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Рекомендовані вакансії

Оператор верстата (фрезер, формовка)
Ülka, Дніпро
Ми — Ülka, 7 років виготовляємо обладнання для манікюру — витяжки, підставки, сухожари. Нашими послугами користуються понад 30 000 майстрів і більше 150 оптових магазинів, працюємо з Європою та Америкою. Продовжуємо розвиватись та розширювати виробництво. Саме тому зараз відкрита вакансія — оператора формовочного та фрезерувального верстата. Ми шукаємо кандидата з досвідом роботи у цій сферіУмови роботи:- Постійне навчання зі своїм наставником;- Виробництво в с. Олександрівка (Дніпропетровський р-н, 30 хвилин від центру), але в компанії є доставка, яка привозить і відвозить співробітників на роботу;- Робочий графік — Пн-Пт, з 08:00 до 17:00,- Випробувальний термін з адаптацією, оплатою, наставником і чіткими завданнями;- У нас дружній молодий колектив професіоналів;- Заробітна плата залежить від виробітку —в середньому від 25 000 до 35 000 грн, може бути більше все залежить від Вашої майстерності;Конкретні завдання:- Робота на формовочному та фрезерному верстатах; - Виконання планів виробництва по ділянці;- Підтримка станка у робочому стані;Переваги роботи в нашій компанії:- Ти працюєш у новому приміщенні з комфортному приміщені;- Гарантована стабільна заробітна плата, відсутність сезонності;- Чіткий період адаптації з наставникомХОЧЕШ до нас В КОМАНДУ?! Зараз залиш своє резюме або телефонуй чи пиши у viber +380932524321Наші соціальні мережі:Наш сайт: https://ulka.ua/
Майстер зміни (харчова промисловість)
ТОВ «Виробник Плюс», Кривий Ріг
Вимоги: - Неповна вища, вища освіта;- Бажаний досвід роботи на виробництві харчових продуктів або в лабораторії (технолог, лаборант контролю якості тощо);- Розуміння процесів виробництва харчової продукції та її контролю якості на різних етапах;Переваги кандидата: -має досвід роботи в 1С, знання Excel, MS Word;- має організаторські здібності, навички постановки завдань перед підлеглими та здатність контролювати їх виконання- точний, послідовний, уважний, дисциплінований та комунікабельний.Обов'язки:- планування та реалізація оптимального складу працюючих на ділянках;- виконання ділянкою, у встановлені терміни, виробничих завдань;- замовлення та приймання ТМЦ, необхідних для виконання виробничих завдань;- забезпечення дотримання виробничих процесів на підприємстві у відповідності з вимогами технологічних, санітарних норм і правил;- поточний контроль за дотриманням технологічних параметрів на всіх етапах виробництва;- оперативне виявлення і корекція відхилень, запобігання випуску невідповідної продукції;- проведення контрольно-вимірювальних замірів з метою покращення технологічних процесів та зменшення відхилень у якості кінцевого продукту;- оформлення виробничо-звітних документів в 1С.
Area Manager East Ukraine Dnipro
Norwegian Refugee Council, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
Duty station: Dnipro, Ukraine. Background/Context All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organisation’s core values: dedication, innovation, inclusivity and accountability. These attitudes and believes shall guide our actions and relationships. NRC in Ukraine is delivering 5 programmes and digital cash assistance through four areas offices (Lviv, Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa), five field offices (Ternopil, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Shotska) and country office in Kyiv. Area Office East (AOE) is established in April 2022 as part of NRC’s scale up of programme operations. AOE, is one of four area offices, located in Dnipro with field office in Kharkiv, and small ICLA office in Zaporozhia city. AOE is geographically covering regions of Dnipro, Zaporozhia, Poltava, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Krivohrad. AOE has in total 95 staff delivering Shelter, Information counselling and legal assistance (ICLA), Protection, Education, Livelihoods and food security programmes. Generic Responsibilities The following is a brief description of the role: Line management for senior project staff and support functions (and Field Office Coordinators) in the area Member of the Country Management Group (CMG) Compliance with and adherence to NRC policies, guidance and procedures Provide area specific input on CC strategies, Country Strategy and Plan of Action Organize grants opening and closure meetings at area level Implementation of projects (including master support budget and coordinating input for donor proposals and reports) in the area, in compliance with contractual commitments (. quality, synergies, timeliness, use of resources) and aligned to regional and global strategies Assess needs, develop emergency response and implement response plans for in kind assistance and cash-based interventions and market based programmes Specific Responsibilities Implement strategy and recommendations to adjust AON to the context and needs Implement NRC Ukraine localization approach Maintain readiness of AON for emergency response Recruit staff and set-up administrative and other processes in the area office to ensure efficient and cost-effective operations Ensure the establishment of good relationship with key international and national stakeholders in the area, including local and regional authorities Roll out needs assessments in the area Make sure to implement CO SOPs and where needed establish specific area SOPs. Professional Competencies Minimum 3 years of experience from working on Area management or general managerial positions in a humanitarian/recovery context Previous experience from working in complex and volatile contexts Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities Experience in implementing in-kind assistance and managing cash-based interventions and market based programmes Knowledge about own leadership skills/profile Fluency in English, both written and verbal Basic knowledge of the context in Ukraine Experience with start-up What We Offer Duration and Type of contract: 24 months employment contract with possibility of extension. Salary/benefits: According to NRC salary scale, terms and conditions. Duty station: Dnipro, Ukraine. Important information about the application process: Internal candidates only: please click on the suitcase icon labelled “I am an employee” to be redirected to NRC’s internal careers site. When creating your profile, include your full name as given on your passport. Complete all the system-required fields for experience, employment history and education. Submit your application and CV in English, taking care to attach your latest CV. Applications that do not meet the minimum standards in terms of experience or qualifications will generally not be considered. Unsolicited applications not related to this specific job advertisement will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. We receive many applicants for each vacant position. Why NRC?The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organization helping people forced to flee. Our 15,000 staff work in crises across 40 countries, providing life-saving and long-term assistance to millions of people every year. to see NRC in action. NRC has been present in Ukraine since 2014. Since the escalation of the war in 2022, we have been continuously scaling up our response across the country and working with national partners. Eight years of conflict in the east of Ukraine escalated into a full-scale war on 24 February 2022, causing death, destruction and displacement for millions of people across the country. 17.6 million people were estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance in 2023, including 6.3 million internally displaced people and 11.3 million people who returned or remained home. Almost 16 million people received humanitarian assistance in 2022. Throughout the winter months, the Russian Federation attacked critical energy infrastructure, leaving thousands with no heating, water or gas. Many residential buildings were also damaged and destroyed, killing and injuring civilians and forcing millions more to leave their homes. While indiscriminate attacks continued in different regions of Ukraine, the south was struck by the Kakhovka Dam breach on 6 June 2023, causing flooding and the displacement of thousands of people in the area, and leaving many regions without access to clean drinking water. Those who decided to remain are struggling to access food, water, health care, education and other essential services. The most vulnerable people are still in need of safe housing, protection services and livelihoods support among other needs. Displaced people in rural areas are also struggling to access services. Many of those in need of assistance live in the areas beyond the control of Ukrainian government, where the response is limited due to access constraints. and . Internal candidates are encouraged to apply, and we are also open to external applicants who can show a commitment to NRC and being part of a challenging, but important mission to make a difference. NRC might review applications before the advertised deadline, therefore interested candidates are encouraged to apply early.
Humanitarian Access Manager Ukraine
Norwegian Refugee Council, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, ua
The Humanitarian Access Manager supports NRC Ukraine's country strategy (50%) by providing strategic advice and analysis, operational support, technical guidance, and capacity strengthening for NRC teams and partners. Through humanitarian engagement, advocacy, access coordination and analysis, and civil-military coordination, the manager will support the Country Office and Area Office’s in planning and operationalizing of strategies and approaches that will increase the reach, acceptance and impact of NRC programmes, particularly in hard-to-reach areas. S/he will advise on strategic decision-making, program design, monitoring, and operational footprints to be principled, conflict sensitive, adaptive and contextually driven, enhancing NRC’s response capacity, preparedness, and comparative advantage. Generic ResponsibilitiesThe following is a brief description of the role: Ensure adherence to NRC policies, guidance and procedures on humanitarian access, negotiations and hard-to-reach strategic objective. Lead the development of access initiatives and strategies, at the country and area-level, in coordination with senior colleagues at Country Office and Area Office level. In coordination with the country director and country management group (CMG), and in line with NRC’s approach and systems, lead and support individual efforts to secure access from relevant local authorities and other external stakeholders. Monitor and evaluate the political, social, security and humanitarian situation for developments affecting humanitarian access. Contribute to the development of operational and program modalities in hard-to-reach areas. Provide capacity building to field-based staff engaged in access and programme duties across Ukraine, including on humanitarian engagement and principles. Expand and maintain NRC’s network of relevant contacts through direct engagement as well as strategic support to stakeholder engagement. Represent NRC in co-chairing the Humanitarian Access Working Group (HAWG), supporting the wider humanitarian community in Ukraine and the further development and leadership of access coordination mechanisms. Professional Competencies Minimum 3 years of experience from working as a Senior Project Manager in a complex emergency with high level access constraints Advanced University/Master’s degree in relevant field Previous experience chairing, cochairing or playing a prominent role in coordination mechanisms is a strong asset Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities Knowledge about own leadership skills/profile Fluency in English, both written and verbal Ukrainian and/or Russian language skills considered an asset What We Offer Duration and Type of contract: 12 months employment contract with possibility of extension. Salary/benefits: According to NRC salary scale, terms and conditions. Duty station: Kyiv, Ukraine. Important information about the application process: Internal candidates only: please click on the suitcase icon labelled “I am an employee” to be redirected to NRC’s internal careers site. When creating your profile, include your full name as given on your passport. Complete all the system-required fields for experience, employment history and education. Submit your application and CV in English, taking care to attach your latest CV. Applications that do not meet the minimum standards in terms of experience or qualifications will generally not be considered. Unsolicited applications not related to this specific job advertisement will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. We receive many applicants for each vacant position. Why NRC?The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organization helping people forced to flee. Our 15,000 staff work in crises across 40 countries, providing life-saving and long-term assistance to millions of people every year. to see NRC in action. NRC has been present in Ukraine since 2014. Since the escalation of the war in 2022, we have been continuously scaling up our response across the country and working with national partners. Eight years of conflict in the east of Ukraine escalated into a full-scale war on 24 February 2022, causing death, destruction and displacement for millions of people across the country. 17.6 million people were estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance in 2023, including 6.3 million internally displaced people and 11.3 million people who returned or remained home. Almost 16 million people received humanitarian assistance in 2022. Throughout the winter months, the Russian Federation attacked critical energy infrastructure, leaving thousands with no heating, water or gas. Many residential buildings were also damaged and destroyed, killing and injuring civilians and forcing millions more to leave their homes. While indiscriminate attacks continued in different regions of Ukraine, the south was struck by the Kakhovka Dam breach on 6 June 2023, causing flooding and the displacement of thousands of people in the area, and leaving many regions without access to clean drinking water. Those who decided to remain are struggling to access food, water, health care, education and other essential services. The most vulnerable people are still in need of safe housing, protection services and livelihoods support among other needs. Displaced people in rural areas are also struggling to access services. Many of those in need of assistance live in the areas beyond the control of Ukrainian government, where the response is limited due to access constraints. and . NRC might review applications before the advertised deadline, therefore interested candidates are encouraged to apply early.
Строительному предприятию требуется линейный ИТР
Строительному предприятию на постоянную работу требуется линейный ИТР (мастер, прораб, начальник участка). Основной заказчик АМКР.