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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Бровист в Київській області"

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Огляд статистики зарплатні професії "Бровист в Київській області"

9 000 ₴ Середня зарплата в місяць

Количество вакансий профессии "Бровист" по диапазонам зарплаты в Київській області

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
Станом на 17.06.24, за професією Бровист в Київській області відкрито 2 вакансій. Для 50% відкритих вакансій, роботодавці вказали заробітну плату в розмірі 16.0+ грн. 50% оголошень з зарплатнею 19,0+ грн, і 0% з зарплатнею 10.0+ грн

Рівень середньої зарплатні за останні 12 місяців: "Бровист в Київській області"

Валюта: UAH USD Рік: 2024
На гістограмі зображено зміну рівня середньої заробітної плати професії Бровист в Київській області.

Розподіл вакансії "Бровист" по областям Київській області

Як видно з діаграми, в Київській області найбільшу кількість вакансій професії Бровист відкрито в Києві. На другому місці - Буча, а на третьому - Вишгородський район.

Рейтинг схожих вакансій по рівню заробітної плати в Київській області

Серед схожих професій в Київській області найбільш високооплачуваною вважається Медицинский представитель. За даними нашого сайту, рівень середньої зарплатні становить 25000 грн. На другому місці - Фармацевтический представитель з зарплатнею 25000 грн, а на третьому - Врач функциональной диагностики з зарплатнею 22000 грн.

Рекомендовані вакансії

Заробітна плата (усього): 20000 грнУ тому числі основна: 15000 грнОписХарактер виконуваної роботи:ПостійнийОсновні функціональні обов'язки:СПІВБЕСІДА В КАБ. №9. ЗА КОНТРАКТОМЗАРОБІТНА ПЛАТА ЗАЛЕЖИТЬ ВІД МІСЦЯ ПРОХОДЖЕННЯ ВІЙСЬКОВОЇ СЛУЖБИ.посадова особа у відділеннях військ та служб, яка призначена для ремонту технічних засобів.Голосіївське управління: 00675207428, 00442570165Вид трудового договору:строковийРежим роботи:Ненормований робочий часУмови організації праці:ІншеКоментар: за місцем відрядженняСоціальні переваги:інше; доставка до роботи/з роботи; забезпечення спеціальним одягом/взуттям та засобами індивідуального захисту; медичне страхування; можливість проходження навчання на робочому місці; надання житла; оплата харчування; професійний розвиток; страхування життяКоментар: можливість навчання за кордоном
Мастер по наращиванию ресниц в салон красоты с опытом возможно студент Киев
L B roon, Киев
Описание вакансии Мастер по наращиванию ресниц в салон красоты с опытом возможно студент Киев: салон красоты нанимает на постоянную работу мастера по наращиванию ресниц на полную или не полную занятость.Подходишь если: • опыт работы в сфере от 1 года; • студенты и инвалиды тоже подходят;• смотришь на время;• на тебя можно положиться;• владеешь классическим наращиваним.Что необходимо хорошо делать: качественно выполнять свою работу согласно обязанностей.Как мы смотивируем: • есть скидки;• удобное расположение;• есть куда развиваться;• зарплата вовремя;• платим процент;• работаем с материалами премиум класса.Условия работы с нами: наш график 2 через 2 или 3 через 3 или 5 через 2 на улице Евгения Сверстюка, 6Д. Детали по телефону.
Мастер по наращиванию ресниц в салон около метро Печерская или метро Харьковская Киев
Lines studio, Киев
Описание вакансии Мастер по наращиванию ресниц в салон около метро Печерская или метро Харьковская Киев: нашей дружной команде, помогающей красивым девушкам становиться ещё краше, требуется мастер по наращиванию ресниц.Подходишь если: • опыт работы от 1 года обязательно;• работал с разными видами изгибов, объёмов, эффектов;• красноречивый человек;• любишь наращивать ресницы.Что необходимо хорошо делать: используя предоставляемые нами материалы, наращивать нашим клиентам ресницы, работать с разными видами ресниц.Как мы смотивируем: • молодой коллектив единомышленников;• индивидуальный график работы;• комфортное рабочее место;• превосходная заработная плата;• компания сама предоставляет нужные материалы, причём только высококачественные;Условия работы с нами: график работы индивидуальный (выходим только на свои записи). В день можно обслужить 3-5 людей, заработав за это гривен, работа рядом со станциями метро Печерская или Харьковская.
Майстер з нарощування вій
Ok nails, студія краси, Київ
Вакансія: Майстер з нарощування війМи, салон краси «Ok'beauty», шукаємо талановитого майстра з нарощування вій, який приєднається до нашої дружньої команди у місті Київ. Якщо ви маєте досвід роботи у цій галузі від 6 місяців, вам подобаєтьсяте чим ви займаєтесь, в майбутньому хочете розвиватись в бьюті сфері — ми чекаємо саме на тебе)Вимоги:Досвід роботи у нарощуванні вій від 6 місяцівВміння виконувати різні техніки нарощування війКреативність і уважність до деталейВисока відповідальність та пунктуальністьВміння працювати в командіМи пропонуємо: Гнучкий графікПри необхідності-відпрацювання швидкості на моделяхМожливість професійного розвитку та отримання нових навичокПриємну атмосферу та дружню командуЗа 60% Будемо робити цей світ прекраснішим разом
Гранд Маникюр, Київ
м Університет, м. ЛЬва ТолстогоПоєднання посади бровиста та адміністратораВажливо :- Комунікабельність- Доброзичливість- Усміхненість- Досвід спілкування по телефону- Безконфліктність- Грамотна мова- Грунтовність та увага до дрібниць- Вміння працювати в режимі багатозадачності- Своєчасно та якісно обслуговувати всіх відвідувачів- Розрахунково-касове обслуговування клієнтів- Фарбування брів (фарба, хна) та корекція брів- Ламінування вій, брівУмови роботи:- Графік 2/2- з 9.00−20.30 часи роботи студії- Виплата ЗП 2 рази на місяць: ставка 400 грн+ 40% від брівПишіть/дзвоніть на вайбер або телеграм- 0961047123 Інна
Front-End Software Engineer
Stonex Poland, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Permanent, full-time, hybrid (3 days per week in the office)     Connecting clients to markets – and talent to opportunity   With 4,300 employees and over 400,000 retail and institutional clients from more than 80 offices spread across five continents, we’re a Fortune-100, Nasdaq-listed provider, connecting clients to the global markets – focusing on innovation, human connection, and providing world-class products and services to all types of investors.   Whether you want to forge a career connecting our retail clients to potential trading opportunities, or ingrain yourself in the world of institutional investing, The StoneX Group is made up of four segments that offer endless potential for progression and growth.   Business Segment Overview:  Empower individual investors – and yourself – in the world of retail through a range of different financial products rooted in innovation and market intelligence. From FX and CFDs to precious metals, master an exciting world of wealth management tools.   Position Purpose:  We are looking for a Senior Front-End Engineer with experience in building advanced web applications in Angular and React. The role will focus on developing our Retail platforms covering development across all tiers of the application stack. You will cooperate with various engineering teams that work in the client service area (from onboarding, through account management and payments). Roles and responsibilities include application development across full software development lifecycle from concept and design to testing, collaborating with like-minded engineers.   Technology Ecosystem: Front-End: JavaScript, Angular 2+, CSS/SASS, HTML5 Back End: C#, .Net, .NET Core Architect: Microservices Architecture Responsibilities Primary duties will include: Contribute to all phases of the development lifecycle working within Agile methodology Collaborative with multi-disciplinary teams of business analysts, developers, and subject matter experts Creating components for UI that are reusable, cross-browser compatible, responsive, adhering to design system principals Write well designed, testable, efficient code Qualifications To land this role you will need: 3+ years of experience architecting, designing, developing, and implementing solutions Experience with JavaScript and Angular 2+ HTML/CSS experience, covering layout, specificity, cross browser compatibility, accessibility What makes you stand out: Some experience developing distributed systems using Microservice architecture Nice to have React experience Some experience with containerization (Docker, Kubernetes) Education / Certification Requirements:   BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related subject Working environment:  Hybrid (2 days from home, 3 days from the office); our Cracow office will be moved to St. Mogilska 35 in May, 2024
D365 software engineer senior - F&O
BEC Poland, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
This position is based at our friendly office in Warsaw, Poland and you will join our Finance Solutions department. The team is in charge of developing and delivering D365FO solution to the banks and BEC. The Developer D365FO role offers long time project of the implementation D365FO for Danish banks and BEC internally, tasks related not only to Microsoft Dynamics 365FO, but also Logic Apps, Function App, Azure SQL, Power Apps etc. At BEC, we prefer to collaborate often in the office, but we also keep the opportunity to work remotely  up to eight days per month.  Your direct manager will be Oleg Sokolov. Primary task and responsibilities include: Implementing/developing and customizing Microsoft D365FO solution(X++) based on the design/requests. Code review Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, bugs and performance bottlenecks in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. DevOps pipeline configuration, maintenance Azure integration development (Logic App, Functional App, Service Bus etc.) Contribute to release process and change management. To succeed you will have:  Minimum 5 years of experience from a similar position working with IT projects. Educational background as Master of IT A curious mind with an open nature and desire to knowledge-share with others. Fluent in English (written and spoken) Team player High level of taken responsibility It’s nice-to-have: Experience with IT architecture and design of integrations in Azure. Working in larger IT organization be your best self with BEC’s Benefits! We offer a diverse range of benefits for our employees. Here are just a few of them. Flexible working hours Mental health support Free lunch at the office Professional development Referral bonus up to PLN 10,000 PLN 600 on a benefit platform a month Passion clubs and social events (Tennis, salsa dancing, board games, family picnics and more!) What does the recruitment process look like? Send us your CV: We want to get to know you Screening call:  Let’s chat and see if we’re a match Meet our talent partner and technical expert : Learn more about the job, BEC Poland, and tell us more about your skills and experience. Meet your future manager and team : See who you’ll be working closely with. Time to sign the contract : We’re ready to welcome you to BEC! If you have any questions related to the position, please contact Anna Barcińska ([email protected]), Talent Attraction Partner. Make us aware of your talent   We are an equal opportunities employer. We hire top talent regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, and age. We encourage all qualified candidates to apply. See our full list of vacancies at https://www.bec.dk/en/vacancies/ You can also learn more about BEC by browsing our company culture book: wearebec.pdf
Power BI Developer Partly in Paris
Haddad Brands Europe, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
The office is located in Paris, France. The work is divided into: roughly 3 months remote in Poland, 3 weeks stationary in the Paris office. Within the IT department, and under the authority of the cross-functional management supervisor, the Power BI Developer: • Utilizes Microsoft Power BI tool to create interactive dashboards, reports, and data visualizations from various data sources. • Power BI is a business intelligence platform that enables users to connect, transform, and visualize their data intuitively. ROLE: • Gathers user requirements following validation. • Formats and models data. • Extracts data from various sources such as databases, flat files, cloud services, APIs, etc. • Cleans and transforms this data to make it usable in Power BI. • Creates data models by defining relationships between different data tables, creating measures, and calculations to enable appropriate analysis and aggregations. • Designs dynamic and interactive dashboards. This includes adding charts, maps, pivot tables, filters, KPI visualizations, etc. • Designs visual reports based on the needs of HBE or end users. These reports can be static or interactive, allowing users to derive meaningful insights from the data. • Publishes, after validation, reports online, allowing users to view and interact with them via a web browser or mobile application. • Also configures appropriate access permissions to control who can view and interact with the data. • Ensures that dashboards and reports function optimally in terms of loading speed, responsiveness of interactions, and efficient use of resources. • Trains users on how to use dashboards and reports, as well as provides technical support to resolve any issues encountered. • Integrates, if necessary, Power BI with other applications and systems such as SharePoint, Teams, Azure, Salesforce, Dynamics, Manhattan, to create more comprehensive and interconnected analytical solutions. MONITORING • Coordinates with various resources within the IT department related to their domain. • Reports on the progress of the various projects they lead. SECURING THE APPLICATION AND INFORMATION ASSETS • Drafts technical and functional documentation at the time of report delivery, describing the report data, necessary flow or associated services updates, Data lake or Cube updates... SKILLS • Proven experience in Power BI development. • Database administration. • SQL Server Reporting Services - Power BI. • Security, access management. • Software versioning, for example with Git. • Data backup. • In-depth knowledge of application technologies and architectures. • Mastery of application security issues. QUALITIES • Dynamism. • Negotiation management. • Communication and reporting. PROFILE SOUGHT We are looking for a candidate with at least 5-7 years of experience in similar roles and who has already worked in an international context. The candidate must master Microsoft BI technologies, especially Power BI. French language a big plus. Fluent English proficiency is required as you will regularly interact with international teams. The candidate must have a very good level of communication, curiosity, and agility. Hire process: get to know meeting in Polish followed by a second one, technical oriented within 2 weeks period. Brief English conversation is possible in order to estimate the skills. Benefits: We offer private medical insurance, 21 paid vacations a year in B2B, hardware/software, training and career-oriented development path, freedom in tools, friendly environment based on trust. Meet Haddad Brands on Vimeo
Senior Software Engineer Chrome Autofill
Google, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
About the job Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward. In this role, you will manage project priorities, deadlines, and deliverables. You will design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, and enhance software solutions. Chrome is dedicated to building a better, more open web. We’re focused on making a better browser (on both desktop and mobile) to help users take advantage of all the web has to offer in a safe and secure way.Chrome is available across all major platforms — iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS. We also built Chrome as an open source project so the entire web ecosystem could benefit from the latest innovations in speed, simplicity and security. Responsibilities: Partner closely with engineering teams in Munich and cross-functional peers. Design and implement new Autofill features for Chrome on various operating systems, primarily working with C++ code. Enhance form detection and server-side classification algorithms to improve Chrome's ability to accurately detect web form fields and process form data. Collaborate on OS-level integrations and UI enhancements for Chrome Autofill, involving languages such as JavaScript/TypeScript (e.g., Desktop settings), Java (e.g., Android), and Objective-C++ (e.g., iOS). Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent practical experience. Candidates will typically have 5 years of experience with data structures/algorithms and software development in one or more programming languages. Typically 3 years of experience testing, maintaining, or launching software products, and 1 year of experience with software design and architecture. Experience with browser development or web standards. Experience with C++. Preferred qualifications: Master’s degree or PhD in Engineering, Computer Science, or a related technical field. Candidates will typically have 1 year of experience in a technical leadership role. Experience developing accessible technologies. Experience with Web Browsers, Android Development, iOS Development, Windows Development, Chrome, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS, Scaffolding, Objective-C, Flume, PLX. Benefits:  Health and Wellbeing (Medical, dental, and vision insurance for employees and dependents) Financial wellbeing (Competitive compensation, regular bonus and equity refresh opportunities) Flexibility and time off (Paid time off, including vacation, bereavement, jury duty, sick leave, parental leave, disability, and holidays) Family support and care (Fertility and growing family support, parental leave and baby bonding leave) Community and personal development (Educational reimbursement) Googley extras (Inspiring spaces to work, recharge, and collaborate with fellow Googlers)
Chapter Lead Technology Specialist - Full Stack
Heineken, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
Digital & Technology Team  (D&T) is an integral division of  HEINEKEN Global Shared Services Center . We are committed to making Heineken the most connected brewery. That includes digitalizing and integrating our processes, ensuring best-in-class technology, and embedding a data-driven culture. By joining us you will work in one of the most dynamic and innovative teams and have a direct impact on building the future of  Heineken !   Would you like to meet the Team, see our office and much more? Visit our website: Heineken (heineken-dt.pl)   In HEINEKEN Kraków  (HEINEKEN Global Shared Services) our success absolutely depends on the great people who work with us. We are looking for  .NET developer and chapter lead for our DevOps Toolchain team , ready to „WOW” the world by expertise, passion and pride to be green. The Toolchain team is providing integrated toolchains for Product and Project teams around the globe, enabling a more efficient delivery of the full lifecycle of application development. The team follows an agile way of working and acts as a DevOps team. The main responsibility of the .NET developer is to further develop our state of the art and highly automated self-service platform through which we offer our DevOps tooling to the rest of the HEINEKEN organization. You will collaborate with the Product Owner, Product Team and stakeholders to further develop as well as support and maintain this platform. Aside from this the position has a dual role in being the chapter lead for our developers Chapter. In this dual role you are responsible for managing a group of developers who work in diverse Product Teams in the company. The chapter lead ensures knowledge sharing for this group of developers, as well as perform people management responsibilities. HEINEKEN  is a proud independent global brewer, committed to surprising and exciting consumers with its brands and products everywhere. The brand that bears the founder's family name - Heineken - is available in almost every country around the globe and is the world's most valuable international premium beer brand. Our company is present in over 70 countries, operates more than 160 breweries and markets more than 300 brands. HEINEKEN Krakow  is the most Vibrant Workplace –  HEINEKEN  is awarded industry top 5 and global top 100 world’s best employers! Your responsibilities would include:   functioning as a Chapter Lead for a group of developers in the company. Some of these developers also work in other Product Teams working as part of a team that provides DevOps tooling to the rest of HEINEKEN enabling teams to increase their efficiency and decrease their time-to-market using tools such as Azure DevOps, Spunk, New Relic, and others providing maintenance and support for the existing users of our platform containing tools such as Azure DevOps, Jira, Confluence, Splunk, New Relic, and others acting as subject matter expert in the solutions we offer to our users collaborating with the Product Owner and team members in gathering and translating functional stakeholder requirements into technical solutions fulfilling a coaching and advisory role to other developers in the team where needed.   You are a good candidate if you have:   experience developing enterprise-grade systems using .NET the ambition to work in an agile (scrum) environment and want to help other teams become more agile as well affinity to develop new technical and non-technical skills excellent communication skills (both verbal and in writing): ability to communicate well with technical and non-technical people. Strong interpersonal, influencing, and communication skills analytically and quantitatively strong approach, highly structured team player mindset and you can work effectively at all levels of the product teams with the ability to influence others to move toward consensus Bachelor/Master’s degree, preferably in the field of (Business) excellent English language skills (written and verbal).   You are a perfect match if you also have:   experience or familiarity with the agile ways of working as described in SCRUM experience with DevOps tooling for example Jira, Confluence, Figma, Azure DevOps, SonarQube, BrowserStack, Splunk, New Relic, or others. What we offer: Flexible Work from Home scheme Attractive Performance Bonus Parking Space for Employees Flexible working hours Sodexo Card Life Insurance Employee Referral Programme Job Opportunities within HEINEKEN Private Medical Healthcare Social Events
CBRNE Officer - P4
cinfo, Kiev, Kyiv city, ua
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMMEThe mission of the Division of Health Emergencies (WHE) is to build the capacity of Member States to assess, prevent and manage health emergency risks, and lead and coordinate the international health response to contain outbreaks and to provide effective relief and recovery to affected populations. The WHE Division brings together and enhances WHO's operational, technical and normative capacities in outbreaks, emergencies and risk analysis to address all health hazards across the risk management cycle in a predictable, capable, dependable, adaptable and accountable manner. The Programme is designed to operate within the broader humanitarian and emergency management architecture in support of people at risk of, or affected by, outbreaks and emergencies, consistent with ways that strengthen local and national capabilities.DESCRIPTION OF DUTIESSupervised by the health operations manager, under the overall guidance of the Incident Manager and Head of the WHO Country Office, and working closely with counterparts at the respective regional office and HQ, the incumbent will serve as the focal person for preparedness and response activities for CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives) events at the country level and will provide technical guidance to the MOH and partners. S/he will establish and maintain good collaboration with partners, and synergize with the WHO deployed staff, liaise with other units/teams within the country office, across the organization and partners for coordinating the implementation of the approved activities, ensuring alignment of purpose between headquarters and the respective regional office on matters related to CBRNE. S/he will also be responsible for reporting, performance assessment and evaluation of the planned activities, ensuring proper communication with partners and as appropriate.The CBRNE officer will: Develop a thorough understanding of the CBRNE risks and lead hazards identification and risk assessments of the likely impact of CBRNE events to population health. Provide assessment, analyses and monitoring of CBRNE contamination needs (actual and anticipated), including planning for the impact of new risks and ensuring that older contexts and continuing needs are addressed.Lead training for national and local health authorities and health partners on first line response and clinical care in the event of CBRNE event to meet operational needs where necessary. Coordinate with the national and local health authorities to identify needs and gaps in capacity building in the existing national capacity building programme for CBRNE response. Maintain/establish positive working relationships with national and local counterparts as well as colleagues from other UN, INGO, and NGO agencies working in the Ukraine for the seamless implementation of joint projects, networking, information and resource sharing, and collaboration / strategy and addressing issues. Identify new allies, partners and entry points to ensure timely response to CBRNE events.Coordinate timely and quality reporting at all levels of the project cycle, including addressing any deviation from the anticipated project results. Develop and/or provide inputs to the strategic planning for the WHO Country Office, and other such reports, donor packages, briefings, and sitreps related to CBRNE. Any other duties as requested. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONSEducationEssential: Master's degree in the life sciences (e.g., microbiology, virology, chemistry), health physics, veterinary, pharmacology, toxicology, epidemiology), or in CBRNE response/ management/ policy. Desirable: Previous training in CBRNE reconnaissance, sampling, decontamination, or having a previous operational experience in a CBRNE context (e.g., Ebola response, Chemical leak /chemical weapon use, Fukushima).ExperienceEssential: At least 7 years' work experience in CBRNE preparedness and response, ideally with some of this in humanitarian settings, and experience in training health organizations and health providers. SkillsExpert knowledge of at least one WHO official language (Ukrainian desirable). Excellent analysis and problem-solving skills Excellent diplomatic skills when engaging with internal and external interlocutors Excellent interpersonal skills and a proven ability to work within and lead a team with respect of cultural diversity A demonstrated ability to establish effective working relationships at all levels both internally and externally Strong representation, communication, and negotiation skills Excellent organisational skills and the ability to coordinate multiple activities Innovative, creative, and proactive with an analytical and solution-focused approach for achieving mission objectives Ability to exercise sound judgement and make independent decisions as appropriate Ability to meet deadlines and work collaboratively under pressure WHO CompetenciesTeamworkRespecting and promoting individual and cultural differencesCommunicationProducing resultsUse of Language SkillsEssential: Expert knowledge of English.Desirable: Working knowledge of Ukrainian.Other SkillsGood computer skills in Microsoft Office applications.REMUNERATIONWHO salaries for staff in the Professional category are calculated in US dollars. The remuneration for the above position comprises an annual base salary starting at USD 77,326 (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance, as applicable), a variable post adjustment, which reflects the cost of living in a particular duty station, and currently amounts to USD 2294 per month for the duty station indicated above. Other benefits include 30 days of annual leave, allowances for dependent family members, home leave, and an education grant for dependent children.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThis vacancy notice may be used to fill other similar positions at the same grade levelOnly candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.A written test and/or an asynchronous video assessment may be used as a form of screening.In the event that your candidature is retained for an interview, you will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of the degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position. WHO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed through the link: . Some professional certificates may not appear in the WHED and will require individual review.According to article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard will be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to WHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and Manual.Staff members in other duty stations are encouraged to apply.The WHO is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. The WHO recruits and employs staff regardless of disability status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, race, marital status, religious, cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, or any other personal characteristics. The WHO is committed to achieving gender parity and geographical diversity in its staff. Women, persons with disabilities, and nationals of unrepresented and underrepresented Member States () are strongly encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities can request reasonable accommodations to enable participation in the recruitment process. Requests for reasonable accommodation should be sent through an email to An impeccable record for integrity and professional ethical standards is essential. WHO prides itself on a workforce that adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards and that is committed to put the into practice.WHO has zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct (i.e., discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment). All members of the WHO workforce have a role to play in promoting a safe and respectful workplace and should report to WHO any actual or suspected cases of SEA, sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct. To ensure that individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organization, WHO will conduct a background verification of final candidates.Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with WHO and an underlying premise of the international civil service. Candidates appointed to an international post with WHO are subject to mobility and may be assigned to any activity or duty station of the Organization throughout the world.WHO also offers wide range of benefits to staff, including parental leave and attractive flexible work arrangements to help promote a healthy work-life balance and to allow all staff members to express and develop their talents fully.The statutory retirement age for staff appointments is 65 years. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete the term of appointment will normally be considered.Please note that WHO's contracts are conditional on members of the workforce confirming that they are vaccinated as required by WHO before undertaking a WHO assignment, except where a medical condition does not allow such vaccination, as certified by the WHO Staff Health and Wellbeing Services (SHW). The successful candidate will be asked to provide relevant evidence related to this condition. A copy of the updated vaccination card must be shared with WHO medical service in the medical clearance process. Please note that certain countries require proof of specific vaccinations for entry or exit. For example, official proof /certification of yellow fever vaccination is required to enter many countries. Country-specific vaccine recommendations can be found on the WHO international travel and Staff Health and Wellbeing website. For vaccination-related queries please directly contact SHW directly at .WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.For information on WHO's operations please visit: In case the website does not display properly, please retry by: (i) checking that you have the latest version of the browser installed (Chrome, Edge or Firefox); (ii) clearing your browser history and opening the site in a new browser (not a new tab within the same browser); or (iii) retry accessing the website using Mozilla Firefox browser or using another device. Click this link for detailed guidance on completing job applications:
Test engineer senior
BEC Poland, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
This position is based at our friendly office in Warsaw, Poland and you will join our Pension Integrators team.  As a test engineer at BEC, you will join a functional KanBan team, which is responsible for A to Z maintaining functionality in our pension area. The team currently consists of software engineers, business analysts, and a team architect reporting to the development manager. The Test Engineer position offers opportunity to work with seasoned experts and cutting-edge technologies in Banking and Pension sectors. At BEC, we prefer to collaborate often in the office, but we also keep the opportunity to work remotely up to eight days per month. Your direct manager will be Michał Cydzik.  Primary task and responsibilities include: ·               Designing and executing comprehensive tests on various pension platforms  ·               Documenting and reviewing test results  ·               Help establish automated testing for the solutions  ·               Maintaining and improving existing solutions   ·               Providing strong testing expertise and collaborate with IT Specialists to rapidly develop and deliver solutions that meet changing business needs   ·               Together with the team working on achieving the team goals  To succeed you will have:  ·               Minimum 5 years of experience in testing  ·               Experience in documenting and designing tests  ·               Interest in automated testing ·               Experience with agile/scrum methodologies and a demonstrated ability to contribute to an agile development environment   ·               To be self-driven, proactive and don’t be shy to express your opinion   ·               To be adaptive towards change, curious to learn and understand the business objectives   ·               To be a team player with focus on working together as a team   ·               Demonstrative analytical skills and come with innovative solutions   ·               With colleagues in teams distributed in Denmark and Poland, you must master English at a high level both in writing and orally.  It’s nice-to-have: ·      It would be nice if you have experience with some of the following Git/BitBucket, JIRA, Confluence, REST API, MQ, Java, Spring framework, Jenkins.  ·      Domain knowledge of banking/pension ·      Experience with JIRA and Confluence be your best self with BEC’s Benefits! We offer a diverse range of benefits for our employees. Here are just a few of them. ·      Straightforward Scandinavian working culture, with helpful, ambitious, and tech-savvy colleagues and frequent social events. ·      Professional development: We learn and grow together, collaborating and exchanging feedback with colleagues, providing free access to virtual training, and investing in training, seminars and conferences as needed to succeed. ·      Flexible working hours (core time between 9:00 and 15:00) and hybrid value-driven approach to remote work. ·      Free lunch at the office ·      Private health insurance via Luxmed, and wellbeing and mental health support through Wellbee and cafeteria benefits platform Worksmile ·      BEC’s office in Warsaw city center has a fantastic view, rooftop terrace, concierge service, gym, game rooms, and bicycle parking. What does the recruitment process look like? 1.    Send us your CV: We want to get to know you 2.    Screening call: Let’s chat and see if we’re a match 3.    Meet our talent partner and technical expert: Learn more about the job, BEC Poland, and tell us more about your skills and experience. 4.    Meet your future manager and team: See who you’ll be working closely with.   Time to sign the contract: We’re ready to welcome you to BEC! If you have any questions related to the position, please contact Anna Barcińska ( [email protected] ) Make us aware of your talent   We are an equal opportunities employer. We hire top talent regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, and age. We encourage all qualified candidates to apply. See our full list of vacancies at https://www.bec.dk/en/vacancies/ You can also learn more about BEC by browsing our company culture book: wearebec.pdf
Senior Backend Developer
Ingrid, Kyiv, Kyiv city, ua
At Ingrid, we're not just building software; we're revolutionizing how the world experiences delivery in creating seamless, life-enhancing delivery solutions. As we expand globally, we're looking for talented backend engineers to join our mission. Why You'll Love Building with Us: Golang Powerhouse : We're a Golang-centric shop, building a robust microservices architecture. Dive deep into high-performance backend development, leveraging the power and simplicity of Go. Modern Tech Stack : You'll work with the latest technologies: Google Cloud & Kubernetes : Leverage the cloud for unmatched scalability and flexibility. Linkerd : Ensure service resilience and observability in our microservices ecosystem. PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Google PubSub : Master diverse data storage and messaging solutions. GitHub & GitHub Actions : Streamline your development workflow with seamless code collaboration and automated CI/CD pipelines. Terraform : Build and manage infrastructure as code for a truly efficient development experience. Continuous Delivery Culture : We deploy multiple times a day, giving you the satisfaction of seeing your code live in production quickly and often. Collaborative Problem-Solvers : Join a team that thrives on knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and small, iterative improvements. We believe in the power of teamwork to drive innovation. What We're Looking For : Backend Experts : You have a strong foundation in backend development principles and a passion for crafting efficient, scalable systems. Golang Enthusiasts (or Eager Learners) : Experience with Go is a plus, but we value a curious mind and the willingness to dive into this powerful language. Code Craftsmanship Advocates : You write clean, well-structured code that's easy to maintain and extend. Developer Experience Champions : You care about tooling, automation, and processes that make development a joy. Pragmatic Problem Solvers : You focus on finding the right solutions, balancing speed and quality to deliver value quickly. A Culture You'll Thrive In : Trust, Growth, Ethical Work : Our culture is built on these core values, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. Challenge as Opportunity : We embrace challenges as a chance to learn, grow, and push the boundaries of what's possible. Continuous Improvement : We never settle for "good enough." We strive for excellence in everything we do, constantly refining our processes and solutions. Work-Life Balance : We offer flexible hours, remote work options, and plenty of vacation time to ensure you have the time and space to recharge and pursue your interests. Fun & Community : Enjoy brown bag lunches, team outings, and a supportive environment where everyone can be themselves. Boost Your Well-being : Wellness allowance to support your physical and mental health. Secure Your Future : Occupational pension plan, so you can focus on building your career today with peace of mind for tomorrow. Ready to Make an Impact? If you're excited about shaping the future of delivery experiences and working with cutting-edge technologies in a collaborative, growth-oriented environment, we want to hear from you. About Ingrid Ingrid is a leading shipping software platform that empowers online retailers to offer a seamless and personalized delivery experience to their customers. Founded in 2015, we've helped over 250 retailers across Sweden achieve higher conversion rates and build stronger customer loyalty. Here's what makes us unique: Extensive network : Choose from over 400 shipping options and carriers across 80 countries and 42 languages, all integrated seamlessly into our customers online stores. Customer-centric approach : We believe delivery is an extension of the shopping experience. Our platform gives our customers the flexibility to choose the delivery option that best suits their needs. Data-driven insights : Valuable insights gained into shipping performance for optimized pricing strategy to maximize profitability. Innovation : We're constantly developing new features and functionalities to stay ahead of the game in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape. Join us and be part of the future of e-commerce logistics! 
Вакансія майстер МАНІКЮРУ
, Київ, Київська область
МАЙСТЕР МАНІКЮРУЗП 25000 — 42 000 грнКиїв, район Солом'янський, проспект Валерія Лобановського 4Ж(метро Деміївська, Вокзальна, Шулявка)Атмосферної, бестфрендлі та креативної студії манікюру в самому серці Києва дуже потрібні феї манікюру (та брів, нарощування вій) - KLIMENTINA STUDIOНаша сильна сторона - це велика довіра клієнтів, безпечний та затишний простір.instagram.com -klimentina_studioТи наша Фея якщо:* маєш досвід роботи від 3 місяців на аналогічній посаді (бажанно в салоні чи кабінеті, самоучки теж вітаються)* володієш техніками виконання манікюру та бажанно педикюру, адже розвиток це завжди круто; Твоя основна мета в нашому місці сили та краси Klimentina studio: створювати красу для клієнта та залишати його в захваті після візиту до тебе, повертаючи його до себе знову і знову Робота з нами надасть тобі можливість:* отримувати задоволення від роботи в крутій команді професіоналів;* прокачувати свої скіли та розвиватися до рівня Топ або Експерт майстера;* проходити безліч корисних та цікавих майстер класів, семінарів по продукту та по підвищенню професійної кваліфікації. Все навчимо та покажемо, головне хотіти навчатися * спробувати себе у якості Клієнта, адже діє дисконтна програма на обслуговування на усі послуги * драйвово проводити час під час тімбілдінгів та корпоративів;* бути задіяним у різних крутих програмах, наприклад, з часом стати Наставником для новачків, та отримувати за свої старання додаткові преміальні бонуси; * планувати заздалегідь свої вихідні (місяць вперед), адже графік роботи стабільний — салон працює з 9.00 до 21.00, майстри позмінно 2/2, 3/2, 1/1, 5/2 або за домовленістю; (мінімум 18 змін у місяць)Контактна особа Клименко Світлана Василівна 09*********27 (Вайбер, телеграм)
В пошуку майстра з нарощування вій
, Київ, Київська область
Beauty room «Lavender» в пошуку майстра з нарощування вій. Розглядаю майстрів початківців, а також проводжу курси та надаю робоче місце.Я шукаю відповідального, працелюбного, пунктуального майстра з бажанням розвиватися та заробляти у цій сфері.Адреса студії: вул. Івана Пулюя 5, 3 поверх (вхід біля ощадбанку).Графік роботи:під запис;обов’язкова умова — можливість брати вечірні записи.Приємні бонуси:внутрішня знижка на послуги інших майстрів -20%гнучкий графік роботизатишне робоче місцелояльне керівництводружній колективчай, кава.P.S. Усі повідомлення, що Ви надсилаєте сюди бачу рідко, тому краще буде якщо Ви зателефонуєте або напишіть мені повідомлення в зручному для Вас меседжі.
Майстер манікюру
Булгач С.В., ФОП, Київ
Клуб Краси «Krasapeta» шукає свій колектив: майстрів манікюра/педикюра/нарощування вій/бровістівВимоги:- бажання працювати в дружньому колективі;- професійні навички на достатньому рівніГрафік роботи: 9:00−21:00Зарплата: 1200 грн/зміна+ бонуси (15000−80000 грн/місяць)Адреса: район Троєщина. Проспект Червоної Калини 52Більш детальна інформація:+380732054488+380682054488
Майстер з нарощення вій, lashmaker
AirLashes, Київ
Вітаємо! На зв'язку студія краси Airlashes, ми працюємо на ринку beauty індустрії вже понад 10 років, постійно зростаємо і не плануємо зупинятися! Airlashes - це простір в якому робиться все для комфорту,якісного обслуговування клієнтів та екологічної роботи нашої команди. Ми шукаємо LASMAKERA! Якщо ти: - любиш свою справу- маєш досвід роботи - хочеш розвиватися та працювати в команді однодумців - хочеш працювати у титулованій студії зі стабільною клієнтською базою- хочеш проходити підвищення , майстер класи , тимбілдінги з командою та корпоративи. Студія пропонує:-комфортно облаштоване робоче місце-забезпечуємо всіма необхідними матеріалами-окреме приміщення для обіду (чай, кава студії)-безперебійну роботу в студії (є генератори, зарядні станції)-своєчасну виплату ЗП 40% + 10% від продужу вітрини + Бонуси.- знижки на обслуговування в студії і вітрину-графік роботи 3/2, 2/2, 5/2 (підберемо під Вас) з 10:00 до 20:00-наша студія знаходиться за адресою Срібнокільська, 22 в пішій доступності від метро Осокорки-кар'єрне зростання майстра у студіїСкоріше надсилай нам своє резюме, ми чекаємо саме на ТЕБЕ!
Майстер з нарощування вій, lashmaker
AirLashes, Київ
Вітаємо! На зв’язку студія краси Airlashes, ми працюємо на ринку beauty індустрії вже понад 10 років, постійно зростаємо і не плануємо зупинятися!Airlashes — це простір в якому робиться все для комфорту, якісного обслуговування клієнтів та екологічної роботи нашої командиМи шукаємо LASMAKERA!Якщо ти:- любиш свою справу- маєш досвід роботи- хочеш розвиватися та працювати в команді однодумців- хочеш працювати у титулованій студії зі стабільною клієнтською базою- хочеш проходити підвищення, майстер класи, тимбілдінги з командою та корпоративиСтудія пропонує:- комфортно облаштоване робоче місце- забезпечуємо всіма необхідними матеріалами- окреме приміщення для обіду (чай, кава студії)- безперебійну роботу в студії (є генератори, зарядні станції)- своєчасну виплату ЗП 40% + 10% від продужу вітрини + Бонуси- знижки на обслуговування в студії і вітрину- графік роботи 3/2, 2/2, 5/2 (підберемо під Вас) з 10:00 до 20:00- наша студія знаходиться за адресою Срібнокільська, 22 в пішій доступності від метро Осокорки- кар'єрне зростання майстра у студіїСкоріше надсилай нам своє резюме, ми чекаємо саме на ТЕБЕ!тел. 0931818367 Ірина
Адміністратор студії краси, майстер ручної роботи (хендмейд)
HairMaxLevel, Київ
! Якщо ви шукаєте тимчасову роботу поки війна та тимчасово проживаєте у Києві, роботу на «відсидітися», будь-яку роботу за гроші, ліньки читати опис вакансіi, немає повного резюме — ця вакансія не для вас, давайте не гаяти час один одного!Наш інстаграм krushelnitska_hair — ознайомтесь до звернення, попередня співбесіда по телефону ТІЛЬКИ після розгляду вашого резюме на ВАЙБЕР +380934607392, інших умов розгляду вашої кандидатури немаєМаленька студія закритого типу по роботі з волоссям шукає адміністратора — постижера (навчання плетінню після повного освоєння адміністрування, приблизно 1−2 місяці). м. Мінська, 3 хвилини пішки від метро- Працюємо в студії 3 дні на тиждень: вт, чт, сб 9.45−22.00, решта днів тільки термінові питання щодо запису на вайбері 2−3 рази на день та плетіння трессів по 8−9 годин/день в будь-який час, вс вихідний- ЗП админ-майстер ручної роботи: 2 неповні дні введення в курс роботи без оплати, до 1 місяця випробувальний термін — навчання (робота тільки в студії 3 дні/тидень з великою допомогою керівника) — 6000 грн, далі до ставки +% від послуг це загалом ~13000-15000 грн і окрема оплата за плетіння за обсяг роботи + ~ 6000−9000 грнКлієнти студії тільки за запису, іноді відпускаю раніше якщо зроблено всю роботу і немає записуОбов’язки:- мінімальне консультування та ведення запису- контроль часу роботи майстрів та приходу клієнтів- облік виробів, відправлення та одержання посилок- розрахунок клієнтів та зп майстра- зустріч та повідомлення клієнтів, рідко чай-кава- Дрібне асестування майстру, розпорка тресів, пришивання шпильок (навчання, окрема оплата, відео процесу в профілі)Вимоги до кандидата:- Вам подобається і цікаво все, що стосується теми волосся- Здібності до багатозадачності, хороша пам’ять і концентрація, відмінна логіка, оперативність у діях, безпомилкове виконання поставлених завдань, увага до деталів- Вмієте працювати руками, акуратно й старанно, навчу необхідному- Без шкідливих звичок- Охайний вигляд- Обов’язково досвід роботи адміністратором, менеджером в салоні краси або студії б’юті послуг- Впевнена грамотна усна і письмова мова і вміння розуміти потребу клієнта, зацікавити в приході до нас- Доброзичливість, порядність, стресостійкість, ініціативність, енергійність, відповідальне ставлення та любов до роботи- Швидкий набір тексту на телефоні- Досвідчений користувач месенджерів- Впевнений користувач фотовідео зйомки
Майстер перукар
Парихмакерская «Ева», Київ
Майстер перукар(вулиця Малокитаївська)Робота в затишному невеликому салоні краси.Оплата: 50/50.Зміни: 2/2.Працюємо під час війни із 9.00 до 19.00.