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Рекомендовані вакансії

Оператор 1С
ТОВ, Днепропетровск, Дніпропетровська область
Компания заинтересована в срочном закрытии должности!- З/П – 12500 грн. + соц. пакет;- пятидневная рабочая неделя, 9:00-17:00;Требования: - знание систем 1С на уровне пользователя; - высокий уровень внимательности.Обязанности: - обработка запросов и отчетов в 1С; - анализ ошибок в документации; - дополнительные обязанности по согласованию с руководителем.Условия: - разноплановая работа в стабильной компании; - хороший коллектив; - достойный уровень заработной платы; - социальные гарантии.Если Вас заинтересовала вакансия, обращайтесь к нам Пн-Пт 9-18Тел.: 096-З95-05-47, 066-008-24-7ЗРезюме не рассматриваются!Татьяна Андреевна
Програміст системний
Заробітна плата (усього): 17000 грнУ тому числі основна: 13000 грнОписХарактер виконуваної роботи:ПостійнийОсновні функціональні обов'язки:Виконання оновлення конфігурації. Розробка нового функціоналу в ІС УПВ та нестандартних друкованих форм. Адміністрування та консультування користувачів. Телефон для довідок 00956629717-Олена ВікторівнаВид трудового договору:строковийРежим роботи:5-денний робочий тижденьУмови організації праці:Звичайні умовиСоціальні переваги:надання житла; професійний розвитокПрофесійні компетенції (знання, навички):відповідальністьОсобистісні компетенції (особисті якості, характеристики):професійна та особиста порядність
Програміст (база даних)
Заробітна плата (усього): 6700 грнУ тому числі основна: 4750 грнОписХарактер виконуваної роботи:ПостійнийОсновні функціональні обов'язки:0,5 ставки, знання 1С,на основі аналізу моделей і алгоритмів розробляти програми, які реалізують розв'язання задачі на усіх етапах, визначати інформацію, яка підлягає обробленню на ЕОМ, структуру макети і схеми вводу, оброблення, зберігання інформації, виконувати роботи під час підготовки програм, тестувати програму на наявність помилок, проводити налагодження розроблених програм, (для резюме), телефон консультанта (067)372-61-24 Руслана ВадимівнаВид трудового договору:безстроковийРежим роботи:Неповний робочий часУмови організації праці:Звичайні умовиСоціальні переваги:медичне страхування
Intern/trainee analytic programmer (DAX, M, VBA, SAS, R, Python)
Business Research Group, Дніпро, Дніпропетровська область
Потреба:Наймемо технічного помічника в науковому актуарно-статистичному проекті для програмування на DAX, M, VBA, SAS, R, Python та суміжних функцій. Бажано студента.Оплата погодинна залежно від рівня. Пересилаємо через Вестерн Юніон. Погодинний облік ведете в гугл-шит файлі, щодня відзначаючи зроблені завдання.Вимоги до кандидата:Мати довготривалу кар'єрну орієнтацію на аналітичне програмування чи споріднені галузі, такі як статистика, актуарні науки, аналіз даних чи машинне навчання.Знати хоча б одну з мов — DAX, M, VBA, SAS, R, Python.Освіта або поточне навчання в одній із дисциплін: математики, статистики, актуарних чи комп’ютерних наук.Базовий рівень англійської мови.Мати швидкий інтернет, бути доступним по емейлу, скайпу, вайберу, вотсапу.Мати для роботи кілька годин на день для скайп сесій та домашніх завдань.Обов’язки за наймом:Виходити на щоденні скайп сесії.Проводити задані дослідження та писати код.Допомагати у попутних тимчасових та рутинних задачах.Заповнювати файл обліку годин на гугл драйві.Розглядаються заявки, в яких зазначено:Ім'я, прізвище, містоТелефон, імейл, скайп.РезюмеФото (необов'язково).Досвід у DAX, M, VBA, SAS, R, Python.Освіта чи поточне навчання.Скільки годин на тиждень ви можете приділити роботі.Нинішня форма діяльності (робота, навчання…).Рівень англійської мови (не критично).
Навигатор, Рекрутинговая компания, Дніпро, Дніпропетровська область
Група компаній, що спеціалізується на виробництві, зберіганню та збуті зернових і олійних культур потребує до команди Керівника відділу інформаційних технологій.Основні обов’язки:Управління командою ІТ фахівців: системний адміністратор, розробник 1С, консультант 1С (системний адміністратор);Координація впровадження ІТ-проектів;Підтримка та розвиток ІТ-інфраструктури;Управління ІТ-бюджетом;Підтримка та розвиток систем на базі 1С (УТП);Автоматизація бізнес-процесів;Забезпечення безперебійної роботи ІТ-сервісів компанії;Взаємодія із зовнішніми підрядниками з питань впровадження ІТ-проектів, надання ІТ-послуг, закупівлі обладнання та програмного забезпечення;Взаємодія із відділом інформаційної безпеки;Стратегічне планування, організація праці та досягнення поставлених цілей департаментом ІТ.Кваліфікаційні вимоги:Вища профільна освітаДосвід роботи в організаціях із кількістю користувачів понад 400 чол.;Успішний досвід впровадження ІТ-рішень;Знання 1-С, досвід написання технічних завдань;Обов'язковий досвід використання 1С всіх напрямів та змін та робота з електронною інвентаризацією;Знання основ бухгалтерського обліку і принципів побудови управлінського обліку;Знання в галузі IP-телефонії та відеоконференц зв'язку, систем 1С, адміністрування серверів та БД, синхронізація 1С, інформаційної безпеки;Наявність виражених лідерських якостей;Навички стратегічного мислення, прагматичний та логічний підхід до аналізу та вирішення проблем;Комунікабельність, відповідальність, мультизадачність;Повинен знати:Основи бухгалтерського обліку;Основні українські конфігурації 1С;Основи мережевих технологій;Хмарні технології;Ринок комп'ютерної техніки;Основи менеджменту;Язик 1С, СКД, керовані форми;Серверні системи на основі Windows;Безпекові заходи в мережі і на серверах. Компанія пропонує:Гідну оплату праці: Ставка + система KPI Офіційне працевлаштування, 24 календарні дні відпустки, соціальна захищеністьЦікаві та амбітні задачі, робота у системній зростаючій компаніїДля резюме:
Водій категорії B, C, D, E, військовослужбовець
Військова частина А7408, Дніпро
Шукаємо відповідального кандидата на посаду «Водій, військовослужбовець» у військову частину А7408Основні обов’язки включають в себе транспортування військовослужбовців, вантажів та обладнання до місць призначення з дотриманням військових стандартів та правил безпекиКандидат повинен мати військову або цивільну водійську категорію (B, С, D, Е), бути відповідальним, дисциплінованим та мати бажання працювати в арміїХлопців, яки мають бойовий досвід та служили у 2014−2024 роках, при бажанні, можемо брати на пряму в частину минаючи час БАЗОВОЇ підготовки. При необхідності гарантуємо ФАХОВУ підготовку.Вік до 50 років0931959750 Юрій0669466988 Олег0972725466 Євген0939616513 Артур
Фахiвець по роботi у чатi
Lucky In, Дніпро
Компанія "Lucky In" - це інноваційна компанія, що спеціалізується на розвитку та підтримці інтернет-проектів. Ми працюємо з клієнтами по всьому світу та надаємо їм високоякісні послуги.Робота не віддалена!Вакансія "Фахівець по роботі у чаті" в компанії "Lucky In" у місті Дніпро - це чудова можливість приєднатися до нашої команди та стати частиною успішного і професійного колективу.Що ви будете робити:- Взаємодіяти з клієнтами через чат, надавати їм консультації та відповідати на їх запитання - Вирішувати технічні проблеми та надавати технічну підтримку клієнтам Необхідний досвід:- Досвід роботи з клієнтами буде перевагою, але не є обов'язковим - Вміння ефективно комунікувати у письмовій формі Ми пропонуємо:- Конкурентну ставку 19 000грн , систему КПІ та бонусів - Можливість професійного розвитку та кар'єрного зростання- Можливість працювати з цікавими та сучасними проектами - Зручний графік роботи ( Пн-Пт 9:00-19:00) Якщо ви готові прийняти виклик та бажаєте розвиватися у сфері роботи з клієнтами у чаті, ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на ваші відгуки!Приєднуйтесь до нашої команди "Lucky In" .
Programme Development Specialist - UKRAINE
Handicap International, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:  www.hi.org At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities. Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview. JOB CONTEXT: Since the beginning of the war, HI has set up a two-country program  covering Ukraine and Moldova.  Aligning itself with the priorities of the Ukraine Flash Appeal and Regional Refugee Response Plan,  HI pillars of interventions  are : Health : HI aims to improve access to quality  physical rehabilitation and mental health and psychosocial services  (MHPSS) for conflict-affected vulnerable population. Protection:  Given the scale of humanitarian and protection needs, HI intervenes at various levels to ensure that vulnerable conflict-affected populations have access to multi-sectoral services tailored to their needs. In addition, HI aims to foster a  disability-inclusive humanitarian  response. Armed Violence Reduction:  Recent and ongoing attacks dangerously exacerbated Explosive Ordnance (EO) contamination in Ukraine. In light of this, HI is conducting a multi-pronged approach to EO Risk Education and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (CPP), adaptable to the evolution of the conflict. Basic needs : to respond to the most acute needs for displaced households hosted by the local population or living in collective settings, HI is providing hygiene and non-food item kits, with an approach various modalities of intervention including in-kind and/or cash-based transfers. Humanitarian-to-humanitarian logistics (ATLAS Logistique):  To facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance as close as possible to the most affected populations, HI proposes mutualized storage and transportation services to other humanitarian actors – with a specific focus on “last-mile transportation”. HI has 2 hubs, one in the East (based in Dnipro) and one in the West (based in Chernivtsi) and the coordination is in Kyiv. We have activities in other cities like Lviv, Vinnyitsia, Kharkiv, Poltava). YOUR MISSION: Under the authority of the Technical Unit Manager, and in collaboration with the Regional Director, Country Managers and Operations Managers, your main responsibilities are: 1 - Strategic development:  linking current internal strategic development efforts with fundraising strategy (understand potential for new interventions, identify areas of interest for future programming, and related funding opportunities). To develop a new fundraising strategy and action plan for the mission linked to the operational objectives set in the new 2023-2025 Stratop. Produce a summary of needs and gaps within HI Ukraine’s programmatic areas to identify potential for new interventions, needs assessments, and funding opportunities. Map relevant donors’ strategies and priorities, and development initiatives of other organizations (NGOs, UN agencies and government) 2 - Relationship management:  building external relationships/external engagement, including identification of fundraising and partnership opportunities Engage with donors to identify areas of mutual interest for further engagement and support relationships with strategic donors and partners. Identify and develop potential partnership opportunities for large-scale projects (e.g. consortiums, multi- country projects) Identify potential local partners and develop support the formulation of Local Partnership packages covering capacity assessment and enhancement and partnership management and contracting. In coordination with and Communications Officer, develop a communication strategy and action plans for HI’s Ukraine’s mission to better communicate HI’s work to existing and potential donors, country representations. 3 - Proposal development:  if funding opportunities on newly identified sector(s) of intervention arise, support Grant Team with proposal development (incl. capacity building of Grant Team) In coordination with HI’s technical and project teams, lead proposal and concept note writing in accordance with HI’s proposal writing process and tools and in compliance with donors’ guidelines and expectations, including logical frameworks, MEAL plan, context and needs analysis, planning, staffing and budgeting. Support and build the Grants Teams capacity with grants management including donor reporting, monitoring and compliance. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POSITION: The security situation in Ukraine remains relatively stable, although there are frequent days and nights of air alerts. However, markets, restaurants and cafes are open, and life continues as normal. There is a strict curfew, the hours depend on the region. YOUR PROFILE: You have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in project development and donor relationship management (including experience in consortium and local partnership development) You have experience of providing context, needs and donor analysis. You have experience working in one or more of HI’s programmatic areas: Health, Humanitarian Mine Action, Livelihoods, Inclusive governance and civil society, Inclusion mainstreaming. You have very strong skills in Financial and budgetary management, as well as in commercial negociation. You have strong analytical and writing skills and excellent communication and representation skills. CONDITIONS: At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.  https://hi.org/en/join-the-team 12 months international contract starting as soon as possible. The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation: Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals Pension scheme Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution Repatriation insurance paid by HI. Salary from 2757 € gross/month upon experience Perdiem: 559.65 € net/month - paid in the field. Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary Paid leaves: 25 days per year. R&R: 5 days every 6 weeks => + possible transport/package support. Position: unaccompanied Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects Housing : Collective / individual taken in charge by HI If you are resident in the country: local package
Data Engineer with Python /Pyspark
Unison Consulting Pte Ltd, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Develop and implement data pipelines for ingesting and collecting data from various sources into a centralized data platform. Develop and maintain ETL jobs using AWS Glue services to process and transform data at scale. Optimize and troubleshoot AWS Glue jobs for performance and reliability. Utilize Python and PySpark to efficiently handle large volumes of data during the ingestion process. Design and implement scalable data processing solutions using PySpark to transform raw data into a structured and usable format. Apply data cleansing, enrichment, and validation techniques to ensure data quality and accuracy. Create and maintain ETL processes using Python and PySpark to move and transform data between different systems. Optimize ETL workflows for performance and efficiency. Collaborate with data architects to design and implement data models that support business requirements. Ensure data structures are optimized for analytics and reporting. Work with distributed computing frameworks, such as Apache Spark, to process and analyze large-scale datasets. Manage and optimize databases, both SQL and NoSQL, to support data storage and retrieval needs. Implement indexing, partitioning, and other database optimization techniques. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including data scientists, analysts, and business stakeholders, to understand data requirements and deliver effective solutions. Work closely with software engineers to integrate data solutions into larger applications. Implement monitoring solutions to track data pipeline performance and proactively identify and address issues Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and company policies. Stay abreast of industry trends and advancements in data engineering, Python, and PySpark. Requirements Proficiency in Python and PySpark. Strong knowledge of data engineering concepts and best practices. Hands-on experience with AWS Glue and other AWS services. Experience with big data technologies and distributed computing. Familiarity with database management systems (SQL and NoSQL). Understanding of ETL processes and data modeling. Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills. Strong communication and collaboration skills. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field.
Lead Full Stack Engineer (Perl/JavaScript)
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Being a contributor on a team of skilled full-stack developers working to implement Omnichannel capabilities, with a focus on providing a best-in-class user experience; Work with dynamic back-end technologies (Elixir, Perl, Typescript) and help us expand the use of React on our sites; Work closely with the team’s leadership to define scalable technical solutions & partner with global engineers to contribute what you build into our global technology products; Troubleshoot & problem solve when urgent technical solutions are needed; Code review & mentor junior engineers.   Must haves  You have 3+ years of Back-end development experience, with expertise in Perl; You have 3+ years of web development experience, with expertise in JavaScript frameworks; You have experience with building performant, responsive front-end components; You have a technical background with knowledge of engineering principles and design patterns; You are passionate about writing clean, modern, maintainable, & highly performant code; You have the proactive ability and a self-starter attitude to troubleshoot and solve problems; You have a positive, collaborative, and solution-oriented approach; You have experience working in an Agile team; You have self-awareness and a desire to continually improve; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with Elixir, NextJS, or Phoenix; You have front front-end development experience, with experience with React and CSS with a focus on building complex layouts and meeting pixel-perfect design requirements; Experience with PHP and at least 1 major framework such as Laravel, Phalcon, Symfony, etc; Experience with TypeScript and at least 1 modern Frontend Web Framework such as VueJS, Angular, or Svelte; Experience with Server-Side rendering in either Node.js, Next.js, or HugoExperience in e-commerce engineering. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive. Requirements You have 3+ years of Back-end development experience, with expertise in Perl, PHP or NodeJS and GraphQL APIs; You have 3+ years of web development experience, with expertise in JavaScript frameworks; You have 2+ years front end development experience, with experience in React and CSS with a focus on building complex layouts and meeting pixel-perfect design requirements; You have experience with building performant, responsive front-end components; You have a technical background with knowledge of engineering principles and design patterns; You are passionate about writing clean, modern, maintainable, & highly performant code; You have the proactive ability and a self-starter attitude to troubleshoot and solve problems; You have a positive, collaborative, and solution-oriented approach; You have experience working in an Agile team; You have self-awareness and a desire to continually improve; Upper-intermediate English level.
Senior C#/.NET Solutions/Systems Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Create integrations, customizations, and automations; Design technical specifications; Develop and enhance custom extensions to support integrations and system workflow requirement; Diagnose, debug, and fix technical issues reported from existing implementation; Understand, document, and elaborate the technical and non-technical requirements for system integrations and customization; Recommend incremental updates to data model accommodating additional data attributes and entities; Work with the technical team in implementing changes to data model, integration, and customization. Must haves  Bachelor’s degree in technology/engineering with computer science or related field; 5+ years of experience in programming and development using C#.NET; 2-3 years of experience in integrations with systems – upstream and downstream; Experience with inriver or any Product Information Management (PIM) software; Must be extremely detail-oriented, deadline driven and could manage multiple assignments at once; Tech savviness with an initiative to learn new software systems quickly; Strong problem-solving skills, analytical and critical-thinking skills to be able to proactively resolve issues and continuously improve results; Outstanding written and verbal communication skills required; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Strong knowledge of .NET C# MVC and .NET Core; Working knowledge of Visual Studio .NET and Azure DevOps; inRiver PIM developer certification; Strong understanding and knowledge on object-oriented programming concepts; Experience in working with relational data models and data structures; Experience in working with 3rd party APIs and SDKs; Writing and interacting SOAP and REST based web services; Experience in using GIT. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
PL/SQL Developer
CS, Dnipropetrovs'k, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Українська продуктова та сервісна IT-компанія CS в пошуках PL/SQL Developer у свою команду!Обов'язки:Створення та розвиток додатків Enterprise рівня для банківського і фінансового ринківВимоги:Досвід написання серверного коду (SQL, PL/SQL) для СУБД Oracle Database 11g, 12c, 19Досвід оптимізації продуктивності SQL-запитівДосвідом роботи з розрахованими на багато користувачів системамиЗнання архітектури OracleПропонуємо:Робота у великій стабільній компанії над складними і унікальними проектамиВисокий рівень оплати праціМожливість кар'єрного і професійного зростанняОфіційне оформлення, оплачувана відпустка та лікарняніМедична страховкаГнучкий графікВіддалена робота
Lead Full Stack Engineer (Perl/JavaScript)
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Being a contributor on a team of skilled full-stack developers working to implement Omnichannel capabilities, with a focus on providing a best-in-class user experience; Work with dynamic back-end technologies (Elixir, Perl, Typescript) and help us expand the use of React on our sites; Work closely with the team’s leadership to define scalable technical solutions & partner with global engineers to contribute what you build into our global technology products; Troubleshoot & problem solve when urgent technical solutions are needed; Code review & mentor junior engineers.   Must haves  You have 3+ years of Back-end development experience, with expertise in Perl; You have 3+ years of web development experience, with expertise in JavaScript frameworks; You have experience with building performant, responsive front-end components; You have a technical background with knowledge of engineering principles and design patterns; You are passionate about writing clean, modern, maintainable, & highly performant code; You have the proactive ability and a self-starter attitude to troubleshoot and solve problems; You have a positive, collaborative, and solution-oriented approach; You have experience working in an Agile team; You have self-awareness and a desire to continually improve; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with Elixir, NextJS, or Phoenix; You have front front-end development experience, with experience with React and CSS with a focus on building complex layouts and meeting pixel-perfect design requirements; Experience with PHP and at least 1 major framework such as Laravel, Phalcon, Symfony, etc; Experience with TypeScript and at least 1 modern Frontend Web Framework such as VueJS, Angular, or Svelte; Experience with Server-Side rendering in either Node.js, Next.js, or HugoExperience in e-commerce engineering. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Senior C#/.NET Solutions/Systems Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Create integrations, customizations, and automations; Design technical specifications; Develop and enhance custom extensions to support integrations and system workflow requirement; Diagnose, debug, and fix technical issues reported from existing implementation; Understand, document, and elaborate the technical and non-technical requirements for system integrations and customization; Recommend incremental updates to data model accommodating additional data attributes and entities; Work with the technical team in implementing changes to data model, integration, and customization. Must haves  Bachelor’s degree in technology/engineering with computer science or related field; 5+ years of experience in programming and development using C#.NET; 2-3 years of experience in integrations with systems – upstream and downstream; Experience with inriver or any Product Information Management (PIM) software; Must be extremely detail-oriented, deadline driven and could manage multiple assignments at once; Tech savviness with an initiative to learn new software systems quickly; Strong problem-solving skills, analytical and critical-thinking skills to be able to proactively resolve issues and continuously improve results; Outstanding written and verbal communication skills required; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Strong knowledge of .NET C# MVC and .NET Core; Working knowledge of Visual Studio .NET and Azure DevOps; inRiver PIM developer certification; Strong understanding and knowledge on object-oriented programming concepts; Experience in working with relational data models and data structures; Experience in working with 3rd party APIs and SDKs; Writing and interacting SOAP and REST based web services; Experience in using GIT. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Програміст ORACLE (розробка баз даних SQL)
Millennium, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Якщо Ви - досвідчений розробник Oracle і бажаєте розвиватися в розробці БД SQL - в нашому ІТ підрозділі відкрита вакансія для Вас! Вимоги Вища освіта (математика або IT)Знання основ роботи СУБД Oracle, знання мови запитів SQLДосвід в розробці програмного забезпечення за допомогою мов програмування: OracleВолодіння архітектури та принципів роботи СУБД OracleУміння самостійно визначати і вирішувати проблемиРозуміння XML, OLAP (OLTP), CASEЗнання англійської мови на рівні, достатньому для читання технічної літературиЦілеспрямованість, здатність швидко навчатися, інтерес до самоосвіти і бажання розвиватися Обов'язки Адміністрування та супровід баз даних OracleМоніторинг та оптимізація роботи бази даних, усунення неполадок, налаштування продуктивності, технічне обслуговування та налаштування перевіркиУчасть у впровадженні та підтримці модулів ERP системи Oracle e-Business SuiteКонфігурування системи під конкретні проектні рішенняНаписання документації до розробленого ПОВедення звітності про виконану роботу Умови роботи Офіційне працевлаштування, соц.пакетМожливість професійного та кар'єрного ростуГідний рівень оплати праціРобота в команді професіоналів
Програміст 1С
Millennium, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Ми розшукуємо фахівця з досвідом програмування та розробки типових конфігурацій на базі 1С 8, а також розробника нетипових конфігурацій під завдання нашої компанії. Вимоги Вища освітаДосвід роботи на аналогічній посаді не менше 1 рокуДосвід розробки конфігурацій з нуля 1С 8.2Розуміння бухгалтерського та податкового облікуКомунікабельність, відповідальність Обов'язки Реалізація проектів на базі 1С 8.2 (3) з нуля Умови роботи Офіційне працевлаштування, соц.пакетГідна і своєчасна оплата праціМожливість реалізації професійних знань і навичокРобота в команді професіоналів
JavaScript Developer
DataArt, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
RequirementsAngular/ proficiency with Flux/ReduxStrong HTML/CSS skills, including preprocessorsResponsive design and UI/UX knowledgeModern JavaScript (ES6+), async programmingExperience with TypescriptUnderstanding of RESTful APIs, async handlingRedux or similar state managementFamiliarity with Webpack/Babel with RESTful APIs, microservices experienceAuthentication (JWT/OAuth), databases (MongoDB/MySQL)Understanding of ORM/ODM librariesFamiliarity with testing frameworks (, Jest, Mocha)Spoken EnglishUseful links
Full Stack Developer
INGENIOUS.BUILD, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
At INGENIOUS.BUILD, we have developed a top-notch platform for companies in the real estate and construction industries worldwide. Our platform enables companies to easily manage all aspects of their projects from start to finish, both internally and with other project participants.  Joining INGENIOUS.BUILD means embarking on an incredible journey to create the first cloud application for managing the entire lifecycle of a real estate construction project. You'll be building what some consider the holy grail of construction project management. It's a big, bold, and audacious endeavor, and if you have what it takes, you'll play a direct role in its development.  And if you’ve got what it takes, you’ll be directly involved in its development. The rest, as they say, will be history...We are looking for a talented Full Stack Developer to join our remote team. If you have top-notch programming skills and a deep-rooted passion for developing applications or improving existing ones--plus you like to solve problems--we would like to meet you. As a Full Stack Developer you will work closely within a small team in SCRUM (but in conjunction with other dev teams) to ensure system consistency and to improve the user experience. What is vital, however, is that you have, and demonstrate, a burning desire to constantly learn new things and to be proactive in your development efforts Communicative English (reading / writing). Minimum level B2 is required  In this position, you will:  Collaborate with your team to plan, build, and deliver world-class software Refactor, optimize, and improve the existing codebase Use your voice to help shape your own personal growth, team, department, and INGENIOUS.BUILD Build large scale SaaS apps like CRM, CMS, and ERP. Gain experience with the latest technologies (PHP 8.1+, Laravel 9+, Vue3+). Develop strong proficiency in OOP, DDD principles and best practices. Gain familiarity with database design and architecture, including experience with PostgreSQL. Skills and Experience needed or preferred: Teamwork skills with a problem-solving attitude Minimum 4 years of commercial experience as a Full-stack developer Experience with SOLID principles and their application in software design. Familiarity with automated testing frameworks like PHPUnit and testing strategies. Experience with API design and development, as well as working with third-party APIs. Familiarity with event-driven systems and related design patterns. Software Needed: PHP / Laravel, REST, Vue.js, Git Software Preferred: PostgreSQL, SCRUM, JiraWe're fired up to learn more about you to see how you can help us on our mission!  We genuinely look forward to receiving your application after submitting your information a member from the Recruitment Team will reach out accordingly. 
Lead Java Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Support and improve existing functionality; Prototype new solutions; Provide technical mentorship to your colleagues; Analyze and resolve intricate technical challenges; Problem solver with an architect level of thinking; Can oversee specifications relating to migration-related business logic; Is required to take responsibility for the quality of PR’s provided by a team of 6 developers. Must haves  Proficient in Java software development (5+ years of experience); Proficient in version control software such as Git or SVN; Proficient in using software collaboration tools such as TFS or JIRA; Working knowledge of various databases (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Postgres); Working knowledge of various operating systems (Windows, Linux); Working knowledge of integrating with RESTful services using JSON; Working knowledge of developing web-based client interfaces using JQuery and JavaScript; Basic understanding of Agile Scrum methodologies; Excellent oral and written communication skills; Ability to work independently as well as within a collaborative environment; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with cloud-based services including AWS and Azure. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.
Lead Java Engineer
AgileEngine, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Job Description AgileEngine is a top-ranking provider of software solutions to Fortune 500, Global 500, and Future 50 companies. Listed on Inc. 5000 among the fastest-growing US companies, we are always open to talented software, UX, and data experts in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you like a challenging environment where you’re working with the best and are encouraged to learn and experiment daily, there’s no better place — guaranteed! :) What you will do Support and improve existing functionality; Prototype new solutions; Provide technical mentorship to your colleagues; Analyze and resolve intricate technical challenges; Problem solver with an architect level of thinking; Can oversee specifications relating to migration-related business logic; Is required to take responsibility for the quality of PR’s provided by a team of 6 developers. Must haves  Proficient in Java software development (5+ years of experience); Proficient in version control software such as Git or SVN; Proficient in using software collaboration tools such as TFS or JIRA; Working knowledge of various databases (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Postgres); Working knowledge of various operating systems (Windows, Linux); Working knowledge of integrating with RESTful services using JSON; Working knowledge of developing web-based client interfaces using JQuery and JavaScript; Basic understanding of Agile Scrum methodologies; Excellent oral and written communication skills; Ability to work independently as well as within a collaborative environment; Upper-intermediate English level. Nice to haves Experience with cloud-based services including AWS and Azure. The benefits of joining us Professional growth Accelerate your professional journey with mentorship, TechTalks, and personalized growth roadmaps. Competitive compensation We match your ever-growing skills, talent, and contributions with competitive USD-based compensation and budgets for education, fitness, and team activities. A selection of exciting projects Join projects with modern solutions development and top-tier clients that include Fortune 500 enterprises and leading product brands. Flextime Tailor your schedule for an optimal work-life balance, by having the options of working from home and going to the office – whatever makes you the happiest and most productive.