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Рекомендовані вакансії

Менеджер ЗЕД (міжнародні закупівлі)
FormAT Climbing Manufacture, Харків
FORMAT is the standard in the production of climbing gear and equipment in Ukraine, exporting its high-quality products beyond the country’s borders for over 5 years now. We don’t just create goods; we embody dreams and assist climbers in achieving their goals, making their ventures onto the cliffs safer and more exhilaratingThe primary tasks of the Foreign Economic Activity Manager within our team include:- Identifying suppliers of raw materials and components to enhance the quality and competitiveness of our products- Negotiating agreements to ensure stable and uninterrupted supply of materials of excellent quality at an affordable price- Studying market trends and prices, analyzing the competitive landscape, and devising strategies for effective procurement- Documenting and overseeing the movement of goods at all stages, from supplier premises to warehouseBenefits of working with us include:- Unique experience collaborating with industry leaders- An environment constantly driven by achievement and the creation of new projects- Compensation commensurate with your experience and performance- Opportunity to collaborate with international partners and expand your networkKey requirements:- Proven track record in achieving strategic goals in international procurement- Ability to efficiently manage procurement processes and secure optimal terms with suppliers- Expert knowledge in materials for productionJoin our team where your accomplishments are valued and recognized! We look forward to your responses. If you have any questions, please call our HRG Danilo at +380977719376
Russian & Ukrainian VRI/OPI Interpretation (Kharkiv)
Future Group, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
We are hiring English-Russian< >English OPI/VRI Interpreters  If you are passionate about different languages and interpretation, we need you! We are looking for professional remote interpreters who want to join an international company and be a great help to the community. An Over-the-Phone Interpreters (OPI) /Video Remote Interpreters (VRI) in Future Group Translation and Localization Services provide accurate communication between non-English and English speakers during the calls. They carry out exclusive service in different fields and industries and assure transparency during the conversation. Interpreters in Future Group Translation and Localization Services are linguistic experts, fast workers when it comes to the information mentioned during the call, and renowned for their high level of tolerance, accuracy, and expertise.   After you familiarize yourself with the following description of the position, you can click "Apply now" and send us your resume and certificate in PDF or Word files.    Location: worldwide Your responsibilities: Answer calls in a professional manner, acting according to the Interpreter's code of conduct. Be always prepared to take notes during a call. Be aware of the specific vocabulary of the industry the interpreter works with (healthcare and medical one, specifically). Rendering all messages accurately and completely, without adding, omitting, or substituting. Provide the highest level of customer service during interpreting Facilitate communication between Limited English Proficient and Client by rendering accurate and complete interpretation of the message. Applying standards of practice Go into internal professional training. Be eager to get new professional certifications. Communicate and report to your team leader. Comply with dress code requirements for video remote interpreting. Technical requirements: As this position is fully remote, you should comply with several technical requirements for your computer. We need to be sure, that your home office will work effectively.  Internet  ✓ Dedicated high-speed, private, and secured internet connection ✓ Minimum download speed 10 Mbps (megabits per second) ✓ Minimum upload speed 3 Mbps (megabits per second) ✓ Wired Internet, Ethernet Port (Wi-Fi is not allowed) Systems ✓ Minimum Windows 10 operating system ✓ Computers with dual core, 2 GHZ processor, like an Intel Core i3 or superior ✓ 8 GB RAM memory minimum Equipment ✓ Single device (computer or laptop) which can run required systems (see #2). (No external devices, such as cell phones or tablets, are permitted) ✓ External monitors and connectors (if applicable). ✓ Computers must operate in “High Performance” mode, not “balanced” or “power saver”. ✓ Power adapter plugged in and not operating on battery. ✓ Chromebook is not allowed. ❖ Headphones Use a noise cancelling, wired headset with a built-in microphone (no wireless/Bluetooth headphones). The microphone should stay in place once adjusted. No 3.5mm adapter. Bluetooth and other wireless headsets are not allowed. What we offer you: Fully remote position with a clear schedule. Full-time (business and weekend hours). Immediate availability to start working after onboarding. Internal Certified training. Monthly fee payments. Contract type of employment. If you choose to work with Future Group Translation and Localization Services you will get into a friendly team, that supports each other, actively communicates, has its own corporate culture, and achieves the goals together! About us: Founded in 1994, Future Group has grown into one of the world’s most trusted translation and localization expert houses across the globe. We have successfully established a global reputation for meeting our clients’ requirements in the most beneficial and cost-effective way. With a high-tech translation memory software technology, ISO certification and access to translators for any language and business application, Future Group has earned a reputable image all across the language services market. Send us your resume. If your expertise complies with the requirements listed above, our Talent Acquisition Team will contact you by email to explain in detail the pay rates, schedules, and other working conditions.  We will be happy to welcome you to our team!
Агент з нерухомості
Харків-Ріелтер, АНПФ, Харків
Корпорація «Харків — Ріелтер» проводить набір на посаду спеціаліста з продажу нерухомості.Якщо у Вас нема досвіду, про — те є величезне бажання розвиватися, що спонукає Вас стати професіоналом у цій сфері: — Ласкаво просимо! Якщо Ви маєте досвід, то ми будемо раді помножити його на наш досвід та ресурси, щоб разом отримати ще більший результатПро корпорацію:АН «Харків — Ріелтер» — компанія з 25 річним досвідом продажів нерухомості. Ми постійно вдосконалюємося як з боку бізнесу, так і з боку підвищення кваліфікації, приділяючи велике значення роботі з кандидатами у співробітникиІндивідуальний підхід до кожного, безперервний саморозвиток, та постійна самовіддача — Головні принципи нашої роботи!На сьогодні ми пропонуємо Вам:- Графік роботи: Свій робочий день Ви формуєте самостійно, проте офіс для Вас доступний з 10:00 до 18:00. Є особисте робоче місце з ноутбуком та щоденною підтримкою системного адміністратора;- Навчальні посібники, безлімітний зв’язок в офісі. База реальних та ліквідних за ціною об'єктів, оновлення даних кожні 15 хвилин;- Унікальна CRM — система, що дозволяє працювати з будь — якої точки Харкова, також додаткові інструменти, що полегшують роботу;- Ставка відсутня, заробіток від 55% до 70% від укладених угод. Заробітна плата залежить від досягнення поставлених Вами цілей та Вашої працьовитості;- Рекламний та юридичний відділи -беруть на себе левову частку роботи!;- Якісне корпоративне навчання за стандартами СФНУ; Навчання технології продажів, психології спілкування, особистої ефективності коштом компанії. Безоплатна участь у тренінгах та семінарах, що організуються компанією. Можливість отримати доступ: — До навчальних матеріалів бізнесу, продажу, маркетингу та реклами, ринкова вартість яких дорівнює розміру річної мінімальної заробітної плати в Україні;- Кар'єрне зростання. Ми не беремо керівників з вулиці, вони зростають разом з нами!;- Колектив — команда професіоналів, відкрита для новоприбулих. Разом старанно працюємо та яскраво відпочиваємо;- Індивідуальний підхід до кожного співробітника, визначаючи його цінність; Постійна робота над Вашим успіхом та самореалізацією;Ми захоплюємося людьми, які:- Спілкуються та пишуть грамотною мовою;- Мають охайний зовнішній вигляд;- Мають навички перемовин;- Вміють впевнено переконувати;- Швидко та оперативно обробляють інформацію;- Постійно розвиваються, мають внутрішні ресурси витрачати стільки сил та часу, скільки необхідно для досягнення поставлених цілей;- Мають сміливість приймати рішення;- Вміють ставити собі короткострокові та довгострокові цілі;Для досягнення максимального результату Вам необхідно:- Робити аналіз ринку нерухомості;- Проводити консультування клієнтів;- Виїжджати на зустрічі, та проводити презентацію об'єктів нерухомості, показуючи рівень свого професіоналізму;- Проводити перемовини, які призведуть до укладання угоди;Український бізнес не зламати. Труднощі спонукають нас ще більше працювати, заробляти та підтримувати економіку Нашої країниНе Хочеш більше чекати і готовий скористатися можливістю тут та зараз?Поспішай записатися на співбесіду:+380951725904Telegram @HRkharkovrealterhttps://kharkov-realter.com.ua/vakansiiОфіси АН «Харків- Ріелтер»:- Григорія Сковороди,65;- Г.Праці,30;- Тракторобудівників,108;- Амосова,25;- Гагаріна,48;- Гагаріна,176;- Холодногірська,3;- Олександрівський,154;- 23 Серпня,38;- Л.Свободи,39- Сумська,80- П. Григоренка,7Можливо вже за 2 тижні ти отримаєш свої перші гроші за успішно укладену угоду!Чекаємо саме на тебе!З повагою, Світлана.
Game Economy Designer
Gameloft, Харків
Job DescriptionThis is a position requiring a mix of strong economy and marketing knowledge with a passion for analytical game design and the emerging free-to-play business model.Qualifications:Strong sensitivity to gameplay and game design, understanding how to build needs and emotions in the context of a game;Strong econometrics skills;Statistic knowledge, able to formulate ratios and indexes specific to each game, identifying specific weaknesses and strengths in its economy design;Strong marketing knowledge, able to formulate adequate selling strategies to improve the financial performance;Understanding of client/server architecture and data collecting pipeline and mining.Requirements:Graduate degree in Economics or BA, preferably specialized in Marketing or Strategic direction;Mastery of Excel;Advanced understanding of SQL;Deep, up-to-date knowledge of the free-to-play market, both web-based and on smartphones;Passion for games on all existing formats;Fluent written and spoken English, concise writing skills, full working proficiency Ukrainian.Responsibilities:Defining the virtual products and their statistics with the development team;Identifying the potential sale drivers for the different product categories in the game economy, defining the key points of exposure for those drivers;Balancing the needs for those virtual products, their relation, life cycle, and their streams of availability;Regularly provide user feedback and stat/price point tuning to development team based on play-testing, both during game development and post-release;Analyze the evolution of the metrics you defined to spot both monetization bottlenecks and facilitators.Benefits:Join a leading global mobile and video games publisher and developer utilizing the state-of-art mobile technologies and devices;Become a part of the talented international team in a friendly, creative and dynamic environment;Become a true pro in the fast-growing, exciting and innovative video games industry;Be proud to deliver the prestigious products winning the top rankings worldwide;Build up your career with dynamic promotions and world wide opportunitiesAdditional InformationIn order to consider your application, we require you to send the full version of your CV in English. Qualified candidates will be asked to complete a test assessment.
Marketing Assistant / Content Manager
Prakle, Харків
Добрий день,Шукаємо помічника маркетолога на повний / частковий робочий день.Що вас чекає:Підтримка впровадження маркетингових стратегій в Інтернеті.Робота з соціальними мережами, контент-маркетингом.Аналіз ефективності рекламних кампаній і підготовка звітів.Допомога в створенні креативного та оригінального контенту.Чого ми очікуємо від вас:Знання англійської мови на рівні B2-C1.Сильне бажання вчитися і розвиватися в галузі цифрового маркетингу.Вміння працювати з основними інструментами та платформами онлайн-маркетингу.Креативність, відповідальність, уважність до деталей.Базові знання аналітики та вміння працювати з даними.
Senior Game Community Manager
Gameloft, Харків
The Gameloft Kharkiv Studio have an exciting opportunity for a Senior Game Community Manager to integrate their team of community experts working on Minion Rush.As a Senior Game Community Manager, you will join a team of passionate social media & community experts dedicated to building the most rewarding community experiences for our most engaged cohorts of players & fans of the game around the world!_ In this role, you will be dedicated to fostering healthy & thriving communities on a set of key channels for the game. Your main responsibilities will be defining, developing & managing the best community content & experiences, in order to keep them entertained & engaged with the game. As such, you will be working with a Junior Community Manager in caring for the game’s communities & funneling their feedback in order to support your game team in continuously improving our players' experiences. PASSION is key! For this position, we expect you to have an understanding of the ins-&-outs of gaming communities, & their importance within a game’s lifecycle. Also, it is needless to say that to be truly a great fit for this position, you should be a gamer at heart, with a hands-on understanding of the power of communities in the gaming realm, and a passion for all things Minions!JOB SCOPE & RESPONSIBILITIESCommunity Channel & Content Strategy — 50 to 60%Develop & produce the evergreen content approach for the social media networks you are responsible for, in equation with the game’s priorities & objectives throughout each period.Great communication & collaboration skills with the Licensor, ensuring that plans proposed are appealing & meet the License standards.Ensuring that the community of players has first-hand access to patch-notes, tutorials, promotions & information on events happening in the game.Own the content & assets creation process in order to produce a consistent flow of evergreen content for each of the channels you are responsible for, & when necessary, propose ways to optimize the content creation process to ensure a positive ROITrack & analyze community & content performance KPIs, & ensure steady progression quarter-onto-quarter on the channels you are responsible for.Campaign & community activation development — 20%Ideate, plan & execute community-focused activations to support the game’s major production milestones.Track & analyze the performance of each campaign & share learnings in order to continuously improve each activation.Collaborate with other key stakeholders (influence, marketing, live ops, CMI etc.) in order to ideate & amplify community-focused activations.Community engagement & moderation — 10%Develop a conversational approach on the channels you are responsible for, to build a strong bond with all community members.Work hand-in-hand with the game’s Junior Community Manager in order to ensure maximum coverage rate across the channels you are responsible for.Work hand-in-hand with the game’s Junior Community Manager in order to continuously improve the moderation & engagement approach for the game.Ensuring the validity & use of all frameworks guaranteeing community safety, crisis management, customer satisfaction & game/update technical issues coverage across the channels they are responsible for.Analyzing conversations & identifying key insights from the community in order to improve content & community experiences on the channels you are responsible for.Develop & amplify UGC across the channels you are responsible for.Reach community performance targets in terms of gowth, engagement, overall coverage, reply times, community Csat, overall sentiment, community retention metrics & utilize tools & processes at hand in order to continuously improve performancePlanning, Project Management, social media toolstack — 20%Plan, pitch & iterate with the Licensor in order to prepare the most valuable community experiences for the game.Work with major game team stakeholders in order to plan & execute community-focused projects for the game.Utilize all available tools & resources at hand in order to analyze the impact of your content & community plans; propose improvements, opportunities & challenges, year-on-year.Conduct benchmarks & trends observations be a proactive source of ideation for the Game’s community team, but also for the game’s marketing & management teams. (industry and trends)Take part in global projects throughout the year, on behalf of your game.Create presentations to clearly & effectively pitch ideas, plans , & community insights reports using tools like Canva and SharePoint.MAIN PERFORMANCE INDICATORSContent performanceImpact on game KPIsSentimentProduct feedbackCommunity retentionProfile & Skills2 to 4 years of experience in a similar positionA passion for gaming & gaming experiences of all kinds.Analytical mind & KPI driven.Understanding of community KPIs & how to track them.Understanding of social media networks & how they are used by gamers.Experience working with Licensors & quick understanding of processes & how to improve them when necessary.Experience on community & social media toolstack (e.g publishing tools, social listening tools, content creation tools such as Canva, Photoshop etc.)Relationships-driven Build credible & trusting relationships in a fast-paced environment with a broad range of colleagues & collaborators across the company & the world.Fluent in English, Ukrainian, both written & spoken.Ability to work in a fast-paced & international environment.Positive energy, team spirit & a zest of fun are a must.BenefitsJoin a leading global mobile and video games publisher and developer utilizing the state-of-art mobile technologies and devices;Become a part of the talented international team in a friendly, creative, and dynamic environment;Become a true pro in the fast-growing, exciting, and innovative video games industry;Be proud to deliver the prestigious products winning the top rankings worldwide;Build up your career with dynamic promotions and worldwide opportunities.Work with recognized and beloved intellectual property.Enjoy the flexibility of a fully remote work setup.Benefit from generous holiday allowances.Additional InformationIn order to consider your application, we require you to send the full version of your CV in English. Qualified candidates will be asked to complete a test assessment.
Senior to Lead Fullstack software engineer
GlobalLogic, Ukraine, Kharkiv
Description: A project within the Energy domain designed to monitor energy distribution and provide health and performance insights to prevent critical asset failures while optimizing asset lifecycle costs. The software you will be working on will help clients to:– Increased reliability by identifying, prioritizing, and resolving risks– Reduce maintenance costs by replacing the ineffective time-based practices– Lower capital expenditures by extending asset lifespan Requirements: Join our cross-disciplinary team to create software that works on Cloud infrastructure. As a Dev Lead engineer you will collaborate with customer, engineering and management teams. You will beresponsible for general guidelines for the engineer, analysis of the requirements, contributing to all scrum eventsRequirements: Strong knowledge and experience with .NET/C#, OOP, DDD, SOLID, REST API, Unit TestingExperience with RDBMS (e.g., MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., InfluxDB, TimescaleDB), event brokers (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka)Understanding of the principles of development of distributed containerized applicationsTechnologies: .NET/C# (ASP.NET Core, EF Core), Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, HelmDesired knowledge of microservices, event-driven architecture, service-oriented architectureDesired knowledge of industrial standards and protocols such as MQTT, IEC61850, SNMP, SyslogSolid knwoedge of React, JavaScript for the font-end part Responsibilities: Requirement AnalisysContribution to sprint planning, demos, other scrum cerimoniesDevelopment of high quality codeTimely completion of tasksTroubleshooting What We Offer Empowering Projects: With 500+ clients spanning diverse industries and domains, we provide an exciting opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies. As a team, we engineer digital products that positively impact people’s lives.Empowering Growth: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Our dedication is to provide timely and comprehensive assistance for every consultant through our dedicated Learning & Development team, ensuring their continuous growth and success.DE&I Matters: At GlobalLogic, we deeply value and embrace diversity. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, fostering an inclusive and empowering work environment.Career Development: Our corporate culture places a strong emphasis on career development, offering abundant opportunities for growth. Regular interactions with our teams ensure their engagement, motivation, and recognition. We empower our team members to pursue their career goals with confidence and enthusiasm.Comprehensive Benefits: In addition to equitable compensation, we provide a comprehensive benefits package that prioritizes the overall well-being of our consultants. We genuinely care about their health and strive to create a positive work environment.Flexible Opportunities: At GlobalLogic, we prioritize work-life balance by offering flexible opportunities tailored to your lifestyle. Explore relocation and rotation options for diverse cultural and professional experiences in different countries with our company.About GlobalLogic GlobalLogic is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world.By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible, and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses.Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries.GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
Amazon Marketing Content Manager
ScaleJet, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
We are looking for a candidate for the Amazon Content Manager role, to take ownership of the UGT BRANDS e-commerce products content creation and development. If you have experience working with Amazon PL FBA, have a deep understanding of Amazon marketing, love finding creative solutions for marketing issues and you are a result-oriented individual, who loves to get things done - we would love to hear from you! About us: We started our journey in 2016 as an e-commerce company selling direct-to-consumer products in the USA and Canada. We currently own a couple of best-selling cosmetic brands on Amazon and have a lot of room to grow and expand. We are a fully remote company and we have a self-starter culture with no hand-holding and an amazing team that is supportive, values open conversation but values independent thinkers able to figure things out. Position overview: This position is responsible for creating new product content and improving our current product listings conversion rate. This includes working with all available Amazon visual content aspects and instruments. all aspects of the business, managing day to day operations, assortment, pricing, promotions, advertising and account reconciliation. This is done in collaboration and coordination with internal and external relationships and operations across marketing, finance, logistics, customer service and IT. Responsibilities: Managing full scope of tasks related to Amazon visual content and listing products on Amazon Develop strategies on copy and visual content to increase conversion. Coordinating creation of SEO texts for products using Amazon SEO tools for keywords (Helium 10, Datadive etc.) Managing competitors listing analysis, design and execute tests, collect and analyze data, identify trends and insights Coordinating creating new product listings (both text and graphic) - creating briefs and coordinating subcontractors tasks Maintaining and improving existing products content on Amazon (both text and graphic) Coordinating videos creating Developing Amazon brand stores and brand content Monitoring, analysing, A/B testing listing/content performance and forming conclusions based on key performance indicators and taking appropriate action when course correction is required. About You: Experience of work with Amazon PL in a marketing/sales related role (understanding the principles and features of work) Advanced English language proficiency Experience with SEO texts, SEO text optimization, Helium 10 or similar Excellent organizational and time management skills Self-motivated with the ability to take ownership of deliverables and outcomes Strong analytical and project-management skills Understanding of the principles of the content manager position, experience working with creative teams We offer: Competitive salary rate in USD Flexible remote work in an experienced and authentic team Company with international flair Startup environment with flat hierarchies Trainings and support
Game Economy Designer
Gameloft, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Job Description This is a position requiring a mix of strong economy and marketing knowledge with a passion for analytical game design and the emerging free-to-play business model. Qualifications Strong sensitivity to gameplay and game design, understanding how to build needs and emotions in the context of a game; Strong econometrics skills; Statistic knowledge, able to formulate ratios and indexes specific to each game, identifying specific weaknesses and strengths in its economy design; Strong marketing knowledge, able to formulate adequate selling strategies to improve the financial performance; Understanding of client/server architecture and data collecting pipeline and mining. Requirements: Graduate degree in Economics or BA, preferably specialized in Marketing or Strategic direction; Mastery of Excel; Advanced understanding of SQL; Deep, up-to-date knowledge of the free-to-play market, both web-based and on smartphones; Passion for games on all existing formats; Fluent written and spoken English, concise writing skills, full working proficiency Ukrainian. Responsibilities: Defining the virtual products and their statistics with the development team; Identifying the potential sale drivers for the different product categories in the game economy, defining the key points of exposure for those drivers; Balancing the needs for those virtual products, their relation, life cycle, and their streams of availability; Regularly provide user feedback and stat/price point tuning to development team based on play-testing, both during game development and post-release; Analyze the evolution of the metrics you defined to spot both monetization bottlenecks and facilitators. Benefits: Join a leading global mobile and video games publisher and developer utilizing the state-of-art mobile technologies and devices; Become a part of the talented international team in a friendly, creative and dynamic environment; Become a true pro in the fast-growing, exciting and innovative video games industry; Be proud to deliver the prestigious products winning the top rankings worldwide; Build up your career with dynamic promotions and world wide opportunities Additional Information In order to consider your application, we require you to send the full version of your CV in English. Qualified candidates will be asked to complete a test assessment.
AQA Automation (C#) Engineer, Payment Platform
DataArt, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
ResponsibilitiesDevelop and maintain automated test scenarios in C#Optimize test automation frameworksCreate and maintain API test suitesEnsure API functionality, performance, and securityUse SQL for data validationMaintain test plans and casesKeep documentation accurate and currentApply various test types and methodologiesExecute functional, regression, and performance testingWork with cross-functional teamsRequirements3+ years of experience in automated testingExperience in automation/development using C#API testing experienceBasic knowledge of databases and skills in working with a DBMSKnowledge of test types and methods of organizing them in the process of testing various kinds of applications, skills in test documentation maintenance (test plans, test cases, etc.)Good spoken EnglishNice to haveExperience in projects related to payment systemsUseful links
Начальник відділу фінансового моніторингу
FinStaff, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Швидкий пошук Розширений пошук резюме Вакансія Місто Резюме Розділ Ключові слова Вакансія Укрпошта function prin(a) { window.open("/print.php?cat=1&id="+a,"","status=0,location=0, scrollbars=1, resizable=0"); } function sav(a) { location.href="/download.php?cat=1&id="+a; } Начальник відділу фінансового моніторингу 29.06.2024, Харків Місто: Работа Харьков: банк, финансы Рубрика: Работа в банке Фінансовий моніторинг Графік роботи: постійна Досвід роботи: від 2 років Освіта: вища «Укрпошта» — національний оператор поштового зв’язку, надійний та відповідальний роботодавець.Сьогодні команда «Укрпошти» — це фахівці, які руйнують стереотипи, щоденно працюють над підвищенням ефективності логістичних процесів, удосконаленням якості сервісу та зручності для Клієнта. Команда, яка завжди готова до нових викликів та виконання важливих місій! Саме зараз ми шукаємо Начальника Служби фінансового моніторингу Основні обов’язки : Здійснення перевірок справ клієнтів регіону з метою оцінки дотримання вимог чинного законодавства у сфері запобігання та протидії легалізації (відмиванню) доходів, здобутих злочинним шляхом, фінансуванню тероризму та фінансуванню розповсюдження зброї масового знищення, а саме:здійснення ідентифікації / верифікації та вивчення клієнтів, встановлення кінцевих бенефіціарних власників, виявлення політично значущих осіб, членів сім´ї або пов’язаних з ними осіб тощоЗабезпечення поточного аналізу операцій регіону на виконання норм, встановлених законодавством України та внутрішніми нормативними документами Товариства з питань здійснення фінансового моніторингуВиявлення фінансових операцій, що підлягають фінансовому моніторингуПроведення навчальних заходів для працівників відділень регіону, надання їм консультацій та роз’яснень з питань належної перевірки клієнтівУспішний кандидат відповідає наступним вимогам : Повна вища економічна освітаЗнання законодавства України у сфері запобігання та протидії легалізації (відміванню) доходів, здобутих злочинним шляхом, фінансуванню тероризму та фінансуванню розповсюдження зброї масового знищенняЗастосування у практичній діяльності вимог законодавства України з питань здійснення фінансового моніторингуЗнання міжнародних стандартів у сфері запобігання та протидії легалізації доходів, здобутих злочинним шляхомПрактичний досвід розробки та впровадження внутрішніх документів у напрямку фінансового моніторингуДосвід роботи у фінансовій сфері за напрямом фінансового моніторингу не менше 1 рокуДосвід проходження перевірок ФМ — бажано.Ми пропонуємо: Офіційне працевлаштування у великої компанії, що розвиваєтьсяСтабільну заробітну платуПремію за виконання планових показниківНавчання та професійне розвитокМожливості кар´єрного зростанняПрикріплюй та відправляй своє резюме нижче за посиланням. З УКРПОШТОЮ РАЗОМ ДО ПЕРЕМОГИ! Компанія: Укрпошта Переглянути всі вакансії УкрпоштаВідправити резюме Відправити вакансію колегам Сохранить в аккаунте Інші вакансії Укрпошта: Провідний фахівець 29.06.2024, Київ Укрпошта» — національний оператор поштового зв’язку, надійний та відповідальний роботодавець. Сьогодні команда «Укрпошти» — це фахівці, які руйнують стереотипи, щоденно працюють над підвищенням ефективності логістичних процесів, вдосконаленням якості сервісу та зручності для Клієнта. Команда, яка з... >>> Начальник служби фінансового моніторингу 29.06.2024, Рівне «Укрпошта» — національний оператор поштового зв’язку, надійний та відповідальний роботодавець. Сьогодні команда «Укрпошти» — це фахівці, які руйнують стереотипи, щоденно працюють над підвищенням ефективності логістичних процесів, удосконаленням якості сервісу та зручності для Клієнта. Команда, як... >>> Менеджер партнерських програм та роботи з ключовими клієнтами 29.06.2024, Київ «Укрпошта» — національний оператор поштового зв’язку, надійний та відповідальний роботодавець. Сьогодні команда «Укрпошти» — це фахівці, які руйнують стереотипи, щоденно працюють над підвищенням ефективності логістичних процесів, вдосконаленням якості сервісу та зручності для Клієнта. Команда, як... >>> Робота в компаніяхработа пиреус банкработа пзу украинаработа форвард банкработа глобус банкработа юнекс банкработа таскомбанкработа отп банкработа мегабанкработа бта банкработа альфа банкработа радабанкработа банк кредит днепрработа сбербанкработа кредобанкработа правэкс банкработа идея банкработа пумбработа универсал банкработа банк пивденныйработа кредитмаркетработа ощадбанкработа укрэксимбанкработа креди агриколь банкработа прокредит банкработа укрсиббанкработа авальработа укргазбанкработа мтб банкработа приватбанк Швидкий перехід смела маловідомі мфо україни херсон бахмут всі мфо днепр энергодар кредит онлайн на карту гроші в борг терміново кредит без справки о доходах краматорск бровары киев полтава александрия сумы хмельницкий кропивницкий нові мфо юрисконсульт изюм харьков чернигов черкассы одесса кредит без довідки про доходи рейтинг кредитов никополь деньги в долг ужгород касир кривой рог каменское мариуполь умань кредит під 0 борисполь миргород бердянск запорожье нові мфо україна аналитик николаев все мфо мелитополь кредит онлайн на карту без отказа срочно луцк яготин черновцы ивано-франковск экономист кременчуг житомир мфо україна операционист бердичев белая церковь бухгалтер кассир прилуки львов невідомі мфо україни винница каменец-подольский измаил северодонецк ровно шостка павлоград славянск юрист мукачево тернополь
ASO Manager
Gameloft, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, ua
Job Description As an ASO Manager, your main objectives will be to increase organic visibility and conversion rate of your game. You will be in charge of planning the ASO strategy from scratch and find new opportunities to grow your game.  Qualifications 1-3 years’ experience in ASO; Previously planned & implemented App Store Optimization strategies for mobile games of different genres, achieving significant app user base growth; Good understanding of ASO, including knowledge of app store algorithms, optimization methods and effective strategies for improving app stores performance and growing app installs; Strong analytical skills, including the ability to analyze statistical data to make optimization decisions, providing data reports analysis and case studies; Experience with app store optimization and analytics tools and software (AppAnnie, SensorTower, StoreMaven, Mobile Action, AppsFlyer etc.); Experience with project management, comfortable multi-tasking in a fast-paced environment; Ability to manage multiple projects and to identify and prioritize the ones with highest impact at lowest opportunity cost; Very strong interpersonal skills, including building relationships and collaborating with internal teams in remote locations, and with external vendors; Fluent in English; 2+ years in consumer marketing, ideally in online entertainment or social products; Knowledge and passion for video games from hardcore gamers titles to casual social games, and entertainment as a whole. Organic visibility & Store conversion rate Build the ASO yearly roadmap in accordance to new releases and objectives set up by the Game team; Implement the keyword optimization strategy for all the markets: from keyword research to keyword analysis; Work alongside with translation team to localize the keyword strategy, visual and written assets for all markets; Work alongside with MAS team to make sure visual and written assets comply with store's guidelines and policies; Implement the A/B testing strategy from the beginning to end: build roadmap and hypothesis, create the assets, apply the tests and monitor closely impact on stores; Define and launch Promotional card/ In-app event cards in order to boost store performance and revenue; Apply for featuring and provide the deliverables requested by Partnership team on time each quarter; Take care of the submission of new visual and written assets on all the mobile platforms; Work alongside with UA manager to challenge the ASA strategy (if there is any) and improve your understanding of UA impact on organic performance; Monitor average rating to make sure the game is always above 4* and, if needed, challenge the in-app prompt strategy.  Reporting & Benchmark Conduct regular competitor’s benchmark and stay abreast of the latest ASO trends; Analyze experiments results and create post-mortem/case-study to share learnings with other teams; Monitor and report App store performance and other ASO metrics for all the consoles (Crashes, CSR, etc.); Discuss and share best practices with other ASO experts through monthly calls; Investigate and implement new hypothesis to find new ways to increase the organic visibility of your apps. Benefits Join a leading global mobile and video games publisher and developer utilizing the state-of-the-art mobile technologies and devices; Become a part of a talented international team in a friendly, creative, and dynamic environment; Become a true pro in the fast-growing, exciting, and innovative video games industry; Be proud to deliver the prestigious products winning the top rankings worldwide; Build up your career with dynamic promotions and worldwide opportunities. Additional Information In order to consider your application, we require you to send the full version of your CV in English. Qualified candidates will be asked to complete a test assessment.