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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Фандрайзер в Київській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Фандрайзер в Київській області"

3 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Фандрайзер" по диапазонам зарплаты в Київській області

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 16.09.24, за професією Фандрайзер в Київській області відкрито 1 вакансій. Для 100% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 2.2+ грн. 0% оголошень з зарплатнею 1.2+ грн, і 0% з зарплатнею 1.4+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Фандрайзер в Київській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Фандрайзер в Київській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Фандрайзер" по областям Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Фандрайзер відкрито в Броварах. На другому місці - Ірпінь, а на третьому - Буча.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Business Development Manager (French)
Jooble, Київ
Jooble is a Ukrainian product IT company that ranks in the top 10 most visited websites in the world in the Jobs and Employment segment. The company’s main product is a job search website, which is used by around 90 million users in 67 countries worldwide each month, both employers and job seekers. In addition, Jooble is developing an ecosystem of related products and investing in startups based on employment through Jooble Venture Lab."We believe that work is one of the main components of human life. Every year, our service is used by about 1 billion people, so your work in Jooble will affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people and help them make an important choice in life” - Roman Prokofiev, Сo-founder.Jooble is a remote-first company with 355 professionals who live in 24 countries and speak 25 languages. We believe that talented people can create cool projects no matter where they are!We are looking for a motivated Business Development Representative to drive our Jooble's growth by generating leads, new business models, nurturing relationships, and expanding our customer base.Requirements:Excellent French skills, min B2;Knowledge of sales software like Snov, Outreach, Sales Navigator;Experience with full-cycle sales process;Great background in lead generation;Strong presentation skills;Tech-savvy;Data-driven mindset.Responsibilities:Shape Jooble's value proposition and business model to revolutionize the job search industry;Stay ahead of industry trends, gathering insights for strategic growth;Identify and qualify potential customers who align with our ICP;Proactively engage prospects through various channels;Closing deals;Conduct impactful meetings with potential customers, highlighting unique benefits.What makes work at Jooble comfortable?Work from anywhereAll employees can work in the office or remotely. Also, we have hubs and offices. Everyone who is abroad can visit our space in Warsaw. For those in Ukraine, you can visit offices in Kyiv or Lutsk. The company provides all the necessary work equipment, whether you work in the office or remotely.Flexible working hoursThe 8-hour working day and you choose when to start. What matters to us is the result, not the number of hours spent at the workplace.EducationWe cover training costs: professional courses, webinars, and language courses.HealthcareWe provide health insurance for everyone who has worked for more than 3 months. For colleagues who are abroad, financial support is provided in case of medical expenses.Mental HealthWe are cooperating with the well-being service. It provides employees with psychological consultations or a 50% discount on different psychologists’ services.Vacation and Sick Leave24 days of annual leave, paid sick days, + the possibility to take 4 additional sick days without a medical certificate.Our cultureThere is always a fantastic team behind a successful project. We'd really like our people to feel that Jooble’s workplace promotes freedom, respect, support, and honesty. We always give feedback to each other, and we believe it helps us develop personally and our products in general.Ukraine is the capital of great people! From the first day of the war, Jooble actively supports and organises fundraisings. Our colleagues protect our country and volunteer what is, for sure, important efforts for Ukraine today.If, in the job description, you see yourself and really want to become a member of our team, please send us your CV, and our recruiter will reach you.LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/joobleInstagram https://www.instagram.com/jooblelife/Careers http://hiring.jooble.org/Історія Jooble у Forbes: https://jooble.link/6C18
Менеджер з розвитку, Фандрайзер
За майбутнє дітей, Благодійний фонд, Київ
Благодійний фонд в сфері освіти у пошуку фахівця із залучення фінансування. Ми прагнемо революціонізувати освітній ландшафт України за допомогою цифрових технологій. Під час війни фонд займається допомогою в отриманні якісної освіти дітям, які постраждали від російської агресії. Наш орієнтир — це круті проекти національного масшабу та швидкий розвиток іноваційних кейсів.Обов’язки:Пошук потенційних донорів та джерел фінансування;Проведення переговорів з потенційними донорами та заключення договорів;Комунікації та підтримка відносин із існуючими грантодавцями;Генерація ідей благодійних проектів (на основі комунікацій з донорами).Вимоги:обов’язковий досвід роботи по залученню фінансування в некомерційних організаціях або у сфері корпоративних продажів в комерційному секторі;розуміння специфіки роботи благодійної організації;уміння формувати грантові пропозиції, розробляти формати спонсорської участі;презентаційні навички та вміння вести переговори;гарні навички письмової та усної комунікації;знання англійської мови для письмового та усного спілкування;досвід роботи у міжнародних донорських організаціях буде перевагою;наявність контактної бази міжнародних та українських організацій, які займаються благодійністю, буде плюсом;досвід роботи в сфері освіти буде плюсом.Ми готові запропонувати:Участь в амбіційному та суспільно-важливому проекті всеукраїнського масштабу.Віддалений формат роботи.Високопрофесійний та захоплений своєю роботою колективРесурси для виконання поставлених завдань.Просимо вас в супровідному листі вказувати бажаний рівень заробітної плати!
Programme Development Specialist - UKRAINE
Handicap International, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:  www.hi.org At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities. Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview. JOB CONTEXT: Since the beginning of the war, HI has set up a two-country program  covering Ukraine and Moldova.  Aligning itself with the priorities of the Ukraine Flash Appeal and Regional Refugee Response Plan,  HI pillars of interventions  are : Health : HI aims to improve access to quality  physical rehabilitation and mental health and psychosocial services  (MHPSS) for conflict-affected vulnerable population. Protection:  Given the scale of humanitarian and protection needs, HI intervenes at various levels to ensure that vulnerable conflict-affected populations have access to multi-sectoral services tailored to their needs. In addition, HI aims to foster a  disability-inclusive humanitarian  response. Armed Violence Reduction:  Recent and ongoing attacks dangerously exacerbated Explosive Ordnance (EO) contamination in Ukraine. In light of this, HI is conducting a multi-pronged approach to EO Risk Education and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (CPP), adaptable to the evolution of the conflict. Basic needs : to respond to the most acute needs for displaced households hosted by the local population or living in collective settings, HI is providing hygiene and non-food item kits, with an approach various modalities of intervention including in-kind and/or cash-based transfers. Humanitarian-to-humanitarian logistics (ATLAS Logistique):  To facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance as close as possible to the most affected populations, HI proposes mutualized storage and transportation services to other humanitarian actors – with a specific focus on “last-mile transportation”. HI has 2 hubs, one in the East (based in Dnipro) and one in the West (based in Chernivtsi) and the coordination is in Kyiv. We have activities in other cities like Lviv, Vinnyitsia, Kharkiv, Poltava). YOUR MISSION: Under the authority of the Technical Unit Manager, and in collaboration with the Regional Director, Country Managers and Operations Managers, your main responsibilities are: 1 - Strategic development:  linking current internal strategic development efforts with fundraising strategy (understand potential for new interventions, identify areas of interest for future programming, and related funding opportunities). To develop a new fundraising strategy and action plan for the mission linked to the operational objectives set in the new 2023-2025 Stratop. Produce a summary of needs and gaps within HI Ukraine’s programmatic areas to identify potential for new interventions, needs assessments, and funding opportunities. Map relevant donors’ strategies and priorities, and development initiatives of other organizations (NGOs, UN agencies and government) 2 - Relationship management:  building external relationships/external engagement, including identification of fundraising and partnership opportunities Engage with donors to identify areas of mutual interest for further engagement and support relationships with strategic donors and partners. Identify and develop potential partnership opportunities for large-scale projects (e.g. consortiums, multi- country projects) Identify potential local partners and develop support the formulation of Local Partnership packages covering capacity assessment and enhancement and partnership management and contracting. In coordination with and Communications Officer, develop a communication strategy and action plans for HI’s Ukraine’s mission to better communicate HI’s work to existing and potential donors, country representations. 3 - Proposal development:  if funding opportunities on newly identified sector(s) of intervention arise, support Grant Team with proposal development (incl. capacity building of Grant Team) In coordination with HI’s technical and project teams, lead proposal and concept note writing in accordance with HI’s proposal writing process and tools and in compliance with donors’ guidelines and expectations, including logical frameworks, MEAL plan, context and needs analysis, planning, staffing and budgeting. Support and build the Grants Teams capacity with grants management including donor reporting, monitoring and compliance. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POSITION: The security situation in Ukraine remains relatively stable, although there are frequent days and nights of air alerts. However, markets, restaurants and cafes are open, and life continues as normal. There is a strict curfew, the hours depend on the region. YOUR PROFILE: You have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in project development and donor relationship management (including experience in consortium and local partnership development) You have experience of providing context, needs and donor analysis. You have experience working in one or more of HI’s programmatic areas: Health, Humanitarian Mine Action, Livelihoods, Inclusive governance and civil society, Inclusion mainstreaming. You have very strong skills in Financial and budgetary management, as well as in commercial negociation. You have strong analytical and writing skills and excellent communication and representation skills. CONDITIONS: At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.  https://hi.org/en/join-the-team 12 months international contract starting as soon as possible. The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation: Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals Pension scheme Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution Repatriation insurance paid by HI. Salary from 2757 € gross/month upon experience Perdiem: 559.65 € net/month - paid in the field. Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary Paid leaves: 25 days per year. R&R: 5 days every 6 weeks => + possible transport/package support. Position: unaccompanied Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects Housing : Collective / individual taken in charge by HI If you are resident in the country: local package
Operations Manager - Ukraine
Handicap International, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities. Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview.   JOB CONTEXT: Since the beginning of the war, HI has set up a two-country program covering Ukraine and Moldova. Aligning itself with the priorities of the Ukraine Flash Appeal and Regional Refugee Response Plan, HI pillars of interventions are : •             Health: HI aims to improve access to quality physical rehabilitation and mental health and psychosocial services (MHPSS) for conflict-affected vulnerable population. •             Protection: Given the scale of humanitarian and protection needs, HI intervenes at various levels to ensure that vulnerable conflict-affected populations have access to multi-sectoral services tailored to their needs. In addition, HI aims to foster a disability-inclusive humanitarian response. •             Armed Violence Reduction: Recent and ongoing attacks dangerously exacerbated Explosive Ordnance (EO) contamination in Ukraine. In light of this, HI is conducting a multi-pronged approach to EO Risk Education and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (CPP), adaptable to the evolution of the conflict. •             Basic needs: to respond to the most acute needs for displaced households hosted by the local population or living in collective settings, HI is providing hygiene and non-food item kits, with an approach various modalities of intervention including in-kind and/or cash-based transfers.  •             Humanitarian-to-humanitarian logistics (ATLAS Logistique): To facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance as close as possible to the most affected populations, HI proposes mutualized storage and transportation services to other humanitarian actors – with a specific focus on “last-mile transportation”. HI has 2 hubs, one in the East (based in Dnipro) and one in the West (based in Chernivtsi) and the coordination is in Kyiv. We have activities in other cities like Lviv, Vinnyitsia, Kharkiv, Poltava). To carry out projects of this mission, HI Ukraine is looking for an Operations Manager for 12 months. YOUR MISSION: Reporting to HI Ukraine Country Director, as Operations Manager, you contribute to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion. You ensure optimal quality and the impact of the projects implemented in your area by means of a delegation system with appropriate oversight mechanisms. With all the other HI managers, you share responsibility for the sound management and effective functioning of the global organisation through paradigm changes. As Operations Manager, you manage a team of project managers in your country. As an Operations Manager, your missions are the following: Mission 1: Management •             Understand the strategy, make it explicit, translate it into operational objectives for your team, lead the necessary changes. Give meaning to each management action. Encourage inter and intra departmental exchanges of practice, as well as innovation and risk-taking. •             Organise the operational management of your team, structuring the work around identified processes, steering performance and facilitating the resolution of problems. •             Contribute to the development of your staff, creating the conditions for their commitment, professionalism and attachment to HI. Ensure compliance with the code of conduct and institutional policies, the mindset and expected individual and collective behaviour.   Mission 2: Strategy and Steering •             Size and plan necessary resources, recruit the project managers (ensuring a fit between skills and the projects’ challenges and ambitions), developing and monitoring their skills development plan, in connection with the corresponding jobs and with HR. •             Where relevant, develop regular contact with current and potential donors at field level and liaise with their line manager to check coherence with institutional programming and fundraising strategy. •             Within the operational framework defined in the StratOp, identify and transform funding opportunities in the area of assignment. Undertake (or contribute to) the design and drafting of new projects, and institutional fundraising for major multi-country projects, based on the decisions taken by the Authority regarding the opportunities. •             In conjunction with the Technical Unit, identify, develop, and ensure the management and progression of local partnerships and/or consortia with CSOs, NGOs, institutions, companies; on technical priorities or important topics in the area and going beyond the project timeframe.   Mission 3: Operational Implementation Responsibility 1: Ensure the sound management and monitoring of projects under your responsibility •             Ensure the sound management and monitoring of projects under your responsibility by ensuring that HI’s quality standards are applied in the projects, ensuring compliance with project donors’ rules and contractual commitments. •             In relation with the concerned departments, deploy all appropriate tools to enable projects monitoring •             Undertake expenditure and manage the project activity-specific budget lines according to the delegation you received based on the programme signature delegation table •             Facilitate audits (operational, financial and organisational), and ensure that their recommendations are implemented in their area of responsibility. Responsibility 2: Keeping both potential opportunities and risks in mind, contribute to the monitoring and analysis done by the line manager, and propose mitigation measures where relevant •             In conjunction with the line manager, implement analysis and monitoring of risks & opportunities related to HI’s presence and activities; implement risk mitigation actions at your level; and ensure the implementation of a humanitarian watch and (when decided by the Regional Director) of an emergency preparedness plan in the area Responsibility 3: Contribute to HI’s external influence (forums, operational and strategic alliances, etc) and the external representation of the organization (events, media) in your area of responsibility. •             May represent HI to the local, national, traditional, authorities and bodies; and international organisations and humanitarian mechanisms and coordination bodies. •             As part of his/her role, convey HI’s global advocacy messages to all the relevant external partners. Responsibility 4: Coordinate the teams in your area •             Facilitate coordination meetings between your direct team of project managers and the support services located in the area when necessary. •             Follow up teams in his/her area in conjunction with their direct managers. •             Ensure that project managers and the support teams (shared and technical services, in particular) work well together in order to facilitate project implementation in the country; conduct regular project reviews with the project managers and relevant departments. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POSITION: ·          The security in KYIV City and the surroundings area of intervention remain relatively stable, indeed a large amount of air alarm tend to disrupt work and out of activities. Currently all HI expat are living in a Hotel located in the city centre. Kyiv is a large Humanitarian hub for the East with numerous international organizations are located there and social life (restaurant, café) is possible in respect of curfew (00:00 to 05:00). Requirements You hold a Diploma or Master on related fields : political sciences, humanitarian, economical cursus You have at least 4 years of professional project management experience You have strong management skills You have strong knowledge of partnerships management You are detail oriented, highly organized and able to prioritize workflow You have a good resistance to stress, and experience in an emergency context You are very positive, have a constructive and dynamic personality, are solution-oriented with a high level of professional maturity, flexibility and autonomy You have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. Benefits At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. https://hi.org/en/join-the-team •             12 months International contract starting from as soon as possible •             The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation: •             Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals •             Pension scheme •             Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution •             Repatriation insurance paid by HI   •             Salary from 2869 € gross/month upon experience •             Perdiem: 571 € net/month •             Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary •             Paid leaves: 25 days per year; •             R&R: 5 days every 8 weeks and possible transport/package support. •             Position: unaccompanied o             Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects •             Housing: Collective taken in charge by HI
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Flyer One Ventures, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Flyer One Ventures — is an early-stage venture capital firm which invests in startups from Europe and North America. Our team is based in Portugal, Poland, Ukraine and other European countries. After we invest in startups, we help them with digital marketing, recruiting, PR, business development, preparation to fundraising and fundraising itself.Currently, we are looking for an experienced Junior/Middle Talent Acquisition specialist, who will work closely with our portfolio companies to hire the best talents for their team.What you will do:coordinate full-cycle recruitment;proactively source for new candidates using various channels;conduct pre-screen calls and HR interviews to evaluate candidates based on their experience and cultural fit;gather and provide feedback to candidates during the hiring process;lead the preparation of job offers and negotiate compensation;work with hiring managers and interviewers, identify unique selling points;prepare analytics for conducting weekly status meetings with the hiring manager;prepare market research.About you:at least 1 years of experience as a Recruiter/Talent Acquisition specialist;experience at product IT companies/startups and/or agencies;experience in recruiting non-tech positions (Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, etc) will be a plus;strong interpersonal, problem-solving and decision-making skills;English - at least Upper-Intermediate.What we offer:opportunities for growth both horizontally and vertically, as well as unlimited resources for development;ability to work with the most dynamic products in the international IT - market;comfortable office 5 minutes from Taras Shevchenko metro station with terrace, lounge areas, kitchen, and PlayStation;breakfasts, lunches, unlimited fruits, snacks, smoothies, and yogurts in the office;corporate doctor and health insurance;free training in running, football, basketball, volleyball, and yoga;compensation for additional training at external pieces of training and seminars and Business and Management School for employees.Join us!
Access to Justice Assistant - Ukraine
American Bar Association, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Access to Justice Assistant – Ukraine For over 30 years, and through our work in more than 100 countries, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) has sought to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, foster respect for human rights, and advance public understanding of the law and citizen rights. In collaboration with government agencies, the judiciary, lawyers, bar associations, legislatures, and civil society, we design programs that are responsive to local needs and that prioritize sustainable solutions to pressing rule of law challenges. To learn more about our work in Ukraine, please visit https://www.americanbar.org/advocacy/rule_of_law/where_we_work/europe_eurasia/ukraine/ Job Summary This is a full-time position based in Kyiv, Ukraine. ABA ROLI is looking to hire a local Ukrainian expert to serve as the Access to Justice Assistant for the new five-year “Healing & Accountability through Human Rights Activity” funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The purpose of this new activity is to help Ukrainians use human-rights-based approaches to achieve justice and address social divisions resulting from Russia’s full-scale invasion. The program will support processes aimed at accountability for war crimes, and foster dialogue on difficult questions related to post-conflict recovery. Reporting to the Access to Justice Lead, the Access to Justice Assistant will support one of the program’s three objectives, specifically “Objective 3: Increasing access to victim-centered, gender-responsive transitional justice.” The Assistant will help develop and implement programming aimed at reinvigorating national conversations on a transitional justice framework, strengthening locally relevant transitional justice processes in all occupied areas, and improving coordination among stakeholders on redress for victims of war crimes at the domestic and international levels. The Assistant will help manage interventions designed to increase access to victim-centered, gender-responsive transitional justice; enhance public communication and education about reparations and war crime documentation; and help ensure that investigative data can be safely and securely compiled, stored, and analyzed. Principal Duties and Responsibilities: Ensure adherence of Objective 3 program activities to USAID’s articulated program strategy. Aid in the design and implementation of relevant programmatic activities under Objective 3, in collaboration with USAID, ABA colleagues, partner organizations and other key stakeholders. This includes but is not limited to: Holding focused dialogues in the communities of Ukraine’s regions to discuss existing proposals for transitional justice and the future of de-occupied territories and their populations, including various groups in such discussions, including veterans, internally displaced persons, relatives of victims, businesses, and representatives of other marginalized groups as well as local and national authorities. Using input from local partners to create sustainable national and regional platforms for stakeholder coordination on transitional justice (including government, civil society, and private sector). Supporting stakeholders in Ukraine to create and apply judicial and non-judicial mechanisms through which victims can seek redress and communities will be able to move toward reconciliation, using effective existing methods and creating new victim-centered reparative and retributive (e.g. prosecutions) justice approaches. Developing media products targeted at different audiences (residents of frontline regions, people who left Ukraine due to the armed conflict, veterans, other groups classified as victims of war) regarding the need to approach law enforcement agencies or NGOs to document war crimes. Conducting a review of registers containing information on persons affected by the armed conflict and help create a mechanism to allow for the inclusion of data from human rights NGOs documenting war crimes during the registration of victims. Identifying local grass-roots initiatives supporting survivors of torture and conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) and providing them with technical support in organizational development, management and operations, and fundraising. Mapping the efforts of various actors presently collecting war crimes data to determine who the players are, what information they are collecting, how their platforms operate, and what their baseline skill level is. Ensure that the data being collected can be safely and securely compiled, stored, and analyzed, as a coherent whole. Working with existing working groups to integrate information about victims and survivors of international crimes documented by CSOs into the process of obtaining reparations. Help identify and develop small grant activities, and support subsequent monitoring of implementation of the small grants’ activities implemented under Objective 3. Use Monitoring & Evaluation tools and processes to assess and report on the status and efficacy of Objective 3 initiatives. Contribute to quarterly and annual programmatic reports on the activities implemented under Objective 3. Contribute to annual workplans for the activities under Objective 3. Conduct monitoring and analysis of relevant legislative, political, social and other developments. Perform other duties and activities as required by the Access to Justice Lead, Chief of Party, and Deputy Chief of Party for successful implementation of the USAID program. Required Qualifications: Excellent oral and written English language communication skills required. Minimum of three (3) years of professional experience in international project implementation, preferably with USG-funded programs, or small grants programs. Minimum of two (2) years professional experience in political transition, human rights advocacy, social cohesion, protection and support to vulnerable groups or with transitional justice programming. Relevant experience working with NGOs, grassroots organizations, and/or local communities. Undergraduate degree (or higher) with minimum of two (2) years of experience showing increased responsibility in the areas of law, political science, social sciences, psychology, or other relevant fields. Ability to work under difficult conditions while maintaining security awareness. Please apply by August 29, 2024.   Powered by JazzHR
Talent Sourcer
Flyer One Ventures, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Flyer One Ventures — is an early-stage venture capital firm which invests in startups from Europe and North America. Our team is based in Portugal, Poland, Ukraine and other European countries. After we invest in startups, we help them with digital marketing, recruiting, PR, business development, preparation to fundraising and fundraising itself.Currently, we are looking for an experienced Talent Sourcer, who will work closely with our portfolio companies to hire the best talents for their team.What you will do:you'll be responsible for sourcing talents to our portfolio companies;searching for non-tech and tech roles;build diverse talent pipelines through
Grants and Reporting Coordinator
People in Need, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Country Programme: UkraineBase: Kyiv Line Manager: Head of Grants and Reporting Department About the Ukrainian Programme of People in Need: PIN has been working in Ukraine since , providing emergency relief and early recovery support to conflict-affected communities in Government Controlled Areas (GCA) and Non-government control areas (NGCA). Due to the escalation of the war and in , programmes for war-affected communities focus mainly on WASH, Shelter, Protection, including recovery, among other pressing needs. PINs contribution to the Ukrainian humanitarian response is amongst the largest, with an annual turnover of close to $ million, engaging full-time staff members across Ukraine. About the role: As a member of the Country Programme (CP), With the support of the Grants and Reporting Manager (GRM), the Grants and Reporting Coordinator will be overseeing the grants healthiness, particularly on compliance and donors communications. Each Coordinator will have to report on their assigned project/s in close collaboration with the project teams to ensure adequate and appropriate support for compliance and donor engagement. The Grants and Reporting Coordinator will also support or lead in proposal development and project modifications and may act as a secondary focal point for external liaison, including representing PIN vis-à-vis donors and in other coordination forums (cluster, working groups, etc.). Other tasks may be assigned by the Grants and Reporting Manager as deemed necessary. Main Duties & Responsibilities: Program Coordination and Quality Assurance Maintains an internal tracking database of her/his assigned donor/s reporting timelines, and coordinates with implementation (area managers, director of programme implementation), programme quality, MEAL, Technical Leads) and support (communication, logistics, procurement, finance, compliance) teams to ensure accurate tracking of reporting and programmatic adjustments throughout the project life cycle Leads the project reviews and attends grant related meetings Undertake field visits to gain in-depth understanding of the project Fundraising and Resource Mobilization Proactively supports in monitoring and analysis of new funding opportunities for PIN in Ukraine through relevant open sources (donor websites, humanitarian assistance portals), clusters, and bilateral consultation and scoping with existing and potential donors. Provides dedicated support to the development of concept notes, proposals, proposal modifications and situation analyses coordinating the development process with all relevant departments, including supporting the design of logical frameworks, targets, and budgets. Grants Management Ensures comprehensive grant files and donor guidelines and resources are maintained up to date and are available for use, coordinate with assigned HQ desk colleagues on this and other agendas Utilize standardized tools for project reviews, Internal Project Report (IPR). Prepares documents and collects information from relevant finance and programme teams in order to facilitate regular project review meetings. Ensures regular reporting updates for key donors outlining requirements for programme implementation, procurement and distribution, information collection, and storage and with respect to key project requirements and expected deliverables. Ensures that all reports are in-line with the assigned donor/s requirements in structure and content, including mainstreaming issues, including protection, gender, do no harm and conflict sensitivity. Also, ensure relevant staff are provided with timely information and materials including guidelines, templates and examples to develop quality reporting contributions. Provides information to relevant staff members on reporting timelines of the assigned project/s, and acts as a focal point for collection, compilation, review, quality control and editing of both quantitative and qualitative internal and donor reporting. Prepares all donor narrative reports and supports the Finance Department in ensuring that financial and narrative reports are aligned. Prepares Modification Request (MR), No-cost Extension (NCE), and/or Cost Extension (CE) Internal and External Coordination Represents PIN at relevant donors, HQ, and other coordination meetings as requested by the line manager Coordinates with focal points from Finance, MEAL, Programme Quality, and implementation teams during proposal development and reporting periods Coordinates with communications team to ensure that relevant communication materials (human interest stories, videos, etc.) are developed for projects per workplan and donors requirements Acts as the main project focal point for respective donors Requirements: At least 3-years experience of working within a humanitarian and/or development organization; Knowledge of MEAL and reporting mechanisms; At least 2-years grants development work experience; Demonstrated experience in leading the coordination of successful large-scale project proposals to key institutional donors, such as ECHO, World Food Programme, BHA, GAC, ECHO, among others. Demonstrated experience in leading interim and final reporting to the core donors outlined above; Strong grasp of all stages of program cycle management and quality standards in humanitarian programming; Experience working in complex and volatile contexts (familiarity with the humanitarian context in Ukraine is an advantage); Strong organizational, critical analysis, and problem-solving skills; Excellent communication skills, including fluent spoken and written English, including exceptional report writing and editing skills. Ukrainian speakers are encouraged to apply. What PIN Offers: Working environment in a well-established and continuously growing humanitarian organization in a challenging context; Salary and benefits according to PIN salary scale and HR policies; expected salary - EUR super gross (based on experience) Monthly subsistence allowance EUR; Hardship Eur Accommodation/housing allowance; 25 days of holiday per year R&R policy; Travel health insurance; Reimbursement of travel expenses with travel to the country of residence once every 6 months of work; Reimbursement of costs of visas and vaccinations; assistance with the visa application procedure; Reimbursement of the medical check-up before and after the deployment; Free 24/7 medical helpdesk and psychological consultation available online; Free access to e-learning sites, global PINs Induction Training, Knowledge and Learning department onboarding, and individually tailored capacity-building opportunities; incl. HEAT training. Security situation in UkraineHumanitarian workers continue to operate throughout Ukraine, although the front-line areas are being shelled almost constantly, and main cities are being targeted with missiles and UAVs quite regularly. PIN security SOPs require PIN staff to proceed to shelter should the risk level be assessed by the Security Department as the highest (launch of missiles or drones) and remain there until the air raid siren is cancelled, which cumulatively can be several times a week, occasionally for several hours at a time (although shorter periods are as well occurring). While air strikes that were targeting energy infrastructure have finished after winter, they have succeeded in reaching their goals and are likely to resume in late autumn/winter. At the moment military and civilian objects are being targeted, including the west of Ukraine. While Kyiv enjoys relatively strong air defence systems that are intercepting most of the missiles and UAVs, other regions are covered much less significantly which results in bigger damage. Outside of the areas in the vicinity to the contact line, services such as medical care, shops, public transportation as well as restaurants or leisure facilities remain operational. How to apply: Are you interested in this position? Great. Send us your CV and short cover letter . Please note only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews will be conducted on rolling basis and the vacancy will be closed when filled. People in Need is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct and is committed to promoting the welfare of children and adults with whom People in Need involves. People in Need expects all staff to perform job duties and responsibilities in accordance with People in Need code of conduct and key policies (available at: All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and terrorism finance checks. We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organization and encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.
Presentation Content Strategist
Waveup, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Waveup is a global consulting company with a focus on the venture capital market. We offer a diverse range of services, from fundraising support (financial modelling, pitch decks, and investment memorandums) to business strategy development (market entry and growth strategies, M&A opps scouting, etc.). As Waveup expands its global presence, we are seeking a driven and enthusiastic teammate to join us on exciting projects across the world. We are looking for a creative and strategic thinker passionate about storytelling and brand communication to join our team as a Presentation Content Strategist. In this role, you will work closely with our clients to develop and execute compelling narratives that effectively communicate their brand’s mission, vision, and value proposition. Tasks What you’ll be working on: Develop and execute a narrative strategy that effectively communicates our clients’ brands' missions, visions, and values to a diverse audience. Create high-impact presentations for investor pitches, sales meetings, and internal communications that clearly and concisely convey core messages. Collaborate with clients, founders, executives, and cross-functional teams to ensure consistency and alignment in all storytelling efforts. Research and analyze market trends, competitor narratives, and audience insights to continually refine and improve our storytelling approach. Utilize storytelling techniques to enhance the impact of our clients’ presentations and other communication materials. Manage multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring that all deliverables meet the highest quality standards and are completed on time. Continuously innovate and experiment with new ways to tell our clients’ stories, keeping our approach fresh and engaging. Requirements We ask for: Proven experience in a storytelling, brand strategy, or content creation role, preferably within a startup or fast-paced environment. Exceptional writing and editing skills, with a strong portfolio of storytelling work. Ability to translate complex ideas into clear, compelling narratives. Excellent project management skills and the ability to manage multiple priorities; experience working directly with senior leadership and stakeholders. Strong analytical skills and the ability to use data to inform storytelling decisions. Benefits Why join us: Steep learning curve and ample opportunities for career progression. Competitive salary with regular reviews based on your development. Ability to work remotely and tailored working schedule. A close-knit, extremely passionate team with a culture that values inclusivity and individuality as the highest priority. Education reimbursement for continuous self-improvement. Corporate laptop and essential office infrastructure for seamless work productivity. Company retreats in stunning locations and corporate offline and online parties. Waveup is a global consulting company with a focus on the venture capital market. We provide a wide range of services, from fundraising support (financial modeling, pitch decks, investment memorandums) to business strategy development (new market entry, growth strategies, M&A opps scouting, etc.). As of today, our portfolio includes: 600+ projects with renowned clients around the world (Google, Bolt, Ecco, Skechers, Oura Ring, Ofo, AirNewZealand, and many more); Tier-1 funds in Silicon Valley, startups from TechCrunch and Y Combinator; $350M+ of investments raised by our clients in the last year across 60+ industries (from blockchain gaming to e-learning and music labels).
Finance Ninja (Venture Capital)
Waveup, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Waveup is a global consulting company with a focus on the venture capital market. We offer a diverse range of services, from fundraising support (financial modelling, pitch decks, and investment memorandums) to business strategy development (market entry and growth strategies, M&A opps scouting, etc.). As Waveup expands its global presence, we are seeking a driven and enthusiastic teammate to join us on exciting projects across the world. Tasks What you’ll be working on: Analysing business models and building financial forecasts (revenue/cost side, P&L, CF analysis, etc.) Calculating and analysing various business metrics (LTV, CAC, Churn rate, Burn-out rate, etc) Benchmark analysis for different industries (SaaS, FinTech, Real Estate, Crypto, E-comm, etc) Creating dashboards Conducting company valuation Communication with clients Requirements We ask for: Preferably 1 year+ of experience in corporate finance Understanding of key business models (SaaS, E-comm, marketplaces, manufacturing, etc) Solid critical thinking and research skills High proficiency in Google Spreadsheets & Excel Fluent English Full-time work mode with the possibility of working remotely Readiness to tackle challenges and meet tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment Strong desire to learn Would be great if you: Have experience in financial modelling for startups Understand key SaaS business metrics (sales efficiency ratio, net retention rate, ARR bridge, etc.) Are aware of the basic principles of the venture capital industry Benefits Why join us: Steep learning curve and ample opportunities for career progression Competitive salary with regular reviews based on your development Ability to work remotely and tailored working schedule A close-knit, extremely passionate team with a culture that values inclusivity and individuality as the highest priority Education reimbursement for continuous self-improvement Corporate laptop and essential office infrastructure for seamless work productivity Company retreats in stunning locations and corporate offline and online parties Ready for an incredible journey? Apply now and become a valued member of Waveup team! Waveup is a global consulting company with a focus on the venture capital market. We provide a wide range of services, from fundraising support (financial modeling, pitch decks, investment memorandums) to business strategy development (new market entry, growth strategies, M&A opps scouting, etc.). As of today, our portfolio includes: 600+ projects with renowned clients around the world (Google, Bolt, Ecco, Skechers, Oura Ring, Ofo, AirNewZealand, and many more); Tier-1 funds in Silicon Valley, startups from TechCrunch and Y Combinator; $350M+ of investments raised by our clients in the last year across 60+ industries (from blockchain gaming to e-learning and music labels).
Grants Coordinator. Ukraine
Medicos del Mundo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
DescriptionMission Ensure proper grants' management from inception phase to final reporting. Ensure compliance with donors' regulations. Foster donors' network and support representation towards donors. Enhance donors' mapping and develop opportunities' development plans. Build on the partnerships' strategy of the Mission and support the reinforcement of MDM partnerships in Ukraine both with national and INGOsGeographical scope of interventionThe Grants Coordinator will be based in Kyiv with some visits to the field.Organisation chartThe Grants Coordinator will report to the Deputy General CoordinatorThe Grants coordinator will have continues collaboration interactions with MEAL Manager , and all country coordination team .FunctionsStrategic Fundraising & Donor Engagement: In collaboration with the deputy general coordinator , lead the development of MDM fundraising strategy. This includes the mapping of donor policy and priorities and their alignment with MDM programmatic and operational goals. The Grant Coordinator will play a key role in maintaining strong donor’s relationships with strategic funding partners.Partnerships: Ukraine response will be heading more into partnership and localization approach, therefor the Grants coordinator will Collaborate with the partnership focal point to ensure donor requirements are reflected in the Project Implementation Agreements and modification requests), and ensure they are in line with donor requirements/ procedures and captures accurate information.Consortiums: As delegated by the Deputy General Coordinator, you will play a leading role in managing the MDM network Consortium proposals for Ukraine. in addition to other consortiums in collaboration with I/NGOs in UkraineRisk Management: Lead MDM Ukraine mission any due diligence processes relating to grant agreements and partnerships, in collaboration with the Logistics Finance/Admin Coordinators. In addition of providing technical support, training, and capacity building on donor compliance issues to field staff . Work with other departments to ensure relevant grant documentation required is ready and available for audits.Budget Development: In coordination with the Finance /Admin Coordinator, support Deputy General Coordinator with the development of top-down budgets for all funding opportunities and ensure consistency between budget and other proposal documents, as well as compatibility with donor compliance requirements.Minimum requirementsRequired qualifications.Bachelor in any related field.Language: Excellent written and spoken English, Ukrainian and/or Russian will be an asset.Computer requirements: Office pack user level.Experience & CompetenciesAt least 5 years field experience in humanitarian projects. At least 2 years’ experience in positions with similar responsibility in fragile contexts, preferably in conflict environments.Experience in grant mapping, management, and compliance, particularly with institutional donors (ECHO, GFFO, BMZ, BHA, USAID in addition to UN agencies grants).Experience in partnership mapping and development.Previous experience with health-oriented organization or activities preferred.Excellent planning, management, and coordination skills.Advanced communication skills with capacity to manage conflicting priorities.Capacity to work to meet tight deadlines in a challenging humanitarian environment.Cultural awareness and adaptability.Alignment with principles and ethics of Médicos del Mundo.AvailabilityAs soon as possibleSalaryMedicos del Mundo’s Salary charts.Category: Group 4R&R policy applicable.Hazard allowance policy applicable.
Grants Coordinator
International Rescue Committee, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
Requisition ID: req51949Job Title: Grants CoordinatorSector: GrantsEmployment Category: Fixed TermEmployment Type: Full-TimeOpen to Expatriates: YesLocation: Kyiv, UkraineJob DescriptionBACKGROUNDTheInternational Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitariancrises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933,the IRC offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forcedto flee from war or disaster. At work today in over 40 countries and 22 cities, we restore safety, dignity and hope to millions who are uprooted andstruggling to endure. The IRC leads the way from harm to home.The IRC in Ukraine has established operations and programming workingout of offices in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro and Odessa/ Mykolaiv, and is looking tocontinue programming in eastern geographic areas with high concentrations ofIDPs and to expand programming in scale, scope and geographic support inhard-to-reach locations as well as increase programming in areas of earlyrecovery and resilience. The Ukraine Country Programme seeks a Grants Coordinator to coordinateand lead business development and grant management on a diverse and growingportfolio. Job Overview/Summary: The overall aim of the grants team is to ensure a positive donorrelationship and that awards are managed efficiently and effectively to meetthe needs of our clients, as well as IRC and donor compliance. Grants supportsthe IRC’s mission in helping people whose lives and livelihoods are shatteredby conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover,and gain control over their future by ensuring funding is available for countryoffices to implement quality programming. The Grants Coordinator, incollaboration with the Deputy Director of Programs (DDP), will provide supporton all components of the grant lifecycle to ensure on-track, on-time, andon-budget implementation. This will include managing the grant process from developingand leading on business development opportunities, initial evaluation of anopportunity to proposal development to grant management to closeout, developingand strengthening systems to support pre-award, post-award, and communicationsthat enhance IRC Ukraine’s external and internal visibility. Major Responsibilities: Grants and ComplianceLead and coordinate on Project Cycle Management (PCM), including initiating the GNG processWith leadership from DDP, coordinate the proposal development process by creating proposal calendars, following up with all relevant staff members to receive timely inputs, consolidating inputs and ensuring coherence with proposed budgets, and submitting to technical advisors for review.Lead the grants unit in the submission of high-quality activity and donor reporting on a timely basis according to IRC and donor regulations. Ensure all required documents are included, complete, and correct and approved by the respective Program Coordinators, Partnership Unit focal points, and country management. Ensure that partner capacity building is a key component of all program plans in development for upcoming awards.Provide technical guidance on IRC and donor regulations to ensure compliance within operations, program implementation, and reporting. Raise compliance issues proactively with program staff and the senior staff in relevant departments.Keep the DDP and senior management informed of any projected inabilities to meet contractual obligations, report submission and spend rates/significant budget variances. Also, be able to proactively mitigate risks through proposing remedial solutions.Ensure quality information management related to grants by overseeing the regular maintenance of grant files, reporting calendars, and updating of internal IRC documentation and Grant Unit tools. Maintain proper records of all Grants and sub-grants.Act as focal point in facilitating proposal and donor report reviews and approvals by technical advisors and other relevant persons at HQ (including maintaining Opportunity Tracking Information System--OTIS).Work closely with compliance staff on issues related to compliance with donor rules and regulations. Assist senior management in donor liaison and communication as requested. ProposalDevelopmentWork with the program and operations teams to support the development of new proposals and the preparation process and writing of superior quality proposals.Assist the DDP to align new proposals to the country Strategy Action Plan (SAP).Liaise with IRC Awards Management Unit and technical units to ensure proposals meet internal standards and are donor compliant.Work directly with program staff on the development of proposals and regularly visit IRC program activities to ensure understanding of implementation.Fundraising& VisibilityIn coordination with DDP and CD, cultivate donor relationships nationally and for specific target regions.Track upcoming opportunities by priority sector.Develop and implement Strategic Business Development Plan aligned to the country strategyHuman Resources Management and DevelopmentCoach, train, supervise and mentor direct-report staff, including communicating clear expectations, setting quarterly performance objectives, providing regular and timely positive and constructive performance feedback, and providing documented semi-annual performance reviews.Technically support field office grants officers as needed. Holds high-quality meetings with each direct report on a regular and predictable basis, at least bi-weekly.Provide a measurable development plan including on-the-job learning with the aim of strengthening technical capacity, exchanging knowledge within the team and providing guidance on career paths. Promote and monitor staff care, well-being and self-care; approve and manage all time, attendance and leave requests to ensure adequate departmental coverage. Develop a detailed capacity building plan for the grants department with regular trainings (minimum quarterly).Identify top performing national staff and prioritize these staff for capacity building and mentoring investment.Build the capacity of key program staff and field management in grants management including reporting, compliance, proposal development, compliance etc. through regular trainings and collaboration. Maintain open and professional relations with team members, promoting a strong team spirit and providing oversight and guidance to enable staff to successfully perform in their positions.Model healthy work-life balance practices. Support appropriate interventions in response to identified staff care needs of both national and international staff.Work with HR staff to identify and implement recruitment and retention strategies.Key WorkingRelationshipsPositionReports to: DeputyDirector of Programs (DDP)Position directly supervises: Grants Manager and Grants andPartnership Compliance ManagerWorks closely with: Country Director, TechnicalCoordinators, Field Coordinators, DDF, DDO and Partnerships IndirectReporting: GrantsOfficer and Grants AssistantsRequirements: EducationBachelor’s Degree withsignificant grants management experience and superior writing skills.Work ExperienceAt least 5 years ofdemonstrated field-based experience with grants management includingsignificant experience working with sub-grantee partners to build theircapacity to access and account for resources. Experience working in humanitarian and development contexts required andexperience in conflict and highly Demonstrated Technical SkillsExcellent writing skills and experience in writing proposals/concept notes.Strong understanding and knowledge of USAID/BHA, EU/ECHO, FCDO, GFFO, SIDA, UHF/UN and other donor rules and regulations.Proven competency with program design, M&E, proposal writing (including logical frameworks) and building budgets. Excellent management and coordination skills.Solid ability to provide team-building, coaching, and development for staff as well as encourage cross-functional collaboration and cooperation.Superior understanding of the challenges facing partner organizations in access to and management of sub-grants, incorporating robust capacity-building in all sub-award programs.Ability to work independently while being a strong team player. Excellent relationship-building, interpersonal skills and the ability to effectively represent IRC at forums and with donors.Full professional competency in Microsoft Office Suite, especially Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.Demonstrated Managerial/Leadership CompetenciesLanguagesProfessional fluency in spoken and written English.Familiarity with Ukrainian and/or Russian is an advantage.Excellent leadership and management skills including coaching, mentoring and managing teamsPolitically astute, with well-developed diplomatic and negotiating skills.Superior oral and written communication skills, with ability to express ideas and concepts clearly and persuasively with senior internal and external stakeholders.Extensive representation and fundraising success, including prior experience with European, US and international donors.Established capacity to deal with ambiguity in stressful situations.Strong commitment to IRC’s vision, mission and core values.Proven ability to design and lead training engagements with staff and partners to enhance skills and adapt to changing program demands.Computer/Other Tech RequirementsFull professional competency in Microsoft Office Suite, especially Word, Excel, PowerPoint.Familiarity with file sharing systems such as SharePoint desirable.Ability to Travel About 25% throughout Ukraineto field offices Working EnvironmentStandards of Professional ConductIRC and IRC workersmust adhere to the values and principles outlined in the IRC Way – Code ofConduct. These are Integrity, Service,Equality and Accountability. In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforces policies onBeneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding,Harassment-Free Workplace, Fiscal Integrity, Anti-Retaliation, CombatingTrafficking in Persons and several others.Gender EqualityIRC is committed tonarrowing the gender gap in leadership positions. We offer benefits thatprovide an enabling environment for women to participate in our workforceincluding parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocols and othersupportive benefits and allowances.IRC is an EqualOpportunity Employer. IRC considers all applicants on the basis of meritwithout regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexualorientation, age, marital status, veteran status, disability or any othercharacteristic protected by applicable law.
Associate Research Manager – Humanitarian Infrastructure & Damage Unit for Ukraine, based in Kyiv
IMPACT, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for an Associate Research Manager in Ukraine. IMPACT has been present in Ukraine since 2014 and scaled up significantly following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022, which resulted in civilian casualties, widespread damage to housing and public service infrastructure, large-scale displacement and market disruptions. IMPACT provides humanitarian actors with rigorous data and in-depth analysis to ensure aid interventions in Ukraine are timely, appropriate, and relevant.In this context, IMPACT’s Humanitarian Infrastructure and Damage Unit (HIDU) analyses the war’s impacts on the built and natural environments. This includes:Infrastructure damage assessments using remote sensing of high-resolution satellite imagery.Qualitative analysis to understand the socio-economic impacts of infrastructure damage.Assessments to support winterisation responses.Analyses of war-induced environmental contamination, with a focus on damaged industrial facilities.Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) assessments in conflict settings.The unit combines quantitative, qualitative and GIS methods to produce actionable information in support of humanitarian and recovery action in Ukraine. The unit’s scope of work continually adapts to account for the evolving context and information needs of humanitarian actors. The HIDU regularly engages with a range of stakeholders, including humanitarian clusters, local and international non-government organisations (NGO), governmental authorities and emergency responders. The team also pilots humanitarian application of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), through local and global partnerships.IMPACT seeks an experienced Associate Research Manager (ARM) with experience in team management and project implementation in complex humanitarian settings. Under the supervision of the Senior Research Manager (SRM), the successful candidate will:Provide direct line management to a team of up to 8 national and international staff members, including Senior Assessment Officers (SAO), Assessment Officers (AO), GIS Officers (GISO), and Data Officers (DO). This includes overseeing their career development, performance appraisals, and training.Oversee several research cycles from inception to completion, including research design, data collection, analysis, and reporting.Represent IMPACT in various fora, including humanitarian clusters, recovery stakeholders and government authorities.Manage and develop external partnerships, and leverage them to enhance the impact and reach of IMPACT’s work.Contribute to strategic development of the Humanitarian Infrastructure and Damage Unit and the broader IMPACT mission. Identify opportunities for innovation and improvement in research methodologies and project implementation.Support with logistics, reporting, fundraising, and financial planning tasks.CONDITIONS AND BENEFITSFor this position, salary between 2’900 CHF and 3’200 CHF monthly (before income tax), etc as well as a monthly living allowance of 300 USD.Accommodation and food provided in a guesthouse. Depending on the country situation, a contribution to a housing allowance of up to 75% of country-specific benchmark can be considered instead. NB – IMPACT is hosted by ACTED in this country (this base is not a family duty station);Enrolment in Swiss private pension fund (Swisslife – approx. 9.975% of staff gross salary), health insurance, life insurance and repatriation assistance;Flight tickets every 6 months & visa fees covered (in-country travel costs and professional expenses are fully covered);R&R after 3 months (flight ticket up to 500$ + 200$ of living allowance) if duty station allowsContribution to the luggage transportation: between 20 and 100 kgs, depending on the length of the contract (+ luggage and personal property insurance);Annual leave of 36 days per year. Public holidays of the country of assignment, Family/compassionate leave when applicable;Predeparture induction – 3 days at IMPACT Initiatives’s HQ in Geneva + one week pre-departure training in ACTED HQ in Paris, including a 4-days in situ security training;Enrolment in IMPACT Initiatives Research Foundational Learning Programme;IMPACT prioritizes the psychological safety of its staff and the health insurance provided covers, among others, up to 1000 € per year of psychosocial counselling fees.