supervision of the Programme Support Officer (Shelter and Housing), the successful candidate will provide support in internal and external reporting as well as support in the monitoring and evaluation of Shelter and Housing Unit activities, streamlining project expenses (including commitments and pre-commitments) as well as preparing payment documents for the Implementing partners.This position will interact with a wide number of stakeholders within Shelter and Housing Unit, IP Controls, Procurement and Logistics, Finance, and the IOM senior management team.Core Functions / Responsibilities: Support the Programme Support Officer in drafting content for reports, proposals and other documents. Identify shortfalls in delivery, bring them to the attention as needed for the Shelter and Housing Unit, including for donors, cluster and authorities, and internally for IOM. Provide inputs into regular and ad hoc reporting requests from PSU, donors, HQ, etc. Track the project expenses and work with the Information Management and GIS Officer to create monitoring tools for the Shelter and Housing team and other key stakeholders including senior management. Prepare and maintain in cooperation with the Finance and IP Controls Units, Invoice files and ensure that Implementing partner`s contract files including deliverables, reports etc. are effectively stored and tracked. Prepare background materials such as Power Point presentations, maps, flowcharts and other information products for meetings, field missions, as required. Enhance protection mainstreaming in Shelter and Housing related activities throughout the project-cycle. This includes but is not limited to safety and dignity of beneficiaries, understanding their diverse needs, enabling meaningful access to IOM’s services, adequate accountability to affected populations and participation and consultation. Lead the development of Standard Operations Procedures (SOP) and concept papers and provide general support for the development of new projects. Provide guidance/training, develop procedures and assist in coordinating and monitoring work of other staff in the unit. Perform such other duties as required. Required Qualifications and Experience Education Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Social Sciences, Law and International Relations, or a related field from an accredited academic institution with at least two years of relevant professional experience. Experience Experience writing in English for project proposals, donor reports, and/or communications in the international development or humanitarian aid sector is advantageous. Experience taking the initiative and achieving results. Proficiency in using the Microsoft Office suite (minimum Word, Excel, PowerPoint); knowledge of MS Project will be an asset. Knowledge of data protection guidelines and principles. Previous experience working with a humanitarian organization, or the UN system is preferred. Personal commitment, efficiency, flexibility and drive for results. Ability to work effectively and harmoniously within a team of colleagues from varied cultures and professional backgrounds. Capable of working under stressful conditions. Ability and willingness to travel to field locations and work in insecure and hardship environment.SkillsKnowledge of emergency response humanitarian programming, preferably with experience in reporting and programme development. Experience writing in English to a high level of accuracy and with an ability to tailor language to audience and purpose. Knowledge of relational databases, Microsoft applications, spreadsheets, word processing, etc. Strong technical and analytical skills. Highly structured and process oriented, curiosity, attention to detail and critical thinking. LanguagesFor all applicants, fluency in English and Ukrainian is required (oral and written). CompetenciesThe incumbent is expected to demonstrate the following values and competencies:Values Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible. Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct. Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges. Courage: Demonstrates willingness to take a stand on issues of importance. Empathy: Shows compassion for others, makes people feel safe, respected and fairly treated.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications using the IOM Personal History Form and sending to Відправити резюме   by  14 August 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Posting period:From 31.07.2023 to 14.08.2023
UI Technical Designer
Vizor Games, Kyiv
Our company is looking for a UI Technical Designer for an unannounced fantasy action multiplayer game for PC/PlayStation/XBox in Unreal Engine 5. We are looking for a talented professional who is ready to take on the challenge and help us create intuitive and visually appealing interfaces, working closely with the design and development team Опыт middle Технологии UI / Design What are you working on? Genres: Action Platforms: PC, Console For which tasks (responsibilities)? design, implementation and support of a cross-platform game user interface, according to the documentation, on Unreal Engine 5 creation and maintenance of technical UI documentation work in conjunction with UX Designer and UI Artist What kind of professional are we looking for? attention to detail and Pixel Perfect approach to work understanding cross-platform development ability to estimate time costs for future work proactivity high level of self-organization effective teamwork ability to provide quality feedback and to receive one Nice to have: experience working on similar projects Why do we enjoy working here? We are inspired by each other! We share experiences, exchange ideas, discuss them, and then immediately implement them. And the results exceed all our expectations. Spread across 9 locations, we concentrate our efforts on developing AA multiplayer PC & Console games and having fun together. What are the conditions and bonuses? Our care department works hard to make sure that you hear the word “care” more often than you think about it. The starter kit includes health insurance, paid sick leave, vacation, 4 sick days per year as well as sports and fitness reimbursement.
Product Support specialist
EvoPlay, Київ
Приєднуйтесь до нашої команди для підтримки та розвитку масштабної високонавантаженої системи, що дозволяє компаніям створювати партнерські програми з нуля. Ми шукаємо Product Support specialist, який допоможе нашим клієнтам максимально ефективно використовувати наш продукт і досягати високих результатів у партнерському маркетингу.Необхідні навички:1+ років досвіду роботи в ІТ компанії на позиції спеціаліста Technical/Application/Product Support specialist, QA, Project/Product Manager.Грамотна та конструктивна комунікація з клієнтом та командою.Базові технічні знання як працює Web, що таке API.Базове розуміння клієнт-серверної архітектури.Знання та розуміння SDLC, знання основних методів розробки проектів (Waterfall, Agile).Вміння працювати в режимі мультизадачності, пріоритизувати та перемикатися між завданнями.Вміння аналізувати та відтворювати проблему.Здатність швидко навчатися.Грамотність, Intermediate English.Обов'язки:Надання якісної підтримки клієнтам (B2B). Відповіді на запитання у чатах.Аналіз та відтворення проблем клієнтів, пошук їх рішень. Проведення демо продукту, консультацій щодо функціональності продукту, онбординг користувачів.Ведення бази знань з продукту, запис скринкастів, написання мануалів.Збір фідбеків від  клієнтів.Пошук ідей щодо покращення продукту (аналіз звернень клієнтів).Взаємодія із командою Product Managers, Developers, Designers.У нашій команді ми цінуємо:Комунікабельність. Відкритість до спілкування, вміння формулювати завдання чітко та лаконічно (письменно та усно).Орієнтація на результат, гнучкість. Готовність виходити межі поставлених завдань, не обмежуючи зони відповідальності.Відповідальність. Уважність до деталей, самостійність, готовність брати на себе зобов'язання і дотримуватися домовленостей.Проактивність. Здатність встановлювати цілі та працювати над їх досягненням. Створення можливостей, не чекаючи їхньої появи.Орієнтацію на розвиток та самонавчання. Безперервне бажання вчитися та розвивати свої навички, отримувати новий досвід.Буде плюсом:Досвід роботи у продуктовій команді та/або продуктовій компанії.Досвід постановки завдань технічній команді, досвід написання ТЗ.Робота у сфері Affiliate & Performance Marketing (партнерські програми). Досвід роботи з Jira, Confluence. Аналітичне мислення.QA бекграунд чи минулий досвід.Пропонуємо:Конкурентну заробітну плату;Гнучкий графік (початок роботи з 8 до 11, 8 год/день);20 робочих днів відпустки;Компенсацію лікарняних та sick days;Медичне страхування;Можливість розвивати свої скіли на реальних завданнях у команді досвідчених Product Managers;Можливість працювати з різноплановими та цікавими завданнями;Розвиток та можливість росту до team lead позиції support команди, або до Product Manager позиції;Робота у дружній атмосфері;Тім-білдінги та інші веселі активності;Піклування про ментальне здоров’я — корпоративний психолог для команди;Офіс з безперебійним інтернетом та генератором;Реферальна програма та можливість ротацій;Внутрішня платформа L&D з курсами та online library.Готові створювати та вдосконалювати продукт разом з нами? Приєднуйтесь до нашої команди і допоможіть нам перевершити очікування наших клієнтів!
Customer support manager for SaaS Project
MakeBeCool, Київ
salary 600-800$Hi to everyone!we’re a Ukrainian/English speaking teamour clients from the US, UK, EU, Australia, and our professional language is Englishwe’re almost 40 people on the team who are proud of the work we do for our clientsWe are expanding the team of our product line — SaaS service, where we have achieved success and moved to the stage of growth. At the moment it is a family team of 10 people and a startup cultureMakeBeCool is an IT company specializing in Shopify and e-commerce SaaS platform. We develop online stores, Shopify applications, integrations; Theme designs; We build support departments; We design and develop our own apps on ShopifyWe have been working since 2010, we have a formed corporate culture and a well-developed team of experts, in which we are looking for strong players who share our values:focus on resultsteam and team playstraightforwardness and openness in relationshipspleasure from the process, driveproactivityleadershipWHY DO WE DO THIS?We are driven by participation in the process of creating a new service and products for our clients, it drives us when our work helps to improve the KPI of our clients, drives us when we have the opportunity to develop the local IT ecosystem and develop each team member as an expert and individualWe do not just do work, we create History together with our Partners, the History of projects, the History of the team, our HistoryHOW DO WE DO IT?This is a startup, thereforeWe experiment a lot and we have a lot of freedom in thisBut we also love structure and planning, so we plan our work and set goalsWe are about teamwork and engagement. You will not find indifference in our team, they will always help youWe do interesting things with interesting people and work with interesting partners. F*ck it is interesting to work with usWHAT INTERESTING ARE WE AS A COMPANY DOING FOR THE COMMUNITY?Our CEO is also the CEO of the Mariupol IT ClusterOur team organized volunteer activities to evacuate our hometown of Mariupol, search for and provide humanitarian supplies and help our defendersWe are working on helping other teams to resume activitiesWe coordinate our work with other IT clusters of Ukraine to counter Russian aggressionRussian warship, go f*ck yourself!WHAT CAN YOU HELP TO DO IN OUR TEAM? Improve user experience interacting with the support teamReceive new 5 star reviews from customersWorking with customer’s requestsResponsibilitiesUnderstanding of the principles of WOW communication and customer supportUpdating user documentation and recording screencastsProactivity in communication and resolution of requestsWorking with non-standard queriesAbility to work night shifts as scheduledA great team player, be proactiveWe want to work with positive-minded peopleStrong worth ethic and keen to detailIdeal ProfileWe are in need of a full-time customer support manager who has:1-3+ years of experience in customer support or another managers position2+ years of experience working with communication and building relationshipSuperb troubleshooting skillsIt will be a plus the experience working within the Shopify platformCONDITIONS:Is there a trial period and how long does it last? Yes, 1 month.Salary, overtime, how often, what is the approach to payment? We have a fixed-price salary on this position at this moment. But if you have idea, feel to free told about itWhat is the work schedule? 5 days a week, 8 hours.Is it possible to work remotely? It is possible.A number of vacation days and sick leave? 21 days a year of vacation and up to 5 days of paid sick leave.When, how, and in what currency is the salary paid/calculated? To a Payoneer account, once a month, in dollars. The company does not compensate Ukrainian taxes, so they need to be covered on your own.PROCESSIs there a test task? No.Who is reviewing the resume? Team LeadHow many stages of the interview with whom? A short introductory call, and Technical interview with the Team Lead (approximately one hour), interview with the CEO (half of hour)Ready to become a part of our star team?Send your CV and cover letter
Technical Support Specialist (L2)
Infingame, Київ
Infingame is extending an invitation to accomplished professionals to become an integral part of our dynamic company as a Technical Support Specialist (L2). We are on the lookout for motivated individuals ready to join our team. Your contribution will be instrumental in delivering our top-notch products and services, collaborating with some of the most professional minds in the industry, driving your continued growth and development.Infingame operates as a B2B aggregator for the iGaming sector and has amassed over 8 years of industry expertise. At Infingame, we are at the forefront of the dynamic iGaming industry, driven by a passion for innovation and excellence. With a robust portfolio of games from the best game providers, including the fastest spin time across other aggregators, Infingame offers an unparalleled gaming experience that sets us apart.The following skills are important to us:— Experience in a similar position at least 1 year;— Understanding of client-server systems;— Experience with technical documentation;— Multitasking;— Analytical mindset;— Level of knowledge of English — at least B1.Will be a plus:— Ability to use developer tools (Chrome dev tool, etc.);— Experience in Gambling industry.Your future responsibilities:— Participation in duty and system monitoring;— Diagnostics of problems received from the partners;— Providing partners with access to internal services;— Processing all incoming requests from partners (messengers, mail, support portal);— Tracking and responding to monitoring triggers;— Notifying partners of problems and assisting in resolving issues that arise;— Software Configuration.What sets us apart:— Insurance for Ukraine and abroad: We care about the well-being of our team members and offer comprehensive insurance coverage for both domestic and international needs.— Corporate English Classes: We believe in enhancing your communication skills. Take advantage of our corporate English classes to further develop your language proficiency.— Slovakian Classes: If you’re in Bratislava or interested in learning the local language, we offer Slovakian classes to help you integrate and feel at home.— Corporate Psychologist: Your mental well-being is important to us. Our corporate psychologist is available to provide support and guidance whenever you need it.— Kyiv and Bratislava Hubs: We’ve established fully-equipped hubs in both Kyiv and Bratislava, providing you with a comfortable and productive work environment.— Flexible schedule: You will have the opportunity to choose where you want to work — at one of our comfortable offices or home. We ensure comprehensive company-paid 17 paid days off during the year; unlimited sick leaves and you can request an unpaid leave of absence.— We are committed to fostering the professional growth of our team members. As part of our dedication to your development, we offer a tailored growth plan for each employee. This plan is meticulously crafted, taking into account your unique strengths, areas for development, and aspirations for career excellence, all in alignment with our company’s objectives.At Infingame, we are not just shaping the iGaming industry; we’re elevating it to new heights.Join us in this exhilarating journey where creativity, technology, and entertainment converge.
Technical Support Engineer
RubyPlay, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Requirements:At least 1 year of prior experience as L2 Support Engineer in Gambling -  as a mustBasics of CI/CD approach and pipelines (GitLab, Jenkins)Experience with cloud services (GCP)Upper intermediate English — written, at least intermediate — verbalAbility to work in unusual hours (outside of office hours) as some of the accounts are located in different time zones (40 hours a week)Knowledge of HTTP protocol, and REST APIUnderstanding of common file formats: JSON, XMLExperience working with Docker and KubernetesWould be preferable knowledge with messaging systems (RabbitMQ, Kafka)Would be good knowledge of programming languages (Python/Java/JavaScript/Bash)A service-minded approach and a problem-solving attitudeAbility to work with non-technical and technical customers alikePrioritisation skills and capability to make high impact decisions while multitaskingResponsibilities:Identify, analyse and troubleshoot technical issues and provide our customers with effective solutionsIntegrating and adding to Production new clientsConfiguring, customising and edit existing configurationsTrack the progress of the integration and communicate any blockersCollaborate with technical writer and development team in improving and clarifying documentation and collaterals for the integration processOptimising/ automating recurring activitiesPrepare how-to’s and automation toolsRun and own PostmortemsProcess operational requests from support and engineeringDirectly collaborate with the Project internal teams: DevOps, Backend, Commercial, for infrastructure maintenances, error troubleshooting, and data integrationsHelp building and improving the process allowing for a smooth, simple and fast integration for our customersResponsible to test and verify changes and the consistency of the APIs and its endpoints and “represent” the customer and its business when testing and validating any changes introduced in the APIsBenefits of working with us:Talented and open people aroundChallenging tasks to feel the impactBudget for personal development Well-being BudgetAnnual bonusDevelopment day to grow professionallyFree English classesPaid vacation days/paid sick leaves (number depends on the country you live in)
(Fluent English) Technical Support Consultant (Ukraine)
SupportYourApp, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Passionate about the world of tech? What if you had a chance to be a part of the world’s leading SaaS, Software, or Hardware solutions? Join our Technical Support Consultant team today and thrive in a multicultural and multilingual environment while enjoying your home office. Unlock your potential by mastering new skills and achieving challenging goals with our People First management approach. Excited? Let’s see what it takes What you will do: Provide exceptional customer support via calls, chats, and emails Build positive and long-lasting relationships with customers Meet team KPIs Always be up-to-date with cutting-edge technology Securely work with customers’ sensitive information Apply the latest and greatest customer happiness practices Maintain working knowledge of our client’s products and services Communicate with developers and other departments of various IT companies What you need to succeed in this role: Excellent English skills (at least C1 for both spoken and written) Technical background related to networking (VPN/firewall/Amazon/Azure services, network as a service, cloud networking) Experience in Technical/Customer Support Understanding of cybersecurity, experience SOC analysis Analytical and research skills Positive and responsible attitude Personal laptop or computer (at least 8Gb of RAM) and a stable internet connection (minimum 50 Mbps–download and 40 Mbps–upload) Will be a great plus: Experience with Zendesk or similar CRM systems Experience with engineers Benefits and Perks: Flexible schedule Opportunity to work fully remotely Inclusive international environment Compensation in USD Good bonuses for referring friends Paid intensive training and probation Work-life balance Responsive management interested in your growth and long-lasting cooperation Greenhouse conditions for self-development Who we are: SupportYourApp is a Support-as-a-Service company that provides secure technical, customer support, and CX services for tech companies around the globe. We work with clients from over 30 countries and speak over 60 languages. Since 2010, we’ve become an industry leader in premium outsourced customer support and turned global with 8 hubs around the world. We treat our team like our clients, surrounding them with unlimited care, an individual approach, and a wholesome positive experience. We welcome people with various backgrounds and experiences. Grab the chance to join us and send your CV in English , pointing out your outstanding skills! Visit our website: www.supportyourapp.com DISCLAIMER We are a multinational company with unbiased views. The assessment of candidates is not affected by such characteristics as race, sex, color, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other reason prohibited by law in provision of employment opportunities and benefits.
Technical Advisor, Pharmaceutical Governance
MSH, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
The international non-profit organization Management Sciences for Health (MSH) implementing in Ukraine the USAID-supported Safe, Affordable and Effective Medicines for Ukrainians Activity (SAFEMed), is looking for a Technical Advisor, Pharmaceutical Governance.MAIN PURPOSE OF JOB:Overall objective of SAFEMed Technical Advisor, Pharmaceutical Governance position is to improve access to medicines and other technologies guided by evidence-based medicine and health technology assessment, under the guidance and oversight of SAFEMed Senior Technical Advisor. LOCATION: Kyiv, UkraineTIME TYPE: Full timeMAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Technical analysisConduct grey and peer literature review to support strengthening and further institutionalization of the HTA function and medicine pricing policy in Ukraine; Collect data related to SAFEMed’s HTA activities, medicine pricing activities and National Essential Medicine List expansion besides positive list creation; Provide and analyze data related to the medicine pricing policy, and its expansion; Support policy creation with respect to medicines listing and pricing approachesContribute to surveys and/or face-to-face interviews with key stakeholders; Conduct and document analytical work; Coordinate with consultant regarding the primary projects.2. Project Management and stakeholder engagementCoordinate implementation of annual workplan activities and deliverables according to approved plans including working with other SAFEMed teams in designing, planning and executing activities.Organizing meetings with key stakeholders from the government, private sector and civil society in Ukraine to advance SAFEMed priorities. Coordinate and contribute to international,national and hospital HTA supported by SAFEMed, MOH, HTA department; Coordinate the support of implementation on Positive List and creating Single Priing PolicySummarize and document key findings as well as draw conclusions and recommendations from meetings and other professional discussions.3. Technical reportingConsolidate learnings into final English-language reports under guidance and oversight of the SAFEMed Senior Technical Advisor. Regularly prepare periodic project highlights, quarterly and annual narrative reports, success stories, and technical briefs, slide decks, and other materials. Other duties as assigned.QUALIFICATIONSREQUIRED EDUCATIONRequired:University degree in medicine, public health or life sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, (health) economics; preferably with a postgraduate degree for in Epidemiology, Pharmacology, Health Technology Assessment, Health Economics, public health.REQUIRED MINIMUM EXPERIENCE Required: At least 5 years of work experience in healthcare service delivery and life sciences, with the familiarity of pharmaceutical policies in Ukraine;Report writing experience in English and Ukrainian;Presentation, training and workshop facilitation;Excellent interpersonal communication skills and ability to work effectively with others in and across the organization to accomplish team goals;Documented experience in pharmaceutical sector strengthening in Ukraine with emphasis on quality assurance, market access, and pricingHealth Technology Assessment knowledge and practical application in Ukraine desirable.Preferred: Skills in conducting quantitative analyses with SPSS (or similar statistical software) and programming with Excel as well as experience in conducting interviews and analyze qualitatively.KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLSAbility to analyze data, draw conclusions and summarize recommendations;Deep understanding of the Ukraine pharmaceutical sector and its major players, including government and non-government actors.Ability to search peer-review literature;Well-developed written and verbal communication skills including presentations, meetings and report writing;Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with others in and across the organization to accomplish team goalsFluency in both English and Ukrainian languages required (both written and spoken).MSH is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, religion, creed, citizenship, national origin, age, veteran status, or disability unrelated to job requirements. MSH will take affirmative action to ensure that qualified applicants are employed and that employees are treated without regard to their race, age, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran and disability status. In compliance with U.S. Department of Labor Executive Order 11246, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Section 4212 of the Vietnam Era Readjustment Assistance Act, MSH has developed and maintains an affirmative action program and plan.EEO is the Law – EnglishEEO is the Law – SpanishPay Transparency Nondiscrimination PosterMSH EEO-AA Policy
Support Functions Coordinator (M/W)
Expertise France, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities: - democratic, economic and financial governance; - security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations; - sustainable development; - strengthening health systems, social protection and employment. In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how. With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy. POSITION: Operations Department The coordinator will be placed under the hierarchal responsibility of the Director of the mAIDan program. They will regularly work with all of the project leaders based in Ukraine. The coordinator’s action will be part of the coordination of the Shared Support Functions unit (SSU) lead by the organisation and transformation cell of the Operations Department. Finally, the coordinator may be required to be in regular contact with the Transversal Functions Department at headquarters.  MISSIONS The coordinator of transversal functions is responsible for the support to the implementation of projects, with the help of team, through the Shared Support Unit for the different projects in Ukraine. He/She will coordinate the planning, steering and implementation of financial, logistic and administrative activities. He/she will also coordinate the human resources of all projects according to the contracting modalities and Expertise France’s procedures. The coordinator will be in charge of the consolidated reporting for the projects on support subjects. Initially, the coordinator will be supported in their new role by a consultant hired by Expertise France to set up the SSU, in particular to fine-tune the HR organisation according to the needs and constraints of the projects in progress and the projects in their inception phase. He/she will have to set up a physical implementation adapted to operation of the projects and adapted to the safety and security constrains. The coordinator will have to identify the HR framework necessary to facilitate the recruitment and deployment of local and international staff and they will have to finalise the recruitments for the rest of the SSU staff. Once the SSU will be in place, the coordinator will be responsible of the coordination of the entire support unit teams. He/she will also be responsible of the management of the unit staff. As we move forward with the implementation of the SSU new staff will be recruited.  Secondly, once Expertise France’s status is created via the implementation of an intergovernmental agreement on the FDA group (French Development Agency), the coordinator will also have the responsibility to operationalise the establishment agreement of Expertise France in Ukraine. To that end, he/she will have to pilot organisational and HR aspects but the coordinator will also have to support projects leaders in their budget review. He/she will work in close collaboration with projects implementation partners. In this context the coordinator – with the support of the steering unit, thematic departments, operation department and/or transversal function department at HQ -  insures the external communication on support questions with local authorities and donors.  The principal missions assigned to the coordinator of transversal functions will be: The set-up of the SSU with the support of a consultant hired by Expertise France          Support the inception of the organisation chart based on the ongoing work,he/she will also support the definition of the responsibilities of the different members of staff.          Recruiting and support agents          Define processes and implement the tools and procedures needed for the professionalization and empowerment field staff          Define the responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) in collaboration with the relevant managers in order to encourage fluid interactions with the projects and projects teams.          Scale up certain processes to support projects on a regional scale (support and reporting mechanisms)          Support projects in their budget review Management          Coordinate all teams and insure direct management of SSU staff members.          Ensure the global management of the organisation and operation of the office.          Participate in collaboration with the safety referent to the elaboration and implementation of safety management processes for project teams. Financial management          Working closely with the Administrative and Financial Manager, who is responsible for planning, steering and monitoring the project budget, in compliance with contractual obligations and Expertise France rules;         Consolidate monthly budget monitoring and forecasts for projects, in liaison with the programme teams;          Supervises cash flow and monthly accounting;          Responsible for accounting closing exercises and agency budget references;          Responsible of the financial security;          Responsible for the preparation of financial reports in compliance with donor rules.          Responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring project audits in liaison with head office.  Procurement and grants          Working closely with the Legal Affairs Department and the Contracts Manager, who is responsible for: planning, steering and monitoring the implementation of the project procurement plan, in conjunction with the project managers.          Together with the Contracts Manager, implement the SSU's purchasing process (purchase requests, rules for awarding and granting subsidies, contract numbering) and communicates it to the various internal departments. Logistics and event management          Working closely with the Head of Logistics and Events: overseeing the logistics activities of the office and projects          Implement the SSU's logistics process and communicate it to projects for the organisation of workshops, training courses and project-related events          Supervise the office's logistics activities: general resources, management of rental leases and IT          Validate the monthly logistical monitoring of projects and supervise the management of project and office assets          Supervise the fleet of vehicles and drivers.  Administrative management/HR          Definition of the EF salary scale          Working closely with the HR manager, the wage-portage agency, the HR department and the legal affairs department at head office: overseeing the administrative management of human resources, including the implementation of HR processes in the field (recruitment, assessment, training) and the harmonisation of a pay policy (pay scale).            Consolidate monthly administrative and HR monitoring of projects          Working closely with the HR Manager, ensure that recruitment processes run smoothly.          Working closely with the HR Manager, ensure that EF is properly set up as a direct employer in Ukraine Internal control          Responsible for the application of internal control within the office (transmission of procedures, monitoring of their adoption).          Contribute to the development of new procedures for the field. About Expertise France: Expertise France is the French Public Agency of Technical Cooperation. The agency intervenes on four priority areas:         Democratic, economic and financial Governance           Stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis stability and security           Climate change and urban sustainable development           Health systems reinforcement, social protection and employment. With an activity volume of 191 million of euros, more than 500 projects in the portfolio in 100 countries and 63 300 days of expertise delivered per year, Expertise France marks its intervention under the French policy of solidarity, influence and diplomacy. Ukraine is quickly becoming one of the countries of intervention of Expertise France. The agency operates there national and regional projects and intervenes under a wide range of thematic (health, local governance, justice sector reform, support to innovation and entrepreneurship…).            Master’s degree preferably in business, finance, logistics, HR or project management;          At least 6 years' successful experience in coordinating support functions;          Desirable versatility (finance, contracting, logistics, administration, HR, audit, internal control, etc.).          Experience of working in Ukraine appreciated          Experience in an NGO appreciated          Experience in national and international team management but also in change management appreciated          Good command of the fundamentals of project management and the project cycle          Good command of EU procedures          Excellent command of office tools, in particular Excel and Word          Proficiency in accounting software would be an asset          Very good command of French (written and spoken) SKILLS          Autonomy, responsiveness and adaptability          Ability to manage and coordinate multiple teams          good communication skills          Organisational skills and thoroughness          Ability to work under pressure          Sense of diplomacy LOCATION: Based in Kyiv, with occasional travel within the country.
Technical Support Engineer (L2)
Ajax Systems, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Ajax Systems — ?? ?????????? ???????????? ????????, ?????????? ? ?????? ????????? ? ???????? ?????? ??????? Ajax ?? ???????????? ????????? ????. ?? ???? ?????????? ?? 135 ?????????, ????????? ? ?????????? ???????????, ????????? ??????????????. ??????? ???? ?? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ?? ? ??????????? ???????, ??? ? ? ????????? ???????????? ? ?????? ?????. ?????? ? ???????? ?????? 3 000 ???????????. ? ??????? Ajax ?????????? 2,5 ??? ???????????? ? ????? ??? 169 ??????? ?????. ??? ?????? ??????: - ??????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?????????, ???????? (????? L1 Support Team) ?? ????????? ??????? ????????; - ?????????? ????????? ?????? ??? L1 Support, ??? ?????????? ??????????? (?? ??????? ???????) ?? ????????? ??????? ??????????? ??? ????? ????????? ???????????? ????????; - ??????? ?????????? ??????????, ?? ??????, ?????????????, ????????????? ????????, ????????? ?????????; - ?????? ??????????? ????????? ???????, ??????? ?????????? ??? ????????? ?? ???????? ???????; - ?????? ? ?????????? ?? ??????????? ????????? ????? ???????, ??????????? ?? ?????????? ?? ??????? ???????????; - ????????? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ? ???????? ?????????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ???????????? ????????????¨; - ??????? ????????? ????? ?????????. ?? ??????? ? ?????????? - ?????? ????????? ?????? ?? ?????; - ???????? ????????; - ?????? ?????? ??????????; - ?????? ?????? ? ?????? ?????; - ?????? ?????? ?? ????????? support (L1/L2) ??? 1 ????; - ????????? ????? ?????? API, ??????? ??????????? ????? (JSON, XML)?????? HTTP ?????????; - ?????? ?????? ? ?????????? Atlassian (Jira, Confluence, Dashboards, Reports); - ?????? ????????? ???? ???, ????????? ?????????? ?? ????????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????????. ?????? ???? ? ??? ?: - ?????? ?????? ? ????????? ???????????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????; - ???????? ??????; - Kibana ??? Grafana (?????? ?????). ?? ??????????: - C?????? ???????? ??????? ? ????????? ????; - ?????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ? ??????????? ??????? ??????????? ???????? ?????; - ?????? ? ???????????? ??????? ?? zero bullshit culture; - ??????? ?????? ? ?????; - ??????? ???????????. PI249622235
Support Engineer
Ajax Systems, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Join Ajax Systems , the leading manufacturer of cutting-edge Ajax wireless security systems with smart home capabilities. As a full-cycle company, we take pride in our ability to transform ideas into innovative products through development and mass production. With a diverse range of 135+ devices, the Ajax line safeguards premises against burglary, fires, and floods while providing seamless control over electrical appliances. Our solutions have earned us Europe's highest security awards, solidifying our position as a trusted name in the industry. Ajax is a Ukrainian success story, fueled by immense strength and boundless energy. We currently protect over 1,800,000 users in 170 countries worldwide. As our company continues to thrive, we are constantly seeking active individuals to join our team and contribute to our ongoing growth. Right now, we have an exciting opportunity for a Support Engineer with a strong command of English. As part of our dedicated support team, you will assist customers from all corners of the globe, providing round-the-clock assistance through various channels. We're proud of our ability to communicate in multiple languages, enabling us to promptly address and resolve user issues. To excel in this role, we're seeking a passionate and talented Technical Support Engineer who can: Respond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally via phone, email, and live chat. Investigate and troubleshoot client issues related to our products and services, ensuring swift resolution. Escalate complex problems to the appropriate team when necessary. Document and track customer interactions and problems using our efficient customer relationship management system (CRM). Educate customers on the features and benefits of our outstanding products and services. Key requirements for this role: Knowledge of the basics of physics and electrical engineering, empowering you to handle technical queries effectively. Intermediate or higher level of English proficiency Experience in customer communication, ensuring you understand their needs and can provide exceptional support. Familiarity with CRM systems (Jira, Confluence, etc.) is. a plus A degree in tech/engineering as a plus In return for your dedication and contributions, we offer: Official employment with Diya City including ordering for mobilization Paid sick leaves 18 working days of vocations annually Medical insurance and free sport gym usage (Kyiv) Free English courses to further enhance your language skills. Reimbursement of professional training An Ajax security system kit, allowing you to experience the benefits of our state-of-the-art products first-hand. If you are ready to join a forward-thinking company that values innovation and customer satisfaction, while offering a vibrant work environment, then apply now to become a part of our exceptional team at Ajax Systems. PI249758553
Support Service Manager
Quantum- Systems GmbH, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
The role is based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Job could not be done remotely We are seeking a motivated Support Service Manager to join our team at the Ukrainian office of Quantum-Systems, a leading producer of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Our UAVs are currently used by the Ukrainian armed forces, making a huge difference on the battleground. As the Support Service Manager, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. You will lead a dedicated team, manage customer support operations, and develop strategies to enhance our service delivery. If you are passionate about UAV technology and possess exceptional leadership and problem-solving skills, we invite you to join our forward-thinking company and contribute to our mission of revolutionizing the UAV industry.What is your Day to Day Mission:Provide user support through inbound chats and callsIdentify client issues, record cases in the CRM systemAnalyze user problems and find solutionsCommunicate with other company departments to resolve user issues and generate reports for relevant departmentsPrepare accompanying documents for receiving and issuing UAVs and components from repairPrepare reports and communicate with the manufacturer regarding incidentWhat you bring to the team:High proficiency in English. German and other languages will be beneficial Responsibility, organizational skills, and excellent communication skills.Experience in online chat/technical support (preferred).Ability to construct clear and concise sentences quickly without losing the quality of correspondence.Why Quantum-Systems:We believe in the power of combined efforts: straightforward tech expertise paired with a customer-centric focus.We are industry pioneers who are ambitious, bold, and visionary.We push limits, think outside the box, and strive for technological excellence to shape the future of aerial data.We promise to be your runway for individual and professional growth.About us:Quantum Systems specializes in the development, design, and production of small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS). The company’s range of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) sUAS are built to maximize range and versatility and to provide operators with a seamless user experience. By integrating cutting-edge software capabilities, like edge computing and real-time AI-powered data processing, Quantum Systems is building next-generation UAS for clients in the defense, security, and public sectors.
Support Service Manager
Quantum- Systems GmbH, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
The role is based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Job could not be done remotely  We are seeking a motivated Support Service Manager to join our team at the Ukrainian office of Quantum-Systems, a leading producer of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Our UAVs are currently used by the Ukrainian armed forces, making a huge difference on the battleground. As the Support Service Manager, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. You will lead a dedicated team, manage customer support operations, and develop strategies to enhance our service delivery. If you are passionate about UAV technology and possess exceptional leadership and problem-solving skills, we invite you to join our forward-thinking company and contribute to our mission of revolutionizing the UAV industry. What is your Day to Day Mission: Provide user support through inbound chats and calls Identify client issues, record cases in the CRM system Analyze user problems and find solutions Communicate with other company departments to resolve user issues and generate reports for relevant departments Prepare accompanying documents for receiving and issuing UAVs and components from repair Prepare reports and communicate with the manufacturer regarding incident What you bring to the team: High proficiency in English. German and other languages will be beneficial  Responsibility, organizational skills, and excellent communication skills. Experience in online chat/technical support (preferred). Ability to construct clear and concise sentences quickly without losing the quality of correspondence. Why Quantum-Systems: We believe in the power of combined efforts: straightforward tech expertise paired with a customer-centric focus. We are industry pioneers who are ambitious, bold, and visionary. We push limits, think outside the box, and strive for technological excellence to shape the future of aerial data. We promise to be your runway for individual and professional growth. About us: Quantum Systems specializes in the development, design, and production of small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS). The company’s range of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) sUAS are built to maximize range and versatility and to provide operators with a seamless user experience. By integrating cutting-edge software capabilities, like edge computing and real-time AI-powered data processing, Quantum Systems is building next-generation UAS for clients in the defense, security, and public sectors.
DBA Адміністратор, Технічний адміністратор ПЗ дистанційного навчання (LMS Moodle)
Що бажано знати та вміти:Вища технічна освітаДосвід управління, оптимізації та моніторингу великих баз даних типу MySQL. Досвід впровадження надійних стратегій резервного копіювання баз даних MySQL і пошуковими технологіями.Знання роботи ОС LinuxЗнання інсталяції, налаштування та оптимізації операційної системи FreeBSD (PHP, MySQL)Знання логіки роботи систем дистанційного навчання типу LMS Moodle або подібних до неї. Що треба робити:Керування та налаштування ПЗ LMS Moodle (інсталяція, підтримка, резервне копіювання, оптимізація)Завантаження навчальних матеріалів, тестів та ін. на платформуАвтоматизація створення та моніторінг облікових записів користувачів, генерування посилань, завантаження звітівІнтеграція ПЗ LMS Moodle з іншими системами ПЗ
Інженер технічної підтримки-системний адміністратор
Мікроком, Київ
Вимоги, побажання:  Знання стека протоколів TCP/IP Досвід роботи, SOHO роутерами Загальні знання принципів работы сервісів мережі Интернет (HTTP, FTP, DNS, DHCP, Добрі знания ОС Windows Швидка навчаємість, інтерес та здібності до новых знаньОбов'язки:  Технічна підтримка абонентів Підключення нових абонентів Настройка та адміністрування мережевого обладннняУмови: 
Спеціаліст технічної підтримки (Technical Support Engineer WSO2 ESB)
FinStaff, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Швидкий пошук Розширений пошук резюме Вакансія Місто Резюме Розділ Ключові слова Вакансія Sense Bank function prin(a) { window.open("/print.php?cat=1&id="+a,"","status=0,location=0, scrollbars=1, resizable=0"); } function sav(a) { location.href="/download.php?cat=1&id="+a; } Спеціаліст технічної підтримки (Technical Support Engineer WSO2 ESB) 19.09.2024, Київ Місто: Работа Киев: банк, финансы Рубрика: Работа в банке Інформаційні технології Графік роботи: постоянная Досвід роботи: 3-х років Освіта: вища Шукаємо людину, яка буде:•забезпечувати працездатність та стабільність впроваджених систем;•приймати участь в оптимізації систем;•оперативно реагувати на некоректне функціонування систем;•проводити моніторинг працездатності та стабільності роботи додатків;•фіксувати помилки/інциденти та взаємодіяти з розробниками для їх вирішення;•вирішувати нестандартні ситуації, брати участь у розслідуванні інцидентів, що виникли в процесі експлуатації систем та процесів;•володiти англiйською мовою на рiвнi B1 Intermediate. Ти підходиш, якщо в тебе: •знання SQL: PostgreSQL, Oracle;•знання Camunda BPMN, розуміння роботи RabbitMQ, Vault;•розуміння технологій Spring/Java/Groovy;•досвід роботи з підходом Rest/Restful, SOAP;•досвід роботи з Unix/Linux;•досвід роботи з Apache Tomcat 8,9+ , Jboss, Jenkins, Nginx;•досвід роботи з продуктами iнтеграцiйних платформ, WSO2, ESB, EI, AS;•бажано досвід роботи з Docker, Kubernetes та Openshift/OKD;•розуміння банківських процесів та технологій;•досвід роботи з системам контролю версій (Git, Bitbucket);•розуміння систем логування і трасування ELK Stack: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana;•розуміння та досвід роботи з системами моніторингу (Zabbix, Grafana). Чому потрібно йти саме до нас?Тому що щодня ми створюємо майбутнє, яке має сенс. А також пам’ятай, що:•Є сенс бути з тими, хто піклується про тебе та надає безліч бонусів•Є сенс обирати: працювати з дому або зі стильного офісу та обирати свій формат роботи.•Є сенс почати з легкого старту та адаптації у команді. Ми будемо поруч з тобою та надихати.•Є сенс прогресивно навчатися та прокачувати свої скіли разом із Sense Bank. Sense Bank для тих, хто хоче здобути досвід роботи в динамічному digital-банку та реалізувати амбіційні проєкти.Готовий? Відправляй резюме! Компанія: Sense Bank Переглянути всі вакансії Sense BankВідправити резюме Відправити вакансію колегам Сохранить в аккаунте Інші вакансії Sense Bank: Фахівець по роботі з сервісом та касових операцій ІІ категорії 19.09.2024, Харків Sense Bank — це державний банк з 30 роками історії. За цей час ми стали не просто місцем для роботи, а спільнотою з 4000 людей, де кожен присвячений місії — створювати сенси, щоб здійснювались мрії українців. Шукаємо людину, яка буде: забезпечувати своєчасне та якісне обслуговування клієнтів б... >>> Фахівець із залучення клієнтів середнього бізнесу 1-ої категорії 19.09.2024, Харків Sense Bank — це державний банк з 30 роками історії. За цей час ми стали не просто місцем для роботи, а спільнотою з 4000 людей, де кожен присвячений місії — створювати сенси, щоб здійснювались мрії українців. Шукаємо людину, яка буде: обслуговувати клієнтів малого та середнього бізнесу;залуч... >>> Керівник з методології інтегрованих ризиків (рівень позиції В-1) 19.09.2024, Київ Sense Bank — це державний банк з 30 роками історії. За цей час ми стали не просто місцем для роботи, а спільнотою з 4000 людей, де кожен присвячений місії - створювати сенси, щоб здійснювались мрії українців. Шукаємо людину, яка буде: створювати інтегровану систему управління ризиками, яка охоплює... >>> Робота в компаніяхработа мегабанкработа банк кредит днепрработа таскомбанкработа кредитмаркетработа правэкс банкработа глобус банкработа универсал банкработа приватбанкработа пиреус банкработа прокредит банкработа укрэксимбанкработа отп банкработа укрсиббанкработа авальработа кредобанкработа пзу украинаработа бта банкработа укргазбанкработа альфа банкработа радабанкработа сбербанкработа пумбработа банк пивденныйработа форвард банкработа идея банкработа ощадбанкработа креди агриколь банкработа мтб банкработа юнекс банк Швидкий перехід черкассы прилуки кассир запорожье павлоград операционист северодонецк кривой рог юрист миргород кредит під 0 деньги в долг чернигов винница мфо україна бердянск днепр мелитополь борисполь шостка луцк белая церковь кредит без справки о доходах рейтинг кредитов херсон всі мфо энергодар кредит без довідки про доходи касир ужгород яготин аналитик смела александрия каменец-подольский ровно экономист киев каменское житомир кредит онлайн на карту юрисконсульт ивано-франковск бровары хмельницкий бердичев харьков черновцы кременчуг никополь мариуполь краматорск нові мфо маловідомі мфо україни одесса кропивницкий измаил кредит онлайн на карту без отказа срочно славянск бухгалтер нові мфо україна николаев полтава невідомі мфо україни сумы львов все мфо бахмут изюм гроші в борг терміново умань тернополь мукачево
$ Робота Технічний працівник (Завгосп) з авто Висока ЗП
Шукаємо технічного працівника для обслуговування магазинів.Висока ЗПКомпенсація ГСМПідтримка та адоптація
Спеціаліст з технічної пітримки
Компанія «UAITLAB», яка займається WEB розробкою в пошуку спеціаліста з технічної підтримки для роботи на віддаленій основі. Наш кандидат – це відповідальна та грамотна людина.Вимоги до кандидата:Грамотна комунікаціяНаявність комп'ютера чи ноутбукуСтабільний інтернет-зв'язокБажане знання англійської мови Умови праці:Віддалена робота8 годинний робочий деньКомпенсація від 15 000 грнДружній колективПідтримка і навчанняОбов'язки:Надання підтримки та допомоги користувачамШвидке реагування на запитиКомунікація з клієнтамиКонсультації з питань програмного забезпеченняМожна без досвіду, у нас є навчання та підтримка Скоріше пиши нам та приєднуйся до нашої компанії :))
Technical Artist (World of Tanks)
Wargaming, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job OverviewThe World of Tanks team is looking for an experienced Technical Artist. You’ll be part of the development team that implements visual features for maps and tanks and is responsible for the game's performance.What will you do? Collaborate closely with art, VFX, design, and development teams to bridge the gap between artistic vision and technical implementation.Develop tools for artists and establish processes for the content creation pipeline.Provide technical support and guidance to creative teams, helping them overcome challenges and achieve their artistic goals.Ensure smooth art implementation by fulfilling the requirements of in-game features and visual targets.Manage the technical budget for all incoming assets.Offer solutions that are both valid for gameplay and optimal for performance.Profile and optimize memory usage and performance for in-game maps and content.Act as the first responder for content creators when technical issues arise.Share ownership of common objectives to deliver outstanding quality content for our games.Establish and promote technical best practices for content creators.Create and maintain comprehensive technical art documentation. What are we looking for? 5+ years of experience as a technical artist.Proven track record of supporting AAA game deliveries through technical expertise.Proficiency in game engines, RenderDoc, version control systems, and artistic toolsets.Experience in developing tools for artists and establishing content creation processes.Familiarity with rendering pipelines, PBR, and real-time graphics principles.Proven experience with memory optimization and managing art performance budgets.Understanding of Python or C#.Excellent collaboration and communication skills, with a proactive attitude for bridging communication between art and engineering in an English-speaking environment.Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to find creative solutions to technical challenges in a fast-paced development setting. What additional skills will help you stand out? Experience with contemporary art toolsets (e.g., Substance, Blender).Experience in procedural content creation using industry-standard tools (e.g., Houdini or equivalent).A passion for video games. Work modeHybrid (2-3 days of work from the office)BenefitsBenefits and perks are tailored to the local market and culture. Our benefits in Kyiv include: 24 business days of annual leave per calendar year6 trust days per calendar yearCareer development and education opportunities within the companyPremium Private Health Care (with wellness program option)Mental well-being program (iFeel)Life event bonuses (Employee’s Birthday, Marriage, Child’s Birth…)English courses with 50% contributionEmployee discountsPersonal Gaming Account Coffee, fruits, and snacks in the officeCompany events Seniority Awards Referral program - You can recommend the best talents to the company and receive a reward Please submit your CV in English to ensure smooth processing and review.