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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Модератор в Київській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Модератор в Київській області"

21 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Модератор в Київській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Модератор в Київській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Модератор" по областям Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Модератор відкрито в Києві. На другому місці - Броварський район, а на третьому - борисполь.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Модератор відкрито в Києві. На другому місці - Броварський район, а на третьому - борисполь.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Partner Success Representative/Account Manager
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Passionate about the latest trends in Tech? What if you had a chance to be a part of the worldʼs leading Hardware, Software, or SaaS solutions? Take your chance to become a mediator between our company, a group of our clients, and tech teams. Join our team as a Partner Success Representative/Account Manager to provide high-level quality service for famous worldwide well-known companies. Get the intensive training and emerge into technical, and business knowledge to provide excellent service to clients all over the globe. Excited? Letʼs see what it takes. Requirements What You Need: Exceptional command of written and spoken Ukrainian and English (C1-C2 levels); 2+ years of experience in a similar position or 2+ years experience in tech service industry; Tech-savvy critical thinker and problem-solver (worked with various professional business tools such as Keynote, PowerPoint, and Excel); Team player who worked on cross-departmental projects for further service delivery enhancements; Skilled in time management and has experience working with time management platforms (Asana, Jira etc.); Having great interpersonal and communication skills, excited about communicating with people; Excellent at organizing and multitasking, being able to work with several accounts at the same time; Having a track record of taking responsibility; Love people and new technologies. What You Will Do: Integrate new accounts; Manage accounts from 30+ countries and a diverse list of industries; Maintain constant communication with tech teams and clients; Proactively mediate and resolve any clients' and tech specialists' questions etc.; Maintain security standards within teams and also on the client's side; Ensure that agreements are adhered to by all parties; Moderate candidate introduction to new projects, onboard new tech specialists and facilitate their lifecycle with a project;Help talented people from your teams grow and develop professionally; Work with diverse cultures and countries, and meet wonderful people. Would be a plus: Work experience in outstaffing or outsourcing companies; Good sense of humor Benefits We Offer: Competitive monthly rate in USD; Business hours; Opportunity to work remotely; Financial and professional growth; Paid intensive training and trial period; Great management with no bureaucracy; Outstaff Your Team Medical Policy.
International Client Relations Specialist
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Passionate about the latest trends in Tech? What if you had a chance to be a part of the worldʼs leading Hardware, Software, or SaaS solutions? Take your chance to become a mediator between our company, a group of our clients, and tech teams. Join our team as an International Client Relations Specialist to provide high-level quality service for famous worldwide well-known companies. Get the intensive training and emerge into technical, and business knowledge to provide excellent service to clients all over the globe. Excited? Letʼs see what it takes. Requirements What You Need: Exceptional command of written and spoken Ukrainian and English (C1-C2 levels); 2+ years of experience in a similar position or 2+ years experience in tech service industry; Tech-savvy critical thinker and problem-solver (worked with various professional business tools such as Keynote, PowerPoint, and Excel); Team player who worked on cross-departmental projects for further service delivery enhancements; Skilled in time management and has experience working with time management platforms (Asana, Jira etc.); Having great interpersonal and communication skills, excited about communicating with people; Excellent at organizing and multitasking, being able to work with several accounts at the same time; Having a track record of taking responsibility; Love people and new technologies. What You Will Do: Integrate new accounts; Manage accounts from 30+ countries and a diverse list of industries; Maintain constant communication with tech teams and clients; Proactively mediate and resolve any clients' and tech specialists' questions etc.; Maintain security standards within teams and also on the client's side; Ensure that agreements are adhered to by all parties; Moderate candidate introduction to new projects, onboard new tech specialists and facilitate their lifecycle with a project;Help talented people from your teams grow and develop professionally; Work with diverse cultures and countries, and meet wonderful people. Would be a plus: Work experience in outstaffing or outsourcing companies; Good sense of humor Benefits We Offer: Competitive monthly rate in USD; Business hours; Opportunity to work remotely; Financial and professional growth; Paid intensive training and trial period; Great management with no bureaucracy; Outstaff Your Team Medical Policy.
Project Delivery Specialist
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Passionate about the latest trends in Tech? What if you had a chance to be a part of the worldʼs leading Hardware, Software, or SaaS solutions? Take your chance to become a mediator between our company, a group of our clients, and tech teams. Join our team as a Project Delivery Specialist to provide high-level quality service for famous worldwide well-known companies. Get the intensive training and emerge into technical, and business knowledge to provide excellent service to clients all over the globe. Excited? Letʼs see what it takes. Requirements What You Need: Exceptional command of written and spoken Ukrainian and English (C1-C2 levels); 2+ years of experience in a similar position or 2+ years experience in tech service industry; Tech-savvy critical thinker and problem-solver (worked with various professional business tools such as Keynote, PowerPoint, and Excel); Team player who worked on cross-departmental projects for further service delivery enhancements; Skilled in time management and has experience working with time management platforms (Asana, Jira etc.); Having great interpersonal and communication skills, excited about communicating with people; Excellent at organizing and multitasking, being able to work with several accounts at the same time; Having a track record of taking responsibility; Love people and new technologies. What You Will Do: Integrate new accounts; Manage accounts from 30+ countries and a diverse list of industries; Maintain constant communication with tech teams and clients; Proactively mediate and resolve any clients' and tech specialists' questions etc.; Maintain security standards within teams and also on the client's side; Ensure that agreements are adhered to by all parties; Moderate candidate introduction to new projects, onboard new tech specialists and facilitate their lifecycle with a project;Help talented people from your teams grow and develop professionally; Work with diverse cultures and countries, and meet wonderful people. Would be a plus: Work experience in outstaffing or outsourcing companies; Good sense of humor Benefits We Offer: Competitive monthly rate in USD; Business hours; Opportunity to work remotely; Financial and professional growth; Paid intensive training and trial period; Great management with no bureaucracy; Outstaff Your Team Medical Policy.
Digital Marketer
Sociala, Київ
Responsibilities:Development and implementation of marketing strategy Developing and launching advertising campaigns: targeting, influence campaigns, UGC, etc., including selecting appropriate target audiences, setting budgets, monitoring campaign performance and making adjustments when necessary.Shaping marketing objectives, keeping in mind the goals, and developing a project planAnalyzing data and metrics to determine the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and optimize them.Collaborating with the product team to identify and implement new features to improve user experience.Managing the user community on social platforms, including interacting, moderating and responding to feedback. Requirements:+3 years experience in digital marketing Understanding of content monetisation mechanisms on social platforms and experience with analytics in this area.Understanding of the market and edtech trends is a great advantage Experience in using promotion and analytics tools for digital campaigns (Facebook Insights, Instagram Insights), ad campaign management tools (Facebook Ads Manager, Google Ads), and web traffic analytics tools (Google Analytics).Experience in developing a marketing strategy from scratch Experience in planning, launching and controlling advertising campaigns from scratch. Understanding of social platform algorithms and ability to adapt marketing strategies to changes in these algorithms for optimal audience reach.
MediaHead, Київ
Ми — диджитал агенція повного циклу Mediahead, у нас є команда профі, які роблять круті проєкти та люблять свою роботу.Немає лише тебе — нашого SMM-спеціаліста, який стане невід‘ємною частиною нашої дружньої team!В нас точно метч, якщо ти маєш такі особисті якості:вмієш і любиш спілкуватися з людьми;націлена/ний на розвиток;командний гравець;володієш такими якостями як самостійність, посидючість, уважність та системність.Неважливо, ти хлопчик, дівчинка чи, можливо, котик — головне, щоб цінності у нас були спільні! А що ж щодо інших вимог? Все просто:готовність виконати тестове завдання до співбесіди (тестове завдання не оплачується);досвід від 1 року на позиції SMM спеціаліста;минулий досвід в агенції — тільки плюс;грамотна українська;знання будь-якої іноземної — тільки плюс;проживання в м. Київ або Київській області;вміння працювати з ТікТок — буде плюсом.Які перед тобою стоятимуть завдання?Ведення сторінок брендів у соцмережах, месенджерах на рівні менеджера (щодня), ведення звітності (щомісяця).Участь в розробці SMM стратегій, презентацій, пропозицій, в житті агенції.Менеджмент контент-плану: постановка задач копірайтеру, дизайнеру, таргетологу, фотографу (за потреби), модератору. Писати тексти постів чи робити картинки не потрібно!Організація фото та відеозйомки (раз в квартал, в залежності від запитів замовника).Підбір блогерів, планування та реалізація кампаній з лідерами думок (періодично).Чим поділимось ми?Регулярна конкурентна заробітна плата.Робота з ефективною командою, що допоможе тобі розвиватись.Постійне навчання (ми забезпечуємо внутрішні тренінги та оплачуване навчання для підвищення твоєї кваліфікації).Техніка для роботи.Відсутність мікроменеджменту з боку керівництва.Гарні жарти від акаунт директора.Привітна корпоративна культура (раз на місяць їмо смаколики в офісі).Відпустки, дей оффи, лікарняні.Надійність: злагоджена роками команда (хтось працює 5, хтось вже 11 років), маємо досвід роботи в кризовий час.Формат роботи: гібридний (декілька днів в офісі, інші — віддалено. На період знайомства — бажано тільки офіс), в офісі є вайфай, старлінк, опалення та укриття.Відчуваєш, що це твоє? Надсилай резюме, виконуй тестове (обіцяємо його не використовувати в комерційних цілях) і зустрінемось на співбесіді!
Junior Support / Operations Specialist (Storyby)
SKELAR — це venture builder, який будує міжнародні продуктові IT-компанії за правилами світу венчурних інвестицій. Разом із ко-фаундерами збираємо сильні команди, щоб запускати продуктові IT-бізнеси та перемагати на глобальних ринках.Storyby — це tech стартап, зосереджений на пошуку молодих зіркових авторів і побудові контентної екосистеми — книги, аудіо та відео адаптації. Ми відкриваємо світу авторів, в яких бачимо потенціал створювати бестселери. Ми розробляємо продукти, аби нові best-selling історії можна було читати, слухати та взаємодіяти через різноманітний контент. Наші продукти зараз на етапі активного масштабування з позитивною unit-економікою, а саме —AlphaNovel та DramaShorts.Маємо команду з44професіоналів, які будують майбутнє світу паблішингу іконтенту XXIстоліття.AlphaNovelТранзакційний додаток зпідпискою, доступний наплатформах iOS таAndroid, надають користувачам найкращий досвід читання тапрослуховування коротких оповідань. Бездоганно інтегрована ігрова механіка разом ізсистемою винагород підвищують залученість користувачів таїхнє задоволення. AlphaNovel єфлагманським продуктом, наякому вже запаблішили свої книги більше 12’000 письменників таактивна аудиторія понад мільйон читачів.DramaShortsДодаток для iOS таAndroid, який занурює користувачів уbite-size entertainment світ відео-екранізацій уформаті Shorts. Кожна екранізація єнатхненням від найкращих творів AlphaNovel. Зараз DramaShorts єнаетапі активного масштабування зпозитивною юніт-економікою.Для посилення нашої юридичної таcompliance позицій мивпошукахCompliance/Operations Specialist,який підсилитьOperations команду тадопоможе упобудові тапокращенні процесів модерації, плагіату такомплайенсу платформиAlphaNovel.Які виклики чекають:—Вибудова іпокращення процесів модерації ікомплайенсу застосунку AlphaNovel;—Розроблення SOP іПлейбуків попитанням модерації, оцінки тавзаємодії зконтентом;—Перевірка контенту навідповідність доактуальних вимог AppleStore, PlayMarket, TikTok, Meta;—DMCA & анти-плагіат перевірка контенту.Щодля нас важливо:—Письмова англійська B2/C1;—Любов докнижок тачитання;—0,5— 1рік досвіду роботи уSupport, Moderation або юридичних фірмах/ юридичних бутиках/ великій четвірці/ аудиті/ фінансах;—Системність таструктурність;—Увага додеталей;—Можливість відвідувати офіс уформаті смарт-гібрид вКиєві.Буде плюсом:—Досвід спілкування ізклієнтами/партнерами;—Юридична/бізнес освіта.Будемо раді знайомитись зпроактивними світчерами зкорпоративним досвідом укомандах сапорту тамодерації контенту.Окрім бізнесів мирозвиваємо власний благодійний фонд SKELAR foundation напідтримку ЗСУ. Вмежах ініціативи створюємо тафінансуємо великі проєкти, щодопомагають наближати нашу перемогу.SKELAR — середовище для самореалізації людей, які здатні створити успішні компанії. Ми такі компанії називаємо the next big everything. Віримо в їх потужність та масштаб.Ми плануємо й надалі розвивати tech-бізнеси, підкорювати глобальні ринки та працювати задля перемоги УкраїниДля цього створили всі можливості всередині нашого venture builder’a:—8інфраструктурних команд, які допомагають стартапам закривати будь-які питання: від рекрутингу дофінансів таюридичних питань.—Спільнота фаундерів, які вже запустили неодин бізнес йможуть ділитися практичним досвідом.—Внутрішні клуби запрофесійними напрямками: маркетинг, розробка, фінанси, рекрутинг.—Тренінги, курси, відвідування конференцій.—Медичне страхування, корпоративний лікар тапсихолог.Давай разом будуватиthe next big everything!
Global Support Manager
MGID, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description MGID was founded in 2008 and is one of the leading companies in native advertising. We enable our media partners to monetize their audience and help brands to promote their services and goods effectively. MGID offers a range of integrated solutions covering the promotion process every step of the way; we offer services ranging from planning out the marketing strategy to its thoughtful implementation and optimization. Our clients include major international brands like Renault, Domino’s, Airbnb, PizzaHut, Qatar Airlines, and many others, including media organizations and web agencies. MGID is: A proprietary Highload service that delivers 185 billion advertisements to 850 million unique users in more than 70 languages; The winner of multiple AdTech awards for innovation and product quality; A workforce of 700+ employees operating from offices in the US, Europe, and Asia. What will you do: — Work with clients’ requests via email, tickets and messengers; — Work on moderation/post moderation of the websites according to the rules and requirements; — Analyze the performance of the ads and provide suggestions on ad campaign optimization; — Work on retention and increasing of clients’ loyalty; — Work on individual tasks and team projects — Working with CRMs; Admin panels — Working on transferring clients to/from Success managers — Working on optimization of ad campaigns and upsell of clients — Support existing clients — Helping with KnowledgeBase for English language Pages — Working on the requests from current partners on WhatsUp, Telegram, Line etc. — Working on the requests from potential clients or current partners on Forums/TG channels/Facebook Requirements Who you are: — Interest in Native Advertising, with no prior experience in the field required; — Interest in online advertising, the edtech market, and technologies; — Ability to handle a large volume of information; — Fast learner with the ability to adapt quickly; — Quick reaction to market changes; — Strong analytical and communication skills; — Ability to meet deadlines and work effectively in a team; — Capability to handle clients' complaints and issues; — Experience in communicating with foreign customers is advantageous; — Higher education, preferably a Bachelor's Degree in fields such as Philology, Marketing, International Relations, International Business, or a related field. Current university students in their final year are also encouraged to apply. Languages proficiency — Fluent English — Proficiency in other languages will be a plus MGID is an awesome place to work for those who share results-driven culture, passion for AdTech, innovation, and human focus . We set ambitious goals, approach challenges with enthusiasm, and value honesty, transparency, and empathy. We celebrate the diversity and the unique contributions of each individual. By embracing these values, we create a culture of excellence, creativity, and empathy. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Join us and unleash your full potential in a fun and rewarding environment! Let's create better together. MGID is a global advertising platform helping brands reach unique local audiences at scale. In MGID we empower brands and publishers to work together transparently through our privacy-first targeting technology to enable advertisers to drive performance and awareness, and publishers to retain and monetize their audiences. Today, we’re creating unique technologies and with your help, we are looking to aim even higher.
Junior Moderator
MGID, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description MGID was founded in 2008 and is one of the leading companies in native advertising. We enable our media partners to monetize their audience and help brands to promote their services and goods effectively. MGID offers a range of integrated solutions covering the promotion process every step of the way; we offer services ranging from planning out the marketing strategy to its thoughtful implementation and optimization. Our clients include major international brands like Renault, Domino’s, Airbnb, PizzaHut, Qatar Airlines, and many others, including media organizations and web agencies. MGID is: A proprietary Highload service that delivers 185 billion advertisements to 850 million unique users in more than 70 languages; The winner of multiple AdTech awards for innovation and product quality; A workforce of 700+ employees operating from offices in the US, Europe, and Asia. What will you do: Moderating and post-moderating ad units. Reviewing different kinds of content and making sure it doesn't violate any local laws, regulations, security standards and MGID Creative and Compliance policies. Communicating, solving issues and supporting the Moderation support team as well as other departments within the company in terms of compliance. Requirements Who you are: Basic copywriting skills and grammatical competence Ability to screen and structure content Knowledge of Google’s Products & Services, Spy tools, Jira, Slack Good technical understanding and picking up new tools quickly Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced, team-oriented diverse environment Strong organisational and multitasking skills Ability to effectively communicate information Ability to stay calm, accurate and proficient under multiple deadlines Will be a plus: Working experience as a content moderator, compliance specialist Having knowledge of customer service or ads/community moderation principles Understanding how to create and work with compliance policies Experience with different types of advertising: Native, Display, Video, Mobile etc. Languages proficiency Fluent English and Ukrainian Join MGID , a company known for its results-driven culture and drive for innovation in AdTech. As part of our team, you will feel supported, connected, and have the flexibility you need to thrive in both your personal and professional life. We value your background, ideas, enthusiasm, and desire to improve every day. Get to Know MGID: - A proprietary Highload service that delivers 185 billion advertisements to 850 million unique users in more than 60 languages - The winner of multiple AdTech awards for innovation and product quality - A dedicated team of 700+ colleagues operating from offices in the US, Europe, and Asia - A passion for cutting-edge technologies and a seamless vertical structure that allows regional teams to exchange skills and development practices. MGID is an equal opportunity employer. We value our colleagues for who they are, no matter what they look like, where they come from, or what language they speak. MGID is a global advertising platform helping brands reach unique local audiences at scale. In MGID we empower brands and publishers to work together transparently through our privacy-first targeting technology to enable advertisers to drive performance and awareness, and publishers to retain and monetize their audiences. Today, we’re creating unique technologies and with your help, we are looking to aim even higher.
Business English Teacher | Vocabulaba
Laba Group, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Online education is an area of explosive startups and investments. By 2025, the global EdTech market will be worth more than $400 billion. Laba Group team started 8 years ago and we are already EdTech leaders in Ukraine. We break old stereotypes and write our own rules in the online education sphere. If you open the Forbes 100 list, 93 of them are our clients. Briefly about us: in 2015, the first master class was launched in Kyiv, which grew into the Laba business school; in 2019, the creative school SKVOT was opened; in 2020, were opened offices in 5 European countries and robot_dreams — a school of programming, analytics and data science; we are leading the online education market in Eastern Europe; by 2025 we will become an EdTech-Unicorn.  In each country, we have local teams, and the courses are held in native languages. We have built a strong team and become a Laba, recognized by Forbes and Harvard Business Review . Right now, we are expanding and looking for an experienced Business English Teacher to join our new project Vocabulaba — online courses on Business English in various job-related topics that we launched in 2023 and which help students develop their English language skills in a professional business context.  What will be on your task list: Participate in students’ evaluations together with the sales department on the stage of course purchase.  Plan, evaluate, and revise curricula, course content, course materials, methods of instruction and grade students' assignments.  Deliver lessons to students on different business topics and professions in various spheres. Cooperate with course team members to constantly improve programs.  Initiate, facilitate, and moderate classroom discussions.  Maintain regularly scheduled hours to advise and assist students.  Ensure that students can effectively use language in job-related topics.  Requirements Skill pack for high-quality performance: Minimum three years of experience in teaching English.  Experience in teaching English to business professionals.  Knowledge of various teaching and learning methods.  University Degree in the English Language (Philology, Pedagogy, Linguistics). Patient and resilient personality who is open to new challenges and passionate about teaching. Ability to create unique and engaging learning programs from scratch.  Nice-to-have: CELTA/TESOL, LCCI or other teaching qualifications. Benefits Benefits from us: Working in a format that suits you best: onsite in the Podil office, remote or hybrid.  Freedom of creativity. We support cool results and non-standard approaches. Full-time opportunity to dive deep into course production and delivering.  Paid vacation after 6 months of cooperation and sick leave.  Free access to all Laba Group courses. Support in the form of compensation for external studies, sports, mental and physical health. After a year of work, you can buy a laptop and receive compensation of 50% of its cost.  Our recruitment process is transparent and clear: resume screening → interview with a recruiter → test task → interview with Hiring Manager and CEO. After that, an offer is in your mail. Together, we can make education more accessible, engaging, and impactful.  If you feel the match - fill out the form and join. 
Customer support manager
FRND App, Київ
Key actionable:Upskilling, and monetization of matchmakers, content creators, and moderators to ensure their long-term retentionWorking along with the product team to launch new features around engagement, retention, and monetizationCreating / Developing micro-influencers within the FRND ecosystem to drive matchmaking, virtual gifting, radio showsStay up to date with new social media trends, insights, and best practices, and then act on the information to grow engagement on the platformWhat are we looking for?Proficiency in written and verbal EnglishHigh ownershipStrongly data-drivenExecution-bias / HustleHigh creativity quotientFast decision makingUser empathyWomen wanting to start/restart their careers can also apply.