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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Бренд менеджер маркетолог в Київській області"

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Рекомендовані вакансії

Менеджер з торгового маркетингу (канал традиційної торгівлі)
Перша Приватна Броварня, Київ
Вимоги до кандидата:Вища освіта (економічна, маркетинг бажано);Від 3х років досвіду роботи в трейд або клієнтському маркетингу, чи розробки та імплементації трейд-стратегій в FMCGСPG компаніях;Досвідчений користувач ПК. Експертний рівень знань MS Excel та MSPowerPoint;Знання з торгового маркетингу (shoppercustomer marketing), здатність швидко навчатися або засвоювати нове;Високий рівень логічного та критичного мислення, аналітичній склад розуму, вміння консолідувати, обробляти та оформлювати інформацію у вигляді презентацій;Здатність працювати з декількома проектами одночасно; самоконтроль та стресостійкість;Проактивність, відкритість та націленність на результат;Хороші комунікативні навички для координації дій поміж зацікавленими департаментами.Ключові завдання:Розробка, імплементація та моніторинг маркетинг плану щодо просування брендів Компанії в підзвітному каналі для нарощування дистрибуції, продажів та валової маржі на базі комерційної стратегії каналу та розвитку категорії;Розробка, моніторинг та адаптація стандартів проведених промоакцій (цінових та інших) в тісній співпраці з департаментом продажів та фінансів;Постійний та актуальний аналіз результатів та вироблення пропозицій щодо освоєння потенційних можливостей росту та покращення поточних операційних показників (включаючи ключові промо, активності BTL, мотиваційні програми та у розрізі комерційних та фінансових показників ефективності);Планування та виконання трейд-маркетинг бюджету або додаткових інвестиційних кейсів з урахування поточної стратегії локації витрат та інвестицій;Підготовка, тестування та проведення крафтових (для клієнта, регіона, території, формата торговельних точок) активацій або рекламних матеріалів на базі потреб продавця та поведінки покупця відповідного сегментукатегорії;Управління портфелем рекламних матеріалів та обладнання для підзвітного каналу (найменування, типи, кількість, стандарти розміщення, аналіз ефективності, адаптація, делістинг);Збір інформації та аналіз конкурентного середовища для розробки адаптивного або проактивного плану дій (разом з відділом маркетингу та продажів) на базі SWOT, PEST, PDCA методологій;Підготовка selling stories, стандартів мерчендайзингу та їх каскадування департаменту продажів;Проведення щомісячних польових аудитів (по всій території України) з метою оцінки ефективності та адаптації поточної стратегії та навчання команди продажів.Ми пропонуємо:Офіційне працевлаштування;8-годинний робочий день з певною гнучкістю;Щорічну оплачувану відпустку (24 дні);Можливість навчання та розвитку в компанії;Оплачуваний мобільний зв'язок;Місцезнаходження: вул. Електриків 29а (трансфер від метро Контрактова площа або безкоштовне місце для паркування).Якщо Ви готові реалізовувати всі вище зазначені завдання та відповідаєте вимогам - чекаємо на Ваше резюме. 
Національний/-а Керівник/-ця (Керуючий/-а Редактор/-ка) - National Communications Officer (Managing Editor) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
Duty Station:Kyiv, UkraineClassification:National Officer, Grade NO-AType of Appointment:Fixed Term, one year with thepossibility of extensionEstimated Start Date:As soon as possibleClosing Date:04 May 2023 Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates. Context:Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission in Ukraine, and the direct supervision of the National Communications Officer; in collaboration with the Mission’s Policy Liaison and Project Development Unit, the successful candidate will be responsible and accountable for the development of quality content to support implementation of the Mission communications and advocacy strategy.This includes overseeing and managing the work of regional Communications Specialists based in the field hubs, drafting and editing human-interest stories, analytical pieces, social media posts, etc., facilitating the work of external photographers and videographers and leading the development of creative communication products to increase the visibility of IOM Ukraine’s activities and to promote an accurate narrative on migration, displacement and return with partners in the government, donor community, Media, United Nations (UN) agencies, as well as the general public. Core Functions / Responsibilities:In coordination with the National Communications Officer, implement the IOM Ukraine Communications and Advocacy Strategy, monitor the strategy workplan and calendar of activities, coordinate content production, and manage information flows. In coordination with all thematic units in the Mission and the National Communications Officer, draft articles, briefs, press announcements, press releases, and responses to media inquiries. Directly supervise the work of Communications Specialists in the IOM Ukraine field hubs, strengthening the editorial planning and improving the visibility of IOM activities across Ukraine. Undertake regular travel to sub-offices to support media outreach activities, gather material for multi-media projects and provide media training to individuals and teams as required. Support the National Communications Officer in managing awareness campaigns. Liaise with external photographers, video production companies, etc. to ensure high quality photo and video materials on the wide range of the Mission activities in the country. Produce materials for electronic/voice/visual and social media outreach. Increase the impact of Ukraine overall online and offline presence and brand recognition by developing innovative communications campaigns. Coordinate, update, and monitor the impact of Ukraine CO’s communications via media monitoring, as well as social media and Google analytics. Act as Officer-in-Charge in the absence of the Communications and Outreach Officer including participation in communications and advocacy-related groups within the UN Country Team. Perform such other duties as required.Required Qualifications and ExperienceEducationBachelor’s degree in Communications, Marketing, Journalism or in related field from an accredited academic institution with two years of relevant professional experience; or, Master’s degree in the above-mentioned fields.ExperienceExperience in journalism and public information; Experience in community engagement and digital awareness raising; Experience in the production of visibility materials is an advantage; Experience in dealing with diverse counterparts from government and UN agencies, civil society and think-tanks is an advantage; Previous experience of writing and reporting in international and crisis contexts preferably within the United Nations Common System and the International Humanitarian Field; Experience in working in a multi-cultural setting; Sound reporting, writing and editorial skills and ability to create a multi-media content; Proven ability to produce quality work accurately and concisely according to the set deadlines; Excellent communication and writing skills with the ability to analyze complex problems and identify and convey clear, rapid solutions; and, Excellent general analytical skills.LanguagesFluency in English and Ukrainian is required.Managerial Competencies – behavioural indicatorsLeadership: provides a clear sense of direction, leads by example and demonstrates the ability to carry out the organization’s vision; assists others to realize and develop their potential. Empowering others & building trust: creates an atmosphere of trust and an enabling environment where staff can contribute their best and develop their potential. Strategic thinking and vision: works strategically to realize the Organization’s goals and communicates a clear strategic direction.OtherAny offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications filling in the IOM Personal History Form   and sending to [email protected]  by 04 May 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.Posting period:From 20.04.2023 to 04.05.2023
Національний/-а Керівник/-ця з Комунікацій - National Communications Officer (Managing Editor) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні
Open to Internal and External Candidates Position Title: National Communications Officer (Managing Editor)Duty Station: Kyiv, UkraineClassification: National Officer, Grade NO-AType of Appointment: Fixed Term, one year with the possibility of extensionEstimated Start Date: As soon as possibleClosing Date: 11 May 2023 Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates.Context:Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission in Ukraine, and the direct supervision of the National Communications Officer; in collaboration with the Mission’s Policy Liaison and Project Development Unit, the successful candidate will be responsible and accountable for the development of quality content to support implementation of the Mission communications and advocacy strategy.This includes overseeing and managing the work of regional Communications Specialists based in the field hubs, drafting and editing human-interest stories, analytical pieces, social media posts, etc., facilitating the work of external photographers and videographers and leading the development of creative communication products to increase the visibility of IOM Ukraine’s activities and to promote an accurate narrative on migration, displacement and return with partners in the government, donor community, Media, United Nations (UN) agencies, as well as the general public. Core Functions / Responsibilities:In coordination with the National Communications Officer, implement the IOM Ukraine Communications and Advocacy Strategy, monitor the strategy workplan and calendar of activities, coordinate content production, and manage information flows. In coordination with all thematic units in the Mission and the National Communications Officer, draft articles, briefs, press announcements, press releases, and responses to media inquiries. Directly supervise the work of Communications Specialists in the IOM Ukraine field hubs, strengthening the editorial planning and improving the visibility of IOM activities across Ukraine. Undertake regular travel to sub-offices to support media outreach activities, gather material for multi-media projects and provide media training to individuals and teams as required. Support the National Communications Officer in managing awareness campaigns. Liaise with external photographers, video production companies, etc. to ensure high quality photo and video materials on the wide range of the Mission activities in the country. Produce materials for electronic/voice/visual and social media outreach. Increase the impact of Ukraine overall online and offline presence and brand recognition by developing innovative communications campaigns. Coordinate, update, and monitor the impact of Ukraine CO’s communications via media monitoring, as well as social media and Google analytics. Act as Officer-in-Charge in the absence of the Communications and Outreach Officer including participation in communications and advocacy-related groups within the UN Country Team. Perform such other duties as required.Required Qualifications and ExperienceEducationBachelor’s degree in Communications, Marketing, Journalism or in related field from an accredited academic institution with two years of relevant professional experience; or, Master’s degree in the above-mentioned fields.ExperienceExperience in journalism and public information; Experience in community engagement and digital awareness raising; Experience in the production of visibility materials is an advantage; Experience in dealing with diverse counterparts from government and UN agencies, civil society and think-tanks is an advantage; Previous experience of writing and reporting in international and crisis contexts preferably within the United Nations Common System and the International Humanitarian Field; Experience in working in a multi-cultural setting; Sound reporting, writing and editorial skills and ability to create a multi-media content; Proven ability to produce quality work accurately and concisely according to the set deadlines; Excellent communication and writing skills with the ability to analyze complex problems and identify and convey clear, rapid solutions; and, Excellent general analytical skills.LanguagesFluency in English and Ukrainian is required.Managerial Competencies – behavioural indicatorsLeadership: provides a clear sense of direction, leads by example and demonstrates the ability to carry out the organization’s vision; assists others to realize and develop their potential. Empowering others & building trust: creates an atmosphere of trust and an enabling environment where staff can contribute their best and develop their potential. Strategic thinking and vision: works strategically to realize the Organization’s goals and communicates a clear strategic direction.OtherAny offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.How to apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications filling in the IOM Personal History Form   and sending to [email protected]  by 11 May 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
SMM – маркетолог ресторану «Mirali»
Wine Bureau, Киев
Ну що ж!Поки Ілон Маск запускає ракети до космосу, а ми запустили кращий ресторан країни.Так, амбіційно! Але ж, хто нам заважає? :)Наразі чекаємо SMM-маркетолога ресторану «Mirali»!https://www.instagram.com/mirali.restaurant/Наші очікування: Розуміння основ якісного сервісу; Менеджерські навички та креативність; Високий рівень комунікативних навичок; Зацікавленість у стратегічному розвитку компанії; Мобільність та гнучкість; Бажання та натхнення писати/говорити від імені бренду та команди; Навички роботи з фото- та відеоредакторами; Вміння ефективно працювати в умовах великої відповідальності та зміни задач. Досвід роботи в сфері ведення соціальних мереж від 2х років + чекаємо на посилання твоїх успішних КЕЙСІВ; Безкомпромісно грамотну українську та гарну англійську. Твої задачі: Створення візуальної частини контенту (фотографії/відео/рілз, відео з рецептами, керування створенням робочих візуалів для сторінки); Збір додаткової інформації від колег та підрозділів; Розробка стратегії та плану просування бренду; Написання текстів та перевірка грамотності; Комунікація з гостями, командою та партнерами щодо онлайн контенту; Моніторинг та аналіз результатів (відстеження активності, ведення статистики і тд); Трейд – маркетинг ресторану Інтеграції з блогерами, лідерами думок, колаборації з іншими брендами...Пропонуємо: Дохід на випробувальний термін 30 тис.грн, після випробувального 50 тис.грн та проговорюється за результатами; Зручний гібридний робочий формат; Великий ступінь довіри; Відкритість до пропозицій і креативу; Можливість працювати з продуктом безкомпромісної якості.Якщо ти закоханий/а у свою роботу та не уявляєш своє життя без креативу та фото, можеш бути лідером напрямку, робити «вітер» у соц.мережах - ми дууууже на тебе чекаємо! :)  
Senior Brand Designer / Art Director
Eleken, Київ
Eleken is a pragmatic UI.UX design agency for SaaS, we create UI.UX products for US & European markets.We are a retainer agency, which means that clients pay a fixed amount every month, and you don’t have to estimate every project. So, basically, it is a subscription-based product designer. More details about how it works here.As a Senior Brand Designer / Art Director at Eleken, you’ll be pivotal in leading our design team, collaborating with clients, and driving the creative vision for various projects.Your Role & Adventure:• Creative Leadership: Lead and manage the design team to ensure the highest quality of work. Inspire and mentor junior designers, fostering a collaborative and innovative environment.• Client Collaboration: Work closely with clients to understand their design needs and objectives. Translate client briefs into creative concepts and compelling visual designs.• Project Management: Oversee multiple design projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to client specifications. Effectively manage project timelines, budgets, and resources.• Design Execution: Create visually appealing and impactful designs across various media, including digital, print, and social platforms. Maintain high creativity, originality, and attention to detail in all design work.• Brand Development: Develop and maintain brand guidelines for clients, ensuring consistency and coherence in all design elements. Create brand identities, logos, and marketing collateral that align with the client’s brand values and goals.• Quality Assurance: Review and approve design work before final client delivery. Ensure all designs meet the agency’s quality standards and client expectations.• Trend Analysis: Stay up-to-date with industry trends, emerging technologies, and design best practices. Incorporate innovative design techniques and tools into the creative process.• Team Development: Identify skill gaps within the team and provide opportunities for professional development. Conduct regular performance reviews and provide constructive feedback to help team members grow and excel in their roles.Hard Skills:• Minimum of 5 years of experience in graphic design, with a strong portfolio showcasing diverse design work.• Proven experience in a leadership or senior design role, preferably within an agency setting.• Strong understanding of design principles, typography, color theory, and layout.• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively with clients and team members.• Strong organizational and time management skills, with the ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously.• Creative thinker with a keen eye for detail and a passion for design.• Experience with brand development and creating comprehensive brand identities.For you:salary: discussed individually & depends on your experience and skills;sincere & reliable & skilled team;work from anywhere + flexible working hours;paid vacation & sick leave;birthday and anniversary gifts (for the duration of the war in monetary equivalent);opportunity for professional and career growth;opportunity to influence the internal processes of the company.
Healthcare Professional (HCP) Content Manager
Сплендідскор, Київ
Our client is an international pharmaceutical company, one of the world's leading pharmaceutical corporations. The company has been operating in Ukraine for over 25 years.Now we are looking for a Healthcare Professional (HCP) Content Manager (located in Kyiv) to join the Central Eastern Europe (CEE) team. You will be responsible for leading the development and execution of a comprehensive HCP strategy and tactical plan for relevant brands/categories.Your main responsibilities will be:Translation of brand strategies to HCP communication strategy for all CHC brands (doctors & pharmacists)Recommendation of touchpoints & tailored messages for specific targetsLeading cooperation with external services (all year strategy/ content/ budget)Local cooperation with brand teams, medical teams, MCE teamSupport brand leads in translating HCP insights to consumer added valueIdentify Customer (HCP) 360 Engagement StrategyCreation of impactful branded/non-branded HCP content and campaigns with support of marketing and medicalClose cooperation with global team & localization of global contentAbout youMinimum 3 years professional experienceAt least 1 years of work experience at similar position, with OTC / healthcare / pharma marketing agencyEducational background in pharma/medicine / marketing will be a plusProven work experience in creating content strategy for medical professionalsGreat knowledge of the information environment in which doctors and pharmacists work (services / websites/ conferences)Understanding HCP Journey, information needs, role and credibility of different touchpointsAbility to analyze reports / draw conclusions, and recommend actions based on themExecutional excellence / aesthetic sense / ability to formulate powerful messages and synthesize knowledgeTeam spirit persuasiveness & influential skills, highly collaborativeFluency in Ukrainian and EnglishWhat company offers:An international work environmentContract of employment.An attractive package of benefits (medical and life insurance, corporate car, lunch allowance for office workers, etc.)Flexible home office policy, with a possibility to work up to 50% of time from homeEmployee Assistance Program (mental health support, legal and financial consulting).Gender neutral paid parental leave as well as volunteer days.If you want to become a part of a big international company — send your CV in English.Thanks for your attention and take care, please!
Netpeak Group, Київ
Ringostat — це українська AI-платформа телефонії, колтрекінгу та аналітики дзвінків. За останні 2,5 роки Ringostat регулярно отримує нагороди High Performer на авторитетному сервісі відгуків G2 і входить до 10 найкращих у світі у своїй категорії. Також сервіс є єдиним офіційним партнером Google Analytics серед аналогічних сервісів у Східній Європі. Ми зростаємо щомісяця, а зі зростанням з’являється все більше різних задач. Саме тому ми розширюємо свій колектив та шукаємо в команду менеджера з маркетингу, який візьме на себе процеси з розбудови нашого сайту, роботу з рекламними креативами, оголошеннями тощо.Hard Skills:Досвід в маркетингу та / або діджитал маркетингу понад 3 роки.Досвід генерації лідів, знання каналів генерації потенційних клієнтів понад 2 роки. Досвід створення посадкових сторінок сайту (розробка концепції й опис технічних завдань для дизайнерів).Досвід зі створення рекламних креативів та оголошень для Google Ads та Meta Ads (розробка концепції та постановка технічних завдань для дизайнерів).Впевнений користувач Google Analytics та Google Spreadsheets / Microsoft Excel.Розуміння принципів роботи Google Ads та Meta Ads.Розуміння основ роботи в Figma.Перевагою буде досвід роботи з продуктами на європейських ринках та знання принципів B2B маркетингу.Знання англійської на рівні B1.Soft Skills:Уважність. Будь-яка помилка, деталь, дрібниця можуть звести конверсію до 0.Цілеспрямованість. Вміння доводити розпочате до кінця, не помічаючи перепон.Самоорганізованість. Вміння працювати в умовах багатозадачності без необхідності постійних нагадувань.Команда чекає від тебе:1. Роботи з Google Ads та Meta Ads.    1.1. Розробки стратегій, генерації ідей, спільно з PPC спеціалістом, по запуску рекламних кампаній.    1.2. Розробки та написання рекламних оголошень для різних рекламних каналів.    1.3. Розробки концептів та написання ТЗ для дизайнерів зі створення рекламних креативів. 2. Розширення структури сайту відповідно до ключових запитів клієнтів.    2.1. Розробки концептів посадкових сторінок.    2.2. Інтеграції ключових слів в структуру сторінок.    2.3. Написання ТЗ для верстки посадкових сторінок дизайнерами.3. Аналізу конкурентів та цільових ринків.4. Створення й запуску промо-кампаній для нових продуктів та послуг.5. Генерації нових ідей для просування бренду.Ми пропонуємо:Оплату — ставку + щомісячний бонус. Це означає, що окрім фіксованої ринкової ставки ти ще маєш додатковий бонус на який можеш безпосередньо впливати.Гнучкий графік роботи з можливістю починати робочий день із 8:00 до 10:00, та завершувати з 17:00 до 19:00.Можливість працювати повністю віддалено або в офісі (Одеса, Київ, Харків та Черкаси). Офіси автономні на випадок відключення світла. Індивідуальну та групову роботу з корпоративним психологом.Оплачувану відпустку — 18 робочих днів, 8 оплачуваних лікарняних на рік, та 11 державних вихідних.Можливість використання корпоративного бота, що поєднує в собі найпотужніший штучний інтелект, котрий доступний зараз.Можливість навчання та розвитку: досвід та підтримку наших співробітників, допомогу в професійній адаптації під кураторством протягом усього випробувального терміну.Внутрішні корпоративні знижки на різні послуги, у тому числі знижки на курси англійської.Швидке прийняття рішень та тестування ідей — відсутність зайвої бюрократії та мікроменеджменту. Робота в компанії, у якій тебе чують і до тебе прислухаються, а керівник відкритий до діалогу та пропозицій.Профільні івенти та чати для обміну досвідом у рамках групи компаній.Корпоративні заходи та розваги. Навіть у складні часи ми робимо все можливе, аби підняти настрій наших співробітників ;)Відгукується? Надсилай резюме та стань частиною нашої команди :)
Brand Manager LDB
L'Oréal, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
WHO WE ARE L’Oréal is present in markets on five continents. For more than a century, L’Oréal has devoted itself solely to ‘Create beauty that moves the world’; it is now the industry world leader with € billion consolidated sales. Together, we solve complex challenges at scale, while making sure we stay committed to making the world a more inclusive and a better place for everyone & our planet. Experience the excitement of agility to shape the future of beauty; where diversity and purpose come together create meaningful impact. In the L'Oréal Dermatological Beauty Division, we change people's lives by creating the ‘beauty of health’ with our iconic brands (La Roche- Posay, Vichy, CeraVe, Skin Ceuticals). With the most prescribed brands by dermatologists and other specialists, our division is maintaining a double-digit growth worldwide for the last years which is fueled by +.k employees around the world. KEY RESPONSIBILITIESReporting directly to the Group Brand Manager, you will be responsible for developing and implementing strategic marketing initiatives to maintain and enhance the brand image. The role requires a combination of creative thinking, strategic planning and strong leadership skills to drive brand awareness, engagement and loyalty. Implementing new launches, supporting the growth of core products and animating the core catalogue Conducting market research to understand consumer trends, competitive landscape and category insights Regular analysis of sales, share, price, market and competitive data, etc. Manage budget and ensure accuracy of sales forecasts Planning, implementation and analysis of integrated marketing campaigns and other activities Working closely with trade marketing, sales, digital and other departments Collaborate with creative teams and agencies to produce high quality marketing materials YOUR FUTURE TEAM You will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of brands in various beauty categories (skin care, hair care, colour, make-up, deo) by joining one of the marketing teams, according to the company's division. The best advertising campaigns, integrations with famous bloggers and stars you see on the screens will be your daily work, where you can show your potential and creativity. YOUR BACKGROUNDYou are a marketing expert with - years of experience Experience in implementing integrated marketing campaigns with a creative approach and involvement of various channels and digital tools Constant work with research, monitoring, interpretation of consumer and market data, identification of consumer trends and insights Have project management experience and a structured approach Quick adaptation to changing market trends, consumer behavior and business dynamics Experience in working with multifunctional teams, influencing skills to make effective business decisions Text BoxEnglish Upper-intermediate WHAT WE OFFER Join the leading Beauty Tech Company worldwide with official employment, competitive remuneration, and global profit-sharing opportunities. Develop in the place where you can contribute to something bigger and grow beyond your potential! Numerous social initiatives of various scales implemented by L'Oréal Ukraine are aimed at solving environmental and social problems, as well as gender inequality in business and science. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company has been supporting those affected by the hostilities. You will get: comprehensive health and life insurance, exclusive discounts at L’Oréal's internal product store and partner beauty salons, technical equipment, and additional vacation during challenging times. Embrace a dynamic environment where you have unlimited access to learning platforms and development courses, including local and international trainings, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and BUZU. Thrive in an international company by realizing your ideas while collaborating with industry experts to elevate your professional expertise. Experience a hybrid work schedule, offering the flexibility to work either in the office with shelter (Kyiv, Business Center “Magnett”) or remotely.  Puedes inscribirte en un máximo de tres ofertas en un período de días. No puedes retirar tu solicitud una vez enviada, así que asegúrate de elegir la posición que mejor se adapte a tus habilidades y aspiraciones.
Brands Account Manager (They/She/He)
Glovo, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Not your usual app. We are the fastest-growing multi-category app connecting millions of users with businesses, and couriers, offering on-demand services from more than 170,000 local restaurants, grocers and supermarkets, and high street retail stores. We operate in more than 1500 cities across 25 countries. We have a vision: To give everyone easy access to anything in their cities.And this is where your ride starts… YOUR MISSIONAs a Glovo Brands Ads Analyst, you will be an integral part of the Glovo Brands Ads team, which is a cross-functional division focused on providing a range of advertising products to help brands increase awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty. Your main objectives will be: - Delivering ad campaigns that effectively boost sales for our partner brands by leveraging the constantly growing Glovo user base. - Driving incremental profit for Glovo through the development and sale of our advertising products.To achieve these goals, you will need to be highly hands-on, and data-driven, possess excellent presentation skills, have a deep understanding of advertising products, coordinate effectively across departments, and manage external/internal stakeholders. Your role will also involve fostering strong business relationships and ensuring that Glovo becomes the preferred advertising partner for brands.We are seeking passionate and creative marketers with a strong sales spirit or sales rock stars with a curiosity for marketing to join Glovo's Brands Ads team in Ukraine!THE JOURNEY Drive sales of Glovo advertising products to FMCG partner Brands and prospectsBuild and nurture relationships with strategic advertisersRecommend advertising products based on data and FMCG Brands' needs and objectivesEnsure flawless execution of partner Brands' ad campaigns, coordinating with cross-functional teamsMonitor and analyze the performance of ad campaigns, assessing the impact on partner Brands and Glovo's overall performanceTrack partner Brands' progress, meet targets and identify new opportunitiesAchieve yearly objectives set with partner Brands (JBP)Create success stories and share best practices WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDE 1-2 years of Sales or Marketing experience at a media agency, consumer goods company, or e-commerce business.Self-motivated, results-driven, and proactive attitude.Comfortable working in a fast-paced environment and tackling complex business challenges.Strong analytical, negotiation, and project management skills.Proficiency in Office, particularly in Excel.Experience in executing integrated marketing campaigns or promotion plans across digital and non-digital channels.Deep understanding of paid, owned, and earned media channels, including tracking and reporting on established performance marketing KPIs.Excellent written and oral communication skills, fluent in Ukrainian and Intermediate English. We are always looking for the best candidates, so if you think you would be a good fit even if you don't meet 100% of the requirements we would love to hear from you! We believe driven talent deserves: An enticing equity plan *if applicable Top-notch private health insurance to keep you at your peak. Monthly Glovo meal benefits so you can test new features in our beta app (and to satisfy your cravings!) Discounts on transportation, food, and even kindergarten expenses or office-based nursery. Discounted gym memberships to keep you energized.️ The freedom to work from home two days a week, and the opportunity to work from anywhere for up to three weeks a year. . Enhanced parental leave (*if applicable) Online therapy and wellbeing benefits We’ll deliver a non-vanilla culture built on talent, where we work to amplify the impact on millions of people, paving the way forward together. At Glovo, we truly value diversity for the positive impact it brings to our teams, products, and culture. We're dedicated to providing equal opportunities for talent from all backgrounds. Feel free to note your pronouns in your application (e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc).Delve into our culture by taking a peek at our and check out our and ! Glovo is transforming the way consumers access local goods, enabling anyone to get almost any product delivered in minutes. Our on-demand logistics connect customers with independent local couriers who acquire goods from any restaurant or store in a city, as well as deliver urgent packages for a variable fee. For additional information on Glovo, please visit
Amazon Marketing Content Manager
ScaleJet, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
We are looking for a candidate for the Amazon Content Manager role, to take ownership of the UGT BRANDS e-commerce products content creation and development. If you have experience working with Amazon PL FBA, have a deep understanding of Amazon marketing, love finding creative solutions for marketing issues and you are a result-oriented individual, who loves to get things done - we would love to hear from you! About us: We started our journey in 2016 as an e-commerce company selling direct-to-consumer products in the USA and Canada. We currently own a couple of best-selling cosmetic brands on Amazon and have a lot of room to grow and expand. We are a fully remote company and we have a self-starter culture with no hand-holding and an amazing team that is supportive, values open conversation but values independent thinkers able to figure things out. Position overview: This position is responsible for creating new product content and improving our current product listings conversion rate. This includes working with all available Amazon visual content aspects and instruments. all aspects of the business, managing day to day operations, assortment, pricing, promotions, advertising and account reconciliation. This is done in collaboration and coordination with internal and external relationships and operations across marketing, finance, logistics, customer service and IT. Responsibilities: Managing full scope of tasks related to Amazon visual content and listing products on Amazon Develop strategies on copy and visual content to increase conversion. Coordinating creation of SEO texts for products using Amazon SEO tools for keywords (Helium 10, Datadive etc.) Managing competitors listing analysis, design and execute tests, collect and analyze data, identify trends and insights Coordinating creating new product listings (both text and graphic) - creating briefs and coordinating subcontractors tasks Maintaining and improving existing products content on Amazon (both text and graphic) Coordinating videos creating Developing Amazon brand stores and brand content Monitoring, analysing, A/B testing listing/content performance and forming conclusions based on key performance indicators and taking appropriate action when course correction is required. About You: Experience of work with Amazon PL in a marketing/sales related role (understanding the principles and features of work) Advanced English language proficiency Experience with SEO texts, SEO text optimization, Helium 10 or similar Excellent organizational and time management skills Self-motivated with the ability to take ownership of deliverables and outcomes Strong analytical and project-management skills Understanding of the principles of the content manager position, experience working with creative teams We offer: Competitive salary rate in USD Flexible remote work in an experienced and authentic team Company with international flair Startup environment with flat hierarchies Trainings and support
Менеджер з бренд-маркетингу (Експорт)
Мироновский Хлебопродукт, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
МХП — міжнародна компанія у сфері харчових та агро технологій, яка об'єднує понад 26 тисяч співробітників на понад 40 підприємствах у 17 регіонах України та близько 4 тисяч співробітників за кордоном.Ти точно нас впізнаєш за такими брендами як: «Наша Ряба», «Наша Ряба Апетитна», «Бащинський», «Легко!», Kurator, «Секрети Шефа».У сьогоднішній геополітичній ситуації МХП діє за принципом business as usual. Наше переконання, що саме так ми можемо найбільше допомогти нашій країні сьогодні!Наші підприємства працюють в штатному режимі, а масштабні інноваційні проєкти стартують за планом.Ми розширюємо нашу команду і пропонуємо вакансії для профі, які зацікавлені в унікальних для України проєктах у різних сферах.Наш працівник на цій посаді:Бере участь в розробці стратегії категорії в короткостроковій та довгостроковій перспективіАналізує портфель продуктів, бренд-портфель на основі дохідності, результатів продажів, відповідності бізнес-стратегії компаніїРозробляє бренд-план та календар активностей з залученням всіх релевантних каналів комунікаціїБере участь в розробці/запуску нових продуктів з урахуванням NPD процесуВідповідає за розробку та адаптацію дизайнів пакувальних матеріалівРозробляє разом з дизайнерами/агенцією рекламні матеріалиСприяє розвитку продажів брендованих продуктів бренду в різних каналах продажівСупроводжує та організовує проєкти зйомки рекламних/промо-матеріалів / відео-рецептівАналізує brand perfomance та ініціює активності щодо поліпшення позицій брендуЗдійснює моніторинг активностей конкурентів та виробників інших категорійАналізує ринок на підставі маркетингових та дослідженя ефективності просування бренду, категорії.Радо запрошуємо на співбесіду, якщо в валізі твого досвіду і знань є:Володіння О365, Excel, Word, Power point на рівні впевненого користувачаРівень англійської мови Intermediate (B1) та вище (можливість вести презентацію/зустріч, грамотна письмова комунікація та підготовка документів на англ.мові);Досвід роботи з 1С (вітається)Досвід розробки та запуску нових продуктів FMCG (вітається)Аналітичні здібності та увага до деталейСистемний підхід до вирішення задач.Чому потрібно йти саме до нас?Ти знайдеш команду однодумцівТи зможеш вдосконалюватись кожен день у нашому власному центрі розвитку співробітниківТи отримаєш можливість доєднатись до унікальних проєктів, яким немає аналогів в УкраїніТи будеш отримувати офіційну та конкурентну заробітну плату за всіма нормами Трудового кодексу УкраїниТи матимеш можливість користуватися послугами корпоративного психологаЗручний корпоративний трансфер довезе тебе до та від місця роботиКорпоративний спортзал, стоматологічний та медичний кабінети доступні для тебе в межах центрального офісу.А також багато інших речей, покликаних турбуватися про твій комфорт та здоров’я!
Brand Manager PPD (Kerastase)
L'Oréal, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
WHO WE ARE L’Oréal is present in markets on five continents. For more than a century, L’Oréal has devoted itself solely to ‘Create beauty that moves the world’; it is now the industry world leader with € billion consolidated sales. Together, we solve complex challenges at scale, while making sure we stay committed to making the world a more inclusive and a better place for everyone & our planet. Experience the excitement of agility to shape the future of beauty; where diversity and purpose come together create meaningful impact. For more than years, L'Oréal Professional Products Division has been defining the present and shaping the future of professional beauty. We are an open space for innovation and technology, while caring for the planet, giving more hope and producing less waste, we create a unique experience in every product - as unique as you are. We are always ahead of the curve. If you're passionate about beauty, technology and sustainability, data-driven, disruptive, creative and a team player, we'd love to talk to you about how we can work together. KEY RESPONSIBILITIESReporting directly to the Group Brand Manager, you will be responsible for developing and implementing strategic marketing initiatives to maintain and enhance the brand image. The role requires a combination of creative thinking, strategic planning and strong leadership skills to drive brand awareness, engagement and loyalty. Implementing new launches, supporting the growth of core products and animating the core catalogue Conducting market research to understand consumer trends, competitive landscape and category insights Regular analysis of sales, share, price, market and competitive data, etc. Manage budget and ensure accuracy of sales forecasts Planning, implementation and analysis of integrated marketing campaigns and other activities Working closely with trade marketing, sales, digital and other departments Collaborate with creative teams and agencies to produce high quality marketing materials YOUR FUTURE TEAM You will join a team of creative people, individuals with knowledge and skills in the areas of salon business and hairdressing. Together with our team, you will implement large-scale Academy events and build networking with other functions of the company. YOUR BACKGROUNDYou are a marketing expert with - years of experience Experience in implementing integrated marketing campaigns with a creative approach and involvement of various channels and digital tools Constant work with research, monitoring, interpretation of consumer and market data, identification of consumer trends and insights Have project management experience and a structured approach Quick adaptation to changing market trends, consumer behavior and business dynamics Experience in working with multifunctional teams, influencing skills to make effective business decisions Text BoxEnglish Upper-intermediate WHAT WE OFFER Join the leading Beauty Tech Company worldwide with official employment, competitive remuneration, and global profit-sharing opportunities. Develop in the place where you can contribute to something bigger and grow beyond your potential! Numerous social initiatives of various scales implemented by L'Oréal Ukraine are aimed at solving environmental and social problems, as well as gender inequality in business and science. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company has been supporting those affected by the hostilities. You will get: comprehensive health and life insurance, exclusive discounts at L’Oréal's internal product store and partner beauty salons, technical equipment, and additional vacation during challenging times. Embrace a dynamic environment where you have unlimited access to learning platforms and development courses, including local and international trainings, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and BUZU. Thrive in an international company by realizing your ideas while collaborating with industry experts to elevate your professional expertise. Experience a hybrid work schedule, offering the flexibility to work either in the office with shelter (Kyiv, Business Center “Magnett”) or remotely.  Puedes inscribirte en un máximo de tres ofertas en un período de días. No puedes retirar tu solicitud una vez enviada, así que asegúrate de elegir la posición que mejor se adapte a tus habilidades y aspiraciones.
VET Brand Manager
Mars, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
JOB DESCRIPTION Job Description:ОСНОВНІ ФУНКЦІЇПід керівництвом Директора департаменту маркетингу та спеціалізованого продажу розробляє маркетингову стратегію і план розвитку продуктів категорії VET у відповідності до стратегії компанії. Розвиток Бренду – це ключовий аспект роботи і має досягатися за допомогою годування більшої кількості собак та котів, тому рекомендація й представленість продуктів мають першочергове значення.На цій посаді співробітник має забезпечувати широке розгортання бренда на ринку, відповідно до Системи ідентифікації бренду, шляхом створення інноваційної та ефективної маркетингової діяльності. Фахівець співпрацює з внутрішніми і зовнішніми партнерами у питаннях розробки заходів для забезпечення зміцнення позицій бренду як харчування для здоров’я в каналі VET, а також для забезпечення того, щоб усі ініціативи підтримували філософію бренду.ПОСАДОВІ ОБОВ’ЯЗКИМаркетингова стратегія та план VET:Розробляти маркетингову стратегію і план щодо розвитку продуктів категорії VET під наглядом Директора департаменту маркетингу та спеціалізованого продажу для забезпечення зростання категорії у відповідності до бізнесових цілей.Здійснювати аналіз споживачів, категорії, конкуренції і каналів й пропонувати оновлення продуктів категорії VET, визначаючи нові продукти і видаляючи з нього неуспішні продукти.Стимулювати розуміння й передбачування потреб споживачів для того, щоб споживачі мали більш виразний та ефективний досвід використання брендом.Розробляти заходи для збільшення фізичної доступності продуктів категорії VET з метою прискорення зростання за рахунок призначень фахівцями, рухаючись в напрямку до індивідуалізованого харчування для здоров’я.Створювати план запуску і комунікаційної підтримки для нових продуктів.Прогнозувати продажі нових продуктів.Створювати промоційний план і комунікаційну підтримку для діяльності з просування продуктів на ринку.Прогнозувати рекламні продажі разом із командою збуту.Відповідати за розробку стратегії ціноутворення продуктів VET, знаходячи баланс між цілями компанії і задоволеністю споживачів для забезпечення правильного позиціювання продуктів категорії VET і їх рентабельності у всіх каналах продажу. Очолювати розробку й проектування торгового обладнання, POSM та інших рекламних матеріалів для забезпечення обізнаності із брендом та його помітності в каналах VET та PSR.Брати участь у коригуванні маркувань продуктів для забезпечення правильної комунікації про продукти та її ефективності.Розробляти медіа-стратегію із забезпеченням цільового комунікаційного фокуса, узгодженого із діяльністю за маркетинговим планом.Ініціювати й керувати проведенням брендових виставок для забезпечення присутності торгової марки у відповідності до бачення і цілей бренду.Здійснювати керівництво й нести відповідальність за ефективне використання маркетингового бюджету VET.Розбудовувати співробітницькі стосунки з внутрішніми партнерами (департаменти продажів, логістики, фінансів, зв’язків з громадськістю).Брати на себе ініціативу в керуванні продавців-партнерів і комунікаційних агентств, а також в усіх аспектах брендових проектів для відточування й систематизації нашої моделі у стимулюванні проникнення бренду Рояль Канін на ринок.ПРОФЕСІЙНІ ЗНАННЯ ТА НАВИЧКИЛідерські компетенції у відповідності до Моделі Лідерства компаніїВміння діяти в умовах невизначеностіРозуміння бізнесуЕфективна комунікаціяВирішує комплексні проблемиОрієнтація на клієнтаНавички міжособистісної взаємодіїРозуміння організаціїЕфективне плануванняУправління ресурсамиНаціленість на результатОптимізує робочі процесиФункціональні компетенціїСтворення цікавих стратегій і планівАналітичні навичкиРозуміти й використовувати нові канали, що з'являютьсяРозробляти й надавати переможні рішенняМедіа плануванняКерування творчим процесомКВАЛІФІКАЦІЙНІ ВИМОГИВища освіта у галузі економіки або маркетингу.Вільне володіння українською мовою.Вільне володіння англійською мовою.Відмінні письмові навички.Досвід в торговому маркетингу або бренд-менеджменті у міжнародній компанії, від 3 років.Досвід роботи в компанії з продажу товарів повсякденного попиту або фармацевтичних товарів, від 5 років.Глибоке знання стратегій та інструментів бренд-менеджменту.Mars is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. If you need assistance or an accommodation during the application process because of a disability, it is available upon request. The company is pleased to provide such assistance, and no applicant will be penalized as a result of such a request.
Marketing Intern, UA
JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Job Description You as a Marketing Intern, UA will: Provide analytical support for marketing department in terms of available resources navigation & gathering relevant information Participate in global innovations launch in terms of designs preparation, trade story creation, documental support, degustation organization Support website upgrades in line with global guidelines & local requirements Participate in other projects in Marketing Department Qualifications Skills we appreciate: Analytical skills PC literate - good MS Excel and PowerPoint skills English - upper intermediate Communication & presentation skills Able to work alone and in a team Passion about marketing and brands building Enthusiastic about coffee Goal-oriented and proactive Responsible and attentive to details, high level of self-organization Learning agility Additional Information   Competitive salary and comfortable working conditions (hybrid format) Learning and development in multicultural environment Democratic corporate culture and open management team Opportunity to become expert in coffee&tea Duration of the Internship Program is 12 months. Upon successful passing through the Internship Program trainees can get regular job in commercial departments of JDE, or other department upon role availability and preference.
Group Brand Manager CPD
L'Oréal, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
WHO WE ARE L’Oréal is present in markets on five continents. For more than a century, L’Oréal has devoted itself solely to ‘Create beauty that moves the world’; it is now the industry world leader with € billion consolidated sales. Together, we solve complex challenges at scale, while making sure we stay committed to making the world a more inclusive and a better place for everyone & our planet. Experience the excitement of agility to shape the future of beauty; where diversity and purpose come together create meaningful impact. In the L'Oréal Consumers Products Division, our mission is to democratize the best of beauty, which means bringing beauty to all. And for us, beauty must be sustainable. The Consumer Product Divisions holds the world’s beauty brand with L’Oréal Paris, the makeup brand with Maybelline New York, the natural brand with Garnier, and NYX Professional Makeup. The Consumers Products Division is L’Oréal groups largest division made up of k employees worldwide." KEY RESPONSIBILITIES As a Group Brand Manager, you will be responsible for developing and managing the marketing strategy for an assigned category/brand/group of brands in line with the international brand positioning and country priorities to achieve the category/brand's long-term and short-term KPIs, leading a team of brand managers and cross-functional collaboration. Development and implementation of the marketing strategy Driving category/brand growth by defining a -year strategy based on consumer and market insights, competitive landscape, local context and key business objectives Setting key priorities for brands/products and channels in line with the international strategy Manage the portfolio in a balanced manner, ensuring correct price positioning Manage and execute marketing campaigns using an appropriate marketing mix (media, promo, influencer marketing, O+O animation, etc.) across multiple channels Budget knowledge and analysis of financial KPIs Managing the overall A&P budget, proper allocation between marketing tools and controlling the execution of various functions (trade marketing, digital, advocacy, CMI) Manage the research plan to identify clear market and consumer insights to inform business decisions Developing cooperation with business partners/functions of the company to build a broader business strategy (media, creative and digital agencies) Build, develop and lead a strong and talented team, enhancing their marketing knowledge and expertise. YOUR FUTURE TEAM You will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of brands in various beauty categories (skin care, hair care, colouring, make-up, deo) by managing one of the teams (- people) according to the company's division. The best advertising campaigns, integrations with famous bloggers and stars you see on the screens will be your daily work, where you can show your potential and creativity. YOUR BACKGROUND You are a marketing expert with at least years of experience (preferably in the FMCG sector) University degree in marketing/economics Experience in implementing integrated marketing campaigns with a creative approach and involvement of various channels and digital tools Constant work with research, monitoring, interpretation of consumer and market data, identification of consumer trends and insights You have project management experience and a structured approach Quick adaptation to changing market trends, consumer behavior and business dynamics Experience in team management Experience in interacting with multifunctional teams, influencing skills to make effective business decisions English Upper-Intermediate WHAT WE OFFER Join the leading Beauty Tech Company worldwide with official employment, competitive remuneration, and global profit-sharing opportunities. Develop in the place where you can contribute to something bigger and grow beyond your potential! Numerous social initiatives of various scales implemented by L'Oréal Ukraine are aimed at solving environmental and social problems, as well as gender inequality in business and science. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company has been supporting those affected by the hostilities. You will get: comprehensive health and life insurance, exclusive discounts at L’Oréal's internal product store and partner beauty salons, technical equipment, and additional vacation during challenging times. Embrace a dynamic environment where you have unlimited access to learning platforms and development courses, including local and international trainings, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and BUZU. Thrive in an international company by realizing your ideas while collaborating with industry experts to elevate your professional expertise. Experience a hybrid work schedule, offering the flexibility to work either in the office with shelter (Kyiv, Business Center “Magnett”) or remotely.  Puedes inscribirte en un máximo de tres ofertas en un período de días. No puedes retirar tu solicitud una vez enviada, así que asegúrate de elegir la posición que mejor se adapte a tus habilidades y aspiraciones.
Senior Brand Manager CPD
L'Oréal, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
WHO WE ARE L’Oréal is present in markets on five continents. For more than a century, L’Oréal has devoted itself solely to ‘Create beauty that moves the world’; it is now the industry world leader with € billion consolidated sales. Together, we solve complex challenges at scale, while making sure we stay committed to making the world a more inclusive and a better place for everyone & our planet. Experience the excitement of agility to shape the future of beauty; where diversity and purpose come together create meaningful impact. In the L'Oréal Consumers Products Division, our mission is to democratize the best of beauty, which means bringing beauty to all. And for us, beauty must be sustainable. The Consumer Product Divisions holds the world’s beauty brand with L’Oréal Paris, the makeup brand with Maybelline New York, the natural brand with Garnier, and NYX Professional Makeup. The Consumers Products Division is L’Oréal groups largest division made up of k employees worldwide." KEY RESPONSIBILITIESReporting directly to Group Brand Manager, you will play a pivotal role in shaping and executing the brand strategy to elevate the brand's market presence and drive business growth. This leadership position requires strong background in brand management, strategic thinking, and cross-functional collaboration. Develop, refine, and implement a comprehensive brand strategy in alignment with the company's overall business objectives based on market research and deep sales data analysis. Present brand strategies and performance updates to senior management, make own brand development recommendations. Implement new launches, maintain growth in pillar products and animate core catalogue Manage PPP budget and ensure sales forecast accuracy Plan, execute, and analyze integrated marketing campaigns Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns, adjusting strategies as neededMake a post-campaign report in the form of presentation to senior managementWork closely with trade marketing, sales, digital and other departments to ensure alignment between brand messaging and business objectivesCollaborate with creative teams and agencies to produce high-quality marketing materials Provide leadership and guidance for cross-functional and common team projects. YOUR FUTURE TEAM You will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of brands in various beauty categories (skin care, hair care, colour, make-up, deo) by joining one of the marketing teams, according to the company's division. The best advertising campaigns, integrations with famous bloggers and stars you see on the screens will be your daily work, where you can show your potential and creativity. YOUR BACKGROUNDYou are a marketing expert with - years of experience Experience in implementing integrated marketing campaigns with a creative approach and involvement of various channels and digital tools Constant work with research, monitoring, interpretation of consumer and market data, identification of consumer trends and insights Have project management experience and a structured approach Quick adaptation to changing market trends, consumer behavior and business dynamics Experience in working with multifunctional teams, influencing skills to make effective business decisions Text BoxEnglish Upper-intermediate WHAT WE OFFER Join the leading Beauty Tech Company worldwide with official employment, competitive remuneration, and global profit-sharing opportunities. Develop in the place where you can contribute to something bigger and grow beyond your potential! Numerous social initiatives of various scales implemented by L'Oréal Ukraine are aimed at solving environmental and social problems, as well as gender inequality in business and science. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company has been supporting those affected by the hostilities. You will get: comprehensive health and life insurance, exclusive discounts at L’Oréal's internal product store and partner beauty salons, technical equipment, and additional vacation during challenging times. Embrace a dynamic environment where you have unlimited access to learning platforms and development courses, including local and international trainings, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and BUZU. Thrive in an international company by realizing your ideas while collaborating with industry experts to elevate your professional expertise. Experience a hybrid work schedule, offering the flexibility to work either in the office with shelter (Kyiv, Business Center “Magnett”) or remotely. Puedes inscribirte en un máximo de tres ofertas en un período de días. No puedes retirar tu solicitud una vez enviada, así que asegúrate de elegir la posición que mejor se adapte a tus habilidades y aspiraciones.
Amazon Brand Manager
ScaleJet, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Our client,  an eco-friendly Home & Kitchen brand , is looking for a talented and ambitious professional and an Amazon nerd looking to exponentially improve himself or herself personally, professionally, and spiritually while making an impact through meaningful work in a growing startup organization. We are looking for someone who can join the team full-time feeling like it is its own company he/she is working in. This is a fully remote role About the company: It is a fast-growing brand developing several new green and sustainable products for eco-conscious consumers . Currently, the company sells mostly on Amazon, but it also operates on Shopify and Walmart. It has over  200,000 customers in 7 countries  (USA, Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, Japan, China). The company just partnered up with a sales team in the US who will work on getting its products in physical retail stores. This work is changing the world here because his e-commerce brand is set to positively impact the lives of thousands of eco-conscious people who choose to use the companys eco-friendly products, saving tons of plastic waste and CO2 every year. The company is also committed to environmental and social causes, having planted  10,000 trees and financing plastic waste collection  from the oceans through our partners at Clean Hub. Here are some specific things you'll get to do in this role: - Consistently achieve or exceed sales targets for the Amazon business - Be responsible for Amazon store end-to-end management, increasing ranking, conversion, and overall sales - Launch new products: keywords research, funnels, listing preparations, backend settings, review generation, etc. - Drive the success of product launches that include delivering on key factors that support this critical phase of the Amazon product lifecycle - Monitor operational health, sales metrics, and Amazon advertising trends to ensure target metrics are achieved. - Report (daily, weekly, monthly) on overall operations health and provide recommendations to enhance performance - Resolution and follow-up of problems through the creation of seller support cases - Analyze product ASIN rankings, ratings, customer feedback/reviews, as well as product sales performance to determine the best and worst-performing SKUs - Stay informed with eCommerce retail industry best practices, new trends and technologies, marketplaces, and platform updates (e.g. Amazon, eBay, etc.) - Offer support on the inventory management strategy and forecasts - Catalog and PDP Management new item set up, item maintenance, content uploading and PDP monitoring - Conducting A/B tests to improve product metrics - Continually find new ways to improve the business by conducting deep research and regularly learning about changes in the Amazon Marketplace, competitor strategies, and any other threats and opportunities About the job: 1.  The work is fun, fresh, and dynamic . You will be working directly with the founder, helping him with a mix of initiatives, projects, and support. 2.  The hours are super flexible . You will be able to manage your time as you prefer. 3.  You'll have a ton of autonomy  + the opportunity to bring your ideas to the table and boss the founder around when you need him to get things done. 4.  The job requires your time , your commitment, and your focus. Depending on peoples responses, you may need to look at your email also on weekends and sometimes after working hours in order to move on with the processes and not delay any response. To apply you must meet all of the requirements below : 2+ years experience  working on Amazon and preferably as a brand manager Excellent communication skills Excellent English level Our benefits Work for a market-proven, fast-growing company. Competitive and timely salary. Additional benefits. Supportive and friendly work environment. Be a part of something bigger, where you can have autonomy over your work. Fully remote work and flexible working hours (work from whatever place).
Senior Inbound Marketing Manager
Veli Technologies Ltd., Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
VeliTech is a product company where everyone is passionate about technology and strives to stay ahead of the curve. Our team is fueled by a deep understanding of cutting-edge frameworks, technologies, and continuous learning. This combo brought us success: 35+ million users served with our 6 proprietary iGaming products, breakthrough Tech Radar, and a team of 200+ bright minds who made this happen. We're seeking a Senior Inbound Marketing Manager to join our vibrant Growth Marketing team. Role Overview: As a senior inbound marketing manager, you will be in charge of transforming our digital presence. This role requires a strategic thinker leveraging inbound marketing to enhance our brand's presence and drive high-quality lead acquisition. You will be pivotal in crafting compelling content and harnessing effective lead-generation tactics to attract and engage a target audience. Responsibilities: Inbound Strategy Development: Devise and execute a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy that complements our business objectives, focusing on content creation, SEO, and lead nurturing. Content Leadership: Oversee the development of engaging, content across various platforms, such as a website blog, whitepapers, videos, and social media. Ensure all content is aligned with our brand voice and marketing goals. Lead Nurturing: Manage automated inbound lead nurturing processes to convert leads into loyal customers, using tailored content and targeted campaigns. Performance Monitoring: Utilise analytics tools to monitor and report on the performance of inbound marketing activities, identifying trends and opportunities for improvement. Cross-functional collaboration: Work closely with the product, design, sales, and marketing teams to ensure a cohesive and effective strategy that supports overall business objectives. Required Skills: Inbound Marketing Expertise: Deep understanding of inbound marketing strategies and best practices. Content Creation Proficiency: Strong content management and editing skills, with an ability to manage the creation of compelling and high-quality materials. CRM Experience: Experience with marketing CRM systems for effective lead management. Analytical Acumen: Ability to analyse data and translate insights into actionable strategies. Project Management: Excellent organisational skills, capable of managing multiple projects and deadlines effectively. SEO Knowledge: Sufficient understanding of SEO practices, including keyword research and content optimisation, to effectively brief SEO experts and drive compelling content creation.  Qualifications: 3+ years of experience in a similar position (industry expertise shall be a plus). Proven track record as an Inbound Marketing Manager, with substantial experience developing successful inbound marketing strategies. Expertise in using platforms like HubSpot, Marketo, or similar marketing automation tools. Strong understanding of CRM systems and integration between marketing and sales. Proficient in Google Analytics or similar web analytics tools. Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. Fluent English. (Spanish or Portuguese shall be a pus) What We Offer: Competitive Salary The opportunity to become a key player in a dedicated team, fully owning inbound strategies and playing a crucial role in the growth and development of dynamic brands across different markets. Comprehensive health insurance and a flexible hybrid work model. Significant career advancement opportunities. Join us to contribute to the future of iGaming, applying your expertise in growth marketing to drive transformative outcomes.   Powered by JazzHR
Brand Manager
Reckitt, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Brand Manager City: Kyiv We are ReckittReckitt is the world's leading consumer health and hygiene company. Every day, across 60 countries, we work with the best people to challenge conventional thinking and strive to find even better ways to give people innovative solutions for healthier lives and happier homes. High impact, consumer-led research is the heart of the company's success. Ranked in the TOP 20 on the London Stock Exchange, our relentless drive to outperform has trebled our revenue since 2000 and quadrupled our market cap. We announce vacant position Brand Manager for IW categoryYour responsibilities Developing and implementing company brand strategy Planning and executing marketing initiatives including campaigns, events, sponsorships and corporate social responsibility programs Measuring and reporting on campaign performance and assessing KPIs and ROI Building brand awareness, increasing brand value and profitability Increasing sales, margin and market share Establishing budgets, performance specifications and sales forecasts Monitor market trends, research consumer markets and competitors’ activities Translate brand elements into plans and go-to-market strategy Collaborating with different teams such as sales, finance, supply, legal, etc. Ensuring that messaging and marketing activities are aligned with brand and company values The experience we're looking for The incumbent needs to have a proven track record in marketing at least 2 years on BM position level demonstrating success in P&L management with a strong focus on best in class execution. Advanced Pharma Brand Management in top marketing organization, managing multiple brands with diverse positioning is serious advantage Pharma brands experience Exceptional project management, handling multiple tasks, multifunctional lead experience Fluency in written and spoken English What we offer Official hiring + social package Getting X-functional and international experience Getting quick various experience related to real business environment Implementation of the initiatives EqualityWe recognise that in real life, great people don't always 'tick all the boxes'. That's why we hire for potential as well as experience. Even if you don't meet every point on the job description, if this role and our company feels like a good fit for you, we still want to hear from you.All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, disability or medical condition; colour, ethnicity, race, citizenship, and national origin; religion, faith; pregnancy, family status and caring responsibilities; sexual orientation; sex, gender identity, gender expression, and transgender identity; protected veteran status; size or any other basis protected by appropriate law.
Junior Brand Manager CPD (makeup)
L'Oréal, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
WHO WE ARE L’Oréal is present in markets on five continents. For more than a century, L’Oréal has devoted itself solely to ‘Create beauty that moves the world’; it is now the industry world leader with € billion consolidated sales. Together, we solve complex challenges at scale, while making sure we stay committed to making the world a more inclusive and a better place for everyone & our planet. Experience the excitement of agility to shape the future of beauty; where diversity and purpose come together create meaningful impact. In the L'Oréal Consumers Products Division, our mission is to democratize the best of beauty, which means bringing beauty to all. And for us, beauty must be sustainable. The Consumer Product Divisions holds the world’s beauty brand with L’Oréal Paris, the makeup brand with Maybelline New York, the natural brand with Garnier, and NYX Professional Makeup. The Consumers Products Division is L’Oréal groups largest division made up of k employees worldwide." KEY RESPONSIBILITIESReporting directly to the Group Brand Manager, you will be responsible for developing and implementing strategic marketing initiatives to maintain and enhance the brand image. The role requires a combination of creative thinking, strategic planning and strong leadership skills to drive brand awareness, engagement and loyalty. Implementing new launches, supporting the growth of core products and animating the core catalogue Conducting market research to understand consumer trends, competitive landscape and category insights Regular analysis of sales, share, price, market and competitive data, etc. Manage budget and ensure accuracy of sales forecasts Planning, implementation and analysis of integrated marketing campaigns and other activities Working closely with trade marketing, sales, digital and other departments Collaborate with creative teams and agencies to produce high quality marketing materials YOUR FUTURE TEAM You will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of brands in various beauty categories (skin care, hair care, colour, make-up, deo) by joining one of the marketing teams, according to the company's division. The best advertising campaigns, integrations with famous bloggers and stars you see on the screens will be your daily work, where you can show your potential and creativity. YOUR BACKGROUNDYou are a marketing expert with - years of experience Experience in implementing integrated marketing campaigns with a creative approach and involvement of various channels and digital tools Constant work with research, monitoring, interpretation of consumer and market data, identification of consumer trends and insights Have project management experience and a structured approach Quick adaptation to changing market trends, consumer behavior and business dynamics Experience in working with multifunctional teams, influencing skills to make effective business decisions Text BoxEnglish Upper-intermediate WHAT WE OFFER Join the leading Beauty Tech Company worldwide with official employment, competitive remuneration, and global profit-sharing opportunities. Develop in the place where you can contribute to something bigger and grow beyond your potential! Numerous social initiatives of various scales implemented by L'Oréal Ukraine are aimed at solving environmental and social problems, as well as gender inequality in business and science. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company has been supporting those affected by the hostilities. You will get: comprehensive health and life insurance, exclusive discounts at L’Oréal's internal product store and partner beauty salons, technical equipment, and additional vacation during challenging times. Embrace a dynamic environment where you have unlimited access to learning platforms and development courses, including local and international trainings, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and BUZU. Thrive in an international company by realizing your ideas while collaborating with industry experts to elevate your professional expertise. Experience a hybrid work schedule, offering the flexibility to work either in the office with shelter (Kyiv, Business Center “Magnett”) or remotely.  Puedes inscribirte en un máximo de tres ofertas en un período de días. No puedes retirar tu solicitud una vez enviada, así que asegúrate de elegir la posición que mejor se adapte a tus habilidades y aspiraciones.