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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Санитарка в Київській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Санитарка в Київській області"

8 514 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Санитарка" по диапазонам зарплаты в Київській області

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 02.06.24, за професією Санитарка в Київській області відкрито 3 вакансій. Для 100% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 7.9+ грн. 0% оголошень з зарплатнею 10.3+ грн, і 0% з зарплатнею 10.9+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Санитарка в Київській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Санитарка в Київській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Санитарка" по областям Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Санитарка відкрито в Києві. На другому місці - Вишгородський район, а на третьому - Ірпінь.

Рейтинг регіонів Київській області за рівнем зарплатні для професії "Санитарка"

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Санитарка відкрито в Києві. На другому місці - Вишгородський район, а на третьому - Ірпінь.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Київській області

Серед схожих професій в Київській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Медицинский представитель. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 25000 грн. На другому місці - Фармацевтический представитель з зарплатнею 25000 грн, а на третьому - Врач функциональной диагностики з зарплатнею 22000 грн.

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Молодший/-а Асистент/-ка з Інформаційного Менеджменту/ (Junior Information Management Assistant (CBI)) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
CALL FOR APPLICATIONSOpen to Internal and External Candidates Position Title: Junior Information Management Assistant (CBI)Duty Station: Kyiv, UkraineClassification: General Service Staff, Ungraded (1100 USD per month)Type of Appointment: Special Short-Term, Six months with the possibility of extensionEstimated Start Date: As soon as possibleClosing Date: 27 July 2023 Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates.Context:​​Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission in Ukraine and Programme Manager (CBI and Social Protection), and the direct supervision of the Information Management and Reporting Officer (CBI), the successful candidate will provide general support to the information management needs of the IOM Mission in Ukraine’s Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) programme.​ Core Functions / Responsibilities:Support the Officer in monitoring of data inputs, including processing and cleaning datasets, harmonizing and standardization of data and relevant documentation to aid data preservation and storage, as well as analytical reporting.  Assist with the implementation and monitoring data processing of CBI beneficiary registration. Retrieve, compile, summarize, and present information/data on specific key findings. Support development on training material for data collection tools and standards for field teams for beneficiary registration in line with IOM ICT data standards. Assist with verification of the data submitted to the relevant focal point, process and review data reports. Ensure that all data collection is in line with IOM’s Data Protection Principles and ICT data standards. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.Required Qualifications and ExperienceEducation​​High school diploma or equivalent with at least three years of relevant work experience; or  Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited academic institution in Computer Science/ Geographic Information Systems/ Graphic Design/ mathematics or relevant area with at least one year of relevant work experience.ExperienceExperience in working in a humanitarian/recovery context. Experience in data management and use of different techniques for data visualization and monitoring. Experience in data analysis and report writing. Knowledge of SQL, MS Excel, Power BI, Tableau, GIS software or similar visualization tools. Proficient in Microsoft Office applications e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Attention to detail, ability to organize information in a methodical way. Discreet, details and clients-oriented, patient and willingness to learn new things.LanguagesFluency in English and Ukrainian is required.The incumbent is expected to demonstrate the following values and competencies:ValuesInclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible. Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct. Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.Core Competencies – behavioural indicatorsTeamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results. Delivering results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes. Managing and sharing knowledge: continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate. Accountability: takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own action and delegated work. Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.OtherAny offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications filling in the IOM Personal History Form   and sending to [email protected]  by 27 July 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.Posting period:From 17.07.2023 to 27.07.2023
Санитарка / уборщица (подработка)
Фармастор, ООО, Киев, Київ
Частная клиника примет на работу Технического сотрудника – санитарку.Продолжительность работы: час-два. Без предъявлений к опыту работы и возрасту.ЗП 13.000 грн.По работе, а также по всем вопросам звоните (сообщения не читаем), т. 096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7З (Юлия)
Уборщица - санитарка в аптеку
ТОВ "Медикал-Оптима", Киев
Компания  "Медикал-Оптима" приглашает на работу Уборщицу - хозяюшку!Обязанности: Поддержание чистоты.Очень срочно нужна санитарочка. Неполная занятость, график гибкий - трижды в неделю, з/п до 13, 000 грн.Обращайтесь по тел.: 09б—9З7—З5—2б / Юлия Владимировна 
Працівник з господарської діяльності закладу охорони здоров'я
Заробітна плата (усього): 9000 грнУ тому числі основна: 3674 грнОписХарактер виконуваної роботи:ПостійнийОсновні функціональні обов'язки:Організовувати роботу молодшого медичного персоналу; контролювати перестилання ліжок у палатах, збирання брудної лікарняної білизни, дезінфекцію палат, предметів догляду та інвентарю, генеральне та щоденне вологе прибирання палат: проводить господарський обхід і обстеження санітарно-технічного стану приміщення; передавати особистий одяг та взуття пацієнта родичам або на зберігання. а детальною інформацією звертатися до фахівця Деснянського управління КМЦЗ Наталії Вікторівни,тел. (067) 520 73 25Вид трудового договору:безстроковийРежим роботи:5-денний робочий тижденьУмови організації праці:Звичайні умовиСоціальні переваги:іншеКоментар: відсутніПрофесійні компетенції (знання, навички):знання умов експлуатації і зберігання, строки й методи санітарної обробки інвентарю, а також володіти правилами оформлення та ведення обліково-звітної документації.Особистісні компетенції (особисті якості, характеристики):Уважність, відповідальність, дисциплінованість, комунікабельність, чесність.
Молодша медична сестра (санітарка-прибиральниця)
Ювенталь, Стоматологическая клиника, Бровари
Требования:Досвід роботи санітаркою в стоматологічній клініці або відповідний досвід в інших медичних закладах буде перевагою.Знання принципів дезінфекції та стерилізації.Уважність до деталей та відповідальне ставлення до роботи.Здатність працювати в команді та спілкуватися з колегами та пацієнтами.Добрі комунікативні навички та здатність працювати з людьми.Відповідальний підхід до додержання правил безпеки та гігієни.Обязанности:Проведення регулярного прибирання та дезінфекції в робочих кабінетах та спільних приміщеннях клініки.Генеральне прибирання раз в тижденьЗабезпечення належного видалення медичних відходів та дотримання вимог щодо їх утилізації.Контроль за наявністю та станом робочих засобів, дезінфекційних засобів та інших матеріалів, необхідних для підтримання гігієни.Допомога медичному персоналу у підготовці кабінетів до прийому пацієнтів.Дотримання норм та правил безпеки та гігієни в роботі.Условия работы:зміна з 8:00 до 14:00 та з 14 до 20,00 з ПН по СБ
Молодша медична сестра, санітарка
Ochi Clinic, медицинский центр, Київ
Вакансія: Молодша медична сестра, санітарка, метро ВокзальнаМедичний центр «Ochi Clinic» шукає в свою команду молодшу медичну сестру, санітарку, яка буде відповідальна за забезпечення чистоти та безпеки в нашому медичному центріВимоги:- Досвід роботи на аналогічній посаді принаймні 1 рік- Знання принципів санітарно-епідеміологічних вимог та правил поводження з медичними відходами- Вміння працювати у команді та виконувати поставлені завдання вчасно та ефективно- Відповідальність та уважність до деталей- Здатність працювати в умовах високого темпу роботиОбов’язки:- Забезпечення чистоти та порядку в медичних кабінетах та інших приміщеннях медичного центру- Виконання санітарно-гігієнічних процедур, у тому числі дезінфекцію та стерилізацію медичного обладнання- Дотримання санітарно-епідеміологічних норм та правил безпеки праці- Графік з 8.00 до 20.00Зручне розташування — Василя Липківського 16 В, 10 хв від метро ВокзальнаЯкщо відповідальна та орієнтована на результат людина, ми запрошуємо вас приєднатися до нашої команди та стати частиною успішного медичного центру «Ochi Clinic»Контактний телефон 0973275368
Санітарка, прибиральниця
ГО2, ТОВ, Київ
Привіт! Ми шукаємо спеціаліста та колегу в круту та дружню медичну команду — на посаду молодшої медичної сестри/прибиральниці. Клініка, що вже понад 20 років займає лідерські позиції у сфері штучного заплідненняТвоїми основними обов’язками буде:- підтримка чистоти та порядку у кабінетах та інших приміщеннях закладуУмови роботи:- зайнятість за графіком: з ПН по ПТ з 9.00 до 18.00;- комфортні умови сучасної клініки;- забезпеченність всім необхідним для роботи;- гідна та стабільна оплата праці;- дружній колектив та підтримка колег;- А ще найсмачніші смаколики чи бутерброди до чаю та на обід за рахунок компанії))Готовий спробувати? Телефонуй і давай знайомитись) — 0958677332, Юлія.
Санітарка, прибиральник в аптеку
Аптека 9-1-1, Київ
Національна аптечна мережа Аптека 911 запрошує САНІТАРКУ (ПОВНА ЗАЙНЯТІСТЬ) на роботу в м. Києві . Чекаємо на Вам!Ваші обов’язки:- Прибирання та підтримування чистоти в хостеле- повна зайнятість 2/2 з 10:00 до 19:00Телефонуйте, якщо у вас:- досвід роботи буде перевагоюЩо пропонуємо ми співробітникам:- гідний рівень заробітної плати ;- офіційне працевлаштування;- дружний колектив і лояльне керівництвоДодаткова інформація за телефонами:+380989314770 (вайбеп), +38063−116−14−52 (вайбер) Інна,Чекаємо Вас в нашій команді !
Junior Talent Acquisition Specialist
Outstaff Your Team, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Are you passionate about technology and eager to play a pivotal role in building high-performing tech teams? Join our team as a Junior Talent Acquisition Specialist and embark on a journey to uncover top talent within the IT industry. If you possess exceptional communication skills, a background in customer support, and a desire to immerse yourself in the world of technology, we want to hear from you. About Us: At Outstaff Your Team, we specialize in scaling tech teams for ambitious startups and leading tech companies globally. Our collaborative and supportive environment fosters growth and innovation, making us a trailblazer in tech talent acquisition. What You Will Do: Utilize our extensive CV database and external sources to identify and engage with top technical talent, focusing on various technology stacks and profiles. Collaborate closely with Hiring Specialists to understand hiring needs and priorities, providing them with a pipeline of qualified candidates. Act as a liaison between candidates and Hiring Specialists, facilitating communication and scheduling interviews. Evaluate candidate skills and fit for specific roles, providing valuable insights and recommendations to Hiring Specialists. Stay updated on industry trends and market insights to inform sourcing strategies and enhance candidate engagement. Serve as a brand ambassador, promoting our employer brand and values to prospective candidates. Requirements What We're Looking For: 1+ year of experience in a role involving customer support, with a strong understanding of customer interaction dynamics. Excellent communication skills, with fluency in both written and spoken Ukrainian and English (C1+). Passion for technology and a desire to further develop in the IT industry. Strong organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities effectively. Ability to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a team. Knowledge of technology stacks used by different developers would be a definite advantage. Would Be a Plus: Hands-on experience with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) or other recruitment workflow tools. A proactive and resourceful mindset, with the ability to adapt to changing priorities and requirements. A keen interest in exploring and understanding various technology stacks and developer profiles. Good sense of humor Benefits We Offer: Remote work opportunity within Ukraine or a similar time zone, providing flexibility and work-life balance. Competitive monthly compensation in USD. Opportunity for professional and financial growth within a supportive and inclusive environment. Paid intensive training and trial period to help you succeed in your role (the role does not include conducting interviews as responsibilities). Great management with no bureaucracy. Outstaff Your Team Medical Policy.
Junior QA Engineer JavaScript technical support
CKSource, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are the company that stands behind the spectacular success of CKEditor , used by millions of people around the world. At CKSource we produce software components that other developers use to build their applications (WYSIWYG editor, file manager, document converters, etc.). Our flagship product is CKEditor 5 – an open-source rich text editor with a custom data model and virtual DOM – check our GitHub repository . CKEditor is a part ofTiugo Technologies, a leading tech company specializing in developer platforms, helping software companies accelerate growth and scale their business. Tiugo contains a suite of brands that are API-first, market-leading developer platforms focused on content creation and digital collaboration. Tiugo’s current family of brands includes ButterCMS, CKEditor, TinyMCE, and Uploadcare. Together our products have powered millions of software applications and websites. Enabling content and communication in everything from Microsoft to NASA, you might not know our name, but you’ve probably used our software. Scaling globally, we are seeking a talented Junior QA Engineer to join our remote team of 200+ from around the world. Key responsibilities: Manual testing of our products Extending technical knowledge about our products Providing technical support for our clients (mostly written communication, but calls would happen from time to time) Preparing technical information for our sales team and supporting them during pre-sales calls (after getting proper product knowledge) Working on improving our documentation Reporting and verifying issues in our issue trackers Depending on skills, creating test automation and automation scripts Communicating with the CKEditor 5 community on GitHub To be successful in this role you need the following: 1 year of experience as a QA Engineer or Support Engineer Love for testing and solving problems; we know how important job satisfaction is on a daily basis Great communication skills A basic understanding of how web applications work (both client side and server) A strong JavaScript foundation and solid HTML and CSS knowledge Understanding of web accessibility Willingness to expand your knowledge and experience (technical and soft skills) Comfort with speaking and writing in English, as you will be a part of the international team and communicate with customers from different parts of the World JavaScript knowledge? Yes, it is not a mistake :) Because we create web components, our clients are not only end-users but also developers who integrate those with their websites. This is why we care that you are able to check the proper software operation from the point of view of both these groups. Nice-to-haves: Project portfolio on GitHub Why join CKSource: Our people are a huge part of what makes CKSource a great place to work! Aside from a great team, some of our benefits include: The salary range for a B2B contract is 7 000 PLN - 11 000 PLN + VAT per month Annual financial bonus depending on the company’s performance Flexible schedule and fully remote work Professional development resources Learning access Extra leave for Tiugo Day - our company’s foundation day and your birthday English lessons with a native speaker and an online language platform where you can learn English, Spanish, and German Access to a mental health and well-being platform with 24/7 dedicated psychological support Private medical care (Enel Med or Medicover) and Multisport card Our recruitment process: Initial call with Ola Mroczek (People & Culture Specialist) Technical part with a task to be completed at home Technical screening with Kacper Tomporowski (Engineering Manager) &  Mikołaj Sawicki (QA Team Leader) HR interview with Ola, Kacper, and Mikołaj
Junior NET Developer
HTD, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Hi! We are HTD, a digital health services company based in Lodz and New York City. We are on a mission to create a more human-centric, accessible, and productive healthcare system. We work with clients across the medical and wellness industry to plan, design, and develop custom software. Our team offers technology consulting, product design, and software development services across all modern languages and frameworks (e.g. JavaScript, Rails, Flutter, and Python). As an employer, we want to create a workplace where ambitious and committed IT enthusiasts can start or continue their professional journey. Currently, we have an excellent opportunity for a skilled and ambitious Junior .NET Developer to join our HTD team!  Requirements: At least 1+ years of commercial experience in .NET Knowledge of Azure is a plus Communicative level of English (B2+) – both spoken and written Eagerness to learn and constantly improve yourself Being a team player focused on getting things done We appreciate if you have: Previous experience working in Scrum and Agile Teams Strong interest in the topic of new technologies and healthcare Unit test and debugging skills We need you to be open to continuous delivery and development in: Delivering readable, maintainable software covered with automated tests Communicating effectively with other team members and clients English speaking and writing Sharing your knowledge including contributing to open source, writing blog posts, taking an active part in workshops and hackathons we organize What you can expect from us: Salary depending on your skills and experience: – PLN 6 000 – 11 000 + VAT on a B2B contract – PLN 5 000 – 9 200 gross on employment contract 25 paid days off (B2B/UZ) Flexible working hours Possibility of working 100% remotely (you can be based anywhere) Personal educational budget: conferences, courses, workshops, and more Individual career path and continuous evaluation of your development Private medical care Multisport Plus member card or cinema tickets All necessary equipment such as MacBook PRO, additional monitor and accessories Work with the best tools available. We provide licences for IDEs and code editors A+ office that includes coworking space with spots where you can crush with your laptop, open kitchen, standing desks, teleconference equipment, etc. Participation in innovative and challenging projects for clients around the world Have we sparked your interest? Does this sound like the place you have been looking for? Get in touch! We are looking forward to receiving your application. Would you like to know more about us? Visit our social media ( Facebook , , Instagram ).
Junior Software Engineer
Reply Polska Sp. z o. o., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Responsibilities As an employee of Syskoplan CX Italy, you will be responsible for developing customer-facing  e-commerce solutions  with SAP Commerce You will be contributing to  digital transformation  in different industries and delivering high-quality  end-to-end e-commerce projects You will have opportunity to extend your knowledge and skills to further progress own professional career and strengthen our  SAP Commerce tribe You will be involved in  writing unit and integration tests  to ensure code quality Benefits Motivizer Benefits Platform to choose and manage all your benefits in one place. You receive a budget (550 PLN monthly). You can choose  a medical care package, meal tickets, sports cards (we have Multisport and on preferential terms, we have membership cards to one of the most popular Gyms),  cinema tickets, shop vouchers, discounts and many more. Language Courses – you'll have access to a multi-language learning platform enabling you to practice your language skills and learn new ones! Regular and systematic further  training opportunities - both internally  and from external providers. We support your ongoing learning and development. Cooperation within an internal community is our everyday reality. We have  networking events, coding challenges, and company parties for different occasions. Qualifications We are looking forward to your  successfully completed studies  in computer science, mathematics, physics or a similar qualification Good command of  English . Practical knowledge of  Java  programming language and OOP principles and basic knowledge of  front-end technologies  (CSS, JavaScript, HTML) You have experience with  SQL and RDBMs  (MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server) You are available to work in a hybrid mode: both in our office in Katowice and from home. Working from the office includes 2 - 3 days a week. About Syskoplan CX Italy Syskoplan CX Italy is a Reply company focused on Digital Commerce. Given the impressive growth of the e-commerce market we need to expand. As a modern, dynamic and ambitious company, we foster innovation, technological excellence and superior client relationships. We carefully recruit people who fit this culture and want to develop their skills with us.
Junior Application Developer
Emerson Process Management Sp. z o.o., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
At Emerson , our passion is creating the innovation that makes our World better. In the Technology Team , you will be a part of the Software Development team for the DeltaV Process Control System . You will be a member of an Agile Scrum team responsible for full stack development of features for the DeltaV Control System. This team focuses on Control Applications, Simulation, Batch, Advanced Control, and Device Data Integration portions of the system. When joining our team, you will be focused on a variety of rich desktop and web applications used for engineering and operating a process control system with the opportunity to also work on embedded real-time software applications running on custom micro-processor based hardware.  Principle job responsibilities: Generation of user stories and software designs in accordance with Marketing and Human Centered Design requirements and specifications Code development Unit tests, integration tests  Software support and maintenance of already released software Develop high quality, high-performance, secure code, capable of running on multiple platforms using object-oriented and/or services-based methodologies Required qualification and experience: Bachelor’s or Master's degree in Computer/Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or a related engineering field. Experience in a related engineering field will also be appreciated Experience with and/or thorough knowledge of C# or C++ development (frontend or backend) and .NET development Experience using object-oriented design techniques An understanding of or experience with Process Control or Distributed Control Systems Willing to work in a small team environment using an Agile development process Familiar with or have experience developing software using Agile/scrum methodology Demonstrated versatility and self-motivation Good communication skills Nice to have: Experience in the development of embedded real-time firmware/software Experience with commercial real-time embedded operating systems (QNX or similar) Experience with software testing, including test-driven development and automation UML, MFC/C++, WPF/C#, WCF, HTML5/Javascript experience Perks in the office: free coffee bike parking free beverages no dress code "no blame" culture canteen shower free parking free fruit every day modern office with a big lab space and professional equipment Benefits package: Private Medical Insurance (LUX MED or Medicover) Life (Subsidized) and Accident Insurance (Company Provided) Employee Capital Plans (PPK) Employee Assistance Program Unlimited access to Udemy learning solutions On-site or Online Yoga for a Healthy Back classes Flexible Spending Account in the MyBenefit Cafeteria (MultiSport Card, Tickets, Travel, Pet Insurance, Spa, Lunch Card, Shopping Discounts and more) Referral Bonus Curious about what the hiring process looks like? 1. Once we receive your CV, you will be contacted by our HR for booking of the 1st stage interview in your convenient time 2. After a 30min conversation about your experience and expectations, the HR department will arrange a technical panel meeting with members of our current development teams 3. Finally the Recruiter will get back to you with feedback and together you will determine the next steps , which hopefully will be signing the intent letter! The complete process usually takes just a few days! Come join us! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJtzc45A9Ek
Молодший фахівець з компенсацій та пільг
Київстар, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Ми реалізовуємо найефективніші HR-практики, і завдяки ним, маємо зіркову команду Київстар та входимо в ТОП 3 роботодавців України.Запрошуємо приєднатися до HR команди Київстар та гарантуємо масу розвиваючих проектів! Функціональні обов'язки:·Участь у розрахунку премій за різними типами мотиваційних програм;·Підготовка звітів та презентацій для керівництва;·Участь в оглядах заробітних плат: підготовка даних, заповнення опитувань, обробка результатів оглядів заробітних плат;·Підготовка комунікацій для працівників щодо пільг та компенсацій на внутрішньому сайті компанії;·Вдосконалення чат-боту для працівників.Вимоги:·Досвід роботи у сфері HR, бажано компенсації та пільги або аналітика від 2-х років;·Розвинуті аналітичні навички;·Пристрасть до цифр, володіння Excel на впевненому рівні (зведені таблиці, самостійне написання формул, побудова діаграм, вміння працювати з великими масивами даних;·Досвід складання документів, написання текстів, грамотність;·Рівень володіння англійською мовою –Pre- Intermediate;·Базові знання в області компенсацій і пільг та основ трудового законодавства. Робота в Київстар - це:·Команда, частиною якої дійсно хочеться бути;·Віддалене робоче місце, з можливістю відвідувати офіс;·Програма онбордінгу, що дозволяє легко та швидко адаптуватися новачкам в компанії в режимі онлайн;·Один з найкращих в Україні соцпакетів із медичним страхуванням та допомогою в різних життєвих ситуаціях;·Гідна оплата праці (офіційна);·Безмежні можливості онлайн навчання (тренінги, курси);·Професійний та особистий розвиток; ·Бонуси за якісну роботу.
Junior Salesforce Developer
Reply Polska Sp. z o. o., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Responsibilities As a  Salesforce Developer  you will join one of many Arlanis Reply  Salesforce projects  and contribute your best to the success of our clients You will be involved in the  complete software development lifecycle  including analysis and technical design, configuration, coding, testing, implementing external integrations, and final production deployment You will  continuously grow  your knowledge and skills to progress your own professional career further and strengthen our Salesforce practice Benefits Motivizer Benefits Platform  to choose and manage all your benefits in one place. You receive a budget (550 PLN monthly). You can choose  medical care package, meal tickets, sports cards  (we have Multisport and on preferential terms, we have membership cards to one of the most popular Gyms),  cinema tickets, shop vouchers, discounts and many more. Language Courses  – you have access to the platform where you can practice your language skills. Regular and systematic further  training opportunities - internal and external ones.  We support your development. Cooperation within  an internal community  is our everyday reality. We have  networking events, coding challenges, and company parties  for different occasions. Qualifications Successfully completed university degree  in computer science, engineering, mathematics or comparable courses You have proven experience in  Salesforce project  delivery, ideally in Agile setup, preferably with CI/CD pipeline in place You know how to use declarative tools, code in  APEX and SOQL , and implement LWC and external integrations with REST and SOAP services. You are well familiar with the common  platform concepts , including security configuration, Approval Process, Visibility&Sharing as well as standard objects used in various clouds You are a strong  team player  with good communication skills. Very good spoken and written English is a must, German will be nice to have Availability to work in a hybrid mode - visits 2 / 3 days a week in our Katowice office. About Arlanis Reply Arlanis Reply  is the Reply Group's specialist for consulting, planning, development and integration of  Salesforce solutions and services . As a long-standing  Salesforce Consulting Partner , Arlanis Reply configures all common Salesforce Clouds, supplements them with custom programming and uses  MuleSoft  as a comprehensive integration technology. Arlanis Reply relies on agile project management methods and the interaction with other modern technologies.
Junior Automation Tester
Reply Polska Sp. z o. o., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Responsibilities You will play a key role within the  Agile team  in the creation of  high quality software We need your support to  analyse  the project requirements,  design  the  test case  and  execute  them Together with your  Agile team  you will work to  enhance  our  test automation system Pick the opportunity to  become part of a growing reality  which will shape your  professional skillset  and allow you to  evolve quickly within the organization Benefits Motivizer Benefits Platform  to choose and manage all your benefits in one place. You receive a budget (550 PLN monthly). You can choose  medical care package, meal tickets, sports cards  (we have Multisport and on preferential terms, we have membership cards to one of the most popular Gyms),  cinema tickets, shop vouchers, discounts and many more. Language Courses  – you have access to the platform where you can practice your language skills. Regular and systematic further  training opportunities - internal and external ones.  We support your development. Cooperation within  an internal community  is our everyday reality. We have  networking events, coding challenges, and company parties  for different occasions. Qualifications Successfully completed University studies in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or comparable courses of study You have an  entry level of experience  of  test automation systems  and show  accuracy, thoroughness and accountability  in your job Programming skills  in Java Good level knowledge of  Jira  and  Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, XP) Solid knowledge of the  English language  is a must as it is our everyday language You are available to work in a hybrid mode: both in our office in Katowice and from home. Working from the office includes 2 - 3 days a week. About Nexi Digital Nexi Digital is a Joint Venture between Reply and Nexi Group. It delivers cutting edge digital solutions for the Nexi Group, the European PayTech leader. Nexi Digital works with modern technologies, uses agile processes and methodologies, and it operates in a collaborative way with the Nexi Group to contribute to the success of all businesses. Our mission is to support the Nexi Group, to build and operate high-quality, distinctive and timely digital solutions which enable us to deliver value to Nexi’s customers across Europe.
Junior Technical Support Engineer
Capgemini Polska, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Junior Technical Support Engineer Capgemini Engineering is a world leader in engineering and R&D services . We combine ourbroad industry knowledgeand cutting-edge technologies in digital and software to support theconvergenceof the physical and digital worlds. Every day, we help our clients to accelerate their journey towards Intelligent Industry . At Capgemini,we are aresponsibleand diverse .Our organization has a strong 55-year heritage and deep industry expertise. We are trusted by our clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs—fromstrategyanddesigntooperations. Our actions are fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering, and platforms About the client: Our client is a provider of data intelligence. The company offers services such as enterprise data catalog, data governance, data lineage, data privacy, data quality, and observability and core services. Your future tasks: Manage all communication with client’s customers to resolve support tickets Coordinating and tracking the escalation of tickets to client FTE support team Maintaining a record of all communication and actions using ZenDesk Contributing frequently answered questions to the client's knowledge base Participating in the on-call rotations when needed for resolution of severe issues (Severity 1) Our Requirements: Demonstrated ability to provide effective customer support and troubleshoot technical issues At least Upper intermediate level of English Effective communicator, proficient in summarizing, documenting, and elucidating complex situations Enthusiastic about embracing and applying new technologies and tools Nice to have: Basic experience with Linux systems and writing SQL queries General understanding of SSL, LDAP/SSO protocols, REST API What have we prepared for you? A lot of benefits: Flexible working hours Equipment package for home office Private medical care and life insurance with ability to buy additional packages (e.g., dental care, senior care, oncology) on preferential terms. Access to Capgemini Helpline with possibility to chat with therapists. Bonuses for recommending your friends to Capgemini. Access to Inspiro app with rich audiobooks database Access to our NAIS benefit platform ( 40+ options available: Netflix , SpotifyMultisport , cinema tickets, etc.) Personal and professional development: 70+ training tracks with certification opportunities (e.g. MS Azure, AWS, Google, Cloud) on our NEXT training platform. Platform with free access to Pluralsight , TED TalksCoursera materials and trainings. Free access to Udemy Business accountwith ability to use during and outside working hours. Transparent performancemanagement policy. Our legendary atmosphere: We value teamwork and good relationships. We work together, drink coffee together, and form friendships both inside and outside of work. No official dress-code. Various communities : OUTfront, Women@Capgemini, Foreigners Community, and more. Day off for volunteering Ability toimplement world-changing initiatives thanks to our GrantProgram The award of " Top Employer Poland 2024 " and " Top Employer Europe 2024 " - proof of our commitment to creating an exceptional work environment and caring for the development of our employees.​​​​​​ Who are we? Being one of us means constant development among other great people. It's a team who you want to spend time with, during and after work. Trainings and initiatives make your daily tasks more interesting, fun, and unique. Capgemini Engineering has 65,000 engineer andscientistteam members in over 30 countries across sectorsincluding Automotive , AI and Data , Software & Internet , Telecommunication , Rail, Infrastructure and Transportation, Defense, Aeronautics, Energy, Communications, Semiconductor& Electronics, Industrial & Consumer.Join us on a journeytowards Intelligent Industry! It's time to #Get the Future You Want ! Your life is in your hands, and you have the opportunity to improve it, develop yourself, and simply— join us :) Do you want to get to know us better? Visit our Capgemini Engineering website ! Do you have any additional questions about working at Capgemini? Check ourInstagram — @capgeminipl or visit ourFacebookprofile— CapgeminiEngineering . You can also find us onTikTok!— @capgeminipl .
Junior Product Manager
TalentSearch, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a Junior Product Manager for a company that builds mobile and web products for the social networking domain. You are our perfect candidate if you:have 1+ year of experience in a PM / Analyst / PO position (finance, consulting);know how to measure product success based on data;have practical experience with data analytics/visualization tools;have experience in competitive research and preparing presentations;are a systematic thinker and business oriented;have an Upper-Intermediate level of English or higher;have excellent analytical and presentational skills.Responsibilities:competitors research for all user's roles and segments;monitoring competitors with the help of analytics tools and testing;make research, description, and presentation for the product team of all new features, A/B tests, etc.;competitors research knowledge base management;implementation of the research results.What we offer:comfortable working environment. You can work at our comfortable hub in Kyiv or remotely anywhere with a flexible schedule; reimbursement of expenses for renting workspaces in other cities; financial and legal support, modern equipment, and up-to-date tools;highly-skilled team. We have several independent products and cross-functional autonomous teams with Tech leads. The seniority level of the team is Middle&Senior, so you will get the option to share practical cases and knowledge with experts in the social networking niche;personal impact and ambitious goals. Our products are in top positions in their categories on App Store and Google Play. Were free to implement our ideas and directly influence products, cherishing our users. So you can make your direct impact on fast-growing products with a multi-million audience; investment in the future. The growth of our teammates is boosted with performance-oriented reviews, IDPs, free English classes, reimbursement of professional development courses, constructive feedback, international projects, a corporate library, and knowledge sharing;care and support. We maintain a human-to-human approach and care for our teammates' safety, health, and rest with 20 paid vacation days, 15 days of paid sick leave, 100% coverage of medical insurance, reimbursement for sports and equipment, corporate events, stylish merch, and relocation options; opportunity to grow in a fast-growing product.
Junior BigData Apps Engineer with Azure
DXC Technology, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC) is the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, helping clients harness the power of innovation to thrive on change. Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC Technology serves nearly 6,000 private and public sector clients across 70 countries. The company’s technology independence, global talent, and extensive partner alliance combine to deliver powerful next-generation IT services and solutions. DXC Technology is recognized among the best corporate citizens globally.  For more information, visit http://www.dxc.technology/ .   Currently, we are looking for:   Junior BigData Application Engineer with Azure   Job location: hybrid (Warsaw) or remote (Poland) If you are not afraid of new solutions and constant challenges… If you are eager to learn new things and technologies…. If you are broad minded, willing to get know how things work efficiently… If you feel free with developing, improving and maintaining data ingestion pipelines and applications in the Cloud… …or want to learn it and practice…     …you found right place!     Working for us, you will be the part of Big Data Team located in Poland, focused on the newest technologies, providing services to international client and business users from across the globe.   The Main Tasks Will Be Using the latest technologies ensure successful data delivery for customer's data scientist and analytics Continuously improve application effectiveness and implement cost cutting solutions Reacting on customer changing expectations and needs adapting applications accordingly, setup variation of them or develop new ones Taking needed actions on occurring events disruptive expecting results and planned processes   We Require High analytical skills and abstract thinking Intermediate SQL or Python Basic experience with databases technologies Elementary Linux Good command of English and Polish   We Appreciate Fascination with cloud technologies Eagerness to learn and practice new areas independently Familiar with any below: - Spark, Scala and other programming languages           - Cluster computing     - Code versioning systems           - Orchestration and job scheduling           - Containerization           - Data transfer schemes and protocols           - Data file formats           - Other IT experiences not only related strictly to data   We offer: full-time employment contract with a compensation package, adjusted to your experience and qualifications. package of social benefits, including medical care, Multisport, relax corner, sport communities, technical and soft skill training, life insurance and many others. training and certifications opportunities provided by our DXC Partners: Microsoft, AWS, Google opportunity to be a part of fast-growing, innovative, and high-performing within a multicultural organization. challenging projects, clear career path, and professional training opportunities enabling personal development and growth. friendly atmosphere, independence, and flexible working hours  
Junior Analyst
AstraZeneca, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
AstraZeneca - an international innovative biopharmaceutical company focused on the research, development and commercialization of prescription drugs in key therapeutic areas such as oncology, cardiovascular, renal, metabolic, respiratory, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The company is represented in more than 100 countries around the world, and its innovative drugs are used by millions of patients.The company has open positions of Junior Analyst & Patient program support Specialist. Improving the productivity of the department by ensuring the service provision of quality analytical data and providing support for the processes of the "TherapiaPLUS" patient program – the main responsibilities. We’re looking for someone, who wants to start a career as an analyst or who has a little experience.Our expectations for candidates:Higher education in Pharmacy or Economy;Excellent computer skills: Excel (high level, large data skills), Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and strong ability to learn and adapt to work with IT systems;The level of English is not lower than Intermediate;High orientation to results and time management;Strong interpersonal skills;Personal Qualities: stress tolerance, responsibility, accuracy/attention to detail, result oriented, team player.Responsibilities:Preparation of analytical reporting, assistance in the preparation of data for the cycle meetings;Work with the documentation of the "TherapiaPLUS" patient program;Sending the "TherapiaPLUS" starter packages, conducting the necessary communication related to this process;Corporate responsibility;Fulfillment of individual goals, timely and high-quality data analysis, accuracy and completeness of performed tasks.What the company offers:Hybrid schedule;Medical Insurance;Bonus system, regular annual salary review;Work in an international pharmaceutical company with opportunities for career and professional development;Comfortable corporate culture and inclusivity.Date Posted07-трав.-2024Closing Date29-черв.-2024